



哈尔滨师大附中 东北师大附中 辽宁省实验中学2024年高三第二次联合模拟考试化学试卷性气味气体的产生,设计了由灯座、灯盏、烟管三部分组成的结构。











)1.东汉错银铜牛灯采用铜、银二种材质制作,常以动物油脂或植物油为燃料,为减少燃烧过程烟尘和刺激的是( )A .烟管的作用是将燃烧产生的烟气导入铜牛灯座腹腔中B .古人常用草木灰浸泡液代替牛腹中的水,吸收烟气的效果更佳C .银、铜的导热性能好,可以使燃料充分燃烧D .灯具的设计包含了装置、试剂、环保等实验要素 2.下列化学用语或表述错误的是( )A .乙烯的球棍模型:B .基态Al 原子最高能级的电子云轮廓图:C .在()346Ni NH SO 中,阴离子的VSEPR 模型名称:正四面体形D .次氯酸钠中含有的化学键类型:极性键、离子键 3.下列有关物质的工业制备反应错误的是( )A .侯氏制碱:23234NaCl H O NH CO NaHCO NH Cl +++↓+B .工业合成氨:223N 3H 2NH →+← 高温、高压催化剂C .氯碱工业:2222NaCl 2H O2NaOH H Cl ++↑+↑电解D .冶炼金属铝:322AlCl 2Al 3Cl +↑电解4.穴醚是一类可以与碱金属离子发生配位的双环或多环多齿配体。



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哈尔滨师大附中 东北师大附中 辽宁省实验中学2024年高三第一次联合模拟考试数学注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,定在.本试卷上无效.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}1,2M =,(){}2log 212x N x −≤=∈R ,则M N = ( ) A .{}1B .{}2C .{}1,2D .∅2.已知复数z 的共轭复数是z ,若i 1i z ⋅=−,则z =( ) A .1i −+B .1i −−C .1i −D .1i +3.已知函数()y f x =是定义在R 上的奇函数,且当0x <时,()2af x x x=+,若()38f =−,则a =( ) A .3−B .3C .13D .13−4.已知平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆C :22221x y a b+=(0a b >>)的左顶点和上顶点分别为A ,B ,过左焦点F 且平行于直线AB 的直线交y 轴于点D ,若2OD DB =,则椭圆C 的离心率为( )A .12B C .13D .235.()521x x y y −−的展开式中32x y 的系数为( ) A .55B .70−C .30D .25−6.已知正四棱锥P ABCD −各顶点都在同一球面上,且正四棱锥底面边长为4,体积为643,则该球表面积为( ) A .9πB .36πC .4πD .4π37.已知函数()22e e xx f x ax −=−−,若0x ≥时,恒有()0f x ≥,则a 的取值范围是( )A .(],2−∞B .(],4−∞C .[)2,+∞D .[)4,+∞8.设1033e a =,11ln 10b =,ln 2.210c =,则( ) A .a b c <<B .c b a <<C .b c a <<D .a c b <<二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.等差数列{}n a 中,10a >,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .若374a a +=,则918S =B .若150S >,160S <,则2289a a > C .若211a a +=,349a a +=,则7825a a += D .若810a S =,则90S >,100S <10.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,抛物线C :24y x =的焦点为F ,点P 在抛物线C 上,点Q 在抛物线C 的准线上,则以下命题正确的是( ) A .PQ PF +的最小值是2 B .PQ PF ≥C .当点P 的纵坐标为4时,存在点Q ,使得3QF FP =D .若PQF △是等边三角形,则点P 的橫坐标是311.在一个只有一条环形道路的小镇上,有2家酒馆A ,一个酒鬼家住在D ,其相对位置关系如图所示.小镇的环形道路可以视为8段小路,每段小路需要步行3分钟时间.某天晚上酒鬼从酒馆喝完酒后离开,因为醉酒,所以酒鬼在每段小路的起点都等可能的选择顺时针或者逆时针的走完这段小路。



2024年东北三省三校高三第二次联合模拟考试地理参考答案【答案】1.D 2.B 3.A【解析】第1题,废弃沙坑利用价值低,土地价格低廉,故D正确;废弃沙坑养殖锦鲤,需额外投喂饲料,而坑内饵料并不丰富,故A错误;进行养殖主要靠人工投喂,没有增加绿色植物,对减轻水土流失作用有限,故C错误;市场分布在当地众多村屯,废弃沙坑附近人口并不多,沙坑养殖并未靠近市场,故B错误。



【答案】4.C 5.D【解析】第4题,通过材料信息可知,道路无线充电,可在车辆行驶中同时进行充电,免去了充电桩充电的相关操作,故C正确。





【答案】6.D 7.C 8.B【解析】第6题,历史上的赣州城建筑用地多在西北部高地,城中东部、南部低平,有具有调蓄功能的天然水塘,故可推知其作用为蓄洪,故选D。


地下沟渠的主要功能为排水,由于地下沟渠常年存水,极易产生淤积,会降低其蓄水排水的效果,因此将其与外江相通的部分坡度增大,可加快排水速度,进而达到清淤的效果,故C正确,A,B ,D错误。



2024年高三第一次联合模拟考试数学参考答案一.单项选择题1-4 CABD 5-8 CBBB 二.多项选择题9.ACD 10.ABD 11.ABD 三.填空题12. 3274四.解答题15.解:(1)()2cos 22sin f x x x '=− 2' (0)2,(0)2f f '== 4'∴()f x 在0x =处的切线方程为22(0)y x −=−,即22y x =+ 6'(2)22()2cos 22sin 2(1sin )2sin 2(2sin sin 1)f x x x x x x x '=−=−−=−+− 8'()0f x '<则22(2sin sin 1)0x x −+−< 10'即2(2sin 1)(sin 1)0x x −−+<即1sin 2x >解得5(2,2),66x k k k Z ππππ∈++∈ 12' 故()f x 的单调递减区间为5(2,2),66k k k Z ππππ++∈ 13' 16.解:(1)底面ABCD 为平行四边形,120ADC ∠=,60DAB ∴∠=. 4,8DA AB ==由余弦定理可得:2222cos 6048DB AB AD AB AD =+−⨯=DB ∴=则222DA DB AB +=,DA DB ∴⊥ 2' 侧棱1DD ABCD ⊥平面,DB ABCD ⊂平面1DD DB ∴⊥4'111111,,DA ADD A DD ADD A DA DD D ⊂⊂=又平面平面且11DB ADD A ∴⊥平面6' 111AA ADD A ⊂又平面1DB AA ∴⊥7'(2)四棱台中1111ABCD A B C D −的体积为2833111111111()3ABCD A B C D ABCD A B C D V S S S S ∴=++1111111112831()33DD AD DB A D D B AD DB A D D B ∴=++ 1283128333DD ∴=,解得:11DD = 9'如图,以点D 为原点,1,,DA DB DD 所在直线为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴, 建立如图的空间直角坐标系,则1(4,0,0),(0,43,0),(4,43,0),(0,23,1)A B C B −1(4,0,0),(0,23,1)BC BB ∴=−=−11'设平面11BCC B 的法向量为(,,)n x y z =,则有140230n BC x n BB y z ⎧=−=⎪⎨=−+=⎪⎩所以(0,1,23)n =13'平面11ADD A 的法向量为(0,1,0)m =,设平面11ADD A 与平面11BCC B 所成锐二面角为θ 则113cos |cos ,|1313m n m n m nθ⋅=<>=== 15'17.解:(1)由图估计甲班平均分较高3'(2)由图可知,甲班中有12的学生分数低于128分; 乙班中有34的学生分数低于128分 设从两班中随机抽取一人, “该同学来自甲班为事件A ”,“该同学分数低于128分为事件B ”,则1113(),(),(),(),2224P A P A P B A P B A ==== 5' ()()()()()()()P B P AB P AB P B A P A P B A P A ∴=+=⋅+⋅1131522428=⨯+⨯=7'11()()()222()5()()58P A P B A P AB P A B P B P B ⨯==== 8'13()()()324()5()()58P A P B A P AB P A B P B P B ⨯====9'所以,该同学来自甲乙两班的概率分别为23,55(3)依题X 的所有可能取值为0,1,2,310'30643101(0)6C C P X C === 11'21643101(1)2C C P X C === 12'12643103(2)10C C P X C ===13'03643101(4)30C C P X C ===14'所以X 的分布列为:15'18.解:(1)设1122(,),(,)M x y N x y ,则12122,6x x y y +=+=,M N 两点在双曲线C 上22112222222211x y a b x y a b ⎧−=⎪⎪∴⎨⎪−=⎪⎩①②,由−①②得22221212220x x y y a b −−−= 即2221222212y y b x x a −=−, ()()()()2121221212y y y y b x x x x a+−∴=+− 2'22OQ MNb k k a∴⋅=,即222213,3b b a a ∴⋅=∴=又21,3a b =∴=,∴双曲线C 的方程为:2213y x −=4'(2)由已知可得,直线MN 的方程为:31(1)y x −=⋅−,即2y x =+联立22222470,1656720330y x x x x y =+⎧⇒−−=∆=+=>⎨−−=⎩ 6' 则121272,2x x x x +==− 8'11221212(1,)(1,)(1)(1)EM EN x y x y x x y y ⋅=−⋅−=−−+12121212(1)(1)(2)(2)2()5x x x x x x x x =−−+++=+++72()2502=⨯−++=EM EN ∴⊥,EMN ∴∆为直角三角形 10'(3)由题意可知,若直线AB 有斜率则斜率不为0,故设直线AB 方程为:x my n =+ 设334455(,),(,),(,)P x y A x y B x y34345353,(,)(,)AP PB x x y y x x y y λλ=∴−−=−−45334533453453()1()1x x x x x x x y y y y y y y λλλλλλ+⎧=⎪−=−⎧⎪+∴⇒⎨⎨−=−+⎩⎪=⎪+⎩点P 在双曲线C 上, 22454511113x x y y λλλλ++⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪++⎝⎭⎝⎭∴−= 22245453()()3(1)x x y y λλλ∴+−+=+22222244554545(3)(3)2(3)3(1)x y x y x x y y λλλ∴−+−+−=+③又2222445530,30x y x y −=−=,245452(3)3(1)x x y y λλ∴−=+,245453(1)32x x y y λλ+∴−=④ 联立2222230(31)630x y m y mny n x my n ⎧−=⇒−++=⎨=+⎩2222231033612(31)0m m m n n m ⎧−≠⇒≠±⎨∆=−−>⎩245452263,3131mn n y y y y m m −+==−−⑤⑥14',A B 分别在第一象限和第四象限,2450,310y y m ∴<∴−<由④式得:245453(1)3()()2my n my n y y λλ+++−=22245453(1)(31)3()32m y y mn y y n λλ+∴−+++=⑦将⑤⑥代入⑦得:222222363(1)(31)3331312n mn m mn n m m λλ−+∴−++=−− 22263(1)312n m λλ−+∴=−121sin 2AOB S OA OB AOB y y ∆∴=⋅⋅∠=221223(1)12312n y m λλλλ+⎫=====++⎪−⎭15'令11(),[,2]3h λλλλ=+∈ 221(1)(1)1()1,[,2]3h λλλλλλ+−'=−=∈ 1,1,()03h λλ⎡⎫'∴∈<⎪⎢⎣⎭,()h λ单调递减(]1,2,()0h λλ'∈>,()h λ单调递增10()[2,]3h λ∴∈, 16'3AOB S ∆∴∈⎦17'19.(1)证明:32310183222121k k k n a a a +++=⋅+⋅++⋅+⋅+01(83)11()2k S n a a a S n ∴+=+++++=+ 3'21210143222121k k k n a a a +++=⋅+⋅++⋅+⋅+01(43)11()2k S n a a a S n ∴+=+++++=+6' (83)(43)S n S n ∴+=+7'(2)(Ⅰ)解:260321684(111100)=+++=(60)2I ∴= 10'(Ⅱ)解: 21(1)=,2511(111111111)=,故从1n =到511n =中 I(n)=0有9个,I(n)=1有C 11+C 21+⋯C 81=C 92个, I(n)=2有C 22+C 32+⋯C 82=C 93个,……,I(n)=9有C 88=C 99=1个, ∑2I(n)511n=1=9×20+C 92×21+C 93×22+⋯C 99×2813'=C91×21+C92×22+C93×23+⋯C99×292=C90×20+C91×21+C92×22+C93×23+⋯C99×29−1216'=(1+2)9−12=984117'。



辽宁省名校联盟(东北三省三校)2025届高三上学期9月份联合考试数学试题一、单选题 1.2log 50.5=( )A .12B .15-C .15D .22.已知命题:,11p x x ∃∈-<R ,命题1q < ) A .p 和q 都是真命题 B .p ⌝和q 都是真命题 C .p 和q ⌝都是真命题 D .p ⌝和q ⌝都是真命题3.已知,M N 为全集U 的非空真子集,且,M N 不相等,若()U M N U =U ð,则( ) A .N M ⊆ B .M N N ⋃= C .()U M N ⋂=∅ðD .()U M N U ⋃=ð4.如图,有一个无盖的盛水的容器,高为H ,其可看作将两个完全相同的圆台面积较大的底面去掉后对接而成.现从顶部向该容器中倒水,且任意相等的时间间隔内所倒的水的体积相等,记容器内水面的高度y 随时间t 变化的函数为()f t ,则下列函数图象中最有可能是()f t 图象的是( )A .B .C .D .5.已知等比数列{}n a 的公比为q ,则“12a a <”是“()22*1n n a a n +<∈N ”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件6.若定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 在[)0,+∞上单调递增,则1211,,e π2f f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭的大小关系为( )A .1211e 2πf f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫->>- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭B .1211e 2πf f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫>->- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭C .1211e 2πf f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫->-> ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭D .1211e π2f f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫->>- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭7.已知定义在R 上的函数()f x ,对x ∀∈R ,都有()()44f x f x +=-+,若函数()1f x -的图象关于直线1x =对称,则()4050f =( ) A .2-B .1-C .2D .18.已知函数()2ln 1f x x x =-,则当0a ≠时,方程()()220a f x f x a ⎡⎤+-=⎣⎦的不同的实数解的个数为( ) A .4B .3C .2D .1二、多选题9.已知0xy >且22x y +=,则( ) A .0y < B .02x << C .41610x y +≥D .22log log 0x y +<10.已知幂函数()f x 的图象经过点18,16⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,下列结论正确的有( )A .()00f =B .()f x 是偶函数C .()413f '-=D .若()()321f x f x ->+,则233,,4322x ⎛⎫⎛⎫∈⋃ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭11.[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,例如,][0.51,1.11⎡⎤-=-=⎣⎦,已知函数()[]f x x =,下列结论正确的有( )A .若()0,1x ∈,则()()1133f x f x ⎡⎤-+<-+⎢⎥⎣⎦B .()()()f x y f x f y +≥+C .设()(220x g x f f ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,则201()400k g k ==∑D .所有满足()()14,0,3f m f n m n ⎛⎫⎡⎤=∈ ⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎝⎭的点(),m n 组成的区域的面积为409三、填空题12.若232log 04a a a ->+,则a 的取值范围是.13.数列{}n a 共有5项,前三项成等差数列,且公差为d ,后三项成等比数列,且公比为q .若第1项为1,第2项与第4项的和为18,第3项与第5项的和为35,则d q +=.14.已知,,a b c 均为正数,222a b +=2b +的最大值为.四、解答题15.已知数列{}3n a是首项为3,公比为9的等比数列,数列{}n b 满足321213333n n b b b b n -++++=L . (1)求数列{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式;(2)求数列n n a b ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的前n 项和n S .16.定义三阶行列式运算:111213212223112233122331132132132231122133112332313233a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a =++---,其中{}(),1,2,3ij a i j ∈∈R .已知1>-a ,关于x 的不等式11001x aax a x-->-的解集为M . (1)求M ;(2)已知函数()()2R 41,,e 22,x x a x x Mf x a x M ⎧-+∈=⎨--∈⎩ð不存在最小值,求a 的取值范围.17.已知函数()330f f x x x '=-.(1)求曲线()y f x =在0x =处的切线方程; (2)设()()()2300f g x ax x f f x ='--,当10a -<<时,记()g x 在区间[]1,0-上的最大值为M ,最小值为m ,求M m -的取值范围.18.已知n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,n T 为数列{}n b 的前n 项和,2145121,2,,8,152,n n n n n n a a n a a a b b S n ++-+⎧=-===⎨⎩为奇数为偶数.(1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)若222025n n T S -<,求n 的最大值; (3)设221n n n c T S =-,证明:11324n i i c =≤<∑.19.已知函数()e 2x af x x =-(e 是自然对数的底数).(1)若2e a =,求()f x 的极值;(2)若()()*1,,,(2)3nx n f x x x ∞∈-+∀∈≤+--N ,求a ;(3)利用(2)中求得的a ,若()()1ln F x f x x x=++,数列{}n a 满足()10,1a ∈,且()1n n a F a +=,证明:132212n n n a a a ++++->.。























一、单选题二、多选题1. 已知函数,若存在3个零点,则a 的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.2. 第19届亚运会在杭州举行,为了弘扬“奉献,友爱,互助,进步”的志愿服务精神,5名大学生将前往3个场馆开展志愿服务工作.若要求每个场馆都要有志愿者,则当甲不去场馆时,场馆仅有2名志愿者的概率为( )A.B.C.D.3. 等差数列中,若则公差=A .3B .6C .7D .104.已知数列满足.记数列的前n 项和为.若对任意的,都有,则实数k 的取值范围为( )A.B.C.D.5. 已知函数,若存在m 使得关于x的方程有两不同的根,则t 的取值范围为( )A.B.C.D.6. 在等腰直角三角形的斜边上有一点.已知,,若,则( )A.B.C .0D.7.中,若,则的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.8. 已知函数(,)与轴的两个交点最短距离为,若将函数的图象向左平移个单位,得到的新函数图象关于轴对称,则的可能取值为( )A.B.C.D.9. 下列说法中正确的是( )A .对于独立性检验,的值越大,说明这两个变量的相关程度越大B.已知随机变量,若,,则C .某人在10次射击中,击中目标的次数,则当时概率最大D .,10. 已知,且,,是在内的三个不同零点,则( )A.B.C.D.11.已知反双曲正切函数,则( )A.是奇函数B.的定义域是C .曲线在点处的切线方程为东北三省三校(哈尔滨师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)2022届高三第四次模拟联考文东北三省三校(哈尔滨师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)2022届高三第四次模拟联考文三、填空题四、解答题D .函数有且仅有3个零点12. 已知正实数a ,b ,c 满足,则( )A.B.C.D.13. 黄金比又称黄金律,是指事物各部分间一定的数学比例关系,即将整体一分为二,较小部分与较大部分之比等于较大部分与整体之比,其比值为,上述比例又被称为黄金分割.将底和腰之比等于的等腰三角形称为黄金三角形,若某黄金三角形的一个底角为C ,则__________.14.已知集合,,则____________.15. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知抛物线关于轴对称,顶点在原点,且过点,则该抛物线的方程是______.16. 我国是世界上严重缺水的国家之一,某市为了制定合理的节水方案,对家庭用水情况进行了调查,通过抽样,获得了某年100个家庭的月均用水量(单位:t ),将数据按照,,,,分成5组,制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图.(1)记事件A :“全市家庭月均用水量不低于6t ”,求的估计值;(2)假设同组中的每个数据都用该组区间的中点值代替,求全市家庭月均用水量平均数的估计值(精确到0.01);(3)求全市家庭月均用水量的25%分位数的估计值(精确到0.01).17. 已知鸡的产蛋量与鸡舍的温度有关,为了确定下一个时段鸡舍的控制温度,某企业需要了解鸡舍的温度(单位:℃)对某种鸡的时段产蛋量(单位:t )和时段投入成本(单位:万元)的影响,为此,该企业收集了7个鸡舍的时段控制温度和产蛋量的数据,对数据初步处理后得到了如图所示的散点图和表中的统计量的值.17.4082.30 3.61409.72935.135.0其中.(1)根据散点图判断,与哪一个更适宜作为该种鸡的时段产蛋量关于鸡舍时段控制温度的回归方程类型?(给出判断即可,不必说明理由)(2)若用作为回归方程模型,根据表中数据,建立关于的回归方程;(3)已知时段投入成本与的关系为,当时段控制温度为℃时,鸡的时段产蛋量及时段投入成本的预报值分别是多少?附:①对于一组具有线性相关关系的数据,其回归直线的斜率和截距的最小二乘估计公式分别为.②0.080.47 2.7220.091096.6318. 如图,以C为直角顶点的等腰直角三角形所在的平面与以O为圆心的半圆弧所在的平面垂直,P为上异于A,B的动点,已知圆O的半径为1.(1)求证:;(2)若二面角的余弦值为,求点P到平面的距离.19. 已知数列的前项和,且满足.(1)求数列的通项公式;(2)设,的前项和为,证明:数列是递增数列.20. 今年的《春节联欢晚会》上,魔术师刘谦表演的魔术《守岁共此时》精彩纷呈.节目的第二部分是互动环节,全国观众跟着魔术师一起做魔术,将“好运留下来,烦恼丢出去”,把晚会欢乐的气氛推向高潮.节目主持人尼格买提手中的两张牌没有对上,直接登上热搜榜.如果我们将4张不同数字的扑克,每张撕去一半放在桌上(牌背向上),排成一列.(1)将余下4个半张随机扔掉2个留下2个,然后从桌上4个半张随机翻开2张,求翻开的两个半张的数字与留下的2个半张上的数字恰好有1个相同的概率;(2)将余下来的4个半张随机放在桌上4个半张上面,再分别翻开,记放在一起的两个半张数字相同的个数记为,求的分布列及数学期望.21. 已知等差数列的前项和为,且1,,成等比数列,.(1)求数列的通项公式;(2)设,求数列的前项和.。



2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市三校高三上学期期末联考历史试题1. 二里头遗址的聚落面积已达300万平方米以上,宫殿区以南有手工业作坊区,其中具有规模的绿松石手工业作坊可能已经开始形成链条式生产模式。

据此可知()A.初期王朝国家具有一定的体能B.原始聚落水平呈现等级差异C.手工业是早期文明产生的前提D.早期国家城市布局相对合理2. 据历史记载,战国时期各诸侯国君主都不得不采取授田制,将土地按照一定标准直接分给个体农户耕种,不再需要“千耦其耘”式的劳作。

这一举措()A.根本上抑制了土地兼并B.导致宗法分封开始瓦解C.受生产技术发展的影响D.体现了强制耕战的思想3. 班固批评《史记》详于前代史事而略汉史。


这主要反映了《汉书》()A.编写的创新性B.记载的主观性C.修撰的政治性D.评价的公正性4. 下表为后周世宗柴荣的部分改革措施。





A.破坏了科举考试的公平B.提高了人才选拔标准要求C.为唐朝盛世创造了条件D.适应了统一和发展的趋势5. 北宋王朝承认山泽坑冶之利“当与众庶共之”,至和二年(1055)就下诏:“同州铁冶自今召人承买之”。

这从侧面说明当时()A.社会经济活力有所增强B.政府意在消除割据物质基础C.货币经济占据主导地位D.传统的盐铁专卖制度被废止6. 康熙帝在下令编写《大清一统志》时发现,收录的全国各地区地图存在“或一省有大图而无小图;或一省有里数程途而无疆界”等问题。


这表明清朝()A.地图绘制技术世界领先B.统治者具备近代国家观念C.基本奠定现代中国版图D.政府注重国家疆域的管辖7. 1920年,北洋政府发布大总统令,宣布筹办所得税,然而各地商会质疑其违背约法并群起反对,最终演化成一场声势浩大的反对所得税的运动。



2023届东北三省三校高三下学期第一次联合模拟考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、未知The Olympic Museum’s educational programs are now free!As of I January2023,our educational programs are free!Teachers can tailor their visits to their own needs and interests,choosing between self-guided tours,guided tours and workshops,with online educational resources also available.Here is all the practical information you need to organize your visit.In order to make a reservation,please fill in the pre-reservation form.This form is a must for all types of visits. There are four ways to visit the Museum with your class:●Guided tour:Visit the permanent exhibition accompanied by one of our activity leaders.Duration:90minutes●Workshop+guided tour:Themed tour of the exhibition(permanent or temporary depending on the topic)and workshop in the Gym or Studio,all accompanied by an activity lender.Duration:2×45minutes●Workshop+independent visit(optional):Accompanied by an activity leader,make the most of a themed workshop and extend your Olympic experience by visiting the exhibitions independently.Duration:45minutes for the workshop,unlimited for an independent visit●Independent visit:Access to all exhibition areas except educational areas.Duration:unlimitedPractical InformationSelf-guided visitors in groups with a reservation will be given priority at the entrance.If the exhibitions are too crowded,we may not be able to give you the privilege.Safety distances between adults and students/children must be respected.RatesAll our educational programs are free of charge for those under the age of16.●Children up to the age of15:freemay well be making things harder for everyone,but there doesn’t seem to be a way out.A popular sense of being stuck in an ever so exhausting rat race where everyone loses has given rise to a new buzzword:neijuan(involution).The Chinese word,neijuan,is made up of the characters for“inside”and“rolling”,and is understood as something that spirals in on itself,a process that traps participants who know they won’t benefit from it.“From a sociological point of view,involution is unavoidable because of society’s structural shifts,”said Yan Fei,a professor of sociology at Tsinghua University,“One big question for the middle class is how to remain in the middle class.Meanwhile,the lower class still hopes to change their fate.But the middle and upper classes aren’t so much looking upward,and they are marked by a deep fear of falling downward.Their greater fear is perhaps losing what they already have,”he explained.8.Why is the photo of a student in Tsinghua University mentioned in Paragraph1? A.To clarify the writing purpose.B.To present an argument.C.To introduce the topic of the passage.D.To describe a character.9.What can we learn from the passage?A.I’s common to work overtime in the real world.B.Neijuan reflects the fierce competition in China.C.Food delivery riders benefit a lot from the apps.D.People live a better life due to their great efforts.10.What can be inferred from what Yan Fei said in the last paragraph?A.The lower class suffers a deep fear of falling downward.B.The middle class tries to be a member of the upper class.C.The greatest fear of every class is to lose what they already have.D.Involution is inescapable in the development of society for each class.11.From which column of the newspaper can the passage be taken?A.Society.B.Economy.C.Entertainment.D.Tourism.Mining rare-earth(稀土)elements(REEs)has long been considered a dirty business,as it can lead to water and soil pollution,but a new technology developed by Chinese scientists may change the trend,offering a greener alternative for the industry.REEs,especially heavy ones,are an essential part of many high-tech devices,from the engines of electric cars and smartphones,to LED lights.More than90%of the global heavy KEF demand is sourced from ion-adsorption deposits(离子吸附沉积物),which form within weathering erasts(硬壳).However,conventional mining applies overmuch usage of chemical agents to recover REEs front these deposits,not only exhibiting low efficiency but also polluting the environment.Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry proposed a new approach in the journal Nature Sustainability earlier this month, showing that employing electrokinetic mining techniques to extract(提取)REEs from weathering crusts can be both clean and ing this approach,researchers generated an electric field by putting electrodes(电极)on the top and bottom of a volume of soil.The electrokinetic effect can speed up the migration of REEs,reducing the need for harmful chemical agents.To evaluate the practicality of the new method,they carried out several experiments of different scales.Results suggested that the new method outperformed traditional mining techniques.For instance,the scaled-up experiments achieved a recovery efficiency of96% within67hours by using ing the conventional technique,it was only62% at130hours.The difference between the impact of the old and the new approaches was even more significant in an on-site field test:Using electrokinetics can achieve a recovery efficiency higher than90%,an80%decrease in polluting agent usage and a70%reduction in impurity.The study confirmed that this novel electrokinetic technology enabled green,efficient and selective recovery of REEs.Researchers also noted that the new method has great potential for use in the mining of other critical metals under conditions in which the metals exist in ionic states.12.Why is the new technology referred to as a“greener alternative”for REE mining? A.It is based on cleaner energy.B.It achieves a higher recovery efficiency.C.It recovers REEs from weathering crusts.D.It depends less on the use of chemical agents.13.How does the author present the practicality of the new technology?A.By analyzing causes.B.By listing examples.C.By providing test results.D.By giving instructions. 14.What can we know about the new technology?A.It contributes to the extraction of purer REEs.B.It causes REEs to be mined at a higher cost.C.It is widely adopted in mining critical metals.D.It frees REE mining of the impact on nature.15.What is the text mainly about?A.A new technology with great potential in mining metals.B.A greener REE mining technology with higher efficiency.C.The difficulties in mining REEs from ion-adsorption deposits. D.The differences between conventional and new REE mining methods.三、未知I’m a creature of habit.The walking route I’ve established around the block in New York________varies.On my walk,I take________in what my fellow gardeners have planted. Of all the sights,I think I________Nell’s Garden the most.Every morning,I pass Nell on her________showing respect for Mother Nature.While other women on the block________noisily over coffee break,Nell communicates with her flowers in________spiritually.One morning Nell didn’t bend over the lilies.Nor did she prune(修剪)branches. Looking lost,she sat on her front porch and________off into space.“Nell Nell Are you all right”Slowly she turned to me.With a long deep breath,she said in a whisper,“Weare________.”Now I joined her in her________:What would I do without her fragrance and the flower heads________in time to my footfallsSeveral months going by,Nell rarely spent time among the flowers,leaving the garden________.Then one morning,a moving pickup________to block the driveway.The house sat vacant.Life is like Nell’s garden.We plan and plant,and one day we move on.This spring I planted an annual garden.A friend was________and asked,“Why did you go through all that effort Aren’t you moving to England?”She is right.I won’t be here,but another woman will.She’ll move into my house andenjoy the flowers I’ve________.I hope that across the________another woman is planting flowers in front of a house that I’ll rent.We plant not only for ourselves,but also for those who come behind us.21.A.occasionally B.constantly C.barely D.temporarily 22.A.part B.joy C.steps D.risks 23.A.treasure B.plant C.design D.tend 24.A.fingers B.fists C.arms D.knees 25.A.chat B.compete C.discuss D.play 26.A.fear B.amazement C.advance D.silence 27.A.flew B.stared C.blew D.went 28.A.harvesting B.packing C.travelling D.moving 29.A.sadness B.confusion C.sympathy D.madness 30.A.screaming B.dropping C.nodding D.kicking 31.A.unused B.unattended C.unmanned D.unexpected 32.A.pulled up B.drove away C.passed by D.settled down 33.A.genuine B.humble C.curious D.sensitive 34.A.taken away B.gone after C.left behind D.wondered at 35.A.country B.block C.garden D.ocean四、用单词的适当形式完成短文五、未知46.为帮助国际部高三学生缓解压力,你校将邀请Smith教授来讲座。


1 次外层电子数是其电子总数的 3 ,Y 是地壳中含量最高的元素,M 与 W 同主族。下列说法正
确的是 A. Z 的单质与水反应的化学方程式为:Z2+H2O=HZ+HZO B. X 和 Z 的简单氢化物的稳定性:X<Z C. X、Y、Z 均可与 M 形成 18e-的分子 D. 常温下 W2XY3 的水溶液加水稀释后,所有离子浓度均减小 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 M、X、Y、Z、W 原子序数依次递增的短周期主族元素,在周期表中 M 的原子半径最小,M 为
(3). 蒸发结晶
(4). 作钾肥、制备钾盐、药物、玻璃、明矾等
(5). Al2O3+2OH-
(6). SiO2+2OH-===SiO32-+H2O
(7). 2Al2O3(熔融)
(8). 10.8
C.b 点时,
=4,则 c(CrO42-)=10-4mol·L-1,c(Ag+)=2×10-4mol·L-
1,Ksp(Ag2CrO4)= c(CrO42-)·c2(Ag+)=4×10-12,C 选项正确;
-lgc Cl-
D.a 点时,Cl-恰好完全沉淀,
=5,则 c(Cl-)=10-5mol·L-1,c(Ag+)=10-5mol·L-

与 AgNO3 溶液的体积关系如图所示。下列说法不正













例:How much is the shirt?A.£ 19.15.B.£ 9.18 C.£ 9.15.答案是C。

1.Where are the speakers currently? C.On a plane.A.In a car. B.On a train.2.What did the woman forget to bring with her? C.Her phone charger.A.Her computer. B.Her train ticket.3.Which subject has the man finished homework for? C.History.A.Maths. B.Science.4.What time is it now?A.It’s 3:00 p. m. B.It’s 4:00 p. m. C.It’s 5 :00 p. m.5.What industry has the woman’s father won an award in?A.Medical industry. B.Movie industry. C.Service industry.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



辽宁省名校联盟(东北三省三校)2024-2025学年高三上学期9月联合考试英语试卷一、阅读理解Part-Time Store AssociatesLocation155 Hillwood Ave Falls Church, V A 22046Duties·Process customer purchases, perform general cleaning duties and keep shelves and goods clean and neat·Greet and receive customers in a welcoming manner·Respond 1o customers’ questions and assist customers with their shopping process·Cooperate with team members and communicate information clearly to the store management team·Check errors and other general issues·Follow the cash policies and procedures to minimize lossesPhysical Demands·Ability to deal with goods from store receiving to shelving·Ability to place products, weighing up to 45 pounds ( about 20 kilograms), on shelves at various heights·Regularly required to sit, stand, bend, reach, push, pull, lift, carry goods and walk about the storeQualifications·Provide polite and immediate customer service·Operate a cash register efficiently and accurately·Ability to safely and properly operate equipment, including electric/manual hand jacks (千斤顶), and cardboard balers (打包机)·Perform general cleaning duties to company standards·Interpret and apply company policies and procedures·Excellent communication skills·Work both independently and within a team environment·Ability to stay organized, give attention to detail and follow instructions in a professional and efficient manner·Meet any state and local requirements for handling and selling alcoholic drinksEducation·High School Diploma or GED·Prior work experience in a store preferredSalary·$ 15-$ 18 per hour (fewer than 30 hours per week but not less than 10 hours per week)·Extra pay types: Bonus pay (depending on your sales but not less than $ 30 per week) 1.Which belongs to a responsibility of a part-time store associate?A.Responding to online customer orders.B.Delivering groceries to customers’ homes.C.Helping customers with their shopping.D.Adjusting the cash policies and procedures.2.What is essential for working as a store associate?A.Being able to drink a lot.B.Having one-year related experience.C.Being able to speak English fluently.D.Being physically strong and flexible.3.How much could a part-time store associate make at least for a week?A.$ 180.B.$210.C.$ 480.D.$570.I used to hate old books. When I say “old books”, I don’t mean classics, though. I mean books with yellow pages, broken spines (书脊) and odd wood-like smells that you need to be careful not to break because they are already so worn down and bring you severe discomfort. One can assume that I didn’t own many old books. I had merely a few here and there that my parents had gifted me, but nothing too special.In the fourth grade, I was ready to explore a new world of reading, one that went beyondthe likes of children’s chapter books and teenagers’ topics. Just then, I found my parents’ old copies of the entire Harry Potter book series. Visually, my parents’ books were my worst nightmare. I remember thinking to myself that there was no way I would be able to read these books. However, I eventually had to come to terms with the fact that if I wanted to read the series, I would have to read my parents’ copies. And so began the terrible journey of reading seven old books.When it was time for me to read the final copy, I was kind of a changed woman. I still strongly disliked old books, but the plot of the entire Harry Potter series had attracted me so much I had almost entirely forgotten what the books looked like. By the end, I had devoted the entire Harry Potter bookshelf in my room.Now, I love old books. While the covers are sometimes so worn down that you can barely read the title of the book, you can understand what it’s about anyway. After all, an old book is a representation of generations of readers who have chosen to live in a specific fictional world because the story it contains is just that good. Old books have meaning and I love how much they mean to me now.4.What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?A.She felt uneasy about owning old books.B.She was on bad terms with her parents.C.She grew fondness for reading classics.D.She was often gifted old books by her parents. 5.How did the author feel when seeing her parents’ Harry Potter series in the fourth grade?A.Confused B.Scared C.Discouraged.D.Astonished. 6.What does the author mean by saying “I was kind of a changed woman” in paragraph 3?A.She started to enjoy reading fictional books.B.She began to ignore the appearance of the books.C.She accepted putting old books on her shelf.D.She figured out what she truly wanted to read.7.What is the best title of the text?A.My Passion for Reading B.My Connection With Parents via Old Books C.My Encounter With the Harry Potter Series D.My Journey With Old BooksHumans make decisions using statistical information every day. For example, we weigh thelikelihood of various factors when deciding what to bet in card games.However, humans aren’t alone in using statistical inferences in decision-making. Until now, human cousins like monkeys and also some birds have been identified as the only animals to show evidence of reasoning based on probability and statistics, which requires advanced mental power. These animals have large brains relative to their body size, which is often associated with high intelligence.Researchers from the University of Barcelona oppugned such statements and suspected that an animal with a small brain relative to its body size could perform statistical reasoning as well.Giraffes were an ideal choice. But researchers had a concern: When we choose a checkout line at a grocery store, we typically just count the number of people in each line, not weighing the probability. Statistical reasoning is quite distinct from basic counting. Giraffes have already exhibited an ability to perform quantity discrimination, being able to tell a larger number of items from a smaller number, which poses a challenge for the researchers to confirm their suspicion.So the research team settled on a special approach where they started with a mixture of carrots the animal desires along with zucchinis (密生西葫芦) they dislike and varied the number and proportion (比例) of both items.The researchers placed different proportions of carrots and zucchinis into two plastic containers to test whether the giraffes could predict a higher likelihood of receiving a carrot. Each test consisted of 20 trials in which a researcher selected a piece of food from each container without showing it to the giraffes. The giraffes then touched the hand they wanted to eat from, using only the information they had from the containers.In the first test, where one container had 20 carrots and 80 zucchinis and another had go carrots and 20 zucchinis, each giraffe chose the hand that had a higher probability of holding a carrot at least 17 times. In the following two tests, the proportion of carrots and zucchinis was changed. Yet again the giraffes chose correctly.The combined results indicated that the researchers’ idea held water.8.What can be inferred in paragraph 2?A.Statistical reasoning is unique to humans.B.Animals with larger bodies have larger brains.C.Large animals are smart enough to perform reasoning.D.Brain size is positively related to intelligence.9.What does the underlined word “oppugned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Declared.B.Questioned.C.Explained.D.Applauded. 10.Why did the research team introduce a special approach to the study?A.To test the giraffes’ ability to perform basic counting.B.To determine whether giraffes prefer carrots or zucchinis.C.To rule out the effect of giraffes’ quantity discrimination.D.To observe the giraffes’ behavior in different situations.11.What do the test results show?A.Giraffes are capable of statistical reasoning.B.Giraffes’ sense of proportion is relatively limited.C.Giraffes rely on visual information to make food choices.D.Giraffes’ food preferences can be changed through training.Many philosophers and psychologists have argued that empathy (共情) is a natural characteristic, hard-wired into our genes and brains. The reasoning goes that each of us has a “level” of empathy and—like our adult height—we’re stuck there for life. This is all well and good if you’re already empathetic, but also means that if you struggle with empathy, you’ll never improve no matter how hard you try.Thankfully, this view is incomplete. Through the right practices, such as diverse friendships and even fiction reading, we can grow our empathy on purpose. Empathy is something like a muscle: left unused, it weakens; put to work, it grows.No emotion is always useful, and that goes for empathy as well. This is especially true for nurses, doctors and other caregivers. These individuals are driven to their work by a deep desire to help others. Patients of empathetic doctors are more satisfied with their care. However, when healthcare professionals care too much, they are at high risk of burnout, tiredness and depression from over-empathizing with others’ suffering.Some psychologists, including myself, are now exploring how people in these professions might empathize in more sustainable ways. For example, empathetic concern-feeling for someone—is distant from emotional empathy—feeling as someone else does. If they can developconcern instead, for example, they can care without falling apart.In another set of studies conducted with Carol Dweek, a Stanford professor of psychology, we found that merely believing empathy is a skill that can be developed inspired people to try harder at it. For instance, people who were encouraged to have a “growth mindset” around empathy, as compared to a fixed mindset, spent more time listening to the suffering of someone of another race and more energy towards trying to understand the opinions of someone from a different part of the political divide.12.What view do many philosophers and psychologists have about empathy?A.It grows when practiced often.B.It is a result of individual experiences.C.It is inborn and difficult to develop.D.It varies depending on one’s upbringing.13.What does the author suggest doctors do?A.Develop their emotional empathy.B.Try to erase their patients’ concern.C.Care for their patients as much as possible.D.Work on improving their empathetic concern.14.Based on Carol Dweek’s studies in which situation are people willingly empathetic?A.If they believe that empathy is flexible.B.If they are given enough attention.C.If they listen to the identical political views.D.If they suffer racial discrimination.15.In which unit of a textbook does the text most likely appear?A.Understanding yourself more.B.Feeling for others.C.Exploring genes and emotions.D.Repairing broken relationships.A Century of ChangeThe last 100 years have seen major transformations in news reporting. Print newspapers dominated the early 1900s, but in November 1922, the dawn (曙光) of radio news arrived when the BBC launched its first daily radio service. It marketed itself as news by and for social elites(精英). 16 In the 1950s, news shifted to television broadcasting. A dramatic change came in 1980 with the creation of America’s Cable News Network (CNN)—the world’s first 24-hour television news network.17 The Internet has become a key site for sharing information, and news is more accessible than it has ever been before. Crises can be reported from on the ground by people who closely understand them. Stories can be shared with the click of a button. 18 In the time it takes for a story to move from a news site to Facebook to your WhatsApp group chat, context is lost and facts go unchecked.In 2016, we witnessed an important moment for the news landscape. Following a US election dogged by dishonesty and misinformation spread largely on social media, Oxford Dictionaries announced “post-truth” as its international word of the year. 19With so much information at our fingertips, the considerable volume of news can be irresistible. Besides, there is increasing uncertainty about what is true and what is not. So it is no wonder that recent years have seen the birth of the “slow journalism” movement, which was first coined in 2007 by Susan Greenberg. 20A.However, that can be dangerous.B.Frequency of the word’s usage rose by 2,000 per cent that year.C.Besides, it required broadcasters to use “received pronunciation”.D.The creation of the World Wide Web in the 1990s changed things again.E.So, the mark of a good story was how soon it was told after it happened.F.It invites us to slow down and pay attention to what’s happening around us.G.People still mainly rely on newspapers for local information.二、完形填空An interactive novel is a text with which the reader can interact. The most 21 type of interactive fiction involves 22 the direction of a story from a set number of options. Interactions in this case involve deciding which of the presented 23 the reader would like to follow. In some of these novels, there is an end that is , in contrast to ends where the adorable character dies.Although most people are familiar with the basic type of interactive novel, interactions beyond this basic structure are also possible, 24 , novels can be guided by readers because the novels are 25 with the author actively 26 the story based on interactions.27 , a novel can be played like a game, with the reader inputting commands or 28 to the story. This type of novel is particularly popular for online and 29 literature because the technical capacities of these formats are 30 to interactions.An interactive novel can also be 31 , in which no particular path wins or loses. In many cases, this type of novel is explained as a type of environment in which the reader can 32 . Collaborative (合作的) interactive novels are slightly more complicated. Novels that include reader input and multimedia options are often included in this 33 .With future technology, there may someday be 34 even in the way that the information is presented to readers, and people may read on special devices designed specifically for this type of literature.21.A.common B.efficient C.beneficial D.suitable 22.A.saving B.removing C.choosing D.separating 23.A.words B.options C.plans D.fashions 24.A.possible B.sudden C.practical D.desirable 25.A.For example B.After all C.By the way D.On the contrary 26.A.confusing B.ongoing C.entertaining D.convincing 27.A.spreading B.understanding C.predicting D.changing 28.A.Alternatively B.Secretly C.Strangely D.Luckily 29.A.turning B.referring C.adding D.agreeing 30.A.classical B.electronic C.modern D.printed 31.A.favorable B.fundamental C.harmful D.opposite 32.A.soul-destroying B.pain-relieving C.ready-madeD.open-ended33.A.remember B.copy C.explore D.improve 34.A.process B.sample C.package D.category 35.A.instructions B.innovations C.services D.challenges三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



2023届东北三省三校高三下学期第二次联合模拟考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解From page-turning thrillers to comic novels—here are our picks of the hot lest new books for a great escape.To Paradise by Hanya YanagiharaA fragile, wealthy young man looks for love in the 19th century New York filled with discrimination...The great power of this remarkable novel is driven by Yanagihara’s understanding of the aching desire to protect those we love.Companion Piece by Ali SmithComing on the heels of Smith’s seasonal quartet(四重奏), Companion Piece boldly captures the spirit of the times, our pandemic-infected world, describing a broader story about loneliness, sadness, isolation, and freedom...Amy & Lan by Sadie JonesA special child’s eye view of an experiment in living, in which city families join hands to setup a rural farm, deep in English villages. The kids alteratively describe their lives over several years, focusing as much on the animals as on the people.Homesickness by Colin BarrettIt’s been eight years since the prize-winning Young Skins, but this second short-story collection is worth the wait. Shocking and slow-burning, eight character-driven tales of misadventures are written with a casual grace, each showcasing Barrett’s unique black humor.I’m Sorry You Feel That Way by Rebecca WaitToxic mothers, absent fathers, angry sisters, and mad brothers—this sharp, wise comedy is full of ups and downs and severe mental health realities, describing in great accuracy and detail the process of a breakdown and how it impacts the individual family member. 1.Which of the following describes the life in the countryside?A.Companion Piece.B.Amy & Lan.C.Homesickness.D.I’m Sorry You Feel Thai Way. 2.What can we learn from the passage?A.To Paradise contains a story set in 19th century Britain.B.Homesickness is a collection of short stories in a darkly funny style.C.Companion Piece is are present alive of Ali Smith’s seasonal quartet.D.I’m Sorry You Feel That Way concerns emotional breakdowns among friends. 3.Where does the text probably come from?A.A textbook.B.A report.C.A magazine.D.An announcement.二、未知A teenager has created “the entire known universe” in the popular computer game Mine craft over the course of two months. In the game’s creative mode, players can build structures using blocks.Eighteen-year-old Christopher Slayton started by building the Earth. He used a globe to measure the exact location of every continent lo perfectly copy the planet. He went on to build planets, stars, galaxies and space gas.In a video, Slayton explained that he started skydiving so he could see the plan el from a different perspective, before using mathematical concepts to make sure that the universe was made to an accurate scale. In order to fit all of the planets in the universe into the simulation(模拟), every planet would need to be 700,000 times smaller.Eventually, Slayton was working on structures that are much larger than the Earth, like the sun. He used the brightest blocks in the game to build the star, adding solar flares(光) to make it “feel alive”.Building even larger structures―such as the Pillars of Creation, elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula—took Slayton two days to simply make the colors accurate, before painting the stars and their shine in the background.Many other impressive builds have been made in Mine craft. In 2020, a player created a life-size recreation of the Earth, bypassing the game’s built-in height limit to recreate Mount Everest and the Grand Canyon at their full scale.The game is also a powerful learning tool for geography, history and even finance. “Mine craft exposes children to complicated financial systems,” Teacher Gaming co-founder Joel Levin told The Independent. “Perhaps the most effective experiences come from havingwater, and controlling diseases, the technique has improved water and fertilizer use. Meanwhile, it has improved cotton quality and increased cotton production in Xinjiang.“Other technologies for precision agriculture such as plant protection drones(无人机) and harvesting robots can also save resources and costs, increasing farmers’ incomes and reducing their economic losses caused by natural disasters,” Shi said. Drones can automatically generate routes by accessing high-definition farmland maps, fly and spray accurately, and provide standardized agricultural services.However, the development of precision agriculture still faces challenges and falls behind developed countries. Some core equipment and techniques, such as parts of agricultural sensors, still rely on imports, and big shortages remain in smart agriculture technicians. Besides, more financial support is needed to comprehensively promote smart agriculture nationwide, Since artificial intelligence and robotics have been applied in China for a relatively short time, it is necessary to open up a modern path with Chinese characteristics based on local conditions.8.What are the benefits of precision agriculture?A.Improving the environment and saving fertilizers.B.Bringing down labor costs and avoiding mistakes.C.Increasing efficiency and removing some diseases.D.Generating farmland maps and providing services.9.What does the underlined word “optimizing” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.Getting something done conveniently.B.Holding a positive attitude to something.C.Makings one thing as effective as possible.D.Employing a traditional way to do something.10.How can precision agriculture be developed properly?A.Importing equipment from some developed countries.B.Working out ways to suit local conditions in different areas.C.Using artificial intelligence and robotics to develop modern cities.D.Seeking financial support abroad to improve the production of crops.11.What can we learn from the passage?A.Smart agriculture has replaced traditional agriculture.B.Artificial intelligence depends on plant pro lection drones.C.Precision agriculture helps boost agricultural modem ization.D.Demonstration bases for smart agriculture have been built throughout China.On the eve of this week’s rail strikes, it was reported that the industry bosses are planning to weed out paper train tickets and close almost 1,000 station ticket offices in England. The transport secretary, Grant Shapps, has made no secret of his desire to see costs saved in this way. Some stations sell only a handful of tickets each week and the vast majority of transactions(交易) have moved online.In the name of cost-cutting, station ticket offices are likely to follow the telephone booth on the comer and become memory. For those who have grown used to the benefits of organizing travel via smartphones, there will be little to feel sorry for. But for people without online access or skills―who tend to be older, poorer, and more fragile-another social barrier will have been built.From medical appointments to payment apps for parking, more and more key services are now delivered digitally. As this revolution takes place, the interests of a significant minority are being ignored to some extent. In the case of health and social care, for example, it will often be those most in need of assistance who are least able to employ electronic devices.The debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the increasing role of technology in our social landscape. The unavoidable trend towards technology is predictable, but its possible consequences need to be managed with more care. With the expanding range and increasing complexity of digital requirements, the aged are gradually withdrawing from increasing social services in their lives. Ros Altmann, the former pensions minister, recently wrote of being contacted by an elderly woman who no longer drives to her local park, because she cannot download the car parking app required.Much more needs to be invested in helping gain easy online access. Alternative offline options must be maintained for important services. Contactable telephone numbers of relevant staff should always be available. These will cost more. But that is the price of digital transformation.12.Why are the station ticket offices in England planned for closure?A.To cut down some expenses.B.To minimize the use of public transportation.22.A.grateful B.modern C.conventional D.plain 23.A.regular B.messy C.colorful D.rural 24.A.valuing B.saving C.sparing D.killing 25.A.critical B.limited C.single D.pointless 26.A.reminds B.forces C.warns D.requires 27.A.daughter B.doctor C.wife D.fellow 28.A.recall B.envy C.meet D.watch 29.A.voicing B.changing C.rejecting D.evaluating 30.A.scene B.sentence C.section D.photo 31.A.turns on B.fades away C.works out D.lights up 32.A.count B.rise C.cost D.win 33.A.and B.but C.as far as D.as long as 34.A.optimism B.passion C.commitment D.youth 35.A.experience B.appearance C.personality D.inspiration四、未知being nice enough to Piper. Her parents didn’t gel that Piper was wrong either. Sometimes Zara pretended that she didn’t have a sister at all. This was turning into the worst Thanksgiving ever.The way to Grandma and Grandpa’s house was dark and stormy. Suddenly, Dad pulled the car over. “Uh-oh! It looks like we’re not going anywhere,” Mom announced, Zara saw a giant oak tree completely blocking the road.“The wind must have knocked it down,” declared Dad.“Grandma and Grandpa’s house is only two blocks away,” Mom replied. “We can walk the rest of the way. A little rain never hurt anyone.”They all climbed out of the car. Wind and rain whipped Zara’s hair into her face. It was hard to keep her eyes open against the wind. “You’d better hold on to my hand, Piper,” Zara cautioned, but Piper didn’t respond. Zara looked behind her, but Piper wasn’t there. She wasn’t with Mom or Dad, either. “Mom! Dad! Where’s Piper?” Zara shouted in panic. “Piper! Piper!” everyone called. The wind seemed to blow their voices away. Then Zara heard a strange sound coming from the bushes nearby.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

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第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分)一、(18分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音,与所给注音全都相同的一组是( ) A .空k ōng 空腹 空旷 架空 司空见惯B .种zh ǒng 变种 品种 种子 刀耕火种C .劲j ìn 劲头 鼓劲 苍劲 遒劲有力D .占zh àn 占用 占据 占卜 独占鳌头2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A .辜负 自欺欺人 作崇 痴心妄想B .敷衍 柳岸花明 精悍 势不两立C .狼藉 茅塞顿开 渲泄 相濡以沫D .证券 化险为夷 奥秘 颐指气使3.对下列词语中加点字的解释,全都正确的一组是 ( )A .洞悉.(知道) 残羹冷炙.(烤肉) 恪.守(刻薄) 风声鹤唳.(鸣叫)B .纰缪.(错误) 少不更.事(经历) 谛.听(仔细) 众口铄.金(熔化)C .寒暄.(温暖) 应.运而生(顺应;适应)判.断(评论) 同仇敌忾.(愤恨)D .濒.危(临近;接近)毛骨悚.然(害怕) 荟萃.(聚集) 稗.官野史(粗劣的) 4.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 ( ) ①学好本民族的语言尚且要花许多气力, 学习另一种语言呢?②伪制紫砂壶即系冒仿名家产品,在新壶上直接冒刻上名人的 是作伪手段之一。

③他不愿意再跟他们谈下去,就 走了。

A .何况 款式 借口B .况且 款式 借故C .况且 款识 借口D .何况 款识 借故5.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 ( )A .这伙盗贼真是猖狂,竟然在犯罪现场坐地分赃....,结果被及时赶到的警察全部擒获。

B .近年来,世界各地局部地区的战争连续不断,造成大量的难民毁家纾难....,流离失所, 这一现象已引起国际社会的极大关注。

C .由于这次展销会上展出的多是一些大家熟悉的新锐作家的新作品,引起了读者的极大兴趣,所以,开幕式刚一结束,热情的人们便似过江之鲫....,纷纷涌向各个展台。

哈 师 大 附 中东北师大附中辽宁省实验中学 2003年高三第一次联合考试 语 文D.不能把凡是印在书本上的东西都当作金科玉律....,那样会束缚我们的思想的。



















































——(《宋史》)11.下列句子中加点词语的解释,不正确的一项是 ( )A .家贫,食口众,禄俸不给.给:丰厚 B .某贫不给,以干.于公 干:求取 C .过实自某,公何辜.焉 辜:对不起 D .仁庙目.鲁曰 目:用如动词,看 12.从句式的角度看,下列句子加点部分中的“其”用法不同于其他三项的是( ) A .引对吏部,状其功过.... B .鲁遽称谢,且具陈其实....C .王若隐其无罪....而就死地D .然视其左右....,来而记之者已少 13.下列各组句子中加点的词的意义和用法相同的一项是( ) A .⎩⎨⎧海故不积小流则无以成江无以轻过辄累远业 B .⎩⎨⎧不能进于是矣吾惛每贷于王禄俸不给,, C .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧焉咸以愚辱以予故公何辜焉过实自某,, D .⎩⎨⎧难为俗人言也然此可为智者道亦庇贤为善之报也, 14.下列句子分别编为四组,全都成为王缮甘愿独当罪过的理由的一组是( ) ①(鲁)“家贫,食口众,禄俸不给”②鲁御下严 ③(王)“仕无他志”,“得罪无害”④(王)“过不及免” ⑤(鲁)“实公辅器”⑥(鲁)“已参大政” A .①②③B .②④⑥C .③④⑤D .③⑤⑥ 15.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是( ) A .鲁宗道做司户参军时家贫,人口多,俸禄不够开销,常常借贷,还不够用,不得已挪用了公家的钱。

·· · · · ·· ·B.王缮认为鲁宗道年轻,有志向操守,豪爽正直,是朝廷的有用人才。














