奇美10.1寸液晶屏 EJ101IA-01G Pre spec V01 1113
环保节能显示器引领科D i s pl ayw i t h E nvi r onm ent a l Pr ot ect i on&E ner gy-savi ng Lea dst o t he Sc i ent i f i c&Technol ogi ca lF a shi ons金秋时节欢送奥运。
同样,与绿色、环保同步的还有三星显示器一743A 。
743A 液晶显示器,是三星今年推出的节能环保概念的又一重磅产品。
在十一国庆假日结束之际,三星为你献上743A 超节能显示器,帮你节省不必要的用电开支。
为了证实743A 的节能威力。
小编特意算了一笔账:一台743A 显示器一小时节电15W ,假如全国使用743A 显示器l 亿台,每日工作时间8小时,一年365天,每年总共节省电能高达43.8亿K W H !相当于一家中型水力发电站一年的发电总量!如果按现在O .49元/kw h 进行计算,能节省2l 亿元!据三星高级技术人员透露:三星743A 通过改变显示器发光单元的分布,提高发光单元效率的技术,成功实现在不影响观看亮度的前提下(人眼最适观看亮度范围230~270cd /m :),大幅提升动态对比度,从而极大的增强了显示器的画质表现力,而相对于替代的743N 来说,这种技术保证了40%的能耗节省,因此,使用这种节能743A 液晶显示器。
消费者能够真正享受到”便宜”又”好用三星743A 液晶显示器在外观上承袭了前作743N 的特点,超窄边框的设计,使观看者拥有了更广阔的视野,黑色亚光磨砂面的机身材质,令整机显得简约干净、传统而不失时尚,与轻便的圆形底座搭配起来,可以很轻松的融入家居环境。
743A 的水平、垂直可视角度为170度,方便了使用者在观看时的范围选择。
10.1京东方 QX101TSB-01B SPEC
I: Input, O: Output, P: Power
Note 4: Selection of scanning mode
MODE DE VS HS B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 R7 R6
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 GND DCLK GND L/R U/D VGH VGL AVDD RESET NC Vcom DITHB GND NC NC I I I I P I I I I I I P I I I I P I I Red data Red data Red data Red data Red data Red data LSB) Power ground Sample Clock Power ground Left/Right Selection Up/down selection Gate ON Voltage Gate Off Voltage Power for Analog Circuit Global reset pin. No Connection Common Voltage Dithering function Power ground No Connection No Connection Note 2 Note 3,4 Note 3,4 Note 6 Note 1 Note 5
All Rights Reserved
【 selected waveform 】
B101EW04 V0 spec_10.1寸AU屏
1 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1( ) Preliminary Specifications (V ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.1” SD+ 16:10 TFT-LCD Model Name B101EW04 V0Note ()LED Backlight without driving circuit designCustomerDateNormal 02/15/2011Checked & Approved byDate Note: This Specification is subject to change without notice.Approved by DateIvan Wu02/15/2011Prepared byJay Lin 02/15/2011NBBU Marketing Division / AU Optronics corporation2 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 Contents1. Handling Precautions........................................................................................................4 2. General Description . (5)2.1 General Specification......................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Optical Characteristics...................................................................................................................................6 3. Functional Block Diagram ...............................................................................................11 The following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.1 inches wide Color TFT/LCD 40 Pin (One ch/connector Module).....................................................................................11 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (12)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module.........................................................................................................12 4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment................................................................................................................12 5. Electrical characteristics. (13)5.1 TFT LCD Module............................................................................................................................................13 5.2 Backlight Unit ................................................................................................................................................15 6. Signal Characteristic. (16)6.1 Pixel Format Image........................................................................................................................................16 6.2 The input data format....................................................................................................................................17 6.3 Integration Interface Requirement...............................................................................................................18 6.4 Interface Timing.............................................................................................................................................20 6.5 Power Sequence............................................................................................................................................21 6.5.1 Panel Power Sequence..............................................................................................................................21 7. Panel Reliability Test (22)7.1 Vibration Test.................................................................................................................................................22 7.2 Shock Test......................................................................................................................................................22 7.3 Reliability Test ...............................................................................................................................................22 8. Mechanical Characteristics. (23)8.1 LCM Outline Dimension................................................................................................................................23 9. Shipping and Package.. (25)9.1 Shipping Label Format..................................................................................................................................25 9.2 Carton Package .............................................................................................................................................26 9.3 Shipping package of palletizing sequence.................................................................................................27 10. Appendix . (28)10.1 EDID description (28)3 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1Record of RevisionVersion and Date Page Old descriptionNew DescriptionRemark 0.1 2010/10/28 All First Edition for Customer4 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.11. Handling Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, pay attention not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector. 3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration or spots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or other soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may break or crack if dropped or bumped on hard surface.6) Since CMOS LSI is used in this module, take care of static electricity and insure human earth when handling.7) Do not open nor modify the Module Assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any directions.9) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nor tilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) After installation of the TFT Module into an enclosure (Notebook PC Bezel, for example), do not twist nor bend the TFT Module even momentary. At designing the enclosure, it should be taken into consideration that no bending/twisting forces are applied to the TFT Module from outside. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged. 12) S mall amount of materials having no flammability grade is used in the LCD module. The LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption. 13) D isconnecting power supply before handling LCD modules, it can prevent electric shock, DO NOT TOUCH the electrode parts, cables, connectors and LED circuit part of TFT module that a LED light bar build in as a light source of back light unit. It can prevent electrostatic breakdown.5 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.12. General DescriptionB101EW03 V0 is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display composed of a TFT LCD panel, a driver circuit, and LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support 1280(H) x 800(V) screen and 262k colors (RGB 6-bits data driver) with LED backlight driving circuit. All input signals are LVDS interface compatible.B101EW03 V0 is designed for a display unit of notebook style personal computer and industrial machine.2.1 General SpecificationThe following items are characteristics summary on the table at 25 ℃ condition:ItemsUnit SpecificationsScreen Diagonal [mm] 255.85(10.07W”) Active Area [mm] 216.96(H) x 135.6(V) Pixels H x V 1280x3(RGB) x 800 Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.1695(H) x 0.1695(V) Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical Stripe Display ModeNormally BlackWhite LuminanceNote: I LED is LED current [cd/m 2] 400 typ, 320minLuminance Uniformity (5P) 1.25 max Contrast Ratio 600 min Response Time[ms] 25 typ Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] +3.3 typ.Power Consumption[Watt]Typ Max - 3.1W @ Black patternWeight[Grams] 190g max. Physical Size[mm] LWT Max 229.96 149.6 5.56 Typical 229.46 149.1 Min 228.96 148.6 3.39Electrical Interface 1 channel LVDS6 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 Glass Thickness [mm] 0.3 Surface Treatment GlareSupport Color262K colors ( RGB 6-bit +FRC)Temperature Range OperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [oC] [o C]0 to +50 -20 to +60RoHS ComplianceRoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25℃ (Room Temperature) :ItemSymbolConditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit NoteWhite LuminanceILED=18.5mA5 points average320 400 - cd/m 21, 4, 5θR θL Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 80 80 - - - - degreeViewing AngleψH ψL Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower)80 80 - - - - 4, 9Luminance Uniformity δ5P 5 Points - - 1.25 1, 3, 4 Luminance Uniformity δ13P 13 Points- - 1.60 2, 3, 4 Contrast Ratio CR 600 - - 4, 6 Cross talk % 4 4, 7T r Rising - - - T f Falling - - - Response TimeT RTRising + Falling-25-msec4, 8Rx 0.542 0.582 0.622 RedRy 0.303 0.343 0.383 Gx 0.294 0.334 0.374 Green Gy 0.540 0.580 0.620Bx 0.107 0.147 0.187 Blue By 0.089 0.129 0.169 Wx 0.273 0.313 0.353 Color / Chromaticity CoodinatesWhiteWy 0.289 0.329 0.369 NTSC%CIE 1931-45-47 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1Note 1: 5 points position (Ref: Active area)Note 2: 13 points position (Ref: Active area)Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 or13 points is defined by dividing the maximum luminance values by the minimum test point luminanceδW13 = Maximum Brightness of thirteen pointsMinimum Brightness of thirteen points Maximum Brightness of five pointsδW5 = Minimum Brightness of five points8 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1Note 4: Measurement methodThe LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 30 minutes to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring. In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement should be executed after lighting Backlight for 30 minutes in a stable, windless and dark room, and it should be measured in the center of screen.Note 5: Definition of Average Luminance of White (Y L ):Measure the luminance of gray level 63 at 5 points ,Y L = [L (1)+ L (2)+ L (3)+ L (4)+ L (5)] / 5 L (x) is corresponding to the luminance of the point X at Figure in Note (1).Note 6: Definition of contrast ratio:Contrast ratio is calculated with the following formula.Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” state Brightness on the “Black” state9 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 Note 7: Definition of Cross Talk (CT)CT = | Y B – Y A | / Y A × 100 (%) WhereY A = Luminance of measured location without gray level 0 pattern (cd/m 2) Y B = Luminance of measured location with gray level 0 pattern (cd/m 2)Note 8: Definition of response time:The output signals of BM-7 or equivalent are measured when the input signals are changed from “Black” to “White” (falling time) and from “White” to “Black” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval between the10% and 90% of amplitudes. Refer to figure as below.10 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1Note 9. Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio ≧10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as follows; 90° (θ) horizontal left and right and 90° (Φ) vertical, high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated about its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.11 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.1 inches wide Color TFT/LCD 40 Pin (One ch/connector Module). TBD12 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 4. Absolute Maximum RatingsAn absolute maximum rating of the module is as following:4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItemSymbol Min Max Unit Conditions Logic/LCD Drive VoltageVin-0.3+4.0[Volt]Note 1,213 of 31B101EW03 V0 document version : 0.1 5. Electrical characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationInput power specifications are as follows;SymbleParameterMinTypMaxUnit sNoteVDD Logic/LCD Drive Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt]PDD VDD Power - -1.0[Watt ]Note 1/2 IDD IDD Current - 257.6 303.03 [mA]Note 1/2 IRush Inrush Current - -1500 [mA] Note 3VDDrpAllowableLogic/LCD Drive Ripple Voltage--100[mV] p-pNote 1 : Maximum Measurement Condition :Black Pattern Note 2:Typical Measurement Condition: Mosaic Pattern Note 3:Measure ConditionVin rising time0V3.3V14 of 31B101EW01 V2 document version : 2.1 5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or High-impedance state when VDD is off.It is recommended to refer the specifications of SN75LVDS82DGG (Texas Instruments) in detail.Signal electrical characteristics are as follows;Parameter ConditionMin MaxUnit V th Differential Input High Threshold (Vcm=+1.2V) 100[mV] V tl Differential Input Low Threshold (Vcm=+1.2V) -100 -[mV] V ID Differential Input Voltage100 600 [mV] V cmDifferential InputCommon Mode Voltage1.1251.375[V]Note: LVDS Signal Waveform15 of 31B101EW01 V2 document version : 2.1 5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 LED characteristicsParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Condition- - 2.1 [Watt] (Ta=25℃), Note 1Type I , V in =12VBacklight Power ConsumptionPLEDLED Life-Time N/A 12,000--Hour (Ta=25℃), Note 2I F =18.5 mANote 1: Calculator value for reference P LED = V F (Normal Distribution) * I F (Normal Distribution) / Efficiency Note 2: The LED life-time define as the estimated time to 50% degradation of initial luminousNote 3: This panel will support lower duty ratio at PWM conditional frequency. The PWM frequency constrainbetween 100 Hz to 300 Hz and a same typical 200Hz. The duty ratio support from 5% to 100%.5.2.2 Backlight input signal characteristicsParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Remark6.0 12.0 21.0 [Volt] Type I, Note 1LED Power Supply VLED 4.5 5 5.5 [Volt] Type II, Note 1LED Enable Input High Level 2.5 - 5.5 [Volt] LED Enable Input Low LevelVLED_EN- - 0.8 [Volt] PWM Logic Input High Level2.5 - 5.5 [Volt] PWM Logic Input Low LevelVPWM_EN-- 0.8 [Volt] PWM Input Frequency FPWM 100 - 1K HzPWM Duty Ratio Duty 1 -- 100 % PWM Frequency <5K HzPWM Duty RatioDuty15--100%PWM Frequency ≧500 HzNote 1: Type I and II is an independent of design parameter. It should be separated from system design.6. Signal Characteristic6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship of the input signals and LCD pixel format.6.2 The input data formatSignal Name DescriptionR5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Red Data 5 (MSB)Red Data 4Red Data 3Red Data 2Red Data 1Red Data 0 (LSB)Red-pixel DataRed-pixel DataEach red pixel's brightness data consists ofthese 6 bits pixel data.G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 Green Data 5 (MSB)Green Data 4Green Data 3Green Data 2Green Data 1Green Data 0 (LSB)Green-pixel DataGreen-pixel DataEach green pixel's brightness data consists ofthese 6 bits pixel data.B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Blue Data 5 (MSB)Blue Data 4Blue Data 3Blue Data 2Blue Data 1Blue Data 0 (LSB)Blue-pixel DataBlue-pixel DataEach blue pixel's brightness data consists ofthese 6 bits pixel data.RxCLKIN Data Clock The typical frequency is 54.2MHZ.The signal isused to strobe the pixel data and DE signals. Allpixel data shall be valid at the falling edge whenthe DE signal is high.DE Display Timing This signal is strobed at the falling edge ofRxCLKIN. When the signal is high, the pixeldata shall be valid to be displayed.VS Vertical Sync The signal is synchronized to RxCLKIN .HS Horizontal Sync The signal is synchronized to RxCLKIN .Note: Output signals from any system shall be low or High-impedance state when VDD is off.6.3 Integration Interface Requirement6.3.1 Connector DescriptionPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module.These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.Connector Name / Designation For Signal ConnectorManufacturer TycoType / Part Number Tyco 2069716-3(I-PEX 20455-040E-12 compatibleMating Housing/Part Number IPEX 20453-040T-11 or compatible6.3.2 Pin AssignmentLVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and high speed data transfer device.Pin Signal Description1 NC No connect2 Vdd Logic supply, +3.3V3 Vdd Logic supply, +3.3V4 NC No connect, Aging for AUO5 Sclk I2C series input clock6 Sdat I2C data I/O7 NC No connect8 Rin0- Receiver signal of LVDS CH0(-)9 Rin0+ Receiver signal of LVDS CH0(+)10 GND Ground11 Rin1- Receiver signal of LVDS CH1(-)12 Rin1+ Receiver signal of LVDS CH1(+)13 GND Ground14 Rin2- Receiver signal of LVDS CH2(-)15 Rin2+ Receiver signal of LVDS CH2(+)16 GND Ground17 Rclk- Receiver signal of LVDS Clock (-)18 Rclk+ Receiver signal of LVDS Clock (+)19 GND Ground20 Rin3- Receiver signal of LVDS CH3(-)21 Rin3+ Receiver signal of LVDS CH3(+)22 GND Ground23 NC No connect24 NC No connect25 GND Ground26 NC No connect27 Color(EN) Color Enhancement enable (1=on, 0=off)28 CABC(EN) Content BL control enable (1=on, 0=off)29 LED_PWM(I) PWM signal to TCON30 LED_PWM(O) PWM signal from TCON31 NC No connect32 LED_Cat_1 LED cathode33 LED_Cat_2 LED cathode34 LED_Cat_3 LED cathode35 LED_Cat_4 LED cathode36 LED_Cat_5 LED cathode37 LED_Cat_6 LED cathode38 NC No connect39 LED_Anode LED Anode40 LED_Anode LED AnodeLVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and high speed data transfer device.6.4 Interface Timing6.4.1 Timing CharacteristicsBasically, interface timings should match the 1280 x 720 /60Hz manufacturing guide line timing.Parameter SymbolMin. Typ. Max. Unit Frame Rate - - 60 Hz Clock frequency 1/ T Clock - 68.9 80 MHzPeriod T V 808 816 1023 Active T VD 800 800 800 Vertical SectionBlanking T VB 8 16 223 T Line Period T H 1310 1408 2047 Active T HD 1280 1280 1280 Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB30128767T ClockNote : DE mode only6.4.2 Timing diagram6.5 Power Sequence6.5.1 Panel Power SequenceVDD power and LED on/off sequence is as follows. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off..Note 1:If T4<200ms,the display garbage may occur. We suggest T4>200ms to avoid the display garbage.Note 2:If T1 or T2 <0.5 ms, the inrush current may cause the damage of fuse. If the T1 or T12 <0.5ms, the inrush current I2 t is under typical melt of fuse Spec., there’s no above mentioned problem.7. Panel Reliability Test7.1 Vibration TestTest Spec:Test method: Non-OperationAcceleration: 1.5 GFrequency: 10 - 500Hz RandomSweep: 30 Minutes each Axis (X, Y, Z)7.2 Shock TestTest Spec:Test method: Non-OperationAcceleration: 220 G , Half sine waveActive time: 2 msPulse: X,Y,Z .one time for each side7.3 Reliability TestItems Required Condition Note TemperatureHumidity BiasTa= 40℃, 90%RH, 300hHigh TemperatureOperationTa= 50℃, Dry, 300hLow TemperatureOperationTa= 0℃, 300hHigh TemperatureStorageTa= 60℃, 35%RH, 300hLow TemperatureStorageTa= -20℃, 50%RH, 250hThermal ShockTestTa=-20℃to 60℃, Duration at 30 min, 100 cyclesESD Contact : ±8 KVAir : ±15 KVNote 1Note1: According to EN 61000-4-2 , ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost . Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Remark: MTBF (Excluding the LED): 30,000 hours with a confidence level 90%23 of 31B101EW01 V2document version : 2.124 of 31B101EW01 V2 document version : 2.1Back View9. Shipping and Package 9.1 Shipping Label FormatLabel location9.2 Carton Package9.3 Shipping package of palletizing sequence10. Appendix10.1 EDID descriptionAddress FUNCTION Value Value Value Note HEX HEX BIN DEC00 Header 00 00000000 001 FF 11111111 25502 FF 11111111 25503 FF 11111111 25504 FF 11111111 25505 FF 11111111 25506 FF 11111111 25507 00 00000000 008 EISA Manuf. Code LSB 06 00000110 609 Compressed ASCII AF 10101111 1750A Product Code D4 11010100 2120B hex, LSB first 40 01000000 640C 32-bit ser # 00 00000000 00D 00 00000000 00E 00 00000000 00F 00 00000000 010 Week of manufacture 01 00000001 111 Year of manufacture 14 00010100 2012 EDID Structure Ver. 01 00000001 113 EDID revision # 03 00000011 314 Video input def. (digital I/P, non-TMDS, CRGB) 80 10000000 12815 Max H image size (rounded to cm) 17 00010111 2316 Max V image size (rounded to cm) 0F 00001111 1517 Display Gamma (=(gamma*100)-100) 78 01111000 12018 Feature support (no DPMS, Active OFF, RGB,tmg Blk#1) 0A 00001010 1019 Red/green low bits (Lower 2:2:2:2 bits) 61 01100001 97 1A Blue/white low bits (Lower 2:2:2:2 bits) 75 01110101 117 1B Red x (Upper 8 bits) 95 10010101 149 1C Red y/ highER 8 bits 55 01010101 85 1D Green x 54 01010100 84 1E Green y 8C 10001100 140 1F Blue x 27 00100111 3920 Blue y 22 00100010 3421 White x 50 01010000 8022 White y 54 01010100 8423 Established timing 1 00 00000000 024 Established timing 2 00 00000000 026 Standard timing #1 01 00000001 127 01 00000001 128 Standard timing #2 01 00000001 129 01 00000001 1 2A Standard timing #3 01 00000001 1 2B 01 00000001 1 2C Standard timing #4 01 00000001 1 2D 01 00000001 1 2E Standard timing #5 01 00000001 1 2F 01 00000001 130 Standard timing #6 01 00000001 131 01 00000001 132 Standard timing #7 01 00000001 133 01 00000001 134 Standard timing #8 01 00000001 135 01 00000001 136 Pixel Clock/10000 LSB 12 00010010 1837 Pixel Clock/10000 USB 1B 00011011 2738 Horz active Lower 8bits 00 00000000 039 Horz blanking Lower 8bits 94 10010100 148 3A HorzAct:HorzBlnk Upper 4:4 bits 50 01010000 80 3B Vertical Active Lower 8bits 20 00100000 32 3C Vertical Blanking Lower 8bits 08 00001000 8 3D Vert Act : Vertical Blanking (upper 4:4 bit) 30 00110000 48 3E HorzSync. Offset 8 00001000 8 3F HorzSync.Width A 00001010 1040 VertSync.Offset : VertSync.Width 31 00110001 4941 Horz&Vert Sync Offset/Width Upper 2bits 00 00000000 042 Horizontal Image Size Lower 8bits E5 11100101 22943 Vertical Image Size Lower 8bits 95 10010101 14944 Horizontal & Vertical Image Size (upper 4:4 bits) 00 00000000 045 Horizontal Border (zero for internal LCD) 00 00000000 046 Vertical Border (zero for internal LCD) 00 00000000 047Signal (non-intr, norm, no stero, sep sync, negpol) 18 00011000 2448 Detailed timing/monitor 00 00000000 049 descriptor #2 00 00000000 0 4A 00 00000000 0 4B 0F 00001111 15 4C 00 00000000 0 4D 00 00000000 0 4E 00 00000000 0 4F 00 00000000 050 00 00000000 051 00 00000000 052 00 00000000 053 00 00000000 054 00 00000000 055 00 00000000 056 00 00000000 057 00 00000000 058 00 00000000 059 20 00100000 325A Detailed timing/monitor 00 00000000 05B descriptor #3 00 00000000 05C 00 00000000 05D FE 11111110 2545E 00 00000000 05F Manufacture 41 01000001 65 A60 Manufacture 55 01010101 85 U61 Manufacture 4F 01001111 79 O62 0A 00001010 1063 20 00100000 3264 20 00100000 3265 20 00100000 3266 20 00100000 3267 20 00100000 3268 20 00100000 3269 20 00100000 326A 20 00100000 326B 20 00100000 326C Detailed timing/monitor 00 00000000 06D descriptor #4 00 00000000 06E 00 00000000 06F FE 11111110 25470 00 00000000 071 Manufacture P/N 42 01000010 66 B72 Manufacture P/N 31 00110001 49 173 Manufacture P/N 30 00110000 48 074 Manufacture P/N 31 00110001 49 175 Manufacture P/N 45 01000101 69 E76 Manufacture P/N 57 01010111 87 W77 Manufacture P/N 30 00110000 48 078 Manufacture P/N 34 00110100 52 479 Manufacture P/N 20 00100000 3231 of 31AU OPTRONICS CORPORATIONProduct SpecificationB101EW01 V2 document version : 2.1 7B Manufacture P/N30 00110000 48 0 7C 20 00100000 32 7D0A 00001010 10 7E Extension Flag 00 00000000 0 7FChecksum430100001167SUM5888。
V260B1-C01 配机芯有:8K60MAX1518包括一个高性能升压调节器、两个线性稳压控制器以及大电流运算放大器,用于有源矩阵薄膜晶体管(TFT )液晶显示器(LCD )。
V315B3-C01 配机芯有8M19TPS65161的20、21、22:电源输入Vin; 此IC 与外围电配合可产生几路电压:VGH :23V V AAP :13.5V VGL :负5V VDA : VON : VOFF : VLOGIC :3.3V 等32寸奇美屏驱动板(屏供电12V )V320B1-C03 配机芯有:8M10FP5138:电源管理芯片,升压、降压、升降压转换IC ,驱动能力强,可以很好的提供LCD 屏正负偏设计方案,各组电压输出稳定,还可以适用于7—12寸LED 液晶屏背光升压垣流驱动。
有短路保护、开路保护、软启动功能,工作电压1.8—15V ,工作电流5.5mA 。
1脚:FB 反馈 2脚:SCP 保护/软启动 3脚:VCC 供电 4脚:CTL 控制 5脚:OUT 输出 6脚:GND 地 7脚:OSC 振荡 8脚:COMP 补偿V296W1-C1,X7 配机芯有:8TG5V296W1-C1逻辑板电路主要有三大部分组成:1.由U4(CM2651B-KQ )为核心的时序与逻辑控制电路,主要功能是将串行的LVDS 信号变成并行的控制信号,用于薄腊晶体管的控制或驱动;2.由U7—U11(HX8904TA 、HX8904SA )为核心的伽玛放大电路,主要是将伽玛信号进行适当的放大,控制薄膜晶体管,实现画面对比度的调整;3.由UP1(FA3269A V )为核心的DC-DC 变换电路,主是是将主板送来的5V 供电变成VGH (20V )、VDA (15V )、VGL (—5V )、V5V (5V )、VDD (3.3V )等等,用于屏驱动供电,此逻辑板损坏的最多的地方就是这部分,易损坏元件为UP1、QP5、DP3、UP2、RP37、LP2电感等等。
虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|友达光电产品命名规则友达光电,简称Auo ,命名规则:B121EW01,B170PW03第一位表示用途,2-4位为尺寸,5位为分辨率,6位为宽屏/普屏(在非a-Si 技术中标注所用技术),最后两位为产品代次,注:部分产品还有空格后加注V*(如B121EW07 V0) 还没有弄明白其含义。
具体细明如下: 第一位表示用途 B ;表示笔记型电脑用 G :表示工业用 T :表示电视用 M :表示桌上电脑用 H :表示手机用 C :表示车载设备用A :表示可移动产品(数码相机,PDA 等) 第二到四位表示尺寸例如:121代表12.1’ 170代表17’ 第五位表示分辨率 I :128*128 Q :320*240 A :280*220 B :640*240C :160*234 /480*240虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|D :960*240 F :480*234 V :640*480 S :1680*1050E :1280*800 P :1440*900X :1024*768 1366*768 H :1920*1080 U :1920*1200注:因为产品太多,目前总结这些 可能有遗漏。
第六位表示普通屏幕和宽屏 N :普通型 W :宽屏型另外:在不用a-Si 屏的情况下它代表所用技术 L/T::代表低温多晶硅技术 七八位表示产品代数:例如:01表示第一代产品,03表示第三代产品部分产品加空格后还有第九、十位,这个还没有弄明白其所代表的含义。
下面是AU 部分产品名称及其对应型号用途说明。
笔记本电脑Wide Aspect Ratio ModelSizeResolution虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|B121EW01 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW03 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW04 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW07 V0 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B133EW01 13.3" WXGA (1280 x 800) B141EW02 14.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B141PW01 14.1" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B154EW02 V1 15.4" WXGA (1280 x 800) B154PW04 V0 15.4" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170PW03 17'' WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170PW07 17" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170UW02 17" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) B170UW02 V0 17"WUXGA (1920 x 1200)Standard Aspect Ratio Model Size Resolution B141XG09 V3 14.1" XGA (1024 x 768) B150XG02 V415''XGA (1024 x 768)液晶电视虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|Model Size ResolutionT370HW02 37" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T420HW01 42" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T420HW01 V3 42" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T460HW02 46" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T645HW01 65Full HD (1920 x 1080)HD Model Size Resolution T200XW02 20" WXGA (1366 x 768) T230XW01 23" WXGA (1366 x 768) T260XW02 26" WXGA (1366 x 768) T315XW01 32" WXGA (1366 x 768) T315XW02 32" WXGA (1366 x 768) T370XW01 37" WXGA (1366 x 768) T370XW02 37" WXGA (1366 x 768) T420XW0142"WXGA (1366 x 768)桌上型电脑Wide Aspect Ratio Model Size Resolution M185XW01 V0 18.5" 1366 x 768M190PW01 V0 19" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) M201EW02 V8 20.1" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) M215HW01 V0 21.5" 1920 x 1080M220EW01 V0 22" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) M240UW04 V0 24" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) M240HW01 V0 24"1920 x 1080Standard Aspect Ratio ModelSizeResolution虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|M170EG01 VD17SXGA (1280 x 1024一般工业用显示器G057QN01 5.7 QVGA (320 x 240) G057VN01 5.7 VGA (640 x 480) G065VN01 V0 6.5 VGA (640 x 480) G065VN01 V1 6.5 VGA (640 x 480) G084SN03 V1 8.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G084SN05 V7 8.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G104VN01 10.4 VGA (640 x 480) G104SN02 V1 10.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G104SN03 V1 10.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G121SN01 V1 12.1 SVGA(800x600) G121SN01 V3 12.1 SVGA (800x600) G150XG01 V1 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G150XG02 V0 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G150XG03 V2 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G420XW01 V0 42 WXGA (1366 x 768) G420XW02 V0 42 WXGA (1366 x 768) P645HW01 V0 65 FHD (1920 x 1080) P520HW01 V0 52 FHD (1920 x 1080) G220SW01 V0221680 x 1050移动电话Model Size Resolution H016IN01 1.56" 128 R.G.B. x 128 H167IN01 1.67" 128 R.G.B. x 160 H176HN01 1.76" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H177IN01 1.77" 128 R.G.B. x 160 H177IN021.77"160 R.G.B. x 128虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|H019HN01 1.88" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H200HN01 2.0" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H283QN012.83"240 R.G.B. x 320LTPS ModelSizeResolutionH180QT01 1.8" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H200QT01 2.0" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H220QT02 2.2" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H222QL01 2.22" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H241QL01 2.4" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H283VL012.83"VGA 480 R.G.B. x 640数码相机 摄象机A015AN04 1.5" 280 x 220 A017CN01 1.7" 480 x 240 A020CN01 2.0" 480 x 240 A020BL01 2.0" LTPS 640 x 240 A024CN02 2.4" 480 x 234 A025BN01 2.5" 640 x 240 A025DL02 2.5'' LTPS 960 x 240 A027CW00 2.7" 480 x 234 A027DL01 2.7" LTPS 960 x 240 A027DN01 2.7" 960 x 240 A030DL01 3.0" LTPS 960 x 240 A030DL023.0" LTPS960 x 240车载产品C036QN02 3.6" 320 R.G.B. x 240 C065GW01 6.5" 400 R.G.B. x 234 C065VL016.5"800 R.G.B. x 480虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|C070FW01 7.0" 480 R.G.B. x 234 C070VW02 7.0" 800 R.G.B. x 480 C080VW028.0"800 R.G.B. x 480Portable Media Player Model Size Resolution A036QN02 3.6 320 R.G.B. x 240 A070FW03 7.0" 480 R.G.B. x 234 A070VW02 7.0" 800 R.G.B. x 480 A085FW01 8.5" 480 R.G.B. x 234 A102VW0110.2"800 R.G.B. x 480一般应用Model Size Resolution A035CN02 3.5" 160 R.G.B. x 234 A040CN01 4.0" LED 160 R.G.B. x 234 A056DN015.6"320 R.G.B. x 234奇美电子产品命名规则奇美电子,简称CMO ,命名规则分两种1,大尺寸2,中小尺寸大尺寸命名规则第一位表示用途,第二位到四位为尺寸,第五位为分辨率,最后一位为产品代次,共六位,部分产品还有空格后加七八九位。
Product SpecificationModel: KM39E5-CM-01Customer Approved byGuangdong Kaimy Electric Co.,LtdApproved by Checked by Prepared byINTRODUCTION• WARRANTYGuangdong Kaimy Electric Co. Ltd. (hereinafter called "Kaimy") warrants that this product meetsthe product specifications set forth in this document. If this product under normal operation is found to benon-conforming to the product specifications, and such non-conformance is promptly notified to Kaimy within one (1)year after the delivery date, and further such non-conformance is solely attributable to Kaimy, Kaimy shall repair the non-conforming product or replace it with a conforming one, free of charge. However, this warranty does not apply to any non-conformance that can be found easily by incoming inspections or those resulting from any one of the following:1) Unauthorized or improper repair, maintenance or modification2) Operation or use against specifications, instructions or warnings given by Kaimy3) Any other causes attributable to customerIn case Kaimy repairs or replaces a product after the one (l)-year warranty period, Kaimy shall be entitled to charge for such repair or replacement. Those replaced parts shall be covered with six (6)-month warranty period from the replacement day. Non-conforming products may be replaced with substitutes instead of repair when the manufacture of this product has been terminated.EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, Kaimy DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND DISCLAIMS ANY REMEDIES.• MAINTENANCEThe specifications of maintenance parts may be partially changed within equivalent quality or better. In this product, Kaimy will not accept to maintain for only mounting parts on circuit board (e.g. connector, fuse, capacitor,resistor, etc.) and only backlight conformation parts (e.g. reflector sheet, light guide plate, etc.).If Kaimy is planning discontinuation for this product, Kaimy shall inform it to customers in six (6)-months advance from the issued date of official agreements. In addition, after product discontinuation, Kaimy may replace substitutes instead of maintenance parts with whole product.• CHANGE CONTROLFor the purpose of product improvement, this product design may be changed for specifications, appearance, parts,circuits and so on. In case a design change is affected on the product specifications, Kaimy shall inform it to customers in advance.• HANDLING OF DOUBTFUL POINTSAny question arising out of, or in connection with, this SPECIFICATION or any matter not stipulated herein will be settled each time upon consultation between both parties.Version A0Page 24Record of RevisionsVersion Revise Date Page ContentsA0 2013-7-25 24 KM39E5-CM-01 version 1.0 specification was first issued.Version A0Page 24CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..................................... .. (2)RECORD OF REVISION (3)CONTENTS (4)1. OUTLINE (5)1.1 STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLE (5)1.2 APPLICATIONS (5)1.3 FEATURES (5)2. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (6)3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (7)4. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (8)5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (9)6. INTERFACE PIN CONNECTION (12)7. INTERFACE TIMING (17)8. INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS &GRAY SCALE OF COLORS (20)9. SIGNAL TIMING WA VEFORMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL (20)10. OPTICS SPECIFICATIONS (21)11.OUTDRAWING (23)1. OUTLINEVersion A0Page 241.1 STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLEKM39E5-CM-01 module is composed of the amorphous silicon thin film transistor liquid crystal display (a-Si TFT LCD) panel structure with driver LSIs for driving the TFT (Thin Film Transistor) array and a backlight. The a-Si TFT LCD panel structure is injected liquid crystal material into a narrow gap between the TFT array glass substrate and a color-filter glass substrate. Color (Red, Green, Blue) data signals from a host system (e.g. PC, signal generator, etc.) are modulated into best form for active matrix system by a signal processing board, and sent to the driver LSIs which drive the individual TFT arrays. The TFT array as an electro-optical switch regulates the amount of transmitted light from the backlight assembly, when it is controlled by data signals. Color images are created by regulating the amount of transmitted light through the TFT array of red, green and blue dots.1.2 APPLICATIONS• Monitor for PC& Workstation Use• Monitors for Process Controller1.3 FEATURES• a-Si TFT active matrix• 2ch-LVDS interface• 6-bit (Hi-FRC) color depth, 16.7 millions colors (6bit/color)• Resolution WXGA+:(1,920×1,080 pixels)• Wide viewing angle:176°(Horizontal); 176° (Vertical)• High contrast ratio: 3000:1(typ)• Module size: 895.6(H) ×526(V) ×65.9 (D)mm• High response time (Ton+Toff=8.5 ms)• RoHS compliance2. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSVersion A0Page 24 Display area 895.6 (H) x 526(V)mm (typ.),,Diagonal size of display 39 inchesDisplay color 16.7M colors (6bit/color)Pixel 1920 (H) x 1080(V) pixelsPixel arrangement RGB vertical stripePixel pitch 0.17675 (H) x 0.53025(V) mmModule size 895.6(H) ×526(V) ×65.9(D)mm Contrast ratio 3000:1(typ.)Viewing angle 176°/176° (typ.)Response time 8.5 ms (typ.)Luminance 270cd/m2 (typ.)Display Mode Transmissive mode / Normally white Surface Treatment Anti GlareBacklight consumption 42W (typ.)3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSVersion A0Page 24Version A0Page 244. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSItem Min Typ Max Unit NoteModuleHorizontal(H) 894.6 895.6 896.6 mm (1) SizeVertical(V) 525 526 527 mmDepth(D) 65.966.9 mmWeight TBD TBD TBD kg5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVersion A0Page 24Document No. KM39E5-CM-01 Version A0Page 24Document No. KM39E5-CM-01Version A0Page 245.2 Driving for backlight LEDItem SymbolV alueUnit NoteDuty100% Min. Typ. Max.LED Forward Current If 560 600 mALED Forward V oltage Vf 70 7580 VPower Disssipation P D42 WNote (1) Permanent damage to the device may occur if maximum values are exceeded. Function operation Note(2): The backlight of this product is made up of 4 LED light bar.Note (3) Specified values are for input pin of LED light bar at Ta=25±2 ℃Version A0Page 24 6. INTERFACE PIN CONNECTIONVersion A0 Page 24Document No. KM39E5-CM-01 Version A0Page 246.2 LED light barCN201: PH2.0-8P & PH-TAdaptable connector:Pin No. SignalnameFunction1 V+ “+”input terminal for LED light bar (Cable color :Red)2 V- “-”input terminal for LED light bar (Cable color :Black)7 V+ “+”input terminal for LED light bar (Cable color :Red)8 V- “-”input terminal for LED light bar (Cable color :Black)Document No. KM215H1-CM-11Version A07. INTERFACE TIMINGPage 24Page 24Page 24Document No. KM215H1-CM-11Version A0Page 248. INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS &GRAY SCALE OF COLORS9. SIGNAL TIMING WA VEFORMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL9.1 Sync Timing WaveformsDocument No.KM215H1-CM-11Version A0 Page2410. OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS10.1 OVERVIEWThe test of Optical specifications shall be measured in a dark room (ambient luminance <1 lux andtemperature = 25+/-2℃) with the equipment of Luminance meter system (Goniometer system and TOPCONE BM-7) and test unit shall be located at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of θ and Φ direction (“upward”), θØ=180(= θ9) as the 9 o’clock direction (“left”) and θØ=270(= θ6 ) as the 6 o’clock direction (“bottom”). While scanning θ and/or Ø, the center of the measuring spot on the Display surface shall stay fixed. The measurement shall be executed after 30 minutes warm-up period. VDD shall be 5.0V +/-10% at 25℃. Optimum viewing angle direction is 6 ’clock. 10.2 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS[VDD = 5.0V , Frame rate = 60Hz, Clock = 74.25MHz, IBL= 240 mA, Ta =25±2 ℃]Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. UnitNoteColor Chromaticity Red Rx θ=0°, (CenterNormal Viewing Angle) With RFD module Typ-0.03 0.643 Typ+0.03 - (7) Ry 0.329 - Green Gx 0.279 - Gy 0.589 - Blue Bx 0.133 - By 0.111- White Wx 0.311 - Wy 0.349- Luminance of White Y W 250 270 cd/m2 (5)Contrast Ratio CR 3000 - (3) ResponseTime Rising Tr- 8.5 16 ms (8) FallingTf-- 8.5 16 ms(8)Viewing AngleHorizontal Θ3CR ≥10 With RFD Module88 -Deg.(2)Θ9 88 - V erticalΘ12 88 - Θ688-Note (1) :The value in upper table are based on BLU provided by Kaimy.Note (2): Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The viewing are determined for the horizo ntal or 3, 9 o’clock direction and the vertical or 6, 12 o’clock direction with respect to the optical axis which is normal to the LCD surface. Note (3) :surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white, then to the dark (black) state. (See FIGURE 1 shown in Appendix) Luminance Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically. Luminance when displaying a white rasterLuminance when displaying a black rasterDocument No. KM215H1-CM-11Version A0 Page24Note (4):Luminance of LCD module shall be made without signal input. Cell transmittance is defined mathematically, BLU provided by Kaimy.Note (5):Center Luminance of white is defined as the LCD surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white. This measurement shall be taken at the locations shown in FIGURE 2 for a total of the measurements per display.Note (6):The White luminance uniformity on LCD surface is then expressed as :ΔY = ( Minimum Luminance of 9points / Maximum Luminance of 9points ) * 100 (See FIGURE 2 shown in Appendix).Note (7):The color chromaticity coordinates specified in above Table shall be calculated from the spectral data measured with all pixels first in red, green, blue and white. Measurements shall be made at the center of the panel with BLU provided by Kaimy.Note (8):The electro-optical response time measurements shall be made as FIGURE 3 shown in Appendix by switching the “data” input signal ON and OFF. The times needed for the luminance to change from 10% to 90% is Td, and 90% to 10% is Tr. 10.3 APPENDIXFigure 1. Measurement Set UpFigure 2. White Luminance and Uniformity Measurement Locations (9 points)11.OUTDRAWINGDocument No. KM215H1-CM-11Version A0Page 24Document No. KM215H1-CM-11 Version A0Page 24。
群创奇美15寸液晶屏G150XNE-L03 ver 0杭州旭虹科技有限公司
Name / Title Note
Please return 1 copy for your confirmation with your signature and comments.
Approved By Checked By Prepared By
Version 0.0
5 May 2016
Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings for more information of front and back outline dimensions.
Note (2) The depth is without connector.
MT8103iE1 10.1英寸TFT显示屏说明书
MT8103iE1DisplayDisplay 10.1” TFT Resolution1024 x 600Brightness (cd/m 2) 350 Contrast Ratio 500:1 Backlight Type LED Backlight Life Time 50,000 hrs. Colors16.7M LCD Viewing Angle (T/B/L/R) 70/70/80/80Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.2175(H)x0.2088(V) Touch PanelType4-wire Resistive TypeAccuracy Active Area Length(X)±2%, Width(Y)±2%MemoryFlash128 MB RAM128 MBProcessor32-bit RISC 600MHzI/O PortSD Card Slot N/A USB Host USB 2.0 x 1USB Client N/AEthernet 10/100 Base-T x 1 WiFiIEEE 802.11 b/g/n 802.11b: max 19.76 dBm 802.11g: max 14.07 dBm 802.11n: max 15.41 dBmCOM PortCon.A: COM1 RS-485 2W, COM2 RS-485 2W/4W, COM3 RS-485 2W/4W *1Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W, COM3 RS-232 2W *2RS-485 Dual Isolation N/A CAN Bus N/A Audio Output N/A Video InputN/A RTCBuilt-in PowerInput Power 24±20%VDC Power Isolation Built-inPower Consumption650mA@24VDC Voltage Resistance 500VAC (1 min.)Isolation Resistance Exceed 50M at 500VDCVibration Endurance 10 to 25Hz (X, Y , Z direction 2G 30 minutes)SpecificationPCB Coating Yes EnclosurePlasticDimensions WxHxD271 x 213 x 36.4 mmPanel Cutout 260 x 202 mm Weight Approx. 1 kg MountPanel mountEnvironment Protection StructureUL Type 4X (indoor use only) NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front PanelStorage Temperature-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F) Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F) Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)CertificateCECE marked ULcULus ListedSoftwareEasyBuilder Pro V6.01.01 or later versions*1 COM 3 RS-485 4W will not be available when COM 1 RS-485 2W is used.*2 Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.HMI with 10.1" TFT Display Feature● 10.1" 1024 x 600 TFT LCD, LED Backlight ● Fan-less Cooling System● COM2 and COM3 RS-485 support MPI 187.5K, please use one at one time● PCB coating process ensures high reliability to resist from corrosion in harsh environment ● Built-in Power Isolation● NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front Panel ● WiFi compatible with 802.11 b/g/n ●Built-in EasyAccess 2.0 LicenseMT8103iE1DimensionsPin Assignment: Con.B: COM1/COM3 [RS232] D-sub 9Pin Male PIN# COM1 [RS232] 4WCOM3 [RS232] 2W12 RxD 3TxD45 GND67 RTS TxD8 CTSRxD9GNDCon.A: COM1 / COM2 / COM3 [RS485] 9 Pin, Female, D-sub PIN# COM1 [RS485] 2WCOM2 [RS485] COM3 [RS485]2W 4W 2W 4W 1 Data- Rx- 2 Data+ Rx+ 3 Tx- 4 Tx+5 GND6 Data- Rx-7 Data- Tx-8 Data+ Tx+ 9Data+Rx+Contact: WEINTEK LABS., INC. TEL: +886-2-22286770 Web:MT8103iE1_Datasheet_ENG_20210625R2mm [R0.08"]260mm [10.24"] W x 202mm [7.95"] H260mm [10.24"]202m m [7.95"]英文版Cutout Dimensions271mm [10.67"]213m m [8.38"]4.5mm [0.18"]23.5mm [0.93"]8.36mm [0.33"]36.4m m [1.43"]258.6mm [10.18"]200.6m m [7.90"]ba de fc Top ViewFront View Side ViewRear ViewBottom Viewa. Fuseb. Power Connectorc. Con.A: COM1 RS-485 2W, COM2 RS-485 2W/4W, COM3 RS-4852W/4Wd. Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W, COM3 RS-232 2We. USB Host Portf. LANOrdering Information❑ MT8103iE1:10.1" 1024 x 600 TFT LCD HMI, Built-in 128 MB flash memory / 128 MB DDR2 RAM on board, Built-in EasyAccess 2.0 License ❑ RZUSK7010 (included in package) USB Clamp & Tying Strap。
友达10.4寸液晶屏G104VN01 V1 规格书-杭州旭虹科技有限公司
( V ) Preliminary Specifications( ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model Name G104VN01 V1Customer DateChecked &Approved byNote: This Specification is subject to changewithout notice. Approved by Date Debbie Chiu2009/02/11 Prepared byVivian Huang 2009/02/11 General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (9)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (10)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (10)5. Electrical Characteristics (11)5.1 TFT LCD Module (11)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)6. Signal Characteristics (14)6.1 Pixel Format Image (14)6.2 Scanning Direction (14)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal Description (15)6.4 The Input Data Format (16)6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing (17)6.6 Power ON/OFF Sequence (18)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (19)7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LCD Connector (19)7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Backlight Connector (19)8. Reliability Test Criteria (20)9. Mechanical Characteristics (21)9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) (21)9.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) (22)10. Label and Packaging (23)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (23)10.2 Carton Package (23)11 Safety (24)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (24)11.2 Materials (24)11.3 Capacitors (24)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (24)Version and Date Page Old description New Description0.0 2009/02/03All First Edition1. Operating Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration orspots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped onhard surface.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handlingTFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was takenout from the container, do not press the center of the LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nortilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in avery short time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. TheTFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lampignition voltage.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may acceleratelamp exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscapeposition.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to usescreen saver or shuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display G104VN01 V1composed of a TFT-LCD display, a driver and power supply circuit, and a LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support VGA (640(H) x 480(V)) screen and 16.2M (RGB 8-bits) or 262k colors (RGB 6-bits).LED driving board for backlight unit is included in G104VN01 V1 and the LED unit is replaceable.All input signals are LVDS interface and compatible with G104SN02 V1.G104VN01 V1 designed with wide viewing angle; wide temperature and long life LED backlight is well suited for industial applications. G104VN01 V1 is a RoHS product.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃ condition: ItemsUnitSpecifications Screen Diagonal [inch] 10.4Active Area [mm] 211.2 (H) x 158.4 (V) Pixels H x V 640 x 3(RGB) x 480 Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.33 x 0.33Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical Stripe Display ModeTN, Normally White Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3 (typ.) Typical Power Consumption [Watt] 5.4WAll black pattern Weight [Grams] 390 (typ.)Physical Size [mm] 243.0(H) x 176.6(V) x 8.0(D) (typ.) Electrical Interface 1 channel LVDS Surface Treatment Anti-glare, Hardness 3H Support Color16.2M / 262K colors Temperature Range OperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [o C] [o C]-30 to +85 -30 to +85 RoHS ComplianceRoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Remark White Luminance[cd/m2] I F = 80mA/1 LED Line (center point) 330 450 -Note 1 Uniformity % 5 Points 75 - -Note 2, 3 Contrast Ratio500 700 - Note 4[msec]Rising - 10 20 [msec] Falling- 20 30 Response Time[msec] Raising + Falling - 30 50 Note 5 [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 50 70 60 80 - - Note 6 Red x TBD TBD TBD Red y TBD TBD TBD Green xTBD TBD TBD Green y TBD TBD TBD Blue x TBD TBD TBD Blue y TBD TBD TBD White x 0.26 0.31 0.36 Color / ChromaticityCoordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.28 0.33 0.38 Color Gamut%-45-Note 1: Measurement method Equipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent) Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point CenterEnvironment < 1 luxModule Driving EquipmentNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 211.2mm (H) x 158.4mm (V))Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval isNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal an d ≧180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). Th e 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to developMinimum Brightness of five pointsδW9 = Maximum Brightness of five points Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” stateBrightness on the “Black” statethe desired measurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.4 inch color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic/LCD Drive Vin -0.3 +4.0 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP -30 +85 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 95 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -30 +85 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 95 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39℃ and no condensation.5. Electrical Characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units RemarkVDD Logic/LCD Input Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt]I VDD LCD Input Current - 280 - [mA]VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternP VDD LCD Power comsumption - 0.924 - [Watt] VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black Pattern I rush LCDLCD Inrush Current-- 1.5[A] Note 1; VDD=3.3VBlack Pattern, Rising time=470usVDD rpAllowable Logic/LCDDrive Ripple Voltage- -100[mV] p-pVDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternNote 1: Measurement condition:VDD rising time0V3.3V5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Note: LVDS Signal Waveform.Symbol ItemMin. Typ. Max. UnitRemarkVTH Differential Input High Threshold - - 100 [mV] VCM=1.2V VTL Differential Input Low Threshold 100 - - [mV] VCM=1.2V |VID | Input Differential Voltage100 400 600 [mV] VICMDifferential Input Common Mode Voltage1.1-1.45[V]VTH/VTL=+-100mV5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 Parameter guideline for LCDFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using a inverter at 25℃. (Room Temperature):Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkVCC Input Voltage 10.8 12 12.6 [Volt]I VCC Input Current - 0.37 - [A] 100% PWM DutyP LED Power Consumption - 4.44 TBD [Watt] 100% PWM DutyI rush LED Inrush Current - - TBD [A] at rising time=470usF PWM Dimming Frequency 200 - 20K [Hz]Swing Voltage 3 3.3 5.5 [Volt]Dimmung duty cycle TBD - 100 %Operation Life 50,000 - - Hrs I F=80mA, Ta= 25o CNote 1: Ta means ambient temperature of TFT-LCD module.Note 2: I F means LED unit forward current.Note 3: VCC, I VCC, I rush LED, P VCC are defined for LED backlight.(100% duty of PWM dimming)Note 4: If G104SN02 V2 module is driven by high current or at high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The operating life will be reduced.Note 5: Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Minimum operating life time is estimated data.6. Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.1st2nd639th640th1stLine480thLine6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.Fig. 1 Normal scan (Pin4, DPS = Low or NC) Fig. 2 Reverse scan (Pin4, DPS = High)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal DescriptionThe module using a LVDS receiver embaded in AUO’s ASIC. LVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and a high-speed data transfer device.Input Signal Interface Pin No. SymbolDescription 1 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 2 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 3 GND Ground4 DPS Reverse Scan Function [H: Enable; L/NC: Disable]5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+ LVDS receiver signal channel 0LVDS Differential Data Input (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, G0) 7 GNDGround8 RxIN1- 9 RxIN1+ LVDS receiver signal channel 1LVDS Differential Data Input (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1) 10 GND Ground11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+ LVDS receiver signal channel 2LVDS Differential Data Input (B2, B3, B4, B5, HS, VS, DE)13 GNDGround14 RxCLKIN- 15 RxCLKIN+ LVDS receiver signal clock 16 GND Ground17 RxIN3-18 RxIN3+ LVDS receiver signal channel 3, NC for 6 bit LVDS InputLVDS Differential Data Input (R6, R7, G6, G7, B6, B7, RSV)19 RSVReserved for AUO internal test. Please treat it as NC.20SEL68 6/ 8bits LVDS data input selection [H: 8bits L/NC: 6bit]Note 1: Input Signals shall be in low status when VDD is off.Note 2: High stands for “3.3V”, Low stands for “0V”, NC stands for “No Connection”. Note 3: RSV stands for “Reserved”.6.4 The Input Data Format6.4.1 SEL68SEL68 =“Low” or “NC” for 6 bits LVDS InputSEL68 = “High” for 8 bits LVDS InputNote1: Please follow PSWG.Note2:R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSB Signal Name DescriptionRemarkR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Red Data 7Red Data 6Red Data 5Red Data 4Red Data 3Red Data 2Red Data 1Red Data 0Red-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: R7 ; LSB: R0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: R5 ; LSB: R0G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 Green Data 7Green Data 6Green Data 5Green Data 4Green Data 3Green Data 2Green Data 1Green Data 0Green-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: G7 ; LSB: G0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: G5 ; LSB: G0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Blue Data 7Blue Data 6Blue Data 5Blue Data 4Blue Data 3Blue Data 2Blue Data 1Blue Data 0Blue-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: B7 ; LSB: B0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: B5 ; LSB: B0RxCLKIN LVDS Data ClockDE Data Enable Signal When the signal is high, the pixel datashall be valid to be displayed.Note: Output signals from any system shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.NS-like format6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing CharacteristicsSignal Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Clock Frequency 1/ T Clock 20 25.2 28.33 MHzPeriod T V 520 525 560 Active T VD -- 480-- Vertical SectionBlankingT VB 40 45 80 T Line Period T H 770 800 900 ActiveT HD-- 640 -- Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB 130160260T ClockNote 1: Frame rate is 60 Hz. Note 2: DE mode.6.5.2 Input Timing DiagramDOTCLKDEHDET VDInput Timing Definition ( DE Mode)Input Data Invaild Data Invaild Data6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValueParameterUnitsMin. Typ. Max.T10.5 - 10 [ms]T2 30 40 50 [ms]T3 200 - - [ms]T4 10 - - [ms]T5 10 - - [ms]T6 0 - - [ms]T7 10 - - [ms]T8 100 - - [ms]T9 0 16 50 [ms]T10 - - 10 [ms]T11 1000 - - [ms]The above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LCD ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer STM or compatibleConnector Model Number MSB24013P20HA or compatibleAdaptable Plug P24013P20 or compatiblePin No. Symbol Pin No. Symbol1 VDD2 VDD3 GND4 DPS5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+7 GND 8 RxIN1-9 RxIN1+ 10 GND11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+13 GND 14 RxCKIN-15 RxCKIN+ 16 GND17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+19 RSV 20 SEL687.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Backlight ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number 3808K-F05N-02R or compatibleMating Model Number H208K–P05N-02B or compatiblePin No. symbol descriptionPin1 VCC 12V inputPin2 GND GNDPin3 On/OFF 5V-ON,0V-OFFPin4 Dimming PWMPin5 NA8. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias 40℃, 90%RH, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation 85℃, 300 hoursLow Temperature Operation -30℃, 300 hoursHot Storage 85,℃ 300 hoursCold Storage -30,℃ 300 hoursThermal Shock Test -20/℃ 30 min, 60/℃ 30 min, 100cycles, 40℃ minimun ramp rateHot Start Test 85℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesCold Start Test -30℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesShock Test (Non-Operating) 50G, 20ms, Half-sine wave, ( ±X, ±Y, ±Z)Vibration Test (Non-Operating) 1.5G, (10~200Hz, Sine wave)30 mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z)On/off test On/10 sec, Off/10 sec, 30,000 cyclesESD Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/pointAir Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointNote 1EMI 30-230 MHz, limit 40 dBu V/m, 230-1000 MHz, limit 47 dBu V/mNote1: According to EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Note2:Water condensation is not allowed for each test items.Each test is done by new TFT-LCD module. Don’t use the same TFT-LCD module repeatedly for reliability test. The reliability test is performed only to examine the TFT-LCD module capability.To inspect TFT-LCD module after reliability test, please store it at room temperature and room humidity for 24 hours at least in advance.工业液晶屏www.hzxuhong.com工业液晶屏www.hzxuhong.com10. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)10.2 Carton Package11 Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or comers on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 Materials11.2.1 ToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the display module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.2.2 FlammabilityAll components including electrical components that do not meet the flammability grade UL94-V1 in the module will complete the flammability rating exception approval process.The printed circuit board will be made from material rated 94-V1 or better. The actual ULflammability rating will be printed on the printed circuit board.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the display assembly, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe display module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to:UL 60950 U.S.A. Information Technology Equipment。
Differential data input, CH0 (negative) Differential data input, CH0 (positive) Differential data input, CH1 (negative) Differential data input, CH1 (positive) Differential data input, CH2 (negative) Differential data input, CH2 (positive) Differential clock input (negative) Differential clock input (positive)
Do not use the device for equipment that requires an extreme level of reliability, such as aerospace applications, telecommunication equipment (trunk lines), nuclear power control equipment and medical or other equipment for life support.
3.Mechanical technical literatures
Parameter Display size Active area Pixel format Aspect ratio Pixel pitch Pixel configuration Display mode Unit outline dimensions Mass Surface treatment technical literatures 26(10.4inch)Diagonal 211.2(H)×158.4(V) 640(H)×480(V) (1pixel=R+G+B dot) 4:3 0.33(H)×0.33(V) R,G,B vertical stripe Normally white 246.5(W)×179.4(H)×12.5(D) TBD Anti-glare and hard-coating 3H mm g mm Unit cm mm pixel
经本⼈的总结经验如下屏前左下⾓有6个检测点,主要是测量由上到下数的5、6点的检测点,第5点正常值是21.8V,第6点的正常值是负10.1V .第5点电压不正常就会引起屏拖尾严重。
这两个电压在屏上都可以找到,VGL =-10.1V VGH-M=21.8V我是找根很⼩的漆包线⼀头去漆,不要太长哦!找⼀快⿊⾊的软胶能压缩的那种,在DVD机上⽤来顶住机盖或主板的那种,只要能压缩的不导电的就可以了,不⽤调什么导电胶了,切成⾼度要⾼⼀点因为要借助屏的⾦属架的压⼒把漆包线和检测点接通。
这块屏可能很多⼈都遇到过,图像反应巨慢!且⾊彩失真,论坛⾥也有前辈谈论过解决办法就是飞线VGH-M电压到屏,看似简单,难就难在玻璃屏上如何固定飞线,今⽇刚好花了50块钱回收⼀台19宽屏冠捷就是这失败⽽放弃了!⼿⾥有导电银漆,本店以修本为主,修液晶为辅的业务,于是发挥了导电银漆的威⼒,终极解决这类故障!1.HSD190MGW1-A00 REV:1屏,通电试机先是⽩屏然后慢慢⾊彩出现。
最后到⼀定程度就是⾊彩失真拆开盖位于屏的左下⾓有六个测试点,从上往下我量的电压为1.53V 0.78V 3.25V -9.9V -0.55V -9.93V。
液晶电视维修——易损件一览表品名型号说明液晶电源振荡芯片(PWM IC) SG6841DZ (直插) 冠捷及其代工品牌全系列,雷击易损SG6841SZ (贴片)1200AP40 (直插) 明基及其代工品牌全系列,雷击易损1200AP100 (直插)TEA1507 (直插) 飞利浦TEA1533 (直插) 飞利浦FAN7601 (直插) 飞利浦,LG,易炸电源DAP8A (贴片) 易炸电源2AS01 (直插) 现代,易炸电源200D6 (NCP1200D6,贴片) EMC,飞利浦,易炸电源203D6 (NCP1203D6,贴片) EMC,飞利浦,易炸电源LD7575OZ960G (贴片,宽) 全桥型高压板常用,易损24C512(贴片)24C512(直插)DM0465R(直插)DM0565R直插)振荡三极管 C5707 (直插) 明基,冠捷高压板易损P沟道场管 FU9024 (直插) 明基高压板易损P沟道场管 9435 (贴片) 驱动板、高压板易损N沟道+P沟道双场管 4606 (贴片) 三星等高压板易损N沟道开关管 2SK2101 7A 800V,优于7N60单片机 W78E65P (PLCC44封装) 冠捷常用,可替换M6759,SM5964,SM89516NT68F63L (PLCC44封装) 三星易损,通病MTV312MV64 (PLCC44封装) BENQ,ACER,长城,易损MTV512MV64 (PLCC44封装) BENQ,ACER,长城,WT61P4 (PLCC44封装) 三星常用图像信号处理芯片 MST8116B BENQ17寸,友达M170EP01一体屏易损芯片MST8111B 冠捷,BENQ,ACER易损MST9011 三星,LG易损TSU16AK LG,冠捷常用,易损RTD2023 (大封装) BENQ17寸一体屏,冠捷等常用SE7889-LF 三星易损,花屏通病屏显IC(时序控制器) LXD91810 三星原厂液晶屏易损芯片LXD91811LXD91812LXD93820LPD91821ALRE031212A 三星多款17,19寸屏用,易损LRU4312X1ANT7168FG-00010 CPT中华屏常用TFP7515 BOE京东方屏易损TFP7425PTFP7433SN0209033PZP-1 LG-PHILIPS屏LM170E01,易损GVS690H9 LG-PHILIPS屏,易损TL2272ML LG-PHILIPS屏,易损AU30803 AU友达15寸屏AD30301 ACER屏L150X2M,白屏易损AD30302AUO-003 AU友达M170EG01屏,易损CM2706A-KT CHIMEI奇美17寸,19寸屏,易损CM2706A-RTCM2709GMA电路芯片 BUF07702 LG,三星等屏AD8511A EDTCF松下屏AD8567 友达,京东方,广达等,易损DC-DC芯片 ACT4060 (8脚贴片) 12V降5V,可代替MP1410,WP9141,ZA3020 LM2596-5.0 (5脚贴片) 12V降5V,可代替8050SDAAT1101A AU友达M150XN05屏常用,白屏易损AAT1107 中华,瀚彩屏常用AT1380 奇美屏常用5420CR LG-PHILIPS屏用,易损FA3629AV 东芝,翰彩,广达屏常用二极管 1N4148 红色玻封,中低频通用,易坏 1N5408 普通硅整流管SK34 3A40V肖特基2A400V桥堆电阻 0.22欧2W0.27欧2W0.33欧2W0.39欧2W0.47欧2W0.56欧2W。
TFT-LCD Approval Spec G104X1-L04 奇美10.4寸规格书-杭州旭虹科技
Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range is shown in the figure below.
(b) Wet-bulb temperature should be 39 ºC Max. (Ta > 40 ºC). (c) No condensation
Item Horizontal (H) Module Size Vertical (V) Depth (D) Weight Min. 225 175.8 8.2 380 Typ. 225.5 176.3 8.7 430 Max. 226 176.8 9.2 480 Unit mm mm mm g
Item Converter Voltage Enable Voltage Backlight Adjust Symbol Vi EN ADJ Value Min. -0.3 ----Max. 18 5.5 3.3 Unit V V V Note (1), (2)
Customer: Approved by: Note:
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Version 2.3
Issued Date: Sep. 10, 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L04
7 800*480
-20 70 250
7 800*480
0 50 250
10.4 800*600
-20 70 400
10.4 1024*768 -30 70 500
10.4 640*480
-20 70 350
10.1 1024*600 -20 70
10.1 1024*600 -20 80 450
10.1 2560*1600
平板 平板 平板 平板 车用 车用
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原装 AM-1280800N1TZQW-00H 10.1 1280*800 -20
原装 BP101WX1-400
10.1 1280*800 -20
原装 BP101WX1-300
10.1 1280*800 -20
10.1 1024*600 -20
原装 HV070WS1-105
10.1 1280*800 -20
原装 AM-1024600L2TMQW-00H 10.1 1024*600 -20
原装 AM-1024600L3TMQW-00H 10.1 1024*600 -20
G080Y1-T01奇美8寸可翻转宽温高亮工业液晶屏 - G080Y1-T01高色彩工控屏
G080Y1-T01 奇美 8 寸可翻转宽温高亮工业液晶屏 - G080Y1-T01 高色彩工控屏
一:奇美 8 寸工业液晶屏 G080Y1-T01 基本信息 品 牌 液晶屏型号 工作温度 存储温度 作业湿度 保存湿度 当前生产状态 奇美(CHI MEI/INNOLUX) G080Y1-T01 -30~85° C -40~90° C 5-95 (%RH) 5-95 (%RH) 量产中
三:奇美 8 寸工业液晶屏 G080Y1-T01 光学特征 显示模式 液晶屏亮度 对比度 显示颜色 显示色域 响应时间 可视角度 白色色度 白场变动 TN,常白显示,透射式 600cd/m2 (Typ.) 600:1 (Typ.) (透射) 262K/16.2M (6-bit / 6-bit+Hi-FRC) 72% NTSC (CIE1931) 5/11(Typ.)(Tr+Td) (ms) 70/70/60/60(Typ.)(CR≥10) (左/右/上/下) X:0.313; Y:0.329 1.25/1.40 (Typ./Max.)(5points)
五、奇美 8 寸工业液晶屏 G080Y1-T01 信号接口 信号大类 信号小类 面板电压 面板电流 信号电压 接口类型 接口脚距 接口数量 接口脚数 Parallel RGB TTL (1 ch, 6/8-bit) 3.3/12/18/-7V (Typ.)(VCC/AVDD/VGH/VGL) 22.8/36.5/0.206/0.211mA(Typ.)(ICC/IDD/IGG/IEE) 0≤VIL≤0.3VCC; 0.7VCC≤VIH≤VCC FPC 0.5mm 1 pcs 60 pins
四、奇美 8 寸工业液晶屏 G080Y1-T01 发光系统
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VGL -11 -10 -8
Vcom High Voltage VcomH
Vcom low Voltage VcomL
Vcom level max
Note1. VcomH& VcomL:Adjust the color with gamma data. Vp-p should be higher then
2. FEATURES High Resolution: 230,400 Dots (320 RGB x 240). LQ035NC111 is a transmissive type color active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) which uses amorphous thin film transistor (TFT) as switching devices. This product is composed of a TFT LCD panel, driver ICs, FPC and a backlight unit.
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229.46(W) ×149.1(H) ×2.50(D) mm Note 1
8 Surface treatment
Hard Coating (3H)
9 Color arrangement
10 Interface
11 Backlight power consumption (1.86 W)(Typ.)
3.4.1. AC Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................. 8 3.4.2. Timing Table ........................................................................................................... 9 3.4.3. LVDS Data Input Format....................................................................................... 10 4. Optical Specifications............................................................................................................ 11 5. Reliability Test Items ............................................................................................................. 15 6. General Precautions............................................................................................................. 16 6.1. Safety ........................................................................................................................... 16 6.2. Handling ....................................................................................................................... 16 6.3. Static Electricity ............................................................................................................ 16 6.4. Storage ......................................................................................................................... 16 6.5. Cleaning ....................................................................................................................... 16 7. Mechanical Drawing ............................................................................................................. 17 8. Package Drawing ................................................................................................................. 18 8.1. Packaging Material Table............................................................................................... 18 8.2. Packaging Quantity........................................................................................................ 18 8.3. Packaging Drawing........................................................................................................ 18
Rxin3- I
Rxin3+ I
Function Common Voltage
Power Supply Power Supply No connection No connection No connection
Ground -LVDS Differential Data Input +LVDS Differential Data Input
1. General Specifications............................................................................................................ 1 2. Pin Assignment....................................................................................................................... 2 3. Operation Specifications ......................................................................................................... 4
12 Panel power consumption
Note 2
13 Weight
Note 1: Refer to Mechanical Drawing. Note 2: Including T-con Board power consumption
Customer: Model Name: Date: Version:
A-01G 2012/11/13 01
■Preliminary Specification □Final Specification
3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................ 4 3.2. Typical Operation Conditions.......................................................................................... 6 3.3. Power Sequence ............................................................................................................ 7 3.4. LVDS Signal Timing Characteristics ............................................................................... 8
Ground -LVDS Differential Data Input +LVDS Differential Data Input
Ground -LVDS Differential Data Input +LVDS Differential Data Input
Ground -LVDS Differential Clock Input +LVDS Differential Clock Input
2. Pin Assignment
Date: 2012/11/13 Page:2/18
A 40pin connector is used for the module electronics interface. The recommended model is F62240-H1210A manufactured by Vigorconn.
For Customer’s Acceptance Approved by