



太阳能组件安装手册仅供专业人员使用2 |1.0 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 11 11CN-Rev IM/IEC-AM-CN/4.0 版权所有 © 2018年7月 阿特斯阳光电力集团|31.0概括本手册为CS系列太阳能标准组件的安装、维护和使用提供了重要的安全说明。









1.1免责申明Canadian Solar Inc. (以下简称 阿特斯阳光电力) 保留在没有预先通知的情况下变更本安装手册的权利。



由于本手册会定时更新,请参考阿特斯阳光电力集团网站( )上的产品和文件资料。


2.0安全预防措施警告:对组件进行安装、接线、操作或维护前, 应阅读并理解所有安全细则。




259 Cedar Hill Street, Marlboro, MA 01752 USATL: 508.357.2221 FX: 508.357.2279 E V E R G R E E N S O L A RC ED A R P H O T O V O L T A I C M O D U LE S E C -50 S E R I E S & E C -100 S E R I E SI N S T A L L A T I O N A N D O P E R A T I O N M A N U A LPlease read this manual completely before installing or using Evergreen Solar’s Cedar photovoltaic (PV, solar electric) modules. S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n sPhotovoltaic modules produce DC electricity when exposed to light and therefore can produce an electrical shock or burn. Modules produce voltage even when not connected to an electrical circuit or load. Modules produce nearly full voltage when exposed to as little as 5% of full sunlight, and both current and power increase with light intensity. Use insulated tools and rubber gloves when working with modules in sunlight.PV modules have no on/off switch. Modules can be rendered inoperative only by removing them from sunlight, or by fully covering their front surface with cloth, cardboard, or other completely opaquematerial, or by working with modules face down on a smooth, flat surface.Modules can produce higher output than the rated specifications. Industry standard ratings are made at conditions of 1000 watts/m 2 and 25°C celltemperature. Reflection from snow or water can increase sunlight and therefore boost current and power. In addition, colder temperatures can substantially increase voltage and power.Evergreen Solar modules are constructed withtempered glass, but still must be handled with care. If the front glass is broken or if the polymer backskin is torn, contact with any module surface or the frame can produce electrical shock, particularly when themodule is wet. Broken or damaged modules must be disposed of properly.Cedar PV modules are intended for use in terrestrial applications only, thus excluding aerospace ormaritime conditions or use with sunlight concentration.C o d e s a n d R e g u l a t i o n sThe mechanical and electrical installation of PV systems should be performed in accordance with all applicable codes, including electrical codes, building codes, and electric utility interconnect requirements. Such requirements may vary for mounting location, such as building rooftop, marine, or motor vehicleapplications. Requirements may also vary with system voltage, and for DC or AC application. Contact local authorities for governing regulations. In the U.S., all installations should conform to the National Electrical Code (NEC), including Article 690 on Solar Photovoltaic Systems and all other appropriate articles and sections.M e c h a n i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o nModules may be mounted at any angle from a vertical orientation to a horizontal one. The appropriate fixed tilt angle and azimuth orientation should be used in order to maximize the exposure to sunlight. If a variable-orientation tracking system is used, themodules must never be oriented beyond vertical (with the junction box up), even when stowed. Modules should be bolted to support structures through mounting holes located in the frame’s back flanges only. Four 1/4-inch stainless steel bolts, with nuts, washers, and lock washers, are recommended for module mounting. Creation of additional holes for mounting is not recommended and will invalidate the warranty.The modules are designed for a maximum allowable design pressure of 50 pounds per square foot, which may correspond to a nominal wind speed of approxi-mately 125 mph in certain circumstances. Actualmaximum allowable wind speed may be influenced by module type, mounting configuration, location, and other factors. In no case should modules be exposedto pressures greater than 50 pounds per square foot of uniformly distributed wind, snow, or other loading. Care should be taken to avoid mounting modules in areas that are prone to drifting snow, icicle and/or ice dam formation. For example, a module mounted with its edge located directly above an overhanging roof eve is likely to be subjected to ice dam formation. The weight of an ice dam or icicle can easily exceed the allowable 50 pounds per square foot of uniformly distributed load.A clearance of four inches or more behind the modules is recommended to permit air circulation and cooler module operation. Elevated temperatures lower operating voltage and shorten module lifetime. Clearance of 1/4 inch or more between modules is required to allow for thermal expansion of the frames.E l e c t r i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o nModules should be mounted to maximize direct exposure to sunlight and to eliminate or minimize shadowing. Even partial shadowing can substantially reduce module and system output. Furthermore, partial shadowing can elevate the shaded portion’s internal temperature, which may lower output and shorten module life. Bypass diodes should be installed according to the instructions in the following sections. Blocking diodes should be installed in series with each module or series string to prevent possible back flow of energy through the module(s) when modules or strings are connected in parallel or used in conjunction with a battery.Whenever necessary to comply with local codes, use a listed fuse or circuit breaker, rated for the maximum series fuse rating of the module and the system voltage.All electrical components should have ratings equal or greater to the system rating. Do not exceed the maximum allowable system voltage as listed on the module label.All module frames should be grounded for safety. The module frame is provided with grounding holes that accommodate self-tapping screws. A #10 stainless steel tapping screw is recommended.Under normal conditions, a photovoltaic module may experience conditions that produce more currentand/or voltage than reported at Standard Test Conditions. Accordingly, the values of short circuit current, Isc, and open circuit voltage, Voc, marked on UL-listed modules should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor capacities, fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the module output. In the U.S., refer to Section 690-8 of the National Electric Code for an additional multiplying factor of 1.25, which may be applicable.Rated electrical characteristics are within 10 percent of measured values at Standard Test Conditions of: 1000 W/m2 , 25°C cell temperature and solar spectral irradiance per ASTM E 892.M o d u l e s w i t h Q u i c k C o n n e c t o r sCedar Line modules are optionally available with factory-installed wires and quick connectors. These modules have been designed to be easily intercon-nected in series. Each module has two single-conductor wires, one positive and one negative, that are pre-wired inside the junction box. The connectors at the opposite end of these wires allow easy series connection of adjacent modules by firmly inserting the male connector of a module into the female connector of an adjacent module until the connector is fully seated.A separate return wire or wires may be required to run the positive and negative terminations of the series string of modules to the load. Male and/or female connectors pre-attached to wires may be used at the string terminations for return wire connections and/or for source circuit box terminations. Modules with factory-installed quick connectors also have bypass diodes installed.M o d u l e s w i t h o u t Q u i c k C o n n e c t o r s Alternatively, wiring can be done directly within the junction box. The junction box includes a wiring terminal strip with six terminals. In addition, each terminal includes two screws: top (toward the lid hinge) and bottom.If wiring is to be done inside the junction box, open the lid of the junction box by loosening the single, captive screw. The lid is designed to remain open during wiring. The lid is not designed to be removed from the module, and does not require a gasket. Do not over-tighten the lid screw when securing.It is recommended that the top screws of the terminals be reserved for the flat jumpers, bypass diodes, or blocking diodes, and that the output wiring remainattached to the terminal’s bottom screws. In this way,the thin leads of the diodes will not be matched with the thicker power wiring, which might lead to poor electrical contact.EC-50 Series modules, EC-47/51/55, are factory-wired for 12-volt nominal operation and are not intended to be reconfigured for other voltages. It is recommended that bypass diodes be installed, especially if the modules are connected in a series string. The diodes should be rated at 6 amps and at or above the system voltage rating. Such diodes should be installed one every 18 cells, as shown in the following diagram.EC-100 Series modules, EC-94/102/110/115, can be wired for 12-volt or 24-volt operation by moving the jumpers and diodes, as shown in the following diagram. It is recommended that bypass diodes be installed, especially if the modules are connected in a series string. The diodes should be rated at or above the system voltage rating. Such diodes should be installed one every 36 cells, as shown in the following diagram.In 12-volt mode, the six terminals include two positive terminals, two negative terminals, and two spare terminals. In the 12-volt configuration, the two positive terminals are electrically equivalent, and either one can be used for power wiring; similarly for the two negative terminals. In 24-volt mode (EC-100 Series modules only), the middle two terminals should not be used for power wiring, only for jumpers and diodes.O p e r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e Inspect the modules periodically for damage to glass, backskin, or frame. Check electrical connections for loose connections and corrosion.PV modules can operate effectively without ever being washed, although removal of dirt from the front glass can increase output. The glass can be washed with a wet sponge or cloth. Wear rubber gloves for electrical insulation.Note: This document may be provided in multiple languages. If there is a conflict among versions, the English language version dominates.Electrical RatingsEC-47 EC-51 EC-55 EC-94 EC-102 EC-110 EC-115 Pp W 47 51 55 94 102 110 115Vp V 16.0 16.2 16.5 15.931.8 16.2 32.416.4 32.7 16.5 33.0 Ip A 2.94 3.15 3.33 5.91 2.96 6.30 3.15 6.72 3.366.97 3.48Voc V 20.0 20.0 20.0 40.020.0 40.0 20.040.0 Isc A 3.58 3.70 3.79 7.29 3.657.49 3.757.67 3.84 7.71 3.86 Cells 36 36 36 72 72 72 72 Max. Series Fuse 15 ANote: EC-94, EC-102, EC-110 and EC-115 have field-selectable voltage. Minimum Specified Power Rating is 90% of above power rating.All modules are factory-inspected to produce at least 96% of above power rating。



一般施工方案(措施)报审表工程名称:编号:S- JSB-003注本表一式__4__份,由施工项目部填报,监理项目部、施工项目部各存_1___份。







• 请勿扭曲或拆卸光伏组件。

• 请勿踩踏光伏组件。

• 请勿试图通过将光线聚集在光伏组件表面来增加其输出电流。

• 如果PV 发电系统包含其它组件(电池、充电控制器、转换器等),请按照相应制造商的安全建议操作。

CECEP Solar 光伏组件产生直流电,可以在单块光伏组件或多块光伏组件系统中使用它们,以满足各种应用的不同电流或电压需求。


有关其它信息,请与CECEP Solar代表联系。




表C-1列出了CECEP Solar 晶体硅光伏组件光伏组件的电子和机械特征和标准实验条件(STC)下每个光伏组件标签上标出的主要电子特征。

标准实验条件是指辐照度1 kW/m²、AM 1.5 光谱和电池温度25ºC。


在某些情况下,光伏组件产生的电流或电压可能超出在标准实验条件(STC) 下得出的数值。

2018年光伏组件安装指导书-word范文模板 (11页)

2018年光伏组件安装指导书-word范文模板 (11页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==光伏组件安装指导书篇一:光伏支架及组件安装作业指导书XXXXXXXXX分布式光伏发电项目光伏支架及组件安装工程作业指导书编制:审核:批准:XXXXXXX工程有限公司201X年5月一、光伏支架及组件安装前应作下列准备工作:(1)在每个厂房相应位置搭设卸料平台及人员走道,在屋面铺设散料通道,避免对屋面造成损坏。
















































2.1.5单个太阳能光伏组件在阳光直射下可产生30V以上的直流电压,接触30V 或更高的直流电压将存在潜在危险。

















单玻光伏组件安装说明书PV Module Installation Instructions连云港神舟新能源有限公司Lianyungang Shenzhou New Energy Co.,Ltd目录1 基本信息 (4)1.1 前言 (4)1.2 警告 (4)1.3 产品标识 (6)2 系统设计 (9)2.1 气候条件 (10)2.2 安装地点选择 (10)2.3 倾斜角选择 (12)2.4 支架选择 (13)2.5 逆变器选择 (14)2.6 双面组件排布与布局优化 (16)3 安装 (17)3.1 安装安全 (17)3.2 组件拆箱 (19)3.3 安装方法介绍 (22)3.4 夹具安装 (23)3.5 螺栓安装 (33)3.6单轴跟踪系统安装 (36)4 电气连接 (38)4.1电气连接注意事项 (38)4.2 组件接线 (41)5 保养维护 (42)6 免责声明 (45)Contents1. Basic Information (4)1.1 Preface Introduction (4)1.2 Warnings (6)1.3 Product Identification (9)2 System Design (10)2.1 Climatic Conditions (10)2.2 Location Selection (11)2.3 Installation Inclination Angle Selection (12)2.4 Choose the Photovoltaic Support (13)2.5 Choosing the Photovoltaic Inverter (15)2.6 Bifacial Module Arrangement and Layout Optimization (16)3 Installation (18)3.1 Installation Safety (18)3.2 Modules Unpacking (20)3.3 Introduction of Installation Method (22)3.4 Installation of Clamps (28)3.5 Installation of Bolts (34)3.6 Installation of Single-axis Tracking System (37)4 Electrical Connection (39)4.1 Precautions for Electrical Connection (39)4.2 Wiring and Connections (42)5 Maintenance (44)6 Disclaimer (45)1 基本信息1.1 前言感谢您选择连云港神舟新能源有限公司光伏组件。




1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
作业流程 按序列号从小到大,从流转盒内轻取电池片的一边,负极(正面)向 上平放在加热板上,注意有无破片及缺角. 先焊6片短互连条的电池片,然后焊66片长互连条引出线的电池片. 取助焊剂浸泡过的互连条,与主栅线对正,互连条的前端距电池片边 沿第二根栅线,对于主栅线是尖状的电池片,焊接起点位置应调整到 主栅线尖部结构的底端. 一只手手指压住互连条和电池片,避免相对位移,另一只手以均匀平 稳的. 速度从上向下焊接(平均每条栅线3-5秒),用力适度不堆锡,收尾距 电池片收尾处保证5~10mm不焊接. 目测自检,质量不合格的进行返工。焊接好的电池片放入流转盒中,每 隔11片放一张隔垫. 焊接过程中有不良需换片在流转单上做好记录,并交给固定人员更换 质量合格的作好流转单记录,流入下一道工序 .
国电晶德 5
、 的 裁 剪 手 势
焊 带 摆 放 方 式
焊 带 的 裁 剪 手 势
1. 2. 3.
准备工作: 穿工作服、鞋、戴手套(或指套)、工作帽. 清洁工作台面,保持台面清洁. 准备流转盒、泡末垫、流转单.
装入流转盒、填写 9 流转单
不 良 电 池 片
2016年1月14日1时25分 国电晶德 10






二、准备工作1. 确认安装位置:安装太阳能电池组件的位置应在可以充分接收阳光的地方,远离大树、房屋或其他遮挡物,避免阻挡阳光的照射。

2. 检查安装基础:确保安装基础坚固可靠,能够承受太阳能电池组件的重量。

3. 获取安装工具:安装太阳能电池组件需要一些基本工具,如螺丝刀、扳手、锤子等。

三、安装步骤1. 安装支架:根据太阳能电池组件数量和布局,选择合适的支架类型,如角铁型、倾斜型等。


2. 安装电池组件:将太阳能电池组件按照支架布局的要求,依次安装在支架上。


3. 连接组件:根据太阳能电池组件的串并联设计,将电池组件的正负极与连接线连接,并确认连接牢固。

4. 接地保护:将太阳能电池组件的接地线连接到接地装置,确保电池组件的安全使用。

5. 安装逆变器(可选):如果需要将太阳能电池组件直流电转换为交流电,可根据逆变器说明书完成逆变器的安装和接线。

四、注意事项1. 安装过程中,避免将太阳能电池组件暴露在阳光下,防止触电或其他安全事故。

2. 在组件安装完成后,进行必要的检查,确保组件连接牢固,不松动。

3. 定期清洁太阳能电池组件表面的尘土和污垢,保持组件的高效转换能力。

4. 如有任何异常情况或故障,应立即停止使用并联系专业人员进行维修。









二、准备工作1. 确定安装位置:太阳能电池板的安装位置需满足较长时间的阳光照射,通常选在屋顶或明亮的露天区域。

2. 测量空间和尺寸:根据安装位置的大小,合理规划电池板的数量和尺寸,并确保所需空间能够容纳安装设备。

3. 准备所需工具和材料:安装太阳能电池板需要一些基本工具,如螺丝刀、扳手、电钻等,并准备好所需的安装组件和电缆。

三、安装步骤1. 安装支架:根据太阳能电池板的大小和安装位置,确定支架的数量和布局。


2. 安装电池板:将太阳能电池板放置在支架上,并使用螺丝或卡扣将其固定在支架上。


3. 连接电缆:将电池板中的正负极与电缆正确连接,并使用端子或防水接头进行固定和密封,以确保电缆连接稳定和安全。

4. 接地处理:确保太阳能电池板的接地可靠,避免因雷击等原因造成的安全隐患。


5. 调整倾角和方向:根据当地的纬度和安装要求,合理调整太阳能电池板的倾角和朝向,以最大程度地接收阳光辐射。

四、注意事项1. 安全第一:在进行太阳能电池板安装过程中,确保自身安全,注意防止高空坠落和触电等危险。

2. 遵循制造商说明:在安装过程中,严格按照太阳能电池板的制造商提供的安装手册和说明进行操作,避免不必要的错误。

3. 防止损伤:在安装过程中,小心操作以防止太阳能电池板的表面受到损伤或划伤,影响其正常使用寿命。

4. 定期维护:完成安装后,定期检查太阳能电池板及其支架和连接件的使用状况,及时维修或更换受损或老化的部件。




ZHEJIANG GRAND POWER ENERGY CO.,LTD Tel:+86-574-28895990fax:+86-574-28855666Email:gp@Web:请在使用或者安装光普能源光伏组件之前仔细阅读本手册。






















日托光伏柔性组件 安装使用手册

日托光伏柔性组件 安装使用手册





安装人员在安装前必须阅读并理解该指南, 安装人员必须遵循本指南中说明的所有安全预防措施、当地要求和法律或授权机构的规定。







三、组件信息3.1组件封装示意图 3.2组件图3.3组件铭牌信息描述了产品类型,在标准测试条件下的最大功率、最佳工作电流、最佳工作电压、开路电压、短路电流、认证标识和最大系统电压等信息。

四、安全日托光伏的柔性组件设计符合国际IEC 61215和IEC 61730标准,其应用等级评级为A级。

组件可用于公众可能接触的、大于直流50V或235W以上的系统,并且组件通过了IEC 61730-1和IEC 61730-2两部分,组件满足安全Ⅱ类的要求。
















Suntech Power标准光伏模块全球安装指南说明书

Suntech Power标准光伏模块全球安装指南说明书

Table of ContentsPurpose of this guide •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1General SafetyHandling SafetyInstallation SafetyFire SafetyProduct Identification •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Mechanical Installation••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4Selecting a LocationBefore InstallingGeneral InstallationMounting Methods and Mechanical LoadsElectrical Installation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15General Electrical ConnectionElectrical PropertySeries Wiring and Parallel WiringGroundingMaintenance ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19* Please read carefully. This document is binding for any warranty case.* Any installed PV system less than 500m away from coastline, please refer to the Near-coast installation manual.This guide contains information regarding the installation and safe handling of Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Suntech”) photovoltaic module s (hereinafter referred to as “PV modules”or “modules”).Installers must read and understand this guide prior to installation. For any questions, please contact Suntech's Global Quality & Customer Support department or our local representatives for more detailed information. Installers must follow all safety precautions as described in this guide as well as local requirement and regulations by law or authorized organizations.Before installing a solar photovoltaic system, installers should familiarize themselves with its mechanical and electrical requirements. Keep this guide in a safe place for future reference (care and maintenance) and in case of sale or disposal of the modules.Suntech modules are tested and certified for installation worldwide. Different regions may have different regulations for solar PV installations. In this guide, hereinafter "IEC Only" refers to regions where IEC standard applies, e.g. Europe, Middle East, most of Asia Pacific countries; "UL Only" refers to regions where UL standard applies, e.g. United States; all other references are global.General SafetyModules that fall under this application class may be used in system operation at more than 50V DC or 240W, where general contact access is anticipated. Modules complying with IEC 60417-5172 are considered to meet Class II ().The environmental temperature in which the PV modules work is between -40℃and 40℃with relative humidity of less than 85%, while their operating temperature is from -40℃and 85℃.PV modules are recommended to be installed at an altitude of less than 2000m.Installing solar photovoltaic systems requires specialized skills and knowledge. Installation must only be performed by authorized and trained personnel.Installers must assume all risks of injury that might occur during installation, including, but not limited to, the risk of electric shock.One single module may generate more than 30V DC when exposed to direct sunlight. Contact with a DC voltage is potentially hazardous and should be always avoid.Do not disconnect the modules or any electrical part under load.PV modules generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. Number of modules string connected can cause lethal shock and burn hazards. Only authorized and trained person should have access to the modules.Modules convert light energy to direct current electrical energy. They are designed for outdoor use. Modules can be ground mounted, mounted on rooftops. The responsibility of proper design of support structures lies in the system designers and installers.When installing the system, abide to all local, regional and national statutory regulations. Obtain a building permit if necessary.The electrical characteristics are within ±3% of the indicated values of I sc, V oc and P max under standard test conditions (irradiance of 1000 W/m², AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25 °C (77 °F)).Only use equipment, connectors, wiring and support frames suitable for solar electric systems.Do not use mirrors, magnifiers or artificially concentrated sunlight onto the modules.Always use fall protection equipment when working at a height of 6 feet (183cm) or above. Follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or local governing safety regulations regarding Fall Protection. (UL Only)Do not sit, stand, step or walk on any side of the module, including the frames.Do not permit any part of the module(s) to be submerged or allow for constant water to soil the module(s) unless it's natural rain fall or periodic cleaning.Do not permit constant dew on any part of backsheet of the module.The module is considered to be in compliance with this standard only when the module is either mounted in the manner specified by the mounting instructions, or when the mounting method has been evaluated withthis PV module to UL 2703. A module with exposed conductive parts is considered to be in compliance with this standard only when it is either electrically grounded in accordance with the manufacturer’ s instructions and the requirements of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, or when the bonding means has been evaluated with this PV module to UL 2703. (UL Only)Handling SafetyDo not lift the module by holding the module’s junction box or electrical leads.Do not place any heavy or sharp objects on the module.Be cautious when placing the module down onto a surface, particularly when placing it in a corner.Inappropriate transport and installation may break the module and void the warranty.Do not attempt to disassemble the modules, and do not remove any attached nameplates or components from the modules.Do not apply paint or adhesive to the module top surface or backsheet.To avoid damage to the backsheet and cells, do not scratch, dent or hit the backsheet. During the transportation, do not to apply direct pressure on the backsheet or front glass.Do not drill holes in the frame. This may compromise the frame strength, cause corrosion of the frame and void the warranty.Do not scratch the anodized coating of the frame (except for grounding connections at the grounding connection point on the back side of the module). It may cause corrosion of the frame or compromise the frame strength.A module with broken glass or torn backsheet cannot be repaired and must not be used since contact with any module surface or the frame can cause an electric shock.Work only under dry conditions, and use only dry tools. Do not handle modules under wet conditions unless wearing appropriate protective equipment.When storing uninstalled modules outdoors for any period of time, always cover the modules and ensure that the glass faces down on a soft flat surface to prevent water from collecting inside the module and causing damage to exposed connectors.Installation SafetyNever disconnect electrical connections or unplug connectors while the circuit is under load.Contact with electrically active parts of the modules, such as terminals, can result in burns, sparks and lethal shock whether or not the module is connected.Do not touch the PV module unnecessarily during installation. The glass surface and the frame may be hot; there is a risk of burns and electric shock.Do not work in the rain, snow or in windy conditions.Avoid exposing cables and connectors to direct sunlight and scratches or cuts in order to prevent insulation degradation.Use only insulated tools that are approved for working on electrical installations.Keep children well away from the system while transporting and installing mechanical and electrical components.Completely cover the module with an opaque material during installation to prevent electricity from being generated.Do not wear metallic rings, watchbands, earrings, nose rings, lip rings or other metallic objects while installing or troubleshooting photovoltaic systems.Follow the safety regulations (e.g., safety rules for working on electrical power plant stations) of your regions and for all other system components, including wires and cables, connectors, charging regulators, inverters, storage batteries, rechargeable batteries, etc.Under normal conditions, a photovoltaic module is likely to experience conditions that produce more current and/or voltage than reported at standard test conditions. Accordingly, the values of I sc and V oc marked on this module should be multiplied by the factor regulated in the IEC standard when determining component voltage ratings, conductor current ratings, minimum factor of fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the PV output.Only use same or compatible connectors approved by Suntech to connect modules to form a string, or connect to another device. Removing the connectors will void the warranty.Fire SafetyConsult your local authority for guidelines and requirements for building or structural fire safety.Roof constructions and installations may affect the fire safety of a building; improper installation may create hazards in the event of a fire.Use components such as ground fault circuit breakers and fuses as required by local authority.Do not use modules near equipment or in places where flammable gases may be generated.Modules rated for Module Fire Performance Type Ⅰmust be installed on a roof which has appropriate fire resistance. Before mounting on the roof, please consult your local building related department to make sure the approved roofing materials. The module qualified for safety through UL 61730 within this application class are considered to meet the requirement of Safety Class Ⅱ. (UL only)A minimum slope of 5 in/ft. for installation on a roof is required to maintain the fire class ratings. Any module or panel mounting system have limitations on inclination required to maintain a specific System Fire Class Rating. (UL only)Each module has three labels providing the following information:Nameplate: describes model number; electrical properties like rated power, rated current, rated voltage, open circuit voltage, short circuit current etc., mechanical properties like weight, dimensions etc., certification information, company information as well as product origin.Barcode: each individual module has a unique serial number. The serial number has 18 digits. The 15th and the 16th digits are the week code, and the 17th and the 18th digits are the year code. For example, STP xxxxxxxxxxxxxx2414 means the module was assembled and tested in the 24th week of 2014. Each module has only one bar code. It is permanently attached to the interior of the module and is visible from the top front of the module. This bar code is inserted prior to laminating.*Typical serial number barcode labelSorting label: Consists of barcode and current sorting information. Modules are sorted out and categorized according to each of their output current, which is demonstrated with a symbol "Ix" on the right. “x” refers to 1 or 2 as modules usually grouped in two classes. In order to get optimal performance out of a string, it is recommended to connect modules with the same "Ix" class (for example only I2 modules). The barcode on the left is the same with aforementioned “Barcode” section.*Sorting labelPlease take note that removing any labels will invalidate the warranty.Selecting a locationSelect a suitable location for installing the modules.The modules should face south in northern latitudes and north in southern latitudes.For detailed information on the best installation angle, refer to standard solar photovoltaic installation guides or consult a reputable solar installer or systems integrator.Modules should not be shaded at any time. If a module is shaded or even partially shaded, it will fail to perform at ideal conditions and result in lower power output. A permanent and/or regular shade on the module voids the warranty.This installation manual is applicable for any PV system that is 500m way or more from the coastline. If you need to install your system less than 500m from the coastline please refer to Near-coast installation manual () or contact Suntech Customer Global Service Department or our regional representatives.Do not use modules near equipment or in locations where flammable gases may be generated or collected. Before InstallingBefore installing modules check for any optical deviations. Any optical deviations noticed after system installed may cause the warranty invalid. Any potential costs for labor, material or other cost such as documentation, safety or performing the (de/ re-) installation will not be covered.The module mounting structure must be made of durable, corrosion-resistant and UV-resistant material. Always use a tested and certified mounting structure approved for your system design.In regions with heavy snowfall in winter, adjust the height of the mounting system so that the lower edge of the module is not covered by snow. In addition, ensure the lower part of the module is not in the shadow of plants, trees or damaged by ground soil moved by or through the air.For ground mounting systems, the minimum distance recommends from the ground to the lower edge of the module is at least 24 inches (60cm).Modules must be securely attached to the mounting structure. For Clamping System installation methods, the recommended maximum compression for each clamp is 2900 PSI (20 Mpa) in order to avoid potential damages to module frames. Follow the instruction of the clamping system supplier.Provide adequate ventilation under the modules in conformity to your local regulations. A minimum distance of 10 cm between the roof plane and the frame of the module is generally recommended.Always observe the instructions and safety precautions included in the module support frames.Before installing modules on a roof, always ensure the roof construction is suitable. In addition, any roof penetration required to mount the module must be properly sealed to prevent leaks.Dust built up on the surface of the module can impair with the module performance. The modules shall be installed with a tilt angle no less than 10 degrees, making it easier for dust to be removed by rain. A flat angle requires more frequent cleaning.Observe and take into account the linear thermal expansion of the module frames (the recommended minimum distance between two modules is 2 cm).Always keep the front and backsheet of the module free from foreign objects, plants and vegetation, structural elements, which could come into contact with the module, especially when the module is under mechanical load.When installing a module on a pole, select a pole and module mounting structure robust enough to withstand the anticipated wind load and snow load in the area.Ensure modules are not exposed to wind or snow load exceeding the maximum permitted values, and are not exposed to excessive forces due to the thermal expansion of support structures. Never allow modules overlap or exceeds the rooftop: Refer to the following mounting methods for more detailed information. General InstallationModules can be installed by using mounting holes, clamps* or an insertion system, recommended torque is 20Nm-25Nm. Modules must be installed according to the following examples. Strictly follow the guidelines when installing, otherwise the warranty will be affected.* The required length for each clamp is minimum 50 mm** 34.9 for frame of 35mm in height, 29.9 for frame of 30mm in height***Reference length based on M8 bolt and M8 nutModule can be installed in both landscape and portrait modes.The modules must be properly secured to their support so that they can withstand positive and negative load they have been certified for. Installer must ensure that the clamps used to secure the modules are robust enough.Mounting Methods and Mechanical LoadsSelect a proper installation method based on the required load (See below for more detailed information).All installation methods herein are only for reference, and Suntech will not provide related mounting components. The system installer or trained professional personnel must be responsible for the PV system's design, installation, and mechanical load calculation and security of the system.For each installation, modules can be installed either in portrait or landscape mode. If you integrate our obsolete products and need advice, please contact Suntech Global Customer Service department for installation instructionsSuntech Standard Module Type (using 156.75 - 157.4 mm solar cell)Module Dimension Length × Width × ThicknessModule installed with bolts Module installed with clampsModuleM8 BoltM8 Nut FlatSplitM8 BoltM8 Nut ClampMounting structureMounting structureModuleFlatSplit20/W Series (Full cell solar module) 1640mm × 992mm × 35mm 1650mm × 992mm × 35mm24/V Series (Full cell solar module) 1956mm × 992mm × 40mm 1960mm × 992mm × 40mm16/T Series (Half cell solar module) 1338mm × 992mm × 35mm 20/W(Half cell solar module) 1670mm × 992mm × 35mm 24/V Series(Half cell solar module) 1988mm × 992mm × 40mm 60/W Series (Half cell solar module) 1684mm × 1002mm × 35mm 72/V Series (Half cell solar module) 2008mm × 1002mm × 35mm 72/P Series (Half cell solar module) 2018mm × 992mm × 35mmSuntech Standard Module Type (using 158.75 mm solar cell)Module Dimension Length × Width × ThicknessA16/T (Half cell solar module) 1354mm × 1002mm × 35mm A20/W (Half cell solar module) 1680mm × 1002mm × 35mm A60/W (Half cell solar module) 1684mm × 1002mm × 35mm A72/V (Half cell solar module) 2008mm × 1002mm × 35mm A72/P (Half cell Solar module) 2028mm × 1002mm × 35mmSuntech Standard Module Type (using 166 mm solar cell)Module Dimension Length × Width × ThicknessB72/V (Half cell solar module) 2095mm × 1039mm × 35mm B72/P (Half cell module) 2096mm × 1040mm ×35(30) mm2095mm × 1039mm ×35mmSuntech Standard Module Type (using 182 mm solar cell)Module Dimension Length × Width × ThicknessC54/U (Half cell solar module) 1724mm × 1134mm × 35(30)mm1722mm × 1134mm × 30mmC72/V (Half cell solar module) 2279mm × 1134mm × 35mm2278mm × 1134mm × 35(30)mmC72/P (Half cell solar module) 2279mm × 1134mm × 35(30)mm2278mm × 1134mm × 35(30)mm C54/N (Half cell solar module) 1722mm × 1134mm × 30mm C54/P (Half cell solar module) 1722mm × 1134mm × 30mm C72/N (Half cell solar module) 2278mm × 1134mm ×35(30)mm C78/N (Half cell solar module) 2465mm × 1134mm × 35mm C78/P (Half cell solar module) 2465mm × 1134mm × 35mmSuntech Standard Module Type (using 210 mm solar cell)Module Dimension Length × Width × ThicknessD66/W (Half cell solar module) 2384mm × 1303mm × 35mm D60/W (Half cell solar module) 2172mm × 1303mm × 35mm D66/P (Half cell solar module) 2384mm × 1303mm × 35mm D60/P (Half cell solar module) 2172mm × 1303mm × 35mmRecommended mounting methodL = 200mmClamping zone: A = 200 mm Clamping zone: A = 1/4 long frame length±50 mm16/T series L = 180 mm20/W series L = 180 mm24/V series L = 280 mmA16/T series L = 180 mmClamping zone: A = 300 mm60/W series L = 200 mm72/V series L = 300 mmA20/W series L = 200 mmA60/W series L = 200 mmB60/W series L = 200 mmA72/V series L = 300 mmA72/P series L = 300 mmB72/V series L = 380 mmB72/P series L = 380 mmClamping zone: A = 200 mmC72/V series L = 400 mm, clamping zone A = 250 mm D66/W Series L = 430 mm, clamping zone A = 160 mm D60/W Series L = 400 mm, clamping zone A = 160 mm B72/P Series L = 380 mm, clamping zone A = 200 mm C72/P Series L = 400 mm, clamping zone A = 250 mm C72/N Series L = 400 mm, clamping zone A = 250 mm C78/N Series L = 450 mm, clamping zone A = 250 mm C78/P Series L = 450 mm, clamping zone A = 250 mm D66/P Series L = 430 mm, clamping zone A = 160 mm D60/P Series L = 400 mm, clamping zone A = 160 mmCustomized mounting methodNote: The installation methods below are based on the internal evaluation results in SuntechA0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mmA0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mmA0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mmA0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mmA0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mmA≥40mm;A0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mm;For A72/V, A1 =360~560mmFor B60/W and C54/U, A1 = 280~420mmA≥40mm;A0 = 1/4 short frame length±50mm;A1 = 360~560mmL = 380 mm, clamping zone A = 200 mmClamping zone: A0 = 1/4 short frame length ±50 mmA1 = 100 mmClamping zone: A1 = 100 mmA2 = 200 mmClamping zone A = 100mm* The module clamps must not come into contact with the front glass or deform the frame in any way. Avoid shading effects caused by clamps or insertion systems. Drainage holes in the module frame must not be closed or obscured by the clamps;** 35mm or 30mm represents the height of frame;*** The mounting holes reserved for tracker mounting system with special accessories. If the length of module is over 2 meters, its mechanical load value for tracker needs to be confirmed by module supplierGeneral Electrical ConnectionAny hardware used must be compatible with any other used material to avoid galvanic corrosion. Defects caused by corrosions void the warranty.It is not recommended to use modules with different configurations (grounding, wiring) in the same system.Excessive cables must be organized or fixed in an adequate way, e.g. attached to the mounting structure by using non-metallic cable ties.Solar cables, connectors and junction boxes should not be exposed to water, snow, or rain or water submersion for a long period of time (IP65/67/68).For applications requiring high operating voltage several modules can be connected in series to form a string of modules; the system voltage is then equal to the sum of the voltage of each module.For applications requiring high operating currents several strings of modules can be connected in parallel; the system current is then equal to the sum of the current of each string of modules.Whether the maximum system voltage of a certain product family is 600 volts, 1000 volts or 1500 volts is depended on related test standards. The maximum number of modules connected in a series is depended on system design, the type of inverter used and environmental conditions.Based on the maximum series fuse rating of module and local electrical installation code, always make sure Suntech PV modules are assembled with the appropriate string fuse for circuit protection.There is no specific limitation on the number of modules that can be connected in parallel, the number of modules is determined by system design parameters such as current or power output.To prevent the cables and the connectors from overheating, the cross section of the cables and the capacity of the connectors must be selected to suit the maximum system short circuit current. The recommended cable is PV wire with a cross section of at least 4mm2.Caution: do not secure the cables too tight. Any cable damage caused by cable management system is not covered under Suntech's warranty.Cable manufacturer's suggested bending radius is no less than 68mm.When designing large modules arrays connected to a single inverter, always take into account the resulting isolation resistance (Riso), which decreases increasing the number of modules in the array. A too low Riso can results in inverter faults. Please refer to local regulations to determine the system wires size, type and temperature.Suntech modules come with connectors used for system electrical connections. The recommended connectors are STP-XC4, TL-CABLE01S, MC4, and Amphenol H4. Suntech strongly recommends using the genuine connector type specified by Suntech's product data sheet. Choosing a different connector type other than specified may cause the warranty invalid.To ensure reliable electric connection and to prevent possible intrusion of humidity, two connectors must be mated and locked together until a click can be heard.Long-term exposure to wet environments may cause connectors' poor connectivity, resulting in current leakage and poor conductivity which voids the warranty. Suntech recommends proper connector/cable/wire management to prevent moisture intrusion. Depending on the amount of humidity, Suntech recommends periodic inspections of the installation system to maintain optimal module performance.The DC current generated by photovoltaic systems can be converted into AC and fed into a public Grid. As local utilities’ policies on connecting renewable energy systems to the Grids vary from region to region. Always seek the advice from a qualified system designer or integrator. Building permits, inspections and approvals by the local utility are generally required.Especially for larger installations Suntech recommends lightning protection following the local requirements and regulations.When the installation finished and after connecting to the grid, please do a professional hand over to the owner including an installation protocol is required. Provide a clear documentation of the system to the owner consisting of following minimum data such as: user guide, system layout, data sheets, performance expectations, electrical system data e.g. a copy of the installation test report following minimum requirements of IEC 62446 / IEC 60364-6.Electrical propertyModule under standard test conditions of: irradiance of 1000W /m2, cell temperature of 25 °C and air mass of AM1.5.Normally, a module is likely to produce more current and/or voltage than reported at standard test conditions.. Accordingly, the values of I sc and V oc marked on this module should be multiplied by the factor regulated in the IEC standard when determining component voltage ratings, conductor ampacities, fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the PV output.Voltages are additive when modules are connected in series, and modules currents are additive when Modules are connected in parallel, as illustrated in Figure 1.Modules with different electrical characteristics must not be connected directly in series.Series Wiring and Parallel WiringSeries wiringParallel wiringThe maximum number of Modules that can be connected in series within a string must be calculated in accordance with applicable regulations in a way that the specified maximum system voltage of the modules and all other electrical DC components will not exceed in open-circuit operation at the lowest temperature expected at the PV system location.Recommended installation method of full cell solar module:The modules in PV array are recommended for portrait connecting, and cable length is not less than 0.7 m.Recommended mounting method of half-cut cell solar module:The head and tail of the modules in PV array are placed in portrait layout, and cable length meets the requirement of the portrait mounting.GroundingFor grounding and bonding requirements, please refer to regional and national safety and electricity standards. If grounding is required, use a recommended connector type for the grounding wire.For grounding, this guide refers to module frame grounding. If grounding is required, make sure module frames (metal exposed to touch) are always grounded.Suntech recommends always refer to local state and national code requirements for PV module grounding. Suntech highly recommends negative grounding if it's allowed by local authorities.When attaching the frame grounding hardware and wire to the frame it must be placed corresponding to the ground symbol stamped location to ensure proper electrical connection.Suntech recommends one of the following parts for grounding:1) Use M5 bolt and washer to bond the ground wire and aluminum frame through the grounding hole (as shown below). The tightening torque is 3-7Nm. All nuts and washers should be made of stainless steel. 4-14 mm2 (AWG 6-12) exposed copper wire recommended as ground wire.。



TARIFF DISTRIBUTIONFILE PACKAGE NO.: 5106,2014DATE: OctoberSTATE: PB-FCC10/01/2014EFFECTIVEDATE:TYPE OF DISTRIBUTION: ApprovedPURPOSE: Update TRS/REG FEE/FUSF Factors and update rates accordinglyTARIFF SECTION PAGE NUMBER PAGE REVISION0467 1000 10124 1000 1.20044 1004 4-11.21004 4-1200230066 1004 4-13(This page filed under Transmittal No. 510 )ACCESS SERVICECHECK SHEETTitle Page and Pages 1 to 35-17, inclusive of this tariff are effectiveas of the date shown. Original and revised pages as named below andSupplement No. 10 contains all changes from the original tariff thatare in effect on the date hereof.Number of Number of Number ofRevision Revision Revision Except as Except as Except asPage Indicated Page Indicated Page IndicatedTitle 1 2nd1 467th*1.1 40th1.2 124th*1.3 12th1.4 9th1.5 49th1.6 50th1.7 85th1.8 49th1.9 23rd1.10 37th1.11 11th1.12 19th1.13 Original1.14 37th1.14.1 21st1.15 109th1.16 31st1.17 13th 1.18 9th 1.19 25th 1.20 23rd 1.21 27th 1.22 21st 1.23 20th 1.24 25th 1.25 26th 1.26 17th 1.27 16th 1.28 5th 2 Original2.1 2nd 3 4th3.1 4th 3.2 1st 3.3 1st3.4 3rd3.5 3rd3.6 1st4 Original4.1 O riginal5 Original6 6th7 1st7.1 2nd7.2 1st8 4th 8.1 3rd 9 3rd 10 1st 11 O riginal 12 Original 13 O riginal 14 4th 15 O riginal 16 O riginal 17 Original 17.1 Original 17.2 O riginal 18 1st 19 Original 20 Original 21 2nd 22 8th 22.1 14th 22.1.1 2nd 22.2 23rd 22.3 32nd 22.4 33rd 22.5 32nd 22.6 25th 23 Original 24 Original 25 Original 26 1st 27 Original28 1st29 Original30 Original31 Original32 Original33 4th34 2nd 35 1st 36 Original 37 5th 38 2nd 39 2nd 1-1 Original 1-2 2nd 2-1 5th 2-2 3rd 2-3 1st 2-4 2nd 2-5 1st 2-6 6th 2-7 2nd 2-8 1st 2-9 Original 2-10 Original 2-11 Original 2-12 Original 2-13 Original 2-14 3rd 2-14.1 1st 2-14.2 1st 2-14.3 1st 2-15 1st 2-16 6th 2-17 5th 2-17.1 4th 2-18 1st 2-19 5th2-19.1 O riginal2-20 Original2-21 Original2-22 Original2-23 Original2-24 Original2-25 1st2-26 Original2-27 Original2-28 1st 2-29 Original 2-30 Original 2-31 Original 2-32 Original 2-33 Original 2-34 Original 2-35 Original 2-36 Original 2-37 Original 2-38 Original 2-39 1st 2-40 Original 2-41 Original 2-42 Original 2-43 Original 2-43.1 O riginal 2-44 O riginalCHECK SHEET (Cont'd)Number of Number of Number ofRevisionRevision Revision Except as Except as Except asPage Indicated Page Indicated Page Indicated3-21st3-33rd3-41st3-5Original 3-61st3-7Original 3-8Original 3-9Original 3-101st3-11Original 3-12Original 3-131st3-14Original 3-151st3-16Original 3-171st3-181st3-192nd3-202nd3-211st3-22Original 3-231st3-241st3-251st3-262nd4-1Original 4-25th4-3Original 4-4Original 4-5Original 4-65th4-72nd4-81st4-92nd4-101st4-111st 4-11.113th4-11.1.1 O riginal4-11.244th*4-1223rd*4-1366th*5-15th5-23rd5-34th5-3.13rd5-3.23rd5-44th5-4.1 7th5-52nd5-6Original5-72nd5-8Original5-91st5-10Original5-111st5-12Original5-12.12nd5-12.21st5-12.3Original5-12.4Original5-138th5-14Original5-155th5-15.1O riginal5-167th5-179th5-17.18th5-17.1.1 6th5-1810th5-197th5-207th5-217th5-21.16th5-21.26th5-21.35th5-21.45th5-21.56th5-21.65th5-21.75th5-22Original5-238th5-245th5-255th5-26Original5-27Original5-28Original5-29Original5-30Original5-311st5-321st5-331st5-34Original5-352nd5-35.13rd5-36Original5-37Original5-381st5-39Original5-40Original6-12nd6-21st6-32nd6-41st6-5Original6-6Original6-7Original6-8Original(This page filed under Transmittal No. 510 )(This page filed under Transmittal No. 510 )ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont'd)4.6 Rates Regulations (Cont’d)(J) Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) Surcharge (Cont’d)(2) End User Port FUSF SurchargesWhen a customer is assessed the BRI ISDN port line charge asdiscussed in Section 4.6(H), preceding, a FUSF Surcharge willalso be assessed as set forth in Section 4.7(H).(3) Other Non-recurring FUSF SurchargesIn addition to the Basic FUSF Surcharges, when a customer isassessed any of the interstate end user charges identified in thetable below, a FUSF Surcharge will also be apply as set forth inSection 4.7(H). For example, customers assessed the PIC changecharge as specified in Section 13.3.3(b)(7)(a) following, willalso be assessed the PIC change FUSF Surcharge as set forth inSection 4.7(H), following.To the extent an IC is assessed the PIC Change Charge, the Non-recurring FUSF Surcharge will also apply to the IC.(4) Other FUSF SurchargesA percentage surcharge factor is assessed monthly on billedrecurring and non-recurring charges of end user services otherthan surcharges described in Section 4.FUSF Surcharge factor: 0.161Tariff Reference Rate Element 13.3.3(b)(7)(a)PIC Change Charge (I)ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont'd)4.7 Rates and ChargesThe rates for End User Access are:(A) End User Common Line (EUCL) - USOC Rates Per MonthPrimary Residence/Single LineBusiness Subscriber- Individual line ortrunk, each 9ZEU1 4.41 - Single Line Business 9ZEU3 4.41(B) End User Common Line (EUCL) -Multiline Business Subscriber- Individual line ortrunk, each 9ZEU4 4.41 - Pay Telephone line, each 9ZEU4 4.41 (C) End User Common Line (EUCL) -Centrex Co and Co-Like Subscriber(Installed or on order prior toJuly 28, 1993)- Individual line ortrunk, each 9ZEU4 4.41 (D) End User Common Line (EUCL) -ISDN Subscriber- PRI ISDN, each service 9ZEU6 22.05 - BRI ISDN, each wire pair 9ZEU5 4.41 (I) (I)(I) (I)(I) (I) (I)(This page filed under Transmittal No. 510 )(This page filed under Transmittal No. 510 )ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont'd)4.7 Rates and Charges (Cont’d)(E) End User Common Line (EUCL) -Non-Primary Residence SubscriberUSOC Rates Per Month- Individual line ortrunk, each 9ZEU2 $ 4.41 (F) Access Recovery Charge (ARC)(1) Residence, each N/A 0.00(2) Single Line Business- Individual line ortrunk, each N/A 0.00(3) M ultiline Business- Individual line ortrunk, each N/A 0.64(4) ISDN-PRI N/A 3.20(G) End User Line Port Charge(1) BRI ISDN Port- Individual line ortrunk, each 9SDN1 0.97(2) PRI ISDN Port- Individual line ortrunk, each 9SDN2 32.80(H) Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) Surcharge(1) Basic Rate FUSF Surcharge(a) Residential 9PZRS $ 0.71 (b) Single-Line Business 9PZBU $ 0.71 (c) ISDN BRI 9PZL1 $ 0.86 (d) Multiline Business 9PZLM $ 1.03 or Supertrunks 9PZLS(e) PRI ISDN 9PZP1 $ 10.43 (f) PBX 9PZPX $ 1.03 (g) Centrex CO and CO-Like 9PZCX $ 0.11(2) Other Non-recurring FUSF SurchargesPIC Change FUSF Surcharge- per manual change 9PZGM $ 0.64 - per mechanized change 9PZGE $ 0.25(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)。

太阳能光伏电池模块安装手册 - Kyocera KC系列说明书

太阳能光伏电池模块安装手册 -  Kyocera KC系列说明书

INSTALLATION MANUALFOR THE1. INTRODUCTIONAs the world leader in development and application of hightechnology ceramic/silica materials, Kyocera offers a widerange of highly efficient and reliable crystalline silicon solarphotovoltaic (PV) power modules. Kyocera began toextensively research PV technology in 1975 andcommenced manufacturing operations in 1978. Since then,Kyocera has supplied millions of cells and modulesthroughout the world. With years of experience andstate-of-the-art technology, Kyocera provides the highestquality PV power modules in a range of sizes designed tomeet the requirements of the most demanding energy andpower users worldwide.2. APPLICATIONSKC series modules are a reliable, virtuallymaintenance-free direct current (DC) power source,designed to operate most efficiently in sunlight. KC seriesmodules are ideal for powering remote homes, waterpumps, utility grid-tie, telecommunication systems andmany other applications either with or without the use ofstorage batteries.Solar modules generate electricity when exposed to light.Arrays of many modules can cause lethal shock and burnhazards. Only authorized and trained personnel shouldhave access to these modules. To reduce the risk ofelectrical shock or burns, modules may be covered with anopaque material during installation to avoid shocks or burns.Do not touch live terminals with bare hands. Use insulatedtools for electrical connections.PERMITBefore installing your solar system, contact localauthorities to determine the necessary permit,installation and inspection requirements.INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONSystems should be installed by qualified personnelonly. The system involves electricity, and can bedangerous if the personnel are not familiar with theappropriate safety procedures.Do not step on the module.Although KC series modules are quite rugged, theglass can be broken (and the module will no longerwork properly) if it is dropped or hit by tools or otherobjects.Sunlight shall not be concentrated on the module.The module frame is made of anodized aluminum, andtherefore corrosion can occur if the module is subjectto a salt-water environment with contact to a rack ofanother type of metal. (Electrolysis Corrosion) Ifrequired, PVC or stainless steel washers can beplaced between the solar module frame and supportstructure to prevent this type of corrosion.KC series module(s) frame must be attached to asupport structure by one of the methods described inSection 6, Installing KC series module(s).Module support structures that are to be used tosupport KC series module(s) should be wind rated andapproved for use by the appropriate local and civilcodes prior to installation.FIRE RATINGKC series modules are comprised of a glass frontsurface, polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) backskin and possessa Class C fire rating.GROUNDINGRefer to “Grounding” section.INSPECTIONFollow the requirements of applicable local andnational electrical codes.BATTERYWhen solar modules are used to charge batteries, thebattery must be installed in a manner, which willprotect the performance of the system and the safetyof its users. Follow the battery manufacturer sguidelines concerning installation, operation andmaintenance recommendations. In general, thebattery (or battery bank) should be away from the mainflow of people and animal traffic. Select a battery sitethat is protected from sunlight, rain, snow, debris, andis well ventilated. Most batteries generate hydrogengas when charging, which can be explosive. Do notlight matches or create sparks near the battery bank.When a battery is installed outdoors, it should beplaced in an insulated and ventilated battery casespecifically designed for the purpose.4. SITE SELECTIONIn most applications, KC series modules should be installedin a location where they will receive maximum sunlightthroughout the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, themodules should typically face south, and in the SouthernHemisphere, the modules should typically face north.Modules facing 30 degrees away from true South (or North)will lose approximately 10 to 15 percent of their poweroutput. If the module faces 60 degrees away from trueSouth (or North), the power loss will be 20 to 30 percent.When choosing a site, avoid trees, buildings or obstructions,which could cast shadows on the solar modules especiallyduring the winter months when the arc of the sun is lowest over the horizon.5. MODULE TILT ANGLEKC series modules produce the most power when they are pointed directly at the sun. For stand alone installations the solar modules should be tilted for optimum winter performance. As a general rule, if the system power production is adequate in the winter, it will be satisfactory during the rest of the year. The solar module tilt angle is measured between the solar modules and the ground. Refer to the recommended module tilt angle table for your site.Module Tilt AngleRecommended Tilt Angles for Stand Alone Fixed Systems—Based on Winter Performance SITE LATITUDEIN DEGREES FIXED TILT ANGLE0TO 15 15TO 25 25TO 30 30TO 35 35TO 40 40+15SAME AS LATITUDE LATITUDE + 5 LATITUDE + 10 LATITUDE + 15LATITUDE + 20For grid tie installations where the solar modules are attached to a permanent structure, the solar modules should be tilted at an angle equal to the site's latitude. This will typically result in the highest annual energy output. 6. INSTALLING KC SERIES MODULES KC series module may be installed in various applications utilizing a variety of support structure options and attachment methods. For optimal performance in all applications, clearance between the module frame and the mounting surface is required to allow cooler ambient air to circulate around the back of the module.BUILDING ATTACHED: The modules are commonly supported parallel to the surface of the building wall or roof. Clearance between the module frames and surface of the wall or roof is required to prevent wiring damage and to allow air to circulate behind the module. Do not fully enclose the photovoltaic array, as solar modules perform best when cool in temperature. If other mounting means are employed, this may affect the listing for Fire Class Ratings. FREE STANDING: The supporting structure is used to mount modules at correct tilt angles. The mounting design may have an impact on the fire resistance.KC series module may be attached to a support structure by the followingmethods:STANDARD: Utilizing ¼" or 6mm stainless steel hardware through the existing 0.28" diameter (7 mm) mounting holes in the module frame and then through KC series module mounting holes on the support structure. The stainlesssteel hardware used for securing the module frame should secure with an applied torque of 6 foot-pounds (8Newton-meters). Refer to the Module Drawings for the position of the solar module mounting holes.CLAMPING: Top or bottom clamping methods certified by a registered professional engineer, and in compliance with local codes.OTHER: Other method(s) certified by a registered professional engineer, and in compliance with local codes.7. MODULE WIRINGKC series modules come pre-wired and terminated ready for most building attached or free standing installations. Each module has two #10 AWG type USE-2/RHH/RHW-2 stranded sunlight resistant output cables each terminated with Multi-Contact connectors. The positive (+) terminal has a female connector while the negative (-) terminal has a male connector. The module wiring is solely for series connections only, i.e. female (+) to male (-) interconnections. Series and parallel connections shall be made by use of two #10 AWG type XLP sunlight resistant output cables with male and female Multi-Contact connectors.NOTE:When making connections with Multi-Contact connectors, make sure the array is disabled. DO NOT MAKE CONNECTIONS WHILE UNDER LOAD.Module output connections are marked “Do not disconnect under load”.NOTE: MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600 VDC.KC series modules and most PV system components have a maximum system voltage rating of 600 volts DC. Some grid-tie systems operate at or near this voltage rating. Like other polycrystalline solar modules, the open circuit voltage of the KC seriesmodule increases as the ambienttemperature decreases. Maximum System voltage iscomputed as the sum of the open-circuit voltage of theseries-connected photovoltaic modules for the lowestexpected ambient temperature. Refer to the NationalElectrical Code Article 690-7(a) for determining themaximum number of KC series modules that can be placedin series. Temperature coefficients, specific to the moduleof use, can be used to provide the most accurate predictionof module voltage under temperature extremes. HORIZONTAL8. GROUNDINGBefore installing your solar system, contact local authorities to determine the necessary grounding. Attach all module frames to an earth ground in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). Proper grounding is achieved by connecting the module frame(s) and structural members contiguously one to another using a suitable "grounding conductor". The grounding conductor, or strap, may be copper, copper alloy, or another material acceptable for use as an electrical conductor per NEC. The groundingconductor must then make a connection to earth using a suitable earth ground electrode. Ensure positive electrical contact through the anodizing on the module's frame by utilizing one of the following grounding methods. Attach the grounding conductor:(1) to one of the 0.28" diameter (7 mm) holes marked'ground' with a bolt or screw assembly that incorporates a bonding or external tooth washer, or a serrated screwhead.(2) to electrically conductive metal, such as that of asupport structure, which has been bonded to the module frame through a bonding or external tooth washer, or a welded, soldered for brazed joint or other suitable means.(3) with two or more screws, or two full threads of a singlescrew engaging the module frame metal.9. BLOCKING DIODESIn systems utilizing a battery, blocking diodes are typically placed between the battery and the solar module output to prevent battery discharge at night. KC series modules are made of polycrystalline cells with high electrical back flow resistance to nighttime battery discharging. As a result, KC series modules do not contain a blocking diode when shipped from the factory. Most PV charge regulators and inverter incorporate nighttime disconnect feature, however.10. BYPASS DIODESPartial shading of an individual module in a source circuit string (i.e. two or more modules connected in series) can cause a reverse voltage across the shaded cells within the module. Module output current is then forced through the shaded area by the remaining illuminated cells and other solar modules in series with the partially shaded module(s). The current forced through the shaded cells within the module (or modules) causes additional module heating and severe loss of power. All KC series modules are supplied with factory installed (non user serviceable) bypass diodes. The purpose of bypass diodes is to provide a low-resistance current path around the shaded cells, thereby minimizing module heating and array current losses.The solar modules employ bypass diodes that have:Rated Average Forward Current [I F(AV)]Above maximum system current at highest module operatingtemperature.Rated Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage [V RRM ]Above maximum system voltage at lowest module operatingtemperature.11. MAINTENANCEKC series modules are designed for long life and require very little maintenance. Under most weather conditions, normal rainfall is sufficient to keep the module glass surface clean. If dirt build-up becomes excessive, clean the glass surface only with a soft cloth using mild detergent and water. USE CAUTION WHEN CLEANING THE BACK SURFACE OF THE MODULE TO AVOID PENETRATING BACK SHEET. Modules that are mounted flat (0tilt angle) should be cleaned more often, as they will not "self clean" as effectively as modules mounted at a 15tilt or greater. Once a year, check the general condition of the wiring and check to be sure that mounting hardware is tight. Looseconnections will result in a damaged module or array.KYOCERA CorporationCorporate Solar Energy Group6 Takeda Tobadono-cho Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8501,JapanPhone : 81-75-604-3476Fax : 81-75-604-3475/ KYOCERA Solar Inc.7812 East Acoma Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, U.S.A. Phone : 1-480-948-8003 or 1-800-223-9580Fax : 1-480-483-6431/ KYOCERA Solar Pty Ltd. Level 3, 6-10 Talavera Road North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia Phone : 61-2-9870-3948Fax : 61-2-9888-9588.au/KYOCERA Solar do Brasil Ltda.Energia Renovavel LTDA,Rua Mauricio da Costa Faria, 85 22780-280 Recreio dos Bandeirantes Rio da Janeiro,Brazil Phone : 55-21-2437-8525Fax : 55-21-2437-2338.br/ KYOCERA Fineceramics GmbHFritz Müller Strasse 107, D-73730 Esslingen, Germany Phone : 49-711-9393-417Fax : 49-711-9393-450.de/ KYOCERA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.298 Tiong Bahru Road, #13-03/05 Central Plaza Singapore 168730 Phone : 65-271-0500Fax : 65-271-0600.sg/KYOCERA (Tianjin) Sales Trading Corp. Binjiang International Hotel 1106,105 Jianshe Road Heping Dist. Tianjin China Phone : 86-22-2331-8590Fax : 86-22-2330-627612. SPECIFICATIONSTypical module production may result in a maximum power from 10% higher to 5% lower than Rated Power (Pmax). Under certain conditions, a photovoltaic module may produce more voltage and current than reported at Standard Test Conditions (STC). Refer to Section 690 of the National Electrical Code for guidance in series string sizing and choosing overcurrentprotection.NOTES(1) Standard Test Conditions of irradiance of 1000 W/m 2, spectrum of 1.5 air mass, and cell temperature of 25 deg C.(2) Normal Operational Cell Temperature (NOCT) of 800 W/m 2, spectrum of 1.5 air mass, and cell temperature of 25 deg C.Electrical Characteristics:@ STC Model Number KC125GT KC130GT KC167GT KC170GT KC175GT KC190GT KC200GT Rated Power, Watts (Pmax) 125 130 167 170 175 190 200 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.7 21.9 28.9 29.0 29.2 32.5 32.9 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 8.00 8.02 8.00 8.03 8.09 8.08 8.21 Voltage at Load (Vpm) 17.4 17.6 23.2 23.4 23.6 26.1 26.3 Current at Load (Ipm) 7.20 7.39 7.20 7.27 7.42 7.28 7.61 Maximum System Voc 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Factory Installed Bypass Diode (Qty) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) Series Fuse Rating (Amps) 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 Thermal Characteristics:Temp. coefficient of Voc (V/)-8.2110-2 -8.2110-2-1.0910-1-1.0910-1-1.0910-1 -1.2310-1-1.2310-1Temp. coefficient of Isc (A/) 3.1810-3 3.1810-3 3.1810-3 3.1810-3 3.1810-3 3.1810-3 3.1810-3Temp. coefficient of Vpm (V/)-9.3110-2 -9.3110-2-1.2410-1-1.2410-1-1.2410-1 -1.4010-1-1.4010-1Physical Characteristics:Model Number KC125GT KC130GT KC167GT KC170GT KC175GT KC190GT KC200GTLength, Inches (mm)56.1(1425) 56.1(1425)50.8 (1290)50.8 (1290)50.8 (1290) 56.1(1425)56.1(1425)Width, Inches (mm) 25.7(652) 25.7(652)39.0 (990)39.0 (990)39.0 (990) 39.0(990)39.0 (990)Depth, Inches (mm) 1.42(36) 1.42(36) 1.42 (36) 1.42 (36) 1.42 (36) 1.42 (36) 1.42 (36)Weight, Pounds (kg)26.9(12.2) 26.9(12.2)35.3 (16) 35.3 (16) 35.3 (16) 40.8 (18.5)40.8 (18.5)Mounting Hole Diameter inches (mm)0.28"(7)Qty – 8 0.28"(7) Qty – 8 0.28" (7) Qty – 4 0.28" (7) Qty – 4 0.28" (7) Qty – 4 0.28"(7)Qty – 4 0.28"(7) Qty – 4 Grounding Hole Diameter inches (mm)0.28"(7)Qty – 2 0.28"(7) Qty – 2 0.28" (7) Qty – 2 0.28" (7) Qty – 2 0.28" (7) Qty – 2 0.28"(7)Qty – 2 0.28"(7) Qty – 2。

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浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第1页太阳能电池组件安装指导手册更新日期:2016.01浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第2页目录1简介 2安装前许可证 3安装区域要求 4结构说明图 5安装位置选择 6安装角度选择 7安装注意事项 8接地 9旁路二级管 10警告11组件接线安装 12维护 13应用等级浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第3页1简介宝利特太阳能组件包括一系列晶体硅太阳能电池,这是一种以钢化玻璃为基底与其他密封材料之间永久封装。




该安装说明适用以下我司组件型号:6”单晶硅组件:PLM-***M-72(***=245W to 360W);PLM-***MB-72(***=245W to 360W);PLM-***MA-72(***=245W to 360W);PLM-***M-66(***=215W to 330W);PLM-***MB-66(***=215W to 330W);PLM-***MA-66(***=215W to 330W);PLM-***M-60(***=220W to 300W);PLM-***MB-60(***=220W to 300W);PLM-***MA-60(***=220W to 300W);PLM-***M-54(***=185W to 270W);PLM-***MB-54(***=185W to 270W);PLM-***MA-54(***=185W to 270W);PLM-***M-48(***=155W to 240W);PLM-***MB-48(***=155W to 240W);PLM-***MA-48(***=155W to 240W);6”多晶硅组件:PLM-***P-72(***=235W to 350W);PLM-***PB-72(***=235W to 350W);PLM-***PA-72(***=235W to 350W);PLM-***P-66(***=225W to 320W);PLM-***PB-66(***=225W to 320W);浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第4页PLM-***PA-66(***=225W to 320W);PLM-***P-60(***=195W to 295W);PLM-***PB-60(***=195W to 295W);PLM-***PA-60(***=195W to 295W);PLM-***P-54(***=185W to 265W );PLM-***PB-54(***=185W to 265W );PLM-***PA-54(***=185W to 265W );PLM-***P-48(***=165W to 235W );PLM-***PB-48(***=165W to 235W );PLM-***PA-48(***=165W to 235W );5”单晶硅组件:PLM-***M-96(***=230W to 280W );PLM-***MB-96(***=230W to 280W);PLM-***MA-96(***=230W to 280W);PLM-***M-72(***=160W to 210W );PLM-***MB-72(***=160W to 210W);PLM-***MA-72(***=160W to 210W);2安装前许可证在安装系统时,请确定已经有局部当地政府所要求的必要许可证,安装和检验的要求..3安装区域要求应在下列条件安装宝利特新能源系列组件:•环境温度:-20°C to +40°C.•工作温度:-40°C to +85°C.•储存温度:-40°C to +40°C,•湿度below 85RH%•风压:below 50.12lb /ft2(2400Pa).浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第5页4结构说明图5安装位置选择在大多数应用中,宝利特新太阳能电池组件应安装在那里他们将接收全年中最大的阳光的位置。















如果需要的话,PVC 或不锈钢垫圈可被放置在宝利特新能源模块框架和支撑结构之间,以防止这种类型的腐蚀。





(图纸2)Degrees ofLatitude Tilting Angle0o ~15o 15o15o ~25o Same as Latitude 25o ~30o Latitude +5o30o ~35o Latitude +10o 35o ~40oLatitude +15o 40o +Latitude +20o浙江宝利特新能源股份有限公司第7页每个组件的框架具有用于固定模块支撑结构4个安装孔(12毫米*9毫米)。





考虑到太阳能电池组件之间框架的线性热膨胀,推荐组件距离5mm 为组件边框和安装表面之间的间隙,可能需要防止接触表面的接线盒,并使组件背膜能保持通风以降低组件工作温度。













(图二)根据NEC Art250要求,相应的安装支架也必须进行接地处理。
























10.15.最大系统电压不得超过1500V DC。




如果安装条件不符合NEC 的要求,则应使用本组件所标注的ISC 和VOC 值乘以系数1.25,以确定部件电压额定值、导体载流容量、过流保护器件额定值以及与光伏组件输出端相连的控制器件大小。
