Unit 11.permanent2.had assembled3.discharging4.meekly5.apprentice6.partiality7.obscure8.exalted9.intruding 10.cordially 11.ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
第一单元:Vocabulary Study:1.permanent2.had assembled3.discharging4.meekly5.apprentice6.partiality7.obscure8.exalted9.intruding 10cordially 11ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Translation:1.His dream of becoming a footble star faded out as timewent by .2.A Boeiay/Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to climb the mountain.In a twinking ,it crash into the mountain and blew up .No one survied in the accident.3. Student have easy access to the resource in the libracy. so they are supposed to make the best of it .4.Titanic,the most luxurious ship in the world at the time .hit an icebery when she was under the way to the USA.Consequently, the ship sank into Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach ,they packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunshine.6.They have been to ST louis once and have a vague konwledge of its wonderful food ,but the day of their glory is over now ,they laspse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless lindneer approches.第二单元:Vocabulary Study1.advocated2.extravagant3.vulnerable4.guru5.potential6.dispel7.shunned8.acclaimed9.enthusiasts10.stave off11.attendant 12.eventured CLOZE: CBDAD CDBAC BBCCD ABCAC.Translation:1.Some cyber gurus claim that internet will precent wars reduce pollution and combat various of inquality.2.Although,internet can undernible fosters communication, It will not put an end to wars . since wars are by no means cause by the failure of different people to understand each other equlty.3.The internet can help reduce energy comsumption and pollution ,only if doing things online replace realworld activies.4.The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot affort it the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it efficiently, therefore, it make more sense to improve universal literacy than universal.5.Thanks to internet ,income inequality between people doing similar jods in different countries has been reduced. however, the inequality between information works in poor countries and their porrest compatroits has been increased.6.If human nature remains stablely changed ,desipte the claim of technologist predict ,humanity cannot simply incent away its failing.第三单元:Vocabulary Study1.sank2.clear3.rainfall4.drought5.Flowering6.loose7.pores8.graze9.spine 10.trapped 11.venture 12.fertileCLOSE: CBDAB DBCCA ACDAC CADABTranslation:1.Many stuies indicate that thedesert air is so dry that it contains any moisture.2.Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain according to the laws ,about 1%of the children still can not read when they have primary school.3.After heared the news ,I knew i fell vestless again within a fornight .4.We think unanimouly to answer the question ,we must look more closely at the faces.5.Though out the world, goverment at all levels are taking effectively measures to prevent environment pollution.6.Some people think that the objective items ,such as multiple choices, should be used for an examation, others donot agree, because they believe that this kind test has some bad effect on students leaning.第四单元Vocabulary Study1.Physical2.accumulation3.diversity4.precipitated5.muscular6.pathological7.symptomatic8.vigorous9.psychologically 10.Anxiety 11.restored 12.refreshedCLOSE: ACDCB BCCBD CDCBA ADCDBTranslation:1.I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment form a day is sedentary jod.2.Exercising and relexing youself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3.The less active you are ,the faster aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable you became to physical and psychological problems.4.We are collecting money for repairs to the chur .if any of you would like to make a contribution ,we shall be most grateful.5.The scientist are currently focus on making experiment,in hope of finding effective methods to cure cancers.5.The speach that the chairman delivered at the conferences made much sense to regain the confidence of empolyees.第五单元Vocabulary Study1.uniform2.distinguish/recognize3.ascertained4.recognized5.unique6.outlet7.tactile8.rigid9.secure 10.acquisition 11.fruitful 12.foundationCLOSE :ADBBA DDCBA CCADB DCABATranslation:1.Tt is generally accepted that the upbring of the childild with the home is closely related to the education of the child in school.2.Jennifer is the chief of personal for the NewYork Heracal Tribune ,where she is also responsible editcrical work in the fied of public relations .3. It was two years ago that Jeff met Rose at his sister"s birthaday party ,they had been communited with each other by email since then the more Jeff know Rose ,the more he like her.4. The measure is effective not only in providing job opportunity for the laid-off works ,but also in limiting price increases.5Similarly , they inefficiency treated the political and economical back ground of the cinspiracy.6Tremendacs capital has met the needs of rapid economic growth on one hand and has caused the in flation on the other hand.第六单元Vocabulary Study1.As a matter of fact2.are plagued3.versus4.have ben reflecting on5.positive 6is implementing 7.will enroll 8.has been enriched 9.aspiration 10.academic 11.well-informed mitment toCLOSE:: BBACB BCAAD CBABD BBCCBTranslation:1.Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.2.The discovery of god in the valley will enrish the mountain area.3. Only when police confronted her with evidence ,did she admited that she had stolen the money.4. The meting will afford you an opportunity of hearing good public speakers.5. An offical statement laid to rest the remain fears aout possible redundancies in the industry.6.MARY IS pretty bright ,ASa matter of ,her teacher told me that she is certain to get a university place this year.第七单元:Vocabulary Study1.downsized2.dynamic3.yield4.had guaranteed5.inflict6.budget7.priority8.accelerating9.shirk 10.vitally 11.jiopardize 12.criteria CLOSE:CDBCA BCBBA DDABA BCCDCTranslation:1.Black people in this area complained to the goverment that they had been subjected to repeated racial attacks from the local police officers.2.The goverment officers are inclined to apply the science and technology to short -term projects ,which is benifical to scientific development.3.The precious manager did not want to invest time and money in training the employees who could leave the company any times,an a result of which ,there was a scrious talent drain.4.We are collecting money for repairs to the church ,if any of you would like to make a contribution ,we shall be most grateful .5.The scientist are currently focus on making expeiments,in hope of finding efctive methods to cure cancers.6.The speach that the chairman delivered at the conferences made much sense to regain the confidence of empolyees.第八单元Vocabulary Study1.acid2.shaded3.knock-on4.Drain5.banks6.spacing7.band8.needles9.filter 10.altitudes 11.variables anismCLOSE: CACDA BAACD DBDCB ACDABTranslation:1.Mexico city is one of the most popucated cities in the world.2.The finding shows that a substantial difference between the opinions of men and woman.3. I can’t r emember whether i left my credit card home or in the car .4.We cannot assume the suspects to be gulity simly because they are deliveed to remain silent.5.The main question that faces Chinese economists at present is how to use the price levers and the competition system to direct resources into areas which yield better returns.6.It is assumed in the next 20 years the most surprisiing development will take pace in the space flight ,but now space craft a being developed and they can be used many times instand of only one.第九单元:Vocabulary Study1applied 2repentance 3penetrated 4monkey-like 5contrast 6impressed 7passionate 8awakened 9succeeded 10blossoms 11expectant 12opportunityCLOSE: CDBAA DABCC DBCBC DABBATranslation:1.On those days and nights when I was waiting for the results of the Entrance Examination,my heart was filled with wonder(or uncertainty).Iwondered what the fouture held for me,of surprise and excitement or disappointment and sorrow.2.The little girl ran swiftly to catch up with her mother and stretched out her hand to her mother,crying for more candies and drinks.But the mother persisted that they had bought encough.3.His wife was sent into the operation room.He walked to and fro outside,smoking one cigarette after another.When he saw the door opened,he felt a thrill of tenseness.4.Under the gaze of his colleagues,he flushed with embarrassment and bowwed hi head.He casually took up a newspaper and hid hi face behind it,petending to be reading it.5.They fixed all their attention on the research project on hand.They believed that as long as they didn’t lose heart,they woule succeed in thesse experiments in time.6.She had just given birth to an infant when her husband left/deserted her.In despair,she shut herself and the infant in aroom,claiming that they would perish together.Thanks to the policemen who came in time,the mother and the daughter escaped death by a hair’s breath(or had a narrow escape).第十单元:Vocabulary Study:1.in his own right2.make good use of3.ready for4.went forth5.are looking forward to6.figure out7.assembled8.were dissolving9.withstand 10.controversy 11.an obstacle 12.resembleCLOSE:CABBD ADADA DDCCC BCADATranslation:1.we must figure out how to solve the tissue-rejecuion problem.2.his behavior under fire approved him a man of courage.3.In addition to the impressiveness of the settings,there is aue of the camera that at times seems magical.4.At first,no ready technical data were available,but we managed to go without.5.She has some difficulty in giving shape to her ideas.But she resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.6.The most part of their designs corresponds to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand,the other part needs reconsidering.一个小男孩的梦想马克吐温1我小的时候,我们那密西西比河西岸的村镇上,玩伴们都只有一个水恒的志愿。
2.锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有 效方法。
Exercising and relaxing yourself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue / an effective way to cure fatigue.
4.穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是 因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所 以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网 机会更有意义。
The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access.
6.大规模的货币投资,一方面满足了经济高速增 长的需要,另一方面也造成了通货膨胀。
货币投资:capital investment/ input 通货膨胀: inflation
Large capital investment has met the need of rapid economic growth on one hand, and has caused inflation on the other hand.
新世纪研究生公共英语教材 阅读A--第六单元课文及翻译
Unit 6 How Service Experiences Affect Students During college,service participants exhibit greater increases in social self confidence and leadership ability than do non-participants.大学期间,参加社会服务的学生比不参加社会服务的学生更能提高自己的领导能力和社交方面的自信。
1. Currently,higher education is confronting urgent calls to return to its original mission of developing a well-informed, critically thinking, and civically engaged citizenry.当前对高等教育最迫切的要求是它能重新担负起其最初的使命,即培养广闻博见、独立思考、社会意识强的公民。
2.What exactly can higher education do to promote citizenship development among students, and at the same time address the myriad problems that continue to plague society?高等教育究竟该怎样才能做到既能进一步提高学生的公民意识,又能解决仍在困扰社会的诸多问题呢?3. One answer may be found within the college or university curriculum, through the simple but extremely powerful pedagogical tool known as "service learning". The basic idea behind service learning is to use a community or public service experience to enhance the meaning and impact of traditional course content. Connecting service directly with academic courses makes it quite different from "volunteer" work that is performed in the community. Service learning also involves more than simply sending a class of students into communities for additional course credit. Properly designed service learning courses relate the community service experience to the course material and require that students reflect on their experiences through writings, discussions, or class presentations. Service learning not only enriches traditional course content by giving the student an opportunity to "test" or "demonstrate" abstract theory in the real world, it also improves the quality of the service being performed by giving it an intellectual underpinning.一种解决方案在于大学的课程设置,即把“社会服务学习”作为简单但强有力的教育工具。
Unit 1A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent永恒的2.had assembled 集合3.discharging卸货4.meekly温和/胆怯5.apprentice 学徒6.partiality 偏爱偏见7.obscure 默默无闻的8.exalted 提升提拔某人9.intruding 闯入打扰10.cordially 热情的热忱的11.ambition雄心12.gallantly勇敢的CLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twink ling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读A第1-9单元答案+课文翻译(全)Unit 1A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent永恒的2.had assembled 集合3.discharging卸货4.meekly温和/胆怯5.apprentice 学徒6.partiality 偏爱偏见7.obscure 默默无闻的8.exalted 提升提拔某人9.intruding 闯入打扰10.cordially 热情的热忱的11.ambition雄心12.gallantly勇敢的CLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5. 每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
Unit 1A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent永恒的2.had assembled 集合3.discharging卸货4.meekly温和/害怕5.apprentice 学徒6.partiality 偏爱偏见7.obscure 默默无闻的8.exalted 提升提拔某人9.intruding 闯入打搅10.cordially 热情的热忱的11.ambition雄心12.gallantly勇敢的CLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twink ling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
Unit 1A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent永恒的2.had assembled 集合3.discharging卸货4.meekly温和/胆怯5.apprentice 学徒6.partiality 偏爱偏见7.obscure 默默无闻的8.exalted 提升提拔某人9.intruding 闯入打扰10.cordially 热情的热忱的11.ambition雄心12.gallantly勇敢的CLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twink ling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
Unit 21.在1858年第一根横穿大西洋的通讯电缆铺设成功时,维多利亚时代的积极分子们曾欢呼说:“像电报这种为世界各国交流思想的工具诞生之后;那些根深蒂固的偏见与敌意不可能再长时间存在了。
课文参考译文:因特网不能做什么?1 在1858年第一根横穿大西洋的通讯电缆铺设成功时,维多利亚时代的积极分子们曾欢呼说:“像电报这种为世界各国交流思想的工具诞生之后;那些根深蒂固的偏见与敌意不可能再长时间存在了。
4 人们所犯的错误就在于他们认为战争的爆发是由于不同种族间缺乏充分的理解而引起的。
第一单元:Vocabulary Study:1.permanent2.had assembled3.discharging4.meekly5.apprentice6.partiality7.obscure8.exalted9.intruding 10cordially 11ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCA B ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、T ranslation:1.His dream of becoming a footble star faded out as timewent by .2.A Boeiay/Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to climb the mountain.In a twinking ,it crash into the mountain and blew up .No one survied in the accident.3. Student have easy access to the resource in the libracy. so they are supposed to make the best of it .4.Titanic,the most luxurious ship in the world at the time .hit an icebery when she was under the way to the USA.Consequently, the ship sank into Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach ,they packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunshine.6.They have been to ST louis once and have a vague konwledge of its wonderful food ,but the day of their glory is over now ,t hey laspse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless lindneer approches.第二单元:Vocabulary Study1.advocated2.extravagant3.vulnerable4.guru5.potential6.dispel7.shunned8.acclaimed9.enthusiasts10.stave off11.attendant 12.eventured CLOZE: CBDAD CDBAC BBCCD ABCA C.T ranslation:1.Some cyber gurus claim that internet will precent wars reduce pollution and combat various of inquality.2.Although,internet can undernible fosters communication, It will not put an end to wars . since wars are by no means cause b y the failure of different people to understand each other equlty.3.The internet can help reduce energy comsumption and pollution ,only if doing things online replace realworld activies.4.The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot affort it the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it efficiently, therefore, it make more sense to improve universal literacy than universal.5.Thanks to internet ,income inequality between people doing similar jods in different countries has been reduced. however, t he inequality between information works in poor countries and their porrest compatroits has been increased.6.If human nature remains stablely changed ,desipte the claim of technologist predict ,humanity cannot simply incent away its failing.第三单元:Vocabulary Study1.sank2.clear3.rainfall4.drought5.Flowering6.loose7.pores8.graze9.spine 10.trapped 11.venture 12.fertileCLOS E: CBDA B DBCCA A CDA C CADA BT ranslation:1.Many stuies indicate that thedesert air is so dry that it contains any moisture.2.Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain according to the laws ,about 1%of the children still ca n not read when they have primary school.3.After heared the news ,I knew i fell vestless again within a fornight .4.We think unanimouly to answer the question ,we must look more closely at the faces.5.Though out the world, goverment at all levels are taking effectively measures to prevent environment pollution.6.Some people think that the objective items ,such as multiple choices, should be used for an examation, others donot agree, because they believe that this kind test has some bad effect on students leaning.第四单元Vocabulary Study1.Physical2.accumulation3.diversity4.precipitated5.muscular6.pathological7.symptomatic8.vigorous9.psychologically 10.Anxiety 11.restored 12.refreshedCLOS E: A CDCB BCCBD CDCBA ADCDBT ranslation:1.I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment form a day is sedentary jod.2.Exercising and relexing youself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3.The less active you are ,the faster aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable you became to physical and psychological problems.4.We are collecting money for repairs to the chur .if any of you would like to make a contribution ,we shall be most grateful.5.The scientist are currently focus on making experiment,in hope of finding effective methods to cure cancers.5.The speach that the chairman delivered at the conferences made much sense to regain the confidence of empolyees.第五单元Vocabulary Study1.uniform2.distinguish/recognize3.ascertained4.recognized5.unique6.outlet7.tactile8.rigid9.secure 10.acquisition 11.fruitful 12.foundationCLOS E :ADBBA DDCBA CCADB DCA BAT ranslation:1.Tt is generally accepted that the upbring of the childild with the home is closely related to the education of the child in school.2.Jennifer is the chief of personal for the NewYork Heracal Tribune ,where she is also responsible editcrical work in the fie d of public relations .3. It was two years ago that Jeff met Rose at his sister"s birthaday party ,they had been communited with each other by email since then the more Jeff know Rose ,the more he like her.4. The measure is effective not only in providing job opportunity for the laid-off works ,but also in limiting price increases.5Similarly , they inefficiency treated the political and economical back ground of the cinspiracy.6Tremendacs capital has met the needs of rapid economic growth on one hand and has caused the in flation on the o ther hand.第六单元Vocabulary Study1.As a matter of fact2.are plagued3.versus4.have ben reflecting on5.positive 6is implementing 7.will enroll 8.has been enriched 9.aspiration 10.academic 11.well-informed mitment toCLOS E:: BBA CB BCAAD CBABD BBCCBT ranslation:1.Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.2.The discovery of god in the valley will enrish the mountain area.3. Only when police confronted her with evidence ,did she admited that she had stolen the money.4. The meting will afford you an opportunity of hearing good public speakers.5. An offical statement laid to rest the remain fears aout possible redundancies in the industry.6.MA RY IS pretty bright ,ASa matter of ,her teacher told me that she is certain to get a university place this year.第七单元:Vocabulary Study1.downsized2.dynamic3.yield4.had guaranteed5.inflict6.budget7.priority8.accelerating9.shirk 10.vitally 11.jiopardize 12.criteria CLOS E:CDBCA BCBBA DDA BA BCCDCT ranslation:1.Black people in this area complained to the goverment that they had been subjected to repeated racial attacks from the local police officers.2.The goverment officers are inclined to apply the science and technology to short -term projects ,which is benifical to scientific development.3.The precious manager did not want to invest time and money in training the employees who could leave the company any times,an a result of which ,there was a scrious talent drain.4.We are collecting money for repairs to the church ,if any of you would like to make a contribution ,we shall be most grateful .5.The scientist are currently focus on making expeiments,in hope of finding efctive methods to cure cancers.6.The speach that the chairman delivered at the conferences made much sense to regain the confidence of empolyees.第八单元Vocabulary Study1.acid2.shaded3.knock-on4.Drain5.banks6.spacing7.band8.needles9.filter 10.altitudes 11.variables anis mCLOS E: CACDA BAACD DBDCB ACDABT ranslation:1.Mexico city is one of the most popucated cities in the world.2.The finding shows that a substantial difference between the opinions of men and woman.3. I can’t r emember whether i left my credit card home or in the car .4.We cannot assume the suspects to be gulity simly because they are deliveed to remain silent.5.The main question that faces Chinese economists at present is how to use the price levers and the competition system to direct resources into areas which yield better returns.6.It is assumed in the next 20 years the most surprisiing development will take pace in the space flight ,but now space craft a being developed and they can be used many times instand of only one.第九单元:Vocabulary Study1applied 2repentance 3penetrated 4monkey-like 5contrast 6impressed 7passionate 8awakened 9succeeded 10blossoms 11expectant 12opportunityCLOS E: CDBAA DA BCC DBCBC DABBAT ranslation:1.On those days and nights when I was waiting for the results of the Entrance Examination,my heart was filled with wonder(or uncertainty).Iwondered what the fouture held for me,of surprise and excitement or disappointment and sorrow.2.The little girl ran swiftly to catch up with her mother and stretched out her hand to her mother,crying for more candies and drinks.But the mother persisted that they had bought encough.3.His wife was sent into the operation room.He walked to and fro outside,smoking one cigarette after another.When he saw the door opened,he felt a thrill of tenseness.4.Under the gaze of his colleagues,he flushed with embarrassment and bowwed hi head.He casually took up a newsp aper and hid hi face behind it,petending to be reading it.5.They fixed all their attention on the research project on hand.They believed that as long as they didn’t lose heart,they woule succeed in thesse experiments in time.6.She had just given birth to an infant when her husband left/deserted her.In despair,she shut herself and the infant in aroom,claiming that they would perish together.Thanks to the policemen who came in time,the mother and the daughter escaped death by a hair’s breath(or had a narrow escape).第十单元:Vocabulary Study:1.in his own right2.make good use of3.ready for4.went forth5.are looking forward to6.figure out7.assembled8.were diss olving9.withstand 10.controversy 11.an obstacle 12.resembleCLOS E:CABBD ADADA DDCCC BCADAT ranslation:1.we must figure out how to solve the tissue-rejecuion problem.2.his behavior under fire approved him a man of courage.3.In addition to the impressiveness of the settings,there is aue of the camera that at times seems magical.4.At first,no ready technical data were available,but we managed to go without.5.She has some difficulty in giving shape to her ideas.But she resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.6.The most part of their designs corresponds to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand,the other part needs reconsidering.一个小男孩的梦想马克吐温1我小的时候,我们那密西西比河西岸的村镇上,玩伴们都只有一个水恒的志愿。
新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读A翻译及答案Unit 1 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 2 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 3 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 4 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 5 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 6 ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 11.permanent2.had assembled3.discharging4.meekly5.apprentice6.partiality7.obscure8.exalted9.intruding 10.cordially 11.ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
Unit 1A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent永恒的2.had assembled 集合3.discharging卸货4.meekly温和/胆怯5.apprentice 学徒6.partiality 偏爱偏见7.obscure 默默无闻的8.exalted 提升提拔某人9.intruding 闯入打扰10.cordially 热情的热忱的11.ambition雄心12.gallantly勇敢的CLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twink ling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
Unit 1一个小男孩的梦想马克吐温1 我小的时候,我们那密西西比河西岸的村镇上,玩伴们都只有一个水恒的志愿。
在这些大事出现之前;这一天使人充满了期望,显得光辉灿烂;这些大事过了之后,时光就变得死气沉沉,空空洞洞了.不仅孩子们有这种感觉,整个村镇都是一样、如今事隔多年,我仍旧能在C中描绘往日的情景,完全像当时那样:夏天早晨,白色的村镇在阳光中打响街上是空荡荡的,几乎一个人都没有;水街的杂货铺前面坐着一两个店员,他们把那木条椅面的椅子翘起来靠在墙上,下巴顶在胸前,帽子垂下这着脸;打着瞌睡——他们身边有许多削木瓦的碎片,这就说明是什么事情把他们累坏了;一只母猪和一窝猪仔在人行道上闲荡着,痛痛快快地啃着西瓜皮和瓜子;两三个孤零零的小货物堆在“码头”上闲置着;石头铺的起卸码头的坡上有一堆“垫木”,镇上的流浪醉汉就在这木堆近旁酣睡着Z 码头上端有两三只平底木船;可是那拍打着这些船的小浪的柔和声响,却没有人倾听;伟大的密西西比河,壮丽、辉煌的密西西比河;让它那一荚里宽的洪流滚滚奔腾下去,在阳光中放出闪光;河对岸的远处是茂密的森林Z 村镇上游的“地角”和下游的“地角”截断了河上景色的视线。
新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读A第二版课后答案(全)Unit 1 A Young Boy’s AmbitionVocabulary Study:1.permanent2.had assembled3.discharging4.meekly5.apprentice6.partiality7.obscure8.exalted9.intruding 10.cordially 11.ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Ⅳ. Translation1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。
His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5. 每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
新世纪研究生公共英语教材 阅读A--第六单元课文及翻译
Unit 6 How Service Experiences Affect Students During college,service participants exhibit greater increases in social self confidence and leadership ability than do non-participants.大学期间,参加社会服务的学生比不参加社会服务的学生更能提高自己的领导能力和社交方面的自信。
1. Currently,higher education is confronting urgent calls to return to its original mission of developing a well-informed, critically thinking, and civically engaged citizenry.当前对高等教育最迫切的要求是它能重新担负起其最初的使命,即培养广闻博见、独立思考、社会意识强的公民。
2.What exactly can higher education do to promote citizenship development among students, and at the same time address the myriad problems that continue to plague society?高等教育究竟该怎样才能做到既能进一步提高学生的公民意识,又能解决仍在困扰社会的诸多问题呢?3. One answer may be found within the college or university curriculum, through the simple but extremely powerful pedagogical tool known as "service learning". The basic idea behind service learning is to use a community or public service experience to enhance the meaning and impact of traditional course content. Connecting service directly with academic courses makes it quite different from "volunteer" work that is performed in the community. Service learning also involves more than simply sending a class of students into communities for additional course credit. Properly designed service learning courses relate the community service experience to the course material and require that students reflect on their experiences through writings, discussions, or class presentations. Service learning not only enriches traditional course content by giving the student an opportunity to "test" or "demonstrate" abstract theory in the real world, it also improves the quality of the service being performed by giving it an intellectual underpinning.一种解决方案在于大学的课程设置,即把“社会服务学习”作为简单但强有力的教育工具。
ABoeing747aircraft didn’t gainenoughheighttoclearthemountain.Inatwinkling,itcrashedintothemountainan dblewup.Noonesurvivedtheaccident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。
Titanic,themostluRuriousshipintheworldatthattime,hitanicebergwhenshewasunderwaRtotheUS.Conseq uentlR,theshipsankintotheAtlanticOceanandthousandsofpeoplediedinthisshipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。
英翻汉:第二单元:(因特网不能做什么)第1段:"It is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should longer exist, while such an instrument has been created for the exchange of thought between all the nations of the earth." acclaimed Victorian enthusiasts on the arrival in 1858 of the first transatlantic telegraph cable. People say that sort of thing about new technologies, even today. Biotechnology is said to be the cure for world hunger. The sequencing of the human genome will supposedly eradicate cancer and other diseases. The wildest optimism, though, has greeted the Internet. A whole industry of cyber gurus has enthralled audiences (and made a fine living)with exuberant claims that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. However, although the Internet is still young enough to inspire idealism, It has also been around long enough to test whether the prophets can be right.在1858年第一根横穿大西洋的通讯电缆铺设成功时,维多利亚时代的积极分子们曾欢呼说:“像电报这种为世界各国交流思想的工具诞生之后;那些根深蒂固的偏见与敌意不可能再长时间存在了。
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Unit 11.我小的时候,我们那密西西比河西岸的村镇上,玩伴们都只有一个永恒的志愿。
Unit 21.在1858年第一根横穿大西洋的通讯电缆铺设成功时,维多利亚时代的积极分子们曾欢呼说:“像电报这种为世界各国交流思想的工具诞生之后;那些根深蒂固的偏见与敌意不可能再长时间存在了。