Term over three year: probation period is six months.
3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release aEvaluation for QualifiedEmployees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.
3-4.3Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.
3-3Probation period试用期
3-6Personnel records个人档案
3-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.
Contract:试用期期限将按照劳动合同期限决定:Term from three months to one year: probation period is one month.劳动合同期限由三个月至壹年员工, 其试用期为壹个月.Term from one year to two years: probation period is two months.劳动合同期限由壹年至两年员工, 其试用期为两个月.Term from two years to three years: probation period is three months.劳动合同期限由两年至叁年员工, 其试用期为叁个月.Term over three year: probation period is six months.劳动合同期限超过叁年员工, 其试用期为陆个月.3-4Formal hiring正式聘用3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release a Evaluation for Qualified Employees During Probation Period 15 Days before the probation periodis expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.员工试用即将期满时,行政人事部将会发试用期满合格人员评鉴表,由试用期员工所属部门及相关人员评鉴;3-4.2The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.评鉴合格的将会被邀请成为正式员工。
员工手册Employee Handbook(中英双语版50页)
员工手册Employee Handbook致员工书 Letter to All Employees亲爱的同仁们:Dear Colleagues,欢迎您加入XXX这个大家庭。
Welcome to joining XXX., the big family! We are thrilled to have you to share your positive energy. I hope you are proud of your decision today, and we are convinced that XXX can be the very stage to showcase your talent and achieve your dreams. You will be working closely with over 600 colleagues to create high-end, world-class Automotive in China. We expect each and every one of you to play an important role in implementing the vision & mission of XXX as well as of your own department.此员工手册为您在您的工作中履职提供了基本框架,提供了公司相关的人力资源各项政策和指导原则:员工福利待遇、员工的权利和义务以及必须遵守的公司规定规程,将为您的日常工作带来帮助。
The Employee handbook offers you the framework to well manage your job. This handbook provides the following information: various policies and guidelines of HR work of the company; employees' welfares and rights, obligations and company rules that must be abided by employees, which will be helpful for your daily work.部分条款与条件可能因不同公司的要求或新法规而加以变更。
员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定.Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management。
第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理.Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance, Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations。
深圳市X X X X科技有限公司LIGHTNING OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (SZ)Co.,LTD.员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR—001Serial number:Lightning/HR—001版次:A/1Edition:A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date:Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual1.人力资源部致辞(Address by the human resource department) (4)2.公司简介(Company introduction) (5)3.适用范围(Scope of application) (6)4。
员工聘用政策(Employee recruitment policy) (7)4.1 职级制度(Job grade system) (7)4。
2 工作时间(Working time) (7)4.3 合同期及试用期(Contract period and probation period) (8)4。
4 培训、升职和调动(Training,promotion and transfer) (9)4。
5 劳动关系的终止和解除(Termination and cancellation of labor relation) (13)4。
7 降职(Demotion) (14)4。
8 公司制度和程序(Company Policies and Procedures,CPP) (15)4.9 人事记录(Personnel records) (115)5。
薪酬(Remuneration) (15)5。
1 工资发放(Salary payment) (15)5。
2 绩效奖金Performance bonus (15)5。
员工手册1. General总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sure our company’ssmooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。
1-1.2 ‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies theworking disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。
1-2 Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。
1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。
, LTD.员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR—001Serial number:Lightning/HR-001版次:A/1Edition:A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date: Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual1.人力资源部致辞(Address by the human resource department) (4)2.公司简介(Company introduction) (5)3.适用范围(Scope of application) (6)4. 员工聘用政策(Employee recruitment policy) (7)4.1 职级制度(Job grade system) (7)4.2 工作时间(Working time) (7)4.3 合同期及试用期(Contract period and probation period) (8)4.4 培训、升职和调动(Training,promotion and transfer) (9)4。
5 劳动关系的终止和解除(Termination and cancellation of labor relation) (13)4。
7 降职(Demotion) (14)4。
8 公司制度和程序(Company Policies and Procedures,CPP) (15)4。
9 人事记录(Personnel records) (115)5。
薪酬(Remuneration) (15)5.1 工资发放(Salary payment) (15)5。
2 绩效奖金Performance bonus (15)5。
2008版Cardo 亚太区总裁的欢迎词Welcome Message from Cardo Asia Pacific President欢迎您加入Cardo 集团的大家庭,我们期待与您保持长久互赢的工作关系。
Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to the Cardo team in Asia Pacific. We look forward to maintain a Win-Win relationship with you.我们相信“人才始终是企业最重要的资源”,秉承这一信念,我们需要员工始终诚实、坦言、主动,具批判和团队精神,并希望此文化能贯穿公司的整个生产、销售和管理过程。
At Cardo Asia Pacific, we believe that our employees are our most valuable asset. As our Employee, we expect you to always be honest, initiative and able to work as a team. We thank you for your loyalty and dedication to the Company, and hope to develop a pleasant working environment with you. We will provide you with trainings and support as well as opportunities to develop within the Company.这本员工手册旨在为大家提供公司的商业准则和人事政策的指导概况。
深圳市X X X X科技有限公司LIGHTNING OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (SZ) Co., LTD.员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR-001Serial number: Lightning/HR-001版次:A/1Edition: A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date: Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual1.人力资源部致辞(Address by the human resource department) (4)2.公司简介(Company introduction) (5)3.适用范围(Scope of application) (6)4. 员工聘用政策(Employee recruitment policy) (7)4.1 职级制度(Job grade system) (7)4.2 工作时间(Working time) (7)4.3 合同期及试用期(Contract period and probation period) (8)4.4 培训、升职和调动(Training, promotion and transfer) (9)4.5 劳动关系的终止和解除(Termination and cancellation of labor relation) (13)4.7 降职(Demotion) (14)4.8 公司制度和程序(Company Policies and Procedures,CPP) (14)4.9 人事记录(Personnel records) (115)5. 薪酬(Remuneration) (15)5.1 工资发放(Salary payment) (15)5.2 绩效奖金Performance bonus (15)5.3 加班(Overtime) (16)5.4 个人所得税(Individual income tax) (16)6. 休假和假日(Vocation and holiday) (17)6.1 法定假日(Statutory holiday) (17)6.2 年假(Annual vocation) (20)6.3 病假(Sick leave) (20)6.4 其他假期(Other leave) (22)6.4.1 婚假(Marriage leave) (22)6.4.2 产假(Maternity leave) (23)6.4.3 陪产假(Paternity leave) (23)6.4.4 丧假(Funeral leave) (23)6.4.5 妇女节(Women’s Day) (23)6.5 无薪假期(Unpaid leave) (24)7. 公司福利(Company welfare) (24)7.1 社会保险(Social security) (24)7.2 法定住房公积金(Statutory housing fund) (24)8. 员工表彰奖励计划(Employee rewarding plan) (24)8.1 员工主要奖励(Employee rewarding is as follows) (24)8.2 员工俱乐部(Employees club) (24)9. 培训和发展(Training and development) (25)9.1 新员工培训(New employee training) (25)9.2 公司内部培训/在职培训(Company internal training/in-job training) (25)10. 交流沟通(Communication) (26)10.1 内部交流沟通(Internal communication) (28)10.2 对外交流沟通(Communication to outside) (28)10.3 名片(Name card) (28)11. 保密(Confidentiality) (27)12. 工作纪律(Work discipline) (28)12.1 警告处分(Warning ) (30)12.2 记小过处分(Minor offence) (33)12.3 记大过处分(Major offence) (33)12.4 开除或辞退处分(Dismissal or discharge ) (35)13. 健康与安全(Health and safety) (37)14. 修改(Modification) (40)员工代表确认签名(Signature of employee representative) (42)员工确认声明(Employee Confirmation Statement) (43)1.人力资源部致辞Address by the human resource department各位亲爱的员工:To each dear employee:首先,对你们的加入表示最热烈的欢迎。
员工手册中英文1. What are the working hours?The working hours are from 9 am to 6 pm, with a one-hour lunch break.工作时间是多少?工作时间是上午9点到下午6点,中间有一小时的午餐休息时间。
2. What is the dress code?The dress code is business casual. Employees areexpected to dress professionally and respectfully.着装要求是什么?着装要求是商务休闲。
3. What is the company policy on vacation time?Employees are entitled to 10 days of paid vacation time per year. Vacation days must be approved by a manager at least two weeks in advance.公司的休假政策是什么?员工每年有10天带薪假期。
4. What is the policy on sick leave?Employees are entitled to 5 days of paid sick leave per year. If an employee is sick for more than 5 days, they will need to provide a doctor's note. Sick leave must be approved by a manager.公司的病假政策是什么?员工每年有5天带薪病假。
第二条基于生产经营需要,公司执行以下五种工作时间,无论执行何种工作时间,平均每周工作总时数必须为 40 小时,每月平均制度工作时间为169 小时。
2.1 正常工作时间:每日工作 8 小时,每周星期六和星期日为周休日。
2.2 特殊工作时间:确因工作需要,经分部 / 处批准,可以实行特殊工作时间。
2.3 多班制工作时间:确因工作需要,经分部 / 处批准,可以实行多班工作制。
2.4 不定时工作时间:因工作性质特殊、需机动作业,经分部 / 处批准,可以实行不定时工作制。
执行不定时工作制的职工,每天工作可以多于或少于8 小时,其出勤工时按月累计。
2.5 值班工作时间:因工作需要,在某段时间内安排职工值班或担任守卫等工作时,经分部 / 处批准,可以实行值班制度。
每值班2 小时,按正常班的1 小时计算。
第三条经分部 / 处批准的作息时间,应当明确告知职工本人,同时应预先通知需配合工作的执行部或分部 /处。
第四条每个工作日在工作 3----5 小时以后,应安排一次至少 45 分钟的班间休息,休息时间没有工资;职工在 22:00 至次日凌晨6:00 工作的,为夜班工作时间。
第五条每日工作时间应不少于 6 小时,不超过12 小时。
Working TimeArticle 1 Working time is herein defined as the hours specified by the Company for an employee who has to perform the assigned tasks on theworksite.Article 2The following working schedules are executed in the Company based on the operational requirements. No matter what working schedulesare executed, the weekly working hours in average must be 40 and themonthly total 169 in average.2. 1 Regular scheduleA regular schedule of 8 daily working hours is executed in the Company.Saturday and Sunday weekly are considered as off-days.2. 2 Special scheduleA special schedule can be introduced upon approval by the subdivisionmanager where necessary due to operationalrequirements. A special schedule refers to the pattern with special workinghours, different working time each day and different off-days.2. 3 Shift scheduleA shift schedule can be introduced upon approval of the subdivisionmanager where necessary due to operational requirements. The employeewho takes a shift schedule shall serve different shifts on a rotating basis andtake off-days according to the given shift plan.2. 4 Flexible schedule:A Flexible schedule can be introduced upon approval of the subdivisionmanager where necessary due to the special characteristics of theassignment which requires variable working time. The worked hours of anemployee with the flexible schedule every day can be more than or lessthan 8 hours, and shall be accumulated monthly.2.5 On-duty scheduleAn on-duty schedule can be introduced upon approval of the subdivisionmanager, if an employee is required to be present for a certain period oftime to execute on-duty and guarding functions in work. By nature of thetask, no break can be taken during on-duty work. Every two hours on-dutyshall be calculated as one regular working hour.Article 3Upon approval of a duty schedule by a subdivision, the individual shall be notified about his/her specific working time and also priorinformation shall be sent to the division or subdivision whose cooperationis needed.Article 4During each working day, there is a break of at least 45 minutes which shall be granted after 3 to 5 hours working from the beginning of thedaily working time. There is no pay for break. Working hours from 22:00 to6:00 of the next morning are considered as night hours.Article 5The daily working time shall not be less than 6 hours and more than12 hours.。
Employee Handbook员工手册Policy NO.政策编号Version 1.00版次 1.00Valid for: Company China适用于本公司中国Name姓名Date日期Signature签名Creator编制Controller审核Authorizer批准A Word from the Management管理层寄语The management of Company (China) Co., Ltd. extends a warm welcome to you.本公司(中国)有限公司管理层向您表示诚挚欢迎。
To help you settle in quickly, we have prepared this Employee Handbook to introduce you Company’s organization, history, products and services, employment policies, terms and conditions, as well as Company’s programs and activities.为了使您迅速适应工作,我们特别准备了这份《员工手册》,其内容包括本公司组织架构、历史、产品和服务、聘用政策和相关条款,以及各项公司计划与活动。
Our company understands the value and importance of human resources. We follow the tradition of Companycorporate culture which is marked by mutual respect and trust. We firmly believe that it is people who make upthis organization and its success depends on good team work. As you are now one of the key member of aunited team, you must take your responsibility and excel in your work.本公司非常重视人力资源。
pany Introduction公司简介
***Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and Asia. Located in**i Industrial District,**,**Town,**, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment.
3-4.2The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.
3-1.3Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal
爱浦信员工手册(中英文版本)深圳爱浦信电子有限公司员工手册Shenzhen Applessun Electronics Co., LTDEmployee Handbook二零一三年四月April, 201312员工手册Employee Handbook 目录TABLE OF CONTENTS欢迎加入爱浦信Welcome to Applessun第一节:公司介绍SECTION 1: ABOUT THE COMPANY1.1 爱浦信电子About Applessun 1.2 爱浦信使命Applessun Mission 1.3 爱浦信训言Rules of the Road 1.4爱浦信文化的构成要素Applessun Culture Elements1.5如何在爱浦信获得成功How to succeed in Applessun第二节:雇佣标准SECTION 2: EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS2.1 劳动合同Employment Contract 2.2试用期34员工手册Employee HandbookProbation2.3 附加雇佣条款Additional Employment Terms 2.4 工作时间Work Hours 2.5 考勤和准时出勤Attendances and Punctuality2.6 休假申请和批核程序Leave Request and Approval Procedure 2.7 加班Overtime 2.8 个人资料变更Report Change of Personal Data 2.9 员工厂证Employee Badge 2.10 纪律惩戒政策Disciplinary Policy 2.11 辞职Resignation第三节:薪资SECTION 3: COMPENSA TION3.1 基本工资Base Salary 3.2津贴员工手册Employee Handbook Allowance3.3 年终双薪Y ear End Bonus 3.4 利润分享Profit Sharing 3.5 工资结算周期Payroll Cycle 3.6 个人收入所得税Individual Tax第四节:福利SECTION 4: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS4.1 法定社会保险Statutory Social Insurance 4.2 公众节假日和假期Public Holiday and Leave 4.3 医疗福利Medical Benefit 4.4 膳食Meal 4.5 宿舍Dormitory 4.6 节日礼物/结婚贺金Festival Gift/Wedding 4.7春节交通津贴 5 6员工手册Employee HandbookTransportation Allowance for CNY 4.8员工活动Employee Activities 4.9 员工服务奖Employee Service-recognized Reward第五节:培训和发展SECTION 5: TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT5.1概述General Requirement 5.2 入职培训和爱浦信化培训Orientation/Applessunization 5.3 与职位相关的培训Job Specific Training 5.4 培训协议Training Agreement 5.5 员工教育资助计划Employee Degree Program 5.6 绩效评估Performance Review5.7 内部员工聘任计划Internal Opportunity Program (IOP)员工手册Employee Handbook 第六节:健康、安全和环境SECTION 6: HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT6.1 工业安全Industrial Safety 6.2 个人防护设备Personal Protective Equipment 6.3 事故Accidents 6.4 环境政策Environment Policy 6.5职业安全与健康方针Occupational Safety and Health Policy6.6 5S 管理5S Housekeeping 6.7 门禁和安全指引Access control and Security Guideline 6.8 访客程序Visitor Procedure 6.9公司物品Company Property第七节: 质量SECTION 7:QUALITY78员工手册Employee Handbook7.1 质量方针Quality Policy7.2个人静电防护规则Basic Personal ESD Rules第八节:员工沟通SECTION 8: COMMUNICA TION8.1广开言路政策Open Door Policy 8.2 季度业绩回顾Quarterly Business Review 8.3 圆桌会(茶话会)Roundtables (Tea Talk) 8.4 通告栏Notice Boards 8.5 生产部―开拉‖会议Manufacturing ―start of shift‖meetings8.6 爱浦信ApplessunWeb8.7 爱浦信道德规范热线Applessun Integrity Hotline员工手册Employee Handbook 欢迎加入爱浦信Welcome to join Applessun祝贺你加入爱浦信!不论你的职位,你现在已成为爱浦信大家庭中的重要一员;爱浦信的成功依赖于你的工作和热情。
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员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance, Leave & Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。
Article3 Company employees at all levels shall comply with these regulations.考勤管理规定Work Attendance Regulation第一条作息时间Article1 work and rest time一、公司实行八小时工作制,标准工作日为一周五天,周一至周五,周六、周日为公休日。
First, the company adopts eight-hour day working system. The standard workday is 5 days per week. The working days are from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are public holidays.二、工作时间为上午8:30至12:00,下午13:30至18:00。
Second, working hours are from 8:30 am to 12 am in the morning and are from 1:30 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon.三、法定假日依国家规定,按公司具体办法执行Third, statutory holidays will be in accordance with state regulations and be executed as per company’s specific measures.第二条考勤制度Article2 Attendance system公司实行上下班考勤制度。
The company implements “Punch in/out” attendance system. Staff must clock in and out timely. An employee who arrives at the company after 8:30 am in the morning is deemed as lateness and an employee who leaves the company before 6 pm is considered as tardy. An employee who needs to go out for business affairs shall register and be approved by his/her department supervisor before leaving.行政人事部每月1日至3日统计上月的考勤情况,各部门须在每月2日前将部门考勤确认情况上报行政人事部,同时附上请假条和加班表。
Each month, from 1st to 3rd, the administrative and human resources department shall do the last month’s attendance statistics. Each department shall report the confirmed info of its department attendance to the administrative and human resources department before 2nd, with written request for leave and overtime tables together. Employees can check their own monthly attendance before 2nd.配置有考勤系统的公司的所有员工,每天上下班时都必须亲自打卡并接受监督。
All employees who are equipped with attendance system must personally punch and accept supervision. The timecard can be only used by the cardholder himself/herself. Being behalf of others to punch is not allowed and is deemed as serious violations of company’s labor discipline. The entrusted employee and the requester will both be deducted that month’s bonuses or 200RMB from that month’s wages. Besides, the requester will be deemed as 1-day absenteeism and be given notice of criticism or even dismissal as per the seriousness.员工应妥善保存好考勤卡,丢失者或损坏者赔偿20元的考勤卡工本费。
Employees should keep timecards properly. Compensation for loss or damage of timecard will be 20RMB for card replacement.每月忘打卡3次(不含)以上的,每次扣20元(不分职务);商务代表外出时须在公司内部进行登记。
An employee who forgets to punch for more than 3 times (excluding)will be deducted 20RMB per time (regardless of position); Business representatives must register before going out.员工早晨到岗忘带卡时,必须在前台处进行考勤登记,本人和前台人员签字确定。
In the morning, if an employee forgets to take the timecard to punch in, he/she shall go to the receptionist to do the attendance registration by making signature with reception staff together. Before off duty, the employee will also need to do the attendance registration with reception staff before 6pm.因公外出须在外出和归来时刷卡,并由经理将外出原因注明在考勤单上,不做缺勤和扣薪处理。
An employee who needs to go out for business shall punch in and out. And his/her manager must make notes of reasons on the Attendance Sheet. In this way, the employee won’t be considered as absenteeism and be incurred deduction on his/her salary.第三条迟到早退的处罚Article3 Punishment for Lateness and Tardy一、按月统计,不论迟到/早退时间多少,每一次均记迟到/早退一次,累计三次以上(不含三次)者,开始累记惩罚;First, by monthly statistics, regardless of how much time for lateness or tardy, each time will be recorded as lateness/tardy one time. Cumulative time exceeds 3 times (excluding 3 times), the accumulation of punishment will begin.二、迟到/早退在5分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元;Second, lateness / tardy within5 minutes, the cumulative penalties will deduct 50RMB from performance pay per time;三、迟到/早退在5分钟以上、30分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元。