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1. Planning Approach and its Physical Factors
Dams are one of the groups of important civil engineering work constructed by man for his physical, economic, and environmental betterment. This list also includes waterways, highways, bridges, pipelines, electrical transmission lines, dikes and levees, railroads, tunnels, jetties, breakwaters, docks, irrigation structures, recreational lakes, and others.
In almost every water project plan or situation one or more dams are important elements of a project plan. However, it is seldom that the dam is the sole or only facility. In a flood control plan, a dam and reservoir may be the only project works, but it is more likely accompanied advantageously with levees and other channel control works. In water supply-irrigation, municipal, industrial, and domestic-and in power generation, dams are one of a combination of project features needed to accomplish the desired project. In such cases, the dam cannot be justified independently of the other project facilities. To be economically, financially, socially, and environmentally justified it must be evaluated jointly with the group combination of project features and the total plan evaluated and judged as to its merit. Planning for a dam is one part of the planning process for the total project objective. The location, size, and design of a dam will be influenced, and often controlled, by the selection of the attainable and best warranted overall project plan.
Physical factors of plan formulation include the followings:
1.1 Water Supply Available for Development
1.1 可供水量
Except for flood control projects water is the essential commodity; in flood control projects its sudden excess is the problem. The occurrence of surface runoff stream flows results from
weather phenomena which are understood only in general principle. For water project planning purposes reliance is placed on the premise of recurring stream flows with future quantities and variations similar to those that have occurred in the past. Direct measurements of flows of some streams over several decades, together with measurements of precipitation over periods of a century or more at some locations, support the premise. Acknowledging that a more extreme flood or drought can occur than has actually been measured or observed in a few recent time periods, the historical measurements of stream flows are accepted as the best available forecasts of stream flow supplies for water conservation developments. Theories and principles of probability of variation of stream flow quantities are sometimes applied, but most commonly an actual record of some years of duration is used, unmodified, for calculating the water conservation accomplishment of a plan. Where measurements have not been made, or only a very few made, at a specific dam site it is possible to estimate or synthesize stream flow statistics at any dam site by reliable correlation methods.
1.2 Flood Flows
1.2 洪水流量
Because of the enormous damage or potential damage caused by a flood of the magnitude that occurs once in a hundred years or less, stream gaging records of 10,20 or 30 years are inadequate, although of some use, in planning flood control projects or for the spillway design of any dam. In addition to any actual measurements of peak flood flows (usually difficult to obtain even when a stream is being gaged) the project planner uses other techniques of estimating the magnitude of floods. These include (1) observations of high water marks evidenced by previous floods and computations of the probable flow from flood channel dimensions, (2) records of actual measurements (including duration time) of high rainfall intensities at weather stations in the watershed area above a dam site or nearest comparable location, applied to computations of runoff resulting there from.
1.3 Locations of Project Sites
Two principal factors determine the location of water conservation project facilities: (1) the areas of water service need, and (2) location or locations of water supply available for development. The connecting link is a water conveyance facility. Where the water conveyance distance is long, or where pumping is required, the cost of conveyance is important in choosing locations for water conservation development. It is desirable, where possible, to locate the source at a higher elevation than the service area to avoid pumping costs. Obviously, there is also economy in having a water source near the place of use.
The same consideration applies to selection of hydroelectric power generation sites, except that elevation is not a factor in power transmission.
1.4 Suitability of Available Dam Sites
The saying “you can build a dam anywhere if you spend enough money” only means that some sites are extremely unsatisfactory. Obviously, a site should be in a narrow section of a stream channel and where both abutments have sufficient height for the need. The foundation, including abutments, should be of rock or consolidated materials sufficiently strong to support the structure and they must be watertight or so nearly so that excess leakage can be prevented by sealing any cracks or fissures in the foundation with a grouting material or closing the leakage paths by placing a blanket of impervious material in the reservoir area upstream from the dam site.
Adequate geological inspections of foundation abutments, spillway and bypass tunnel sites are necessary to provide assurance of suitability.
Obviously, a dam site is to be avoided if it is on or very close to a known active earthquake fault.
Since a dam is a massive structure it is necessary to locate an adequate supply of construction materials within economical hauling distances of the dam site. Depending upon the type of dam, these materials may include aggregates for concrete manufacture, impervious earth materials, pervious materials, and rock for rock fills or riprap.
1.5 Suitability of Reservoir Sites
To obtain economical storage capacity a reservoir site should be wide in comparison to the dam site and should be on a stream having a low or gentle gradient to obtain a long reservoir in proportion to the height of the dam. Geological considerations generally require that the site not be on formations that leak excessively, and that there not be any risk of large landslides into the reservoir. Consideration should be given to any important mineral deposits in the area which may be of commercial value either at present or at some future time. The mining of some types of mineral deposits above a reservoir site may have accelerated leaching and solution of chemicals which can be concentrated in reservoir storage with objectionable effects.
Many otherwise attractive reservoir sites are on valuable land being used for other purposes: agriculture, forestry, and habitation by people. There may be important roads, railroads, pipelines, and transmission lines through a site. The necessary relocation of such facilities and inhabitants and the loss of the land use may be a major and overriding cost of a specific dam and reservoir plan. Adequate plan formulation requires that consideration be given and comparisons made of all reasonable alternative dam and reservoir sites before selecting the project plan.
1.6 Physical Site limitations
Topographic or geological conditions frequently impose a practical or safe limit on the height of a dam. The quality and quantity of available construction materials may set the limit which a designer will not exceed for safety and stability of the structure. The continuing worldwide experiences in construction and operation of high dams provide guidelines on practical maximum heights. Among the considerations are the problems of constructing and maintaining spillways and outlet control valves operating to dissipate the energy of high-head water discharges.
Practical physical size limitations of reservoirs may be the limiting elevations of the reservoir rim or the risk of landslides if induced by higher storage levels. The other limitations are essentially economic and social ones-increased displacement of people, relocation costs, and loss of land use. There is also the water supply limitation. A reservoir might be constructed so large that it would never be filled while making ordinary and usual water withdrawals for the project functions.
1.7 Sedimentation Rates
1.7 淤积速率
Every stream carries sediment; every reservoir retains sediment. In time, every on-stream reservoir will fill with sediment and lose its water-storage function.
Sediment transportation rates vary greatly in different streams, depending on the rates and volumes of stream flows but more importantly on the erosion conditions of the watershed.
Stream-borne sediments occur in two types-suspended sediments and bed load. Suspended sediments settle slowly in still water and are considerably dispersed over a reservoir, hence near the dam. The coarser bed load sediments are carried by the higher velocity flows and are trapped in a reservoir near the stream entry points. One concern about such deposits is that, in addition to reducing reservoir volume, they may cause a stream channel to aggrade just above the point where it enters the reservoir, possibly requiring extra clearance to be built on a bridge or other structure at that site.
With respect to plan selection and project designs the following guidelines apply:(1)Where there is a choice, avoid constructing storage on a stream having large sediment loads; (2) Provide, as part of the gross reservoir volume, space for the accumulation of sediment in estimated amount at least equal to the intended economic life of the reservoir-usually 100 years or more;
(3)Design the reservoir outlet at the dam at least as high as the expected silt accumulation level at the point(the outlet may be higher if the plan calls for maintaining a higher minimum reservoir pool for any purpose); (4) Provide outlets at more than one level if cost is not excessive;
(5)Consider , in the project plan, the possibility and the suitability of sites for constructing sediment detention basins short distance above the reservoir; (6) Consider the merits, possible methods, and costs of providing watershed protection and management against accelerated
2. Selection of Dam Sites and Sizes
2. 坝址及大坝规模的选择
The dam sites are determined by the functions of the project. The exact site within the general location must be determined by careful project consideration and systematic studies. Upon completion of the feasibility-grade investigations the sites and the size of project dams have been provisionally selected. It is probable that these selections will prove to be the final ones, but the possibilities remain of making some further adjustments in the final, pre-construction phases of investigations. An adjustment of capacity of a storage reservoir may prove to be necessary; this, or any new design data may disclose the need of changing the axis location of the dam even though the reservoir site remains the same. Latest criteria on the project functional requirements of a diversion or afterbay dam may require an adjustment of dam height, or in an exceptional case a change of the site.
In the shaping up of the project plan to this point the following steps will have been taken affecting dam site and size selection:
1) The project functions will have been decided. The project may be single-purpose, or may include two or more functions. This is determined by the plan formulation studies in which valuations are made to test whether the inclusion of more than one project function is economically justified.
2) The locations of dams and reservoir sites will have been decided. This is done as the result of investigations of the site alternatives, usually in the reconnaissance phases of studies, but subject to possible changes and corrections in later stages. The site selections will have been made by evaluating the physical characteristics of each site, making comparative estimates of costs and potential accomplishments for each site that would be adaptable to a project plan.
Consideration will also have been given to whether one site, or set of sites, would have important and possibly overriding advantages or disadvantages to the next-best available alternative from environmental impact standpoints.
3) The gross capacity of any storage reservoir will have been selected. This will have been done by (1) estimating the amount of sediment accumulation that will take place in the reservoir over its economic life period; (2) estimating the amount of inactive storage capacity needed to maintain a permanent minimum pool for fishery preservation, recreational value, and/or power plant minimum head; and (3) determining the justifiable amounts of active storage capacity for reservoir operation for the one or more project function. The amounts of active storage capacity will have been selected by the plan formulation procedures whereby costs and accomplishments are estimated for a range of reservoir sizes, benefit values assigned to the different kinds and variable amounts of accomplishments, and comparative economic evaluations made for the range of reservoir sizes. Again, consideration will have been given to whether there would be a serious adverse environmental impact if water was impounded higher than any critical elevation.
The final adoption of dam sites and sizes occurs after a project has been authorized and funded for construction. Some adjustments may be made to either sites or sizes provisionally selected by the feasibility investigation. The adjustments may be warranted by improvements in data collected for making final designs, or by any changes in project scope as required by financial and repayment considerations and limitations.
3. Investigation of Construction Materials
3. 建筑材料的调查
Investigations of construction materials are usually concerned with one of two questions: is there a sufficient quantity of a specified construction material available within a reasonable haul distance, or what construction materials are available in the area. The proper selection of the type of dam to be built at a site must include a careful evaluation of the construction materials determines the type of dam that can economically be considered at a given site.
An efficient investigation can be realized only through proper planning of the office, field, and laboratory work. Generally, the investigation contains three phases: the preliminary phase, the secondary phase and the final exploration. It normally follows a “learn-as–you-go” procedure and becomes more detailed as the work progresses and as the project moves from the preliminary stages to the construction stage.
3.1 The Preliminary Phase
Before beginning the field investigation, a thorough search should be made for available information relating to the stream and to the area under consideration including a variety of maps, air photos, and reports. The published geologic maps of an area are most useful in locating possible sources of construction materials. Potential sources of construction materials may thus be identified and located and further studies planned. There are many types of geologic reports that may provide some useful information to the construction materials investigator. Reports on the general geology of the area usually contain a description of the various construction materials found there. But even reports on the ground water geology, petroleum geology, and other geologic data seemingly unrelated to construction materials may provide much useful data.
One of the most valuable sources of information is the actual production records of construction materials. They are usually available through governmental geologic agencies. These records generally include the total annual production of the various construction materials produced in the area and some description of the various sources.
Topographic maps are to the investigation. Locations and elevations of exploratory holes, outcrops, and erosional characteristics can be placed on the maps. And the landforms portrayed by the contours indicate to some degree the type of soil and subsurface geologic conditions.
The agricultural soil survey maps and reports are surficial and intended for agricultural interests. These maps and reports are of value to the engineer because such items as soil profile descriptions, ground surface conditions, natural vegetation, drainage, meteorological data, flood danger, and similar data are included.
Aerial photography may reveal many material sources that may easily be overlooked by engineers who depend solely on visual ground investigations. Field surveys are time consuming and expensive. Often possible sources are inaccessible to the investigator due to lack of roads or dense vegetation. From the ground it is sometimes difficult and often impossible to recognize landforms in which materials occur due to sight limitations. Aerial photographic techniques make inaccessible areas accessible to study.
3.2 The Secondary Phase
After the preliminary phase of the exploration for construction materials is completed, and the evaluation is presented in a report, new requirements for the construction materials are established. These new requirements are guides for the secondary phase of the construction materials investigation. The objective of this phase of the materials investigation is to locate suitable materials to meet the probable requirements for the types of dams being considered for final planning.
This stage includes preliminary drilling, sampling, and testing of the most promising sources in order to establish that adequate quantities of suitable material are available. A more complete and thorough investigation of existing geologic data, existing quarries and borrow areas, their test results, performance records and production data is required at this time. An additional reconnaissance of the area should also be completed at this stage of the investigation.
At this stage of investigation, field studies, including geologic mapping or checking of existing geologic maps, should be completed for the more promising areas. Limited sampling of selected areas and preliminary testing will provide more reliable data on the area. New estimates of the volume of materials available in the area should be based on the additional data collected since the initial reconnaissance.
A review with planners, designers, estimators, and construction specialists, is appropriate at this time. These reviews bring out questions, new approaches, and suggestions for the final
exploration of the construction materials. Frequently, this review provides the basis for narrowing the scope of the study and permits the investigator to concentrate his efforts on the more probable types of materials to be used for the project.
3.3 Final Exploration
The objective of the final exploration program is to confirm the location of adequate quantities of suitable materials for an evaluation of the specific sources of construction materials.
Large diameter drilling is probably the most efficient method of exploring for unconsolidated construction material. Trenching and test pits excavated by backhoe are also very efficient methods of exploring unconsolidated deposits. All of these methods permit accurate, detailed logging. Logging of these exploratory holes should be accomplished by a capable specialist. They should record the usual geologic and soils descriptions, and their observations are of great importance during drilling and sampling; for example, notes an organic material, moisture content, water levels ,degree of cementation and uniformity of the materials. Geophysical methods such as seismic and electrical resistivity are not usually needed in exploring these materials as the drilling is economical and completed so quickly. However, in many areas the geophysical methods may be used effectively to provide some data on the borrow areas, such as water table, and depth to consolidated rock, etc.
4. Geologic and Foundation Investigations
4. 地质和基础调查
In 1963 a landslide at Vaiont Reservoir, Italy, generated an immense water wave which overtopped the world’s highest concrete arch dam then. This wave left its marks 238m above reservoir level. Remarkably, the dam withstood the overpressures to which it was subjected. However, the wave continued downstream into the town of Longarrone leaving about 2500 fatalities in its wake. Within one minute Vaiont Reservoir was choked with more than 139000000 m3 of earth and rock which extended from the toe of the dam upstream for a distance of about。