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April 13,2000
p.O.Box 36
BIIT University
Beijing,China 100000
Dear Sir/Madam:
Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?
I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies.In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm.Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division.Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:
Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database
My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.
Dear Ms.Dixon:
I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc.Review of my resume will reveal that Ihave strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation,one of your key competitors.I graduated with a B.S.degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University,and have 6 years of paper machine project
experience.Ienjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:-Completion of a $54 million twin wire,forming section rebuild project on time and under budget($1,2 million savings)
-Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase,design and
installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)-Engineered,installed,and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tissue machine(project completed 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)
Although well-versed in most machine configurations,i am especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the
newer,state-of-the-art sheet forming technology.These qualifications could prove very additive to those companies interested in upgrading their overall papermaking technology.If you are currently seeking a strong paper machine project engineer,I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.Thank you for your consideration.
marketing and sales director
sandy bin 15/f,toward ,bright china,building,beijing.objective
a career within sales and marketing.professional experience
jolene’s columbia,sc
marketing director/amber rain,1989-present
maximize sales in 19 stores;consistently achieve monthly sales plan.recruit/interview /hire,train and develop counter managers and beauty advisors;stress improved customer service and follow through.act as liaison between jolene’s and amber rain account executives;communicate/execute corporate plans.merchandise cases/counters;oversee/organize stock areas;review stock control and productivity books.actuate/implement promotional events to generate additional business.hire/train freelance models to promote business.conduct product sales and seminars for promotional agencies.review and analyze goals and retail sales;interact with general managers and cosmetic anize/supervise 25 clinics and special promotional events.marketing director/emerald haze,1984-1989
responsible for 25 stores and $3 million account.improved staffing,increased business 30% in spring’89,60% christmas ’88,and 42% fall’87.restructured special events to generate business.actuated“days of haze”program, stressing customer service/follow through;established goals to increase average unit sales,makeovers,and consultations.brought account to #2 in the country;exceeded sales goals.received numerous galena marketing cation
columbia institute of aesthetics,columbia,sc
courses in advanced makeup artistry,1988
university of florida,gainesville,fl
willing to relocate
percentages and dollar amounts quantify candidate’s accomplishments.courses listed under education are related to candidate’s field of interest
Dear Ms.Dixon:
I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc.Review of my resume will reveal that Ihave strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation,one of your key competitors.I graduated with a B.S.degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University,and have 6 years of paper machine project experience.Ienjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:
-Completion of a $54 million twin wire,forming section rebuild project on time and under budget($1,2 million savings) -Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase,design and installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)
-Engineered,installed,and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tissue machine(project completed 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)
Although well-versed in most machine configurations,i am especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the newer,state-of-the-art sheet forming technology.These qualifications could prove very additive to those companies interested in upgrading their overall papermaking technology.If you are currently seeking a strong paper machine project engineer,I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.Thank you for your consideration.
Acareerwithinsalesandmarketing.pROFESSIONALEXpERIENC E
Maximizesalesin19stores;consistentlyachievemonthlysalespl an.Recruit/interview/hire,trainanddevelopcountermanagersandb eautyadvisors;stressimprovedcustomerserviceandfollowthrough. ActasliaisonbetweenJolene’sandAmberRainaccountexecutives; communicate/executecorporateplans.Merchandisecases/counte rs;oversee/organizestockareas;reviewstockcontrolandproductivit ybooks.Actuate/implementpromotionaleventstogenerateadditio nalbusiness.Hire/trainfreelancemodelstopromotebusiness.Cond uctproductsalesandseminarsforpromotionalagencies.Reviewand analyzegoalsandretailsales;interactwithgeneralmanagersandcos anize/supervise25clinicsandspecialpromotional events.MarketingDirector/EmeraldHaze,1984-1989
Responsiblefor25storesand$3millionaccount.Improvedstaffi ng,increasedbusiness30%inspring’89,60%Christmas’88,and42 %Fall’87.Restructuredspecialeventstogeneratebusiness.Actuate d“DaysofHaze”program,stressingcustomerservice/followthrou gh;establishedgoalstoincreaseaverageunitsales,makeovers,andc onsultations.Broughtaccountto#2inthecountry;exceededsalesgo CATION ColumbiaInstituteofAesthetics,Columbia,SC
percentagesanddollaramountsquantifycandidate’saccompl ishments.Courseslistedundereducationarerelatedtocandidate’sf ieldofinterest。