
高中英语 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics
单句写作 (6) [词 汇 复 现]The man’s house lay in ruins in the earthquake. Luckily,he ___su_r_v_i_v_e_d_i_t ___ (幸免于难). (7) She ___s_u_rv_i_v_e_d_h_e_r_s_i_st_e_r_b_y___ (比她姐姐活得长)ten years. (8) [词汇复现]Some interesting customs __h_a_v_e_s_u_rv_i_v_e_d_f_r_o_m__ (留存下来)ancient times.
比……活得时间长【教Fra bibliotek原句】Is it enough to have survived for a long time? 存在了很长时间就足够了吗?(P1)
survive the war/accident/flood/fire在战争 / 事故 / 洪水 / 火灾中幸免于难
survive the attack/earthquake在袭击 / 地震中幸免于难
高中英语 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics
词 汇二 in search of 寻找,搜寻 【教材原句】 IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM寻找琥珀屋(P1) 【要点必记】 carry out a search(for)进行(对……的)搜寻 search for sb./sth. 寻找某人 / 某物 search+ 搜查的范围 +for... 搜查……以寻找……
高中英语 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics
单句语法填空 (1) [词汇复现]The policemen started at once in search ___o_f_____ the lost rare vase. (2) [词汇复现]After the earthquake broke out,the rescue team was sent to search ___f_o_r ____ the survivors. (3) They carried out several searches ___f_o_r___ the missing boy who got lost near the river . 单句写作 (4) [词汇复现]They removed the stones and bricks ___in__s_e_ar_c_h_o_f_/_to__s_ea_r_c_h_f_o_r__ (寻 找)some survivors in the earthquake. (5) The police _a_re__s_e_ar_c_h_i_n_g the house __f_o_r_ (正在搜查……以寻找)more evidence.

Memory 数字通用光盘
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What is it in English??
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What is it in English??
Modem(调制解 调器)
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Complete the sentences with some of the words in the box.
Do you know who I am? notebook computer
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What do they have in common?
I think that … In my opinion… I believe that… Why do you think so? What’s your reason?
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disc, floppy disc ,CD-ROM, printer, modem
1 A___m_o_n_it_o_r_ is used to see your data on a computer .
➢ listen to music
➢ watch movies.
人教版高一英语必修2所有精华版 课件ppt
How much do you knoive the English name of the following pictures of the computer components (组件)
➢ type my homework
➢ draw pictures
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What is it in English??
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What is it in English??
Modem(调制解 调器)
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Complete the sentences with some of the words in the box.
Do you know who I am? notebook computer
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What do they have in common?
I think that … In my opinion… I believe that… Why do you think so? What’s your reason?
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disc, floppy disc ,CD-ROM, printer, modem
1 A___m_o_n_it_o_r_ is used to see your data on a computer .
➢ listen to music
➢ watch movies.
人教版高一英语必修2所有精华版 课件ppt
How much do you knoive the English name of the following pictures of the computer components (组件)
➢ type my homework
➢ draw pictures

countries can take part if their athletes reached the _s_t_a_n_d_a_rd to the games. Women are not only _a_l_l_o_w_e_dto join in but
playing a veryi_m__p_o_r_t_a_ntrole. Asp__e_c_ia_l_v_i_ll_a_g_eis built for the competitors to live in, a s_t_a_d_i_u_m__ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a g_y_m__n_a_s_i_u_m_ as well as seats for those who watch the games. It’s a great _h_o_n_o_rto host the Olympic Games. The Olive wreath has been _r_e_p_l_a_c_e_dby medals. But it’s still about being able to run _f_a_s_te_r_, jump _h_i_g_h_e_r and throw f_u_r_t_h_e_r_.
2.Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel proud?
Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.
3. Why does he think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?
playing a veryi_m__p_o_r_t_a_ntrole. Asp__e_c_ia_l_v_i_ll_a_g_eis built for the competitors to live in, a s_t_a_d_i_u_m__ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a g_y_m__n_a_s_i_u_m_ as well as seats for those who watch the games. It’s a great _h_o_n_o_rto host the Olympic Games. The Olive wreath has been _r_e_p_l_a_c_e_dby medals. But it’s still about being able to run _f_a_s_te_r_, jump _h_i_g_h_e_r and throw f_u_r_t_h_e_r_.
2.Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel proud?
Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.
3. Why does he think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?
人教版高一英语必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games reading 课件 .(共36张PPT)

wreath has been _r_e_p_la_c_e_d_ by medals. But it’s still about being able to run _f_a_s_te_r_, jump _h_ig_h_e_r_ and throw _f_u_r_th__er_.
Summary of the interview
What events do the Chinese athletes do best in?
badminton table tennis diving
weight- lifting shooting gymnastics
In Beijing; in 2008.
The Chinese team got 51 gold medals in
Greek traveler and writer (the 2nd century )
Pausanias, who was a Greek writer 2,000
years ago, has come on a magical journey to
find out about the present day Olympic
Games. He is now interviewing a girl, Li Yan a
Chinese girl. Pausanias
Li Yan
magical journey
Olympic Games
Task 1: Skimming (Listen to the tape)
The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the S__u_m_m__e_r_and the W__i_n_t_e_r Olympics. Both of them are _h_e_l_d_ every _f_o_u_r_ye_a_r_s_. All

Unit 5 Music
2020人教版高一英语必修二全册完 整课件
Appendices 附录
2020人教版高一英语必修二全册完 整课件
Unit 3 Computers
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Unit 4 Wildlife protection
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WorkbookUnit 1 Cultural relics
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Unit 2 The Olympic Games
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2020人教版高一英语必修二全册完 整课件
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
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Unit 5 Music
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Unit 1 Cultural relice
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Unit 2 The Olympic Games
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Unit 3 Computers
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Unit 1 Cultural relice Unit 3 Computers Unit 5 Music Unit 2 The Olympic Games Unit 4 Wildlife protection Appendices 附录
人教版高一英语必修二Unit 1课文课件(共76张PPT)

decorate sb for sth 授于某人奖章或奖状
Several soldiers were decorated for bravery.
9. It was also a treasure decorated with
gold and jewels, which took the country’s
B. searched 是:孩子的安全问题,怎么强调都不过分。
我 是 一 直 从 事风险 管理研 究的,也 包括交 通风险 管理、 教育风 险管理 和校车问题的, 所 以 ,这 次 受 邀来参 加这次 会议,原 来是想 来谈谈 关于校 车风险 管理问 题的,特 别是 国 外 在 校 车 风险管 理方面 的先进 经验,但 到了这 里之后 ,看了会 议的材 料,听 了各省
普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼 会有一段令人惊讶的历史。
⑶could never have imagined that his greatest
gift to the Russian people would have such an ⑷ am__a_z_in_g__令人吃惊的 history . ⑵ This gift was the Amber Room , which was given this name
A. searched for
在 校 车 交 通 安全管 理工作 会上的 发言
非 常 高 兴 能 够来参 加公安 部和教 育部共 同举办 的“校 车交通 安全管 理工作 现场 会 ” ,昨 天 有 同志讲 校车工 作是一 个功德 项目,我 非常认 同这个 说法,因 为,我 们知道 在 校 车 工 作 的背后 有两个 关键词 :一是孩 子,二 是教育 。孩子 是我们 国家的 未来,教 育 是 我 们 国 家的希 望,而我 们给孩 子们提 供的环 境还不 够理想 ,我有很多的数据和案 例 ,包 括 国 外 和国内 的,但我 不想在 这里列 举,这 次汶川 地震为 什么如 此震撼 中国人 , 其 中 一 个 重 要的原 因是有 那么多 的孩子 走了,他 们还那 么小,没 有来得 及享受 人生, 就 匆匆离 去 ,让我 们这些 做大人 的心痛 不已 ,更 让我们 感到有 一种责 任的压 力。所 以, 我 们 大 家 在 这里,交 流经验 ,研究问 题,共 同为校 车工程 的建设 献计献 策,为孩 子们做 一 点 事 ,给 他 们创造 一个良 好的生 活和学 习的环 境,其意 义就尽 在不言 中,我 想说的
Several soldiers were decorated for bravery.
9. It was also a treasure decorated with
gold and jewels, which took the country’s
B. searched 是:孩子的安全问题,怎么强调都不过分。
我 是 一 直 从 事风险 管理研 究的,也 包括交 通风险 管理、 教育风 险管理 和校车问题的, 所 以 ,这 次 受 邀来参 加这次 会议,原 来是想 来谈谈 关于校 车风险 管理问 题的,特 别是 国 外 在 校 车 风险管 理方面 的先进 经验,但 到了这 里之后 ,看了会 议的材 料,听 了各省
普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼 会有一段令人惊讶的历史。
⑶could never have imagined that his greatest
gift to the Russian people would have such an ⑷ am__a_z_in_g__令人吃惊的 history . ⑵ This gift was the Amber Room , which was given this name
A. searched for
在 校 车 交 通 安全管 理工作 会上的 发言
非 常 高 兴 能 够来参 加公安 部和教 育部共 同举办 的“校 车交通 安全管 理工作 现场 会 ” ,昨 天 有 同志讲 校车工 作是一 个功德 项目,我 非常认 同这个 说法,因 为,我 们知道 在 校 车 工 作 的背后 有两个 关键词 :一是孩 子,二 是教育 。孩子 是我们 国家的 未来,教 育 是 我 们 国 家的希 望,而我 们给孩 子们提 供的环 境还不 够理想 ,我有很多的数据和案 例 ,包 括 国 外 和国内 的,但我 不想在 这里列 举,这 次汶川 地震为 什么如 此震撼 中国人 , 其 中 一 个 重 要的原 因是有 那么多 的孩子 走了,他 们还那 么小,没 有来得 及享受 人生, 就 匆匆离 去 ,让我 们这些 做大人 的心痛 不已 ,更 让我们 感到有 一种责 任的压 力。所 以, 我 们 大 家 在 这里,交 流经验 ,研究问 题,共 同为校 车工程 的建设 献计献 策,为孩 子们做 一 点 事 ,给 他 们创造 一个良 好的生 活和学 习的环 境,其意 义就尽 在不言 中,我 想说的
最新英语人教版必修2 精品课件汇总

二、非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句和主句的关系不是十分密切,只是对先 行词或主句作些附加说明,如果去掉,主句的意思仍然完整。 这种从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开。引导非限制性定语从句 的关系词与引导限制性定语从句的关系词略有不同。除that和 why不能引导非限制性定语从句外,其他都可以。 He is English,which I know from his accent. 他是英国人,那是我通过他的口音知道的。 I heard a terrible noise,which brought my heart into my mouth. 我听到了一个可怕的声音,这使我非常害怕。
Ⅲ.经典句式 1.In a trial,a judge must decide_w_h_i_c_h_e_y_e_w__it_n_e_ss_e_s_t_o_b_e_l_ie_v_e__an_d
_w__h_ic_h__n_o_t _to__b_e_li_e_v_e__. 在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能 相信。 2.He/She only cares about _w__h_e_th_e_r_ the eyewitness has given true information,__w__h_ic_h__ must be facts rather than opinions. 他/她关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些信息 必须是事实而非个人观点或看法。 3.__N__o_r _d_o_I_t_h_i_n_k__ they should give it to any government. 我也认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府。
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人教版高中英语必修2新人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics1课件ppt

added to more details
Fill in the blanks:
The Amber Room was a __g_i_ft___ that Frederick
WilliamⅠ, the King of Prussia gave to Peter the Great. In
Mogao Caves
Can you name some of the culture relics in China or the world?
the Forbidden City
The Great Wall in China
The terracotta warriors
The Pyramids in Egypt
•Amber is the fossil(化石)form of
resin(树脂) from trees.
• It takes millions of years to form.
In Search Of The Amber Room
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Warming up
Students answer the following questions: What is your favorite city? Why? What makes a city great?
a long history many great people important events taking place there cultural relics
visitors. Later it was moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where Catherine Ⅱ told her artists to add more

2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
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Unit 3 Computers
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Unit 3 Computers
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Unit 4 Wildlife protection
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Unit 5 Music
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WorkbookUnit 1 Cultural relics
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Appendices 附录
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0002页 0125页 0242页 0324页 0406页 0507页
Unit 1 Cultural relice Unit 3 Computers Unit 5 Music Unit 2 The Olympic Games Unit 4 Wildlife protection Appendices 附录
Unit 1 Cultural relice
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
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Unit 4 Wildlife protection
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Unit 5 Music
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
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Unit 3 Computers
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 3 Computers
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 5 Music
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
WorkbookUnit 1 Cultural relics
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Appendices 附录
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0002页 0125页 0242页 0324页 0406页 0507页
Unit 1 Cultural relice Unit 3 Computers Unit 5 Music Unit 2 The Olympic Games Unit 4 Wildlife protection Appendices 附录
Unit 1 Cultural relice
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
2020最新人教版高一英语必修二( 全套)精品课件
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
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Unit 5 Music

1.The reason for the missing of the Amber Room
A. the wars
B.the disasters
C.the time
D.none of the above
2. The story is about ______. A.the war between the Russians and Germans B.the history of the Amber Room C.how to build the Amber Room D.why the king built the Amber Room
Unit 1 Cultural relics warming up & Reading
Teaching aims
Get to know culture relics Learn to talk about cultural relics.
Read the passage to develop their reading ability.
the similarities of them
Cultural Relics文化遗产
•famous •a long history •tell us stories about the past •symbols of their countries and cultures
•What can amber be made into?
•Can you imagine a house made of amber?
The Amber Room

Whether should the Old Summer Palace (圆明园) be rebuilt or not? Why?
Thank you very much!
How much does it cost?
It is said that the amber room is worth_1_0_0_-2_5_0__m_il_lio_n__(1_亿__-2_._5_亿_) dollars.
The Amber
Read the text quickly, trying to get the main idea about the text. (5m.)
It tells us the strange history of
the_A__m_b__e_r __R_o_o__m__, a cultural relic
2. It uses the _P_a_s_t_Tense.
Discuss the following question in groups of four. Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as Yuan Ming Yuan? Give your reasons.
of two countries: G__e_r_m__a_n_y_ and _R__u_s_s_i_a_.
Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its_d__e_s_ig_n__
Paragraph 2-3: __t_h_e__h_i_s_to__ryof the Amber Room
1716 Amber Room to Peter the Great__a_s_a__g_i_ft_.
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What is it in English??
CPU (central processing Unit)
What is it in English??
hard disc
What is it in English??
floppy disc
What is it in English??
Free! Easy! Fast! Quick!
Useful phrases
calculating machine Analytical machine card with holes technological revolution universal machine artificial intelligence go by by internet human race
1 A___m_o_n_it_o_r_ is used to see your data on a computer .
2 A_h_a_r_ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้_d_i_s_k__ or disk is the main device that a computer uses to store information.
A___C_D_-_R_O_M___ is a disc that contains computer data. It can store a large amount of data.
Look at the pictures and use some adjectives to describe her/his feelings.
Up load 上传 Home page 主页 Password 密码 Desk top 桌面 User name 用户名 Click 点击
1. What’s the main idea of this passage? 2. A. The development of computers 3.B.BT.hTehdeevdelvoeplompemnetnatnadnudseusoefocfomcopmupteurtsers 4. C. A machine which is simple-minded 5. D. Computers may replace human being
What is it in English??
What is it in English??
Modem(调制解 调器)
Complete the sentences with some of the words in the box.
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disc, floppy disc ,CD-ROM, printer, modem
A__k_e_y_bo_a_r_d_ is used to put data into a computer .
A__m_o_d_e_m__ _is often used to connect computers to each other though phone lines .
Data can also be stored in a ___f_lo_p_p_y_d_is_c____,which is small and can be carried easily.
How much do you know
about a computer???
Give the English name of the following pictures of the computer components (组件)
What is it in English??
Main board(主板)
3 A __p_r_in_t_e_r __is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper ,especially one connected to the computer.
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard disc, floppy disc ,CD-ROM, printer, modem
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I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now.
Keyboard (键盘)
What is it in English??
What is it in English??
mouse 鼠标
What is it in English??
Digital Versatile Disc Read Only
Memory 数字通用光盘
Do you know who I am?
Have the computer and Internet become part of your life?
What can you use them to do?
I use the computer or Internet to:
计算器 分析机 穿孔卡 技术革命 万能机,通用机器 人工智能 走过,过去 通过网络 人类
other useful words and expressions about computer
Network 网络 Website 站点 Program 程序 Virus 病毒 Hacker 黑客 Download 下载 Software 软件 Hardware 硬件
➢ type my homework ➢ draw pictures ➢ play games ➢ communicate with my friends. ➢ gather related information for my lessons ➢ buy the things I like, eg books and clothes. ➢ listen to music ➢ watch movies.