




















1. 找到你周围的五个物体,用数字0-9进行标记,并写出它们的数字形式。

2. 把数字1-10按顺序写下来,然后写出它们的读音。

3. 用圆圈把下面的数字画出来:3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
4. 将下面的算式的答案填写在空格中:5 + 8 = ___, 10 - 3 = ___, 4 x 6 = ___, 15 ÷3 = ___
5. 用“<”,“>”或“=”填空:7 ___ 5, 14 ___ 16, 9 ___ 9
6. 将下面的分数转化为小数:1/4, 3/5, 2/3, 5/10
7. 打开你的数学课本,运用你所学的知识,完成任意一页的练习题。

8. 用纸和铅笔解决以下问题:你家附近的超市里有30个苹果和20个橙子。

9. 找一本有关数学的故事书阅读,并写下书中故事的主要内容。

10. 制作一个数学游戏,让你的家人或朋友参与,看看谁能先解答出来。































































3、制作实践成果展示材料,如 PPT、视频等。




一、口算练习26+9= 57-38= 1500-700= 42×2= 99÷3=770÷7= 660÷3= 960÷3= 180÷9= 65+15=660÷6= 800×2= 50÷5= 3×800= 420÷7=3×220= 480÷4= 58+33= 420-20= 93÷3=880÷4= 1200-200= 11×7= 80-46= 0÷51=0÷76= 2×85= 70÷7= 14×2= 5×900=二、竖式计算24×11= 43×26= 25×22= 36×34=35×13= 57×18= 76×14= 38×18=三、脱式计算240×2÷6 300-129÷3 128+18×6 312×(300-296)(128+132)÷5一、口算练习2×200= 84÷4= 0÷91= 930÷3= 390÷3=0+22= 83-57= 29+68= 68-49= 80×7=800÷4= 330÷3= 3×23= 64÷2= 58+26=34×2= 550÷5= 800×8= 420÷2= 63÷3=160÷4= 800+700= 690÷3= 58-0= 2×440=8÷2= 480÷2= 60×5= 2×44= 840÷4=二、竖式计算36×43= 53×18= 19×23= 28×32=65×15= 69×12= 77×17= 34×49=三、脱式计算840÷4×3 36×30+129 25×12÷6 864-12×24 15×8×7一、口算练习440÷4= 32×3= 48÷4= 540÷9= 90÷9=13×3= 600×7= 120×3= 480÷2= 39÷3=560÷8= 990÷3= 3×200= 620÷2= 660÷2=640÷8= 880÷4= 7500-500= 0÷91= 12×4=3×31= 0×57= 120×4= 2×97= 360÷9=44×2= 960÷3= 32×2= 2×440= 460÷2=二、竖式计算74×14= 37×18= 42×28= 38×25= 328÷4= 215÷5= 432÷6= 872÷8=三、脱式计算78+14×6 540÷9÷6 320+16×27 25×24+125 23×44-58一、口算练习70+500= 3×33= 280÷4= 9×400= 3×330=690÷3= 49+33= 700÷7= 23×3= 78-36=11×4= 230×3= 310×3= 390÷3= 230×3=11×4= 82-55= 310×3= 720÷9= 4700-700=600÷3= 48+28= 640÷8= 480÷8= 7×50=10×89= 69×10= 13×30= 23×30= 4×90=二、竖式计算386+479= 321×12= 125×23= 18×250=52×49= 34×54= 106×51= 48×34=三、脱式计算1500-125×8 (25+38)×15 (62+12)×38 (48+52)÷2 (59+187)÷3一、口算练习60×60= 60×40= 90×30= 21×40= 30×20=40×90= 2×31= 33×20= 40×70= 48+19=70×6= 4×900= 2×310= 20+35= 45+35=32×20= 70×60= 84×1= 900×6= 34×20=33×30= 31×20= 700×6= 84×10= 9×800=70×30= 2×42= 86-47= 5×90= 22×30=二、竖式计算78×22= 416÷4= 823÷8= 63×43=367÷4= 795÷5= 2×53= 79×97=三、脱式计算(12+20)×45 7×8×32 22+12×20 (48-12)÷6 128+12×15一、口算练习690÷3= 49+33= 770÷7= 23×3= 78-36=11×4= 230×3= 310×3= 390÷3= 230×3=16×4= 82-55= 310×3= 720÷9= 4700-700=600÷3= 48+28= 640÷8= 480÷8= 7×50=10×89= 69×10= 13×30= 23×30= 4×90=60×60= 60×40= 90×30= 21×40= 30×20=二、竖式计算370÷7= 784-685= 76×15= 486÷2=607÷5= 900-807= 915÷3= 560÷4=三、脱式计算45×20+100 (28+12)×30 28+12×3030×23-60 200-15×10一、口算练习40×90= 2×31= 33×20= 40×70= 48+19=70×6= 4×900= 2×310= 20+35= 45+35=32×20= 70×60= 84×1= 900×6= 34×20=33×30= 31×20= 700×6= 84×10= 9×800=70×30= 2×42= 86-47= 5×90= 22×30=6×500= 8×70= 42×20= 400+300= 5×900=二、竖式计算87×19= 362÷6= 525÷3= 254÷5=192÷4= 602÷7= 839÷9= 726÷6=三、脱式计算25+32×23 52+18×12 65+11×1217+34×19 37+16×28一、口算练习10×33= 22×0= 80×70= 200×4= 0÷20=6×60= 22×40= 44+20= 40×40= 43×20=46+37= 606÷6= 300÷6= 40×11= 360÷9=10×34= 40×90= 90×60= 490÷7= 20×34=300×3= 80×4= 65×0= 330÷3= 205÷5=680-80= 21×40= 80×40= 10×37= 20×50=二、竖式计算39×42 = 168÷8= 370÷5= 810÷9= 640÷7= 19×64= 470÷9= 312÷7=三、脱式计算61+12×23 43+21×23 48+52×21 45+32×55 87+35×49一、口算练习2000+300= 880÷2= 70×20= 400÷4= 6×66=50×30= 640÷8= 408÷4= 400+300= 34+39=360÷6= 99×10= 12×20= 30×80= 41×20=97×10= 700÷7= 33×30= 0÷59= 11×80=200÷4= 31×20= 600+90= 4700-700= 44-37=40×12= 84-47= 630÷7= 71-23= 0÷43=二、竖式计算660÷5= 804÷7= 462÷3= 55×18=780÷4= 729÷9= 624÷6= 75×26=三、脱式计算99+46×97 44+81×33 31+98×7638+53×47 67+81×90一、口算练习31×30= 21×30= 43×2= 67×2= 75+18=23+48= 90×30= 30×12= 46+24= 80÷7=42×20= 100÷5= 10×50= 350÷5= 52-29=240×2= 52+39= 400÷8= 480÷8= 33×30=50×5= 800×3= 60×50= 410×2= 41×20=310×3= 20×23= 440÷4= 30×32= 10×35=二、竖式计算56×76= 18×11= 51×87= 72×44= 55×67= 769÷8= 58×86= 67×22=三、脱式计算(25+38)×15 (59+187)÷3 1500-125×8 25×8×9 (601-246)÷5一、口算练习56×10= 4.8-2.3= 510÷3= 17×40= 43+26=2.7+0.6= 780÷3=3.6+1.2= 160÷8= 8300-300= 90÷5= 1.7-0.8= 34×10= 2.5+5.8= 20×9=13×70= 26×20= 9.8-9.5= 70×14= 80×90= 650÷5= 18×30= 31×10= 960÷8= 290+40= 900÷5= 210÷3= 54+48= 6000÷6= 660÷2=二、竖式计算42×70= 38×16= 54×86= 208÷8=58×37= 769÷8= 58×86= 654÷6=三、脱式计算(24+38)×18 (659-187)÷3 1320-25×825+8×9 601-246 ÷6一、口算练习560÷7= 40×50= 630÷7= 36+17= 12×60=4.6+3.2= 26×30= 8.2+2.4= 22×40= 61×40=75÷5= 75÷3= 30×18= 70×60= 42×200=39-24= 90×20= 60×30= 9.7-6.2= 40÷4=8.6-5.5= 90×30= 770÷7= 140÷7= 240÷4=2.2+0.3= 77×2= 21×50= 0.2+1.9= 30×30=二、竖式计算59×22= 43×46= 56×39= 23×14= 959÷9= 481÷6= 604÷4= 7.5+2.6=三、脱式计算576÷3÷4 81×7÷9 201+232-365 138+33×47 399÷7+294一、口算练习30×50= 51÷3= 69÷3= 20×70= 13×60=390÷3= 1.6-0.8= 500÷5= 60×40= 500÷5=28÷7= 5.8-0.4= 25×40= 1.3+0.5= 78÷2=31×40= 0×412= 3.4-2.8= 770÷7= 1.9-0.7=25×40= 211+506= 280÷2= 3.6+4.3= 15×10=11×800= 32×30= 8.9+0.5= 900÷5= 25×9=二、竖式计算78×82= 24×36= 27×14= 15×62= 654÷6= 486÷6= 432÷4= 7.5-2.6=三、脱式计算32×21-29 48÷8+16 32+(76-45)138+33×47 294+399÷7一、口算练习7400-4000= 0×97= 1600-700= 48×20= 60×70= 870-50= 19×40= 60×5= 90×60= 140÷7= 320÷8= 270÷3= 850+50= 17×30= 600-240= 980÷2= 760÷4= 2700÷3= 15×4= 0.4+0.7= 64÷4= 72×100= 2.5+3.3= 2.5-0.9= 12×20= 25×30= 64÷8= 72÷4= 6.8-5.2= 600÷4=二、竖式计算386+479= 321×9= 25×23= 18×250=920÷8= 720÷3= 204×3= 238+647=三、脱式计算1500-125×8 23×6×7 9×5×24672÷(2×3)(601-246)÷5一、口算练习3.6+2.4= 46×20= 13×80= 180÷2= 250÷5= 85÷5= 90×50= 810÷9= 540÷9= 120÷6= 87÷3= 2.4+3.2= 23×40= 240÷6= 60×60= 28×20= 0÷8= 72÷4= 450÷9= 420+20= 9900-900= 3.1-2.1= 19×50= 900÷5= 480÷4= 840÷3= 35×4= 56+29= 480÷2= 250÷5=二、竖式计算78×22= 416÷5= 823÷8= 63×43= 437÷4= 525÷5= 12×53= 79×97=三、脱式计算78×21-531 352÷8÷4 58÷2×16 21×14÷7 128+12×1580÷4= 60÷6= 39÷3=84÷4= 66÷6= 88÷2=88÷4= 40÷2= 99÷3=40×21= 20×41= 20×17=60×80= 74×10= 41×20=16×10= 21×30= 32×30=40×22= 50×30= 40×12=50×80= 70×60= 80×70=60÷3= 44÷2= 88÷8=80÷2= 70÷7= 82÷2=二、竖式计算168÷2= 348÷6= 455÷7= 248÷4= 195÷3=三、脱式计算35×4×5 46×(7×5) 55×3×6 = = == = =14×5×38 4×62×7= =84÷2= 77÷7= 62÷2=86÷2= 60÷2= 66÷2=90÷3= 64÷2= 22÷2=20×32= 23×30= 50×11=33×20= 70×90= 40×90=73×10= 11×60= 20×23=60×11= 33×30= 80×50=14×20= 30×40= 30×70=93÷3= 50÷5= 28÷2=96÷3= 55÷5= 66÷3=二、竖式计算864÷9= 297÷3= 592÷8= 488÷8= 648÷4=三、脱式计算8×35×9 15×12×8 24×(3×5)= = == = = 37×(2×31) 45×4×9= =44÷4= 33÷3= 68÷2=64÷4= 36÷3= 26÷2=48÷4= 48÷2= 84÷4=31×30= 11×30= 50×70=80×40= 60×40= 70×90=17×4= 12×30= 20×29=23×3= 50×40= 13×3=4×500= 42×2= 12×20=60÷2= 86÷2= 420÷2=69÷3= 60÷3= 77÷7=二、竖式计算574÷2= 672÷6= 648÷7= 574÷8= 672÷9=三、脱式计算6×14×55 62×9×3 5×28×7 = = == = = 4×75×6 19×3×22= =480÷4= 480÷3= 480÷2=660÷6= 770÷7= 990÷3=84÷2= 55÷5= 69÷3=4×500= 42×2= 20×12=4×20= 4×12= 3×300=7×800= 3×22= 24×2=13×2= 12×4= 9×200=2×22= 50×80= 32×4=560÷7= 360÷2= 880÷2=630÷3= 360÷6= 990÷9=二、竖式计算488÷3= 554÷3= 734÷5= 345÷6= 628÷9=三、脱式计算35×(7×6) 360÷2÷3 450÷9÷5 = = == = = 140÷5÷2 162÷9×25= =44÷2= 77÷7= 55÷5=800÷4= 66÷6= 300÷6=240÷3= 800÷2= 160÷8=60×11= 33×20= 3×23=40×70= 3×700= 21×3=15×3= 50×60= 2×41=46×2= 21×2= 60×50=20×20= 2×44= 4×22=66÷2= 48÷4= 640÷8=420÷7= 480÷6= 150÷3=二、竖式计算314÷7= 529÷8= 533÷7= 529÷6= 481÷7=三、脱式计算426÷(3×2) 19×(60÷4) 50×13÷9 = = == = =357÷(42÷6) 351÷3÷3= =150÷3= 80÷4= 26÷2=900÷3= 270÷3= 200÷5=88÷8= 63÷3= 78÷3=17×5= 2×27= 50×60=23×20= 19×4= 19×3=18×4= 304×2= 90×50=60×3= 203×3= 15×5=5×16= 6×200= 34×20=52÷2= 85÷5= 57÷3=56÷2= 84÷4= 70÷2=二、竖式计算675÷8= 285÷9= 346÷5= 391÷6= 456÷7=三、脱式计算156÷(3×2) 168÷4÷2 96÷2÷2 = = == = = 351÷(3×3) 156÷3÷2= =0.8+0.9= 1.7+0.6= 1.1-0.7=0.9+0.6= 4.9+0.2= 8.4-0.6=3.2-0.3= 5.3-0.8= 3.4+0.9=23×4= 40×50= 80×70=60×40= 12×6= 60×30=13×7= 70×60= 90×50=40×30= 80×30= 80×4=3×15= 80×11= 7×15=0.5+0.5= 1.5+0.6= 1.5-0.6=0.7-0.6= 9.1-0.8= 3.6+0.7=二、竖式计算26×87= 36×45= 46×61= 75×44= 64×55=三、脱式计算328÷(4×2) 270÷3÷5 180÷(27÷3) = = == = = 160÷(2+3) 256÷8÷4= =53+24= 81-34= 96-47=31-18= 56+17= 64+28=42-35= 96-58= 81-28=3×28= 39-17= 12×6=19×4= 4×23= 70-13=25×2= 26+28= 160÷8=16×5= 4×15= 19×4=13×7= 7×14= 14×6=57+26= 16+22= 16+18=47-24= 40-25= 80-35=二、竖式计算13×65= 26×38= 44×61= 584÷3= 325÷8=三、脱式计算744÷(3×2) 816÷4÷2 360÷2×3 = = == = = 15×48÷2 450÷9×16= =27×3= 30×80= 72-23=90×40= 18×4= 15×6=70×14= 3×25= 12×8=7×12= 39-17= 24×20=18×5= 14×5= 33+29=40×12= 30×22= 560÷8=16×5= 4×15= 19×4=13×7= 7×14= 14×6=34+28= 13+68= 300÷6=28+55= 56+29= 48+17=二、竖式计算56×77= 81×46= 45×82= 723÷5= 394÷7=三、脱式计算144÷(3×3) 84÷3+15 208÷(36-28) = = == = =25×18-400 27×(56÷4)= =90×30= 21×4= 6×130=10×17= 3×32= 45×2=40×12= 38×2= 12×7=50×60= 39-17= 3×29=16×2= 15×4= 33+29=38×2= 5×12= 156÷3=6×500= 5×190= 23×4=64÷4= 280÷7= 200÷5=96÷3= 936÷3= 128÷4=0÷55= 328÷8= 186÷6=二、竖式计算26×38= 31×24= 38×79= 914÷3= 478÷6=三、脱式计算48÷4×16 680÷2+45 168÷(12-8) = = == = =45×16-400 27×(36÷9)= =20×13= 15×2= 60×11=10×12= 30×32= 14×5=40×80= 11×50= 40×70=46×2= 39+17= 17×2=16×2= 25×4= 33-29=38×2= 90×70= 200÷2=10×88= 22×40= 14×40=26÷2= 204÷2= 62÷2=96÷3= 570÷3= 128÷4=0÷55= 328÷8= 86÷2=二、竖式计算76×25= 31×49= 68×25= 924÷4= 635÷8=三、脱式计算164-464÷4 (882-119)÷7 156÷(23-17) = = == = =4×180÷9 27×(72-37)= =27×3= 48×2= 30×80=5×18= 4×23= 60×30=25×20= 16×5= 40×70=5×19= 56+23= 8×12=16×2= 16×4= 33-29=19×3= 33×30= 200÷2=2×330= 12×40= 14×40=150÷3= 204÷2= 62÷2=96÷3= 480÷3= 88÷4=0÷55= 328÷8= 84÷7=二、竖式计算94×26= 88×44= 64×56= 723÷8= 558÷6=三、脱式计算276-(26+44) (188-62)÷6 248÷(25-17) = = == = =55×3÷5 15×(16+37)= =17×4= 12×30= 29×2=23×30= 40×50= 13×30=34×20= 23×20= 90×50=42×2= 56+23= 20×12=23×4= 4×12= 33-29=28×2= 27×3= 200÷2=4×23= 36×2= 3×22=450÷9= 360÷4= 720÷8=96÷3= 480÷3= 88÷4=0÷55= 328÷8= 186÷6=二、竖式计算73×82= 66×38= 52×84= 453÷3= 187÷2=三、脱式计算68×(76-29) (495-177)÷3 488÷4-16 = = == = = 14×78÷4 235÷(73-68)= =46×2= 39+17= 17×2=16×2= 25×4= 33-29=38×2= 90×70= 200÷2=13×7= 7×14= 14×6=34+28= 13+68= 300÷6=28+55= 56+29= 48+17=40×30= 80×30= 80×4=3×15= 80×11= 7×15=0.5+0.5= 1.5+0.6= 1.5-0.6=0.7-0.6= 9.1-0.8= 3.6+0.7=二、竖式计算69×33= 57×58= 72×84= 2.4+5.8= 6.3+2.7=三、脱式计算15×(13+29) (95-77)÷3 48÷4×16= = == = =68×(36÷9) 680÷2+45= =26÷2= 39+17= 12×40=180÷2= 20×40= 93÷3=38×2= 72÷6= 450÷5=13×7= 7×14= 28×3=46+43= 38+68= 393÷3=28+44= 56+36= 48+35=40×30= 80×30= 80×4=3×15= 80×11= 7×15=0.5+5.5= 2.3+4.8= 7.5-0.6=15.7-2.6= 9.1-0.8= 0.5+5.9=二、竖式计算42×64= 14×28= 81×92= 267÷7= 623÷3=三、脱式计算21×34-410 (690--240)÷5 195÷5×3 = = == = = 68×8-90 156÷3×29= =》》》》》》2024年整理——学习资料《《《《《《本文由作者精心整理,校对难免有瑕疵之处,欢迎批评指正,如有需要,请关注下载。



1.口算10.2×4.5= 2.5×6= 9×0.25= 0.125×4= 1.25×8×0.5=16×0.01= 0.01÷0.1= 1.8×20= x-0.4x= 0.27÷0.003=2.竖式计算(带#的验算,带※的保留两位小数)5.98÷0.23 #19.76÷5.2 0.285÷0.38※3.15÷4.73.解方程7x+5.3=7.4 1.4×8-2x=6 7(x-2) =2x+34.脱式计算,能简算的简算0.25×[(2.8+4.4) ÷1.2] 0.5×1.25×2×8×11100.1×99+100.1 2.5×32×12.5 3200÷4÷255.解决问题(1)李叔叔把车停在某停车场,离开时交了15.5元的停车费,他在这个停车场最多停车多长时间?1.口算0.6×0.8= 3×0.9= 2.5×0.4= 12.5×8= 50×0.04=80×0.3= 1.1×9= 0.5×4÷0.5×4= 38.5×0×0.38=4.7×6+4×4.7=2.竖式计算(带*的用循环小数表示)0.544÷0.16 13.5÷0.03 *78.6÷11 2.73×1.53.解方程2x+9x=132 18y-8=100 80+5x=1004.脱式计算,能简算的简算0.25×4×4.78 0.65×201 4.8×0.2518.09-7.5×(0.14+1.06) 1.2×2.5+0.8×2.55.解决问题(1)一块平行四边形的玉米地,底是18.5米,高是9.2米。



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阅读理解1. 阅读短文,回答问题。

- 答案因短文内容而异,可以根据短文的信息回答相应的问题。

数学选择题1. 10 ÷ 2 + 3 × 4 = ?- 答案: 162. 12 + 6 × 3 - 8 ÷ 2 = ?- 答案: 283. 54 ÷ 6 × 2 - 7 = ?- 答案: 134. 15 × 2 ÷ 3 + 4 = ?- 答案: 145. 18 + 4 × 2 - 10 ÷ 5 = ?- 答案: 24计算题1. 请计算:24 ÷ 4 - (8 - 2) + 5 × 3 = ? - 答案: 272. 请计算:(15 + 3) × 2 - 9 ÷ 3 + 5 = ? - 答案: 34英语单词拼写1. He is my cl_ss___ate. (同学)- 答案: classmate2. She has a c_m__ter. (电脑)3. We go to sch__l from Monday to Friday. (学校) - 答案: school4. My f_th__ is a doctor. (父亲)- 答案: father5. I like to pl_y b_sketb_ll. (打篮球)- 答案: play basketball句子翻译1. 我的生日是十一月十五日。

- 答案: My birthday is on November 15th.2. 他每天早上七点起床。

- 答案: He gets up at seven o'clock every morning.3. 她正在读一本有趣的书。



七年级数学国庆假期作业1 参考答案一选择题:B B C B C C D二填空题:8、 7,63 9、14, 10 、37 11、120 12、20 13、1980 14、25平方米 15、33平方米 16、黄 红三解答题: 16、答案不唯一 17、800元18、(1)7条,15条 (2)2n+1-1 七年级数学国庆假期作业2 参考答案一填空题:1、-6摄氏度,2、0 ,3、24、左,4个单位长度5、-1 -2 -3,6、2011 ,20127、508、9、 10、-5 11、-1,0,1,2,3, 二选择题:DBDCADA三解答题19 略20、(1)表示向西走350米,(2)西边70米(3) 共走了630米 21、略22、略23、小明在书店西边30米处。

24、16七年级数学国庆假期作业3 参考答案一选择题: DBDC二填空题:(1) 3,23,0.4 ,0,9,-2 (2)012,,±± ;-2,-1,0 (3) 6± (4)B (5) -2,6 (6)-1三、计算题(1) 18.6(2)7.49(3)-83(4) 71 四、化简;(1)2 (2) -2007 (3 )27 (4)32 五、比较大小(1) (2)六、略七、略八、第一个最准确, 8七年级数学国庆假期作业4 参考答案一填空题:1.-5 ,-8,-7 2.-12 ,2111,-4 3. - 518,0 4.0 5.-1,9 6. -6 7. 7 8.-10 二选择题:9. C 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C 三解答题:15.(1)-35(2)8 (3)6512(4)-2 (5)5 (6)315- (7)0 (8)50 四、应用题:16.1225元 17.(1)41千米 (2)13.4升七年级数学国庆假期作业5 参考答案一选择题: BBCD二填空题: 5、 8,-1 6、-251 -651, 7、0,0 8、9900三解答题: 9、(1)78 (2) -2 (3) -12 (4)32 (5) 3112 (6) 93112 (7) -1 (8)301 (9) 350 (10)7.8摄氏度, 7千米 七年级数学国庆假期作业6 参考答案一填空题 :1、-3 , 2,9 ;2、3, 3,-27 ;3、-8,81-,27343-,0 ; 4、23-±, 5、2; 6、8710⨯, 71065.7⨯- 7、2000000,960000,75800008、510633.3⨯ ,510055.4⨯二、选择题 ABDADB三、计算题(1)36 (2)41 (3)-0.0081 (4) 6427(5)38- (6)169(7)-2 (8)14 (9)-13 (10)61四、解答题1、1.8 310⨯ 2、7106792.3⨯ 能达到1亿次。




1. 观察并记录家中物品的数量及特征。

2. 四则运算口算题,每日完成至少10道。

3. 完成教材P15的练题。


1. 观察并记录周围事物的长度和重量。

2. 应用所学单位进行测量,如用尺子量房间长度,用秤称水果的重量等。

3. 完成教材P32的练题。


1. 观察并记录家庭日常活动的时间,如起床、吃饭、上学等。

2. 练读取和书写时间,包括整点、半点和分钟数。

3. 完成教材P49的练题。


1. 在生活中观察并记录各类几何图形的特征。

2. 练绘制简单的几何图形,如正方形、长方形等。

3. 完成教材P68的练题。


1. 观察并记录家庭成员的身高、体重等数据。

2. 统计并整理自己所拥有的玩具、书籍等物品数量。

3. 完成教材P85的练题。






一、口算练习27×16=39×66=17×51=43×22= 175÷5= 460÷8= 8405÷7= 9160÷4= 3664÷6= 2360÷4= 18×34=19×25=27×32=45×12=33×12= 32×69= 23×31= 142×23= 32×37= 45×12= 二、竖式计算114×25= 433×36= 25×43=302×24= 59×27= 420÷8=793÷8= 816÷4=三、递等式计算(604-140)×52 573÷3÷1 204÷4×17 2×437+104 863−590+392一、口算练习217×7= 16×14= 38×62=616÷7= 0×125= 179÷8=74×53= 75×24= 0÷155=834÷8= 32×29= 46×53=13×13= 525÷5= 738÷2=23×41= 18×17= 62×27=297÷3= 28×56=二、竖式计算28×47= 47×31= 75×28=12×123= 36×58= 219÷3= 139÷4= 240÷3=三、递等式计算(394−243)÷1 (868−391)÷3(984−414)÷1 72÷8×94 (945+22)×124一、口算练习49×68= 791÷7= 64×67=7×123= 46×79= 76×22= 518÷14= 786×6= 88×66=61×29= 98×23= 77×23=35×7= 179÷8= 99×33=59×12= 208÷3= 110÷4= 455÷5= 412÷4=二、竖式计算840÷7= 35×45= 43×21=33×33= 489÷3= 64-27= 509÷5= 65×34=三、递等式计算458÷2×67 (736−654)÷2 105−101+349 (988−515)÷1 (512+47)÷1一、口算练习623÷7= 416÷8= 73×69= 82×24= 10×9= 7×7= 782÷6 = 69×24 = 463÷3= 506÷7= 78+266= 920-538 = 53×55 = 72×87 = 500÷6 = 37×29= 495+567= 16+54= 46×80= 13+91=二、竖式计算36×18= 774÷8=508÷2=370÷5=19×47=900÷5=23×34=392÷4=三、递等式计算448−61+477 (69+402)×34762−236+528 347+110−9 1×681×929一、口算练习360×5=32×68=207÷9=63×36=26×38=770÷5=696÷2=882÷4=809÷8=56×79=64×28=820÷3=630÷6=458÷4=4×6=73-29=10×7=82-5=65+47=12×3=二、竖式计算629+3= 165×4= 688+79= 801×9= 398÷9= 920×8= 155-66= 123×123=三、递等式计算309÷3−92 120÷30÷2 21×47+526 673+934−969 55÷5−10一、口算练习17×28= 21×32= 12×41= 21×34= 22×14= 32×12= 41×21= 11×25= 43×12=33×31= 24×12= 238+647=412-298= 204×3= 920÷8= 783÷6= 824÷4= 720÷3=65×84= 12×63=二、竖式计算32×98= 26×39= 76×18= 45×36= 89×46= 38×21= 39×43= 59×64=三、递等式计算946−644−189 2×23×38(521−341)×45 (470+795)×51190÷5+573一、口算练习65×31= 37×82= 550÷7= 492÷7= 254÷5= 214÷3= 400÷6= 281÷6= 165÷4= 142÷7= 876÷3= 825÷25= 9864÷48= 900÷22= 57×307= 358÷25= 538÷33= 986÷29= 13320÷70= 15×15=二、竖式计算786÷94= 689÷21= 783÷58=45×368= 4800÷600= 2700÷300=986÷29= 31×18三、递等式计算31×18+571 250÷2×20 833−491−138 12×46−235 341−314+76一、口算练习25×480= 99×45= 74×68= 864÷57= 562+865= 602-394= 46×22= 606-208= 258+49= 645-376= 405-316= 93+618= 56×34= 650÷7= 780÷9= 18×78= 59×19= 504×23=二、竖式计算856+72= 57×307= 59×198= 504×32= 603×36= 45×368= 25×480= 450×78=三、递等式计算493÷29 214÷2−1 564÷4×96 246÷6+515 145+657−255一、口算练习562+865= 750×40= 188×25=4800÷600= 2700÷300= 528+462=952-653= 965+652= 562×56=513×56= 432-85= 56+578=854-465= 222-15= 422+52=二、竖式计算424+536= 524-855= 156x56=446x58= 125+65= 552+652=三、递等式计算(799−506)×53 927−103+874501−360−79 (316+945)÷1 2×27×64一、口算练习123+665= 122-45= 135-62= 123+56= 452-125= 589-69= 623+533= 958-652= 364×59= 35×12= 359÷3= 567+28= 602-394= 46×22= 606-208= 603÷7= 198+303= 426÷4= 二、竖式计算23×37= 46×58= 326×5=482÷8= 370÷7= 784-685= 76×15=486÷2=三、递等式计算(906−747)×312 (721−104)÷11×279+243 (707+349)÷2(643−108)×85数学暑期作业(20)一、口算练习607÷5= 900-807= 915÷3=560÷4= 458+542= 423÷3=87×19= 362÷6= 525÷3=254÷5= 192÷4=602÷7=839÷9=726÷6=51×16 =78×22=416÷4=823÷8=63×43= 367÷4=二、竖式计算795÷5= 42×53= 15×82=79×97= 28×32=54×25=48×61=39×42 =三、递等式计算(810−617)÷1 (554−20)×22(663−644)×21 (86+480)÷1 466÷2÷1数学暑期作业(21)一、口算练习168÷8= 370÷5= 640÷7=19×64= 470÷9= 522÷6=19×64= 470÷9= 522÷6=312÷7= 570÷8= 810÷9=660÷5= 804÷7= 462÷3=80÷4=729÷9=624÷6=2500+300=二、竖式计算156-97= 386+479= 321×12=125×23=18×250=52×49=34×54=三、递等式计算(473−352)×56 (842+323)÷5 (916+827)×74 291−7−278 795÷2÷1数学暑期作业(22)一、口算练习27×16=39×66=17×51=43×22=175÷5= 460÷8=8405÷7= 9160÷4=3664÷6=2360÷4= 18×34=19×25=27×32=45×12=33×12=32×69=23×31=142×23=32×37= 45×12=二、竖式计算825÷25=9864÷48=900÷22=57×307 =59×198=689÷34=三、递等式计算180÷9-18 (48+52)÷5 100-25×4 20+80×3 7×(34+56)一、口算练习114×25=433×36=25×43= 302×24=59×27=420÷8= 793÷8=816÷4=217×7= 16×14= 38×62= 616÷7=0×125= 179÷8= 74×53= 75×24=0÷155=834÷8= 32×29=46×53=二、竖式计算1105÷55= 504×32= 358÷25= 538÷33= 986÷29=13320÷70=三、递等式计算190+360÷24×8 (140+60)×(26-8) 78×7+828÷18 (359-42)×53+64 280 + 650 ÷ 13一、口算练习13×13=525÷5= 738÷2=23×41=18×17= 62×27=297÷3= 28×56=28×47=47×31= 75×28=12×123=36×58= 219÷3=139÷4=240÷3=49×68=791÷7=64×67= 7×123=二、竖式计算603×36= 812÷57=860÷30=647÷27= 786÷94= 689÷21=三、递等式计算105×2×5 800-57×9 (65+16)÷9 230×(140-132)24×5+24×7一、口算练习46×79=76×22= 518÷14=786×6=88×66= 61×29=98×23= 77×23=35×7=179÷8=99×33= 59×12=208÷3= 110÷4=455÷5=412÷4=840÷7= 35×45=43×21= 33×33=二、竖式计算783÷58= 45×368=750×40=188×25= 2704÷26=343÷32=三、递等式计算537+981-699 361-(137+168)500-(132+273)472+448-802718-269-357489÷3= 6.4-2.7=509÷5= 65×34=623÷7=416÷8= 73×69=82×24=10-0.9= 7-0.7= 782÷6 = 69×24 = 463÷3= 506÷7= 78+266= 920-538 =53×55 = 72×87 = 500÷6 = 37×29=二、竖式计算4800÷600=2700÷300= 986÷29= 25×480= 905÷45= 450×78=三、递等式计算(136+64)×(65-345÷23)85+14×(14+208÷26)(284+16)×(512-8208÷18)120-36×4÷18+35(58+37)÷(64-9×5)一、口算练习49.5+56.7= 16-5.4=46×80=13+9.1=36×18= 774÷8=508÷2=370÷5=19×47=900÷5=23×34=392÷4=360×5=32×68=207÷9=63×36=26×38=770÷5=696÷2=882÷4=二、竖式计算899÷36= 367÷29= 562+865 =99007÷45 =7403÷68=864÷57=三、递等式计算183+150+98209+94+198256+76+354 456+176+165702-158+187一、口算练习809÷8=56×79=64×28=820÷3=630÷6=458÷4=4+0.6=7.3-2.9=10-0.7=8.2-5= 6.5+4.7= 1.2-0.3=62.9+3=16.5+4= 6.88+7.9= 80.1+9=39.8-9.9= 9.20+8=15.5-6.6= 23.45-12.6=二、竖式计算528+462 =952-653 =965+652 =562×56 =513×56 =2565-545=三、递等式计算1000 -(650 ÷ 13)707 -35 × 20(120 -103)× 50 50+160÷40(58+370)÷(64-45)一、口算练习16.5+4= 6.5+7.9= 5.5-4.7=8.32+16=80.1-66.91= 17×28=21×32= 12×41=21×34=22×14= 32×12= 41×21=11×25= 43×12= 33×31=24×12=238+647= 412-298=204×3= 920÷8=二、竖式计算432-85 =2132+52 =222-15 =5258×552 =422+52 =4521-655=三、递等式计算216+378-436 368+417-589950-491-372 236+458+97 687-329-196一、口算练习783÷6=824÷4=720÷3= 65×84=12×63= 32×98= 26×39= 76×18=45×36= 89×46= 38×21= 39×43= 59×64=65×31= 37×82= 550÷7=492÷7= 254÷5= 214÷3= 400÷6=二、竖式计算424+536 =524-855 =56+578= 452×54 =854-465 =552+652=三、递等式计算(2534-958)÷8 792×7÷9 (5021-3918)×6 1208-237×5 4280÷(19-11)一、口算练习281÷6= 165÷4=142÷7=876÷3=825÷25= 9864÷48=900÷22=57×307=358÷25=538÷33=986÷29=13320÷70=786÷94= 689÷21=783÷58=45×368=4800÷600= 2700÷300=986÷29=25×480=二、竖式计算465-52= 4562-565= 156×56=6125+46 =446×58 =125+65=三、递等式计算347+45×2 95÷(64-45)178-5×6+42 420+580-64×21 812-700÷(9+31×11)一、口算练习99007÷45= 7403÷68= 864÷57= 562+865= 602-394= 46×22= 606-208= 258+49 = 645-376= 405-316= 93+618= 56×34= 650÷7= 780÷9= 18×78= 856+72= 57×307= 59×198= 504×32= 603×36=二、竖式计算123+665 =122-45=135-62=123+56 =452-125 =589-69 =三、递等式计算120-144÷18+35 760 ÷ 10 ÷ 38(95 -19 × 5 )÷74 45 × 20 × 3(270 +180)÷(30 -15)一、口算练习45×368= 25×480= 450×78= 562+865= 750×40= 188×25= 4800÷600= 2700÷300= 528+462= 952-653= 965+652= 562×56= 513×56= 432-85= 56+578= 854-465= 222-15= 422+52= 424+536= 524-855=二、竖式计算623+533=958-652= 364×59= 460÷8= 8405÷7=9160÷4=三、递等式计算72÷9-5 564+264-4537650-(546+4530)65×9-4509×80+980一、口算练习156×56= 446×58= 125+65=552+652= 123+665= 122-45=135-62= 123+56= 452-125=589-69= 623+533= 958-652=364×59= 35×12= 359÷3=567+28= 602-394= 46×22=606-208= 603÷7=二、竖式计算27×16=39×66=17×51=43×22=175÷5=3664÷6=三、递等式计算9000-(4500+250)6700+72÷814×6+9×5 900÷(71-68)180÷9-42÷6一、口算练习198+303= 426÷4= 23×37=46×58= 326×5= 482÷8=370÷7= 784-685= 76×15=486÷2= 607÷5= 900-807=915÷3= 560÷4= 458+542=423÷3= 87×19= 362÷6=525÷3=254÷5=二、竖式计算2360÷4= 18×34=19×25=27×32=45×12=33×12=三、递等式计算926+795-324 800-247+156 903-246-382 148+253+192654-507+614一、口算练习192÷4=602÷7=839÷9=726÷6=51×16 =78×22=416÷4=823÷8=63×43= 367÷4= 795÷5= 42×53= 15×82= 79×97= 28×32=54×25 =48×61=39×42 =168÷8= 370÷5=二、竖式计算32×69=23×31= 142×23=32×37= 45×12=114×25=三、递等式计算700+399+218 780-354-146782+399+218 726+179-526801-369+421一、口算练习640÷7= 19×64= 470÷9=522÷6= 19×64= 470÷9=522÷6= 312÷7= 570÷8=810÷9= 660÷5= 804÷7=462÷3=80÷4=729÷9=624÷6= 2500+300=156-97=386+479= 321×12=二、竖式计算433×36=25×43= 302×24=59×27=420÷8= 793÷8=三、递等式计算802-136+244 541+170-245243+184-256 630-276+347 510-137+65一、口算练习125×23=18×250=52×49=34×54= 123+665=122-45=135-62=123+56= 25×10=452-125=589-69=4900÷7=40×24=70-42=550÷5=940÷2= 25×10=25×10=18×5= 350÷5=50×70=50×80=二、竖式计算816÷4=25×10=217×7=16×14= 38×62= 616÷7=0×125=三、递等式计算72÷8+9×5 36÷4+21×2 25÷5-16÷4 56÷7+36÷6 500×(400-396)一、口算练习700÷5=650÷5=53×30= 12×400=420÷1=79+17= 460÷2= 900÷3= 21×4= 54÷9=72÷8=9×5= 36÷4=21×2=25÷5= 16÷4=56÷7=36÷6=51×16=78×22=二、竖式计算179÷8= 74×53= 75×24= 0÷155= 834÷8=32×29=三、递等式计算926+795-324800-247+156903-246-382148+253+192654-507+614数学暑期作业(9)一、口算练习416÷4=15×82=79×97= 28×32=54×25=48×61=39×42=645-376=405−316= 93+618= 56×34=222-15= 422+52=660÷5= 804÷7= 462÷3=80÷4=729÷9=624÷6=76÷4=二、竖式计算46×53=13×13=525÷5=738÷2=23×41=18×17= 三、递等式计算700+399+218 780-354-146782+399+218 726+179-526801-369+421数学暑期作业(10)一、数学暑期作业20×50=38×20= 35×20= 609÷3= 50×16=600÷5= 25×30=1600÷4= 87×100=90×80=623+533=958-652= 87×19= 362÷6= 525÷3=254÷5= 823÷8=63×43= 367÷4= 297÷3=二、竖式计算62×27= 297÷3= 28×56= 28×47= 47×31= 75×28=三、递等式计算183+150+98 209+94+198256+76+354 456+176+165702-158+187一、口算练习250+300=18×40=156-97=386+479= 321×12=125×23=18×250=960÷6= 630÷9=4800÷8=240÷3=14×60= 800÷8=280÷2=35×10= 630÷3= 32×30=6×200=3000÷5=640÷8=二、竖式计算12×123=36×58= 219÷3=139÷4= 240÷3=49×68=三、递等式计算802-136+244 541+170-245243+184-256630-276+347510-137+65一、口算练习45×368=25×480=450×78=562+865= 750×40=188×25=26×39=76×18= 45×36=89×46= 38×21= 39×43=192÷4=602÷7=839÷9=726÷6=795÷5= 42×53=825÷25= 9864÷48=二、竖式计算791÷7=64×67=7×123=46×79=76×22= 518÷14=三、递等式计算216+378-436 368+417-589950-491-372 236+458+97687-329-196一、口算练习900÷22= 214÷3= 400÷6=281÷6= 165÷4=142÷7=876÷3=6000÷2= 600÷5=680÷4= 460÷2= 280÷7= 180÷6=202÷2=820÷2= 162÷2= 12×30= 98÷7= 700÷7= 700÷5=二、竖式计算786×6=88×66= 61×29=98×23= 77×23=35×7=三、递等式计算537+981-699361-(137+168)500-(132+273)472+448-802718-269-357一、口算练习8900-8000=50×50=80×80=60×10= 648÷8=168÷8=370÷5=522÷6= 312÷7=570÷8=810÷9=42×20= 61×50= 160÷8= 990÷9=808÷8= 30×23=480÷8=98÷7=640÷2=二、竖式计算179÷8= 99×33=59×12=208÷3=110÷4= 455÷5=三、递等式计算158+262+138 375+219+381+2255001-247-1021-232(181+2564)+2719378+44+114+242+222一、口算练习50×47= 20×43=700÷7=7000+300= 20×55= 200÷5=20×36=4×25= 65+0=4500÷9= 50×700= 63×20= 800÷4=800÷2= 70×40= 960÷4= 4100-1000=57×307=358÷25=538÷33=二、竖式计算412÷4=840÷7= 35×45=43×21= 33×33=489÷3=三、递等式计算276+228+353+219(375+1034)+(966+125)(2130+783+270)+1017 99+999+9999+999997755-(2187+755)数学暑期作业(16)一、口算练习1000+545= 1000-988= 3560+20= 90×90= 250-150=30÷6=687+99= 999÷3 =4870-3675= 7200÷9 = 9467-5642= 350÷70=960÷4= 4×9 = 350÷5= 55×9 = 450÷5= 1100+1250= 6900-2400=55÷5=二、竖式计算509÷5=65×34=623÷7=416÷8= 73×69=82×24=三、递等式计算2214+638+286 3065-738-10652357-183-317-3572365-1086-214 (13×125)×(3×8)数学暑期作业(17)一、口算练习75÷15= 20×5= 3090+6= 46×6 = 160-160= 160÷80= 750+550=550÷5= 111+189= 198×3= 125×8=100÷100= 6×250=0×0=77+7=16-6= 810×4=440÷4=33÷11=4×9= 二、竖式计算782÷6 =69×24 =463÷3=506÷7= 78+266=920-538 =三、递等式计算(12+24+80)×50 32×(25+125)178×101-17884×36+64×84 75×99+2×75数学暑期作业(18)一、口算练习187+299= 398-299 = 587+496=774-674= 2660+26= 26÷26= 153÷153=57+657= 32÷3=32÷16= 300-111=300-222= 75÷15=20×5= 150-75=25-20= 3390-10=10×95= 687+100=99-67= 二、竖式计算53×55 = 72×87 = 500÷6 =37×29=46×80=36×18=三、递等式计算83×102-83×2 98×199123×18-123×3+85×12350×(34×4)×3 25×(24+16)数学暑期作业(19)一、口算练习1000+456=1000+988=3560+20=80×90= 1250-150=300÷6=687+99=330÷3 = 4870-367=789+7200=81÷9= 9467-5642= 350÷70=387-387=888+888=640÷80= 15×5=23×3= 12×2×5=480÷80=二、竖式计算774÷8=508÷2=370÷5=19×47=900÷5=23×34=三、递等式计算178×99+178 79×42+79+79×57 7300÷25÷4 8100÷4÷75 16800÷120数学暑期作业(20)一、口算练习16×5=27×3=90÷15=48÷4= 640÷16= 39÷3=24×20= 32×3= 48÷16=12×8= 27×3= 56÷14= 24÷8=14×2= 83-45=560÷80= 96÷24= 40÷20= 40×30=37+26=二、竖式计算392÷4=360×5=32×68=207÷9=63×36=26×38=三、递等式计算22×4+22121×3+410 40÷2+174147+72÷8 9×4+420数学暑期作业(21)一、口算练习2800÷4=33÷11=369+4=69×9= 187+299=587-299=587+496=999-674 = 2660÷26=676÷26=153÷153=563+657= 32÷32=32÷16=300-25=300-222=75÷15=20×5 =150-75=25-20= 二、竖式计算770÷5=696÷2=882÷4=809÷8=56×79=64×28=三、递等式计算2×80÷4 120×5÷2 202+36÷930÷5+240 81÷9+877一、口算练习6900-2400=25÷5 =75÷15=20×5 = 3090+50=6×6 =387-387=160-160= 160÷80 =750+550=550÷5 =111+189= 126×3 =125×8=100÷100 =6×250=88×0 =11+857=76×16=810×4=二、竖式计算820÷3=630÷6=458÷4=17×28= 21×32= 12×41=三、递等式计算66×5+774 921+7×4 80×6×2 770÷7+65 807+20÷2一、口算练习300÷6=99×9 =6900-2400=2500÷ 5 =72÷9=56÷8=54 ÷ 9=36 ×8 =280× 4=550 ÷5 =60×8=2580+1570 =60×23=200-17=960÷4=77×9 =350÷5=9×9 =450÷5=250+1250 =二、竖式计算21×34=22×14= 32×12=41×21=11×25= 43×12=三、递等式计算100-50÷5 35-35÷7 302+30×2 600×8÷3 40+100÷5一、口算练习80×30= 400+5600= 9450-3200= 10000-4200 =2400÷6= 45×45= 800× 7= 300-180 =1600÷2= 500+230 = 4000 ÷ 8 = 700+ 350 = 320÷8= 64+64= 270 ÷ 3 = 88×9=630 ÷ 9 = 640+ 320 = 2800+32= 32× 6 =二、竖式计算33×31= 24×12= 238+647=412-298=204×3=920÷8=三、递等式计算434+25×5 60-12×3 64÷8+456640+60×4 72÷8+9×5一、口算练习9×80=890+980 =71-68=9000-4500= 4500+250= 6700+72=88÷8 =14×6=49×5 =900÷9=180÷9=42÷6=12÷6=45×3= 8×71=910-720=760-540= 1110 −6500=580+1250=7500-3500 = 二、竖式计算783÷6=824÷4= 720÷3=65×84=12×63= 32×98=三、递等式计算56÷7+36÷6 500×(400-396)72÷9-5564+264-4537650-(546+4530)数学暑期作业(26)一、口算练习64÷8=654+456 =640+60=700×4 =5×7=48÷6 =42÷7=36÷6 =37×4=19×8 =500×0=400-396= 72÷9=555-5 =564+264=1000-453 = 7650-546=546+4530 =65×9=8550-450 = 二、竖式计算786÷94=689÷21= 783÷58=45×368=4800÷600=2700÷300=三、递等式计算65×9-450 9×80+9809000-(4500+250)6700+72÷8 14×6+9×5数学暑期作业(27)一、口算练习80×6=640×2 =770÷7=982+65= 807+20=520÷2 =100-50=50÷5 = 35-35=35÷7 =302+30=30×2 =600×8=480÷3= 40+100=450÷5= 434+25=75×5 =60-12=99×3 =二、竖式计算364×59= 35×12= 359÷3=567+28=602-394=46×22=三、递等式计算900÷(71-68) 180÷9-42÷612÷6+45×3 8×(910-720) 760-540+1110数学暑期作业(28)一、口算练习174+174 =147+72=64÷8 =9×4=960+420 =2×80=120÷4 =120×5=200÷2 =202+36=783÷9 =30÷5=647+240 =81÷9=0+877=66×5=626+774 =921+7=663×4 =99÷9=二、竖式计算986÷29=25×480=99007÷45=7403÷68=864÷57= 562+865=三、递等式计算6500+1250-350080×30+5600 9450-3200-4200 2400÷6-45 800× 7-180。



1. 请你在家长的陪同下去超市进行10元以内的购物。

2. 请你列出购买的物品,并计算出总价。

3. 尝试用算盘来计算结账时应该找回的零钱。

1. 请你在家中找出5种以上长方形、正方形、圆形的物品。

2. 观察这些物品,并指出它们的名称和形状。

3. 试着测量这些物品的长、宽、高或直径,并记录下来。

1. 请你用图形和数字设计一个你喜欢的图案,并给家人解释你的设计。

2. 用图形和数字制作一份购物清单,并按照要求列出商品的数量和单价。

3. 根据购物清单计算总价,并用算盘计算找零。

1. 请你数一数家中有多少本书、多少把椅子、多少张桌子等等。

2. 将所数的物品数量加起来,看看一共有多少件物品。

3. 尝试用加减法来解决一些生活中的问题,例如购物时找零、分糖果等等。

1. 请你在家中找到5种以上不同颜色的物品。

2. 尝试用这些物品进行一些简单的分类和排序,例如按照大小、颜色等等。

3. 思考一下这些物品在生活中有哪些用途,并记录下来。






在假期里,孩子们被要求每天至少阅读30 分钟的课外书籍。























1. 阅读经典文学作品,如《水浒传》、《西游记》等,并撰写读后感。

2. 每日练习硬笔书法,提高书写水平。

3. 搜集春联,了解春节传统文化。

4. 观察生活中的点滴,撰写10篇生活日记。

5. 收集并背诵20个成语,了解成语的出处和意义。

1. 完成寒假作业本中的数学练习题,巩固所学知识。

2. 学习并掌握有理数的运算,完成相关练习题。

3. 了解平面直角坐标系的基本概念,掌握点的坐标表示方法。

4. 通过实际操作或模拟实验,探索几何图形的性质,如三角形、平行四边形等。

5. 每日进行数学趣味题的思考与解答,培养数学思维能力。

1. 每日阅读英文原著或故事书,提高阅读理解能力。

2. 学习并掌握20个新单词,了解单词的用法和搭配。

3. 练习英语口语表达,可以录制自己的朗读或演讲视频。

4. 通过观看英文电影或动画片,提高听力和口语水平。

5. 每日进行英语语法和句型的练习,巩固所学知识。

1. 完成寒假作业本中的科学练习题,了解科学基本概念。

2. 通过实验或观察,了解生物体的结构与功能,如植物的光合作用等。

3. 学习地球和宇宙的基本知识,了解天文学的基本概念。

4. 学习物理学的初步知识,了解力学、热学等方面的基本概念和应用。

5. 通过生活中的实例,学习化学的初步知识,如酸碱反应等。


道德第12课知识点抄一遍 三年级下册语文园地四日积月累会背
作文书第一单元抄一篇作文 三年级下册18课会背
作文书第二单元抄一篇作文 三年级下册语文园地六日积月累会背
作文书第三单元抄一篇作文 三年级下册24课3到6段会背
作文书第四单元抄一篇作文 三年级下册语文园地七日积月累会背
作文书第五单元抄一篇作文 三年级下册语文园地八日积月累会背
语文园地八 日积月累抄两遍 三年级下册语文园地二日积月累 会背
计算每天十道(写日期) 核心卷11、12页
道德第8课知识点抄一遍 三年级下册9课古诗三首抄两遍,会背
计算每天十道(写日 期) 核心卷13、14页
快乐假期:快乐作业2 第2课单词三英一汉
快乐假期:快乐作业3 写字表21课三遍两词 好卷期末模拟卷(一)(不写作文)
快乐假期:快乐作业3 计算每天十道(写日期)
快乐假期:快乐作业3 第3课单词三英一汉
快乐假期:快乐作业4 写字表22课三遍两词 语文试题(二)(写作文,另外加作文纸)
快乐假期:快乐作业25 词语表22课两遍 考前必刷题全真模拟冲刺卷(四) 十到十二题
快乐假期:快乐作业25 计算每天十道(写日期)
快乐假期:快乐作业25 冲刺100分9、10页
快乐假期:快乐作业26 词语表23课两遍 考前必刷题全真模拟冲刺卷(五) 一到六题
快乐假期:快乐作业26 计算每天十道(写日期)
快乐假期:快乐作业18 计算每天十道(写日期)



2021年人民教育出版社五年级上册寒假作业参考答案语文1. 题目:请根据课文内容回答问题:杨锐的家人是怎样安慰他的?参考答案:杨锐的家人通过陪伴和鼓励来安慰他,让他感到温暖和支持。

2. 题目:请写出课文中杨锐的特点。


3. 题目:请解释课文中的““坚强”和“希望”在人们的生活中是什么样的感受?”参考答案:在人们的生活中,“坚强”意味着面对困难时能够坚持不懈,不放弃;“希望”意味着相信未来会更好,充满信心和期待。

数学1. 题目:请计算:(8 + 5)× 3 - 7 = ?参考答案:(8 + 5)× 3 - 7 = 362. 题目:请计算:24 ÷ (6 - 4) × 5 = ?参考答案:24 ÷ (6 - 4) × 5 = 603. 题目:请计算:72 ÷ 9 × 2 + 5 = ?参考答案:72 ÷ 9 × 2 + 5 = 19英语1. 题目:请用英语写出“苹果”和“香蕉”的单词。

参考答案:apple, banana2. 题目:请用英语写出“我喜欢吃冰淇淋”的句子。

参考答案:I like to eat ice cream.3. 题目:请用英语写出“今天天气很好,我们可以去公园玩。


参考答案:The weather is very nice today. We can go to the park and play.以上是2021年人民教育出版社五年级上册寒假作业的参考答案。




























北京海淀实验小学 假期作业

北京海淀实验小学 假期作业







































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高一英语假期作业(12)一、单项选择ing ______illegal drugs can lead to health problems, and it can be _______ stain on one‟slife.A. 不填;theB. the; theC. the; aD. 不填;a2. ___________ has always been expected, he has finally achieved his dream, ________ makeshis parents so proud.A. As; whichB. Which; whichC. Which; asD. As; as3. I have bought two books recently, but ________ interests my father.A. neither of whichB. neither of themC. both of whichD. both of them4. “Do n‟t worry. We will _______the case as soon as possible.” the police officer said to theyoung lady.A. look afterB. look intoC. look onD. look up5. The new model of car is so expensive that it is _______ the reach of those people with averageincomes.A. beyondB. withinC. overD. without6. The manager promised to keep me _______ of _______ our business was going on well.A. informed; whetherB. informing; howC. informing; whetherD. informed; how7. —Bad luck. They didn‟t offer the job to me.—_______ You‟ve been well prepared for the interview.A. So what?B. What if?C. How come?D. Guess what?8. The language they created is _____ we now call Old EnglishA. thatB. allC. asD. what9. The chances of _______ by a shark are very small compared to other dangers.A. attackedB. being attackedC. attackD. to be attacked10. A monument(纪念碑) will be set up ______ those dead in the earthquake.A. in search ofB. in favor ofC. in place ofD. in memory of11. He expects to _______ the business when his father retires.A. pick upB. make senseC. take overD. make up12. It is known to all that a proper amount of exercise ______ to good health.A. benefitsB. contributesC. valuesD. improves13. Father made a promise _______I passed the examination he would buy me an MP4 player.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. that if14. That was a really difficult question, but a little boy____ a good idea.A. came up toB. came upC. came aboutD. came up with15. —Why weren‟t you at the meeting?—I____for a long distance call from my sister in America.A. was waitedB. was waitingC. has waitedD. have been waiting二、完形填空My 14-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat at the same time. It was hanging at a /(an)1 clothing store. The coat had a black velvet collar, delightful tailoring, a Fifth Avenue label (标签)and a /(an) 2 price of $28.We looked at 3 , saying nothing, 4 John‟s eyes shone. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with 5 , but could 6 several hundred dollars new.John 7 the coat. He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious, studied 8 that soon changed into a smile. The 9 was perfect. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home wearing a big smile. “How did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They love it.” He said, carefully 10 it over the chair and smoothing it flat.Over the next few weeks, the 11 came over John. Quiet, reasoned discussion was 12 argument. He became more thoughtful and eager to 13 . “Good dinner, Mum,” he would say every evening. One day when I suggested that he might start on homework before dinner, John said, “You are right, and I guess I will. ”When I 14 this to one of his teachers and remarked that I didn‟t know 15 caused the changes, she said with laughter, “It must be his coat!” At the library, we 16 to meet a friend who had not seen our children for a long time.“ 17 this be John? ” He asked, looking up to John‟s new height and coat, and extending his hand, one gentleman to another.John and I both knew we should never 18 a person‟s clothes for the real person within them. But there is something to be said for 19 a standard of excellence for the world to see, for practicing standard of excellence in thought, speech and behavior, and for 20 what is on the inside with what is on the outside.1. A. second-hand B. expensive C. big D. cheap2. A. reasonable B. unbelievable C. special D. average3. A. each other B. one another C. the other D. others4. A. therefore B. however C. but D. thus5. A. adults B. people C. parents D. teenagers6. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take7. A. touched B. buttoned C. held D. obtained8. A. gesture B. expression C. attitude D. feeling9. A. color B. price C. fit D. style10. A. pressing B. taking C. hanging D. folding11. A. happiness B. satisfaction C. change D. generosity12. A. because of B. instead of C. aware of D. full of13. A. please B. understand C. complain D. apologize14. A. mentioned B. wrote C. reported D. explained15. A. when B. how C. what D. that16. A. happened B. came C. intended D. decided17. A. Should B. Would C. Must D. Could18. A. watch B. judge C. mistake D. consider19. A. doing B. showing C. speaking D. wearing20. A. comparing B. connecting C. combining D. matching三、阅读理解AHave you ever stayed up late? If so, you know that not getting enough sleep can leave you tired and grumpy . Not sleeping enough can also make it harder to think clearly the next day.Sleep experts have long known that getting a good night‟s sleep is important.It helps kids perform their best during the day. A recent study shows that sleep helps improve problem--- solving skills and creative thinking.For the study, two groups of volunteers answered a math problem. The group that slept for eight hours solved the problem correctly more often than the group that did not get enough sleep.While you sleep, your brain is busy doing it s “homework”. It sorts out information from your day. Getting enough sleep each night can boost your brainpower. That will help you do your best in school. Experts say that, in return, can lead to better grades.56. What is the best title for the passage?A. Too Much SleepB. It‟s Homework TimeC.Sleep to SucceedD. Math Problems57. The underlined word “boost” in paragraph 5 means ________.A. reduceB. improveC. disturbD. worsen58. Why is sleep important?A. It can improve problem-solving skills and creative thinkingB. It will help you do your best in schoolC. It helps your brain sort out information from your day.D. All of the above59. What did the results of a recent sleep study show?A. People who sleep enough are good at mathB. Sleep is important for learningC. If you get enough sleep, you don‟t have to do your homeworkD. Adults need more sleep than kidsBOnce upon a time, there was a farmer in central China. He didn‟t have mo ney, so instead of a tractor(拖拉机) , he used an old horse to plow his field(犁地).One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse fell down, dead. Everyone in the village said, “Oh, what a horrible thing!” The farmer said simply, “We‟ll see.” He was so peaceful and so calm that everyone in the village got together and, admiring his attitude, gave him a new horse as a gift.Everyone‟s reaction now was, “What a lucky man!” And the farmer said, “We‟ll see.”A couple of days later, the new horse jumped over a fence and ran away. Everyone in the village shook their heads and said, “What a poor fellow!” The farmer smiled and said, “We‟ll see.”Finally, the horse found his way home, and everyone said, “What a fortunate man!” The farmer said, “We‟ll see.”Later in the year, the farmer‟s young boy went out riding the horse and fell and broke his leg. Everyone in the village said, “What a poor boy!” The farmer said, “We‟ll see.”Two days later, the army came into the village to draft new recruits (征召新兵).When they saw the farmer‟s son had a broken leg, they decided not to recruit him. Everyone said, “What a fortunate young man!” The farmer smiled again and said, “We‟ll see.”There‟s no use in overreacting(反应过度) to the events and circumstances(境况) of our everyday lives. When our hearts are in the right place, all events and circumstances are gifts that we can learn valuable lessons from.60. We can learn from the passage that _______.A. the farmer just wanted more help from other villagesB. the farmer was well educated and knowledgeableC. the farmer‟s family was poor.D. the farmer cared about anybody else but himself61. What would the farmer do if he himself faced troubles?A. He would be very sad.B. He would be calm and let it be.C. He would complain about his bad luck.D. He would change his attitude towards life.62. What is the passage mainly about?A. The miserable life of a farmer.B. The success of a farmer.C. The life attitude of a farmer.D. The failure of a farmer.63. What can we conclude from the farmer‟s experience?A. Neighbors are usually of little help.B. One should take care of their own business.C. What looks like a setback(挫折) may be a gift.D. An act of kindness can mean a lot.CChinese Valentine‟s Day (情人节) is on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (阴历). It is a traditional festival for Chinese people. It comes from a romantic ancient Chinese story. Niu Lang and Zhi Nv, two lovers who got separated by the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens, can only meet that night. Thanks to this touching story, Chinese people regard the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar as Chinese Valentine‟s Day. In China people also call it “Qixi”.Meanwhile, February 14 of the solar calendar is European Valentine‟s Day. It is related to a moving story too. The story goes that, there was a cruel king in ancient Rome whose name was Claudius. He forbade the youth to get married during the wars, which made the lovers angry. There was a monk (修道士) named Valentine who was very angry at the rule and the king. One day a couple of lovers came to his temple to ask for help to get married. Valentine helped them. Later, many couples got married with Valentine‟s help. But Claudius knew it soon. He put Valentine to death cruelly. And that day was February 14, the year of 270.Compared with European Valentine‟s Day, Qixi is less popular in China though it is a traditional Chinese festival. There may be many reasons. First of all, the lunar calendar is not easy to remember for most of the young people who are used to the solar calendar. Secondly, to many businessmen, European Valentine‟s Day is not only a festival for lovers b ut also a good chance to make money. Most of the flower shops can sell their flowers at a good price on European Valentine‟s Day while the business drops in Qixi, because on European Valentine's Day lovers know more about how to enjoy it. They exchange cards, flowers and go out to date. But most of them don't know the culture of Chinese Valentine‟s Day or how to celebrate it.64. This text is mainly about __________.A. two moving romantic storiesB. something about Qixi and Valentine‟s DayC. why young people prefer Western festivalsD. how Qixi is different from European Valentine‟s Day65. Qixi is less popular than European Valentine‟s Day because __________.A. businessmen think that European V alentine‟s Day is more important than QixiB. the government encourages people to celebrate foreign festivalsC. the costs on Qixi are higher than those on European Valentine's DayD. the lunar calendar is not easy to remember and people don‟t know how to enjoy Qixi66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Lovers exchange cards, flowers and go out to date on Qixi.B. Valentine helped a couple of lovers kill the cruel king.C. European Valentine‟s Day was named after a person.D. Old people in China dislike young people celebrating Europ ean Valentine‟s Day.67. If the text goes on, what will probably be talked about in the next paragraph?A. Young people should fight for love and happiness.B. Chinese people should treasure traditional Chinese festivals more.C. Qixi will also become an international festival in the future.D. Chinese people should stop celebrating European Valentine‟s Day.DEveryone needs friends. There is an old saying, “Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and keep it? The Am erican writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn‟t want to talk, you could write a letter.There are three steps to being friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.68.What‟s the meaning of the underlined word “complaints”?A. 悲叹B.控诉C. 抱怨D. 抗议69. Sally wants to tell students the ways to ____.A. find friendsB. plant treesC. get happyD. keep fit70. According to the text, you can _____ your friend after a fight.A. buy a present forB. never say a word toC. have dinner withD. write a letter to四、任务型阅读Dear Chairman,I am John from No.1 Middle School and today I will be representing the …con‟ side of the debate. As far as I‟m concerned, there is no doubt that t he internet has negative effects on our lives. The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are uncontrolled information and the change in the way people spend their time.Of course, on the Internet to find information is an important thing for people especially for those who are involved in research. One of the greatest advantages of the internet is that it is easier to provide such as information but it is more difficult for us to judge whether the information is true and accurate. The amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day. This is very troublesome because people can write anything they want, and we cannot always tell if the information is true or not. In 2003, eBay, the famous website where people buy and sell things, said that 70 percent of their problems were with people who sold things that did not exist, or who lied about the products they were selling. University professors around the world complain that students are handing in papers using false information they found on the Internet. These problems of inaccuracy do not happen as often when people use traditional ways to find information, such as looking in books, newspapers and magazines.Another drawback of the Internet is that it is affecting pe ople‟s private lives. As the Internet has gained popularity, there has been a change in the way people spend their time. Now, instead of spending time together in the evenings, some families spend their time apart because one or more members are using the computer, or are at an Internet café. In fact, some young people spend so much time playing computer games and using the Internet that they have become addicted to (上瘾)computer games. To help solve this problem, a clinic to deal with Internet addiction was opened in Beijing in 2005.Some experts say that spending too much time building Internet relationships can damage people‟s abilities to live a life normally. One university did a study about the students who had stopped their studies before completing a diploma course, and found that 43 percent of them were heavy computer users. This study clearly shows that people who spend all their time on the Internet can feel disconnected from the people and the world round them.These are all negative effects the Internet has on our lives, and I feel it remains important for us either to limit our use of the Internet or to learn how to deal with the problems it has caused.五、书面表达某英文网站正在就“青少年的秘密是否该让父母知道”展开讨论,征求网民意见。
