

Vitrek V60系列自动化AC DC高伏特测试器说明书

Vitrek V60系列自动化AC DC高伏特测试器说明书

V60S e r i e s E l e c t r i c a l S a f e t y T e s t e r sFully Automated AC/DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance & Moretest requirements. So, whetheryour job is on an automatedproduction line or in a product safetyengineering lab, the V60 Series packsthe performance you need to get thejob done right – at a value price thatwon’t break your budget.Not Just a Barebones HipotTesterAt Vitrek, when we talk about valueand economy in the V60 Series, we’renot talking about a low end, strippeddown tester. We’ve built in thefeatures you need at a price that youcan’t afford to pass up. Features likeone touch automatic testing, 160position test memory, built-in RS232,scanner control & PLC interfaces,digital ramp and dwell, no load settingof min/max trip currents, as well as,full line and load regulation. Couplethese features with high reliability,reduced component count, VLSIsurface mount construction and itbecomes exceedingly clear that theV60 Series should be your nextElectrical Safety Tester. Isn’t it abouttime you put Vitrek’s legendaryreputation for quality and reliability towork for you? Fully Automated Testing atthe Touch of a Button or via RS232 & PLC Control (GPIB optional)3 Models to choose from – Select the functions you need to get the job doneAvailable Quick Test™ Test Automation Software for your PCAC Hipot to 5kV / 40mADC Hipot to 6kV / 10mAInsulation Resistance to 10G with selectable 500 & 1000 VDC OutputsGround Continuity to 0.001Two 16 Channel Scanners Optionally AvailableBuilt-in 160 Step Test MemoryProgrammable Ramp & Dwell Times, Output Voltages and LimitsSelectable Arc DetectionFront Panel Lockout FeatureCE Mark Certified to EN61010Three Year Extended WarrantyUnbeatable Value PricingVitrek’s new V60 Series ElectricalSafety Testers have just made theprocess of obtaining a fullyautomated, multi-function electricalsafety tester a whole lot easier.These compact, feature-rich testersare available in three models – soyou can choose the functions youneed to get the job done, withouthaving to pay for the things youdon’t need. And when it comes togetting the job done, the Vitrek V60Series comes loaded with standardfeatures that help you automate thetask at hand. With the built-inRS232 interface, you can downloadand run test sequences, as well as,retrieve test results and data.If you need one of these labels onyour product, insist that the Vitreklabel is on your Electrical SafetyTester. That’s because the VitrekV60 Series has been engineeredand manufactured to meet the mostdemanding electrical product safetyWORLD LEADERS IN COMPLIANCE AUTOMATION SMV 60 S e r i e s P e r f o r m a n c e S p e c i f i c a t i o n sThe V60 Series rear panel layout includes three standard remote interfaces: A fully programmable RS232 port, a PLC Interface port and a High Voltage Scanner control port. Available options include GPIB and rear terminal outputs. outputs of Testing, Pass, Fail and inputs of Start, Reset. Output isolation is 400V with 130mA continuous load current Scanner Interface: Control port for V16 and V17 HV Scanners Timer Accuracy: 0.25% ± 50mS Power Source: AC 100V, 120V, 220V, 230V at ± 10% 50/60Hz Operating Environment: Indoor use, Altitude up to 6500ft (2000m), Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2 Operating Temperature: 0ºC to 40ºC, 80% RH max Storage Temperature: -10ºC to 70ºC, 70% RH max Dimensions: 17.6”L x 13”W x 5.9”H 446L x 330W x 149H mm Weight: 30 lbs (14kg) net, 34 lbs (16kg) ship Accessories: NIST certification, TL-20-60 Alligator Test Leads, serial interface cable, instruction manual and power cord Accuracy: Stated specifications apply for 1 year at 23ºC ± 5ºC Calibration: ANSI/NCSL Z540 Certificate of Calibration, with data, traceable to NIST provided Compliance: CE mark certified to EN61010 and EMC directive EN50081-1 & EN50082-2 Warranty: 3-year extended warranty with registration and annual factory calibration, 1 year parts and labor standard Represented By: Quick Test ™ SoftwareOption QT-60:Test automation software. Easy to load graphical test sequence development and operating environment. Provides time/date, operator, test parameters, test results and readings for review, printout or export to database program Ordering Information V60 AC Electrical Safety Tester V61 AC/DC Electrical Safety Tester V63 AC/DC/IR Electrical Safety Tester QT-60 Quick Test ™ Software (Serial and GPIB) GP-V60 GPIB Interface GP-1 1 Meter GPIB Cable GP-2 2 Meter GPIB Cable RPO-60 Rear Panel Output TL-115-60 Nema 5-15 Test Adaptor TL-10-60 High Voltage Probe Test Lead Set TL-20-60 High Voltage Alligator Lead Set TL-TP-60 HV Test Pistol Probe Set TL-IEC-60 IEC Socket Lead Set V16 16 Channel HV Scanner V17 8 Channel HV/8 Ch. High Current Scanner OM-60 Additional Operator’s Manual Vitrek Corporation 9880A Via Pasar San Diego, CA 92126 V: 858-689-2755 F: 858-689-2760 E-mail: *************** Website: AC HipotVoltage Range: 0.100kV to 5.000kVVoltage Setting: 5 Volt IncrementsVoltage Regulation: 1% + 5V(Line & Load)Voltage Accuracy: 1.5% of reading + 10VCurrent Sourcing:30 to 40mA (above 500V, 180sec. max.)0 to 29.99mA (above 500V, continuous)0 to 10mA (below 500V, continuous)Current Limit Range: 0.10 to 40mA,0.02mA/stepCurrent Accuracy: 1.5% of reading + 50µADC Hipot (V61, V63 only)Voltage Range: 0.100kV to 6.000kVVoltage Setting: 5 Volt IncrementsVoltage Regulation: 1% + 5V(Line & Load)Voltage Accuracy: 1.5% of reading + 10VCurrent Sourcing:0 to 10mA (above 500V, continuous)0 to 2mA (below 500V, continuous)Current Limit Range: 0.10 to 10mA,0.01mA/stepCurrent Accuracy: 1.5% of reading + 50µAInsulation Resistance (V63 only)DC Output Voltage: 50V / 100V 500V / 1000VResistance Accuracy 50V / 100V:1 to 50M : 5% of reading51 to 200M : 10% of reading201 to 1990M : 20% of readingResistance Accuracy 500V / 1000V:1 to 500M : 5% of reading501 to 2000M : 10% of reading2001 to 9990M : 20% of readingContinuity MeasurementTest Current: 100mAResistance Accuracy: ±0.075Resistance Range: 0.001 to 1.500GeneralTest Database: 10 Test Sequences with up to16 steps per test sequenceFront Panel Lockout: Prevents database editwhile in lockout modeARC Detect: 40 level (1 to 40mA)Serial Port: 9600 Baud, fully bi-directionalRS232 interface with PC cable includedGPIB: Option GP-V60, IEEE-488 interfacePLC Interface: 9-pin D-sub connector withWORLD LEADERS IN COMPLIANCE AUTOMATION SM Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.©Copyright 2004. Vitrek Corporation, all rights reserved .。

K-Chief 600海洋自动化系统桥环境操作面板说明书

K-Chief 600海洋自动化系统桥环境操作面板说明书

K-Chief 600Alarm and Command PanelThe Alarm and Command Panel(ALC) is a specially designedoperator panel for the K-Chief 600Marine Automation System in thebridge environment.The panel layout is grouped intoseparate functional areas:• Alarms • Panel • CommandThe Alarms group contains threelamps and three buttons which are used to indicate, acknowledge and handle alarms and events.The Panel group contains statuslamps. The Power lamp is lit green when power is ON. The Fault lamp is lit red when a panel has lost communication with the host computer.The Command group contains three buttons. To open the command control dialogue box easy and fast, use the CMD CTRL button. The 1 and 0 buttons allows the operator to start and stop pumps/valves/compressors in an efficient way. Alarm and Command Panel functions comprise:• Alarm and unacknowledged alarm indication • Remote sound off • Internal self-check with alarm • Power indication • Fault indication • Status LEDs, internal and external dimmable • Easy installation from the top of the console• I/O for interfaces The built-in buzzer is used to generate a sound when a new alarm occurs. The buzzer will also indicate other events, for example when power is lost or during command control actions. The Alarm and Command Panel is used in the bridge environment, and it is therefore supplied with back light to be visible on a dimmed bridge.To fully replace the standard Control Room Panel (CRP), which usually is used in the Engine Control Room, an Integrated Navigation Panel (INP) has to be added.345410 / Rev. A Kongsberg Maritime ASBekkajordet 8AP .O.Box 1009NO-3189 HortenNorway Telephone: +47 815 73 700Telefax: +47 850 28 **********************Supply voltage• 18 to 32 Vdc ±5 % ripplePower consumption• 2.5W maximum • 1.3 W nominalIngress Protection• IP22ENV properties• IACS E10• IEC 60945Shock and vibration• IACS E10• IEC 60945Max relative humidity• RH 96% non-condensing Copyright © 2010 Kongsberg Maritime AS – All rights reservedSpecifications may be subject to change without prior notice Storage temperature • 25 ºC to + 70 ºC in a dry area with approximately 70 % humidity Communication • USB2 HID Mounting • Flush mount from top Housing • Aluminium Weight of unit • 0.25 kg Dimensions • Width: 99 mm • Height: 104 mm • Depth: 49 mm Panel cut-out • See separate drawing for details BIST (Built In Self Test)• Module temperature Isolation • Power: Fully isolated via DC/DC converter • I/O: Dry contact DO/DI chassis used as 0 V olt reference Type approval • DNV , LRS, BV , GL, RINA, NK, ABS, KR, RMR, CCS. (allows direct mounting on engines, compressors, etc. insuitable cabinets)。



****高新化工股份有限公司电站锅炉补给纯水处理系统操作维护手册目录一﹑简介1.1 项目概述1.2 工艺流程简述1.3 主要设备工作原理二﹑多介质过滤器的操作2.1 概述2.2 技术参数与要求2.3 系统操作2.4 维护管理三﹑活性炭过滤器的操作3.1 概述3.2 技术参数与要求3.3 系统操作3.4 维护管理四、加药装置4.1 概述4.2 操作维护管理五、保安过滤器5.1 概述5.2 操作维护管理六﹑反渗透系统的操作6.1 概述6.2 系统介绍与技术参数要求6.3 系统操作6.4 系统维护管理6.5 化学清洗七﹑混床的操作7.1 概述7.2 技术参数与要求7.3 系统操作7.4 维护管理八、仪表及控制系统8.1 工艺控制原则8.2 控制方式概述8.3 现场仪表九﹑维护保养及日常运行参数记录9.1 日常维护保养9.2 日常运行维护参数记录十、常见故障及排除方法10.1 欠压10.2 淡水流量不正常10.3 产水电导率上升10.4 其他故障十一、附图:1.工艺流程图2.平面布置图3.电气原理图一﹑简介1.1项目概述本系统专为****化工股份有限公司新建电站项目配套锅炉补给纯水系统而设计。




4) 采用RO+MB作为主脱盐工艺,RO膜的正常使用寿命可保证3年。
















系统中的S710气体分析仪器监测工艺样气中的一氧化碳的浓度,并能够以4~20mA DC(已经隔离)的形式向控制室的二次仪表输出。






2.系统的安装使用条件✧系统供电电源:电压AC 220V±10% 频率50Hz±1%✧取样探头供电电源:电压AC 220V±10% 频率50Hz±1%✧取样探头请安装在具有代表性的工艺管道。





KSFV60 使用手册_交易员系统
产品名称: 子系统名称: 文档名称: 版本号: 状况: 金仕达期货交易管理系统 V60 使用手册 交易员系统 KSFV60 使用手册_交易员系统 <>
版本 V6.0.0 V6.0.1 V6.0.1 日期 2007-12-13 2008-1-11 2008-1-11 修订描述 创建 初稿 初稿 修订者 刘术杰 丁晓忠 张秋军
界面辅助功能说明................................................................................... 7
权限管理 ....................................................................................................... 9 功能操作说明 ............................................................................................. 10 委托下单................................................................................................. 10 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 下单.................................................................................................. 10 批量下单.......................................................................................... 17 改价下单.......................................................................................... 22 批量改价下单.................................................................................. 23 委托密码修改.................................................................................. 25 交易密码校验.................................................................................. 26





















Eaton ASV60高级纵轴阀服务手册说明书

Eaton ASV60高级纵轴阀服务手册说明书

ASV60 Service ManualTable of contentsASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 2Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Document scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Safety considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3ASV60 valve operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3ASV60 Technical specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4ASV60 Valve assembly and component details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Spare parts list and Seal kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6SCU or Manifold interface - seal kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Assembly torque specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83ASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 Document scopeThis document provides information for servicing ASV60 valves .• Serviceable parts and spare part list •Assembly torque informationSafety considerationsB efore commencing, ensure that the individualperforming the service has proper training and tools for servicing a ASV60 valve .If the valve is mounted below the tank, service oil may leak when any valve is removed .Additional resources: ASV60 User Manual1. Load reaction switching valve (Optional)2. Cylinder port relief valves3. Isolation valve4. Main stage valve5. Mode select valve (Externally powered)6. Pressure reducing valve (Pilots)7. Load sense shuttle valve8. Proportional pressure reducing valves 9. Redundant LVDT spool sensorIntroductionASV60 advanced steering valvePrincipal of operation:The ASV60 is a two-stage proportional valve . The mainvalve is a closed-center, load sense valve which is designed to supply proportional flow to the steering application with high accuracy and ~zero hysteresis . An isolation spool is used which “isolates” the main-stage spool from the work ports . It is normally closed and piloted (to open) by an on/off solenoid valve . During normal operation, the isolation valve must remain actuated to ensure flow can be delivered to and from the work ports . By removing power to the “mode select valve” the isolation valve can be closed at any timeallowing for the isolation of the main-stage spool from the steering cylinder(s) .ASV60 will communicate with any CAN-enabled controller . The standard interface with the vehicle controller is CAN J1939 . The inclusion of CANbus communication and an onboard spool position sensor yields high precision flow control .4ASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 ASV60 T echnical specifications:Pressures Rated inlet (P Port) 210 Bar (3045psi)Max work ports (L & R Ports) 250 Bar (3625 psi)Max tank (T Port)21 Bar (305 psi)Flow @ 14bar control pressureASV60X130 lpm (7.9 gpm)ASV60X245 lpm (11.9 gpm)ASV60X360 lpm (15.9 gpm)ElectricalInput voltage12VDC (9-16 VDC)24VDC (18-32 VDC)Power/Current consumptionPilot Valve – 25 W Max Mode select valve Solenoid – 15.8 W Max CAN InterfaceJ1939, 2.0BRandom vibration***Standard IEC 60068-2-64:2008FiltrationISO 440618/16/13Pilot valve filter screen125µmActuation command optionsPilot valve flow command CAN / PWM Isolation valve commandPWMControl modesOpen loop command+/- 100% current Closed loop command+/- 100% flowElectrical interface connectorsPilot valve connectorDeutsch connector: DT14-6P Solenoid valve connectorDeutsch connector: DT04-2PElectromagnetic protectionEC Directive EMC Directive 2014/30/ECWeightStandard version (ASV60 only)8 kg (17.6 lb)Temperature*Standard oil (operating)*-30 to 90˚C (14 to 194˚F)Ambient (operating)-30 to 95˚C (-22 to 203˚F)Ambient short term (operating)-30 to 105˚C (-22 to 221˚F)* I t is recommended that the ASV60 valve is not be subjected to a thermal difference of greater than 50˚F (28˚C).Electrical environmental**Ingress protection ISO 20653: IP6k6/IPX9K Thermal cycling -30˚C to 95˚C (-22 to 203˚ F) for 1200 cyclesMechanical shockHalf-sine pulse: 40 G / 6 ms (IEC 60068-2-27 Ea)** A dditional Electrical Environmental tests were performed. Contact Eaton for additional details, if desired.Port typesP, L, R, T3/4”- 16 UNF (SAE-08), G 1/2, M18LS7/16”-20 UNF (SAE-04), G 1/4, M12Dynamic performanceTypical step responseMax: 200 msec (Neutral to 90% of main spool position)ViscosityRecommended 12-85 cSt Minimum 7 cSt Maximum812 cStASV60 Valve assembly and component detailsPort options:Main ports SAE Metric BSPPorts: Pressure, Tank, Left & Right3/4-16 UNF O-RING PORTS (SAE-8)M18x1.5 -6H METRIC O-RING PORTS G1/2 STRAIGHT THREAD PORTSLS Port: 7/16-20 UNF LOAD SENSING O-RINGPORT (SAE -4)M12 X 1.5-6H LOAD SENSING METRICO-RING PORTG 1/4 (BSP) LOAD SENSING STRAIGHTTHREAD PORT5 ASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 6ASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 Spare parts listSeal kitsSpare parts•Seal kit• ASV60 Valve & cover plate Interface………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9901403-000• SCU or Back-up manifold Interface……………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9901404-000•Mounting cap screw• Size: M10 x 1 .0 .……………………………………… . . . .……………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14621-004•Size: M5 x .8 .……………………………………… . . . .……………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .473723otee:N Valve require air bleeding (actuate the main spool left and right at 0 .02 to 0 .05 Hz for 5 minutes or until no air remains in the system) after replacement of any seals .ASV60 Valve & cover plate – seal kit – 9901403-000Item number Part number Material/ Size Durometer Quantity 116015-7Nitrile (Buna N) / -019702ASV60 Valve & cover plate interface Seal kitSCU or Manifold interface - seal kitSCU Or manifold interface – seal kit – 9901404-000Item number Part number Material/ Size Durometer Quantity116015-18-90Nitrile (Buna N) / -118904216003-11-90Nitrile (Buna N) / -1139017ASV60 SERVICE MANUAL June 2019 EatonHydraulics Group USA 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344USATel: 952-937-9800Fax: 952-294-7722www .eaton .com/hydraulicsEatonHydraulics Group Europe Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges SwitzerlandTel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601EatonHydraulics Group Asia Pacific Eaton BuildingNo .7 Lane 280 Linhong Road Changning District, Shanghai 200335 ChinaTel: (+86 21) 5200 0099Fax: (+86 21) 2230 7240Assembly torque specificationCap screw size: M5 X .8Torque to 8-1Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Eaton .com© 2019 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USADocument No . E-VLMB-RR001-E June 2019。

96000 Series RF Reference Source 操作员手册说明书

96000 Series RF Reference Source 操作员手册说明书

May 2014 (Simplified Chinese) © 2014 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.96000 SeriesRF Reference Source操作员手册有限担保及责任范围Fluke 公司保证其每一个Fluke的产品在正常使用及维护情形下,其用料和做工都是毫无瑕疵的。


零件、产品修理及服务的保证期是 90 天。

本保证只提供给从Fluke 授权经销商处购买的原购买者或最终用户, 且不包括保险丝、电池以及因误用、改变、疏忽、或非正常情况下的使用或搬运而损坏(根据 Fluke 的意见而定)的产品。

Fluke 保证在 90 天之内,软件会根据其功能指标运行,同时软件已经正确地被记录在没有损坏的媒介上。

Fluke 不能保证其软件没有错误或者在运行时不会中断。

Fluke 仅授权经销商将本保证提供给购买新的、未曾使用过的产品的最终用户。

经销商无权以 Fluke 的名义来给予其它任何担保。

保修服务仅限于从 Fluke 授权销售处所购买的产品,或购买者已付出适当的Fluke国际价格。

在某一国家购买而需要在另一国家维修的产品,Fluke 保留向购买者征收维修/更换零件进口费用的权利。

Fluke 的保证是有限的,在保用期间退回 Fluke 授权服务中心的损坏产品,Fluke有权决定采用退款、免费维修或把产品更换的方式处理。

欲取得保证服务,请和您附近的Fluke服务中心联系,或把产品寄到最靠近您的Fluke服务中心(请说明故障所在,预付邮资和保险费用,并以 FOB 目的地方式寄送)。



KSOA功能操作文档第一部分通用操作说明 (1)第1章操作员进入系统 (1)第2章操作桌面和功能菜单 (3)第3章业务单据操作说明 (3)1 单据菜单项 (4)2 业务单据抬头项 (13)3 业务单据明细项 (14)4 单据合计项 (19)5 单据操作属性项 (19)第4章查询分析功能操作说明 (20)6 菜单项 (20)7 抬头项 (22)8 明细项 (23)9 操作属性项 (31)第二部分基本资料维护 (31)第5章分类方案管理 (31)1 分类方案维护 (32)2 商品分类查询 (32)3 商品品类规划 (33)4 商品品类维护 (34)5 品类方案查询 (35)第6章系统资料维护 (35)第一部分通用操作说明第1章操作员进入系统每个操作人员在进入系统工组以前,由系统管理员在【系统控制台】定义好该人员的进入系统工作的“用户代码”和“口令”,通知每个操作人员记住个人“用户代码”和“口令”,每个操作人员应该注意对“口令”保密。









V60使用说明一、操作员:01 刷卡消费、结算1、接通电源或者安上电池后,打开机器侧面的开关按钮。


3、菜单中的功能:○1消费交易(银行卡、百通卡消费)○2转账交易(百通卡之间相互转账)○3余额查询(百通卡的余额查询)○4辅助功能(可交易查询撤销交易修改密码重打印申请清算)○5管理(可结算锁定终端修改柜员密码远程更新远程更新测试)二、操作员:99 绑定商户编号1、开机后输入管理员号99(密码37210596)进入管理员菜单。

2、菜单中的功能:○1商户(选“1商户编号”来设置自己的商户编号和“4终端编号”来设置自己的终端编号,按确认键保存即可)○2通讯(里面的IP APN 端口不可随便乱改)○3清空流水○4重置POS(不可随便重置POS)○5修改POS时间(可修改日期与时间)按F3 F4可上下翻页翻页后看到○1修改管理员密码○2远程更新三、pos界面解析图二、键盘解析图及说明注:拼音切换键例如:要输入“yuan”切换输入法到拼音然后输入“9826”显示屏上会显示“xuan”这时按拼音切换键即可切换到“yuan”(输入其他拼音若找不到也是一样按拼音切换键即可)四、纸卷盖说明五、客户绑定信息客户第一次在商联EPOS上刷卡消费需要进行信息绑定操作,绑定成功后,即可在任何一台商联EPOS上正常消费。

1、信用卡绑定步骤:①在EPOS上选择1消费交易-信用卡通道刷卡;②刷卡后提示请输入有效期【先年后月】如:卡上显示07/15,则在机器上输入“1507”;③输入金额,必须大于或等于1元钱④然后显示连接服务器,出现请输入CVV2,即信用卡后面三个单独的数;⑤确定后提示输入身份证号(如身份证中又X 按*或#即可);⑥确定后输入手机号(一定是开卡时候预留给银行的手机号);⑦确定后提示输入姓名;⑧确定后提示输入支付密码两便(注意这块不一定是银行卡的密码,可随自己意愿设置,该密码只在中国商联EPOS机上好用。

福克 FVK系列高性能高集成变频器使用手册说明书

福克 FVK系列高性能高集成变频器使用手册说明书

前 言非常感谢您选用福克FVK 系列高性能高集成变频器。

FVK 系列变频器是高性能、多功能、高集成的空间电压矢量型变频器,它采用模块化的功能设计理念,可以专为行业需求提供解决方案,可以根据客户的要求进行二次开发。

在使用FVK 系列变频器前请仔细阅读本手册,以确保正确使用。





安 全 事 项安全信息及其含义安全指导运输及安装安装安全事项报废注意事项目 录第一章 概述1.1 开箱检查 (1)1.2 变频器型号说明 (1)1.3 变频器铭牌说明 (1)1.4 变频器各部位名称说明 (1)1.5 变频器系列型号说明 (2)1.6 产品特点 (3)1.7 技术指标及规格 (3)1.8 部件的拆卸和安装 (4)1.8.1 操作键盘的拆卸和安装 (4)1.8.2 面盖的拆卸和安装 (4)1.8.3 操作键盘安装尺寸…………………………………………………5~6第二章 变频器的安装及接线2.1 变频器的安装 (7)2.2 变频器的安装尺寸 ………………………………………………7~92.3 变频器的接线 (10)2.3.1 注意事项 (10)2.3.2 变频器端子说明及配线………………………………………… 10~16第三章 操作3.1 操作说明 (17)3.1.1 键盘说明 (17)3.1.2 各功能键说明 (18)3.1.3状态指示灯功能说 (18)3.1.4 操作键盘的工作模式及显示状态 (18)3.1.5 操作键盘的使用 (19)3.2 简单运转 (20)第四章 参数功能介绍4.1 参数表 ……………………………………………………………21~264.2 监控参数 (27)4.3 参数功能详细说明 ………………………………………………28~44第五章 故障处理和维护5.1 故障代码及对策 (45)5.2 异常现象及对策 (46)5.3 检查与维护注意事项 (46)5.3.1 检查与维护 (46)5.3.2 日常检查项目 (47)5.3.3 定期检查项目 (47)5.3.4 变频器易损件的更换 ………………………………………… 47~485.3.5变频器的存贮 ‥ (48)5.3.6变频器的保修 (48)第六章 选配件6.1 制动组件 (49)6.2 远程操作适配器及延长电缆 ‥ (49)6.3 RS485接口通讯与通讯协议 (49)附录1 RS485通讯协议 ‥…………………………………………… 50~54附录2 供水附件的应用 ……………………………………………… 55~57附录3 产品保修卡 …………………………………………………… END第一章 概 述1.1开箱检查从包装箱取出变频器检查产品外壳是否损坏变形,元件是否有损坏、脱落;观察机箱侧面铭牌的额定值,认真核查该产品是否与您的订货要求一致;装箱单内所列物品是否齐全;若有疑问或产品出现损坏,请立即与供货商联系解决。

Lowrance Hook Reveal Series 操作员手册说明书

Lowrance Hook Reveal Series 操作员手册说明书
3 箭头 - 在任意全屏页面:按此键定位图像上的光标。按 此键可向任意方向平移图像。 在多面板页面:按此键选择面板。 在菜单和对话框中:按此键突出显示选项。
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77 模拟器 77 零售模式
目录 | Hook Reveal Series 操作员手册
77 模拟器源文件 77 高级模拟器设置
目录 | Hook Reveal Series 操作员手册
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2 放大/缩小 - 按此键缩放图像。 同时按下两个键可在船舶位置创建 MOB(人员落水)航 点。
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序言 | Hook Reveal Series 操作员手册
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VULCAN-HART VCV系列烤箱系统操作手册说明书

VULCAN-HART VCV系列烤箱系统操作手册说明书

MODELS VCV13VCV6VCV4VCV5INSTALLATION &OPERATION MANUALCOOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSF-38052 (4-08)VULCAN-HARTDIVISION OF ITW FOOD EQUIPMENT GROUP, LLC 3600 NORTH POINT BLVD.BALTIMORE, MD 21222For additional information on Vulcan-Hart or to locate an authorized parts and service provider in your area, visit our website at VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSIMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETYTHE INSTALLATION SECTION OF THIS MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR PERSONNEL QUALIFIED TO INSTALL THIS EQUIPMENT, WHO SHOULD PERFORM THE INITIAL FIELD START-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS OF THE EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS MANUAL.damage, injury or death. Read the Installation, Operatingand Maintenance instructions thoroughly beforeinstalling or servicing this equipment.IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE,DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPERATE THIS DEVICE.— 2 —© VULCAN-HART, 2008— 3 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSSPECIFICATIONSMODEL PAN*MEAT*SHIPPING NO.CAPACITYCAPACITYHEIGHTDEPTHWIDTHWEIGHTVOLTSWATTS AMPSVCV5545 lbs.31.5"33.75"28.25"170 lbs.12012001520.1 kg800 mm857 mm718 mm77 kg27.5" w/o casters699 mmVCV138 each 120 lbs 78 in 30.75 in 22.25 in 438 lbs 208/3800/19/2218"x26" pans 54.5 kg 1981 mm 781 mm 566 mm 199 kg 2405060VCV68 each 120 lbs 43 in 30.75 in 22.25 in 275 lbs 208/1900/10/1118"x26" pans54.5 kg 1093 mm 781 mm 566 mm 125 kg 2402530VCV4340 lbs.32.5"26.875"17.25"130 lbs.12015001518.1 kg826 mm683 mm438 mm59 kg28.5" w/o casters724 mm* Per compartmentINTRODUCTIONThis manual is provided to assist persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of the oven with a simple but comprehensive understanding of its proper use. We recommend that this manual be read and understood prior to placing the oven into operation.Vulcan-Hart’s Cook and Hold Oven System is a basic food preparation unit that has found wide acceptance in both institutional and commercial food service operations. Vulcan-Hart’s products are produced with quality workmanship and materials. Proper installation, usage, and maintenance will result in many years of satisfactory performance.As with any piece of food service equipment,this oven system requires a minimum of care and maintenance. Recommended procedures are contained in this manual and should become a regular part of the operation of the unit.SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONThe Serial Number and Model Number for the unit are located on the equipment Serial Data Plate located by the electrical connection.Figure 1: Serial Data PlateElectrical RequirementsThe VCV13 and VCV6 ovens are dual voltage,factory wired for 208/240 Volts AC, single phase, 50 or 60 Hz service. The VCV5 and VCV4 ovens are factory wired for 120 Volts AC, 60 Hz service.voltage and phase of the power source are identical to the voltage and phase information on the data plate.The oven must be adequately and safely grounded before operation. A separate disconnect switch or circuit breaker is recommended to be placed at a convenient location between the oven and the electric power source.VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSFigure 2: Model VCV4 DimensionsFigure 3: Model VCV5 Dimensions— 4 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSFigure 4: Model VCV6 DimensionsFigure 5: Model VCV13 Dimensions— 5 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSINSTALLATIONBefore installing, verify that the electrical service agrees with the specifications on the data plate located on the lower rear of the cabinet. If the electrical service does not agree with the data plate, do not proceed with installation. Contact your dealer or local Authorized Vulcan-Hart Servicer immediately.UNPACKINGThis cabinet was inspected before leaving the factory. The transportation company assumes full responsibility for safe delivery upon acceptance of the shipment. Immediately after unpacking, check for possible shipping damage. If the cabinet is damaged, save packing material and contact the carrier within 15 days of delivery. Check the delivery documentation for damage reporting contacts and time limits. Carefully unpack and place in a work-accessible area as near the installation position as possible.1.Open door(s) and carefully remove anypackaging materials and the retaining straps that hold the tray slides and tray slide upright side supports.2.Remove all scratch-protective film fromcabinet.INSTALLATION CODESAND STANDARDSIn the United States, the Vulcan-Hart ovensystem must be installed in accordance withthe following:1.State and local codes.2.National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFPA No.70, latest edition) available from the NationalFire Protection Association, BatterymarchPark, Quincy, MA 02269.3.Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment,(NFPA-96, latest edition) available fromNFPA.In Canada, the Vulcan-Hart oven system mustbe installed in accordance with the following:1.Local codes.2.Canadian Electrical Code (CSA C22.2 No.3, latest edition) available from theCanadian Standards Association, 5060Spectrum Way, Mississauga, Ontario,Canada L4W 5N6.LOCATIONFor efficient cabinet operation, choose alocation that will provide easy loading andunloading without interfering with the finalassembly of food orders.The final location must allow adequateclearances for servicing and air circulation forproper operation.— 6 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSELECTRICAL CONNECTIONThe VCV13 and VCV6 ovens are dual voltage, factory wired for 208/240 Volts AC, single phase, 50 or 60 Hz service. The VCV4 and VCV5 ovensare factory wired for 120 Volts AC, 60 Hz service. voltage and phase of the power source are identical to the voltage and phaseinformation on the data plate.applicable portions of the National Electrical code and/or other localelectrical codes.vicinity of this or any other applicance.All cabinets are equipped with a durable, suitable,8-ft. (2.4 m) cord and NEMA 5-15 plug asstandard equipment. The cord and plug comewith a proper strain relief to prevent unit frommoving away from electrical connection.Refer to wiring diagram in this manual forproper connection.Do not store flammables near unit.1.At the circuit breaker, turn off power to thecircuit to which the oven system is to beconnected.2.Check that the oven Power ON/OFFSwitch is in the OFF position.3.Connect the power cord from the ovensystem to the electrical power source.4.At the circuit breaker, turn on power tothe circuit.— 7 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSOPERATIONOVEN CONTROLSAll operating controls are located on the front Control Panel(s). The oven is supplied with individual operating controls for each oven cavity.Each Control Panel contains:•Power ON/OFF Switch•HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob •ROASTING TEMPERATURE knob •ROASTING TIME knob•Holding Temperature Indicator Light •Roasting Temperature Indicator LightFigure 6: VCV13 and VCV6 Operating ControlsFigure 7: VCV4 and VCV5Operating ControlsBEFORE FIRST USEThoroughly clean the oven before initial use.1.Remove the Interior Side Racks and theAir Tunnel from the cabinet.2.Take the Interior Side Racks and the AirTunnel to a sink or dishwasher for athorough cleaning.damage to electrical components orconnections.Note: Never use harsh chemicals or abrasivepads to clean the cabinet.e a mild soap and water solution toclean these items.4.Wring out the cloth so it is only damp andnot soaking wet.5.Reassemble oven.— 8 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSTESTING THE OVENBefore using the oven for the first time, verify that the oven operates normally.1.Check that the oven is connected to thecorrect power source.2.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to -0-.3.Turn the HOLDING TEMPERATURE knobto 140°F.4.Set the oven Power ON/OFF Switch to theON position.5.Check that the Oven Circulating Fan(s)are running.6.Check that the Holding TemperatureIndicator Light is illuminated.Note: The cooling fans may not operate when the oven is first turned on. The cooling fans operate only when the thermostat to which they are connected requires it.7.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to 2 hours.The Holding Temperature Indicator Light will go out and the Roasting Temperature Indicator Light will illuminate.8.Turn the ROASTING TEMPERATUREknob to 250°F. Check the interior rear of the oven cavity to determine that the oven is heating.9.Turn the ROASTING TIME knob to -0- andset the HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob at 250°F.10.Check that the Roasting TemperatureIndicator Light has gone out and the Holding Temperature Indicator Light has turned on.11.Check the interior rear of the oven toensure that the oven is heating.If all the functions perform satisfactorily, the oven is ready for operation.OPERATING THE OVENPreheat the oven cavity to the desiredtemperature when the oven is first used for theday or whenever the compartment is cold.Keep the door closed during preheating cycle.When the cooking compartment is at thedesired temperature, place the pans of foodinto the oven and shut the door.Set the ROASTING TIME knob to the desiredcooking time.SHUTDOWN1.Turn off all thermostats.2.Turn Power ON/OFF Switch to OFF position.EXTENDED SHUTDOWNPerform the following procedure to shut downthe oven for an extended period of time.1.Thoroughly clean the oven according tothe cleaning procedures in this manual.2.Leave the door(s) slightly open to allowventilation and preservation of gasket(s).Whenever repair or adjustment of the oven isnecessary, refer to the PRODUCT SUPPORTAND SERVICE section of this manual.— 9 —VCV SERIES COOK AND HOLD OVEN SYSTEMSGENERAL CLEANINGInteriorWash the inside of the compartment with a solution of mild detergent and warm water. Rinse with warm water. Wipe dry. This should be performed based upon a schedule predetermined for your operation.ExteriorRefer to “STAINLESS STEEL CARE.”Door Gasket(s)At least once a week, thoroughly clean the gasket sealing surfaces of the oven door(s) to remove food acids; this action will ensure maximum gasket life.Note: Do not use any solvents or sharp instruments to clean the gasket(s).Wash the gasket(s) with a cloth moistened with a solution of mild detergent and warm water. Rinse with a fresh cloth moistened in warm water to remove all traces of detergent. Wipe dry with a clean dry cloth.Never apply food oils or petroleum lubricants directly to the gasket(s); petroleum-based solvents and lubricants will reduce gasket life.STAINLESS STEEL CARE CleaningStainless steel contains 70-80% iron, which will rust if not properly maintained. It also contains 12-30% chromium, which forms an invisible passive, protective film that shields against corrosion. If the film remains intact, the stainless steel will remain intact. However, if the film is damaged, the stainless steel can break down and rust. To prevent stainlesssteel breakdown, follow these steps:Never use any metal tools, pads (except for stainless steel scouringpads), which will mar the surface!Never use steel wool, which willNever use acid-based orwhich will break down the protective film!Never rub in a circular motion!Never leave any food products acidic. Salt contains chloride!For routine cleaning, use warm water, mild soap or detergent and a sponge or soft cloth.For heavy-duty cleaning, use warm water, a degreaser and a plastic, stainless steel or Scotch-Brite pad.Always rinse thoroughly. Always rub gently in the direction of the steel grain.MAINTENANCE— 10 —Preserving and RestoringSpecial stainless steel polishing cleaners can preserve and restore the protective film.Preserve the life of stainless steel with a regular application of a high quality stainless steel polishing cleaner as a final step to daily cleaning.If signs of breakdown appear, restore the stainless steel surface. First, thoroughly clean, rinse and dry the surface. Then, on a daily basis, apply a high-quality stainless steel polish according to manufacturer’s instructions. Heat TintDarkened areas, called “heat tint,” may appear on stainless steel exposed to excessive heat, which causes the protective film to thicken. It is unsightly but is not a sign of permanent damage. To remove heat tint, follow the routine cleaning procedure. Stubborn heat tint will require heavy-duty cleaning.To reduce heat tint, limit the exposure of equipment to excessive heat.MAINTAINING DOOR GASKET(S) Leaking and/or damaged door gasket(s) cause inefficient and unsatisfactory operation of the unit. Replace any door gasket(s) that are damaged or deformed.Note:Leave the compartment door(s) slightly open (unlatched) when the unit is not in use. Keeping the gasket under pressure when the unit is not in use can cause permanent deformation of the gasket and reduce its serviceable life.— 11 —SYMPTOM Oven not operatingIndicator Lights are lit but Cooling Fans not operatingOven compartment heating(Blower Motor IS NOT operating with Power ON/OFF Switch ON ) Oven compartment NOT heating(Blower Motor IS operating with Power ON/OFF Switch ON) Oven temperature is incorrectPOSSIBLE CAUSESOven is not plugged intopower sourceFuse is blownPower ON/OFF Switch isnot ONOven is below 150°FDefective connection orwiringDefective fanDefective thermostatDefective connection orwiringDefective motorDefective RoastingTemperature ThermostatDefective HoldingTemperature ThermostatDefective High-LimitThermostatDefective Heating ElementThermostats requirecalibrationREMEDYPlug oven into correct power source asindicated on data plate.Check fuse and replace if necessary.Press Power ON/OFF Switch to ON.This is normal when unit is cold.If Cooling Fans do not operate when ovencavity is above 150°F, contact yourauthorized service provider.Contact your authorized service provider.Set ROASTING TIME knob to -0-. (HoldingTemperature Indicator Light and Power ON/OFF Switch lights will both be lit.)Turn HOLDING TEMPERATURE knob to 250°Fand check for heat at rear of oven cavity.•If heat is present, turn HOLDINGTEMPERATURE knob off, and turnROASTING TEMPERATURE knob to 250°F.Wait until Blower Motor begins to blow coolair into rear of oven cavity and setROASTING TIME knob to 2 hours. (PowerON/OFF Switch light and RoastingTemperature Indicator Light will be lit.)Check rear of the oven cavity for heat.•If heat is not present in one of the cycles,the Thermostat for that cycle is defective.Contact your authorized service provider.•If no heat is present in either cycle, theRoasting T emperature Thermostat, HoldingTemperature Thermostat, High-LimitThermostat, or Heating Element is defective.Contact your authorized service provider.Contact your authorized service provider.TROUBLESHOOTING— 12 —WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure 8: VCV13 and VCV6 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 13 —Figure 9: VCV4 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 14 —Figure 10: VCV5 Wiring Diagram – Electro-Mechanical Control— 15 —— 16 —F-38052 (4-08)PRINTED IN U.S.A .SERVICE AND PARTS INFORMATIONTo obtain service and parts information concerning this model, contact Vulcan-Hart or refer to our website: for a complete listing of Authorized Service and Parts depots.When calling for service, have the model number and serial number available.。



Flowsic 600气体检测超声波流量计手册说明本手册说明如何使用Flowsic600测量系统测量运输管道中气体的体积流量,体积以及声波在被检测气体中的速度,提供所使用的测量方法,全套系统的设计和功能的一般信息以及组成、准备、装配、安装、委培、维护和检修,与现有的用于各种不同测量目的的测量相比,Flowsic600测量系统具有理想的配置,能够完成计划过程中提出的测量任务。


本手册是Flowsic600文件包的一部分,文件包包含下面文件:•Flowsic600操作说明书•MEPAFlow600软件说明书选择项目,仅限于经过专业知识培训人员•Flowsic600服务手册•Flowsic600传感器替代工具操作手册本手册使用的符号说明:重要信息. 特别是安全等方面本手册都重点突出以便能快速查询。




手册中缩写词的意义act 实际情况ANSI 美国国家标准协会ASCII 美国通讯标准码ASME 美国机械工程师学会CSA 加拿大标准协会DC 直流电DIN 德国工业标准DN 标称(名义)直径DSP 数字信号处理器EC 欧洲共同体EN 欧洲标准EZ 危险地带HART 相互作用IEC 国际电工技术委员会norm 标准化LED 发光二极管MEPAFlow Flowsic600参数菜单对话软件系统NAMUR 化学工业仪器仪表及标准控制协会PC 个人计算机PTB 德国联邦计量办公室SPU 信号处理单元VDE 德国电气工程师协会1.安全说明1.1设备的使用Flowsic600测量系统设计用来测量管线中气体的体积流动速率,也可进一步用来测量气体的绝对体积和声波在被测气体中的速率。



F L U X系统操作手册(总46页)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March---------------------考试---------------------------学资学习网---------------------押题------------------------------FLUX系统操作手册一、系统概述1、系统登陆1.1 登陆WMS客户端点击“连接”,输入正确的服务器地址——点击“确定”在登录窗口输入用户名——密码——仓库——点击“登录”FLUX系统操作手册修改密码1.2 系统——点击“系统”——点击“修改密码”登录WMS的新密码并在确认密码处再次输输入原始密码——再输入欲xx 入新密码——点击“保存”FLUX系统操作手册切换仓库1.3如欲退出系统或者切换其它操作仓库——点击“系统”——切换仓库、退出登录或退出系统、客户档案2 2.1 客户档案内容 WMS登录系统——基础设置——双击“客户档案”FLUX系统操作手册点击:明细——点击:新增,输入客户代码或名称(支持中英文名称,有字xx限制),选择客户类型,填写对应的客户名称的中英文描述,地址及控制信息页签的内容可以选填控制信息中:重量单位、体积单位维护在此客户下产品体积、重量的默认单位、产品档案3 3.1 产品档案内容系统——基础设置——双击“产品档案”WMS登录.FLUX系统操作手册点击:新增——选择该产品对应货主,输入产品代码或名称(支填写对应的产品名称的中英文描述。




操作员站使用WINCC V6

操作员站使用WINCC V6




这个层次是通过图片树管理器(Picture Tree Manager)构建的。

























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第 3 章 权限管理.......................................................................................................9 第 4 章 功能操作说明.............................................................................................10
KSFV60 使用手册_交易员系统
4.5.5 客户成交查询..................................................................................41 4.5.6 客户持仓查询..................................................................................42 4.5.7 客户当日错误委托查询..................................................................44 4.5.8 合约查询..........................................................................................45 4.5.9 组合合约查询..................................................................................46 4.5.10 品种价位查询...........................................................................47 4.5.11 操作信息查询...........................................................................48 4.6 银期转帐.................................................................................................49 4.7 行情管理.................................................................................................51 4.7.1 合约组设置......................................................................................51 4.7.2 行情页定制......................................................................................53 4.8 个性化设置.............................................................................................56 4.8.1 界面设置..........................................................................................56 4.8.2 下单参数设置..................................................................................57 4.8.3 系统设置..........................................................................................59 4.9 文件.........................................................................................................61 4.9.1 帮助..................................................................................................61 4.9.2 工具栏开关......................................................................................62 4.9.3 搜索操作界面..................................................................................62 4.9.4 设置打印机......................................................................................63 4.9.5 刷新..................................................................................................64 4.9.6 浏览本地文件夹..............................................................................64 4.9.7 修改密码..........................................................................................65 4.9.8 锁定..................................................................................................66 4.9.9 退出..................................................................................................67 第 5 章 常见问题解答.............................................................................................68
4.1 委托下单.................................................................................................10 4.1.1 下单..................................................................................................10 4.1.2 批量下单..........................................................................................17 4.1.3 改价下单..........................................................................................22 4.1.4 批量改价下单..................................................................................23 4.1.5 委托密码修改..................................................................................25 4.1.6 交易密码校验..................................................................................26
4.2 撤单.........................................................................................................26 4.3 预埋单.....................................................................................................30 4.4 开盘触发条件单.....................................................................................33 4.5 查询.........................................................................................................36
第 2 章 界面操作指南...............................................................................................4 2.1 界面总体风格...........................................................................................4 2.1.1 系统菜单栏........................................................................................4 2.1.2 工具栏................................................................................................4 2.1.3 行情区................................................................................................5 2.1.4 下单区................................................................................................5 2.1.5 委托回报区........................................................................................6 2.1.6 成交回报区........................................................................................6 2.1.7 状态栏................................................................................................6 2.2 界面辅助功能说明...................................................................................7 2.2.1 打印....................................................................................................7 2.2.2 列调整工具........................................................................................7