



QB标准QB/________________________________________________________医用气体报警系统工程技术规范Technical specification for medical gas alarm systems engineering2015-5-20发布安徽泓瑞医用设备工程股份有限公司目录前言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1一、系统设计----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.一般规定-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.报警点与报警类别设计-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 3.系统模式设计---------------------------------------------------------------------------34.供电设计----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4二、系统设备性能、安装与相关要求----------------------------------------------6 1.一般规定;-----------------------------------------------------6 2传感器-----------------------------------------------------------63.模块------------------------------------------------------------74.报警主机--------------------------------------------------------85. 分机(报警仪)---------------------------------------------------96.气源报警控制器-------------------------------------------------9三、布线------------------------------------------------------------8 1.通信采用总线制的线材选用要求----------------------------------9 2.总线设备;-----------------------------------------------------10 3.防干扰-------------------------------------------------------10 4.线材与安装----------------------------------------------------10四、调试----------------------------------------------------------- ----- 10 1.般规定-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2.主机调试-------------------------------------------------------103、传感器调试-----------------------------------------------------114、分机调试-------------------------------------------------------11五、检验与验收-----------------------------------------------------11 1.一般规定--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2.气源报警检验与验收----------------------------------------------------11 3.报警分机检验与验收------------------------------------------11 4.报警主机检验验收---------------------------------------------115.系统整体检验与验收---------------------------------------------12本规范用词说明------------------------------------------------12附录----------------------------------------------------------------------12B 检测报告样本C 系统设备联接示例图前言医用气体报警系统是医用气体建设工程中不可缺少的组成部分,根据本公司申报的专利产品,(专利号20)《医用气体报警系统》、《报警仪》,《报警主机的特性》,以及目前该产品尚无国家标准、行业标准的现状,为规范产品的技术特性,确保产品安全有效的生产与使用,特制定本规范,作为生产、技术、质量控制的依据。

丙酮气体报警器 丙酮气体泄露浓度报警仪参数

丙酮气体报警器 丙酮气体泄露浓度报警仪参数



1.检测气体:丙酮可燃气体2.测量范围:0-100%LEL 一级报警点:25%LEL 二级报警点:50%LEL3.采样方式:扩散式4.检测原理:催化燃烧式5.传感器寿命:三年6.检测误差:±5%F.S7.响应时间:<30s8.零点漂移:3%LEL9.跨度漂移:10 %LEL10.长期漂移:< 2%信号/月11.报警点投置:可自行设置12.恢复时间:< 30s13.工作电压:DC 9-15V14.功耗:≤ 1.5W15.模拟输出:频率信号开关量16.传输距离:1500m17.大气压力:86~106KPa18.保存温度:-20~40℃19.工作温度:-40~85℃20.工作湿度:< 90%R.H21.重量:约2.2Kg22.防爆标志:EX d II CT623.出线孔连接螺纹G1/2”螺纹24.安装:固定支架、管装、墙壁装25.安装高度相关产品:工业气体报警器、家用气体报警器、有毒气体检测仪、煤气报警器、有毒气体泄漏报警器等安防系列产品信息来源:。





























4.6 LD4900E 组联中继器 ........................................................................................................................................40
2.4 JTY-GD/LD3000E 点型光电感烟火灾探测器 .................................................................................................24
2.5 JTW-ZDM-LD3300EN 点型感温火灾探测器(A2S) ...................................................................................25
4.7 LD3600E 总线短路保护器 ................................................................................................................................41
1.2 JB-QB/LD128E(Q) 火灾报警控制器(联动型) .............................................................................................5
1.3 JB-QG-LD128E(Q)II 火灾报警控制器(联动型) ...........................................................................................7 1.4 JB-QB/LD128E(M)区域火灾报警控制器...........................................................................................................9

GasAlertMicro 5 系列便携式气体检测仪器说明书

GasAlertMicro 5 系列便携式气体检测仪器说明书

VOCs, CO 2, LEL, H 2S, CO, O 2, SO 2, PH 3, NH 3, NO 2, HCN, Cl 2, ClO 2, O 3Protect yourselfCompact and lightweight, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments areavailable in diffusion or pumped instruments. The portable gas detectors simultaneously monitors and displays up to five potential atmospheric hazards. The GasAlertMicro 5 PID model also identifies PID detectable VOCs, while the GasAlertMicro 5 IR uses an NDIR sensor to monitorCO 2 levels. Adaptable to a variety of applications, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments have an extensive selection of user-settable field options. Use the passcode function to prevent unauthorized modifications of the instrument’s settings. Compatible with BW’s MicroDock II automatic test and calibration system, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments are unparalleled in their versatility, performance and overall value.Standard Package Contents• D etector complete with specified sensor(s), stainless steel alligator clip and concussion-proof housing• Rechargeable battery pack or alkaline pack with three AA batteries • Cradle charger and wall outlet charging adaptor (with rechargeable battery option)• Sample probe (with motorized pump option)• Screwdriver• Calibration/test adaptor and hose • Manual• Multi-language CD manual General SpecificationsSize 5.7 x 2.9 x 1.5 in. / 14.5 x 7.4 x 3.8 cm Weight 13.1 oz. / 370 gOperating temperature -4 to +122°F / -20 to +50°C14 to +104°F / -10 to +40°C (PID)Typical battery life 20 hours (15 hours PID/IR)**Based on a 5-gas instrument in diffusion mode at 68ºF / 20ºCCertifications and approvalsClass I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D American Bureau of Shipping (Toxic and PID models)ATEX: X g II 1 G Ga Ex ia IIC T4*X g II 2 G (IR model only)Ex d ia IIC T4*IECEx: Ga Ex ia IIC T4* Ex d ia IIC T4* (IR model only)*Temperature codes may vary as a function of the batteries installed. Please see owner’s manual for a complete listing of compatible batteries and codes.WarrantyFull two year warranty including sensors (one year Cl 2, NH 3, O 3, ClO 2 and PID sensor)5612-15GasAlertMicro 5.....................................................................................50GasAlertMicro 5 PID ..............................................................................52GasAlertMicro 5 IR ................................................................................54GasAlertMicro 5 Series Accessories, Spares & Replacements ............56GasAlertMicro 5 Series Service Parts (60)GasAlertMicro 5 DetectorOrder NumberGasAlertMicro 5 Region CodesNote: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.GasAlertMicro 5Pump versionGasAlertMicro 5Diffusion versionOrder Number ConfiguratorOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 configured for O 2, %LEL, Cl 2, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North American powerconnectivity would be M5-XWCY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases (e.g. SO 2 and NH 3) cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please checkwith Customer Service for specific availability.†Note: HCN can only be ordered in the Toxic 1 location when the Duo-Tox (CO/H 2S) sensor is ordered in theToxic 2 location. In all other configurations, HCN must be ordered in the Toxic 2 location.Note: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 PID detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.GasAlertMicro 5 PIDPump versionGasAlertMicro 5 PIDDiffusion versionOrder Number ConfiguratorOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 PID configured for O 2, %LEL, VOCs, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North Americanpower connectivity would be M5PID-XWQY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please check with CustomerService for specific availability.GasAlertMicro 5 IR DetectorOrder NumberGasAlertMicro 5 IR Region CodesNote: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 IR detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.Gas LegendGasAlertMicro 5 IRPump versionGasAlertMicro 5 IRDiffusion versionOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 IR configured for O 2, %LEL, CO 2, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North American powerconnectivity would be M5IR-XWBY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please check with CustomerService for specific availability.Order Number ConfiguratorDeluxe Confined Space KitM5-CK-DLConcussion-Proof BootGA-BM5-2For GasAlertMicro 5 Seriespumped unitsCarrying HolsterGA-HM5Fits securely on belt Confined Space Kits Order Number Carrying & Protective Accessories Order NumberConcussion-Proof BootGA-BM5-1For GasAlertMicro 5 Seriesdiffusion unitsSampling & Testing Equipment Order NumberNote: For complete list of Sampling & Testing Equipment, see the Sampling Equipment section.ReplacementTest Cap and HoseM5-TC-1Pump ModuleM5-PUMPReplacementDiffusion CoverM5-DC-1Manual Aspirator PumpGA-AS02For remote sampling; complete withprobe, hose and aspirator pumpAuxiliary Pump Filter withHose ConnectorM5-QCONN-K1Auxiliary Pump FilterM5-AF-K2 / M5-AF-K2-100Kit of 5 or 100, for legacyGeneration 1 pump modules onlyAuxiliary Pump FilterM5-AF-K3 / M5-AF-K3-100Kit of 5 or 100, for Generation 2pump modulesPower Accessories Order Number *Note: Battery packs and chargers should be used with the new version GasAlertMicro 5 Series gas detectors (red circuit boards).MicroDock IIOrder Number Cradle ChargerM5-C01Cradle charger for rechargeable battery packs(can charge battery pack with or without detector attached)Vehicle Adaptor 12 V dcGA-V-CHRG4Vehicle adaptor cable for use with cradle charger (M5-C01)Cradle Charger Kit with BatteryM5-C01-BAT08 / M5-C01-BAT08BComplete with charger and rechargeable battery packAlkaline Battery PackM5-BAT0501/M5-BAT0501B M5-BAT0502/M5-BAT0502BRechargeable Battery PackM5-BAT08/M5-BAT08B5062-26-NCL-EN59PID Cleaning KitM5PID-CLN-K1For PID sensorsReplacement Electrode StackM5PID-ES-1For PID sensorsReplacement 10.6 eV PID LampRL-PID10.6For PID sensorsReplacement Sensor Screens Order Number Replacement SensorsOrder Number Note: All sensors come with a 2 year warranty unless marked with an asterisk (*), denoting 1 year warranty.†Advisory: Detectors are equipped on a standard basis with SR-W04 combustible sensors. This sensor includes a heavy duty silicone filter that make it ideal for use in environments that have known sources of silicone or vapors containing silicon. The SR-W04 silicone filter equipped sensor should not be used when monitoring diesel, kerosene, jet fuel or other heavy hydrocarbon vapors with flashpoint temperatures above 38°C (100°F).Replacement IR SensorSR-B04Replacement PID SensorSR-Q07www.CanarySense .ca Shop for Gas products online at:1.800.561.8187605062-26-NCL-EN Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.www.CanarySense.caShop for Gas products online at: 1.800.561.81875062-26-NCL-EN61Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.LegendService PartsOrder Number How to Replace a Sensor1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove2 screws (G) from back enclosure (F) on either side of the belt clip 2. Lift diffusion cover (A) or pump module straight up3. Remove sensor (O-R) by pulling straight up from PCB (E)4. Insert new sensor (O-R) into PCB (E)5. Replace diffusion cover (A) or pump module6. Replace 2 screws (G) in back enclosure (F) andhand-tighten until firmHow to Replace the Sensor Screen1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove2 screws (G) from back enclosure (F) on either side of the belt clip 2. Lift diffusion cover (A) or pump module straight up3. Remove sensor screen (B) by pulling it straight up fromdiffusion cover (A) or pump module4. Insert sensor screen (B) into diffusion cover (A) orpump module5. Replace diffusion cover (A) or pump module6. Replace 2 screws (G) in back enclosure (F) andhand-tighten until firmwww.CanarySense .ca Shop for Gas products online at:1.800.561.8187。







1.1 本产品设计、制造、生产以及检验遵守以下国家标准:GB16808 《可燃气体报警控制器技术要求和试验方法》;1.2本产品经国家指定的法定权威机关审查及检验,并通过了型式认可。


2.2主要技术参数容量:64只适配探测器适配探测器: 4-20mA标准信号输出或RS485的输出信号2线制3线制或4线制工作电压:AC220V±15%、50Hz±1%备用电源:DC24V可充电电池功耗:小于240W (64只探测器)接点输出:常开无源触点2A/220VAC显示误差:报警点±3%;满量程±5%响应时间:<30s使用环境:温度0℃~40℃相对湿度≤ 93%探测器供电电流: 80±5%mA/路后备电池欠压报警值: 16V±1V外型尺寸:W×H×T(mm):255×420×120(壁挂式)整机重量:约15kg传输距离:≤500m控制器与探测器连接线要求:三芯电缆或四芯电缆单芯线径要求:≥1mm2线长:≤500m蒲颂工业用有毒气体报警器,是我公司科研人员根据市场需求,与多家科研机构联合研制成功的新一代高科技电子产品。

HY-ALERTATM 500 手持式氢气泄漏检测器操作手册说明书

HY-ALERTATM 500 手持式氢气泄漏检测器操作手册说明书

HY-ALERTA™ 500 Handheld Hydrogen Leak DetectorOPERATING MANUAL28486 Westinghouse Place, Suite 100Valencia, California 91355, U.S.A.Tel: (661) 775-9575, Fax: (661) 775-9515E-mail:****************Website: MISSION STATEMENTTo become the leading provider of hydrogen specific safety monitoring and in-line process measurement systems where hydrogen gas is produced, used, consumed, stored and transported.We are committed to providing cost-effective solutions as new installations and replacements for existing hydrogen gas analyzers to OEM customers and through our global distribution network.Our products will achieve worldwide recognition in industrial safety and process applications based on superior products, while maintaining excellent relationships with and ensuring unsurpassed value to our business partners around the globe.CONTENTS1. Description (5)2. Specifications (5)3. Operation (7)3.1 Startup (7)3.2 Shutdown (7)3.3 Battery Level (7)3.4 Normal Operation (7)3.5 Hydrogen-Free Areas (10)3.6 Reset Operation (10)3.7 Zero Operation (10)4. Keypad (11)4.1 Numerical Changes (11)4.2 Top Level Keypad Functions (11)4.3 General Keypad Functions (Also See Section 10) (11)4.4 Information Display (11)4.5 Firmware Rev: (11)4.6 Serial Number: (11)4.7 Calibration Date: (12)4.8 Reset Sensor (12)4.9 Zero Sensor (12)4.10 Verify (12)5. Hydrogen Sensing Considerations (13)6. Bump Test (14)7. Verification (14)7.1 Gases (14)7.2 Gas Connection (14)7.3 Verification Kits (14)8. Battery Charging (16)9. Cleaning (16)10. Troubleshooting (16)11. Menu Structure (17)12. Appendix (21)12.1 European Declaration of Conformity (21)IMPORTANT NOTICESRead and understand this operating manual before installing or using the unit.Only use cables, battery pack, battery charger, and AC/DC power supplyfrom H2scan with this unit.If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by H2scan, the protection provided by this equipment may be impaired.Hydrogen is flammable at 4% in air. Take indications seriously and be prepared to take action. In the event of detection of 4% or higher of a hydrogen gasconcentration there is a high probability of a hazard to safety. Inform localemergency response personnel immediately.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIn the event of a defect in a product, h2scan shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting therefrom, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue and/or profit.LIMITED WARRANTYH2scan Limited Warranty: Each hydrogen instrument (“Product”) will conform, as to all substantial operational features, to the Product specifications set forth this Manual and will be free of defects which substantially affect such Product’s performance for twelve (12) months from the ship date for such Product.Must Provide Notice of Defect: If you believe a Product that you believe is defective, you must notify H2scan in writing, within ten (10) days of receipt of such Product, of your claim regarding any such defect.Return Product to H2scan for Repair, Replacement or Credit. If the Product is found defective by H2scan, H2scan’s sole obligation under this warranty is to either (i) repair the Product, (ii) replace the Product, or (iii) issue a credit for the purchase price for such Product, the particular remedy to be determined [by H2scan] on a case-by-case basis.Voided Warranty. H2scan’s 12 Month Limited Warranty is void for any of the following:The unit is opened and the manufacturing seal is brokenUnauthorized repair work performed at the customer’s location or carried out by anyone other than H2scan’s factory trained technicians Equipment or parts that have been tampered with, misused, neglected, mishandled, improperly adjusted, or modified in any way without the written consent of H2scan.Equipment or parts that have been damaged due to shipping, misuse, accidents, mishandling, neglect, or problems with electrical power sources.Repair work performed during the warranty period does not prolong the warranty period past the original period.System operation in incorrect or inappropriate environments.Usage that is not in accordance with system guidelines or an operator’s failure to follow manual instructions.Limitation of Warranty: THE ABOVE IS A LIMITED WARRANTY AS IT IS THE ONLY WARRANTY MADE BY H2SCAN. H2SCAN MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOUR SOLE REMEDY HEREUNDER IS REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT OR A CREDIT FOR THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR SUCH PRODUCT, THE PARTICULAR REMEDY TO BE DETERMINED BY H2SCAN ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS. H2SCAN SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE STATED EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL LIABILITIES OR OBLIGATIONS OFH2SCAN FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE DELIVERY, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS.1.DescriptionH2scan believes that protecting lives means being able to locate and findhydrogen leak as quickly as possible. With two sensing elements on the same semiconductor die, the HY-ALERTA™ 500 can detect hydrogen leaks as low as15 ppm and will not saturate or be destroyed when detecting concentrationsof hydrogen up to 100%. The flexible cable allows the sensor probe access to virtually all potential leak sources.2.SpecificationsSensitivity Range: 0.0015% (15 ppm) to 100% hydrogen by volume in air.Response Time: Indication of hydrogen within seconds. Stabilization to final value depends on concentration.Ambient Temperatures: Operating: 0°C to +40 °C Storage: -20°C to +45 °CRelative Humidity: 0-95% non-condensingPower: Internal rechargeable Lithium Ion battery yields over 10 hours of operation and is recharged in 4 hours with included charger. Battery charger input: 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz, 0.6A.Environmental: Indoor/Outdoor UseAltitude up to 2000 meters Pollution degree 2 environmentIngress Protection: IP64 capableCalibration Period: Recommended user Verification/Calibration on a 12 month basis. Weight: 975 g (2.15 lb.) unit and carrying pouch2.2 kg (5 lb.) shipping weight (unit with accessories)Product LifeExpectancy: 10 yearsCertifications:Coiled Cord3.Operation3.1StartupTo power-up the HY-ALERTA™ 500, press and hold the ON/OFF button until the Controller LCD display indicates an operational message.Warning: Only power-up the instrument in a hydrogen-free environment.After power is on, the instrument takes about ten minutes to warm-up. During this time the LCD displays a countdown to completion and the Probe Tip LED is amber. The following operations occur:The Wide Range Sensor® reaches operating temperature.A system self-test is run.Upon successful completion of the above tasks the instrument zeroes itself and automatically switches to normal operation. If an error is detected theinstrument will display an error code (see Section 10).3.2ShutdownTo power-down the HY-ALERTA™ 500, press and hold the ON/OFF button forapproximately two seconds until the Controller LCD display turns off.3.3Battery LevelAfter power-on the BATTERY LED indicates the current battery level (times areapproximate and may vary as the battery ages):Color MeaningGreen more than 60 minutes of operation remainingAmber approximately 15 to 60 minutes of operation remainingRed less than approximately 15 minutes of operation remainingA fully charged battery should last 10 to15 hours, depending on use.There is a small load on the battery when the unit is powered off. This load will discharge the battery of the unit in it’s powered off state in about 6 months.Customers that do not use the device frequently should charge the batteryand perform a bump test with hydrogen gas every one to three months tokeep the battery charged and ready for use.3.4Normal OperationDuring normal operation the instrument is detecting and reporting thehydrogen concentration near the probe tip sensor. Hydrogen readings aredisplayed on the controller LCD and the probe tip LED bar graph array. Note that due to the extreme sensitivity of the sensor, it may take several minutes to return to a near zero (less than 0.001%) reading after exposure to hydrogen. If the instrument does not return to an indication of less than 0.001% after 5minutes in a hydrogen-free environment, then invoke the Reset operation (See Section 3.6).The upper line of the Controller LCD indicates a numerical value or range for the percent hydrogen concentration or peak hydrogen value. The lower line is used to display the hydrogen meter, a logarithmic bar graph ranging from0.001% (10 ppm) to 100% hydrogen by volume. An open box on the bar indicates the last peak value obtained and filled boxes indicate the current value. The following figure describes how to interpret the hydrogen meter:The Probe Tip LED Indicator shows an increase or decrease in hydrogenconcentration. Leak detection is accomplished by watching the Probe Tip LED and the bar graph array and moving the sensor around a potential hydrogen leak.The number of yellow LEDs lit in the Probe LED bar graph array indicates detected hydrogen concentrations in four ranges as noted below:3.5Hydrogen-Free AreasFor the purposes of this document a hydrogen-free area is one with less than5ppm of hydrogen in the air.It may be difficult to find a hydrogen-free area in a facility where hydrogen is used. Nearby rooms, or even the entire building, may not be hydrogen free.To check these areas reset or zero the sensor outside, away from any hydrogen tanks, pipes, or other potential sources. Walk through the facility, watching the sensor. It is surprising how far low levels of hydrogen can spread.If the sensor is zeroed or reset in hydrogen, there will be a negative offset in the readings that could compromise the sensor’s ability to find small leaks.3.6Reset OperationThe Reset Operation is used to speed recovery from hydrogen exposure.It can be invoked from the keypad while in the top menu level (measuring hydrogen) by pressing and holding ◄►(left and right arrow buttons simultaneously) or from the Reset Menu (see Section 4). Once invoked the user is asked to confirm the operation by pressing the ENTER key. Pressing any other key will abort the operation. During Reset the LCD indicates a count down to completion and the Probe tip LED is yellow.3.7Zero OperationThe Zero Operation is used to zero the hydrogen reading if the instrument is reporting low levels (0.001% to 0.01%) of hydrogen when no hydrogen is present. This operation can be invoked from the keypad while in the top menu level (measuring hydrogen) by pressing and holding ◄ (left arrow button) or from the Reset Menu (see Section 4). Once invoked the user is asked to confirm the operation by pressing the ENTER key, pressing any other key will abort the operation.4. Keypad4.1 Numerical ChangesIn the following sections when queried to change a numeric value the ▲ (up arrow) and ▼ (down arrow) keys are used to increment/decrement the value based on the selected digit. If the ones digit is selected the value willincrement/decrement by one (9 increments to 10, 10 decrements to 9). The ◄ (left arrow) and ► (right arrow) keys are used to select another digit. Tochange a value of 0 to 100 first select the hundreds digit then press the ▲ up arrow. Pressing ◄► (the left and right arrows simultaneously) will clear any changes made and restore the previous value. Once the correct value is displayed press the ENTER key to save it. 4.2 Top Level Keypad FunctionsWhile in the hydrogen measurement screen, the keypad has these functions:Key Function ENTER Go to the Information Display menu . ▲ Display the peak hydrogen reading. ▼ Display the current hydrogen concentration. ► Clear the peak hydrogen value. ◄ Zero the sensor (see Section 3.7). ◄► Reset the sensor (see Section 3.6).4.3 General Keypad Functions (Also See Section 11)4.4 Information DisplayThe Information Display menu allows the user to view useful information about the instrument including firmware revisions, serial number, and calibration date. Enter it by can be entered by pressing and holding the ENTER button. 4.5 Firmware Rev:This displays the sensor pod and controller firmware. The left most number preceded by an ‘S’ is the Probe firmware revision. The right most number preceded by a ‘C’ is the Controller firmware revision. For example: S1.23 C2.34 for Probe firmware version 1.23 and Controller firmware version 2.34 4.6 Serial Number:This displays the product serial number. For example: 50123Key Navigation Editing Values Query Answer ENTER Enter submenu Select Value Yes ▲ Previous Menu Increase Value No ▼ Next Menu Decrease Value No ► Enter Submenu Move Cursor Right No ◄ Exit Submenu (Back) Move Cursor Left No ◄► Exit Configuration Undo ChangesNo4.7Calibration Date:This displays the date of last factory calibration, MM/DD/YY. For example: 5/8/06 for 8 May 2006.4.8Reset SensorThe Reset Sensor menu is used to invoke the Reset Operation as described in Section SensorThe Zero Sensor menu is used to invoke the Zero Operation as described in Section Verify menu shows the date of the last field verify and allows the user to invoke the Verify function in Section 6.5.Hydrogen Sensing ConsiderationsFrom any given source, hydrogen gas disperses rapidly and generally upward due to its very low density compared to air. Understanding this behavior allowsa more effective search for hydrogen leaks.The hydrogen plume from a leak generally spreads in a roughly conical shape that is easily disturbed by environmental conditions. Certain conditions such as pressure, temperature, and leak size may act together to change the shape of the hydrogen plume from a cone to a laser-like beam. This makes finding aleak more difficult.If the sensor element is near (and above) the leak, the concentration will likely be higher but the leak may be difficult to locate. As hydrogen dissipates theconcentration decreases. Generally, greater distances will increase thechance of intercepting the leak stream, but if the sensor is too far away, theresponse may be too weak to detect.When drafts or air currents are present, hydrogen will tend to be dispersed.Testing for hydrogen leaks downwind of the leak area may increase thechance of detecting the leak.If hydrogen is rising in an enclosed building the hot air near the ceiling mayslow the hydrogen’s rise. Thus, sensing hydrogen near ceiling areas with hightemperatures present may not be as effective as at a lower level.Low temperatures can also affect the behavior of hydrogen. Hydrogen stored in a liquid state is at an extremely low temperature. The low temperature ofany escaping hydrogen will be of a higher than normal density and mayinitially move downward. As the hydrogen warms, it will begin to rise upward.When checking for a leak in areas where liquid hydrogen is stored, check both above and below the area of concern.6.Bump TestA bump test is recommended every three months. The purpose of a bump testis to verify that the sensor is active, detecting hydrogen and verifying that the sensor is within the pre-set factory tolerance for accuracy. To performs a bump test perform the following:In a non-hydrogen environment, power on the instrument. Once theinstrument has gone through its standard 10 minute warm-up, use thecalibration cup that accompanies the HY-ALERTA™ Model 500, and apply 2% hydrogen to the probe sensor. Let the 2% hydrogen flow for a minimum of 3-5 minutes. After 3-5 minutes the concentration value registered on the LCDdisplay should read between 1.6% to 2.4%, which is within factory tolerance. If the 2% reading is below 1.6% or above 2.4% the instrument should go through a Verification test as outlined below.7.VerificationVerification is performed in a non-hydrogen environment to confirm that theHY-ALERTA™ Model 500 is operating properly and within the pre-set factorytolerance for calibration. The recommended verification interval is every 12months, or after a 2% bump test has been performed and the indicated values on the LCD display were outside the stated tolerance as outlined in Section 6.If the verification fails, then it should be repeated one more time.The HY-ALERTA Model 500 requires calibration only if it fails the secondverification. It cannot be field calibrated and must be returned to h2Scan for calibration service. An optional NIST traceable certificate is available uponrequest.7.1GasesVerification requires the availability of the following certified gases:2.00% hydrogen by volume in air (20,000 ppm)0.10% hydrogen by volume in air (1000 ppm)Zero grade, hydrogen-free air. Ambient air can be substituted if it ishydrogen-free.7.2Gas ConnectionGases are applied to the unit through the use of the Calibration Cup Assy. (P/N 50000009) available from H2Scan.7.3Verification KitsCustomer-specific Field Verification Kits for the HY-ALERTA™ 500 are available from H2scan.The field verification function allows the user to check the instrument’s calibration. Details on this function can be found in Table 1 on page 19. If the unit passes verification, calibration is not required at this time.If the unit fails verification, the unit should be returned to the factory for calibration.8.Battery ChargingEnsure the unit is powered OFF.Disconnect the coiled cord from the controller.Connect the battery charger to the controller.Using the appropriate A/C plug adapter for the region of use, plug the battery charger into the A/C supply.The battery charger indicator light will illuminate according to charge status as follows:Off No BatteryFlashing Green Fast chargingSteady Green Fully chargedSteady Amber StandbyFlashing Red ErrorNOTE: Complete charging may take up to 4 hours for a fully dischargedbattery.9.CleaningIf the unit becomes soiled, clean the unit with a lint-free cloth. Use special care when cleaning the handheld probe assembly. Small debris or other materialmay collect over the sensor tip. Clean the tip with a gentle wiping with a clean, damp, lint-free cloth or paper. Do not use chemicals or soap.10.TroubleshootingSymptom Possible Cause ActionSensor Error The probe isdisconnected from thecontroller.Turn off the instrument and verifythat the probe is properlyconnected to the controller.Error 88 Faulty capacitor Turn off the instrument.Error 40 The PCB temperature istoo high. Turn off the instrument. Let it cool.Error 20 The sensor temperatureis incorrect.Turn off the instrument.Battery LED is red The battery is very low. Charge the battery completely. See Section 8.Unit won’t turn on The battery is dead. Charge the battery completely. See Section 8.If the recommended action does not solve the problem, the HY-ALERTA 500 should be returned to the factory for repair.11.Menu StructureTable 1 - Verify ProcedureStep Display Userresponse1 Verify Sensor Press ENTER2 Verify SensorContinue?Press ENTER to Verify sensor, L to exit.3 Verify SensorIn ProgressVerify Test begins.4 Apply 0.000%H2Continue? With the Calibration Cup that accompanies the HY-ALERTA TM 500, apply hydrogen-free, zero air to the Probe sensor. The Probe Tip LED will remain Green. Press ENTER.5 Apply 0.000%H2In Progress0% Verify Test starts.6 Apply 0.000%H2SettleChecking sensor temperature.7 Apply 0.000%H2Wait xxxx Wait for sensor reading to stabilize until xxxx = 0.8 Apply 0.000%H2Finding AverageMeasuring sensor response to test gas.9 Apply 0.100%H2Continue? With the Calibration Cup, apply 0.1% hydrogen to the Probe sensor. The Probe Tip LED will change from Green to Red. One (or two) yellow LEDs in the LED BarGraph Array will turn on. Press ENTER.10 Apply 0.100%H2In Progress0.1% Verify Test starts.11 Apply 0.100%H2SettleChecking sensor temperature.12 Apply 0.100%H2Wait xxxx Wait for sensor reading to stabilize until xxxx = 0.13 Apply 0.100%H2Finding Average Measuring sensor response to test gas. Visually verify that 1-2 yellow LED’s are lit up in the probe tip. If not the unit needs factory calibration14 Apply 2.000%H2Continue? With the Calibration Cup, apply 2.0% hydrogen to the Probe sensor. The Probe Tip LED will remain Red. Three yellowLEDs in the LED Bar Graph Array will turn on. Press ENTER.15 Apply 2.000%H2In Progress2.0% Verify Test starts.16 Apply 2.000%H2SettleChecking sensor temperature.17 Apply 2.000%H2Wait xxxx Wait for sensor reading to stabilize until xxxx = 0.18 Apply 2.000%H2Finding AverageMeasuring sensor response to test gas.19 Enter Date:1.0000 M Enter the current month (1-12) using the ▲ (up arrow) and ▼ (down arrow) keys.20 Enter Date:1.0000 D Enter the current day (1-31) using the ▲(up arrow) and ▼ (down arrow) keys.21 Enter Date:6.0000 Y Enter the current year (7=2007, 12=2012, etc.) using the ▲ (up arrow) and ▼(down arrow) keys.22 Verify SensorPassedVerify is complete, press any key.HY-ALERTA TM 500 Handheld Hydrogen Leak Detector OPERATING MANUAL90000002 R10, ECO #11-035Page 21 of 2112. Appendix12.1European Declaration of Conformity。






2菜单设置密码设置:依次按⊙键、↑键、↓键,在2秒钟内完成才有效菜单定义:Z、S、FS、AL、AH、CER、DEFA、OUT 2.1零点校准Z如果传感器出现零点漂移过大,需要进行零点校正。










迈思通 NB-IoT民用FS0801B报警器产品规格说明书

迈思通  NB-IoT民用FS0801B报警器产品规格说明书
















MIC-500-CO 一氧化碳检测仪:
防爆连接螺纹:3/4"NPT 或客户自定义
信号输出:4~20mA二线制标准电流(最大负载1500欧姆);RS232计算机通信接口(可选) 最大传输距离:1100米
相对湿度:10%~95%RH (非凝露)







二、产品特性:1、采用各种进口传感器,寿命至少2年2、采用高速、高精度处理电路对传感器信号进行处理,响应速度快、测量精度高,稳定性和重复性好3、仪器自带背光大屏幕显示,直观显示气体浓度、类型、单位等各种参数4、气室独立设计,结合空气动力学,更能快速、准确检测目标气体5、全量程范围温度数字自动跟踪补偿,保证测量准确性6、软件校准加按键设置,操作简单人性化7、具备数据恢复功能,无须担心误操作8、RS485、三线制4-20mA输出,继电器输出和声光报警可选9、可为客户配套WLO Sin气体采集软件,软件具有数据存储、查询、导出功能三、技术参数:检测原理:电化学检测对象:CH3COCH3丙酮检测量程:0-100%LEL(其他量程请来电咨询)分辨率:1%LEL检测精度:±1%重复精度:±1%响应时间:30S接线方式:M20*1.5内螺纹接线线材:RVVP3*0.75mm2安装方式:壁挂式、管道式、泵吸式壳体材料:铝合金隔爆外壳外形尺寸:125*106*153mm防爆等级:ExdII CT6防护等级:IP65整机重量:1.8Kg工作温度:-20~50℃(特殊要求根据需要定制)工作湿度:10~95%RH非凝露工作电源:24VDC(12-30VDC)工作电流:11mA@24V(毒气和丙酮),33mA@24V(可燃、红外传感器)输出方式:RS485、三线制4-20mA(可根据客户需求定制GPRS、RF、WIFI等无线网络传输方式)报警方式:一组继电器输出(2A@30V)、声光报警(可选)声光报警电流:120mA,80db@1m计量认证:第三方计量认证执行标准:GB3836.1-2010,GB3836.2-2010。





1. 火灾报警控制面板火灾报警控制面板是火灾报警系统的核心设备,用于监测和控制火灾报警系统的各个部分。



2. 火灾探测器火灾探测器是用于检测火灾迹象的设备。




3. 火灾报警按钮火灾报警按钮是一种紧急报警设备,通常安装在易燃易爆物品存放区域或人员密集场所。



4. 灭火器灭火器是用于扑灭初期火灾的设备,常见的类型包括干粉灭火器、二氧化碳灭火器和泡沫灭火器。



5. 灭火系统灭火系统是一种自动灭火设备,可以在火灾发生时自动释放灭火剂进行扑灭。






;. MIC-500-O2-A 氧气检测报警器


测量范围:0~30% Vol、0~100%V ol

丙酮C3H6O气体报警器使用规范 说明书

丙酮C3H6O气体报警器使用规范 说明书
























三、检定准备3.1 检定设备准备1.丙酮标准气体源2.丙酮溶液3.精密气体流量计4.气体调节器5.电子计时器6.清洁布7.相关工具和设备3.2 检定环境准备1.检定室内应保持通风良好2.检定室内湿度应控制在合适的范围内3.温度应稳定在适宜范围内四、检定步骤4.1 初期准备1.检查丙酮报警器是否正常工作,确保其处于可检定状态2.准备相应的丙酮溶液和丙酮标准气体源4.2 灵敏度检定1.将丙酮标准气体源连接到丙酮报警器上2.打开丙酮标准气体源,使其流经丙酮报警器3.记录下丙酮报警器的响应时间和报警阈值4.重复上述步骤,使用不同浓度的丙酮标准气体进行检定,记录相应的响应时间和报警阈值4.3 准确性检定1.将丙酮溶液均匀涂抹在一特定面积的平板上2.将丙酮报警器置于距离平板一定距离的位置,并打开3.使用电子计时器记录下丙酮报警器的响应时间4.重复上述步骤,使用不同浓度的丙酮溶液进行检定,记录相应的响应时间4.4 定期校准根据检定结果,判断是否需要对丙酮报警器进行校准。



检定记录和报告应包括以下信息: 1. 检定日期和时间 2. 检定设备和环境的相关信息 3. 检定步骤和检定结果的详细记录 4. 校准日期和结果六、检定周期和注意事项根据丙酮报警器的使用条件和要求,制定合适的检定周期,并定期进行检定操作。

同时,需要注意以下事项: 1. 检定操作必须由专业人员进行 2. 检定设备和环境应符合相关要求 3. 检定过程中要严格按照规程操作,确保结果的准确性和可靠性4. 检定过程中如发现异常情况,应及时处理并记录以上是关于丙酮报警器检定规程的详细介绍,通过定期的检定操作,可以确保丙酮报警器的正常工作和准确性,从而提升使用场所的安全性和保障人员的生命安全。






三、应急组织机构及职责1. 应急领导小组负责制定、修订、实施和监督应急预案的执行;组织应急演练;协调各部门应对突发事件。

2. 应急救援小组负责处理仪器报警事件,确保仪器设备恢复正常运行;组织现场救援;协助相关部门进行事故调查。

3. 信息联络组负责收集、整理、分析事故信息,及时向应急领导小组和应急救援小组报告;对外发布事故信息。

四、报警信号及处理流程1. 报警信号仪器设备在运行过程中出现异常,发出报警信号,如声音、灯光、显示屏等。

2. 处理流程(1)报警发现当发现仪器设备报警时,操作人员应立即停止操作,注意观察报警信号,并立即向应急救援小组报告。


(3)现场处理根据初步判断,采取以下措施:a. 如果是仪器设备故障,立即通知维修人员进行检查和维修。

b. 如果是仪器设备操作不当,立即指导操作人员进行纠正。

c. 如果是实验室环境问题,立即通知相关部门进行处理。



五、应急保障措施1. 人员保障加强应急队伍培训,提高应急处理能力;配备必要的安全防护装备。

2. 设备保障定期对仪器设备进行检查、维护,确保设备处于良好状态;储备必要的备品备件。

3. 资金保障设立专项应急资金,用于应急物资采购、事故调查等。

4. 通讯保障确保应急通讯畅通,便于信息传递和协调。


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9、可为客户配套WLO Sin气体采集软件,软件具有数据存储、查询、导出功能
防爆等级:ExdII CT6
