Section 5-8 卫生设备
中英文船舶规格书 3
PART III ACCOMMODATION第3节-居住舱 (1)SECTION 1COMPLEMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOMMODATION第1节定员及居住舱室的分级 (1)1-1Complement定员 (1)1-2Classification of Accommodation居住舱室分类 (2)1-3Name Plate & Identification铭牌&识别牌 (6)SECTION 2JOINER WORK第2节-木工工作 (8)2-1Divisional Bulkhead, Lining and Ceiling分隔舱壁、衬板和天花板 (8)2-2Fire insulation, Heat Insulation and Sound Isolation防火绝缘、热绝缘和隔音绝缘 (9)2-3Deck Covering甲板敷料 (11)SECTION 3FURNITURE AND DECORATION第3节-家具和装饰 (13)3-1Furniture家具 (13)3-2Upholstery室内装潢 (22)SECTION 4COMMISSARY AND SANITARY OUTFITS第4节-厨房和卫生间设备 (23)4-1Commissary Equipment厨房设备 (23)4-2Sanitary outfits卫生设备 (25)4-3Cold water fountains冷水饮用站 (28)SECTION 5STORES第5节-储藏室 (29)5-1REFRIGERATED PROVISION STORES 冷藏室 (29)5-2PROVISION STORE干粮库 (32)5-3Miscellaneous Stowage Facility 其它储藏设施 (33)5-4 EQUIPMENT FOR WELD SHOP焊接工作室的设备 (35)SECTION 6SIDE SCUTTLES, WINDOWS, DOORS, STAIRWAYS, ETC. 第6节-舷窗、窗户、门和楼梯等 (36)6-1Side Scuttles and Windows舷窗和窗户 (36)6-2Doors 门 (37)6-3Stairway and Storm Rail in Accommo dation Quarter住舱中梯道和防风暴扶手 (40)SECTION 7AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION第7节-空调和通风 (42)7-1AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM空调系统 (42)7-2COMPARTMENT VENTILATION AND AIR CHANGE RATE舱室通风和换气率 (44)7-3VENTILATION通风 (46)7-4LOCAL HEATING UNIT 局部加热装置 (47)PART III ACCOMMODATION第3节-居住舱Cabin arrangement to be as shown on General Arrangement Plan.舱室的布置如总布置图所示。
基本公共卫生服务重点任务清单1.引言1.1 概述概述公共卫生是国家建设和人民生活的重要组成部分,也是保障人民的身体健康和提高生活质量的基本保障。
1.2 文章结构本文的结构包括引言、正文和结论三个部分。
引言部分(Chapter 1)旨在概述本篇文章的主题以及其重要性。
正文部分(Chapter 2)是本文的核心,包括了两个主要要点。
在第一个要点(Section 2.1),我们将详细介绍基本公共卫生服务的重点任务之一。
《建筑工程英语》课后习题答案Unit One Concept of Building and Construction EngineeringPart One, Section A1、Key to the listening:1)contract;2)have this project;3)copy to the architect4)completion;5)section;6) take over;7) Quality control;8) you will get the work you are paying for while we get paid for the work we perform.2、Lucas writes a report according to the conversation above.This morning, the client told me that our company was awarded the contract of the project. He issued the letter of acceptance to me and requested several documents to be provided to them before we should commence the work, including performance security. I asked about the drawings and the client said the plan, elevation, section as well as specifications were available in the A rchitect’s office. The client expected to have a perfect work and I assured him that we were the professional engineering company. Quality control was our first priority in construction. He would get the work he was paying for while we got paid for the work we performed.Part One, Section BI. Answer the following questions.1. What is good communication?Good communication is the ability to make others understand what you are trying to communicate.2. Whom will you come in contact with in the building and construction industry? Client, consultants, manufactures, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.3. What are the relations among the client, the consultants and the contractor?The relations between client and contractor are just like employer and employee. The former finances the building and the later is employed and paid to build the building. The consultants work for the client by designing the building and instruct the contractor to build the building. All of them work together to make the building perfect.4. What are the relations among the contractor, the subcontractor and the manufacture?Subcontractor is employed and paid by the contractor to take certain part of the works, e.g. electrical or plumbing work. Manufacture makes building components required by the contractor. Both subcontractor and manufacture work for contractor. 5. List as many drawings and documents as possible used on the site.Drawings: Assembly drawing, Component drawing, Detail section, Elevation, Floor plan, Location drawing, Perspective drawing, Plan, Plan detail, Elevation, Production drawing, Section, Site layout: site plan, Site plan, Survey plan, Working drawing , etc.Documents: Bill of quantities, Daywork sheet, Form of contract, Insurance policy, Insurance premium, Licence, Program, Schedule, Site minutes, Soil report, Specification, etc.II. Match the following words or phrases with the correct Chinese.1 –f;2 –d;3 –b;4 –h;5 –c;6 –g;7 –i;8 –j;9 –e;10 - aIII. Read the following drawings.1. Find a proper word or phrase to describe each of the drawings.1) effect drawing; (效果图)2) structure drawing (结构图)3) elevation (立面图)4) floor plan 楼层平面图5) section (剖面图/ 断面图)6)detail section (剖面详图/ 节点图)2. Read the drawings again and tell your partners what the function is for each drawing.The function of perspective drawing gives a feeling of distance and solidity to thebuilding. It is usually drawn by Architect. The function of the structure drawing is to show how to make the building stable and safe. It is drawn by structure engineer. Floor plan shows what are planned on the floor or in the house. Section shows more clearly what the drawing tells and enables the builders to perform the work. Detail section shows how the parts of the building are connected.Part TwoI. Reading Comprehension1. What does building construction involve?Building Construction involves many trades, operations, products and professions.2. Describe briefly the building construction requirements.Building construction requires the understanding of sciences of materials and structures, environmental sciences, and building economics.3. Why is it becoming even more important to design and construct energy efficient housing?Because the world’s energy sources are deleting and the cost of energy rises.4. Explain the finishes in building construction.The finishes in building construction include floor finishes, wall finishes and ceiling finishes. The normal practice of finishes starts from ceiling, then walls and leaves floors at last. The ceiling can be painted or be suspended. The wall can also be painted or wall-papered. Floor tiles, carpets, or timbers can be used as floor finishes.5. According to your understanding, explain briefly the structure in building construction.Three structures are generally used in building construction. They are solid structure, skeletal (framed) structure and surface structure. Solid structure is usually of masonry and concrete. Skeletal (framed) structure is suitable for high and low rise and for long and short span buildings. Surface structure is used for certain type of building with special materials.II. A. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 在建筑施工中,你会接触到来自不同地方的各种人员。
Part GR 通用要求 Part SD 无菌和清洗设计 Part DT 不锈钢自动焊、卫生级卡箍管接头 和过程组件的尺寸和工差 Part MJ 材料 与接头 Part SF 与物料接触的不锈钢和高合金钢表面的要 求 Part SG 设备密封 Part PM 聚合物材料
ASME=The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程协会 BPE=Bioprocessing Equipment 生物加工设
CIP=Clean in Place 在位清洗 SIP=Sterilize in Place 在位灭菌 Tube:由公称外径确定的管子 Pipe:由公称直径和臂厚系列确定的管子
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计Fra bibliotek
SD-3.1.6:紧固件或螺纹不应暴露于工艺物料,蒸汽 或清洗液体中。螺纹的使用应经过用户的同意,如果 可能应尽量避免螺栓附件的使用。 SD-3.1.7:材料同物料接触的表面不应使用雕刻或压 印(为了做标识或追朔)。如需在同物料的接触面处做记 号时,应使用其他的确认方法。 SD-3.1.8:锥体锥角和半径的设计要满足以下要求: 与产品接触的内表面上的选择应便于清洁,锥体角度 应不大于135 度。半径尽可能大于1⁄8in.(3.2mm), 除非功能需要,例如阀帽或阀体的连接。特殊情况下, 经用户同意后,半径可以减少到1⁄16in. (1.6 mm)。
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
SD-3.2.3 在用蒸汽消毒时,所有的产品接触面都应达 到所需的温度。 SD-3.3 表面抛光 SD-3.3.1 对产品的表面抛光处理应符合此标准SF部分 及和用户的详细说明。 SD-3.3.2 在抛光完成后应除去残留的抛光化合物。 SD-3.3.3 外部,非产品接触面的抛光要求见SD-3.8。 SD-3.4 制造用的材料 SD-3.4.1为保证产品的纯度和完整性,选用的构造材 质应耐温,耐压和耐腐蚀。一般情况下,不锈钢316、 316L或更高等级的材质(AL6XN,2205等)均符合要 求。用户有责任根据具体的情况选用合适的材质。
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
SD-4 详细指导方针 SD-4.1.2释放装置 (a)压力容器上的爆破片应安装在设备的最高点上; (b)清洗系统的设计应确保在清洗介质的冲击下, 安全膜不易被损 坏; (c)安全膜的安装应符合在SD-3.11.1中提到的L/D 比率。 (d)排放管路应符合相关的标准。 SD-4.1.3 光学组件 最好的设计是灯与视镜做成一体的,灯壳的设计应 尽量减少螺纹外漏和堆积污物,灯应为封闭设计, 不与容器连通。带灯视镜和卫生级接头的安装应满
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
设备放在框架上清洁和冲洗的最小尺寸为6in.(150mm), 在其他情况下,适当的最小尺寸为4in.(100 mm)。 (k)接点和保温材质应密封、防潮和避免清洁剂进入。 (l)控制柜应有倾斜盖 ,导管应有PVC涂层、不锈钢 或清洁材质。通风面板和排放管应易清洗。 涂漆面由制造商确认 ,但需经过厂家和用户提前批准, 所有的涂漆系统应符合FDA标准。 SD-3.9 容积 系统和单台设备的容积液位线由用户指 定。 SD-3.10 其它细节设计 自学 SD-3.11 系统设计 自学
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
参照行业设计惯例,此部分建议的首选方法应 作为一种设计指南看待,而不是作为一种限制 选择的取舍性标准。为满足需求,各方(业主, 设计和供应商)可灵活利用自己的设计标准以 达到必要的要求。后面的附图同时列出了几种 卫生级的设计或制造的结构,分别为更倾向的 (Prefered),推(Recommended),不推 荐(Not Recommended)。但是即使在不推 荐中也可能有成功的使用经验,只要有实际的 事实证明结构可行,ASME BPE不限制使用各 种结构。
Section 1 场址选择
方法: 首先选择几个点----分别对各点进行调查
1、满足基本的生产需要 2、足够大的面积 3、适宜的周边环境
1、根据自然条件选择场地 (1)地势地形 ①地势高燥:
原种鸡 种蛋
0~6 周龄
7~18 周龄
0~6 周龄
7~20 周龄
21~76 周龄
市 场
0~8 周龄
屠宰 加工
育成鸡 成年鸡 雏鸡和育成 成年鸡 鸡
母鸡 公鸡 母鸡 公鸡
Chapter 4 畜牧场规划
Section 1 场址选择 一、畜牧场场址的基本要求 二、场址选择的主要因素
Section 2 畜牧场工艺设计 Section 3畜牧场总平面规划 一、畜牧场总平面规划的原则 二、功能分区 三、畜舍布置形式 四、畜舍的布局
Section 3 畜牧场的卫生设施 一、防护设施 二、道路工程 三、运动场的设置 四、给排水工程 五、采暖工程 六、绿化工程
(1)首先考虑可靠的饲料来源 (2)畜牧场的位置应选在居民点的下风向,地势低于居民点,并
200-------300--------500m 一般场 羊、兔、鸡场
100-120fpm(0.51-0.61m/s):进口风速在该范围内时的气流抑制效果与80-100fpm 时相差不大,但是运行成本却显著提高。
当一些特殊情况以至80-100fpm 范围仍不能提供充分气流抑制时,提高进口风速至此范围时,通风柜的气流抑制效果可能有稍微改善。
120-150fpm(0.61-0.76m/s):尽管几乎所有的通风柜都可以在此范围内达到高效的气流抑制,但是其效果相对于80-100fpm 和100-120fpm 并没有本质的改善,但能耗却会因此而大大提高,所以,一般不推荐使用。
美国科学仪器设备和实验家具协会(SEPA1.2)-P.31,section 5.3.4 根据测试以确定通风柜合适的进口风速。
1植物生理学实验指导主编张立军参编(按姓氏汉语拚音)樊金娟郝建军刘延吉阮燕晔朱延姝旷旷沈阳农业大学植物生理学教研室2004年1 月序实验课是提高学生动手能力,提高分析问题和解决问题能力的重要途径。
张立军2004 年1月30日2014年12月29日 1附:参加教学改革人员:刘延吉郝建军樊金娟朱延姝阮燕晔康宗利付淑杰于洋目录Section 1(1h)植物生理学实验课简介1.教学目的2.教学要求和考核3.实验内容介绍4.实验室安全要求Section 2(6h)一、植物的光合速率测定-----改良半叶法二、植物叶绿素素含量测定----丙酮提取法Section 3(6h)三、植物组织水势测定----小液流法四、植物根系活力测定----甲烯蓝法Section 4(6h)五、植物抗逆性鉴定----电导率仪法六、植物组织丙二醛含量测定Section 5(4h)七、植物组织硝态氮含量的测定Section 6(4h)八、植物呼吸酶活性测定2旷旷附录一、如何写实验报告二、简单常用的生物统计公式三、分光光度计的操作四、电导率仪的操作Section 1(1h)植物生理学实验课简介1.教学目的植物生理学是一门实验科学,植物生命活动的基本规律和及其生理机制都是通过实验揭示的。
1.拟建6 层住宅,层高2.9 米,首层地面标高为±0.00 ,室外地面标高为-0.3m ,室外市政给水管中心标高为-1.4m ,所能提供的最小压力为180kPa ,试选用合理的给水方式,并绘出给水系统示意图。
解:因为该建筑为6层住宅(属于民用建筑),层高2.9m(不超过3.5m),所以按照经验法估算该建筑所需水压为(自室外地坪算起,即从标高为-0.3m 出算起):H=120+(n -2)×40 (n 为建筑层数,≥3)=120+(6 -2)×40 =280kpa而市政管网所能提供得最小压力从室外地坪算起为180kpa-(1.4-0.3)×10=169kpa<280 ;故需要采用增压措施,可以采用的方法有:设水泵和水箱、单设水泵、分区给水、水池—水泵—水箱等给水方式,图如书所示。
答:1、进水管:要装设阀门;管口应高于最高水位0.1m;2、出水管:生活出水管装设阀门;与进水管为同一条管道时,出水管上应装设止回阀;为保证消防水不被动用,其出水管应在消防水位处开φ25的虹吸破坏孔;消防出水管要装设止回阀;3、溢流管:不准装设阀门;管口应高于最高水位0.05m;出口应装设网罩;不得于排水系统的管道直接连接;管径按最大流量确定,并宜比进水管大一级;正确如下图图2排水管溢流管3. 某办公楼建筑给水系统,水泵从贮水池抽水,其吸水管和压水管总长为40米,自贮水池最低水位±0.00 至水箱最高水位为32.00m ,已知该管路水头损失为4.16m H 2O 。
解:总扬程:Hb=32+4.16=36.16m ,选泵时可以乘上1.05 ~ 1.1 的安全系数。
4.某建筑拟选用隔膜式气压给水设备供水方式,已知水泵出水量为3.5L/s ,设计最小工作压力为250kpa (表压),最大工作压力为400kpa (表压),试求气压水罐总容积。
常见科室牌中英文对照汇总企业董事长办公室The Chairman's Office董事会办公室The Directors Board Office助理办公室Office Assistant's Office财务部Finance Office成本部Cost Office工程部Engineering Office行政办公室Administration Office外联部Public Relations Office人力资源部Human Resource Office会议室(大) Conference Room会议室(小) Meeting Room招投标办公室Tendering Office接待室Reception法务部Legal Office副总经理办公室Deputy General Manager's Office经理办Office人力行政部HR Dept.档案室Files Room设计室Design Room茶文化体验中心Tea Culture Experience Center生产部 Production Department财务部 Financial Department人事行政部 Human Resources & Administrative Department 销售部 Sales Department总经理室 CEO Office接待室 Reception Room综合办公室General Office会议室 Meeting Room机关事业单位党办宣传科Propaganda Department组织科Human Resource Dept工会办Labor Union纪检审计科Disciplinary inspection & audit Dept.经营管理科Business Management Dept.生产运行科Operation Dept.安全环保科HSE Dept.财务计划科Finance Dept.市场办Marketing Dept.劳资科Human Resource Dept. Ⅱ设备资产科Equipment Managing Dept.技术发展部Engineering Dept.综合服务大队Comprehensive Dept.生产管理部Production Management Dept. 运营品控部Operation and QC Dept.仓库Warehouse接待室Reception Room商务管理部Business Management Dept. 市场Sales Dept.工厂内包车间Inner packaging Workshop外包车间Outer packaging Workshop精制车间Refinement Workshop感官审评室Sensory Evaluation Room炒制中心Stir-frying Center总经理General Manager Office董事长President Office副总经理Vice General Manager Office财务部Financial Dept会议室Meeting Room茶水间Drinking Room理化室 Physical and Chemical Laboratory 天平室 Balance Room毒麻试剂室Poisonous and Narcotic Reagents Room 研发部R&D Department微生物室Microorganism Room仪器室 Instrument Room质量部 Quality Department灭菌室 Sterilizing Room辅机房 Auxiliary Equipment Room男一更 1st Male Locker Room女一更 1st Female Locker Room男二更 2nd Male Locker Room女二更 2nd Female Locker Room配电室 Power Distribution Room实验室精密仪器室precision instrument laboratory天平室Balance Room普通仪器室General instrument room理化检验室physical and chemical高温室hot room准备室ready room微生物检测室Super clean Microbes Test Laboratory 留样室 Sample Room仓库 Warehouse资料室 Reference Room更衣室 Locker Room公安机关证件管理室Document management Room案件审理室Trial Room中队长室Squadron Leader Room队员室Team Room综合管理室Integrated Management Room社会化管理室Socialized management Room卷烟鉴定室Cigarette identification Room支队长室Commander Room科长室Chief Room内部管理监督室Internal management oversight Room幼儿园园长室Kindergarten Headmaster’s Office保健室Clinic隔离室Isolation room;储藏间Storage Room;多媒体Multimedia Classroom厨房Kitchen;阅读室Reading Room,;舞蹈房Dancing Room;财务室Financial Department;科学探索室Science Exploration Room;手工DIY室Handwork Room;幼儿活动室Playroom教师办公室Teachers' office社会实践室Social Practice Classroom保管室Storage Room资料室Reference Room刑警队档案室Archives办案中队Investigation Squadron备勤室Standby Room预审大队长Head of Antecedent Trial Detachment预审教导员Political Instructor of Antecedent Trial Detachment 预审大队Antecedent Trial Detachment器材室Equipment Room熏显影像室Fuming & Imaging Room手印足迹室Fingerprints & Footprints Room痕检室Trace Examination Room法化室Forensic Analysis Room技管室Technological Management Room研案室Casework Investigation Room大队长Head of Detachment副大队长Deputy Head of Detachment指导员Political Instructor主任室Director’s Office中队长Head of Squadron涉案财物保管室Crime-related Property Store 人体损伤鉴定室Injury Examination Room接待室Reception Room荣誉室Honors Display Room活动室Common Room基础中队Support Squadron女卫浴Female Personnel Bathroom男卫浴Male Personnel Bathroom卫生间Toilet医院病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building 大厅Lobby卫事中心Patient-aid center小卖部Buffet出院病人领取费用清单List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房Ward dispensary输血科Transfusion section急诊化验Emergency lab急诊手术室Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处Reception of inpatients重症监护ICU外科示教室Surgery demo room妇科示教室Gynecology demo room仓库Warehouse特殊感染病室Special infection diseases主任办公室Director office治疗室Therapeutic room护士长办公室Head nurse office医生办公室Doctor office护士站Nurse station儿科Pediatrics Dept电脑中心Computer center更衣室Change room儿科教研室Pediatrics teaching & research section婴儿洗澡间Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室Neonatus room重症室ICU诊疗室Consulting room产科Obstetrical Dept机房Machine room婴儿抚触中心Infant-stroking center产房Obstetrical Ward分娩室Delivery room隔离分娩室Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室Delivery room with companion陪伴分娩室Delivery room with companion护士值班室Nurse on duty医生值班室Doctor on duty单床间Single-bed room妇科Gynecology妇科教研室Gynecology teaching and research section 换药室Dressing room骨科Orthopedics Dept普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum 外科教研室Surgery teaching & research section普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology麻醉科Anesthesiology dept示教室Demo room麻醉医生办公室Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室Doctor rest room女更衣室Change room (F)男更衣室Change room (M)有菌手术室Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区Unrestricted area半限制区Semi-restricted area换鞋处Shoe-changing配电室Distribution room手术室Operating theatre石膏房Gypsum room手术准备室Operation preparation清洗间Cleaning room麻醉准备室Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室Anesthesia instrument room限制区Restricted area精密仪器室Precision instrument room无菌室Asepsis room护士登记室Nurse registration room复苏室Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室Waiting room存放间Storage room后勤楼楼层分布Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室Medical record statistics room图书室Library后勤服务管理中心Logistic service and management center 设备科Equipment section工程维修部Engineering maintenance dept基建科Capital construction section供应服务部Supply service dept实习生值班室Probationer night shift room门诊楼楼层总索引Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布Layout of sections开水间Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验Blood test门诊药房Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea 药房Dispensary放射影像科Radio & Image dept放射科登记处X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费Registration charging内科Internal medicine dept门诊办公室Outpatient office老干部门诊Veteran carder clinic老年专科Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科Diabets special section内科专家门诊Expert clinic of internal medicine 专家门诊Expert clinic专科门诊Clinic of special section高血压专科Hypertension special sectionC T 室CT room换药室Dressing room肛肠科Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科Special section of pains普外科General surgical dept皮肤科Dermatology dept性病专科Special section of VD儿科专家门诊Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科E.N.T. dept中医科TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室Herb decocting room眼科治疗室Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field) 声阻抗室Acoustic impedance room电测听室Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic)宣教室Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室Induced Abortion Room介入门诊Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics高危妊娠门诊High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库Warehouse心室晚电位Ventricle late potential动态血压Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室Dynamic ECG心向量Vectorcardiogram心电图室ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科Ultrasonographic section彩色B超Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊Children growth clinic急诊B超Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 颅脑超声Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科Digestion section心理测验室Psychological test room专家门诊Expert clinic心理咨询科Psychological consult section中西医结合Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科Pathologic section细胞学室Cytology room技术室Technical room 免疫组化室Immunohistochemistry room 档案室Archives room巨检室Gross examination room诊断室Diagnosis room口腔科Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination康复科Rehabilitation section碎石科Lithotriptic section输液室Infusion room化液室Infusion preparation泌尿外科Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection小儿输液室Children's infusion room成人输液室Adults' infusion room针灸推拿Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容Skin beauty腰突症Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩Healthcare massage针炙减肥Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办Medical insurance office放免实验室Radioimmunoassay room防保科Prophylactic section院感科Section of inner infection prevention医学美容Medical cosmetology微生物实验室Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心Clinical laboratory medicine center HIV实验室HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室The office director免疫学实验室Lmmunology Laboratory room 生物化学实验室Biochemistry Laboratory room档案库房Archives storeroom信息科Information section综合档案室Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室Clinic dept office文印室typing and printing room护理部Nursing department科教科Scientific education section院办公室Hospital office书记室Secretary office人事科Personnel section院长室President office副院长室Vice president office会议室Meeting room医务科Section of medical affairs保安部Security dept顾问室Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室Medical service supervision office 教室Class room出纳室Paybox会计室Accounting house核算办Accounting office工会Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室Reception of medical disputes财务科长室Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心Physical examination center跟车医师Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科)Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科Emergency surgical dept急诊内科Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员)Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室Emergency infusion room肠道门诊Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台Guide to emergency急诊儿科Emergency pediatrics污物间Feculence room清创室Trauma cleaning room输液台Infusion table急诊挂号收费Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic急诊指挥中心Emergency command center夜间药房Night dispensary主任办公室Director office监护室ICU治疗室Therapeutic room护士办公室Nurse office观察室2 Observation ward 2抢救室Salvaging room观察室1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic 干部病房Cardre Ward心内科Cardiac internal medicine dept医生办公室Doctor office诊疗室Consulting room心血管Cardiovascular (怎么没有科或室?)呼吸内科Respiration internal medicine心脏介入中心Cardio intervention center内分泌内科Incretion internal medicine血液Blood (怎么没有科或室?)消化Digestion (怎么没有科或室?)肾内科Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房Aseptic ward介入治疗中心Intervention therapy center水处理间Water treatment room手术室Operating theatre准备室Preparation room仓库更衣室Warehouse change room病人更衣室Patient change room家属接待室Reception room of patients' relative内科示教室Demo room of internal medicine操作室Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室(2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科Medicament Section腰突症专科Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室ECG examination脑电图检查室EEG examination脑地形图检查室Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病专科Diabetes special section康复、理疗科Rehabilitation and physical therapy section医学美容专科Special section of medical cosmetology医学影像中心Medical image center放射介入治疗室X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管专科急诊Cardiovascular emergency肝炎门诊Hepatitis clinic肌电图检查室Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染门诊Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室Blood dialysis胫镜中心Anticnemion endoscope center中内科TCM internal medicine西内科Western internal medicine乳房外科Breast surgery手外科Hand surgery骨伤科Bone injuries中医妇科TCM gynecology dept.中西药库Drug storeroom血库Blood bank骨髓室Marrow room留观室Observation room临床药学室Clinical pharmacy room社区卫生服务工作办公室Community Health Service Office信息资料室Information Archives计划生育技术指导室Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊General Clinic肿瘤科Tumor dept母婴健康中心Mother & Baby health center婴儿游泳抚触Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代办处Service for daily-use articles待产室Delivery waiting room配奶间Milk preparation room驾驶班Driver team住院部药房Inpatient dispensary医疗质量管理科Medical Quality Management Department病理贮片室Pathological Section Storeroom颈肩腰腿痛专科Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室Children's Playing Room电透室TV Examination Room谈话间Conversation Room衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包间Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗涤室Children’s Washing Room样品接收Sample Receipt结核菌Tubercle Bacillus发放厅Issuing Hall敷料打包间Dressing-Packing Room污染区Polluted Area灭菌区Sterilized Area切洗室Cutting and Washing Room人工肝室Artificial Liver Room消控中心Control Center for Fire Prevention冷冻机房Freezing Machine Room物流传输机房Logistical Transmission Machine Room 职工自行车库Employees' Bicycle Storeroom高低配电室High/Low Voltage Switchouse服务台Information Desk导医导诊A Guide to Clinic方便门诊Simple Clinic健康宣教Health Education便民服务Service for the Public取报告单Examination Report预约审批Appointment Approval行政后勤区Administrative Logistic Area预防保健区Prevention and Healthcare Area医疗康复区Medical Rehabilitation Area祝您健康May you a good health后勤保障部Logistics Guarantee Dept社区卫生服务科Community Health Service Section 全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic (Around the Clock) 高电位治疗室High Potential Therapeutic Room健康教育室Health Education Room探视制度Visit Rules挂号须知Notes for Registration农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance腰腿疼痛科Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic心理咨询室Psychological Consultation高危门诊Hazard-Disease Clinic严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited卡介苗专室BCG Vaccine Room合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service医务人员通道Passage for Medical Personnel小儿体检Infant Physical Examination电透析Electrodialyzing Room电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy中草药配方Prescription of Chinese herb medicine西药、中成药配方Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs麻醉药品专用窗口Special window for anaesthetic药事咨询窗口Consultation of medicine administration老、弱、病重专区Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons. 请保持室内清洁Keep Clean病理贮片室Pathologic film store room细胞室Cell Puncture Room牵引室Traction Room腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic配餐室Assorted Meal Preparation陪客休息室Rest Room for Guests医疗固体处置室Medical Solid Waste Disposal麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room材料室Material Room引产清宫室Induced Labor Room大厅Lobby卫事中心Patient-aid center小卖部Buffet出院病人领取费用清单List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房Ward dispensary输血科Transfusion section急诊化验Emergency lab急诊手术室Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处Reception of inpatients(二病区)重症监护ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室Surgery demo room妇科示教室Gynecology demo room仓库Warehouse特殊感染病室Special infection diseases主任办公室Director office治疗室Therapeutic room护士长办公室Head nurse office医生办公室Doctor office护士站Nurse station(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)电脑中心Computer center更衣室Change room儿科教研室Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室Neonatus room重症室ICU诊疗室Consulting room(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)机房Machine room婴儿抚触中心Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)分娩室Delivery room隔离分娩室Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)护士值班室Nurse on duty医生值班室Doctor on duty单床间Single-bed room(六病区)妇科Gynecology ( Area 6)妇科教研室Gynecology teaching and research section换药室Dressing room(七病区)骨科Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8)外科教研室Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科(Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房Ophthalmological dark room(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12) 麻醉科Anesthesiology dept示教室Demo room麻醉医生办公室Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室Doctor rest room女更衣室Change room (F)男更衣室Change room (M)有菌手术室Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区Unrestricted area半限制区Semi-restricted area换鞋处Shoe-changing配电室Distribution room手术室Operating theatre石膏房Gypsum room手术准备室Operation preparation清洗间Cleaning room麻醉准备室Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室Anesthesia instrument room限制区Restricted area精密仪器室Precision instrument room无菌室Asepsis room护士登记室Nurse registration room复苏室Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室Waiting room存放间Storage room后勤楼楼层分布Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室Medical record statistics room图书室Library后勤服务管理中心Logistic service and management center 设备科Equipment section工程维修部Engineering maintenance dept基建科Capital construction section供应服务部Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1)门诊楼楼层总索引Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布Layout of sections开水间Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验Blood test门诊药房Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房Dispensary体液实验室Humoral lab放射影像科Radio & Image dept放射科登记处X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费Registration charging内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )门诊办公室Outpatient office老干部门诊Veteran carder clinic老年专科Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科Diabets special section内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 )专家门诊Expert clinic专科门诊Clinic of special section高血压专科Hypertension special sectionC T 室CT room换药室Dressing room肛肠科Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科Special section of pains普外科General surgical dept皮肤科Dermatology dept性病专科Special section of VD儿科专家门诊Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科E.N.T. dept中医科TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室Herb decocting room眼科治疗室Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)声阻抗室Acoustic impedance room电测听室Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic) 宣教室Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD 人流室Induced Abortion Room介入门诊Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠门诊High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库Warehouse心室晚电位Ventricle late potential动态血压Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室Dynamic ECG心向量Vectorcardiogram心电图室ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科Ultrasonographic section彩色B超Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊Children growth clinic急诊B超Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria颅脑超声Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科Digestion section心理测验室Psychological test room专家门诊Expert clinic心理咨询科Psychological consult section中西医结合Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科Pathologic section细胞学室Cytology room技术室Technical room免疫组化室Immunohistochemistry room档案室Archives room巨检室Gross examination room诊断室Diagnosis room口腔科Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination康复科Rehabilitation section碎石科Lithotriptic section输液室Infusion room化液室Infusion preparation泌尿外科Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室Children's infusion room成人输液室Adults' infusion room针灸推拿Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容Skin beauty腰突症Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩Healthcare massage针炙减肥Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办Medical insurance office放免实验室Radioimmunoassay room防保科Prophylactic section院感科Section of inner infection prevention医学美容Medical cosmetology微生物实验室Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心Clinical laboratory medicine centerHIV实验室HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室The office director免疫学实验室Lmmunology Laboratory room生物化学实验室Biochemistry Laboratory room档案库房Archives storeroom信息科Information section综合档案室Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室Clinic dept office文印室typing and printing room护理部Nursing department科教科Scientific education section院办公室Hospital office书记室Secretary office人事科Personnel section院长室President office副院长室Vice president office会议室Meeting room医务科Section of medical affairs保安部Security dept顾问室Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室Medical service supervision office 教室Class room出纳室Paybox会计室Accounting house行风办Trade Service Normalization office核算办Accounting office工会Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室Reception of medical disputes财务科长室Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心Physical examination center跟车医师Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科)Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科Emergency surgical dept急诊内科Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员)Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室Emergency infusion room肠道门诊Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台Guide to emergency急诊儿科Emergency pediatrics污物间Feculence room清创室Trauma cleaning room输液台Infusion table急诊挂号收费Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急诊指挥中心Emergency command center夜间药房Night dispensary主任办公室Director office监护室ICU治疗室Therapeutic room护士办公室Nurse office观察室2 Observation ward 2抢救室Salvaging room观察室1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic干部病房Cardre Ward心内科Cardiac internal medicine dept医生办公室Doctor office诊疗室Consulting room呼吸内科Respiration internal medicine心脏介入中心Cardio intervention center内分泌内科Incretion internal medicine肾内科Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房Aseptic ward介入治疗中心Intervention therapy center水处理间Water treatment room手术室Operating theatre准备室Preparation room仓库更衣室Warehouse change room病人更衣室Patient change room家属接待室Reception room of patients' relative内科示教室Demo room of internal medicine操作室Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室(2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科Medicament Section腰突症专科Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室ECG examination脑电图检查室EEG examination脑地形图检查室Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病专科Diabetes special section康复、理疗科Rehabilitation and physical therapy section医学美容专科Special section of medical cosmetology医学影像中心Medical image center放射介入治疗室X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管专科急诊Cardiovascular emergency肝炎门诊Hepatitis clinic肌电图检查室Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染门诊Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室Blood dialysis胫镜中心Anticnemion endoscope center中内科TCM internal medicine西内科Western internal medicine乳房外科Breast surgery手外科Hand surgery骨伤科Bone injuries中医妇科TCM gynecology dept.中西药库Drug storeroom血库Blood bank骨髓室Marrow room留观室Observation room临床药学室Clinical pharmacy room社区卫生服务工作办公室Community Health Service Office信息资料室Information Archives计划生育技术指导室Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊General Clinic肿瘤科Tumor dept母婴健康中心Mother & Baby health center婴儿游泳抚触Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代办处Service for daily-use articles待产室Delivery waiting room配奶间Milk preparation room驾驶班Driver team住院部药房Inpatient dispensary医疗质量管理科Medical Quality Management Department病理贮片室Pathological Section Storeroom颈肩腰腿痛专科Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室Children's Playing Room电透室TV Examination Room谈话间Conversation Room衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包间Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗涤室Children’s Washing Room样品接收Sample Receipt结核菌Tubercle Bacillus发放厅Issuing Hall敷料打包间Dressing-Packing Room污染区Polluted Area灭菌区Sterilized Area切洗室Cutting and Washing Room人工肝室Artificial Liver Room。
Pharmaceutical & biotech industry
What is
Sanitary Standard 卫生级,要求使用的材料是304L或者316L,表面需要 进行表面处理或抛光。 HighClean Standard 高洁净,要求使用的材料是316L。表面粗糙度等级达 到Ra0.8。 Pharm Standard 生物医药级,材料使用316L。符合ASME BPE标准, 抛光等级为SFF1或SFF2以上。
Surface roughness(表面平整度):
The surface roughness of expanded- and welded-type clamp liners, in accordance with the specifications of ISO 468, shall be, for finely finished surfaces, Ra≤1μm 根据ISO 468,平接头表面应该达到Ra≤1μm
ISO 2-Clamp 2852 DIN-Clamp 32676
HighClean & Pharma standards
DIN Range DIN 11850 Tubes DIN 11864-1 Unions form A DIN 11864-2 Flanges form A DIN 11864-3 Draft Clamp form A DIN 11865 Tees, Bends, Reducers DIN 11866 General requirements
DT-13 包装要求
所有配件或加工元件的末端连接应使用末端盖保护。另外,对于 配件,应用透明袋或缩短包装密封。除了配件外的其他加工元件 的包装应通过厂家和买方的同意。
ISO 2853
DIN 11851
ISO-Clamp 2852 DIN-Clamp 32676
HighClean & Pharma standards
DIN Range
11850 Tubes 11864-1 Unions form A 11864-2 Flanges form A 11864-3 Draft Clamp form A 11865 Tees, Bends, Reducers 11866 General requirements
如表DT-4中所示,所有配件应有一个自动焊接 的最小切线长度。切线长度T是从焊接末端起开 始测量的垂直长度。所有的尺寸均为公称OD管 尺寸。
在表DT-7到表DT-30中未描述的配件的构造尺 寸应保证起始端到末端的尺寸。
DT-12 表面要求 提供此标准的配件和加工元件其内外表面在买方的要求下, 可通过机械抛光、化学抛光、电解抛光任何的组合来完成, 满足SF部分。其配件和加工元件的内外表面应为清洁的, 无油、油脂、颗粒、磨剂或电解液。
ISO:the International Organization for Standardization 我们常用到的标准主要有: ISO 2037: Stainless steel tubes for the food industry ISO 2852: Stainless steel clamp pipe couplings for the food industry
Pharmaceutical & biotech industry
Surface Finish
in. m 200 5 100
100 200 5
Reducing Risk of Contamination
Ra:在取样长度内,轮廓偏距绝对值的算术平均值。长度单位:1um( 1微米),测量使用表面光洁度仪。
Avg. dev.
Material surfaces
pipe ends together by means of a clamp. 卡箍连接:用卡箍将连接管道的两个平接头夹紧连接方式; Clamp liner: Flanged pipe coupling part, with one conical face to provide means for connecting mating liners. 平接头:带有圆锥面的一种管道连接件。 Welded-type clamp liner: Clamp liner intended to be joined to a pipe end by butt welding. 焊接式平接头:与管道是对接焊的连接方式。 Expanded-type clamp liner: Clamp liner intended to be attached to a pipe end by expansion. 胀接式平接头:与管道是胀接的链接方式。 Gasket: Ring-shaped pipe coupling part intended to make a hygienic liquid-tight joint between the flanges of two clamp liners. 即垫片。 Clamp: Ring-shaped pipe coupling part with a taper-sided channel section. 卡箍、卡钳:环形的内部带有锥形通道的夹紧件。
杀菌用 UV-C 辐射安全性指南-最新国标
杀菌用UV-C辐射安全性指南1 范围本文件中的安全建议适用于发射波长范围为 180 nm 至 280 nm 的UV-C光源和UV-C产品。
不在范围内的是:——具有自身产品安全标准的设备,如IEC 60335-2-109适用于UV-C水消毒设备,IEC 60335-2-65适用于UV-C空气消毒设备;——UV-C设备的应用环境;——将UV-C辐照度与化学物质和添加剂结合在一起的产品;——不发出UV-C辐射的产品;——对性能和功能特性的要求;——防止材料降解和损坏的要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
IEC 61549 Miscellaneous Lamps国际非电离辐射防护委员会指南对波长在180nm和400nm之间的紫外线辐射(非相干光辐射)的暴露限制(ICNIRP Guidelines “On limits of exposure to Ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths between 180 nm and 400 nm (incoherent optical radiation)”published in: HEALTH PHYSICS 87(2):171-186; 2004)IEC 62368-1 音视频、信息技术和通信技术设备第1部分:安全要求(Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements)注:GB 4943.1-2022 音视频、信息技术和通信技术设备第1部分:安全要求(IEC 62368-1:2018,MOD)IEC 62471 灯和灯系统的光生物安全(Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems)注:GB/T 30117.1-2024 非相干光产品的光生物安全(IEC 62471,MOD)产品化学性质 CB编号6851738(Product Chemical Properties CB6851738)美国加利福尼亚法规 Title 17 “公共卫生”-第3部分“空气资源”-第1章“空气资源委员会”-第8.7分章“室内空气净化装置”-第2条“室内空气净化装置”(California Code of Regulations Title 17. “Public Health” - Division 3. “Air Resources” - Chapter 1. “Air Resources Board”- Subchapter 8.7. “Indoor Air Cleaning Devices” - Article 1. “Indoor Air Cleaning Devices”)UL 867静电式空气净化器第37章臭氧测试(UL867 - “Safety for Electrostatic Air Cleaners, UL 867, Section 37 Ozone Test”)3 术语和定义3.1封闭式箱体 Closed Enclosure完全封闭有害 UV-C 辐射的箱体。
Abstract提要With the rapid development of GWDC Drilling Branch's overseas market and business, more and more new employees are getting to be engaged with international drilling activities who know little about HSE or even never get in touch with HSE basic knowledge before they enter into GWDC。
As the consistent recognition and acknowledgement of all of us, GWDC,being an IADC important member,always pay extreme emphasis to its HSE performance and HSE training to its Chinese and overseas staff。
随着长城公司钻井分公司海外市场和业务的迅速发展,越来越多的新员工在加入长城公司时,对从事国际钻井作业相关的HSE 知识了解甚少,甚至从未接触.随着长城公司的声誉不断扩大,并且作为国际钻井承包商协会的重要成员,长城公司对公司旗下中国员工和海外员工HSE 实践和HSE 培训格外重视。
On the basis of being brief, easily-understandable,effective and capable of self—teaching,this manual aims at these new employees with the purpose of helping them to grasp HSE fundamental idea and being equipped with HSE common practices in order to meet HSE requirement from GWDC clients. It is a supplement to GWDC HSE Procedure Manual and Operation Manual。
淋浴设备使用说明书Section 1:安全须知1.1 使用前的准备在使用淋浴设备之前,请确保已经仔细阅读并理解该使用说明书的内容。
1.2 电源要求淋浴设备的电源需求是XXX伏特,XXX安培。
1.3 安全使用为了确保您的安全,请严格按照以下步骤操作淋浴设备:a) 在使用之前,请确保产品外观完好并未受损。
b) 使用干燥的手操作控制面板,避免发生电击危险。
c) 在淋浴过程中,避免将电源线接触到水源。
d) 使用结束后,请将淋浴设备的电源断开。
Section 2:产品组装2.1 零部件清单在开始组装淋浴设备之前,请确保您已经收到以下零部件:a) 主机及其配件b) 水龙头和喷头c) 控制面板和线缆d) 安装必备的螺栓和螺母e) 其他(根据实际情况而定)2.2 组装步骤为了确保正确组装淋浴设备,请按照以下步骤进行操作:a) 首先,清洁并准备好地面,确保无尘无污染。
b) 按照组件清单,将各个组件按照说明书上的指示连接到主机上。
c) 安装好水龙头和喷头,并确保紧固。
d) 连接控制面板和主机,确认线缆连接正确无误。
e) 最后,将淋浴设备固定在合适的位置,并进行测试以确保所有功能正常。
Section 3:使用方法3.1 操作面板淋浴设备配备了智能控制面板,以方便用户进行操作。
以下是操作面板上的主要功能:a) 开/关机按钮:长按此按钮可打开或关闭淋浴设备。
b) 水温调节:通过旋转按钮可以调整淋浴水温。
c) 喷头选择:通过点击按钮选择不同的喷头模式。
d) 时间控制:可以设置淋浴时间,确保淋浴过程合理节水。
3.2 淋浴过程以下是淋浴设备的使用步骤:a) 打开淋浴设备电源。
b) 调节水温至合适的舒适度,以确保您的舒适感。
c) 选择您喜欢的喷头模式,如按摩、雨淋等。
d) 开始淋浴,并确保躺在安全舒适的位置。
e) 在您设定的时间结束后,淋浴设备会自动关闭。
debris flow
detail design
earth pressure
earthquake-resistant design
tensile strength
compressive force
composite material
跨度, 跨径,(桥或拱的)墩距
Portland cement
reinforced concrete
பைடு நூலகம்art SD 无菌和清洗设计
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
SD-3.7 连接和接头 SD-3.7.1 设备设计应尽量减少可拆接头,尽可能用对 接焊接接头 SD-3.7.2 卫生级设计的接头和管件指: (a)接头及其垫片组合在一起时需要保证接头的平齐 (内表面)。 (b)在垫片内表面的任何地方都要受到相同的压力以 保证物料不会在接头的缝隙中堆积,除非接头是防水 设计。 SD-3.7.3 设备上的连接口需要采用认可的卫生级设计 的接头,并且得到客户和业主的认可。
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
SD-3.4.2 当使用非金属材质时(如塑料,人造橡胶或粘 合剂),用户应指定这些材质需要有符合何种证明。详 细说明材质的要求(如:符合FDA,21CFR,177,和USP 88部分class VI )。 SD-3.4.3 根据客户需求,所选用的材质应满足生物工 程条件、规定的清洗剂和灭菌条件等。 SD-3.4.4如果用户同意,材料的表面可使用金属包覆、 电镀或化学药剂涂层。所有的表面涂层应满足完整性, 不受生产、SIP和CIP的流体以及温度的影响,无剥落 和破裂。与工艺介质接触,需要清洗和消毒的表面必 须满足以下几点: (a)自然均匀 (b)不受外界影响 (c)惰性 (d)无吸附性
Part SD 无菌和清洗设计
SD-4 详细指导方针 SD-4.1.2释放装置 (a)压力容器上的爆破片应安装在设备的最高点上; (b)清洗系统的设计应确保在清洗介质的冲击下, 安全膜不易被损 坏; (c)安全膜的安装应符合在SD-3.11.1中提到的L/D 比率。 (d)排放管路应符合相关的标准。 SD-4.1.3 光学组件 最好的设计是灯与视镜做成一体的,灯壳的设计应 尽量减少螺纹外漏和堆积污物,灯应为封闭设计, 不与容器连通。带灯视镜和卫生级接头的安装应满
• 食品安全: 指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造 成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。
Basic Food Safety Knowledge 食品安全基础知识
• Foodborne illness: is any illness resulting from the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food(Defined by WHO)
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FIXTURES卫生设备 (319)5.8. SANITARY5.8.1. GENERAL概述 (319) Guest Bathroom Sanitary Fixtures客房卫生设备 (319)Toilet Sanitary Fixtures公众厕所卫生设备 (320) Public5.8.1.3. Service Area Sanitary Fixtures服务区卫生设备 (320)5.8.2. ENVIRONMENTENERGY CONSERVATION环境和能源保护 (321)&MANUFACTURERS建议的生产厂商 (321)5.8.3. APPROVEDSCHEDULE卫生洁具清单 (321)5.8.4. SANITARYWARE5.8.SANITARY FIXTURES卫生设备5.8.1.GENERAL概述Sanitary fixtures and fittings shall be selected and specified by the Architects-Engineers and approved by IHG before the Construction Documents are issued for bidding purposes. Selections shall be the best products of recognized and reputable manufacturers and substitutions shall not be approved without the express written consent of IHG.卫生设备及其配件应在建设投标文件发布之前,由建筑师和工程师选择,并经IHG 核准。
Fixtures for typical Hotel Bathrooms and public toilets shall be white or color as called for by the Hotel programme, with polished chromium on brass fittings. Fixtures for service toilets shall be white. All fixtures in any one room shall be the product of the same manufacturer, to ensure that colors are identical.在一般情况下,酒店浴室和公共厕所用的卫生设备都是白色的,或者是酒店要求的颜色。
Where required, fixtures for suite toilets and Bathrooms shall be in color, with special fittings and trim, all as selected by the Architect in consultation with the Interior Designer and IHG.在需要时,套房厕所和浴室卫生设备可选用某种颜色,并配有特殊的配件和装饰。
Provide fixture stops for each individual fixture.为每一个独立卫生设备排水提供旋塞, Bathroom Sanitary Fixtures客房卫生设备Water closet shall be white, wall hung with L-support bar, complete with white solid plastic full seat with cover, with concealed check hinge. Tank shall be concealed, dual flush 3/6 litres.坐便器是白的,挂墙式,支架呈L型,配有白色体塑料盖,铰链隐藏。
Bidet shall be of vitreous china, coordinated in design with the water closet, with combination supply fitting for supplying hot, cold or tempered water to over rim supply fitting; pop-up stopper. Provide handles with red and blue color insets to designate hot and cold water.坐浴盆是陶瓷的, 在设计上要与坐便器协调, 综合供水装置可需热水、冷水或温水送到坐浴盆边的供水龙头和旋塞。
Vanity unit shall be granite/marble (Corian not approved), 1200mm * 500mm, minimum, with 100mm upstands and Soap indent.组合式梳妆盥洗盆是用花冈岩/大理石制造的(不允许用Corian)制作,最小尺寸为1200毫米*500 毫米,100毫米立面和肥皂盒。
Bathtub shall be an acid resisting enamelled 3.5 mm steel fixture with flat with factory etched slip-resistant textured bottom. Exterior length shall be approximately 1.70 m; 1.83m in special suites. Inside width shall be not less than 630mm in the seating area, and inside depth an average of 400mm. Bathtub installation shall be such that the level of the tub bottom is not more than 50mm above the level of the finished Bathroom floor. Bathtub may have an integral front apron, or be designed to accept a front panel of tile, marble or other waterproof material. Coordinate installation with Architect’s details.浴缸是用3.5毫米厚的钢制成的,表面涂以瓷釉,可以防腐蚀。
浴缸有一个整体的前挡板, 或设计成瓷砖、大理石或其它防水材料板。
Bathtub fittings shall consist of a bath/shower thermostatic mixing valve, diverter, over-rim bath spout, an approved adjustable self-cleaning shower head with 3.5 gpm / 13.2 lpm volume regulator, andpop-up waste.浴缸配件应包括浴缸/淋浴温度调节阀门装置、转向器、龙头、莲蓬头(水量为3.5加仑每分钟/13.2升每分钟)和快速排水。
Grab bar shall be 600mm length at tub wall and another 460mm length at shower cubicle, where separately provided.浴缸副扶手应装在浴缸壁上,长度为600毫米。
Shower cubicle’s shall be provided with thermostatic mixing valves and an approved adjustable self-cleaning shower head with 3.5 gpm / 13.2 lpm volume regulator.淋浴室应安装温度调节开关和莲蓬头,水量为3.5加仑每分钟/13.2升每分钟。
Floor drains are not required unless by local authorities.不需要建地面排水沟,除非地方当局要求这么做。 Toilet Sanitary Fixtures公众厕所卫生设备Water closet shall be white, wall hung with L-support bar, complete with white solid plastic full seat with cover, with concealed check hinge. Tank shall be concealed, dual flush 3/6 liters.坐便器是白的,挂墙式,支架呈L型,配有白色体塑料盖,铰链隐藏。
Urinal shall be vitreous china, wash down action, wall hung fixture, actuated by an individual self-activated proximity control unit, of a type and manufacture approved by IHG.小便池应是陶瓷的,具有冲洗功能。