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级课本听力文本1-3 work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR


Part A

1.W:You seem to take great pride in your daughter.She's such a successful manager. M:Yes,she is a wonderful daughter.But I'm proud of her because of her pleasant and attractive personality even more than fot her success.

2.M:I ran into David Preston downtown today.

W:ReallyDid he say anything about his sister

M:Yes.She should be leaving Los Angeles very soon,because her husband has taken

a jo

b in Alaska.

3.W:Professor Philips seems serious.

M:But his lectures are quite humorous,aren't they?

Part B

Questions 4-6

A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office.Out of nearly fifty persons who came to apply, the man selected one and dismissed the others.

"I should like to know,"said a friend,"the reason you preferred that boy, who brought not a single letter, not a dinagle recommendation."

"You are wrong,"said the gentleman."He had a great many. He wiped his feet at the door and closed the door behind him,showing that he was careful.He gave his seat immediately to that old man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful.He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions promptly, showing that he was polite and gentlemanly."

"All the rest stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the floor. He picked it up and placed it on the table ,and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing and crowding.When I talked to him ,I noticed his tidy clothing, his neatly brushed hair and his clean finger nails. Can't you see that these things are excellent recommendations

I consider them more significant than letters."

Questions 7-10

The year was 1912.Mrs. Straus and her husband were passengers on the Titanic during its fateful voyage. Not many women went down with the ship,but Mrs.Straus was one of the few women who did not survive for one simple reason:She could not bear to leaveher husband .

This is how Mabel Bird,Mrs.Straus's servant , who survived the disaster, told the story after she was saved.

"When the Titanic began to sink, frightened women and children were the first ones loaded into lifeboats.Mr.and Mrs.Straus were calmand comforting other passengers,and helped many of them into the boats.

Then, Mr.Straus begged his wife to get into the life boat with her servant an others. Mrs.Straus started to get in. She had one foot on the edge, but then suddenly ,she changed her mind, turned away and stepped back onto the sinking ship.

"Please, dear,get into the boat!"her husband urged.

"No,"Mrs.Straus is said to have replied with resistance."I will not get into the boat.We have been together through a great many years. We are old now.I will not leave you.Where you go ,I will go."

And that is where they were last seen, standing arm in arm on the deck, this devoted wife clinging courageously to her husband, this loving clinging protectively

to his wife, as the ship sank.


1.M:You look upset. What's wrong


3.W:The electric company is going to shut off our service.


5.M:Are we behind on the bills.


7.W:Yes,but why didn't you take care of the bills?


9.M:I guess I forgot.I'll make them a check today.


11.2.W:Guess what!The toilet is still running over.You were going to fix it last night.
