Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs Application to FUSE observatio




|2021,Vol.38No.03化学£隹的3繹Chemistry&Bioengineeringdoi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5425.2021.03.002张颖,杨悦,韦庆慧,等•鞘氨醇单胞菌的特性及应用研究进展[J]•化学与生物工程,2021,38(3):6-13.ZHANG Y,YANG Y,WEI Q H?et al.Research progress in characteristic and application of Sphingomona^J^.Chemistry&Bioen­gineering,2021,38(3):6-13.鞘氨醇单胞菌的特性及应用研究进展张颖,杨悦,韦庆慧,赵敏*(东北林业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150040)摘要:鞘氨醇单胞菌具有独特的脂多糖结构,是近些年从假单胞菌属中重新分离出的一类新属。



关键词:鞘氨醇单胞菌;环境污染物降解;抗氧化作用;重金属抗性中图分类号:Q936文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-5425(2021)03-0006-08Research Progress in Characteristic and Application of SphingomonasZHANG Ying,YANG Yue,WEI Qinghui.ZHAO Min*^Northeast Forestry University,Harbin150040,China)Abstract:Sphingomonas is a new genus re-isolated from Pseudomonas in recent years, which has a unique lipopolysaccharide structure.In view of the characteristics of fast reproduction9high efficiency?saving time and effort,and non-pollution,Sphingomonas can grow under high oxygen-poor and harsh conditions?and has been widely used in the degradation of macromolecules,such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,petroleum,azo dyes9chlorinated phenols,pesticides,herbicides, and the industrial production of biomass carotenoids and bio­glues・In this paper,we review the application and research progress of Sphingomonas from the following as­pects:in the degradation of environmental pollutants?anti-oxidative aging,and interaction with plants.Sphin­gomonas has the market value of being developed as microbial agents.Keywords:Sphingomonas;degradation of environmental pollutant;anti-oxidation;heavy metal resistancePseudomonas paucimobil曾被定义为产黄色素、极性单鞭毛、非发酵的革兰氏阴性棒状杆菌,归属为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),其细胞脂质中含有大量独特的鞘氨醇脂和2-径基肉豆蔻酸。



杨琪,王艳玲. 基于分子动力学模拟的扩展青霉棒曲霉素MFS 蛋白转运机制研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(18):200−208. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110341YANG Qi, WANG Yanling. Investigation on the Transport Mechanism of Penicillium expansum MFS Protein Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(18): 200−208. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110341· 生物工程 ·基于分子动力学模拟的扩展青霉棒曲霉素MFS 蛋白转运机制研究杨 琪,王艳玲*(兰州理工大学生命科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730050)摘 要:扩展青霉可产生具有毒性的次生代谢产物—棒曲霉素。

PatC 基因编码MFS 转运蛋白将棒曲霉素的前体物质转运至胞外,在棒曲霉素防治中具有较高的参考价值。

为研究PatC 蛋白的转运机制,利用生物信息学方法预测PatC 的空间结构,采用分子对接和分子动力学模拟解析棒曲霉素前体分子(E-ascladiol )与PatC 的作用位点及可能的作用机制。

结果表明,该蛋白含有546个氨基酸,含有14个跨膜螺旋且具有MFS 功能结构域;分子对接结果显示,该蛋白与E-ascladiol 存在4个结合位点,分别为SER353、TYR336、PRO339、PRO188。

针对Wild 蛋白复合体系及P188A 突变体系进行200 ns 的分子动力学模拟,结果显示小分子底物与PatC 结合紧密,且位于氨基酸序列Pro188~Ser197aa 和Gly231~Val241aa 区域内形成复合体后,蛋白的柔性发生强烈变化,由此可推测这两个区域可能存在作用位点。

中国生物工程杂志China Biotechnology, 2005, 25(9)69~73 酿酒

中国生物工程杂志China Biotechnology, 2005, 25(9)69~73 酿酒

中国生物工程杂志China Biotechnology, 2005, 25(9):69~73酿酒酵母工业菌株中XI木糖代谢途径的建立*沈煜**王颖史文龙刘向勇鲍晓明***曲音波(山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室济南250100)摘要根据代谢工程原理,采取多拷贝整合策略,利用整合载体pYMIKP,将来自嗜热细菌Thermus thermophilus的木糖异构酶(XI)基因xylA和酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)自身的木酮糖激酶(XK)基因 XKS1,插入酿酒酵母工业菌株NAN 27的染色体中,得到工程菌株NAN 114。

酶活测定结果显示,NAN 114中XI和XK的活性均高于出发菌株NAN 27,表明外源蛋白在酿酒酵母工业菌株中得到活性表达。

对木糖、葡萄糖共发酵摇瓶实验结果表明,工程菌NAN 114消耗木糖4.6g/L,产生乙醇6.9g/L,较出发菌株分别提高了43.8%和9.5%。


关键词木糖酿酒酵母乙醇木糖异构酶木酮糖激酶收稿日期:2005 03 15修回日期:2005 06 14* 国家自然科学基金委员会与中国节能投资公司联合研究基金资助项目(50273019),国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2003BC716006、2004CB719702)** 现工作单位:江南大学生物工程学院*** 通讯作者,电子信箱:bxm@燃料乙醇是最有发展前景的环境友好新型能源。




酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)是传统的乙醇生产菌株,因缺乏将木糖转化为木酮糖的代谢途径而不能很好地利用木糖[1,3~5]。



Gobbi PG,et al. Clin Cancer Res,2005:1786一1790.
强调应用多参数流式细胞仪对骨髓标本进行检测以区分异常浆细胞和正常浆细胞分别占的比例。 异常浆细胞的特点包括:CD19缺失、CD45缺乏、CD38表达降低,和(或)CD56过表达。 对于MGUS患者:(1)异常浆细胞数与骨髓浆细胞总数的比值≥95%;(2)DNA非整倍体。 不具有以上两条危险因素、或具有一条、或具有两条危险因素的患者,其5年内疾病发生进展的风险分别为2%、10%和46%。对于SMM患者:(1)异常浆细胞数与骨髓浆细胞总数的比值≥95%;(2)免疫麻痹,具体定义为1-2种正常的免疫球蛋白低于正常下限。不具有以上两条危险因素、或具有一条、或具有两条危险因素的患者,其5年内疾病发生进展的风险分别为4%、46%和72%。





【结果】在大麦基因组中鉴定出29个HvVQ 基因(HvVQ1~HvVQ29),HvVQ蛋白序列平均长度较短(214aa),多数HvVQ蛋白为碱性或偏中性蛋白,HvVQ基因不均地分布在大麦染色体上,定位于细胞核中。









作者姓名:舒尧 指导教师姓名 及学位、职称:刘春元 (博士) 教授 学科、专业名称:物理化学 论文提交日期:2014 年 5 月 29 日 论文答辩日期:2014 年 6 月 3 日 答辩委员会主席:毛宗万 论文评阅人:杨洋溢、周立新
独 创 性 声 明
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成 果,也不包含为获得
by EPR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopies. Because the length of the conjugated bridge can affect the strength of electronic coupling, we insert one more phenylene group to increase the length of the conjugated bridging ligands, thus affording new Mo2-Mo2 compounds [Mo2(DAniF)3]2[μ1,4{C(O)NH}2C6H4C6H4] (6)and [Mo2(DAniF)3]2[μ1,4{C(S)NH}2C6H4C6H4] (7). Both compounds have been characterized by 1H NMR, electrochemistry and electronic spectroscopy. Key words :dimolybdenum compounds;asymmetry;electron transfer;electron coupling; Hush theory;CNS theory.



China &Foreign Medical Treatment中外医疗维持性血液透析是尿毒症患者常用的肾脏替代疗法,是通过半透膜的原理将体内多余的代谢物或有害的代谢物排出体外,从而维持水和电解质的平衡,且具有安全性高、操作简单等优点,因此被广泛应用于尿毒症的治疗[1-2]。


欧洲尿毒症毒素协作组(EUTox)根据尿毒症毒素分子的理化特性和相对分子质量的大小将毒素分为3类:分子水溶性化合物,其分子量为<500Da 的小分子毒素,代表物有尿素氮、肌酐等,容易被普通透析清除;中分子化合物,其分子量>500Da,代表物有β2-微球蛋白、瘦素、PTH 等,仅能被腹膜透析、高通量透析器清除;蛋白质结合化合物,其自身分子量为<500Da,其主要通过与蛋白结合后,形成大分子复合物,而传统透析难以将相关复合物清除。


[关键词]尿毒症;毒素;血液透析[中图分类号]R692[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-0742(2021)08(c)-0193-06Progress in Hemodialysis Clearance of Macromolecular Toxins and Related Symptoms in UremiaCHEN Lu 1,LIU Changhua 21.Department of Nephrology and Blood Purification Center,Jingjiang People's Hospital,Yangzhou University School of Medicine,Jingjiang,Jiangsu Province,214500China;2.Department of Nephrology and Blood Purification Center,SubeiPeople's Hospital,Yangzhou University School of Medicine,Yangzhou,Jiangsu Province,225000China[Abstract]The glomerular filtration rate of chronic kidney disease is reduced,and the kidneys cannot effectively remove toxic substances in the blood,so they accumulate in the body and produce toxic effects.These toxic compounds with biological activity are uremic toxins.The European Uremia Toxin Collaboration Group (EUTox)divides toxins into threecategories according to the physical and chemical properties of the uremic toxin molecules and the relative molecular mass:Molecular water -soluble compounds,small molecular toxins with a molecular weight of <500Da,and representative materials are:Urea nitrogen,creatinine,etc.,are easily removed by ordinary dialysis;Mid -molecular compounds,with a molecular weight of >500Da,and representative substances such as β2-microglobulin,leptin,PTH,etc.,can only beremoved by peritoneal dialysis and high-flux dialyzers;Protein-binding compounds,which have a molecular weight of <500Da,mainly form macromolecular complexes after binding to proteins,which are difficult to remove by traditional dialysis.In recent years,with the improvement of blood purification mode,hemodialysis technology has become more and more mature,which can effectively remove metabolic wastes,toxins,immune complexes,etc.,can effectively alleviate various complications of hemodialysis,and effectively extend the survival period of patients,so as to achieve the purpose of treatinguremia,which is of great significance to improving the survival rate of patients.[Key words]Uremia;Toxins;Hemodialysis[基金项目]扬州市科技计划项目合同(YZ2014197)。




关键词脯氨酸逆境胁迫相容性溶质抗逆性植物一生中会受到多种不利环境的影响,在诸多逆境因素中,由干旱、盐渍等因素引起的渗透胁迫(os-motic stress)是限制植物生长发育和作物产量的主要原因。

许多植物在逆境胁迫中都会积累一些相容性溶质(compatible solute),如脯氨酸、甜菜碱、糖醇等,这些物质溶解度高,没有毒性,在细胞中积累不会干扰细胞内正常的生化反应,并且可以抵抗渗透胁迫[1]。













TRAIL 抗癌作用的分子机制

TRAIL 抗癌作用的分子机制
肿瘤学杂志 2002 年第 8 卷第 2 期
生生物效应 。
在 caspase28 激活不充分时 , 它可以直接切割底 物 Bid (Bcl22 家族的促凋亡蛋白) , 切割产物的 C2端 作用于线粒体 ,通过促使 Cyt2c 的释放而启动线粒体 依赖的凋亡途径 。
2. 1. 4 效应器的作用 效应 caspase 被激活后激发的凋亡效应主要有
1 TRAIL 及其受体的结构及功能
自从 TRAIL 通过 EST检索被发现后 , 人们就开 始了对其结构和功能的探索和研究 。TRAIL 是通过 与其受体相互结合后而发挥生物学功能的 。目前已 发现了与 TRAIL 特异性结合的 5 个受体 , 其各自的
收稿日期 :2001 - 09 - 14 ;修回日期 :2001 - 11 - 25 基金项目 : 山东大学重大项目启动基金 (413028) ; 国家自然科学基 金委海外青年合作基金
的分子机制 ,为广大医务工作者进一步深入研究和开发 TRAIL 这一新型抗癌分子奠定基础 。
关键词 : TRAIL ;肿瘤 ;凋亡
中图分类号 : R730. 51
文献标识码 :A
文章编号 :1671 - 170X( 2002) 02 - 0111 - 04
The Mechanisms of a New Type Anti2tumor Molecule ———TRAIL
DR5 主要分布于外周血淋巴细胞和骨骼肌细 胞 。通过接头分子 FADD/ MOTR1 传递信息 (但 Mac2 farlane 等 [3 ] 报道 , DR5 也参与不依赖于接头 分 子 FADD/ MORT1 的凋亡通路[2 ]) , 并依赖于 caspase 家 族的级联反应诱导凋亡 。DR5 是 p53 的下游靶位 ,其 介导的 p53 依赖性调节在人和鼠中有高度的保守 性 , 并可以在野生型 p53 表达的细胞内被 DNA 损伤 剂诱导表达 。DR5 的表达受阿霉素 、TNF2α 和一些 DNA 损伤剂的调节 , 但与其它受 p53 调节的基因不 同的是 ,DR5 不受紫外线照射的调节 。DR5 能够以组 织特异性方式激活 NF2κB 。 1. 3 诱骗受体 ( decoy receptor ,DcR)



1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇受体与神经变性疾病赵吉利1,岳雅蓉1,张鑫1,杜文倩1,王云霞1综述,薛慧2,项文平2,孟天予2审校摘要:1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇受体(inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors,IP3Rs)是细胞内质网上的钙离子(cal‑cium ion,Ca2+)通道,通过调控Ca2+参与细胞生物学功能,是维持中枢神经系统正常功能的关键分子。



关键词:1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇受体;钙离子;神经变性疾病;认知障碍中图分类号:R741 文献标识码:AInositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors and neurodegenerative diseases ZHAO Jili,YUE Yarong,ZHANG Xin,et al.(Central School of Clinical Medicine,Baotou Medical College,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014040,China)Abstract:Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R),which is a calcium ion (Ca2+) channel in the endoplasmic re‑ticulum,participates in cellular biological functions through regulating the Ca2+ signal,and it is a key molecule in maintaining the normal function of the central nervous system. In recent years,more and more studies have found that the structural and functional abnormalities of IP3Rs are closely related to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,Parkinson disease,Huntington disease,and spinocerebellar ataxia. However,it remains unclear how these structural and functional abnormalities affect the function of IP3Rs and the related calcium signal as well as the pathogenesis and sever‑ity of neurodegenerative diseases. This paper reviews the role of IP3Rs in neurodegenerative diseases.Key words:Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor;Calcium ion;Neurodegenerative disease;Cognitive disorder1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇受体(inositol 1,4,5-trisphos‑phate receptors,IP3Rs)是一种位于内质网上的配体门控的Ca2+通道,1998年Supattapone等人[1]首次在大鼠小脑中发现IP3Rs,其广泛表达于单细胞原生动物在内的动物细胞中,通过调节内质网中Ca2+的释放,产生钙信号。


收稿日期:2019-05-16,修回日期:2019-06-15 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金 (No81400034,81500038);
北京市自然科学基金面上项目(No7172182,7172078);北 京朝阳医院 1351人才培养计划(NoCYXX201736) 作者简介:孟刘坤 (1982-),男,博士,主治医师,研究方向:肺动脉 高压,Email:menglk@126.com; 刘晓艳 (1983-),女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:肺动 脉高压,通讯作者,Email:lxy213@163.com
细胞实验发现,NBL1能明显抑制 BMP2/4对肺动脉内皮细 胞 BMP信号通路的激活。结论 NBL1的表达水平在 MCT 诱导的 PAH中逐渐降低,说明 NBL1或在肺血管重构中发 挥重要的作用,而其血浆水平可能是 PAH潜在的生物标志 物。
关键词:野百合碱;肺动脉高压;肺血管重构;神经母细胞瘤 抑瘤蛋白 1;生物标志物;诊断
取出心脏,生理盐水冲净,去除左右心房及相连 大血管,将右心室 (rightventricular,RV)、左 心 室 (leftventricular,LV)及 室 间 隔 (interventricularsep tum,IVS)剪下,滤纸吸干后称重。按如下公式计算 右室肥 厚 指 数 (fultonindex):Fultonindex=RV/ (LV+IVS)。 1.3 体外细胞功能学实验 人肺动脉内皮细胞购 于 ScienCell公司,将液氮中冻存的肺动脉内皮细胞 进行复苏及传代,置于 37℃、5% CO2 恒温细胞培 养箱中,以完全内皮细胞培养液培养。将 2~3代的 肺动脉内皮细胞以 2×105 个细胞接种于 25cm2 塑 料细胞培养瓶,培养至融合率达到 80% ~90%后, 进行后续的细胞功能学实验。分为 4组:对照组、 BMP2/4(20μg·L-1)刺激组、NBL1(100、2000μg ·L-1)+BMP2/4(20μg·L-1)组。 1.4 实时荧光定量 PCR检测 TRIzol法提取肺 组织总 RNA,取纯化的 RNA1μg逆转录为 cDNA, 利用 qPCR方法检测 NBL1mRNA的表达变化[12]。 各引物序列如下:NBL1正向引物 5′CCACAGGAT GCCTGAAGATGAA3′,反向引物 5′AGGTTAGCCT GGGCAGGATTG3′;GAPDH 正 向 引 物 5′GGCA CAGTCAAGGCGAGAATG3′,反向引物 5′ATGGT GGTGAAGACGCCAGTA3′。 1.5 Westernblot实 验 提 取 制 备 肺 组 织 或 肺 动 脉内皮细胞总蛋白样品,二辛可酸法测定蛋白样品 浓度后,各肺组织标本取 50μg蛋白,100℃加热 5 min蛋白变性,然后 4% ~12%的 NuPAGE预制胶 上行电泳分离蛋白质;经半干转的方式将蛋白转移

同型半胱氨酸对巨噬细胞中Line-1 DNA甲基化标准曲线的影响

同型半胱氨酸对巨噬细胞中Line-1 DNA甲基化标准曲线的影响

同型半胱氨酸对巨噬细胞中Line-1 DNA甲基化标准曲线的影响目的寻找简单、可靠、经济准确的检测巨噬细胞中Line-1 甲基化水平的实验方法。

方法体外培养单核细胞源性巨噬细胞,不同浓度Hcy作用后以甲基化特异性PCR检测Line-1 DNA甲基化水平变化后,分别克隆扩增相应的片段,将不同浓度稀释的甲基化和非甲基化样品分别加入到荧光PCR体系中,按照荧光PCR体系进行操作,检测其荧光表达,根据相应的稀释倍数与扩增数做出相应的标准曲线。

结果各Hcy浓度组的Line-1 DNA甲基化程度随Hcy浓度的增高甲基化程度升高,Line-1 DNA甲基化程度与对照组比较,分别上升了1.30、1.52、1.61、2.18倍,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);分别得到Line-1 DNA甲基化标准曲线:Y=-4.3448x+51.512;非甲基化标准曲线:Y=-2.7406x+36.208。

结论Line-1 DNA甲基化与Hcy介导的动脉粥样硬化关系密切,荧光定量PCR法建立的标准曲线是检测Line-1 DNA甲基化水平的一种方便且准确的方法。

标签:LINE-1;巨噬细胞;同型半胱氨酸;DNA甲基化;荧光定量PCR动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis, AS)是心血管疾病重要的基础性病变,在AS 形成过程中,单核细胞在相关危险因子的作用下转化为巨噬细胞,巨噬细胞细胞的形成是AS主要病理特征之一。

同型半胱氨酸(Homocysteine, Hcy)是AS的独立危险因子[1],同时有报道指出Hcy可以改变巨噬细胞中保守序列Line-1 DNA 甲基化水平从而影响其表达,并由此进一步导致了AS的发生。

目前检测甲基化水平的方法很多,但大多属于定性或半定量方法,且在Hcy介导巨噬细胞致AS 中Line-1 DNA甲基化水平变化目前人们关注较少,检测方法单一、不准确。

本文旨在通过观察Hcy对THP-1单核细胞源性巨噬细胞形成中Line-1 DNA甲基化水平的改变,建立一种新型、高效方便且准确可行的检测DNA甲基化的新方法。



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第2期·502·化 工 进 展沙特常压渣油中含硫化合物的分子组成表征刘美,刘金东,赵德智,段林海(辽宁石油化工大学化学化工与环境学部,辽宁 抚顺113001)摘要:目前,对于重质油的研究主要以宏观性质为主,从分子层次进行表征少有报道。


以沙特轻质原油常压渣油(SQAR )为原料,采用甲基衍生化的方法将非极性的含硫化合物转化为带有极性的甲基硫盐,正离子模式的电喷雾电离傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪分析原料中的杂原子化合物组成。

结果表明:SQAR 中杂原子化合物相对丰度由高至低依次为S 1、N 1、S 2、O 1S 1、N 1S 1、N 1O 1、N 1S 2、N 1O 2。

相对丰度最高的为分子中包含一个硫原子的S 1类化合物。


和S 1类化合物相比,S 2类化合物的DBE 和碳数分布范围更小,DBE=9的S 2类化合物相对丰度最高。

关键词:石油;常压渣油;含硫化合物;甲基衍生化;傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱;化学分析;燃料 中图分类号:TE624.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)02–0502–04 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.02.014Molecular characterization of sulfur-containing compounds in SaudiArabia atmospheric residueLIU Mei ,LIU Jindong ,ZHAO Dezhi ,DUAN Linhai(Chollege of Chemistry ,Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering ,Liaoning Shihua University ,Fushun113001,Liaoning ,China )Abstract :The macroscopic properties of heavy oil had been extensively studied. There are very few studies on characterizing of molecular level information. To having better understanding of the composition of heavy oil ,and providing more detailed and effective information for further processing ,the sulfur-containing compounds from Saudi Arabia atmospheric residue were converted to methyl sulfide salt with polarity using methyl derivatization method. Positive-ion electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (ESI FT-ICR MS )was employed to analyze the heteroatomic compounds. The results showed that the relative abundance of heteroatom compounds from high to low was :S 1,N 1,S 2,O 1S 1,N 1S 1,N 1O 1,N 1S 2,and N 1O 2. S 1 class species contained a sulfur atom that had the highest relative abundance. Among them ,the relative abundance of benzothiophene homologues series (DBE=6)was the highest ,followed by dibenzothiophene homologues series (DBE=9). Compared with S 1 class species ,the DBE and carbon number distribution of S 2 were less. Meanwhile ,S 2 class species with 9 DBE had higher relative abundance.Key words :petroleum ;atmospheric residue ;sulfur-containing compounds ;methyl derivatization ;Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS );chemical analysis ;fuel第一作者及联系人:刘美(1983—),女,博士,讲师。



α-酮异己酸是亮氨酸的无氮替代物,可作为慢性 肾脏疾病和乙型肝炎病毒感染治疗的组成部分,为患 者提供每日所需的 L-亮氨酸[1] ,具有促进胰岛素分 泌[2 - 3] ,抑制胰高血糖素分泌[4 - 5] ,减少体内氮消耗, 促进肌肉合成[6 -7] ,降低肌肉分解的作用[8 -9] ,在食 品、医药、饲料等方面应用广泛[10] 。
首先,将冻管保存的 B. subtilis 168 / pMA5-lad 重 组菌株在含 50 μg / mL 卡那霉素的 LB 平板上划线活 化,挑取单菌落转接 10 mL 50 μg / mL 卡那霉素的 LB 液体培养基,37 ℃ 、200 r / min 下培养 8 ~ 12 h 后,按 10% ( 体积分数) 接种量转接 50 mL 含相同浓度的 LB 液体培养基,37 ℃ 、180 r / min 下培养 24 h,以诱导 LAAD 的表达。 之后,在 4 ℃ 、10 000 r / min 下离心 10 min 收 集 细 胞, 弃 去 培 养 基, 细 胞 菌 体 用 5 mL 20 mmol / L Tris-HCl 缓冲液( pH 7. 0) 洗 2 次。 最后,将 细胞菌 体 悬 浮 于 5 mL 20 mmol / L Tris-HCl 缓 冲 液 ( pH 7. 0) 中并用超声破碎仪进行破碎,破碎液在4 ℃ 下离心 20 min,收集上清液,用于后续的 SDS-PAGE 分析和酶活力测定。 对照菌株 B. subtilis 168 / pMA5
BamH I、Mlu I 限 制 性 快 切 酶、10 000 bp 核 酸 marker 和蛋白 Marker,大连宝生物公司;高保真酶、同 源重组酶克隆试剂盒,南京诺维赞生物科技有限公 司;小量质粒提取试剂盒、琼脂糖凝胶 DNA 回收试剂 盒,上海捷 瑞 生 物 工 程 有 限 公 司; α-酮 异 己 酸 标 品, Sigma 公司;L-亮氨酸、海藻酸钠、CaCl2 及培养基原 料,国药。 1. 1. 3 培养基



宇佐美曲霉木聚糖酶在哺乳动物细胞中的分泌表达张茂;邹娴;林纯;刘德武;吴珍芳;蔡更元【摘要】本试验旨在从宇佐美曲霉菌株GIM3.36中克隆得到木聚糖酶基因xyn的成熟肽编码序列(555 bp),并将其克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA6/HisTMA中的不同位置,分别得到重组质粒pcDNA-spna和pcDNA-spnb,重组质粒经过酶切、测序鉴定其读码框的正确性.在脂质体介导下将重组质粒转染猪肾细胞(PK15),通过RT-PCR证实其在PK15细胞中表达,并在细胞培养液中测定木聚糖酶酶活,结果显示,重组质粒pcDNA-spna转染细胞后表达的酶活力最高为8.53 U/mL,较pcDNA-spnb表达的酶活(6.87 U/mL)高24%,实现了微生物基因在哺乳动物细胞的分泌表达,为xyn基因在转基因方面的利用提供了依据.%The mature peptide coding sequence of xylanase gene xyn (555 bp) was amplified by RT-PCR from Aspergillus niger GIM 3. 36 total RNA extracts. It was subcloned into different locations of the eukaryotic expressing plasmid vector pcD-NA6/His? A. The recombinant plasmid pcDNA-spna and pcDNA-spnb was identified by PCR. Enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing. The result showed that the recombinant plasmids were constructed correctly. Meanwhile, the PK15 cells were transfected with pcDNA-spna and pcDNA-spnb by cationic liposome, and the mRNA of the target gene was determined by RT-PCR. The maximum yield of the recombinant xylanase (transfected pcDNA-spna) in cell culture medium was 8. 53 U/mL and higher 24% the recombinant xylanase 6. 87 U/mL (transfected pcDNA-spnb). To achieve the purpose that microbiology secrete expression in mammalian cells and provided basis for using xyn gene to transgenic.【期刊名称】《中国畜牧兽医》【年(卷),期】2012(039)001【总页数】5页(P23-27)【关键词】宇佐美曲霉;木聚糖酶;哺乳动物细胞;分泌表达【作者】张茂;邹娴;林纯;刘德武;吴珍芳;蔡更元【作者单位】广东省农业科学院畜牧研究所畜禽育种国家重点实验室广东省动物育种与营养公共实验室,广东广州 510640;华南农业大学动物科学学院,广东广州510642;华南农业大学动物科学学院,广东广州 510642;华南农业大学动物科学学院,广东广州 510642;华南农业大学动物科学学院,广东广州 510642;广东省农业科学院畜牧研究所畜禽育种国家重点实验室广东省动物育种与营养公共实验室,广东广州 510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q78植物细胞壁主要是由纤维素(cellose)、半纤维素(hemicellose)和木质素(lignin)等物质组成,半纤维素是仅次于纤维素含量第二丰富的可利用自然资源,其主要成分是木聚糖(Lutting等,1997),它是仅次于纤维素含量的第二丰富的可再生多糖(Collins等,2004;Ruanglek等,2007;Zhou等,2008),约占植物细胞干重的15%~35%(崔罗生,2008)。



47卷 2期2007年4月4日微生物学报Acta Microbiologica Sinica47(2):355~3584April 2007基金项目:河北省自然科学基金(303610;C2006000707)3通讯作者。

T el :862311283999012;E 2mail :shuishans @作者简介:邱 健(1978-),男,河北唐山人,实习研究员,硕士,主要从事微生物学研究。

E 2mail :jianqiu1128@ 收稿日期:2006207210;接受日期:2006208216;修回日期:2006211223一株降解N 2酰基高丝氨酸内酯酵母菌菌株的分离鉴定及其降解特性邱 健,贾振华,马 宏,张 霞,宋水山3(河北省生物研究所 石家庄 050051)摘 要:利用N 酰基高丝氨酸内酯(N 2acyl 2hom oserine lactone ,简称AH L )为唯一碳源和能源,筛选得到一株能够降解AH L 的菌株R1。

常规鉴定和18S rDNA 序列分析表明,菌株R1属于红冬孢酵母菌(Rhodosporidium toruloides ),定名为R .toruloides R1。

结果显示R .toruloides R1能利用所测试的3种AH L 作为唯一碳源和能源生长,具有降解AH L 的能力,其对AH L 依赖型胡萝卜欧文氏软腐病菌(Er winia carotovora subsp.carotovora )的致病有一定的抑制作用。

关键词:群体感应;N 2酰基高丝氨酸内酯;18S rDNA ;酵母菌;系统发育中图分类号:Q939 文献标识码:A 文章编号:000126209(2007)022******* 近些年的研究发现,单个细菌之间存在着信息交流,并且通过这种不同个体甚至不同种群间的信息交流对外界环境变化进行群体性应答。

这种细菌与细菌之间的信息交流称为群体感应(Quorum sensing ,简称QS )[1]。

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0208372v 1 20 A u g 2002Astronomy &Astrophysics manuscript no.February 2,2008(DOI:will be inserted by hand later)Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfsApplication to FUSE observations of G 231–40G.H´e brard 1,N.F.Allard 1,2,I.Hubeny 3,cour 4,1,R.Ferlet 1,and A.Vidal-Madjar 11Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris,CNRS,98bis boulevard Arago,F-75014Paris,France 2Observatoire de Paris-Meudon,LERMA,F-92195Meudon Principal Cedex,France 3NOAO,950North Cherry Avenue,Tucson,AZ 85726,USA4Department of Physics and Astronomy,Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore,MD 21218,USAReceived ...;accepted ...Abstract.We present new theoretical calculations of the total line profiles of Lyman αand Lyman βwhich include perturbations by both neutral hydrogen and protons and all possible quasi-molecular states of H 2and H +2.They are used to improve theoretical modeling of synthetic spectra for cool DA white dwarfs.We compare them with FUSE observation of G 231–40.The appearance of the line wings between Lyman αand Lyman βis shown to be sensitive to the relative abundance of hydrogen ions and neutral atoms,and thereby to provide a temperature diagnostic for stellar atmospheres and laboratory plasmas.Key words.Line:profiles –Radiation mechanisms:general –Stars:atmospheres –Stars:individual:G231-40–White dwarfs –Ultraviolet:stars1.IntroductionStructures in the Lyman αand Lyman βline wings have been identified with free-free transitions which take place during binary close collisions of the radiating H atom and a perturbing atom or ion (Allard et al.1998a,1998b,1999).The characteristics of these features (posi-tion,amplitude,and shape),due to the formation of quasi-molecules during collisions between the radiating atom and perturbers,depend directly on the potential energy curves correlated to the atomic levels of the transition (Allard &Kielkopf 1982).Two satellite absorption features at 1058˚A and 1076˚A due to collisions of atomic hydrogen with pro-tons were first identified in the spectrum of the DA white dwarf Wolf 1346,as observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (Koester et al.1996).These satellites in the red wing of Lyman βare in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE )spectral range (Moos et al.2000);fur-thermore,Lyman βprofiles are also the subject of an on-going study of the far ultraviolet spectrum of dense hy-drogen plasmas.In Allard et al.(1998a)we presented theoretical pro-files of Lyman βperturbed solely by protons.The calcula-tions were based on the accurate theoretical H +2molecular potentials of Madsen &Peek (1971)to describe the inter-2G.H´e brard et al.:Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs in the stellar atmosphere,and thus on the stellar param-eters T effand log g(Koester&Allard1993;Koester etal.1994;Bergeron et al.1995).2.Theoretical line profiles2.1.TheoryWe use a general unified theory in which the electric dipole moment varies during a collision;a detailed description of the theory as applied to the shape of the Lyman lines has been given by Allard et al.(1999).The obtained line profilesfit the spectra of laser-produced hydrogen plasmas (Kielkopf&Allard1998).Our approach requires prior knowledge of accurate the-oretical molecular potentials to describe the interaction between radiator and perturber,and knowledge of the variation of the radiative dipole moment with atom-atom and atom-ion separation for each molecular state.This ef-fect is important when the dipole moment varies in the re-gion of inter-nuclear distance where the satellite is formed, and thus cannot be neglected.In the case of Lymanβsatellites,due to H-H+collisions,we have shown that large changes(up to60%)in the intensity of the satel-lites may occur when the variation of the dipole moment is taken into account(Allard et al.1998a).This result is also valid for other lines;it increases by a factor of about2the main satellites of Lymanα(Allard et al.1999).Previous line profile calculations using constant dipole moment have been used to interpret IUE(International Ultraviolet Explorer)and Hubble Space Telescope spectra by Koester &Allard(1993),Koester et al.(1994),and Bergeron et al.(1995).The synthetic spectra presented here used im-proved Lymanαline profiles of Allard et al.(1998b)which have been already included in stellar atmosphere programs for the computation of stellar atmosphere model and syn-thetic spectra ofλBootis stars.A comparison of these calculations with observations made with the IUE demon-strated that these last improvements are of fundamental importance for obtaining a better quantitative interpreta-tion of the spectra and for determining stellar atmospheric parameters(Allard et al.1998b).2.2.Lymanβin H-H collisionsThe Lyman profiles and satellites are calculated at the low densities met in the atmospheres of stars.The typical particle densities(1015to1017cm−3)allows us to use an expansion of the autocorrelation function in powers of den-sity as described in Allard et al.(1994)and Royer(1971). Line profiles are normalized so that over1/λ=ω(cm−1) they integrate to1.The only line feature of the Lymanβprofile is a broad absorption line satellite situated at1150˚Adue to the B′′¯B1Σ+u−X1Σ+g molecular transition of H2(Fig.1).The recent ab initio calculations of A.Spielfiedel(2001,private communication)have shown that for the isolated radiat-Fig.1.Lymanβsatellite due to H-H collisions.The neu-tral density n H is1×1016cm−3.ing atom(R→∞)this transition is not asymptotically forbidden as it was explicitly stated in Allard et al.(2000).The line satellite shown in Fig.1presents a shoul-der at1120˚A,a similar shape has been obtained for the1600˚A satellite.In Fig.6of Allard et al.(1999) both theory and experiment show an oscillatory struc-ture between the satellite and the line,with a minimum at about1525˚A.These oscillations are an interference effect(Royer1971;Sando&Wormhoudt1973),and are expected to depend on the relative velocity of the collision and therefore on temperature.This satellite of Lymanβis quite far from the un-perturbed Lymanβline center,actually closer to the Lymanαline.It is therefore necessary to take into ac-count the total contribution of both the Lymanαand Lymanβwings of H perturbed simultaneously by neu-trals and protons and to study the variation of this part of the Lyman series with the relative density of ionized and neutral atoms.2.3.Lymanβin H-H and H-H+collisionsIn Allard et al.(1998a)we presented Lymanβprofiles perturbed by protons.The line profile calculations were done without using the expansion in density and then were valid from the center to the far wing and allowed a com-parison of the amplitudes of the satellites to the line core. The profiles at different densities of H+were displayed in Fig.8.In Fig.2we show the sum of the profiles of Lymanαand Lymanβperturbed by collisions with neutral hydro-gen and protons for different densities n H.We can see that a ratio of5between the neutral and proton density is enough to make the quasi-molecular H2 satellite appear in the far wing.Note that the1120˚A shoulder of the satellite is still visible in the total profile.G.H´e brard et al.:Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs3Fig.2.Total profile of Lyman αand Lyman βperturbed by neutral hydrogen and protons.Three different neutral densities (1×1017,5×1016,1×1016cm −3,top to the bottom)are compared for a fixed ion density (1×1016cm −3).3.Synthetic spectra for DA white dwarfsWe now take into account these absorption features of the H +2and H 2quasi-molecules to calculate synthetic spectra for DA white dwarfs.Atmosphere models and synthetic spectra have been calculated using the computer programs TLUSTY and SYNSPEC (Hubeny 1988;Hubeny &Lanz 1992,1995).The LTE model atmospheres assume a pure hydrogen composition including the quasi-molecular opac-ities.Below T eff=15000K,the atmosphere of DA white dwarfs become convective,and model atmospheres for these stars are usually calculated using several variants of the standard mixing-length theory.According Bergeron et al.(1992),we used the so-called ML2prescription with α=0.6,which was shown to provide excellent internal consistency between ultraviolet and optical temperatures.The temperature range where both H 2and H +2Lyman βsatellites are visible is relatively small;roughly between 14500to 11000K (Fig.3-upper panel).This de-pendence of the theoretical profiles on temperature is ex-tremely strong because of the relative importance of per-turbations by neutral versus ionized hydrogen.The satel-lite appearance is then very sensitive to the degree of ion-ization and may be used as a temperature diagnostic.In order to see all the Lyman line satellites,synthetic spectra are plotted from 1020to 1800˚A (Fig.3-lowerpanel).Below T eff=13000K the H +2starts to disappear but the broad H 2satellite at 1150˚A is still present andthe one at 1600˚A slowly increases.4.FUSE observations of G 231–404.1.Observations and data reductionG 231–40(WD 2117+539)is a cool DA white dwarf lo-cated at Galactic coordinates l =95.0o and b =−3.3o ;it isa relatively bright white dwarf:V =12.3.This target was observed with FUSE as part of the French Guaranteed Time Observing Programs (program Q210).Two expo-sures were obtained on 2001July 3in time-tagged pho-ton address mode (TTAG)with the object in the large aperture (LWRS).The total duration was ∼1.6h (see Table 1).Details of the FUSE instrument may be found in Moos et al.(2000)and Sahnow et al.(2000).The one-dimensional spectra were extracted from the two-dimensional detector images and calibrated using ver-sion 2.0.5of the CalFUSE pipeline.The eight FUSE de-tector segments of the two exposures (i.e.16spectra)were co-added and projected on a 0.16˚A -pixel base,i.e.pixels about 25times larger than the original FUSE detectors pixels.This degradation of the FUSE spectral resolution (typically λ/∆λ≃15000for this kind of target in the large slit;see H´e brard et al.2002;Wood et al.2002)is of no effect on the shapes of the large stellar features which we study and allows us to increase the signal-to-noise ra-tio.At this resolution,no spectral shifts were detected between the 16different co-added spectra.Poor quality edge of each segment were not included in the sum.We used the following spectral ranges for each segment:1010−1085˚A (SiC1A),910−992.5˚A (SiC1B),922−1005˚A (SiC2A),1016−1101˚A (SiC2B),1004−1081.5˚A (LiF1A),1096−1187˚A (LiF1B),1087−1181˚A (LiF2A),and 1012−1073˚A (LiF2B).As the LiF1B seg-ment presents a known large-scale distortion (“the worm”,D.Sahnow 2000,private communication)in the flux cal-ibration around 1120−1170˚A (see, e.g.,H´e brard et al.2002),we normalized the large-scale shape of the LiF1B segment to the shape of the LiF2A segment,using a poly-nomial fit.We also did not include the part of the LiF2A spectra in the ranges 1134.6−1135.6˚A and 1151.5−1153˚A because they were deteriorated by the so-called “walk”problem,which is a distortion in the FUSE spectra at air-glow wavelengths (λ1134˚A N i and λ1152˚A O i lines in the present case)caused by variation of position with pulse height (D.Sahnow 2001,private communication).The final FUSE spectrum is plotted in Fig.4.Note that the interstellar N i λ1134˚A triplet is detected on this line of sight.Since 2001,repeated observations of standard white dwarfs indicate a slow degradation in the effective area of the FUSE spectrograph.The decline affects the flux up to 20%,and that mainly for the LiF2A channel.A dime-dependent flux correction is in development for a future version of the pipeline,but is not included in the CalFUSE version 2.0.5.In order to complement the 910−1187˚A FUSE spec-trum,we retrieved two IUE low dispersion spectra of G 231–40from the STScI MAST archive.These spectra were obtained in March 1983and they were reduced us-ing the NEWSIPS processing (see Table 1).They yield the4G.H´e brard et al.:Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfsFig.3.Synthetic spectra for DA white dwarfs including Lymanαand Lymanβsatellites,on spectral ranges1020–1200˚A(upper panel)and1020–1800˚A(lower panel).T eff=14500,14000,13500,13000K(from top to bottom) and log g=8.0.Theflux,at the stellar surface,is integrated over angles.Table1.Observation logFUSE Q21001010012001July3L WRS(30′′×30′′)2940CalFUSE2.0.5FUSE Q21001010022001July3L WRS(30′′×30′′)2864CalFUSE2.0.5IUE SWP195321983March24SWLA(10′′×20′′)720NEWSIPSIUE SWP195331983March24SWLA(10′′×20′′)720NEWSIPSG.H´e brard et al.:Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs5 Fig.4.FUSE(1020–1187˚A,upper and lower panels)and IUE(1150–1800˚A,lower panel)spectra of G231–40compared with a theoretical model for T eff=14800K and log g=7.85.Emissions at Lymanα,Lymanβ,and1027.5˚A are due to H i and O i airglow.The difference between the data and the model between1120and1180˚A is mainly due to an uncorrected decreasing of sensitivity on the FUSE segment LiF2A(see Sect.4.1).Notice the H−feature at1130˚A.Fig.4shows a good agreement between the FUSE andIUE observations of Lyman lines and predicted spectraover the whole range from1020to1800˚A using atmo-spheric parameters determined from the optical range.The feature nearλ995˚A due to a Lymanγsatellite,which is visible in the spectra of hotter objects,is nomore present in the temperature range of G231–40(theflux of G231–40is below1×10−14erg cm−2s−1˚A−1at995˚A).It was visible in FUSE observations ofCD−38◦10980(Wolffet al.2001),HUT spectrum ofWolf1346(Koester et al.1996),and in some ORFEUSspectra(Koester et al.1998).It was also recently seen inFUSE spectra of Sirius B(Holberg et al.2002).This fea-ture,due to a Lymanγsatellite,is now included in ourcalculations.We have shown that a larger temperature isrequired to get it detectable(Allard et al.2002).5.ConclusionFrom theoretical profiles including the new Lymanβopac-ities it can be predicted that Lymanβsatellites should bedetectable roughly between25000K to11000K.Withinthis range in a very small domain of temperatures,thewhole profile should present H2and H+2satellites of theLymanαand Lymanβlines.FUSE observations of coolerwhite dwarfs in the ZZ Ceti range stars would offer thebest opportunity to determine accurate stellar parametersas T effand log g for these stars.Acknowledgements.This work is based on data obtained forthe French Guaranteed Time by the NASA-CNES-CSA FUSEmission operated by the Johns Hopkins University.I.H.wouldlike to thank the PNPS(Programme National de PhysiqueStellaire)for travel support to IAP where part of this work wasdone.We would like to thank Jean Dupuis for useful commentson this work.6G.H´e brard et al.:Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool 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