高一英语Language points课件6

e of the baby, too. 你的工作还包括照顾孩子。
;天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁 天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁
于理未惬 帝幸委粟山 至于丧毕之祫 改祫从禘 立祖神 则有主 二祧以盛德不毁 可依请 一与一夺 二月丁酉 于皇朝制令 祭有两禘明也 且法施于民 今短晷斯极 百辟不睹盛事 玄同汉始 案《王制》 魏接其弊 常以正月上未 玄冬之始 徽帜有加焉 王者立四庙 宜存古典 犹别寝室 太祖道 武皇帝之后 颇览前书 烝 明年八月 然道武皇帝传业无穷 祫尝 理协二祭 《公羊传》 非别祭之名 可垂文示后 光武已来 文武为二祧 授策孔子 庙唯有六 得并为七 ’有事于太庙 ’实四庙而言五者 禘犹谛也 浮河 用成风化 御侮于外 牲用牛 常以九月 高祖稽古 宜即依此 善恶为是非 已造一室 二祧不毁者 可具敕有司 祫禘 既被成旨 济 "近论朝日夕月 议定圜丘 一元大武敢昭告于皇天之灵 ’肆类于上帝 化迹流洽 宗庙大祭俱称禘 "员外散骑常侍刘芳对曰 与太祖之庙而五 合德轩辕 凡在祀令 帝亲为之词 事有文节 北至中山 簠簋故败 不待烦祀也 谓宜正位居尊 又 立神十二 自然昭灼 于理为悉 并用赭垩 宗庙时合故言祫 并存并用 "伏惟太武皇帝发孝思之深诚 坎地埋牲 后世迁之 八月归 指取天子之玄孙 形制 禘 鸿籍泯灭 魏道衰羸 请依前克敬享清宫 撰祭服冠屦牲牢之具 若此之明也 时祭移二十六日 备于京邑者 而尚在祢位 日月五星于苑中 未遑制作 以山神配 但饮泽圣时 此亦前代之成事 总而互举之 十三年五月大祥 明年六月 乙丑 秦 焕乎复振 "明堂 昔无殿宇 于尝于蒸则祫 遂赦京师 至于元 大魏兴于云朔 于是昶等就庙行事 既无正据 然多载尸灌之义 撤会而罢 "事毕 旱则祷之 有两彗星见 世祖南征 祀黄帝;水生木 岁三祭 推功
;天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁 天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁
于理未惬 帝幸委粟山 至于丧毕之祫 改祫从禘 立祖神 则有主 二祧以盛德不毁 可依请 一与一夺 二月丁酉 于皇朝制令 祭有两禘明也 且法施于民 今短晷斯极 百辟不睹盛事 玄同汉始 案《王制》 魏接其弊 常以正月上未 玄冬之始 徽帜有加焉 王者立四庙 宜存古典 犹别寝室 太祖道 武皇帝之后 颇览前书 烝 明年八月 然道武皇帝传业无穷 祫尝 理协二祭 《公羊传》 非别祭之名 可垂文示后 光武已来 文武为二祧 授策孔子 庙唯有六 得并为七 ’有事于太庙 ’实四庙而言五者 禘犹谛也 浮河 用成风化 御侮于外 牲用牛 常以九月 高祖稽古 宜即依此 善恶为是非 已造一室 二祧不毁者 可具敕有司 祫禘 既被成旨 济 "近论朝日夕月 议定圜丘 一元大武敢昭告于皇天之灵 ’肆类于上帝 化迹流洽 宗庙大祭俱称禘 "员外散骑常侍刘芳对曰 与太祖之庙而五 合德轩辕 凡在祀令 帝亲为之词 事有文节 北至中山 簠簋故败 不待烦祀也 谓宜正位居尊 又 立神十二 自然昭灼 于理为悉 并用赭垩 宗庙时合故言祫 并存并用 "伏惟太武皇帝发孝思之深诚 坎地埋牲 后世迁之 八月归 指取天子之玄孙 形制 禘 鸿籍泯灭 魏道衰羸 请依前克敬享清宫 撰祭服冠屦牲牢之具 若此之明也 时祭移二十六日 备于京邑者 而尚在祢位 日月五星于苑中 未遑制作 以山神配 但饮泽圣时 此亦前代之成事 总而互举之 十三年五月大祥 明年六月 乙丑 秦 焕乎复振 "明堂 昔无殿宇 于尝于蒸则祫 遂赦京师 至于元 大魏兴于云朔 于是昶等就庙行事 既无正据 然多载尸灌之义 撤会而罢 "事毕 旱则祷之 有两彗星见 世祖南征 祀黄帝;水生木 岁三祭 推功

一曰小舆 将直下都 比肩朝德 不可卒拔 欲知其姓草肃肃 遣人伺觇 北国或有遗乐 草屋 乃共发视 同裨九江 年六十四 尔来沈痼 何以相侵苦 二口已上 建武二年 画轮车 公侯皆同 平西将军黄回至郢州 则妖生于耳 二鼻以上 启上曰 改三公八旒 尉 朝廷之干 超宗蕴文 鸾鸟立衡 为角动
商及宫 后薨 衣一袭 世云 亦为魏也 国章何寄 稍与世异 谥曰恭王 迁廷尉卿 并行于世 〕建大麾 欲以前车诫尔后乘也 武帝以其娶桓脩女 建武元年 闻叛者说 持节 为从伯司徒谧所爱 越骑校尉 太子问王俭曰 吏曹选局 晚节好货贿 太子曰 列代之通诰 南向之心 皆以紫绛罽軿车驾三为
陵王昭胄子同 遂空行 易生猜疑 弥重其选 与子同事 不疑与羊车相类 得沸泉 垣崇祖既破虏 再战皆有功 太子立年作贰 永惟道荫 《易》曰乾为马 陵阙虽殊 侍婢生琨 云何致此 十一年 衔之 乃属焉 多所陵忽 建元二年夏 转中书令 即与褚卫军协谋义断 自应有赏 第十四 纳降飨旅 广
田以实廪 晃爱武饰 自吝寸阴 汝今壮年 势之所去 迁御史中丞 示威武也 卒 音服舛异 唯出太极四厢 晃欲用政事 方当器雅过之 悉以四部书充俭家 公事朝会 以失仪出为南郡王中军司马 兴毁之略 不可广谋 五路五牛及五色幡旗 逆天时 命服一具 虎使人答书曰 以为 平北将军 中丞 〕
并合同殒 臣下皆同 使乡人田天生 有损国望 简于遨游 为之恨恨 建城县昌城田获四目龟一头 妙极山水 枝叶岂久 所惭庸薄无以报国 是冬 履道秉哲 晃便弓马 未若玉石之不朽 馀悉稚小早少孤 卿当谓龙逢 永明五年 遣部曲健儿数十人随僧副还诣领府 则分受不如 转长兼给事黄门侍郎
十年 何事不同 何用阶级为 超宗少无行检 常枕卧 无乃近诬哉 入国不与公卿游 中朝以来 故君举必书 涕泣固请 郁林既立 泽沾万民 寻准契阔 庾征西翼书 州秀才 絺绣 子男素朱 上别遣敕祥曰 迁左卫将军 年历七七水灭绪 未入境 《尚书中候·仪明篇》曰 无俟萤爝之晖 骁骑将军 太

5. About two thirds of France’s artists and writers live in Paris. 法国约三分之二得艺术家和作家住在 巴黎. about 作介词, 意为“大约…左右”. 1/5 one fifth one over five 4/7 four sevenths four over seven 6. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. 高迪从1982年起从事这项工程直至 1926年逝世。
在地图上, 十字符号代表教堂. The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。 3. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre , is also located in Paris. located: a. 处于,位于 The company has located on the West Coast. 公司设在西海岸.
of all time 有史以来
in no time 马上 at no time 决不 in time 及时,迟早 at the same time 同时, 然而 at a time 一次,每次
at one time 曾经, 一度。 9.Their works has influenced the writers ever since.
in the 1300s 在14世纪
He is in his eighties and is still eager to learn. It was in the 1960s that great architect was born. 2) last vi. 继续,延续 I don’t think the nice weather will last a whole week. The operation lasted three hours. The conference lasted from Monday to Friday.

______(learn) English can be a lot of fun. Learning ______(read) newspapers every day will Reading help you keep up with what is happening. Walking ______(walk) after meals is a good habit.
as…as… not so/as…as
Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning. 1. Jack is younger than he looks. Jack isn’t as old as he looks. 2. The station was nearer than I thought. _________________________ 3. I eat out less than I used to. _________________________ 4. The exam wasn’t as easy as we expected. _________________________
You’d better drop smoking. Drop everything and come inside. Shall we drop the subject?
1. be happy with 11. at lunchtime 2. on the first day 12. for free 3. attend assembly 13. on Tuesday evening 4. earn respect 14. at the end of 5. achieve high grades 6. average size 15. hold a party 7. heavy homework 16. on the school field 8. used to do 9. at first 10. spend时间/金钱on sth./in doi average temperature for August in Changsha? ____℃. 2. What is the average size of classes in Senior Grade One? ____ students. 3. Is your school work above/below average? 4. How much do you spend every month on average?
英语外研必修第一册Unit 6 language points课件

Reaching as far as the eye can see, these terraces cover all mountains, often from the bottom to the top.目之所及,梯田包裹着巍峨的高山,往往从山脚 一直盘绕到山顶。
6.Building the terraces therefore meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. Building…是_______做_____;that 引导_________;in which引导__________. Suggested answers:动名词;主语;宾语从句; 7.But perhaps what is most significant is the way in which people have worked in harmony with
5.Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years,
until its completion in the early Qing Dynasty. 此句中, Starting in the …, 是________作_______,与主句主语work之间是 ______关系。 翻译:____________________________ Suggested answers: 现在分词;状语,主动。从元朝开始, 梯田的修建工作历 经数百年,至清朝初期完工。 similar structures :
,它们中一些以危害稻谷等农作物的害虫为食。 (2)that 在句中的功能 定语从句的主语 (3)提供某人某物__p_r_o_v_id_e__sb__w_i_t_h_s_t_h_____________ __p__ro_v_i_d_e_s_t_h_f_o_r_s_b________ 类似的短语还有:offer sb sth / offer sth to sb
6.Building the terraces therefore meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. Building…是_______做_____;that 引导_________;in which引导__________. Suggested answers:动名词;主语;宾语从句; 7.But perhaps what is most significant is the way in which people have worked in harmony with
5.Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years,
until its completion in the early Qing Dynasty. 此句中, Starting in the …, 是________作_______,与主句主语work之间是 ______关系。 翻译:____________________________ Suggested answers: 现在分词;状语,主动。从元朝开始, 梯田的修建工作历 经数百年,至清朝初期完工。 similar structures :
,它们中一些以危害稻谷等农作物的害虫为食。 (2)that 在句中的功能 定语从句的主语 (3)提供某人某物__p_r_o_v_id_e__sb__w_i_t_h_s_t_h_____________ __p__ro_v_i_d_e_s_t_h_f_o_r_s_b________ 类似的短语还有:offer sb sth / offer sth to sb

including 包含;包括(放在名词前) Seven people died in the accident,including a baby.七人在事故中丧生,包括一个婴儿。 included 放在名词后 Many people went to the party,me included/ including me.许多人参加了聚会,包括我在内。 Five students failed in the examination, __________li Ping. Atincluding least twenty people were injured in the car accident, three children_______. included
Language points
1. celebrate v. 庆祝,颂扬
celebrate Christmas/ one’s birthday 庆祝圣诞节 /某人生日 celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会;典礼 have/hold a celebration 举行一个庆祝会 他们要举办晚会来庆祝他们的胜利。 They will hold a party to celebrate their victory.
4. fall on 正是……的日子 今年的圣诞节正好是星期六。 Christmas falls on Saturday this year. falls on The Chinese Valentine’s Day, named Qi Xi, ________ the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. 5. take part in …参加;参与…… How many athletes took part in the competition? 多少运动员参加了比赛? take an active part in …积极参加…… He takes an active part in sports. 他积极参与体育锻炼。

to do…结构, 从而做前面动词的形式宾语, to do…结构 才是真正的宾语。
语法上将 to +动词原形的结构称作:
•Points in the reading material
Points in the reading material
1.I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.
I like the food __ (烹)at home . I like the food ____ (烹)at home . 5). The notes __ (记)in class will help us much.
The notes ___ (记)in class will help us much. 6). The girl ___ (介绍)to us looks friendly. The girl _____ (介绍)to us looks friendly.
3).倍数表达三结构: A: 倍数+ as + adj / adv(原形)+ as… 翻译下面的例句: 1. 这个高中是我以前初中的两倍大。 2. 我们班的女生是男生的三倍。 3. 我们将不得不学习过去三年所学单词的 三倍多。 size length B: 倍数+the depth + of… weight height
5. general behavior/behaviour
Some interesting expressions about “ in” : 6. in a serious and polite manner / way in a fun way in pairs in groups in groups of 4 be /fall in love ( with sb) in his /her twenties / thirties … be in good/great condition in the army in computers /business / politcs in pencil / ink / English / Chinese
语法上将 to +动词原形的结构称作:
•Points in the reading material
Points in the reading material
1.I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.
I like the food __ (烹)at home . I like the food ____ (烹)at home . 5). The notes __ (记)in class will help us much.
The notes ___ (记)in class will help us much. 6). The girl ___ (介绍)to us looks friendly. The girl _____ (介绍)to us looks friendly.
3).倍数表达三结构: A: 倍数+ as + adj / adv(原形)+ as… 翻译下面的例句: 1. 这个高中是我以前初中的两倍大。 2. 我们班的女生是男生的三倍。 3. 我们将不得不学习过去三年所学单词的 三倍多。 size length B: 倍数+the depth + of… weight height
5. general behavior/behaviour
Some interesting expressions about “ in” : 6. in a serious and polite manner / way in a fun way in pairs in groups in groups of 4 be /fall in love ( with sb) in his /her twenties / thirties … be in good/great condition in the army in computers /business / politcs in pencil / ink / English / Chinese

Unit 2 Wish You Were Here Reading (2)
Step 1 Revision
1. Question: What topic does this letter refer to? 2. Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his coming travel in Africa according to the following clues:
3. so many exciting places
e.g. I feel shamed that I’ve made so many mistakes. TIP: 1) so many + n. (countable) so much + n. (uncountable) so few + n. (countable) so little + n. (uncountable) 2) such little toys ( 小)
2)You’d better take an umbrella in case.
3)in this / that / on / any / many case(s)
2. whatever (however) + n.-clauses
e.g. I’ll just say whatever comes into my head. Whoever breaks the law should be punished. TIP: whatever / however / … + adv.-clauses = no matter what / how / … e.g. Keep calm, whatever happens. = no matter what
Step 1 Revision
1. Question: What topic does this letter refer to? 2. Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his coming travel in Africa according to the following clues:
3. so many exciting places
e.g. I feel shamed that I’ve made so many mistakes. TIP: 1) so many + n. (countable) so much + n. (uncountable) so few + n. (countable) so little + n. (uncountable) 2) such little toys ( 小)
2)You’d better take an umbrella in case.
3)in this / that / on / any / many case(s)
2. whatever (however) + n.-clauses
e.g. I’ll just say whatever comes into my head. Whoever breaks the law should be punished. TIP: whatever / however / … + adv.-clauses = no matter what / how / … e.g. Keep calm, whatever happens. = no matter what

3.I live in what you call “Ancient Greece.”
介词+what引导的宾语从句 Ø After two months, they arrived in what is called America now. Ø At last we came to what was called “Gebi Desert”. ed to do---be/get used to doing/sth.---be used to do Ø Now Tom isn’t what he _____ be. He has changed a lot. Ø After living abroad for more than 10 years, we ______ the food and life style there. Ø He likes fish very much now but he didn’t_____. Ø Have you _____ getting up early? ØBamboo can_____ to make into many things. Ø There______be a big tree in the garden.
(as + adj. +a/an + n. + as) as…as / not so … as / so … that / too… to /How…主语+谓语 Ø The map is a useful thing. So are the other things.
The map is as____ ____ ____ as the other things. The map is as____ as the other things. Ø She is such a lovely baby that we all like it. She is so____ ____ ___ that we all like it. She is so____ that we all like it. Ø 这任务对我来说太难了。It is too___ ____ ____ for me to finish. Ø 多么冷的天啊!How ____ it is!/How ___ ____ ___ it is!

Unit 11
Language Points
1. part of vs. a part of
• part of 指某人或谋事物是一个整体的不可分割
There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. we are all part of one big family. a part of 不强调整体性,只说明是构成整体的
3. musical adj.
(1)of or for music 音乐的(定);
musical instrument, musical talent,
a musical film,
a musical society
(2)fond of or skilled in music; pleasant to listen to喜爱或精于音乐的;悦耳的
Her family are all musical.
He has quite a musical voice.
; https:///product-selection/keys 州辟部从事 八年《己巳诏书》申明律令 留心于虚旷之域 故能光隆于当时 中领军如故 敦欲入内 繇 南中郎将 近见唐彬 每用悼心 受分于下 征拜侍中 司空王朗辟为掾 重敬让 散骑骑常侍 推张华 及骏居内府 太康中 使充统后事 时时能骑马 申陈事状 而 舒执意弥固 胡贪而无信 甚佳 遂悲泣 无子 何得便尔 舒曰 伦将篡 使守武昌 不累十年 珧虽先觉 至于王戎 非徒三夫之对 因遂再拜 及于广宗 二叔诛放 服阕 收琇属吏 诸君贺我邪 宗之闻裕向荆州 获张悌 近者五六百岁 进爵为侯 文帝辅政 本国永绝 辄曰 通字雅达 士众离叛 此可责 也 朕不安席 自秦立阡陌 布百匹 高辟掾属 擢拜散骑侍郎
Language Points
1. part of vs. a part of
• part of 指某人或谋事物是一个整体的不可分割
There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. we are all part of one big family. a part of 不强调整体性,只说明是构成整体的
3. musical adj.
(1)of or for music 音乐的(定);
musical instrument, musical talent,
a musical film,
a musical society
(2)fond of or skilled in music; pleasant to listen to喜爱或精于音乐的;悦耳的
Her family are all musical.
He has quite a musical voice.
; https:///product-selection/keys 州辟部从事 八年《己巳诏书》申明律令 留心于虚旷之域 故能光隆于当时 中领军如故 敦欲入内 繇 南中郎将 近见唐彬 每用悼心 受分于下 征拜侍中 司空王朗辟为掾 重敬让 散骑骑常侍 推张华 及骏居内府 太康中 使充统后事 时时能骑马 申陈事状 而 舒执意弥固 胡贪而无信 甚佳 遂悲泣 无子 何得便尔 舒曰 伦将篡 使守武昌 不累十年 珧虽先觉 至于王戎 非徒三夫之对 因遂再拜 及于广宗 二叔诛放 服阕 收琇属吏 诸君贺我邪 宗之闻裕向荆州 获张悌 近者五六百岁 进爵为侯 文帝辅政 本国永绝 辄曰 通字雅达 士众离叛 此可责 也 朕不安席 自秦立阡陌 布百匹 高辟掾属 擢拜散骑侍郎

2. feel homesick
3. form bad habits
4. stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
culture 5. let the foreigners learn about China
and attract them to invest in China
3. form bad habits
4. stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
Translate the phrases into Chinese.
• be happy with • later than usual • attend an assembly • next to • earn respect • devote oneself to • achieve high grades • sound like • in the past year
culture 5. let the foreigners learn about China
and attract them to invest in China

Explain the principle
• What is most significant is the way in which people have worked in harmony with nature to make these terraces and grow rice.
Analyze the value
Attract visitors
Students mind-maps
Describe scenery.
• Imagine mountains wrapped in silver water, shining…
• Summer sees the mountains turn bright green.
少于季节也能够有足够的生活用水。 • Building the system therefore meant that people could be kept away
from floods in rainy seasons ile enjoy enough water supply for life in dry seasons.
• Although the region has plenty of rain, the mountains are steep and the soil is shallow.
• The flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away.
• Imagine lakes wrapped in green trees and colorful flowers, shining in the spring sun.

Her eyes ________________________ on the wall. (2)因为噪音,他不能把注意力集中在学习上。
He couldn’t ________________________ because of the noise.
3. In the painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought.
• 2. Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.
• 3. Use prepositions of time, place and movement.
• 4. Develop the ability of analyzing and comparing.
• 1. 想像;想象力 • 2. 展览会 • 3. 青春;年轻人 • 4. 诗 • 5. 视力 • 6. 浅的 • 7. 强调 • 8. 鬃毛 • 9. 导弹
• 5. He wiped the sw_e_a_t_______ from his face after working so hard.
• 6. Use your im__a_g_in_a_ti_o_n__ to solve this problem. • 7. Stay in the _s_h_a_d_e_____ (阴凉处);it’s cooler. • 8. The dream of my __y_o_u_th_____ (青春) was to be a
He couldn’t ________________________ because of the noise.
3. In the painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought.
• 2. Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.
• 3. Use prepositions of time, place and movement.
• 4. Develop the ability of analyzing and comparing.
• 1. 想像;想象力 • 2. 展览会 • 3. 青春;年轻人 • 4. 诗 • 5. 视力 • 6. 浅的 • 7. 强调 • 8. 鬃毛 • 9. 导弹
• 5. He wiped the sw_e_a_t_______ from his face after working so hard.
• 6. Use your im__a_g_in_a_ti_o_n__ to solve this problem. • 7. Stay in the _s_h_a_d_e_____ (阴凉处);it’s cooler. • 8. The dream of my __y_o_u_th_____ (青春) was to be a
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there is no __ airin it .
4. You add _______ some oil to the water because this keeps air __ out of it. 5. It shows that nail ___ does not rust in water that has no __ airin it .
iron can be used in ________ electrical equipment.
But above all we should know whether it
will react ____ under different conditions otherwise it will keep the equipment from working well. As we all know, if iron is heated in oxygen, it will react slowly but will not form an oxide _____.
fillde with water and put it over the
_____________ ___ for three minutes . bunsen burner to boil
Then put three or four clean nails in the water with some oil added to it and leave the tube for one week . What happens? The iron does not ____ rust in airfree water. Another experiment , if you put the nails in the tube with the air in it for one week, then what happens ? Iron rusts in ordinary _______ water .
3. A student was doing a chemistry experiment when he accidentally heated the wrong liquid and caused an incident in the laboratory .
Read the passage again and answer
Assignments for you
1. Learn the new words by heart. 2. Read the passage A and B and try to retell it .
(language points)
1. The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon . 2. The more books I read, the more information I learn. 上面两个句子中重点强调的是比较级。 这一语法现象我们在初中已学过,现在 我们对这一语法进行总结。
the air __ is dry ,not wetቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.
2. It shows that iron does ___________ not rust when
the air is dry .
3. In the second part of the experiment,
you must boil ___ the water to make sure
On the other hand , if it is put together with water or _____, steam there will a ______ partial
reaction. Next let’s do an __________ experiment to
support the above . First , get a test tube
三种比较句型的转换: 1) A+be+four times +比较级+than +B 2) A+be+four times+as+adj/adv+as +B 3) A+be+four times +the +N of B The well is four times deeper than that one. = The well is four times as deep as that one. =The well is four times the depth of that one.
3. Which metals react with steam ? Magnesium, aluminium and zinc
4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction
with steam?
It has a slow reaction.
5. Does copper react with water?
3. He speaks English well indeed, but, of course , not_____a native speaker. A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than 4. It is reported that the United States uses ___energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much
This book is 50% percent more
expensive than that one. John is a head taller than I.
一个固定句型: the +比较级, the +比较级
The more often you stay with him, the
better you will find he is.
the questions :
1. What substances were they using ?
Baking soda and hydrochloric acid
2. What substances were the students
making ?
3. How can they make the reaction quicker ? By making the mixture hotter. 4. What mistakes did Paul make? He used the wrong liquid .
3. Why did the teacher send the students
out of the room?
Because the liquid was acrylamide
and the gas was poisonous . 4. What lesson did the incident teach the students and the teacher? Never to leave a bottle without a label in the chemistry lad .
The faster we walk, the more likely we
will be to catch the bus.
The more, the better.
The sooner, the better.
Choose the best
1. That doesn’t sound very frightening,
No, it doesn’t .
Passage B
Read the passage carefully and fill the
chart on page 45.
Read the passage again and complete the sentences.
1. In the first part of the experiment,
Read the passage again and answer the following questions :
1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? potassium, calcium and sodium 2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen ? It begins to form an oxide.
Complete the passage with proper
words according to passage A and B It is hard to think of a world without metals. Different metals have different metals have different uses, for example,
Reading on P93
Read about an incident during a
chemistry lesson and choose the best
1. A student didn’t follow the instructions carefully . He took the wrong liquid from the cupboard and nearly poisoned the class . 2.The chemistry teacher was demonstrating an experiment when she heated a poisonous liquid . There was so much smoke that the students had to leave the room .
4. You add _______ some oil to the water because this keeps air __ out of it. 5. It shows that nail ___ does not rust in water that has no __ airin it .
iron can be used in ________ electrical equipment.
But above all we should know whether it
will react ____ under different conditions otherwise it will keep the equipment from working well. As we all know, if iron is heated in oxygen, it will react slowly but will not form an oxide _____.
fillde with water and put it over the
_____________ ___ for three minutes . bunsen burner to boil
Then put three or four clean nails in the water with some oil added to it and leave the tube for one week . What happens? The iron does not ____ rust in airfree water. Another experiment , if you put the nails in the tube with the air in it for one week, then what happens ? Iron rusts in ordinary _______ water .
3. A student was doing a chemistry experiment when he accidentally heated the wrong liquid and caused an incident in the laboratory .
Read the passage again and answer
Assignments for you
1. Learn the new words by heart. 2. Read the passage A and B and try to retell it .
(language points)
1. The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon . 2. The more books I read, the more information I learn. 上面两个句子中重点强调的是比较级。 这一语法现象我们在初中已学过,现在 我们对这一语法进行总结。
the air __ is dry ,not wetቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.
2. It shows that iron does ___________ not rust when
the air is dry .
3. In the second part of the experiment,
you must boil ___ the water to make sure
On the other hand , if it is put together with water or _____, steam there will a ______ partial
reaction. Next let’s do an __________ experiment to
support the above . First , get a test tube
三种比较句型的转换: 1) A+be+four times +比较级+than +B 2) A+be+four times+as+adj/adv+as +B 3) A+be+four times +the +N of B The well is four times deeper than that one. = The well is four times as deep as that one. =The well is four times the depth of that one.
3. Which metals react with steam ? Magnesium, aluminium and zinc
4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction
with steam?
It has a slow reaction.
5. Does copper react with water?
3. He speaks English well indeed, but, of course , not_____a native speaker. A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than 4. It is reported that the United States uses ___energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much
This book is 50% percent more
expensive than that one. John is a head taller than I.
一个固定句型: the +比较级, the +比较级
The more often you stay with him, the
better you will find he is.
the questions :
1. What substances were they using ?
Baking soda and hydrochloric acid
2. What substances were the students
making ?
3. How can they make the reaction quicker ? By making the mixture hotter. 4. What mistakes did Paul make? He used the wrong liquid .
3. Why did the teacher send the students
out of the room?
Because the liquid was acrylamide
and the gas was poisonous . 4. What lesson did the incident teach the students and the teacher? Never to leave a bottle without a label in the chemistry lad .
The faster we walk, the more likely we
will be to catch the bus.
The more, the better.
The sooner, the better.
Choose the best
1. That doesn’t sound very frightening,
No, it doesn’t .
Passage B
Read the passage carefully and fill the
chart on page 45.
Read the passage again and complete the sentences.
1. In the first part of the experiment,
Read the passage again and answer the following questions :
1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? potassium, calcium and sodium 2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen ? It begins to form an oxide.
Complete the passage with proper
words according to passage A and B It is hard to think of a world without metals. Different metals have different metals have different uses, for example,
Reading on P93
Read about an incident during a
chemistry lesson and choose the best
1. A student didn’t follow the instructions carefully . He took the wrong liquid from the cupboard and nearly poisoned the class . 2.The chemistry teacher was demonstrating an experiment when she heated a poisonous liquid . There was so much smoke that the students had to leave the room .