2017版《普通高中英语课程标准》 名词解读英汉互译

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Interpretation of Nouns in the 2017 Edition
of English Curriculun Criteria for Regular High School(1)
1. 课程性质:普通高中英语课程是高中阶段全面贯彻党的教育方针、落实立德树人根本任务、发展英语学科核心素养、培养社会主义建设者和接班人的基础文化课程。


1. Course nature: The English curriculum of regular high school is a basic cultural course which is aimed to fully implement the party's educational policy, to conduct the basic task to strengthen moral education and cultivate the people, to develop the core competencies of the English subject and train constructors and successors for the socialist cause. It emphasizes on the comprehensive cultivation of students' language ability, cultural consciousness, thinking quality and learning ability. It has a feature of instrumental and humanistic integration.
1. 学科核心素养:是学科育人价值的集中体现,是学生通过学科学习而逐步形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力。


2. Subject core competencies: It is a concentrated reflection of the educational value of the subject as well as the correct value, necessary qualities and key competencies the students gradually form through learning a certain subject. The core competence of English subject mainly includes language competence, cultural consciousness, thinking quality and learning ability.
2. 语言能力:指在社会情境中,以听、说、读、看、写等方式理解和表达意义的能力,以及在学习和使用语言的过程中形成的语言意识和语感。



3. Language competence: It refers to the ability to understand or to express meanings in ways such as listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing in social situations as well as language consciousness and language sense in the course of learning and using English language. It forms the basic elements of the core competencies of the English subject. Its improvement can help elevate the cultural awareness, thinking quality and learning ability, help students expand their global outlook and thinking mode and carry out cultural exchanges.
4. 文化意识:指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是学生在全球化背景下表现出的跨文化认知、态度和行为取向。



4. Cultural consciousness: I t refers to the understanding of Chinese and foreign cultures and the recognition of excellent culture. It is the cross-cultural cognition, attitude and behavioral orientation students put up in the context of globalization. It also reflects the value orientation of the subject core competencies. The cultivation of cultural awareness will help students to enhance their national identity and family-country feelings and heighten their cultural self-confidence as well as the community consciousness of human destiny so that they will learn to do
and grow up to be persons with sense of social responsibility and civilization accomplishment.
5. 思维品质:指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平。



5. Thinking quality: It means the ability and level of thinking in logical, critical and innovative ways. The thinking quality reflects the mental characteristics of the core qualities of English discipline. The development of thinking quality helps to improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems, so that they can observe and understand the world from a cross-cultural perspective and make correct value judgments about things.
6. 学习能力:指学生积极运用和主动调适英语学习策略、拓宽英语学习渠道、努力提升英语学习效率的意识和能力。



6. Learning ability: It refers to students' awareness and ability to actively use and adjust English learning strategies, to broaden their English learning channels and improve their efficiency in English learning. The learning ability constitutes the development condition of the core competencies of English discipline. The cultivation of learning ability can help students to improve their self-management of English learning, develop good learning habits, broaden their learning channels and improve their learning efficiency.
7. 语言能力目标:具有一定的语言意识和英语语感,在常见的具体语境中整合性地运用已有语言知识,理解口头和书面语篇所表达的意义,识别其恰当表意所采用的手段,有效地使用口语和书面语表达意义和进行人际交流。

7. Language competence targets: To have certain language consciousness as well as English language sense, to use their learned language knowledge in specific context integratedly and understand what expressed in oral and written texts, to identify the appropriate ways to express themselves and efficiently use spoken and written language to express what they mean and proceed interpersonal communication.
8. 文化意识目标:获得文化知识,理解文化内涵,比较文化异同,汲取文化精华,形成正确的价值观,坚定文化自信,形成自尊、自信、自强的良好品格,具备一定的跨文化沟通和传播中华文化的能力。

8. Cultural awareness targets: To get cultural knowledge, to understand the cultural connotation, to compare cultural similarities and differences, to learn from the cultural essence, to form the correct values, to confirm self-confidence, to form good qualities such as self-esteem, self-confidence and self-improvement, to have a certainability to communicate cross-culturally and propagate the Chinese culture.
9. 思维品质目标:能辨析语言和文化中的具体现象,梳理、概括信息,建构信息概念,分析、推断信息的逻辑关系,正确评判各种思想观点,创造性地表达自己的观点,具备初步运用英语进行独立思考、创新思维的能力。

9. Thinking quality targets:To discriminate specific phenomenon in language and culture, to card and generalize information, to construct the message concept, to analyse and deduce the logical relationship of information, to evaluate various ideas correctly and creatively express
their views, to have the preliminary ability to use English to carry on the independent thinking creative thinking.
10. 学习能力目标:进一步树立正确的英语学习观,保持对应于学习的兴趣,具有明确的学习目标,能够多渠道获取英语学习资源,有效规划学习时间和学习任务,选择恰当的策略和方法,监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,逐步提高使用英语学习其他学科知识的意识和能力。

10. Learning targets: To set up the correct view of English learning, to keep the corresponding learning interest, to have clear learning objectives, to attain English learning resources from different channels, to effectively plan learning time and learning tasks, to choose the right strategies and methods to monitor, evaluate, reflect and adjust their learning content and process, to gradually improve the consciousness and ability to other subjects in English.
11. 英语课程结构:由必修课、选择性必修课程和选修课三部分组成。

11. Englishcurriculum structure: It consists of compulsory courses, selective compulsory courses andelective courses.
12. 必修课:全体学生必须修习的课程,包括模1、模2、模3,共三册,3/4学年完成,旨在满足高中学业考试需求,学分:6分。


12. Compulsory courses: Courses for all students, including modules 1, 2, 3, which must be accomplished with 3/4 academic year, aiming to meet the requirements of high school academic examination, with 6 credits to graduate. On the basis of learning 1500-1600words during the stage of compulsory education, students must learn to use about 500 new
words and a certain number of phrases, reaching a vocabulary of 2000-2100 words in total.
13. 选择性必修课:有学习兴趣或升学需求的学生必须学习的课程,包括包括模4、模5、模6、模7,共四册,1学年完成,旨在满足高考需求,学分:8分。


13. Selective compulsory courses: Courses for students with interest in learning or those who have the desire to go to college, including Module 4, 5, 6 and 7, totally four copies, must be accomplished within 1 year, altogether with 8 credits, with between 1000 and1100 new words and a certain number of phrases to learn, totally accumulating 3000 to 3200 words.
14. 选修课:学生自主选择修习的课程,包括国家设置的提高类、基础类、实用类、拓展类、第二外国语类等课程和学校自主开发的校本课程。


14. Elective courses: Including courses for improvement set up bythe state, basis courses, utility courses, extended courses as well as the second foreign language courses and the school-based curriculum. It is intended for the students who have the requirements to major in English or take part in the postgraduate entrance examination, with 6 credits.
15. 提高类选修课:包括模8、模9、模10,共三册,3/4学年完成,为未来有意从事与英语相关的工作或研究的学生开设,学分:6分。


15: Elective courses for improvement: Courses designed for students interested in careers or research fields related with English, including 3books, which are modules 8, 9 and 10 respectively with 6 credits to be achieved in 3/4 academic year as well as 1, 000 new words and a certain number of phrases to learn. The aimed vocabulary is to reach 4,000-4,200 words in total.

16. Fundamental elective courses: Courses for students who are weak in English but have the interest and willingness to continue learning English.
17. 实用类和拓展类课程:供有不同需求、潜能和兴趣的学生选修。

17. Practical and extended courses: Courses for students with different needs, potentials and interests.
18. 第二外国语类课程:为有意愿选修另外一门外国语的学生开设。

18. Second foreign language courses: Courses for students wishing to take another foreign language.

19. Course contents: They’re the basis for developing students' core competencies of the English subject, including six elements: thematic context, language type, language knowledge, cultural knowledge, language skills and learning strategies.

20. Thematic context: Including human and self, human and society, man and nature, involving humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and providing topics and language environment for educating people.

21. Human and self: One of the three main theme contexts, including the nine sub-themes of "life and study", "life and work" and so on.

22. Human and society: One of the three major theme contexts, involving four theme groups such as "social service and interpersonal communication", "literature, art and sports", "historical, social and culture" and "science and technology" and 16 sub-themes.

23. Man and nature: One of the three main theme contexts, covering four theme groups which are "natural ecology", "environmental protection","disaster prevention" and "word exploration" respectively with the seven sub-themes.
24. 语篇类型:包括口语和书面语篇以及不同的文体形式,如记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文、访谈、对话等连续性文体,以及图表、图示、网页、广告、漫画等非连续性文本,为语言学习提供问题素材。

24. Discourse types: Including oral and written texts as well as the different continuous literary forms, such as narrative, exposition, argument, practical writing, interview, dialogue, as well as discontinuous learning materials such as the chart, graphic, web pages, advertising and comic books.

25. Language knowledge: It includes phonetic knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, grammar knowledge, discourse knowledge, and pragmatic knowledge, which form the important bases of language competencies.

26. Cultural knowledge: It refers to the Chinese and good foreign cultural and scientific knowledge including that of both material and spiritual civilization. It is the source of knowledge for the students to form the consciousness of cross-cultural communication, to promote the humanistic and scientific spirit and to authenticate cultural self-confidence.

27. Language skills: It refers to the abilities to use the language, divided
into understanding skills and expressive skills, including listening, speaking,
reading, viewing and writing, etc.
28. 学习策略:包括元认知策略、认识策略、交际策略、情感策略等。

28. Learning strategies: They include metacognitive strategies, cognitive
strategies, communication strategies and affective strategies, etc. When it
comes to the definition of learning strategies, people got different perspectives
from different angles. Some claim they refer to specific learning skills, such as
retelling, imagination and outlining. Others say they refer to general
self-management activities such as planning, understanding, monitoring, etc.
29. 元认知策略:指控制信息的流程,监控和指导认知过程进行的策略。


29. Metacognitive strategy: It refers to the process of controlling information, monitoring and guiding the strategy of cognitive process. It uses knowledge acquired in cognitive process to regulate language behavior by establishing learning goals and plans, monitoring learning process and evaluating learning results.
30. 认知策略:是学习者加工信息的一些方法和技术,有助于有效地从记忆中提取信息,其基本功能有两个方面:一是对信息进行有效的加工与整理;二是对信息进行分门别类的系统储存。

30. Cognitive strategy: It is the method and technique learners use to process information.It can effectively help pick up information from memory. It has two basic functions. One is to help process and trim the information effectively and the other is to store the information according to their classification.
31. 交际策略:是指说话者在遇到交际困难时运用的一套系统性的技巧。

31. Communication strategy: It refers to a set of systematic techniques used by the speaker in communication difficulties.
32. 情感策略:是想减少不利情感的干扰,保持良好的学习准备状态。

32. Affective strategy: it is to reduce the disturbance of negative emotions and to maintain a good learning readiness.
33. 学业质量水平一:水平一主要用于检测必修课程的学习结果,是高中学生在英语学科应达到的合格要求,也是高中英语学业水平考试命题的主要依据。


33. Academic quality level 1: It is mainly used to test the learning results of compulsory courses. It is the academic standard a high school student should meet in English subject. It is also the main basis of high school English proficiency examination proposition. Students are demanded to use the learned language knowledge and cultural knowledge and the relevant learning strategies to comprehend the meanings, intentions and emotional attitude transmitted by various types of reading discourses. They are demanded to understand the connotation of the cultural element contained in the compulsory curriculum content and analyse the language features and structural characteristics of the compulsory courses of the thematic contexts such as human and self, man and society as well man and nature. They’re also requested to state the event, transmit the information and express their opinions and attitudes.
34. 学业质量水平二:水平二主要用于检测选择性必修课程的学习结果,是英语高考命题的主要依据。


34. Academic quality level 2: It is mainly used to detect the learning outcome of selective required courses, which is the main basis for the English college entrance examination proposition. Students are demanded to be able to comprehend the meanings, intentions and affective attitudes in different types of discourses regulated in the selective compulsory courses in an unfamiliar language environment. In addition, they are demanded to understand the cultural element and connotation contained in the selective compulsory course content involving human and self, man and society as well as man and nature by using the language and cultural knowledge integrated with relevant learning strategies. Besides, they’re also demanded to state the event, transmit the information, form a clear picture of an authenticor imaginary occurring and interpret their point of views and attitudes.
35. 学业质量水平三:水平三主要用于检测选修课程中提高类课程的学习结果,可以作为其他相关考试或测评的依据。


35. Academicquality level 3: It is mainly used to detect the learning outcomes of elective courses, which can be used as the basis for other relevant examinations or assessments. Students are demanded to be able to use their learned language knowledge and cultural knowledge, together with relevant learning strategies, to comprehend the meanings, intentions and affective
attitudes contained in the elective courses in a more widely unfamiliar language environment such as human and self, man and society as well as man andnature. Besides, they’re also demanded to understand the cultural element and connotation contained in the discourses. In addition, they’re requested to analyse the language features and characteristics of the different types of discourse structures. Besides, they’re also demanded to state the event, transmit the information, creatively form a clear picture of an authentic or imaginary occurring and interpret their pointof views and attitudes.
36. 单元整体教学目标:单元是承载主题意义的基本单位,单元教学目标是总体目标的有机组成部分。




36. Unit teaching objective: Unit is the basic unit carrying the theme meaning. It is also the organic component of the overall goals.Teachers should fully understand the course content, content requirement and the correlation between. Besides, they’re demanded to work out the specific teaching goals of each unit according to the course structure and the overall goals as well as the unit subject. The teaching goals of each unit should be focused on the development of the students’core competencies of English discipline, and to design the learning activities integrally guided by the theme.Teachers should analyse the unit teaching content carefully, comb and summarize the language
knowledge, cultural knowledge, language skills and learning strategies in unit. Besides, they are supposed to determine the teaching focus, arrange the teaching activities systematically and expand the thematic meaning according to the students' actual level and learning needs.
37. 英语学习活动观:英语学习活动是英语学习的基本形式,是学习者学习和尝试运用语言理解与表达意义,发展多元思维,培养文化意识,形成学习能力的主要途径。



37. The view of English learning activities: English learning activity is the basic form of English learning. It is the principal pathway for the learners to learn and try to understand and express meanings by applying the language, develop diversified thinking and cultivate their cultural awareness. The design of English learning activity should be intended to promote the development ofstudents' subject core competencies. Besides, it’s supposed to be centred onthe thematic language environment and based on discourses in verbal and written modals to guide the students to get a deeper comprehension of the thematic meanings. Teachers are also supposed to help the students to acquire the language knowledge, apply the linguistic skills, interpret the cultural connotation, compare the differences of different cultures, evaluate the textual meanings and form the right values and positive emotional attitudes through various interesting activities.。
