


④ 电脑上添加打印机【XP 系统】
4.1: 请点击开始---控制面板---双击(打印机和传真)添加打印机。如下图:
点击 添加打印机
4.2: 进入添加打印机设置向导,直接点“下一步”
点击 下一步
4.3: 按图选择,然后点“下一步”
点击 下一步 4.4: 选择“创建新端口”,直接点“下一步”
Wisiyilink 出品的打印服务器是一种简单经济的网络打印共享设备。使用 者只需要将服务器跟打印机连接,并连接网络,网络内的所有用户经过简单 设置即可快速的打印各种文档,当你身处外地,服务器同样可以为您提供简 单快捷的远程打印服务,特别适合中小企业及其 SOHO 用户的网络打印需求。 Wisiyilink 出品的打印服务器兼容 WIN2000 以上的操作系统,并具有超 强的打印机兼容性,电脑只需要安装打印机驱动,无需安装其他任何的管理 软件,降低故障几率,以提供稳定高效的网络打印功能。
第 16 页
问:为什么状态页面看不到我打印机的型号? 答:请将打印机重新启动一次,或者将打印机的 USB 接口拔插一下,若还
打印机属性 5.12: “端口”标签页 --- 不勾选“双向支持选项” ”
点击 应用
5.13: “常规“标签页, 点击” 打印测试页“ 测试打印机是否 可以正常工作。若前面设置正 确,打印机应当打印出一张“测 试页”
第 15 页
如果打印机和打印服务器不兼容,安装完成后,打印会出现各种各样的不兼 容现象,这种不兼容现象可表现为在保证正确安装方法前提下,根本无法打 印或者即使可打印也只有前几页正常,后面不是乱码就是停止打印。所以建 议您购买打印服务器之前先看手册中的打印服务器兼容性列表,先查阅“打 印服务器兼容性列表”, 再购买打印服务器。 只要打印机是PCL语言的, 基本上都可以使用我们的打印服务器。一些特定机型GDI语言或多功能一 体机的也能使用,如 HP 1020 P1007 P1008 P1505 等我们做过特殊技术处 理,所以能支持。您在兼容列表中查找出您对应的打印机厂商和型号,则证 明我们已经对此型号的打印机进行过测试,这时您可以放心的使用我们的打 印服务器;如果没有找到,则说明我们目前还没有对此机型做过兼容性测试, 有可能支持,也有可能不支持。



BT3所支持的无线网卡型号BT3所支持的无线网卡型号PCIAsus WL-138g v2Belkin F5D8001CNet CWP-854Dlink DWL-AG530Dlink DWL-G520Dlink DWL-G550Dlink DWL-G510Foxconn WLL-3350MSI PC60GNetgear WG311TNetgear WPN311SMC SMCWPCI-GMini PCI (Built in)Broadcom BCM4306 802.11b/g (rev 3) Broadcom BCM4318 802.11b/gIBM AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)IPW2100IPW2200WN360GMini PCIe (Built in)Broadcom BCM4311 802.11b/gIPW3945IPWRAW (IPW3945 Monitor + Inject)IPW4965/IWL4965 agnPCMCIA Cards3COM 3CRWE154G72 v13COM 3CRPAG175B with XJACK Antenna Agere Systems ORiNOCO GOLD PC Card Classic AirLink101 AWLC4130ASUS WL100GBelkin F5D6020 v3Belkin F5D7010 V1000Belkin F5D7010 V3000UKBelkin F5D7010 V5000Belkin F5D7010 V6000Belkin F5D7011Buffalo WLI-CB-G54HPCisco AIR-LMC350Cisco AIR-PCM350-TCisco Aironet AIR-CB21AG-A-K9Dlink DWA-645Dlink DWL-650+Dlink DWL-G650Dlink DWL-G630, 650+/-Dlink DWL-G650MDlink DWL-G650+D-Link WNA-1330Enterasys Roamabout 802.11 DS High RateGigabyte GN-WM01GT AirCruiserG Mach GLucent Technologies Orinoco SilverLinksys WPC11v4Linksys WPC11v4Linksys WPC54G v3Motorola WN825G v2NetGear MA401NetGear WPN511NetGear WPN511 – Range MaxNetGear WG511TNetGear WAG511v2NetGear WG511 v1NetGear WG511v2Netgear WG511UNetGear WPN511GRNetgear WPNT511PROXIM ORiNOCO 802.11b/g Gold (Model: 8470-WD)Senao NL-2511CD PLUS EXT2Senao Sl-2511CD Plus EXT2Senao SL-2511 CD PLUS (the one w/o external connectors)Sitecom WL-100bSMC 2532W-BSMC SMC2536W-AGSMC WCB-GSWEEX LW051 ver:1.0TP-link SuperG&eXtended Range 108M Wireless Cardbus Adapter(TL-WN610G) TP-link eXtended Range 54M Wireless Cardbus Adapter (TL-WN510G)Ubiquiti SRCWistron WLAN 802.11a/b/g Cardbus CB9-GPX-Micro WLAN 11g PCMCIA Card (XWL-11GPAG)ZCom XI-325HP+Zyxel ZyAIR G-100 PCMCIA Card (FCC ID:N89-WE601l)USB DonglesAirlink101 AWLL3026ALFA Networks AWUS036HASUS WL-167GAVM Fritz!Wlan USB V1.1Belkin F5D7050 V1Belkin F5D7050 (4000 series)Belkin F5D7050BBelkin F5D7051Buffalo Airstation G54 WLI-U2-KG54-AI (2A)ChiefmaxD-Link DWL 122 (USB) F/W 3.2.1 H/W A1D-Link DWL G122 (USB) F/W 2.03 B1D-Link WUA-1340Edimax EW-7317UGEdimax EW-7318USGLinksys WUSB54g v4Linksys WUSB54GCMicroEdge MEG55A Wireless-G USB DongleNetGear WG111v2NetGear WG111TNetopia ter/gusb-eOvisLink Evo-w54usbSafeCom SWMULZ-5400ZyDAS 12112.5.25 SMCWUSB-G EUMSI US54SEHawking HWUG1BackTrack 3所兼容的无线网卡芯片及测试过的兼容无线网卡,详见: /index.php/HCL:Wireless USB接口的无线网卡:Airlink101 AWLL3026驱动: zydas芯片组: zd1211rw很好的USB卡.不贵,<10美元). 完全兼容注入.ALFA Networks AWUS036H驱动: rtl8187芯片组: Realtek 8187BackTrack2下包括注入都能完美工作ASUS WL-167G驱动: rt73 (older version rt2570)芯片组: rt2571WF (older verson Ralink 2570)范围较小但是监控和注入都能完美工作. 注入很慢.AVM Fritz!Wlan USB V1.1驱动: ndiswrapper芯片组:Texas Instrument TNetW1450注意: NdisWrapper不能正常运行Aircrack-ngBelkin F5D7050 V1驱动: rt2570芯片组: rt2571F本来很好,一段时间后不能进入监控模式了注意:以后有版本采用bcm43xx芯片组!Belkin F5D7050 (4000 series)驱动: zd1211rw芯片组: zd1211b本来只能监控不能注入,然而,打过补丁包括注入一切都能完美运行.Belkin F5D7050B驱动: rt73芯片组: Ralink 2570包括注入都能正常工作.Belkin F5D7051驱动: ??芯片组: bcm4320明显的,贝尔金改变了芯片组,用bcm4320芯片组代替了ra2570.bcm4320驱动,不能正常工作了.Buffalo Airstation G54 WLI-U2-KG54-AI (2A)驱动: rt2570芯片组: Ralink 2570Chiefmax驱动: RT73芯片组: rt2571WFD-Link DWL 122 (USB) F/W 3.2.1 H/W A1驱动: wlan-ng芯片组: prism 2.5注意: 注入不能正常工作因为软件不支持,不过如果降级到2.4核心的Linux就能正常工作.D-Link DWL G122 (USB) F/W 2.03 B1驱动: rt2570芯片组: Ralink 2570搜索能力真的很差。

1SMB6.5AT3中文资料(motorola)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

1SMB6.5AT3中文资料(motorola)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
tr 10µs
值 (%)
半值 - RSM I 2
0.1 0.1
1 µs
10 µs 100µs
1毫秒 10毫秒
160 C ° 140
A 120
图 1.脉冲额定值 Curve
图 2.脉冲波形 典型防护护电路
峰值脉冲4降0 容% 峰值功20率或电流@ T = 25
该装置中感应作用是由于实际导通 所需设备时间(时间去从零电流到全
部件防护护,如图5最小化 这种过冲是在应用非常重要,因为
电压尖峰.在SMB系列有一个很好反响 时间,通常为1纳秒和可以忽略不计电感.然而,
峰值脉冲电流 - 见图2
600瓦峰值功率数据表 5-2
一般数据 - 600瓦峰值功率
100 10 PP,峰值1 功率(KW)
非重复 脉冲波形
tr 100
峰值 - IRSM
脉冲宽度(TP)定义 因为这地步PEAK 电流衰减到50% IRSM.作者:
(Refer to Section 10 for more information on Packaging Specifications.)
0.089 2.261

bt3 bt4 bt5 使用教程大全

bt3 bt4 bt5 使用教程大全




至于有朋友问:“里面的PDF要密码密码是多少” 99d测试了全部pdf,没看到任何一个要密码的。

如果你发现要,请说明具体的文件关键词:bt5 bt5软件 bt5下载 bt5软件下载 bt5教程 bt5破解 bt5破解版 bt5破解版下载 bt5破解教程 bt5光盘 bt5 iso bt5教程 bt5一键中文破解 bt5蹭网卡 bt5破解无线网bt4 bt4软件 bt4下载 bt4软件下载 bt4教程 bt4破解 bt4破解版 bt4破解版下载 bt4破解教程 bt4光盘 bt4 iso bt4教程 bt4一键中文破解 bt4蹭网卡 bt4破解无线网BT5(BT4)全称Back Track four,这是一个linux环境的便携系统,可以放到U盘或者盘中启动,对本身硬盘没有影响,无需在本地安装。








Max Zener Impedance (Note 2) ZZT @ IZT Ohms ZZK Ohms @ IZK mA
Device Marking
1SMB5929BT3 1SMB5930BT3 1SMB5931BT3 1SMB5932BT3
1SMB5933BT3 1SMB5934BT3 1SMB5935BT3 1SMB5936BT3 1SMB5937BT3 1SMB5938BT3 1SMB5939BT3 1SMB5940BT3 1SMB5941BT3 1SMB5942BT3 1SMB5943BT3 1SMB5944BT3 1SMB5945BT3 1SMB5946BT3 1SMB5947BT3 1SMB5948BT3
Devices listed in bold, italic are Motorola preferred devices.
3 Watt DC Power Data Sheet 7-2
Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data
1SMB5913BT3 Series
929B 930B 931B 932B
933B 934B 935B 936B 937B 938B 939B 940B 941B 942B 943B 944B 945B 946B 947B 948B
1SMB5949BT3 1SMB5950BT3 1SMB5951BT3 1SMB5952BT3
1SMB5953BT3 1SMB5954BT3 1SMB5955BT3 1SMB5956BT3
100 110 120 130
150 160 180 200
3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9
2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9



用BT3入侵无线WEP快速上手指南1、一定要从U盘或光盘引导进入BT3(一定不要在vmware中启动BT3),选第四项进入文字模式,startx,在/pentest/wireless目录下面存放着工具2、airmon //查看网卡的监控状态airmon-ng start wlan0 //启动指定的无线网卡airodump-ng -w 123 eth0 //一般不需要执行ifconfig //查看网卡有没有启动3、首先要设置网卡,输入“spoondrv”,然后点那个“Show Loaded”会显示出目前加载的网卡驱动:比如我的无线网卡驱动为: 35 Realtek 81874、spoonwep //进入图形模式依次选:wlan0/normal/unknown victim最好先执行AP扫描操作,如果能扫描到AP接入点说明成功选"P0841 REPLAY ATTACK"在Victim MAC 后输入要破解的AP的BSSID5、将获得的密钥填入“网络密钥”栏中,要记住不是密码栏中一、先开始制作启动U盘:将下载好的backtrack3(BT3) usb版(下载地址在文章末尾)文件bt3b141207.rar直接解压到U盘(1G以上容量)。

把Boot 和BT3两个文件夹放到U盘的根目录,打开BOOT文件夹双击运行" bootinst.bat "批处理文件。

U盘里就会多出4个文件." isolinux.boot" "isolinux.cfg" "isolinux.bin " "syslinux.cfg" (如果想要中文截面的BT3的菜单,就在下载BT3中文语言包。

下载地址:/cn/docs/listallfiles.do 提取密码:4871454552251231。

(用的是免费的网络硬盘,广告较多,有些朋友可能没认真看没找到,我说下大概位置,输入提取码后,拉到中间找下面的几个字(红色的) 以下这三个链接后两个均可下载推荐快车(flashget)高速下载文件下载文件(IE浏览器) 下载文件(非IE浏览器))把压缩包里的"中文包"解压出来,将里面的*.lzm文件拷贝到u盘的BT3\modules目录,即可实现bt3中文化。



虚拟机: VMware Workstation 6.5 正式版.exeBT3系统: bt3 final.iso虚拟机的作用就上让你在XP里面直接可以再运行一个操作系统,说简单点就是让两个操作系统同进可以运行, BT3全称BackTrack 3, 是基于Slackware和SLAX的自启动运行光盘,它包含了一套安全及计算机取证工具,里面包含了破解无线网络密码的工具,像WEP,WPA,下面教程中我们就需要用到.下载完这两个软件完以后,我们还需用到一个USB的大功率无线网卡,也就是目前所说的蹭网卡,感兴趣的朋友可以百度一下, 台湾Wifly-ctiy 11N 1000MW超级无线网卡,这个是目前在市场上面比较好的一款,比我的笔记本多搜出16个无线网络,搜索信号能力很强悍,这个教程也是用这个来作图文演式,在准备软件和硬件设备之后,我们就开始手把手的教大家怎么获得无线网络加密的密码.首先需要把台湾Wifly-ctiy 11N 1000MW超级无线网卡接上电脑之后,装好天线和驱动软件,我们打开管理界面,就可以看到自动搜索出很多你周围的无线网络,在这里我们以破解WEP密码为例作教程说明,单击一个连接,这个网络是否是使用WEP加密,并且记住这个网络的名称,下面我们就会要用到.第二步就是下载完vmware 6.5 虚拟机并且安装好,虚拟机里运行BT3 可以避免,硬件兼容性问题启动不了的情况。

(虚拟机内存设置可以等于不要小于256 兆,如果你的内存是2G,设为512最佳,虚拟机比较耗内存!),在安装好vmware 6.5 之后,我们现在就需要新建一个虚拟机.新建虚拟机完成之后我们就可以直接启动虚拟机进入BT3系统.等待几分钟后将自动进入系统界面,启动成功...将台湾Wifly-ctiy 11N 1000MW超级无线网卡接上,再插上USB线连接上电脑,这里虚拟机将会自动检测出11N连接到虚拟机,单击OK 即可.选择菜单VM => Removable Devices => Ralink USB Device =>Connect(from Host) , 这里是将台湾Wifly-ctiy 11N 1000MW超级无线网卡装载到虚拟机里面.下面我们将开始使用启动spoonwep程序开始破解WEP加密的无线网络.单击右下角小图标启动命令终端.启动成功后,你将看到一个命令行的窗口,第一步: 输入ifconfig –a 查看台湾Wifly-ctiy 11N 1000MW超级无线网卡端口.第二步:输入spoonwep 启动spoonwep2破解程序.最后你如果看到你红色的WEP KEY部份,这个就是无线风络加密的密码, 剩下的步骤相信大家都知道拉,打开自己手机的wifi管理部份,找到这个无线网络,再把这个密码输入就可以免费用手机和电脑共享使用人家的无线网络, 注意: 中间那个: 号是要去掉的.。

飞利浦 DVD播放机 说明书

飞利浦 DVD播放机 说明书

48目錄語言代碼----------------------------------------------5介紹提供配件--------------------------------------------50清潔光碟--------------------------------------------50設置--------------------------------------------------50連接連接電視機-------------------------------------51-52使用複合視頻插孔(CVBS)...................51使用色差視頻插孔(Y Pb Pr).................51使用RF 調制器配件................................52連接電源線------------------------------------------52選項:連接至多通道接收器---------------------53A/V 功放具有杜比數碼或DTS 解碼功能....................................................................53選項: 連接立體聲系統----------------------------53立體聲有杜比環繞立體聲或左/右Audio In 的插孔....................................................53選項: 連接數碼AV 接收器----------------------54接收器有一個PCM 、杜比數碼 或MPEG 解碼器....................................................54選項:連接至HDMI 的插孔---------------------55使用HDMI(高解析度多媒體介面)插座..............................................................55選項:連接至一個可支持的USB 設備-------56使用USB 插口........................................56功能概覽前后面板--------------------------------------------57遙控器-----------------------------------------------58啟動步驟一:在遙控器裝入電池---------------------59使用遙控器操作本音響系統....................59步驟二:設定電視機-------------------------59-61設定逐行掃描功能(只適用於有逐行掃描電視機)..................................................60選擇對應電視機的制式...........................61步驟三:設置界面語言--------------------------62設定屏幕顯示語言..................................62設定聲音、字幕和碟片菜單語言. (62)光碟操作適合播放的媒體類別-----------------------------63地區編碼--------------------------------------------63播放光碟--------------------------------------------64基本播放控制---------------------------------------64影像播放操作方式(DVD/VCD/SVCD)-----65使用光碟目錄.........................................65放大........................................................65由最后停止的點,恢復播放....................65慢放........................................................65向前∕向后搜索......................................65OSD (在屏幕顯示) (DVD/VCD/SVCD)---66-68使用OSD 選單.......................................66選擇標題∕章節∕曲目...........................66時間搜索.................................................66聲音∕字幕.............................................67角度........................................................67瀏覽功能.................................................67重複播放模式.........................................68個章節∕曲目重複一個段落....................68OSD (在屏幕顯示) (Audio CD)-----------------68盤片時間∕曲目時間∕選擇曲目.............68重複........................................................68DVD 的特殊功能-----------------------------------69標題播放.................................................69改變聲音語言.........................................69多字幕功能.............................................69VCD 與SVCD 的特殊功能----------------------69對於播放控制(PBC).............................69播放DivX 光碟-------------------------------------70從支持的USB 設備播放圖片或音頻文件----71USB 設備的兼容性.................................71播放MP3/WMA/JPEG/Kodak 影像光碟-72-73基本操作.................................................72播放選擇.................................................72瀏覽功能(JPEG)..................................72圖像放大功能(JPEG)...........................73多角度效果播放功能(JPEG)................73同時播放MP3/WMA 音樂與JPEG 影像................................................................73卡拉OK 操作卡拉OK 光碟的播放------------------------------74基本操作.................................................74伴唱........................................................74卡拉OK..................................................74DVP5965K_93_CS(0608)212/21/06, 2:35 PM4849DVD 設定選單項目通用設定頁-------------------------------------75-76光碟收看鎖碼∕取消光碟收看鎖碼.........75降低機器顯示面板的亮度.......................75編程光碟曲目(不適用於CD/MP3/WMA/DivX).................................................75-76OSD 語言...............................................76睡眠........................................................76DivX(R) VOD 注冊碼..............................76音頻設定頁-------------------------------------77-79模擬輸出.................................................77數字音頻設定.........................................77聲音模式.................................................78揚聲器設定.............................................78CD 升頻..................................................78夜間模式啟動∕關閉...............................79視頻設定頁-------------------------------------79-82電視機制式.............................................79屏幕畫面比例.........................................80逐行掃描啟動∕關閉...............................80畫質設定.................................................81高解析度JPEG 影像模式.......................82HDMI 設定..............................................82初期設定頁-------------------------------------82-84聲音、字幕、碟片菜單語言....................82透過設定年齡控制播放...........................83PBC........................................................83MP3/JPEG 選單啟動∕關閉...................83變更密碼.................................................84設置DivX 字幕........................................84恢復原廠設定.........................................84聲音和音量控制設定揚聲器的聲道--------------------------------85故障指南---------------------------------------86-87產品規格--------------------------------------------88詞匯--------------------------------------------------89目錄DVP5965K_93_CS(0608)212/21/06, 2:35 PM4950提供配件複合視頻接線(黃色)音頻接線(白色、紅色)遙控器和兩枚電池介紹清潔光碟如要清潔光碟,使用具有微纖維的清潔軟布,由光碟的中心以直線方向抹至碟邊。



S M B J15C A中文资料(总5页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除SMBJ5.0(C)A - SMBJ440(C)A600W Surface Mount Transient Voltage Suppressor Features600W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation5.0V - 440V Standoff VoltagesGlass Passivated Die ConstructionUni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping CapabilityFast Response TimePlastic Material - UL FlammabilityClassification Rating 94V-0Mechanical DataCase: SMB, Transfer Molded EpoxyTerminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202,Method 208Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band(Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarityindicator.)Marking: Date Code and Marking CodeSee Page 2Weight: 0.1 grams (approx.)MAXIMUM RATINGSRating at Ta = 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.DO-214AA (SMB)0.083(2.11) 0.155(3.94) 0.075(1.91) 0.130(3.30)0.185(4.70)0.160(4.06)0.012(0.31)0.006(0.15) 0.096(2.44)0.083(2.13)0.050(1.27) 0.008(0.203)0.030(0.76) MAX.0.220(5.59)0.200(5.08)Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Rating Symbol Value UnitsPeak Pulse Power Dissipation on 10/1000μs (1)waveform (Notes 1, 2, Fig. 3) P PPM Minimum 600 Watts Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000μswaveform (Note 1, Fig. 5) I PPM See Table Amps Peak forward Surge Current8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed onrated load ( JEDEC Method )(Notes 2, 3)Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 50A V FM See Note 3, 4 VoltsOperating Junction and Storage Temperature Range T J, T STG - 65 to + 150 C Note :(1) Non-repetitive Current pulse, per Fig. 5 and derated above Ta = 25 C per Fig. 1(2) Mounted on 5.0mm2 (0.013mm thick) land areas.(3) Measured on 8.3ms. Single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.SMBJ15CATYPE MarkingReverse Breakdown Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Min. @I T BreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V (V) V(V) V(V) I T (mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0C KD AD 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ5.0CA KE AE 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800.0 SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0C KF AF 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.0CA KG AG 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800.0 SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5C KH AH 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.8 500.0 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ6.5CA KK AK 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500.0 SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0C KL AL 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0CA KM AM 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200.0 SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5C KN AN 7.5 8.33 10.67 1.0 14.3 42.0 100.0 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ7.5CA KP AP 7.5 8.33 9.58 1.0 12.9 46.5 100.0 SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0C KQ AQ 8.0 8.89 11.3 1.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.0CA KR AR 8.0 8.89 10.23 1.0 13.6 44.1 50.0 SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5C KS AS 8.5 9.44 11.92 1.0 15.9 37.7 20.0 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ8.5CA KT AT 8.5 9.44 10.82 1.0 14.4 41.7 20.0 SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0C KU AU 9.0 10.0 12.6 1.0 16.9 35.5 10.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ9.0CA KV AV 9.0 10.0 11.5 1.0 15.4 39.0 10.0 SMBJ10 SMBJ10C KW AW 10 11.1 14.1 1.0 18.8 31.9 5.0 SMBJ10A SMBJ10CA KX AX 10 11.1 12.8 1.0 17.0 35.3 5.0 SMBJ11 SMBJ11C KY AY 11 12.2 15.4 1.0 20.1 29.9 5.0 SMBJ11A SMBJ11CA KZ AZ 11 12.2 14.0 1.0 18.2 33.0 5.0 SMBJ12 SMBJ12C LD BD 12 13.3 16.9 1.0 22.0 27.3 5.0 SMBJ12A SMBJ12CA LE BE 12 13.3 15.3 1.0 19.9 30.2 5.0 SMBJ13 SMBJ13C LF BF 13 14.4 18.2 1.0 23.8 25.2 5.0 SMBJ13A SMBJ13CA LG BG 13 14.4 16.5 1.0 21.5 27.9 5.0 SMBJ14 SMBJ14C LH BH 14 15.6 19.8 1.0 25.8 23.3 5.0 SMBJ14A SMBJ14CA LK BK 14 15.6 17.9 1.0 23.2 25.9 5.0 SMBJ15 SMBJ15C LL BL 15 16.7 21.1 1.0 26.9 22.3 5.0 SMBJ15A SMBJ15CA LM BM 15 16.7 19.2 1.0 24.4 24.6 5.0 SMBJ16 SMBJ16C LN BN 16 17.8 22.6 1.0 28.8 20.8 5.0 SMBJ16A SMBJ16CA LP BP 16 17.8 20.5 1.0 26.0 23.1 5.0 SMBJ17 SMBJ17C LQ BQ 17 18.9 23.9 1.0 30.5 19.7 5.0 SMBJ17A SMBJ17CA LR BR 17 18.9 21.7 1.0 27.6 21.7 5.0 SMBJ18 SMBJ18C LS BS 18 20.0 25.3 1.0 32.2 18.6 5.0 SMBJ18A SMBJ18CA LT BT 18 20.0 23.3 1.0 29.2 20.5 5.0 SMBJ20 SMBJ20C LU BU 20 22.2 28.1 1.0 35.8 16.8 5.0 SMBJ20A SMBJ20CA LV BV 20 22.2 25.5 1.0 32.4 18.5 5.0 SMBJ22 SMBJ22C LW BW 22 24.4 30.9 1.0 39.4 15.2 5.0 SMBJ22A SMBJ22CA LX BX 22 24.4 28.0 1.0 35.5 16.9 5.0 SMBJ24 SMBJ24C LY BY 24 26.7 33.8 1.0 43.0 14.0 5.0 SMBJ24A SMBJ24CA LZ BZ 24 26.7 30.7 1.0 38.9 15.4 5.0 SMBJ26 SMBJ26C MD CD 26 28.9 36.6 1.0 46.6 12.9 5.0 SMBJ26A SMBJ26CA ME CE 26 28.9 33.2 1.0 42.1 14.3 5.0 SMBJ28 SMBJ28C MF CF 28 31.1 39.4 1.0 50.0 12.0 5.0 SMBJ28A SMBJ28CA MG CG 28 31.1 35.8 1.0 45.4 13.2 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V measured after I applied for 300 s., I = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ15CAReverse Breakdown Breakdown Maximum Peak Reverse TYPE Marking Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Test Clamping Pulse LeakageVoltage Min. @I T Max. @ I T Current Voltage @I Current @V RMW (Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V (V) V(V) V(V) I T (mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ30 SMBJ30C MH CH 30 33.3 42.2 1.0 53.5 11.2 5.0 SMBJ30A SMBJ30CA MK CK 30 33.3 38.3 1.0 48.4 12.4 5.0 SMBJ33 SMBJ33C ML CL 33 36.7 46.5 1.0 59.0 10.2 5.0 SMBJ33A SMBJ33CA MM CM 33 36.7 42.2 1.0 53.3 11.3 5.0 SMBJ36 SMBJ36C MN CN 36 40.0 50.7 1.0 64.3 9.3 5.0 SMBJ36A SMBJ36CA MP CP 36 40.0 46.0 1.0 58.1 10.3 5.0 SMBJ40 SMBJ40C MQ CQ 40 44.4 56.3 1.0 71.4 8.4 5.0 SMBJ40A SMBJ40CA MR CR 40 44.4 51.1 1.0 64.5 9.3 5.0 SMBJ43A SMBJ43CA MT CT 43 47.8 54.9 1.0 69.4 8.6 5.0 SMBJ45 SMBJ45C MU CU 45 50.0 63.3 1.0 80.3 7.5 5.0 SMBJ45A SMBJ45CA MV CV 45 50.0 57.5 1.0 72.7 8.3 5.0 SMBJ48 SMBJ48C MW CW 48 53.3 67.5 1.0 85.5 7.0 5.0 SMBJ48A SMBJ48CA MX CX 48 53.3 61.3 1.0 77.4 7.8 5.0 SMBJ51 SMBJ51C MY CY 51 56.7 71.8 1.0 91.1 6.6 5.0 SMBJ51A SMBJ51CA MZ CZ 51 56.7 65.2 1.0 82.4 7.3 5.0 SMBJ54 SMBJ54C ND DD 54 60.0 76.0 1.0 96.3 6.2 5.0 SMBJ54A SMBJ54CA NE DE 54 60.0 69.0 1.0 87.1 6.9 5.0 SMBJ58 SMBJ58C NF DF 58 64.4 81.6 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ58A SMBJ58CA NG DG 58 64.4 74.1 1.0 93.6 6.4 5.0 SMBJ60 SMBJ60C NH DH 60 66.7 84.5 1.0 107 5.6 5.0 SMBJ60A SMBJ60CA NK DK 60 66.7 76.7 1.0 96.8 6.2 5.0 SMBJ64 SMBJ64C NL DL 64 71.1 90.1 1.0 114 5.3 5.0 SMBJ64A SMBJ64CA NM DM 64 71.1 81.8 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ70 SMBJ70C NN DN 70 77.8 98.6 1.0 125 4.8 5.0 SMBJ70A SMBJ70CA NP DP 70 77.8 89.5 1.0 113 5.3 5.0 SMBJ75 SMBJ75C NQ DQ 75 83.0 105.7 1.0 134 4.5 5.0 SMBJ75A SMBJ75CA NR DR 75 83.0 95.8 1.0 121 5.0 5.0 SMBJ90 SMBJ90C NW DW 90 100 126.5 1.0 160 3.8 5.0 SMBJ90A SMBJ90CA NX DX 90 100 115.5 1.0 146 4.1 5.0 SMBJ100 SMBJ100C NY DY 100 111 141.0 1.0 179 3.4 5.0 SMBJ100A SMBJ100CA NZ DZ 100 111 128.0 1.0 162 3.7 5.0 SMBJ110 SMBJ110C PD ED 110 122 154.5 1.0 196 3.1 5.0 SMBJ110A SMBJ110CA PE EE 100 122 140.5 1.0 177 3.4 5.0 SMBJ120 SMBJ120C PF EF 120 133 169.0 1.0 214 2.8 5.0 SMBJ120A SMBJ120CA PG EG 120 133 153.0 1.0 193 3.1 5.0 SMBJ130 SMBJ130C PH EH 130 144 182.5 1.0 231 2.6 5.0 SMBJ130A SMBJ130CA PK EK 130 144 165.5 1.0 209 2.9 5.0 SMBJ150 SMBJ150C PL EL 150 167 211.5 1.0 268 2.2 5.0 SMBJ150A SMBJ150CA PM EM 150 167 192.5 1.0 243 2.5 5.0 SMBJ160 SMBJ160C PN EN 160 178 226.0 1.0 287 2.1 5.0 SMBJ160A SMBJ160CA PP EP 160 178 205.0 1.0 259 2.3 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V measured after I applied for 300 s., I = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ15CATYPE MarkingReverse Breakdown Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Min. @I T BreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V (V) V(V) V(V) I T (mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ170 SMBJ170C PQ EQ 170 189 239.5 1.0 304 2.0 5.0 SMBJ170A SMBJ170CA PR ER 170 189 217.5 1.0 275 2.2 5.0 SMBJ180 SMBJ180C PS ES 180 200 253.8 1.0 321 1.9 5.0 SMBJ180A SMBJ180CA PT ET 180 200 230.4 1.0 290 2.1 5.0 SMBJ190 SMBJ190C PU EU 190 211 267.9 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ190A SMBJ190CA PV EV 190 211 243.2 1.0 306 2.0 5.0 SMBJ200 SMBJ200C PW EW 200 222 282.0 1.0 356 1.7 5.0 SMBJ200A SMBJ200CA PX EX 200 222 256.0 1.0 322 1.9 5.0 SMBJ210 SMBJ210C PY EY 210 233 296.1 1.0 375 1.6 5.0 SMBJ210A SMBJ210CA PZ EZ 210 233 268.8 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ220 SMBJ220C QD FD 220 244 310.2 1.0 392 1.5 5.0 SMBJ220A SMBJ220CA QE FE 220 244 281.6 1.0 355 1.7 5.0 SMBJ250 SMBJ250C QF FF 250 278 342.5 1.0 447 1.3 5.0 SMBJ250A SMBJ250CA QG FG 250 278 309.0 1.0 403 1.5 5.0 SMBJ300 SMBJ300C QH FH 300 333 411.0 1.0 535 1.1 5.0 SMBJ300A SMBJ300CA QK FK 300 333 371.0 1.0 484 1.2 5.0 SMBJ350 SMBJ350C QL FL 350 389 479.5 1.0 624 1.0 5.0 SMBJ350A SMBJ350CA QM FM 350 389 432.0 1.0 565 1.1 5.0 SMBJ400 SMBJ400C QN FN 400 444 548.0 1.0 687 0.9 5.0 SMBJ400A SMBJ400CA QP FP 400 444 494.0 1.0 645 0.9 5.0 SMBJ440 SMBJ440C QQ FQ 440 489 602.8 1.0 786 0.8 5.0 SMBJ440A SMBJ440CA QR FR 440 489 543.0 1.0 710 0.8 5.0SMBJ15CARatings and Characteristic Curves T A =25癈 unless otherwise notedSMBJ15CA。

Wireless (Select Models Only) 用户指南说明书

Wireless (Select Models Only) 用户指南说明书

Wireless (Select Models Only) User Guide© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett-Packard Company under license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.First Edition: June 2007Document Part Number: 449411–001Product noticeThis user guide describes features that are common to most models. Some features may not beavailable on your computer.iiiiv Product noticeTable of contents1 About integrated wireless devices2 Using the wireless controlsUsing the wireless button (3)Using Wireless Assistant software (select models only) (4)Using operating system controls (5)3 Using WLAN devices (select models only)Setting up a WLAN (7)Connecting to a WLAN (8)Using wireless security features (9)Identifying a WLAN device (10)4 Using HP Broadband Wireless (select models only)5 Using Bluetooth wireless devices (select models only)Index (13)vvi1About integrated wireless devices Wireless technology transfers data across radio waves instead of wires. Your computer may beequipped with one or more of the following wireless devices:●Wireless local area network (WLAN) device—Connects the computer to wireless local areanetworks (commonly referred to as Wi-Fi networks, wireless LANs, or WLANs) in corporate offices,your home, and public places such as airports, restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and universities.In a WLAN, each mobile wireless device communicates with a wireless router or a wireless accesspoint.●HP Broadband Wireless Module—A wireless wide area network (WWAN) device that providesaccess to information wherever mobile network operator service is available. In a WWAN, eachmobile device communicates to a mobile network operator’s base station. Mobile network operatorsinstall networks of base stations (similar to cell phone towers) throughout large geographic areas,effectively providing coverage across entire states, regions, or even countries.●Bluetooth® device—Creates a personal area network (PAN) to connect to other Bluetooth-enableddevices such as computers, phones, printers, headsets, speakers, and cameras. In a PAN, eachdevice communicates directly with other devices, and devices must be relatively close together—typically within 33 feet of each other.For more information on wireless technology, refer to the information and Web site links provided inHelp and Support.12Using the wireless controlsYou can control the wireless devices in your computer using these methods:●Wireless button or wireless switch (referred to in this guide as the wireless button)●Wireless Assistant software (select models only)●Operating system controls2Chapter 2 Using the wireless controlsUsing the wireless buttonThe computer has a wireless button, one or more wireless devices, and one or two wireless lights,depending on the model. All of the wireless devices on your computer are enabled at the factory, so the wireless light is on (blue) when you turn on the computer.The wireless light indicates the overall power state of your wireless devices, not the status of individual devices. If the wireless light is blue, at least one wireless device is on. If the wireless light is off, allwireless devices are off.NOTE:On some models, the wireless light is amber when all wireless devices are turned off.Because the wireless devices are enabled at the factory, you can use the wireless button to turn on or turn off the wireless devices simultaneously. Individual wireless devices can be controlled throughWireless Assistant software (select models only) or through Computer Setup.NOTE:If the wireless devices are disabled by Computer Setup, the wireless button will not work untilyou reenable your devices.Using the wireless button3Using Wireless Assistant software (select models only)A wireless device can be turned on or off using the Wireless Assistant software. If a wireless device isdisabled by Computer Setup, it must be reenabled by Computer Setup before it can be turned on or off using Wireless Assistant.NOTE:Enabling or turning on a wireless device does not automatically connect the computer to anetwork or a Bluetooth-enabled device.To view the state of the wireless devices, click the Wireless Assistant icon in the Windows®Mobility Center.For more information, refer to the Wireless Assistant online Help:1.Open Wireless Assistant by clicking the icon in the Windows Mobility Center.2.Click the Help button.4Chapter 2 Using the wireless controlsUsing operating system controlsSome operating systems also offer a way to manage integrated wireless devices and the wirelessconnection. For more information, refer to the user guide for your operating system.Using operating system controls53Using WLAN devices (select models only)With a WLAN device, you can access a wireless local area network, which is composed of othercomputers and accessories that are linked by a wireless router or a wireless access point.NOTE:The terms wireless router and wireless access point are often used interchangeably.● A large-scale WLAN, such as a corporate or public WLAN, typically uses wireless access pointsthat can accommodate a large number of computers and accessories and can separate criticalnetwork functions.● A home or small office WLAN typically uses a wireless router, which allows several wireless andwired computers to share an Internet connection, a printer, and files without requiring additionalpieces of hardware or software.NOTE:To use the WLAN device in your computer, you must connect to a WLAN infrastructure(provided through a service provider or a public or corporate network).Computers with WLAN devices support one or more of the following IEEE industry standards:●802.11b, the first popular standard, supports data rates of up to 11 Mbps and operates at afrequency of 2.4 GHz.●802.11g supports data rates of up to 54 Mbps and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. An 802.11gWLAN device is backward compatible with 802.11b devices, so they can operate on the samenetwork.●802.11a supports data rates of up to 54 Mbps and operates at a frequency of 5 GHz.NOTE:802.11a is not compatible with 802.11b and 802.11g.●802.11n supports data rates of up to 270 Mbps and may operate at 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, making itbackward compatible with 802.11a, b, and g.6Chapter 3 Using WLAN devices (select models only)Setting up a WLANTo set up a WLAN and connect to the Internet, you need the following equipment:● A broadband modem (either DSL or cable) (1) and high-speed Internet service purchased from anInternet service provider (ISP)● A wireless router (purchased separately) (2)●The wireless computer (3)The illustration below shows an example of a wireless network installation that is connected to theInternet.As your network grows, additional wireless and wired computers can be connected to the network toaccess the Internet.For help in setting up your WLAN, refer to the information provided by your router manufacturer or your ISP.Setting up a WLAN7Connecting to a WLANTo connect to the WLAN, follow these steps:1.Verify that the WLAN device is turned on. If it is on, the wireless light is on. If the wireless light isoff, press the wireless button.NOTE:On some models, the wireless light is amber when all wireless devices are turned off.2.Open Connect to a Network by selecting Start>Connect to.3.Select your wireless network in the list, and then type the network security key, if required.NOTE:If you don't see the network you want to connect to, click Set up a connection ornetwork. A list of options will appear that includes manually searching for and connecting to anetwork, as well as creating a new network connection.NOTE:The functional range (how far your wireless signals travel) depends on WLAN implementation,router manufacturer, and interference from other electronic devices or structural barriers such as walls and floors.More information about using a WLAN is available through the following resources:●Information from your ISP and the user guide included with your wireless router and other WLANequipment●Information and Web site links provided in Help and SupportFor a list of public WLANs near you, contact your ISP or search the Web. Web sites that list publicWLANs include Cisco Internet Mobile Office Wireless Locations, Hotspotlist, and Geektools. Check with each public WLAN location for cost and connection requirements.For additional information on connecting your computer to a corporate WLAN, contact your networkadministrator or IT department.8Chapter 3 Using WLAN devices (select models only)Using wireless security featuresWhen you set up a WLAN or access an existing WLAN, always enable security features to protect your network from unauthorized access. The most common security levels are Wi-Fi Protected Access(WPA)-Personal and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP).When setting up a network, use one or more of the following security measures:●Enable WPA-Personal or WEP security encryption on the router.●Change the default network name (SSID) and password.●Use a firewall.●Set security on your Web browser.For more information about WLAN security, see the HP Web site at /go/wireless(English only).Using wireless security features9Identifying a WLAN deviceIf you have a problem connecting to a wireless network, confirm that the integrated WLAN device isproperly installed on your computer:NOTE:Windows includes the User Account Control feature to improve the security of your computer.You may be prompted for your permission or password for tasks such as installing applications, running utilities, or changing Windows settings. Refer to Windows online Help for more information.1.Select Start>Computer>System properties.2.In the left pane, click Device Manager > Network adapters.3.Identify the WLAN device from the Network adapters list. The listing for a WLAN device may includethe term wireless, wireless LAN, WLAN, or 802.11.If no WLAN device is listed, either your computer does not have an integrated WLAN device, orthe driver for the WLAN device is not properly installed.For more information on troubleshooting wireless networks, refer to the information and Web site links provided in Help and Support.10Chapter 3 Using WLAN devices (select models only)4Using HP Broadband Wireless (select models only)HP Broadband Wireless enables your computer to access the Internet from more places and over larger areas than WLANs. Using HP Broadband Wireless requires a network service provider (called a mobile network operator), which in most cases will be a mobile phone network operator. Coverage for HPBroadband Wireless is similar to mobile phone voice coverage.When used with mobile network operator service, HP Broadband Wireless gives you the freedom tostay connected to the Internet, send e-mail, or connect to your corporate network whether you are onthe road or outside the range of Wi-Fi hotspots.HP offers two types of broadband wireless modules:●The HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) module provides access to networks basedon the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telecommunications standard.●The EV-DO (Evolution Data Optimized) module provides access to networks based on the codedivision multiple access (CDMA) telecommunications standard.For information on HP Broadband Wireless, see the HP Web site at /go/broadbandwireless.115Using Bluetooth wireless devices (select models only)A Bluetooth device provides short-range wireless communications that replace the physical cableconnections that traditionally link electronic devices such as the following:●Computers (desktop, notebook, PDA)●Phones (cellular, cordless, smart phone)●Imaging devices (printer, camera)●Audio devices (headset, speakers)Bluetooth devices provide peer-to-peer capability that allows you to set up a PAN of Bluetooth devices.For information on configuring and using Bluetooth devices, refer to the Bluetooth online Help.12Chapter 5 Using Bluetooth wireless devices (select models only)IndexBWWAN device11Bluetooth device12Cconnecting to a WLAN8corporate WLAN connection8HHP Broadband WirelessModule11IInternet connection setup7Ppublic WLAN connection8Ssecurity, wireless9setup of WLAN7WWireless Assistant software2wireless button2wireless controlsbutton2operating system2Wireless Assistant software2wireless device, wirelessnetwork1wireless light2wireless network (WLAN)connecting8corporate WLAN connection8equipment needed7functional range8public WLAN connection8security9wireless network, described1WLAN device6Index13。

PHILIPS SPM5910 Netbook mouse 说明书

PHILIPS SPM5910 Netbook mouse 说明书

Netbook mouseSPM5910Register your product and get support at/welcomeZ H-CN 用户手册1重要信息健康警告在使用键盘或鼠标时,不正确的工作习惯可能会导致不适或严重的人身伤害,例如造成手、手腕或身体其它部位劳损。


这样做不仅能提高您的整体效率,还能帮助您避免肌肉骨骼失调 (MSD)。


电、磁和电磁场 (EMF)1. 皇家 Philips 电子集团主要面向广大消费者制造和销售各类产品,包括通常能放射和接收电磁信号的各种电子设备。

2. P hilips 的主要经营原则之一就是要对我们的产品采取各种必要的健康和安全措施,符合所有相应的法律要求,并在生产产品时严格遵照 EMF 标准。

3. P hilips 致力于开发、生产和销售对人体健康无任何危害的产品。

4. P hilips 确认,据目前的科学证明,如果其产品使用得当,则对人体毫无危害。

5. 长期以来,Philips 始终在国际 EMF 和安全标准的制定工作中扮演着积极的角色,这就使 Philips 总能预知标准的发展趋势,并率先应用到其产品中去。


如果产品上贴有带叉的轮式垃圾桶符号,则表示此产品符合欧盟指令 2002/96/EC:切助于避免对环境和人类健康造成潜在的负面影响。

2 系统要求W indows • ® 2000、ME、XP、Vista 和 Windows 7;Mac OS ® X (10.1.X - 10.5.X)U SB 端口•3 功能概览a 滚轮b 左、右按键c 光电传感器d 人体工程学转换钮(2 级高度调整)e 集成式线缆管理装置4 故障种类和处理方法确保鼠标的 USB 连接器已正确接入电脑上的 USB 端口。



Tellabs 6345 MSTPTellabs目录1 设备简介.......................................................................42 典型应用.......................................................................62.1 STM-64和STM-16 MSTP、链形网/环网/网状网................................62.2 环网互连................................................................62.3 SDXC 4/4 ...............................................................72.4 SDXC 4/1 ...............................................................72.5 以太网传送...............................................................82.5.1 以太网封装进SDH......................................................82.5.2 无缝带宽调整..........................................................82.5.3 以太网交换和承诺服务质量等级..........................................82.5.4 统计复用..............................................................92.5.5 IP解决方案............................................................92.6 基于Tellabs产品组合的解决方案............................................102.6.1 Tellabs 6345 MSTP与Tellabs 6320 MSTP和Tellabs 6340 MSTP组合.............102.6.2 Tellabs 6345 MSTP与Tellabs 6370 DWDM组合.............................112.7 容量升级................................................................112.7.1 从单STM-16环升级为多STM-16环.......................................112.7.2 从STM-16环升级为STM-64环...........................................112.7.3 从单STM-64环升级为多STM-64环.......................................123 系统描述.......................................................................133.1 接口类型................................................................133.2 模块化..................................................................133.3 同步结构................................................................133.4 管理系统................................................................143.5 子架....................................................................143.6 交叉连接...............................................................153.7 保护...................................................................154 配置范例.......................................................................175 平台概况.......................................................................191 设备简介Tellabs 6345 MSTP是Tellabs产品系列的一个重要组成部分,它是基于10Gb/s速率的多业务传送平台,专门用于电信传输网络,基于ETSI和ITU-T关于SDH和OTN的有关标准和建议。

Hikvision DS-K1T343 Series访问控制终端产品说明书

Hikvision DS-K1T343 Series访问控制终端产品说明书

DS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2023-08-09)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features1. User friendly UI design2. PIN Code supports switching between platform applied personal PIN mode and device set personalPIN mode Notice :Open web client, go to Configuration-Security-Password mode to switch PIN Code mode. In platform applied mode, cannot edit PIN Code on web client, it needs to be set on platform. In device set mode, can edit PIN Code on web client or local UI and PIN code set by platform is invalid.3.Supports local T&A function.a.Platform attendance will be disabled automatically after local T&A is enabled, viceversab.Supports set up attendance rule via 3 methods: PC web, mobile web, local menuc.Supports 5 types of attendance report: Summary Report, Abnormal Attendance,Attendance Card, Attendance Record, Shift Scheduled.Supports 3 methods to export attendance report: PC web, mobile web and USB drive4.Support sync person information to platform automaticallyNotice:a.Platform requirement: HCP V2.4.1 or HCAC V2.1.1b.Only ISAPI or ISUP protocol supportedc.Need to set up on platform first. If you enable this function , changes of the personinformation will be synced from the device to the platform automatically5.Supports modifying device password locally6.Supports enable M1 encryption locally7.Support modify I frame interval(NTSC 30 or PAL 25) both on web and local menu.8.Supports 2 anti-spoofing detection level: General and Advanced. It supports customizinganti-spoofing detection threshold in advanced settings9. Supports QR code 2.010. Supports capture network packet on web clientDS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2023-06-14)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features11.Fixed known security vulnerabilitiesfor details, please refer:https:///en/support/cybersecurity/security-advisory/security-vulnerability-in-some-hikvision-access-control-intercom/DS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2022-04-09)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features12.Optimize fingerprint module performance.DS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2022-03-09)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features13.Fix the problem that the device cannot wake up occasionally after running for a longtime;DS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2022-02-09)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features1.Update the driver to be compatible with new fingerprint materials;2.Fix some ISAPI protocol bugsDS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2021-10-23)Reason of UpgradeFix bugs, enhance products quality and meet customers’ requirements.Modified Features3.Update the driver to be compatible with new fingerprint materials;DS-K1T343 Series MinMoe TerminalRelease Notes (2021-09-17)Reason of UpgradeNew model DS-K1T343 series MinMoe terminal first time released.New Features1. 4.3 inch capacitive touch screen with large screen ratio, 2 MP wide-angle dual-lens camera withWDR feature;2. Connect external card reader or access controller via RS485 protocol; support Wiegand26/34 output3. Face recognition duration < 0.2 s/User; face recognition accuracy rate ≥ 99%5.ISAPI protocol makes it easier for integration with third-party software;6.Remote video intercom and unlock door from Hik-Connect App on your mobile/Pad7.Support Hik-ProConnect platform to realize Cloud access control and time attendance management8.Support ISUP 5.0 protocol to manage devices located in different locations;9.When open device for the first time, wizard for activation and basic configuration. Including selectlanguage, application mode, select and configure network, Hik-Connect, privacy settings, add administrator face and card10.Self-defined shortcut key (Call Room, Call Center, Call Specified Room, Call App and Password)on main interface;11.Configure ISUP and Hik-Connect parameter in device local menu12.Login and configure device in web client via PC/mobile browser;(mobile phone should connectsame network with device)13.Self-defined voice prompt (TTS function, English only) and screen display info (user ID, name andface picture) for authentication;workSupport TCP/IP, adapt to LAN(network) or WAN(ISUP 5.0) network environment15.Functiona.Support face mask recognition.b.Video intercom with indoor station, master station and platform;c.Multiple verification modes: Face, card, fingerprint(-F only), PIN code;d.Face recognition distance ranges from 0.3 to 1.5 meters;e.Support check in/check out/break out/break in/overtime in/overtime out attendance status, andself-define status name;f.Support custom standby background image (max 8 pictures)g.Support privacy protection, customer can define the privacy related parameter, such asEvent Storage Settings, Picture Uploading and Storage, Clear All Pictures in Deviceh.Supports face recognition in low illuminationi.Supports live view on the platform, H.264Customer Impact and Recommended ActionThis update refers to function/compatibility improvement and will take effect automatically after the Date of Change. We are very sorry for any inconvenience of use-habit changes caused by this action. For any questions and request for this firmware, please contact our local technical support team.Hikvision Digital Technology CO., Ltd.No. 555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310051,ChinaTel: +86-571-8807-5998FAX: +86-571-8993-5635Email:*****************************。



BT3 BT4什么是BT3系统:BT3 全称BlackTrack3,是一套基于Linux 内核开发出的特定用途的操作系统,其中包含了多种安全检测工具(也有叫黑客工具),完全独立与Windows操作系统的“无线安全检测平台”。






利用这一原理,破解WEP 密钥的关键就是从空中抓到足够多的数据包。


而抓包的效率取决于1. 目标网络当前的通讯量(最好是正在和客户端通讯)2. 抓包位置的信号强度要足够好。







①设定光驱引导启动:普通的电脑都是在BIOS里面选择系统的启动设备顺序,请将[CD-ROM]调整到第一位;某些品牌电脑(例如:Dell)可以直接在启动的时候调用临时启动选择菜单,直接选择从CD-ROM 启动。



1.破解无线网络的工具bt3或者bt4工具的官方网站:/在官方网站中有最新版本的backtrack 工具的镜像文件下载链接。


3.刻录光盘4.设置电脑为通过光盘引导5.选择光盘启动以后启动项中的第一项6.输入startx进图形界面7.点屏幕最下角第五个图标,kconsole,输入cd /cdrom8.如果在第二步将allspoon.deb放在了光盘的根目录,执行dpkg -i allspoon.deb 安装9.安装以后可以在桌面上看到多出来两个图标,貌似第二个针对wep的破解程序有点小问题,需要先运行一次spoonwpa工具来产生一个mon0设备才可以破解。

先运行spoonwpa,选择mon0设备,选择normal mode,选择unkown victem,选择next,点击launch.开始___________________________________________________________________________1、ifconfig -a查看无线网卡名字及MAC地址记录下来,如果没看到有无线网卡,可以使用iwconfig命令,查看是否有加载。


输入macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0回车,后又输入了一次ifconfig -a 查看了下网卡MAC已经更改为00:11:22:33:44:55。

(也可以输入ifconfig eth1 up hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55来修改自己的网卡mac)2、airmon-ng start wlan0 6这个命令用于将自己的无线网卡置于监控模式,即类似一个AP的效果,因此可以抓到别人的包。



BT4无线路由器破解教程详细版全自动化破解本店提供BT4中文版(集成spoonwep2/spoonwpa/奶瓶/minidwep)-下载种子种子链接:/file/f95dd69f2d种子名称:bt4-final.iso.torrent此版本大小:1.5G左右特点:本版本集成spoonwep2/spoonwpa/奶瓶/minidwep四大破解利器,成功率达85%(wap2加密成功率小些)支持5100网卡Backtrack 是处于世界领先地位的渗透测试和信息安全审计发行版本。

有着上百种预先安装好的工具软件,并确定能够完美运行,Backtrack4 提供了一个强大的渗透测试平台–从Web hack的应用程序到RFID 审查,都可由Backtrack来完成。

开始需要工具:2G以上U盘、加载镜像软件一个unetbootin、BT4中文版Unetbootin下载地址:/file/f95cf639e9BT4中文版下载见上方链接第一步:镜像加载到U盘下载unetbootin后解压,插入U盘(要格式化)-------打开unetbootin-----出现软件界面---最上方一行选择BackTrack和4f---------------diskimage加载ISO镜像文件-------确定(中间时间较慢,请稍等一会~~~)-------重启------接下面第一步第二步:U盘启动计算机重启进入主板设置,一般为F12----------选择启动方式为USB flash drive启动-------进入lunix界面--------选择分辨率--------自动加载系统文件----------遇见下图root@bt~#后输入startx 方可进入利器一:Minidwep-gtk成功率:打开后选择加密方式wep加密或wpa加密(跟据目标路由判断)---------注入速率(可以不更换)---------S扫描---------选中要破解的目标路由器-----------L启动-------全自动多线程诸如抓包破解,等IVs到一定数量会自动弹出密码窗口,ASCII KEY即为密码一般为13位(若ivs超过10万,可重试一次)利器二:minidwep四颗星打开后选择加密方式----------OK--------等待20秒出现路由列表-----选择目标路由-------OK--------a或b-------OK-----全自动破解,密码会自动显示利器三:spoonwep四颗星首先启动Spoonwep2破解工具,在终端窗口里直接输入“spoonwep2”,或者从开始菜单下的backtrack->radio network analysis->80211->all->spoonwep2启动。

MOTOROLA 1SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3 数据手册

MOTOROLA 1SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3 数据手册

1MOTOROLA1.5 Watt Plastic Surface Mount Silicon Zener DiodesThis complete new line of 1.5 Watt Zener Diodes offers the following advantages.Specification Features:•Voltage Range – 3.3 to 68 V•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 kV) per Human Body Model •Flat Handling Surface for Accurate Placement•Package Design for Top Side or Bottom Circuit Board Mounting •Low Profile Package •Available in T ape and Reel•Ideal Replacement for MELF Packages Mechanical Characteristics:•Case: Void–free, transfer-molded plastic•Maximum Case Temperature for Soldering Purposes: 260°C for 10 seconds•Finish: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant with readily solderable leads •Polarity: Cathode indicated by molded polarity notch •Mounted Position: AnyMAXIMUM RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS1.FR4 Board, using Motorola minimum recommended footprint, as shown in case 403B outline dimensions spec.2.Non–repetitive current pulse.3.Measured on 8.3 ms single half sine–wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulse per minute maximum.MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAOrder this document by 1SMA5913BT3/D查询1SMA5915BT3供应商MOTOROLA 21SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V F = 1.5 Volts @ I F = 200 mA for all types)Nominal Zener TestMax Zener Impedance Max Reverse Leakage CurrentDevice Voltage V Z @I ZT Volts CurrentI ZT mAZ ZT @ I ZTOhmsZ ZKOhmsI ZKmAI RµAV RVoltsMax DCZener CurrentI ZMmAdcDevce Marking1SMA5913BT3 3.3113.610500 1.050 1.0455813B 1SMA5914BT3 3.6104.29.0500 1.035.5 1.0417814B 1SMA5915BT3 3.996.17.5500 1.012.5 1.0385815B 1SMA5916BT3 4.387.2 6.0500 1.0 2.5 1.0349816B1SMA5917BT3 4.779.8 5.0500 1.0 2.5 1.5319817B 1SMA5918BT3 5.173.5 4.0350 1.0 2.5 2.0294818B 1SMA5919BT3 5.666.9 2.0250 1.0 2.5 3.0268819B 1SMA5920BT3 6.260.5 2.0200 1.0 2.5 4.0242820B1SMA5921BT3 6.855.1 2.5200 1.0 2.5 5.2221821B 1SMA5922BT37.550 3.04000.5 2.5 6.5200822B 1SMA5923BT38.245.7 3.54000.5 2.5 6.8183823B 1SMA5924BT39.141.2 4.05000.5 2.57.0165824B 1SMA5925BT31037.5 4.55000.250.58.0150825B 1SMA5926BT31134.1 5.55500.250.58.4136826B 1SMA5927BT31231.2 6.55500.250.59.1125827B 1SMA5928BT31328.87.05500.250.59.9115828B1SMA5929BT315259.06000.250.511.4100829B 1SMA5930BT31623.4106000.250.512.294830B 1SMA5931BT31820.8126500.250.513.783831B 1SMA5932BT32018.7146500.250.515.275832B 1SMA5933BT3221717.56500.250.516.768833B 1SMA5934BT32415.6197000.250.518.263834B 1SMA5935BT32713.9237000.250.520.656835B 1SMA5936BT33012.5267500.250.522.850836B1SMA5937BT33311.4338000.250.525.145837B 1SMA5938BT33610.4388500.250.527.442838B 1SMA5939BT3399.6459000.250.529.738839B 1SMA5940BT3438.7539500.250.532.735840B 1SMA5941BT3478.06710000.250.535.832841B 1SMA5942BT3517.37011000.250.538.829842B 1SMA5943BT356 6.78613000.250.542.627843B 1SMA5944BT362 6.010015000.250.547.124844B 1SMA5945BT368 5.512017000.250.551.722845BNOTE: Tolerance and Voltage Designation T olerance designation – The type number listed indicates a tolerance of ±5%.3MOTOROLA1SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3V Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θ04Figure 1. Steady State Power DeratingFigure 2. V Z – 3.3 thru 10 VoltsT, TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. Zener Voltage – 3.3 to 12 Volts Figure 4. Zener Voltage – 14 to 68 Volts255075100125150P D , M A X I M U M P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )I Z , Z E N E R C U R R E N T (m A )V Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θZ Z , D Y N A M I C I M P E D A N C E (O H M S ) Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)1086420–2–4246810V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)1001010100V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)T LT AV Z @ I ZTV Z @ I ZTFigure 5. Effect of Zener Voltage10100V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I Z(dc) = 1 mA1001010 mA20 mAI Z(rms) = 0.1 I Z(dc)12MOTOROLA 41SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3T A = 25°CPW (I D ) IS DEFINED AS THEPOINT WHERE THE PEAK CURRENTDECAYS TO 50% OF I pp .= 10 µsPEAK VALUE I ppmHALF VALUE – I pp /210/1000 µs WAVEFORM AS DEFINED BY R.E.A.t d 1000Figure 6. Capacitance Curve Figure 7. Typical Pulse Rating CurveBREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 8. Pulse Waveform Figure 9. Pulse Waveform10100100100.01100.111010.10.01T P , PULSE WIDTH (ms)12010080604001234t, TIME (ms)12000.1t, TIME (ms)MEASURED @ZERO BIASMEASURED @V Z /2T J = 25°CC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )P p k I p p m , P E A K P U L S E C U R R E N T (%)NONREPETITIVE, EXPONENTIAL PULSE WAVEFORM, T J = 25°C205100806040200.040.060.088/20 µs WAVEFORMAS DEFINED BY ANSI C62.1AND IEC 801–5.0.5 I PEAK0.9 I PEAK0.1 I PEAKT T = 8 µs20 µs00.02I p p m , P E A K P U L S EC U R R E N T (%), P E A K P O W E R (k W )5MOTOROLA1SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3OUTLINE DIMENSIONSCASE 403B–01ISSUE ONOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.S ADBKJCHDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.1600.180 4.06 4.57B 0.0900.115 2.29 2.92C 0.0750.105 1.91 2.67D 0.0500.064 1.27 1.63H 0.0040.0080.100.20J 0.0060.0160.150.41K 0.0300.0600.76 1.52S0.1900.2204.835.59SMAmminches 0.1574.00.07872.00.07872.0MOTOROLA 61SMA5913BT3 through 1SMA5945BT3Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regardingthe suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Motoroladata sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injuryor death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorolaand its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.How to reach us:USA/EUROPE/Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution;JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; T atsumi–SPD–JLDC, 6F Seibu–Butsuryu–Center,P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. 1–800–441–2447 or 602–303–54543–14–2 T atsumi Koto–Ku, T okyo 135, Japan. 03–81–3521–8315MFAX: RMFAX0@ – TOUCHTONE 602–244–6609ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B T ai Ping Industrial Park, INTERNET: http://Design–51 Ting Kok Road, T ai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852–266292981SMA5913BT3/D*1SMA5913BT3/D*◊。













3、2G以上优盘一个(我用的是kingston 8G 的)4、搜索下载BT3,约900多兆。

注:BT3 全称BackTrack3,与我们常说的bt下载是完全不同的概念。






2、将刚才下载完成的bt3解压缩,复制到优盘,完成后会看到优盘目录下有两个文件夹,一个boot 一个BT3。


点击开始-运行,输入CMD, 然后回车,进入命令行模式。

首先输入你优盘的盘符,我这里是h盘,输入h:然后回车,接下来输入cd boot 回车,进入到boot 文件夹下,最后bootinst.bat 回车,就会开始安装BT3。

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Max Zener Impedance (Note 2) ZZT @ IZT Ohms ZZK Ohms @ IZK mA
Device Marking
1SMB5929BT3 1SMB5930BT3 1SMB5931BT3 1SMB5932BT3
1SMB5933BT3 1SMB5934BT3 1SMB5935BT3 1SMB5936BT3 1SMB5937BT3 1SMB5938BT3 1SMB5939BT3 1SMB5940BT3 1SMB5941BT3 1SMB5942BT3 1SMB5943BT3 1SMB5944BT3 1SMB5945BT3 1SMB5946BT3 1SMB5947BT3 1SMB5948BT3
Devices listed in bold, italic are Motorola preferred devices.
3 Watt DC Power Data Sheet 7-2
Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data
1SMB5913BT3 Series
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
76 83.6 91.2 98.8
114 121.6 136.8 152
15 13 12 11
10 9 8 7
949B 950B 951B 952B
953B 954B 955B 956B
Tolerance designation — The type numbers listed indicate a tolerance of ±5%.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS — continued (TL = 30°C unless otherwise noted.) (VF = 1.5 Volts Max @ IF = 200 mAdc for all
types.) Nominal Zener Voltage VZ @ IZT Volts (Note 1) Test Current IZT mA Max Reverse Leakage Current IR µA @ VR Volts Maximum DC Zener Current IZM mAdc
Device Marking 913B 914B 915B 916B 917B 918B 919B 920B 921B 922B 923B 924B 925B 926B 927B 928B
Tolerance designation — The type numbers listed indicate a tolerance of ±5%.
P D, MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS) 6 1K 5 4 3 2 1 TA 0 0 25 50 75 100 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 150 TL PPK , PEAK SURGE POWER (WATTS) 500 300 200 100 50 30 20 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 PW, PULSE WIDTH (ms) 100 RECTANGULAR NONREPETITIVE WAVEFORM TJ = 25°C PRIOR TO INITIAL PULSE
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11.4 12.2 13.7 15.2
16.7 18.2 20.6 22.8 25.1 27.4 29.7 32.7 35.8 38.8 42.6 47.1 51.7 56 62.2 69.2
100 93 83 75
68 62 55 50 45 41 38 34 31 29 26 24 22 20 18 16
Figure 1. Steady State Power Derating
Figure 2. Maximum Surge Power
Devices listed in bold, italic are Motorola preferred devices.
Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data
3 Watt DC Power Data Sheet 7-1
1SMB5913BT3 Series
15 16 18 20
22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 56 62 68 75 82 91
25 23.4 20.8 18.7
17 15.6 13.9 12.5 11.4 10.4 9.6 8.7 8 7.3 6.7 6 5.5 5 4.6 4.1
9 10 12 14
17.5 19 23 26 33 38 45 53 67 70 86 100 120 140 160 200
3 Watt Plastic Surface Mount Silicon Zener Diodes
This complete new line of 3 Watt Zener Diodes offers the following advantages. Specification Features: • A Complete Voltage Range — 3.3 to 200 Volts • Flat Handling Surface for Accurate Placement • Package Design for Top Side or Bottom Circuit Board Mounting • Available in Tape and Reel Mechanical Characteristics: CASE: Void-free, transfer-molded plastic MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 260°C for 10 seconds FINISH: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant with readily solderable leads POLARITY: Cathode indicated by molded polarity notch. When operated in zener mode, cathode will be positive with respect to anode. MOUNTING POSITION: Any WEIGHT: Modified L-Bend providing more contact area to bond pad WAFER FAB LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona ASSEMBLY/TEST LOCATION: Seremban, Malaysia
Device* 1SMB5913BT3 1SMB5914BT3 1SMB5915BT3 1SMB5916BT3 1SMB5917BT3 1SMB5918BT3 1SMB5919BT3 1SMB5920BT3 1SMB5921BT3 1SMB5922BT3 1SMB5923BT3 1SMB5924BT3 1SMB5925BT3 1SMB5926BT3 1SMB5927BT3 1SMB5928BT3
600 600 650 650
650 700 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1300 1500 1700 2000 2500 3000
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
1SMB5913BT3 through 1SMB5956BT3
Rating DC Power Dissipation @ TL = 75°C, Measured at Zero Lead Length Derate above 75°C DC Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C* Derate above 25°C Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Symbol PD PD TJ, Tstg Value 3 40 830 6.6 – 65 to +150 Unit Watts mW/°C mW mW/°C °C
929B 930B 931B 932B
933B 934B 935B 936B 937B 938B 939B 940B 941B 942B 943B 944B 945B 946B 947B 948B
1SMB5949BT3 1SMB5950BT3 1SMB5951BT3 1SMB5952BT3
1SMB5953BT3 1SMB5954BT3 1SMB5955BT3 1SMB5956BT3
100 110 120 130
150 160 180 200
3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9
2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9
250 300 380 450
600 700 900 1200
3100 4000 4500 5000
6000 6500 7000 8000
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25