计算机英语:PC System

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本章我们将学习计算机系统。 什么叫计算机系统? 计算机系统是由两个最基本的部分组成:硬件 系统和软件系统。我们可以把硬件系统比作人的 身体,软件系统就是人的头,这两部分是相互协 作、支持工作的,是不能单独运作的。
arithmetic [ə‘riθmətik] n. 算术(p1) various[‘vɛəriəs] adj. 各种各样的(p2) switch [switʃ] n. 开关(p3) computation [.kɔmpju(:)'teiʃ(ə)n] n. 计算 (p4) 5. transfer [træns‘fə:] v. 转移, 转换, 变换 transfer… to 传输到…(p5) 6. be familiar with 对…熟悉(p6) 1. 2. 3. 4.
• There are two major kinds of software--application _____________ software and __________software. system
System software
软件系统(Software Systems)是指由系统软 件(system software)和应用软件 (application software)两大部分组成的计算 机软件系统;它是计算机系统中由软件组成 的部分。 软件系统和硬件系统必须相互支持才能工 作,彼此不能分开。可以把软件系统比做 人的头,硬件系统就是人的身体,彼此不 能分离,否则就不成为一个人。
Hardware software 1. A PC system consists of two basic parts----________ and __________. physical part 2. Hardware is the ____________ of the system that can be seen and touched. programs 3. Software refer to ________________that control the operation of the hardware. Input device 4. A hardware system is made up of five parts:___________ , ALU main memory __,___ controller __________,___ __ __ _,Output device. 5. There are so many input device,eg:keyboard,mice, Bar code readers,scanners,digital cameras,Trackball,Video camera,Touch screen,electronic pen,joystick. controller 6. _________ that controls the transfer of data from a computer to a peripheral device. memory 7. __________ a device used to save information or data for computers. output 8. Speaker and plotter are__________ device.
Output device 输出设备
输出设备是计算机用来输出来自电脑 的信息的设备。它包括两个部分:输出 接口电路和输出装置。
Output Devices
Output device
Passage one: words
Main memory
Hardware system
Arithmetic Logic Unit 运算器
It is the core component of all CPU.
计算机中执行各种算术和逻辑运算操作的部件。运算 器的基本操作包括加、减、乘、除四则运算,与、 或、非、异或等逻辑操作,以及移位、比较和传送 等操作,亦称算术逻辑部件(ALU)。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Information Keyboard Program Component Peripheral Monitor plotter 信息 键盘 程序 组件 外围的 显示器 绘图仪
Passage two
Software system 软件系统
Memory 存储器
RAM---- Random Access Memory; 随机存取存储器 to store data and programs temporarily (means when the computer is turned off ,everything in memory will disappear. ); 用于暂时的存储数据和程序。当机器电源关 闭时,存于其中的数据就会丢失。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hardware Software System Input output Device Memory Controller 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 硬件 软件 系统 输入 输出 设备 存储器 控制器
Passage one: words
Passage one:
Hardware system
Hardware system
A hardware system is made up of five parts:
Input device Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) Main memory Controller Output device 输入设备 运算器 主存储器 控制器 输出设备
Hardware system
Controller 控制器
It controls the transfer of data from a computer to a peripheral device. (它控制着把来自计算机的数据传输到外围设备;或者
Hardware system
Trackball 轨迹球
键盘内置轨迹球:试用 爱国者超薄键
Touch screen 触摸屏
electronic pen 电子笔
手写板 handwriting pad
Joystick 操纵杆
Pointing stick
digital camera
数码照相机1ຫໍສະໝຸດ 6亿像素 巨无霸 级数码相机登场Video camera
Memory 存储器
definition: • What’s memory? • It is a device used to save information or data for computers. • 存储器是用来存储程序和数据的部件. • 对于计算机来说,有了存储器,才有记忆功能,才 能保证正常工作。存储器的种类很多,按其用途可 分为主存储器和辅助存储器,主存储器又称内存储 器(简称内存)。
UNIT 1: PC System
1. 了解:Get a general idea of a computer system(对 计算机系统有个大概认识) 2. 重难点:Identify the relationship between the hardware system and software system.(能识别硬 件系统和软件系统的关系) 3. 掌握: Identify the difference between system software and application software(能识别系统软 件和应用软件的区别);
Hardware system Input device
definition: • What’s input device? Allow you to input information to your computer.
Input device
There are various kind of device: Additional: Input device: Trackball • keyboard Video camera • mice Touch screen • Bar code readers electronic pen • scanners joystick • digital cameras
1. A PC system consists of two basic parts----________ and __________. 2. Hardware is the ____________ of the system that can be seen and touched. 3. Software refer to __________that control the operation of the hardware. 4. A hardware system is made up of five parts:___________ , __________,___ __ __,___ __ _,Output device. 5. There are so many input device,eg:keyboard,mice, __________,__________,_________,_________, 6. _________ that controls the transfer of data from a computer to a peripheral device. 7. __________ a device used to save information or data for computers. 8. Speaker and plotter are__________ device.
Hardware and software
• definition: • hardware---• is the physical part of the system that can be seen and touched . • 硬件是系统的物理组成部分,是看得见摸得着的 ; • Software---• refer to programs that control the operation of the hardware. • 软件也叫程序,它控制着硬件的操作和运转。
CPU :central processing system. 中央处理器,它包括运算器(arithmetic logic unit),控制器(controller)和寄存器(register) 等,它是计算机系统的核心。 所谓寄存器(register),它是CPU内部用来存放
数据的一些小型存储区域,用来暂时存放参与运 算的数据和运算结果.
Hardware system
Input device输入设备
输入设备是计算机用来接收外界信息的设 备,人们利用它送入程序、数据和各种信 息。输入设备一般由两部分组成,即:输 入接口电路和输入装置。
Mouse 鼠标
Wireless Mouse
日本外设厂商一向都非常重视用户的舒适要求, 我们此前多次看到了单独发售的键盘手托来缓 解手部疲劳。而最近三和(Sanwa)公司推出 的这款体积小巧的TRACKBAR emotion键盘 手托不但可以带来手托的舒适体验,大幅降低 手腕的负担,减小腱鞘炎的可能,而且还在手 托中集成了轨迹球的功能,用户现在完全可以 将鼠标抛弃了。它型号为400-MA009,售价 13980日元,约合人民币880元.