Lange handbook of chemistry_indx英文精品课件
Collectively, we use tens of thousands of consumer chemical products in our homes.
总起来说,我们在家庭中使用成千上万种 消费化学品。
Knowledge of chemistry has already had a profound effect on the quality of life. Its impact on the future will be even more dprraomfoauntidc:.[prə’faund] adj. 深度的; 深切的; 深远的 dramatic:[drə’mætik] adj.戏剧性的, 激动人心的 化学知识已经对生活质量产生了深远的影响。 它对未来的影响将会更加激动人心。
malfunction: [mæl’fʌŋkʃən] n. 故障, 障碍 你的身体这个化工厂也产生它自己的能量。它发现 自己的故障,并能够再生和修复它的一些零部件。
It senses changes in its environment and adapts to these changes. With the aid of a neighboring facility, this fabulous factory can create other factories much like itself.
化学对社会和个人都有影响。化学是生物学、保健科学、 农业科学和地球科学的语言和基本工具。
Chemistry has illuminated the entire natural world; from the tiny atomic nucleus to the immense cosmos.
Provide a detailed descriptiouired in the experiment and their functions.
Provide a detailed description of the operating methods of the experimental equipment, including installation, debugging, use, and maintenance.
Experimental equipment operation: Introduce the operation methods of experimental equipment, including equipment installation, debugging, use, and maintenance.
Focusing on the main points: Learners should learn to quickly identify the main points and key findings of an article, rather than getting bogged down in details
Experimental operation process: Introduce the experimental operation process, including preparation before the experiment, operation steps during the experiment, and post-experimental processing.
Use formal and technical language
Registered substances-ECHA
√√Βιβλιοθήκη √√美国环境保护署:综合危险性信息系统
EPA: Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
GESTIS-database on hazardous substances
Environment Canada/Health Canada: Priority Substance Assessment Reports
4. 复杂长句多
科技文章要求叙述准确,推理严谨。为表 达清楚,科技英语句子较长,需认真分析 方能明确句子中各成分的关系,译成汉语 时必须按照汉语习惯破译成若干个简单句。
文学英语中,经常出现一词多义或一义多词的 现象,科技英语中也不例外,但在表达同一个科 学概念或含义时,一般采用单一词汇。
2. 理解语言现象,分析语法关系
在通读全文领略大意的基础上,译者应对每一个句 子进行具体分析,即弄清句中各词,各成分之间的 逻辑关系。如主从关系,主谓关系,动宾关系等, 甚至定语修饰关系,否定关系,是否省略,倒装等, 所有这些都一一搞清,在彻底理解句子的全部语法 关系后,就可以把理解付诸表达了。
英语的构词法主要有:合成、转化和派生,其 中派生法的核心是依靠添加前缀或后缀来构成新词, 这就导致了前后缀使用频率高。
biochemistry; biotechnology; biocatalyst; biodegradable能生物降解的; bioengineering, etc.
表达就是选择恰当的汉语,把已经理解了的原作 内容叙述出来。在翻译的表达阶段,要特别注意 的是,翻译表达和创作表达是不一样的,译者要 表达的是原文作者已经表达出来的东西,因此必 须按照原著作者的思维逻辑表达。虽然提倡在深 刻理解的基础上创造性地表达,但译者不能任意 发挥,随意删改。一般说来,在翻译表达方面译 者要注意以下几个问题:
C (s, graphite) + O2 (g) = CO2 (g) DHrxn0 = - 393.5 kJ Then, DHf0(CO2, g) = - 393.5 kJ/mol
i.e. DHfo = 0 for any element in its most stable form.
DH0f (O2, g) = 0
The standard enthalpy of reaction carried out at 1 atm.
System is the specific part of the universe that is of interest in the study.
Open system closed system Isolated system
mass & energy exchanged
only energy exchanged
How much heat is evolved when 266 g of white phosphorus (P4) burn in air?
P4 (s) + 5O2 (g)
P4O10 (s) DH = -3013 kJ
266 g P4
1 mol P4 123.9 g P4
3013 kJ 1 mol P4
w = -14 L•atm x
101.3 J 1L•atm
DE = q + w
(1)At constant volume
DV = 0, w =0
DE = qv
At constant volume, the heat adsorbed or released to its surrounding is totally used to increase or decrease the system internal energy.
化学文献检索 2. 化学化工参考资料和物性数据库
Mellor's Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, J.W. Mellor,London 《无机和理论化学 总论》 1922—1937 年 间 出 版 .1940—1959 年 重 版.1956年起,陆续出版补编,是一部很好 的无机化学和物理化学参考书.每卷中物理 化学占很大的比重.例如第1卷为氢和氧,其 中包括下列内容:化学发展;元素分类;气 体的物理性质;溶液;热力学;电解和电离 理论等.
Engineer’s Handbook, R. H. Perry, D.W. Green, McGraw-Hill,7th ed.,1997) 《化学工程师手册》是一部权威性化工厂数据 参考书.内容包括化学工程及有关的重要领域. 书中相当大量的数据取自于国际鉴定表,而 且根据工程师的使用要求,重新编排和重新 换算. 收集了化工方面各种实例、图表、方 法和数据,提供设计技术和设备性能方面的 新资料,为化工方面的必备工具书。
• “Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology” (H.F. Mark)
• The Sadtler Standard Spectra Collection (IR, NMR, UV, Raman) (Biorad “Know-It-All”)
◢ 有机化合物数据库 /chemistry/cmp/cmp.html
◢ The NIST(质谱图库, FTIR) /chemistry/
◢ SDBS: 日本 AIST有机物谱图库 (33000个常见有机化合物) ◢ 物性数据库 /erd/
❖ Scientific disciplines represent abstract bodies of knowledge(科 学学科代表知识体)
❖ Technology is the physical application of scientific knowledge to
the production of new products to improve human survival, comfort(n. 安慰;舒适;使人舒服的事ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ;给予援助或安慰的人或事
English Curse of Chemistry
Huiming L1in
4、《化学与应用化学专业英语》 (王辛宜,华东理工大学出版社)
Why must we study the course? The content of the course
❖ ) pace(n. 一步;长度单位;步幅,步调;快步
vt. 踱步,走来走去;步测;调整步调;训练马溜蹄 vi. 踱;溜蹄 prep.
蒙…恩准,怀着对…的敬意), to have a major impact on human
what is chemistry and why is it important
➢ Why is it important chemistry plays a pivotal role in the natural sciences. It provides the essential basic knowledge for applied sciences, such as astronomy, materials sciences, chemical engineering, agriculture, medical sciences and pharmacology.
Structural formula shows the arrangement of the
atoms in a single molecule
Molecules - example
Glucose Sugar
C6H12O6 Chemical formula
• always contain C & H and usually O, N, sometimes S&P
• originate in organisms
• generally complex molecules
Examples of Inorganic Compounds
H + O = H2O = Water H + Cl = HCl = Hydrochloric Acid Na + Cl = NaCl = Common Table Salt
Indefinite Volume
(can expand and be compressed)
Elements one of the 100+ pure substances
that make up everything in the universe
All they are displayed in the Periodic Table of the Elements
Indefinite Shape
(takes the shape of the container)
Definite Volume (can not be compressed)
With the continuous development of the economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, traditional energy has been unable to meet people's needs. Therefore, new energy has been widely developed and used. New energy includes solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, etc. These new energy sources have the characteristics of cleanliness, sustainability and environmental protection, which can effectively solve the problem of energy shortages and environmental pollution caused by traditional energy.
Biotechnology is a new discipline that combines biology, chemistry and other disciplines. It has broad application prospects in the fields of medicine, agriculture, food, environment and other fields. The combination of biotechnology and chemistry can not only promote the development of these fields, but also promote the progress of human society.
International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID)
Kemi N-CLASS环境危害分类数据库
Kemi N-CLASS Database on Environmental Hazard Classification
Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. P. G. Urben. Elservier’s Science & Technology publishing
HSNO Chemical Classification and Information Database (CCID)
NTP Database Search Home Page
题型多样:选择题、填空 题、简答题等
难度适中:适合不同水平 的学生
内容丰富:涵盖化学专业 各个领域
答案解析:详细解答,帮 助学生理解知识点
《化学专业英语》:由化学工业 出版社出版,内容全面,适合初 学者
《化学专业英语阅读》:由化学 工业出版社出版,精选了大量化 学专业英语文章,适合提高阅读 能力
实验步骤:详 细描述实验步 骤,包括仪器、 试剂、操作等
实验结果:描 述实验结果, 包括数据、图
实验讨论:分 析实验结果, 提出假设、解
实验报告:撰 写实验报告, 包括实验目的、 方法、结果、 讨论、结论等
阅读目的:了 解研究领域最 新进展,掌握
阅读技巧:快 速浏览摘要、 引言和结论, 详细阅读实验
提高化学专业学 生的英语水平
帮助学生理解化 学专业术语和概 念
增强学生的跨文 化交流能力
提高学生的学术 研究和论文写作 能力
化学专业学 生
化学研究人 员
对化学感兴 趣的人士
互动性强:提供丰富的案例、实验、讨论等互动环节,提高学生的学 习兴趣 实用性强:结合实际应用,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握化学专业知 识
添加标题 lusion
阅读目的:了解化学领域的最新研究成果和趋势 阅读方法:选择合适的文献来源,如学术期刊、会议论文等 阅读技巧:注意关键词、摘要、结论等关键信息,提高阅读效率 阅读后思考:对文献内容进行总结和思考,提出自己的观点和见解
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) - Principle
SIMS Application - Calcination of ZrO2/SiO2 Catalyst
A.C.Q.M. Meijers et al, Appl. Catal. 70 (1991) 53
- nature of adsorbed species, - substrate-adsorbate interaction(bonding) - internal structure and bonding
- reaction kinetics - reaction mechanism - activity,selectivity
Surface Sensitivity, Sensitivity
Characterization Techniques I
Characterization Techniques II
Characterization Techniques III
In-situ Techniques
Intensity Factors
Surface composition:
- elemental and molecular composition - chemical status of the components - depth distribution - metal-support interaction
SIMS Application - Characterization of a Promoted Fe-Sb Oxide Catalyst
2019教育6 第四讲(共68张)精品英语
第一章 从实验学化学
4.有关物质的量浓度计算的四大类型 类型1 标准状况下,气体溶液的物质的量浓度的计算
溶液的体积V=mρ =m气体ρ+m水
栏目 导引
第一章 从实验学化学
类型2 溶液中溶质的质量分数与物质的量浓度的换算 1 000ρw
栏目 导引
第一章 从实验学化学
(3)溶液中离子的物质的量浓度的计算分析 ①要考虑溶质的组成和电离程度 如 BaCl2 溶液中:c(BaCl2)=c(Ba2+)=12c(Cl-)。 0.1 mol/L 的醋酸溶液中:c(H+)<0.1 mol/L。 ②根据溶液中离子的电荷守恒求未知离子浓度 如 AlCl3 和 Na2SO4 的混合溶液中满足:c(Al3+)×3+c(Na+)+ c(H+)=c(Cl-)+c(SO24-)×2+c(OH-)。
(1)0.2 mol·L-1 表示 1 L 溶液中含有溶质的物质的量是 0.2 mol。( )
(2)含 1 mol 溶质的任何溶液,物质的量浓度一定相等。( )
(3)配制 1 mol·L-1NaCl 溶液 1 L,将 58.5 g NaCl 溶于 1 L 水中即可。
相同。( )
(5)1 L 0.5 mol·L-1CaCl2 溶液中,Ca2+与 Cl-的物质的量浓度都是 0.5 mol·L-1。( )
(6)从 1 L 0.2 mol·L-1 的 NaOH 溶液中取出 10 mL,这 10 mL 溶液的
栏目 导引
原子核中质子的数目称为原子序数,或者质子数,以 Z 表示。电中性原子中电子的数 目也等于原子序数 Z。经测定,原子的总质量与原子核中质子与中子的总数差不多。 (几乎 相同) (或者说原子的总质量几乎可以由原子核中质子与中子的总数确定。 ) 这个总数叫质量 数,以 A 表示。因此,原子中的质子的数目,质子数,可以定量地由 A-Z 给出。即原子中 质子数=A-Z
在周期表中, 一条粗的阶梯状的线把元素划分为金属元素和非金属元素。 处于线左边的 元素(H 元素除外)是金属元素,而处于线右边的元素是非金属元素。这种分法仅仅是为了 方便。靠近线两边的元素-准金属元素-同时具有金属和非金属元素的性质特征。可以看出, 大部分元素,包括过度元素和内过度元素,都是金属元素。
The term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all kinds of a single kind. To the chemist the “kind” of an atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z=1 to Z=107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters,
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Abbreviations:of amino acids, 3 letter and 1 letter 11.102of ligand names 3.11mathematical 2.23of SI units 2.3of states of aggregation 2.6of words 2.26ABS copolymers 10.20 properties of 10.50 Absolute configuration 1.49 Absorbance:defined 7.39to percent absorption, table 2.96to transmittance, table 2.98 Absorption bands, electronic, forchromophores 7.19 Absorption cross section of nuclides 4.58 Absorption edges, X-ray, wavelengths of 7.8 Absorption indicators 11.95 Absorption energies, X-ray, critical 7.7 Absorption lines, atomic, of elements 7.29 Absorption maxima, wavelengths, ofacid-base indicators 8.116 Absorption, percent, conversion toabsorbance, table 2.96 Absorptivity, defined 7.38 Abundance, natural:of isotopes 4.81of nuclides 4.59 7.89 Accuracy 2.118 Acetal copolymers 10.8 10.22 Acetal homopolymers 10.8 10.22 Acetal polymers, properties of 10.22 Acetals:nomenclature of 1.23as plastic materials, formulas andproperties of 10.8 10.22 Acetamide, binary azeotropes with 5.74 Acetate, formation constants with 8.88Acetic acid:binary azeotropes with 5.63pKa values of 8.81ternary azeotropes with 5.80 Acetone, binary azeotropes with 5.74 pKa values in 8.81 Acetonitrile:formation constances with 8.88pKa values in 8.81 Acetylacetone, formation constants with 8.88 Acetylene, solubility in water at varioustemperatures 5.3Acid anhydrides:infrared frequencies of 7.50nomenclature of 1.23Raman frequencies of 7.78Acid-base indicators 8.115Acid-base titrations:indicators for 8.116primary standards for 11.74volumetric (titrimetric) factors for 11.76Acid chlorides, infrared frequencies of 7.50Acid dissociation constants:Harnmett and Taft equations forestimation of 9.2 of indicators 8.116of inorganic materials 8.18of organic materials 8.24at various temperatures 8.73Acid halides:infrared frequencies of 7.50Raman frequencies of 7.78Acid halogenides 3.8Acid peroxides, infrared frequencies of 7.50Acid titrants, volumetric factors for 11.76Acid value:of fats and oils 10.69of waxes 10.72 Acids:concentrations of commonly used 11.106functional derivatives of inorganic,nomenclature of 3.8 inorganic, nomenclature of 3.8organic, nomenclature of 1.29 1.38 standardization of basic solutions 11.75trivial names for inorganic (table) 3.8 Acrylic poly(vinyl chloride) alloy,properties of 10.24 Acrylic polymers:description of 10.8properties of 10.8 10.24 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)copolymers 10.19 AcryIonitrile- butadiene-styrene-poly( vinyl chloride ) alloy, properties of 10.24 Activity coefficients 8.2 at high ionic strengths 8.5 Acyclic conformation isomers 1.39Acyl halides, nomenclature of 1.24 Acylals, nomenclature of 1.23 Addition compounds, nomenclature of 3.112 Additives to polymers 10.4 Adjusted retention time 11.27 Adsorption indicators 11.95 Affinities, electron:of atoms 4.24of molecules 4.25of radicals 4.27 Affixes, multiplying 1.21Aggregation, states of, abbreviations for 2.7Air:autoignition temperatures of combustiblemixtures 5.139 buoyancy reduction factor for weighings 2.83flammable limits of combustible mixtures in 5.139moist, density of 5.88refractive index of 5.135saturated, mass of water vapor in at varioustemperatures 5.156 solubility in water at various temperatures 5.3specific gravity at various temperatures 5.88 Alcoholometer 2.66 Alcohols:binary azeotropes with 5.57 5.66 nomenclature of 1.24retained trivial names of 1.24ternary azeotropes with 5.81 Aldehydes:binary azeotropes with 5.59infrared frequencies of 7.51nomenclature of 1.26Raman frequencies of 7.78 Alicyclic ring systems, carbon-13chemical shifts 7.101 Aliphatic hydrocarbons, monocyclic,nomenclature of 1.5 Alizarin red, formation constants with 8.89Alkali titrants, volumetric factors for 11.77 Alkane carbon-hydrogen andcarbon-carbon bondsRaman frequencies of 7.71 Alkane carbons, estimation of carbon-13chemical shifts 7.102 Alkane residues, infrared frequencies of 7.41 Alkanes:carbon-13 chemical shifts 7.102nomenclature of 1.1proton chemical shifts 7.92Raman frequencies of 7.71 Alkenes:carbon-13 chemical shifts 7.103infrared frequencies of 7.54nomenclature of 1.4proton chemical shifts 7.92Raman frequencies of 7.79Alkyd molding polymers, properties of 10.24 10.42 Alkyd polyester thermosetting polymers,properties of 10.42Alkyd polymers 10.9Alkyl carbon-13 chemical shifts, effect ofsubstituents upon 7.102Alkyl groups, effects of substituent groupson carbon-13 chemical shifts 7.102Alkynes, nomenclature of 1.4 Allotropes 3.5Alloy polymers:description of 10.10properties of 10.24Allyl alcohol:binary azeotropes with 5.71ternary azeotropes with 5.78Allyl polymers:description of 10.10properties of 10.26Allyl-diglycol-carbonate polymer,properties of 10.26 Alphabet, Greek 2.25 Alternate names of organic compounds 1.74 1.76 Alternative hypothesis 2.126 Altitude-gravity correction in barometry 2.77 Altitude-temperature factor in barometry 2.78 Alumina, solvent strength parameters 11.16 Aluminum:bond dissociation energies 4.41gravimetric factors 11.41 Amides:infrared frequencies of 7.52inorganic 3.9nomenclature of 1.27 Amidines, infrared frequencies of 7.54 Amines:binary azeotropes with 5.59infrared frequencies of 7.41nomenclature of 1.27 Amino acids, pI and pKa values 11.102 Ammonia:formation constants with 8.83liquid, vapor pressure of 5.27solubility in water at various temperatures 5.3 Ammoniameter 2.66 Ammonium compounds:gravimetric factors 11.41nomenclature of 1.28 Ammonium ion, infrared frequencies of 7.46 Amorphous polymers 10.2 Amount of substance 2.3 Ampere, definition of 2.3 Analytical reagents for gravimetry 11.67 Analytical weights, tolerances for 11.71 Analyzing crystals, for X-ray spectroscopy 7.13 Angle, trigonometric functions of 2.113 2.115 Angles in unit cells 4.58 Anhydrides, of inorganic acids 3.9 Aniline, binary azeotropes with 5.75 Animal fats and oils, properties of 10.69Anion-exchange resins, guide to (table) 11.33Anions, inorganic:nomenclature of 3.6 3.10 selectivity coefficients in ion exchange 11.38 Anomalous electron moment correction 2.4 Antifreeze solutions, aqueous 5.83 Antimony:bond dissociation energies 4.41gravimetric factors 11.42 Antioxidants for polymers 10.4 Antistatic agents for polymers 10.4 Antoine equation 5.29 Aqueous tension of solutions 11.6 Aramid polymer, properties of 10.38 Areas:between abscissa values of normaldistribution curve 2.122 by approximation 2.111of surfaces 2.109 Argon, solubility in water at varioustemperatures 5.8Argon ICP, detection limits of elements(table) 7.29 Argon-ion laser plasma lines 7.88 Arithmetic means of set of numbers 2.118 Arithmetic mean 2.118 Aromatic bands, infrared frequencies of 7.57 Aromatic compounds:carbon-13 chemical shifts 7.1047.105 monocyclic, nomenclature of 1.5proton chemical shifts 7.96Raman frequencies of 7.82 Aromatic nylon polymer, properties of 10.38 Aromatic polyester polymers, properties of 10.42 Arsenazo, formation constants with 8.89 Arsenic:bond dissociation energies 4.41gravimetric factors 11.43 Astatine bond dissociation energy 4.41 Atmospheres, conversion to otherpressure units 2.87Atom radius of an element 4.29 Atomic absorption:electrothermal, detection limits ofelements to 7.29 flame, detection limits of elements 7.29 Atomic and group refractions (table) 5.136 Atomic fluorescence, plasma, detectionlimits of elements 7.29 Atomic mass constant 2.4 Atomic number of elements 4.2 Atomic quantities, symbols, SI units anddefinitions 2.6 Atomic refractions 5.135 Atoms, electron affinities of 4.24Aurintricarboxylic acid, formationconstants with 8.89 Autoignition temperature of combustiblemixtures in air 5.139 Average linear velocity of mobile phase 11.27 Avogadro number constant 2.4 5.169 Axes in unit cells 4.58 Azeotropic mixtures:binary 5.58ternary 5.77Azo compounds:infrared frequencies of 7.55nomenclature of 1.28Raman frequencies of 7.81Azoxy compounds:infrared frequencies of 7.55nomenclature of 1.28 Balling hydrometer 2.68Band asymmetry 11.28 Barium:bond dissociation energies 4.41gravimetric factors 11.43 Barkometer (barktrometer) 2.66 Barometric corrections:for capillarity 2.71 2.75 for latitude-gravity 2.75reduction to sea level 2.78for temperature 2.72 Barometry 2.7Base width of chromatographic peak 11.29 Bases:concentration of commonly used 11.106primary standards for aqueous acidicsolutions 11.74Bates brewers' saccharometer 2.68Bates-Guggenheirn convention for pH 8.115 Baume degrees, conversion to density 2.85 Baume hydrometers 2.67Beck's hydrometer 2.67Beer's law 7.39 Beilstein's Handbuch references fororganic compounds 1.74 1.76 Benzene:absorption bands (ultraviolet) of 7.23binary azeotropes with 5.76carbon-13 chemical shifts in substituted 7.104proton chemical shifts inmonosubstituted 7.96 Raman frequencies of substitutionpatterns 7.82 vapor permeability of polymers 10.69 Benzene ring, substitution patterns,Raman frequencies 7.83Benzoylacetone, formation constants with 8.89 Benzyl alcohol, binary azeotropic mixtures 5.71 Berthelot's equation of state 5.170 Beryllium:bond dissociation energies 4.41gravimetric factors 11.44Best-fit line 2.133 errors in slope and intercept 2.135 Binary azeotropes 5.58 containing alcohols 5.66containing ketones 5.74containing organic acids 5.62containing water 5.58 Binary compounds between nonmetals 3.2 Biological buffers, pH range 8.110 Biological materials, pH measurement of 8.106Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ether, binaryazeotropes with 5.76 Bismuth:bond dissociation energies 4.42gravimetric factors 11.44 Bisphenol epoxy resin, properties of 10.28 Bivalent sulfur, nomenclature of 1.37 Blackbody radiation 7.38 7.39 Blaze wavelength 7.40Block copolymers 10.3 of styrene, properties of 10.54 Blood, pH measurement of 8.106Body-centered cubic structure 4.57Bohr magneton 2.4Bohr radius 2.4 Boiling point:of chromatographic solvents 11.16of inorganic compounds 3.14molecular elevation of 11.13of organic compounds 1.76organic solvents arranged by 11.10of water at various pressures 5.56 Boiling point temperature, calculation of 5.30 Boltzmann constant 2.4Bond dipole moments 4.53Bond dissociation energies 4.41Bond lengths and strengths 4.29 (See also entries for specific elements)Bonds, spatial orientation of 4.56 Borate, reference pH buffer solution atvarious temperatures 8.105 Boron:bond dissociation energies 4.42bond lengths with other elements 4.39gravimetric factors 11.44Boron compounds:infrared frequencies of 7.61nomenclature of 1.29Boron-11 chemical shifts 7.111Boyle's law 5.169 Branched polymers 10.3BR rubber 10.59 Bragg equation 7.40 Bridged hydrocarbons, nomenclature of 1.10 Briggsian system of logarithms 2.102Brix hydrometer 2.67 2.68 Bromide, formation constants with 8.84 Bromine:bond dissociation energies 4.42gravimetric factors 11.44overpotential of 8.140solubility in water at various temperatures 5.3Buffer solutions:for control purposes 8.110standard reference 8.104Buna N rubber 10.59Buna S rubber 10.61 Buoyancy effect when weighing in air 2.83 Burets, tolerances for 11.103 Burning rate of polymers 10.22 Butadiene-maleic acid copolymer,properties of 10.421-Butanol:binary azeotropes with 5.69ternary azeotropes with 5.782-Butanol, ternary azeotropes with 5.782-Butanone, binary azeotropes with 5.742-Butoxyethanol, binary azeotropes with 5.72Butyl rubber 10.60 Butyric acid, binary azeotropes with 5.64 Cadmium:bond dissociation energies 4.42gravimetric factors 11.44 Calcium:bond dissociation energies 4.42gravimetric factors 11.45 Calcium chloride solutions, percenthumidity of 11.7 Calcium hydroxide reference pH buffersolution at various temperatures 8.105 Calibration of conductivity vessels 8.160 Calmagite, formation constants with 8.90 Calomel reference electrodes, EMF asfunction of temperature 8.113 Candela, definition of 2.3 Capacity factor (see Partition ratio)Capillarity correction for barometer 2.75 Carbon:attached to double bond, estimation ofchemical shifts of 7.103 bond dissociation energies 4.42gravimetric factors 11.46Carbon-carbon:bond lengths 4.36single bonds, Raman frequencies of 7.75spin coupling constants 7.108 Carbon dioxide:gas permeability of polymers and rubbers 10.66solubility in water at various temperatures 5.4 Carbon-fluorine spin coupling constants 7.109 Carbon-halogen bond lengths 4.36 Carbon-hydrogen:bond lengths 4.37infrared absorption frequencies 7.41Raman frequencies 7.71spin coupling constants 7.107 Carbon-metals bond lengths 4.38 Carbon monoxide solubility in water atvarious temperatures 5.4 Carbon-nitrogen, bond lengths 4.37 Carbon-nitrogen bonds, Raman frequencies of 7.74 Carbon-nitrogen double bonds, Ramanfrequencies of 7.777.80 Carbon-nitrogen spin coupling constants 7.116 Carbon-oxygen bond lengths 4.37 Carbon-selenium bond lengths 4.38 Carbon-silicon bond lengths 4.38 Carbon-sulfur bond lengths 4.38 Carbon tetrachloride vapor permeabilityfor polymers 10.69 Carbon-13:alkanes, estimation of chemical shifts of 7.102attached to double bond, estimation ofchemical shifts 7.103 chemical shifts 7.99of carbonyl groups 7.106in substituted benzenes 7.104in substituted pyridines 7.105 Carbon-13 spin coupling constants 7.107 Carbonate reference pH buffer solutionat various temperatures 8.105 Carbonyl groups:carbon-13 chemical shifts 7.106infrared frequencies of 7.5Raman frequencies of 7.78 Carboxylate ions, Raman frequencies of 7.79 Carboxylic acids:infrared frequencies of 7.52nomenclature of 1.29Raman frequencies of 7.79 Carter's hydrometer 2.67 Cationsexchange resins for (guide) 11.34inorganic, nomenclature of 3.6relative selectivity in ion exchange 11.37Cellulose acetate polymers:description of 10.10 properties of 10.26 Cellulose-acetate-butyrate polymer:description of 10.11 properties of 10.26 Cellulose-acetate-propionate polymer:description of 10.11 properties of 10.28 Cellulose nitrate polymer:description of 10.11 properties of 10.28 Cellulose triacetate 10.10 Cellulosic polymers:description of 10.10 properties of 10.26 Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion factors 2.54 Centered period, use of 3.2 Centistokes, conversion factors 2.82 Cerium:bond dissociation energies 4.43 equations and equivalents for 11.66 gravimetric factors 11.47 Cesium:bond dissociation energies 4.44 gravimetric factors 11.47 Chain compounds, formulas for 3.2 Chain-transfer agents for polymers 10.4 Characteristic of a common logarithm 2.102 Characteristic low-mass neutral fragmentsfrom the molecular ion 7.127 Charge numbers in inorganic formulas 3.4 Charge-to-mass ratio for electron 2.4 Charles' law 5.169 Chemical Abstracts indexing system 1.49 Chemical blowing agents for polymers 10.6 Chemical nomenclature:inorganic 3.1 organic 1.2 Chemical reactions, symbols, SI unitsand definitions 2.7 Chemical resistance:or polymers 10.64 of rubbers 10.65 Chemical shifts:of boron-11 7.111 of carbon-13 7.99 attached to a double bond 7.103 in carbony l groups 7.106 in substituted benzenes 7.104 in substituted pyridines 7.105 of fluorine-19 7.117 of nitrogen-15 7.112 of phosphorus-31 7.119Chemical shifts: (Cont.)of protons in methine and methylenegroups, estimation of 7.94 of protons, in monosubstituted benzene 7.96of residual protons in incompletelydeuterated solvents 7.98 of silicon-29 7.118 Chemical structures:of crystals 4.58of ion-exchange resins 11.32of polymers 10.8 10.58 of rubbers 10.58 Chemical symbols and definitions 2.6 Chemicals:common reactive and incompatible 11.130flammable 11.136recommended for refrigerated storage 11.136which polymerize or decompose onextended refrigeration 11.136Chi square distribution 2.128 percentiles of 2.129Chiral compounds, sequence rules for 1.44 Chirality and optical activity 1.45 Chloride, formation constants with 8.83 Chlorinated polyester polymer, properties of 10.28 Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride), properties of 10.56 Chlorine:bond dissociation energies 4.44gravimetric factors 11.47overpotential of 8.140solubility in water at various temperatures 5.4 Chlorosulfonated polyethylene 10.58 Chromatographic behavior of solutes 11.27 Chromatographic solvents 11.16 Chromatography, symbols anddefinitions for 2.8 Chromium:bond dissociation energies 4.44gravimetric factors 11.47 Chromophores, electronic absorptionbands for 7.19 Circle, properties of 2.110 Citrate reference pH buffer solution atvarious temperatures 8.105Citric acid, formation constants with 8.90 Clapeyron equation 6.3 Clausius-Clapeyron equation 6.3 Cleaning solutions for fritted glassware 11.69 Cobalt:bond dissociation energies 4.33gravimetric factors 11.48 Coefficient of linear expansion, of polymers 10.22 Coefficient of variation, in statistics 2.114 Coefficient of viscosity 5.137Collective inorganic names 3.4 Colloid chemistry, symbols, SI units, anddefinitions for 2.10 Colloids, protective 11.95 Column efficiency 11.27 Column selectivity factor (see Relativeretention)Combustible mixtures in air 5.139 Commercial plastics, properties of 10.22 Common logarithms 2.102 Complexometric titrations 11.89 indicators for 11.96 Compressibility factor, in gaschromatography 11.26 critical 6.134 Compressibility of water 5.156 Compressive modulus of polymers 10.22 Compressive strength, rupture, of polymers 10.22 Compton wavelength of electron, neutron,and proton 2.4 Conductance 8.157 of electrolyte solution, defined 8.169relations in 8.168 Conductivities, equivalent, of electrolytesin aqueous solutions 8.163 Conductivity:defined 8.168equivalent 8.169electrical, of various pure liquids 8.161of standard potassium chloride solutions 8.160of water at various temperatures 8.168 Conductivity, thermal:of elements 4.2of gases at various temperatures 5.148of liquids at various temperatures 5.151of solids 5.154 Cone, volume and area of 2.112 Confidence level and limits 2.124 Configuration, electronic, of elements 4.2 Conformational isomers 1.39 Conjunctive nomenclature 1.21 Constants, fundamental 2.117 Control charts 2.137 Conversion factors 2.35 temperature 2.54 Cooling mixtures 11.3 Coordination bonds, dipole moments 4.54 Coordination compounds, inorganicnomenclature of 3.10 Copolymerization 10.3 Copper:bond dissociation energies 4.44gravimetric factors 11.49 Copper vs. copper-nickel alloy thermocouple 11.140 11.149Correction for solvents in ultraviolet-visibleregion 7.23 Coupling agents for polymers 10.4 Covalent radii of elements 4.35 Critical compressibility factor, defined 6.143 Critical density 6.143 Critical phenomena 6.142 Critical pressure 6.142 of elements and compounds 6.142 Critical temperature, of elements andcompounds 6.141 Critical volume, of elements and compounds 6.142 Critical X-ray absorption energies 7.8 Cross-linked polymer, defined 10.3Cross section, thermal neutron absorption,of nuclides 4.59 Crucibles used for fusions 11.70 Cryoscopic constants 11.4 Crystal lattice types 4.57 Crystalline polymers 10.2 Crystal structures, in inorganicnomenclature 3.10 Crystals, analyzing, for X-ray spectroscopy 7.15 Cube, area and volume of 2.112Cubic crystal lattices 4.57 Cubical coefficients of thermal expansion 11.105 Cumulated double bonds:infrared frequencies of 7.49Raman frequencies of 7.77 Curium, bond dissociation energy 4.44 Curve fitting 2.133 Cyanato type compounds, nomenclature of 1.36 Cyanide, formation constants with 8.84 Cyclic compounds, conformations of 1.41Cyclic hydrocarbons with side chains,nomenclature of 1.11Cyclic ring systems:carbon-13 chemical shifts in 7.100nitrogen-15 chemical shifts in 7.113proton chemical shifts in 7.93 Cyclohexanol, binary azeotropes with 5.70 Cylinder, volume and area of 2.112 Dalton's law of partial pressures 5.170 Dative bonds, dipole moments 4.54 Debye-Hückel equation 8.28.5 Decay of radionuclides 4.59 Definitions of physical and chemicalquantities 2.6 Deflection temperature of polymers underflexural load 10.22 Degree Celsius (see Celsius to Fahrenheitconversion factors)Degree Fahrenheit (see Fahrenheit toCelsius conversion factors)Degree kelvin 2.3 Degree of ionic character of bonds 4.29 Degrees of freedom, in statistics 2.123 Deionizer, in flame photometry 7.41 Demasking 11.93 Demasking agents (table) 11.100 Density:of aqueous glycerol solutions 5.138conversion to degrees Baumé andTwaddell 2.85 critical 6.143determined, with pyknometer 5.89with plummet or sinker 5.89of elements 3.12hydrometers and relation between scales 2.66of inorganic compounds 3.12of mercury 5.87of moist air 5.88of organic compounds 1.76of solvents 11.18and specific gravity 2.66 5.87 of sucrose solutions 5.138of water 5.85 Derivatives and differentiation 2.104 Desiccants 11.5 Detection limits, atomic absorption andatomic emission 7.29 Determinative errors 2.118 Deuterated solvents, chemical shifts:of carbon-13 7.110of residual protons 7.98 Deuterium oxide, vapor pressure of 5.30Dew point readings and relative humidity 11.9Diallyl phthalate molding polymers,properties of 10.26Diallyl phthalate polymers 10.10 Diamagnetic shielding factor, sphericalwater molecule 2.41,2-Diarninocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetra-acetic acid formation constants with 8.90 Diastereomers 1.39 Diatomic molecules:binding energies of 4.41bond lengths 4.29 Dibenzoylmethane, formation constants with 8.91 Dichromate, volumetric factors for 11.79 Dielectric constant:discussion of 5.137of inorganic compounds 5.130of organic compounds 5.105of water at various temperatures 5.134of polymers 10.22Dielectric strength of polymers 10.22 Dienes, absorption maxima of 7.19 Dienones, absorption wavelength of 7.22 Differentiation, rules for 2.104 4,5-Dihydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonic acid,formation constants with 8.91 Dimensionless quantities, symbols anddefinitions 2.22 2,3-Dimercaptopropan-1-o f, formationconstants with 8.92 Dimethylglyoxime, formation constants with 8.92 Dimethylsulfoxide, pKa values in 8.81 Dipole moments 4.53 discussion of 5.136 of inorganic compounds 5.130 of organic compounds 5.105 2,2-Dipyridyl, formation constants with 8.92 Dispersion of data, measures of 2.121 Dissipation (power) factor of polymers 10.22 Dissociation energy of diatomic molecules 4.41 Distribution coefficient in ion exchange 11.39 Distribution curve, normal 2.119 Distribution of measurements 2.118 Distribution ratio, symbols and definitions for 2.8 Double bonds:cumulated:infrared frequencies of 7.49Raman frequencies of 7.77 estimation of chemical shift of protonsattached 7.95 infrared red frequencies of 7.49 protons attached, estimation of chemicalshift 7.95 Raman frequencies of 7.79 Double-bond radii, of elements 4.35 Drying agents 11.5 Drying and humidification 11.5 Duane-Hunt equation 7.39 Durometer hardness of rubbers 10.63 Dynamic viscosity 5.137 Dysprosium, bond dissociation energies 4.44 Ebullioscopic constants 11.13 ED PM rubber 10.60 EDTA complex, formation constants of 11.97 EDTA, values of α4 at various pH values 11.97 Effective ionic radii in aqueous solutions 8.4 Effective plate number 11.28 Einstein equation 7.38 Elastomeric fibers 10.18 Elastomers, defined 10.2 Electric quadrupole moment of elements 7.89 Electrical conductivity of pure liquids 8.161 Electrical properties of polymers 10.22Electrical resistivity of elements 4.2 Electric current 2.3 Electricity, symbols, SI units, and definitions 2.11 Electrochemistry, symbols, SI units,and definitions 2.12 Electrode potentials 8.124 Electrodes, reference, potential of 8.113 Electrolytes, equivalent conductivities inaqueous solutions 8.163 Electromagnetic radiation 7.38 symbols, SI units, and definitions for 2.13 Electrometric measurement of pH 8.115 Electron affinities, of elements, molecules,and radicals 4.24 Electron magnetic moment 2.4 Electron radius, classical 2.4 Electron rest mass 2.4 Electronegative constituents, in inorganicformulas 3.3 Electronegativity 4.28 of elements (table) 4.29 Electronic absorption bands for chromophores 7.19 Electronic configuration of elements 4.2 Electrothermal atomic absorption, detectionlimits of elements 7.29 Elementary charge 2.4 Elements:abundance of naturally occurring isotopes 4.81atom radius of 4.29atomic number of 4.2density of 3.12effective ionic radii 4.30electrical resistivity of 4.2electron affinities of 4.24electronegativities of 4.29electronic configuration and properties 4.1ionization energy 4.6isotopes of naturally occurring 4.81linear thermal expansion of 4.2magnetic moment of 7.89names and symbols for 3.3nuclear properties of 4.427.89 potentials of 8.124quadrupole moment of 7.89sensitive emission limes of 7.34standard stock solutions 11.107symbols of 4.2thermal conductivity of 4.2work functions of 4.80X-ray filters for 7.14 Ellipse, area of 2.111 Ellipsoid, area and volume of 2.113 Elongation, at break of polymers 10.22 ultimate, of rubbers 10.60Emergent stem correction of thermometers 11.150 Emission energies, X-ray 7.10 Emission limits of elements 7.29 Emission spectra, X-ray 7.3 Emission wavelengths, of fluorescentcompounds 7.25 Empirical formula index of organiccompounds 1.58 Enantiomers 1.46 Enclosing marks, use in inorganic formulas 3.2 Energy equivalents 2.4 Energy of ionization of molecular andradical species 4.8 Engler degrees 2.82 Enones, absorption wavelength of 7.22 Enthalpies:of inorganic compounds 6.81of organic compounds 6.5 Enthalpy:of formation 6.2of ions 4.8of melting:of inorganic compounds 6.124of organic compounds 6.51of sublimation 6.3of inorganic compounds 6.124of organic compounds 6.51of a system 6.4of vaporization 6.3of inorganic compounds 6.124of organic compounds 6.51 Enthalpy change of bonds (see Bonddissociation energies)Entropies:of inorganic compounds 6.81of melting 6.4 6.51 of organic compounds 6.5of sublimation 6.4of vaporization 6.4 Entropy of a system 6.5 Epichlorohydrin rubber 10.59 Epoxy casting resins, properties of 10.30 Epoxy polymers 10.11 Epoxy resins, properties of 10.28 Epoxy silicone polymers, properties of 10.48 Equations of state for real gases 5.170 Equivalent conductances:of hydrogen ion at various temperatures 8.168of hydroxyl ion at various temperatures 8.168 Equivalent conductivity:defined 8.169of electrolytes in aqueous solutions 8.163 Equivalent ionic conductances, limiting8.157Equivalent weights for redox determinations 11.84 (See also Titrimetric factors)Erbium, bond dissociation energies 4.45 gravimetric factors 11.49 Eriochrome Black T, formation constants with 8.92 Error curve 2.119 Error probability, in statistics 2.123 Errors in quantitative analysis 2.118 Esters:binary azeotropes with 5.59 infrared frequencies of 7.50 of inorganic acids 3.9 nomenclature of 1.36 Raman frequencies of 7.78 Ethane, solubility in water at varioustemperatures 5.4 1,2-Ethanediol, binary azeotropes with 5.72 1,2-Ethanediol monoacetate, binaryazeotropes with 5.73 Ethanol:binary azeotrop es with 5.66 pKa values in 8.81 ternary azeotropes with 5.77 vapor permeability for polymers 10.69 Ethanolamine, formation constants with 8.93 Ethanol-water mixtures, freezing point of 5.83 Ethers:binary azeotropes with 5.61 infrared frequencies of 7.58 Raman frequencies of 7.85 2-Ethoxyethanol, binary azeotropes with 5.72 Ethyl acetate, vapor permeability forpolymers 10.69 Ethyl cellulose polymer:description of 10.11 properties of 10.28 Ethylene, solubility in water at varioustemperatures 5.4 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer:description of 10.13 properties of 10.32 Ethylene glycol-water mixtures, freezingpoint of 5.84 Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber 10.60 Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer 10.13 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer,properties of 10.44 Ethylenediamine, formation constants with 8.93 Ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid,formation constants with 8.93 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, values ofα4 at various pH 11.91 Europium, bond dissociation energies 4.45。