

西门子SINAMICS S120 介绍与使用

西门子SINAMICS S120 介绍与使用
May.2006 Gu Hexiang, SLC A&D MC PM
Automation and Drives
Sinamics S120 DC/AC DRIVE-CLiQ 节点
Sinamics S120
产品概述 主要特点 DC/AC 单元 AC/AC 单元

8个数字量输入通道 8个数字量输入输出双向通道, 其中4路为快速输入通道 DC 24 V 供电
电源模块 电机模块 端子模块 直接测量系统
1 个选件插槽
可用来插接一个端子模 板或通讯模板(例如TB30 或CBC10)
快速闪存卡插槽 4 个针端发光二极管 4个直接测量触点 基本操作面板BOP RS232/485 端口
Sinamics S120
产品概述 主要特点 DC/AC 单元 AC/AC 单元 选型及价格比较
Motor Modules
Motor Line Module Modules 3AC
Motor Modules

SINAMICS 是西门子公司新一代的驱动产品,它将逐步
统。SINAMICS 系列中SINAMICS S120 是集V/F 控制、矢 量控制、伺服控制为一体的多轴驱动系统,具有模块化的设 计。各模块间(包括控制单元模块、整流/回馈模块、电机模 块、传感器模块和电机编码器等)通过高速驱动接口DRIVECLiQ 相互连接。

西门子SINAMICS S120 介绍与使用

西门子SINAMICS S120 介绍与使用
西门子SINAMICS S120 介绍与使用
下面将从以下方面讲述: SINAMICS 基本概述
SINAMICS S120主要硬件概述
BOP20面板的介绍 SINAMICS S120 项目的创建
HMI、S7-300 与SINAMICS S120 的连接
大家好! 下面我给大家讲一下西门子sinamics s120的 组成部分与在现场的应用。西门子sinamics s120是西门子公司最近几年新更新的变频器 版本,比masterdrive 6se70、mm440技术更 先进了。在原有变频器的电流环、速度环又 增加了位置环。
May.2006 Gu Hexiang, SLC A&D MC PM
Automation and Drives
Sinamics S120 DC/AC 母线安装
Sinamics S120
简单而可靠的插入式连接器 简单的直流连接母线排
24 V 端子
产品概述 主要特点 DC/AC 单元 AC/AC 单元 选型及价格比较
May.2006 Gu Hexiang, SLC A&D MC PM
Automation and Drives
Sinamics S120 DC/AC CU320
Sinamics S120
产品概述 主要特点 DC/AC 单元 AC/AC 单元 选型及价格比较
电源 模块 电机 模块 电机 模块
24 V 跳线 直流母线
24 V 直流母线

S120单轴驱动器选型手册 V1.3

S120单轴驱动器选型手册 V1.3

Sinamics S120 AC/AC 驱动器
西门子(中国)有限公司 自动化与驱动集团 运动控制部
Sinamics S120 系列丛书
S120 AC/AC 产品简易选型手册
第一章 SINAMICS S120 驱动器的概述
Sinamics S120 AC/AC 单轴驱动器是在西门子推出的新一代交流驱动产品-Sinamics S120 的基础上,又新增 加的集整流和逆变于一体的新驱动器,它是集 V/F、矢量和伺服控制功能的高精度、高性能的新型驱动器。它 既能控制普通的三相异步电动机,又能控制同步伺服电机、力矩电机及直线电机。其强大的定位功能将实现进 给轴的绝对、相对定位。 Sinamics S120 产品包括:用于共直流母线的 DC/AC 逆变器和用于单轴的 AC/AC 变频器。
-伺服控制模式 -矢量控制模式 -V/F 控制模式 控制电源 环境温度
1 相. 200 V - 240 V AC ±10% (-15% < 1 分钟) 3 相. 380 V - 480 V AC ±10% (-15% < 1 分钟) 47 Hz - 63 Hz 约 1.35 x 进线电压
0 Hz - 650 Hz 0 Hz - 300 Hz 0 Hz - 300 Hz 24 V DC, -15/+20% 0℃到+40℃
• 单轴控制的 AC/AC 变频器,通常又称为 Sinamics S120 单轴交流驱动器,其结构形式为电源模块和 电机模块集在一起,特别适用于单轴的速度和定位控制。
本书只介绍 Sinamics S120 单轴交流驱动器, 而 Sinamics S120 多轴驱动器,将在另一本书作详细描述。
Sinamics S120 AC/AC 单轴驱动器由两部分组成:控制单元和功率模块

西门子SINAMICS S120流动冷却机械说明书

西门子SINAMICS S120流动冷却机械说明书

FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS SINAMICS S120liquid-cooledSINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledTHE DRIVE FAMILY FOR FUTURE-PROOF DRIVE SOLUTIONSSINAMICS – the optimum drive for every applicationSINAMICS offers you the optimum drive for every application. All of the members of this converter family can be engineered, parameter-ized, commissioned and operated in the same standard way. One drive system – to tackle every application.Low voltageStandard performance convertersIndustry specific convertersHigh performance convertersV20G120C G120G130 / G150G120X G180S120S1500.12 – 30 kW0.55 – 132 kW0.55 – 250 kW75 – 2.700 kW0.75 – 630 kW2.2 – 6.600 kW0.55 – 6.840 kW75 – 1.200 kWSINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledSINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledis part of the SINAMICS family• Wide range of power ratings from 0.12 kW to 85 MW • Available in low-voltage, medium-voltage and also DC versions• High degree of flexibility and combinability• Simple link to SIMATIC control systems, seamless integration in the automation landscape as well as part of Totally Integrated Automation• Higher-level, standard Safety Integrated concept • Standard engineering for all drives–SIZER for engineering–STARTER / SINAMICS Startdrive for parameterizing and commissioning Medium voltageGrid converter Servo converters Distributedconverters For demanding applications with high power ratingDCM (DC)PCS SIMATICMICRO-DRIVE V90S210S120M G115D / G120D GL150 / SL150SM120 CM /SM150 / GM150GH150 / GH1806 kW – 30 MW435 – 870 kW0.1 – 1 kW0.05 –7 kW0.05 – 7 kW0.25 – 1.1 kW0.37 – 7.5 kW 2.8 – 85 MW0.8 – 58 MW0.15 – 28.5 MWSINAMICS S120liquid-cooledThe clever alternative for harsh environmental conditionsLiquid-cooled SINAMICS S120 convert-ers are predestined for harsh condi-tions. High degrees of protection can be achieved when using these devices. They are also not affected by dirty or aggressive ambient air. When compared to air-cooled versions, liquid-cooled ver-sions have a footprint that is up to 50 % smaller than for chassis devices – an ideal solution where mounting space is restricted. Less space is required in the control cabinet as a result of the lower envelope dimensions. Not only this, these liquid-cooled drive systems are especially quiet, efficient and require little maintenance. In many applica-tions, the heat recovery can create additional energy saving potential. In this case, the cooling water that has been heated up can be used for process heat, heating or process water.Independent of the ambient airAs the power loss for liquid-cooled SINAMICS S120 can be very effectively dissipated to the cooling liquid, sealed control cabinets in an IP55 degree of protection can be easily implemented. The ingress of dusty or aggressive air is just as low as the humidity, spray water or salt-laden sea air in marine applica-tions. Even high ambient temperatures are less critical when compared with air-cooled devices as the thermal load is essentially determined by the cooling water temperature. Further, the tem-perature in electrical rooms does not increase as much.SINAMICS S120 liquid-cooled – advantages at a glance • Highest power density throughefficient cooling• Predestined for applications where space is restricted• High degrees of protection can be simply implemented • Perfectly suitable for dusty and aggressive ambient air and low-noise operation • Redundant cooling systems can be implemented with low additional costs• Reduction of expenses for room air conditioning• Maintenance and operating costs can be reduced• Additional energy saving potential by recovering heatEFFICIENT AND RUGGEDLiquid-cooledSINAMICS S120SINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledUp to 50 % smaller footprintWhere space costs a lot of money – for instance on ships, offshore platforms and industrial plants and systems – liquid-cooled converters are attractive as a result of their extremely compact design. These reduce the footprint by about 50 % when compared to air-cooled chassis devices with the same power rating, as they require signifi-cantly smaller envelope dimensions as a result of the more effective cooling. The control cabinets can be designed smaller as the chassis units require less space. In turn, this means that electrical rooms can be made smaller, which also has a positive impact on the civil engi- neering costs.Quiet and low maintenance Liquid-cooled versions certainly make sense where cooling water is available anyway. This is because significantly less climate control is required for the electrical rooms that accommodate the converters. SINAMICS S120 convertersare quieter to start off with as they have no fans. No additional noise dampening measures are required for typically up to 60 db (A). This is the reason that these converters are recommended for applications that are sensitive to noise, for example on cruise ships – and when directly located close to workplaces in production envi- ronments. And, last but not least, eliminating fans enhances drive relia- bility – and, in turn, plant availability.Climate control is not required For liquid cooling, up to 95 % of the power loss is dissipated through the cooling medium. This means that the temperature of the ambient air sur-rounding the converter hardly increases, and complex climate control can be eliminated – this is an important issue for retrofit and modernization projects. A redundant cooling system can be easily configured using two pumps in the cooling system, and can be imple-mented with low associated costs.Cost-saving, compactand versatileAdditional energy savingpotential by recovering heatIn addition to the energy savings as a result of the efficient cooling concept, heat can also be recovered. The cooling water that is heated up as part of the cooling process can be used for process heat, heating or hot water at no charge. Using a heat pump, the cooling water temperatures can be increased in an energy-efficient fashion. An espe-cially high amount of energy can be saved if hot water is required for the production process, which for example, is the case when manufacturing paper. Cost savings can also be realized for heating and for hot water required in production and office environments. As a consequence, these devices fre-quently have a payback time of just several years.Energy savingsContrary to converters with a rectifier input on the line side, SINAMICS S120 converters equipped with an Active In-feed can feed back energy into the line supply. This means that they can save a lot of energy. Further, for multi-axis sys-tems, it is also possible to transfer the energy (energy balancing). For example, for crane applications when the load is lowered, energy is recovered that can then be used to power the crane trolley. By connecting up to four identical liquid-cooled modules in parallel, power rat-ings of up to 5,700 kW can be realized on the motor side and up to 6,460 kW on the line side. Sophisticated cooling systemThe compact design and high efficiency of liquid-cooled SINAMICS S120 devices is based on a sophisticated cooling sys-tem. All of the main components, such as power semiconductors, DC link capac-itors and symmetrizing resistors, can be cooled by the cooling circuit. Only a low amount of cooling liquid is required as a result of the physical attributes of water. As a consequence, the required flow rate is very low. This factor reduces the drive power of the pumps when com-pared to fan power ratings. As a conse- quence, power costs are very low, whichnoticeably reduces the operating costs,especially for those plants and systemsthat operate continuously.The standard modular systemFor liquid-cooled SINAMICS S120, acomplete range of standard as well astype-tested components are available.These can be flexibly combined to createthe optimum solution for customizedapplications. Supplementary compo-nents such as heat exchanger modulesand piping can be simply integrated.Liquid-cooled SINAMICS S120 devicescan also be mounted horizontally.The ideal industry solutionIn a wide range of industries, the liquid-cooled concept provides considerableadvantages. For example, in the process,paper and steel industries, where a con-trol cabinet solution with a high degreeof protection against dirt and watermakes sense. The same applies to plantswith high dust loads such as cementfactories, mining companies or tunnelboring machines. In the automotiveindustry (e.g. on test benches) or inapplications in the food industry, wherethe control cabinets in the productionhall are cleaned with water for hygienicreasons. For applications in less harshenvironments, reduced space require-ments, lower costs for room air condi-tioning and heat recovery for hot processand service water pay off.Champion in shipbuilding andoffshore applicationsSince every square meter counts here,the space-saving design in marine appli-cations pays off especially well. Thesame applies to the fact that the heatgenerated during the cooling process isremoved from the already warm switch-gear rooms and transferred to the sea-water via heat exchangers. In addition,the saline atmosphere cannot penetrateinto the device electronics due to thetightly closed control cabinet. Based onthe comprehensive SINAMICS modularsystem, highly compact solutions formain and auxiliary drives as well as theintegration of energy storage systemscan be realized. The liquid-cooledSINAMICS S120 converters thus play akey role in electrification and decar-bonization in the shipbuilding industry.It goes without saying that all systemcomponents are marine certified(DNV and ABS).SINAMICS S120liquid-cooledModularity for customized solutions SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules comprise converter modular cabinet modules that can be combined to address the particular drive application. As a consequence, almost any drive solution can be optimally implemented. This modular system is especially suit- able for multimotor drive configura-tions with central line infeed and a common DC link busbar.Simple planning, straightforward serviceThe liquid-cooled SINAMICS G120 Cabinet Modules represent a com- pletely new development that sets itself apart in every phase of the product lifecycle with a high degree of cost effectiveness and simplicity – from planning and procurement throughmounting/installation and commission-ing up to everyday operation and service. Further, these systems offer an excellent price-performance ratio, and can be integrated into any automation solution.Rugged and straightforward for the highest degree of reliability With their rugged, straightforward design, the SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules system is extremely reliable. A special cabinet design guarantees a high degree of mechanical endurance. Another additional positive issue: nickel-plated standard busbars and coated electronic modules are pro- tected against the effects of the envi-ronment. It goes without saying that all of the components – from the produc-tion of individual parts up to a ready-toSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules:liquid-cooled cabinet systems – can be flexibly combined in a modular wayThe highlights at a glance• High degrees of protection up to IP55 can be easily implemented • Cabinet system used: Rittal TS8, 2,200 mm high (industrial standard)• Can be engineered using known engineering tools, simply ordered based on an article number and with short delivery times• A comprehensive range of options supports flexible adaptation to address specific requirements as for the marine industry• Series device with type-tested design, for example the appropriate partitions for optimally cooling the passive components and corrosion-resistant, favorably priced plastic pipes• Comprehensive documentation is available in many languages• Spare parts can be called up via SparesOnWeb as the components used have been standardized• Marine certified cabinet design as well as individual acceptance tests by various certification centers available as an optionconnect cabinet – are subject to exten-sive checks throughout the complete production process. This guarantees a high degree of functional reliability when configuring, commissioning and in operation.Operational reliability built inAll SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have been developed according to the zone concept, which means that they offer the highest degree of operational reliability. EMC design measures have been consequentially implemented. Partitions to guide the air and control temperature gradients have been de-signed based on simulation runs.SINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledSINAMICS S120 liquid-cooled – voltage ranges and power ratings1)R ated power of a typical 6-polestandard induction motor at 3AC 400 V / 50 Hz or 3AC 690 V / 50 Hz 2) T he current derating required as a result of the parallel connection has already been taken into account 3)O ptimized regarding space and weight SINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledSkalierung auf Skalierung auf Skalierung aufSkalierung aufThe drive, that optimizesyour energy efficiencySINAMICS S120 liquid-cooledElectric drives use about two thirds of all industrial electric power.This is why it is decisive to use drive technology right from thestart to already effectively reduce future energy consumption inthe engineering phase – thus optimizing plant/system availabilityand process reliability.11Follow us on:/siemensindustry /siemensPublished bySiemens AGDigital IndustriesMotion ControlP.O. Box 31 8091050 Erlangen, GermanyFor the U.S. published by Siemens Industry Inc.100 Technology Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005United StatesSubject to change without prior notice Article No.: DIMC-B10077-00-7600 Dispo 21500Printed in GermanyWÜ/1000173743 WS 1021 PDF© Siemens AG 2021The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or character-istics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products.The required performance features are only binding if they have been expressly agreed upon in the form of a written contract. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.To ensure the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive measures (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a state-of-the-art holistic industrial security concept. When so doing, products from other manufacturers should be taken into account. For more information about industrial security, visit /industrialsecurityDigitalization solutions for low-voltage convertersWhether virtualization and simulation, dimensioning and configuring, connectivity, data analysis or services – digitalization opens up greater efficiency and reliability in planning, operation and maintenance.Get the most out of the converter data through digitalization. From digital converter twins, selection and engineering tools, and connectivity solutions to analytics apps and data-based services – the digitalization portfolio for drive technology enables optimized development processes, demand-oriented maintenance planning, and ensures higher productivity. https:///digital-drives。

S120 驱动器 伺服电机选型手册

S120 驱动器 伺服电机选型手册

特约代理销售上海泽滔实业有限公司S120驱动器&伺服电机选型手册·2008.01 Sinamics S120系列丛书目录第一章 SINAMICS S120 DC/AC多轴驱动器概述 (3)第二章电源模块 (4)2.1基本型电源模块-BLM (Basic Line Module) (6)2.2 智能型电源模块-SLM (Smart Line Module) (10)2.3 主动型电源模块-ALM (Active Line Module) (13)第三章电机模块 (18)3.1 书本型电机模块 (Motor Module-Booksize ) (18)3.2 装机装柜型电机模块 (Motor Module-Chassis format) (21)3.3 电机模块订货的注意事项 (23)第四章控制单元及外围设备 (24)4.1 控制单元-CU320 (24)4.2 制动单元及制动电阻 (27)4.3 接口模块 (28)第五章 SINAMICS S120 AC/AC单轴驱动器的概述 (33)第六章控制单元 (35)6.1 CU310DP和CU310PN (35)6.2 CUA31 (38)第七章功率模块 (39)7.1 模块型功率模块PM340 (39)7.2 装机装柜型功率模块PM340 (41)第八章订货数据 (43)8.1 控制单元及相关的附件 (43)8.2 模块型功率模块 (43)8.3 装机装柜型功率模块 (46)8.4 编码器转换模块 (47)第九章电缆 (48)9.1 电机功率电缆 (48)9.2 电机功率电缆的详细订货数据 (49)9.3 信号电缆的订货数据 (52)第十章同步和异步伺服电机 (61)第十一章运动控制系统SIMOTION (101)11.1 系统简介 (101)11.2 订货数据 (101)S120驱动器&伺服电机选型手册·2008.01 Sinamics S120系列丛书第一部分 SINAMICS S120 DC/AC— 共直流母线的多轴驱动器控制单元 电源模块电机模块典型结构CU320ALM / SLM / BLM书本型装机装柜型书本型装机装柜型传感器模块带有标准 编码器接口的电机带有Drive-CLIQ 接口的 电机 不带编码器的电机 电抗器电源滤波器端子模块选件板+24V 电源说明:1: 主控制模块2: 电源模块3: 单轴电机模块4: 双轴电机模块 : 装有Starter(或SCOUT)和Simatic Manager 软件 的PC 机,或S7-300/400、Simotion C/D/P24 V DC特约代理销售上海泽滔实业有限公司Sinamics S120系列丛书 S120驱动器&伺服电机选型手册·2008.01 特约代理销售上海泽滔实业有限公司第一章 SINAMICS S120 DC/AC多轴驱动器概述Sinamics S120是西门子公司推出的全新的集V/F、矢量控制及伺服控制于一体的驱动控制系统,它不仅能控制普通的三相异步电动机,还能控制同步电机、扭矩电机及直线电机。

SINAMICS S120 单轴和多轴驱动系统说明书

SINAMICS S120 单轴和多轴驱动系统说明书

SIMOCRANE meets SINAMICSThe SINAMICS S120 offers the optimum system for each and every drive application – and all of the drives can be engineered, parameterized, commissioned and operated in a standard way.This system represents an entry-level solution for AC/AC single-axis drives and coordinated AC/DC drives for multi-axis applications, making it the perfect basis for simple and more sophisticated crane applications in all industrial sectors.Modular SolutionSINAMICS S120 includes single-axis (AC/AC drive system) as well as multi-axis (DC/AC drive system) configurations. Both systems have a modular design.The AC/AC drive system comprises a Control Unit (CU 310-2) and Power Module (PM) for the power range from 0.55 kW to 250 kW. The DC/AC drive system includes a Line Module, a Control Unit (CU320-2) and Motor Module for the power range from 1 kw to 800 kW. Active Line Modules return regenerative energy to the supply system. SIMOCRANE functions can be applied modularly on de-mand. SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Technology can be used with optional SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control. Integrated SafetyAs in SINAMICS, the crane smart features are supplemented by integrated safety functions. These support the simple implementation of innovative safety concepts which conform to standards. Safety functions are fully integrated in the control system preventing damage to crane, load and surrounding objects or people. All basic functions are license-free. The Safety Integrated Extended Functions require the optional license for each drive.Smart functionsLoad sag prevention, smart slow-down, fine manual positioning, adaptive speed to operate at peak performance are smart features of SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Technology. Sensorless sway control is an add-on highlight of SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control. All intelligence are embedded in SINAMICS drives.Simple startupVia Basic Operator Panel (BOP20) or even Web Browser, commissioning can be started by using the ‘Ready-to-Run’ solution without any engineering effort.In case of ‘Ready-to-Apply’, the crane functions are config-ured automatically by simply selecting the axis and the set value.The crane functions are integrated in the drive parameter-ization. The parameterization is individually adaptableusing the STARTER software or BOP20 or web browser. Cranes | SIMOCRANE in SINAMICS********************Applicationsupport:***********************************SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Crane Technology (DBT)SIMOCRANE in SINAMICS:Simple, flexible and fast commissioning/cranesSimple – low engineering effortThe drive-based functionality for crane applications is implemented in two software solutions: SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Technology and SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control.Both technologies are integrated in the SINAMICS drive system and provide the function blocks needed to control the motions of crane drives. By using pre-configured standard applications for hoist, trolley or gantry, the function blocks are easily integrated into the drive control, resulting in shorter engineering time and fewer commissioning costs.Using standard applications (“ready-to-run”) and simple adaptation (“ready-to-apply”) to start up a crane drive, only basic knowledge of the SINAMICS drive system is required. The software commissioning tool STARTER used by SINAMICS can be used unchanged.Fast – increase productivityLoad-dependent field weakening for hoist applications is a functionality integrated in SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Technology. Compared to operating at full load, this solution automatically increases the maximal speed for lifting and lowering as a function of the current load. With this functionality, a lift cycle with partial-load and no-load is even faster, increasing the cranes’ productivity.With SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control, the load sway is damped during trolley or gantry traveling. Without the load sway, a faster and easier traveling and positioning of the load is possible. The sway damping is integrated in the movement. No additional waiting time or additionaloperation for damping the load sway is necessary.SIMOCRANE in SINAMICS | CranesFor both single-axis and multi-axes solutionSIMOCRANE Drive-Based Technology V1.0 SP2 HF1Ordering number: 6GA7270-1AA20-0AA0SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control Manual mode Ordering number: 6GA7280-1AA10-0AB0Single-axis solutionMulti-axis solutionSIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway ControlManual mode and Positioning Ordering number: 6GA7280-1AA20-0AB0SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway Control Manual mode Ordering number: 6SL3077-6AA00-2AB0SIMOCRANE Drive-Based Sway ControlManual mode and Positioning Ordering number: 6SL3077-6AA00-3AB0For hoist applications, an encoder is requested for safety reasons and for providing pendulum length to cross travel (trolley) and long travel (gantry).For sensorless sway control, no encoder is required in manual operation. Only for positioningoperation encoders are required fortrolley and gantry.For more information, refer to catalog D21.4 (Chapter 7).• Performance Manual Mode: n = 2740 RPM, ramp-up time = 2 s Pendelum length = 2.27 mResidual sway = 1 mm at standstill speed 20 RPM Residual sway = 0 mm at standstill speed 0 RPM • Crane ConfigurationConfiguration with 3 single-axis drives, controlled via onboard I/O of SINAMICS Control Unit (CU310-2)• Hoist, Trolley or GantryPre-configured application for hoist or trolley or gantry. Easy installation: the commissioning can start with low engineering effort• Power RangeThe SINAMICS AC/AC single-axis drives cover the power range from 0.55 kW to 250 kW• Drive-Based TechnologyProvides crane-specific functions: prevents load sag and uses adaptive speeds. Smart slow-down on all axis• Drive-Based Sway ControlCan damp sway in manual operation for trolley and gantryApplication: fast and easy control solution for single-axis control requirementsThe Ready-to-Apply solution is a standard application example with a mask for users to select the configu-ration of each required axis.After selection, the required files are generated automatically.PROFINET communication combines the field bus and Ethernet advan-tages. Configuration easily adaptable to be fine-tuned for enhancedproductivity.Application: comprehensive control solution for multi-axis control requirements• Crane Controlby PLC via PROFINET communication• Performance Positioning Mode v = 20 m/min, ramp up time = 3 Pendelum length = 7.9 mDistance = 7 m, time = 32.18 s, precision = 1mm Residual sway = 0.47mm• Crane ConfigurationSINAMICS S120 topology with multi-axis drives with regenerative Line Module, Motor Modules and Control Unit (CU320-2)• Power RangeSINAMICS DC/AC multi-axis cover the power range: 1.6 kW to 800 kW• CommunicationThe ProfiSafe telegram enables the SINAMICS integrated safety function by PROFINET communication• Drive-Based TechnologyCrane-specific motion control functions for hoist, short travel and long travel• Drive-Based Sway Controlis added to short travel and long travel for sway damping in manual and positioning modeFor more information, refer to catalogue D21.4.。

Siemens SINAMICS G120 S120 电机驱动器操作手册说明书

Siemens SINAMICS G120 S120 电机驱动器操作手册说明书

Dimensions, Drill patterns, Fixings
Depth with CU
Lifting FSG Lifting FSD, FSE, FSF
Compact Operating Instructions
FSD, FSE Mounting shielding plate
Shiel d plate
Depth Edition: 05/2021
only with filtered units
23 Nm
Frame sSize
Distances (mm) *) Air flow Above Below Front
300 350 100
Torque Screw (Nm)
3 Nm
3 Nm
only with filtered units
Mounting shielding plate, FSF
3 Nm
SINAMICS G120/S120 Power Module, PM240-2/PM240P-2, FSD, FSE, FSF, FSG
Removing covers
rated motor current: 50 % … 150 % of the rated converter output current.
1) Increasing the pulse frequencies leads to an output current reduction. For more details, refer to the Hardware Installation Manual.

SINAMICS S120 调试手册

SINAMICS S120 调试手册

SINAMICS S120 调试手册目录SINAMICS S120 调试手册 (1)第一章 S120产品介绍 (4)第二章项目组态与调试 (10)2.1调试软件介绍 (10)2.2S120硬件组态 (10)2.3S TARTER项目列表 (18)第三章电机优化 (33)3.1S120驱动感应电机的优化 (33)3.2S120驱动第三方伺服电机时的优化 (36)第四章 S120的基本定位 (37)4.1激活基本定位功能 (38)4.2基本定位_点动(JOG) (40)4.3基本定位_回零(H OMING /R EFERENCE) (41)4.4基本定位_限位(L IMIT) (46)4.5基本定位_程序步(T RAVERSING B LOCKS) (47)4.6手动数据输入(MDI) (48)第五章通讯 (51)5.1S120与PG/PC的串口 (51)5.2S120与TP170 (52)5.3S120、TP170B与S7200的联接 (56)5.4通过DP总线实现S7-300与SINAMICS S120通讯 (61)5.5用DP总线对电机起、停及速度控制 (76)5.6驱动器参数的读取及写入 (78)5.7S120的“从对从”方式(S LAVE - TO -S LAVE) (86)5.7.1通过Slave to Slave 方式实现各从站之间通讯 (86)5.7.2 Slave-to-slave 功能配置: (87)5.7.3 从站参数配置 (88)5.7.4激活Slave to Slave 功能 (89)第六章 S120 DCC功能 (90)第七章自由功能块 (97)第八章 SINAMICS S120 参数简介 (98)第九章 S120的故障与报警 (101)相关参考手册 (102)IA&DT Service & Support Page 3-104第一章 S120产品介绍Sinamics S120集矢量控制与伺服控制于一身,分为DC-AC与AC-AC两种类型,所谓DC-AC,是指控制单元、整流、逆变都为独立模块,目前DC-AC类型功率范围从0.9kw到1200kw,AC-AC模块由控制单元和功率模块组成,功率范围从0.12到250kw。

西门子SINAMICS S120驱动系统书面规格表单单机模块说明书

西门子SINAMICS S120驱动系统书面规格表单单机模块说明书

9/47Siemens NC 61 · 2007/20089■OverviewA wide range of single-axis and two-axis Motor Modules with graded current/power ratings can be supplied:•Single Motor Modules: Single-axis variantBooksize format with rated output currents of 3A to 200 A •Double Motor Modules: Two-axis variantBooksize format with rated output currents of 3A to 18 A In principle, all Single Motor and Double Motor Modules can be operated on Smart Line Modules or Active Line Modules for the corresponding voltage range.■DesignThe Single Motor Modules in booksize format feature the following interfaces as standard:•2 DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars •1 electronics power supply connection via integrated 24V DC busbars•3 DRIVE-CLiQ sockets•1 motor connection, plug-in (not included in scope of supply) or screw-stud depending on rated output current •1 safe standstill input (enable pulses)•1 safe motor brake control•1 temperature sensor input (KTY84-130 or PTC)•2 PE (protective earth) connectionsThe status of the Motor Modules is indicated via two multi-color LEDs.The motor cable shield is inside the connector on 50 mm (1.97 in) and 100 mm (3.94 in) width modules. A shield connection kit can be supplied for 150 mm, 200 mm and300 mm (5.91 in, 7.87 in and 11.81 in) wide modules. On these modules, the motor cable shield can be connected using a tube clip.The signal cable shield can be connected to the Motor Module by means of a shield connection terminal, e.g. Weidmüller type KLBÜ3-8SC.■Design (continued)The scope of supply of the Motor Modules includes:•DRIVE-CLiQ cable (length depends on module width) to connect Motor Module to adjacent module•Jumper for connecting the 24V DC busbar to the adjacent Motor Module •Connector X21•Connector X11 for the motor brake connection (for Motor Modules with a rated output current of 45A to 200A)•2 blanking plugs for sealing unused DRIVE-CLiQ sockets•Fan insert for the 132 A and 200 A Motor Modules (the voltage for the fan insert is supplied by the Motor Module)•1 set of warning signs in foreign languages■IntegrationSingle Motor Modules communicate with a CU320 Control Unit or SINUMERIK solution line via DRIVE-CLiQ.■Technical specifications1)Note correlation between max. output frequency, pulse frequencyand current derating; see system description on the CD-ROMsupplied with the catalog for further information.General technical specificationsSiemens NC 61 · 2007/20089■Technical specifications (continued)1)Rated DC link current for dimensioning an external DC connection. For DC link current calculation for dimensioning the Line Module,see system description "Power units/Line Modules" on the CD-ROM supplied with the catalog.2)Power loss of Motor Module at rated power without losses of 24 V DC electronics power supply.3)Not included in scope of supply, see Accessories.DC link voltage 510 ... 720 V DC Order No.•Internal air cooling 6SL3120-1TE13-0AA36SL3120-1TE15-0AA36SL3120-1TE21-0AA36SL3120-1TE21-8AA36SL3120-1TE23-0AA3•External air cooling 6SL3121-1TE13-0AA36SL3121-1TE15-0AA36SL3121-1TE21-0AA36SL3121-1TE21-8AA36SL3121-1TE23-0AA3Product name Single Motor Modules in booksize format Output current•Rated current I rated A 3591830•Base load current I H A 2.6 4.37.715.325.5•for S6 duty (40%)I S6A 3.56102440•I max , maximumA610183656Power•with 600 V DC link voltage kW (HP)1.6 (1.5) 2.7 (3) 4.8 (5)9.7 (10)16.0 (20)•based on I H kW (HP)1.4 (1) 2.3 (2.5) 4.1 (5)8.2 (10)13.7 (18)Rated pulse frequency kHz 44444DC link current I d 1)A 3.66112236Current capacity •24 V DC busbarsA2020202020If, due to a number of Line and Motor Modules being mounted side-by-side, the current carrying capacity exceeds 20 A, an additional 24V DC connection using a 24V terminal adapter is required (connection cross-section, max. 6mm 2, fuse protection, max. 20 A).•DC link busbars A 100100100100100DC link capacitance μF 110110*********Current requirement with 24 V DC, max.A0.850.850.850.850.9Power loss•Internal air cooling kW0.0350.0550.0800.1650.290•External air cooling int./ext.2)kW 0.015/0.0150.023/0.030.035/0.0450.075/0.090.08/0.210Cooling air requirement m 3/s (ft 3/s)0.008(0.283)0.008(0.283)0.008(0.283)0.008(0.283)0.016(0.565)Sound pressure level dB (A)<60<60<60<60<60Motor connection U2, V2, W2Plug-in connector (X1)3), max. 30A Shield connection Integrated in connector (X1)PE connectionOn housing with M5 screwMotor brake connection Integrated into the plug-in motor connector (X1), 24 V DC, 2 AMotor cable length, max.•Shielded m (ft)50 (164)50 (164)50 (164)70 (230)70 (230)•Unshielded m (ft)75 (246)75 (246)75 (246)100 (328)100 (328)Degree of protection IP20IP20IP20IP20IP20Dimensions •Width mm (in)50 (1.97)50 (1.97)50 (1.97)50 (1.97)100 (3.94)•Height mm (in)380 (14.98)380 (14.98)380 (14.98)380 (14.98)380 (14.98)•Depth-with internal air cooling mm (in)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)-with external air cooling in front of/behind mounting surface mm (in)226/66.5 (8.9/2.6)226/66.5 (8.9/2.6)226/66.5 (8.9/2.6)226/66.5 (8.9/2.6)226/66.5 (8.9/2.6)Weight, approx.•with internal air cooling kg (lb) 5.0 (11) 5.0 (11) 5.0 (11) 5.0 (11) 6.9 (15)•with external air coolingkg (lb) 5.7 (13) 5.7 (13) 5.7 (13) 5.7 (13)8.5 (19)Siemens NC 61 · 2007/20089■Technical specifications (continued)1)Rated DC link current for dimensioning an external DC connection.For DC link current calculation for dimensioning the Line Module, see system description "Power units/Line Modules" on the CD-ROM supplied with the catalog.2)Power loss of Motor Module at rated power without losses of 24 V DC electronics power supply.3)The fan is supplied with the Motor Module and must be installed before the Motor Module is commissioned.DC link voltage 510 ... 720 V DC Ordering data •Internal air cooling 6SL3120-1TE24-5AA36SL3120-1TE26-0AA36SL3120-1TE28-5AA36SL3120-1TE31-3AA36SL3120-1TE32-0AA3•External air cooling 6SL3121-1TE24-5AA36SL3121-1TE26-0AA36SL3121-1TE28-5AA36SL3121-1TE31-3AA36SL3121-1TE32-0AA3Product name Single Motor Modules in booksize format Output current•Rated current I rated A 456085132200•Base load current I H A 385168105141•for S6 duty (40%)I S6A 6080110150250•I max , maximumA85113141210282Power•with 600 V DC link voltage kW (HP)24 (30)32 (40)46 (60)71 (100)107 (150)•based on I H kW (HP)21 (25)28 (40)37 (50)57 (75)76 (100)Rated pulse frequency kHz 44444DC link current I d 1)A 5472102158200Current capacity •24 V DC busbarsA2020202020If, due to a number of Line and Motor Modules being mounted side-by-side, the current carrying capacity exceeds 20 A, an additional 24V DC connection using a 24V terminal adapter is required (connection cross-section, max. 6mm 2, fuse protection, max. 20 A).•DC link busbars A 200200200200200DC link capacitance μF 11751410188028203995Current requirement with 24 V DC, max.A1. loss•Internal air cooling in control cabinetkW 0.430.590.75 1.25 2.05•External air cooling int./ext.2)kW 0.011/0.320.135/0.4550.16/0.590.25/1.00.4/1.65Cooling air requirement m 3/s(ft 3/s)0.031(1.095)0.031(1.095)0.044(1.554)0.144(5.085)0.144(5.085)Sound pressure leveldB (A)<65<65<60<73<73Motor connection U2, V2, W2M6 screw studs, (X1)M6 screw studs, (X1)M8 screw studs, (X1)M8 screw studs, (X1)M8 screw studs, (X1)•Conductor cross-section mm 2 2.5...50 2.5...50 2.5...95, 2×35 2.5...120, 2×50 2.5...120, 2×50Shield connection See Accessories See Accessories See Accessories See Accessories See Accessories PE connectionOn housing with M6 screwOn housing with M6 screwOn housing with M6 screwOn housing with M8 screwOn housing with M8 screwMotor brake connection Plug-in connector (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A Plug-in connector (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A Plug-in connector (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A Plug-in connector (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A Plug-in connector (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A Motor cable length, max.•Shielded m (ft)100 (328)100 (328)100 (328)100 (328)100 (328)•Unshielded m (ft)150 (492)150 (492)150 (492)150 (492)150 (492)Degree of protection IP20IP20IP20IP20IP20Dimensions •Width mm (in)150 (5.91)150 (5.91)200 (7.87)300 (11.81)300 (11.81)•Heightmm (in)380 (14.96)380 (14.96)380 (14.96)380, (14.96)with fan 3): 629 (24.8)380, (14.96)with fan 3): 629 (24.8)•Depth-with internal air cooling mm (in)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)270 (10.63)-with external air cooling in front of/behind mounting surface mm (in)226/71 (8.9/2.8)226/71 (8.9/2.8)226/92 (8.9/3.6)226/82 (8.9/3.2)226/82 (8.9/3.2)Weight, approx.•with internal air cooling kg (lb)9 (20)9 (20)15 (33)21 (46)21 (46)•with external air coolingkg (lb)13.2 (29)13.4 (30)17.2 (38)27.2 (60)30 (66)9■Selection and Ordering Data■Accessories (continued)9/50Siemens NC 61 · 2007/20089/51Siemens NC 61 · 2007/20089■Characteristic curvesOverload capabilityDuty cycle with previous load Duty cycle without previous load S6 duty cycle with previous load with a duty cycle duration of 600 s S6 duty cycle with previous load with a duty cycle duration of 60 sDuty cycle with 60 s overload with a duty cycle duration of 300 sDuty cycle with 30 s overload with a duty cycle duration of 300 s9■Characteristic curves (continued)Derating characteristicsOutput current dependent on pulse frequencyOutput current dependent on ambient temperatureOutput current dependent on installation altitudeVoltage derating dependent on pulse frequency9/52Siemens NC 61 · 2007/2008。


S120 AC-AC伺服电机配置方法
P600 =0;
2)使用Control Panel测试如下图:
3)使用Control Panel手动运转电机如下图:


SINAMICS S120 电柜模块说明书

SINAMICS S120 电柜模块说明书

SINAMICS S120 Cabinet ModulesThe modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications /sinamics-s120cmSINAMICS to tackle any taskn Wide range of power ratings from fractional horsepower to 85 MWn Available in low-voltage and medium-voltage versionsn Standard and unified functionality as a result of the commonhardware and software platformn One standard engineering process using only two tools for everydrive we offer: SIZER for engineering and STARTER for parameterizingand commissioningn High degree of flexibility and combinabilityn Available as chassis or cabinet units23SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules — a finely scalable modular system Individuality through modularitySINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules are drive converters that can be engineered for a specific application using a modular principle. This modular system is especially suited for multi-motors with central line supply infeed and common DC bus. For example, these are typically found in industrial pumps, fans, compressors, paper machines, metal process lines, test stands, cranes, lifting equipment and more.Simple planning, simple serviceSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules offer simplicity and are very cost-efficient. From planning and procurement, through installation and commissioning, even to daily operation and service — SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have become the most-accepted and reliable solution for many manufacturers around the globe. They offer an outstanding price-performance ratio and can beintegrated into any automation solution.Common DC bus4SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applicationsQuick and easy to the perfect driveThe modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The ideal module combinationis simple to configureSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules — freely combinable modulesLine Connection Modules t o connect to the line supply: These include the line-side components such ascontactors, fuses and circuit breakers, as well as line reactors for applicationswithout regenerative feedback into the line supplyLine Modules for the infeed from the AC line to the DC busBasic Line Modules f or 2-quadrant operation if regenerative feedback into the line supply isnot requiredSmart Line Modules f or 4-quadrant operation if it makes sense to regenerate braking energy back intothe line supplyActive Line Modules f or 4-quadrant operation if, in addition to the regenerative feedback into the linesupply, the line harmonics are to be reduced to a minimum and voltage fluctuationsare to be compensatedCentral Braking Modules to electrically brake the motorMotor Modules to control the speed of the connected motorBooksize version for axes with low power ratingsChassis version for axes with high power ratingsAuxiliary Power Supply Modules for the auxiliary voltagePrepared, shipped and ready for connectionSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have all of the connections and connecting elements required.Standardized interfaces for every version of the drive units help when it comes to connecting andanalyzing them. With a well-thought configuration, they are ready to be connected as soon asthey are received. Individual modules can be combined already at the factory to form pre-fabricatedtransport units with a length of up to 2400 mm. When prepared in this manner, they can becombined in the plant quickly and easily to create a total system.Installation is as simple as it gets — even large cable cross-sections can be connected easily. If thecomprehensive standard version isn’t sufficient, then a wide variety of options are available thathave been specifically developed to address the requirements of a multi-motor system.Whether with a unique DC link coupling or extended safety interfaces, SINAMICS S120 CabinetModules can be adapted to each and every requirement. Installation is also simplified as SINAMICSS120 Cabinet Modules are supplied in standard cabinets in a 200 mm grid dimension.5Rugged and straightforward provides you the highest degree of reliabilitySINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules are extremely reliable thanks to their rugged, straightforward design. A special mechanical cabinet design guarantees the endurance and strength and is supplemented, among other things, by the fact that all of the standard busbars as well as the electronic boards and modules are protected against environmental contaminants. This is achieved by using nickel-plated copper busbars along with coated boards and modules.It goes without saying that all of the components are subject to exhaustive checks during the entire productionprocess — from the production of individual parts up toready-to-connect cabinets. This guarantees impressive system availability and high functional safety during installation, commissioning and operation.SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules Available voltage ranges and services:Air-cooledLiquid-cooled 3AC 380 ... 480V 4.8–3000 kW 7.5–4000 hp 110–3000 kW 150–4000 hp 3AC 500 (690V)7.5–4000 kW 100–6000 hp150–4000 kW 125–7500 hpLine supply voltage V line supply / power ranges 3AC 380 ... 480 V 1.6 ... 3000 kW 4–4000 hp 1.6 ... 4500 kW 2–6000 hp 3AC 500 ... 690 V75 ... 4500 kW 100–6000 hp 75 ... 5700 kW100–7500 hpSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applicationsReliable and service-friendly —operational reliability over the long termService-friendly designSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have a compact design and are extremely service-friendly. Individual modules and power components are easily accessible and can be quickly replaced — further increasing plant and system availability.Integrated operational safety and reliabilityAll of the SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules were developed according to the specifications of the zone concept. This is why they provide the highest possible degree of operational reliability and safety. EMC measures have been implemented as a result. Partitions to guide and route the airflow and to maintain temperature levels were designed with the help of computer-aided simulation.Innovative liquid-cooling conceptFor drives in poorly ventilated spaces and operating under harsh environmental conditions — for example, onboard ships and industrial systems — the liquid-cooled version of SINAMICS S120 is the ideal solution. Liquid cooling allows heat to be dissipated far more efficiently, so that room climate control is not required. Energy consumption can also be significantly reduced as a result of liquid cooling’s low energy consumption.Low space requirement — simplified planning and mountingThe footprint of SINAMICS S120 C abinet Modules is up to50 % smaller than conventional units. Cabinet widths decrease in a 200 mm grid. For IP54 degree of protection,to further reduce maintenance costs — for example, when changing filter elements — liquid-cooled cabinets can be used. In many applications, additional costs can be saved by recovering heat. Here, the hot cooling water can be used for process heat, heating or hot water.7The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications SINAMICS S120 Cabinet ModulesDigitalization solutions for low-voltage drivesWhether virtualization and simulation, dimensioning and project planning, connectivity, data analysis or services — digitalization opens up more efficiency and reliability in planning, operation and maintenance. Get the most out of your drive data through digitalization. From digital twins, selection and engineering tools and connectivity solutions via analysis apps to data-based services — the Siemens digitalization portfolio for drives enables optimized development processes and needs-based maintenance planning and ensures higher productivity.Published bySiemens Industry, Inc.100 Technology Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005Order No. DRBR-S120CM-1221 Printed in USA© 12.2021 Siemens Industry, Inc. /motioncontrol This document contains only general descriptions or performance features, which do not always apply in the manner described in concrete application situations or may change as the products undergo further development. Performance features are valid only if they are formally agreed upon when the contract is closed. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. Product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



详细介绍:SINAMICS驱动系统之一的SINAMICS S120具有模块化设计,可以提供高性能的单轴和双轴驱动,具有广泛的工业应用价值。

由于其具有很高的灵活性能,SINAMICS S120可以完美的满足应用中日益增长的对驱动系统轴数量和性能的要求。

SINAMICS S120支持“弹性”设备概念,可以灵活而快速的满足用户的特殊需求。



根据是否有回馈功能及回馈的方式,将电源模块分成下列三种:基本型电源模块(BLM: Basic Line Modules):整流单元,但无回馈功能。


BLM 是将三相交流电整流成直流电,只能靠接制动单元和制动电阻来实现制动。

BLM 分为书本型(20kW、40kW、100Kw)和装机装柜型(200kW、250Kw),机柜型请查阅其它的相关资料。

对于书本型的BLM 有内部风冷和冷板两种类型,对于装机装柜型BLM 有两种供电电压: 380-480VAC 和660-690VAC。

实际应用中,在电网和BLM 之间必须安装与其功率相对应的电抗器。

智能型电源模块(SLM: Smart Line Modules,又称非调节型电源模块):整流/回馈单元,但直流母线电压不可调。



Page: 5 - 3
版本: V1.0
System overview
SINAMICS S120 chassis and cabinet modules
Line-side components Power supply Line modules: ALM, SLM, BLM DC link components Control units Motor modules
Page: 5 - 12
版本: V1.0
Motor-side system components
Motor reactor
– Required for all cable lengths > 300 / 450 m (shielded / non-shielded) – Reduces the capacitive re-charging currents – In conjunction with the cable capacitance, reduces the voltage rate-of-rise dv/dt
0.12 kW
G150 / S150
1 MW 100 MW
G130 G150
运动控制 / 伺服功能
பைடு நூலகம்应用广泛
G130 G150

SINAMICS S120简介[1]

SINAMICS S120简介[1]

SINAMICS S120Now also for stand-alone applicationsB r o c h u r e · J u n e 2006SINAMICS S120 AC Drive SINAMICS S120 AC Drives – a building blockfor integrated drive solutionsSINAMICS S120 is a modular drive system with Servo and Vector Control and is the SINAMICS product most suitable for demanding drive applications. The stand-alone SINAMICSS120 AC Drives complement the DC/AC units, which use a common infeed and controller designed especially formulti-axis applications. Optimally tailored, integrated solu-tions can be designed for any type of application based on this building block system.The ready-to-connect SINAMICS single drive SINAMICS S120 AC Drives are designed for single-axis appli-cations but can also be used for multi-axis applications. Positioning tasks can be reliably executed as well as synchro-nous movements and motion control tasks. In multi-axis applications with spatially distributed drives, distributed solutions based on SINAMICS S120 AC Drives offer a practical alternative to a central drives line-up.Universally implementableSINAMICS S120 AC Drives can easily be implemented in con-junction with higher-level automation systems using field businterfaces and the standardized PROFIdrive profile. Solutions to standard positioning tasks – especially in the SIMATIC PLC environment – can therefore be found using SINAMICS S120 AC Drives even without in-depth knowledge of drives. Because it is so easy to combine SINAMICS S120 AC Drives with other SINAMICS S120 units, multi-axis groupings can be extended comfortably and economically.Modular machine components can thus be adapted to high levels of integration and flexibility in line to varying customer requirements.Flexibility through modularityEvery SINAMICS S120 AC Drive is a combination of a Power Module and a selectable Control Unit or Control Unit Adapter. An optional filter can also be integrated.If the AC Drive is operated as a stand-alone single-axis drive, a Control Unit (e.g. CU310 DP) is added to the Power Module. It contains the entire control intelligence for the drive, includ-ing positioning functions and the field bus interface.If the AC Drive is combined with other SINAMICS S120 units to build an integrated multi-axis drive solution, a CUA31 Con-trol Unit Adapter is added to the Power Module in order to connect the AC Drive to a central Control Unit (e.g. CU320 or SIMOTION D) via the DRIVE-CLiQ interface in accordance with the SINAMICS S120 system architecture.With SINAMICS S120 the modular expansion of your machines is never limited. Cost-optimized and specific solutions are ensured since only the components and functions required for a perfect fit solution are used.Figure 1: SINAMICS S120 AC Drive connected to a higher-level control Figure 2: 3 SINAMICS S120 AC Drives connected to a SINAMICS S120 multi-axis grouping2SINAMICS S120 AC DriveCU310 Control UnitThe use of a SINAMICS S120 AC Drive in a single-axis applicationconnected to a higher-level control is illustrated in Figure1. Eachof the AC Drives is equipped with a CU310 Control Unit. This unitcontains the field bus interface for connecting to the higher-levelcontrol. CU310 DP with a PROFIBUS DP connection or CU310 PNwith an integrated PROFINET interface can be selected. In bothcases communication between the control and the drive takesplace in accordance with the standardized PROFIdrive profile.CU310 offers functions ranging from the simple speed control-ler to full positioning functionality. Drive-related inputs/outputscan easily be linked in the CU by means of BICO technology. Thispermits the greatest possible options for drive and higher-levelcontrol.Drive-related inputs/outputs can be linked via the integrated I/Ointerface. An integrated TTL/HTL interface and a DRIVE-CLIQ in-terface are available as encoder interface. For a version with anintegrated motor this encoder interface features the advantageof an electronic rating plate.It is easy to implement safety systems using the currently avail-able integrated safety functions such as “Safe standstill” (STO),“Safe brake control” (SBC) and “Safe stopping” (SS1).CUA31 Control Unit adapterIt is also possible to use SINAMICS S120 AC Drives in multi-axisapplications. The drive is connected to a CU320 Control Unit viathe DRIVE-CLiQ interface using the CUA31 Control Unit Adapter.The CU320 Control Unit then takes over the drive functions forthe AC drive. SIMOTION D modules can be used as a ControlUnit for motion control applications which go beyond the scopeof positioning tasks. SINAMICS S120 AC Drives can also be usedin hybrid operation with SINAMICS S120 multi-axis units in thisconfiguration (Figure2). This provides maximum flexibility forthe use of SINAMICS S120 units.CU310 Control Unit (left)CUA31 Control Unit Adapter (right)Standardized, comfortable engineeringwith SIZER and STARTERAs with all SINAMICS drives, the SIZER configuring tool helpsyou to select the optimal drive configuration for your applica-tion. Graphical support and wizards efficiently guide youthrough the selection of necessary components based on yourapplication.SINAMICS S120 AC Drives are commissioned using STARTER,the commissioning tool for the SINAMICS family. Electronicrating plates ensure automatic and error-free preconfigura-tion of the drive system. Automatic optimization is a simpleway of optimizing the control response. It ensures fast andreliable commissioning of the drives.SINAMICS S120 Power ModulesSINAMICS AC Drives differentiate between Blocksize formatand Chassis format, which are available in various frame sizes.Siemens AGAutomation and DrivesMotion Control Systems Postfach 3180, 91050 ERLANGEN GERMANY© Siemens AG 2006All rights reservedOrder No. 6ZB5471-0AF02-0BA2Printed in Germany09405/BR 0606 10.0 VOG 4 En/622270Theinformationprovidedinthisbrochurecontainsmerelygeneraldescriptionsorper-formancecharacteristicswhichincaseofac-tualusedonotalwaysapplyasdescribedorwhichmaychangeasaresultoffurtherde-velopmentoftheproducts.Anobligationtoprovidetherespectivecharacteristicsshallexistonlyifexpresslyagreedinthetermsofcontract.SINAMICS S120 AC Drive – Technical Data2)1)On request.2)As of June 2006.For further information on SINAMICS S120, go to: /sinamics-S1203)Pulse frequency 4 kHz.4)Pulse frequency 2 kHz.AC/AC unit, modular。








支持多种通讯协议,如PROFINET 、EtherNet/IP 等,实现与上位机的高速数据交换。
















• 单轴控制的 AC/AC 变频器,通常又称为 Sinamics S120 单轴交流驱动器,其结构形式为电源模块和 电机模块集在一起,特别适用于单轴的速度和定位控制。
本书只介绍 Sinamics S120 单轴交流驱动器, 而 Sinamics S120 多轴驱动器,将在另一本书作详细描述。
Sinamics S120 AC/AC 单轴驱动器由两部分组成:控制单元和功率模块
S120 AC/AC 产品简易选型手册
X21: Profibus 插口
X22: RS232
X23: HTL/TTL 编码器接口
X124: 24V 供电电源
X120 - KTY/PTC - 1 个“安全停车”输入
X121 - 4 个开关量输入 - 4 个可编程输入/输出
存储卡(CF 卡): 存储系统和用户数据
T0, T1, T2 共 3 个测试口
诊断灯 - RDY: 准备 - Communication: 通讯 - Out > 5V: 输出大于 5V
基本操作面板 BOP(选件)
图 2-1 CU310DP 控制模块
设 Profibus-DP 地址
1) 和功率模块配合使用方法: • 模块式功率模块: ¾ CU310DP 通过 PM-IF 接口直接插到功率模块上。 ¾ 如果编码器是 HTL 和 TTL 信号,则可直接插接到 X23。 ¾ X100 Drive-CLiQ 接口,接带 Drive-CLiQ 的编码器、传感器、端子模块等。 ¾ X21 Profibus-DP 接口,与 Profibus-DP 网络相连。 • 机架式功率模块 ¾ CU310DP 通过 X100 的 Drive-CLiQ 接口与功率模块相连接。 ¾ 传感器模块、端子模块等直接连接到功率模块的 Drive-CLiQ 插槽。 ¾ X21 Profibus-DP 接口,与 Profibus-DP 网络相连。



一、SINAMICS S120系列变频器概述SINAMICS S120 变频器是基于公共直流母线系统的 DC/AC 多机传动装置,可以根据要控制的传动数量和需要的性能水平来选择控制单元,同时根据再生反馈能力以及能量回馈的要求来选择整流单元。

控制单元和功率单元之间的连接使用全新的通讯链接 DRIVECLiQ 连接。

装置型的传动单元有:•基本整流装置•回馈整流装置•有源整流装置•逆变装置整流单元SINAMICS S120 的整流单元是用于集中整流,并为中间回路提供直流电源的装置。

针对不同的应用,S120 可以提供各种性能的整流装置。

一)基本整流 BLM 模块基本整流模块(Basic Line Modules)只为单纯整流运行设计,也就是不能够将能量反馈给电网。



二)回馈整流 SLM 模块SINAMICS S120 的回馈整流(Smart Line Modules)可以整流供电并能将能量反馈给电网。

回馈整流模块是二极管整流加可控回馈两部分组成,可以通过IO 输入将回馈部分功能取消。


三)有源整流 ALM 模块SINAMICS S120 的有源整流(Active Line Modules)由IGBT模块组成,在整流供电的同时,可以将能量反馈给电网。





逆变单元逆变单元为多传动系统设计,通过 CU320 或者 SIMOTIOND 控制单元控制。



检查SINAMICSS120变频器本体,确保无损坏且 配件齐全。
准备安装所需的电缆、连接器等硬件材料,确保 其规格和型号与变频器匹配。
对安装环境进行检查,确保符合变频器的安装要 求,如温度、湿度、海拔等。
进入菜单界面,选择参数设置选项,按照提示 进行相应参数的设置。
定期使用干燥的压缩空气或软毛刷清洁设备表面,避免灰尘和油 污积聚。
对需要润滑的部位,如轴承、齿轮等,定期添加适量的润滑油或 润滑脂。
定期检查设备的紧固件,如螺丝、螺母等,确保其紧固可靠,防 止松动或脱落。
保持设备运行环境干燥、清洁,避免潮湿、高温、腐蚀性气体等对 设备造成损害。
当设备出现故障时,及时使用故障诊断工具进行诊断,找出故障原 因并进行修复。
定期对设备的重要数据进行备份,以防数据丢失或设备损坏时无法恢 复。
遵循设备的使用说明书,正确操作设备,避免误 操作或过载使用导致设备损坏。
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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CUA31 CUA31 CUA31 SINAMICS S120 AC Drives with CUA31 SINAMICS S120 Booksize grouping with CU320 Figure 2: 3 SINAMICS S120 AC Drives connected to a SINAMICS S120 multi-axis grouping
CU310 Control Unit (left) CUA31 Control Unit adapter (right)
Standardized, comfortable engineering with SIZER and STARTER
As with all SINAMICS drives, the SIZER configuring tool helps you to select the optimal drive configuration for your application. Graphical support and wizards efficiently guide you through the selection of necessary components based on your application. SINAMICS S120 AC Drives are commissioned using STARTER, the commissioning tool for the SINAMICS family. Electronic rating plates ensure automatic and error-free preconfiguration of the drive system. Automatic optimization is a simple way of optimizing the control response. It ensures fast and reliable commissioning of the drives.
Various types of drive-related inputs/outputs and encoders are connected easily via the DRIVE-CLiQ interface.
It is easy to implement safety systems using integrated safety functions such as "Safe standstill" (SH) and "Safe brake control" (SBC).
SINAMICS S120 is a modular drive system with servo and Vector Control and is the SINAMICS product which is most suitable for demanding drive applications in the fields of mechanical and plant engineering. The SINAMICS S120 AC Drives especially supplement the DC/AC units with a central power infeed and a DC link in types Booksize and Chassis for multi-axis applications. Optimally tailored integrated solutions can be designed for any type of application based on this building block system.
The ready-to-connect SINAMICS single drive with integrated power infeed
SINAMICS S120 AC Drives are designed for single-axis applications but can also be used for multi-axis applications. This means that it is just as easy to find reliable solutions for positioning tasks for single axes as it is for synchronism and motion control tasks. In multi-axis applications with spatially distributed drives, distributed solutions based on SINAMICS S120 AC Drives offer a practical alternative to a central drive solution with a central infeed and a DC link thanks to the integrated power infeed.
SINAMICS S120 – Now also for single axis applications
Brochure · November 2005
SINAMICS S120 AC Drive –
SINAMICS S120 AC Drives – a building block for integrated drive solutions
If the AC Drive is operated as a single-axis drive combined with a higher-level control, a Control Unit (e.g. CU310 DP) is added to the Power Module. It contains the entire control intelligence for the drive, including positioning functions and the field bus interface.
Flexibility through modularity
Every SINAMICS S120 AC Drive consists of a Power Module which includes a power inffilter.
CU310 offers functions ranging from the simple speed controller to full positioning functionality. Drive-related inputs/outputs can easily be linked in the CU by means of BICO technology. This permits the greatest possible separation of drive and higher-level control.
CU310 Control Unit
The use of SINAMICS S120 AC Drives in single-axis applications connected to a higher-level control is illustrated in Figure 1. Each of the AC Drives is equipped with a CU310 Control Unit. This unit contains the field bus interface for connecting to the higher-level control. CU310 DP with a PROFIBUS DP connection or CU310 PN with an integrated Profinet interface can be selected. In both cases communication between the control and the drive takes place in accordance with the standardized PROFIdrive profile.
Universally implementable
SINAMICS S120 AC Drives can easily be implemented in conjunction with higher-level automation systems using field bus interfaces and the standardized PROFIdrive profile. Solutions to standard positioning tasks – especially in the SIMATIC environment – can therefore be found using SINAMICS S120 AC Drives even without in-depth knowledge of drives.
SINAMICS S120 AC Drive with CU310
230 V 1 AC or 400 V 3 AC Synchronous/ asychronous motor
Figure 1: SINAMICS S120 AC Drive connected to a higher-level control
Because it is so easy to combine SINAMICS S120 AC Drives with other SINAMICS S120 units, multi-axis groupings can be extended comfortably and economically. Modular machine components can thus be adapted to high levels of integration and flexibility in line to varying customer requirements.