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Equipment Maintenance Contract

Party B accepts Party A’s entrustment and both parties agree to the maintenance services for the equipment listed in the “Equipment List” attached to the contract at the following charge rates pursuant to the following terms and conditions. The valid time for the contract is one year.

Article I. Party A’s obligations and responsibilities

1. Party A shall put the equipment for work under safe and suitable environment and ensure cleanness of the equipment.

2. Party A shall designate an employee as equipment administrator responsible for filling out the “Equipment List” and “Equipment Maintenance Record”, contacting with Party B, and conducting coordination and acceptance check for equipment maintenance with due diligence and care.

3. Operate the equipment in a correct way according to the requirements stated in the equipment’s operating instructions.

4. Purchase matching consumables and spare parts from Party B.

5. Be subject to Party B’s consent when receiving repairs, maint enances, modifications and disassemblies done not by Party B’s staff

6. Party A has the obligation to cooperate with Party B in maintenance services and shall not obstruct Party B’s staff in delivering maintenance services; otherwise, all losses and consequences caused thereby shall be borne by Party A.

7. For the equipment out of warranty, Party A has the obligation to bear costs of spare parts necessary during maintenance services delivered by Party B.

8. Party A has the obligation to furnish information about operation of the equipment and related descriptive materials. Party A shall be liable for all consequences caused by problems with equipment concealed by it.

9. Party A shall record the equipment’s models and serial numbers for equipment maint enance. If Party A misrepresents the equipment’s models and/or serial numbers, Party B has the right to refuse to deliver equipment maintenance services and Party A shall bear all the costs incurred therein.

Article II. Party B’s obligations and responsib ilities

1. Party B shall, according to actual condition of Party A’s use of the equipment, deliver at Party A’s premises maintenance services for Party A’s equipment listed in the “Equipment List” attached to the contract for two times each year .

2. Par ty B shall, according to Party A’s requirements, deliver maintenance services for Party A’s equipment listed in the “Equipment List” attached to the contract at time arranged by Party B after the contract takes effect.

3. During delivery of maintenance services, if Party B finds out any abrasion and damage on any part

of the equipment, it shall write down the name, number and model of the part necessary to be replaced in the “Maintenance Record” in detail.

4. Party B shall deliver maintenance services for the equipment with due diligence and care pursuant to the items in the “Equipment List”.

5. Party B has the obligation to instruct Party A to use the equipment properly.

6. Party B’s staff shall, after delivery of maintenance services for Party A’s equ ipment every time, fill out the “Maintenance Record” with due diligence and care and request Party A’s equipment administrator for acceptance with signature.

7. Party B shall provide free training of equipment to Party A for 2-3 days. Party A shall choose the equipment from Appendix Ⅳ

Article III. Charge rate

1. Equipment maintenance fee shall be paid to Party B for maintenance of Party A’s equipment under the contract in 23,100.00RMB each year. Equipment maintenance fee includes costs of materials necessary for Party B’s staff to deliver equipment maintenance services at Party A’s premises.

2. The contract entered into between Party A and Party B shall takes effect upon Party A’s payment of the equipment maintenance service fee in full amount in one installment.

3. This fee does not include costs of equipment repairs and parts.

4. This fee includes two days training on the main equipment in the workshop, see appendix IV.
