IDC:2019年中国智能音箱市场出货量达4589万台 同比增长109.7%




idc是什么IDC,即Internet Data Center,中文翻译为互联网数据中心。










二、IDC的主要服务1. 服务器托管IDC提供服务器托管服务,用户只需购买服务器硬件,将其放置在数据中心,通过网络连接进行远程管理即可。



2. 数据存储和备份IDC提供大容量的数据存储服务,为用户提供可靠的数据存储解决方案。



3. 云计算和虚拟化IDC还提供云计算和虚拟化服务,用户可以通过云平台来部署和管理自己的应用程序和服务。




DCWTechnology Analysis技术分析51数字通信世界2024.020 引言河南联通存在大量的PCDN 违规运营业务,严重拉低了运营商IDC 资费水平,消耗大量的网络上行流量。

由于PCDN 承载的业务内容不受监管,网络和信息安全方面风险极大[1]。

本项目基于大数据赋能实现运营商对PCDN 账户的发现、承载业务的标签、违规捆绑小区的识别、宽带业务的稽核,提升了信息安全事件的回溯监管能力,为前台市场部门提供数字化支撑手段。

1 家宽PCDN业务识别思路河南联通建设了统一的PCDN 业务识别分析系统,具备分权分域功能通过大数据技术对全省宽带用户的违规行为进行识别、分析。

1.1 PCDN用户的识别河南联通宽带用户规模超1 000万,每日产生海量的域名解析数据、宽带认证日志、BSS 信息。

系统通过算法设计和数据建模,构造了PCDN 账户识别模型,通过设定合理阈值,识别全省家宽用户中有PCDN 行为的账户。

1.2 PCDN业务的标记系统分析市场上多种终端用户盒子的DNS 域名特征,建立PCDN 业务标签库[1],结合宽带认证信息关联用户账户,通过对用户的标签能力增强了系统识别的准确性。

1.3 汇聚小区的识别根据已识别的PCDN 用户,结合BSS 信息数据,建作者简介:项朝君(1979-),男,汉族,青海西宁人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为IP 网、智能城域网、承载网、网络安全、域名及认证等支撑系统。

段俊娜(1980-),女,汉族,河南开封人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为IP 网、承载网、多云承载等。

刘 倩(1987-),女,汉族,河南郑州人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为IP 网、智能城域网、承载网。

罗望东(1976-),男,汉族,河南新县人,高级工程师,学士,研究方向为IP 网、网络安全、DNS 。

白 洁(1982-),女,汉族,新疆乌鲁木齐人,高级工程师,学士,研究方向为政企业务、网络信息及数据安全、网络及科技创新、数字化系统等。



2019年数据中心IDC 行业分析报告2019年2月目录一、头部互联网企业驱动IDC快速发展 (5)1、中国IDC机柜数量维持较快增长 (8)2、主流云计算厂商的Capex支出及云计算增速 (9)二、阿里、腾讯、字节跳动IDC建设规划 (11)1、阿里IDC规划及天蝎机柜解读 (12)(1)阿里IDC规划 (12)(2)天蝎机柜解读 (13)152、腾讯IDC规划及进展.......................................................................................3、字节跳动IDC规划及进展 (16)三、IT设备(服务器、存储)需求快速增长 (17)1、服务器、存储随云计算需求增长而快速增长 (18)2、上游芯片带来的服务器更新换代 (18)(1)上游芯片性能的提升,有力的推动了服务器的更新换代 (18)(2)芯片的价格波动,对服务器采购量影响较大 (19)3、云计算厂商服务器白牌化成为一种趋势 (19)(1)云计算需求带动数据中心建设,进而带动服务器销售增长 (19)(2)云计算厂商需求如今是服务器行业销售增长的主要动力 (21)四、CT设备(交换机、防火墙、路由器)国产化替代明显 (21)221、中国CT设备市场空间巨大 ............................................................................2、阿里、腾讯CT设备主要供应商转为国内厂商 (23)五、机电设备(电源、制冷、服务)技术驱动明显 (24)1、电源设备技术发展方向及供应商布局 (25)2、制冷设备向液冷发展 ......................................................................................253、IDC工程服务供应商逐步集中 (26)六、相关企业及风险 (27)1、行业投资聚焦在一线城市、一线互联网的供应商 (28)302、主要风险 ..........................................................................................................ICT行业从传统IT向云化迁移的变革在加速。

IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis

IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis

Filing Information: July 2008, IDC #CN221105Q, Volume: 1, Tab: MarketsM A R K E T A N A L Y S I S C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s 2008–2012 F o r e c a s t a n d A n a l y s i s Grace Han Ting Yang Vivian Yu Gloria Li I D C O P I N I O N China's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity. With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costs and enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring. To better capture this global sourcing opportunity, IDC strongly suggests leveraging China's comparative advantages and using the economies of scope by developing both domestic and offshore IT services industries collaboratively. ! 2007 was still a bull year for IT services players in China, especially the leading services providers. With the market gradually consolidating, the top 10 services providers' gained share from 17.0% in 2006 to 19.7% in 2007. ! The market size also grew very fast, from US$6239.8 million in 2006 to US$7699.1 million in 2007, with a 23.4% year-on-year growth. This is 1.1% higher than IDC's previous forecast. Looking forward, China's IT services market will still be in the double-digit growth stage for the next five years, with a 2007–2012 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2%, although the growth rate will be slightly lower than that in the past two years. ! For IT services, as observed, a large amount of competition comes from the clients' internal IT departments. Because of this, it is very important to understand users' adoption rates of third-party services providers, reasons for insourcing, and vendor evaluation criteria. ! For outsourcing services, the dilemma in China is that labor costs are low, so the cost effectiveness of outsourcing, especially by global vendors, is not apparent. Clients' IT environments are currently very complicated and non-transparent; it is hard to realize vendors' technical and management expertise in such situation. Consulting services should be provided to help improve the IT operation level first, and then try selective outsourcing to build up trust before continuing to outsource more. Managed services are also a very smart way to solve the control preference of clients in China. ! In the long run, utility services will be well received by users due to their significant cost effectiveness and high expertise, which is difficult to maintain in an internal IT department.R o o m 611,Bei j i n g T ime sSqu a re88 W e stC h a n g 'a n A ven u e B ei j i n g 100031 P eo p l e 'sR e p u b l i co f C h i n a P .86.10.8391.3610T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SPIn This Stud y 1 Methodology (1)Situat ion Overview 1Global Sourcing Impact (1)User Demand and Buying Behavior (2)IT Services Overview (6)IT Services by Submarket (8)IT Services by Industry (14)IT Services by Region (15)Competitive Landscape (16)Future Ou tlook17Forecast and Assumptions (17)Future Trends (26)China IT Services Road Map (26)Market Context (29)Essential Gu idance30Advice to Technical Product Services Providers (30)Advice to Consulting Firms and Systems Integrators (31)Advice to Outsourcing Players (32)Learn Mo re32Related Research (32)Definitions (32)IT Services Foundation Market Definitions (32)Regional Markets (35)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008L I S T O F T A B L E SP1 Top 10 China IT Services Providers, 2007 (17)2 China IT Services Spending by Foundation Market, 2007–2012 (US$M) (18)3 Key Forecast Assumptions for the China IT Service Market, 2008–2012 (19)4 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (US$M) (29)5 China Regional Market Definitions, 2007 (35)©2008 IDC #CN221105QL I S T O F F I G U R E SP1 Economic Analysis of Global Sourcing (2)2 Competition Models of Products and Services (3)3 Use of a Third Party or an Outside Vendor for Managed Services (4)4 Reasons for Maintaining In-House IT Services Management (5)5 Selection Criteria for IT Services Providers (6)6 China IT Services Life Cycle (7)7 China and United States Different Outsourcing Stages (8)8 China IT Services Spending and Year-on-Year Growth Rate by Foundation Market,2007–2012 (9)9 China Consulting and Systems Integration Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (10)10 China Outsourcing Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (12)11 China Technology Product Services Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (13)12 China IT Services Market Spending by Industry, 2007 (15)13 China IT Services Market Spending by Geography, 2007 (16)14 China IT Services Road Map (27)15 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (30)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008I N T H I S S T U D YThis IDC study provides an overview of the status of the China IT services marketand a forecast for the next five years. The study also includes a demand-sideanalysis, a competitive landscape with top vendors' rankings, as well as a segmentanalysis. IDC also provides recommendations for services providers in each ITservices segment.M e t h o d o l o g yThis study is part of the continuous effort by IDC to research the China IT servicesmarket. IDC China services analysts get secondary information from, but are notlimited to, the following: the Internet, trade publications, previous IDC research, andIDC's proprietary database. Both primary and secondary research approaches areused in conjunction with each other to validate and cross-check information, asfollows:! Interviews with IT services providers. IDC China Services analysts interview all significant participants in the IT services market to determine the marketrevenue and other relevant information. Most interviews were conducted inperson, although other data-collection methods, such as telephone or faxinterviews, were applied when needed.! Provider briefings, press releases, and other publicly available information.IDC services analysts meet with a large number of service providers (SPs)semiannually. These briefings provide an opportunity to review current and futureservice offering strategies, revenue, customer bases, target markets, and otherkey market information.Ultimately, the data presented herein represents IDC's best estimates based on theabove data sources, reported and observed activity by providers, and furthermodeling of data that we believe to be true to fill in any information gaps.Note: All numbers in this study may not be exact due to rounding.S I T U A T I O N O V E R V I E WG l o b a l S o u r c i n g I m p a c tChina's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity.With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costsand enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring.Figure 1 illustrates the economic analysis and the impacts of global sourcing.For sourcing countries (e.g. the United States), clients there can enjoy lower pricesdue to the increase of supply from offshore vendors. The equilibrium point will movefrom point E to point E', where clients will have a greater surplus, while U.S. domesticvendors' surplus in the sourcing country will decrease. Thus, United States–basedglobal vendors like IBM and HP keep on building global delivery centers to solve thechallenge.©2008 IDC #CN221105Q 1O u t sou r cin g M a rke tAs many organizations are completing the first round of IT infrastructure implementation, they are shifting their focus on how to improve business efficiency and realize reliable business continuity (BC). After years of market cultivation and informing clients about the benefits of IT outsourcing services, organizations are more welcoming of professional services from outsourcing vendors and of buying into a model of business value improvement rather than just pure cost reduction through outsourcing.The China outsourcing market reached US$1,098.2 million in 2007, with a year-on-year growth of 36.2%. As for the current outsourcing market, we forecast it will evolve both in service expansion and project complexity. Organizations that have adopted outsourcing models are usually taking leading positions among the competition and are pioneering technology innovation. They are ready to entrust more projects with professional service vendors if they truly benefit from this model. The incremental market for outsourcing services will continue to boom on the similar track of the current existing market, and will generate more business from the China SME market. Requirements for outsourcing in the SME market will take more time to improve to maturity, but the huge customer base provides large business potential for this market. Local channels that have a wide social network and deep understanding of local potential customers will stand more chances to gain business from the local SME market. These traits are considered an important alliance necessary to leading IT outsourcing service vendors wanting deep market penetration.Big organizations that have a clear outsourcing strategy and streamlined business processes are capable of purchasing IS outsourcing (ISO) services to realize economies of scale and to transfer more management responsibility to vendors. Most organizations in the SME market are inclined to start outsourcing business from noncore or low-level transactional projects with vendors that match them in size and price. In the outsourcing market, we have observed that both global and local IT outsourcing vendors are struggling to find the right place that suits their scale and capability. Leading vendors target organizations demanding strategic and highly integrated services, while other small vendors improve themselves by collaborating with local small businesses. Interestingly, in taking advantage of China's rapid economic growth, many small businesses in China are experiencing their own dramatic growth and are willing to extend cooperation to existing vendors rather than launch new vendor selection campaigns, given the vendors fulfill their business requirement. This customer preference helps local outsourcing vendors expand their service coverage, deepen their industry knowledge, and therefore improve their competitive edge in the outsourcing field.Many services providers have launched series of services, such as IBM, Bluex, and Lenovo-Sunny services. These service offerings make it easier for customers to choose what they should buy when they encounter problems.With an increased reliance on software and hardware for mission-critical operational environments, enterprises prefer to contact support providers whenever a problem occurs — regardless of when or where it happens. Therefore, many support providers continue to launch advanced support services to better fulfill their customers' requirements.Increasingly, enterprises are looking for a single point of contact for their enterprise software and hardware support services. To meet the customers' needs, more and more SPs are carrying on multivendor support services to enrich their multibrand maintenance technical ability.To ensure peak performance and reliability of the entire IT system, an enterprise must implement a comprehensive strategy to support its IT environment. The product manufacturers are continuing innovation on the form of support services. Along with the fierce market competition, they have gradually been breaking away from being a single product support provider, and are tending to change into professional and personal value-added service (VAS) providers.In addition, product manufacturers try to penetrate tier 4 or 5 cities and expand their footprints. They are scrambling for service channels and entrusting them with more product-related services to penetrate local industry-centric markets and fulfill customers' needs.Beyond traditional customer training, vendors are making more efforts in channel education as channels gain value and become more important to vendors.IT Services by IndustryThe industry segmentation of the 2007 China IT services market was similar to that in 2006; the top 4 industries contributed 80% to the total market revenue. The top 4 industries include finance, communications and media, manufacturing, and government.In most of the industries, the growth engine came from the SME sector. The SME segment is unique because of its approach to purchasing IT solutions, particularly in terms of the emphasis on price. As such, vendors need to increase the number of channel partners and provide solutions/services to help drive growth in this market. There are strong growth opportunities in the SME market, including smaller cities. However, the uniqueness of the SME market coming from price sensitivity, limited IT demand, and flexible IT requirements still poses challenges for IT services providers.Figure 12 shows various industry shares in overall IT services spending in 2007.Accenture maintained its high and healthy growth in 2007. Continuing the strategy ofproviding business consulting services for resources, power, and telecom industriessharpened its business focus and made its market position clear. Accenture alsoprovides IT outsourcing services after implementing SI services for industry clients.AsiaInfo is a newcomer to the top 10 list. AsiaInfo mainly provides CRM, networkmanagement solutions, CAD, consulting, and SI services to the telecom industry.It enjoyed growth of 27.6% in 2007 over 2006. China's telecom industry marketis inclined to change from being demand driven to being layout driven; thisreorganization and realignment of the telecom industry along with the emergence of3G will bring more opportunities.Table 1 shows the revenue and market share of the top 10 IT SPs in China in 2007.T A B L E1T o p10C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s P r o v i d e r s,2007Ranking Vendor Revenue (US$M) Market Share (%)Services 533.1 6.1 Global1 IBM2 HP 314.9 3.6China 221.9 2.63 Digital4 Huawei 179.0 2.15 Accenture 105.0 1.2Technology 82.9 1.0 Dongli6 CE7 Neusoft 78.2 0.98 Dell 67.9 0.89 CS&S 66.3 0.810 AsiaInfo 60.9 0.7 Others 6,970.9 80.3 Total 8,681.0 100.0Note: The total market size in this table includes both primary and secondary markets. Therefore, the total market size islarger than the 2007 services market size. The primary market represents the IT services spending from the client and thesecondary market represents the IT services revenue from the vendor's subcontracting.Source: IDC, 2008F U T U R E O U T L O O KF o r e c a s t a n d A s s u m p t i o n sTable 2 shows the expected expenditures in the various foundations within the overallIT services market in China from 2007 to 2012.T A B L E 2C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s S p e n d i n g b y F o u n d a t i o n M a r k e t , 2007–2012 (U S $M )2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2007–2012CAGR (%)C&SICAD 1,110.3 1,307.4 1,491.8 1,690.6 1,913.4 2,178.1 14.4 IT consulting 311.7 373.6 440.3 535.5 650.9 795.8 20.6 SI 1,814.9 2,146.6 2,498.4 2,948.9 3,457.0 4,054.6 17.4 C&SI total 3,236.9 3,827.6 4,430.5 5,174.9 6,021.3 7,028.5 16.8 C&SI growth 25.9% 18.2% 15.8% 16.8% 16.4% 16.7% Outsourcing Application management 140.0 193.3 262.1 346.0 431.9 541.8 31.1 Desktop management 285.6 371.4 482.0 612.0 762.3 940.4 26.9 Hosted application management 100.1 128.9 157.1 199.0 249.4 307.1 25.1 Hosted infrastructure services 119.0 150.7 185.4 220.7 262.7 309.9 21.1 IS outsourcing 214.0 261.7 319.3 385.5 454.0 522.4 19.5 Network management 239.5 319.6 412.1 525.4 666.4 806.6 27.5 Outsourcing total1,098.2 1,425.7 1,818.0 2,288.6 2,826.6 3,428.2 25.6 Outsourcing growth (%) 36.2 29.8 27.5 25.9 23.5 21.3 TPSHardware deployment & support 1,390.0 1,556.5 1,713.8 1,900.7 2,123.7 2,350.9 11.1IT education & training 481.8 529.6 587.0 652.0 723.0 788.8 10.4 NCIS 842.9 930.2 1,007.5 1,084.8 1,192.0 1,298.3 9.0 Software deployment & support 649.4 784.6 922.9 1,071.4 1,240.6 1,443.417.3TPS total 3,364.0 3,800.8 4,231.2 4,708.8 5,279.3 5,881.3 11.8 TPS growth (%) 17.5 13.0 11.3 11.3 12.1 11.4 Grand total 7,699.1 9,054.1 10,479.812,172.414,127.216,338.016.2Grand total growth rate (%)23.417.615.716.216.115.6Note: See table 3 for key forecast assumptions.Source: IDC, 2008Table 3 is a look at the key assumptions for the China IT services market.K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMacroeconomicsGross domestic product (GDP) growth China maintained high GDPgrowth of 11.4% in 2007. Thisgrowth is expected to slowdown slightly in 2008,decreasing to 9.6%. Althoughgrowth in 2008 was adjustedto lower than the previousestimates due to theslowdown in the globaleconomy, it will be backed bystrong domestic demand.Domestic consumption willremain firm, with acceleratinggovernment spending anddemand in rural areas playingsignificant roles.Moderate. IDC assumes thatmore effective measures takenby the government will helpreduce the risk of economicoverheating and thus have nomajor impact on most ITmarkets. A strong and healthyeconomy will translate intoincreased overall IT spendingaccompanied by improvedbusiness sentiments andconfidence as well asexpanded domestic market.↔###$$U.S. recession The global economic outlookis increasingly grim as effectsof the housing meltdowncontinue to spread and creditconditions remain difficult.Contrary to previous IDC'sassumptions that the UnitedStates might be able to pullitself back from falling into arecession, the possibility of arecession is increasinglypossible. As the U.S.economy continues tocontract, it is likely that it willslide into a mild recession,and will stagnate throughmuch in 2009. Low. While some export-intensive countries mayexperience a squeeze, there isenough domestic demandacross most countries in theregion to sustain IDC's ongoingIT spending forecasts. Anynegative effects from the UnitedStates might even be a goodthing in helping to ease somepotentially overheatingcountries in the region.↓###$$Interest rates Up until December 25, 2007,China's central bank hadincreased the deposit rate by5.5% after 10 adjustmentsand increased the interest rateby 1.62%, intervening sixtimes in total. Thesemeasures were taken to keepconsumer prices from risingtoo fast and to turn around thesituation of negative interestrates. In 2008, the interestrate will keep rising under thepressure of inflation. Moderate. The continualincreasing interest rates willmake bank loans moreexpensive and thus makecompanies cautious inexpanding IT investments.↓##$$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionInflation The pork crisis largely droveup China's consumer priceindex (CPI) in 2007 and wasconsidered a signal of generalinflation. The CPI recorded itshighest levels in 11 years,reaching 6.9%, bringing theaverage annual CPI to 4.8%.The China government hasmade the task of avoidingoverall inflation a high priorityin 2008. Low. Expectations of highinflation are becoming moreentrenched among the public,and demand-driven inflationarypressures will remain relativelystrong in 2008. Nonetheless,the average inflation isexpected to fall slightly after thewidely celebrated Lunar NewYear, as demand for porkeases. Inflation will not impactIT spending patterns to a largeextent.↓###$$China's yuan revaluation Revaluations of the yuan mayoccur again in the future,although they would mostlikely occur very gradually, ifat all.Low. Even if anotherrevaluation occurs, there will beno major disruptions to theeconomy as a result (both forChina itself as well as othercountries in the region thattrade heavily with China).↓###$$Urbanization The government has devoteditself to facilitatingurbanization in the next fiveyears. Three initiatives includeincreasing the urbanproportion in the totalpopulation, increasing thenumber of cities, and reducingthe gap between urban andrural areas by improving theeconomy, culture, and livingenvironment in thecountryside. High. The standard of living inthe countryside will beimproved, and the consumptionof and investment in IT willincrease, especially in SouthChina and East China. Closingthe gap between the urban andrural areas together will alsohelp reinforce social stability.↑####$Foreign direct investment (FDI) The increasing FDI in China isstrongly fueling economicgrowth. This trend is expectedto continue for the next 2–3years.High. Increasing FDI isbolstering stable andsustainable infrastructureinvestments as well as rapidgrowth in spending in the ITservice market. Joint venturesand foreign-owned enterprises(FOEs) are more inclined toadopt IT services comparedwith state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and privately ownedenterprises (POEs).↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMarket ecosystemMinistry of Information Industry (MII) 11th Five-Year Plan The MII has set its 2006–2010five year IT plan. The strategyof "information technologygives an impetus toindustrialization andindustrialization promotesinformation technology " putsthe IT industry as a toppriority, and technology will beencouraged to be used widelyin all economic and socialfields to promote economicstructure adjustment andindustrial development.Low. This plan has littlesurprises but imposes anoptimistic atmosphere for the ITservices market.↑####$IT for SMEs The SME segment is uniquebecause of its approach topurchasing IT solutions,particularly in terms of theemphasis on price. As such,vendors need to increase thenumber of channel partnersand provide solutions/servicesto help drive growth in thissegment. Moderate. There are stronggrowth opportunities in theSME market, including smallcities. However, the uniquenessof the SME market in pricesensitivity, limited IT demand,and flexible IT requirements stillpose challenges for IT serviceproviders.↑####$2008 Summer Olympics The 2008 Summer Olympicswill be held in China in August2008. This will not only serveas a healthy economicstimulus but will also requireservice providers to preparefor hosting and relevant SIprojects.Moderate. The games will fuelservice industries such astourism, hotel and restaurant,B2C, and online trading.As such, service enterpriseswill invest more in ecommerceor SaaS to enable moreefficient and effective accessfor consumers.↑###$$Technology/Service developmentsGlobal sourcing Both domestic and pure-playoffshore providers areincreasing their globalsourcing sophistication inChina, allowing forhigher-quality levels at lowerblended rates. Additionally,these benefits andexperiences are being passedonto local services markets asthey increase. Moderate. The maturation ofoffshore offerings will increasethe overall market opportunityby allowing existing customersto expand the scope of theircontracts and by allowing newcustomers to utilize servicesthat were previously tooexpensive; the price pressureswill negate much (but not all) ofthat effect on the overallservices markets.↔###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionNevertheless, the net impact of increased market opportunity will somewhat outweigh decreased prices.On-demand/Utility computing Technologies such asvirtualization and gridcomputing will enable thedelivery of real "pay by thedrink" computing by bothtraditional outsourcers andnew entrants. Thisdevelopment will begin toaffect the traditionaloutsourcing market as well asother infrastructure-intensiveservices markets.Moderate. The impact will below for the near term (twoyears) as adoption takes hold.These technologies will affectprofitability as opposed torevenue in the near term.Competition and lower costswill stimulate demand andaccelerate migration frominternal to external spending.This service model will bepopular among SMEs since ithelps them realizeinformatization with limited ITbudgets.↑###$$Industry restructuring One of current revolutionaryfocus areas for organizationsis optimizing industry structure— weakening high resource-costing, labor-intensive, andlow added-value industrieswhile encouraging efficient,high-tech, and highadded-value industries.Moderate. The transformationfrom external to internaleconomic growth will giveconfidence to high-techindustries, led by theinformation industry, to reachstrategic heights as the driverof structural change andgrowth.↑###$$Security and BC services Security is in demand bysectors such as ebusiness,government, and legal inChina. Both local andmultinational vendors are thusaddressing security and BC.Moderate. This shouldstimulate both hardware andtotal solution demand.Purchases of consulting andimplementation andoutsourcing with high security,BC, and disaster recovery (DR)will increase, including interestfrom the egovernment, army,and police sectors.↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionDynamic IT IDC has identified the nextstyle of computing — dynamicIT for dynamic enterprises —as one that dramaticallyincreases the effectiveness ofIT. Dynamic IT will supportboth business strategy and IToperational efficiency through12 key technologies. Withindynamic IT are a number ofimportant subtrends —virtualization in thedatacenter, data federation,and composite and rule-basedapplication. Transition todynamic IT will be slow andlabored but will proceednonetheless. High. Dynamic IT, by addingcoherence to the enterpriseusage of IT, will spur the ITservices market. However,confusing choices forenterprises and funding hurdlesfor a new infrastructure willbalance this impetus to marketgrowth. ↑###$$Software The software market will keepdouble-digit growth in the nextfive years, and many hotsolutions like SOA and ITservice management (ITSM)will increase the convergencebetween software andservices. Moderate. Software-relatedservices, such as softwaredeployment and support,software implementation, andconsulting services, willincrease.↑###$$SOA To implement services-oriented, architecture-typeprojects and increasebusiness agility, clients need afair amount of consulting andimplementation services tobuild an architecture based onits business process and tointegrate it with legacysystems. High. SOA movement will driveservices market growth rapidly.↑###$$Market environment The increased adoption of thehosting application model andthe number of enterprisedatacenters, as well as thecontinual drop in internetcosts, are providing a positiveenvironment for outsourcingservice providers to developtheir business. High. A favorable marketenvironment will accelerategrowth in IT services market.↑####$。



互联网数据中心(IDC) 互联网数据中心(IDC) 互联网数据中心(IDC) 互联网数据中心(IDC)
互联网数据中心(IDC)与互联网接口处的流量带宽应具备冗 余空间,满足业务高峰期需要。
审计记录应包括事件的日期和时间、用户、事件类型、事件是 否成功及其他与审计相关的信息。
检查项目 序号
IDC-业务安全 19-01-01-01-01 19-01-01-02-01 19-01-01-02-02 19-01-01-02-03 19-01-01-02-04 19-01-01-02-05 19-01-01-02-06
19-08-04-03-01 IDC-第三方服务安全
人员和技术支持能力 运行维护管理 灾难恢复预案
IDC-第三方服务提供安 全
达标检查表互联网数据中心IDC部分,适用于互联网数据中心IDC相关安全防护定级对象的企业安全自查,及主管部门或其他机构开展的安全达标评 D/T 2584-2013 互联网数据中心IDC安全防护要求》、《YD/T 2585-2013 互联网数据中心IDC安全防护检测要求》及《YD/T 2669-2013 第三方安
19-03-04-02-01 19-03-05-01-01 19-03-05-01-02 19-03-05-01-03 19-03-06-01-01 19-03-06-02-01 19-03-06-03-01 IDC-中间件安全



IDC基本简介IDC(Internet Data Center)即互联网数据中心,是一种专门用于存储、管理、处理和传输数据的设施。





IDC 不仅提供基础设施,还提供软件应用服务、安全防护和监控等综合性服务。

二、IDC的作用1. 数据存储与管理:IDC提供大容量存储和数据管理功能,能够帮助企业及个人实现数据的安全存储、备份和恢复。


2. 服务器租赁与托管:IDC提供服务器租赁与托管服务,为企业提供高性能的服务器资源。



3. 网络带宽提供:IDC为用户提供高速、稳定的网络带宽,确保用户能够快速、顺畅地访问互联网。


4. 安全防护与监控:IDC拥有完备的安全防护措施,包括网络安全、设备安全和数据安全等。



三、IDC的发展趋势1. 多样化服务:随着云计算、大数据和人工智能等技术的发展,IDC正在向多样化服务方向转型。




1.IDC 的含义
2.IDC 的口语表达
3.IDC 在日常生活中的应用
1.IDC 的含义
IDC 是互联网数据中心(Internet Data Center)的缩写,指的是一种提供互联网服务和数据存储的设施。


在我国,IDC 行业近年来得到了迅速发展,成为推动数字经济和信息化建设的重要力量。

2.IDC 的口语表达
在日常生活中,人们可能不太熟悉IDC 这个专业词汇,但对于它的口语表达却并不陌生。

IDC 的口语表达可以称为“数据中心”,这个词汇更加通俗易懂,容易被大众接受。


3.IDC 在日常生活中的应用
IDC 在日常生活中的应用非常广泛,它直接影响着我们在互联网上的生活和工作。

首先,IDC 为各类企业提供服务器托管服务,使得企业可以在互联网上建立自己的网站和数据库,为用户提供在线服务。

其次,IDC 的带宽租用服务让企业和个人能够通过高速网络连接访问国内外的数据和信息。


总之,IDC 作为互联网数据中心的缩写,已经成为现代社会信息化建设的重要基础设施。





IDC(Internet Data Center)是指互联网数据中心,是为了满足互联网业务需求而建设的大型机房。














idc是什么idc 是什么?我们平时所说的“电信”,即 telecommunication (通讯);而“数据中心”,即 datacenter,即数据处理中心。


那么究竟什么是 idc 呢?简单来说, idc 就是提供互联网基础设施服务的机构。

idc 即互联网数据中心,它提供高速可靠的互联网连接,满足在全球范围内高效、安全地传输数据包括文件、语音和图像等多种媒体类型,是信息技术发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

国外的 idc 一般由专业 idc 公司负责运营维护管理, idc 公司只为客户提供最佳的互联网应用环境以及最优质的服务,并保证网络不受侵害,维持较高的出租率。

随着国内经济建设的快速增长,我国已成为世界上 idc 市场潜力巨大的国家之一, idc 产业也得到了迅猛的发展,每年新增上百家 idc 公司。

目前,中国 idc 市场呈现出爆炸性增长态势,产业链初具规模,市场竞争日趋激烈,各细分领域开始形成垄断格局。

idc( internetworkinginterestsCommunications)服务商向 isp ( internet corporation’ stafftation)即互联网服务提供商提供硬盘空间、带宽和增值服务,将自己的系统集成在他们的主机上。

而客户(企业或个人)通过使用 isp 的 internet 服务,比如 www、mail、 ftp、 atm 和 web 浏览等,连接到 internet, idc 服务商从中收取一定费用。

如果是小企业,没有能力购买独立服务器,他们可以选择和 isp 合作,共同组建局域网,而 idc 则帮助建立和维护连接。

这样,小企业既可以利用互联网的低成本,又能充分享受到internet 的高效、方便和可靠。

一些大企业和 isp 都会与 idc 签约,把自己的服务器托付给 idc 代为维护,因此 idc 是很多企业特别是中小企业的首选。



IDC是什么意思?(来源:互联网 sunworking整理)IDC的英文全称是Internet Data Center的缩写,即互联网数据中心。





IDC是对入驻(Hosting)企业、商户或网站服务器群托管的场所;是各种模式电子商务赖以安全运作的基础设施,也是支持企业及其商业联盟 其分销商、供应商、客户等 实施价值链管理的平台。

IDC有两个非常重要的显著特征:在网络中的位置和总的网络带宽容量,它构成了网络基础资源的一部分,就像骨干网、接入网一样,它提供了一种高端的数据传输(Data Delivery)的服务,提供高速接入的服务。



为了解决这个问题,IDC应运而生,保证客户托管的服务器从各个网络访问 速度都没有瓶颈。





IDC(Internet Data Center,互联 网数据中心)是为满足互联网应用的 外包服务需求而建设的高标准、专业 化、电信级的机房环境。
随着互联网的发展,IDC经历了从简单 的主机托管到提供全面的外包服务的 转变,成为支撑互联网应用的重要基 础设施。
IDC技术架构与设备配 置
核心层、汇聚层、接入 层分离,提高网络可用
高性能交换机、路由器 、防火墙等设备的选型
根据业务需求,合理规 划网络拓扑结构,如星
针对网络瓶颈、延迟等 问题,提出优化措施, 如负载均衡、QoS等。
评价IDC服务是否稳定可 靠,包括设备故障率、网 络稳定性等。
评价IDC服务对用户请求 的响应速度,包括服务器 响应时间、故障处理时间 等。
评价IDC服务对用户数据 和隐私的保护程度,包括 物理安全、网络安全、数 据备份与恢复等。
评价IDC服务是否能满足 用户业务增长的需求,包 括资源扩展能力、弹性伸 缩等。
针对IDC服务的特点和用户需求,设 计合理的调查问卷。
对收集到的数据进行统计分析,提 取有用信息。




而IDC(Internet Data Center)作为部署和管理大规模计算设备、存储设备、网络设备以及相关通信设施的场所,成为了满足这一需求的重要枢纽。


一、IDC的定义IDC即Internet Data Center的缩写,中文译为互联网数据中心。



二、IDC的组成1. 机房:IDC的核心部分是机房,其中包含了大量的服务器设备和网络设备。


2. 服务器:服务器是IDC最重要的设备之一,它存储和处理用户的数据和请求。


3. 网络设备:网络设备是IDC的另一个重要组成部分,包括路由器、交换机、防火墙等。


4. 存储设备:IDC需要大量的存储设备来存储用户的数据。



1. 互联网接入:IDC需要与互联网服务提供商进行接入,并购买一定的带宽来满足用户的需求。


2. 机房管理:IDC的机房需要24小时不间断地运行和维护。



3. 数据安全:IDC需要采取一系列措施来保护用户的数据安全。




IDC机房规划设计依据标准依据国家现行的规程、规范和标准,并参照国外关于IDC机房的相关规程、规范和标准:《计算站场地安全要求》(GB9361-88)《电子信息系统机房设计规范》(GB50174-2008)《电子计算机场地通用规范》(GB/T 2887-2000)《电子信息系统机房施工及验收规范》(GB50462-2008)《防静电活动地板通用规范》(SJ/T 10796-2001)-----------------------------------------------《供配电系统设计规范》(GB 50052-95)《低压配电设计规范》(GB 50054-95)《通用用电设备配电设计规范》(GB50055-93)《工业企业照明设计标准》(GB 50034-1992)《建筑物电气装置》((GB16895.25-2005\IEC60364-7-711:1998国际电工标准)《不间断电源技术性能标定方法和试验要求》(现行国标电工标准)-----------------------------------------------《工业企业通信接地设计规范》(GBJ 79-85)《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》(GB 50343-2004)《建筑物防雷设计规范》(GB50057-94-2000版)《电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范》(GB 50169-92)-----------------------------------------------《智能建筑设计标准》(GB/T50314-2006)《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339—2003《综合布线系统工程设计规范》(GB50311-2007)《综合布线系统工程验收规范》(GB 50312-2007)《安全防范工程程序与要求》(GA/T75-94)《安全防范工程技术规范》(GB 50348-2004)《视频安防监控系统工程设计规范》(GB50395-2007)-----------------------------------------------《建筑设计防火规范》GB50016-2006《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95《建筑内部装修设计防火规范》GB50222-95(2001年修订版)《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-98《气体灭火系统设计规范》GB50370-2005-------------------------------------------------《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》(GB50019-2003)《通风与空调工程施工及验收规范》(GB50243-2002)。



IDC行业标准与规范解读IDC(Internet Data Center)行业是指以提供互联网相关服务为主要目标的数据中心行业。




一、IDC行业标准的背景与意义1.1 背景随着云计算、大数据等新兴技术的兴起,IDC行业迎来了快速发展的机遇。



1.2 意义制定IDC行业标准的目的在于规范行业运营,提升服务质量,确保用户的数据安全和稳定性。


二、IDC行业标准与规范的主要内容2.1 建筑规范IDC数据中心的建筑规范是确保数据中心安全、稳定运行的基础。


2.2 设备规范IDC数据中心的设备规范主要包括服务器、网络设备、存储设备等硬件设备的选型与配置要求。


2.3 运维规范IDC行业标准还包括对数据中心的运维管理进行规范。



2.4 安全规范IDC行业安全规范是确保用户数据安全的关键。


三、IDC行业标准的影响与挑战3.1 影响IDC行业标准的推行对整个行业有很大的影响。







要求提供计算机配电和冷却系统,但不一定要求高架地板、UPS 或者发电机组。















2019年数据中心IDC行业分析报告在当今数字化时代,数据中心 IDC 行业作为支撑数字经济发展的重要基础设施,其发展态势备受关注。

2019 年,这一行业经历了诸多变化和挑战,同时也展现出了巨大的发展潜力。


这使得数据中心的需求不断攀升,成为推动 IDC 行业发展的主要动力。

同时,5G 技术的商用化进程加速,为 IDC 行业带来了新的机遇。

5G 网络的高速度、低延迟和大容量连接特性,将催生更多的创新应用和业务模式,从而进一步驱动对数据中心的需求。

二、市场规模与增长2019 年,全球 IDC 市场规模持续扩大。

据相关数据显示,全球IDC 市场规模达到了_____亿美元,同比增长_____%。

其中,亚太地区的增长尤为显著,中国作为亚太地区的重要市场,其 IDC 市场规模也实现了快速增长。


政府对新基建的大力支持,也为IDC 行业的发展提供了有利的政策环境。

三、行业竞争格局在 2019 年,IDC 行业的竞争格局日益激烈。

一方面,传统的电信运营商凭借其网络资源和客户基础,在 IDC 市场中占据重要地位。


同时,一些专业的 IDC 服务商也在不断提升服务质量和技术水平,通过差异化竞争来争夺市场份额。



因此,绿色节能技术成为 2019 年 IDC 行业的重要发展趋势。


2、软件定义数据中心(SDDC)SDDC 通过软件来定义和管理数据中心的计算、存储和网络资源,提高了数据中心的灵活性和可扩展性,降低了运营成本。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

据 IDC 中国智能家居设备市场季度跟踪报告显示,2019 年智能音箱市场出货量达到 4589 万台,同比增长 109.7%。

其中 2019 年第四季度智能音箱市场出货量 1308 万台,同比增长 22.5%。


图片来自 IDC
头部厂商阿里巴巴、百度和小米的市场份额占比超过 9 成。

其中,阿里巴巴的天猫精灵智能音箱,以全年 1561 万台出货量位居首位,同比增长 87.9%。

IDC 中国研究经理潘雪菲认为:“2019 年,IP 联合、直播带货、向四六级城市渗透和增强交互体验,是头部智能音箱厂商竞争的共同亮点。

2020 年,中国智能音箱市场的竞争将会转化为在交互基础上的智能生态领域的较量。


