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【摘要】针对上覆岩层赋存高位巨厚岩浆岩条件,采用相似材料模拟试验方法,研究了上覆巨厚岩浆岩下采动覆岩的破断运动规律,揭示了上覆巨厚岩浆岩运移诱发离层瓦斯突然涌出的成因. 研究表明,覆岩破断裂隙发育到巨厚岩浆岩后,裂隙区发育形态由拱形发展成拱板形,岩浆岩破断前底部离层跨度发育至最大. 巨厚坚硬岩浆岩对离层瓦斯具有圈闭作用,其破断运移会导致离层瓦斯压力急剧上升而诱发瓦斯突然涌出. 采取瓦斯抽采、离层注浆、条带开采等方法,可以有效防治离层瓦斯突然涌出.%To aim at the condition that the overlying strata occurred with the high-located extra-thick magmatite, study was made on the breaking and movement law of the overlying strata under the extra-thick magmatite by using the simulation test method with the similar material, and the causes of sudden gas emission induced by the movement of the overburden extra-thick magmatite were revealed. Research showed that after the broken fissures developed into the extra-thick magmatie, the developmental morphology of the fissure zone developed from arch into the arch plate and the bed separation span of the magmatite at the bottom before its breaking developed to the maximum. The hard and extra-thick magmatite had the trapping effect on the separated-bed gas and its breaking movement can lead to the sharp rise of the separated-bed
gas pressure and induce the sudden gas emission. Adopting the methods such as gas drainage, grouting into separated bed and strip mining can effectively prevent the sudden gas emission from the separated bed.
【作者单位】山东科技大学矿业与安全工程学院,山东青岛 266590;山东科技大学采矿工程研究院,山东泰安 271000;山东科技大学矿业与安全工程学院,山东青岛266590;山东科技大学矿业与安全工程学院,山东青岛 266590
1.上覆巨厚坚硬岩浆岩破断运移规律的实验分析 [J], 蒋金泉;武泉森;张培鹏;王普
2.采场上覆巨厚坚硬岩浆岩致灾机理与防控措施 [J], 杨培举;何烨;郭卫彬
3.巨厚火成岩下采动应力演化规律与致灾机理 [J], 轩大洋;许家林;冯建超;朱卫兵
4.巨厚岩浆岩下开采覆岩移动规律及动力灾害危险性分析与防控技术 [J], 刘心广
5.巨厚岩浆岩下开采覆岩移动规律及采场压力变异性分析 [J], 谭吉世;纪洪广;姚志贤
