On the Aggregation of Quadratic Micro Equations
J.Lake Sci.(湖泊科学),2013,25(2):213-220http://www.jlakes.org.E-mail:jlakes@niglas.ac.cn2013by Journal of Lake Sciences巢湖市水源地铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)藻团粒径时空分布规律*范帆1,李文朝2,柯凡2(1:苏州科技学院,苏州215009)(2:中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京210008)摘要:于2011年4-8月按月对巢湖市水源保护湖区不同水深及不同区位的铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径进行抽样调查,利用统计分析方法,归纳了巢湖水源保护湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径的时空分布规律.湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团出现在4月中旬至5月中旬之间,S1与S2点位表层的藻团粒径与中、底层的均存在显著差异.粒径小于200μm的藻团在各水深的分布都比较均匀,没有明显的趋向性;粒径在200 800μm范围内的藻团更易集中在湖水表层;粒径超过800μm的藻团更易集中在湖水底层.各月份外湖区S2点位藻团粒径水平均高于内湖湾S1点位.由于易受短时气象条件的影响,藻团粒径按月时间尺度变化的规律性不强.藻团形状在整个空间分布上没有显著差异性,但随着季节变化,逐渐由狭长形向规则形变化.藻团粒径的分布范围表明,大型仿生式蓝藻清除设备的过滤筛网对水源湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团的理论过滤效率为99.81%.关键词:铜绿微囊藻;藻团粒径;形状因子;分布;巢湖Spatio-temporal distribution of Microcystis aeruginosa colony diameters in the water source region of Chaohu CityFAN Fan1,LI Wenchao2&KE Fan2(1:Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou215009,P.R.China)(2:State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing210008,P.R.China)Abstract:An investigation of Microcystis aeruginosa colony diameters in different water depths and locations was carried out month-ly in the protection zone of water source region of Chaohu City from April to August,2011.The spatio-temporal distribution charac-teristics of the colony diameter were summarized using statistical analysis.The M.aeruginosa colony appeared between mid-April and mid-May,there was significant difference between the surface layer and lower-middle layers on colony diameters at both sam-pling sites of S1and S2.Colonies with diameters less than200μm distributed vertically homogeneously in the water column,colo-nies with diameters between200μm and800μm tended to gather in the water surface,and colonies with diameters greater than 800μm were apt to aggregate in the bottom layer.The level of colony diameter of outer sampling site(S2)was higher than that of inner sampling site(S1)in each month.Because the colony diameters were easily affected by the short-term meteorological condi-tion,the variance of colony diameters didn't show conspicuously regular monthly.There was no significant difference in the spatial distribution of colony shape,while it shifted gradually from elongated to regular with seasons changing.The distribution range of colony diameters indicated that,in theory,99.81%of the total M.aeruginosa colonies can be filtered by the large bionic equip-ment for clearing cyanobacteria.Keywords:Microcystis aeruginosa;colony diameter;shape factor;distribution;Lake Chaohu巢湖位于安徽省中部,是我国第五大淡水湖,湖泊面积约780km2,平均水深4.5m.巢湖不仅是安徽省重要的渔业基地和航运通道,也是巢湖市及周边地区重要的饮用水水源地.自1970s以来,巢湖富营养化程*国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项项目(2008ZX07103-005-03)资助.2012-05-24收稿;2012-10-19收修改稿.范帆,男,1986年生,硕士研究生;E-mail:fanfanszcn@163.com.214J.Lake Sci.(湖泊科学),2013,25(2)度日益加剧,夏、秋季蓝藻水华肆虐,严重影响了当地工业生产用水以及城市居民供水[1].大部分可以形成水华的蓝藻种群易在水体中聚集成藻团,以藻团形式存在的蓝藻占据了整个种群的大部分比例.清除蓝藻藻团可以有效减少水华蓝藻的总生物量,从而降低蓝藻水华的危害程度甚至预防水华的暴发.根据蓝藻上述特性成功研制的大型仿生式水面蓝藻清除设备,能汲取5cm 富含蓝藻水层,通过高密度超低孔径筛网对湖水中蓝藻进行藻水分离,对肉眼可见蓝藻分离率达100%,处理流量可达1000m 3/h.铜绿微囊藻是巢湖水华蓝藻主要优势种群之一,由于其在水体中分布范围广、持续周期长[2]以及产藻毒素的特性[3],危害性远高于其他藻类.因此,本文着重考察巢湖水源地铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径季节性发育及分布状况,为设备对铜绿微囊藻藻团的过滤效率研究提供科学的理论依据.1材料与方法1.1湖区简介巢湖市水源保护湖区位于巢湖东北角(30ʎ34'31ᵡ 31ʎ36'45ᵡN ,117ʎ47'8ᵡ 117ʎ50'54ᵡE ),西至龟山,东至裕溪河口.整个湖区是一个西宽东窄的湖湾,面积大约10km 2,平均水深2.7m ,西部湖界横断面长约2.5km.湖区西部水面开阔,与外湖湖水交换频繁,湖东呈“Y ”型岔口,岔口北段为封闭水湾,内有一个小型码头,供渔政船停靠,水深较大,最深处达5m 左右,南段为裕溪河口.建于河口上的巢湖闸是调节巢湖水量的关键性水利工程,闸门未开时,水源湖区呈半封闭状态.水源地南岸多丘陵,北岸地势较为平坦.巢湖水源保护湖区是整个巢湖目前唯一的水源地,湖区内设有巢湖市第一和第二自来水厂的取水口.该水源地不仅为巢湖市居民提供饮用水水源,同时也为周边企业生产用水以及居民生活用水提供水源,因此水源地水质的优劣对巢湖市的经济与民生有着重大影响.1.2采样点设置图1巢湖市水源保护湖区地理区位及采样点位置Fig.1Location of water protection zone of ChaohuCity and sampling sites在水源湖区设置2个采样点(图1),采样点S1(31ʎ35'31ᵡN ,117ʎ51'7ᵡE )位于内湖湾内,平均水深约为4.5m.采样点S2(31ʎ35'59ᵡN ,117ʎ45'36ᵡE )位于湖区西部大湖面上,平均水深约为3.4m.由于南岸丘陵、湖岸大坝以及河口大桥等建筑物的阻隔,内湖湾受风浪的扰动较小,特别是南岸丘陵对西至西南风风力有明显的削弱作用,相比开阔湖面,前者受到的水力扰动明显低于后者.1.3水样采集与处理2011年4-8月,每月中旬分别在S1、S2点位采集表层(S1:水下0.5m ,S2:水下0.5m )、中层(S1:水下2.0m ,S2:水下1.5m )和底层(S1:水下4.0m ,S2:水下3.0m )水样.用有机玻璃采水器(容量2.5L )在每个深度取样多次,倒入大桶(容量10L )中混合搅匀,再用采样瓶采集1L 水样,目的是尽量减小因采样不均导致的系统误差.在水样采集后现场加入15ml 鲁哥试剂固定,用作后续的藻团计数以及粒径测量.用Kestrel 4500型便携式气象仪测量采样时的瞬时风速,用采水器自带的温度计测量水温.1.4样品分析与数据采集经鲁哥试剂固定后的1L 水样在实验室静置24h 后浓缩至30ml ,转入定量瓶待测.用于藻团计数与粒径测量的仪器为Nikon Ts100型光学倒置显微镜,显微镜摄像头为DS-Fi1型.首先进行铜绿微囊藻的鉴别和藻团计数,藻种的鉴别参照文献[4-5],藻团的计数参照文献[6].通过该显微镜自带测量软件(NIS-Elements D ,图2)在一定放大倍数(40 200倍)下对各样品中铜绿微范帆等:巢湖市水源地铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)藻团粒径时空分布规律215囊藻藻团粒径进行测量.测量工作开始之前,先用测微台尺定标各个放大倍数下象素对应的实际长度.每次测量样品时,将定量瓶充分摇匀,从中央部分吸取0.1ml样品于0.1ml计数框内,随机测量出现在视野中的藻团100个.在手动测量每个藻团的二维投影面积(S)和拟合椭圆的长短轴(A轴、B轴)后,软件会自动生成等圆直径(d)和长短轴比(A轴/B轴),在后文中前者简称为粒径,后者的倒数简称为形状因子.形状因子(shape factor)是图像分析以及显微镜检中用来数值化描述颗粒形状的无量纲量,常用来表示微粒形状与理想形状(如圆形、球形、等多边体形)之间的差异,与颗粒大小无关[7].椭圆轴比(axial ratio of an ellipse)是常用的形状因子之一,被大多数图像分析系统所采用,其值为拟合椭圆的短长轴比,比值范围为0 1,比值越接近0颗粒越狭长,越接近1颗粒越规则、越接近理想形状.计算该量时,对轴的定义有两种:一为颗粒二维投影轮廓的最长轴与最短轴,两轴不一定垂直;二为与颗粒二维投影面积相差最小的理想椭圆的长短轴,两轴相互垂直[8],本实验中对藻团形状因子的测量采用的是后者.采样期间各月份的每日气象数据资料由巢湖气象监测台站(58326)提供.由于5月份内湖湾进行航道疏浚,考虑到扰动底泥及水层对实验结果的影响,未采集S1的水样.同时因为在4月份水样中没有观测到铜绿微囊藻藻团,因此实际只测量了5月份S2点位,6、7、8月份S1和S2点位的藻团参数.图2显微镜测量软件工作界面Fig.2Working interface of the measurement software1.5实验数据分析用SPSS17.0统计分析软件分别对各月份S1、S2点位3个水深的藻团粒径和形状因子进行单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA,α=0.05),比较水源湖区不同水深藻团粒径和形状因子的分布差异.分别对各月份S1、S2点位的藻团粒径总样本及形状因子总样本(将3个不同水深的样本混合)进行独立样本t检验,比较水源湖区各月份下内湖湾与外湖区藻团粒径和形状因子的分布差异.2结果与分析2.1铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径的统计描述铜绿微囊藻藻团之间的大小差异很大,小到只有若干个单藻构成,大到肉眼可见.粒径变化范围为20.54 1620.28μm,大部分粒径分布在30 300μm范围内,占样本总数的96.25%,粒径小于30μm的藻团占样本总数的0.19%,粒径大于400μm的藻团占样本总数的3.56%.由图3、4可以看出,S1、S2各月份下不同水深的藻团粒径样本分布均呈正偏态.对各水深粒径样本分布正态性进行单样本K-S检验的结果显示P值均小于0.05,即粒径样本不服从正态分布.2.2不同水深藻团粒径分布的统计分析对7组不同水深粒径样本进行单因素方差分析的结果显示,6月份S1(d f=2297,P<0.05)、8月份S1(d f=2297,P<0.01)、5月份S2(d f=2305,P<0.01)和6月份S2(d f=2297,P<0.01)不同水深的藻团粒径216J.Lake Sci.(湖泊科学),2013,25(2)图36-8月S1点位不同水深的铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径分布Fig.3Distribution of M.aeruginosa colony diameter in different depths at S1site from June to August图45-8月S2点位不同水深的铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径分布Fig.4Distribution of M.aeruginosa colony diameter in different depths at S2site from May to August范帆等:巢湖市水源地铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa )藻团粒径时空分布规律217图53组不同粒径范围的铜绿微囊藻藻团在不同水深的比例分布Fig.5Ratio distribution of M.aeruginosa coloniesin three ranges in different water depths分布差异显著.对7组不同水深的藻团粒径样本进行多重比较(最小显著差数,LSD )的结果显示,在上述出现显著分布差异的月份及采样点,表层与中层、表层与底层的粒径分布差异显著高于中层与底层,因此水源湖区藻团粒径在水柱中的分布差异主要来自表层与中、底层的差异.不同粒径水平的铜绿微囊藻藻团在不同水深的分布存在差异,3组不同粒径水平的藻团在不同水深的比例分布(图5)表明,粒径小于200μm 的藻团在各水深的分布都比较均匀,在整个水柱中的分布没有明显的趋向性.粒径大于200μm 的藻团在表层水中的分布比例明显高于中、底层,说明粒径较大的藻团易于在水柱表层聚集.同时也发现,在7、8月S2采样点,无论是粒径小的藻团还是粒径较大的藻团,在各水深的分布都比较均匀.2.3不同湖区藻团粒径分布的统计分析分别对6、7、8月S1和S2采样点整个水柱的粒径样本(将3个水深的藻团粒径样本混合,作为采样点的月粒径样本)进行独立样本t 检验,检验结果(表1)显示:两个采样点的藻团粒径分布存在显著差异,各月份下S2的藻团粒径均值均大于S1.两个采样点藻团粒径随月份的变化趋势基本一致,6月份藻团粒径均值明显高于其他月份.粒径处于100 200μm 区间的藻团占总样本比例最高,为44.6%,大于400μm 的藻团占总样本比例最低,为4%,上述两个区间的藻团粒径在S1和S2的分布比例大致相当,分别为21.3%和23.3%,1.7%和2.3%.两个采样点粒径分布差异主要来自小于100μm 和200 400μm 两个区间的藻团,前者在S1和S2的比例分别为21.2%和11.9%,后者比例分别为5.9%和12.5%(图6).表1各月份下S1、S2藻团粒径样本的独立t 检验显著性及均值比较*Tab.1Significance of independent t -test and comparison of mean values between colony diameter samples at S1and S2sites in each month采样点5月6月7月8月粒径/μm S1-195.8139106.3039114.6498粒径/μmS2127.3384249.4594138.4981145.1884P-<0.001<0.001<0.001*显著性水平α=藻团形状因子的统计分析藻团形状因子最小值为0.14,最大值为1.00,形状因子在0 0.50、0.51 0.80、0.81 1.00范围内的藻团占总样本比例分别为14.00%、54.63%和31.37%.对各组不同水深藻团形状因子的方差分析以及各月份下S1与S2采样点间形状因子的t 检验结果表明,湖区藻团形状在空间分布上没有显著差异.但形状因子均值随月份的增加逐渐增大,S1点6-8月均值分别为0.6479、0.7400、0.7559,S2点5-8月份均值分别为0.6439、0.6572、0.7094和0.7422.2.5铜绿微囊藻藻团计数在最早观测到藻团的5月份,S2水柱表、中、底层藻团数量分别为1545、1077、1114个/L.6月份S1的藻218J.Lake Sci.(湖泊科学),2013,25(2)图6铜绿微囊藻藻团各粒径区间占6-8月份粒径总样本的比例及分别在S1和S2的比例Fig.6Ratios of each diameter interval against the June-to-August diameter sample and their respective ratios at S1and S2sites 团数量略高于S2,自7月份后,S2的藻团数量开始明显高于S1,两个采样点水柱中藻团的平均数量分别为2515、5137个/L,这一差距在8月份进一步扩大,两个采样点藻团的平均数量分别为4060、10183个/L.3讨论湖水中的微囊藻藻团不仅来自水体中微囊藻细胞的分裂增殖,同时也来自底泥中过冬藻团的补充[9].当沉积在湖底的微囊藻藻团接受到足够阳光时,细胞开始进行不产氧光合作用并生成气囊,使得藻团能够漂浮[10].水温升高也是促进微囊藻气囊生成的重要条件,当水温超过20ħ时,处在黑暗环境下的非漂浮藻团能迅速重新获得浮力[11].水源湖区4月份的平均气温为17.2ʃ0.9ħ,采样水温为15.3ħ,低水温既不利于湖水中微囊藻的分裂繁殖[12-13],也不利于过冬藻团从底泥向湖水中迁移,因此在4月份较难观测到铜绿微囊藻藻团.水源湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径在水柱中分布的差异性主要来自表层与中、底层的差异,而中层与底层之间的差异并不显著.表层的藻团粒径通常较大,不仅因为表层光照充足,利于藻团细胞的光合作用,还因为粒径大的藻团更容易克服紊流对藻团的裹挟力,从而使其能停留在水体表层[14].水源湖区粒径大于200μm的藻团在表层的比例明显高于中、底层,因此可以将200μm理解为导致水柱中藻团粒径分布存在显著差异的较大藻团的粒径下限.也有研究表明粒径大于120μm的藻团较易集中在表层[15],两个结论的差异可能来自对藻团粒径定义的不同.Wallace等通过模型模拟,认为粒径达到400μm的铜绿微囊藻藻团使自己变得足够重后沉入水底,从而能接触到泥水界面[14].Rabouille等通过模型模拟分析后也认为粒径大于600μm的藻团更容易停留在深水层.当大藻团沉入湖底时,由于底层缺少光照和水温较低,减缓了藻团细胞对糖原的消耗,从而延迟了藻团向表层的回迁[16].尽管如此,长时间停留在底层也会为藻团提供一些其他优势,比如能使藻团接触到更多从沉积物中释放出来的营养物质[14,16].本实验中,在各月份下2个采样点的表层和中层均未观测到粒径超过800μm的藻团,这些超大粒径藻团全都出现在底层.因此,水源湖区不同粒径范围的铜绿微囊藻藻团在各水深分布的一般规律是:粒径小于200μm的藻团在各水深的分布都比较均匀,没有明显的趋向性;粒径在200 800μm范围内的藻团更易集中在湖水表层;粒径超过800μm的藻团更易集中在湖水底层.大量研究表明风对藻类在水体中的分布有着极其重要的影响.George等认为当风速大于3.7m/s时,紊流会代替层流,导致水柱中藻类趋于均匀性分布[17].Webster通过构建模型从理论上将该临界值缩小为2 3m/s[18].Cao等通过在太湖的野外观测,得出的实际临界值为3.1m/s[19].湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团在水柱中的分布对风速的响应十分敏感,在7月份S1、S2点位,8月份S2点位采样时测得的瞬时风速分别为3.6、5.3和4.6m/s,此时风浪扰动对藻团在水柱中分布的影响已经远大于藻团自身的垂直迁移运动,因此,上述月份和采样点的藻团粒径和数量在整个水柱中的分布都趋向均匀.6月份采样前5d(6月8-12日)湖区平均气温为26.5ħ,平均风速为2.7m/s,温度较高、风速较小的天气是导致6月份水样的藻团粒径相比5月份有显著增加的一个重要因素.从野外观测和实验模拟都证实风浪的扰动会造成粒径较大的微囊藻藻团破裂[20-21],湖区藻团粒径总体水平在6月份之后显著下降与风浪的扰动密切相关,这也说明藻团粒径的变化易受短时气象条件的影响.O'Brien等通过实验模拟发现,在经历不同强度扰动后铜绿微囊藻藻团存在一个最大稳定粒径,大小在220 420μm之间,大于该粒径的藻团易在扰范帆等:巢湖市水源地铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)藻团粒径时空分布规律219动中破裂[21].在本实验中,大部分藻团粒径分布在300μm以内,占粒径总样本的91.17%,粒径在300 400μm的藻团占总样本的5.27%,而大于400μm的藻团仅占总样本的3.56%,属于小概率事件,因此可以认为水源湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团最大稳定粒径在300 400μm范围内.外湖区的藻团粒径均值在各月份下均高于内湖湾,说明风浪扰动在显著降低湖区水体中藻团粒径总体水平的同时,也会对一定范围内藻团粒径的发育有促进作用,该范围的上限即为最大稳定粒径.这种促进作用可能是因扰动导致的水体中营养盐浓度、光照条件等环境因子变化协同作用的效果,对此机理的探讨需更深入的研究.狭长形藻团其表面积与体积的比率较大,有利于藻团对光的吸收[10],这样有助于处于复苏阶段的铜绿微囊藻提高自身对光的利用效率.而在夏季,过高强度的光照反而会抑制微囊藻的生长,此时较规则形藻团可以减少受光面积.此外,对称形状的藻类在下沉时所受阻力明显大于非对称形状藻类[22],在风浪扰动频繁的夏季,规则形状有利于增加藻团的漂浮能力.以上假设可能是引起湖区藻团形状变化的原因,但对此现象的解释还需要结合更多生物以及非生物因素的影响.大型仿生式水面蓝藻清除设备其筛网的平均孔径为30μm,仅从藻团粒径大小的角度考虑,该设备对铜绿微囊藻藻团的理论过滤效率达到99.81%.但本文所定义的藻团粒径是对藻团实际大小的一个近似表征,当藻团近似球形时,粒径值与藻团实际大小吻合程度较高,而当藻团呈不规则形态时,上述方法的表征效果较差.这种差别会影响对筛网实际过滤效率的评估,比如两个等二维投影面积且等圆直径大于30μm的藻团,一个为理想球形,一个为狭长形,后者在通过筛网表面时可能会穿过网眼.尽管如此,筛网对藻团分离的实际效率仍然保持在一个相当高的水平.研究藻团粒径分布不仅可以为相关工程应用提供科学的理论支撑,同时也在一些理论研究领域发挥重要作用,比如:在构建模拟微囊藻垂直迁移模型时需要准确的藻团粒径分布数据来支撑[21].尽管与用藻细胞数量来表征微囊藻藻团大小的方法[23]相比,本实验中所使用的图像测量技术更快速、更直观,但这种广泛应用于材料学领域的微粒粒径测量方法应用到微囊藻藻团粒径测量上,仍然存在很大的局限性.因为有的微囊藻藻团呈枝杈状,在水样中不同的悬浮姿态在显微镜视野下对应有不同的二维轮廓,并且在不同的焦距下所观测到的轮廓也不同,因此给实际测量带来相当大的难度.日臻完善的显微三维测量技术有望解决上述问题,同时精确可靠的图像自动识别分析系统也期待在藻类识别和测量领域得到进一步发展[24].4结论1)巢湖水源湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团最早出现于4月中旬至5月中旬之间.藻团粒径分布范围为20.54 1620.28μm,其中大部分粒径分布在30 300μm范围内,占总群体的96.25%.2)湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团粒径在各水深的分布差异主要来自表层与中、底层差异.粒径小于200μm的藻团在各水深的分布都比较均匀,没有明显的趋向性;粒径在200 800μm范围内的藻团更易集中在湖水表层;粒径大于800μm的藻团更易集中在湖水底层.外湖区藻团数量及藻团粒径较内湖湾均具有明显优势,两者粒径分布差异主要来自小于100μm和200 400μm区间段.3)风浪的扰动不仅对藻团有破坏作用,使藻团粒径整体水平显著降低,而且使藻团粒径以及数量在整个水柱中的分布趋于均匀.湖区藻团最大稳定粒径在300 400μm之间.4)铜绿微囊藻藻团形状在空间分布上没有显著差异.但随季节变化,藻团形状逐渐从狭长形向规则形演变.5)大型仿生式蓝藻清除设备对湖区铜绿微囊藻藻团的理论过滤效率可达99.81%.5参考文献[1]殷福才,张之源.巢湖富营养化研究进展.湖泊科学,2003,15(4):277-283.[2]闫海,潘纲,张明明.微囊藻毒素研究进展.生态学报,2002,22(11):1968-1975.[3]Deng DG,Xie P,Zhou Q et al.Studies on temporal and spatial variations of phytoplankton in Lake Chaohu.Plant Biology,2007,49(4):409-418.[4]黎尚豪,毕列爵.中国淡水藻志.北京:科学出版社,1998.[5]Doers MP,Parker DL.Properties of Microcystis aeruginosa and M.flos-aquae(Cyanophyta)in culture:taxonomic impli-220J.Lake Sci.(湖泊科学),2013,25(2)cations.Journal of Phycology,1988,24(4):502-508.[6]国家环境保护总局《水和废水监测分析方法》编委会.水和废水监测分析方法:第4版.北京:中国环境科学出版社,2002.[7]Friel JJ,Grande JC,Hetzner D et al.Practical guide to image analysis.Ohio:ASM 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有关芯片英语作文In the heart of every modern electronic device lies a tiny yet incredibly powerful component - the microchip. This English composition aims to explore the evolution of microchips, their technological advancements, and their profound impact on contemporary society.The journey of the microchip began in the late 1950s with the invention of the integrated circuit by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This breakthrough allowed multiple electronic components to be etched onto a single silicon chip, paving the way for the miniaturization of electronics and the birth of the digital age.Over the decades, the microchip has undergone a remarkable transformation. The advent of Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) technology enabled the placement of thousands of transistors on a single chip, which has since grown tobillions with the rise of Ultra-Large-Scale Integration (ULSI). This exponential growth in processing power has been encapsulated by Moore's Law, which predicts the doubling of transistors on a microchip every two years, leading to increased performance and reduced costs.The impact of microchips on society is ubiquitous and profound. They are the brains behind computers, smartphones, and the internet, which have revolutionized communication, business, and education. In the realm of entertainment,microchips have transformed gaming, music, and film,providing high-definition experiences that were once unimaginable.Moreover, microchips are the driving force behind advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning,and robotics. They enable smart devices to learn from their environments, making our lives more convenient and efficient. In healthcare, microchips are used in medical equipment and wearable devices, providing real-time health monitoring and improving patient outcomes.However, the widespread use of microchips also presents challenges. Cybersecurity becomes a critical concern as more devices become interconnected. The potential for databreaches and hacking incidents is a constant threat that must be addressed through robust encryption and security protocols.In conclusion, microchips are the unsung heroes of modern technology. Their evolution has been a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of innovation. As we continue to rely on these tiny powerhouses, it is imperativeto navigate the complex ethical and security landscapes they present. The future of microchips holds the promise of even greater capabilities, and with responsible stewardship, they can continue to enrich our lives in unimaginable ways.。
fundamentals of microelectronics英文原版
The fundamentals of microelectronics refer to the basic principles and concepts that form the foundation of the field. Microelectronics deals with the study and application of small-scale electronic components, such as integrated circuits and transistors. This field has played a crucial role in the development of various technologies, including computers, smartphones, and medical devices.One of the key concepts in microelectronics is the idea of miniaturization. Microelectronic components are designed to be small and compact, allowing for increased functionality in a limited space. This miniaturization is made possible by advancements in semiconductor technology, which enables the production of smaller and more efficient electronic devices.Another fundamental principle is the understanding of electronic circuits. Microelectronics relies on the design and analysis of circuits that control the flow of electric current. These circuits can be composed of different components, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, which work together to perform specific tasks.The behavior of microelectronic devices is guided by the laws of physics, particularly quantum mechanics. At the nanoscale level, where microelectronics operates, particles exhibit quantum effects that can significantly impact the performance of electronic devices. Understanding these effects is essential for designing and optimizing microelectronic components.In addition to the physical principles, microelectronics also encompasses the study of fabrication techniques. The process of manufacturing microelectronic devices involves multiple steps, including deposition, lithography, etching, and doping. Each of these steps contributes to the creation of complex integrated circuits and other microelectronic components.The field of microelectronics also includes the study of electronic materials. Different materials exhibit unique properties that can be leveraged in microelectronic devices. For example, semiconductors, such as silicon, are widely used in microelectronics due to their ability to control the flow of electric current.Overall, the fundamentals of microelectronics cover a wide range of topics, including circuit design, semiconductor physics, fabrication techniques, and electronic materials. Understanding these principles is crucial for the development of new and innovative microelectronic devices that drive technological advancements in various industries.。
Ecological Engineering
Ecological Engineering 90(2016)113–119Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEcologicalEngineeringj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e c o l e ngEffect of tea plantation age on the distribution of soil organic carbon and nutrient within micro-aggregates in the hilly region of western Sichuan,ChinaShengqiang Wang,Tingxuan Li ∗,Zicheng ZhengCollege of Resources,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130,Sichuan,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 25March 2015Received in revised form 23November 2015Accepted 26January 2016Keywords:Tea plantation age Micro-aggregates Organic carbon Total nitrogenAvailable phosphorus Available potassiuma b s t r a c tPool of micro-aggregate-associated carbon (C)play a highly accurate and general diagnostic role for change in soil organic C pool in response to changes in management practices.However,effects of differ-ent chronosequence phases on the pools of organic C and nutrient (nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium)in micro-aggregates of different sizes in tea (Camellia sinensis L.)plantations have not been studied in detail.This study was to investigate the organic C and nutrient pools in micro-aggregates of different sizes as affected by age of tea plantation.Surface (0–20cm)soil samples were collected from four tea planta-tions with different ages (16,23,31,and 53years)in Zhongfeng town of Mingshan county,which is in the hilly region of western Sichuan,China.Micro-aggregates were isolated from samples through a standard wet-sieving procedure and then separated by ultrasonic dispersion into five fractions (250–50,50–10,10–5,5–1,and <1m).For all tea plantations,the distribution of micro-aggregate fractions showed that the dominant class was 250–50m fractions with a mean value of 52.98%,and these fractions were the predominant pools of organic C and nutrient in micro-aggregates.Mean weight diameter (MWD)in 53years of tea plantation was the highest in all tea plantations,suggesting that micro-aggregates in 53years of tea plantation had more stability than other tea plantations.More important fractions for organic C and total nitrogen (N)retention would be the 250–50fractions,and higher levels of available phosphorus (P)and potassium (K)were observed in the <1m fractions.Successive planting of tea (from 16years to 53years)induced a significant increase in pools of organic C and nutrient in whole soils,except for the available K pool that showed an inverse trend.These changes were reflected in parallel and predominant changes in pools of these elements in micro-aggregates,especially in the 250–50m fractions,which validated the importance of micro-aggregates (in particular the 250–50m fractions)as soil organic C and nutrient protection and stabilization sites in such tea plantations.©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionSoil structure is a key factor that regulates many physical and biological processes in soils (Mikha and Rice,2004).Soil aggregates are heterogeneous assemblages of organic and min-eral particles operationally distinguished by size as macro-(>250m)and micro-(<250m)aggregates (Tisdall and Oades,2012).Macro-aggregates are formed by temporary associations of micro-aggregates,minerals,and particulate organic matter,predominantly through enmeshment by fungal hyphae and plant roots (Mummey and Stahl,2004).Micro-aggregates,on the other∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862887142712;fax:+862887142712.E-mail address:litinx@ (T.Li).hand,typically form by microbially mediated processes within macro-aggregates and are largely dependent upon persistent organic binding agents for structural stability (Tisdall and Oades,2012).Physical disturbance of soils generally results in decreased macro-aggregate stability and the release of relatively stable micro-aggregates,which may then become building blocks for the next cycle of macro-aggregate formation (Mummey and Stahl,2004;Denef and Six,2006).According to the concept of aggregate hierarchy (Six et al.,2004),increases in soil organic carbon (C)contents are attributed not only to an increased amount of C-rich macro-aggregates,but also to a reduced rate of macro-aggregate turnover.The slower turnover of macro-aggregates is suggested to enhance the formation of highly stable micro-aggregates in which organic C is stabilized and sequestered in the long term.A previous study with three conventional tillage and no-tillage experiments in widely varying soil types (Alfisol,Oxisol,Mollisol)/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.01.0460925-8574/©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.114S.Wang et al./Ecological Engineering 90(2016)113–119and environments (Kentucky,Brazil,Nebraska)supported this theory by finding that over 90%of the difference in soil organic C between conventional tillage and no-tillage could be accounted for by the micro-aggregate-associated C difference (Denef et al.,2004).Therefore,the micro-aggregate-associated C may play a highly accurate and general diagnostic role for change in soil organic C in response to changes in management practices.The distribution of organic C and nutrient (nitrogen,phos-phorus,and potassium)in soil aggregates can influence both soil aggregation and microbial degradation of soil organic matter,so quantifying their locations within aggregate sizes will improve our understanding of mechanisms for sequestering soil organic matter (Jiang et al.,2011).Also,as different aggregate fractions are selec-tively removed during erosion,characterization of eroded versus retained aggregates will improve our understanding of nutrient dynamic.Some researchers (Mikha and Rice,2004;Kong et al.,2005)reported a decrease in organic C contents with decreasing aggregate size,but others (Li et al.,2007;Mao et al.,2014)obtained an inverse relationship between organic C contents and aggregate sizes.The findings by Christensen and Sorensen (1985)showed that organic C and total nitrogen (N)were associated with finer soil particles,and these particles may vary among different aggregate fractions.Generally,most studies have examined soil aggregate-associated C with little attention given to nutrient,especially phosphorus (P)and potassium (K).Also,these researches on soil chemical properties with respect to management practices have concentrated on macro-aggregate analysis.While this approach gives a generalized overview of the organic C and nutrient contents in whole soils,a comprehensive understanding of soil organic C sequestration and nutrient dynamic requires an evaluation of the locations of these elements in micro-aggregates of different sizes.Tea (Camellia sinensis L.)is a major economic crop in many developing countries,including China,India,and Sri Lanka.China is the largest tea producing country in the world.By 2013,the tea plantation area in China had reached 2.58million ha andcontinues to increase (International Tea and Committee,2014).As a perennial evergreen crop,tea plantations gradually form a unique regional ecosystem due to leaf and root litters,root exu-dates,and typical tea plantation management practices (Kamau et al.,2008).Our previous studies suggested that the distribution of macro-aggregate-associated C and nutrient will change with increasing age of tea plantation in the hilly region of western Sichuan,China (Wang et al.,2013a;Li et al.,2015).However,the effects of different chronosequence phases on the pools of these elements in micro-aggregates of different sizes in such tea planta-tions have not been studied in detail.Therefore,the objectives of this study were to investigate the (i)composition and stability of micro-aggregates,(ii)distribution of micro-aggregate-associated C and nutrient,and (iii)pools of these elements in micro-aggregates as affected by age of tea plantation.Our overall hypothesis was that changing degree of micro-aggregate-associated C and nutrient pools differed with aggregate sizes in the process of tea planting.2.Materials and methods2.1.Field siteThe study site is located at the Zhongfeng town of Mingshan county of Ya’an city in the hilly region of western Sichuan,China (Fig.1).The site is under the management of the Sichuan Agri-cultural University so no special permission was required for the current research and no endangered or protected species were involved in or negatively impacted by this research.The prevail-ing climate of the study site is a subtropical monsoon climate.Mean annual temperature is 15.4◦C,with the lowest and highest temperatures of 4.3and 35.2◦C,respectively.Average annual precipitation is 1500mm with 72.6%of the precipitation occurring during July to September.The exposed layer is sedimentary rocks mainly formed after the Mesozoic age,and the soils wereclassifiedFig.1.Location of the study site.(A)16years of tea plantation;(B)23years of tea plantation;(C)31years of tea plantation;D:53years of tea plantation.S.Wang et al./Ecological Engineering90(2016)113–119115as Typic Haplic-Perudic Argosols,according to soil taxonomy(Soil Survey Staff,2010).The cultivation density of tea(broad row150±15cm;narrow row35±15cm;the distance between two plants16±4cm)was set at about8×104plants per ha.Swine manure(15Mg ha−1)and complex fertilizer(N:P2O5:K2O=20:8:8,m/m/m,0.75Mg ha−1)as the base fertilizer were spread along vertical edges beneath the tree canopy in mid-October of every year.A top dressing of the tea plantations was added three times per year.The following year in mid-February,1.5Mg ha−1of complex fertilizer and urea 0.6Mg ha−1were applied;in late May and July,complex fertilizer 0.75Mg ha−1and urea0.3Mg ha−1were added to the soils,the position of the top dressing was the same as the basal dressing. 2.2.Soil samplingThe method of space-for-time substitution,an effective way to study changes over time(Sparling et al.,2003),was used to mon-itor soil changes occurring along a tea plantation chronosequence that have developed with similar soils and climatic conditions. Establishment of tea plantations at different times offer an ideal opportunity to understand the tea planting process because soil conditions before tea planting are largely driven by geomorpho-logic processes.In this study,soil samples from four tea plantations with dif-ferent ages(16,23,31,and53years)were collected in September 2011(Fig.1).All tea plantations were located on the same geo-morphologic unit with the same slope aspect,soil parent material, and management measure.For each tea plantation,five plots of 15m×15m were delineated.From each plot,five undisturbed samples from the depth of0–20cm were combined to form a com-posite sample,givingfive replicates per tea plantation.A total of twenty composite samples were stored in plastic containers and transferred to the laboratory.Then,each composite sample was gently broken along natural planes of weakness into natural aggre-gates and passed through a10-mm sieve to remove large roots, stones,and macrofauna.The aggregates were air-dried at room temperature for a week.Some soil physical and chemical charac-teristics of the four tea plantations are shown in Table1.2.3.Micro-aggregate separationMicro-aggregates were isolated from composite samples through a standard wet-sieving procedure(Elliott,1986)and then separated by ultrasonic dispersion intofive fractions(250–50, 50–10,10–5,5–1,and<1m).For micro-aggregate fractionation, 250g of air-dried micro-aggregates were dispersed in500mL of distilled water with a Branson-450probe-type sonifer set at400W power,operating continuously for30min.The power input was ∼80J mL−1suspension.Each fraction was obtained by repeated sedimentation and syphoning off the suspension at the appropri-ate depths.All of the separated fractions were air-dried at room temperature for a week,weighed,and stored for further analysis of organic C,total N,available P and K.2.4.Soil physical and chemical analysesUndisturbed composite samples were oven-dried at105◦C to a constant weight for determining the soil bulk density,pH value was determined by a glass electrode with a l:2.5soil:water ratio, and texture was determined using the hydrometer method(Lu, 2000).Soil organic C was determined by acid dichromate wet oxidation as described by Nelson and Sommers(1996),total N was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl method(Bremner,1996), available P was determined by the molybdenum blue colorimet-ric method after extraction by a solution containing0.03M NH4F and0.025M HCl(Bray and Kurtz,1945),and available K was deter-mined by ammonium acetate replacement procedure as described by Thomas(1982)and measured with aflame photometry.2.5.Calculation and statistical analysesMean weight diameter(MWD,m)was calculated using the formula in Kemper and Rosenau(1986):MWD=5i−1(X i×M i),where X i is the mean diameter of i th size fractions(m),M i is the proportion of i th size fractions in micro-aggregates(%).Organic C pool in micro-aggregates(OCP,g m−2)was calculated using the formula in Yang et al.(2007):OCP=5i=1(N i×OC i)×B d×H×10,where N i is the proportion of i th size fractions in whole soils(%), OC i is the organic C contents in i th size fractions(g kg−1),B d is the soil bulk density(g cm−3),H is the soil thickness(cm).The nutrient pools in micro-aggregates were similarly calculated.The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance using the LSD test method by DPS statistical software package (Version11.0).A p<0.05was considered to indicate statistical significances among aggregate fractions or tea plantations.The correlation between the soil properties was studied using the Spearman’s correlation test.Graphical work was performed by Ori-gin Pro(Version8.0).Table1Basic soil physical and chemical characteristics of four tea plantations with different ages.Item Tea plantation age(years)16233153pH 4.19±0.02 4.15±0.01 4.13±0.03 3.97±0.01 Bulk density(g cm−3) 1.25±0.11 1.22±0.07 1.27±0.13 1.29±0.06 Sand(2–0.02mm)(%)35.01±0.3236.42±0.1735.78±0.2434.37±0.31 Silt(0.02–0.002mm)(%)30.94±0.1730.71±0.2230.72±0.3131.01±0.13 Clay(<0.002mm)(%)34.05±0.1232.87±0.3333.50±0.1734.62±0.14 Organic C(g kg−1)15.01±0.6517.63±0.5019.05±0.6019.68±0.34 Total N(g kg−1)0.62±0.030.62±0.010.68±0.040.80±0.06 Available P(mg kg−1)18.99±0.7519.12±0.6222.49±0.4823.66±0.53 Available K(mg kg−1)59.74±1.7849.11±1.9949.63±1.0339.90±1.41 Micro-aggregate proportion in whole soils(%)31.79±1.2818.67±3.0526.45±2.6136.86±3.67 The data mean the average offive replicates±SDs.116S.Wang et al./Ecological Engineering 90(2016)113–119Table 2Composition and stability of micro-aggregates as affected by age of tea plantation.Tea plantation age (years)Composition of micro-aggregates (%)MWD250–50m50–10m10–5m5–1m<1m(m)1652.47±0.24a bc 25.15±1.18b a 7.09±1.78c a 8.09±0.26c a 7.22±0.57c a 87.06±0.13b 2353.01±1.06a b 23.54±1.50b a 8.69±1.48c a 7.56±0.05c b 7.22±0.99c a 87.49±1.25b 3151.01±0.48a c 25.23±0.47b a 9.42±0.88c a 8.22±0.30d a 6.14±0.58e ab 85.07±0.53c 5355.44±1.15a a23.87±0.39b a9.21±0.22c a5.69±0.14d c5.80±0.39d b91.21±1.59aThe data mean the average of five replicates ±SDs.Lower case letters in each row are significantly different (p <0.05)at different aggregate fractions.Superscript letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different tea plantations.3.Resultsposition and stability of micro-aggregatesThe distribution of micro-aggregate fractions showed that the dominant class was coarse fractions (250–50m)with a mean value of 52.98%,followed by the 50–10m fractions with a mean value of 24.45%,and fine fractions (<1m),with a mean value of 6.60%,had the least proportion in the four tea plantations (Table 2).Successive planting of tea caused a significant change in the dis-tribution of micro-aggregates,with the exception of 50–5m fractions.The proportion of 250–50m fractions in 53years of tea plantation increased by 5.66%compared to 16years,however,<5m fractions proportion decreased by 24.95%.Furthermore,the MWD in 53years of tea plantation was significantly higher than those in other tea plantations.3.2.Distribution of micro-aggregate-associated C and nutrientThe contents of organic C in micro-aggregates were reduced with decreasing aggregate size,with a slight increment trend in the aggregates with <1m compared to 5–1m fractions in all tea plantations (Fig.2).When age of tea plantation changed from 16years to 53years,organic C contents increased by 49.85%in 250–50m fractions,while the increases were 110.19%and 59.06%for 50–10and 10–5m fractions,respectively,but no significant differences were observed for the <5m fractions.Total N distribution in micro-aggregates for different tea planta-tions followed the same trend as organic C (Fig.3).Contents of total N in micro-aggregates were highest and lowest in the 250–50and 10–5m fractions,respectively.A significant positive correlation existed between total N and organic C in each tea plantation,and the510152025O r g a n i c C c o n t e n t s i n m i c r o -a g g r e g a t e s (g k g )Micro-aggregate size (µm )Fig.2.Effect of tea plantation age on change of organic C contents in micro-aggregates.Values represent the mean of five replicates.Lower case letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different micro-aggregates.Super-script letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different teaplantations. o t a l N c o n t e n t s i n m i c r o -a g g r e g a t e s (g k g )Micr o-agg regate size (µm )Fig.3.Effect of tea plantation age on change of total N contents in micro-aggregates.Values represent the mean of five replicates.Lower case letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different micro-aggregates.Superscript letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different tea plantations.coefficients (r )were no less than 0.87(p <0.01).Similar to organic C,total N contents in micro-aggregates increased significantly as the increase of tea plantation age,except for the <5fractions.A similar pattern occurred for all tea plantations in which avail-able P was mainly concentrated in the <1m fractions,containing an average of 26.37mg kg −1,and the contents decreased with increasing aggregate size (Fig.4).Successive planting of tea caused a significant increase in the available P contents of aggregate frac-tions,especially in the <1m pared with 16years of tea plantation,available P contents in 53years increased by 24.07%for <1m fractions.5101520253035A v a i l a b l e P c o n t e n t s i n m i c r o -a g g r e g a t e s (m g k g )Micro-aggregate siz e (µm )Fig.4.Effect of tea plantation age on change of available P contents in micro-aggregates.Values represent the mean of five replicates.Lower case letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different micro-aggregates.Super-script letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different tea plantations.S.Wang et al./Ecological Engineering 90(2016)113–11911710203040506070A v a i l a b l e K c o n t e n t s i n m i c r o -a g g r e g a t e s (m g k g )Micro-aggregate size (µm )Fig.5.Effect of tea plantation age on change of available K contents in micro-aggregates.Values represent the mean of five replicates.Lower case letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different micro-aggregates.Super-script letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different tea plantations.For all tea plantations,available K distribution in micro-aggregates followed the same trend as available P ,and the contents in micro-aggregates increased with decreasing aggregate size (Fig.5).Contrary to available P ,available K contents in micro-aggregates decreased significantly during tea planting.3.3.Pools of organic C and nutrient in micro-aggregatesThe pools of organic C and nutrient in whole soils increased sig-nificantly from 16years to 53years at the 0–20cm depth,except for the available K pool that showed an inverse trend (Table 3).Organic C and nutrient pools in micro-aggregates,especially in the 250–50m fractions,followed the same trends as pools of these elements in whole soils across treatments at the 0–20cm anic C and nutrient pools in 250–50m fractions were signif-icantly higher than those in other fractions for all tea plantations.On average,the amount of organic C stored in the 250–50m frac-tions was 696.32g m −2at the 0–20cm depth,and these fractions contributed to 63.30%of organic C pool in micro-aggregates.A sim-ilar trend was seen for the pools of micro-aggregate-associated nutrient.4.Discussionposition and stability of micro-aggregatesStable aggregates can physically protect organic matter against rapid decomposition and can reduce soil erosion,surface crust-ing and runoff (Fattet et al.,2011).In this study,the distribution of micro-aggregate fractions showed that the dominant class was 250–50m fractions and followed by the 50–10m fractions in all tea plantations,indicating that the micro-aggregates at these sizes had higher stability.The aggregate stability was evaluated based on the MWD (Fattet et al.,2011).Differences in soil micro-structure between tea plan-tations were most evident from differences in MWD between treatments.The increase of MWD was driven by change in the dis-tribution of micro-aggregates during tea planting (from 16years to 53years),especially the formation in the coarse fractions.Similar observations have been reported (Cheng et al.,2015;Li et al.,2015),and these also suggested that micro-aggregates in 53years of tea plantation had more stability than those in other tea plantations,which is likely related to the accumulation of micro-aggregate-associated divalent cations (exchangeable Ca and Mg)that promote the formation of coarse fractions as the increase of tea plantation age (Wang et al.,2013b ).On the other hand,the accumulation of coarse fractions in 53years of tea plantation could be attributed to yearly input of organic matter to soils via leaf and root litters and swine manure in the process of tea planting.Most studies sug-gested that fine fractions may be bound into coarse fractions when exposed to polysaccharides,fungal hyphae,fine roots,and bacterial cells (Tisdall and Oades,2012).Organic supplements such as litters and manure induce the formation of coarse fractions because they can be used by micro-organisms as a source of energy and nutrient for producing extracellular polysaccharides and increasing hyphal mass,leading to an increase in binding agents in micro-aggregates (Mikha and Rice,2004;Sleutel et al.,2006).4.2.Distribution of micro-aggregate-associated C and nutrientThe distribution of organic C and total N in micro-aggregates was not influenced by the age of tea plantation.Similar patterns occurred for all tea plantations in which organic C and total N were mainly concentrated in coarse fractions,and fit with the conceptTable 3Pools of organic C and nutrient in whole soils and micro-aggregates as affected by age of tea plantation.ItemTea plantation age (years)Pools of organic C and nutrient (g m −2)Whole soilsMicro-aggregates250–50m50–10m10–5m5–1m<1mOrganic C163499.98±420.26b 898.07±36.16bc 577.82±23.27a b 155.28±6.26b c 32.69±1.32d c 57.66±2.33c a 74.62±3.01c a 234172.61±260.25ab 688.79±112.52c 421.75±68.90a c 149.40±24.41b c 37.40±6.11c c 31.48±5.14c c 48.76±7.96c c 314586.21±497.50a 1068.21±105.41b 655.45±64.68a b 241.42±23.83b b 54.27±5.36c b 54.91±5.42c ab 62.16±6.13c b 534991.75±670.14a1706.07±169.87a1130.27±112.54a a383.01±38.14b a83.77±8.34c a46.58±4.64c b62.44±6.22c bTotal N16145.30±16.86b 41.33±1.67b 25.45±1.03a b 7.73±0.31b b 1.45±0.06e bc 2.86±0.12d a 3.84±0.16c a 23139.32±8.84b 22.78±3.72c 14.01±2.29a c 4.93±0.81b c 1.22±0.20c c 1.10±0.18c c 1.52±0.25c d 31167.89±17.67ab 41.65±4.11b 26.10±2.58a b 9.17±0.91b b 1.81±0.18c b 2.25±0.23c b 2.32±0.23c c 53198.31±26.23a70.37±7.01a43.90±4.37a a17.47±1.74b a3.76±0.38c a2.25±0.23c b2.99±0.30c bAvailable P16 4.79±0.51b 1.73±0.07b 0.86±0.04a b 0.44±0.02b b 0.12±0.01d c 0.16±0.01c a 0.15±0.01cd ab 23 4.67±0.33b 0.94±0.16c 0.47±0.08a c 0.21±0.04b c 0.09±0.02c c 0.08±0.01c b 0.09±0.02c c 31 5.73±0.59ab 1.67±0.17b 0.77±0.08a b 0.42±0.05b b 0.18±0.02c b 0.16±0.02c a 0.14±0.02c b 53 5.85±0.76a 2.23±0.22a 1.14±0.11a a 0.55±0.06b a 0.22±0.03c a 0.15±0.02c a 0.17±0.02c a Available K1614.21±1.57a 4.56±0.19a 2.31±0.09a a 1.17±0.05b a 0.33±0.02c a 0.39±0.02c a 0.36±0.02c a 2311.53±0.77b 2.16±0.36c 1.12±0.18a d 0.52±0.09b c 0.19±0.03c b 0.17±0.03c c 0.16±0.03c c 3111.99±1.25ab 3.06±0.31b 1.52±0.15a c 0.79±0.08b b 0.29±0.03c a 0.26±0.03c b 0.20±0.02c bc 5310.14±1.36b3.51±0.35b1.92±0.19a b0.82±0.08b b0.33±0.03c a0.21±0.02c c0.23±0.03c bThe data mean the average of five replicates ±SDs.Lower case letters in each row are significantly different (p <0.05)at different aggregate fractions.Superscript letters in each column are significantly different (p <0.05)at different tea plantations.118S.Wang et al./Ecological Engineering90(2016)113–119of aggregate hierarchy according to whichfine fractions are bound together into coarse fractions by binding agents such as microbial-and plant-derived polysaccharides,roots,and fungal hyphae(Six et al.,2004;Tisdall and Oades,2012).The current results were consistent with Kong et al.(2005)and Lagomarsino et al.(2009), who confirmed that the consequence of aggregate hierarchy is an increase in organic matter contents with increasing particle size because coarse fractions are composed offine fractions plus organic binding agents(John et al.,2005),and showed the importance of stable coarse fractions in organic C and total N sequestration.In the present study,the distribution patterns of micro-aggregate-associated P and K showed preferential enrichment in thefine fractions for all tea plantations,indicating that more important fractions for available P and K retention were micro-aggregates at these sizes.Relatively high contents of these elements in thefine fractions could be attributed to the fact thatfine fractions have larger specific surfaces susceptible to reactive available P and K from manure or leaf and root litters(Ranatunga et al.,2013).Successive planting of tea caused a significant increase in the organic C and total N contents of micro-aggregates,which was in line with the studies of Choi et al.(2001)and Spohn et al.(2013). These results may be explained by the following mechanisms.First, successive planting of tea enhanced organic matter input to soils via plant litters and manure(Spohn and Giani,2012;Spohn et al.,2013). Second,increased micro-aggregate stability during tea planting may protect organic matter from microbial decomposition and pro-mote organic C and total N accumulation in soils(Six et al.,2004). Third,shading and microclimatic modifications induced by litters cover may decrease solar radiation-driven organic C and total N losses from soils(Rutledge et al.,2010).On the other hand,the contents of available P in micro-aggregates increased significantly with increasing age of tea plantation.These results were consistent with Shen et al.(2011),who pointed out that long-term application of manure can increase P fertility.The total P contents in manure are highly variable,and nearly70%of total P in manure is labile. In acidic soils(Table1),available P could be adsorbedfirst on the surface of clay minerals and Fe/Al oxides through the formation of various complexes because clay minerals and Fe/Al oxides have larger specific surface areas that provide large numbers of adsorp-tion sites(Luengo et al.,2006;Arai and Sparks,2007).However, adsorption of available P to clay minerals and Fe/Al oxides could be greatly reduced by the application of organic substances because the humic acids in manure contain large numbers of negative charges(carboxyl and hydroxyl groups)that would strongly com-pete for the adsorption sites with available P.Contrary to available P,available K contents in micro-aggregates decreased significantly as the increase of tea plantation age.According to our investiga-tion,the growers added urea to soils.In acidic soils(Table1),a large number of ammonium ions are formed by hydrolysis of urea. The excess ammonium and hydrogen ions strongly compete with available K for the adsorption sites,leading to loss of available K from micro-aggregates through leaching(Wang et al.,2013a). These observations indicated that successive planting of tea was beneficial for the accumulation of organic C,total N,and avail-able P in micro-aggregates.However,available K was susceptible to leaching loss in the process of tea planting.4.3.Pools of organic C and nutrient in micro-aggregatesIn the present study,the250–50m fractions were the pre-dominant pools of organic C and nutrient in micro-aggregates for all tea plantations.Although250–50m fractions showed distinctly lower available P and K contents than other fractions, they contained large pools of available P and K because of their relatively large proportion in micro-aggregates,suggesting that the proportion of micro-aggregates of different sizes determined the pools of organic C and nutrient in different fractions.The potential of micro-aggregate-associated C pool to serve as a diagnostic fraction for management-induced organic C pool change in whole soils has so far only been demonstrated by Denef et al. (2004)for no-tillage and by Kong et al.(2005)for alternative crop-ping systems.For the soils from this tea plantation region,where significant changes of soil organic C and nutrient pools during tea planting were found at the0–20cm depth.53years of tea plant-ing induced a significant increase in pools of organic C and nutrient in whole soils relative to16years,except for the available K pool that showed an inverse trend.These changes were reflected in parallel and predominant changes in pools of these elements in micro-aggregates,mostly in the250–50m fractions.Difference in micro-aggregate-associated C pool between16years and53years accounted for54.16%of the organic C pool difference in whole soils, and the contribution of organic C pool change(from16years to 53years)in250–50m fractions to significant change of micro-aggregate-associated C pool was68.37%.Also,a similar trend was seen for the nutrient pools.As indicated earlier,findings from our study and others(Denef et al.,2004;Kong et al.,2005)validated the importance of micro-aggregates(in particular the250–50m fractions)as soil organic C and nutrient protection and stabilization sites under tea plantations in the hilly region of western Sichuan, China.5.ConclusionsSoil micro-aggregates were dominated by the250–50m fractions in all tea plantations,and these fractions were the pre-dominant pools of organic C and nutrient in micro-aggregates.The MWD in53years of tea plantation was higher than those in other tea plantations,indicating that micro-aggregates in53years of tea plantation had more stability than the others.Soil micro-aggregates,different in particle sizes,differed sharply in sequestration of organic C and nutrient in all tea plantations.The more important fractions for organic C and total N retention would be the250–50fractions,and higher levels of available P and K were observed in the<1m fractions.Successive planting of tea(from16years to53years)induced a significant increase in pools of organic C and nutrient in whole soils,except for the available K pool that showed an inverse trend. These changes were reflected in parallel and predominant changes in pools of these elements in micro-aggregates,especially in the 250–50m fractions,which validated the importance of micro-aggregates(in particular the250–50m fractions)as long-term soil organic C and nutrient stabilization sites under tea plantations in the hilly region of western Sichuan,China.AcknowledgmentsThe work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation(No.41271307),Science and Technology Support Program in Sichuan(No.2013NZ0044).The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers who give their valuable suggestions on the manuscript.ReferencesArai,Y.,Sparks,D.L.,2007.Phosphate reaction dynamics in soils and soil compo-nents:a multiscale approach.Adv.Agron.94,135–179.Bray,R.H.,Kurtz,L.T.,1945.Determination of total,organic,and available forms of phosphorus in soils.Soil Sci.59,39–46.Bremner,J.M.,1996.Nitrogen-total.In:Sparks,D.L.(Ed.),Methods of Soil Analysis.Part3.Chemical Methods,No.5.ASA and SSSA,Madison,WI,pp.1085–1121. Cheng,M.,Xiang,Y.,Xue,Z.,An,S.,Darboux,F.,2015.Soil aggregation and intra-aggregate carbon fractions in relation to vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau,China.Catena124,77–84.。
Microbial Ecology of the Gut
Microbial Ecology of the GutThe gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that play a crucial role in human health. Recent advances in sequencing technology have enabled researchers to identify and characterize the vast array of microorganisms that inhabit the gut. The gut microbiome has been linked to a wide range of health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. In this essay, I will explore the microbial ecology of the gut from multiple perspectives, including the role of microbial diversity, the impact of diet and lifestyle, and the potential for therapeutic interventions.One of the key factors that influence the composition of the gut microbiome is microbial diversity. The gut microbiome is composed of a diverse array of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea. The diversity of the gut microbiome is important because it allows for the ecosystem to be resilient to perturbations. For example, if a particular species of bacteria is lost due to an antibiotic treatment, the ecosystem can recover by relying on other species to perform similar functions. In addition, a diverse microbiome can provide a range of metabolic functions that are important for human health, including the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are important for gut health and immune function.Another important factor that influences the gut microbiome is diet and lifestyle. The Western diet, which is high in fat and sugar, has been shown to reduce microbial diversity and alter the composition of the gut microbiome. In contrast, a diet high in fiber and plant-based foods has been shown to increase microbial diversity and promote a more diverse and healthy gut microbiome. In addition, lifestyle factors such as stress, exercise, and sleep have also been shown to influence the gut microbiome. For example, chronic stress has been shown to reduce microbial diversity and alter the composition of the gut microbiome.The gut microbiome has also been linked to a wide range of health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. For example, studies have shown that obese individuals have a less diverse gut microbiome than lean individuals, and that the composition of the gut microbiome is altered in individuals with type 2 diabetes. In addition,the gut microbiome has been implicated in the development of inflammatory bowel disease, a chronic inflammatory condition of the gut.Given the importance of the gut microbiome for human health, there is growing interest in developing therapeutic interventions that target the gut microbiome. One approach is to use probiotics, which are live microorganisms that are intended to confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. Probiotics have been shown to have a range of health benefits, including improving gut health and immune function. Another approach is to use prebiotics, which are non-digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. Prebiotics have been shown to increase microbial diversity and promote a more diverse and healthy gut microbiome.In conclusion, the gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that plays a crucial role in human health. The diversity of the gut microbiome is important for resilience and metabolic function, and diet and lifestyle factors can influence the composition of the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome has been linked to a wide range of health outcomes, and there is growing interest in developing therapeutic interventions that target the gut microbiome. Probiotics and prebiotics are two approaches that show promise for promoting a healthy gut microbiome. Overall, a better understanding of the microbial ecology of the gut has the potential to improve human health and well-being.。
Huawei's Breakthrough in Self-Developed Chips: Overcoming Technological BlockadesHuawei has emerged as a global leader in the technology sector, particularly in telecommunications and consumer electronics. However, the company has faced significant challenges due to geopolitical tensions and subsequent technological blockades imposed by various countries. In response to these hurdles, Huawei has made remarkable strides in self-developing its own chips, showcasing its resilience and innovation. This essay explores the significance of Huawei's breakthrough in chip development and its implications for the global tech industry.The imposition of technological blockades on Huawei, particularly by the United States, has created substantial obstacles for the company. These restrictions have limited Huawei's access to critical components and technologies, especially those involving semiconductors and advanced chipsets. As a result, Huawei faced the daunting task of maintaining its competitive edge and ensuring the continuity of its product lines without relying on foreign suppliers.In response to these challenges, Huawei embarked on an ambitious journey towards self-reliance. The company invested heavily in research and development, allocating significant resources to its semiconductor subsidiary, HiSilicon. This strategic move aimed to reduce Huawei's dependence on external suppliers and establish a robust in-house capability for chip design and manufacturing.The breakthrough came with the development of Huawei's Kirin series of processors, which are used in the company’s smartphones and other devices. These chips, designed by HiSilicon, demonstrated competitive performance and efficiency, positioning Huawei as a formidable player in the semiconductor industry. The latest iterations of Kirin chips have showcased advanced features, including artificial intelligence capabilities and 5G compatibility, further cementing Huawei's technological prowess.Huawei's successful development of its own chips has significant implications for the global tech industry. Firstly, it highlights the potential for companies to innovate and overcome external pressures through substantial investment in research and development. Huawei's achievements can serve as an inspiration for other firms facing similar challenges, encouraging them to pursue self-reliance and innovation.Secondly, Huawei's breakthrough underscores the shifting dynamics of the global semiconductor market. Traditionally dominated by a few key players,the market is now witnessing the rise of new contenders from diverse regions. This increased competition can drive further innovation and potentially lead to more affordable and advanced technologies for consumers worldwide.Furthermore, Huawei's advancements in chip technology can contribute to the development of a more resilient global supply chain. By diversifying sources of critical components, the tech industry can reduce vulnerabilities and mitigate the risks associated with geopolitical tensions and trade restrictions.In conclusion, Huawei's breakthrough in self-developing chips represents a significant milestone in the face of technological blockades. Through substantial investment in research and development, the company has demonstrated its resilience and capability to innovate independently. This achievement not only strengthens Huawei's position in the global tech industry but also has broader implications for innovation, competition, and supply chain resilience. As Huawei continues to push the boundaries of technology, it serves as a powerful example of how challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and advancement.。
资产定价经典理论 CAPM(Black)
Capital Market Equilibrium
in particular, if the distribution of returns is normal, then there will be a finite probability that the asset will have a negative value at the end of the period. Of these assumptions, the one that has been felt to be the most restrictive is (d). Lintner has shown that removing assumption (a) does not change the structure of capital asset prices in any significant way,2 and assumptions (b) and (c) are generally regarded as acceptable approximations to reality. Assumption (d), however, is not a very good approximation for many investors, and one feels that the model would be changed substantially if this assumption were dropped. In addition, several recent studies have suggested that the returns on securities do not behave as the simple capital asset pricing model described above predicts they should. Pratt analyzes the relation between risk and return in common stocks in the 1926-60 period and concludes that high-risk stocks do not give the extra returns that the theory predicts they should give. Friend and Blume use a cross-sectional regression between risk-adjusted performance and risk for the 1960-68 period and observe that high-risk portfolios seem to have poor performance, while low-risk portfolios have good performance.4 They note that there is some bias in their test, but claim alternately that the bias is so small that it can be ignored, and that it explains half of the effect they observe.5 In fact, the bias is serious. Miller and Scholes do an extensive analysis of the nature of the bias and make corrections for it.6 Even after their corrections, however, there is a negative relation between risk and performance. Black, Jensen, and Scholes analyze the returns on portfolios of stocks at different levels of flbin the 1926-66 period.7 They find that the average returns on these portfolios are not consistent with equation (1), especially in the postwar period 1946-66. Their estimates of the expected returns on portfolios of stocks at low levels of /3i are consistently higher than predicted by equation (1), and their estimates of the expected returns on portfolios of stocks at high levels of /3i are consistently lower than predicted by equation (1).
电子信息类专业英语(西电第二版)Unit 4 Microel
Unit 4 Microelectronics
Integrated circuits are small, light, rugged, and reliable. They require less power and lower voltages than equivalent macroscopic circuits; consequently they operate at lower temperatures, and individual components may be close together without exceeding the operating temperature limit. Relatively little stray capacitance and short time delays are produced because of the short interconnections between the individual components in IC. Maintenance is simplified because if a component of the IC fails the complete IC is usually replaced. Mass production techniques of plane technology have reduced the cost of many IC so that they are almost as inexpensive as a single transistor. Eventually most conventional circuits will be replaced by IC.
[2] The reduction in power dissipation is particularly important where a complex circuit is to be concentrated into a small space. The problem of extracting the heat generated in the circuit may then be a difficult one.
微晶纤维素的极限聚合度的英文单词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Super Cool Facts about Microcrystalline CelluloseHey guys! Today, I'm gonna talk about something super cool - microcrystalline cellulose! It may sound like a big, fancy word, but trust me, it's actually super interesting. So let's dive in and learn all about it!First of all, what is microcrystalline cellulose? Well, it's a type of cellulose that is super tiny and has a crystal-like structure. It's used in lots of different things like medicines, food, and even cosmetics. Isn't that cool?One of the coolest things about microcrystalline cellulose is its amazing ability to absorb water. It can hold up to 20 times its weight in water! That's like a superhero power, right? So next time you spill your drink, think about how microcrystalline cellulose could save the day.But wait, there's more! Microcrystalline cellulose is also super strong. In fact, it's often used in building materials because of its strength and durability. It's like the superhero of materials!And here's another fun fact - microcrystalline cellulose is biodegradable, which means it breaks down naturally over time. So not only is it super useful, but it's also good for the environment. How cool is that?So there you have it, guys! Microcrystalline cellulose may be a big word, but it's definitely worth learning about. Next time you see it on a label, remember all the cool things it can do. Thanks for listening, and stay curious!篇2Title: Super Cool Facts About Microcrystalline CelluloseHey guys! Today we're going to talk about something super cool - microcrystalline cellulose! You might not have heard of it before, but it's actually a really important material that is used in a lot of different ways. Let's learn more about it!First of all, what is microcrystalline cellulose? Well, it's a type of cellulose that has been processed into tiny crystals. These crystals are so small that you can't even see them with the nakedeye! But even though they're tiny, they're super strong and can be used in all sorts of products like medicine, food, and even cosmetics!One of the coolest things about microcrystalline cellulose is that it has a really high degree of polymerization. That basically means that the cellulose molecules are all stuck together in really long chains. This makes the material super strong and durable, which is why it's used in so many different products.Microcrystalline cellulose also has another cool property -it's super absorbent! This means that it can soak up a lot of liquid, which makes it great for use in things like medicine tablets and food products. It can also help to thicken products and give them a nice texture.So, next time you see a medicine tablet or a creamy lotion, remember that it might contain microcrystalline cellulose! It's a super cool material that has a lot of awesome properties. Keep an eye out for it in your everyday products, and you'll start to see just how important it is!Well, that's all for today, guys. Thanks for listening to my super cool facts about microcrystalline cellulose! Bye!篇3Oh wow, let’s talk about microcrystalline cellulose and its maximum polymerization degree! Microcrystalline cellulose is like a superhero in the world of science, it’s super strong and super useful. So, what exactly is the maximum polymerization degree of microcrystal line cellulose? Let’s dive in and find out!First things first, what is microcrystalline cellulose? Well, it’s a fancy name for a type of cellulose that has been broken down into tiny crystals. These tiny crystals have a lot of cool properties, like being able to absorb a lot of water and form a strong gel. This makes microcrystalline cellulose super useful in things like medicine, food, and even cosmetics.Now, let’s talk about the maximum polymerization degree of microcrystalline cellulose. The maximum polymerization degree is basically how long the chains of microcrystalline cellulose molecules can get. The longer the chains, the stronger and more stable the microcrystalline cellulose becomes.Scientists have found that the maximum polymerization degree of microcrystalline cellulose can vary depending on how it’s made and processed. But in general, the longer the chains, the better the microcrystalline cellulose performs in different applications.In conclusion, microcrystalline cellulose is a super cool and super useful substance that can do a lot of amazing things. And understanding its maximum polymerization degree can help scientists and engineers unlock even more of its potential. So, next time you see microcrystalline cellulose in acti on, you’ll know just how awesome it really is!篇4Title: The Super Cool Microcrystalline Cellulose with Extreme Aggregation AbilityHey everyone! Have you ever heard of microcrystalline cellulose? It's like a super cool ingredient that can do a lot of amazing things! Today, I'm going to tell you all about its extreme aggregation ability.Microcrystalline cellulose is a type of cellulose that is super tiny and has a unique structure. It is often used in things like medicine, food, and even beauty products because it has so many cool properties. One of the coolest things about microcrystalline cellulose is its extreme aggregation ability. What does that mean? Well, it means that this little ingredient can stick together in a super tight and organized way.Imagine you have a bunch of tiny Lego pieces. You can stack them on top of each other and make a really cool tower, right? That's kind of like what microcrystalline cellulose can do. It can stick together in a really strong and orderly way, making it super useful for all kinds of things.For example, in medicine, microcrystalline cellulose can be used to make pills that are really easy to swallow. The aggregation ability of microcrystalline cellulose helps the pill hold its shape and not fall apart. In food, it can be used as a thickener or stabilizer to make things like ice cream or salad dressing super creamy and delicious. And in beauty products, it can help make lotions and creams feel smooth and luxurious on your skin.So, next time you see microcrystalline cellulose on the ingredient list of your favorite product, remember how cool and useful it is with its extreme aggregation ability. It's like a little superhero ingredient that makes everything better!篇5Once upon a time, there was a magical substance called microcrystalline cellulose. It may sound like a big, fancy word,but it's actually a super cool material that has some amazing properties. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, microcrystalline cellulose is made from plants, like wood pulp or cotton. It's super tiny and has a crystal-like structure, which is why it's called microcrystalline. This material is used in all sorts of things, like medicines, foods, and even cosmetics. What makes it so special is its ability to absorb water and form a gel-like substance, which is really useful in different products.But here's where it gets even more interesting - microcrystalline cellulose has something called a limit aggregation degree. This basically means that it can only absorb a certain amount of water before it reaches its full capacity. Once it hits this limit, it can't absorb any more water, no matter how much you add. It's like a superhero that has reached its maximum power!So, why is this limit aggregation degree important? Well, it helps manufacturers control the consistency and stability of their products. For example, in medicines, it ensures that the pills don't fall apart or dissolve too quickly in your body. In foods, it helps to give products a smooth texture and prevent them fromseparating. And in cosmetics, it helps to keep the product looking and feeling just right.In conclusion, microcrystalline cellulose may be a mouthful to say, but it's definitely a powerhouse material with some pretty cool superpowers. So next time you see it on a label, you'll know just how special and important it really is!篇6Title: The Super Cool Microcrystalline CelluloseHey guys! Today I wanna talk to you about something super cool and awesome – microcrystalline cellulose! Have you ever heard of it? Well, let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!Microcrystalline cellulose is a type of fiber made from wood pulp. It's used in all kinds of things like medicine, food, and even cosmetics! Can you believe it?One of the coolest things about microcrystalline cellulose is its amazing ability to absorb water. It can hold up to 50 times its weight in water! That's like a superhero power, don't you think?But that's not all! Microcrystalline cellulose also has a super high polymerization degree, which means it has a really longchain of molecules. This makes it super strong and durable, just like a superhero cape!And get this – microcrystalline cellulose is also biodegradable, which means it can break down naturally in the environment. How cool is that?So next time you see microcrystalline cellulose listed as an ingredient in your food or medicine, remember how amazing and super cool it is. And who knows, maybe one day you'll grow up to be a scientist who works with microcrystalline cellulose too!So there you have it, guys – the super cool world of microcrystalline cellulose. I hope you enjoyed learning about it as much as I did! See you next time! Bye!篇7I. What is Microcrystalline Cellulose?Hey guys, today I want to talk about microcrystalline cellulose! It may sound like a big, fancy word, but it's actually something you might find in your food and medicine. Microcrystalline cellulose is a white, powdery substance that ismade from wood pulp. It's used in a lot of different products because it can help them hold together and stay fresh for longer.II. Why is Microcrystalline Cellulose Important?So, why is microcrystalline cellulose important? Well, one of the cool things about it is that it can absorb a lot of water. This means it can help make things like medicine or food pills stay together and dissolve in your body at just the right time. It's like a superhero for keeping things in shape!III. The Limiting Polymerization Degree of Microcrystalline CelluloseNow, let's talk about the limiting polymerization degree of microcrystalline cellulose. This is a fancy term that basically means how long the chains of cellulose molecules are in the substance. The longer the chains, the more stable and strong the microcrystalline cellulose will be.IV. Why Do We Care About the Limiting Polymerization Degree?We care about the limiting polymerization degree because it can affect how well microcrystalline cellulose works in different products. If the chains are too short, the cellulose might not be able to hold things together as well. But if the chains are too long,the cellulose might not dissolve properly in your body. It's all about finding the right balance!V. ConclusionIn conclusion, microcrystalline cellulose is a super useful substance that can help make our food and medicine better. And the limiting polymerization degree is important because it can affect how well the cellulose works. So next time you see microcrystalline cellulose on a label, remember how cool and important it is!篇8Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the super cool topic of Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) and its maximum polymerization degree. Sounds complicated, right? But don't worry, I'll explain it in a fun and easy way!First of all, let's understand what MCC is. MCC is a type of cellulose that has been processed into tiny crystals or fibers. It is used in many different products like medicines, foods, and even cosmetics. Cool, right?Now, let's talk about the maximum polymerization degree of MCC. Basically, polymerization degree refers to how manycellulose molecules are linked together to form MCC. The higher the polymerization degree, the longer the chains of cellulose molecules are. This affects the properties of MCC, like its strength and ability to absorb water.Scientists have found that there is a limit to the polymerization degree of MCC. This means that there is a maximum length that the chains of cellulose molecules can be. Beyond this limit, the properties of MCC may change and it may not work as well in products.So, the next time you see a product with MCC in it, remember that it's made up of tiny crystals or fibers with a maximum polymerization degree. Pretty cool, huh?I hope you learned something new today. Thanks for listening! Bye!篇9Title:The Super Cool Story of Microcrystalline CelluloseHey guys, do you know what microcrystalline cellulose is? It is a super cool material that is used in lots of things like medicines, food, and even skincare products. But do you know what makes microcrystalline cellulose so amazing? It's all aboutthe super tiny fibers and the way they come together to form a super strong structure.Microcrystalline cellulose is made up of lots of tiny fibers that are way smaller than a strand of hair. These fibers are so small that you can't even see them with your naked eye. But when they come together, they form a super strong structure that can hold a lot of weight. This is called the polymerization of microcrystalline cellulose.The polymerization of microcrystalline cellulose is all about how the tiny fibers stick together to form long chains. Just like how you link your LEGO pieces together to build a cool spaceship, the fibers of microcrystalline cellulose link up to form a super strong structure. And the more fibers that link up, the stronger the structure becomes.But here's the really cool part – there is a limit to how many fibers can link up to form a structure. This is called the maximum polymerization of microcrystalline cellulose. Once this limit is reached, the structure becomes so strong that it can't get any stronger. It's like building a LEGO spaceship so big that you can't add any more pieces to it.So, the next time you take your medicine or use a skincare product, remember the super cool story of microcrystallinecellulose and how its polymerization makes it so strong. It's like a superhero in the world of materials – tiny but mighty!篇10Oh my gosh, I have to write an article about the super long word "microcrystalline cellulose polymerization degree"! It sounds so fancy and I have no idea what it means. But I'll try my best to explain it in a simple way!So, microcrystalline cellulose is like a really tiny, almost invisible piece of plant fiber. It's used in things like medicine, food, and even beauty products. The polymerization degree is basically how many of these tiny fibers are joined together to make a bigger molecule. The higher the polymerization degree, the longer the molecule is.Having a high polymerization degree is really important because it makes the microcrystalline cellulose stronger and more stable. This means it can hold things together better and last longer. It also helps with things like controlling the release of medicine in your body or giving texture to your food.Scientists are always trying to find ways to make the polymerization degree even higher to improve the quality and performance of microcrystalline cellulose. They use fancytechniques and equipment to study how the fibers are joined together and find ways to make them even stronger.So, in a nutshell, microcrystalline cellulose polymerization degree is all about making tiny plant fibers stick together in a really strong and useful way. It may sound complicated, but it's actually pretty cool how something so small can have such a big impact!。
变速(机械学) 投射(物理学) 遗传(医学)
1. Lexical features(词汇特点)
科学术语的来源(sources) ➢ 给原有的英语单词赋予新义
memory, monitor, mouse, prompt ➢ 从拉丁或希腊语中吸收而来的词(词义窄)
atmosphere,capsule, parasite, pneumonia auto-; bi-; counter-; hydro-; micro-;-graph; -logy; ➢ 大量使用派生名词(动词和形容词的名词化) -ation, -ment, -sion, -al, -ability, -ity, etc.
in passive voice into Chinese
Current will not flow continuously, since the circuits are broken by the insulating material.
纳米技术与芯片作文200字英文回答:Nanotechnology and the ongoing development ofmicrochips are two of the most exciting and rapidly advancing fields of science and technology today. Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale, and it has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, including electronics, healthcare, and manufacturing. Microchips, on the other hand, are tiny electronic circuits that are usedin a variety of devices, from computers to smartphones. The combination of nanotechnology and microchips has the potential to create new and innovative devices that are smaller, more powerful, and more efficient than ever before.One of the most promising applications of nanotechnology in the microchip industry is the development of new materials that can be used to create smaller and faster transistors. Transistors are the basic buildingblocks of microchips, and they control the flow of electricity through the circuit. By using nanotechnology to create new materials with improved electrical properties, it is possible to create transistors that are smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient. This could lead to the development of new microchips that are capable of performing more complex tasks at a lower cost.Another potential application of nanotechnology in the microchip industry is the development of new ways to connect transistors together. Currently, transistors are connected together using metal wires, which can be a bottleneck for the flow of electricity. By using nanotechnology to create new materials that can be used to connect transistors together, it is possible to create microchips that are more efficient and have a higher performance.The combination of nanotechnology and microchips has the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. By creating new materials and new ways to connect transistors together, it is possible to create microchips that aresmaller, faster, and more efficient than ever before. This could lead to the development of new electronic devicesthat are more powerful, more portable, and more affordable.中文回答:纳米技术和芯片的持续发展是当今科学技术领域最令人激动和快速进步的领域之一。
Depreciation is the wear and tear on the economy’ s stock of equipment and structures. National Income National Income is the total income earned by a nation’s residents in the production of goods and services. It differs from NNP by excluding indirect business taxes (such as sales taxes) and including business subsidies. 11.Personal Income Personal income is the income that households and noncorporate businesses receive. Unlike national income, it excludes retained earnings, which is income that corporations have earned but have not paid out to their owners. In addition, it includes household’s interest income and government transfers. Disposable Personal Income Disposable personal income is the income that household and noncorporate businesses have left after satisfying all their obligations to the government. It equals personal income minus personal taxes and certain nontax payments. The Components of GDP 12.GDP (Y ) is the sum of the following: Consumption (C) Investment (I) Government Purchases (G) Net Exports (NX) Y = C + I + G + NX The Components of GDP Consumption (C): The spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing. Investment (I): The spending on capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including new housing. The Components of GDP Government Purchases (G): The spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal governments. Does not include transfer payments because they are not made in exchange for currently produced goods or services. Net Exports (NX): Exports minus imports. GDP and Its Components (1998) GDP and Its Components (1998) GDP and Its Components (1998) GDP and Its Components (1998) GDP and Its Components (1998) GDP and Its Components (1998) 13.Real versus Nominal GDP Nominal GDP values the production of goods and services at current prices.
关于华为突破美国芯片封锁英语作文The global technology landscape has been shaped by a complex geopolitical landscape in recent years. At the forefront of this dynamic is the ongoing tension between the United States and China, particularly in the realm of technology and trade. One of the key players embroiled in this conflict is the Chinese tech giant Huawei, which has found itself at the center of a high-stakes battle over the control of critical technologies.Huawei's rise to prominence in the global technology industry has been nothing short of remarkable. The company has established itself as a leading provider of telecommunications equipment, smartphones, and a wide range of other digital products and services. Its success, however, has not come without challenges, as the US government has taken a hardline stance against the company, citing national security concerns.The US-Huawei conflict began in 2018 when the Trump administration placed Huawei on the Entity List, effectively banning American companies from doing business with the Chinese firm. Thismove was a significant blow to Huawei, as it cut off the company's access to critical technologies, including the Android operating system and the chipsets that power its devices.Undeterred by these setbacks, Huawei has embarked on a determined effort to overcome the US-imposed restrictions. The company has invested heavily in research and development, focusing on the development of its own proprietary technologies and solutions. This includes the creation of its own operating system, HarmonyOS, as well as the development of its own line of Kirin chipsets, which are designed to power its smartphones and other devices.One of Huawei's most significant breakthroughs in this regard has been the development of its Kirin 9000 chipset, which was unveiled in 2020. This chip is a testament to Huawei's technological prowess, as it is designed to rival the best offerings from industry giants like Qualcomm and Apple. The Kirin 9000 is a powerful and energy-efficient processor that is capable of supporting advanced features such as 5G connectivity, high-performance computing, and cutting-edge AI-powered applications.The development of the Kirin 9000 chipset is particularly noteworthy because it represents Huawei's ability to overcome the US chip blockade. Prior to the US sanctions, Huawei had relied on chipsetsfrom American companies like Qualcomm and Intel to power its devices. However, with the imposition of the Entity List restrictions, Huawei was forced to find alternative solutions.The company's response has been to invest heavily in its own semiconductor research and development capabilities. This has involved the establishment of state-of-the-art chip design facilities, the recruitment of top-tier engineering talent, and the implementation of advanced manufacturing processes. The result is the Kirin 9000, a chip that not only matches the performance of its American counterparts but also offers unique features and capabilities that set it apart.The significance of Huawei's achievement with the Kirin 9000 chipset cannot be overstated. It represents a major milestone in the company's efforts to become self-sufficient and reduce its reliance on American technology. It also serves as a testament to Huawei's resilience and determination in the face of adversity.Moreover, the success of the Kirin 9000 has broader implications for the global technology landscape. It demonstrates that China is capable of developing advanced semiconductor technologies that can compete with the best in the world. This has the potential to disrupt the existing power dynamics in the tech industry, as Huawei and other Chinese companies seek to challenge the dominance ofAmerican and European tech giants.However, the US-Huawei conflict is far from over. The Biden administration has continued to maintain the sanctions against Huawei, and the company continues to face significant challenges in accessing critical technologies and components. Despite these obstacles, Huawei remains committed to its vision of becoming a global technology leader, and it is poised to continue its efforts to overcome the US chip blockade.In conclusion, Huawei's breakthrough with the Kirin 9000 chipset is a significant achievement that underscores the company's technological capabilities and its determination to overcome the US-imposed restrictions. This development has far-reaching implications for the global technology landscape, as it signals China's growing technological prowess and its ability to challenge the dominance of American tech companies. As the US-Huawei conflict continues to unfold, the world will be watching to see how this high-stakes battle plays out and what it means for the future of the global technology industry.。
Chapter 1Downstream processing(DSP):The isolation and purification of a biotechnological product to a form suitable for its intended use. The separation and purification of products synthesized by bioprocesses:Biotechnology:the use of cultured microorganisms, animal cells, and plant cells to produce products useful to humans.Modern biotechnology:Built on genetic engineering to produce commercial products or processes.Chapter 2Coagulation:the chemical alteration of the colloidal particles to make them stick together凝聚值:表示电解质的凝聚能力,使胶粒发生凝聚作用的最小电解质浓度m mol/L. Flocculation: a process whereby particles are aggregated into clusters.Filtration separates solid from a liquid by forcing the liquid through a filter medium.滤浆(feed/ slurry):悬浮液过滤介质(filter medium) :多孔物质滤液(filtrate):通过过滤介质的液体滤饼(filter cake):被截留的固体物质Conventional or dead-end filtration: the fluid flows perpendicular to the medium which result in a cake of solids depositing on the filter medium.Crossflow filtration:The fluid flows parallel to the medium to minimize buildup to solids on the medium.Centrifugation is a process that involves the use of the centrifugal force for the separation of mixtures.分离因数(Z):离心力与重力的比值。
Optimal Inflation Targeting Rules∗Marc P.Giannoni Columbia UniversityMichael Woodford Princeton UniversityFebruary24,2003AbstractThis paper characterizes optimal monetary policy for a range of alternative eco-nomic models,applying the general theory developed in Giannoni and Woodford(2002a).The rules computed here have the advantage of being optimal regardlessof the assumed character of exogenous additive disturbances,though other aspects ofmodel specification do affect the form of the optimal rule.In each case,optimal policy can be implemented through aflexible inflation target-ing rule,under which the central bank is committed to adjust its interest-rate instru-ment so as to ensure that projections of inflation and other variables satisfy a targetcriterion.The paper shows which additional variables should be taken into account,inaddition to the inflation projection,and to what extent,for any given parameterizationof the structural equations.It also explains what relative weights should be placed onprojections for different horizons in the target criterion,and the manner and degree towhich the target criterion should be history-dependent.The likely quantitative significance of the various factors considered in the general discussion is then assessed by estimating a small,structural model of the U.S.monetarytransmission with explicit optimizing foundations.An optimal policy rule is computedfor the estimated model,and shown to correspond to a multi-stage inflation-forecasttargeting procedure.The degree to which actual U.S.policy over the past two decadeshas conformed to the optimal target criteria is then considered.∗We would like to thank Jean Boivin,Rick Mishkin,Ed Nelson,and Lars Svensson for helpful discussions, Brad Strum for research assistance,and the National Science Foundation for research support through a grant to the NBER.An increasingly popular approach to the conduct of monetary policy,since the early 1990s,has been inflation-forecast targeting.Under this general approach,a central bank is committed to adjust short-term nominal interest rates periodically so as to ensure that its projection for the economy’s evolution satisfies an explicit target criterion—for example,in the case of the Bank of England,the requirement that the RPIX inflation rate be projected to equal2.5percent at a horizon two years in the future(Vickers,1998).Such a commitment can overcome the inflationary bias that is likely to follow from discretionary policy guided solely by a concern for social welfare,and can also help to stabilize medium-term inflation expectations around a level that reduces the output cost to the economy of maintaining low inflation.Another benefit that is claimed for such an approach(e.g.,King,1997;Bernanke et al.,1999)—and an important advantage,at least in principle,of inflation targeting over other policy rules,such as a k-percent rule for monetary growth,that should also achieve a low average rate of inflation—is the possibility of combining reasonable stability of the inflation rate(especially over the medium to long term)with optimal short-run responses to real disturbances of various sorts.Hence Svensson(1999)argues for the desirability of “flexible”inflation targeting,by which it is meant1that the target criterion involves not only the projected path of the inflation rate,but one or more other variables,such as a measure of the output gap,as well.We here consider the question of what sort of additional variables ought to matter—and with what weights,and what dynamic structure—in a target criterion that is intended to implement optimal policy.We wish to use economic theory to address questions such as which measure of inflation is most appropriately targeted(an index of goods prices only,or wage inflation as well?),which sort of output gap,if any,should justify short-run departures of projected inflation from the long-run target rate(a departure of real GDP from a smooth 1Svensson discusses two alternative specifications of an inflation-targeting policy rule,one of which(a “general targeting rule”)involves specification of a loss function that the central bank should use to evaluate alternative paths for the economy,and the other of which(a“specific targeting rule”)involves specification of a target criterion.We are here concerned solely with policy prescriptions of the latter sort.On the implementation of optimal policy through a“general targeting rule,”see Svensson and Woodford(2003).trend path,or from a“natural rate”that varies in response to a variety of disturbances?), and how large a modification of the acceptable inflation projection should result from a given size of projected output gap.We also consider how far in the future the inflation and output projections should extend upon which the current interest-rate decision is based,and the degree to which an optimal target criterion should be history-dependent,i.e.,should depend on recent conditions,and not simply on the projected paths of inflation and other target variables from now on.In a recent paper(Giannoni and Woodford,2002a),we expound a general approach to the design of an optimal target criterion.We show,for a fairly general class of linear-quadratic policy problems,how it is possible to choose a target criterion that will satisfy several desiderata.First,the target criterion has the property that insofar as the central bank is expected to ensure that it holds at all times,this expectation will imply the existence of a determinate rational-expectations equilibrium.Second,that equilibrium will be optimal, from the point of view of a specified quadratic loss function,among all possible rational-expectations equilibria,given one’s model of the monetary transmission mechanism.2Thus the policy rule implements the optimal state-contingent evolution of the economy,in the sense of given it a reason to occur if the private sector is convinced of the central bank’s commitment to the rule and fully understands its implications.Third,the rule is robustly optimal,in the sense that the same target criterion brings about an optimal state-contingent evolution of the economy regardless of the assumed statistical properties of the exogenous disturbances,despite the fact that the target criterion makes no explicit reference to the particular types of disturbances that may occur(except insofar as these may be involved in the definition of the target variables—the variables appearing 2Technically,the state-contingent evolution that is implemented by commitment to the policy rule is optimal from a“timeless perspective”of the kind proposed in Woodford(1999b),which means that it would have been chosen as part of an optimal commitment at a date sufficiently far in the past for the policymaker to fully internalize the implications of the anticipation of the specified policy actions,as well as their effects at the time that they are taken.This modification of the concept of optimality typically used in Ramsey-style analyses of optimal policy commitments allows a time-invariant policy rule to be judged optimal,and eliminates the time inconsistency of optimal policy.See Giannoni and Woodford(2002a)and Svensson and Woodford(2003)for further discussion.in the loss function which defines the stabilization objectives).This robustness greatly increases the practical interest in the computation of a target criterion that is intended to implement optimal state-contingent responses to disturbances;for actual economies are affected by an innumerable variety of types of disturbances,and central banks always have a great deal of specific information about the ones that have most recently occurred.The demand that the target criterion be robustly optimal also allows us to obtain much sharper conclusions as to the form of an optimal target criterion.For while there would be a very large number of alternative relations among the paths of inflation and other variables that are equally consistent with the optimal state-contingent evolution in the case of a particular type of assumed disturbances,only relations of a very special sort continue to describe the optimal state-contingent evolution even if one changes the assumed character of the exogenous disturbances affecting the economy.Our general characterization in Giannoni and Woodford(2002a)is in terms of a fairly abstract notation,involving eigenvectors and matrix lag polynomials.Here we offer examples of the specific character of the optimallyflexible inflation targets that can be derived using that theory.Our results are of two sorts.First,we illustrate the implications of the theory in the context of a series of simple models that incorporate important features of realistic models of the monetary transmission mechanism.Such features include wage and price stickiness, inflation inertia,habit persistence,and predeterminedness of pricing and spending decisions. In the models considered,there is a tension between two or more of the central bank’s stabilization objectives,that cannot simultaneously be achieved in full;in the simplest case, this is a tension between inflation and output-gap stabilization,but we also consider models in which it is reasonable to seek to stabilize interest rates or wage inflation as well.These results in the context of very simple models are intended to give insight into the way in which the character of the optimal target criterion should depend on one’s model of the economy, and should be of interest even to readers who are not persuaded of the empirical realism of our estimated model.Second,we apply the theory to a small quantitative model of the U.S.monetary transmis-sion mechanism,the numerical parameters of which arefit to VAR estimates of the impulse responses of several aggregate variables to identified monetary policy shocks.While the model remains an extremely simple one,this exercise makes an attempt to judge the likely quantitative significance of the types of effects that have previously been discussed in more general terms.It also offers a tentative evaluation of the extent to which U.S.policy over the past two decades has differed from what an optimal inflation-targeting regime would have called for.1Model Specification and Optimal TargetsHere we offer a few simple examples of the way in which the optimal target criterion will depend on the details of one’s model of the monetary transmission mechanism.(The optimal target criterion also depends,of course,on one’s assumed stabilization objectives.But here we shall take the view that the appropriate stabilization objectives follow from ones assumptions about the way in which policy affects the economy,though the welfare-theoretic stabilization objectives implied by our various simple models are here simply asserted rather than derived.)The examples that we select illustrate the consequences of features that are often present in quantitative optimizing models of the monetary transmission mechanism. They are also features of the small quantitative model presented in section2;hence our analytical results in this section are intended to provide intuition for the numerical results presented for the empirical model in section3.The analysis of Giannoni and Woodford(2002a)derives a robustly optimal target crite-rion from thefirst-order conditions that characterize the optimal state-contingent evolution of the economy.Here we illustrate this method by directly applying it to our simple examples, without any need to recapitulate the general theory.1.1An Inflation-Output Stabilization TradeoffWefirst consider the central issue addressed in previous literature onflexible inflation target-ing,which is the extent to which a departure from complete(and immediate)stabilization ofinflation is justifiable in the case of real disturbances that prevent joint stabilization of both inflation and the(welfare-relevant)output gap.3We illustrate how this question would be answered in the case of a simple optimizing model of the monetary transmission mechanism that allows for the existence of such“cost-push shocks”(to use the language of Clarida et al.,1999).As is well known,a discrete-time version of the optimizing model of staggered price-setting proposed by Calvo(1983)results in a log-linear aggregate supply relation of the formπt=κx t+βE tπt+1+u t,(1.1) sometimes called the“New Keynesian Phillips curve”(after Roberts,1995).4Hereπt denotes the inflation rate(rate of change of a general index of goods prices),x t the output gap(the deviation of log real GDP from a time-varying“natural rate”,defined so that stabilization of the output gap is part of the welfare-theoretic stabilization objective5),and the disturbance term u t is a“cost-push shock”,collecting all of the exogenous shifts in the equilibrium relation between inflation and output that do not correspond to shifts in the welfare-relevant“natural rate”of output.In addition,0<β<1is the discount factor of the representative household, andκ>0is a function of a number of features of the underlying structure,including both the average frequency of price adjustment and the degree to which Ball-Romer(1990)“real rigidities”are important.We shall assume that the objective of monetary policy is to minimize the expected value 3Possible sources of disturbances of this sort are discussed in Giannoni(2000),Steinsson(2002),and Woodford(2003,chap.6).4See Woodford(2003,chap.3)for a derivation in the context of an explicit intertemporal general equi-librium model of the transmission mechanism.Equation(1.1)represents merely a log-linear approximation to the exact equilibrium relation between inflation and output implied by this pricing model;however,un-der circumstances discussed in Woodford(2003,chap.6),such an approximation suffices for a log-linear approximate characterization of the optimal responses of inflation and output to small enough disturbances. Similar remarks apply to the other log-linear models presented below.5See Woodford(2003,chaps.3and6)for discussion of how this variable responds to a variety of types of real disturbances.Under conditions discussed in chapter6,the“natural rate”referred to here corresponds to the equilibrium level of output in the case that all wages and prices were completelyflexible.However, our results in this section apply to a broader class of model specifications,under an appropriate definition of the“output gap”.of a loss function of the formW=E0∞t=0βt L t,(1.2)where the discount factorβis the same as in(1.1),and the loss each period is given byL t=π2t+λ(x t−x∗)2,(1.3) for a certain relative weightλ>0and optimal level of the output gap x∗>0.Under the same microfoundations as justify the structural relation(1.1),one can show(Woodford, 2003,chap.6)that a quadratic approximation to the expected utility of the representative household is a decreasing function of(1.2),withλ=κ/θ(1.4) (whereθ>1is the elasticity of substitution between alternative differentiated goods)and x∗a function of both the degree of market power and the size of tax distortions.However, we here offer an analysis of the optimal target criterion in the case of any loss function of the form(1.3),regardless of whether the weights and target values are the ones that can be justified on welfare-theoretic grounds or not.(In fact,a quadratic loss function of this form is frequently assumed in the literature on monetary policy evaluation,and is often supposed to represent the primary stabilization objectives of actual inflation-targeting central banks in positive characterizations of the consequences of inflation targeting.)The presence of disturbances of the kind represented by u t in(1.1)creates a tension between the two stabilization goals reflected in(1.3)of inflation stabilization on the one hand and output-gap stabilization(around the value x∗)on the other;under an optimal policy, the paths of both variables will be affected by cost-push shocks.The optimal responses can be found by computing the state-contingent paths{πt,x t}that minimize(1.2)with loss function(1.3)subject to the sequence of constraints(1.1).6The Lagrangian for this problem, 6Note that the aggregate-demand side of the model does not matter,as long as a nominal interest-rate path exists that is consistent with any inflation and output paths that may be selected.This is true if,for example,the relation between interest rates and private expenditure is of the form(1.15)assumed below,and the required path of nominal interest rates is always non-negative.We assume here that the non-negativity constraint never binds,which will be true,under the assumptions of the model,in the case of any small enough real disturbances{u t,r n t}.looking forward from any date t0,is of the formL t0=E t∞t=t0βt−t012[π2t+λx(x t−x∗)2]+ϕt[πt−κx t−βπt+1],(1.5)whereϕt is a Lagrange multiplier associated with constraint(1.1)on the possible inflation-output pairs in period t.In writing the constraint term associated with the period t AS relation,it does not matter that we substituteπt+1for E tπt+1;for it is only the conditional expectation of the term at date t0that matters in(1.5),and the law of iterated expectations implies thatE t0[ϕt E tπt+1]=E t[E t(ϕtπt+1)]=E t[ϕtπt+1]for any t≥t0.Differentiating(1.5)with respect to the levels of inflation and output each period,we obtain a pair offirst-order conditionsπt+ϕt−ϕt−1=0,(1.6)λ(x t−x∗)−κϕt=0,(1.7) for each period t≥t0.These conditions,together with the structural relation(1.1),have a unique non-explosive solution7for the inflation rate,the output gap,and the Lagrange multiplier(a unique solution in which the paths of these variables are bounded if the shocks u t are bounded),and this solution(which therefore satisfies the transversality condition) indicates the optimal state-contingent evolution of inflation and output.As an example,Figure1,plots the impulse responses to a positive cost-push shock,in the simple case that the cost-push shock is purely transitory,and unforecastable before the period in which it occurs(so that E t u t+j=0for all j≥1).Here the assumed values ofβ,κ,7Obtaining a unique solution requires the specification of an initial value for the Lagrange multiplierϕt0−1.See Woodford(2003,chap.7)for the discussion of alternative possible choices of this initial condition andtheir significance.Here we note simply that regardless of the value chosen forϕt0−1,the optimal responsesto cost-push shocks in period t0and later are the same.of Calvo pricing.andλare those given in Table1,8and the shock in period zero is of size u0=1;the periods represent quarters,and the inflation rate is plotted as an annualized rate,meaning that what is plotted is actually4πt.As one might expect,in an optimal equilibrium inflation is allowed to increase somewhat in response to a cost-push shock,so that the output gap need not fall as much as would be required to prevent any increase in the inflation rate.Perhaps less intuitively,thefigure also shows that under an optimal commitment,monetary policy remains tight even after the disturbance has dissipated,so that the output gap returns to 8These parameter values are based on the estimates of Rotemberg and Woodford(1997)for a slightly more complex variant of the model used here and in section1.3.The coefficientλhere corresponds toλx in the table.Note also that the value of.003for that coefficient refers to a loss function in whichπt represents the quarterly change in the log price level.If we write the loss function in terms of an annualized inflation rate,4πt,as is conventional in numerical work,then the relative weight on the output-gap stabilization term would actually be16λx,or about.048.Of course,this is still quite low compared the relative weights often assumed in the ad hoc stabilization objectives used in the literature on the evaluation of monetary policy rules.Table1:Calibrated parameter values for the examples in section1.Structural parametersβ0.99κ.024θ−10.13σ−10.16Shock processesρu0ρr0.35Loss functionλx.003λi.236zero only much more gradually.As a result of this,while inflation overshoots its long-run target value at the time of the shock,it is held below its long-run target value for a time following the shock,so that the unexpected increase in prices is subsequently undone.In fact,as the bottom panel of thefigure shows,under an optimal commitment,the price level eventually returns to exactly the same path that it would have been expected to follow if the shock had not occurred.This simple example illustrates a very general feature of optimal policy once one takes account of forward-looking private-sector behavior:optimal policy is almost always history-dependent.That is,it depends on the economy’s recent history and not simply on the set of possible state-contingent paths for the target variables(here,inflation and the output gap)that are possible from now on.(In the example shown in thefigure,the set of pos-sible rational-expectations equilibrium paths for inflation and output from period t onward depends only on the value of u t;but under an optimal policy,the actually realized inflation rate and output gap depend on past disturbances as well.)This is because a commitment to respond later to past conditions can shift expectations at the earlier date in a way that helps to achieve the central bank’s stabilization objectives.In the present example,if price-setters are forward-looking,the anticipation that a current increase in the general price level willpredictably be“undone”soon gives suppliers a reason not to increase their own prices cur-rently as much as they otherwise would.This leads to smaller equilibrium deviations from the long-run inflation target at the time of the cost-push shock,without requiring such a large change in the output gap as would be required to stabilize inflation to the same degree without a change in expectations regarding future inflation.(The impulse responses under the best possible equilibrium that does not involve history-dependence are shown by the dashed lines in thefigure.9Note that a larger initial output contraction is required,even though both the initial price increase and the long-run price increase caused by the shock are greater.)It follows that no purely forward-looking target criterion—one that involves only the projected paths of the target variables from the present time onward,like the criterion that is officially used by the Bank of England—can possibly determine an equilibrium with the optimal responses to disturbances.Instead,a history-dependent target criterion is necessary, as stressed by Svensson and Woodford(2003).A target criterion that works is easily derived from thefirst-order conditions(1.6)–(1.7). Eliminating the Lagrange multiplier,one is left with a linear relationπt+φ(x t−x t−1)=0,(1.8)with a coefficientφ=λ/κ>0,that the state-contingent evolution of inflation and the output gap must satisfy.Note that this relation must hold in an optimal equilibrium regardless of the assumed statistical properties of the disturbances.One can also show that a commitment to ensure that(1.8)holds each period from some date t0onward implies the existence of a.In this determinate rational-expectations equilibrium,10given any initial output gap x t0−1 equilibrium,inflation and output evolve according to the optimal state-contingent evolution 9See Woodford(2003,chap.7)for derivation of this“optimal non-inertial plan.”In the example shown in Figure1,this optimal non-inertial policy corresponds to the Markov equilibrium resulting from discretionary optimization by the central bank.That equivalence would not obtain,however,in the case of serially correlated disturbances.10The characteristic equation that determines whether the system of equations consisting of(1.1)and(1.8) has a unique non-explosive solution is the same as for the system of equations solved above for the optimal state-contingent evolution.characterized above.This is the optimal target criterion that we are looking for:it indicates that deviations of the projected inflation rateπt from the long-run inflation target(here equal to zero)should be accepted that are proportional to the degree to which the output gap is projected to decline over the same period that prices are projected to rise.Note that this criterion is history-dependent,because the acceptability of a given projection(πt,x t)depends on the recent past level of the output gap;it is this feature of the criterion that will result in the output gap’s returning only gradually to its normal level following a transitory cost-push shock,as shown in Figure1.How much of a projected change in the output gap is needed to justify a given degree of departure from the long-run inflation target?Ifλis assigned the value that it takes in the welfare-theoretic loss function,thenφ=θ−1,whereθis the elasticity of demand faced by the typicalfirm.The calibrated value for this parameter given in Table1(based on the estimates of Rotemberg and Woodford,1997)implies thatφ=.13.If we express the target criterion in terms of the annualized inflation rate(4πt)rather than the quarterly rate of price change,the relative weight on the projected quarterly change in the output gap will instead be4φ,or about0.51.Hence a projection of a decline in real GDP of two percentage points relative to the natural rate of output over the coming quarter would justify an increase in the projected(annualized)rate of inflation of slightly more than one percentage point.1.2Inflation InertiaA feature of the“New Keynesian”aggregate-supply relation(1.1)that has come in for substantial criticism in the empirical literature is the fact that past inflation rates play no role in the determination of current equilibrium inflation.Instead,empirical models of the kind used in central banks for policy evaluation often imply that the path of the output gap required in order to achieve a particular path for the inflation rate from now onward depends on what rate of inflation has already been recently experienced;and this aspect of one’s model is of obvious importance for the question of how rapidly one should expectthat it is optimal to return inflation to its normal level,or even to“undo”past unexpected price-level increases,following a cost-push shock.A simple way of incorporating inflation inertia of the kind that central-bank models often assume into an optimizing model of pricing behavior is to assume,as Christiano et al.(2001)propose,that individual prices are indexed to an aggregate price index during the intervals between re-optimizations of the individual prices,and that the aggregate price index becomes available for this purpose only with a one-period lag.When the Calvo model of staggered price-setting is modified in this way,the aggregate-supply relation(1.1)takes the more general form11πt−γπt−1=κx t+βE t[πt+1−γπt]+u t,(1.9)where the coefficient0≤γ≤1indicates the degree of automatic indexation to the aggregate price index.In the limiting case of complete indexation(γ=1),the case assumed by Christiano et al.and the case found to bestfit US data in our own estimation results below, this relation is essentially identical to the aggregate-supply relation proposed by Fuhrer and Moore(1995),which has been widely used in empirical work.The welfare-theoretic stabilization objective corresponding to this alternative structural model is of the form(1.2)with the period loss function(1.3)replaced byL t=(πt−γπt−1)2+λ(x t−x∗)2,(1.10)whereλ>0is again given by(1.4),and x∗>0is similarly the same function of underlying microeconomic distortions as before.12(The reason for the change is that with the automatic indexation,the degree to which the prices offirms that re-optimize their prices and those that do not are different depends on the degree to which the current overall inflation rate πt differs from the rate at which the automatically adjusted prices are increasing,i.e.,from γπt−1.)If we consider the problem of minimizing(1.2)with loss function(1.10)subject to 11See Woodford(2003,chap.3)for a derivation from explicit microeconomic foundations.12See Woodford(2003,chap.6)for derivation of this loss function as an approximation to expected utility.。
To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................
与纳米有关的英语作文素材Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing Industries and Shaping the Future.In the realm of scientific advancements, nanotechnology stands out as a transformative force, wielding the power to manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular scales. This groundbreaking field holds immense potential to revolutionize various industries and shape our future in myriad ways.Medical Innovations:Nanotechnology is revolutionizing medicine by enabling the development of targeted drug delivery systems andultra-precise surgical instruments. Nanoparticles can be engineered to encapsulate drugs and deliver them directly to diseased cells, minimizing side effects and improving efficacy. Advanced surgical robots equipped with nanoscale precision can perform minimally invasive procedures withunprecedented accuracy, reducing recovery times and complications.Energy and Sustainability:Nanotechnology offers promising solutions to address pressing energy challenges. Nano-engineered solar cells can harness sunlight more efficiently, converting it into electricity. Advanced battery technologies based on nanomaterials enable longer-lasting and more powerful batteries, essential for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems. Nano-catalysts can enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.Materials Engineering:Nanotechnology is transforming materials science, leading to the development of novel materials with exceptional properties. Carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other nanomaterials possess remarkable strength,flexibility, and electrical conductivity. These materialsfind applications in lightweight composites, flexible electronics, and advanced sensors. Nanocoatings can protect surfaces from wear, corrosion, and extreme temperatures, extending their lifespan and improving performance.Electronics and Computing:In the realm of electronics and computing, nanotechnology is pushing the boundaries of miniaturization and performance. Nano-transistors can operate at ultra-high speeds, enabling faster and more powerful computers. Advanced nanomaterials such as spintronics canrevolutionize data processing, leading to quantum computing and ultra-high-capacity storage devices.Manufacturing and Production:Nanotechnology is streamlining manufacturing processes and improving product quality. Nano-based coatings and treatments can enhance the durability and functionality of industrial components. Nanofabrication techniques allow for the precise creation of complex structures, opening up newpossibilities for customized and highly specialized products.Environmental Science:Nanotechnology offers innovative solutions for environmental remediation. Nanomaterials can be used to remove contaminants from water and air, purify wastewater, and detect and mitigate pollution. Nano-based sensors can monitor environmental conditions in real-time, enabling proactive responses to potential hazards.Societal Implications:While the potential of nanotechnology is immense, it also raises important ethical and societal considerations. The responsible development and deployment of nanotechnologies are crucial to ensure public safety and address potential risks. Ongoing research and dialogue are essential to understand the long-term implications of nanotechnology and to guide its responsible use.Conclusion:Nanotechnology is a powerful force that is rapidly transforming industries and shaping our future. Its applications span a wide range of fields, from medicine and energy to materials engineering and computing. By harnessing the power of matter at the atomic and molecular scales, nanotechnology holds the potential to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, improve ourquality of life, and usher in a new era of technological advancements.。
In the modern era,the brilliance of technology has become an integral part of our lives,transforming the way we communicate,work,and even think.The advent of the internet,smartphones,artificial intelligence,and other technological marvels has not only made our lives more convenient but also opened up new horizons for human potential.The internet,for instance,has revolutionized the way we access information.With just a few clicks,we can now learn about any topic under the sun,connect with people from all corners of the globe,and even participate in global events without leaving our homes. This has not only broadened our horizons but also democratized knowledge,making it accessible to anyone with a device and an internet connection.Smartphones,on the other hand,have become an extension of ourselves.They are not just communication devices but also tools for entertainment,learning,and even health monitoring.The convenience they offer is unparalleled,allowing us to stay connected and informed at all times.Artificial intelligence AI is another area where technology has shone brightly.AI has the potential to revolutionize various sectors,from healthcare to transportation.For example, AIpowered diagnostic tools can help doctors detect diseases at an early stage,increasing the chances of successful treatment.In transportation,AI can optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and making travel more efficient.However,the brilliance of technology also comes with challenges.Issues such as privacy, data security,and the digital divide are concerns that need to be addressed.Moreover,the rapid pace of technological advancement can sometimes leave certain segments of the population behind,creating a gap between the techsavvy and the less techinclined.To fully appreciate the brilliance of technology,we must also be mindful of these challenges and work towards finding cation and awareness are key in ensuring that everyone can benefit from technological advancements.Furthermore, ethical considerations should be at the forefront of technological development to prevent misuse and ensure that technology serves the greater good.In conclusion,the light of technology has illuminated many aspects of our lives,offering us unprecedented opportunities and convenience.By embracing its potential while being mindful of its challenges,we can continue to harness its brilliance for the betterment of society.。
核心微生物组的英语In the vast ecosystem of our planet, the core microbiome plays a pivotal role, unseen yet indispensable. It's the unsung heroes of the natural world, orchestrating the balance of life.These microscopic entities, thriving in symbiosis, ensure the health of plants and animals alike. They decompose organic matter, recycle nutrients, and even produce essential vitamins, making them the cornerstone of our food chain.The study of core microbiomes is a field of sciencethat's both fascinating and complex. It requires a deep understanding of genetics, ecology, and the intricate interplay between different species.Despite their importance, the core microbiome is under threat from environmental changes. Pollution, deforestation, and climate change are disrupting their delicate balance, with far-reaching consequences for our ecosystems.As we delve deeper into the world of core microbiomes, we uncover the secrets of adaptability and resilience. They are the guardians of biodiversity, ensuring the survival of species in the face of adversity.The preservation of these microbial communities iscrucial for the health of our planet. It's a call to actionfor scientists, policymakers, and citizens alike to protect and restore these vital ecosystems.In the quest to understand the core microbiome, we are not only learning about the natural world but also about our place within it. It's a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of stewardship.As we continue to explore the depths of the core microbiome, we must also consider the ethical implications of our discoveries. How will we use this knowledge to benefit both the environment and humanity?The future of the core microbiome is in our hands. It's up to us to ensure that these vital organisms continue to thrive, supporting the web of life on Earth for generations to come.。
Influence of aggregate size and volume fraction on shrinkage induced micro-cracking of concrete and mortar
Peter Grassl a,⁎, Hong S. Wong b, Nick R. Buenfeld b
In this paper, the influence of aggregate size and volume fraction on shrinkage induced micro-cracking and permeability of concrete and mortar was investigated. Nonlinear finite element analyses of model concrete and mortar specimens with regular and random aggregate arrangements were performed. The aggregate diameter was varied between 2 and 16 mm. Furthermore, a range of volume fractions between 0.1 and 0.5 was studied. The nonlinear analyses were based on a 2D lattice approach in which aggregates were simplified as monosized cylindrical inclusions. The analysis results were interpreted by means of crack length, crack width and change of permeability. The results show that increasing aggregate diameter (at equal volume fraction) and decreasing volume fraction (at equal aggregate diameter) increase crack width and consequently greatly increases permeability.
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2 d# { | 3
d1 d2 ... dq
#1 #2 ... #q
{1 {2 ... {q
|1 |2 ... |q
Variable # represents here the explained variable (for example household's consumption), { and | are the explanatory variables (for example income and the household's size). All of the variables are presumed to be quantitative, therefore interval-, rational- or absolute scale variables. Ordering or classifying variables are not considered explicitly, though similar results can be derived for those as well, see Edgren, Turkkila, Vartia (1978, pages 52-62). Furthermore variables are considered as continuous. Let us ¯rst consider a
used instead of sums (4). It is to be noted, that transformation from means
to sums is not necessary a trivial operation. Only, if q is a constant (for
example in time) and it is natural to choose q in a single way, this trans-
formation is almost a trivial operation. Commonly it is not clear, what are
['s size is signi¯cantly larger than any {l's. Often it is natural and simple
to examine arithmetic means instead of sums (4):
# = q #l = q
{= q
1We thank M.Sc. (Economics) Jarno Soininen for the ¯rst translation. I am grateful for prof. Tapio Palokangas and university lecturer Ulla Lehmijoki for advice in the LaTex code.
Usual convention (almost an obsession) is that, if there exists a relation
So, for every dl there is an a±ne ("linear") expression #l of the variables ({l> |l), where the coe±cients (> 1> 2) are the same for the each household. (At ¯rst we consider only deterministic equations; later it is easy to add necessary error terms). Speci¯cation (1) means, that there exists a function j : U2 ! U such that
JEL Classification: B41, C43, C81, C82.
Keywords: Aggregation, Micro Foundations, Methodology of Economics.
Yrjö Vartia
Department of Economics University of Helsinki P.O. Box 17 FI-00014 University of Helsinki FINLAND
j({> |) = + 1{ + 2|
and for each l = 1> = = = > q we have
#l = j({l> |l)=
This is a highly restrictive hypothesis, which is soon to be relaxed.
HECER Discussion Paper No. 248
On the Aggregation of Quadratic Micro Equations
Aggregation of a flexible functional form - namely quadratic functions are considered. The representation proceeds from simple to more complicated and ends with aggregating an arbitrary number of agent-specific quadratic functions.
3 Macro data
We consider two cases here. In the ¯rst case, macro level variables are simply
sums of the micro level variables, which are denoted as capital letters:
e-mail: yrjo.vartia@helsinki.fi
1 Introduction
We study the aggregation of a °exible functional form, namely quadratic functions. It provides trivially a quadratic approximation for any twice differentiable function at a given point, say the mean point. Part of the results is presented and applied e.g. in Edgren, Turkkila, Vartia (1978). Presentation is kept intentionally elementary in its relation to mathematics, so that we see concretely the problems of aggregation and where the separate terms in the macro equation emerge from. The paper is essentially an English translation1 of a former Finnish paper Vartia (1979).
öMmföäflsäafaäsflassflassflas ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Discussion Papers
On the Aggregation of Quadratic Micro Equations
Yrjö Vartia University of Helsinki and HECER
X l=1
If #l and {l are consumption and income in euros in an household dl, then ª and [ are total consumption and total income in euros (for example in an economy). For instance this simple aggregation, direct addition, is used in the System of National Account SNA (as in accounting systems generally). Therefore totals are important and natural aggregates. Later
Discussion Paper No. 248 December 2008 ISSN 1795-0562
HECER –Helsinki Center of Economic Research, P.O. Box 17 (Arkadiankatu 7), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND, Tel +358-9-191-28780, Fax +358-9-191-28781, E-mail info-hecer@helsinki.fi, Internet www.hecer.fi
{l = q
1X [
| = q |l = q =
In that case one commonly thinks of studying "mean family", "mean con-
sumer" or similar representative agents. In per capita studies means (5) are