牛津译林英语八年级上册Unit6 birdwatching (共33张PPT)

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To learn some kinds of birds and their general features: crane, sparrow, swan, eagle
To learn to talk about the birds you like To learn the new words and useful
根据所给汉语意思完成句子。 1. 天鹅是什么样子的,你能告诉我吗?
W__h_a_t_d__o_s_w_a_n_s__lo_o_k__li_k_e_? Can you tell me? 2. 和所有母亲一样,母鸡总是很细心地照 顾小鸡。 Like all other mothers, h__en__s_a_lw__a_y_s_l_o_o_k _a_ft_e_r_c_h_i_c_k_e_n_s_c_a_r_e_fu_l_ly__.
Words review
birdwatching market yeah hen yummy crane sparrow
n. 观鸟 n. 市场 excl. <口> 是的 n. 母鸡 adj. <口> 美味的,可口的 n. 鹤 n. 麻雀
Words review
feather swan eagle broad wing type rare
What is…like用法归纳
• 1. 询问天气情况。如: • A:What was the weather like? 天气怎么样? • B:It was very windy. 风很大。 • 2. 要求对方对特写事物进行描述。 • A:What was the exam like? • 这次考试怎么样? • B:It was very difficult. 难极了。
in front of the class
Work in pairs and talk about the birds you like. Use Annie and Simon’s conversation as a model.
A: What’s your favourite bird, Sally? B: I like swans. A: What do swans look like? B: Swans have a long thin neck and
2. What does Eddie like? He likes hens and ducks.
3. Does Eddie really like watching the birds? No, he doesn’t. He likes
eating them.
to watch the birds 去观鸟
逐 字 逐 句 进 行传达 ,确保传 达学习 零遗漏 、全覆 盖。 2.领 导 带 头 、 深刻 领会全 会精神 。县直 机关各 单位党 组领导 班子,特 别是主 要负责 同 志 要 率 先 垂范,带 头学习 ,结合“ 三会一 课”等 形式,组 织专 题学习 ,集交流 学习体 会 ,做 到 以 上 率下,严 实结合 。县直 机关工 委将把 各单位 学习贯 彻的情况计入党建考
十 八 届 六 中 全会审 议通过 的《准 则》《 条例》 学习计 划全会 审议通 过的《 准则》 《 条 例 》 学 习计划
以 下 是 关 于 ,欢迎阅 读参考 。 一:
根 据 县 委 《 关于开 展学习 贯彻〈 关于新 形势下 党内政 治生活 的若干 准则〉 和〈国 共 产 党 党 内 监督条 例〉的 通知》 的文件 要求293号 ),现 就开展 学习贯 彻《准 则》和
What bird is this? What does it look like?
Swan white feathers
long thin neck
What bird is this? What does it look like? Eagle
brown feathers
broad wings
• 3. 用于人时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的性格、品质
A:What is she like? 她长得如何? • B:Very beautiful. 长得很漂亮。 • A:What is he like? 他是怎样一个人? • B:He is very kind. 他很友好。
What do(es) sb. look like? 某人长得什么样? What’s sb. like? 某人是个什么样的人?
3.责 任 落 实 、 学习 效果有 保障。 每位党 员通读 全会公 报、《 准则》 和《条 例》后 , 要 向 所 在 党 支部书 记做出 报告,由
党 支 部 书 记 向上一 级党组 织报告 。各县 直机关 党委、 党总支 部和直 属党支 部每天 下 午 3点 钟 要 把组织 学习情
Welcome to the unit
4.It is small bird with long-pointed wings and
a tail with two points.
5.It is a web-footed seabird. seagull
6.It is tall. It has long legs and a long thin neck.
Eddie also likes birds. What kinds of birds do you think he likes? Can you guess?
Listen and answer the questions.
1. Why does Eddie often go to the market? He often goes there to watch the birds.
1. Use different tones.
2. Add your own actions to make the dialogue more interesting.
What do cranes look like? What do(es) sb. look like? 用于提问人 的长相、外貌,意为“某人长得什么 样?” 。 What’s sb. like? 用于人时,既可指 人的外貌,也可指人的性格、品质。 意为“某人是个什么样的人?”。
white feathers. They are very elegant. A: How many types of swans are there in
the world? B: There are …/ I don’t know. I’ll
search the Internet later.
1. It has white feathers and a long thin neck. swan
2.It has broad wings and brown feathers. eagle
3.It has colorful feathers. It can learn to speak or
— What does Cathy look like? 卡西长得什么样?
— She’s tall, and she has black hair. 她个子很高,一头黑发。
— What’s Lucy like? 露西是个什么样的人呢?
— She’s quiet and a little shy. 她很文静,有点害羞。
What bird is this? What does it look like?
long thin neck
tall long legs
Hale Waihona Puke What bird is this? What does it look like?
brown and grey feathers
with my mother once a week.
( )1. -What does your mother want to buy the market? -Some meat and fish.
A. at B. to C. on D. for
( )2. –Why do you like the parrot______?
n. 羽毛 n. 天鹅 n. 鹰 adj. 宽的,宽大的 n. 翅膀 n. 种类 adj. 罕见的,稀有的
• 1.译出并记住下列短语:
• 1. 在市场 __a_t_t_h_e_m__a_r_k_e_t_
• 2. 细长的脖子a__l_o_n_g_t_h_i_n_n_e_c_k______ • 3. 观 鸟 w_a_tc_h__t_h_e__b_ir_d_s___ • 4. 看起来像 l_o_o_k_l_ik__e____________
It has colourful feathers. It can learn to speak or sing.
b a d c
1. What bird does Simon like best? Cranes.
2. What do cranes look like? TheyB’reAtnanlli.eTisheayskhinavgeSliomnognlegs and a long thainbonuetckb.irds. Listen and
3. 鹤的长腿和细长的脖子让它们看起来很 美。 C__r_a_n_e_s’___lo_n_g__l_eg_s__a_n_d_l_o_n_g__th_i_n_____
_n_e_ck__s make them look beautiful. 4. 我每周和我妈妈去市场买一次食物。
I _g_o_t_o_t_h_e__m_a_r_k_e_t_t_o__b_u_y_ some food
《 条 例 》 的 有关安 排如下 : 1.及 时 行 动 、 学习 对象全 覆盖。 县直机 关各单 位党组 要结合 本单位 实际,在 11月23 日 前 以 集 学 习、分 批次学 习、个 别党员 送学上 门等形 式,组织 每一位 党员包 括离退 休 党 员 原 原 本本通 读《准 则》和 《条例 》,对有 阅读困 难的党 员,党支部要安排专人
3. How manaynstwypeersthoef cqruaensetisoanrse. there in the world?
There are only 15 types of cranes.
1in.LRgerootleu’ppsla;sy tsheeecownvheirscahtion g2.rRoouleppdlaoy ethsetchonevebresasttio.n
Tell the names of these birds
IItt hhaass lwohnigtelefgesatahnedrs aaSnwlodannagltohnign tnheicnkn. eck. Crane
It ihsassmbarlolaadnwd ihnagssbarnodwn abnrodwgnrefyeaftehaethrse.rs. SEpaagrlerow
Free talk :
What kind of birds do you know? Do you like them? What’s your favourite bird? Why?
What do you know about birds?
In the following pictures are some birds. Do you know them?
• 5. 15种鹤_____1_5_t_y_p_e_s_o_f_c_ranes • 6. 稀有鸟类 _ra_r_e__b_ir_d_s__________
• 7.宽大的翅膀 _b_r_o_a_d__w_i_n_g_s_______ • 8.白色的羽毛 _w__h_it_e__fe_a_t_h_e_r_s_____