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1.My cat likes to chase _______ (光点) on the floor.
2.My brother is always full of __________ (创造力).
3.What do we call the process of removing hair from a surface?
A. Shaving
B. Trimming
C. Cutting
D. Grooming答案:A.Shaving
4.At the zoo, I saw a big ______ (大象). It has a long trunk and big ______ (耳朵).
5.The sunflowers grow tall towards the _______.
6.The cake is ___. (sweet)
7.The ______ is known for its bright colors.
8._____ (繁殖) helps to create new plant varieties.
9.Astronomy teaches us about the nature of time and _______.
10.My cousin loves to play ____.
11.The ________ (形态) of leaves varies widely.
12.I have a _____ of stickers in my book. (collection)
13.I like to ride my ______ (horse).
14.The __________ will help us know if we need to prepare for rain. (天气预报)
15.I drink orange ______ (果汁) every morning. It gives me a lot of ______ (能量).
16.Einstein's theory of relativity changed our understanding of ______.
17.The flowers are ________ in spring.
18.The children are _______ (drawing) pictures.
19.Where do you store cold food?
A. Oven
B. Microwave
C. Refrigerator
D. Cabinet答案: C
20.The _____ (种子的发芽) process is fascinating.
21.The chemical formula for nitric acid is ________.
22.Which of these animals is a mammal?
A. Fish
B. Bird
C. Dog
D. Reptile答案:C Dog
23.What is the process of removing waste from the body?
A. Absorption
B. Digestion
C. Excretion
D. Ingestion答案: C
24.Galaxies can be shaped like _______ or spirals.
25.I have a plant that grows _____.
26.My friend loves to __________ (写作) stories.
27.The first African American to serve as president was _______ Obama.
28.An electric motor converts electrical energy into ______ energy.
29.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Greece?
A. Colosseum
B. Parthenon
C. Acropolis
D. Pantheon答案:B.Parthenon
30.What do you call the event where you celebrate someone's birthday?
A. Party
B. Festival
C. Gathering
D. Ceremony答案: A
31.The goldfish swims in a _______ (圆形) bowl.
32.My friend loves to take care of her ______ (小猫).
33.I like _______ (画画) pictures of nature.
34.The Earth's crust is home to a variety of ______.
35.My dad is a _______ (司机).
36.They are playing ______ (hide and seek).
37. A ______ helps to break down waste.
38.What is the primary color made from mixing blue and yellow?
A. Green
B. Orange
C. Purple
D. Brown答案: A
39.I love to play ______ with my family.
40.I love my __________ very much. (家)
41.What is the chemical symbol for water?
A. H2O
B. O2
C. CO2
D. NaCl答案:A
42.I have a pet . (我有一只宠物_。
43. A ______ is an animal that hops and has long feet.
44.The Great Wall of China was built to protect against ________.
45.Which of these is a type of tree?
A. Rose
B. Daisy
C. Oak
D. Tulip答案:C
46.I have a _____ (玩具枪) for dress-up.
47.I enjoy planting _____ in my flower beds.
48.The formula for calculating density is mass divided by ______.
49.My uncle is a __________ (音乐家).
50. A solution with a lower concentration of solute is said to be ______.
51.We will _______ (go) to the fair next week.
52.We have a ______ (快乐的) time at family reunions.
53.I like _______ (养宠物) at home.
54.What do we call the study of ancient cultures?
A. Archaeology
B. Anthropology
C. History
D. Sociology答案: A
55.The _______ of a wave can change when it travels through different media.
56.The ______ is a part of a plant that produces flowers.
57.The Himalayas were formed by the collision of two ______ plates.
58.My brother enjoys __________ (跑步) every morning.
59.The chemical formula for potassium thiosulfate is _____.
60.My sister is my best _______ because we laugh together.
61.I believe that sharing is ______ (重要的). When we share, we can all be ______ (快乐).
62.The _____ (生态) includes all living things in an area.
63.Kites fly high due to _______ and lift.
64.The _____ (果实) of the apple tree is delicious.
65.What do we call the protective covering of a seed?
A. Shell
B. Husk
C. Pod
D. Coat答案:D
66.In my opinion, being _______ (形容词) is one of the best qualities a person can have.
67.I enjoy doing ______ (实验) in science class. It helps me learn through hands-on activities.
68.I want to _______ (学习)如何制作。
69.The train leaves at _______ (five) o'clock.
70.What do we call the time it takes Earth to go around the sun?
A. Day
B. Month
C. Year
D. Hour答案: C
71.What is the term for a young pelican?
A. Chick
B. Hatchling
C. Calf
D. Kit答案:a
72.The chemical symbol for zirconium is ______.
73.The sun is ________ in the sky.
74.The ________ was a crucial treaty that ended a territorial dispute.
75.Metals are usually _______ conductors of electricity.
76. A bee flies from flower to _______ collecting sweet nectar.
77.The cake is _______ (decorated) with strawberries.
78.What do you call the act of moving your body to music?
A. Dance
B. Sing
C. Jump
D. Run答案: A
79.The ______ is known for her artistic vision.
80.Batteries convert chemical energy into ______ energy.
81.The __________ was a significant battle during the American Revolutionary War. (萨拉托加战役)
82.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece?
A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Delphi
D. Corinth答案:C.Delphi
83.The first human rights declaration was the ________ (人权宣言).
84.What is the opposite of "day"?
A. Night
B. Morning
C. Evening
D. Afternoon答案:A
85.Every time I finish playing, I put it back in the ______ (地方). My toy helps me to ______ (动词) and have fun.
86.Astronauts travel to space in a ______.
87.What do you call the area of land that has trees and wildlife?
A. Forest
B. Park
C. Reservation
D. Jungle答案: A
88. f Enlightenment promoted ideas of ________ (自由). The Age
89.My sister is a ______. She enjoys drawing cartoons.
90.The process of fermentation is used to produce _______.
91.The __________ contains many unique plants and animals.
92.Which animal is known for being very slow?
A. Rabbit
B. Turtle
C. Cheetah
D. Kangaroo答案:B
93.The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is __________.
94.One of the best things about spring is that many animals are born. I love to see baby ______ and listen to the birds ______ in the morning. It makes me feel very ______ and happy.
95.The kangaroo hops on its strong _________. (后腿)
96.The ____ is a tiny creature that loves to collect shiny objects.
97.I saw a _______ (彩虹) after the rain.
98.The __________ is the process of water evaporating into the atmosphere.
99.Which animal can fly?
A. Fish
B. Dog
C. Eagle
D. Cat答案: C
100. A ________ is very colorful and pretty.。