
Useful Expressions
1. 过得去 get by 2. 寻觅心灵的满足 find contentment 3.自力更生的生活 a self-reliant life 4. 艰苦的生活 a tough life
5.日常的家务 household routine 6. 正如老话说的那样 as the old saying goes 7. 温馨快乐每一分钟 Love / enjoy every minute 8. 过冬 get through the winter 9. 常青藤联合会学校 Ivy League schools
2. Happy Moments and Events growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. keeping warm inside the house in winter writing freelance articles earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life
Ivy League refers to eight long-established colleges and universities in the United States with prestigious academic and social reputations. Members of the Ivy League are Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York City; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The members of the Ivy League compete in intercollegiate athletics.

班中工作程序服务流程行为规范迎接指引递阅资料上饮品(糕点)添加茶水工作要求1)眼神关注客人,当客人距3米距离时,应主动跨出自己的位置迎宾,然后侯客迎询问客户送客户注意事项15度鞠躬微笑问候:“您好!欢迎光临!”2)在客人前方1-2米距离领位,指引请客人向休息区,在客人入座后问客人对座位是否满意:“您好!请问坐这儿可以吗?”得到同意后为客人拉椅入座“好的,请入座!”3)若客人无置业顾问陪同,可询问:请问您有专属的置业顾问吗?,为客人取阅项目资料,并礼貌的告知请客人稍等,置业顾问会很快过来介绍,同时请置业顾问关注该客人;4)问候的起始语应为“先生-小姐-女士早上好,这里是XX销售中心,这边请”5)问候时间段为8:30-11:30 早上好11:30-14:30 中午好 14:30-18:00下午好6)关注客人物品,如物品较多,则主动询问是否需要帮助(如拾到物品须两名人员在场方能打开,提示客人注意贵重物品);7)在满座位的情况下,须先向客人致歉,在请其到沙盘区进行观摩稍作等待;阶段工作及服务流程班中工作程序工作要求注意事项饮料(糕点服务)1)在所有饮料(糕点)服务中必须使用托盘;2)所有饮料服务均已“对不起,打扰一下,请问您需要什么饮品”为起始;3)服务方向:从客人的右面服务;4)当客人的饮料杯中只剩三分之一时,必须询问客人是否需要再添一杯,在二次服务中特别注意瓶口绝对不可以与客人使用的杯子接触;5)在客人再次需要饮料时必须更换杯子;下班程序1)检查使用的工具及销售案场物资情况,异常情况及时记录并报告上级领导;2)填写物资领用申请表并整理客户意见;3)参加班后总结会;4)积极配合销售人员的接待工作,如果下班时间已经到,必须待客人离开后下班;吧台服务岗1.吧台服务岗岗位职责1)为来访的客人提供全程的休息及饮品服务;2)保持吧台区域的整洁;3)饮品使用的器皿必须消毒;4)及时补充吧台物资;5)收集客户意见、建议及问题点;吧台服务岗工作及流程阶段工作及服务流程班前阶段1)自检仪容仪表以饱满的精神面貌进入工作区域2)检查使用工具及销售大厅物资情况,异常情况及时登记并报告上级。
李观仪《新编英语教程》(第3版)(单元语法 Unit 1)【圣才出品】

情态动词被动结构为:should/could+be done,例:More time should be given to this issue.应该在这个问题上多花些时间。
此外,还应注意被动语态的各种时态,如一般将来时will/shall be+done;过去将来时would be+done;现在进行时is/are being done;过去进行时was/were being+done;现在完成时has/have been+done;过去完成时had been+done;将来完成时will/shall have been+done,例:Will we be asked to attend the opening ceremony?我们会被邀请参加开幕式吗?(一般将来时)The news would be sent to the soldier’s mother as soon as it arrived.消息一到,就会被传到士兵的母亲那儿去。
(过去将来时)The building is being built now.那座大楼现在正在被建造。
(现在进行时)Supper was being prepared when I arrived home.我到家时,晚饭正在准备。
(过去进行时)Swift progress has also been made in culture and education.文化和教育方面已取得了很大进展。
(现在完成时)The bridge had been damaged before the World WarⅡ.这座桥在二战前就已经毁坏了。
(过去完成时)The book will have been finished by the end of next month.这本书下月末就能完成了。

U n i t1恰到好处Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it into the wood. A skillful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly. A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective(模糊的形容词), will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。

新编英语教程3答案【篇一:新编英语教程3 unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及书本第一部分连词题】fumesmoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas2. sandyof the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow3. somehowfor some reason or other4. stale dry and unappetizing5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful6. proceed go ahead7. bloodshotfull of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken8. dismayedmade afraid or discouraged at the prospect of troubleunit 21. rage be very angry2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables3. croaking rough and harsh4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle6. gesture of despairmovement of the head or hand to show helplessness7. brutalcruel8. quarantinethe period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spreadunit 31. globeworld2. circlemove around3. indirectlynot straight to the point ; in a roundabout way4. idle talk talking about unimportant things5. coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned or arranged6. hastily in a hurry7. demand ask forcefully8. roar speak in a loud, deep voiceunit 41. willthe legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property after death2. signature person’s name written by himself3. literaryof literature4. suppositiona guess5. playwrightdramatist, a person who writes plays6. vague not clearly known7. confirmprove the truth of something8. verse poetryunit 61. outlaya spending of money2. refill a new filling3. theoretically in theory4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car6. submarine a ship that can stay under water7. radiationthe process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out from atoms8. syntheticnot naturally produced ; artificialunit 71. pose as pretend to be2. pest an annoying thing3. suspense and anxietystate of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown4. fidgeting moving about restlessly5. assuremake somebody believe, feel sure6. apace quickly7. inquisitive chatterboxa person who is curious about other people and talkative8. obstinacy and willfulnessstubbornness and pig-headedness9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality10. justifygive a good reason foruint 8shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protectiondust-jacket----------------------h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book for protectionbecome engrossed in----------d. have one’s attention completely taken up bycontent--------------------------e. satisfactionbrowse--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiymentvariety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of thingsapart from ----------------------g. besadestempt----------------------------c. attractunit 9fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperiencedspectacular---------------------e. very impressiveadroit --------------------------g. quick and skilfulcoma----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injuryflurry---------------------------a. sudden excitementrecuperate---------------------b. get back one’s strengthmassive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of bloodfragile--------------------------f. easily injured or brokenconcussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brainpermanent---------------------h. lasting for a long time or forever unit10cudgel-------------------------c. short,thick stickbuck---------------------------g. lower one’s h ead or body so as to avoid being hitplacatory----------------------f. submissive,undisturbednegligently-------------------h. carelesslywry----------------------------b. twistedbawling-----------------------a. loud,rough shoutingpandemouium----------------d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorder gramophone------------------e. record-playerunit1 p121. it is an excellent photograph of mrs. johnson.george, her son, has decided tomake several 2. there was a temporary 3. this muslin is beautiful! but it’s so flimsy. is it ?4. the helicopter came to rescue the the plane crash as soon as thelocal authorities received the radio message.5. have you seen the school in the suburbs of london?6. a proverb says that a little7. he was tall and muscular. obviously he has a perfect .8. at the end of the interview the young man overcame his about his salary.9. the headmaster opened the door and looked at the with an air ofdisapproval.10. his efforts for an early proved to be a failure because he had to make suchan awkward journey.unit 2p281. 2. while (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open.3. (damage) during the war, the airport has never been usedagain.4. ’t possibly pay him a visit.5. 6. (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at the wild flowers.7. we didn’t think he was very old, 8. she was wheeled to the hospital,(follow) by her children.9. the children went to the park, a mile away from the school, (sing and talk10. i am sorry to have kept you (wait) for two hours.11. can you hear the children (shout) in the next room?12. he whispered “watch out” at the same time (try) to make as little noise as possible.13. the little girl sat in a corner in deep silence, (let) her doll dangle at her side.14. (find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in.unit 8p122a1. we haven’t seen him for more than ten years and i find hima (change) person, he has become a 2. in the (qualify) teachers will be sent here.3. there lived an unusually (determine) farmer in the nearby village.4. in order to improve our (lead) comrades in our department have made a5. taking a camel ride was a6. teaching is a more (demand) job than working as a tourist guide.7. the child, very (please), cleaned her (soil) hands and went to bed with her lovely toy.8. your unwillingness to cooperate with the doctor has made the case even more9. the (interest) spectators sat watching the (excite) football match for an hour in spite of their (soak) clothes.10. after a (tire) day ta work, the (tire) woman sat in the park enjoying the beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face.b1. the doctor insisted on (give) the patient an immediate operation2. (fascinate), we watched the sun3. if you practice (sing) often, you will know how (do) it without (make) such an exhibition of yourself.4. peter hated (keep) to his bed. he missed (play) with his friends and never failed(be) at the window (see) them (climb) the apple-tree.5. would you mind (open) the window?6. i persuaded him (take) care of the child while i went i really could not depend on his7. i oughtto tell (tell) my secretary to post the letter for me this morning but i was busy (prepare) a speech and i forgot8. “would you like ”“i would preferas a rule, i prefer (read) to watch(watch) tv.”9. “yesterday i found one of the pages in the book i bought you change it for me?”“i’m sorry”10. reference books are not allowed (take) out of the teachers’ readingroom.11. “the (clean).”“you needn’t tell me, i haven’t time”12. “it is no use our (wait) for him any longer. he doesn’t know the way sohe won’t come.”“but the film is worth ”“he’ll regret ”“i’m sure he’ll show up at any minute. he knows howused (be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.”unit 9 p138a1. boxing has been a controversial topic of conversation for a long time, itssupporters say that it is man’s instinct to wish to show that histhan that of his opponent.(strong)2. they maintain that this instinct makes boxing a sport that is fine and3. they also say that it is very good for young boys to learn how to defendthemselves in case of 4. those who wish to see the of boxing say just the opposite.(abolish)5. they declare that it is6. professional fighters are particularly criticized, but even more so the promoters ofboxing matches who, it is said, make untold out of the sufferings of the boxer.(wealthy)7. but it must be realized that boxers too can make a lot of money, and a good fightercan look forward to a comfortable if he is sensible.(retire)8. and it is that a famous boxer can attract far morespectators that eventhe most famous pop singer or film star.(deny)9. even the most can’t fail to be affected by the exciting atmosphere ofan important boxing match.(emotion)10. although we may not always approve of the motives that lead a man to take upprofessional boxing as a career, we can’t help admiring his in the ring.(brave)as a rule in a gesture of despairat such short noticein hostile silence claimkeep to ones bedcling to no exception to help outspoil if only1.as a rule southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread.2.everyone must get up at six to do morning exercises and those who stay up late are no exception to the rule.3. keep to your bed for three days,drink a lot of water and take two pills after each meal,the【篇二:新编英语教程3 李观仪翻译答案】他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。

Answers to Unit 1TEXT 1 ( P2 )My First JobComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?1. The writer thought that the likelihood of him getting the job was not great though he was young and eager to do something useful.T2. The headmaster liked the young man at first sight.FThe headmaster did not like the young man when he went for an interview. He looked at him with surprised disapproval and, instead of showing welcome to the young man, he just grunted, which was an expression of irritation and displeasure3. The headmaster saw eye to eye with the writer as far as children’s games were concerned.FThey did not think alike. To the headmaster, games played an essential role in a boy’s education but the writer did not consider games to have so much importance to the boys.4. The writer was not happy about his having to teach algebra and geometry, but he did not mind having to walk a mile along the dusty road to the Park.T5. The young man was satisfied with the salary he would get.FThe young man would only get twelve pounds a week including lunch, which was by no means good pay. Of course the writer was not satisfied. However, before he could say anything about the poor pay, the headmaster had stood up and asked the young man to meet his wife.6. The writer did not feel unhappy at the idea of working under the headmaster’s wife.FThe writer thought it was something he could hardly bear. To him, for a young man to work under a woman would be shameful and would result in a loss of dignity and self-respect.B. Explain the following in your own words.1. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something of use, I applied for the job. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very small because I didn’t have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. ...three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview.… three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3. He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone.He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldier when his bootlaces came loose.4. The headmaster and I obviously had singularly little in common.Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests or beliefs.5. The teaching set-up appalled me.The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (or, I was shocked at the teaching arrangements).6. I should have to split the class up into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels.I should have to divide the class into three groups of three different levels and teach them one after another.7. It was not so much having to tramp a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a crocodile of small boys that I minded, but the fact that most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed bya group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends would be having a good time and relaxing.8. The prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.TEXT 2 ( P3 )How to Do Well on a Job InterviewComprehensionTrue (T) or False (F)1. Most people think that a job interview is a terrible experience.Key: T2. You’re often given a reason if you’re not hired after an interview.Key: FIf you don’t get the job, you’re rarely given any reason why.3. You should neither wear casual student clothing nor overdress yourself when going to aninterview.Key: T4. To demonstrate your ability to be politely sociable, you should initiate small talk before gettingdown to business.Key: FYou should follow the interviewer’s lead and should not initiate any small talk or drag it out.5. You should be frank and list all your flaws to the interviewer.Key: FYou’ll come across as more believable if you admit a flaw – but make it one that an employer might actually like.6. A thank-you note shortly after the interview is one more chance to help you make a goodimpression.Key: TTEXT 3 ( P4 )Comprehension1 FThe Times is to sell the benefits of the classified columns by telephone.2. T3. FEducation is important4. FDrive here is a noun, meaning a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done or initiative (动力、干劲). Applicants must possess this sort of drive.5. FIt’s a job that anyone who thinks he is qualified can apply for.6. TGuided writing ( P5 )I love travelling by train. Fast expresses, slow local trains which stop at every station, suburban trains taking businessmen to their offices and home again; I enjoy them all. It must be the element of romance that attracts me. There is no romance on motorway, which is a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete, or in flying through the air in a pressurized tube from one identical plastic and glass airport to another. But trains are different. On a train, you can walk around, look at the scenery, observe your fellow passengers; whereas in a plane all you can see are the clouds and the back of other people’s heads. And then there are the stations. Some, I’m afraid, have become too like airport; others, fortunately, are old and dirty, full of unexpected details and with their own individual peculiarities. Traveling by train remains an adventure, as you try to interpret the timetable, persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a ticket and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker system. Then there is that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you are on the right train, or the right part of the train. There’s nothing like it.Precis writing ( P7 )I applied for my first job before I entered university because I was short of money. The school where I applied for a job was ten miles away from where I lived and I was not sure if I could get the job. However, after a terrible journey I was so depressed that I no longer felt nervous. The Victorian schoolhouses stood amid fumes and dust main road. The headmaster was not at all scholarly, neither was the inside of the house academic looking. By and by I discovered that the headmaster and I had very little in common. He wanted me to teach twenty-four boys from seven to thirteen who, were to be split up into three levels. I had to teach everything including the subjects I abhorred (憎恶). Furthermore, I had to work on Saturdays too. The pay was low. To top it all, I had to work under a woman, the headmaster’s wife, who was the real manager of the school.Paragraph Writing( 略)Letter Writing (略)Comprehensive Exercises ( P9 )1. Spelling ( P9 )1. advertise2. suburb3. range4. interview5. quarter6. depress7. dreary8. indignity9. disapproval10. geometry11. singularly12. leisure2. Dictation ( P9 )The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant, I guessed from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. Hanging down from the porch was sweet-smelling honeysuckle. My fingers lightly touched the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what surprise the future held for me.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to help me discover all things to me, and, more than anything thing else, to love me.3. Listening Comprehension ( P10 )A. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts.1. Henry would have liked his interview to begin at once.T2. The secretary waited in the manager’s office while the manager signed the letters.FThe manager signed the last letter and then rang the bell for his secretary to come in and take the letters away.3. The technical journals were very carefully arranged on the top shelf.FIt looked as if the technical journals might at any moment slip off the shelf and fall to the ground.4. The manager’s desk was very tidy.T5. The manager had no idea what job Henry had come for.FThe manager knew what job Henry had come for; he said, “You’ve come about our advertisement for a clerk in the accounts section, haven’t you?”B. Complete the following sentences with relevant information from the passage.1. The telephone rang just as the manager was explaining t that he was waiting for a long-distance call from Manchester.2. The manager apologized for keeping Henry waiting.3. The bookcase was so large that it covered the greater part of one wall.4. In the box which marked OUT, the manager dropped the letters which he had signed.4. Translation ( P10 )A. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1.他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
key to translation(新编英语教程第三册练习题翻译答案 李观仪)

• 5. The history of the Chinese civilization can be traced back to 3000 B. C.. • 6. What deeply touched me was that so many people were waiting outside ready to have their blood transfused to the child in the hope of saving his life.
• 3. Jim was so engrossed in his computer games that he did not hear his mother call. • 4. On New Year’s Eve, all the boys and girls of the town sang and danced to their hearts’ content.
• 6. The central government of the country expressed its deep concern over the possible epidemic of diseases in the flood-stricken areas. • 7. The audience came alive when the leading actor and actress of the Titanic appeared on the stage.
• 7. The results of these tests clearly show that you have an aptitude for music. • 8. They worked day and night in the laboratory for a whole month only to find that they were attempting the impossible.

新编英语3课后答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary (P16)1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth 6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment Translation (P17)1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation (P46)2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary (P62)1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have … trouble5) trouble with6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English(P93)1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donk ey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice(P96)万物之初,天地还是一体,充满混沌。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 11一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 12一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Text I1. resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n. a resolving to do something决心,决定:determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心2. bless [bles] vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有3. boundless [5baJndlIs] adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处是繁星闪烁。
4. tiptoe [5tiptEu] vi. to walk or move quietly on one’s toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。

新编⼤学英语第三册第三版第⼀单元课⽂翻译及课后练习答案Unit 1 PersonalityIn-Class Reading羞怯的痛苦1 对许多⼈来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。
2 很显然这种不安的感觉会对⼈产⽣不利的影响。
3 相⽐之下,羞怯的⼈⾃尊⼼较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他⼈影响。
5 如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难,就把⾃⼰列为差⽣,这不恰如其分。

新编英语教程第3册(李观仪主编)课后练习答案第1单元Text 1ComprehensionA. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. FB. 1. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something ofuse, I applied for the job. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very small because I didn’t have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. … three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to havean interview.3. He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonelwould look at a soldier when his bootlaces came loose.4. Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests.5. The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (Or, I was shockedat the teaching arrangements).6. I should have to divide the class into three groups of three differentlevels and teach them one after another.7. I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streetsof Croydon, followed by a group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends were having a good time and relaxing.8. The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made mefeel totally humiliated.Comprehensive ExercisesⅣ. TranslationA. 1. They all believed that he had a slim chance of success.2. I don’t know why she has an air of sadness all the time.3. It was after all the students had taken their seats that the president of thestudents’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. The stomach is a vital organ of the human body; please take good care ofit.5. He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so muchimportance to those routine trifles.6. Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full ofchallenge.7. As is scheduled, all the members of the staff take turns to do late duty.8. She was greatly upset at the thought of leaving her parents and living onher own in a remote area.9. We do not worry so much about her qualifications for the job as abouther health.10. He was greatly excited about the prospect of having a cruise around theworld.B. Reference versionFrom Fred's point of view, the interview was going very smoothly indeed. Five days before, he had applied for a job at a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of its directors.Fred had been working as a salesman. He wanted to change his job not because he was short of money, but because as a salesman he could hardly enjoy any leisure at all.Fred had been worried that he might lose his head and say something silly, but fortunately he found that he had a lot in common with the director.It was clear that the director was quite satisfied. Fred was thinking that his chances of landing the job were favourable when the director proceeded to ask, "Do you mind working overtime?"Ⅴ. Blank FillingA. 1. a round-faced girl 2. a bald-headed man 3. a white-haired woman 4. ablue-eyed baby 5. a broad-shouldered worker 6. a regular-featured young woman 7. a curly-haired child 8. a brushy-browed old man 9. aneven-tempered teacher 10. a clear-headed young manB. 1. enlargements 2. shortage 3. washable 4. survivors 5. advertisement 6. knowledge 7. constitution 8. nervousness 9. interviewee 10. arrivalC. 1. walked 2. was covered 3. was drawing 4. placed 5. gushed 6. spelled 7. fixed8. felt 9. was revealed 10. knew 11. meant 12. was flowing 13. awakened 14. gave 15. set 16. were 17. is 18. could be swept 19. left 20. had 21. gave 22. returned 23. touched 24. seemed 25. was 26. saw 27. had come 28. remembered 29. had broken30. left 31. picked 32. tried 33. were filled 34. realized 35. had doneD. 1. language 2. spoken / said 3. ourselves 4. without 5. read 6. be 7. it 8. compose 9. correct 10. organize 11. way 12. great13. just 14. grammar 15. by 16. their 17. how 18. memorize 19. learning 20. for 21. piece 22. language 23. and 24. wheneverE. 1. attaches great importance to 2. survived 3. competent, applied for 4. have much in common 5. judging by 6. get to his feet 7. ranging in price 8.a crocodile of , ranging in age 9. Being 10. not so much, but the fact thatⅥ. Sentence RewritingA. 1. Being too late… train, he hired… station.2. Being very…walking, he sat…rest.3. Being in… health, Jane was … regularly.4. Being…debt, John was not able to … university.B. 1. Turning to…left, he found… brick house.2. Looking at…coldly, the headmaster asked… in.3. Talking with…headmaster, I knew it…school.4. Seeing his wife…room, I…up.C. 1. The department store…prices, ranging from…e ach.2. On this…feelings, ranging from…hope.3. The average daily temperature… greatly, ranging from…20℃.4. This village…kinds, ranging from…garlic.。

Answers to Unit 1TEXT 1 ( P2 )My First JobComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?1. The writer thought that the likelihood of him getting the job was not great though he was young and eager to do something useful.T2. The headmaster liked the young man at first sight.FThe headmaster did not like the young man when he went for an interview. He looked at him with surprised disapproval and, instead of showing welcome to the young man, he just grunted, which was an expression of irritation and displeasure3. The headmaster saw eye to eye with the writer as far as children’s games were concerned.FThey did not think alike. To the headmaster, games played an essential role in a boy’s education but the writer did not consider games to have so much importance to the boys.4. The writer was not happy about his having to teach algebra and geometry, but he did not mind having to walk a mile along the dusty road to the Park.T5. The young man was satisfied with the salary he would get.FThe young man would only get twelve pounds a week including lunch, which was by no means good pay. Of course the writer was not satisfied. However, before he could say anything about the poor pay, the headmaster had stood up and asked the young man to meet his wife.6. The writer did not feel unhappy at the idea of working under the headmaster’s wife.FThe writer thought it was something he could hardly bear. To him, for a young man to work under a woman would be shameful and would result in a loss of dignity and self-respect.B. Explain the following in your own words.1. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something of use, I applied for the job. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very small because I didn’t have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. ...three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview.… three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3. He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone.He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldier when his bootlaces came loose.4. The headmaster and I obviously had singularly little in common.Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests or beliefs.5. The teaching set-up appalled me.The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (or, I was shocked at the teaching arrangements).6. I should have to split the class up into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels.I should have to divide the class into three groups of three different levels and teach them one after another.7. It was not so much having to tramp a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a crocodile of small boys that I minded, but the fact that most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed bya group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends would be having a good time and relaxing.8. The prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.TEXT 2 ( P3 )How to Do Well on a Job InterviewComprehensionTrue (T) or False (F)1. Most people think that a job interview is a terrible experience.Key: T2. You’re often given a reason if you’re not hired after an interview.Key: FIf you don’t get the job, you’re rarely given any reason why.3. You should neither wear casual student clothing nor overdress yourself when going to aninterview.Key: T4. To demonstrate your ability to be politely sociable, you should initiate small talk before gettingdown to business.Key: FYou should follow the interviewer’s lead and should not initiate any small talk or drag it out.5. You should be frank and list all your flaws to the interviewer.Key: FYou’ll come across as more believable if you admit a flaw – but make it one that an employer might actually like.6. A thank-you note shortly after the interview is one more chance to help you make a goodimpression.Key: TTEXT 3 ( P4 )Comprehension1 FThe Times is to sell the benefits of the classified columns by telephone.2. T3. FEducation is important4. FDrive here is a noun, meaning a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done or initiative (动力、干劲). Applicants must possess this sort of drive.5. FIt’s a job that anyone who thinks he is qualified can apply for.6. TGuided writing ( P5 )I love travelling by train. Fast expresses, slow local trains which stop at every station, suburban trains taking businessmen to their offices and home again; I enjoy them all. It must be the element of romance that attracts me. There is no romance on motorway, which is a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete, or in flying through the air in a pressurized tube from one identical plastic and glass airport to another. But trains are different. On a train, you can walk around, look at the scenery, observe your fellow passengers; whereas in a plane all you can see are the clouds and the back of other people’s heads. And then there are the stations. Some, I’m afraid, have become too like airport; others, fortunately, are old and dirty, full of unexpected details and with their own individual peculiarities. Traveling by train remains an adventure, as you try to interpret the timetable, persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a ticket and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker system. Then there is that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you are on the right train, or the right part of the train. There’s nothing like it.Precis writing ( P7 )I applied for my first job before I entered university because I was short of money. The school where I applied for a job was ten miles away from where I lived and I was not sure if I could get the job. However, after a terrible journey I was so depressed that I no longer felt nervous. The Victorian schoolhouses stood amid fumes and dust main road. The headmaster was not at all scholarly, neither was the inside of the house academic looking. By and by I discovered that the headmaster and I had very little in common. He wanted me to teach twenty-four boys from seven to thirteen who, were to be split up into three levels. I had to teach everything including the subjects I abhorred (憎恶). Furthermore, I had to work on Saturdays too. The pay was low. To top it all, I had to work under a woman, the headmaster’s wife, who was the real manager of the school.Paragraph Writing( 略)Letter Writing (略)Comprehensive Exercises ( P9 )1. Spelling ( P9 )1. advertise2. suburb3. range4. interview5. quarter6. depress7. dreary8. indignity9. disapproval10. geometry11. singularly12. leisure2. Dictation ( P9 )The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant, I guessed from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. Hanging down from the porch was sweet-smelling honeysuckle. My fingers lightly touched the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what surprise the future held for me.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to help me discover all things to me, and, more than anything thing else, to love me.3. Listening Comprehension ( P10 )A. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts.1. Henry would have liked his interview to begin at once.T2. The secretar y waited in the manager’s office while the manager signed the letters.FThe manager signed the last letter and then rang the bell for his secretary to come in and take the letters away.3. The technical journals were very carefully arranged on the top shelf.FIt looked as if the technical journals might at any moment slip off the shelf and fall to the ground.4. The manager’s desk was very tidy.T5. The manager had no idea what job Henry had come for.FThe manager knew what job Henry had come for; he said, “You’ve come about our advertisement for a clerk in the accounts section, haven’t you?”B. Complete the following sentences with relevant information from the passage.1. The telephone rang just as the manager was explaining t that he was waiting for a long-distance call from Manchester.2. The manager apologized for keeping Henry waiting.3. The bookcase was so large that it covered the greater part of one wall.4. In the box which marked OUT, the manager dropped the letters which he had signed.4. Translation ( P10 )A. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1.他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。

Unit 11.Fume smoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas2.sandy of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow3.somehow for some reason or other4.stale dry and unappetizing5.dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful6.proceed go ahead7.bloodshot full of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken8.dismayed made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of troubleUnit 21.rage be very angry2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables3.croaking rough and harsh4.murmur speak in a low but not clear voice5.wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle6.gesture of despair movement of the head or hand to show helplessness7.brutal cruel8.quarantine the period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spreadUnit 31.globe world2.circle move around3.indirectly not straight to the point ; in a roundabout way4.idle talk talking about unimportant things5.coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned orarranged6.hastily in a hurry7.demand ask forcefully8.roar speak in a loud, deep voiceUnit 41.will the legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property after death2.signature person’s name written by himself3.literary of literature4.supposition a guess5.playwright dramatist, a person who writes plays6.vague not clearly known7.confirm prove the truth of something8.verse poetryUnit 61.outlay a spending of money2.refill a new filling3.theoretically in theory4.uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy5.bonnet metal lid on the front of a car6.submarine a ship that can stay under water7.radiation the process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out fromatoms8.synthetic not naturally produced ; artificialUnit 71.pose as pretend to be2.pest an annoying thing3.suspense and anxiety state of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown4.fidgeting moving about restlessly5.assure make somebody believe, feel sure6.apace quickly7.inquisitive chatterbox a person who is curious about other people and talkative8.obstinacy and willfulness stubbornness and pig-headedness9.escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality10.justify give a good reason forUint 8Shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protectiondust-jacket----------------------h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book for protectionbecome engrossed in----------d. have one’s attention completely taken up byContent--------------------------e. satisfactionBrowse--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiymentV ariety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of thingsapart from ----------------------g. besadesTempt----------------------------c. attractUnit 9Fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperiencedSpectacular---------------------e. very impressiveAdroit --------------------------g. quick and skilfulComa----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injuryFlurry---------------------------a. sudden excitementRecuperate---------------------b. get back one’s strengthmassive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of bloodFragile--------------------------f. easily injured or brokenConcussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brainPermanent---------------------h. lasting for a long time or foreverUnit10Cudgel-------------------------c. short,thick stickBuck---------------------------g. lower one’s head or body so as to avoid being hitPlacatory----------------------f. submissive,undisturbedNegligently-------------------h. carelesslyWry----------------------------b. twistedBawling-----------------------a. loud,rough shoutingPandemouium----------------d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorderGramophone------------------e. record-playerUnit1 P121.It is an excellent photograph of Mrs. Johnson.George, her son, has decided tomake several enlargement .2.There was a temporary shortage of fresh water on that small island.3.This muslin is beautiful! But it’s so flimsy. Is it washable?4.The helicopter came to rescue the survivor of the plane crash as soon as thelocal authorities received the radio message.5.Have you seen the advertisement which says that a teaching post is vacant in aschool in the suburbs of London?6. A proverb says that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.7.He was tall and muscular. Obviously he has a perfect constitution.8.At the end of the interview the young man overcame his nervousness and askedabout his salary.9.The headmaster opened the door and looked at the interviewee with an air ofdisapproval.10.His efforts for an early arrival proved to be a failure because he had to make suchan awkward journey.Unit 2 P281.Be (be) a teacher, he wants to be competent enough in the subjects he is teaching.2.While crossing (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open.3.Having been damaged (damage) during the war, the airport has never been usedagain.4.Not knowing (not know) his address, I couldn’t possibly pay him a visit.5.Having settled (settle) down in a new country, I may soon forget my old habits.6.W alking (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at the wild flowers.7.We didn’t think he was very old, judging (judge) by the way he walks.8.She was wheeled to the hospital, followed (follow) by her children.9.The children went to the park, a mile away from the school, singing and talking(sing and talk10.I am sorry to have kept you waiting (wait) for two hours.11.Can you hear the children shouting (shout) in the next room?12.He whispered “Watch out” at the same time trying (try) to make as little noise aspossible.13.The little girl sat in a corner in deep silence, letting(let) her doll dangle at herside.14.Finding (Find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in.Unit 8 P122 A1.We haven’t seen him for more than ten years and I find him a changed (change)person, He has become a promising (promise) young man.2.In the coming (come) week, more qualified (qualify) teachers will be sent here.3.There lived an unusually determined (determine) farmer in the nearby village.4.In order to improve our spoken(speak) English, the leading(lead) comrades inour department have made a surprising (surprise) decision.5.Taking a camel ride was a frightening (frighten)experience for me6.Teaching is a more demanding (demand) job than working as a tourist guide.7.The child, very pleased (please), cleaned her soiled (soil) hands and went to bedwith her lovely toy.8.Y our unwillingness to cooperate with the doctor has made the case even morecomplicated9.The interested(interest) spectators sat watching the exciting(excite) footballmatch for an hour in spite of their soaked (soak) clothes.10.After a tiring (tire) day ta work, the tired (tire) woman sat in the park enjoyingthe beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face.B1.The doctor insisted on giving (give) the patient an immediate operation2.Fascinated (fascinate), we watched the sun rising (rise) above the horizon.3.If you practice singing(sing) often, you will know how to do(do) it withoutmaking (make) such an exhibition of yourself.4.Peter hated keeping(keep) to his bed. He missed playing (play) with his friendsand never failed to be (be) at the window to see (see) them climbing(climb) the apple-tree.5.Would you mind opening (open) the window?6.I persuaded him taking (take) care of the child while I went shopping (shop), butI really could not depend on his doing (do) anything I asked him to do (do).7.I ought to have remembered (remember) to tell (tell) my secretary to post theletter for me this morning but I was busy preparing(prepare) a speech and I forgot to do (do) so.8.“Would you like to watch (watch) television now?”“I would prefer to read (read) a newspaper.As a rule, I prefer reading (read) to watch (watch) TV.”9.“Y esterday I found one of the pages in the book I bought missing (miss). Couldyou change it for me?”“I’m sorry to tell (tell) you that all the copies of this book have been sold out.”10.Reference books are not allowed to be taken(take) out of the teachers’readingroom.11.“The swimming (swim) pool needs to cleaning (clean).”“Y ou needn’t tell me, I haven’t time to do (do) it.”12. “It is no use our waiting (wait) for him any longer. He doesn’t know the way sohe won’t come.”“But the film is worth seeing (see).”“He’ll regret missing (miss) the chance.”“I’m sure he’ll show up at any minute. He knows how to find (find) his way. He used to be (be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.”Unit 9 P138 A1.Boxing has been a controversial topic of conversation for a long time, itssupporters say that it is man’s instinct to wish to show that his strength is greater than that of his opponent.(STRONG)2.They maintain that this instinct makes boxing a sport that is fine andmanly.(MAN)3.They also say that it is very good for young boys to learn how to defendthemselves in case of necessity.(NECESSARY)4.Those who wish to see the abolition of boxing say just the opposite.(ABOLISH)5.They declare that it is brutal and savage.(BRUTE)6.Professional fighters are particularly criticized, but even more so the promoters o fboxing matches who, it is said, make untold wealth out of the sufferings of the boxer.(WEALTHY)7.But it must be realized that boxers too can make a lot of money, and a good fightercan look forward to a comfortable retirement if he is sensible.(RETIRE)8.And it is undeniable that a famous boxer can attract far more spectators that eventhe most famous pop singer or film star.(DENY)9.Even the most unemotional can’t fail to be affected by the exciting atmosphere ofan important boxing match.(EMOTION)10.Although we may not always approve of the motives that lead a man to take upprofessional boxing as a career, we can’t help admiring his bravery in the ring.(BRAVE)As a rule In a gesture of despair At such short noticeIn hostile silence Claim Keep to one's bedCling to No exception to Help outSpoil If only1.As a rule southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread.2.Everyone must get up at six to do morning exercises and those who stay up late are no exception to the rule.3." Keep to your bed for three days,drink a lot of water and take two pills after each meal,"thedoctor said to him.4.When Mary had broken several plates for the third time on the same day,her mother spread out her hands in a gesture of despair.5.The little boy clung to his mother, and kept asking her to tell him a story.6.She spilt some milk on the desk and spoiled our new tablecloth/7.It is said that"the cursed cave" has already claimed many lives.8.Mr.Smith helped out with the milking on the farm.9.We received three days' notice to vacate the house as the rent was overdue.Jack was sitting in a corner in hostile silence because it was unreasonable of landlady to ask us to move out at such short notice.10.Our room is in a terrible mess. If only mother could be here/As if It so happened Caught up withLoses Coincidence Make any differenceExtraordinary concurrence of events On the contraryGains Purple with anger1.Does it make any difference whether you do it alone or with the help of others?2.It does seem a happy coincidence that April 23rd was Shakespeare's date of birth as well as the date of his death.3.My watch doesn't work properly,sometimes it gains and sometimes it loses.4.I don't think that Chinese youth are a "lost generation", on the contrary, they are a vital force in the realization of the four modernizations.5. The fact that China won so many gold medals in the 1996 Olympic Games shows that we have caught up with the world advanced level in some sports and games.6.Having been brought up in England,the young Indian man spoke as if he were a native English speaker.7.It so happened that on the day when she visited the great,remarkable castle in Britain,I was there too. —What would you call it ? —i'd call it an extraordinary concurrence of events.8.On hearing my comment on his work,he yelled, purple with anger.Am doubtful Its effects will be felt Are equal toTo sum up Be well on the way There is much outlay on Except Worth1.the human brain is able to work in many different ways —it can classify all kinds of information;it can think creatively,it can make astonishing scientific and technical progress. To sum up,it is a complex and delicate part of the human organism.2.A computer can do nearly everything that man can do except for one thing,i.e.,it can't think creatively.3.This article is of great value in our work.It is worth our studying thoroughly.4.Many people say that Chinese herbal tonic may not give quick results,but its effects will be felt eventually.5.People in many countries like to have pets.They keep cats,dogs,fish,birds,tortoises,guinea pigs and even snakes and monkeys.As a result, there is much outlay on pet food and accessories.6.As we all know,sports are not just for participants;they are for spectators as well.Many people enjoy being"fans "or "supporters "of one team or one particular sportsman.As a matter of fact,the popularity and fame of many professional sportsmen are equal to those of the greatest Hollywood movie stars.7.I am doubtful about your ability to understand different gestures.8.If we have sufficient funds and support,we'll be well on the way to researching space exploration.At the end In the middle of Be engaged inJustify himself Conclusion Keep thinkingDraw Rush Dreadful necessityShow particular aptitude Itch Something for nothingIgnore Strong-minded Indiscreet enough At the end of the trial,we kept thinking of one thing—what conclusion can we draw from this trial?The defendant was young man only in his late twenties,who showed particular aptitude for mechanical engineering.Many a time he was rushed in to solve some complicated production problems when he was in the middle of a meal or (was) engaged in some experiments.But two months ago,he was indiscreet enough to get involved in gambling.After he had got something for nothing for a number of times,he felt so happy that he even justified himself by saying that it was only a recreational activity that he did in his spare time.He ignored the repeated advice and kind criticism from his parents,colleagues,and schoolmates.He was not dreadful necessity enough to quit gambling.When he saw a game of cards being played,he would itch to take someone's place.Finally he got deeply into debt and,out of dreadful necessity, he began to steal money from the factory safe.He was caught red-handed and tried in court.Be shocked to the core Recall Get ... Nowhere Sway from side to side In particular There was a fatal note of pleading Mount What was the worst Nail downAfter years of struggle as a lawyer,Ruth had saved enough money to buy a four storeyed building in the heart of Harlem.When she took over the building ,she was shocked to the core.It was in a terrible condition.She could still recall what it was like then,The whole building was in disrepair. In particular, the toilets did not work; the furnace was broken so there was no hot water;the floors,stairs and walls were in a state of decay, Many windows swayed from side to side in the wind.As she looked at it,a sudden feeling of being deceived mounted in her.She could not choose but put more money into the building.After she had it renovated from cellar to roof,the building took on a completely new look.When she applied for the legal use of the building,she ran into a lot of troubles.And what was the worst was that,these troubles couldn't be nailed down.When she finally went to the District Attorney to report the case, t here was a fatal note of pleading in her voice.But as it turned out,her talk with him got her nowhere.Unit 11.他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。

•试看部分内容Unit 1一、词汇短语Text I1s u b u rb[5sQ b E:b] n.a u s u a l l y re si de n ti al a re a o r co m m unity outlying a city郊区2a pp l y [E5p lai] v.a) to re qu e st o r se e k assi st an ce, e m p l oyment, or admi ssion提出申请:apply for a visa申请签证;b) to pu t to o r ad a p t f o r a s p e ci al u se应用,把…应用于:She applies all her money to her mortgage.她将她所有的钱都用来付抵押贷款。
c) to cause to work hard or wi th careful attention专心于:He applied himself to his n ew job.【扩展】application(n.申请;应用)/ appli cable(a d j.可应用的)/a p p l i can t(n.申请者)/ap p l i e d(a d j.应用的,实用的)3degree [dI5^ri:] n. a title gi ven by a universi ty学位:the degree of Master of Arts文学硕士学位4slim [slim] a d j. a) small in quantity or amount微小的,微薄的:slim chances of success很小的成功机会;b) small i n gi rth o r th i ck n e ss i n pro po rti o n to h e i gh t o r l e n gth 苗条的,修长的5s u m mo n[5s Qm E n]v.to c a l l to ge th e r; co n v e n e召集;召唤:Th e g e n e r al su m m o n e d al l h i s o f f i ce r s.将军把所有的军官召集在一起。

Unit 1 恰到好处Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it into the wood. A skillful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly. A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective(模糊的形容词), will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。

李观仪新编英语教程第三版2练习册第一单元答案PPT 第三单元提升练习一、读拼音,写词语。
1.弟弟kù ài()音乐,只要听见奇妙的乐声,他便chén jìn()其中。
2.shǔ jià()前,我们举行了一次tǐ cāo()比赛。
3.在fǎn huí()学校的途中,我qià qiǎo()碰到了小区的bǎoān()。
稳步陆续已连续(1)孔子回答了师襄的问题之后,又( )弹奏起来。
(2)我( )两次赢得了“三好学生”的称号。
(3)放学了,同学们( )走出校园。
(仿写比喻句)2.( )友人家门没栓,( )无法莽撞房门。
(1)明日复明日, !(2)自把玉钗敲砌竹, 。

Unit 1 1.Fume smoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas 2.sandy of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow 3.somehow for some reason or other 4.stale dry and unappetizing 5.dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful 6.proceed go ahead 7.bloodshot full of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken 8.dismayed made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble Unit 2 1.rage be very angry 2.a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables 3.croaking rough and harsh 4.murmur speak in a low but not clear voice 5.wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle 6.gesture of despair movement of the head or hand to show helplessness 7.brutal cruel 8.quarantine the period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spread Unit 3 1.globe world 2.circle move around 3.indirectly not straight to the point ; in a roundabout way 4.idle talk talking about unimportant things 5.coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned or arranged 6.hastily in a hurry 7.demand ask forcefully 8.roar speak in a loud, deep voice Unit 4 ’s property after death 1.will the legal statement concerning the disposal of one2.signature personperson’’s name written by himself 3.literary of literature 4.supposition a guess 5.playwright dramatist, a person who writes plays 6.vague not clearly known 7.confirm prove the truth of something 8.verse poetry Unit 6 1. outlay a spending of money 2. refill a new filling 3. theoretically in theory 4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy 5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car 6. submarine a ship that can stay under water 7. radiation the process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out from atoms 8. synthetic not naturally produced ; artificial Unit 7 1. pose as pretend to be 2. pest an annoying thing 3. suspense and anxiety state of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown 4. fidgeting moving about restlessly 5. assure make somebody believe, feel sure 6. apace quickly 7. inquisitive chatterbox a person who is curious about other people and talkative 8. obstinacy and willfulness stubbornness and pig-headedness 9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality 10. justify give a good reason for Uint 8 Shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protection dust-jacket----------------------h. dust-jacket----------------------h. a a a loose loose loose paper paper paper cover cover cover put put put roung roung roung the the the hard hard hard cover cover cover of of of a a a book book book for for protection become engrossed in----------d. have one ’s attention completely taken up by Content--------------------------e. satisfaction Browse--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiyment Variety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of things apart from ----------------------g. besades Tempt----------------------------c. attract Unit 9 Fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperienced Spectacular---------------------e. very impressive Adroit --------------------------g. quick and skilful Coma----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injury Flurry---------------------------a. sudden excitement Recuperate---------------------b. get back one ’s strength massive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of blood Fragile--------------------------f. easily injured or broken Concussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brain Permanent---------------------h. lasting for a long time or forever Unit10 Cudgel-------------------------c. short,thick stick Buck---------------------------g. lower one ’s head or body so as to avoid being hit Placatory----------------------f. submissive,undisturbed Negligently-------------------h. carelessly Wry----------------------------b. twisted Bawling-----------------------a. loud,rough shouting Pandemouium----------------d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorder Gramophone------------------e. record-player Unit1 P12 1. It It is is is an an an excellent excellent excellent photograph photograph photograph of of of Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Johnson.George, Johnson.George, Johnson.George, her her her son, son, son, has has has decided decided decided to to make several e nlargement enlargement . 2. There was a temporary shortage of fresh water on that small island. 3. This muslin is beautiful! But it ’s so flimsy. Is it washable ? 4. The The helicopter helicopter helicopter came came came to to to rescue rescue rescue the the survivor of of the the the plane plane plane crash crash crash as as as soon soon soon as as as the the local authorities received the radio message. 5. Have you seen the advertisement which says that a teaching post is vacant in a school in the suburbs of London? 6. A proverb says that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 7. He was tall and muscular. Obviously he has a perfect constitution . 8. At the end of the interview the young man overcame his nervousness and asked about his salary. 9. The The headmaster headmaster headmaster opened opened opened the the the door door door and and and looked looked looked at at at the the interviewee with with an an an air air air of of disapproval. 10. His efforts for an early arrival proved to be a failure because he had to make such an awkward journey. Unit 2 P28 1. Be (be) a teacher, he wants to be competent enough in the subjects he is teaching. 2. While crossing (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open. 3. Having been damaged (damage) during the war, the airport has never been used again. 4. Not knowing (not know) his address, I couldn ’t possibly pay him a visit. 5. Having settled (settle) down in a new country, I may soon forget my old habits. 6. Walking (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at the wild flowers. 7. We didn We didn’’t think he was very old, judging (judge) by the way he walks. 8. She was wheeled to the hospital, followed(follow) by her children. (follow) by her children. 9. The children went to the park, a mile away from the school, singing and talking(sing and talk 10. I am sorry to have kept you waiting (wait) for two hours. 11. Can you hear the children shouting (shout) in the next room? 12. He whispered “Watch out ” at the same time trying (try) to make as little noise as possible. 13. The little girl sat sat in in in a corner in a corner in deep silence, letting (let) her doll dangle at her side. 14. Finding (Find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in. Unit 8 P122 A 1. We haven ’t seen him for more than ten years and I find him a changed (change) person, He has become a promising (promise) young man. 2. In the c oming coming (come) week, morequalified (qualify) teachers will be sent here. (qualify) teachers will be sent here. 3. There lived an unusually determined (determine) farmer in the nearby village. 4. In order to improve our spoken (speak) English, the leading (lead) comrades in our department have made a surprising (surprise) decision. 5. Taking a camel ride was a frightening (frighten)experience for me 6. Teaching is a more demanding (demand) job than working as a tourist guide. 7. The child, very pleased (please), cleaned her soiled (soil) hands and went to bed with her lovely toy. 8. our Y our unwillingness unwillingness unwillingness to to to cooperate cooperate cooperate with with with the the the doctor doctor doctor has has has made made made the the the case case case even even even more morecomplicated9. The interested (interest) (interest) spectators spectators spectators sat sat sat watching watching watching the the exciting (excite) (excite) football football match for an hour in spite of their soaked (soak) clothes. 10. After a tiring (tire) day ta work, the tired (tire) woman sat in the park enjoying the beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face. B 1. The doctor insisted on giving (give) the patient an immediate operation 2. Fascinated (fascinate), we watched the sun rising (rise) above the horizon. 3. If If you you you practice practice singing (sing) (sing) often, often, often, you you you will will will know know know how how to do (do) (do) it it it without without making (make) such an exhibition of yourself. 4. Peter hated k eeping keeping (keep) to his bed. He missed playing (play) with his friends and never failed to be (be) at the window to see (see) them climbing (climb) the apple-tree. 5. Would you mind o pening opening (open) the window? 6. I persuaded him taking (take) care of the child while I went shopping (shop), but I really could not depend on his doing (do) anything I asked him to do (do). 7. I I ought ought to have remembered (remember) (remember) to to to tell tell tell (tell) (tell) (tell) my my my secretary secretary secretary to to to post post post the the letter letter for for for me me me this this this morning morning morning but but but I I I was was was busy busy preparing (prepare) (prepare) a a a speech speech speech and and and I I forgot to do (do) so. 8. “Would you like t o to watch (watch) television now?” “I would prefer to read (read) a newspaper. (read) a newspaper. As a rule, I prefer reading (read) to watch (watch) TV.” 9. “Yesterday I found one of the pages in the book I bought missing (miss). Could you change it for me?”“I ’m sorry to tell(tell) you that all the copies of this book have been sold out.” 10. Reference books are not allowed to be taken (take) out of the teachers ’ reading room. 11. “The swimming (swim) pool needs to cleaning(clean).(clean).(clean).”” “You needn You needn’’t tell me, I haven ’t time to do (do) it. (do) it.” 12. “It is no use our waiting (wait) for him any longer. He doesn’t know the way so he won ’t come.”“But the film is worth seeing (see).” “He He’’ll regret m issing missing (miss) the chance.” “I ’m sure he’ll show up at any minute. He knows how to find (find) his way. He (find) his way. He used to be(be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.(be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.”Unit 9 P138 A 1. Boxing Boxing has has has been been been a a a controversial controversial topic topic of of of conversation conversation conversation for for for a a a long long long time, time, time, its its supporters say that it is man ’s instinct to wish to show that his strength is greater than that of his opponent.(STRONG) 2. They maintain that this instinct makes boxing a sport that is fine and manly .(MAN) 3. They They also also also say say say that that that it it it is is is very very very good good good for for for young young young boys boys boys to to to learn learn learn how how how to to to defend defend themselves in case of necessity .(NECESSARY) 4. Those who wish to see the abolition of boxing say just the opposite.(ABOLISH) 5. They declare that it is brutal and savage.(BRUTE) 6. Professional fighters are particularly criticized, but even more so the promoters of boxing matches who, it is said, make untold wealth out of the sufferings of the boxer.(WEALTHY) 7. But it must be realized that boxers too can make a lot of money, and a good fighter can look forward to a comfortable retirement if he is sensible.(RETIRE) 8. And it is undeniable that a famous boxer can attract far more spectators that even the most famous pop singer or film star.(DENY) 9. Even the most unemotional can’t fail to be affected by the exciting atmosphere of an important boxing match.(EMOTION) 10. Although we may not always approve of the motives that lead a man to take up professional professional boxing boxing boxing as as as a a a career, career, career, we we we can can can’’t t help help help admiring admiring admiring his his bravery in in the the ring.(BRA ring.(BRAVE) VE) As a rule In a gesture of despair At such short notice In hostile silence Claim Keep to one's bed Cling to No exception to Help out Spoil If only 1.As a rule southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread. southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread. 2.Everyone must get up at six to do morning exercises and those who stay up late are no exception to the rule. 3." Keep to your bed for three days,drink a lot of water and take two pills after each meal,"the doctor said to him. 4.When Mary had broken several plates for the third time on the same day,her mother spread out her hands i n in a gesture of despair . 5.The little boy clung to his mother, and kept asking her to tell him a story. 6.She spilt some milk on the desk and spoiled our new tablecloth/ 7.It is said that"the cursed cave" has already claimed many lives. 8.Mr.Smith helped out with the milking on the farm. with the milking on the farm. 9.We received three days' notice to vacate the house as the rent was overdue.Jack was sitting in a corner in hostile silence because it was unreasonable of landlady to ask us to move out because it was unreasonable of landlady to ask us to move out at suchshort notice. 10.Our room is in a terrible mess. If only mother could be here/ As if It so happened Caught up with Loses Coincidence Make any difference Extraordinary concurrence of events On the contrary Gains Purple with anger 1.Does it m ake make any difference whether you do it alone or with the help of others? whether you do it alone or with the help of others? 2.It does seem a happy coincidence that April 23rd was Shakespeare's date of birth as well as the date of his death. 3.My watch doesn't work properly,sometimes it gains and sometimes it loses . 4.I don't think that Chinese youth are a "lost generation", on the contrary , they are a vital force in , they are a vital force in the realization of the four modernizations. 5. 5. The fact that China won so many gold medals in the 1996 Olympic Games shows that we have The fact that China won so many gold medals in the 1996 Olympic Games shows that we have caught up with the world advanced level in some sports and games. the world advanced level in some sports and games. 6.Having been brought up in England,the young Indian man spoke as if he were a native English he were a native English speaker. 7.It so happened that that on on on the the the day day day when when when she she she visited visited visited the the the great,remarkable great,remarkable great,remarkable castle castle castle in in in Britain,I Britain,I Britain,I was was there too. —What would you call it ? —i'd call it an extraordinary concurrence of events . 8.On hearing my comment on his work,he yelled, purple with anger . . Am doubtful Its effects will be felt Are equal to To sum up Be well on the way There is much outlay on Except Worth 1.the 1.the human human human brain brain brain is is is able able able to to to work work work in in in many many many different different different ways ways — it it can can can classify classify classify all all all kinds kinds kinds of of information;it information;it can can can think think think creatively,it creatively,it creatively,it can can can make make make astonishing astonishing astonishing scientific scientific scientific and and and technical technical technical progress. progress. Tosum up,it is a complex and delicate part of the human organism. 2.A 2.A computer computer computer can can can do do do nearly nearly nearly everything everything everything that that that man man man can can can do do except for for one one one thing,i.e.,it thing,i.e.,it thing,i.e.,it can't can't can't think think creatively. 3.This article is of great value in our work.It is worth our studying thoroughly. 4.Many people say that Chinese herbal tonic may not give quick results,but its effects will be felt eventually. 5.People in many countries like to have pets.They keep cats,dogs,fish,birds,tortoises,guinea pigs and even snakes and monkeys.As a result, there is much outlay on pet food and accessories. 6.As we all know,sports are not just for participants;they are for spectators as well.Many people enjoy being"fans "or "supporters "of one team or one particular sportsman.As a matter of fact,the popularity and fame of many professional sportsmen are equal to those of the greatest Hollywood those of the greatest Hollywood movie stars. 7.I am doubtful about your ability to understand different gestures. about your ability to understand different gestures. 8.If we we have have have sufficient sufficient funds funds and and and support,we'll support,we'll be well on the way to to researching researching researching space space exploration. At the end In the middle of Be engaged in Justify himself Conclusion Keep thinking Draw Rush Dreadful necessity Show particular aptitude Itch Something for nothing Ignore Strong-minded Indiscreet enough At the end of the trial,we of the trial,we kept thinking of one thing —what conclusion can we draw from this trial? The defendant was young man only in his late twenties,who showed particular aptitude for for mechanical mechanical engineering.Many engineering.Many engineering.Many a a a time time time he he he was was rushed in in to to to solve solve solve some some some complicated complicated complicated production production problems when he was in the middle of a meal or (was) engaged in some experiments. some experiments. But two months ago,he was indiscreet enough to get involved in gambling.After he had got something for nothing for a number of times,he felt so happy that he even for a number of times,he felt so happy that he even justified himself by by saying that it was only a recreational activity that he did in his spare time. He ignored the repeated advice and kind criticism from his parents,colleagues,and schoolmates.He schoolmates.He was was was not not dreadful necessity enough enough to to to quit quit quit gambling.When gambling.When gambling.When he he he saw saw saw a a a game game game of of cards being played,he would itch to take someone's place. Finally he got deeply into debt and,out of dreadful necessity, he began to steal money from the factory safe.He was caught red-handed and tried in court. Be shocked to the core Recall Get ... Nowhere Sway from side to side In particular There was a fatal note of pleading Mount What was the worst Nail down After After years years years of of of struggle struggle struggle as as as a a a lawyer,Ruth lawyer,Ruth lawyer,Ruth had had had saved saved saved enough enough enough money money money to to to buy buy buy a a a four four four storeyed storeyed building in the heart of Harlem.When she took over the building ,she was shocked to the core. It was in a terrible condition.She could still recall what it was like then,The whole building was in disrepair. In particular, the toilets did not work; the furnace was broken so there was no hot water;the floors,stairs and walls were in a state of decay, Many windows swayed from side to side in the wind.As she looked at it,a sudden feeling of being deceived mounted in her.She could not choose but put more money into the building. After she had it renovated from cellar to roof,the building took on a completely new look. When she applied for the legal use of the building,she ran into a lot of troubles.And what wasthe worst was that,these troubles couldn't be was that,these troubles couldn't be nailed down.When she finally went to the District Attorney to report the case, t here was a fatal note of pleading in her voice.But as it turned out,her talk with him got her n owhere nowhere . Unit 11. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
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Answers to Unit 1TEXT 1 ( P2 )My First JobComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?1. The writer thought that the likelihood of him getting the job was not great though he was young and eager to do something useful.T2. The headmaster liked the young man at first sight.FThe headmaster did not like the young man when he went for an interview. He looked at him with surprised disapproval and, instead of showing welcome to the young man, he just grunted, which was an expression of irritation and displeasure3. The headmaster saw eye to eye with the writer as far as children’s games were concerned.FThey did not think alike. To the headmaster, games played an essential role in a boy’s education but the writer did not consider games to have so much importance to the boys.4. The writer was not happy about his having to teach algebra and geometry, but he did not mind having to walk a mile along the dusty road to the Park.T5. The young man was satisfied with the salary he would get.FThe young man would only get twelve pounds a week including lunch, which was by no means good pay. Of course the writer was not satisfied. However, before he could say anything about the poor pay, the headmaster had stood up and asked the young man to meet his wife.6. The writer did not feel unhappy at the idea of working under the headmaster’s wife.FThe writer thought it was something he could hardly bear. To him, for a young man to work under a woman would be shameful and would result in a loss of dignity and self-respect.B. Explain the following in your own words.1. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim. Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something of use, I applied for the job. But at the same time that I did so, I was afraid that the possibility for me to get the job was very small because I didn’t have a university degree, nor did I have any teaching experience.2. ...three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview.… three days later I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3. He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone.He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldier when his bootlaces came loose.4. The headmaster and I obviously had singularly little in common.Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests or beliefs.5. The teaching set-up appalled me.The way teaching was organized filled me with terror (or, I was shocked at the teaching arrangements).6. I should have to split the class up into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels.I should have to divide the class into three groups of three different levels and teach them one after another.7. It was not so much having to tramp a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a crocodile of small boys that I minded, but the fact that most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed bya group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends would be having a good time and relaxing.8. The prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.TEXT 2 ( P3 )How to Do Well on a Job InterviewComprehensionTrue (T) or False (F)1. Most people think that a job interview is a terrible experience.Key: T2. You’re often given a reason if you’re not hired after an interview.Key: FIf you don’t get the job, you’re rarely given any reason why.3. You should neither wear casual student clothing nor overdress yourself when going to aninterview.Key: T4. To demonstrate your ability to be politely sociable, you should initiate small talk before gettingdown to business.Key: FYou should follow the interviewer’s lead and should not initiate any small talk or drag it out.5. You should be frank and list all your flaws to the interviewer.Key: FYou’ll come across as more believable if you admit a flaw – but make it one that an employer might actually like.6. A thank-you note shortly after the interview is one more chance to help you make a goodimpression.Key: TTEXT 3 ( P4 )Comprehension1 FThe Times is to sell the benefits of the classified columns by telephone.2. T3. FEducation is important4. FDrive here is a noun, meaning a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done or initiative (动力、干劲). Applicants must possess this sort of drive.5. FIt’s a job that anyone who thinks he is qualified can apply for.6. TGuided writing ( P5 )I love travelling by train. Fast expresses, slow local trains which stop at every station, suburban trains taking businessmen to their offices and home again; I enjoy them all. It must be the element of romance that attracts me. There is no romance on motorway, which is a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete, or in flying through the air in a pressurized tube from one identical plastic and glass airport to another. But trains are different. On a train, you can walk around, look at the scenery, observe your fellow passengers; whereas in a plane all you can see are the clouds and the back of other people’s heads. And then there are the stations. Some, I’m afraid, have become too like airport; others, fortunately, are old and dirty, full of unexpected details and with their own individual peculiarities. Traveling by train remains an adventure, as you try to interpret the timetable, persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a ticket and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker system. Then there is that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you are on the right train, or the right part of the train. There’s nothing like it.Precis writing ( P7 )I applied for my first job before I entered university because I was short of money. The school where I applied for a job was ten miles away from where I lived and I was not sure if I could get the job. However, after a terrible journey I was so depressed that I no longer felt nervous. The Victorian schoolhouses stood amid fumes and dust main road. The headmaster was not at all scholarly, neither was the inside of the house academic looking. By and by I discovered that the headmaster and I had very little in common. He wanted me to teach twenty-four boys from seven to thirteen who, were to be split up into three levels. I had to teach everything including the subjects I abhorred (憎恶). Furthermore, I had to work on Saturdays too. The pay was low. To top it all, I had to work under a woman, the headmaster’s wife, who was the real manager of the school.Paragraph Writing( 略)Letter Writing (略)Comprehensive Exercises ( P9 )1. Spelling ( P9 )1. advertise2. suburb3. range4. interview5. quarter6. depress7. dreary8. indignity9. disapproval10. geometry11. singularly12. leisure2. Dictation ( P9 )The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant, I guessed from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. Hanging down from the porch was sweet-smelling honeysuckle. My fingers lightly touched the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what surprise the future held for me.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to help me discover all things to me, and, more than anything thing else, to love me.3. Listening Comprehension ( P10 )A. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts.1. Henry would have liked his interview to begin at once.T2. The secretar y waited in the manager’s office while the manager signed the letters.FThe manager signed the last letter and then rang the bell for his secretary to come in and take the letters away.3. The technical journals were very carefully arranged on the top shelf.FIt looked as if the technical journals might at any moment slip off the shelf and fall to the ground.4. The manager’s desk was very tidy.T5. The manager had no idea what job Henry had come for.FThe manager knew what job Henry had come for; he said, “You’ve come about our advertisement for a clerk in the accounts section, haven’t you?”B. Complete the following sentences with relevant information from the passage.1. The telephone rang just as the manager was explaining t that he was waiting for a long-distance call from Manchester.2. The manager apologized for keeping Henry waiting.3. The bookcase was so large that it covered the greater part of one wall.4. In the box which marked OUT, the manager dropped the letters which he had signed.4. Translation ( P10 )A. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1.他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。