Compatibility Issues:
- Theme packages created with the tool are compatible with phones
based on S60 Platform 2nd Edition; Feature Packs 1, 2 and 3, S60 Platform 3rd
Depending on the hardware, tweaking parameter -Xmx (maximum memory used)
could bring reasonable improvements.
For users with 512MB or RAM proper value should be in range from -Xmx256m to
3.0 version and create nth file. Then, open the nth file from File | Open Theme.
It is possible to create nth file that supports both 2.2 and 3.0 theme formats,
- Create a theme by mixing ready-made components and/or self-created ones
- Edit a previously created theme (ready-made SIS packages cannot be edited;
Edition, Feature Packs 1 and 2. The compatible platform release is decided
PaperStream Capture Pro v2.0 产品介绍说明书
What are the new updates to PaperStream Capture Pro v2.0?There are several enhancements to the 2.0 version including:• Ad Hoc Scanning - Simply right-click on yourmouse to scan one-off documents. This allows a quick and easy way for users to scan and save a document with file-type and destination options. No time spent creating profiles for these one-off scans.• Data collection - Detailed data reporting for monitoring performance for scan stations, indexing usage, and batch releases. This enables employees and managers to balance workloads, measure performance, and be pro-active on scanner maintenance.• UI enhancements - All-In-One view includes indexing and index field focus. No need to toggle back and forth between screens. This reduces the number of clicks for single station environments, therefore saving users time and improving efficiency.• OCR performance enhancements - Improved OCR accuracy using PaperStream Capture Pro’s character masking and field valuemetadata. Users can now access settings to improve OCR accuracy.• Additional usability enhancements :• PDF import behavior • Keyboard shortcuts • Hot key assignment • Batch release status • Import behavior What do I need to do to update my software?*****************************************.com. We will provide you a link for the updated software.Will I need to uninstall my existing version of PaperStream Capture Pro?No, there is no need to uninstall. Once you begin downloading the new version it will override your previous version.PaperStream Capture ProNeed Assistance?800-626-4686Will I need to recreate my profiles and other settings?No, the software update will not affect your current profiles or settings.What happens if I have difficulty updating my software?If you have problems updating your software, please contact our Technical Assistance Center located in Sunnyvale, CA and they will be able to assist you. They are available Monday-Friday 5am-5pm PST, Saturdays 8am-1pm and can be reached at 800-626-4686.Do I have to update my software?No, you do not have to update your software, however we recommend you do in order to ensure you are utilizing the most recent enhancements and attaining the most benefit from the software.PaperStream Capture ProWhy should I use PaperStream Capture Pro?PaperStream Capture Pro is a simple, easy to use, front-end capture software that efficiently automates documents by offering seamless, high-quality capture, image enhancement and organized, indexed and extracted data for release.What are the capabilities?PaperStream Capture Pro helps streamline your capture process with features suchas document separation, enhanced image processing, data extraction, indexing and validation, along with automated and manual QC. It releases the images and data into a back-end connector of choice.What is new about PaperStream Capture Pro compared to PaperStream Capture?There are several enhancements with PaperStream Capture Pro compared to PaperStream Capture. These include:1. Captures paper batches or import from file2. Page separation includes Zonal OCR3. PaperStream IP is applied to imagesduring scanning, during import and afterscan4. Extracts and indexes using moreadvanced methods including OCR, KeyFrom Image, Database lookup and systemdata5. Data QC and validation module isavailableI already use PaperStream Capture. How can I upgrade to Capture Pro?Once a customer downloads PaperStream Capture Pro, the software will override any previous version of PaperStream Capture that is on the customer’s desktop.Can I try out PaperStream Capture Pro? Yes. For a free evaluation, please contact aSales Representative at 844-336-9668 or visit https:///eval/.What is a Trial or Evaluation license and how is it different?Yes. For a free evaluation, please contact our Solutions Sales Group at 844-336-9668.How can I buy PaperStream Capture Pro? There are a couple of purchasing options. 1. Please contact our Solutions Sales Groupat 844-336-9668.2. Or, it is also available in the DeluxeBundle package that includes (1) softwarelicense, (1) Fujitsu’s fi-7160 workgroupscanner, and 1 year of maintenanceservice. To purchase this bundle,visit Fujitsu’s website to see the list ofauthorized resellers.May I purchase directly?Yes, the PaperStream Capture Pro software is available to purchase directly from the Fujitsu online store. The software license includes 1 year mandatory maintenance service with the option to add additional years of maintenance.May I purchase the software separately from the scanner?Yes, PaperStream Capture Pro is availableto purchase directly from the Fujitsu online store. The software license includes 1year mandatory maintenance servicewith the option to add additional years of maintenance.What license types are available?There are 3 types of licenses:1. Scan License: This is a single license,based on your scanner type, whichincludes scan, QC, and index capability for1 work station2. QC / Index License: This is for additionalwork stations and includes QC andvalidation capabilities*3. Import License: This license allows forimporting of digital files**QC and Import licenses require a Scan license as part of their configurationIs there a volume license?PaperStream Capture Pro is not volume based, but to inquire about a site license, please contact a Sales Representative at 844-336-9668.How many stations can I use?PaperStream Capture Pro is designed for distributed installations. Multiple stations can be configured. A Scan license type is required for each station.Do I need to prepare a Server to use multiple stations?No, you do not.Do I need to buy a maintenance agreement with PaperStream Capture Pro?All Scan license SKUs include a 1 year mandatory maintenance agreement. However, once the year has expired, you will need to purchase additional years.What do I get with a maintenance agreement? Maintenance Agreements are available in 1,2 or3 year contracts and include technical support, software updates and version upgrades.Do I need to update my maintenance agreement every year?Upon the end of your mandatory 1 year maintenance agreement, you will need to purchase additional years. To inquire about additional year agreements, please contact a Sales Representative at 844-336-9668.What are the system requirements?• Minimum: Core2Duo E6550, 2.33GHz, 2GB memory• Recommended: Intel Core i5, 2.5GHz, 4GB memoryWhat OS is supported?Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit/64-bit Windows® 7 Enterprise 32-bit/64-bit Windows® 7 Ultimate 32-bit/64-bitWindows® 8.1 32-bit/64-bitWindows® 8.1 Pro 32-bit/64-bitWindows® 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit/64-bit Windows Server® 2008 R2 64-bitWindows Server® 2012 64-bitWindows Server® 2012 R2 64-bitWindows® 10 Home 64-bit / 32-bitWindows® 10 Professional 64-bit /32-bit Windows® 10 Enterprise 64-bit / 32-bit Windows® 10 Education 64-bit / 32-bitWhat scanners are supported? PaperStream Capture Pro is compatible with these Fujitsu fi-series scanners:• Workgroup: fi-6110, fi-6130Z, fi-6230Z, fi-7030, fi-7160 and fi-7260• Departmental: fi-5530C2, fi-6140Z, fi-6240Z, fi-7180, fi-7280, fi-7460 and fi-7480• Low-Volume: fi-6670 and fi-6770• Mid-Volume: fi-5950, fi-6400 and fi-6800Does the software work with any brand/type of scanner?No, PaperStream Capture Pro only works with Fujitsu fi-series scanners.What back-end system is supported? PaperStream Capture Pro releases to a folder, a network folder, SharePoint or FTP. How can I connect to our own back-end system?We provide back-end connectors. To discuss your specific business needs, please contact a Sales Representative at 844-336-9668.©2016 Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc.。
10.ADS40模型裁切里“合并ads”, “合并并且裁切”,“可视化选模型”三个按钮不要使用。
RedHawk TM Release NotesRelease 8.1.2July 16, 2008IntroductionSoftware version 8.1.2 continues efforts to improve the general functionality, speed and usability of RedHawk.A. General Enhancements•Enhanced power calculation to support instance-based Block_Power_For_Scaling GSR specifications for hierarchical MMX applications.•Enhanced support for both PWL and fixed time step formats in current modeling for macro model generation. Previously, only fixed-step waveforms were provided.•Enhanced the ‘dump mmx_pin_info’ command output current data, when ‘-o’ or ‘-avg_volt_tw’ options are not specified. The data is now displayed in the GUI and in the log file. No output file specification is now required, but no separate report is created with detailed transistor pin current in this case.•Enhanced the power EM display to sort and display the potentially very large “List of Worst EM”report, allowing display of only selected nets using the new “Report Setting” button in the dialog.•Enhanced the power EM display to allow viewing EM data for any combination of metal and via layers, as well as metal length, width or EM threshold settings.•Enhanced the power EM display to dump out a text report of the existing “List of Worst EM” table using the new “Export List” button.•Enhanced the "List of Worst EM" report by adding a column of “Current Direction” data to the table in signal EM mode.•Enhanced sim2iprof to add support for separate FSDB files for different states (Read, Write, Standby, ...) for memories.•Enhanced sim2iprof to support individual scaling for current waveforms and leakage for each individual state, supporting multiple configuration files on one command line. Each configuration file now can define a simulation result for each designated state, and specify scaling for current waveforms and leakage for each state separately.•Enhanced ACE to support user-specified leakage values in the following format:leakage_i {<vdd_pin> <gnd_pin> <leakage_A>...}Example:leakage_i {vdd1 gnd 75uA}•Enhanced ACE to support pwlcap data for low power analysis using the '-pwc' option in the command line. When using the '-pwc' option, users must specify leakage values in theACE configuration file using keyword 'leakage_i' (see previous item).PRIMARY_POWER_NET <pinname>PRIMARY_GROUND_NET <pinname>If users specify the primary pin names, ACE uses the user-specified arc to perform post-processing and generates pwcap data. If users do not specify ‘-pwc’, ACE by default uses the first P/G pins listed as the primary P/G pins.•Enhanced ACE to allow specification of voltage sweep values for PWCAP data generation using the keywordSWEEPVALUE <v1> <v2> ...If users do not specify voltage sweep values, ACE by default uses 11 standard VDD values to do scaling (10%, 20%, ..., 100%, and 110% of VDD).•Enhanced PWCAP characterization to support the APL keyword SPICE2LEF_PIN_MAPPING, which previously did not work. SPICE2LEF_PIN_MAPPING now supports switching currents, CDEV, and PWCAP data.•Enhanced early analysis methodology by adding automatic pad instance connection, which creates plocs using the new GSR keyword AUTO_PAD_CONNECTION_LAYERS. For example, if the user uses the syntaxAUTO_PAD_CONNECTION_LAYERS {METAL5METAL6}RedHawk searches within the neighborhood of each pad cell and generates one P/G source for each pad cell at the closest location on METAL5 and/or METAL6, whether or not it has METAL5 or METAL6 pins defined in LEF.•Enhanced unplaced instance handling using the GSR keywordIGNORE_UNPLACED_INSTANCE. If IGNORE_UNPLACED_INSTANCE is set, all instances with status ‘UNPLACED’ in DEF are ignored.•Enhanced handling in LEF 5.6 parser to accept new LEF 5.7 data syntax (without processing it). •Enhanced automatic pad location creation inside GDS2DEF generated DEF files using the GDS2DEF configuration file keyword GENERATE_PLOC. There are two options:GENERATE_PLOC [USE_TEXT_LABEL | USE_INPUT_LEF_PIN ]. The existingUSE_TEXT_LABEL option uses text labels to create pad locations, while the newUSE_INPUT_LEF_PIN option uses the input parent LEF P/G pins to create pad locations. The GSR keyword ADD_PLOC_FROM_TOP_DEF must be set to 1.•Enhanced substrate extraction using the new GDS2DEF keyword‘EXTRACT_SUBSTRATE_REGIONS <filename>’, which allows users to use a file to specify the bounding boxes of regions within which substrate geometries are to be extracted.•Enhanced aplreader to add a '-pp' option to obtain only the positive peak current values. No impact on existing flow or results.•Enhanced simulation to prevent unnecessary scan loop runs, which should not change results. •Enhanced the DvD movie function to allow DvD creation on demand, even when the GSR DYNAMIC_MOVIE keyword has been set to 0 (off). A DvD movie can be created after simulation by using the menu command Results -> Movie -> Make or the TCL command ‘movie make ’. If no DvD movie is needed, users should set DYNAMIC_MOVIE to 0 in order to save disk space otherwise used to create a DvD movie during simulation (set to 1 by default). There is a check for sufficient DvD movie disk space prior to starting RedHawk.•Enhanced support for PowerStream using the new GSR keywordPOWER_MCF_MULTI_CLOCK [ 0 | 1], which automatically controls the generation of vectors for multiple clock cells as defined in the MCF file.•Enhanced PowerStream functionality to support multi-state vectorless analysis.•Enhanced vectorless scan flow to use power values in the file specified by the GSR keyword INSTANCE_POWER_FILE <filename>.• Enhanced the Redhawk/Liberty parser to support the GSR keywordLIB_IGNORE_IO_VOLTAGE [0|1], for which, when set to 1, RedHawk ignores all I/O voltages. •Enhanced power-down flow to provide actual internal cell power-down current waveforms. •Enhanced handling of GDS2DEF-inserted sink pins in the adsRpt/<design>_<net>.PinInst.unconnect file, using a new GSR keyword (default off) to remove them from the list:IGNORE_GDS2DEF_UNCONNECTS [0 | 1]When set to 1 GDS2DEF-inserted pin instances are removed from theadsRpt/<design>_<net>.PinInst.unconnect file. So both conditions of missing pin instances in GDS2DEF memories due to floating metal wires are now covered:1. Flagging with GDS2DEF validation.2. Ignoring with GSR keyword IGNORE_GDS2DEF_UNCONNECTS•Enhanced Liberty library processing to ignore ‘compact_ccs’ entries. Previously RedHawk flagged these entries as errors.•Enhanced the ‘gds2def –m’ command to support wild cards in the NET section of the configuration file, which previously were not correctly handled.•Enhanced GDS2DEF to support new GDS2DEF keyword GRAY_BOX_CELLS 0, depending on the setting of OUTPUT_CELLS_TO_LEF [ 0/1 ].•Enhanced GDS2DEF naming of metal cap vias in the layermap. Available layer map definitions for the metal cap include existing “c”, as well as new names “mcap” and “mim”, to define the layer type. In addition, another field is added to specify a name to be used for via layer between the metal layer and corresponding mim cap layer. The syntax now is:<mim_cap_layer_name> [ c| mcap| mim] <gds_layer_num><gds_text_layer_num> [mim_cap_via_layer_name] There is no change in default behavior.•Enhanced GDS2DEF to allow switch pin names the same as net names instead of pin names specified by user. The EXTRACT_SWITCH_CELLS and DEFINE_SWITCH_CELLS keywords now accept “HEADER” and “FOOTER” switch types either in lower or upper case letters. •Enhanced GDS2DEF processing to allow input LEF P/G pin geometries in the generated LEF/DEF, using the keyword IGNORE_LEF_PG_PIN_GEOMETRY [ 0 | 1 - default] for gdsmem.By default gdsmem (gds2def -m) does not bring any of the input LEF P/G pin geometries in the generated LEF/DEF. Setting 'IGNORE_LEF_PG_PIN_GEOMETRY 0' may be used to allow these pin geometries in the output LEF/DEF.•Enhanced CPM modeling by exporting the NSPICE netlist to the file get_cdie.sp, which can be used to calculate Rdie/Cdie at the specified frequency (50 MHz by default, unless the user edits the get_cdie.sp file), and to plot Cdie(f) and Rdie(f) for frequencies ranging from 1 MHz to 1 GHz.This new file has the following benefits:Eliminates user errors, which are likely for a CPM model with a large number of ports.Saves user time that would be required to create the netlist by hand.•Enhanced PsiWinder to remove the requirement for a complete RedHawk .apache/ directory.Now the ‘setup psiwinder’ command must be run to prepare the files required prior to running PsiWinder.•Enhanced PsiWinder to now support multiple-Vdd/Vss designs in PsiWinder ‘basic’ mode.B. Issues Resolved•Resolved an issue with transistor pin mapping in the save and reload flow, when multiple pins for intentional decaps map to the same transistor device name. Now when exporting a DB,complete pin data is added to the DB for the next import. Users must rerun analysis toregenerate the DB; thereafter save and reload has correct pin mapping.•Resolved an issue during GUI measurement using both left and right mouse buttons for Zoom and Ruler functions, in which case the starting point of the measurement moved. Now Zoom is disabled when dragging the left button in Ruler mode. Zooming can still be performed whileusing the Shift/left button activation of the Ruler.•Resolved an issue in the sim2iprof configuration file to improve support of syntax of the following type:CELL CELL_NAME {FILENAME {CELL_NAME.fsdb POWER_NAME=v1CELL_NAME.fsdb1 POWER_NAME=v2CELL_NAME.fsdb2 POWER_NAME=v3CELL_NAME.fsdb3 POWER_NAME=v4}}•Resolved an issue in which GENERATE_PLOC created shorts caused by improper layermap specifications.•Resolved an issue in which GENERATE_PLOC did not work when syntax of the type "VDD @31 12 34" was used.•Resolved an issue in extraction of ndiff and pdiff geometries in GDSMMX.•Resolved a tracing issue with the INTERNAL_DBUNIT keyword, which failed when keywords were in the wrong order in the configuration file. The keywords now can be in any order.•Resolved an issue in internal DB unit handling using the GDS2DEF configuration file keyword INTERNAL_DBUNIT; GDS2DEF now automatically handles 5nm internal DB units. Previously when the GDSII data internal DB unit was more than 1 nm, GDS2DEF did not handle the case correctly.•Resolved an issue with the GDS2DEF keyword MMX_OUTPUT_CELLS, which did not properly ignore geometries inside specified cells.•Resolved several Boolean layer handling issues with the '&' and '-' operators and layer definition reporting. Also, the log messages for Boolean layer handling have been improved.•Resolved an issue with an input LEF file specification, in which the generated LEF file had names from the text labels specified in the net section of the configuration file.•Resolved an issue with long run times in GDS2DEF configuration file parsing. When the number of nets defined in the NET section of the configuration file is very large (for example, more than one billion, as can be the case with signal EM), the run time for configuration file parsing wasvery long (2-3 hours). Now the processing time is 2 to 3 minutes.•Resolved an issue when OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is specified in the GDS2DEF configuration file and also ‘-out_dir’ specified in the gds2def command line. Previously in this case the outputdirectory was deleted.•Resolved an issue causing small variations in result values in theadsRpt/Dynamic/<design>.ipwr.out and the adsRpt/Dynamic/freqd_ipwr.out files.•Resolved power calculation issues which previously caused incorrect charge in multi-state vectorless analysis, and incorrect multi-rail instance ground charge and incorrect power charge scaling in APL power mode.•Resolved an issue in GSC state handling in which PowerStream previously did not honor all states consistently.•Resolved an issue in PowerStream in which switching scenarios were not always generated correctly.•Resolved an issue in which power reports for certain clock nets had some incorrect values.•Resolved issues in VCD/FSDB parsing to insure that all signal names are read in correctly.•Resolved issues in multiple-voltage AVM analysis that had large differences in peak current values between multiple-voltage and single-voltage AVM cases with the same parameters.•Resolved an issue in which APLSW was not handling the “{“ character properly. No impact on existing flow and results.•Resolved an issue in which ACE failed on some device model parameters.•Resolved an issue in the Spice parser to now identify and flag invalid Spice sources. RedHawk only supports constant and PWL EFGH current and voltage elements. If other types of sources are specified in Spice, RedHawk writes an error message and stops.•Resolved an issue in power calculation for early stage analysis in which block power defined in the GSR keyword BLOCK_POWER_ASSIGNMENT used the total power for each block. Forblocks with multiple power supplies, this caused inaccuracies in dynamic power analysis. Nowpower is computed for each power domain separately, providing more accurate results.•Resolved an issue in VCD analysis of incomplete calculation of effective Vdd values for memories or large instances with many power pin nodes, which sometimes caused the reported highest metal DvD values to be much higher than the worst case instance DvD values. Thisoccurred because the voltage drop of a few nodes on each instance was investigated to mitigate run time concerns. Now every node is evaluated to find the worst-case Vdd drop or Vss rise for each instance to improve the accuracy of results. The user must rerun the session with the new release to insure that all DvD results are correct. Internal testing indicates little impact on mostresults from this issue and only a small run time penalty.•Resolved an issue in MMX and RedHawk in which APLMMX failed in device location mapping when users specified FLAT_MHIER_MAP "/M" ".", and the MOS device hierarchy did not start with “/MM”, “/MP”, or “/MN”. The MOS device hierarchy requirement is now relaxed if the device flattened name starts with “M”. Users must rerun APLMMX using the new release.•Resolved an issue when Ultrasim was specified as Spice simulator for APLMMX (since Ultrasim cannot run AC analysis required for decap analysis). If user has a Spectre format netlist, specify ACE_SPECTRE <netlist path> in the ACE configuration file, or inside APLMMX, use the aplmmx configuration file keyword{ACE_OPTIONACE_SPECTRE <netlist_path>}NSpice is used as the default simulator for regular netlist formats.•Resolved an issue when the time resolution was inconsistent between APLMMX and the simulation output file, causing improper expansion or compression of waveforms.•Resolved an ixf file mapping issue when device names are not specified below instance level.Device level name mapping is now obtained from the netlist.•Resolved a PsiWinder issue with timing analysis involving non-switching instances. PsiWinder now assigns a reasonable switching time to provide the needed accuracy in the calculation.•Resolved an issue when SPEF has missing nets, which caused PsiWinder to error out.PsiWinder now obtains missing connectivity from the DEF files.C. Bugs Fixed•Fixed a crash caused by P/G-aware memories with missing pin connections.•Fixed a crash scenario in glitch report handling when the VOLTAGE_LEVEL option (for width measurement) in the GSR keyword DVD_GLITCH_FILTER was set larger than the ideal voltage.Now in this case all instances are filtered out, but processing continues. Users must check the validity of the VOLTAGE_LEVEL setting to insure proper results.•Fixed a crash in the Spectre interface that occurred when the Spectre netlist had certain model definitions in it.•Fixed a crash in GDS2DEF/GDSMMX while handling and improperly tracing MIM caps.•Fixed a crash when some power pins in a multi-rail instance were not connected.•Fixed a crash when using the TOP_CELLS GDS2DEF configuration file keyword with certain logical layer operations.。
BIOS MCSDK 2.0.2Release NotesApplies to Product Release: Date: September 08, 2011Document LicenseThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-nd/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - © Copyright 2011 Texas Instruments, Inc.All Rights ReservedContents1 Overview (1)2 Licensing (1)3 Documentation (2)4 Device Support (3)5 Technical Support and Product Updates (3)6 IS NOT (3)7 Installation (3)8 Known Issues (4)9 Releases (4)9.1 Build (4)9.2 Previous Releases (6)9.2.1 Build (6)9.2.2 Build (8)9.2.3 Build (10)9.2.4 Build (13)9.2.5 Build (14)BIOS MCSDK document is the Release Notes for Release 2.0.2 of the Multicore Software Development Kit (MCSDK) for the BIOS operating system. This BIOS MCSDK software release gives developers the ability to evaluate the hardware and software capabilities of the evaluation platform and provide core software to rapidly develop a multi-core application.2LicensingThe tables below describe the primary license for the packages that make up the BIOS MCSDK. As shown in the Releases section below, some of these packages are delivered with the Code Composer Studio installer and some are delivered with the BIOS MCSDK installer.IMPORTANT: There may be portions of these packages under other licenses and you should refer to the individual package Software Manifest (after installation) for complete and specific licensing.Target ContentThis is software that runs on the device. For the location, replace <ver> with the version that is part of the component name (e.g.,, etc.).BIOS MCSDK Release NotesHost ToolsThese are development tools that run primarily on the development host. For the location, replace <ver> with the version that is part of the component name (e.g.,, etc.).3Documentation•EVM Quick Start Guide: Provides information on hardware setup and running the demonstration application that is loaded on flash. This document is provided as part of the EVM kit.•BIOS MCSDK Getting Started Guide: Provides information on installing the software from the two software packages (MCSDK, CCS), connect to the target EVM using JTAG, load pre-compiled libraries to the EVM, and run theapplication.•BIOS MCSDK Users Guide: Provides detailed information regarding software elements and infrastructure to allow developers to start creating applications.•Image Processing Demonstration Guide: Provides information on the image processing demo including software design, performance results, development concerns.Revision A:4Device SupportThe device and platform supported with this release include:•C6678: This release supports the Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 high performance DSP. The EVM supported by the software is TMDXEVM6678L.•C6670: This release supports the Texas Instruments TMS320C6670 high performance DSP. The EVM supported by the software is TMDXEVM6670L.•C6618: This release supports the Texas Instruments TMS320TCI6618 high performance DSP. The EVM supported by the software is TMDXEVM6618LXE.5Technical Support and Product UpdatesFor technical discussions and issues, please visit•C66x Multicore forum: /support/dsp/c6000_multi-core_dsps/f/639.aspx•BIOS Embedded Software forum:/support/embedded/f/355.aspx•Embedded Processors wiki: /index.php/Main_Page For product updates, please visit•Multicore Software Development Kits:/docs/toolsw/folders/print/bioslinuxmcsdk.htmlThe EVM comes with disks containing the MCSDK software and CCS. You can start with these or go to the MCSDK software download site listed above to check for the latest updates and version. The BIOS-MCSDK release download will also have pointers to applicable CCS and compiler release versions as well. Please review the release notes and software manifest before downloading and/or installing the software.6IS NOT•Support for BIOS5 or older releases•Support for CCS 4.x or older releases•DSP image format other than ELF (e.g., COFF)•Security Accelerator LLD is not included in this package, but has been tested against SA LLD the online BIOS MCSDK Getting Started Guide (link) for installation information.BIOS MCSDK Release Notes8Known IssuesThe list of issues can be found online using this link.9Releases9.1Build is the post production release.Revision A:New features:•Linux Installer and Build Support•Added PCIe example for C6670•Updated the CSL, SRIO LLD for C6670 and C6678•Updated Hyperlink LLD for C6678Externally Tracked Issues Fixed:BIOS MCSDK Release Notes Other Issues Fixed:•IPC SRIO examples use wrong datarate: clock is 250MHz, not 312.5MHz for C6670•Simulator target for NDK is broken•Added ability to do NDK loopback under HUA•Reset Isolation needs to be disabled for SRIO sample initialization for C6678•Update of the CSL-RL for EMIF-16 for C6678•Writer utility should strip the carriage return character when parsing the input text file•Platform Lib: C6678 needs to be aligned with the CSL EMIF16 updates for C66789.2Previous Releases9.2.1Build is the post production release of BIOS MCSDK 2.0.1Revision A:New features:•Added Multicore Application Deployment Utilities (MAD-Utils) Externally Tracked Issues Fixed:•MAD tools integration with Image Processing Demo•DSP Code generation tools update to 7.2.4 version•PDK c6670 SRIO and QMSS IPC examples require a clean then rebuild in order to operate correctly9.2.2Build is the production release of BIOS MCSDK 2.0.0New features:•PCIe Boot example added•PCIe LLD added for C6670•Image Processing Demo support for C6670•IPC over SRIO & QMSS transports•SRIO boot exampleExternally Tracked Issues Fixed:Other Issues Fixed:•CSL PDK (C6670): PCIE project fails to compile due to undefined symbol CSL_BootCfgGetPCIEPLLLock•PDK (C6618 simulator): BCP example project for Big Endian and simulator hangs at second test•PDK (C6670): BCP test and example projects for Big Endian fail all tests.•C6670 EVM BE: TCP3E_dblMgzTestProject Big Endian fails on EVM•C6670 EVM BE: TCP3E_exampleProject Big Endian fails on EVM•There is no Readme for shmIpcBenchmark_c6678 – PDK•Platform Library simulator target does not work for NDK•getLibs() added for Platform Library and NIMU should be adopted by all MCSDK components•Fixed issue preventing building EDMA3 LLD examples•HUA: Occasionally Flash Page has nothing after the How It Works text•makefile support for MCSDK components•HUA Demo: Running the Transmit UDP benchmark multiple times crashes the system•IBL need to support I2C boot from multiple device/images based on the dip swich setting•NAND ecc bytes computation needs to be changed for BIOS MCSDK to align with Linux•Provide makefiles for EEPROM/NAND/NOR writers•ibl\src\make\ibl_c661x\ defines clocks/plls incorrectly•IBL PLL workaround is too slow for PCIe•TCP3d/TCP3e LLD source files does not build using the external to PDK ED-MA3LLD driver provided by TI-India•NIMU Rx pDataBuffers are not cached aligned•Image processing demo: The edge slices are not cache aligned•PDK (C66x): hyplnk_read_ECCErrors_reg() doesn't work. It accesses the wrong HW register.9.2.3Build is a Beta-2 release.New features•PCIe LLD added for C6678•BCP, TCP3d,TCP3e and FFTC LLDs added for C6670•Multicore System Analyzer (MCSA) supportOther bug fixes:•Going back to the Main Flash Page after a NOR Read or Write Shows the NAND selection•HUA project name should be changed from "hpdspua" to "hua" to align w/ collateral•Import of LLD example projects gives warning and build fails unless a macros.ini is imported manually•Installer sometimes has an error at the end of the installation stage•Browsing the MCSDK help conent (UG and GSG) always crashes my Eclipse..•On the information page the User switch 1/2 display "OFF" even though 1 is ON in static mode.•Can not write HUA to NAND flash•Text in browser after test is run appears chopped.•RBL EMAC boot example and any necessary tools•Eclipse plugin did not work after the new installer update•DOC: Host boot utilities documentation in UG•IBL build instruction/documentation confusion•POST: Can not build Release build configuration for POST•Platform Library: Need C6670-sim target support•HUA : eeprom read causes application to crash on NY•Boot example projects for 6670 are missing•When written to NOR as bootable image on HUA failed to boot.•HUA does not print debug messages on UART•DOC: Need C6670 HW setup guide wiki page•POST: Add ability to indicate SA-enabled device•Nand writer on C6678 not working reliably...•Many MCSDK examples don't work out of box•Image processing demo should print messages in UART console•HUA : Internal RAM test checks for valid core between 1<= core_id < 6 instead of 1<= core_id < is an update to Beta-1.New features•C6670 EVM support addedIssues fixed in this ReleaseOther bug fixes:•In Eclipse help the release note link for MCSDK is broken•POST does not display FPGA version•PLATFORM LIB: platform_lib_lite needs some documentation on intent/purpose •PDK LLD UserGuide: Documnet the LLD user guide information in wiki Userguide9.2.5Build is the Beta-1 release of BIOS MCSDK 2.0.New features•Initial Multicore SDK for KeyStone devices •C6678 EVM support•C6678/C6670 simulator supportIssues fixed in this Release•None (this is the first release)。
PaperStream IP for SP Series 软件说明书
Software for ultimate business efficiency PaperStream IP for SP Series, the scanner driver supporting both TWAIN and ISIS, enables hassle-free scanning so that operators do not need to make fine OCR setting adjustments. The software automatically converts scanned images into exceptionally clean images, raising OCR accuracy, even when scanning wrinkled and soiled documents, or documents with background patterns. With PaperStream Capture, capture batches of all sizes with utmost efficiency.Document software for maximized flexibilityEasily find the information you need using ABBYY FineReader Sprint. Specializing in OCR processing, the software is compatible with over 190 languages and generates both searchable PDF and Microsoft Office documents.Flexible and easy operation to improve daily workflow High-speed USB 3.2 Gen 1x1 and wired network connection expands the versatility of user operation so that users are no longer confined to operating near the computer.Operation is now possible in a wider variety oflocations, with reliable network environment support. SP-1120N is also compact in size, making it the perfect scanner to use on a desk or reception space where space is limited. As an entry-level model, operation is simple with just 2 buttons to choose from: “Scan/Stop” and “Power ON/OFF”. This simple and easy-to-use design minimizes scanning procedures and human errors in any organization. All these features combined, enable anyone to operate the scanner anywhere.SP-1120N scans documents at 20 ppm/40 ipm (A4 portrait 200/300 dpi) and loads up to 50 sheets at a time. With a compact and network compatible design, the unit provides high-value performance as an entry-level model for all businesses.Assistance for safe and reliable scanning SP-1120N comes with brake rollers to deliver accurate page separation and prevent any multi-feeding errors from occurring. This mechanism and our ultrasonic multi-feed sensors combined, provide users with stable paper feeding, prevent any potential informa-tion loss from occurring, and enable scanning of all documents and cards at the office with maximized precision and efficiency. Applica-tion forms and ID cards at the reception desk, for instance, can be scanned in just one batch, allowing for quick processing and littlecustomer wait time.Simple and network compatible scanner for businessDatasheetFUJITSU Image Scanner SP-1120NDatasheet FUJITSU Image Scanner SP-1120NTrademarksABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine © ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY. ABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY Software, Ltd. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. ISIS is a trademark of Open Text. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. macOS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Any other products or company names appearing in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies. Safety PrecautionsBe sure to carefully read all safety precautions prior to using this product and use this device as instructed. Do not place this device in wet, moist, steamy, dusty or oily areas. Using this product under such conditions may result in electrical shock, fire or damage to this product. Be sure to limit the use of this product to listed power ratings.ENERGY STAR®PFU Limited, a Fujitsu company, has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR® is a registered trademark of the United States.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit your local Fujitsu website for more information.*1 Actual scanning speeds are affected by data transmission and software processing times. *2 Indicated speeds are from using JPEG compression. *3 Indicated speeds are from using TIFF CCITT Group 4 compression. *4 Selectable maximum resolution may vary depending on the length of the scanned document. *5 Limitations may apply to the size of documents that can be scanned, depending on system environment, when scanning at high resolution (over 600 dpi). *6 Capable of scanning documents with dimensions exceeding that of Legal sizes. Resolutions are limited to 300 dpi or less when scanning documents 355.6 mm (14 in.) to 863 mm (34 in.), 200 dpi or less when scanning documents 863mm (34 in.) in length. *7 Thicknesses of up to 127 to 209 g/m² (34 to 56 lb) can be scanned for A8 (52 x 74 mm / 2.1 x 2.9 in.) sizes. *8 ISO7810 ID-1 type compliant. Capable of scanning embossed cards with total thicknesses of 1.24 mm (0.049 in.) or less. *9 Maximum capacity depends on paper weight and may vary. *10 Capable of setting additional documents while scanning.*11 Numbers are calculated using scanning speeds and typical hours of scanner use, and are not meant to guarantee daily volume or unit durability. *12 Scanning speeds slow down when using USB 1.1.*13 When using USB, device must be connected to the USB hub connected to the PC port. If using USB 3.2 Gen 1x1 (USB 3.0) / USB 2.0, USB port and hub compatibility is required. *14 Excludes the ADF paper chute and stacker. *15 Functions equivalent to those offered by PaperStream IP may not be available with the Image Scanner Driver for macOS/Linux or WIA Driver. *16 Refer to the SP Series Support Site for for driver/software downloads and full lineup of all supported operating system versions. *17 Operation on Windows Server® OS is not supported.Datasheet FUJITSU Image Scanner SP-1120NEvery 100,000 sheets or one yearBrake Roller Pick RollerPA03708-0001Roller SetConsumablesPA43404-A665 PaperStream Capture Pro optional licensePaperStream Capture ProScan Station (WG)OptionsAC adapter, USB cable, Setup DVD-ROMIncluded Items Multi image output, Automatic color detection, Automatic page size detection, Blank page detection, Dynamicthreshold (iDTC), Advanced DTC, SDTC, Error diffusion, Dither, De-Screen, Emphasis, Dropout color (None/Red/Green/Blue/White/Saturation/Custom), sRGB output, Split image, De-Skew, Edge filler, Vertical streaks reduction, Digitalendorser, Background pattern removal, Character thickness, Character augmentation, Character extractionImage Processing FunctionsPaperStream IP for SP Series (TWAIN/TWAIN x64/ISIS), WIA Driver *¹⁵, Image Scanner Driver for macOS (ICA)*¹⁵*¹⁶, Image Scanner Driver for Linux (SANE)*¹⁵*¹⁶, PaperStream Capture, PaperStream ClickScan *¹⁶, Software Operation Panel, Error Recovery Guide, ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap *¹⁶, Scanner Central Admin, ABBYY™ FineReader Sprint™*¹⁷, Network Setup Tool for SP Series, SP Series Online UpdateIncluded Software / DriversWindows® 11, Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2022, Windows Server® 2019, Windows Server® 2016, Windows Server® 2012 R2, Windows Server® 2012, Windows Server® 2008 R2, macOS, Linux (Ubuntu)Supported Operating System2.5 kg (5.5 lb)Weight298 x 135 x 133 mm (11.7 x 5.3 x 5.2 in.)Dimensions *¹⁴(Width x Depth x Height)ENERGY STAR®, RoHSEnvironmental Compliance 20 to 80% (non-condensing)Relative Humidity 5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F)Temperature Operating Environment 0.3 W or lessAuto Standby (Off) Mode2 W or less Power Saving Mode 18 W or less Operating Mode Power Consumption AC 100 to 240 V ±10 %Power Requirements 10BASE-T,100BASE-TX,1000BASE-T EthernetUSB 3.2 Gen 1x1 / USB 2.0 / USB 1.1USB *¹²*¹³Interface Overlap detection (Ultrasonic sensor)Multifeed Detection 3,000 sheetsExpected Daily Volume *¹¹50 sheets (A4 80 g/m² or Letter 20 lb)ADF Capacity *⁹*¹⁰50 to 209 g/m² (13.4 to 56 lb)*⁷Plastic Card 0.76 mm (0.0299 in.) or less *⁸Paper Paper Weight (Thickness)3,048 mm (120 in.)Long Page Scanning *⁶ (Maximum)52 x 74 mm (2.0 x 2.9 in.)Minimum216 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 in.)Maximum Document Size WhiteBackground Colors Color: 24-bit, Grayscale: 8-bit, Monochrome: 1-bit Output Format 50 to 600 dpi (adjustable by 1 dpi increments)1,200 dpi (driver)*⁵Output Resolution *⁴(Color / Grayscale / Monochrome)600 dpiOptical ResolutionRGB LED x 2 (front x 1, back x 1)Light Source Single line CMOS-CIS x 2 (front x 1, back x 1)Image Sensor Type Simplex: 20 ppm (200/300 dpi)Duplex: 40 ipm (200/300 dpi)Scanning Speed *¹ (A4 Portrait)(Color *²/Grayscale *²/Monochrome *³)ADF (Automatic Document Feeder), DuplexScanner TypeTechnical InformationContactIndonesiaPT Fujitsu Indonesia Tel: +62 21 570 9330*************************/id/scannersMalaysiaFujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Tel: +603 8230 4188askfujitsu .my @/my/scannersPhilippinesFujitsu Philippines, Inc. Tel: +63 2 841 8488 ***************.com/ph/scannersSingaporeFujitsu Asia Pte Ltd Tel: +65 6512 7555 *******************/sg/scannersThailandFujitsu (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Tel: +66 2 302 1500 info .th @/th/en/scannersVietnamFujitsu Vietnam Limited Tel: + 84 4 2220 3113 sales -vn @/vn/en/scanners。
NXP SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux 用户指南说明书
© 2017 NXP B.V.SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux User'sGuide1. IntroductionThe NXP SCM Linux BSP (Board Support Package) leverages the existing i.MX 6 Linux BSP release L4.1.15-2.0.0. The i.MX Linux BSP is a collection of binary files, source code, and support files that can be used to create a U-Boot bootloader, a Linux kernel image, and a root file system. The Yocto Project is the framework of choice to build the images described in this document, although other methods can be also used.The purpose of this document is to explain how to build an image and install the Linux BSP using the Yocto Project build environment on the SCM-i.MX 6Dual/Quad Quick Start (QWKS) board and the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Evaluation Board (EVB). This release supports these SCM-i.MX 6 Series boards:• Quick Start Board for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad (QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ)• Evaluation Board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX (EVB-SCMIMX6SX)NXP Semiconductors Document Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGUser's GuideRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga , 04/2017Contents1. Introduction........................................................................ 1 1.1. Supporting documents ............................................ 22. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX .. 2 2.1. Host setup ............................................................... 2 2.2. Host packages ......................................................... 23.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms .................... 3 3.1. Setting up the Repo utility ...................................... 3 3.2. Installing Yocto Project layers ................................ 3 3.3. Building the Yocto image ....................................... 4 3.4. Choosing a graphical back end ............................... 4 4. Deploying the image .......................................................... 5 4.1. Flashing the SD card image .................................... 5 4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool) ............................ 6 5. Specifying displays ............................................................ 6 6. Reset and boot switch configuration .................................. 7 6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/Q . 7 6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloX . 8 7. SCM uboot and kernel repos .............................................. 8 8. References.......................................................................... 8 9.Revision history (9)Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX1.1. Supporting documentsThese documents provide additional information and can be found at the NXP webpage (L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS):•i.MX Linux® Release Notes—Provides the release information.•i.MX Linux® User's Guide—Contains the information on installing the U-Boot and Linux OS and using the i.MX-specific features.•i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide—Contains the instructions for setting up and building the Linux OS in the Yocto Project.•i.MX Linux®Reference Manual—Contains the information about the Linux drivers for i.MX.•i.MX BSP Porting Guide—Contains the instructions to port the BSP to a new board.These quick start guides contain basic information about the board and its setup:•QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q Quick Start Guide•Evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Quick Start Guide2. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloXThis section describes how to obtain the SCM-related build environment for Yocto. This assumes that you are familiar with the standard i.MX Yocto Linux OS BSP environment and build process. If you are not familiar with this process, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS).2.1. Host setupTo get the Yocto Project expected behavior on a Linux OS host machine, install the packages and utilities described below. The hard disk space required on the host machine is an important consideration. For example, when building on a machine running Ubuntu, the minimum hard disk space required is about 50 GB for the X11 backend. It is recommended that at least 120 GB is provided, which is enough to compile any backend.The minimum recommended Ubuntu version is 14.04, but the builds for dizzy work on 12.04 (or later). Earlier versions may cause the Yocto Project build setup to fail, because it requires python versions only available on Ubuntu 12.04 (or later). See the Yocto Project reference manual for more information.2.2. Host packagesThe Yocto Project build requires that the packages documented under the Yocto Project are installed for the build. Visit the Yocto Project Quick Start at /docs/current/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html and check for the packages that must be installed on your build machine.The essential Yocto Project host packages are:$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-devThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 (or 14.04) host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidocThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimageThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 14.04 host s etup are:$ sudo apt-get install u-boot-toolsThe configuration tool uses the default version of grep that is on your build machine. If there is a different version of grep in your path, it may cause the builds to fail. One workaround is to rename the special versi on to something not containing “grep”.3. Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.1. Setting up the Repo utilityRepo is a tool built on top of GIT, which makes it easier to manage projects that contain multiple repositories that do not have to be on the same server. Repo complements the layered nature of the Yocto Project very well, making it easier for customers to add their own layers to the BSP.To install the Repo utility, perform these steps:1.Create a bin folder in the home directory.$ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists)$ curl /git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo2.Add this line to the .bashrc file to ensure that the ~/bin folder is in your PATH variable:$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH3.2. Installing Yocto Project layersAll the SCM-related changes are collected in the new meta-nxp-imx-scm layer, which is obtained through the Repo sync pointing to the corresponding scm-imx branch.Make sure that GIT is set up properly with these commands:$ git config --global "Your Name"$ git config --global "Your Email"$ git config --listThe NXP Yocto Project BSP Release directory contains the sources directory, which contains the recipes used to build, one (or more) build directories, and a set of scripts used to set up the environment. The recipes used to build the project come from both the community and NXP. The Yocto Project layers are downloaded to the sources directory. This sets up the recipes that are used to build the project. The following code snippets show how to set up the SCM L4.1.15-2.0.0_ga Yocto environment for the SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and the evaluation board. In this example, a directory called fsl-arm-yocto-bsp is created for the project. Any name can be used instead of this.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.2.1. SCM-i.MX 6D/Q quick start board$ mkdir fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ cd fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.2.2. SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board$ mkdir my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ cd my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.3. Building the Yocto imageNote that the quick start board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX are commercially available with a 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP memory configuration.This release supports the imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks, imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3, and imx6sxscm-1gb-evb. Set the machine configuration in MACHINE= in the following section.3.3.1. Choosing a machineChoose the machine configuration that matches your reference board.•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks (QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 (QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1GB LPDDR2 PoP) •imx6sxscm-1gb-evb (EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SX with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)3.4. Choosing a graphical back endBefore the setup, choose a graphical back end. The default is X11.Choose one of these graphical back ends:•X11•Wayland: using the Weston compositor•XWayland•FrameBufferSpecify the machine configuration for each graphical back end.The following are examples of building the Yocto image for each back end using the QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX. Do not forget to replace the machine configuration with what matches your reference board.3.4.1. X11 image on QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 source -b build-x11$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.2. FrameBuffer image on evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SX$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-fb MACHINE=imx6sxscm-1gb-evb source –b build-fb-evb_6sxscm$ bitbake fsl-image-qt53.4.3. XWayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source –b build-xwayland$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.4. Wayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source -b build-wayland$ bitbake fsl-image-qt5The fsl-setup-release script installs the meta-fsl-bsp-release layer and configures theDISTRO_FEATURES required to choose the graphical back end. The –b parameter specifies the build directory target. In this build directory, the conf directory that contains the local.conf file is created from the setup where the MACHINE and DISTRO_FEATURES are set. The meta-fslbsp-release layer is added into the bblayer.conf file in the conf directory under the build directory specified by the –e parameter.4. Deploying the imageAfter the build is complete, the created image resides in the <build directory>/tmp/deploy/images directory. The image is (for the most part) specific to the machine set in the environment setup. Each image build creates the U-Boot, kernel, and image type based on the IMAGE_FSTYPES defined in the machine configuration file. Most machine configurations provide the SD card image (.sdcard), ext4, and tar.bz2. The ext4 is the root file system only. The .sdcard image contains the U-Boot, kernel, and rootfs, completely set up for use on an SD card.4.1. Flashing the SD card imageThe SD card image provides the full system to boot with the U-Boot and kernel. To flash the SD card image, run this command:$ sudo dd if=<image name>.sdcard of=/dev/sd<partition> bs=1M && syncFor more information about flashing, see “P reparing an SD/MMC Card to Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).Specifying displays4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool)MFGTool is one of the ways to place the image on a device. To download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and for details on how to use it, download the SCM-i.MX 6 Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux 4.1.15-2.0.0 under the "Downloads" tab from /qwks-scm-imx6dq. Similarly, download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board under the "Downloads" tab from /evb-scm-imx6sx.5. Specifying displaysSpecify the display information on the Linux OS boot command line. It is not dependent on the source of the Linux OS image. If nothing is specified for the display, the settings in the device tree are used. Find the specific parameters in the i.MX 6 Release Notes L4.1.15-2.0.0 (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS). The examples are shown in the following subsections. Interrupt the auto-boot and enter the following commands.5.1.1. Display options for QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/QHDMI displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24'U-Boot > run bootcmd5.1.2. Display options for EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SXNote that the SCM-i.MX 6SX EVB supports HDMI with a HDMI accessory card (MCIMXHDMICARD) that plugs into the LCD connector on the EVB.Accessory boards:•The LVDS connector pairs with the NXP MCIMX-LVDS1 LCD display board.•The LCD expansion connector (parallel, 24-bit) pairs with the NXP MCIMXHDMICARD adapter board.LVDS displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} ${dmfc} video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,1024x768M@60,if=RGB666 ldb=sep0'U-Boot > run bootcmdHDMI display (dual display for the HDMI as primary and the LVDS as secondary)U-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24video=mxcfb1:dev=ldb,LDBXGA,if=RGB666'U-Boot > run bootcmdLCD displayu-boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs}root=${mmcroot} rootwait rw video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,if=RGB565'u-boot> run bootcmd6. Reset and boot switch configuration6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/QThere are two push-button switches on the QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ board. SW1 (SW3 for QWKS board Rev B) is the system reset that resets the PMIC. SW2 is the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad on/off button that is needed for Android.There are three boot options. The board can boot either from the internal SPI-NOR flash inside the SCM-i.MX6Dual/6Quad or from either of the two SD card slots. The following table shows the switch settings for the boot options.Table 1.Boot configuration switch settingsBoot from top SD slot (SD3)Boot from bottom SD slot (SD2)Boot from internal SPI NORDefault1.References6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloXThis table shows the jumper configuration to boot the evaluation board from the SD card slot SD3.7. SCM uboot and kernel repositoriesThe kernel and uboot patches for both SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and evaluation board are integrated in specific git repositories. Below are the git repos for SCM-i.MX 6 uboot and kernel:uBoot repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.gitSCM Branch: scm-imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_gakernel repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-imx.gitSCM branch: scm-imx_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga8. References1.For details about setting up the Host and Yocto Project, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide(document IMXLXYOCTOUG).2.For information about downloading images using U-Boot, see “Downloading images usingU-Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).3.For information about setting up the SD/MMC card, see “P reparing an SD/MMC card to boot” inthe i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).9. Revision historyDocument Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga04/2017How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequentia l or incidental damages. “Typical”parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be valida ted for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions .NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, Freescale, and the Freescale logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.ARM, the ARM Powered logo, and Cortex are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2017 NXP B.V.。
SESAM Release Note SIMA V4.1.0说明书
SESAM RELEASE NOTESIMASima is a simulation and analysis tool for marine operations and floating systems — from modelling to post-processing of results.Valid from program version 4.1.0SAFER, SMARTER, GREENERSesam Release NoteSimaDate: 19 Apr 2021Valid from Sima version 4.1.0Prepared by DNV GL – Digital SolutionsE-mail sales: *****************© DNV GL AS. All rights reservedThis publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV GL AS.DOCUMENTATIONInstallation instructionsRequired:•64 bit Windows 7/8/10•4 GB RAM available for SIMA (e.g. 8 GB RAM total in total on the computer)•1 GB free disk space•Updated drivers for graphics cardNote that Windows Server (all versions), Windows XP, Windows Vista, and any 32-bit Windows are not supported.Recommended:•64-bit Windows 10•16 GB RAM•Fast quad core processor (e.g. Intel i7)•High-resolution screen (1920 × 1200 / 1080p)•Graphics card: DirectX 10.1 or 11.X compatible; 512 MB or higher•F ast SSD disk, as large as possible (capacity requirements depends heavily on simulation settings, e.g. 500 GB is a good start)•3-button mouseHigh disk speed is important if running more than 2 simultaneous simulations in parallel. Example: If the user has enough SIMO-licenses and has configured SIMA to run 4 SIMO-calculations in parallel, then the simulations will probably be disk-speed-bound, and not CPU bound (with the above recommended hardware). Note that this is heavily dependent on the simulation parameters, so the result may vary. The default license type should now allow for unlimited parallel runs on one PC, workstation of cluster.Updated Drivers for Graphics CardThe driver of the graphics card should be upgraded to the latest version. This is especially important if you experience problems with the 3D graphics. Note that the version provided by Windows update is not necessarily up to date – download directly from your hardware vendors web-site.Installing graphics drivers may require elevated access privileges. Your IT support staff should be able to help you with this.SIMA should work with at least one graphics-mode (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9 or DirectX 11) for all graphics cards that can run Windows 7 or 8. However, graphics cards can contain defects in their lower-level drivers, firmware and/or hardware. SIMA use the software “HOOPS” from the vendor “Tech Soft 3D” to draw 3D-graphics. For advanced users that would like more information on what graphics cards and drivers that does not work with SIMA (and an indication on what probably will work), please see the web page /hoops/hoops-visualize/graphics- cards/ .Before reading the compatibility table you may want to figure out which version of HOOPS SIMAis using. To do this open Help > About > Installation Details, locate the Plug-ins tab and look for the plug-in provider TechSoft 3D (click the Provider column title twice for a more suitable sort order). The version number is listed in the Version column. Also remember that all modes (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9, DirextX 11) are available in SIMA.Upgrading from Earlier VersionsAfter upgrading to a newer version of SIMA, your workspaces may also require an update. This will be done automatically as soon as you open a workspace not created with the new version. You may not be able to open this workspace again using an older version of SIMA.Preference settings should normally be retained after upgrading, however you may want to open the preference dialog ( Window > Preferences ) in order to verify this.Verify Correct InstallationTo verify a correct installation of SIMA, perform the following steps:1.Start SIMA (by the shortcut created when installing, or by running the SIMA executable)a.If you are prompted for a valid license, specify a license file or license server. (If you needadvanced information on license options, see “License configuration”).b.SIMA auto-validates upon startup: A successful installation should not display any errorsor warnings when SIMA is started.2.Create a new, empty workspace:a.You will be prompted to Open SIMA Workspace: Create a new workspace by clicking New,select a different folder/filename if you wish, and click Finish.3.Import a SIMO example, run a SIMO simulation, and show 3D graphics:a.Click the menu Help > Examples > SIMO > Heavy lifting operationb.Expand the node Condition in the Navigator in the upper left cornerc.Right-click Initial, and select Run dynamic analysis. After a few seconds, you will see themessage Dynamic calculation done. No errors should occur.d.Right-click HeavyLifting in the Navigator in the upper left corner, and select Open 3DView. 3D-graphics should be displayed, showing a platform and a crane.4.If there were no errors when doing the above steps, then SIMA can be assumed to becorrectly installed.Changing Default Workspace Path ConfigurationWhen creating a new workspace SIMA will normally propose a folder named Workspace_xx where xx is an incrementing number; placed in the users home directory under SIMA Workspaces.The proposed root folder can be changed by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to the SIMA executable). The file must contain a property sima.workspace.root and a value. For example:sima.workspace.root=c:/SIMA Workspaces/A special case is when you want the workspace root folder to be sibling of the SIMA executable. This can be achieved by setting the property as follows:sima.workspace.root=.License ConfigurationSIMA will attempt to automatically use the license files it finds in this order:e path specified in the file “.simarc” if present. See details below.e the path specified in the license wizard.e the system property SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e the environment variable SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e all “*.lic” files found in C:/flexlm/ if on Windows.e all “*.lic” files found in the user home directory.If any of the above matches, the search for more license files will not continue. If there are no matches, SIMA will present a license configuration dialog.The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. Note that a license segment value does not have to point to a particular file – it could also point to a license server. For example:c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverIn this case the path is composed on one absolute reference to a file. F ollowed by the license server at port 1234 and another license server using the default port number.RIFLEX and SIMO LicenseWhen starting SIMO and RI F LEX from SIMA the environment variable MARINTEK_LICENSE_F ILE will be set to the home directory of the user. This means that a license file can be placed in this directory and automatically picked up.Specifying a License pathWhen starting SIMA without a license the dialog below will pop up before the workbench is shown. If you have a license file; you can simply drag an drop it into the dialog and the path to this file will be used. You may also use the browse button if you want to locate the file by means of the file navigator. If you want to use a license server; use the radio button and select License server then continue to fill in the details. The port number is optional. A host must be specified, however. Note that the host name must be in the form of a DNS or IP-address.You can now press Finish or if you want to add more path segments; you can press Next, this will bring up the second page of the license specification wizard. The page will allow you to add and remove licence path segments and rearrange their individual order.Modifying a License PathIf the license path must be modified it can be done using the dialog found in the main menu; Window >Preferences > License. This preference page works the same as the second page of the wizard.Specifying License Path in .simarcThe mechanism described here works much like specifying the environment variable, however it will also lock down the SIMA license configuration pages, thus denying the user the ability to change the license path. This is often the better choice when installing SIMA in an environment where the IT-department handles both installation and license configuration.The license path can be forced by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to sima.exe). The latter is probably the better choice as the file can be owned by the system and the user can be denied write access. The license path must be specified using the sima.license.path key and a path in the F LEXlm Java format. The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. For instance:sima.license.path=c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverNote that the version of FLEXlm used in SIMA does not support using Windows registry variables. It also requires the path to be entered in the F LEXlm Java format which is different from the normal F LEXlm format. Using this mechanism one can also specify the license path for physics engines such as SIMO and RIF LEX started from SIMA. This is done by specifying the key marintek.license.path followed by the path in normal FLEXlm format. For example:marintek.license.path=c:/licenses/ sima.lic:1234@my.license.server:@another.license.server Viewing License DetailsIf you would like to view license details, such as expiration dates and locations you will find this in the main menu Help > License.New Features - SIMONew Features - RIFLEXNew Features - OtherBUG FIXESFixed bugs - SIMOFixed bugs - RIFLEXFixed bugs - OtherREMAINING KNOWN ISSUESUnresolved Issues - SIMOUnresolved Issues - RIFLEXUnresolved Issues - OtherABOUT DNV GLDriven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. DIGITAL SOLUTIONSDNV GL is a world-leading provider of digital solutions for managing risk and improving safety and asset performance for ships, pipelines, processing plants, offshore structures, electric grids, smart cities and more. Our open industry platform Veracity, cyber security and software solutions support business-critical activities across many industries, including maritime, energy and healthcare.。
Release Notes for Altium Designer Version 14.3 - 2014-07-10
Release Notes for Altium Designer Version 14.3Submitted by on Thu, 05/29/2014 - 06:58Key feature highlightsVia Shielding Tool Enhanced Teardrop ControlUnused Pad Shape Removal Length Tuning EnhancementsInteractive Routing Improvements Controlling the Routing to an SMD Pad Automatic Routing Neck-Down Chamfered RoutingEnhanced Polygon Editing and Management Enhanced Editing of Polygonal Shapes Enhanced PCB Filter Panel PCB Fixed Single Selection Order Refactored Clearance Design Rule Automatic Component Rotation on PolarGridEnhanced Jumper Support Extended use of 'Flipped On Layer' Property Export a STEP Model of a Folded Board Improved Diagonal Thermal Connections PADS Importer Enhancements xDx Designer ImporterIPC-7351B Compliance ActiveBOM EnhancementsEnhancements to Variants Supplier EnhancementsSchematic Wire Drag Improvements Delete a Selected Wire Segment inSchematicSchematic Font Improvements Specify Text Margins for Text Frames andNotesVerilog Include Paths and Defines Dialog-based New Project CreationSmart PDF Enhancements System & Performance EnhancementsFile-less Editing in an Altium Vault CmpLib Editor ImprovementsVaults Panel EnhancementsVersion 14.3.13Build:34012 Date: 09 July 2014Layer Stack Manager could be started now if .Net 4.5 is not installedVersion 14.3.12Build:33957 Date: 01 July 20143386Invalid pointer error fixed in cmplib editor when working with component libraries created in older versions3237Fixed error where Objects were accessed after being destroyed when working with the Filter panel3302Resolved application error on Windows XP when a PCB was reopened during Altium Designer start up3373Alternate part information no longer erased when original library is not accessible anymore3378Manually adding a Vault in the Preferences dialog would sometimes causes an invalid handle error, this no no longer occurs3284Select Next command could cause a crash in certain conditions, this has been resolved 3355Variant Management dialog, Set Selected As Alternate no longer causes an error 3358Footprint changes done through the Footprint Manager are now preserved3454Errors caused by the XSpice Model Wizards have been resolvedVersion 14.3.11Build:33708 Date: 13 June 20143241Exception no longer happens when copy/pasting component in cmplib editor.3280Selecting an object in the PCB workspace now correctly selects that object in the PCB panel (Nets mode).3296Alternate parts are no longer removed when opening an older design that includes variants.3301Model and parameter inheritance in CmpLib files is now correctly handled when opening an older version CmpLib in AD14.3.3273Handling of duplicate UIDs has been strengthened, to ensure that the compiled project correctly synchronizes with the PCB.3304Editing a Part Choice List with insufficient rights no longer causes an exception.Version 14.3.10Build:33625 Date: 4 June 20143219PCB Release process now continues correctly when non project documents are encountered. 3221Component variant parameters can now be changed back to their original values.3222BOM documents can now update alternate variant components from database parameters.3234Schematic connection highlighting no longer cause incorrect results after deleting wire segments.3244The polygon pour order is now used correctly when rebuilding polygons. BC:4283 3245Varied components can now be restored to their original Fitted state.3249PCB Design View layer visibility is now working correctly.3256PCB string formatting issues when pasting from MS Excel documents has been fixed. 3278Polygon Pours now use the correct clearance rule values when rebuilding polygons.Version 14.3.9Build:33548 Date: 29 May 20141053RS Components and Future Electronics Suppliers have been added as new extensions. 1113STEP Export now supports folded state of the PCB design.1290Opening OutJob BOM report no longer generates "Could not convert variant of type" errors. 1510New front end VHDL and Verilog compilers have been included in Altium Designer.1583Smart PDF paper sizes are now maintained regardless of Default Printer settings. BC:20091595A problem in the Signal Integrity extension causing an access violation when parsing certain comment fields has been fixed.1623Objects are now pushed even if the object being moved has a violation. BC:10671628PCB Polygons now pour correctly when remove necks setting is greater than Electrical clearance. BC:6781631Schematic Multi-Part components are now displayed using the Alpha Numeric Suffix preference in the Libraries and SCH Library Panels. BC:2911632P-CAD and PADS PCB Importer fixes incorrect component rotations. 1640Schematic wire dragging has been greatly improved. BC:32161649Altium Designer now supports file-less editing of vault data. Right-click on Item in vault to edit model, component or managed sheet.1650Vaults panel right-click menu enhanced to support logical behavior throughout the panel, for example right-click in search results to place, or add to content cart.1661Generate Board Edge Rout Paths option (NC Drill Setup dialog) now supports complex and curved board shapes. BC:821BC:7051696Solder and Paste Masks are now rendered correctly with Embedded Board Arrays. BC:3790 1702Variants now support the ability to specify a different (alternate) component. BC:1921 1704ActiveBOM document memory management has been improved.1835Schematic wire segments can now be individually deleted. BC:829BC:3410BC:1501 BC:12231853PADS Logic Importer has been updated. Fixes to Port Sizes and Designator naming.1871Via Shielding tool has been added. Tools>>Via Stitching/Shielding>>Add Shielding to Net. 1873Unused Pad Removal tool has been added. Tools>>Remove Unused Pad Shapes.1875Polygon Pour thermal connections now correctly connect to the corners of pads, rather than the center.1876PCB Interactive Length Tuning tool (and gauge) has been improved and patterns can now be modified after placement.1877PCB track chamfering has been added. Tools>>Convert>>Convert Selected Tracks to Chamfered Path.1880Differential Pair rule now displays metric values correctly for Gap values. 1881Moving Rooms has been greatly improved.1884PADS Importer has been improved and supports version 9.5 files.1885PCB object selection popup can now be disabled in PCB Preferences. Pressing TAB will cycle through overlapping objects.1886PCB component placement now uses the Polar Grid to allow automatic rotation to the origin of the grid.1889Memory leaks while debugging discrete CPUs have been fixed.1895PCB Nets Panel has been updated with Min, Max and Estimated Length columns and uses color coding (green, yellow, red) to indicate range values.1897Moving Vias with connected tracks has been improved. 1899Refactor clearance rule into grid form.1901Now the used part of the via has been taken into account when calculating the routed length of net.1903PCB Teardrop tool has been improved providing more control over generated teardrop shapes. 1906Interactive Routing now supports automatic neck down while routing through rooms.1915IPC-7351B-Compliant IPC Wizard added packages: CAPAE, DFN, LGA, PQFN, PSON, SODFL, SOF, SON, SOTFL.1921ActiveBOM documents now support Variants and includes a Variants toolbar.1927CmpLib editor has been extensively updated to improve usability & release process, including: simplified presentation with column-based filtering, grouping, horizontal scrolling, multi-select, drag and drop models from Vault, and right-click model editing.1928± character is now included in PDFs for all language regions.1933Schematic text drawing of Japanese characters has been improved. 1943Top and bottom paste masks are displayed correctly in Layer Stack Table.1946Access violations associated with switching between Sch and SchLib documents and making library edits has been fixed through investigation of crash reports.1955ActiveBOM now supports components with different values but using same Design Item IDs. 1970New PCB SMT Design Rule - "SMD Entry".1973Schematic Fonts can now be copied/pasted in the Inspector Panel.1974Schematic Power Objects now include Font property.1975Schematic Text Frames now support text margins.1977Schematic Update From Libraries now correctly ignores parameter changes that have been excluded from ECO.1982'PCB Density Map' can be displayed successfully in 2D Mode.1994PCB Component "Flipped On Layer" property has been added to Inspector, FSO and List Panels. BC:38642090PCB Polygon Pour Vertices editing has been improved. 2111PCB GDI support has been removed.2120Gerber output of octagonal pad shapes now accurately matches the PCB octagonal pad shapes.2122PCB Polygon Pour Shelving has been replaced with Unpoured. Commands added to Polygon menus and Polygon Manager dialog. Loading earlier version designs will change shelved polygons to unpoured state.2123PCB Clearance Rule introduces a new "minimum clearance matrix".2142Length tuning tolerance is now applied to the length of the longest scoped net target. 2150Placing multiple Vias now retains the net names.2151Libraries panel now supports installing a Vault folder (or tree of folders) as a library, from which components can be browsed and placed.21523D PCB Flex rendering has been improved.2153During Release to Vault process Project no longer asks to be saved.2189File>>New>>Project commands have been replaced with a New Project dialog.2210Schematic Update From Libraries now preserve Designator, Comment and Parameter locations if "Choose Component" is used.2211Loading time for components in the Libraries Panel has been significantly improved.2237PCB track dragging now preserves non-orthogonal angles.2240DirectX memory limits have been increased, improving stability for larger designs.22473D PCB Variants now display correctly.2249PCB Object Class Explorer dialog now remembers column position and size.2250Compiling large Integrated Libraries no longer cause exception and out of memory errors. 2262Schematic Text Frames no longer display invalid characters when empty. BC:39412281Schematic .PNG and .SVG graphic images with transparency can now be printed/saved to PDF.2294Schematic Update From Library no longer changes justification/mirrored settings when preserving parameter positions.2298FPGA Project options have been updated to support Verilog Include Paths and Defines. 2315PCB tracks and vias now default to drag mode regardless of selection state.2230PCB DRC uncoupled length check no longer reports false length calculation errors. 2338PADS PCB Importer option "Do not translate hidden net names" has been fixed.2343Support for Altium web applications, such as Vault browsing, in Internet Explorer 11 has been improved.2344P-CAD and PADS Logic Schematic importers now resizes Port objects correctly. 2352P-CAD PCB import now translates clearance rules into new clearance grid matrix.2367Performance when changing component state of variant "fitted/not fitted" on large opened designs has been greatly improved.2373It is now possible to change the lifecycle state of multiple Items in a single edit action. 2390PCB Layer Stack Internal Layer Pairs setting can now be selected and used.2392Recursive folder deletion in Vault Explorer has been improved.2394BOM now supports including Vault Item revision and lifecycle state.2405Navigation preview in PCB Panel now works correctly in 3D view.2412Non Altium Designer documents that are stored in a Vault can now be opened in the appropriate editor directly from the Vaults panel.2413Additional columns added in the Vaults panel: Item section now includes Note column, and Where-used section now includes State column.2414Display state of Vaults panel now retained between Altium Designer sessions.2417Vault web interface has been upgraded, including new Where-Used and Children features and improved browsing capabilities.2444Octagonal Pad selection issue when x-size is smaller than y-size has been fixed.2445Using "=VariantName" parameter in expressions is now interpreted correctly.2448PADS PCB Importer has improved translation of Matched Length and Diff Pair rules.2451OpenBus Signal Manager retains settings when invoked from processor configurator dialog. 2480PCB Teardrop tool has been improved providing more control over generated teardrop shapes.2488Schematic wire dragging has been improved when connecting to other wires. New Junction display and color settings and cursor warning symbol have been added.2514Schematic .png graphic images can now be rotated.2515Vaults panel Preview display mode now presents ComponentLink parameters intelligently, combining them to display as ComponentLink1Description = ComponentLink1URL in the parameter list.2521Browser-based Vault access substantially enhanced to include all of the browsing and searching functionality available in the Vaults panel, as well as a broad range of Vault management features.2524Libraries panel no longer changes the selected library when the Refresh command is used.2532Smart PDF and Printer Page setup dialog now includes a Quality setting for DPI (75, 150, 300 and 600).2537"Variants..." and "Choose Alternate Part" commands have been added to the right mouse popup menu, when Variants are selected.2544Schematic Rubber Stamp command now maintains component rotation and mirroring after initial placement.2549The PCB Board Outline area is no longer generated in output if the multi-layer or a mechanical layer is enabled.2560During interactive dragging of a wire end with multiple wires selected, all moving wire ends are displayed.2570Generic [ActiveBOM Document] can now be used as a source in Report Outputs job in an OutputJob file.2575Tiling documents and reopening Altium Designer no longer causes tiled blank space or access violations.2579Opening or compiling schematic documents could result in an access violation due to invalid expression references. This has been fixed through investigation of crash reports.2580Vaults panel, multiple selected Items can be moved to another folder using drag and drop.2607After generating a BOM, exporting to Excel, then closing the Excel BOM, Excel no longer remains running as a Process.2616Session validation cache added to the Vault and the Part Catalog.2622New Dragging options for selected and unselected vias/tracks have been added to the PCB Interactive Routing Preferences.2631Vault Explorer browsing control has been improved.2639Current Polygon editing style is now displayed on the Status bar during interactive polygon editing.2645"Retrieve Layer Colors" command now works correctly when setting up preferences for printing documents.2651"IsFree" function has been added to expression and scripting engine.2670The issue where the DXP menu would appear on all toolbars has been fixed.2676PCB Differential Pair routing now allows for proper corner exits.2679An exception that would occasionally occur during PCB collaboration has been resolved. 2680PCB Inspector and List panels now display the layer order correctly for the Layer drop down.2682In Board Planning Mode, Move Board Vertices command has been replaced by Edit Board Shape command, which uses new polygon editing behaviors.2692Issue where Altium Designer would lose the project's SVN data, resulting in a project becoming unversioned, has been resolved.2720PCB special string .Application_BuildNumber now displays correct software version. 2768Editing objects via the Inspector or List panel no longer causes the objects to de-select. 2786PCB design objects can be locked via the right-click menu.2827Additions for new Jumper type component, including: automatic net name changes for Jumper pins, and new IsJumperComponent keyword added.2832Importing a specific PADS library no longer causes an exception.2838Smart PDF from schematic now supports Wingdings font. BC:42062841Net name inheritance now occurs correctly when routing from a PCB fill object.2842To support new Jumper component type, new View » Jumper submenu added in PCB Editor. 2864Application_BuildNumber special string added to the Schematic editor.2868Support for a new Jumper component Type added to the Schematic editor.2869Importing a specific Texas Instruments WEBENCH design no longer results in incorrect object placement (requires WEBENCH Altium Connector Extension).2875Board units now toggle correctly when Q shortcut is pressed in Board Planning Mode.2905Custom page sizes for PDF output can now be defined in the DXP>>Preferences>>System>>Printer Settings dialog.2908Schematic objects incorrectly associated with a union while placing and using the insert key has been fixed.2921The Pad property for "Hole Width" has been changed to "Hole Length" in the Inspector and List Panels.2923The word Width now spelt correctly in the Width Constraint design rule.2927Message displayed during update installation reworded to clarify what will happen, now says: Altium Designer must be closed to complete the update process. Close Altium Designer now?2933Altium Designer status bar now includes indicators to show state of memory and GDI resource usage.2938FPGA Signal Manager no longer causes an exception when the Export To Do Item button is clicked after selecting an Unmatched Signal and adding ports.2976Updating PCB from Vault based components no longer cause "Invalid or Deleted Item Revisions" error when the symbol name contains special characters.2977Schematic redraw speed has been improved when using large blanket objects.2986License Management view has been adjusted to show at least three licenses on displays with lower resolution screens.3012Variants now support parameter inheritance. BC:22323070PCB multi-layer objects can now be properly filtered when in Single Layer Mode. BC:40083455InViaShielding query keyword added, use this to scope an applicable polygon connect style design rule for shielding copper.Source URL: /display/ADOH/Release+Notes+for+Altium+Designer+Version+14.3。
2025年招聘IC验证工程师笔试题与参考答案(某大型央企)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、以下哪项描述不属于IC(集成电路)验证工程师的工作内容?A、模拟电路功能验证B、数字电路行为建模C、编写测试平台(TP)和测试用例D、进行产品市场推广2、在硬件描述语言(HDL)中,用于描述模块外部接口的标准关键字是?A、interfaceB、architectureC、entityD、endmodule3、在VHDL语言中,哪一种数据类型不可以用于信号赋值?A. STD_LOGICB. INTEGERC. BOOLEAND. FILE4、在Verilog HDL中,下面哪个关键字用于定义一个模块?B. inputC. outputD. assign5、在IC验证过程中,以下哪项技术不属于常用的验证方法?A、仿真(Simulation)B、形式验证(Formal Verification)C、制造测试(Manufacturing Test)D、静态分析(Static Analysis)6、验证工程师在验证FPGA设计时,通过模拟器进行验证,如果希望通过自动化的测试覆盖率报告来加快验证过程,应使用以下哪种工具?A、逻辑综合工具(Logic Synthesis Tool)B、约束指定工具(Constraint Specification Tool)C、静态时序分析工具(Static Timing Analysis Tool)D、覆盖率工具(Coverage Tool)7、在IC验证过程中,以下哪个工具不是用于仿真测试的?A. Verilog/VHDLB. SystemVerilogC. MATLABD. ModelSim8、在IC验证的OVM(Open Verified Methodology)框架中,以下哪个组件是用来实现激励生成的?B. EnvironmentC. AgentD. Scoreboard9、在IC设计流程中,哪一步骤通常用于确保逻辑设计的功能正确性?A. 综合B. 布局布线C. 功能验证D. 物理验证 10、在VHDL语言中,哪个关键字用于声明进程(process)的敏感信号列表?A. BEGINB. PROCESSC. SENSITIVITYD. WITH二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、当使用Verilog或VHDL进行IC验证时,以下哪些技术被广泛应用于逻辑功能验证?()A、MHS(门级HDL仿真)B、FPGA原型验证C、Benchmarks(基准测试)D、Formal Verification(形式验证)2、在进行IC验证时,以下哪些方法能够有效提高验证覆盖率?()A、穷尽测试B、Property CheckingC、指导测试向量生成D、随机测试3、IC验证工程师在进行硬件描述语言(HDL)选择时,通常考虑哪些因素?A、开发成本B、市场占有量C、运行效率D、设计团队的熟悉程度4、在进行IC(集成电路)验证规划时,以下哪些是常见的验证策略?A、组合验证B、序列验证C、自顶向下D、自底向上5、以下哪些技术可以在IC验证中用于验证时序问题?()A. 时间戳技术B. 寄存器传输级(RTL)仿真C. 斜坡(Ramp)测试D. 逻辑综合6、在以下IC验证流程中,哪些步骤可能产生不正确的测试向量?()A. 设计描述(Design Description)B. 测试向量生成(Test Vector Generation)C. 测试平台搭建(Testbench Development)D. 测试执行(Test Execution)7、以下哪种方法不属于TLM(Transaction Level Modeling)验证方法的范畴?()A、UPF(Universal Protocol Framework)B、CML(Component Modeling Language)C、SV(SystemVerilog)D、UVM(Universal Verification Methodology)8、在UVM(Universal Verification Methodology)中,以下哪个类不属于UVM 的主要组件?A、Sequence:负责生成测试向量序列B、Scoreboard:用于验证所期待的输出与实际情况是否一致C、Driver:将生成的事务发送到DUTD、SV(SystemVerilog)9、以下哪些是IC验证工程师在工作中需要熟悉的验证方法?()A. 功能验证B. 仿真验证C. 性能验证D. 时序验证E. 结构验证F. 寄生당루检查 10、在IC验证过程中,以下哪些阶段可能会使用到验证语言?()A. 验证计划阶段B. 验证环境搭建阶段C. 验证用例编写阶段D. 验证执行和调试阶段E. 验证报告撰写阶段三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、IC验证工程师的工作主要集中在硬件设计阶段。
Release Notes MAX-700
Removing Applications
If you need to remove applications, use Update Manager which is available on your unit (on the Windows desktop). For more information on how to remove applications, refer to the online help of Update Manager.
Copyright © 2012 EXFO Inc. All rights reserved.
Release Notes
New Product Registration
You can now register your new EXFO products either online or directly from your unit (if it is connected to the Internet), and benefit from every possible opportunity to optimize their performance. By doing so, you will always be notified of the latest software updates, key product enhancements and up-to-date support information related to your products. To register your product directly from your unit: 1. Ensure that your unit can access the Internet. 2. On the Windows taskbar, tap Start, then select All Programs > EXFO > Update Manager > ProductRegistration. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. To register your product online: 1. Open a Web browser and go to . 2. Log in to your My EXFO account. 3. Under My Tools, click Register my product. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes说明书
AirCheck G2 version 2.0.0 Release NotesOctober 2017AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes briefly describe the Bug Fixes included in the release, along with Known Issues to be aware of. It also includes a reference to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).Upgrading to Version 2.0Upgrading from 1.1.1 to 2.0 is straightforward, however there are several recommended steps that you can take to further minimize the chances for problems. Following these steps will ensure important data is not lost when transitioning to the new build.e the AirCheck G2 Manager application to export and save any screen captures or session filesoff your unit prior to upgrading.2.Ensure you have saved a backup copy of all AirCheck G2 profiles, and session files you may havecreated, upgrading the unit will migrate files to a 2.0 format, and should you need 1.x versions in the future you will need to use the archived copies.3.Before upgrading your 1.x AirCheck G2 to 2.0, we recommend that you ensure you are running1.1.1. Upgrading directly from 1.0.0 is possible, but upgrading from 1.1.1 is recommended.4.After performing steps 1 – 3 as applicable, you should then update your AirCheck G2 Managersoftware to the 2.0 version.5.Finally after updating your AirCheck G2 Manager Software to 2.0, attach your 1.1.1 AirCheck G2to your computer using the USB cable and update it to the v2.0 firmware.Version 2.0 New FeaturesThe AirCheck G2 v2.0 release brings enhancements to existing AirCheck G2 features as well as new features never before seen in an AirCheck tester.New and Updated FeaturesPerformance Testing with iPerfQuickly and easily test the throughput on your network by conducting iPerf tests from an AirCheck G2 to an iPerf server. The iPerf test allows a user to validate the throughput on their network at a given location.The tester uses the industry standard performance measuring tool iPerf in either UDP or TCP mode of operation. Tests can be conducted with a customer’s iPerf server they install themselves on their own or utilizing our new Test Accessory.IPerf results are logged to your session file and can be saved and reviewed by using the AirCheck G2 Manager software.iPerf ConfigurationA new configuration area is available in the AirCheck G2 settings: iPerf Settings. Additional new iPerf thresholds are available for configuration in the Thresholds area.iPerf SettingsProtocoliPerf tests can be run for TCP traffic or UDP. Allperformance tests will be run based upon the traffictype selected here.PortConfigures the port to be used for the iPerf traffic.Test DurationConfigures the amount of time (in seconds) for the iPerftest to run. The test runs an uplink followed by adownlink test. This duration is for the total time of bothtests, so the default 20s setting will result in a 10s uplink followed by a 10s downlink test. ThresholdsThis is not a setting but instead is a link to the AirCheck G2 Thresholds configuration screen.Remote Battery TypeThis sets what battery type is present in a Test Accessory. The AirCheck will use this information to give the most accurate reading possible for the remaining battery level of your Test Accessories. Running an iPerf Performance TestAn iPerf test can be conducted by following these steps:1.Connect to a network or an AP as before2.After a successful connection, a newbutton is available at the bottom of thescreen titled “iPerf Test”. Tap thatbutton. The Select iPerf Server screenwill now display.3.You can now select what iPerf serveryou would like to use. You can tap inthe space next to “iPerf Server” tomanually enter the IP address of theiPerf server you would like to testagainst, or you can select from a list ofdetected Test Accessories at the bottomand then tap “Done”. For furtherinformation on configuring iPerf serversand managing Test Accessories pleaserefer to the User Guide.4.Tap “Start” at the bottom of the screento begin your iPerf test. The test will runfor the configured amount of time, andresults will be marked pass/fail basedupon the configured threshold.Captive Portal SupportCustomers asked and we listened, users can now conduct all their AirCheck testing even on public facing networks that feature a captive portal.A new configuration item is available in the AirCheck G2 Network Configuration screen. For a given network, you can set Captive Portal to be On or Off for that network.When attaching to a network configured as a captive portal network, the AirCheck G2 will open a web browsing screen for the user to provide any necessary interaction.Important Notes:•Some web pages contain small features (such as check boxes) that can be difficult to accurately interact with unless the page is zoomed in.•Secondary pop-up windows (such as opening a Terms and Conditions form) that open off the main Captive Portal page are not supported.Authorization ClassesOne of our popular AirCheck G1 features is now available on the AirCheck G2. Users can now mark APs as Authorized, Unauthorized, Neighboring, or Flagged. APs can be sorted by authorization class, and the updated AutoTest can now report on any APs that have been marked as Unauthorized or Flagged that are heard during the test scan. [Please note, Rogue AP for AutoTest is on by default after upgrading from 1.x to 2.0.] In addition, users can set up a ‘default’ setting to be used for any APs heard that do not already have an assigned Authorization class. If ‘None’ is selected, then no ACL will be assigned and that AP will not indicate any ACL icons in the AP listings.Interferer Detection and ClassificationSometimes the problem isn’t the Wi-Fi, it’s the other devices in your area. Get a view into what other technologies are in your airspace by detecting interferers such as Microwave ovens or wireless cameras. The AirCheck G2 will use its wi-fi radio to detect interfering technologies in the environment and attempt to identify them. Interferer events are categorized by the AirCheck G2 radio as it scans through the bands. Based upon the readings it receives during the scan, if the AirCheck G2 believes the devices is operating with enough power and regularity to interfer with your Wi-Fi Network, it will attempt to identify an interfering device and (if identified) an interferer event will be logged.Various Small EnhancementsChannel OverlapUsers have requested the ability to visualizethe channels and how they overlap witheach other. This view is now available atthe tap of a button from the Channelsscreen.Supported Rates vs. Basic RatesAnother common request was to separate the rates information the AirCheck provides on an AP into Supported vs. Basic rates, so that the user could see explicitly how the AP was configured. We’ve made this change to the AP Details screen, so both pieces of information are now available.Save a Packet CaptureNow when saving a session file, the user also has the option to save that information as a PCAP. The capture file is automatically set to slice packets at 512 length. Packet capture files can be exported from the unit via a supported USB thumb drive.Version 2.0.0 Bug FixesDE14857 Upgrading firmware via the AirCheck G2 Manager no longer causes an error message of: “Error transferring AirCheck G2 firmware file”DE15486 After disconnecting from AirCheck G2 Manager and rebooting, the AirCheck G2 no longer will occasionally show AutoTest, Ethernet Test and soft keys as disabled (greyedout).DE15659 If a Profile is created/edited in AirCheck G2 Manager with multiple security certificates and at least one Network, and that Profile is transferred to an AirCheck G2 and thatNetwork is edited within the AirCheck G2, the first certificate in the Profile’s list is nolonger automatically assigned to that Network.Version 2.0.0 Known IssuesDE14570 AirCheck G2 Manager does not apply grouping of virtual APs (BSSIDs on the same AP radio). Therefore the AP count shown in AirCheck G2 with virtual AP grouping enabledmay not match the AP count in AirCheck G2 Manager.DE14604 If AutoTest connects to a hidden network, Network Coverage will show 0 APs. This will cause the connection test to fail when using the default threshold for Network Coverage.You can adjust this threshold in Settings / Thresholds to avoid this.DE15401 If a negative signal adjustment causes the signal level to exceed the -99 dBm minimum level limit, Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) readings may be incorrect.DE15466 Link-Live does not report channel utilization for wireless connection tests.DE15541 If the AirCheck G2 is set to scan on only one channel, it is possible that a Connect to Network test can connect to the network on a different channel. 802.11 Types reportedto Link-Live might be missing in this scenario.DE17209 After running an Ethernet or iPerf test the * will appear next to the profile name indicating a change to the profile despite the user not changing profile characteristics.This occurs due to “last used” information being saved to a profile by the unitautomatically.DE17343 If a 2.0 unit is downgraded to 1.1.1, the unit should be reset to factory defaults before upgrading again to 2.0 to prevent the first test result to fail Link-Live archiving.DE17394 Changing the Date or Time on the unit puts it into a very slow scanning state which can only be recovered by rebooting the unit.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)For a list of FAQ and answers, please log into your link-live account and visit Select the AirCheck G2 article.。
S1 Agile- Release Notes 2
• S1 Security: The error messages for incorrect credentials are modified to avoid potential account harvesting.
• Post Installation: Manual restart is necessary to complete the installation.
This installation:
• Is to be downloaded to your hard disk for later installation by running the .exe file • Will prompt the user to uninstall previous versions of S1 Agile manually. This is applicable
GE, the GE monogram and any items marked with an * are trademarks of the General Electric Company. Copyright 2021, General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved.
If any of the following standalone tools are on the target computer, it is recommended that they are uninstalled first to avoid potential software conflicts:
TestStand 2.0 Release Notes说明书
CVI ™,LabVIEW ™,National Instruments™,™,and TestStand ™are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.322519D-01©Copyright 1999,2001National Instruments Corp.All rights reserved.March 2001T EST S TAND R ELEASE N OTESVersion 2.0These release notes contain system requirements,installation instructions,new features,and updated information to help you begin usingTestStand 2.0.ContentsTestStand Installation (2)Minimum System Requirements (2)Installing TestStand (2)Upgrade Notes (3)Preserving Your Changes to TestStand Components (3)Installing Multiple TestStand Versionson the Same Machine (4)What Is New and Different in TestStand 2.0 (4)New Features (4)Changes Between TestStand 2.0and TestStand 1.0.x (6)Numeric Limit Step (6)Creating Subproperties (6)Executing Steps (7)LabVIEW Palette (7)Changes Between TestStand 2.0and TestStand 2.0Beta (7)Changes to the TestStand User Manual (8)Chapter 2—Sequence Editor Options (8)Workspace Window (8)Multiline Edit Control in Dialog Boxes (8)Chapter 6—Sequence Execution (8)Chapter 11—Synchronization Step Types (10)Chapter 18—Databases (10)Additional Support Information..............................................................11™TestStand Release Notes TestStand InstallationThe TestStand setup program installs TestStand on your computer in approximately 10minutes.Minimum System RequirementsTo run TestStand for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x ,you must have the following:•Windows 2000/NT 4.0or later,or Windows Me/9x .For Windows NT,National Instruments recommends Service Pack 3or later.•At least a 266MHz Pentium class or higher microprocessor •SVGA resolution or higher video adapter,with a minimum 800×600video resolution •Minimum of 64MB of memory •100MB free hard disk space (250MB recommended)•Microsoft-compatible mouseInstalling TestStandNote National Instruments recommends that you close other applications before you install TestStand.CautionIf you have LabVIEW VIs that you saved with a version of LabVIEW older than5.1that call the TestStand API,you must mass compile them in LabVIEW 5.1or later before installing TestStand 2.0.If you do not do mass compile your VIs,you will have to manually replace every ActiveX diagram node that uses the TestStand API.The TestStand 2.0installer displays a message box if it detects an existing LabVIEW installation.Follow these instructions to install TestStand:1.V erify that your computer and monitor are powered on and that you have installed Windows 2000/NT 4.0or later,or Windows Me/9x .2.Insert your TestStand Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.3.Choose Run from the Start menu.4.Type x :\tssetup.exe in the input box,where x is your CD-ROM drive,and click on OK .5.Follow the instructions that appear in the dialogboxes.©National Instruments Corporation 3TestStand Release NotesNational Instruments recommends that you install the complete TestStandprogram to take full advantage of all the TestStand capabilities.If youchoose to install with options,select the options you want and follow thedirections on the screen.If necessary,you can run the setup program againlater and install additional files.Refer to the <TestStand>\Doc\Readme.txt file for any additionalissues that are too recent to be included in the printed TestStanddocumentation.Upgrade NotesThis section contains information on how to upgrade from a previousversion of TestStand.Preserving Your Changes to TestStand ComponentsTestStand 2.0includes changes to several components that users may alsochange.For example,TestStand 2.0enhances the process model,operatorinterfaces,and certain step types.If you have made changes to one of thesecomponents and placed the changes in the appropriate user directory,TestStand 2.0will not overwrite your changes.Your modified componentwill continue to function correctly with TestStand 2.0.However,if you want both the changes you have made to a component andthe changes that TestStand 2.0provides,you must do one of the following:•Use a file-differencing tool to determine the changes between theTestStand 2.0version of the component and the original version of thecomponent that you modified.Apply the TestStand 2.0improvementsto your version of the component.•Use a file-differencing tool to determine the changes you made to thecomponent.Reapply your improvements to a copy you make of theTestStand 2.0version of the component.Which option you choose depends on whether you or TestStand 2.0madethe larger number of changes to the component.To compare sequence files,use the sequence file diff/merge tool in theTestStand 2.0sequence editor.To compare text files,use a source codedifferencing tool such as Microsoft Windiff,or the file diff/merge tool in theLabWindows/CVI editor.Note Subsets of different versions of the same component are not necessarilyinteroperable without modifications.For example,you cannot replace a single sequence in the 2.0process model with the corresponding sequence from the 1.0.x process model without making furthermodifications.Installing Multiple TestStand Versionson the Same MachineNational Instruments recommends that you install only one version ofTestStand on a particular machine.Although TestStand2.0will install ona machine that contains a previous TestStand version,only one version ofTestStand can be active at a time.If you must install TestStand2.0on thesame machine as an earlier TestStand version,you can use the TestStandVersion Selection utility to select which TestStand version is active.Youcan find the Version Selection utility in the following directory,<ProgramFiles>\NationalInstruments\Shared\TestStandVerSelect\TSVerSelect.exe.If you activate TestStand2.0and run an operator interface from your1.0.xinstallation,the operator interface uses the2.0engine,step types,andcomponents.If you activate TestStand1.0.x and run a TestStand2.0operator interface or the sequence editor,the application you run will notfunction correctly.TestStand2.0installs shortcut items to the Start»Programs»NationalInstruments»TestStand menu.Previous versions of TestStand installedshortcut items to the Start»Programs»National Instruments TestStandmenu.When you install TestStand2.0without uninstalling a previousversion of TestStand,your start menu can contain both groups of shortcutitems.The version switcher utility does not alter start menu items or otherapplication shortcuts.Y ou must ensure that you run the version of thesequence editor or operator interface that you intend.What Is New and Different in TestStand2.0New FeaturesTestStand2.0contains the following new features:•Two new process models,Batch Model and Parallel Model•Synchronization step types•Built-in step synchronization properties•Asynchronous sequence calls•HTBasic adapter•API additions•Workspaces,projects,and source code control•Sequence file diff/merge tool•IVI step types•Instrument session managerTestStand Release •Report enhancements–Automatic reporting–Batch reports–XML reports example•Database logging–New database logger–TestStand2.0schema–Measurement logging•Combined property loader•Numeric Limit Test step enhancements–Units–Numeric Format•Multiple Numeric Limit Test step•Message Popup step enhancements–Timeouts–Positioning–Modality•DLL adapter enhancements–Structure passing–Enumeration parameters–Function call editing•New engine callbacks•Declare variable in the expression browser•Save as version1.0.x•Step type enhancements–Multiple type palettes–Unlimited substeps–Combining step types–Step type menu editor–Version properties–Apply changes to all step instances•Update sequence files tool•V arious performance improvements•V ariable propagation•Localized decimal point support©National Instruments Corporation5TestStand Release Notes•Special floating point numbers:NAN,IND,INF•New examples•List view tip strips•Installable tool menu items•Operator interface manual source•Failure chain in reports•Documentation generator options•File dialog box directory history list•Improvements to the Assemble Test VIsChanges Between TestStand2.0and TestStand1.0.xThe following are changes in behavior between TestStand2.0andTestStand1.0.x.Numeric Limit StepIn TestStand1.0.x,the numeric limit step provides a radix selection ringthat specifies the numeric format of limit values in the Edit Limits dialogbox.In TestStand2.0,these radix selections are a subset of a more generalset of numeric formatting options.Unlike TestStand1.0.x,the numericformat option now applies to the limit and measurement values for the stepin the test report.Creating SubpropertiesTestStand2.0no longer allows you to create subproperties under a propertythat is not a container.To conform to this change,TestStand has adjustedthe structure of the User data type as follows:•Each privilege group is a container property instead of a Boolean.•Each privilege group has a Boolean subproperty named GrantAll.Instead of setting the Boolean value of a privilege group,you now setthe GrantAll property to specify whether a user has all privilegeswithin a privilege group.Applications that check privileges with the CurrentUserHasPrivilegefunction will continue to function correctly with no changes.If yourapplication depends on the ability to create subproperties withinnon-container properties,you can set the NoSubPropertiesAllowedInNonContainers entry in TestExec.ini to False.However,to ensurecompatibility with future versions of TestStand,National Instrumentsrecommends that you contact TestStand support for assistance inrestructuring your application to avoid the use of this obsolete feature. TestStand Release Executing StepsWhen an execution is terminating in TestStand1.0.x and a step in a cleanupstep group calls a subsequence,the steps in the main step group of thesubsequence do not execute.TestStand2.0correctly executes the steps inthe main step group of the subsequence.TestStand1.0.x incorrectly checks the step run mode for Force Pass andForce Fail before evaluating the step precondition.TestStand2.0checksonly the run mode for Skip before evaluating the step precondition.TestStand2.0checks for Force Pass and Force Fail after evaluatingthe step precondition.Refer to Table6-5,Order of Actions That a StepPerforms,for more information.LabVIEW PaletteIn TestStand2.0,the TestStand API is combined withTestStand API Numeric not have the VIsGet Property Value(Variant).vi and TestStand Set Property Value(Variant).vi because of a problem with LV variant indicators.For moreinformation,refer to the LabVIEW Related Problems in<TestStand>\Doc\Readme.txt.TestStand2.0has three new,TestStand - Start Modal,andTestStand - End Modal,, replace Check for VIs IVI Refnum to,Session toIVI,VISA Refnum to,and Session toVISA replaced Refnum to and Session Between TestStand2.0and TestStand2.0BetaThe following are changes in behavior between TestStand2.0andTestStand2.0Beta:•The TestStand2.0Beta software specifies that primary key columnsthat store GUID values use a string data type of size32characters.In the final TestStand2.0release,the data type for Access is GUID andthe data type for SQL Server is UNIQUEIDENTIFIER.•Several methods in the final TestStand2.0API have changed since the2.0Beta.To ensure correct operation of a component you built with a2.0Beta API,you must recompile the component with the releaseversion of the TestStand2.0API and correct any compile errors.Beta components that you do not build,such as the TestStand sequenceeditor,do not run with the release API.Y ou must use the releaseversions of these components when you use the release API.©National Instruments Corporation7TestStand Release NotesTestStand Release Notes Changes to the TestStand User ManualThis section contains information on several changes and additions to the TestStand User Manual .Chapter 2—Sequence Editor OptionsWorkspace WindowThe icons in the Workspace window have changed.Replace the section on page 2-9with the following text:The following icons appear in the Workspace window.•Project file.•Workspace file.•Sequence file.•Any file that does not have a file association.•File is a code module or folder contains code modules.•File not found on disk.•File is currently checked into the source code control system.•File is currently checked out of the source code control system.Multiline Edit Control in Dialog BoxesAdd the following Note to page 2-18,before the Controlling Sequence Flow section.Note In TestStand 2.0,pressing <Enter>in a comment control in any dialog box closes that dialog box.To insert a carriage return in a comment control,press <Ctrl-Enter>.Chapter 6—Sequence ExecutionTable 6-5on page 6-25has changed.Replace the table and text with the following:Table 6-5.Order of Actions That a Step Performs Action NumberDescriptionRemarks 1Enter batch synchronizationsectionIf option isset 2Allocate step result —3Check run mode for Skipped —4Evaluate precondition—5Acquire step lock If option is set6Check run mode for Force Pass and Force Fail—7Load module if not already loaded—8Evaluate Loop Initialization expression Only if looping9Evaluate Loop While expression,skip to action23Only if loopingif False10Allocate loop iteration result Only if looping11Call Pre Step engine callbacks—12Evaluate Pre expression—13Call Pre Step substeps for step type—14Call module—15Call Post Step substeps for step type TestStand callsPost Step substepseven if the usercode modulegenerates arun-time error.This enables PostStep substeps toperform errorhandling,ifappropriate.16Evaluate Post expression—17Evaluate Status expression—18Call Post Step engine callbacks—19Call Post Step failure engine callbacks Only if loopiteration fails 20Fill out loop iteration result Only if looping21Call PostResultListEntry engine callbacks Only if looping22Evaluate Loop Increment expression,return to action9Only if looping23Evaluate Loop Status expression Only if looping24Unload module if required—©National Instruments Corporation9TestStand Release NotesTestStand Release Notes Usually,a step performs only a subset of these actions,depending on theconfiguration of the step and the test station.When TestStand detects arun-time error,it usually proceeds to action 29.If a run-time error occurs ina loop iteration,TestStand performs action 20before it performs action 29.Chapter 11—Synchronization Step TypesAdd the following note to the Mismatched Sections section on page 11-58.Note Typically,you set the step batch synchronization property to Parallel for any step that can cause a branch to a previous step,for example,a goto step or a step with a goto post action.This ensures that the branching step executes concurrently for all sequence instances,even when the step is nested within another synchronized section.Executing the backward branch concurrently prevents unintended mismatched sections that can result from one thread reaching a previous section while another thread that has yet to branch back waits at a different section before the branch.Chapter 18—DatabasesAdd the following bullet below New Data Link in the Database Viewer FileMenu section on page 18-33.•Save Data Link —Prompts the user for a filename and saves the datalink of the active window to a .udl file.This option is only visiblewhen a TableView or ExecuteSQL window is active.25Update sequence failed state 26Call Post Step failure engine callbacks Only if step fails27Execute post action —28Release step lock If option is set 29Fill out step result —30Call PostResultListEntry engine callbacks —31Exit batch synchronization section If option is setAdditional Support InformationFor additional information on TestStand,refer to the National InstrumentsWeb site at /support/teststand/.The Web site containsmany electronic support services such as a KnowledgeBase database,National Instruments Developer Zone(NIDZ),example programs,andsoftware libraries.These resources can help you in your development.National Instruments also offers an e-mail-based TestStand technicaldiscussion forum.You can join the forum by sending an e-mail to**********************.edu with the following text in the body ofthe note:SUBSCRIBE TESTEXEC <first name> <last name>You will receive an e-mail response with further instructions on sendingmessages to the forum and unsubscribing from the forum.©National Instruments Corporation11TestStand Release Notes。
恩智浦 MIMXRT1020 EVK 开发板硬件用户指南说明书
© 2018 NXP B.V.MIMXRT1020 EVK Board Hardware User’sGuide1.IntroductionThis Hardware User’s Guide for the MIMXRT 1020Evaluation Kit (EVK) is based on the NXP Semiconductor i.MX RT1020 Processor. This board is fully supported by NXP Semiconductor. The guide includes system setup and debugging, and provides detailed information on overall design and usage of the EVK board from a hardware systems perspective.1.1. Board overviewThis EVK board is a platform designed to showcase the most commonly used features of the i.MX RT1020 Processor in a small, low cost package. The MIMXRT1020 EVK board is an entry level development board, which gives the developer the option of becoming familiar with the processor before investing a large amount or resources in more specific designs.NXP Semiconductors Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGUser's GuideRev. 0 , 05/2018Contents1.Introduction ........................................................................ 11.1.Board overview ....................................................... 11.2.MIMXRT1020 EVK contents ................................. 21.3.MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history ........... 32.Specifications ..................................................................... 32.1.i.MX RT1020 processor .......................................... 52.2.Boot Mode configurations ....................................... 52.3.Power tree ............................................................... 62.4.SDRAM memory .................................................... 92.5.SD Card slot ............................................................ 92.6.QSPI flash ............................................................... 92.7.Ethernet connector .................................................. B PHY connector ............................................. 102.9.Audio input / output connector .............................. 102.10.OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link) ............................... 102.11.JTAG connector .................................................... 102.12.Arduino expansion port ......................................... er interface LED indicator ................................ 133.PCB information .............................................................. 134.EVK design files .............................................................. 135.Contents of the Evaluation Kit ......................................... 146.Revision history (14)IntroductionFeatures of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board are shown in Table 11.2. MIMXRT1020 EVK contentsThe MIMXRT1020 EVK contains the following items: •MIMXRT1020 EVK Board•USB Cable (Micro B)Specifications 1.3. MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history•Rev A: Prototype.2. SpecificationsThis chapter provides detailed information about the electrical design and practical considerations of the EVK Board, and is organized to discuss each block in the following block diagram of the EVK board.( Figure 1)Figure 1. Block diagramThe overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2.SpecificationsFigure 2. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Front side)Figure 3. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Back side)Specifications 2.1. i.MX RT1020 processorThe i.MX RT1020 is a new processor family featuring NXP's advanced implementation of the Arm® Cortex®-M7 Core. It provides high CPU performance and best real-time response. The i.MX RT1020 provides various memory interfaces, including SDRAM, Raw NAND FLASH, NOR FLASH,SD/eMMC, Quad SPI, HyperBus and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS. Same as other i.MX processors, i.MX RT1020 also has rich audio features, including SPDIF and I2S audio interface.The i.MX RT1020 applications processor can be used in areas such as industrial HMI, IoT, motor control and home appliances. The architecture's flexibility enables it to be used in a wide variety of other general embedded applications too. The i.MX processor provides all interfaces necessary to connectp eripherals such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS.The more detail information about i.MX RT1020 can be found in the Datasheet and Reference Manual2.2. Boot Mode configurationsThe device has four boot modes (one is reserved for NXP’s use). The boot mode is selected based on the binary value stored in the internal BOOT_MODE register. Switch (SW8-3 & SW8-4) is used to select the boot mode on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board.Typically, the internal boot is selected for normal boot, which is configured by external BOOT_CFG GPIOs. The following Table 3 shows the typical Boot Mode and Boot Device settings.NOTEFor more information about boot mode configuration, see the System Boot chapter of theMIMXRT1020 Reference Manual. (waiting for update)For more information about MIMXRT1020 EVK boot device selection and configuration, see the main board schematic. (waiting for update)Specifications2.3. Power treeA DC 5 V external power supply is used to supply the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board at J2, and a slide switch SW1 is used to turn the Power ON/OFF. J23 and J9 also can be used to supply the EVK Board. Different power supply need to configure different Jumper setting of J1. Table 4 shows the details:NOTEFor some computers’ USB, it cannot support 500ma before establishingcommunication. In this case, it is recommended to replace the computer oruse the power adapter(J2) to power the EVK Board.The power tree is shown in Figure 4SpecificationsFigure 4. Power TreeThe power control logic of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board is shown in the Figure 5: •It will power up SNVS, and then PMIC_REQ_ON will be switched on to enable external DC/DC to power up other power domains.•ON/OFF button is used to switch ON/OFF PMIC_REQ_ON to control power modes.•RESET button and WDOG output are used to reset the system power.SpecificationsFigure 5. Power Control Diagram The power rails on the board are shown in Table 5.Specifications2.4. SDRAM memoryOne 256 Mb, 166MHz SDRAM (MT48LC16M16A2P) is used on the EVK Board.2.5. SD Card slotThere is a SD card slot(J15) on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. J15 is the Micro SD slot for USDHC1 interface. If the developer wants to boot from the SD Card, the boot device switch (SW8) settings should be: OFF, ON, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.6. QSPI flashA 64 Mbit QSPI Flash is used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. If the developer wants to boot from the QSPI Flash, the boot device switch(SW8) settings should be: OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.7. Ethernet connectorThere is one Ethernet Mac controller in the MIMXRT1020 processor. The Ethernet subsystem of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is provided by the KSZ8081RNB 10/100M Ethernet Transceiver (U11) and a RJ45 (J14) with integrated Magnetic.Figure 6. Ethernet Connector RJ45Specifications2.8. USB PHY connectorThe MIMXRT1020 contains a integrated USB 2.0 PHYs capable of connecting to USB host/device systems at the USB low-speed (LS) rate of 1.5 Mbits/s, full-speed (FS) rate of 12 Mbits/s or at the USB 2.0 high-speed (HS) rate of 480 Mbits/s.2.9. Audio input / output connectorThe Audio CODEC used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is Wolfson’s Low Power, high quality Stereo Codec, WM8960.The MIMXRT1020 EVK Board include one headphone interface (J11), one onboard MIC (P1), two speaker interfaces (J12, J13). J11 is a 3.5 mm audio stereo headphone jack, which supports jack detect.2.10. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link)The OpenSDA circuit (CMSIS–DAP) is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor.CMSIS-DAP features a mass storage device (MSD) bootloader, which provides a quick and easy mechanism for loading different CMSIS-DAP Applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial-to-USB converters, and more. Two or more CMSIS-DAP applications can run simultaneously. For example, run-control debug application and serial-to-USB converter runs in parallel to provide a virtual COM communication interface while allowing code debugging via CMSIS-DAP with just single USB connection.For the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board, J23 is the connector between the USB host and the target processor. Jumper to serial downloader mode to use stable DAP-Link debugger function. If developer wants to make OpenSDA going to the bootloader mode, and press SW5 when power on. Meanwhile, the OpenSDA supports drag/drop feature for U-Disk. First, use the seral downloader mode and drag/drop the image file to U-Disk. Then select QSPI Flash as boot device and reset the Board, the image will run.2.11. JTAG connectorJ16 is a standard 20-pin/2.54 mm Box Header Connector for JTAG. The pin definitions are shown in Figure 7. Support SWD by default.SpecificationsFigure 7. JTAG pin definitions2.12. Arduino expansion portJ17 – J20 (unpopulated) is defined as Arduino Interface. The pin definitions of Arduino Interface are shown in Table 6.Specifications2.12.1. Power switchSW1 is a slide switch to control the power of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board when the power supply is from J2. The function of this switch is listed below:•Sliding the switch to the ON position connects the 5 V power supply to the Evaluation board main power system.•Sliding the switch to OFF position immediately removes all power from the board.2.12.2. ON/OFF buttonSW2 is the ON/OFF button for MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. A short pressing in OFF mode causes the internal power management state machine to change state to ON. In ON mode, a short pressing generates an interrupt (intended to be a software-controllable(power-down). An approximate 5 seconds or more pressing causes a forced OFF. Both boot mode inputs can be disconnected.2.12.3. Reset buttonThere are two Reset Button on the EVK Board. SW5 is the Power Reset Button. Pressing the SW5 in the Power On state will force to reset the system power except SNVS domain. The Processor will be immediately turn off and reinitiate a boot cycle from the Processor Power Off state. SW3 is POR Reset Button.EVK design files 2.12.4. USER buttonSW4 is the USER Button(GPIO5-00) for developers using. Pressing can produce changes in high and low levels.2.13. User interface LED indicatorThere are four LED status indicators located on the EVK Board. The functions of these LEDs include: •Main Power Supply(D3)Green: DC 5V main supply is normal.Red: J2 input voltage is over 5.6V.Off: the board is not powered.•Reset RED LED(D15)•OpenSDA LED(D16)•USER LED(D5)3. PCB informationThe MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is made using standard 2-layer technology. The material used was FR-4. The PCB stack-up information is shown in Table 7.4. EVK design filesThe schematics, layout files, and gerber files (including Silkscreen) can be downloaded from/MIMXRT1020-EVK(waiting for update).Revision history5. Contents of the Evaluation KitNOTEPower adaptor, Micro SD Card are not standard parts of the Evaluation Kit.6. Revision historyTable 9 summarizes the changes made to this document since the initial release.Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGRev. 0 05/2018How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequenti al or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions . While NXP has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities oncustomer’s applications and products, and NXP accepts no liability for any vulne rability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, , Freescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis, are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2018 NXP B.V.。
1 简介 ............................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 入门 .....................................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 系统要求: ............................................................................................................1 1.1.2 安装 Boardmaker 软件.............................................................................................1 1.2 工具栏一览 ...........................................................................................................................2 1.3 绘图工具一览 ........................................................................................................................2 1.4 图片符号查找器一览 ..............................................................................................................3 1.4.1 当前图片符号.........................................................................................................3 1.4.2 搜索文本 ...............................................................................................................3 1.4.3 搜索信息 ...............................................................................................................4 1.4.4 搜索结果 ...............................................................................................................4 1.4.5 缩略图、类别和图片符号名称 .................................................................................4 1.4.6 替换图片符号名称 ..................................................................................................5 1.4.7 图片符号查找器设置和选择工具 ..............................................................................5
ProSystem fx Engagement到Workpapers CS数据转换信息Kit说明书
Information Kit for Conversions from ProSystem fx Engagement to Workpapers CSThis document provides information about the data converted from ProSystem fx® Engagement to Workpapers CS™.ContentsWhat to expect from the data conversion (2)Conversion considerations and recommendations (2)Installing the conversion program (2)Converting the client data before import into Workpapers CS (2)Data transferred during conversion (4)Chart of Accounts and balances (4)Grouping schedules (5)Transactions (5)Engagement-related data transferred during conversion (6)Engagement information (6)Folder information (7)Workpaper information (7)ProSystem fx Engagement Excel and Word demographic formulas (7)ProSystem fx Engagement Excel and Word link formulas (8)Conversion notes and exceptions (8)Items not converted (8)Data Conversion Report (9)Getting help (9)Help & How-To Center (9)Product support (9)What to expect from the data conversionThe overall objective of the data conversion from ProSystem fx Engagement is to provide accurate, comprehensive Workpapers CS data to help you move forward with Workpapers CS.Important!Due to differences between applications, some data must be modified during the conversion process and some data cannot be converted. Additions and/or modifications may be required to exactly duplicate engagement and workpaper information in Workpapers CS after the conversion.Conversion considerations and recommendationsPlease review the following before beginning the conversion process.▪We recommend that you convert a smaller, easy-to-process client first. This will help you become familiar with the conversion options in Workpapers CS.▪Some data items from ProSystem fx Engagement are not converted because there is no exact equivalent in Workpapers CS.Installing the conversion programClick this link to download a ZIP file and install the ProSystem fx Engagement to Workpapers CS conversion utility.Converting the client data before import into Workpapers CS Important! When you convert large or complex sets of engagement files for a ProSystem fx Engagement client, you should allow a significant amount of time for the conversion and import. Please wait for the process to be completed before converting another client.After installing the ProSystem fx Engagement to Workpaper CS conversion program, use the following steps to create the converted data files for import into Workpaper CS.The conversion process does not modify existing client data in ProSystem fx Engagement. However, we strongly recommend that you create a backup of the original client before you process any clients.1. Verify that the ProSystem fx Engagement binder has been synchronized with the Local File Roomand that any instances of this binder or workpapers are closed on your workstation.2. To start the conversion program, right-click the CS Data Conversions icon on your desktop andchoose Run as Administrator. If you did not install the shortcut, click Start on the Windows taskbar and then choose All Programs > CS Professional Suite > CS Data Conversions.3. In the Select competitor field, select ProSystem fx from the drop-down list.4. In the Select the export location for the converted files field, click the Browse button to browse to thelocation where the import files should be placed until imported into WorkpaperCS.5. Click Start conversion.6. If prompted to close all open sessions of Word® and Excel®, close those sessions.7. If prompted to select your user, select the login for the Local File Room for which you want to convertdata. This dialog will open only if multiple logins exist on the workstation.8. In the Processing Type dialog, click either Single or Multiple. Single converts just one client at a timeand allows for greater customization. Multiple allows for multiple clients, but the application makes more assumptions about the clients during the conversion.9. In the Select a Client dialog or Select client(s) dialog, select the client(s) you want to convert, andclick Continue.Note: This dialog lists all available clients for conversion from ProSystem fx Engagement. Yourselection of Single or Multiple in step 8 determines whether you can select one or multiple clients. 10. In the Engagement selection dialog, which lists all of the binders / engagements for the selectedclient(s), select an engagement type for each binder you want to convert, and then click Continue. 11. If you selected a single conversion, an optional Trial Balance selection dialog may open if multipleTrial Balances existed in ProSystem fx Engagement. Workpapers CS supports only one Trial Balance per engagement. Select the desired Trial Balance.If you selected multiple conversions, the last accessed Trial Balance will be used.12. Click Continue.13. In the Account classification selection dialog, select the ProSystem fx Engagement group thatcontains the account classification you want to use in Workpaper CS.Note: If you click Skip, the program will not convert any Account Classifications for the Trial Balance Accounts.14. In the Tax group selection dialog, select the set of tax codes to convert for your Trial Balance.If you selected multiple conversions, the last tax year will be used.15. Click Continue to begin the data conversion process, and then follow the prompts that appear on thescreen.16. At the prompt indicating the conversion process is complete, click OK to begin importing theconverted data into Workpapers CS.17. In Accounting CS, choose File > Import > ProSystem fx Engagement to open the ProSystem fxEngagement conversion wizard.18. Source Data: Select the location where your ProSystem fx Engagement export files are stored andclick Next.19. Source Data - Clients: Mark the checkbox next to the ProSystem fx Engagement client—or multipleclients—that you want to convert, and then click Next.20. Staff: Select the Accounting CS Workpapers staff member—or multiple staff members—to map to foreach corresponding ProSystem fx Engagement staff in the list.Note:If the appropriate staff member is not available from the drop-down list in the Accounting CS Staff column, exit the wizard and add that staff member in the Setup > Firm Information > Staffscreen, and then restart the conversion process.21. Click Finish to complete the conversion.Data transferred during conversionThe following tables detail the ProSystem fx Engagement data that converts to Workpapers CS.Chart of Accounts and balancesProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationTrial Balance > Chart ofAccountsActions > Enter Trial BalanceAccount # Account numberDescription DescriptionReport ReportBudget BudgetProposed PotentialUNADJ Unadjusted Unadjusted balance is convertedonly for the current period.ADJ Adjusted Prior-year and prior-periodbalances only.FTAX Tax Prior-year and prior-periodbalances only.OBAL1 Other Prior-year and prior-periodbalances only.Trial Balance > AccountGroupings > Tax CodeAccount GroupingTax Code Tax Code Tax codes and tax codeassignments for clients with ayear end of 2012 or navigation andfield namenavigation and field name informationTrial Balance > AccountGroupings > Group AccountGrouping > AdvancedAccClass RatioClass Classification codeClassification subcodeIn ProSystem fx Engagement,classification and ratios are seton a group-by-group basis.During the conversion process,you will be asked from whichgroup we should pullclassification and ratios.Grouping schedulesProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationTrial Balance > AccountGroupings > Group AccountGroupingEnter Trial Balance > Account Groupings Account group name GroupingCode CodeCode Description Code DescriptionSubcode SubcodeSubcode Description Subcode DescriptionTransactionsProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationTrial Balance > Journal EntrySummaryActions > Enter Transactions JE# ReferenceDescription DescriptionAdditional Distributions (Account, Amount, Description) Distributions (Account, Account Description, Amount)menu navigation andfield namenavigation and field name information Reversing journal entry Auto-reverse next periodType:Adjusting Journal Entries Reclassifying Journal Entries Federal Tax Journal Entries Other Journal Entries1 Proposed Journal Entry Type:AdjustingReclassifyingTaxOtherPotentialJournal entries are posted to thespecific engagement for whichthe entries were intended.Engagement-related data transferred during conversionThe following information is provided to identify ProSystem fx Engagement items that are automatically converted to Workpapers CS items.Engagement informationProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationBinder Properties Engagement PropertiesName Engagement binder name If you convert multiple binders fora single client, the binders musthave a unique name.Type Type You must select the newWorkpapers CS type during theconversion.Entity In the ProSystem fx Engagementconversion, Entity is determinedby the selection on the TaxGroup selection screen. Thisdata is mapped to the Client >Accounting information tab. Period sequence Period FrequencyBinder Index View Binder TreeEngagement tree structure Engagement tree structureFolder informationProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationTab Properties Engagement tree structureIndex # Folder name Index # and Name are combinedto comprise the Workpapers CSfolder name.Name Folder nameWorkpaper informationProSystem fx Engagement menu navigation andfield name Workpapers CS menunavigation and field nameComments and additionalinformationWorkpaper Properties Workpaper PropertiesName NameIndex # ReferenceSign Off: Preparers Preparer You can rename Preparer,Reviewer, and Reviewer 2names in Workpapers CS, ifdesired.Sign Off: 1st Reviewers Reviewer You can rename Preparer,Reviewer, and Reviewer 2names in Workpapers CS, ifdesired.Sign Off: 2nd Reviewers This will depend on staff mappingand whether signoffs are set upin Workpapers CS beforehand. Sign Off Initials Sign Off Initials Initials and date will display underthe signed off heading inWorkpapers CS.ProSystem fx Engagement Excel and Word demographic formulasThe following table lists the applicable ProSystem fx Engagement formulas and the equivalent formula variables in Workpapers CS.ProSystem fx EngagementName FunctionsWorkpapers CS VariablesBinder Name Engagement NameBinder Due Date Completion DateBinder Type Engagement TypeProSystem fx EngagementWorkpapers CS VariablesName FunctionsBinder Report Release Date Report Release DateWorkpaper Name Workpaper NameWorkpaper Index Workpaper ReferenceCurrent Period End Current Period DateProSystem fx Engagement Excel and Word link formulasExcel® and Word® link formulas do not convert.Conversion notes and exceptionsThis section details conversion notes and exceptions.▪Engagement tree structure: The order and appearance of the engagement tree structure in Workpapers CS after the conversion may differ from the ProSystem fx Engagement binder. Please note all items are converted to the correct folder locations within the engagement. To providemaximum flexibility, Workpapers CS does not automatically sort folders and workpapers.▪Excel and Word workpaper add-ins, macros, and links: Excel workpapers are modified during the conversion process for removal of add-ins, macros, and/or links.▪Manual workpapers: Manual workpapers are converted as text documents.▪Tax Codes: If UltraTax CS® Tax Codes are desired during the conversion, a translation of ProSystem fx Engagement Tax Codes to UltraTax CS is available. Only one Tax Code Group will convert.▪Workpaper references: Workpapers CS requires that workpapers have reference values.Workpapers without an index value are assigned a reference value during the conversion. You may rename the workpaper reference, if desired. If a duplicate reference exists in a folder, the duplicate references will be renamed.▪Finalized Binders: Finalized binders will be converted as Active unfinalized binders. We recommend that you convert only active / unfinalized binders.Items not convertedThis section details items not converted.▪Workpapers not in a standard binder folder: This includes workpapers within the Unfiled Workpapers, Conflicts, Incompatible Workpapers, Published Workpapers, and Trash folders. To convert these workpapers, you must move the workpapers into a standard binder folder before the conversion process.▪Trial Balance: Consolidated trial balances.▪Firm information▪Client Information▪Engagement and workpaper password information▪Engagement and workpaper history▪Workpaper notes and templates▪Staff▪M3 Tax CodesData Conversion ReportThe data conversion from ProSystem fx Engagement to Workpapers CS creates a report for each engagement converted. The Data Conversion report lists certain modifications made during the conversion process, such as truncations, abbreviations, and so on. Most items in the report are informational and do not require immediate attention.To access the report, locate and open YYYYYY.html, where YYYYYY is the binder name. The report is placed in the user’s Documents folder.Getting helpHelp & How-To CenterFor answers to questions on using Workpapers CS, access the Help & How-To Center by clicking the Help link on the toolbar. For more information, including sample searches, see Finding answers in the Help & How-To Center.Product supportFrom the Support Contact Information page on our website, you can complete a form to send a question to our Support team. For additional product support, visit the Support section of our website. You can also access our Support website from Workpapers CS by choosing Help > Additional Resources > General Support Information.。
MSP430 Bootloader 使用指南说明书
Application ReportSCAA121A–September2012–Revised December2012A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as aBootloader for the CDCM6208VxEVM Gabe Ayala,Matt Sunna,Julian Hagedorn SVA/SDS/CTPABSTRACTThis application note describes how to use the MSP430bootloader feature from the CDCM6208VxEVM in an easy-to-follow,step-by-step guide.Contents1Required Software and Hardware (2)2Installing Code Composer Studio v5(CCS) (2)3Using Code Composer Studio v5 (3)4Bootloader Environment Setup (4)5Creating a Readable Header (4)6Program the Board (5)List of Figures1Processor Support Selection (2)2Component Selection (2)3Installation:Driver Selection (3)4New Project Setup (3)5MSP430Compiler Settings (4)6CDCM6208_IniToH.exe Converter program (5)7EVM Overview (5)8Debug Mode (6)9Run the Program (6)1 SCAA121A–September2012–Revised December2012A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for theCDCM6208VxEVM Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedRequired Software and Hardware 1Required Software and HardwareIn order to use the MSP430G2001as a bootloader for the CDCM6208the following items are required:•MSP430USB-Debug-Interface(MSP-FET430UIF)•USB Cable(male A to male B)•14-pin JTAG cable•Code Composer Studio v5•Programming files(including.INI to.H file converter)(SLAC541)2Installing Code Composer Studio v5(CCS)If CCS is already installed,please proceed with the next step.Code Composer Studio is available on TI’s website for free–this is a code-size limited distributiondesigned to work ONLY with the MSP430.This download is available at the following URL:/index.php/Download_CCS.A login account is required to verify download availability on TI's servers.Once the.ZIP file is successfullydownloaded and extracted,the installation can begin by opening the file namedsetup_CCS_MC_Core_5.x.x.exe where the x refers to a specific version number.The CCS install screen appears–proceed to the following screen which displays the EULA.Accepting the EULA then prompts for an installation path.By default this path is C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments.In the Product Configuration Menu Screen,select the MSP430-only Core Tools option unless support for the C2000is needed.The components page is next,where the choice of which components of the CCSv5 to install–make a custom installation and make sure the MSP430USB FET option is selected in order to install the appropriate drivers.The following pictures help to select the right packages(Figure1through Figure3).Otherwise,make a complete installation.Figure1.Processor Support Selection ponent Selection2A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for the SCAA121A–September2012–Revised December2012 CDCM6208VxEVM Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Using Code Composer Studio v5Figure 3.Installation:Driver Selection3Using Code Composer Studio v5At the start of CCSv5,the default workspace has to be selected.By default this is C:\Documents andSettings\<user name>\My Documents\workspace_v5_x .Selecting the check box makes this path the default workspace,this can be changed later.To create anew project navigate to File >New >CCS Project and type in a project name (for example,BootloaderProject CDC6208)and select the MSP430Gxxx Family and Empty Project as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4.New Project Setup3SCAA121A–September 2012–Revised December 2012A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for the CDCM6208VxEVM Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedBootloader Environment Setup 4Bootloader Environment SetupUnzip the programming file (SLAC541).Add the necessary files to the project using the menu Project >Add Files to Active Project .Navigate to the containing folder and add the following files:spi_interface.c ,spi_functions_G2001.h ,andreg_val_header.h .Note that the top-level file is spi_interface.c which depends onspi_functions_G2001.h ,and reg_val_header.h .Double-clicking the spi_interface.c in the C/C++project window on the left reveals the source codestructure.Right click on the spi_interface.c and click Properties .Various compilation properties have to be set in order to successfully load the program onto the MSP430.Navigate to the Optimization menu (Figure 4)and set the Optimization Level to 4and Control Speed vs.size trade-offs to 0.Figure 5.MSP430Compiler SettingsAt this point,the program is ready to be loaded to the board;however,the header file reg_val_header.h needs to be modified to reflect customized settings for the CDCM6208.If the register settings of theCDCM6208are already known,it is possible to simply copy and paste those settings into thereg_val_header.h .That allows skipping step 5.Otherwise,the .INI file can be converted to an .h-file by using the converter CDCM6208_InitoH.exe .5Creating a Readable HeaderThe included converter file is used to take an .INI file (which can be created by the CDCM6208_GUI)and convert it into a properly formatted .h file,readable by the MSP430G2001.To start the converter,execute the file named CDCM6208_IniToH.exe .The program opens the window shown in Figure 6.4A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for the SCAA121A–September 2012–Revised December 2012CDCM6208VxEVMSubmit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Program the BoardFigure6.CDCM6208_IniToH.exe Converter programClick the Set File button in the Input section to select the desired.INI file to convert.Then press the Set File button in the Output section to select a desired output file.To create a seamless transition from the converter to CCSv5,simply overwrite the file reg_val_header.h in the project folder created in Section4.The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\workspace_v5_x.To execute the conversion,press the Convert File button–a successful conversion is indicated with a pop-up prompt.If a different configuration file name was chosen,ensure that the converted file is included the project.Also,only one formatted header file should be included in the top-level entity,spi_interface.c.Including more than one formatted header file may lead to compilation errors.To do this,simply replace the default line<2>#include“reg_val_header.h”with an updated name such as#include"<desired_name>.h".Saving an.h file into the project folder automatically updates the project scope.6Program the BoardThe final step in using the MSP430G2001as a bootloader for the CDCM6208is to enable SPIcommunication to the CDCM6208as well as JTAG communication to the MSP430.Figure7.EVM Overview5 SCAA121A–September2012–Revised December2012A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for theCDCM6208VxEVM Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProgram the Board Enable JTAG communication by switching the DVDD jumper (J5)to 3.3V (Figure 7).JTAG programming requires a matching device voltage in order to communicate.However,the MSP430can communicate to and program the CDCM6208on a lower voltage.The MSP-FET430UIF should be connected to the PC as well as the e the USB cable to connect the MSP-FET to the PC and the 14-pin JTAG cable to the EVM.The EVM must also be externally powered via USB or 3.3-V input.To enable SPI communication from the MSP430G2001to the CDCM6208,SW1and SW2must be in the OFF position while SW3must be in the ON position.SW1and SW2are located next to each other on the top layer (Figure 7).SW3is the only switch which is located on the bottom side of the board.In CCSv5,programming the board is achieved by pressing the DEBUG button,shown in a red circle in Figure 8.Figure 8.Debug ModeTo begin the program,press the RUN button.The program is now on the MSP430–to exit the debug mode,press the TERMINATE ALL button.Figure 9.Run the Program6A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for the SCAA121A–September 2012–Revised December 2012CDCM6208VxEVMSubmit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Program the BoardA progress information window appears showing the programming status–the window also changes froma program view to a debug view.If the MSP430USB-Debug-Interface does not have the right firmware,CCSv5updates it at this point.Now,the MSP430G2001automatically programs the CDCM6208on device power up.Additionally,SPI communications are limited between the MSP430and the CDCM6208.The JTAG board can be disconnected from the EVM.Additionally,DVDD can be set back from3.3V to1.8V,if needed.NOTE:In order to communicate between the GUI and CDCM6208EVM again,SW1must beswitched back to the ON position and SW3must be switched back to the OFF position.ReferencesAdditional information about the CDCM6208EVM is available in the EVM User Guide(SCAU049).7 SCAA121A–September2012–Revised December2012A Step-by-Step Guide on Using the MSP430as a Bootloader for theCDCM6208VxEVM Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI 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TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
SPOC+2 User Manual
SPOC™+2 User ManualMultichannel SPI High-Side Power ControllerAbout this documentScope and purposeThis User Manual is intended to enable users to integrate the SPOC TM+2 Software for the SPOC TM+2-Demoboard.Intended audienceThis document is intended for anyone using the SPOC TM+2 Software.Document conventionsConventions for reading the configuration class fieldThe following examples help the integrator to identify the configuration class of the parameter for a given delivery type.Abbreviations and definitionsTable of contentsAbout this document (1)Table of contents (3)Table of figures (4)1General information (5)1.1Required hardware (5)1.2Software Installation (7)1.2.1SPOC TM+2 Application (7)1.2.2µIO-Stick Driver Install (8)1.3Setup Hardware (8)1.3.1Setup details (10)2Using the software (12)2.1Starting the program (12)2.2User Interface (13)2.2.1STD-View (13)2.2.2SPI-View (14)2.3Examples: Command sequences, SPI-View (15)2.3.1Example 1: Switching on 4 lights step by step with 1 Second delay (15)2.3.2Example 2: Let one light blink 10 times (19)Revision history (23)Table of figuresFigure 1 – SPOC TM+2 MB (5)Figure 2 – SPOC TM+2 DB (5)Figure 3 - µIO-Stick (6)Figure 4 - Connection cable (6)Figure 5 - Software installation USB-Stick (7)Figure 6 – SPOC TM+2 - setup.exe (7)Figure 7 - SPOC TM+2 Application - Select Directory (7)Figure 8 – SPOC TM+2 - Application - Start Installation (8)Figure 9 – SPOC TM+2 - Application – Finish (8)Figure 10 - µIO-Updater (for vCOM) (8)Figure 11 – SPOC TM+2 DB plugged onto SPOC TM+2 MB (9)Figure 12 - Connecting µIO-Stick to SPOC TM+2 MB (9)Figure 13 - Finished setup (10)Figure 14 - Device components (11)Figure 15 - SPOC+2 - Application - Finding it (12)Figure 16 – SPOC TM+2 - Application - searching for it (12)Figure 17 - User Interface - STD-View (13)Figure 18 - User Interface - SPI-View (14)Figure 19 - Possible setup (15)Figure 20 - Select register OUT (15)Figure 21 - Write to register OUT (16)Figure 22 - Add command to command list (16)Figure 23 - Write OUT0 (16)Figure 24 - Add to command list (17)Figure 25 - change delay of cammands (17)Figure 26 - repeat until all OUTS (OUT0-OUT3) are selected (17)Figure 27 - switch to STD view (18)Figure 28 - Select channel at IS MUX (18)Figure 29 - Start command sequence (18)Figure 30 - response of SPOC TM+2 to command sequence (19)Figure 31 - Select Register OUT (19)Figure 32 - Select OUT0 and add command (20)Figure 33 - Select no output and add command (20)Figure 34 - change delay of commands (21)Figure 35 - change number of command sequences iterations (21)Figure 36 - Switch to STD view (21)Figure 37 - Select a channel at IS MUX (22)Figure 38 - Switch to SPI and start command sequence (22)Figure 39 - Response od SPOC TM+2 in response list (22)1General information 1.1Required hardwareFirst of all some special hardware is needed: ∙SPOC TM+2 MBo SPOC TM+2 Motherboardo See Figure 1Figure 1 – SPOC TM+2 MB∙SPOC TM+2 DBo Product specific (BTSxxxxx-xxxx)o See Figure 2Figure 2 – SPOC TM+2 DB∙µIO-Sticko Communication between your computer and the Demoboardo Isar Number: SP001215532o See Figure 3Figure 3 - µIO-Stick∙Connection cableo Ribbon cable16 pin female connectoro See figure 4Figure 4 - Connection cableUSB-Sticko For software installationo See Figure 5Figure 5 - Software installation USB-Stick1.2Software Installation1.2.1SPOC TM+2 ApplicationHow to install software for the SPOC TM+2 Evaluation Board:o Plug in the Software-USB-Stick into a USB port of your computero Run setup.exe in the following location:▪USB-Drive:\SPOC+2_Installer\Volume\setup.exe (see Figure 6)Figure 6 – SPOC TM+2 - setup.exe▪Note: You must log in as administrator!o Follow the steps of the Installation Wizard (see Figures below):▪Select installation directory, then click “next”Figure 7 - SPOC TM+2 Application - Select Directory▪Again click “next”Figure 8 – SPOC TM+2 - Application - Start InstallationThe installation will start, after that click …finish“Figure 9 – SPOC TM+2 - Application – Finish1.2.2µIO-Stick Driver InstallAfter installing the SPOC TM+2-Application keep the Software-USB plugged in and plug in the µIO-Stick.In order to use the virtual COM-port (neccesairy for the application) go to, scroll to Available Downloads and select Download uIO Updater (zip file) see Figure 10. Extract the zip file and run UpdatePEK afterwards.Figure 10 - µIO-Updater (for vCOM)1.3Setup HardwarePlug the SPOC TM+2 DB onto the SPOC TM+2 MB (see Figure 11)Figure 11 – SPOC TM+2 DB plugged onto SPOC TM+2 MB∙Connect the µIO-Stick to the SPOC TM+2 MB via the connector cable (see Figure 12) o Be careful: Position of Pin 1 is marked with a dot on the SPOC TM+2 MB!Figure 12 - Connecting µIO-Stick to SPOC TM+2 MB∙Connect the µIO-Stick to your computer and run the SPOC TM+2-Application. (see Figure 13)Figure 13 - Finished setup 1.3.1Setup detailsopened.2 If Jumpers J_IN2 and J_IN3 are set to 1-2: SPOC TM Outputs EDD and EDO can control the PROFET. Figure 14 - Device components2Using the software2.1Starting the programInstalled Application can be found in the windows start menu in the section “all programs” →“SPOC+2”→ SPOC+2 (see Figure 15):Figure 15 - SPOC+2 - Application - Finding itor by using the search bar(see Figure 16):Figure 16 – SPOC TM+2 - Application - searching for ito Run the program by clicking on the file (see Figures 15 and 16)2.2User Interface 2.2.1STD-ViewFigure 17 - User Interface - STD-View2.2.2SPI-ViewFigure 18 - User Interface - SPI-View*…menu description not necessairy at the moment Tobias2.3Examples: Command sequences, SPI-ViewFigure 19 below illustrates a possible test setup. The examples in 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 refer to this setup.Figure 19 - Possible setup2.3.1Example 1: Switching on 4 lights step by step with 1 Second delaySwitch to SPI view and select register OUT (See Figure 20)Figure 20 - Select register OUT∙Tick the WRITE?-Box and select no Output (See Figure 21)Figure 21 - Write to register OUT∙Click ADD CMD and your command is added to the command list (See Figure 22)Figure 22 - Add command to command list∙Select OUT0 in the WRITE-Box (See Figure 23)Figure 23 - Write OUT0∙Click ADD CMD (See Figure 24)Figure 24 - Add to command list∙Change the delay of each command to 1000 (delay of 1 second, See Figure 25)Figure 25 - change delay of cammands∙Repeat the last three steps until you reach OUT3 (See Figure 26) Figure 26 - repeat until all OUTS (OUT0-OUT3) are selected∙Switch to STD view (See Figure 27) and select a channel (0 – 3) at IS MUX (See Figure 28) Figure 27 - switch to STD viewFigure 28 - Select channel at IS MUX∙Switch back to SPI view and click the START-button (See Figure 29)Figure 29 - Start command sequence∙The response of the SPOC TM+2 is shown in the response list (See Figure 30)Figure 30 - response of SPOC TM+2 to command sequence2.3.2Example 2: Let one light blink 10 timesDescription t [ms]T_ON Duration light on 500T_OFF Duration light off 500∙Switch to SPI view and select register OUT (See Figure 31)Figure 31 - Select Register OUT∙Tick the WRITE?-Box and select OUT0 and click ADD CMD (See Figure 32)Figure 32 - Select OUT0 and add command∙Select no output in the WRITE-Box and click ADD CMD (See Figure 33)Figure 33 - Select no output and add command∙Also typing in commands directly is possible (See SPOC TM+2 datasheet for command reference) o E.g.:▪The command 80h means Write no output to OUT▪The command 81h would mean Write to OUT and set OUT0 high.▪See Figure 32 above∙Change the delay of command 81 to T_ON, the delay of command 80 to T_OFF (See Figure 34)Figure 34 - change delay of commands∙Change loop all commands x times to 10 (See Figure 35)Figure 35 - change number of command sequences iterations∙Switch to STD view (See Figure 36) and select a channel (0 – 3) at IS MUX (See Figure 37) Figure 36 - Switch to STD viewFigure 37 - Select a channel at IS MUX∙Switch back to SPI view and click the START-button (See Figure 38)Figure 38 - Switch to SPI and start command sequence∙The response of the SPOC TM+2 is shown in the response list (See Figure 39) Figure 39 - Response od SPOC TM+2 in response listRevision historyMajor changes since the last revisionTemplate revision historyNote:The below table is for reference purpose only. Delete this table before circulation. Changes since the last revisionTrademarksAll referenced product or service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Edition <yyyy-mm>Doc_NumberPublished by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2018 Infineon Technologies AG. All Rights Reserved. Do you have a question about this document? Email: ******************** Document reference IMPORTANT NOTICEThe information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”) .With respect to any examples, hints or any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the product, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.In addition, any information given in this document is subject to customer’s compliance with its obligations stated in this document and any applicable legal requirements, norms and standards concerning customer’s products and any use of the product of Infine on Technologies in customer’s applications.The data contained in this document is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. It is the responsibility of customer’s technical departments to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of theFor further information on the product, technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office ( ).WARNINGSDue to technical requirements products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office.Except as otherwise explicitly approved by Infineon Technologies in a written document signed by authorized representatives of Infineon Technologies, Infineon Technologies’ products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:I nfineon:SPOC2DBBTS710404ESETOBO1SPOC2DBBTS712204ESATOBO1SPOC2DBBTS712204ESETOBO1 SPOC2DBBTS722204ESATOBO1SPOC2MOTHERBOARDTOBO1SPOC2DBBTS710404ESATOBO1。
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Board Papers v2.2 Release NotesPervasent, Inc. 55 Santa Clara Ave, Suite 180, Oakland, CA 94610VotingVoting allows you to enter a question and several answer alternatives in SharePoint for an agenda item. In the iPad app, the users will see the question and can select their answer. All votes are recorded in SharePoint.Adding a question to an agenda itemPreviously, when you created a new agenda item, you could enter a prefix and the subject of the agenda item. With the new SharePoint update there is a checkbox to enable voting.When you check the “Enable Voting” box, two new fields for the question and the answers will be available. Enter one answer alternative per line.Important You should avoid changing the available answers for a question in SharePoint after voting has begun. If a user chooses an answer and votes and that answer is then removed, the originally recorded answer for the user will remain, but will not be in the set of answers. In that case, the site administrator can delete the response, allowing the user to vote again and choose from among the new set of valid answers.You can set the default question and default answers shown in the dialog above in Site Actions > Site Settings > Board Papers Settings.Voting in the iPad appIn the Board Papers iPad app, when a user views a document related to an agenda item that has a question associated with it, a vote icon is shown at the top of the screen.Note The vote icon is only shown when the top and bottom toolbars are shown. A single tap on the screen will display the toolbars if they are not currently displayed.Tap on the vote icon to see the question and the answer alternatives.To cast a vote, tap on the preferred answer. A checkmark will appear next to it. Then tap on the “Record Your Vote” button. This will immediately send the vote to the SharePoint server.Once a voted has been sent, it cannot be changed from the iPad. To change a vote, a user will need to contact a system administrator. The system administrator can delete the incorrect vote, allowing you to vote again.Viewing vote results in the iPad appTapping on the “Just View Results” button will show the current votes without casting a vote.The results show the current tallies for the answers. If you are voting while the meeting is taking place, you can tap on the refresh button in the top right corner of the Vote Results box to get the latest results from the SharePoint server.To go back to vote, tap outside the Vote Results box to close it, and then tap on the vote icon at the top of the screen again. Once you have voted, the vote icon at the top of the screen will change to a pie chart icon. When you tap on this icon you will directly see the Vote Results screen.Note Since you can only vote once, once you have voted, you will no longer see the view that allows you to vote.Important Voting is only possible when the iPad is online and can connect to the SharePoint server. To maintain integrity of the votes and disallow multiple votes by the same person, it is not possible to vote while the iPad is offline.Important A user must be a “site member” in SharePoint to vote. “Site visitors” cannot vote.SharePoint Server Code UpgradeTo create agenda items with voting on the SharePoint server, the SharePoint installation needs to be updated to the latest release.Important Voting is currently only available for SharePoint 2010. Support for SharePoint 2013 will be provided in the near future. This feature is not available for SharePoint 2007 sites.Signing DocumentsUsers can now sign a document on the iPad and then email one or more signed pages to administrative personnel for record keeping.Document signing starts with creating a PDF document that will contain one or more pages requiring a signature. Once the document has been created, the next step is to add the “PV:SignaturePages” custom property to the PDF using Adobe Acrobat or other PDF tool.The screen image below from Adobe Acrobat shows the custom property dialog specifying that page 2 of the document is a signature page.If the document has more than one signature page, the property can contain a list of page numbers separated by commas, e.g. 2,5,7.When a document containing the custom property is open in Board Papers, the document-signing tool appears to the left of the standard pen tool. When tapped, and the current page is not a signature page, a popover appears with a listing of the signature pages.Tap on a page to jump to that page. Once on a signature page, tap on the signature tool and sign the page. When the annotation is complete, the user is prompted to email the page.Users can email or print the current page now or wait until later. If email is selected, an email page will appear with the current page attached.To send the page later, tap the sharing button in the lower left corner of the screen.PortfoliosSometimes you have documents that are not tied to a single meeting, but still want to use Board Papers to distribute them to meeting attendees. Portfolios let you do this.Creating a new site for portfoliosIn SharePoint, you create a new Board Papers Portfolios Team Site in the same way you create a new Board Papers Team Site for meetings.1.Go to the root site collection (the Home tab) on your Board Papers website.2.Select Site Actions > New Site3.Give the new site a title that reflects the type of documents you’re planning to store here, e.g. “Company Policies”.4.Enter a short URL.5.Select the te mplate “Board Papers Portfolios Team Site” from the Pervasent tab.6.The other options are the same as when you’re creating a new meeting team site.There is also a template for a combination of meetings and portfolios. Select “Board Papers Meetings & Portfolios Team Site” from the list of templates to combine the list of meetings with the list of portfolios on the same SharePoint screen. This is useful when the portfolios are directly related to a single meeting group.Note There is no way to upgrade an existing meeting site to also include portfolios.Adding portfoliosOnce the new site has been created using the steps above, you can add one or more portfolios to the site.1.Click on the “Add new portfolio” link.2.Fill in the mandatory fields marked with *. The fields displayed here are a subset of the fields that you fill out when creating a new meeting.Adding documents to a portfolioAfter creating a portfolio, you will be taken to the next screen where you can add documents to the portfolio in the same manner as you add agenda items and documents to a meeting.1.Click on the Add Content item link.2.Give the content item a name and optionally a prefix. This is the equivalent of an agenda item fora meeting.3.Save.4.Click on the Upload new document link.5.Choose the file and click OK.6.Associate the file with a content item. This is the same as associating an uploaded document to a meeting agenda item.You can return to the portfolio workspace screen from the list of portfolios by clicking on the small [P] icon next to the portfolio name.Portfolios in the iPad appPortfolios and their documents are automatically synced to the iPad in the same manner as meeting documents. No additional steps are required of meeting attendees.A filter function on the main screen of the Board Papers app let users show or hide portfolios. Items with checkmarks are currently shown. If no portfolios are available, the Portfolios option is grayed out.SharePoint Server Code UpgradeTo create portfolios on the SharePoint server, the SharePoint installation needs to be updated to the latest release.Important Portfolios are currently only available for SharePoint 2010. Support for SharePoint 2013 will be provided in the near future. This feature is not available for SharePoint 2007 sites.LicensingEach new Board Papers Portfolio Site that you create counts as a new site from a licensing perspective, just as a new site created using the Board Papers Team Site template does.You can create any combination of the sites as long as the total number does not exceed the number in your license agreement. Please contact Pervasent if you need to purchase additional site licenses.Improved Annotation EditingIn previous versions of Board Papers, users could delete an annotation or edit the text of a text note. Users now have new editing options and new ways to interact with annotations.Tap to selectWhen a user taps on an existing annotation, a popup menu is shown that lets the user change the color of the annotation or tap on the trash can to delete it.Tap and dragUsers can now move an annotation by tapping on the annotation, keeping their finger down on the screen (“press-hold”) and then drag ging the annotation to the desired location. While dragging the annotation a small drop-shadow is added to visually indicate “dragging mode.”Edit textPreviously, tapping on an orange text note icon opened a popover window for editing the text. With the new annotation editing system, an additional tap is required to edit the text.1)Tap on the text note icon to reveal the editing menu.2)Tap on Edit in the menu to open the popover window for editing the text.Inline TextInline text is a new type of annotation. As a user enters text, it is printed directly on the page of the document. Unlike text notes, users don’t have to tap on anything to read an inline text annotation. This type of annotation is typically intended for short comments and notes, e.g. “Check on t his now.”There is no button in the annotation toolbar for adding inline text. Users tap and hold on the location of the page where they want to enter text. A small popup menu appears with the choice of placing inline text or a text note there.Note To display the inline text menu, a user has to tap and hold on an area of the document where there are no prior annotations. If the user taps and hold on an area where there is an annotation, that annotation will be selected. See the section above regarding annotation editing.Select Inline Text from the menu, and then start typing.The inline text uses the currently selected pen color. A user can change the text color entered the text by tapping on the annotation and selecting a new color from the popup menu.To edit the text, you select Edit from the same context menu.As with the other annotation types, users can tap and drag an inline text annotation to a new location on the page.In the list of annotations, inline text annotations have a “T” icon to distinguish them from the text notes (talk bubble icon).Note T ext notes are now represented by a small talk bubble instead of the “slanted document” icon. The talk bubble is used both in the annotations list and as an icon displayed on a page.Improved Annotation PerformanceA few customers with very large numbers of saved annotations experienced increasing delays in the app as new annotations were added. The underlying architecture for how annotations are saved has been improved in this release, resulting in much better performance.Should users continue to see issues with performance, please contact Pervasent at.Additional Meeting Pack Sorting OptionsThe ability to sort the meeting packs on the main screen of the app was introduced in v2.1 of the iPad app. New sort options have been added in this release.Date (oldest first)This is equivalent to the Date sort order from Board Papers v2.1 where meetings are ordered chronologically from left to right.Date (newest first)This is the reverse of the above option. The newest meeting is shown to the left and meetings get older as you scroll to the right.NameThis option is unchanged from v2.1. Meetings are ordered alphabetically by title from left to right. Volume, NameMeetings are first sorted by the name of the meeting group, e.g. “Board of Directors.” W ithin a group, meetings are sorted alphabetically by name. This sort option is useful for users who belong to many committees or meeting groups. For example:1.Board of Directors - July Meeting2.Board of Directors - June Meeting3.IT Committee - Disaster Recovery Planning4.IT Committee - Project X ReviewNote“Volume” is used here as a generic term for the name of a meeting group or committee. The term can also apply to a collection of portfolios.New Advanced Configuration SettingsWhen configuring the Board Papers app for the first time (or after selecting Reset Application in the app), a user sees a screen for entering the name of the SharePoint server.A new “Advanced” button has been added to the bottom left corner of the screen.When you tap on this button, switches for SharePoint 2013 and Integrated Web Authentication are revealed.SharePoint 2013Due to changes to default URL paths in SharePoint 2013, this switch must be set to ON for the app to properly connect to a SharePoint 2013 server.Board Papers v2.2 Release Notes08/14/2013Integrated Web AuthenticationSetting this switch to ON enables the app to show a web view inside the app during the authentication process. This is useful for configurations that use Microsoft ADFS, where a user needs to authenticate to ADFS using a web form before the app can connect to the SharePoint server.©2013 Pervasent P a g e| 20。