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【摘要】目的比较推算法和酶免法测定血清游离睾酮(FT)的结果,探寻FT诊断中老年男子部分性雄激素缺乏综合征(PADAM)的界限值,并评估游离睾酮指数(FTI).方法收集129例45岁以上健康男性的血清标本,酶标免疫法测定游离睾酮(aFT),同时测定总睾酮(T)和性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)并代人Vermeulen公式推算游离睾酮(cFT),对两种方法的FT值进行比较.其中60例,根据视听性刺激(AVSS)时阴茎勃起临测结果分组,计算勃起正常组cFT的参考范围.以此值为依据,对FTI进行有效性检验.结果 1.cFT和FTI与年龄相关性较好,而cFT与aFT值相差有统计学意
58.33%.结论推算法测定血清FT较酶免法科学、准确.0.20nmol/L是cFT诊断PADAM的界限值.FTI可作为PADAM病人治疗反应的随访.%Objective To compare serum free testosterone (FT) level obtained by calculation method or direct measurement, define a threshold value of FT for the diagnosis of partial androgen deficiency in the aging male (PADAM) and critically evaluate free testosterone index (FTI) with this criterion. Methods FT levels obtained by direct enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (aFT) and by calculation with the Vermeulen's formula (cFT) after determining the total testosterone (T)and sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) were
compared in 129 healthy males over 45 years. Of them, 60 men were divided into normal or abnormal groups according to the results of the erection function in audio-visual sexual stimulation (AVSS) test,where the reference range of cFT natural level was calculated, and the validity of FTI with the threshold value was evaluated extensively. Results 1. Both cFT and FTI correlated well with age, while cFT values varied considerably with aFT;
2. The reference value of cFT in normal and abnormal erection groups was 0.37(0.20~0.52 percentile) nmol/L and 0.25(0.12~0.40percentile) nmol/L respectively;
3. Using the threshold value of cFT 0.20nmol/L as the criterion, FTI value was 0.15 in abnormal erection group and 0.51in normal group. The seusitivity of FTI was 97.78% and the specificity of FTI was 58.33%. Conclusions cFT seems to be more scientific and accurate than aFT. This study supports the use of cFT with the threshold value 0.20nmol/L as an acceptable parameter for diagnosing PADAM. FTI could be used as an index for after-treatment follow-up of patients with hypogonadism.
1.血清游离睾酮浓度与男性年龄的相关性研究 [J], 冯耀;刘居理;罗明;卢雪芳;饶研文
2.血清游离睾酮在多囊卵巢综合征患者中诊断高雄激素血症的价值 [J], 高婧;周莉;陈慧;陈晨
3.强直性脊柱炎男性患者血清游离睾酮水平变化的研究 [J], 姚越峰;李宝英
4.对勃起功能障碍患者血清游离睾酮及睾酮分泌指数的初步研究 [J], 薛建国;卢宗林;宁克勤;何映;倪良玉;王庆;黄健;孙志兴;黄新飞;佘勇琴;葛亮;张春兵
5.血清游离β-HCG测定方法的建立及在先兆流产诊断中的初步应用 [J], 刘春英因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
