The Posteverything Generation
新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案Active reading(1)3).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue)2 a chance to do something (opportunity)3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment)4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus)5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest)6 to start a major activity (launch)7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects)8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment)4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself.5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes)2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance)3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal)4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor)5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy)6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized)The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out)8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating)For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience.9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion)6) . Answer the questions about the words.1 (b) not very clearly?2 (a) active?3 (b) who disagrees publicly with the government?4 (b) not interested in it?5 (b) exciting?6 (a) get smaller?7 (a) often in touch with them?8 (b) great pleasure?Active reading 23).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.rebel2.era3.destruction4.gender5.assert6.philosophy7.industrial4).Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.1.rebel2.assert3.era4.industrial5.philosophy6.gender7.destruction5).Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.a7.b8.bLanguage in useplete the sentences with the words in brackets and the suffix -ment or -ism.1. What is the going to do about this problem? (govern)Correct answer :government2. refers to a contemporary way of thinking, and is not easy to define. (postmodern)Correct answer : Postmodernism3. Post-war economic led to the creation of new universities in the 1960s. (develop)Correct answer : development4. We must combat money worship and extreme . (individual)Correct answer : individualism5. The two groups discussed for a long time, but couldn't reach an . (agree)Correct answer : agreement6. The best we can make for the future is to provide opportunities for the younger generation. (invest)Correct answer : investment7. is the belief that men and women should be treated differently. (sex)Correct answer : Sexism8. The of Wordsworth is evident in his poem on the French Revolution. (romantic)Correct answer : romanticism2.Rewrite the sentences using so / neither / nor + inversion. Follow the example.1. The world has changed a lot since the 1960s. Universities have changed a lot, too. Suggested answer:The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have universities.2. I really enjoyed my years at university. Jackie also enjoyed the time she spent at university. Suggested answer:I really enjoyed my years at university, and so did Jackie.3. Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students. Another major problem is organizing one's time on campus.Suggested answer:Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students, and so is organizing one's time on campus.4. I'm thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature. Li Ming is thinking of going, too. Suggested answer:I'm thinking of going to the lecture on post-colonial literature, and so is Li Ming.5. I think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years. In my opinion the teaching has also got better.Suggested answer:I think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years, and so has the teaching.6. We can access the Internet in our student hostel, and it's the same for everyone else on campus. Suggested answer:We can access the Internet in our student hostel, and so can everyone else on campus.7. I'm not very interested in politics. My friends aren't either.Suggested answer:I'm not very interested in politics, nor are my friends.8. I won't be doing much tonight. My roommate won't be doing much either.Suggested answer:I won't be doing much tonight, nor will my roommate.3.Rewrite the sentences using mean. Follow the example.1. When you start out at college you meet lots of interesting people.Suggested answer:Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.2. If you go to bed too late you won't be able to concentrate the next day.Suggested answer:Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.3. When you do a course in Lit Theory you spend a lot of time on difficult subjects.Suggested answer:Doing a course in Lit Theory means spending a lot of time on difficult subjects.4. To be interested in literature is to have an open mind about other ways of life.Suggested answer:Being interested in literature means having an open mind about other ways of life.5. To protest against the Vietnam War in the 1960s you went out onto the streets.Suggested answer:Protesting against the Vietnam War in the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.6. When you go to college today you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.Suggested answer:Going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you will do afterwards.4.Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. (with their …and justice 部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生与当权者的冲突。

父母如何面对代沟英语作文250词左右全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1How Parents Can Deal with the Generation GapMoms and dads, do you ever feel like you just don't understand your kids these days? Like there's a huge gap between your generation and theirs? Well, you're not alone! The generation gap is a real thing that lots of families deal with. But don't worry, there are ways to bridge that gap and get along better. Let me explain!First off, what even is the generation gap? It's basically the differences between generations in how they think, act, and see the world. Our parents and grandparents grew up in a totally different time than we did. The world has changed a lot with new technologies, new ideas, and new ways of life. So it's natural that there would be some misunderstandings between the generations.For example, our parents might not really "get" why we're always on our phones or playing video games. To them, that might seem like a waste of time. But to us kids, that's just how wesocialize and have fun in the modern age. Our parents also might think some of the music, movies, or YouTube videos we like are weird or inappropriate. And we might think some of theirold-fashioned rules or traditions are totally lame.The generation gap can lead to arguments, frustration, and just not feeling understood by our parents. But here's the thing –even though we grew up in different times, we're still family. And family should stick together, respect each other, and try to see things from the other side.That's where parents come in. You guys have to make an effort to understand and accept the kid generation, even if it seems strange at first. Ask us questions about the things we're into and the way we think. Listen to us with an open mind instead of immediately judging or dismissing our interests and viewpoints as silly or disrespectful.At篇2How Parents Can Deal with the Generation GapMy parents are really old! They don't understand anything about video games, social media, or cool music. It's like we'refrom different planets sometimes. But I know they still love me a whole lot, even if we don't agree on everything.There's a big generation gap between kids like me and our parents. A generation gap means the differences between younger people and older people. We have different interests, different styles, and different ways of seeing the world.For example, my parents are always nagging me about spending too much time on my phone or iPad. They think I'm just wasting time playing games. But for me, that's how I socialize with my friends and stay connected. My parents grew up without all this technology, so they can't really understand.Another example is music. My parents only listen to really old, boring music from like a million years ago. The songs I like have cool beats and lyrics about modern life. My parents just think it all sounds like noise!So what can parents do about this generation gap? I think the most important thing is for them to try to understand and accept that kids today are different. Don't force yourold-fashioned ways on us. Ask questions and make an effort to learn about our interests and perspectives.It's also important for kids like me to be patient with our parents. They can't help being from a different generation. We should explain things to them calmly and not get too frustrated. If we work together, the generation gap doesn't have to be a big problem.In the end, parents and kids want a lot of the same things - to feel loved, respected, and understood. If we keep communicating and making an effort, the generation gap can be bridged. Then we'll appreciate each other's similarities and differences.篇3How Parents Should Deal with the Generation GapBy: A 5th GraderGrown-ups and kids don't always get along great. There's something called the "generation gap" which means older people and younger people have different thoughts and ways of doing things. My parents and I disagree about stuff a lot. But I have some ideas for how they can deal with our generation gap better.First, they need to listen more. I'm a kid but I'm not dumb. I understand way more than they think. When they just lecture me and don't let me get a word in, it's really frustrating. If they took a breather and heard me out, we'd make way more progress.Secondly, they should try to learn about modern kid stuff. I'm into video games, YouTube, and all sorts of digital things they didn't have back in their day. Instead of just saying "That's a waste of time," they could ask me to explain why I like it. If they made an effort, they'd get why this stuff is important to kids today.Another idea is for them to admit when they're wrong sometimes. Parents are supposed to be perfect but nobody is. If they owned up to their mistakes once in a while, I'd respect them way more for it. It would also set a good example for me about accountability.The last thing is parents need to relax a little! They're always stressing about crazy stuff like grades, accomplishments, college, and my future career. Those things do matter but not everything has to be so intense all the time. If they chilled out more, our house would be a lot More fun and less tense.So those are my tips for how parents could improve their generation gap issues. The main ideas are listen to us kids, makean effort to understand our world, admit when you mess up, and don't take everything so seriously. If they worked on that stuff, I bet parents and kids would get along way better!篇4Moms and Dads, do you ever feel like you and your kids are from different planets? It's like you speak different languages sometimes! Don't worry, this "generation gap" is totally normal. But there are ways to bridge it and become best buddies again!First up, try to learn about the things your kids are into these days. What games are they playing? What movies are they watching? What music are they listening to? Ask them to explain it all to you, and really listen with an open mind. You might just discover you actually like some of that stuff too!Next, get involved in their world a little. Play that video game with them, watch that YouTube channel together, or learn some of the latest dances. They'll be so surprised and think you're the coolest! It shows you care about their interests.Another tip is to share your own childhood stories and memories. We kids are curious about how things were "back in the day." Telling us funny tales from when you were young makes us feel closer to you. We realize you were a kid once too!Finally, remember that even with generation gaps, you're still a family. Make time for family activities you can all enjoy, like game nights, pizza movie nights, or weekend hiking trips. Laughing and having fun together reminds you that generational differences aren't that big of a deal when you truly make an effort.So don't let a generation gap turn into a great divide, parents! With some understanding, open minds, and quality family time, that gap can easily be bridged. Agree to disagree sometimes, but never forget the love that bonds you together!篇5How Parents Should Face the Generation GapHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to talk about something that's really important – the generation gap between parents and kids. You see, us kids these days are pretty different from how our parents were when they were young. We like different things, we use different words, and we even think differently sometimes!But you know what? That's totally okay! It's natural for there to be some differences between generations. After all, the world is always changing, and we have to change with it. The problemarises when parents and kids just can't seem to understand each other anymore. That's when the generation gap becomes a big, scary hole that's hard to cross.So, what should parents do about it? Well, here are some ideas from a kid's point of view:Listen to us! We might sound silly sometimes, but our thoughts and feelings are important too. When you listen, it shows us that you care.Try to learn about the things we like. Maybe ask us to teach you how to play that cool new video game or what those funny words we use actually mean.Be patient and open-minded. Just because something is different doesn't mean it's bad. Give our interests and ideas a chance before judging them.Spend quality time together. Do fun activities that both you and us enjoy. That way, we can bond and understand each other better.Remember that you were a kid once too! Think back to how you felt when you were our age. That might help you see things from our perspective.At the end of the day, we love you, parents! We just want you to love and understand us too, even if we seem a little weird sometimes. If we all make an effort to bridge that generation gap, everything will be just awesome!篇6How Parents Should Deal with the Generation GapKids these days are super different from their parents when they were young. We use things like smartphones, apps, and video games that didn't even exist back then! Sometimes parents don't understand the cool, modern stuff we like. This causes a "generation gap" between us and our parents. But there are ways for parents to deal with this gap and be closer to their kids.First, parents should try to learn about the things we're interested in. If they see we're playing a videogame, they could ask us to explain the rules. Or if we're doing a fun activity online, they could have us show them how it works. That way, they'll understand our world better.Next, parents shouldn't judge the new things we like right away. Just because it's different from what they grew up with doesn't mean it's bad. They should keep an open mind and give our interests a chance before deciding if they're okay or not.Finally, the best way to avoid a huge generation gap is for parents to make an effort to stay connected with us as we grow up. They should watch the same movies and TV shows, listen to the same music, and experience the same pop culture we do. That way, we can bond over the cool, modern stuff we're into!If parents take the time to understand our interests and keep up with the amazing new things in our world, we can be super close despite the generation gap. It'll be awesome!2000 Character English Version:How Parents Should Deal with the Generation GapKids nowadays are extremely different from their parents when they were young. We utilize things like smartphones, applications, and video games that didn't even exist back then! Sometimes parents don't comprehend the cool, modern stuff we're enthusiastic about. This causes a "generation gap" between us and our parents. However, there are ways for parents to address this gap and be closer to their kids.Firstly, parents should endeavor to learn about the things we're interested in. If they observe that we're playing a videogame, they could inquire about us elucidating the rules. Or if we're engaged in a fun activity online, they could have usdemonstrate how it functions. That way, they'll gain a better understanding of our world.Next, parents shouldn't pass judgment on the novel things we appreciate right away. Just because it's divergent from what they grew up with doesn't necessarily signify it's undesirable. They should maintain an open mindset and give our interests a chance before deciding if they're acceptable or not.Lastly, the most effective way to circumvent a substantial generation gap is for parents to make a concerted effort to remain connected with us as we mature. They should watch the same movies and TV shows, listen to the same music, and experience the same pop culture we do. That way, we can bond over the cool, modern stuff we're enthusiastic about!If parents take the time to comprehend our interests and keep abreast with the amazing new things in our world, we can be exceptionally close despite the generation gap. It'll be awesome!。
青春有我 共克时艰英语作文

青春有我共克时艰英语作文Fifty seven years ago, Martin Luther King, the leader of the black civil rights movement, delivered a world-famous speech - "I have a dream" in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. This has laid a solid foundation for the realization of the American dream of equality, freedom and openness. Even if Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and killed during his speech, the fall of a star will not affect the vastness of the whole star. When the dream shines into reality, its power is enough to change the world."I have a dream". Black people, blue eyes and yellow skin; Whether it is the western world or the eastern countries. Regardless of race, gender, wealth or cultural differences, everyone has his own dream. And the realization of dreams will not be insignificant because of age, nor will it be eclipsed because of age growth.Still remember at the beginning of the outbreak of the COVID-19, academician Zhong Nanshan of the "post-80s generation" told Chinese people to "try not to go to Wuhan", while on the other hand, he resolutely set foot on the train to Wuhan and led the medicalstaff to fight on the front line of the anti epidemic. In this process, Zhong Nanshan showed the professionalism of academicians, the bravery of soldiers, and the responsibility of national academicians with his own practical actions. I also remember that when Grandpa Yuan Longping, a "post-90s generation", was asked by a CCTV reporter, "are you particularly worried that such a scene (famine) will appear again", Mr. Yuan answered "impossible, impossible" twice in a row. Then take a long sigh of relief. Behind these two impossible sentences, there is an old man's sadness and efforts. Since the development of super rice, the problem of food and clothing for 1billion people around the world has been solved. Today, Yuan Longping still leads the young people of the R & D team to work and research in the fields day after day. I still remember Tu Youyou, a scientist who is also a "post-90s generation". From "Professor Sanwu" to Nobel Prize winner, she devoted her life to artemisinin, which effectively reduced the mortality of malaria patients.These "giants" who have made great contributions to the country and the world are down-to-earth in the soil of reality. Whenthey choose to forge ahead in the face of difficulties and adversity, they still don't forget to look up to the stars. From the standpoint of sociology, what is their dream? The answer may be "I hope similar public security incidents will not happen again", "I hope people in China and the world can eat enough" and "I hope to reduce the suffering of patients".Dreams are abstract and concrete. As a Post-00 student, I hope my parents and family are healthy. I hope every little animal can grow up happily. I hope to hold hands with my good friends and look forward to the hope of tomorrow outside the busy schoolwork. The dream of my age is small but full enough. But I also know, "a Jade mouth China, a tile top family, with a strong country, there is a rich home." After experiencing the COVID-19 this year, I have strengthened a big dream in my heart: I hope the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe. Because only a good country can make a good home; Only national security, home can be safe.57年前,黑人民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金在华盛顿林肯纪念堂前发表了影响世界的著名演讲——《我有一个梦想》。
Advanced_English_Book_2sad young man

Title: the Sad Young Men: 悲伤的一代 created by F. Scott Other different terms for young generations: the lost generation: 迷惘的一代 created by Gertrude Stein A generation with many of its men killed in WWI; an emotionally and culturally unstable generation coming to maturity esp. in 1915-25. Two terms referring to the disillusioned young artists after WW I: the beat generation: 打垮的一代 American popular artists and writers in the 1950s, who rejected traditional artistic forms. the angry young men: 愤怒的一代 English writers in the 1950s, who were rebellious and critical to society.
Expressions: sensationally romanticized (idealized): being treated in a passionate idealized manner to shock, thrill and rouse people’s interest 渲染 nostalgic: looking for sth. far away or long ago (used as transferred epithet modifying the middle-aged who lived through the1920s, so they can recall the past life then).怀旧的 curious: transferred epithet modifying the young people who are curious about the young people in the 1920s. deliciously illicit thrill: enjoyable unlawful excitement speakeasy: (Am slang) in 1923-33, a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally during Prohibition. 非法酒店

从结构主义,形式主义,性别理论,后殖民主义,我缓缓地移动着I Pod,脑子里想着资本主义下由家长主导的世界与伊坦弗洛美有什么关系呢?但开始学后现代主义后,有种东西突然打动了我,让我坐了起来并开始重新审视包括我在内的这些以文青自许的大学生们。
难就难在它太“后” 了。
什么是后现代主义这个问题也令我着迷,这是一场一切都后现代化的运动,一场不倾吐自我心声的运动,这也是一个更加大众化的问题, 即当今政治,现流行的文化和坐在我身旁这些成长在后现代年代的其他倦怠大二学生们。
大学生阶段的我们在很多方面都极度后现代化:后冷战,后工业,后婴儿潮,后9. 11……文学评论家弗雷德里克詹姆逊在他著名的短篇中写到过“后现代,晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”字眼,他甚至称我们为“后文青”。
The post-everything generation翻译后现“代”

从结构主义,形式主义,性别理论,后殖民主义,我缓缓地移动着I Pod,脑子里想着资本主义下由家长主导的世界与伊坦弗洛美有什么关系呢?但开始学后现代主义后,有种东西突然打动了我,让我坐了起来并开始重新审视包括我在内的这些以文青自许的大学生们。

四级英语作文高分句子It pays to be honest 诚实是有回报的The net is increasingly popular 网络越来越流行Students of universities and collegesPop music appeals to me 我对流行音乐很感兴趣Everything cuts both ways 任何事情都有两面性English is intensely important=English matters much1. As the economy advances at a fast pace, English plays an increasingly important role in our livesSimply put 简而言之He believes women cannot be too thin 他相信女人再瘦也不为过2. It pays to cultivat the innovative spirit among students of colleges and universities.3. On college campuses across the nation,playing online game is intensely popular. E-books/digital books/paperless books 电子书Online courses/web courses 网络课程A green campus=an environment-friendly campus4. It pays to maintain a positive mental attitude when facing adverse situations. put in another way, remaining optimistic in adversities pays off.5. A growing number of college students are hopelessly addicted to matters unrelated to their studies, a worrying trend that should spark public attention.6. We are supposed to be fully aware of the fact that if we continue to harm the environment we are bound to pay heavily/dearly for it.7. As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. China currently falls behind advanced countries on many fronts.On many fronts 在很多方面8. It pays to foster the cooperative spirit on many fronts.9. Thanks to advances in technology and economy, a variety of/diversity of digital products, from mobile phone to digital camera, are intensely popular on the Chinese mainland.10. Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of the topic of a green campus.11. The past decades have seen the fast-paced development of the nation’s economy. On doubly 毫无疑问的是12. I doubt that she married him for moneyThere is no doubt that=it is beyond doubt that…13. There is no doubt that this reform is aimed at sharpening the competitive edge of the students in the tough job market.14. It is beyond doubt that far too many college students fail to be aware that achieving/striking a balance between entertainment and studies matters much.15. Undoubtedly, what you do on campus will have profound impact on you in the days ahead.Individual colleges and universities 各个大学16. He bought/purchased/acquired this public company17. With the nation’s economy still in the red, a growing number of college graduates find it is increasingly hard to land a decent job.Loving our country means more than words18. On my personal level, effective measures should be taken to crack down on piracy/reverse the trend19. We , college students, are supposed to take the leading role in fighting against this evil trend20. Only by taking concrete moves can we enjoy a pollution-free environment. Making painstaking efforts 付出艰苦努力21. Only by making painstaking efforts can we climb the social ladder higher.22. It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese fail to focus on a high value on 重视23. It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese students fail to place a high value on learning Chinese, their mother tongueThe bulk of=the majority of24. The bulk of Chinese take pride in the country’s abundant natural resources Do all in one’s power to 尽某人最大努力去…25. While my command of English is not outstanding, I am doing all in my power to improve itFavor A over B 支持A而不支持B26. While Romney won the first debate, I favor Obama instead of/rather than over himYou deserve it 1.你应该获得 2.你活该Digging into 仔细阅读Stress A over B 强调A 而不强调B27. Traditionally, Chinese education stresses mechanical thinking over creativityA toB is whatC to DIn an effort to=in order to28. In an effort to reverse the trend, the government has pumped a wealth of resources into this campaign.Launch a campaign 发起运动29. Personally, the government should launch a campaign to crack down on illegal manufacturesBe designed to do=be aimed at doingAwaken sb to the crucial importance of sth 唤醒某人,某事的重要性30. The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of respecting intellectual property rightsSenior citizens 老人(尤指退休者)be responsible for …的原因31. The shrinking population is responsible for this trend.Get actively involved in 积极参与32. In their leisure hours, they consume a good portion of time getting actively involved in serving as volunteers.It is virtually impossible for sb to do sth 某人做某事几乎是不可能的33. It is virtually impossible for you to land a decent job without superb professional knowledge and an outstanding command of English.Nothing new 绝非先见,很常见34. Devoting a good portion of leisure time to learning English is nothing new among my fellow students35. Setting a grand goal but not taking concrete moves is nothing new among my peers .Be capable of 能够的,有能力的36. Fat too many Chinese are incapable of thinking independently and critically37. Others, however, are supportive of this campaign. Others, however, seea different picture. Claiming it pays to devote much time to taking optional coursesGenerate impacts 产生影响sth concerns sb 某事使某人担心38. How to reverse the trend concerns folks from every walk of lifeEvery walk of life 各行各业As the pillar of our society 作为我们社会的栋梁支柱39. As the pillar of our society, we ,college students, should shoulder more responsibility to respect intellectual proerty rights/should take the leading role in serving as volunteers in the earthquake-stricken area.40. I am striving to earn more mon ey to relieve my parents’ financial load41. Folks from all walks of life should strive to play a part in buildinga pollution-free societySharpen one’s edge 增强竞争力42. Our course focuses on teaching the students how to sharpen their edge when taking the interviewLast but definitely not the least 最后,但绝不是最不重要的43. People focusing on immediate benefits are bound to pay dearly for it44. Last but definitely not the least, our lack of attention on this issue is mostly responsible for it.Move oneself beyond 摆脱45. It’s my hope that in my college days I could gradually move myself beyond my dependence on parents.In the hope of 以希望46. I am doing all in my power to earn credits in the hope of graduating earlier. Lend A B’s support B支持A47. I sincerely hope that you could lend me your support in the election for class president.48. I sincerely hope that you could do everything you can to promote the environmental awareness among your fellow students.49. He , with his superb performance, is gaining growing popularity on campus. Giant leaps 巨大进步50. Thanks to giant leaps in technology, could computing is gaining growing popularity across the world .51. If You Are The One, a TV reality show, is gaining growing popularity on the Chinese mainland.52. Sina weibo , the Chinese clone of Twitter, is gaining enormous popularity amongnet citizens.Enable sb to do sth 使某人能够干某事53. The nets enables us to communicate with each other in ways that were beyond our imagination.Far outweigh 远远超过,远远大于54. The strengths of the net far outweigh it’s weakness.55. The virtual world has generated far more positive impacts on us than negative ones.As sb put it 正如某人所言56. As Kobe Bryant,a legendary figure of NBA, put it ,”it is the teamwork spirit that helps Los Angeles Lakers weather hard times all these years”Taste success 取得成功57. Mo Yan ultimately tasted success.Be equipped with 拥有58. High achievers are equipped with a wealth of personal qualities that others lack.A series of=a string of59. School authorities attribute a string of suicides to our lack of attention on the students’ psychological mental health.60. He stays far ahead of his fellow students on many fronts thanks to his painstaking effortsAttach growing importance to(doing) sth 越来越重视某事61. After having suffered some major setbacks in his career, he attaches growing importance to execution.As a consequence 结果I would argue 我认为At current stage 现阶段Matter much more 重要的多62. I would argue that at current stage studies matter much more than entertainment. Be closely linked to 与…有紧密联系63. Whether you could taste success is closely linked to whether you havea strong will.I couldn’t care less about it 我不关心I couldn’t care more about it 我很关心This movie couldn’t be worse 很糟糕的电影not simply…but… 不仅…而且push up=drive up 推动某物上升to be more specific 更具体地说excessive exploitation 过度开发,过度开采64. To be more specific, our excessive exploitation of natural resources not only costs us dearly in the short run but may generate profound negative impacts on future generationsIn the short run 从短期看来the post-90s generation 90后turn around 扭转…趋势pay lip service 只说不做65. All parties involved in this pressing issue are supposed to stop paying lip service. Curb the prevalent trend 遏制(不好的)趋势Wage campaigns 发起运动Governments at all levels 各级政府Bring…under control 控制…66. Governments at all levels are supposed to wage massive campaign to bring the soaring commodity prices under control.Bear fruits 结果实Bear the costs 承担成本Bear the consequence 承担成本67. I harbor a sincere hope that our combined efforts would pay off.68. People from all walks of life should combine their efforts to build our society into a harmonious noe。

零零后是最不幸的一代人吗英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Are Post-00s the Most Unfortunate Generation?Hey guys! Today, let's talk about whether us, the post-00s, are the most unfortunate generation. Some people say that we are facing a lot of challenges and difficulties, while others think that we are actually luckier than previous generations. So, what do you guys think?First of all, let's look at the challenges we face. We grew up in a fast-changing world with technology advancing so quickly. It can be overwhelming to keep up with all the new gadgets and social media platforms. Also, the pressure to do well in school and get into a good college is really high. We have to study hard, attend extra classes, and participate in all kinds of competitions. It's a lot of stress for kids our age!Moreover, the world is facing so many problems like climate change, pollution, and conflicts. We are worried about our future and what kind of world we will inherit. It's a lot to think about for kids who are still growing up and figuring out who we are.But, on the other hand, we also have a lot of advantages. We have access to so much information and knowledge through the internet. We can learn about anything we want with just a click of a button. We also have more opportunities to travel, study abroad, and pursue our passions. Our parents and teachers support us in following our dreams and exploring new things.So, are we the most unfortunate generation? I don't think so. Yes, we have challenges to overcome, but we also have the tools and opportunities to make a difference in the world. Let's stay positive and work hard to create a better future for ourselves and the generations to come!篇2Are post-2000s the most unfortunate generation? Let's discuss!Hey guys, have you ever heard people say that we, the post-2000s generation, are the most unlucky generation ever? Some people think that because we face so many challenges, like the pressure of studying, the scarcity of job opportunities, and the high cost of living, we must be the most unfortunate generation. But is that really true?First of all, let's talk about the pressure of studying. Sure, we have to study hard to get into a good university and secure a good job, but isn't that the same for every generation? Our parents and grandparents also faced challenges in their education, so we're not alone in this. Plus, we have access to so much information and resources that can help us succeed, like the internet and online courses.Next, let's talk about job opportunities. It's true that the job market is competitive and it can be tough to find a job, but that doesn't mean we're doomed to fail. With our creativity, innovation, and determination, we can find ways to stand out and pursue our dreams. We have the power to create our own opportunities and shape our future.Lastly, let's talk about the cost of living. Yes, things like housing, food, and transportation can be expensive, but we also have more ways to save money and live frugally. We can budget wisely, shop smartly, and look for discounts and deals to make ends meet. Plus, we have the support of our friends and family to help us through tough times.In conclusion, while we may face some challenges as the post-2000s generation, we also have the resilience, resourcefulness, and support to overcome them. So let's notdwell on the idea of being the most unfortunate generation, but instead focus on our strengths and opportunities to create a bright future for ourselves. Let's show the world how lucky and capable we truly are!篇3Oh my god! Do you know that some people say we, the post-2000 generation, are the most unfortunate group of people in history? Is it true? Let's explore this topic together!First of all, we are constantly bombarded with information and pressure from all sides. With social media, schoolwork, and extracurricular activities, we barely have time to breathe! It's like we are always on a tightrope, trying to balance everything perfectly.Secondly, the world is changing so fast that it's hard to keep up. Technology is advancing at lightning speed, and we are expected to adapt just as quickly. It's like we are always playing catch-up, trying to stay relevant in a world that seems to be moving at a million miles per hour.But wait a minute, are we really the most unfortunate generation? Despite all the challenges we face, we also have many advantages. We have access to information at ourfingertips, thanks to the internet. We have the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world, learn new skills, and pursue our passions like never before.So, are we really the most unfortunate generation? Maybe not. We may face unique challenges, but we also have unique opportunities. It all depends on how we choose to look at it. Instead of focusing on the negatives, let's embrace the positives and make the most of our time as post-2000s. After all, we are a generation of fighters, dreamers, and innovators. Let's show the world what we are made of!篇4Are we post-00s the most unfortunate generation?Hey guys, have you ever heard people saying that we, the post-00s, are the most unlucky generation? Well, I don't think so! Let me tell you why I don't agree with that.First of all, we have so many cool gadgets and technology that make our lives easier and more fun. I mean, we have smartphones, tablets, and laptops that let us do basically anything we want with just a few taps. Not to mention all the awesome video games and social media we can enjoy!Secondly, we have access to so much information and knowledge thanks to the internet. If we want to learn about something, all we have to do is Google it and we can find tons of articles and videos to help us understand. We can even take online classes and learn new skills without leaving our homes!And let's not forget about all the opportunities we have to travel and explore the world. With budget airlines and affordable accommodation options, it's easier than ever to see new places and experience different cultures. We can even document our adventures on social media and share them with our friends and family!So you see, being a post-00s kid isn't all that bad. Sure, we may face some challenges and uncertainties, but we also have so many amazing things to be grateful for. Let's embrace the opportunities that come our way and make the most of our lives!篇5Title: Are Post-00s the Unluckiest Generation?Hey guys, have you ever thought about whether us post-00s are the unluckiest generation? Some people say that we have it harder than any other generation before us, but is that really true?Let's take a closer look at some of the reasons why people think we're facing more challenges than ever.One reason people think we're unlucky is because of all the pressure we face at school. We have to study really hard, take lots of tests, and compete with our classmates to get good grades. It can be really stressful sometimes, but hey, we're tough cookies, right?Another reason people say we're unlucky is because of the technology we have to deal with. We're always on our phones or computers, constantly bombarded with information and distractions. It's hard to escape from it all and just relax. But hey, at least we know how to use technology like pros, right?And don't even get me started on the environment. Some people say that we're the generation that will have to deal with the consequences of climate change. It can be scary to think about, but hey, maybe we'll come up with some cool solutions to save the planet.But you know what? Despite all the challenges we face, I think us post-00s are pretty lucky in some ways too. We have access to so much information and opportunities that previous generations could only dream of. We can connect with peoplefrom all over the world, learn new skills online, and pursue our passions in ways that were never possible before.So yeah, maybe we have it tough sometimes, but I think we're pretty lucky to be growing up in this day and age. Let's embrace the challenges and make the most of the opportunities that come our way. Who knows, maybe we'll surprise everyone and become the most resilient and innovative generation yet!篇6Are zero-zero children the most unfortunate generation?Hey everyone, have you ever heard of the term "zero-zero children"? It means that we are the kids born after 2000, and some people say that we are the most unfortunate generation. But is that really true?Some people think that we are the most unfortunate generation because we have to deal with a lot of problems that previous generations didn't have to face. For example, we have to worry about climate change, pollution, and the fast pace of technology. It can be overwhelming at times, but is that enough to say that we are the most unfortunate generation?I don't think so! Yes, we have our own set of challenges, but we also have so many opportunities that previous generations didn't have. We have access to so much information and knowledge thanks to the internet. We can connect with people from all over the world and learn about different cultures and perspectives. We have the chance to pursue our passions and dreams in ways that were never possible before.Sure, we may have to deal with some tough stuff, but we are also incredibly lucky to be living in a time where anything is possible. So, let's not focus on how unlucky we are, but instead, let's embrace the opportunities that we have and make the most of them. After all, we are the future, and the future is bright for us zero-zero children!篇7Are post-2000s the most unfortunate generation?Hey guys, have you ever thought about whether uspost-2000s are the most unlucky generation? Let's talk about it together!Some people say that we post-2000s are facing a lot of challenges that previous generations didn't have to deal with. For example, the pressure of school work is really heavy for us.We have to study hard, do a lot of homework, and take exams all the time. It can be really stressful!Also, there are a lot of social issues that we have to deal with, like bullying, peer pressure, and social media. It can be tough to navigate all these things when we are still so young.But you know what, guys? We also have a lot of advantages that previous generations didn't have. We have access to so much information and technology that can help us learn and grow. We can connect with people from all over the world and learn about different cultures and ideas. We have so many opportunities to explore and create our own path in life.So, sure, we post-2000s face some challenges, but we also have a lot of amazing opportunities. Let's stay positive and make the most of what we have. We can overcome any obstacles and create a bright future for ourselves. We are not the most unfortunate generation – we are the generation of possibilities! Let's go out there and make our mark on the world!篇8Are we the most unlucky generation as the post-00s?Hey everyone! Do you think we, the post-00s generation, are the most unlucky? Some people say we are the most unfortunate, but I don't think so. Let me tell you why!First of all, we have so many cool technologies! We have smartphones, tablets, and computers that make learning and playing so much easier. We can watch videos, play games, and connect with friends all over the world. It's amazing!Secondly, we have access to so much information. We can learn about anything we want just by searching online. We can read books, watch documentaries, and even take online courses. We have the world at our fingertips!Next, we have more opportunities to follow our dreams. We can choose from so many different careers and hobbies. Whether we want to be a doctor, a dancer, or a chef, we have the freedom to pursue our passions.Lastly, we are more aware of social issues and how to make a difference. We care about the environment, social justice, and equality. We are not afraid to speak up and fight for what is right.So, are we the most unlucky generation? I don't think so! We have so many advantages and opportunities that previousgenerations didn't have. Let's embrace the future and make the most of it!篇9Are post-00s the most unfortunate generation?Hey guys, have you ever heard people say that we, the post-00s generation, are the most unfortunate generation? Well, let's talk about it!Some people think that we are the most unlucky because we have to face many challenges in this fast-changing world. With the development of technology, we have to deal with things like social media pressure and online bullying. Besides, the competition in school and future job market is getting tougher and tougher. It seems like we have to work harder just to keep up with everyone else!But you know what? I don't think we are the most unfortunate generation. Sure, we have our own problems to face, but every generation has its own set of challenges. And besides, we also have many advantages that our parents and grandparents didn't have. We have access to information at our fingertips, we can connect with people from all over the world,and we have more opportunities to explore our interests and passions.So, let's not focus on the negative things. Instead, let's embrace the opportunities that we have and make the most out of them. Let's work hard, stay positive, and always support each other. Because no matter what challenges we face, we can overcome them together!In conclusion, I don't think we are the most unfortunate generation. We may have our struggles, but we also have our strengths. Let's stay strong, stay positive, and always believe in ourselves. We are the post-00s generation, and we can achieve anything we set our minds to!篇10Title: Are Post-00s the Most Unlucky Generation?Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about whether post-00s (kids born after 2000) are the most unlucky generation. Some people say that we have it tough because of all the challenges we face, like climate change, technology addiction, and pressure to succeed. But are we really the most unlucky?Let's start with climate change. It's true that our planet is facing serious problems because of global warming. But guess what? We also have the power to make a difference! We can reduce our carbon footprint by taking public transport, recycling, and planting trees. So maybe we're not so unlucky after all.Next, let's talk about technology addiction. It's easy to spend all day staring at our screens, but we can also use technology for good. We can connect with friends and family, learn new things, and even help others through online platforms. So maybe technology isn't all bad.Lastly, there's the pressure to succeed. It's true that we have a lot of expectations on us, whether it's from school, parents, or society. But we also have the freedom to choose our own path and pursue our passions. We can follow our dreams and make a difference in the world.In conclusion, being a post-00s kid has its challenges, but we also have incredible opportunities to make a positive impact. So let's embrace our generation and work together to create a better future for ourselves and the world. We're not the most unlucky generation – we're the ones who can change the world!。

职场双语阅读一批身为90后(post-90s generation)的大学毕业生将于今年步入职场,一些专家预测这信息一代将为企业带来不小的变化,同时为这些职场新人们提出了一些中肯的建议。
Wang Fengfeng was a graphic design major at the Communication University of China, Nanjing. She quit her job at a state-owned company after a two-month internship.王凤凤是来自中国传媒大学南广学院平面设计专业的学生,她在一家国企实习两个月之后,便辞职了。
Despite an attractive salary Wang couldn’t stand being bossed around. Even the color of her stockings and the way she spoke over the phone was prescribed by her manager.尽管工作待遇很吸引人,但王凤凤受不了整天被呼来唤去。
“I like a more equal or friendly working environment. I would like to contribute my own ideas rather than only being given orders without the right to question them,” said the 22-year-old.“我喜欢一个更为平等、友善的工作环境。

苏炳添超越自我的英语作文"Nine seconds eighty-three, a new Asian record! Subingtian created history, and he became the first yellow man to enter the decisive battle of the 100 meter flying man in the Olympic Games..." that night was destined to be a sleepless night. People are crazy about it and inspired by it. At that moment, it had nothing to do with the outcome. Su Bingtian was the superhero in my heart!Look, he is wearing a Chinese Red sportswear and a pair of white running shoes. He looks sharp and domineering. When the gun was fired, he flashed like a red lightning across the main Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. His feet were like a dragonfly skimming the water. One foot had not yet landed, and the other foot was raised again. In the end, he finished sixth in 9.98 seconds and crossed the finish line. It is not to win a medal that deserves celebration, but to surpass oneself can also win respect. After the game, he tore the collar of his clothes and wore a five-star red flag around the court to celebrate. He is the superhero Su Bingtian!Who said that the yellow race could not enter the Olympic 100mfinals? Is 100 meters and 10 seconds the limit of the yellow race? Under various doubts, Su Bingtian, as the first Chinese to reach the Olympic 100 meter final, won the sixth place in 9.98 seconds and the semi-final in 9.83 seconds, which has refreshed the long-standing history. He used his own strength to trample on the world's prejudice against the yellow people. But you know what? Subingtian is already 32 years old this year, which is already a very old age in the sprint world. After the threshold of 28 years old, most sprinters will slow down their metabolism, reduce their physical fitness and stop their performance. Su Bingtian was the only post-80s generation in the 100 meter flying man final of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Besides him, the oldest athlete is 27, and that is the composition of sprinters The golden age of.He dares to challenge, works hard and keeps pursuing his dream! Six years ago, he regarded age as a weakness. Over the past six years, he just beat time and surpassed himself. "Now that you have insisted, you can't give up." Subingtian has a regular routine every day. He never eats pork, snacks or drinks. Every training is very serious and single-minded. With a height of 1.72 meters, he has noabsolute talent, but he has extraordinary self-discipline, as well as the control and training of every detail. Before each race, he always carries a small tape measure with him to carefully measure the distance between the two feet of the starter, so as to obtain the best starting speed. He often encourages himself to make a little progress, even if it is 0. In 01 seconds, there are numerous difficulties behind it. Break through yourself and challenge the limit.In 2014, subingtian made a major and difficult decision in his career - to change his starting foot in order to break through 10 seconds. In order to break through ten seconds, everything before must start from scratch. This difficulty is like eating with your right hand, but suddenly you have to change to your left hand. During the most difficult times, I even couldn't walk. Although the process was not satisfactory, subingtian did not give up. He insisted. He was also diligent in learning. After each training, he would watch the video repeatedly to ponder his technical movements."BaoJianFeng comes from sharpening, while plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." I am well aware that behind these amazing achievements, subingtian earned them with repeated hardwork and sweat. He is our hero. I will take him as an example, study hard for the revitalization of China, and give back to my motherland with my own actions!。
The Continent

ZOETROPE The Continent《后会无期》H7u Hu# W% Q~Director and WriterHan HanProducerFang Li “A film devoid of meaning but filled to the brimwith pretensions of artistic greatness—orat least glimpses of artistic greatness he hasreadily absorbed, drained of power and thencalled his own,” writes film critic Clarence Tsui, in his final stab at Han Han’s latest directorial picture: The Continent. It’s a morose, existential comedy that has drawn intense criticism from both the domestic and international community, revolving around its seemingly milquetoast delivery. While the criticisms are not necessarily unjust, they fail at touching the core elements of the film—primarily, that life (and film) is full of absurdity, and how things are both perceived and meant to be, are often never one and the same.Han Han is often compared to Guo Jingming, the Hollywood playboy writer; both lack formal writing education but made fortunes off their writing. As a playboy of considerable fortune, Han’s career has made him an easy target for the established Chinese literati. It seems unfair to chain Han to Guo—two controversial writers, who share very little in common regarding style and are twinned only by their lack of formal education and age.Y es, it’s easy to hate on a controversial artist, and while both are red-stamped for public excoriation, there are certainly merits to Han’s directorial debut, which launched to the tune of 12 million USD, knocking Guo’s Tiny Times 3.0 off the blockbuster apex.The Continent might seem entirely out-of-place and unhinged, but it’s rife with existential commentary. The film generally follows three narrative arcs, each revolving around one of the male leads and their relationshipwith a woman as they travel across the country by car toCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.7879Issue 6 /2014deliver protagonist Jiang He (Bolin Chen), to his new position as a school teacher in western China. Much like Haruki Murakami’smeta-leveled story arcs, Han spends significant screen-time devoted to characters telling stories about other characters. It’s part comedy and part bittersweet adventure, evoking established Chinese society in a way that’s at least partially accessible to Westerners (although not necessarily “acceptable”).Critics contend that the writing is “vulgar” and “anti-intellectual”, Han’s script channels somesurprisingly familiar lessons from Western philosophers of the past, including Nietzsche and Camus. When their car is stolen, bothprotagonists end up in a ramshackle woodshed in the middle of the desert, reminiscent of Kobo Abe’s bleak black-and-white Woman in the Dunes . The following morning, Jiang delivers a Murakami-esque monologue, wrought with existential morality on the boiling of frogs. A frog being boiled doesn’t realize it at first, but animals always react to their environment, Jiang lectures. The past will pass, but being consistent in character is the only morality worth adhering to.Jiang He: Haohan, don’t let the past depress you. Let me show you an experiment.H3oh3n, n@ b&n9ng y~nw-i y@qi1n de y#xi8 b&r%y# ji& chu! t5u s3ng q#. W6 g0i n@ zu7 g- sh!y3n ba.浩汉,你不能因为以前的一些不如意就垂头丧气。

英译汉竞赛原文:The Posteverything GenerationI never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasé college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one.According to my textbook, the problem with defining postmodernism is th at it’s impossible. The difficulty is that it is It defines itself so negatively against what came before it –naturalism, romanticism and the wild revolution of modernism –that it’s sometimes hard to see what it actually is. It denies that anything can be explained neatly or even at all. It is parodic, detached, strange, and sometimes menacing to traditionalists who do not understand it. Although it arose in the post-war west (the term was coined in 1949), the generation that has witnessed its ascendance has yet to come up with an explanation of what postmodern attitudes mean for the future of culture or society. The subject intrigued me because, in a class otherwise consumed by dead-letter theories, postmodernism remained an open book, tempting to the young and curious. But it also intrigued me because the question of what postmodernism –what a movement so post-everything, so reticent to define itself – is spoke to a larger question about the political and popular culture of today, of the other jaded sophomores sitting around me who had grown up in a postmodern world.In many ways, as a college-aged generation, we are also extremely post: post-Cold War, post-industrial, post-baby boom, post-9/ one point in his famous essay, “Postmodernis m, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,” literary critic Frederic Jameson even calls us “pos t-literate.” We are a generation that is riding on the tail-end of a century of war and revolution that toppled civilizations, overturned repressive social orders, and left us with more privilege and opportunity than any other society in history. Ours could be an era to accomplish anything.And yet do we take to the streets and the airwaves and say “here we are, and this is what we demand”? Do we plant our flag of youthful rebellion on the mall in Washington and say “we are not leaving until we see change! Our eyes have been opened by our education and our conception of what is possible has been expanded by our privilege and we demand a better world because it is our right”? It would seem we do the opposite. We go to war without so much as questioning the rationale, we sign away our civil liberties, we say nothing when the Supreme Court uses Brown v. Board of Education to outlaw desegregation, and we sit back to watch the carnage on the evening news.On campus, we sign petitions, join organizations, put our names on mailing lists, makesmall-money contributions, volunteer a spare hour to tutor, and sport an entire wardrobe’s worth of Live Strong bracelets advertising our moderately priced opposition to everything from breast cancer to global warming. But what do we really stand for? Like a true postmodern generation we refuse to weave together an overarching narrative to our own political consciousness, to present a cast of inspirational or revolutionary characters on our public stage, or to define a specific philosophy. We are a story seemingly without direction or theme, structure or meaning –a generation defined negatively against what came before us. When Al Gore once said “It’s the combination of narcissism and nihilism that really defines postmodernism,” he might as well have been echoing his entire generation’s critique of our own. We are a generation for whom even revolution seems trite, and therefore as fair a target for bland imitation as anything else. We are the generation of the Che Geuvera tee-shirt.Jameson calls it “Pastiche” –“the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language.” In literature, this means an author speaking in a style that is not his own – borrowing a voice and continuing to use it until the words lose all meaning and the chaos that is real life sets in. It is an imitation of an imitation, something that has been re-envisioned so many times the original model is no longer relevant or recognizable. It is mass-produced individualism, anticipated revolution. It is why postmodernism lacks cohesion, why it seems to lack purpose or direction. For us, the post-everything generation, pastiche is the use and reuse of the old clichés of social change and moral outrage – a perfunctory rebelliousness that has culminated in the age of rapidly multiplying non-profits and relief funds. We live our lives in masks and speak our minds in a dead language –the language of a society that expect s us to agitate because that’s what young people do. But how do we rebel against a generation that is expecting, anticipating, nostalgic for revolution?How do we rebel against parents that sometimes seem to want revolution more than we do? We don’t. We r ebel by not rebelling. We wear the defunct masks of protest and moral outrage, but the real energy in campus activism is on the internet, with websites like . It is in the rapidly developing ability to communicate ideas and frustration in chatrooms instead of on the streets, and channel them into nationwide projects striving earnestly for moderate and peaceful change: we are the generation of Students Taking Action Now Darfur; we are the Rock the V ote generation; the generation of letter-writing campaigns and public interest lobbies; the alternative energy generation.College as America once knew it – as an incubator of radical social change – is coming to an end. To our generation the word “radicalism” evokes images of al Qaeda, not the Weatherme n. “Campus takeover” sounds more like Virginia Tech in 2007 than Columbia University in 1968. Such phrases are a dead language to us. They are vocabulary from another era that does not reflect the realities of today. However, the technological revolution, the revolution, the revolution of the organization kid, is just as real and just as profound as the revolution of the 1960’s – it is just not as visible. It is a work in progress, but it is there. Perhaps when our parents finally stop pointing out the things that we are not, the stories that we do not write, they will see the threads of our narrative begin to come together; they will see that behind our pastiche, the post generation speaks in a language that does make sense. We are writing a revolution. We are just putting it in our own words.1.Posteverything一代我从来没有获得任何新的见解我这一代的本质,或者美国大学不断变化的景观,在点燃的理论。

本文由繁轩贡献微博Microblog 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationship 剩女3S ladysingleseventiesstuck/left girls 熟女cougar源自电影Cougar Club 裸婚naked wedding 炫富flaunt wealth 团购group buying 人肉搜索flesh search 潮人trendsetter 发烧友fancier 骨感美女boney beauty 卡奴card slave 下午茶high tea愤青young cynic 性感妈妈yummy mummy 亚健康sub-health 灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 精神出轨soul infidelity 人肉搜索flesh search 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon 御宅otaku 橙色预警orange signal warning 预约券reservation ticket 上相的上镜头的photogenic 80后80s generation 百搭all-match 限时抢购flash sale 合租flat-share 荧光纹身glow tattoo 泡泡袜loose socks 裸妆nude look 黄牛票scalped ticket 扫货shopping spree 烟熏妆smokey-eye make-up 水货smuggled goods 纳米技术nanotechnology 正妹hotty 对某人念念不忘get the hots for 草莓族Strawberry generation 草根总统grassroots president 笨手笨脚have two left feet 拼车car-pooling 解除好友关系unfriend v. 暴走go ballistic 海外代购overseas purchasing 跳槽jump ship 闪婚flash marriage 闪电约会speeddating 闪电恋爱whirlwind romance 刻不容缓紧要关头crunch time 乐活族LOHASLifestyle Of Health And Sustainability 一夜情one-night stand 偶像派idol type 脑残体leetspeak 挑食者picky-eater 伪球迷fake fans 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy 奉子成婚shotgun marriage 婚前性行为premarital sex 开博to open a blog 房奴车奴mortgage slave 上课开小差zone out 万事通know-it-all 赌球soccer gambling 桑拿天sauna weather 假发票fake invoice 二房东middleman landlord 笑料laughing stock 泰国香米Thai fragrant rice 学历造假fabricate academic credentials 暗淡前景bleak prospects 毕业典礼commencement 散伙饭farewell dinner 毕业旅行after-graduation trip 节能高效的fuel-efficient 具有时效性的time-efficient 很想赢be hungry for success 面子工程face job 指甲油nail varnish 学历门槛academic threshold 王牌主播mainstay TV host 招牌菜signature dishes 城市热岛效应urban heat island effect 逃学play hooky 装病不上班play hooky from work 一线城市first-tier cities 高考the National College Entrance Examines 录取分数线admission scores 保障性住房indemnificatory housing 一决高下Duke it out 囤积居奇hoarding and profiteering 灰色市场Grey market 反倾销anti-dumping 吃白食的人freeloader 公关public relation 不幸的日子不吉利的日子black-letter day 吉利的日子saints days 廉租房low rent housing 限价房capped-price housing 经适房affordable housing 替罪羔羊whipping boy 对口支援partner assistance 电脑游戏迷gamer 家庭主男house-husband 小白脸吃软饭的kept man 二奶kept woman 麦霸Mic king / Mic queen 型男metrosexual man范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男型男属于其中的一种新新人类new-new generation 另类offbeat 菜鸟rookie “色”友摄影爱好者shutterbug 驴友tour pal 娘娘腔sissy 负翁spend-more-than-earn 全职妈妈stay-at-home mom 裸奔streaking 考研1.take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 2.entrance exams for graduate3.postgraduate entrance examination研究生入学考试4.postgraduate candidate test5.enrollment examination6.prepareing for the postgraduate examination7.PostgraduateExam 8.Postgraduate qualifying examination 读研do post - graduate work or do graduate study 考研热the craze for graduate school 例句:I was occupied with preparing for the postgraduate examinations.我一门心思准备考研。

1.英语戏剧作品中被动语态的汉译——以《卖花女》汉译为例 [J], 唐思雨
2.英语音乐学著作中非英语术语的汉译问题——以理查德·霍平《中世纪音乐》一书的汉译为例 [J], 伍维曦
3.早期英语格律诗汉译的诗律探索及意义 [J], 董晓华
4.基于本科生语料库英语长句汉译的语用研究——以The Posteverything
Generation中长句汉译为例 [J], 李占喜;梁嘉仪;
5.基于本科生语料库英语长句汉译的语用研究——以The Posteverything Generation中长句汉译为例 [J], 李占喜;梁嘉仪

1 I never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes. This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as "Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt". That's how I spent my time on the course, struggling through difficult subjects like gender theory and post-colonialism, and at the same time checking my iPod for something good to listen to. But when I started to study postmodernism, something clicked and made me sit up and take a fresh look at college life.
这是一场运动,好像是鼓励个人集体地表现自我,似乎是在等待革命。 作为年轻人,人们期待我们愤怒,因为那是年轻人的正常行为。
但是,我们如何反叛怀念革命的父母一代?我们如何去反叛有时候比我们更想闹革命的父母?我们不反叛。 不反叛就是我们的反叛。
5 At college, we sign petitions, join organizations, sign up for mailing lists, wear our Live Strong bracelets, and watch Live Aid and Live Earth on the television—go to the concerts even, if we can get the tickets. But what do we stand for? Like a true postmodern generation, we have no way to describe our political commitment, we have no inspirational characters, we have no philosophy, we have no direction or theme. We're only defined by what came before us, we're the generation of the Che Guevara T-shirt.
现在的年轻人与老一辈的区别 英语作文

现在的年轻人与老一辈的区别英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1The World Today vs The Old DaysMy name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I've noticed there are a lot of differences between kids my age today and how our parents and grandparents were when they were young. The world has changed a lot over the years! Here are some of the biggest ways life is different now compared to the old days:TechnologyProbably the biggest difference is all the new technology we have today that didn't exist back then. I can't imagine life without smartphones, tablets, computers and the internet. My parents say when they were kids, they had to use ancient things called encyclopedias to look up information instead of just googling everything. How boring!We can watch any movie or show we want on streaming services, while they only had basic cable TV with just a fewchannels. Video games today are crazy realistic with amazing graphics. The games they played were so pixelated and simple.Speaking of gaming, I play a lot of games online with friends all over the world. My grandparents didn't have any way to interact with people far away besides snail mail that took forever. Now I can chat with someone in Australia instantly!My parents had to wait to take physical photos, get them developed, and then share printed copies. I just snap a selfie and can post it right away for all my friends to see and react to. Social media connects us in a totally different way than past generations experienced.At school, we all have laptops or tablets and do loads of our work, research and learning online. My grandma says they wrote everything out by hand with pencils and paper. No way could I get through school that way - my hands would fall off from all the writing!Family LifeAnother major shift is around what family life is like. A lot more kids today are being raised by single parents, same-sex parents, or split time between two households if their parents aredivorced. Most of my grandparents' friends had a traditional family with a mom at home and a dad who worked.Both of my parents have careers and work outside the home, which is much more common these days. When my grandma was little, it was super rare for mothers to have jobs. She says her own mom just stayed home and took care of the house and kids.We also have way smaller families now. I'm an only child, and most of my friends just have one sibling at most. But my dad says he had four brothers and sisters, and it wasn't even considered a huge family back then! People used to have way more kids.My grandparents hardly ever went out to eat when they were young because it was too expensive and uncommon. But my parents take me to restaurants all the time - it's just normal now for families to eat out frequently.Gender RolesGender roles were also a lot more rigid back in my grandparents' day. Girls were expected to be housewives who cooked, cleaned, and raised the kids while guys were supposed to be the breadwinners who worked outside the home. Those traditional roles are a lot more flexible and blurred now.My best friend has two dads, which wouldn't have been accepted at all years ago. My uncle is a stay-at-home dad while his wife is the one working. And my parents split up household chores and childcare pretty equally. From what I understand, that used to be really rare.Girls can do pretty much any job, sport or activity that boys can do now. But my grandma says when she was little, there were a lot of things seen as just for boys - like playing sports or studying certain subjects like math and science. Thankfully, those unfair gender stereotypes are starting to go away.Free Time and ActivitiesHow kids spend our free time is super different too. We're always online - watching YouTube, playing games, on social apps,篇2The Difference Between Young People Today and The Older GenerationHi there! My name is Timmy, and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to talk to you about how kids and young people these days are quite different from our parents, grandparents, and otherolder folks. It's pretty fascinating when you start to notice all the little things that make us unique compared to past generations.One of the biggest differences is our use of technology.We've grown up surrounded by computers, smartphones, tablets, and all sorts of crazy tech gadgets. I remember learning how to use a tablet before I could even tie my shoelaces properly! For us, this digital world is just normal. But our grandparents didn't have any of these things when they were young. Can you imagine a life without the internet, video games, or even TV? It seems so strange to me!Another major difference is how we spend our free time. A lot of kids today love playing video games, watching YouTube videos, or chatting with friends on social media. We're pretty much glued to our screens a lot of the time. Our parents and grandparents, on the other hand, spent most of their free time playing outside, riding bikes, or just using their imagination to make up games. Honestly, I think some outdoor playtime sounds fun, but I also can't imagine life without my favorite games and videos.The way we communicate is evolving too. We use a lot of slang words, abbreviations (like "lol" or "brb"), and emojis when chatting online or texting friends. Sometimes I feel like myparents don't even understand half of what I'm saying! Back in their day, communication was a lot more formal and proper. No one was sending silly emoji faces to their friends.Even our attitudes and behaviors are shifting compared to older generations. A lot of us are encouraged to embrace our individuality, be confident, and speak our minds. We're taught that it's okay to be different and to challenge traditions or ideas that don't make sense to us. But our grandparents often talk about having to be very obedient, respectful, and never questioning adults or authority figures when they were young.Looking at the world through an adult lens, I can understand why some older people might feel like kids today are rude, disrespectful, or addicted to technology. From their perspective, we must seem like a bunch of screen-obsessed weirdos with bizarre slang and no concept of patience or hard work. And you know what? They might be right about some of that!But I also believe that every generation has something valuable to offer. We may be extremely tech-savvy andopen-minded, but we could definitely learn a thing or two from our elders about enjoying the outdoors, having real face-to-face conversations, and being more respectful and patient.At the end of the day, age is just a number. We're all human beings trying to understand each other and find our way in this crazy world. The key is to keep an open mind, appreciate our differences, and learn from one another's perspectives and experiences.Who knows, maybe in thirty years the younger generation will think we're the super old-fashioned ones who still used archaic things like "smartphones" and "social media". Times are always changing, and every generation has to adapt. As long as we're willing to understand each other, I'm sure we'll be just fine.Well, that's my two cents on the generational differences between young people today and our parents or grandparents. It's not always easy to see eye-to-eye, but having good communication and mutual respect can go a long way. Thanks for reading my essay, and let me know what you think! Time for me to go crush some noobs in Fortnite.篇3The Generational Gap: How Today's Kids Differ From the Older FolksHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 10-year-old kid living in the modern world. I've noticed that us youngsters are prettydifferent from the older generations, like our parents and grandparents. Let me tell you about some of the key ways we're not the same as them!Technology is Huge for UsOne of the biggest differences is how much technology plays a part in our lives. We've grown up with smartphones, tablets, and computers being totally normal. My grandparents didn't have any of that when they were young - can you imagine?! For us, tech is just how we do everything - learning, playing games, watching videos, staying in touch with friends. A lot of adults think we're maybe a bit too hooked on our devices, but it's just second nature to us.We Multi-Task Like CrazySpeaking of devices, us kids are masters of multi-tasking with technology. We can be watching a video, texting our friends, and browsing for info on our tablets all at the same time! I know my parents struggle to do more than one thing on a device at once. But our brains are wired to constantly switch between different apps, websites and activities. Maybe it's not the greatest habit, but hey, that's just how we roll in the digital age!Instant Gratification is RealOne other big technology-related difference is that we expect things instantly nowadays. Back in the day, people had to go to libraries, wait for mail, or make plans way in advance. But now with the internet, streaming, and on-demand everything, we can get what we want right away with a few taps. We don't have much patience for delays! Things like standing in line, saving up for purchases, or waiting for scheduled TV shows to come on make zero sense to kids these days.Social Media is Simply LifeOlder folks really don't get social media, but for us, it's just a massive part of how we interact. Apps like TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are where we share our lives, make new friends, and even learn & get inspired. Yeah, there are definitely some downsides like cyber-bullying or getting obsessed with likes. But overall, social media is deeply woven into our social lives and self-expression in a way adults can't fully relate to.Our Values Are DifferentIt's not just about technology and trends separating the generations though. In a lot of ways, today's kids have different values and perspectives compared to previous generations when they were young. For example, we tend to be more open-minded about stuff like gender identities, racial diversity andnon-traditional families. Maybe it's from growing up more globally connected, but we view a lot of social issues through a different lens.We're also being raised with more of a focus on things like work-life balance, self-care and pursuing our passions. Whereas older generationsput a lot of emphasis just on hard work and sacrifice to get ahead. Not that we don't value hard work, but we want to enjoy our lives and listen to our inner voices too.Basically, we're the YOLO generation - you only live once! Older folks might think we have entitlement issues, but we just want to be true to ourselves while still being productive and successful. It's all about that balance.The Environment is EverythingOne value that a lot of kids these days actively care more about than older generations is the environment. With all the talk of climate change, animal extinctions and plastic polluting the oceans, we're realizing we need to be way more conscious about protecting the planet. Of course, not every young person is a hardcore eco-warrior. But in general, we've been taught from a young age about the importance of sustainability, reducing waste, and being green-minded citizens of the world.It's hard for some older adults to fully make that mental shift after decades of doing things a certain way. But for kids today, it's just natural for us to prioritize environmental consciousness as we grow up. It's like second nature, just like using technology.We Have Different Career PathsFinally, you can see some key differences in the career paths and job goals that kids today have versus older generations when they were young. Thanks to the internet and visible influencers on YouTubeand other platforms, we'reexposed to way more unique, non-traditional job possibilities.Whereas previous generations often had relatively straightforward trajectories like going to college, getting an office job, and climbing one career ladder - we're just as open to being entrepreneurs, creatives, YouTubers or social media personalities. We see making money by doing what you love as a real possibility in a way that wasn't as clear before.That's not to say we don't still have kids wanting to be doctors, lawyers, or business professionals too. But in general, millennials and younger generations are way more exposed to a much wider variety of careers and ways to make a living - especially thanks to the internet, the gig economy, and trends toward more flexible, non-linear career paths.So those are some of the biggest differences I've noticed between kids today and how older generations grew up. Of course, every individual is unique regardless of their age. And we'll inevitably face new issues and trends that'll separate us from whatever comes after Generation Z.But those are my thoughts as a 10-year-old navigating today's world that's incredibly distinct from the one that shaped the childhoods of the generations before me. We've got lots of awesome advantages with all the new technology at our fingertips. At the same time, we're dealing with some pretty intense issues like social media pressures and environmental problems.No matter what though, every generation develops its own collective traits, goals, and perspectives based on the world they're raised in. Those diverging values and experiences are what create those generational gaps. Here's hoping that as we get older, us kids today can help make the world an even more awesome place!篇4The Big Differences Between Kids Today and Grown-Ups When They Were YoungHave you ever noticed how different kids are nowadays compared to when your parents and grandparents were young? There are so many big changes in how we live, what we do for fun, and even how we think about things. Let me tell you about some of the biggest differences I've noticed.Technology is Everywhere NowOne of the hugest differences is just how much amazing technology we have access to today that didn't exist back then. Most kids now have smartphones, tablets, laptops and gaming consoles. We use them for messaging friends, playing games, watching videos, doing homework and all sorts of stuff.But when our parents and grandparents were kids, none of that crazy advanced tech existed yet. No smartphones, no internet, no video games! Can you even imagine a childhood without endless YouTube videos, Snapchat and Roblox? It must have been so boring for them.Instead of phones and iPads, they just had really basic toys like dolls, balls and board games. For fun, they actually had to go outside and use their imaginations to make up games rather than just tapping away at a screen all day. I couldn't survive without my gadgets and apps!The Way We Learn is DifferentTechnology has also totally changed how we learn, both at school and through self-teaching. Nowadays, we use computers, educational apps, video tutorials and online resources to study everything from reading to coding.But our grandparents' generation learned everything the really old-fashioned way - just books, chalkboards, pens and paper. No iPads, no Google, no YouTube videos explaining algebra step-by-step. It must have been so hard for them to learn new things without the internet and all the cool interactive stuff we have now.Even the subjects we study in school are evolving. We're learning important modern skills like typing, coding, digital media and technology. But back then, those didn't even exist as school subjects. Instead, they spent more time on traditional subjects like literature, grammar, history and mathematics. So outdated!Our Hobbies and Interests are Nothing AlikeIt's crazy to think about the different hobbies and interests kids have today compared to previous generations when they were young too. Most of my friends are obsessed with onlinegames, YouTubers, TikTok dances, animated shows and pop culture stuff. We videochat, edit videos, and spend hours on apps and the internet.From what I've heard, the biggest hobbies for kids back then were super low-tech and basic. Like reading books and comic strips, playing outdoor sports and games, collecting stamps or coins, and making crafts and art projects. No one was a "gamer" or spending half their life posting about themselves online like we do today.Their ideas of fun were so different. Of course, some of those old-fashioned hobbies are still around. But most kids nowadays would get bored with them pretty quickly when there are so many flashier, high-tech options to keep us entertained.The Way We Communicate is Light Years ApartCommunication is yet another area where there's a massive generation gap between kids today and previous generations when they were young. These days, we use countless apps, social media and technology to message, videochat, share and interact nonstop.Simple face-to-face talking feels almost outdated compared to all the cool digital communication we do. Emailing, texting,posting, tweeting, Snapchatting - we're fluent in so many modern ways to stay connected and get our voice out there.Our grandparents' generation had to rely on things like paper letters, landline telephones or actually meeting up in person if they wanted to communicate and keep in touch. Could you imagine having to wait days or weeks just to receive a message from a friend instead of getting an instant reply? So slow and inconvenient!Social Lives Happen So Differently NowLinked to communication, our social lives in general are super different compared to previous generations too. Making friends, hanging out, interacting - so much of it takes place digitally or revolves around technology for us.We make new friends by following each other's social media, joining the same online games, or getting introduced over group chats and messaging apps. Then we'll chat, video call, collaborate on multiplayer games and share content and memes to get to know each other better.When our parents and grandparents were young, making friends looked totally different. They had to actually go out, join clubs, attend events or get introduced by other friends in person.No virtual worlds or apps to instantly connect them. Maintaining friendships must have been harder without being able to easily message each other all day too.Today's Struggles and Mindsets Feel Brand NewThose are some of the biggest differences in how we live compared to past generations. But our struggles, mindsets and mental health challenges feel brand new too. So many kids and teens today deal with issues surroundingOnline culture, social media pressure, tech overload, etc. These problems simply didn't exist back then.Of course, previous generations had their own difficulties and unique struggles too. But things like bullying, self-esteem, family and friend drama - they all take on such a different, amplified, and very public shape these days because of social media, gaming and our always-connected lifestyles.We experience so much more of life through screens and apps rather than the "real world" too. Our identities, values and personal brands get crafted online for everyone to see and judge. No wonder so many young people battle with self-confidence, anxiety and other mental health hurdles that feel very modern and tech-fueled.Bigger Differences Than We Can Even ImagineThose are just some of the biggest ways I see kids today being totally different from what it was like for older generations when they were young. Our lives are shaped so much by transformative technology, globalization, changing values and new ways of seeing the world.I'm sure there are countless other examples too - bigger differences than I can probably even imagine as someone born in this era. All I know is that childhood today is a fascinatingly unique experience compared to any other point in human history before.Who knows what staggering new realities, possibilities and challenges will emerge for the generations after us? The pace of change just keeps accelerating. I can't wait to be a grown-up someday and tell my grandkids, "Back when I was young..." to explain how wildly different their lives are once again.篇5The Big Divide: Young and Old TodayWhat's it like being a kid these days? Well, let me tell you, it's way different than how things were for the grown-ups when theywere young! The world has changed a whole lot, and the way we young 'uns live is totally unlike how our parents and grandparents grew up.For one thing, technology plays a massive role in our lives in a way it never did for the older generations. We've had tablets, smartphones and instant internet pretty much since we were born! Grown-ups really can't imagine what that's like. They had to look stuff up in heavy books called "encyclopedias" and wait for pages to load on dial-up internet that took forever.Meanwhile, we've always had the world's knowledge at our fingertips. Need to know something? Just Google it! Want to watch a movie? Stream it instantly. Games, apps, videos - it's all just a quick tap away for us kids. That level of easy access and stimulation has seriously shaped how our young minds work compared to past generations who had to entertain themselves outside or use theirgaspimagination!Speaking of the great outdoors, that's another big difference between us and the oldies. We young'uns spend way more time indoors glued to our devices. Outdoor activities and roaming theneighborhood unsupervised were the norm back in their day. Heck, can you imagine? Our parents and grandparents would play outside pretty much from dawn till dusk. If they did come inside, it was to watch one of the few TV channels they had back in the olden days.These days, we have a million channels, streaming services and video games to choose from for indoor entertainment. Who needs to brave the elements when you can just chill on the couch? Of course, this has led to worries that we're becoming lazy, antisocial screen zombies. The old folk do kind of have a point - too much device time isn't ideal. But cutting out technology altogether like they had to in the 1900s? No thanks!As different as our cultures are, us kids still gotta follow a lot of the same rules and respect the same traditions as past generations. We still have bedtimes, have to eat our veggies, and celebrate the same holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving (which is actually a pretty weird story when you think about it). Sure, the specifics change over time, but a lot of the core stuff stays the same.The other big thing that hasn't changed? We still find adults seriously unrelatable and out of touch at times! I'm sure every kid through history has felt that way about their parents andgrandparents to some degree. Just like we think they're hopelessly ancient, they can't help but look at us youngsters as alien-like creatures with our bizarre lingo and unhealthy tech obsessions. It's the never-ending cycle!At the end of the day, while the experiences of being a kid nowadays versus back in the 1900s are incredibly different on the surface, we're still just kids doing kid things. We might swap outdoors for screens and encyclopedias for Google, but we're still playful, curious little humans trying to navigate the world - a world that keeps changing with each new generation. That's just how it works!Some old people might think we have it too easy with our endless tech and entertainment. And sure, maybe we are a little spoiled by instant gratification. But who knows what crazy new norm might exist for future kids? I bet they'll look at us old millennials one day and wonder how we survived without teleporting or whatever wild innovation they'll have!Every generation thinks the next has it made, while the previous one always reminds them how tough they had it. I'd say the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Every period in history presents its own unique challenges for kids - it's all about perspective. Modern kids have advantages like amazingtechnology, but we're also dealing with things like climate change and economic instability in a big way. No generation has it perfect or terrible; we just have it different.So while adults might roll their eyes at our youthful habits, and we might think they're hopelessly lame, I'd say we're all in the same boat of just trying to make the most of our circumstances. We may clash at times, but young and old have to work together to create the best possible future. Kids: give your elders a chance and you might learn some wisdom. Adults: don't be too harsh - we're all just doing our best! If we keep an open mind on both sides, we can meet somewhere in the middle as fellow humans figuring it out day by day.。

一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. Due to the rapid development of communication technology, telephone o_________ have been a job that young people nowadays have never heard of. (根据首字母单词拼写)2. Future p_________ of electric vehicles are bright because they offer a solution to energy crisis and environment pollution. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. Mao Zedong used to work as a l________ at Peking University, which benefited hima lot. (根据首字母单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. It is suggested that students be patient and have a clear ________ (设想) of their own abilities and interests. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)5. A famous old name of a firm is not necessarily a ________ (保证) of quality. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. Although technology might have changed the way we ________ (反应), it hasn’t changed our nature. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)三、根据所给汉语提示填空7. No one would refuse to make friends with a man with ____________ (良好的幽默感). (根据汉语提示完成句子)四、句型转换8. All of the people in the meeting room are salesmen. (变成否定句)9. The temperature which is needed for this plant is 10℃. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)五、汉译英(单词/短语)(翻译)10. 汉译英1. 说服某人做某事 ________________2. 硕士学位 ________________3. 决心做某事 ________________4. 与……相联系 ________________5. 残疾人 ________________6. 愿意做某事 ________________7. 在保修期内 ________________8. 继承某人的事业,步某人的后尘 ________________9. 和……相关 ________________10. 别无选择只能做某事 ________________六、汉译英(整句)(翻译)11. 史密斯先生决定雇一个可靠的人来照顾他的残疾儿子。

Unit 1 College cultureTeaching Plan: 6 periodsTeaching Planning ObjectivesStudents will be able to: 1. To grasp the main idea;2. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3. To conduct a serious of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;4. To write a paragraph in the form of an argumentativeKey PointsIntroducing the methods of locating the key sentence of each paragraph to sum up the whole text Learning to employ the following key words and phrases into practice.Methods of TeachingUsing multi-media teaching equipmentGroup-DiscussionLiving performanceActive Reading 1: College Just Isn’t Special Any MoreI. Warm-up Exercises:Work in pairs. Have a look at the photo and discuss about it.What happened then in both China and Western country?What differences do the Chinese and Western universities have?What differences do the Chinese universities have between now and the past?II. Detailed Reading:A. Structure AnalysisPart 1 (paras 1-4) Students in the 1960sPart 2 (paras 5-7) Students nowPart 3 (paras 8-10) College isn’t special any moreB. Vocabularyhaze n.[C,U] smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through 霾,烟雾1. a haze of cigarette smoke 香烟的烟雾2. The sun was surrounded by a golden haze. 太阳被一片金色烟霞笼罩。
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The Posteverything Generation后一切的一代I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasé college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one.我从没指望通过文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或者是了解美国的大学是如何发生变化的。
文学理论这门课完全就是让你在课堂上装酷的——坐在教室后座,周围都是有着疲惫倦容的大二学生,戴着宽框眼镜和超大号的复古式耳机,身穿印着讽刺意味话语的T恤和紧身牛仔裤,就盼着早点下课,好让你一边点根土耳其金烟( Turkish Gold)一边听着照办乐队(Wilco)的歌往食堂方向走。
According to my textbook, the problem with defining postmodernism is that it’s impossible. The difficulty is that it is It defines itself so negatively against what came before it – naturalism, romanticism and the wild revolution of modernism – that it’s sometimes hard to see what it actually is. It denies that anything can be explained neatly or even at all. It is parodic, detached, strange, and sometimes menacing to traditionalists who do not understand it. Although it arose in the post-war west (the term was coined in 1949), the generation that has witnessed its ascendance has yet to come up with an explanation of what postmodern attitudes mean for the future of culture or society. The subject intrigued me because, in a class otherwise consumed by dead-letter theories, postmodernism remained an open book, tempting to the young and curious. But it also intrigued me because the question of what postmodernism – what a movement sopost-everything, so reticent to define itself – is spoke to a larger question about the political and popular culture of today, of the other jaded sophomores sitting around me who had grown up in a postmodern world.据我手上的教科书,从定义的角度上来讲,后现代主义几乎是无法下定义的,定义的难点在于——“后”一字,虽然它在西方战后首次出现(术语出现于1949年),但这个课题令我感到好奇,因为In many ways, as a college-aged generation, we are also extremely post: post-Cold War, post-industrial, post-baby boom, post-9/ one point in his famous essay, “Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,” literary critic Frederic Jameson even calls us “post-literate.” We are a generation that is riding on the tail-end of a century of war and revolution that toppled civilizations, overturned repressive social orders, and left us with more privilege and opportunity than any other society in history. Ours could be an era to accomplish anything.作为正接受着高等教育的一代,我们在很多方面都被“后”化:后冷战、后工业时代、后婴儿潮、后911……文学评论家弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(Frederic Jameson)一度曾在他著名的一篇文章里提到,“深受后现代主义,或者说是晚期资本主义文化逻辑的影响”,我们是“后一代学子”,我们这一代人出生于所谓的短世纪末。
And yet do we take to the streets and the airwaves and say “here we are, and this is what we demand”? Do we plant our flag of youthful rebellion on the mall in Washington and say “we are not leaving until we see change! Our eyes have been opened by our education and our conception of what is possible has been expanded by our privilege and we demand a better world because it is our right”? It would seem we do the opposite. We go to war without so much as questioning the rationale, we sign away our civil liberties, we say nothing when the Supreme Court uses Brown v. Board of Education to outlaw desegregation, and we sit back to watch the carnage on the evening news.然而我们要上街游行和用广播一遍又一遍地大声喊“我们就在这里!这才是我们的需求”吗?或者高举我们标榜着年轻反叛的旗帜在华盛顿广场叫喊着“不看到变化我们决不离开!教育开阔了我们的眼界,让我们明白了我们有着比前人更多的特权,我们渴望一个更美好的世界,而这也正是我们的权利”?不,我们正做着相反的事情:我们去参战却不问为什么,我们签字放弃了自身的公民自由权,当最高法院通过“布朗诉教育委员会案”取缔种族隔离我们什么都没说,我们静静地坐在电视前看着晚间新闻上报道的屠杀事件。
On campus, we sign petitions, join organizations, put our names on mailing lists, make small-money contributions, volunteer a spare hour to tutor, and sport an entire wardrobe’s worth of Live Strong bracelets advertising our moderately priced opposition to everything from breast cancer to global warming. But what do we really stand for? Like a true postmodern generation we refuse to weave together an overarching narrative to our own political consciousness, to present a cast of inspirational or revolutionary characters on our public stage, or to define a specific philosophy. We are a story seemingly without direction or theme, structure or meaning – a generation defined negatively against what came before us. When Al Gore once said “It’s the combination of narcissism and nihilism that really defines postmodernism,” he might as well have been echoing his entire generation’s critique of our own. We are a generation for whom even revolution seems trite, and therefore as fair a target for bland imitation as anything else. We are the generation of the Che Geuvera tee-shirt.在大学里,我们在请愿书上签名,加入各种组织,把自己的名字添加到各种邮件通讯录中,戴上为乳腺癌症研究义捐的标志腕带,然后在衣柜里贴满了大大小小的有关全球变暖的小广告,可是我们所做的一切到底是为了谁而发声?就像真正的后现代一代那样,我们无法描述我们的政治抱负,我们没有可以激发灵感、鼓舞斗志的领袖人物,我们没有哲学,我们没有方向或主题。