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【摘要】In order to solve the landing pose control problem of jumping robot before landing , and in favor of the robots'landing , the single-neuron-propotion intergration differential ( PID) control technology is applied to the flight pose control of the robot , to make the robot floor bottom regulated to the parallel relationship with the ground , for its better stable landing .As the control task required , on the basis of analysis about the process of robot bouncing -landing and the mathematical model of flywheel adjusting control system , the relationship between the angle change in space pose of robot and the flywheel rotation angle was discussed , and a control scheme was also established which used the singlen-euron-PID control strategy adjusts the performance of the torque of flywheel based on the feedback of the posture-angle of the robot .At last, a co-simulation used this control scheme based on Adams and Matlab was carried out.The simulation result indicates that the robot floor bottom has been regulated gradually to be parallel with the ground by changing the performance of the torque of flywheel before landing , and a smooth land has been gotten .At the same time, it also provides the the-oretical foundations and basis for the further study of the jump-robot's precision-
control in space at any posture angle .%为解决弹跳机器人在落地前的姿态控制问题,将单神经元PID调节技术运用到机器人飞行姿态控制中,使机器人底面在落地前能够与地面调节至平行关系,以利于机器人稳定落地.根据控制要求,在对机器人"弹跳—落地"过程以及飞轮调节系统数学模型分析的基础之上,讨论了机器人空间姿态角变化与飞轮旋转角之间的关系,建立了基于机器人姿态角反馈的飞轮旋转输出力矩的单神经元PID调节控制方案,最后给出了在这种控制方案下基于Adams 与MATLAB的联合仿真结果.该仿真结果表明,在落地前,通过飞轮输出力矩的变化,机器人底面能够与地面逐渐调节至平行关系,从而稳定落地.同时,仿真结果也为弹跳机器人在空间任意姿态角时的精确控制的进一步研究提供了理论基础和研究依据.【总页数】5页(P28-31,19)
【作者单位】西南科技大学信息工程学院, 特殊环境机器人技术四川省重点实验室, 四川绵阳621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院, 特殊环境机器人技术四川省重点实验室, 四川绵阳621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院, 特殊环境机器人技术四川省重点实验室, 四川绵阳621010
1.间歇性单足弹跳机器人落地冲击及稳定性分析 [J], 刘壮志;朱剑英;吴洪涛;席文明
2.基于单神经元的水下机器人S面自适应运动控制 [J], 唐旭东;庞永杰;王建国
3.一种基于单神经元的机器人实时控制自适应算法研究 [J], 袁野;仲崇权;田中旭
4.基于改进的单神经元网络PID控制的气动微型机器人控制系统研究 [J], 李文;戴香玉;李宏民;张国云
5.基于IMU及UWB的微型弹跳机器人传感器节点位姿检测研究 [J], 江朝军;倪江生;张军;李汉
