合同翻译(汉译英) W15

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(8) “本协议自生效日起生效, 有效期为十年。 此后,除非一方提前六个月向另一方发出终 止本协议的书面通知,本协议逐年自动延期 一年”。
(8) “本协议自生效日起生效, 有效期为十年。此后, 除非一方提前六个月向另一方发出终止本协议的 书面通知,本协议逐年自动延期一年”。 • (英译: This agreement shall take effect on the effective date and shall remain in effect for a period of ten(10) years. This agreement shall be automatically renewed for one year thereafter unless and until terminated by either party hereto by giving six (6) months’ written notice to the other.) (“unless and until”引导的状语从句省 略了主语)
(7) “只有在另一方事先书面同意,经董事会一 致通过、并经审批机关批准后,一方才可向 第三方出售、转让、或以其它方式处置其 对注册资本享有的全部或部分权益”。
(7) “只有在另一方事先书面同意,经董事会一致通过、 并经审批机关批准后,一方才可向第三方出售、转 让、或以其它方式处置其对注册资本享有的全部 或部分权益”。 • (英译: A party may sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to any third party only with the prior written consent of the other party, the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority.) (语序的调换)
小结: 翻译技巧讨论: A) 词语的翻译处理(选 词贴切,准确); B) 词性的转转换:动词的名词 化; C) 句子的翻译(语序的调整/句式结构/状语位 置的调整/语态的转换:主动—被动, “if”从句 的汉译,等. ) 。 小结 “Practice makes perfect.” 避免: 误译/漏译/硬译/添枝加叶/望文生义。
(9) “合同的权利义务终止后,当事人应遵守诚 实讲信用原则,根据交易惯例履行通知、协 助、保密义务”。
(9) “合同的权利义务终止后,当事人应遵守诚实讲信 用原则,根据交易惯例履行通知、协助、保密义 务”。 • (英译: After the rights and obligations under a contract are terminated, the parties shall follow the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and trade practice to perform the obligations of notification, assistance and confidentiality.) ( 使 用正式用词)
(6) “本合同任何一方未按本合同规定的期限如数缴 付出资额,从逾期第一日起,每逾期一日,违约方应 向非违约方交付违约金,违约金以违约方应缴付金 额的0.03%计算”。 • (英译: If any of the parties hereto fails to make its capital contribution in full within the time limit specified in this Contract, such party in breach shall pay to the non-defaulting party a fine amounting to ( to be calculated for )0.03% of the sum payable by the party in breach per day from the first day of such breach.) (动词转换为分词结 构/不定式)
(10) “本协议所涉及当事人中,任何一方未行使 或延迟行使本协议相关的任何权利、权力、 特权、或本协议提供的补救方法,其行为不 得视为放弃该权利、权力、特权、或补救 方法,也不得视为放弃追究本协议另一方此 前或此后的任何违约”。
(10) “本协议所涉及当事人中,任何一方未行使或延迟行使本 协议相关的任何权利、权力、特权、或本协议提供的补救 方法,其行为不得视为放弃该权利、权力、特权、或补救 方法,也不得视为放弃追究本协议另一方此前或此后的任 何违约”。 • (English rendition: No Failure or delay on the part of any of the parties to this Agreement relating to the exercise of any right, power, privilege or remedy provided under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of such right, power, privilege or remedy or as a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach by the other party to this Agreement.) (动词转换成名词化主语)
期末考试: 注意事项 • I. 词汇翻译 (英-汉) 10% • II. 词汇翻译 (汉-英) 20% • III. 句子翻译 (英-汉) 35% • IV. 句子翻译 (汉-英) 15% • V. 段落翻译 (英-汉) 20%
• • • •
考核与评分: 课堂出勤-- 10% 合同翻译实践与讨论-- 30% 期末考试(笔试)-- 60%
Session Fifteen C-E translation of Contract
翻译实践与讨论: 法律文本英译汉中常见语词, 句法结构的翻译处理。
(6) “本合同任何一方未按本合同规定的期限 如数缴付出资额,从逾期第一日起,每逾期一 日,违约方应向非违约方交付违约金,违约金 以违约方应缴付金额的0.03%计算”。