Charge Order Superstructure with Integer Iron Valence in Fe2OBO3


强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束英文版英文回答:High-power lasers and particle beams are two powerful tools that have found a wide range of applications in scientific research, industry, and medicine. Lasers are devices that emit a highly focused beam of light, while particle beams are streams of charged particles, such as electrons or protons.Both lasers and particle beams can be used to heat, cut, and vaporize materials. They can also be used to modify the surface properties of materials, such as their roughnessand wettability.Lasers are often used in manufacturing processes, such as cutting, welding, and engraving. They can also be usedin medical procedures, such as laser surgery and laser skin resurfacing.Particle beams are often used in research applications, such as particle physics and nuclear physics. They can also be used in medical applications, such as radiation therapy for cancer.The choice of which tool to use for a particular application depends on a number of factors, including the desired precision, power, and cost.中文回答:强激光与粒子束。

Heat Conduction and Charge Ordering in Perovskite Manganites, Nickelates and Cuprates

Heat Conduction and Charge Ordering in Perovskite Manganites, Nickelates and Cuprates

Heat Conduction and Charge Ordering in Perovskite Manganites, Nickelates and CupratesABSTRACTWe discuss heat transport in hole-doped manganites, nickelates and cuprates for which real-space charge ordering has been observed. We survey the thermal transport response to charge order in the various materials and the associated structural modifications, particularly distortions of the metal-oxygen polyhedra associated with localized charge, that may be a principal source of phonon damping. INTRODUCTIONThe real-space ordering of doped holes (and spins) in perovskite manganites, nickelates and cuprates has attracted considerable attention recently. These phenomena reflect a novel interplay between charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom. In the cuprates the charge order, when static and long-ranged, suppresses superconductivity [1]; there is evidence to suggest that fluctuating charge and spin order in the cuprates is necessary for high-temperature superconductivity [2]. In all of the title compounds the lattice heat conduction is predominant and thus the study of thermal conductivity affords an opportunity to investigate the effects of the ordering phenomena on the damping of long-wavelength phonons.This paper reviews the relevant heat transport data in these materials, emphasizing the empirical connection between phonon damping and structural distortions related to localized charge. The charge ordering in these compounds is closely associated with antiferromagnetic ordering of the metal-ion spins. However, the heat transport is rather insensitive to the spin order, and we omit the latter from our discussion.Joshua L. Cohn, Department of Physics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0530MANGANITESDoped perovskite manganites [3] R1-x A x MnO3 (R=La, Pr, Nd, Sm; A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb), exhibit a complex phase behavior [Fig. 1 (a)] and rich physics. Though our main focus in the present work is on compositions for which charge and orbital ordering occur, we briefly discuss our studies of heat transport over a broader range of doping [4] since they serve as the motivation for our hypothesis that thermal transport is a sensitive probe of the local structure in the metal-oxide perovskites generally. The parent compound, RMnO3 (Mn3+; t2g3e g1) is an antiferromagnetic insulator. The Mn3+O6 octahedra undergo a Jahn-Teller deformation that splits the degeneracy of the two e g states and yields two elongated bonds corresponding to the d z2 orbitals. Divalent substitution for R3+, in the simplest picture, converts x Mn3+ ions to Mn4+. The latter is not Jahn-Teller active, thus the average MnO6 distortionFIGURE 1 (a) Phase diagram for LCMO. Labels indicate the paramagnetic insulating (PM), canted antiferromagnetic insulating (CAF), ferromagnetic insulating (FI), ferromagnetic metallic (FM), charge-ordered insulating (CO) and antiferromagnetic insulating (AF) states. (b) Thermal resistivity vs MnO6 distortion (see text) for LCMO and PSMO polycrystals [4].decreases with increasing x. Charge transport may be viewed as occurring by transfer of e g holes on Mn4+ to e g states on neighboring Mn3+, and occurs via thermally activated hopping of small polarons in the high-temperature paramagnetic (PM) phase.The undoped compound has a thermal conductivity κ~1 W/mK at 300 K, comparable to the theoretical minimum value [5], and consistent with a high degree of disorder attributable to the Jahn-Teller distortions. Figure 1 (b) shows that the lattice thermal resistivity, W L=1/κL, for all compositions scales with the bond disorder, defined from neutron diffraction measurements as, D ≡ (1/3)∑|u i-u|/ u ×100, with u i the Mn-O bond lengths, and u=(u1u2u3)1/3. This correlation is especially compelling because it holds at both high-T and low-T while D is dramatically altered by the ferromagnetic and charge-ordering transitions upon cooling from the PM state. For example, Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (PSMO) has the smallest D at 300 K, but one of the largest at 35K; the reverse is true for La0.7Ca0.3MnO3. The various phase transitions all involve modifications of the local structure [6] which correlate with hole itinerancy and the magnetism, consistent with a polaronic origin for the lattice distortions.Consider the data for Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 and La0.35Ca0.65MnO3 in more detail near their FM-CO and PM-CO transitions, respectively (Fig. 2). First note that the additional thermal resistivity that develops in the CO phases (relative to that at 1.2T CO), computed using the solid curves in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), follows a mean-fieldFIGURE 2 (a) Thermal conductivity vs temperature for (a) Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 and (b) La0.35Ca0.65MnO3 [4] along with the relative change in sound velocity [9] for the latter. The solid lines represent in (a) the data at H=9T, scaled to match the data above T CO=135K, and in (b) an extrapolated polynomial fit to the data at T>T CO=265 K. The insets in (a) and (b) represent the charge and orbital ordering pattern in the ac-planes below T CO [7,8],with doubling and tripling of the unit cells along the a-axis, respectively (dotted rectangles): Mn4+ (solid circles), Mn3+ (hatched lobes, representing d z2-orbitals).behavior [Fig. 3 (a)], ∆W L /W L ∝(1−Τ/ΤCO )1/2, i.e. scales with the structural order parameter for the CO phase, e.g. the integrated intensity of the charge-ordered superlattice reflections from x-ray diffraction studies of a specimen of similar composition [7]. The ordering pattern of the holes and Mn 3+ d z 2 orbitals is depicted for both compounds in the insets of Fig. 2 [7,8]. A fundamental question for our studies of heat transport in all of the perovskite materials is how charge ordering influences the damping of heat-carrying phonons. To address this issue it is useful to consider the kinetic theory expression for the lattice thermal resistivity, W L =(3/C L ν2)τ-1, where C L is the lattice specific heat, ν is the sound velocity, and τ-1 is the phonon relaxation rate. Fig. 2 (b) shows that in the case of the manganites, the charge ordered phase is characterized by a substantial hardening of the lattice[9], with ν increasing by 10% just below T CO . The background lattice specific heat is continuous well above and below T CO [7], and thus the κ data imply a substantial increase in phonon damping (τ-1 ) below T CO (the volume change is negligible [7]). Figure 3 (b) shows τ-1(T) computed for La 0.35Ca 0.65MnO 3 from the κ data using C L (T) and ν(T) from Ref. 9 and taking ν(T CO )=3,000 m/s. Also shown is τ-1(T) for La 0.85Ca 0.15MnO 3, computed assuming ν=3,000 m/s independent of T, and scaled to match the data for x=0.65 at T>T CO . The x=0.15 compound remains in the PM phase for T>140 K, and thus serves as a reference for the phonon scattering rate in the absence of charge ordering. τ-1 for x=0.65 increases abruptly by nearly 40% just below the transition, and then decreases at T<230 K, paralleling the scaled τ-1(T) forFIGURE 3 (a) Normalized change in thermal resistivity from that extrapolated from T>T CO for data from Fig. 2 plotted vs reduced temperature. (b) phonon scattering rate vs temperature for La 1-x Ca x MnO 3 x=0.15, 0.65, computed as described in the text.the x=0.15 compound. This constant offset of the τ-1 curves indicates that the enhanced scattering in the CO phase is associated with static bond disorder.It is significant that τ-1 for La0.35Ca0.65MnO3 shows no anomalous behavior at T>T CO whereas ν(T) indicates a softening of the lattice, presumably associated with charge-order fluctuations as T CO is approached from above. Evidently such dynamical bond disorder (presumably with a frequency related to that of an optical phonon involved in polaron hopping) does not necessarily yield damping of heat-carrying phonons.NICKELATESThe doped holes in La2-x Sr x NiO4+δ [10] order two-dimensionally into periodic, quasi-one-dimensional stripes within the NiO2 planes. This effect is most pronounced for the hole concentration x=1/3 where the charge-stripe period is commensurate with the lattice [Fig. 4 (a)].Recently, Hess et al. [11] reported thermal conductivity measurements for these compounds [Fig. 4 (b)]. In contrast to La0.35Ca0.65MnO3, κ(T) for La5/3Sr1/3NiO4increases below T CO=240 K. The sound velocity [12] is enhanced in the charge-ordered phase, but the effect is two orders of magnitude smaller than that in the manganite. Therefore τ-1decreases substantially for the nickelate within the CO phase. Phononic Raman scattering [13] indicates broad phonon modes at T>T CO, indicative of polaronic effects and an inhomogeneous charge distribution.FIGURE 4 (a) Charge ordering scheme within a NiO2 plane for La5/3Sr1/3NiO4: solid circles and lines represent the Ni lattice, dashed lines the charge stripes (centered between Ni and O atoms).(b) Thermal conductivity [11] and sound velocity [12] vs temperature for La2-x Sr x NiO4 polycrystals. The data for x=1 has been scaled to match the data of x=0.33 at T>T CO≈240 K.Based on our observations for the manganites it is plausible that the suppressed phonon scattering in the nickelate is associated with a decrease in the average octahedral distortion in the stripe-ordered phase.CUPRATES(La,Nd)2-x Sr x CuO4Rare-earth substitution for La ions in La2-x Sr x CuO4 (LSCO) induces a structural transition from the low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) to low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) phase at low temperatures. The transition involves a rotation of the tilt axis of the CuO6 octahedra from the [100] direction (at 45 to the Cu-O bonds) to [110] (along the Cu-O bonds), with no change in the magnitude of the tilts (see Fig. 5). The [110] tilts are effective in pinning charge stripes oriented along the Cu-O bonds and stabilize static, long-ranged charge stripe order which suppresses superconductivity [14]. For sufficiently small tilt angles, the LTT phase is superconducting, evidently because their pinning potential is lower [15].Baberski et al. [16] studied thermal conductivity in a series of Nd- and Eu-doped LSCO polycrystals. They found an abrupt jump in κ at the LTO-LTT transition [Fig. 6 (a)] but only when the LTT phase was nonsuperconducting. The authors concluded that the anomaly in the heat transport was caused by the scattering of phonons by fluctuating charge stripes in the LTO phase, and suppression of this scattering for static stripes. For fixed RE content, the size of the anomaly, ∆κ/κ, was observed to decrease gradually with increasing Sr composition,FIGURE 5 Tilt pattern of CuO6 octahedra in the LTO and LTT phases.tending to zero at the superconducting boundary. Using the structural data for Nd-doped compounds [15] we convert [17] Sr content to orthorhombic distortion, (b-a) in the LTO phase, and find that ∆κ/κ correlates well with (b-a) [Fig. 6 (b)]. Within the stripe scattering hypothesis, ∆κ/κ scales with the volume fraction of static stripe phase, and thus is larger for higher Nd content. Baberski et al. argued against any direct connection with the structural transition given that no anomaly occurred at the LTO-LTT transition when the LTT phase was superconducting (i.e. in the absence of static charge stripes). An apparent difficulty with this interpretation is that the charge-order develops rather gradually below T LTT, in contrast to the κ anomalies which are step-like jumps that follow closely the temperature behavior of the LTT structural order parameter [inset, Fig. 6 (a)]. Though the magnitude of the tilts is not altered at T LTT , for a given tilt, the LTO-phase octahedra are more distorted than those of the LTT phase. Using diffraction data for La 1.475Nd 0.4Sr 0.125CuO 4 [18] we compute a decrease in the distortion parameter, ∆D~-0.8% at the LTO-LTT transition. In the absence of a “calibration” of thermal resistivity vs distortion like that of Fig. 1 (b) for the manganites, we can only comment that such a change of distortion in the manganites would be more than sufficient to produce ∆κ/κ of the magnitude observed for (La 1-y Nd y )x Sr x CuO 4 [16]. Thus the plot in Fig. 6 (b) may be telling us that ∆κ/κ correlates with the change in distortion of the octahedra. Within this scenario, ∆κ/κ presumably tends to zero at a finite value of (b-a) because the corresponding tilt angle is sufficiently small that the difference in distortion for LTO and LTT tilts causes a negligible difference in phonon scattering. It may also be relevant to the doping behavior of ∆κ/κ that Sr dopants introduce localized holes in LSCO [19] that are associated with theFIGURE 6 (a) Thermal conductivity vs temperature for RE-doped La 1.88Sr 0.12CuO 4 [16]. ∆κ/κ is the normalized jump in κ at the LTO-LTT transition. The inset shows the integrated intensity of LTT and charge-order superlattice reflections of a Nd 0.4 single crystal [1]. (b) ∆κ/κ for Nd-doped LSCO [16] plotted against the orthorhombic splitting in the LTO phase.presence of local LTT domains at T>T LTT [20]. As for the manganite and nickelate, there may be some hardening of the lattice that would also contribute to ∆κ/κ, but we are not aware of sound velocity measurements for RE-doped LSCO.YBa2Cu3O6+x and Hg-cupratesIn the absence of a pinning mechanism like the tilt distortion of the LTT phase,there is no long-range, static charge ordering in the cuprates. However, inelastic neutron scattering studies of LSCO [21] and YBa2Cu3O6+x (Y-123) [22] suggest the presence of fluctuating or disordered charge-stripes. Our studies of the doping dependence of thermal conductivity in oxygen doped cuprates [23] reveal enhanced thermal resistivity near hole concentrations p=1/8, the value for which commensurate charge stripe order is expected. We attributed this to the presence of static stripe order in small domains.The p=1/8 features (Fig. 7) are evident in the doping behavior of the normal-FIGURE 7 (a) Thermal resistivity [23] at T=100K relative to that at p opt=0.16 for Y-123 polycrystals and the ab-plane of single crystals [W opt=0.21 mK/W (0.08mK/W) for the polycrystal(crystals)]. Also plotted (×’s) is the relative intensity of anomalous 63Cu NQR signals [24]. Thedashed curve is a guide to the eye. (b) The normalized slope change in κ(T) at T c vs doping for each of the Y-123 specimens in (a). Solid (open) symbols are referred to the left (right) ordinate.Also shown (×’s) are the normalized electronic specific heat jump [25], ∆γ/γ, and (solid curve) theµSR depolarization rate [26] (in µs-1), divided by 1.4 and 2.7, respectively, and referred to the right ordinate. (c) Thermal resistivity for Hg-1201 and Hg-1212 polycrystals relative to that of Hg-1223. Dashed curves are guides. (d) The normalized slope change in κ(T) at T c vs doping for Hgcuprates. The solid line is 1.71-250(p-0.157)2. Dashed curves are guides.state thermal resistivity (W) and the normalized change in temperature derivative of κ that occurs at the superconducting transition (T c), Γ≡-d(κs/κn)/dt|t=1, where t=T/T c and κs (κn)is the thermal conductivity in the superconducting (normal) state. For Y-123, W(p) and Γ(p) follow closely the doping behavior of anomalous 63Cu NQR spectral weight [24] and the electronic specific heat jump [25], ∆γ/γ, respectively [crosses in Fig.'s 7 (a) and (b)]; this motivates our proposal that W probes lattice distortions associated with localized holes, and Γ the change in low-energy spectral weight induced by superconductivity.The muon spin rotation (µSR) depolarization rate [σ0 in Fig. 7 (b)], proportional to the superfluid density, exhibits a smooth behavior through 1/8 doping [26]. The µSR signal originates in regions of the specimen where there is a flux lattice and this difference from the behavior of Γ and ∆γ/γ (both bulk probes of the superconducting volume) suggests that the material is inhomogeneous, with non-superconducting inclusions. The suppression of Γ and ∆γ/γ below the scaled σ0 curve in Fig. 7 (b) are presumably measures of the non-superconducting volume fraction. Taken together the W and Γ data imply that the non-superconducting regions are comprised of localized holes and associated lattice distortions, similar to what would be expected for stripe domains.For the Hg materials the p=1/8 enhancement of W and suppression of Γ is most prominent in single-layer Hg-1201, less so in double-layer Hg-1212, and absent or negligible in three-layer Hg-1223. This trend follows that of the oxygen vacancy concentration: a single HgOδ layer per unit cell contributes charge to m planes in Hg-12(m-1)m so that the oxygen vacancy concentration, 1-δ, increases with decreasing m [27]. The absence of suppression in Γ near 1/8 doping for Hg-1223 [Fig. 7 (d)] suggests that this material has sufficiently few localized-hole domains that their effects in W and Γ are unobservable. Thus we employ the Hg-1223 W(p) data as a reference and plot the differences for the other two compounds in Fig. 7 (c). Comparing Fig.'s 7 (c) and (d) we see that for both Hg-1201 and Hg-1212 W is enhanced and Γ suppressed relative to values for Hg-1223 in common ranges of p, with maximal differences near p=1/8. As we have discussed elsewhere [23], these results suggest that clusters of oxygen vacancies play a role in localizing holes, possibly similar to that of the tilt distortions in LSCO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was supported by NSF Grant No. DMR-9631236.REFERENCES1. 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Doping profile(掺杂分布)Step junction(突变结)One-side Step junction(单边突变结)Diffussion(扩散)Graded junction (缓变结)Gradient(梯度)Net charge(净电荷)Depletion(耗尽层)Space charge region(空间电荷区)Potential barrier region(势垒区)Electric field(电场)Built-in potential(内建电场)Space charge region width(空间电荷区宽度)Quantative calculation(定量的)Qualitative(定性的)Substrate (衬底的)Forward bias(正偏)Reverse bias(反偏)Non-uniform doping(非均匀掺杂)Linearly graded junction(线性缓变结)Ideal-diode equation (理想二极管方程)Ideal pn junction model(理想pn结模型)Using boltgmann approximation(波尔兹曼近似)No generation and recombination inside the deletion layer(耗尽区内没有产生与复合)Low injection(小注入)Step junction with abrupt depletion layer approximation(突变结耗尽层近似)Mathmatical model(数学模型)Reverse saturation current(反向饱和电流)High junction(大注入)Small-signal model of pn junction(小信号)pn(结模型)Diffusion capacitance(扩散电容)Depletion layer capacitance(势垒电容)Junction capacitance(结电容)Breakdown voltage of pn junction pn(结击穿电压) Avalanche Breakdown (雪崩击穿)Tunnel Breakdown(隧道击穿)Transient of pn junction pn(结瞬态特性)Model and model parameters of pn junction diode (二极管模型和模型参数)Base width modulation and early voltage(基区宽变效应和厄利电压)Cutoff frequency(截止频率)JFET (junction field effect transistor)MESFET(metal semiconductor)Enhancement(增强型)Depletion (耗尽型)Flat band voltage(平带电压)11111。



1 单件流生产one-piece flow CPU cell production unit(细胞生产单元)2 second container 二次围堵3 Dispatching workers临时工(派遣工)4 Direct workers 正式工人5 Juvenile workers 未成年员工6 upon hired 在雇佣时7 3 out of these 5 五人中有三人8 underage worker 未成年工人9 keep out of 远离10 compatible charger 配套充电器11 Do not touch contacts together。

切勿将电池正负极短路12 demolish or assembly the battery 拆装电池13 in its half capacity 半荷电状态14 Keep the battery in day places将电池保存阴凉干燥处15 disused battery 废弃电池16. avoid danger 避免发生危险17 distort or burning 变形燃烧18 metal element 金属片19 protection function stop 保护功能丧失20 near the heat 热源附近21 dampen the battery 弄湿电池22 immerse 侵入23chemical reaction 化学反应24 non-indicated chargers 非专用充电器25 gouged, forged 凿入和锤打26 car kit cigarette车载点烟器27 power socket 电源插座28 leak-out batter漏液电池29 do not rob the eyes 不要揉眼30 out of children’s reach儿童触不到的地方31 in effulgence 强光32 contingency 意外情况33 decadence of the battery performance 电池性能下降34 superintend监督35 out of the factory 出厂36 accord with 符合37 battery descriptions 电池产品性能38 viscosimeter粘度计39dissepiment (电池的)隔膜/membrane40prismatic battery 柱形电池41有机溶剂organic solvent42 lug 极耳43冲压模具43stamping tool44 bead cutter 切边机45 heat-sealing machine 热封机46barriers to trade and distort competition 贸易壁垒和恶性竞争47 endorse 签署48 without delay 立刻49 substitute 替代品50 flame retardant 阻燃剂51without prejudice to 不违背52 Breach provision 违背条款。

Victron Energy Quattro 双输入双输出无电断无缝交流转换器说明说明书

Victron Energy Quattro 双输入双输出无电断无缝交流转换器说明说明书

xxxTwo AC inputs with integrated transfer switchThe Quattro can be connected to two independent AC sources, for example the public grid and a generator, or two generators. The Quattro will automatically connect to the active source.Two AC OutputsThe main output has no-break functionality. The Quattro takes over the supply to the connected loads in the event of a grid failure or when shore/generator power is disconnected. This happens so fast (less than 20 milliseconds) that computers and other electronic equipment will continue to operate without disruption.The second output is live only when AC is available on one of the inputs of the Quattro. Loads that should not discharge the battery, like a water heater for example, can be connected to this output.Virtually unlimited power thanks to parallel operationUp to 6 Quattro units can operate in parallel. Six units 48/10000/140, for example, will provide 48kW / 60kVA output power and 840 Amps charging capacity.Three phase capabilityThree units can be configured for three phase output. But that’s not all: up to 6 sets of three units can be parallel connected to provide 144kW / 180kVA inverter power and more than 2500A charging capacity.PowerControl – Dealing with limited generator, shore side or grid powerThe Quattro is a very powerful battery charger. It will therefore draw a lot of current from the generator or shore side supply (16A per 5kVA Quattro at 230VAC). A current limit can be set on each AC input. The Quattro will then take account of other AC loads and use whatever is spare for charging, thus preventing the generator or mains supply from being overloaded.PowerAssist – Boosting shore or generator powerThis feature takes the principle of PowerControl to a further dimension allowing the Quattro to supplement the capacity of the alternative source. Where peak power is so often required only for a limited period, the Quattro will make sure that insufficient mains or generator power is immediately compensated for by power from the battery. When the load reduces, the spare power is used to recharge the battery.Solar energy: AC power available even during a grid failureThe Quattro can be used in off grid as well as grid connected PV and other alternative energy systems. Loss of mains detection software is available.System configuring - In case of a stand-alone application, if settings have to be changed, this can be done in a matter of minuteswith a DIP switch setting procedure. - Parallel and three phase applications can be configured with VE.Bus Quick Configure and VE.Bus SystemConfigurator software. - Off grid, grid interactive and self-consumption applications, involving grid-tie inverters and/or MPPT SolarChargers can be configured with Assistants (dedicated software for specific applications).On-site Monitoring and controlSeveral options are available: Battery Monitor, Multi Control Panel, Color Control GX or other GX devices, smartphone or tablet (Bluetooth Smart), laptop or computer (USB or RS232).Remote Monitoring and control Color Control GX or other GX devices.Data can be stored and displayed on our VRM (Victron Remote Management) website, free of charge.Remote configuringWhen connected to the Ethernet, systems with a Color Control GX or other GX device can be accessed and settings can be changed remotely.Quattro48/5000/70-100/100Color Control GX, showing a PV applicationg) input voltage ripple too highSeveral interfaces are available:Digital Multi Control PanelA convenient and low cost solution for remotemonitoring, with a rotary knob to setPowerControl and PowerAssist levels. BMV-712 Smart BatteryMonitorUse a smartphone or other Bluetoothenabled device to:customize settings,monitor all important data onsingle screen,view historical data, and toupdate the software when newfeatures become available. Victron Energy B.V. | De Paal 35 | 1351 JG Almere | The NetherlandsGeneral phone: +31 (0)36 535 97 00 | E-mail: ***********************。



强激光与物质相互作用英语Possible article:Interactions between Matter and Strong Laser LightIntroductionStrong laser light can produce remarkable effects on matter, ranging from heating and ionization to acceleration and fusion. Understanding these interactions is not only fascinating from a scientific perspective but also holdsgreat significance for energy, medical, and industrial applications. This article will overview the basic principles, mechanisms, and applications of the interaction betweenstrong laser light and matter.Basic PrinciplesLight is an electromagnetic wave, characterized by its wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. The behavior of a light wave can be described by Maxwell's equations, which relatethe electric and magnetic fields to the sources and media of the wave. When light interacts with matter, several phenomena can occur, depending on the frequency and intensity of thelight as well as the nature and state of the matter.One of the most important parameters of strong laserlight is its intensity, which is defined as the power of the light beam per unit area. The intensity can reach values of10^15 W/cm^2 or higher for modern lasers, which is equivalent to focusing the light energy of the Sun onto a tiny spot.Such high intensities can cause nonlinear effects, where the response of the matter depends on the square or higher powers of the electric field strength. Moreover, the highintensities can lead to relativistic effects, where themotion of the electrons in the matter becomes significant to the point of approaching the speed of light.Mechanisms of InteractionSeveral mechanisms can explain the interaction between strong laser light and matter. Some of the most importantones are:- Absorption: When a photon of the light energy is absorbed by an electron in the matter, the electron gains energy and may be excited to a higher energy level or even ionized from the atom or molecule. The probability of absorption depends on the frequency of the light and the electronic structure of the matter. For example, ultraviolet light is easily absorbed by molecules containing aromatic or conjugated rings, while infrared light is more likely to be absorbed by polar molecules.- Scattering: When a photon of the light energy collides with a particle in the matter, it may be scattered in different directions or absorbed and reemitted at a different frequency. Scattering can occur elastically, where the photon keeps its energy and only changes direction, or inelastically, wherethe photon loses or gains some energy in the process. Scattering can be used to diagnose the properties of matter, such as its size, shape, and composition.- Ionization: When the intensity of the light exceeds acertain threshold, called the ionization threshold, the probability of ionization increases dramatically. Ionization can lead to the formation of plasmas, which are collectionsof positively charged ions and free electrons that behave asa fluid with collective properties. Plasmas can emit intense radiation, generate magnetic fields, and accelerate chargedparticles to high energies.- Heating: When the light energy is absorbed by the matter, the temperature of the matter increases due to the excitation of the internal degrees of freedom, such as vibrations, rotations, or electronic transitions. The amount of heating depends on the rate of energy deposition and the thermal conductivity of the matter. Heating can be useful for a variety of applications, such as welding, cutting, and annealing.- Acceleration: When a strong laser light beam is focused onto a small target, the intense electric field can create a gradient of forces that pushes the surface electrons away from the center and attracts the ions towards it. This creates a net force that can accelerate the target towards the light source or even generate a shock wave. Acceleration can be used to produce high-energy particles, such as ions, electrons, and neutrons, which can be employed for medical imaging, cancer therapy, or material analysis.- Fusion: When two nuclei with positive charges are brought close enough, they can overcome their electrostatic repulsion and collide with enough kinetic energy to form a heavier nucleus. This process is called fusion and releases a large amount of energy, as predicted by Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. Strong laser light can enhance the fusion rate by compressing and heating the nuclei to overcome the Coulomb barrier. Fusion can be a promising source of clean energy, but requires overcoming many technical and safety challenges.ApplicationsThe interaction between strong laser light and matter has numerous applications in science and technology. Some of the most promising ones are:- High-energy physics: Strong laser light can mimic and complement the experiments performed in particle accelerators, by producing high-energy particles with high precision and compactness. Strong laser light can also probe the quantum vacuum and test fundamental physics theories.- Material science: Strong laser light can modify and control the properties of materials, such as their surface texture, hardness, and conductivity. Strong laser light can alsocreate new materials by inducing rapid phase transitions orby synthesizing nanoparticles with specific shapes and sizes. - Medicine: Strong laser light can be used for non-invasive diagnostic imaging, such as optical coherence tomography, or for therapeutic treatments, such as laser surgery, cancer ablation, and photodynamic therapy.- Energy: Strong laser light can enhance the efficiency and safety of nuclear fusion, which could provide a virtually limitless and clean source of energy. Strong laser light can also enable the harvesting of renewable energy sources, suchas solar and wind, by improving their conversion and storage technologies.ConclusionThe interaction between strong laser light and matter is a fascinating and multidisciplinary field of research and innovation, with far-reaching implications for science, technology, and society. Exploring and harnessing these interactions requires advancements in laser technology, theoretical modeling, experimental techniques, and interdisciplinary collaborations. As the intensity of laser light continues to increase and its applications continue to expand, the future of this field looks bright and enlightening.。



半导体物理与器件——Terms(术语)U1 Terms:Semiconductor physics and devices半导体物理与器件,Space lattice空间晶格, unit cell晶胞, primitive cell原胞,basic crystal structures 基本晶格结构(five), Miller indices密勒指数, atomic bonding原子价键U2 Terms:quantum mechanics量子力学,energy quanta能量子, wave-particle duality波粒二象性,the uncertainty principle测不准原理/海森堡不确定原理Schrodinger's wave equation薛定谔波动方程, eletrons in free Space自由空间中的电子the infinite potential well无限深势阱, the step potential function 阶跃势函数, the potential barrier势垒.U3 Terms:Pauli exclusion principle泡利不相容原理, quantum state量子态. allowed energy band允带, forbidden energy band禁带.conduction band导带, valence band价带,hole空穴, electron 电子.effective mass有效质量.density of states function状态密度函数,the Fermi-Dirac probability function费米-狄拉克概率函数,the Boltzmann approximation波尔兹曼近似,the Fermi energy费米能级.U4 Terms:charge carriers载流子, effective density of states function有效状态密度函数,intrinsic本征的,the intrinsic carrier concentration本征载流子浓度, the intrinsic Fermi level本征费米能级.charge neutrality电中性状态, compensated semiconductor补偿半导体, degenerate简并的,non-degenerate非简并的, position of E F费米能级的位置U5 Terms:drift current漂移电流, diffusion current 扩散电流,mobility迁移率, lattice scattering晶格散射, ionized impurity scattering 电离杂质散射, velocity saturation饱和速度,conductivity电导率,resistivity电阻率.graded impurity distribution杂质梯度分布,the induced electric field感生电场, the Einstein relation爱因斯坦关系, the hall effect霍尔效应U6 Terms:nonequilibrium excess carriers非平衡过剩载流子,carrier generation and recombination载流子的产生与复合,excess minority carrier过剩少子,lifetime寿命,low-level injection小注入,ambipolar transport双极输运, quasi-Fermi energy准费米能级.U7 Terms:the space charge region空间电荷区,the built-in potential内建电势, the built-in potential barrier内建电势差,the space charge width空间电荷区宽度, zero applied bias零偏压, reverse applied bias反偏, onesided junction单边突变结.U8 Terms:the PN junction diode PN结二极管, minority carrier distribution少数载流子分布, the ideal-diode equation理想二极管方程, the reverse saturation current density反向饱和电流密度.a short diode短二极管,generation-recombination current产生-复合电流,the Zener effect齐纳效应, the avalanche effect雪崩效应, breakdown击穿.U9 Terms:Schottky barrier diode (SBD)肖特基势垒二极管,Schottky barrier height肖特基势垒高度.Ohomic contact欧姆接触,heterojunction异质结, homojunction单质结,turn-on voltage开启电压,narrow-bandgap窄带隙, wide-bandgap宽带隙,2-D electron gas二维电子气U10 Terms:bipolar transistor双极晶体管,base基极, emitter发射极, collector集电极.forward active region正向有源区, inverse active region反向有源区, cut-off截止, saturation饱和,current gain电流增益,common-base共基, common-emitter共射.base width modulation基区宽度调制效应, Early effect厄利效应, Early voltage厄利电压U11 Terms:Gate栅极, source源极, drain漏极, substrate基底.work function difference功函数差threshold voltage阈值电压, flat-band voltage平带电压enhancement mode增强型, depletion mode耗尽型strong inversion强反型, weak inversion弱反型,transconductance跨导, I-V relationship电流-电压关系。

FedEx 运输费用说明书.pdf_1703669551.3306804

FedEx 运输费用说明书.pdf_1703669551.3306804

12Fuel SurchargeThe surcharge percentage is adjusted every Monday,based on the US Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Index,and this percentage is applied to the total transportation charge (go to https:///en-vn/home.html for the prevailing fuel surcharge rate and a sample calculation).Special Handling FeesAddress Correction:USD 13.60per shipment Third Party Billing Surcharge:2.5%of total shipment charges Third Party Consignee Surcharge:USD 11.90per shipment FedEx International Broker Select:USD 11.90per shipment or USD 1.30per kg,whichever is greater Saturday Pick Up:USD 18.10per shipment Saturday Delivery:USD 18.10per shipment Global Print Return Label Surcharge:Free of charge *Out of Pickup Area Surcharge (OPA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A:not applicable Tier B:USD 23.86per shipment or USD 0.37per kg,whichever is greater Tier C:USD 31.02per shipment or USD 0.48per kg,whichever is greater *Out of Delivery Area Surcharge (ODA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A:USD 3.55per shipment Tier B:USD 23.86per shipment or USD 0.37per kg,whichever is greater Tier C:USD 31.02per shipment or USD 0.48per kg,whichever is greater *FedEx imposes a surcharge for shipments to areas outside those in which its own couriers pick up and deliver cargo (OPA and ODA areas).OPA and ODA Surcharges are not applied to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box shipments.A list of ZIP and postal codes where these surcharges apply is available here.Indirect Signature Required (ISR):USD 3.90per non-freight shipment (applicable to U.S./Canada residential destinations with declared value for Carriage less than USD500/CAD500shipment)Direct Signature Required (DSR):USD 4.40per non-freight shipment (not applicable to U.S./Canada destinations with Declared value for Carriage greater than or equal to USD500/CAD500shipment)Adult Signature Required (ASR):USD 5.40per non-freight shipment.Please note that FedEx may not reroute shipments when Adult Signature Required has been selected as a delivery signature option.Residential 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applies to any package that measures greater than 31kg in actual weight.Additional Handling Surcharge -Packaging:USD 30.00per shipment for IPE,IP &IE.This surcharge applies to any package that meets any of the following criteria:•is not fully encased in an outer shipping container •is encased in an outer shipping container not made of corrugated fiberboard (cardboard)materials,including but not limited to metal,wood,canvas,leather,hard plastic,soft plastic,or expanded polystyrene foam (e.g.,Styrofoam)•is encased in an outer shipping container covered in shrink wrap or stretch wrap •is round or cylindrical,including (without limitation)mailing tubes,cans,buckets,barrels,tires,drums,or pails •is bound with metal,plastic,or cloth banding,or has wheels,casters,handles,or straps (e.g.,a bicycle)(including packages where the outer surface area is loosely wrapped,or where the contents protrude outside the surface area)•could become entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx 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applied.Priority Alert-Package:USD 62.50per shipment or USD 2.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP Priority Alert-Freight:USD 500.00per shipment or USD 1.25per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF Priority Alert Plus-Package:USD 75.00per shipment or USD 3.75per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP Priority Alert Plus-Freight:USD 625.00per shipment or USD 1.25per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF22On-demand Care-Package:USD 125.00per shipment or USD 5.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP On-demand Care-Freight:USD 625.00per shipment or USD 2.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF Duty and Tax:If duties and taxes are levied on a shipment and FedEx pays them on behalf of the party responsible for payment,then that party mustreimburse FedEx for the duties and taxes themselves,plus a FedEx surcharge that is based upon the type of shipment and its destination.Please contact our Customer Service team for details.Declared Value Charge for Carriage:Liability of FedEx for loss,damage or delay 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大体积阴离子 锂金属 电池 英文表述

大体积阴离子 锂金属 电池 英文表述

大体积阴离子锂金属电池英文表述High energy density batteries are essential for various applications, from electric vehicles to renewable energy storage. In recent years, lithium metal batteries have gained significant attention due to their high energy density and potential for commercialization. Among different types of lithium metal batteries, large volume anion lithium metal batteries have shown promise in achieving high energy density.Large volume anion lithium metal batteries are a type of lithium metal battery that utilizes large anions as charge carriers for the cathode. These batteries have the potential to increase the energy density of lithium metal batteries by increasing the storage capacity of the cathode. The use of large anions in the cathode can help mitigate the formation of dendrites on the lithium metal anode, which is a major issue in conventional lithium metal batteries.One of the key challenges in developing large volume anion lithium metal batteries is the choice of suitable cathode materials. The cathode materials must have high capacity and stability to accommodate large anions and minimize side reactions with the electrolyte. Researchers have been exploring various cathodematerials, such as sulfur and polysulfides, to improve the performance of large volume anion lithium metal batteries.Another important aspect of large volume anion lithium metal batteries is the electrolyte. The electrolyte plays a crucial role in the performance and safety of the battery. Researchers have been investigating new electrolyte formulations to improve the conductivity and stability of large volume anion lithium metal batteries.In conclusion, large volume anion lithium metal batteries show great potential in improving the energy density of lithium metal batteries. With further advances in cathode materials and electrolytes, large volume anion lithium metal batteries could become a viable option for high energy density applications such as electric vehicles and grid energy storage.。

Simple Atoms, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants

Simple Atoms, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants

a r Xi v:h ep-ph/3525v119May23Simple Atoms,Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants Savely G.Karshenboim Max-Planck-Institut f¨u r Quantenoptik,85748Garching,Germany D.I.Mendeleev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM),St.Petersburg 198005,Russia Abstract.This review is devoted to precision physics of simple atoms.The atoms can essentially be described in the framework of quantum electrodynamics (QED),however,the energy levels are also affected by the effects of the strong interaction due to the nuclear structure.We pay special attention to QED tests based on studies of simple atoms and consider the influence of nuclear structure on energy levels.Each calculation requires some values of relevant fundamental constants.We discuss the ac-curate determination of the constants such as the Rydberg constant,the fine structure constant and masses of electron,proton and muon etc.1Introduction Simple atoms offer an opportunity for high accuracy calculations within the framework of quantum electrodynamics (QED)of bound states.Such atoms also possess a simple spectrum and some of their transitions can be measured with high precision.Twenty,thirty years ago most of the values which are of interest for the comparison of theory and experiment were known experimentally with a higher accuracy than from theoretical calculations.After a significant theoretical progress in the development of bound state QED,the situation has reversed.A review of the theory of light hydrogen-like atoms can be found in [1],while recent advances in experiment and theory have been summarized in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems (2000)[2].Presently,most limitations for a comparison come directly or indirectly fromthe experiment.Examples of a direct experimental limitation are the 1s −2s transition and the 1s hyperfine structure in positronium,whose values are known theoretically better than experimentally.An indirect experimental limitation is a limitation of the precision of a theoretical calculation when the uncertainty of such calculation is due to the inaccuracy of fundamental constants (e.g.of the muon-to-electron mass ratio needed to calculate the 1s hyperfine interval in muonium)or of the effects of strong interactions (like e.g.the proton structure for the Lamb shift and 1s hyperfine splitting in the hydrogen atom).The knowledge of fundamental constants and hadronic effects is limited by the experiment and that provides experimental limitations on theory.This is not our first brief review on simple atoms (see e.g.[3,4])and to avoid any essential overlap with previous papers,we mainly consider here the2Savely G.Karshenboimmost recent progress in the precision physics of hydrogen-like atoms since the publication of the Proceedings[2].In particular,we discuss•Lamb shift in the hydrogen atom;•hyperfine structure in hydrogen,deuterium and helium ion;•hyperfine structure in muonium and positronium;•g factor of a bound electron.We consider problems related to the accuracy of QED calculations,hadronic effects and fundamental constants.These atomic properties are of particular interest because of their appli-cations beyond atomic physics.Understanding of the Lamb shift in hydrogen is important for an accurate determination of the Rydberg constant Ry and the proton charge radius.The hyperfine structure in hydrogen,helium-ion and positronium allows,under some conditions,to perform an accurate test of bound state QED and in particular to study some higher-order corrections which are also important for calculating the muonium hyperfine interval.The latter is a source for the determination of thefine structure constantαand muon-to-electron mass ratio.The study of the g factor of a bound electron lead to the most accurate determination of the proton-to-electron mass ratio,which is also of interest because of a highly accurate determination of thefine structure con-stant.2Rydberg Constant and Lamb Shift in HydrogenAboutfifty years ago it was discovered that in contrast to the spectrum predicted by the Dirac equation,there are some effects in hydrogen atom which split the 2s1/2and2p1/2levels.Their splitting known as the Lamb shift(see Fig.1)was successfully explained by quantum electrodynamics.The QED effects lead to a tiny shift of energy levels and for thirty years this shift was studied by means of microwave spectroscopy(see e.g.[5,6])measuring either directly the splitting of the2s1/2and2p1/2levels or a bigger splitting of the2p3/2and2s1/2levels(fine structure)where the QED effects are responsible for approximately10%of the fine-structure interval.The recent success of two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy[7]opens an-other way to study QED effects directed by high-resolution spectroscopy of gross-structure transitions.Such a transition between energy levels with dif-ferent values of the principal quantum number n is determined by the Coulomb-Schr¨o dinger formula(Zα)2mc2E(nl)=−,(2)2hSimple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants31s 2s 1/23/2Fig.1.Spectrum of the hydrogen atom (not to scale).The hyperfine structure is neglected.The label rf stands for radiofrequency intervals,while uv is for ultraviolet transitionswhere h is the Planck constant.Another problem in the interpretation of optical measurements of the hydrogen spectrum is the existence of a few levels which are significantly affected by the QED effects.In contrast to radiofrequency mea-surements,where the 2s −2p splitting was studied,optical measurements have been performed with several transitions involving 1s ,2s ,3s etc.It has to be noted that the theory of the Lamb shift for levels with l =0is relatively simple,while theoretical calculations for s states lead to several serious complifications.The problem of the involvement of few s levels has been solved by introducing an auxiliary difference [8]∆(n )=E L (1s )−n 3E L (ns ),(3)for which theory is significantly simpler and more clear than for each of the s states separately.Combining theoretical results for the difference [9]with measured frequencies of two or more transitions one can extract a value of the Rydberg constant and of the Lamb shift in the hydrogen atom.The most recent progress in determination of the Rydberg constant is presented in Fig.2(see [7,10]for references).Presently the optical determination [7,4]of the Lamb shift in the hydrogen atom dominates over the microwave measurements [5,6].The extracted value of the Lamb shift has an uncertainty of 3ppm.That ought to be compared with the uncertainty of QED calculations (2ppm)[11]and the uncertainty of the contributions of the nuclear effects.The latter has a simple form∆E charge radius (nl )=2(Zα)4mc 22δl 0.(4)To calculate this correction one has to know the proton rms charge radius R p with sufficient accuracy.Unfortunately,it is not known well enough [11,3]and leads to an uncertainty of 10ppm for the calculation of the Lamb shift.It is likely4Savely G.KarshenboimDate of publicationR y − 10 973 731.568 [m −1]Fig.2.Progress in the determination of the Rydberg constant by two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy of hydrogen and deuterium.The label CODATA,1998stands for the recommended value of theRydberg constant (Ry =10973731.568549(83)m −1[10])Fig.3.Measurement of the Lamb shift in hydrogen atom.Theory is presented accord-ing to [11].The most accurate value comes from comparison of the 1s −2s transition at MPQ (Garching)and the 2s −ns/d at LKB (Paris),where n =8,10,12.Three re-sults are shown:for the average values extracted from direct Lamb shift measurements,measurements of the fine structure and a comparison of two optical transitions within a single experiment.The filled part is for the theorythat a result for R p from the electron-proton elastic scattering [12]cannot be improved much,but it seems to be possible to significantly improve the accuracy of the determination of the proton charge radius from the Lamb-shift experiment on muonic hydrogen,which is now in progress at PSI [13].Simple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants 53Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear EffectsA similar problem of interference of nuclear structure and QED effects exists for the 1s and 2s hyperfine structure in hydrogen,deuterium,tritium and helium-3ion.The magnitude of nuclear effects entering theoretical calculations is at the level from 30to 200ppm (depending on the atom)and their understanding is unfortunately very poor [11,14,15].We summarize the data in Tables 1and 2(see [15]1for detail).Hydrogen,1s 1420405.751768(1)[16,17]1420452-33Deuterium,1s 327384.352522(2)[18]327339138Tritium,1s 1516701.470773(8)[19]1516760-363He +ion,1s -8665649.867(10)[20]-8667494-213Table 1.Hyperfine structure in light hydrogen-like atoms:QED and nuclear contri-butions ∆E (Nucl).The numerical results are presented for the frequency E/hThe leading term (so-called Fermi energy E F )is a result of the nonrelativistic interaction of the Dirac magnetic moment of electron with the actual nuclear magnetic moment.The leading QED contribution is related to the anomalous magnetic moment and simply rescales the result (E F →E F ·(1+a e )).The result of the QED calculations presented in Table 1is of the formE HFS (QED)=EF ·(1+a e )+∆E (QED),(5)where the last term which arises from bound-state QED effects for the 1s state is given by∆E 1s (QED)=E F × 32+α(Zα)23ln 1(Zα)26Savely G.Karshenboim+4ln2−28115ln2+34π .(6)This term is in fact smaller than the nuclear corrections as it is shown in Table2 (see[15]for detail).A result for the2s state is of the same form with slightly different coeffitients[15].Hydrogen23-33Deuterium23138Tritium23-363He+ion108-213π (Zα)m R cSimple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants7 In the next section we consider the former option,comparison of the1s and2s hyperfine interval in hydrogen,deuterium and ion3He+.4Hyperfine Structure of the2s State in Hydrogen, Deuterium and Helium-3IonOur consideration of the2s hyperfine interval is based on a study of the specific differenceD21=8·E HFS(2s)−E HFS(1s),(9) where any contribution which has a form of(7)should vanish.D21(QED3)48.93711.3056-1189.252D21(QED4)0.018(3)0.0043(5)-1.137(53)D21(nucl)-0.0020.0026(2)0.317(36)Table 3.Theory of the specific difference D21=8E HFS(2s)−E HFS(1s)in light hydrogen-like atoms(see[15]for detail).The numerical results are presented for the frequency D21/hThe difference(9)has been studied theoretically in several papers long ago [28,29,30].A recent study[31]shown that some higher-order QED and nuclear corrections have to be taken into account for a proper comparison of theory and experiment.The theory has been substantially improved[15,32]and it is summarized in Table3.The new issues here are most of the fourth-order QED contributions(D21(QED4))of the orderα(Zα)3,α2(Zα)4,α(Zα)2m/M and (Zα)3m/M(all are in units of the1s hyperfine interval)and nuclear correc-tions(D21(nucl)).The QED corrections up to the third order(D21(QED3))and the fourth-order contribution of the order(Zα)4have been known for a while [28,29,30,33].For all the atoms in Table3the hyperfine splitting in the ground state was measured more accurately than for the2s state.All experimental results but one were obtained by direct measurements of microwave transitions for the1s and 2s hyperfine intervals.However,the most recent result for the hydrogen atom has been obtained by means of laser spectroscopy and measured transitions lie in the ultraviolet range[21,22].The hydrogen level scheme is depicted in Fig.4. The measured transitions were the singlet-singlet(F=0)and triplet-triplet (F=1)two-photon1s−2s ultraviolet transitions.The eventual uncertainty of the hyperfine structure is to6parts in1015of the measured1s−2s interval.8Savely G.Karshenboim1s2s F = 0 (singlet)Fig.4.Level scheme for an optical measurement of the hyperfine structure (hfs )in the hydrogen atom (notto scale)[22].The label rf stands here for radiofrequency intervals,while uv is for ultraviolet transitions21Fig.5.Present status of measurements of D 21in the hydrogen atom.The results are labeled with the date of the measurement of the 2s hyperfine structure.See Table 1for referencesThe optical result in Table 1is a preliminary one and the data analysis is still in progress.The comparison of theory and experiment for hydrogen and helium-3ion is summarized in Figs.5and 6.Simple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants9Fig.6.Present status of measurements of D21in the helium ion3He+.See Table1for references5Hyperfine Structure in Muonium and Positronium Another possibility to eliminate nuclear structure effects is based on studies of nucleon-free atoms.Such an atomic system is to be formed of two leptons.Two atoms of the sort have been produced and studied for a while with high accuracy, namely,muonium and positronium.•Muonium is a bound system of a positive muon and electron.It can be produced with the help of accelerators.The muon lifetime is2.2·10−6sec.The most accurately measured transition is the1s hyperfine structure.The two-photon1s−2s transition was also under study.A detailed review of muonium physics can be found in[34].•Positronium can be produced at accelerators or using radioactive positron sources.The lifetime of positronium depends on its state.The lifetime for the1s state of parapositronium(it annihilates mainly into two photons)is1.25·10−10sec,while orthopositronium in the1s state has a lifetime of1.4·10−7s because of three-photon decays.A list of accurately measuredquantities contains the1s hyperfine splitting,the1s−2s interval,2s−2pfine structure intervals for the triplet1s state and each of the four2p states,the lifetime of the1s state of para-and orthopositronium and several branchings of their decays.A detailed review of positronium physics can be found in[35].Here we discuss only the hyperfine structure of the ground state in muonium and positronium.The theoretical status is presented in Tables4and5.The theoretical uncertainty for the hyperfine interval in positronium is determined only by the inaccuracy of the estimation of the higher-order QED effects.The uncertainty budget in the case of muonium is more complicated.The biggest10Savely G.KarshenboimE F 1.000000000 4.459031.83(50)(3)a e0.0011596525170.926(1)QED2-0.000195815-873.147QED3-0.000005923-26.410QED4-0.000000123(49)-0.551(218)Hadronic0.000000054(1)0.240(4)Weak-0.000000015-0.065Table 4.Theory of the1s hyperfine splitting in muonium.The numerical results are presented for the frequency E/h.The calculations[36]have been performed for α−1=137.03599958(52)[37]andµµ/µp=3.18334517(36)which was obtained from the analysis of the data on Breit-Rabi levels in muonium[38,39](see Sect.6)and precession of the free muon[40].The numerical results are presented for the frequency E/hE F 1.0000000204386.6QED1-0.0049196-1005.5QED20.000057711.8QED3-0.0000061(22)-1.2(5)Table5.Theory of the1s hyperfine interval in positronium.The numerical results are presented for the frequency E/h.The calculation of the second order terms was completed in[41],the leading logarithmic contributions were found in[42],while next-to-leading logarithmic terms in[43].The uncertainty is presented following[44] source is the calculation of the Fermi energy,the accuracy of which is limited by the knowledge of the muon magnetic moment or muon mass.It is essentially the same because the g factor of the free muon is known well enough[45].The uncer-tainty related to QED is determined by the fourth-order corrections for muonium (∆E(QED4))and the third-order corrections for positronium(∆E(QED3)). These corrections are related to essentially the same diagrams(as well as the D21(QED4)contribution in the previous section).The muonium uncertainty is due to the calculation of the recoil corrections of the order ofα(Zα)2m/M [42,46]and(Zα)3m/M,which are related to the third-order contributions[42] for positronium since m=M.The muonium calculation is not completely free of hadronic contributions. They are discussed in detail in[36,47,48]and their calculation is summarizedSimple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants11∆ν(h a d r V P ) [k H z ]Fig.7.Hadronic contributions to HFS in muonium.The results are taken:a from [50],b from [51],c from [52]and d from [36,47]1s hyperfine interval in positronium [MHz]Fig.8.Positronium hyperfine structure.The Yale experiment was performed in 1984[53]and the Brandeis one in 1975[54]in Fig.7.They are small enough but their understanding is very important because of the intensive muon sources expected in future [49]which might allow to increase dramatically the accuracy of muonium experiments.A comparison of theory versus experiment for muonium is presented in the summary of this paper.Present experimental data for positronium together with the theoretical result are depicted in Fig.8.12Savely G.Karshenboim6g Factor of Bound Electron and Muon in MuoniumNot only the spectrum of simple atoms can be studied with high accuracy.Other quantities are accessible to high precision measurements as well among them the atomic magnetic moment.The interaction of an atom with a weak homoge-neous magneticfield can be expressed in terms of an effective Hamiltonian.For muonium such a Hamiltonian has the formH=e2m Ng′µ sµ·B +∆E HFS s e·sµ ,(10)where s e(µ)stands for spin of electron(muon),and g′e(µ)for the g factor ofa bound electron(muon)in the muonium atom.The bound g factors are now known up to the fourth-order corrections[55]including the term of the orderα4,α3m e/mµandα2m e/mµand thus the relative uncertainty is essentially better than10−8.In particular,the result for the bound muon g factor reads[55]2g′µ=g(0)µ· 1−α(Zα)2m e2 m e12πm e108α(Zα)3 ,(11)where g(0)µ=2·(1+aµ)is the g factor of a free muon.Equation(10)has been applied[38,39]to determine the muon magnetic moment and muon mass by measuring the splitting of sublevels in the hyperfine structure of the1s state in muonium in a homogeneous magneticfield.Their dependence on the mag-neticfield is given by the well known Breit-Rabi formula(see e.g.[56]).Since the magneticfield was calibrated via spin precession of the proton,the muon magnetic moment was measured in units of the proton magnetic moment,and muon-to-electron mass ratio was derived asmµµp µp1+aµ.(12)Results on the muon mass extracted from the Breit-Rabi formula are among the most accurate(see Fig.9).A more precise value can only be derived from the muonium hyperfine structure after comparison of the experimental result with theoretical calculations.However,the latter is of less interest,since the most important application of the precise value of the muon-to-electron mass is to use it as an input for calculations of the muonium hyperfine structure while testing QED or determining thefine structure constantsα.The adjusted CODATA result in Fig.9was extracted from the muonium hyperfine structure studies and in addition used some overoptimistic estimation of the theoretical uncertainty (see[36]for detail).Simple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants13Value of muon-to-electron mass ratio mµ/m eFig.9.The muon-to-electron mass ratio.The most accurate result obtained from com-parison of the measured hyperfine interval in muonium[38]to the theoretical calcu-lation[36]performed withα−1g−2=137.03599958(52)[37].The results derived from the Breit-Rabi sublevels are related to two experiments performed at LAMPF in1982 [39]and1999[38].The others are taken from the measurement of the1s−2s interval in muonium[57],precession of a free muon in bromine[40]and from the CODATA adjustment[10]7g Factor of a Bound Electron in a Hydrogen-Like Ion with Spinless NucleusIn the case of an atom with a conventional nucleus(hydrogen,deuterium etc.)an-other notation is used and the expression for the Hamiltonian similar to eq.(10) can be applied.It can be used to test QED theory as well as to determine the electron-to-proton mass ratio.We underline that in contrast to most other tests it is possible to do both simultaneously because of a possibility to perform experiments with different ions.The theoretical expression for the g factor of a bound electron can be pre-sented in the form[3,58,59]g′e=2· 1+a e+b ,(13) where the anomalous magnetic moment of a free electron a e=0.0011596522 [60,10]is known with good enough accuracy and b is the bound correction.The summary of the calculation of the bound corrections is presented in Table6. The uncertainty of unknown two-loop contributions is taken from[61].The cal-culation of the one-loop self-energy is different for different atoms.For lighter elements(helium,beryllium),it is obtained from[55]based onfitting data of [62],while for heavier ions we use the results of[63].The other results are taken from[61](for the one-loop vacuum polarization),[59](for the nuclear correction14Savely G.Karshenboimand the electric part of the light-by-light scattering(Wichmann-Kroll)contri-bution),[64](for the magnetic part of the light-by-light scattering contribution) and[65](for the recoil effects).4He+ 2.0021774067(1)10Be3+2.0017515745(4)12C5+ 2.0010415901(4)16O7+ 2.0000470201(8)18O7+ 2.0000470213(8)M iB(14)and the Larmor spin precession frequency for a hydrogen-like ion with spinless nucleusωL=g be2= Z−1 m eωc(16) or an electron-to-ion mass ratiom eZ−1g bωL.(17)Today the most accurate value of m e/M i(without using experiments on the bound g factor)is based on a measurement of m e/m p realized in Penning trap [66]with a fractional uncertainty of2ppm.The accuracy of measurements ofωc andωL as well as the calculation of g b(as shown in[58])are essentially better. That means that it is preferable to apply(17)to determine the electron-to-ion mass ratio[67].Applying the theoretical value for the g factor of the bound electron and using experimental results forωc andωL in hydrogen-like carbonSimple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants15Value of ptoron-to-electron mass ratio m p/m eFig.10.The proton-to-electron mass ratio.The theory of the bound g factor is taken from Table6,while the experimental data on the g factor in carbon and oxygen are from[68,69].The Penning trap result from University of Washington is from[66] [68]and some auxiliary data related to the proton and ion masses,from[10],we arrive at the following valuesm p16Savely G.Karshenboim8The Fine Structure ConstantThefine structure constant plays a basic role in QED tests.In atomic and particle physics there are several ways to determine its value.The results are summarized in Fig.11.One method based on the muonium hyperfine interval was briefly discussed in Sect.5.A value of thefine structure constant can also be extracted from the neutral-heliumfine structure[70,71]and from the comparison of theory [37]and experiment[60]for the anomalous magnetic moment of electron(αg−2). The latter value has been the most accurate one for a while and there was a long search for another competitive value.The second value(αCs)on the list of the most precise results for thefine structure constant is a result from recoil spectroscopy[72].Value of the Inverse fine structure constant α-1Fig.11.Thefine structure constant from atomic physics and QED We would like to briefly consider the use and the importance of the recoil result for the determination of thefine structure constant.Absorbing and emit-ting a photon,an atom can gain some kinetic energy which can be determined as a shift of the emitted frequency in respect to the absorbed one(δf).A mea-surement of the frequency with high accuracy is the goal of the photon recoil experiment[72].Combining the absorbed frequency and the shifted one,it is possible to determine a value of atomic mass(in[72]that was caesium)in fre-quency units,i.e.a value of M a c2/h.That may be compared to the Rydberg constant Ry=α2m e c/2h.The atomic mass is known very well in atomic units (or in units of the proton mass)[73],while the determination of electron mass in proper units is more complicated because of a different order of magnitude of the mass.The biggest uncertainty of the recoil photon value ofαCs comes now from the experiment[72],while the electron mass is the second source.Simple Atoms,QED and Fundamental Constants17 The success ofαCs determination was ascribed to the fact thatαg−2is a QED value being derived with the help of QED theory of the anomalous mag-netic moment of electron,while the photon recoil result is free of QED.We would like to emphasize that the situation is not so simple and involvement of QED is not so important.It is more important that the uncertainty ofαg−2originates from understanding of the electron behaviour in the Penning trap and it dom-inates any QED uncertainty.For this reason,the value ofαCs from m p/m e in the Penning trap[66]obtained by the same group as the one that determined the value of the anomalous magnetic moment of electron[60],can actually be correlated withαg−2.The resultα−1=137.03600028(10)(22)Cspresented in Fig.11is obtained using m p/m e from(18).The value of the proton-to-electron mass ratio found this way is free of the problems with an electron in the Penning trap,but some QED is involved.However,it is easy to real-ize that the QED uncertainty for the g factor of a bound electron and for the anomalous magnetic moment of a free electron are very different.The bound theory deals with simple Feynman diagrams but in Coulombfield and in partic-ular to improve theory of the bound g factor,we need a better understanding of Coulomb effects for“simple”two-loop QED diagrams.In contrast,for the free electron no Coulombfield is involved,but a problem arises because of the four-loop diagrams.There is no correlation between these two calculations.9SummaryTo summarize QED tests related to hyperfine structure,we present in Table7the data related to hyperfine structure of the1s state in positronium and muonium and to the D21value in hydrogen,deuterium and helium-3ion.The theory agrees with the experiment very well.The precision physics of light simple atoms provides us with an opportunity to check higher-order effects of the perturbation theory.The highest-order terms important for comparison of theory and experiment are collected in Table8.The uncertainty of the g factor of the bound electron in carbon and oxygen is related toα2(Zα)4m corrections in energy units,while for calcium the crucial order is α2(Zα)6m.Some of the corrections presented in Table8are completely known,some not.Many of them and in particularα(Zα)6m2/M3and(Zα)7m2/M3for the hyperfine structure in muonium and helium ion,α2(Zα)6m for the Lamb shift in hydrogen and helium ion,α7m for positronium have been known in a so-called logarithmic approximation.In other words,only the terms with the highest power of“big”logarithms(e.g.ln(1/Zα)∼ln(M/m)∼5in muonium)have been calculated.This program started for non-relativistic systems in[42]and was developed in[46,8,74,31,15].By now even some non-leading logarithmic terms have been evaluated by several groups[43,75].It seems that we have reached some numerical limit related to the logarithmic contribution and the calculation18Savely G.KarshenboimHydrogen,D2149.13(15),[21,22]48.953(3) 1.20.10Hydrogen,D2148.53(23),[23]-1.80.16Hydrogen,D2149.13(40),[24]0.40.28Deuterium,D2111.16(16),[25]11.3125(5)-1.00.493He+ion,D21-1189.979(71),[26]-1190.072(63) 1.00.013He+,D21-1190.1(16),[27]0.00.18parison of experiment and theory of hyperfine structure in hydrogen-like atoms.The numerical results are presented for the frequency E/h.In the D21case the reference is given only for the2s hyperfine intervalof the non-logarithmic terms will be much more complicated than anything else done before.Hydrogen,deuterium(gross structure)α(Zα)7m,α2(Zα)6mHydrogen,deuterium(fine structure)α(Zα)7m,α2(Zα)6mHydrogen,deuterium(Lamb shift)α(Zα)7m,α2(Zα)6m3He+ion(2s HFS)α(Zα)7m2/M,α(Zα)6m3/M2,α2(Zα)6m2/M,(Zα)7m3/M2 4He+ion(Lamb shift)α(Zα)7m,α2(Zα)6mN6+ion(fine structure)α(Zα)7m,α2(Zα)6mMuonium(1s HFS)(Zα)7m3/M2,α(Zα)6m3/M2,α(Zα)7m2/MPositronium(1s HFS)α7mPositronium(gross structure)α7mPositronium(fine structure)α7mPara-positronium(decay rate)α7mOrtho-positronium(decay rate)α8mPara-positronium(4γbranching)α8mOrtho-positronium(5γbranching)α8m。



Fuel Surcharge The surcharge percentage is adjusted every Monday, based on the US Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Index, and this percentageis applied to the total transportation charge (go to https:///en-sg/home.html for the prevailing fuelsurcharge rate and a sample calculation).Special Handling FeesAddress Correction:SGD 17.00 per shipmentThird Party Billing Surcharge: 2.5% of total shipment chargesThird Party Consignee Surcharge:SGD 20.60 per shipmentFedEx International Broker Select:SGD 24.80 per shipment or SGD 2.80 per kg, whichever is greaterSaturday Pick Up:SGD 24.70 per shipmentSaturday Delivery:SGD 24.70 per shipmentGlobal Print Return Label Surcharge:Free of charge*Out of Pickup Area Surcharge (OPA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A: not applicableTier B: SGD 33.60 per shipment or SGD 0.60 per kg, whichever is greaterTier C: SGD 43.70 per shipment or SGD 0.80 per kg, whichever is greater*Out of Delivery Area Surcharge (ODA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A: SGD 4.80 per shipmentTier B: SGD 33.60 per shipment or SGD 0.60 per kg, whichever is greaterTier C: SGD 43.70 per shipment or SGD 0.80 per kg, whichever is greater* FedEx imposes a surcharge for shipments to areas outside those in which its own couriers pick up and deliver cargo (OPA and ODA areas). 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强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束 英文版

强激光与粒子束英文版English: Strong laser and particle beams are two advanced technologies that have revolutionized the field of physics and engineering. Strong laser beams are high-energy beams of focused light that can be used in a wide range of applications, from cutting and welding materials to medical procedures and scientific research. These beams are produced using powerful lasers that can generate intense light pulses with peak powers in the megawatt range. Particle beams, on the other hand, are streams of charged or neutral particles, such as electrons, protons, or ions, that are accelerated to high velocities using electromagnetic fields. These beams are used in a variety of applications, including particle accelerators, radiation therapy for cancer treatment, and semiconductor manufacturing. Both strong laser beams and particle beams have unique properties and can be used in combination to achieve even more powerful and precise results in various fields of science and technology.Translated content: 强激光和粒子束是两种先进的技术,彻底改变了物理和工程领域。

Unidirectional Charge Instability of the d-wave RVB Superconductor

Unidirectional Charge Instability of the d-wave RVB Superconductor

a r X i v :0805.2400v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 15 M a y 2008Vol.115(2009)ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No.1(2)2we shall study the energy cost due to imposed defects with a vanishing pairing amplitude(no aπ-shift is assumed across the DWs)and compare the resulting charge modulation with the corresponding one found in theπDRVB phase.2.Model and the approachWe investigate a t-J model Hamiltonian,H=−t ij ,σ(˜c†iσ˜c jσ+h.c.)+J ij S i·S j,(1)where˜c†iσ=(1−n i,−σ)c†iσis the Gutzwiller projected electron operator and use a renormalized meanfield theory(RMFT)in which the local constraints of no doubly occupied sites are replaced by statistical Gutzwiller weights g t ij(g J ij) for hopping(superexchange)processes,respectively[10].Hence the mean-field Hamiltonian reads,H MF=−t ij ,σg t ij(c†i,σc j,σ+h.c.)−µ i,σn i,σ3−,(3)αij+8n hi n hjβ−ij(2)+16β+ij(4)g t ij= αij+8(1−n hi n hj)|χij|2+16|χij|4,(4)whereαij=(1−n2hi)(1−n2hj),β±ij(n)=|∆ij|n±|χij|n while n hi are local hole densities.By including the effects of the nearest-neighbor correlationsχij and ∆ij they are known to give a better agreement with a more accurate Variational Monte Carlo(VMC)technique[2].Hereafter,we shall assume a typical value t/J=3andfix the doping level x=1/8.Finally,using unit cell translation symmetry[11],RMFT calculations were carried out on large256×256clusters at a low temperatureβJ=500approaching thermodynamic limit.3.Results and discussionIn Fig.1we show the hole profiles as well as the values of the bond-and pair-order parameters across the unit cell found in theπDRVB(top)and inphase DRVB(bottom)state.The obtained modulations clearly reflect the competi-tion between the superexchange energy E J and kinetic energy E t of doped holes. However,a detailed charge profile depends on the assumed type of the SC order parameter.On the one hand,suppression of the pair-order amplitude∆ij alongFig.1.(a,b)Hole density n hi and variational parameters:(c,d)∆i,i+αas well as(e,f)χi,i+αfound in theπDRVB(top)and DRVB(bottom)phase.Solid(open)circles in panels(c-f)correspond to the x(y)direction,respectively.the DWs automatically involves a deviation of the bond-order parameterχij from the value found in the areas withfinite∆ij.Remarkably,the deviation is par-ticularly strong in the case of the antiphase SC order parameter.On the other hand,the absence of theπshift across the stripe boundary in the DRVB phase allows the system(as confirmed by the VMC method[8])to avoid a reduction of ∆ij on the adjacent vertical bonds which remains almost intact.Therefore,the charge redistributes from the hole rich areas with enhanced∆ij in theπDRVB phase[2],towards DWs with vanishing∆ij in the DRVB state(see Fig.1).In order to appreciate better the reason of a different charge profile in both phases we show in Fig.2(a-d)the corresponding short-range AF correlations,3Sαi=−Fig.2.(a,b)Spin correlation Sαi,(c,d)bond charge Tαi,and(e,f)SC order parameter ∆SC iαfound in theπDRVB(top)and DRVB(bottom)phase.Solid(open)circles corre-spond to the x(y)direction,respectively;solid line in panels(e,f)depicts the SC order parameter in the uniform d-wave RVB,modulation of both the spin correlations and bond-charge hopping.Conse-quently,the system does not have to further improve the superexchange energy at the defect lines but it rather tries to regain some kinetic energy released on the broken RVB bonds.This is reached by adjusting the hole profile and attracting the holes to the DWs which enlarges locally renormalization factors g t ij.As a result,the DRVB phase has a very good kinetic energy being even slightly better than that of the uniform d-wave RVB phase(see Table I).Let us point out, however,that even though both the RMFT and VMC methods predict exactly the same hole profiles in the DRVB phase(as well as its remarkably good energy), a discrepancy appears concerning kinetic energy gain at the DWs,strongly en-hanced in the VMC method[8].The difference simply follows from the fact that in the RMFT both the short-range AF correlations and bond-charge hopping are ∝χij.Hence its suppression involves a reduction of both the energy contributions unless the system is disposed towards a strong phase separation so that they can be further modified by the Gutzwiller factors[12].TABLE I RMFT kinetic energy E t,magnetic energy E J,and free energy F as well as VMC energy E VMC of the locally stable phases:πDRVB,DRVB,and d-wave RVB one at x=1/8.phase E J/J E VMC/J−0.8719−1.3237−0.8871−1.3533−0.8863−1.36475 Finally in order to discuss the SC properties of our inhomogeneous phases we plot in Fig.2(e,f)the modulus of SC order parameter,∆SC iα=g t i,i+α|∆i,i+α|,(7) across the unit cell.One of the key qualitative differences between theπDRVB and its inphase counterpart is evident in thisfily,while the SC order parameter deviates,in the regions between defect lines,only slightly in both states from the value found in the uniform d-wave RVB phase,the absence of the πshift across the stripe boundary in the DRVB phase decouples the horizontal and vertical bonds constituting DWs.Therefore,in contrast to theπDRVB phase, the latter retain the value of the SC order parameter of the uniform state.4.Summary and conclusionsIn this paper we have studied two possible modulations of the SC order parameter across the DWs:inphase and antiphase.Remarkably,we have found that the energy of the unidirectional modulated phases(especially of the inphase configuration)approaches the energy of the uniform d-wave RVB superconductor. In fact,the energy difference might be further reduced by the tetragonal lattice distortion that often appears in the high-T c compounds[8].We conclude therefore that the d-wave RVB phase is capable of efficient minimizing the energy cost due to unidirectional defects with broken RVB bonds which in turn might induce the charge modulation similar to that observed in the STM experiments[1].AcknowledgmentsM.R.acknowledges support from the Foundation for Polish Science(FNP) and from Polish Ministry of Science and Education under Project No.N202 06832/1481.M.C.and D.P.acknowledge the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)for support.References[1]Y.Kohsaka et al.,Science315,1380(2007).[2]M.Raczkowski,M.Capello,D.Poilblanc,R.Fr´e sard,A.M.Ole´s,Phys.Rev.B76,140505(R)(2007).[3]S.Sachdev,Nature Physics4,173(2008).[4] A.Himeda,T.Kato,M.Ogata,Phys.Rev.Lett.88,117001(2002).[5] E.Berg,E.Fradkin,E.-A.Kim,S.A.Kivelson,V.Oganesyan,J.M.Tranquada,S.C.Zhang,Phys.Rev.Lett.99,127003(2007).[6]M.Vojta,O.R¨o sch,Phys.Rev.B77,094504(2008).[7]S.Baruch,ad,Phys.Rev.B77,174502(2008).[8]M.Capello,M.Raczkowski, D.Poilblanc,in press,Phys.Rev.B77,arXiv:0801.2722.[9]M.Vojta,arXiv:0803.2038.[10] F.C.Zhang,C.Gros,T.M.Rice,H.Shiba,Supercond.Sci.Technol.1,36(1988).[11]M.Raczkowski,R.Fr´e sard,A.M.Ole´s,Phys.Rev.B73,174525(2006);Europhys.Lett.76,128(2006).[12]M.Raczkowski,D.Poilblanc,R.Fr´e sard,A.M.Ole´s,Phys.Rev.B75,094505(2007).。



链条的强度取决于它的薄弱环节英语作文The Strength of a Chain Depends on its Weakest LinkHave you ever wondered why a chain is so strong? You might think it's because all the links are made of tough metal. But the real reason is that the strength of the whole chain depends on its weakest link!What do I mean by that? Well, imagine you have a chain made up of 100 links. 99 of those links are super heavy-duty steel that could hold up a truck. But just one of the links is made of plastic. Which part of the chain do you think would break first if you tried to lift something really heavy? The plastic link of course! It's the weakest part, so that's where the chain would snap.This idea - that the strength depends on the weakest link - is true for lots of things in life, not just chains. Let me give you some examples to help explain:Sports TeamsThink about your favorite sports team - maybe it's a soccer, basketball or baseball team. Even if they have some superstar players, the team's overall performance depends on the weakest players too. If their defense is really strong but they have a weak goalkeeper who lets in lots of goals, that weakness can hurt thewhole team. The strong offense can't make up for the weak goalie. That's why coaches try to make sure every position is covered by a solid player.School SubjectsThis concept applies to doing well in school too. Let's say you're an excellent math student who breezes through algebra and geometry. But you really struggle with reading and writing essays for English class. Your overall performance and grades depend on that "weakest link" of English class. The strong math skills alone aren't enough to carry you to straight A's.Making a CakeOkay, here's one more example that might make more sense: Let's say you're baking a cake. You carefully follow all the instructions, measuring the ingredients exactly right. You use top quality butter, fresh eggs, real vanilla extract - everything is perfect. accidentally use baking soda instead of baking powder. Or you forget to preheat the oven. That one little mistake, that one "weak ingredient" or step, can ruin the whole cake! It doesn't matter how well you did everything else.So hopefully you see how important this idea is. A chain, a sports team, your overall school performance, even baking acake - the strength always depends on the weakest link or part. The weak areas pull down the strong areas.What Can We Do?Now that we understand this concept, the big question is: What can we do about it? How can we make sure we don't have any weak links?For chains, it's important to inspect each link carefully to make sure there aren't any flaws, cracks or signs of weakness in the metal. If one link is much more worn down than the others, it needs to be repaired or replaced with a strong new link.For sports teams, coaches work on strengthening the weaker positions and players through extra training, practice, coaching and constructive criticism to improve their skills.At school, students need to put in extra effort on subjects they struggle with by studying harder, getting tutoring help, asking the teacher questions, and doing extra practice. You have to work on bringing those "weak links" up to the level of the stronger areas.And for baking, it's crucial to thoroughly read through all instructions multiple times and get all ingredients prepped andmeasured precisely before starting. Double checking each step prevents mistakes that can ruin the whole final product.We all have strengths and weaknesses in different areas of our lives. That's normal and okay! The key is identifying those weaknesses so we can put in extra effort to turn those weak links into strong ones. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, but we have the power to strengthen those links.I hope this essay helped explain this important concept in a way that makes sense. Just like a chain, we need to make sure all the "links" or parts in our life - whether it's sports, school, baking, or anything else - are as strong as possible. Because even one weak area can pull down our whole performance and keep us from reaching our goals. But if we work hard on improving our weaknesses, we can build a chain of strengths!。

【优质文档】雅思分类词汇:流体设备-材料性能-范文模板 (2页)

【优质文档】雅思分类词汇:流体设备-材料性能-范文模板 (2页)

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3.1.4 材料性能
极限强度 ultimate strength
抗拉强度 tensile strength
屈服极限 yield limit
屈服点 yield point
延伸率 percentage elongation
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗弯强度 bending strength
弹性极限 elastic limit
冲击值 impact value
疲劳极限 fatigue limit
蠕变极限 creep limit
持久极限 endurance limit
布氏硬度 Brinell hardness
洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness
维氏硬度 Vickers diamond hardness , diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度 creep rupture strength。

Unit 22 Advanced expressions

Unit 22 Advanced expressions

Advanced expressions
• • • • • • • • 下降很快 总之 传播关于保护的知识 尽我们一份力 我们的子孙 有希望地 能够做某事 看到这些美丽的生物
L3Advanced expressions
• • • • • • • 报复…… 过去的几年 目睹环境灾难 大规模地 预测 更糟的将会到来 关于地球多变的天气 模式 • 在过去的十年里 • • • • • • • • 火山爆发 森林火灾 变得非常频繁 严重的洪灾 许多地区 位于水下 恶化 随着许多飓风袭击美 国
Advanced expressions
• 使用公共交通 • 循环利用低水流热水 器喷头 • 买节能灯 • 使用再生纸 • 关灯 • 离开房间 • 关水龙头 • 奏效 • • • • • 增加小变化 拯救未来 毕竟 没有对……的替代品 依赖……而活
L2Advanced expressions
• • • • • • • • • 集中在;关注 濒危物种问题 许多濒危物种 以……的速度 变灭绝 继续增长 在接下来十年里 我们大多数 了解大型动物 • • • • • • • • • 不是很多人 直到现在 意识到 ……的象征 珍稀物种之一 除了 中国大陆中部竹林里 ……的数量 因为人类活动
Advanced expressions
• • • • • • • • • 更多的人们 住在风险中 在某种程度上 夺走、索取……生命 在过去的一百年里 大多数灾难专家 有潜在可能 变得恶化 研究火山 • 遇到地震可以做得更 糟糕的事 • 在人类历史上最严重 的爆发 • 弥漫在地球上空 • 抹去了欧洲和美国的 夏天 • 被送往冬天 • 每隔10000年
Advanced expressions
• 在农作地区 • 谋生 • 因为没有别的方法谋 生 • 搬到城市 • 建设破旧的家园 • 从他们可以找到的任 何材料中 • 在贫瘠的土地上 • • • • • • • • • 由砖头构成 很容易倒塌 在山区 最重要的因素 许多二氧化碳 被工厂与车辆排放 森林的毁坏 因此 引发更多强有力的风


11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
NON LINEAR THEORY A theory of particle acceleration that allows one to describe: 1. Dynamical reaction of accelerated particles 2. CR-induced B-field and their reaction 3. Recipe for injection (self-regulation) 4. Escape of particles (Cosmic Rays)
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a r X i v :0707.2743v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 18 J u l 2007Charge Order Superstructure with Integer Iron Valence in Fe 2OBO 3M.Angst,1,∗P.Khalifah,2R.P.Hermann,3,4H.J.Xiang,5M.-H.Whangbo,5V.Varadarajan,6J.W.Brill,6B.C.Sales,1and D.Mandrus 11Materials Science and Technology Division,Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Oak Ridge,TN 37831,USA2Department of Chemistry,University of Massachusetts,Amherst,MA 01003,USA 3Institut f¨u r Festk¨o rperforschung,Forschungszentrum J¨u lich GmbH,D-52425J¨u lich,Germany4Department of Physics,B5,Universit´e de Li`e ge,B-4000Sart-Tilman,Belgium 5Department of Chemistry,North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27695,USA6Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Kentucky,Lexington,Kentucky 40506,USA(Dated:February 1,2008)Solution-grown single crystals of Fe 2OBO 3were characterized by specific heat,M¨o ssbauer spec-troscopy,and x-ray diffraction.A peak in the specific heat at 340K indicates the onset of charge order.Evidence for a doubling of the unit cell at low temperature is bining struc-tural refinement of diffraction data and M¨o ssbauer spectra,domains with diagonal charge order are established.Bond-valence-sum analysis indicates integer valence states of the Fe ions in the charge ordered phase,suggesting Fe 2OBO 3is the clearest example of ionic charge order so far.PACS numbers:61.50.Ks,71.30.+h,71.28.+d,Many physical phenomena in transition metal ox-ides,including colossal magnetoresistance [1]and high-temperature superconductivity [2],are related to charge ordering (CO).Ideally,CO consists of charge carriers lo-calizing on ions with different integer valences forming an ordered pattern [3].However,the application of this “ionic CO”concept has been controversial [4,5],because observed valence separations are usually small,and there is no clear example of CO with integer valences.M¨o ssbauer spectra on the mixed-valent warwickite Fe 2OBO 3suggested a large,though not quantified,Fe valence separation below the onset of a monoclinic dis-tortion of the structure (Fig.1)at 317K [6].It is natu-ral then to suspect an ordered arrangement of Fe 2+and Fe 3+ions (ionic CO),and Fe 2OBO 3has been suggested as an example of electrostatically driven CO [6].How-ever,no experimental evidence of a CO superstructure was found on the available polycrystalline samples,andFIG.1:(Color online)Crystal structure of Fe 2OBO 3at 355K.The unit cell (shaded yellow)is orthorhombic (P mcn ),at lower T the symmetry is lowered to monoclinic,with a CO superstructure having a 2a ×b ×c cell.Structurally dis-tinct Fe1O 6and Fe2O 6octahedra build ribbons of four edge-sharing chains (numbered,see text)along a .Detail views of the ribbons at 355and 100K are given in Fig.4.consequently the occurrence of CO in Fe 2OBO 3has been under debate [7].Here,we report the first observation of superstructure reflections in single-crystalline Fe 2OBO 3,using X-ray diffbining structural refinement,M¨o ssbauer spectroscopy,and electronic structure calculations,we es-tablish a diagonal CO configuration.Bond-valence-sum analysis indicates that the ordered iron valence states are very close to integer Fe 2+and Fe 3+.Thus,Fe 2OBO 3is an excellent example of ionic CO.We discuss implica-tions of the large structural modulations on the relevance of the electron-lattice coupling in driving the CO.Needle-like single crystals of Fe 2OBO 3(Fig.2inset)with length up to 1.5cm were grown from a flux with a procedure very similar to the growth of Fe 1.91V 0.09OBO 3reported by Balaev et al.[8],except that we omitted V 2O 3from the flux to avoid V doping.57Fe M¨o ssbauer spectra,obtained on powdered crystals using a constant-acceleration spectrometer [9],were similar to previous results [6,10]with isomer shifts at low T (Fig.5b)indi-cating divalent and trivalent Fe with no electron hopping.FIG.2:(Color online)Specific heat c p /T ,measured by ac calorimetry.Lower inset:c p around 340K.Upper inset:Fe 2OBO 3crystal.2FIG.3:(Color online)Composite X-ray diffraction precession images with intensities extracted from about500individual frames.a:355K.Due to an n glide plane,spots with h+k odd are systematically absent.b:100K.Weak additional spots(one indicated by an arrow)index to(h+1355K100K2,k,0)in-dicate a superstructure with2a×b×c cell,attributed to CO as detailed below.Visual inspection of the raw data indicated overlapping peaks of roughly equal in-tensity consistent with monoclinic twinning with similar weight of domains with opposite sense of monoclinic dis-tortion.The twinned peaks were not sufficiently resolved and therefore the refinement was conducted for the com-bined peaks.As a result,the monoclinic angleβcould not be refined,and was set to90◦.To assess possible symmetries,the data werefirst re-fined with no symmetry constraints(space group P1).A P c(No.7)space groupsymmetry was apparent, and a corresponding refinement(Fig.4b)had a resid-ual R[F2>4σ(F2)]=4.62%significantly better than alternative space groups[14].Small(very weak inten-sity)reflection condition violations and a Flack parame-ter close to50%suggest that the structure is not homoge-neous,but an average of domains with different,possibly centro-symmetric,structure.Room temperature diffrac-tion data are very similar to the100K data,indicating negligible influence of the magnetic transition on the CO. For octahedrally coordinated Fe2+and Fe3+ions, the expected average Fe-O bondlengths are2.16and 2.02˚A,respectively[15].For the refined structure,Fe-O bondlengths for half of the eight Fe sites are intermediate and similar as at355K(Table I),suggesting CO in only half of the chains.However,M¨o ssbauer spectra show that the local structure is different because there is no interme-diate valence Fe in the low T phase(Fig.5b).The refined3 FIG.4:(Color online)Charge order in the four-chain ribbons(numbered as inFig.1).a:355K.Atoms are drawn as thermal ellipsoids.For one FeO6octahedron a local coordinate system is indicated.b,c:CO at100K(high/low valence Fe is shaded dark/bright):The“global”structure,refined in P c(b)arises from averaging domains with different diagonal order(c).Large oxygen shifts within the superstructure are emphasized by red arrows in b.structure thus arises from averaging local structures oftwo types of domains.In two of the chains,II and IV inFig.4,structural distortions are averaged out,indicatingthat these sites have opposite valence,and thus distor-tions,in the two domain types.The CO in the othertwo chains is clearly preserved,indicating that their Fesites have identical valences in all domains.Because theFe sites with equal a position in the chains with globallypreserved CO have opposite valence,the local CO con-figuration is diagonal,with“up”and“down”diagonalsmaking up the two types of domains(Fig.4c).To corroborate the local diagonal CO,we per-FIG.5:(Color online)Integer valence separation.a:Fe va-lence from bond-valence-sum analysis on four sites indicatedin Fig.4b(+),compared to the classical CO example mag-netite(B sites,◦[16])and the clearer example EuBaFe2O5( [17]).b:M¨o ssbauer isomer shifts relative toαFe(+),com-pared to magnetite(B sites,◦[18])and EuBaFe2O5( [17]).The two horizontal lines represent isomer shifts[19]for Fe2+in FeO(blue)and Fe3+in Fe2O3(red)at room temperature.formedfirst principles electronic structure calculations(GGA+U,withfixed cell,but in contrast to[20]opti-mized atom positions),using techniques as described in[21].The GGA+U calculations(U=5.5eV,J=0.89eV[20])started with the crystal structure as reported byAttfield et al.[6]with doubled a axis,in which all Featoms have a uniform valence Fe2.5+.As in[20],a diag-onal configuration with charge separation was obtainedeven withfixed atom positions.Relaxing atom positionsled to an additional decrease in energy(total CO gain174.5meV/Fe ion),with CO distortions of the optimizedatom positions(shown in Fig.4c)qualitatively equal tothe refined ones(neglecting the averaged out sites inchains II and IV),though about20%less in magnitude.The shifts in the oxygen positions(Fig.4b arrows)cause the average Fe-O bondlengths for sites Fe1a andFe2a to increase and for sites Fe1b and Fe2b to decrease.Valence states and ion sizes are intimately related,allow-ing the length of the Fe-O bonds to be used to calculatethe Fe valence through bond-valence-sum(BVS)analysis[22].The BVS isV= i exp[(d0−d i)/0.37],(1)where V is the valence of an ion to be determined,d iare the bondlengths to other ions,and d0is a tabulated[22]empirical parameter characteristic for a cation-anionpair.At all temperatures the BVS of B and O are close to3and−2,respectively,as expected.A complication forFe is that the empirical d0are slightly different for differ-ent valence ing tabulated[22]d0for both Fe2+-O and Fe3+-O,the calculated valences for ions Fe1a,Fe2aand Fe1b,Fe2b are within0.2of2and3,respectively.Asis customary in this case[23],thefinal valences were thencalculated using d0of Fe2+-O for ions Fe1a and Fe2a andd0of Fe3+-O for ions Fe1b and Fe2b.For the averagedsites in chains II,IV at low T and all Fe sites at high T the4BVS are intermediate between2and3,and thefinal va-lences were obtained by averaging the valences calculated with d0for Fe2+and Fe3+.Averaging over anti-phase domains can only decrease the difference between high and low valence Fe-O bondlengths in the average structure.Consequently the valence separation from BVS obtained from any refined global average structure provides a lower limit for the ac-tual local separation.We focus on the sites in chains I and III,which provide the most stringent limit.These Fe valences are integer within the resolution of the method (Fig.5a).Fe2OBO3is thefirst CO oxide for which BVS clearly indicate integer valence for both valence states. The valence separation is considerably larger than in the so far clearest examples,YBaFe2O5[24]and related compounds(∼0.7),and much larger than in the classi-cal,though not fully understood,CO example magnetite ( 0.4[16])or in the colossal magnetoresistance mangan-ites(∼0.45[5]).The large valence separation suggests that Fe2OBO3is an ideal example of ionic charge order. In agreement with the large valence difference, M¨o ssbauer spectral isomer shiftsδ(Fig.5b)for two dou-blets are close toδof the Fe3+compound Fe2O3and for the other two doublets toδof the Fe2+compound FeO.The reason that Fe2OBO3is unique among oxides in demonstrating ionic CO may be attributed to an an-tagonistic inductive effect[25]from the B-O bonds.Since B is more electronegative than Fe,O prefers to share its electrons with B,making the Fe-O bonds more ionic. The large(>0.2˚A)oxygen shifts along a accompany-ing the CO also affect the distortions of the coordination octahedra.At high T the largest distortion is an elonga-tion along a(Fig.4a),leading to a distortion parameter Γ,defined as the difference in%between bondlengths in the local xy plane(Fig.4a)and those perpendicular to it,of3to4%.In the CO state,this distortion is re-duced almost completely for Fe3+sites,but increased for Fe2+sites,consistent with the extra electron occupying a d xy orbital with lobes a.Because the distortion lifts the degeneracy of the t2g orbitals,an energy gain associ-ated with the Jahn-Teller effect[26]likely contributes to the overall energy gain of charge localization and order. Thus,CO in Fe2OBO3is not driven entirely by electro-static interactions between carriers,although the latter alone seems to be sufficient in establishing CO,as indi-cated by the GGA+U calculations with atom positions fixed.This exemplifies the relevance of electron-lattice effects in correlated oxides,which likely is ubiquitous. In summary,superstructure reflections at in Fe2OBO3 arise from diagonal CO with two domains and Fe valence states very close to integer,suggesting that Fe2OBO3is an ideal example for ionic CO.Magnitude and form of the atomic displacements in the CO suggest that electrostatic energy is not the only relevant energy scale,but coupling to the lattice is important as well.Very anisotropic dis-placement parameters of the oxygen atoms already at 355K(Fig.4a)hint at significant precursor effects to the CO transition;a detailed study of the evolution of the CO with temperature is in progress.We thank A.Payzant,W.Schweika,A.W.Sleight, B.Chakoumakos,J.Tao, F.Grandjean,O.Swader, and O.Garlea for assistance and discussions.Research at ORNL sponsored by the Division of Materials Sci-ences and Engineering,Office of Basic Energy Sciences (OS),US Department of Energy(DOE)(contract DE-AC05-00OR22725);at NCSU by OS,DOE(DE-FG02-86ER45259);at UK by NSF(DMR-0400938);at UL: FNRS credit1.5.064.05.∗email:angst@[1]Y.-D.Chuang et al.,Science292,1509(2001);G.C.Milward,M.J.Calderon,and P.B.Littlewood,Nature 433,607(2005).[2]D.Reznik et al.,Nature440,1170(2006);T.Valla et al.,Science314,1914(2006).[3]E.Wigner,Phys.Rev.46,1002(1934);E.J.W.Verwey,Nature144,327(1939).[4]M.Coey,Nature430,155(2004).[5]J.Garc´ıa and G.Sub´ıas,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter16,R145(2004).[6]J.P.Attfield et al.,Nature396,655(1998).[7]J.Garcia and G.Subias,Phys.Rev.B74,176401(2006);I.Leonov et al.,ibid.74,176402(2006).[8]A.D.Balaev et al.,J.Exp.Theor.Phys.97,989(2003).[9]R.P.Hermann et al.,Phys.Rev.B70,214425(2004).[10]A.P.Douvalis et al.,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter12,177(2000).[11]M.Chung et al.,Phys.Rev.B48,9256(1993).[12]M. 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