新概念英语3 课后摘要写作
新概念英语第三册作文和书信写作Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided toreturn for lunch. She was just picking up her basket whenshe heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knewit was not a cat because it was so large. The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to cometowards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours that she hadseen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She alsotelephoned the police but they didn't believe her either. (148 words)Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一A sticky businessWe were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our smallvillage. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck thehours day and night. However, one night the church bell remained silentand the next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this hadhappened.Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see whatwas going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and inthe torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky theydidn't sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that itwas full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working!A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediatelyremoved the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyedhearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words)Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered anancient temple. This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statues, each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen begandigging and soon discovered the head of a statue amongremains dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue amongremains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragments together. They were astonished to find that the figure wasa goddess. The goddess was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands onher hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143 words)Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德. 布洛格斯的双重生活Nearly caughtOnemorning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost's house.Though Alf didn't know it, his wife was visiting Mrs. Frost at the time.She and Mrs. Frost were old friends, though Mrs. Frost had never met Alf. Alf was just getting out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost's backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost's house. He quickly returned tothe dustcart and hid in the driving cabin. While he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs. Frost's rubbish. Meanwhile, Alf'swife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though theirconversation would never end!At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of thedustmen whom she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greethim. The dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off. Mrs. Bloggs stood on the pavement and watched the dustcart disappeardown the street. Then she began to walk home. ‘It's all right, Alf, ’his friend said. ‘She can't see you now. ’‘Thanks, Jim, ’Alf said. ‘That was a lucky escape! ’(200 words )Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Mrs. Frost,It was nice to meet you at Selena's party last week.You mentioned you had a copy of ‘Who's Who’. I am writing to ask if Icould borrow it for a couple of days. I'm doing some research on politicians and this book contains a lot of information. I promise I will take good care of it and return it to you as quickly as possible.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,signature (80 words)Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字The journalist counted the number of steps as he wearily climbed up tothe high wall surrounding the president's palace. On arriving at the main gate, he sat down to get his breath back. He then produced a tape measurein order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, apoliceman approached him and asked him what he was doing. Though the journalist explained he was a reporter and his editor had asked him tofind out the exact height of the wall, the policeman refused to believehim. He was arrested and sent to prison because the police thought thathe might be a spy or might even want to assassinate the president. Whenthe journalist insisted he was innocent, he madethings worse for himself. This proved to the police that the man certainly was guilty and deservedto stay in prison indefinitely. (149 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Jack,Many congratulations on your recent marriage!Quite by chance I happened to read about your wedding in our local newspaper and I was thrilled with the news. Your wife sounds reallycharming. I gather that you will both be moving to our area, so we'll soon be neighbours. I hope you'll be very happy and I'll be able to see yousoon.I look forward to seeing you again and meeting your wife. My kindestregards to you both.Yours sincerely,signature (79 words)Lesson 6 Smash-and grab 砸橱窗抢劫They got awaySeeing the thieves' car join the traffic on Piccadilly, Mr. Taylor tooka taxi and followed them. The taxi driver drove at full speed when Mr.Taylor told him what had happened.There wasn't too much traffic at this time of the morning so there wasa madchase through the streets of London. For a short time, the thieves' car was on the wrong side of the road and hit another car, but it did not stop. Two policemen in a police car watched in amazement as the twovehicles went past, both breaking the speed limit. Lights on and hornblaring, the police car chased both the speeding cars. Mr. Taylor's taxi stopped when the traffic lights turned red. The thieves ignored thetraffic lights and got away. Meanwhile, the police caught up with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged with speeding. They refused to let the driver off, even though Mr. Taylor carefully explained the situation.However, the police informed another police car of the chase and tenminutes later the thieves' car was found abandoned in a side street. Thethieves had escaped on foot and disappeared amongthe crowd. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)You won't believe what happened to me on Tuesday morning!I was walking down a busy street near Piccadilly when I saw a man smashthe window of an antique shop and run off with an expensive vase. Otherpassers-by saw him, too, and we all chased the man down the street,shouting ‘Stop! Thief! Stop! Thief! ’We managed to catch the man, but unfortunately the vase got broken.I'll tell you the full story when we meet next week. (80 words)Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组Jane opened the oven door and saw that her meal was ready to serve. Shetook the food out of the oven and in doing so, noticed something strangeinside the oven which she couldn't recognize. So she went to find Johnand told him about it. In dismay, John quickly explained that he had puthis wallet containing the day's takings into the oven for safekeeping.They both rushed to the oven and saw that the money had been destroyedAt first, they didn't know what to do. John wanted to throw the moneyaway, but Jane wouldn't let him. ‘It's best not to disturb the wallet, ’Jane said. ‘You can see all the money is there, even if it has beendestroyed ’Jane told John to go and see his bank manager for advice, sothe next day John took the wallet and the ashes to the bank (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality!It was a real pleasure to see you again after such a long time. I'll never forget your kindness during my stay. I particularly enjoyed our visit to the local market and our long walks in the countryside. I also enjoyedyour company and the excellent food and wine. You're a perfect host!I hope you will be able to visit me before long and look forward to seeing you soon.Lesson 8 A famous monastery 著名的修道院Onevery cold morning, a monktook two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately noticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspecting atraveller might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery toorganize a search party.The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled asledge behind them, in case they needed it. There had been very high winds the previous night, but now everything was still and visibility was badbecause there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to- 20°.The dogs led the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near,they heard cries in the distance. The dogs soon found a manwho was trapped under the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, butfrozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back tothe monastery.The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hot drinks and food. When the traveller was able to speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what had happened the previous night. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I hear you'll be taking a holiday in the Alps, which I'm sure you'll enjoy!I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high in the mountains not far from Zermatt. The hotel has fine views across the valley and Iwarmly recommendit. You'll love the healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort at moderate prices. I'm going there again this year.I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you get back. (79words)Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫Humanbeings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithfulto their masters, but cats like to be independent. Cats are especiallylovable when they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play bychasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds,insects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they canhave a pet . As kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors. Theylike regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However,they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like togo hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them washing themselves. Human beings are fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I'm afraid I have to report a little accident: my baby tore some of thepages from the book you kindly lent me.I am very sorry that this happened. I had left the book on a low table,but the baby got hold of it and tore several pages. However, I was ableto buy another copy and I'm sending it to you by separate post. Pleaselet me know when it arrives.My kindest regards to you all. (80 words)Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没Abandon snipThe Titanic began to sink, slowly at first. The order to abandon ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were completely unprepared. It was the middle of the night. Some people were asleep in their cabins.Others were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the giant icebergs risingabove them. Others were eating and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.The immediate effect was panic and confusion. People began rushing in all directions, wondering what to do next. The cold was indescribable and many passengers were still in their night clothes. Members of the crew cameup from below and began to lower the lifeboats. It was a case of womenand children first, but it soon becameobvious that there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone, so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives. Someof those swimming in the water struggled to get into the lifeboats, but most of them were already full.The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There werecries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboatsmoving away and were left to drown in the icy ocean.(200 words)Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪Whenthe Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carrying anythingvaluable, the man said that he had nothing to declare. The Officer asked the manto open his suitcase. Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very heavy. This made the Customs Officersuspicious, so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon empty and when the Officer lifted it, he found that it was still veryheavy.The Officer examined the case carefully and saw that the bottom was very shallow. He pressed the base hard and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a quantity of emeralds and other precious stones.While the Officer was looking at an emerald, the mantried to escape. For a moment the man disappeared among the passing holiday travellers, buthe was soon caught and placed under arrest.Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)Thank you for your letter asking meto lend you some m oney to start a new business.I'm very sorry that I can't help you at the moment. I not only have a great many expenses of my own, but I'm in debt myself. Why don't you ask ourfriend Jim Clark? I know Jim is keen to invest in business and might beable to lend you some money.I wish you every success in your new business venture. (80 words)Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活ShipwreckedThe ship went downand everyone was drowned. I was the only one whomanaged to jump into the sea. I clung to a plank in the water for several hourstill I was washed up on a desert island.I slept on the beach for a very long time----I can't remember how long.WhenI woke up, I was hungry and thirsty, so I decided to explore the island. It was uninhabited, but I found plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. I lived on coconuts and pineapples and there was plenty of freshspring water. I tried to hunt wild animals with my bare hands(small pigs and other creatures), but I failed to catch anything. So I spent my daysswimming in the warm clear water and lying in the sun.One afternoon while I was lying on the beach as usual, I saw a boat onthe horizon. I signalled with my white shirt and shouted as loudly as Icould. Fortunately ,someone on the boat saw meand I was rescued. Of course, I was pleased to get back to civilization, but I was very sorry to leavethis island paradise. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(Purpose and Conclusion only)We have a wonderful view from our hotel window. Just below us is a beachwhich stretches for a couple of miles and beyond it clear blue water. Wecan be sure of brilliant sunshine every day. We look forward to spending our holiday swimming, eating and sleeping!We all keep thinking of you and wish you were with us. (60 words)Lesson 13 ‘It ’s only me ’“是我,别害怕”Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off her costume. She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at the same timeshe was rather amused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door andMrs. Richards opened it at once. The electricity man had returned, accompanied by a policeman, so she invited both in. The man told Mrs.Richards that he had tried to read her metre and that there was a ghostin the storeroom. Though Mrs. Richards explained that she had dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her. She told him to open the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she opened it herself. While theelectricity man and the policeman were looking for the ghost in thestoreroom, Mrs. Richards fetched her costume. She showed it to both menand only then did they believe her. (150 words)Key to Letter writingpossible answer (body of letter only)You can't imagine what happened to me the other day when I was checkingthe electricity metres in Ormond Road!I went to check the metre of one of our customers and got a terrible shock. I'm convinced the house is haunted because a ghost lives in the storeroom. As soon as it saw me, it came towards me and I fled!This is really a true story and I'll tell you all about it when w e meet.(78 words)Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒Hawkwood defeatedNews that Hawkwood and his men were approaching caused panic among villagers who prepared to defend their farms. Hawkwood had a bad reputation amongfarmers because they knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to burn their farms.The farmers fought very hard, even though they were poorly armed. Withtheir sticks and spades, they were no match for Hawkwood's well-armedsoldiers who had horses, swords and bows and arrows. During the battle,a great many farmers were killed. After Hawkwood destroyed their farms,he sent a messageto theprince of the city-state demanding a large amount of protection money. He said that if this moneywas paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. However, if it wasn't paid, he would invadethe city. To Hawkwood's amazement, this demandwas refused, so he and his men invaded the city. As a result, many buildings were destroyed andthousands of people were killed, including quite a few of Hawkwood'ssoldiers.The city people fought very hard until Hawkwood and his men were finally driven off. Because the city people defended themselves so well, Hawkwood never attacked them again. He and the prince even became friends. (200words )Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I am writing to you about the talk I agreed to give at the local libraryin two weeks' time.I regret I have to cancel this talk. I apologize for the inconvenience,but I am being sent abroad by my firm and will be away for three weeks.I'll be back on June 24th. I will be happy to give my talk on a lateroccasion.I look forward to hearing from you and to arranging a new date. (80 words)Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦I was walking along the street when I saw a crowd ahead of me. I couldhear people shouting and making a noise. On arriving at the scene, I sawa small boy on the pavement with his arm in a drain cover. A lady carryinga large bar of soap and a saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy.She asked the boy if he was in pain and he said he wasn't. Then she rubbedhis arm with butter, but he couldn't get it free. Meanwhile, someone had telephoned the fire brigade. The boy had begun to cry, but when he sawthe firemen, he cheered up. At first, the firemen decided to cut throughthe drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the boy's armwith a special type of grease. The boy was soon free and though his armhurt, he was smiling.Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I know you're going to be eight years old in ten days' time!I'm not quite sure any more what boys of your age like these days. I'dlike to get you something you really like. For example, perhaps you'd like a computer game, or a model car, or a pair of rollerblades, or somethingelse. Let meknow what you tike best and I'll post it to you so it arrives on your birthday.Write to me soon. (79 words)Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊Not so blackDimitri was surprised to find that the lamb had turned white. He took aclose look at it and recognized it as his own.This discovery immediately led to an angry scene between Dimitri and Aleko.Dimitri repeated his accusation that Aleko had stolen the lamb, but Aleko still denied any theft. During the violent argument, Dimitri said the rain had proved that the lamb had been dyed black and he recognized it immediately as the one he had given to his wife. When Aleko finallyadmitted he had stolen the lamb, Dimitri called the police. Aleko wasarrested and Dimitri took his lamb home.The story caused a lot of excitement in the village. The villagers didn't often have the opportunity to talk about such an important event and they were greatly amusedby what had happened. Somethought Aleko had been very clever. Others thought he had been extremely stupid. Others said God had sent the rain to punish Aleko for his crime and to prove he was a thief.They discussed the event at great length for a long time, as there wasn't much else to talk about in a village where nothing much ever happened.(199 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answers (two introductions)1 A prize you have won: You know I entered a competition some time agoand I'm sure you will be really pleased to share my good news. (22 words) 2 An examination you have passed: Yesterday the postman delivered a large brown envelope containingmy exam results and I was very nervous when Iopened it. The agony is over! (25 words)Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥The bridge I know best is called the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It joins either side of Sydney Harbour. From far away it looks like a great arch, but when you get near, you can see a great deck under the arch. It is madeof steel and supported by two towers. If you stand on the bridge early in the morning, you can see the Parramatta River to the west and the open sea to the east. At this time everything is quiet. During the day, however, the harbourbecomes busy with small boats and large ships moving in all directions.I enjoy standing on the bridge at night when you see the magnificent Opera House looking like a great sailing ship. In the darkness you can see thecity lights. In the stillness the traffic and the movementof the sea are the only sounds that can be heard. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answerpossible answer (body of letter only)Here are a few directions ahead of your visit next week.To be here for lunch, take the 12.15 train from the main station and getoff at West Hill. From there you can get a 27 bus just outside the station and get off at Park Avenue. When you come out of the station, take thefirst road on your left. My house is number 36 which is clearly marked.I look forward to seeing you next week. (79 words)Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术中的电流An interesting exhibitionRecently I went to the Royal Academyin London to see the summerexhibition. The work of many artists was on display and the exhibition aroused a lotof public interest. Crowds of people filled the galleries.The pictures were, with a few exceptions, mainly by relatively unknownartists. Many of them were traditional pictures of landscapes and portraits.I particularly liked a picture of an old farmhouse by a stream with a few sheep in a field. The strangest picture I saw was an untitledabstract painting by a well-known modern artist. It consisted of swirlsof different colours which had been rubbed into the canvas with theartist's fingers. The picture looked a mess, but was also very effective, attracting a lot of comment.I couldn't help overhearing what people said, things like ‘I could painta picture like that with my eyes shut ’or‘Look how perfect the sunsetis in that painting. I'd love to own a picture like that ’, and so on. There is no doubt it was an excellent exhibition because there were somany different styles on display. There was something to suit everyone,but only if you could afford the high prices! (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(purpose of letter only))Thank you so much for your kind invitation to the exhibition, ‘Ancient Xi'an and the Terracotta Army’,now on at the British Museumin London.I'd love to join you and look forward to seeing you again.I'm particularlyinterested in this exhibition because it has been so well received andI've heard so muchabout it.It's a unique opportunity to see it.I'll meet you at the entrance to the exhibition at 2.15 on Thursday, 24th.Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫In a bar one night, Mr. X was talking to a workman who told him that heoften worked in Mrs. Ramsay's flat.The workman added that Mrs. Ramsaywas wealthy and she lived alone with her cat. Every day, Mr. X stood outsideMrs. Ramsay's block of flats. As the cat took a short walk every evening, he saw that it had regular habits.He found out as much as he could aboutMrs. Ramsay and learnt that she loved this cat very much. One evening,as the cat was leaving the block of flats, he kidnapped it. He took thecat to a secret address. During the next three days,he walked past Mrs.Ramsay's flat on several occasions and noticed that no other cat everappeared. Now he was sure he had the right cat,so he wrote a letter inwhich he stated his demands. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I haven't been in touch since I left school.After passing my exams, I did a two-year course in business studies. Atthe end of it, I applied for a job with a local building firm and got ajob immediately.I like it very much because I work in an office,but getout and about a lot as well.I hope to be promoted soon.Thank you for all your help and advice while I was at school. (80 words)Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱My flight across the ChannelIt was early morning. I looked around, but there was no sign of Latham,so I decided to go on a test flight first. At 4.15, I took off and flewover Calais for fifteen minutes. When I landed there was still no signof Latham.At 4.45 I took off again. This time I was determined to fly across theChannel. When I looked down there was no sign of the ship below, whichwas supposed to be following me, I suddenly felt alone and was worriedwhether I was flying in the right direction. All I could see was sea andsky. I could feel the high winds against the plane and the engine got very hot. Fortunately, it began to rain and the rain cooled myengine. Suddenly,。
新概念英语第三册课后作文及书信全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: New Concept English Book 3 After-class Composition and LetterAs students of New Concept English Book 3, we are required to complete various after-class compositions and write letters as part of our learning process. These tasks serve as a way for us to practice our writing skills, develop our creativity, and reinforce what we have learned in the classroom.When it comes to after-class compositions, we are often given a specific topic or prompt to write about. This can range from describing a person or a place, narrating a personal experience, or expressing our opinions on a particular issue. By doing these compositions, we are able to apply the vocabulary and grammar structures we have learned in a practical context. We also learn how to organize our thoughts, develop coherent paragraphs, and convey our ideas effectively.In addition to writing compositions, we are also required to write letters in Book 3. This includes formal letters, informalletters, and emails. Writing letters helps us practice our communication skills and learn the appropriate language and tone for different situations. Whether it's writing a letter to a friend, a job application letter, or a complaint letter, we get to understand the conventions and etiquette of written communication.Overall, the after-class compositions and letters in New Concept English Book 3 are valuable exercises that enhance our language proficiency and writing skills. They challenge us to think critically, express ourselves clearly, and communicate effectively in English. Through these tasks, we become more confident and proficient in using English as a means of communication.In conclusion, the after-class compositions and letters in New Concept English Book 3 are essential components of our language learning journey. They provide us with opportunities to practice and improve our writing skills, develop our creativity, and strengthen our ability to communicate effectively in English. As we continue to work on these tasks, we will further enhance our language proficiency and become more confident and competent English speakers and writers.篇2Title: Writing Sample on New Concept English Book IIINew Concept English Book III is a widely used textbook for English learners all around the world. After each lesson in the book, there are exercises for students to practice what they have learned. In addition, students are also required to write essays and letters as part of their homework assignments. In this writing sample, we will explore some of the topics covered in the book and provide examples of essays and letters that students can write for their homework.One of the topics covered in New Concept English Book III is environmental protection. In lesson 1, students learn about the importance of protecting the environment and the consequences of not doing so. As a homework assignment, students can write an essay discussing the ways in which they can contribute to environmental protection. They can also write a letter to a friend or family member, encouraging them to take action to protect the environment.Another topic covered in the book is the importance of education. In lesson 5, students learn about the benefits of education and the role it plays in shaping their future. As a homework assignment, students can write an essay on the value of education and how it has impacted their lives. They can alsowrite a letter to a teacher, expressing their gratitude for the knowledge and skills they have acquired through their education.Overall, the exercises in New Concept English Book III are designed to help students improve their writing skills and express their ideas clearly and cohesively. By practicing writing essays and letters on a variety of topics, students can develop their English language proficiency and gain confidence in their ability to communicate effectively. With regular practice and feedback from teachers, students can make significant progress in their English language learning journey.篇3New Concept English Book Three is a popular English learning resource for students all over the world. In addition to the textbook exercises and listening activities, there are also writing assignments and letter writing tasks at the end of each unit. These exercises are designed to help students practice their writing skills and apply the grammar and vocabulary they have learned in a practical context.The writing assignments in New Concept English Book Three cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences anddaily routines to opinions on social issues and current events. Students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and coherently, using the language structures and vocabulary they have learned in the textbook.One of the most common types of writing assignments in Book Three is the letter writing task. Students are required to write both formal and informal letters to practice different styles of writing. Formal letters may include job applications, business correspondence, or letters of complaint, while informal letters may be written to friends, family members, or pen pals.In addition to the writing exercises, New Concept English Book Three also includes sample letters and model compositions to help students understand the structure and format of different types of writing. These model compositions provide students with templates and examples to follow when completing their own writing assignments.Overall, the writing exercises in New Concept English Book Three are an essential component of the curriculum, helping students develop their writing skills and apply their knowledge of English in real-life situations. By practicing writing regularly, students can improve their language proficiency and become more confident and effective communicators in English.。
WORD 格式 . 整理版新概念英语第三册作文和书信写作Lesson 1 A puma at large逃遁的美洲狮Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided toreturn for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knewit was not a cat because it was so large.The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to cometowards her and perhaps attack her.She dropped her basket and screamed loudly.Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes,after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours that she hadseen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She alsotelephoned the police but they didn't believe her either. (148 words)Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one十三等于一A sticky businessWe were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our smallvillage. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck thehours day and night. However, one night the church bell remained silentand the next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this hadhappened.Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see whatwas going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and inthe torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky theydidn't sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that itwas full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working!A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediatelyremoved the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyedhearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words)Lesson 3 An unknown goddess无名女神After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered anancient temple.This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room.On entering the sacred room,the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statues,each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen begandigging and soon discovered the head of a statue amongremains dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue amongremains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragments together. They were astonished to find that the figure wasa goddess. The goddess was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands onher hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt.Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143 words)Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活Nearly caughtOne morning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost's house.Though Alf didn't know it, his wife was visiting Mrs. Frost at the time.She and Mrs. Frost were old friends,though Mrs. Frost had never met Alf. Alf was just getting out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost's backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost's house. He quickly returned tothe dustcart and hid in the driving cabin.While he was hiding,his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs. Frost's rubbish. Meanwhile, Alf'swife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though theirconversation would never end!At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of thedustmen whom she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greethim. The dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off.Mrs. Bloggs stood on the pavement and watched the dustcart disappeardown the street. Then she began to walk home.‘It's all right, Alf,’his friend said.‘She can't see you now.’‘Thanks, Jim, ’ Alf said.‘That was a lucky escape!’ (200 words )Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Mrs. Frost,It was nice to meet you at Selena's party last week.You mentioned you had a copy of‘Who's Who’. I am writing to ask if Icould borrow it for a couple of days. I'm doing some research on politicians and this book contains a lot of information.I promise I willtake good care of it and return it to you as quickly as possible.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,signature (80 words)Lesson 5 The facts确切数字The journalist counted the number of steps as he wearily climbed up to the high wall surrounding the president's palace. On arriving at the main gate, he sat down to get his breath back. He then produced a tape measurein order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, apoliceman approached him and asked him what he was doing. Though the journalist explained he was a reporter and his editor had asked him tofind out the exact height of the wall, the policeman refused to believehim. He was arrested and sent to prison because the police thought thathe might be a spy or might even want to assassinate the president. Whenthe journalist insisted he was innocent, he madethings worse for himself. This proved to the police that the man certainly was guilty and deserved to stay in prison indefinitely. (149 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Jack,Many congratulations on your recent marriage!Quite by chance I happened to read about your wedding in our local newspaper and I was thrilled with the news. Your wife sounds reallycharming. I gather that you will both be moving to our area, so we'll soon be neighbours. I hope you'll be very happy and I'll be able to see yousoon.I look forward to seeing you again and meeting your wife. My kindestregards to you both.Yours sincerely,signature (79 words)Lesson 6Smash-and grab砸橱窗抢劫They got awaySeeing the thieves' car join the traffic on Piccadilly, Mr. Taylor tooka taxi and followed them. The taxi driver drove at full speed when Mr.Taylor told him what had happened.There wasn't too much traffic at this time of the morning so there wasa mad chase through the streets of London. For a short time,the thieves' car was on the wrong side of the road and hit another car,but it did not stop. Two policemen in a police car watched in amazement as the twovehicles went past, both breaking the speed limit. Lights on and hornblaring,the police car chased both the speeding cars.Mr. Taylor's taxi stopped when the traffic lights turned red. The thieves ignored thetraffic lights and got away. Meanwhile,the police caught up with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged with speeding.They refused to let the driver off,even though Mr. Taylor carefully explained the situation.However, the police informed another police car of the chase and tenminutes later the thieves'car was found abandoned in a side street. Thethieves had escaped on foot and disappeared among the crowd. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)You won't believe what happened to me on Tuesday morning!I was walking down a busy street near Piccadilly when I saw a man smashthe window of an antique shop and run off with an expensive vase. Otherpassers-by saw him, too, and we all chased the man down the street,shouting‘Stop! Thief! Stop! Thief!’ We managed to catch the man, but unfortunately the vase got broken.I'll tell you the full story when we meet next week. (80 words)Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies残钞鉴别组Jane opened the oven door and saw that her meal was ready to serve. Shetook the food out of the oven and in doing so, noticed something strangeinside the oven which she couldn't recognize. So she went to find Johnand told him about it. In dismay, John quickly explained that he had puthis wallet containing the day's takings into the oven for safekeeping.They both rushed to the oven and saw that the money had been destroyedAt first,they didn't know what to do. John wanted to throw the moneyaway, but Jane wouldn't let him.‘It's best not to disturb the wallet,’ Jane said.‘You can see all the money is there,even if it has beendestroyed’Jane told John to go and see his bank manager for advice, sothe next day John took the wallet and the ashes to the bank (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality!It was a real pleasure to see you again after such a long time.I'll never forget your kindness during my stay. I particularly enjoyed our visit to the local market and our long walks in the countryside. I also enjoyedyour company and the excellent food and wine. You're a perfect host!I hope you will be able to visit me before long and look forward to seeing you soon.Lesson 8 A famous monastery著名的修道院One very cold morning, a monktook two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately noticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspecting atraveller might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery toorganize a search party.The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it. There had been very high winds the previous night, but now everything was still and visibility was badbecause there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to- 20°.The dogs led the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near,they heard cries in the distance.The dogs soon found a manwho was trapped under the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, butfrozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back tothe monastery.The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hot drinks and food. When the traveller was able to speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what had happened the previous night. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I hear you'll be taking a holiday in the Alps,which I'm sure you'll enjoy!I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high in the mountains not far from Zermatt. The hotel has fine views across the valley and Iwarmly recommendit. You'll love the healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort at moderate prices. I'm going there again this year.I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you get back. (79words)Lesson 9 Flying cats飞猫Humanbeings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithfulto their masters, but cats like to be independent. Cats are especiallylovable when they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play bychasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds,insects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they canhave a pet . As kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors. Theylike regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However,they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like togo hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them washing themselves.Human beings are fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I'm afraid I have to report a little accident: my baby tore some of thepages from the book you kindly lent me.I am very sorry that this happened. I had left the book on a low table,but the baby got hold of it and tore several pages. However, I was ableto buy another copy and I'm sending it to you by separate post. Pleaselet me know when it arrives.My kindest regards to you all. (80 words)Lesson 10The loss of the Titanic“泰坦尼克“号的沉没Abandon snipThe Titanic began to sink,slowly at first.The order to abandon ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were completely unprepared.It was the middle of the night. Some people were asleep in their cabins.Others were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the giant icebergs risingabove them. Others were eating and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.The immediate effect was panic and confusion.People began rushing in all directions,wondering what to do next. The cold was indescribable and many passengers were still in their night clothes. Members of the crew cameup from below and began to lower the lifeboats. It was a case of womenand children first,but it soon became obvious that there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone,so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives.Someof those swimming in the water struggled to get into the lifeboats, but most of them were already full.The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There werecries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboatsmoving away and were left to drown in the icy ocean.(200 words)Lesson 11 Not guilty无罪Whenthe Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carrying anythingvaluable, the man said that he had nothing to declare.The Officer askedthe manto open his suitcase.Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very heavy. This made the Customs Officersuspicious,so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon empty and when the Officer lifted it, he found that it was still veryheavy.The Officer examined the case carefully and saw that the bottom was very shallow. He pressed the base hard and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a quantity of emeralds and other precious stones.While the Officer was looking at an emerald,the mantried to escape. Fora moment the man disappeared among the passing holiday travellers, buthe was soon caught and placed under arrest.Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)Thank you for your letter asking me to lend you some money to start a new business.I'm very sorry that I can't help you at the moment. I not only have a great many expenses of my own, but I'm in debt myself. Why don't you ask ourfriend Jim Clark? I know Jim is keen to invest in business and might beable to lend you some money.I wish you every success in your new business venture. (80 words)Lesson 12 Life on a desert island荒岛生活ShipwreckedThe ship went down and everyone was drowned. I was the only one who managed to jump into the sea. I clung to a plank in the water for several hourstill I was washed up on a desert island.I slept on the beach for a very long time----I can't remember how long.WhenI woke up, I was hungry and thirsty,so I decided to explore the island. It was uninhabited,but I found plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. I lived on coconuts and pineapples and there was plenty of freshspring water. I tried to hunt wild animals with my bare hands(small pigs and other creatures), but I failed to catch anything. So I spent my daysswimming in the warm clear water and lying in the sun.One afternoon while I was lying on the beach as usual, I saw a boat onthe horizon. I signalled with my white shirt and shouted as loudly as Icould.Fortunately,someone on the boat saw meand I was rescued.Of course, I was pleased to get back to civilization, but I was very sorry to leavethis island paradise. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(Purpose and Conclusion only)We have a wonderful view from our hotel window. Just below us is a beachwhich stretches for a couple of miles and beyond it clear blue water. Wecan be sure of brilliant sunshine every day. We look forward to spending our holiday swimming, eating and sleeping!We all keep thinking of you and wish you were with us. (60 words)Lesson 13‘It’s only me’“是我,别害怕”Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off her costume. She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at the same timeshe was rather amused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door andMrs.Richards opened it at once. The electricity man had returned, accompanied by a policeman, so she invited both in. The man told Mrs.Richards that he had tried to read her metre and that there was a ghostin the storeroom. Though Mrs. Richards explained that she had dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her.She told him to open the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she opened it herself. While theelectricity man and the policeman were looking for the ghost in thestoreroom, Mrs. Richards fetched her costume. She showed it to both menand only then did they believe her. (150 words)Key to Letter writingpossible answer (body of letter only)You can't imagine what happened to me the other day when I was checkingthe electricity metres in Ormond Road!I went to check the metre of one of our customers and got a terrible shock.I'm convinced the house is haunted because a ghost lives in the storeroom. As soon as it saw me, it came towards me and I fled!This is really a true story and I'll tell you all about it when we meet.(78 words)Lesson 14 A noble gangster贵族歹徒Hawkwood defeatedNews that Hawkwood and his men were approaching caused panic among villagers who prepared to defend their farms.Hawkwood had a bad reputation among farmers because they knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to burn their farms.The farmers fought very hard, even though they were poorly armed. Withtheir sticks and spades, they were no match for Hawkwood's well-armedsoldiers who had horses, swords and bows and arrows. During the battle,a great many farmers were killed. After Hawkwood destroyed their farms,he sent a message to theprince of the city-state demanding a large amount of protection money. He said that if this money was paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. However, if it wasn't paid, he would invadethe city.To Hawkwood's amazement, this demand was refused,so he and his men invaded the city. As a result, many buildings were destroyed andthousands of people were killed, including quite a few of Hawkwood'ssoldiers.The city people fought very hard until Hawkwood and his men were finally driven off. Because the city people defended themselves so well,Hawkwood never attacked them again. He and the prince even became friends. (200words )Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I am writing to you about the talk I agreed to give at the local libraryin two weeks' time.I regret I have to cancel this talk. I apologize for the inconvenience,but I am being sent abroad by my firm and will be away for three weeks.I'll be back on June 24th. I will be happy to give my talk on a lateroccasion.I look forward to hearing from you and to arranging a new date. (80 words)Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble五十便士的麻烦I was walking along the street when I saw a crowd ahead of me. I couldhear people shouting and making a noise. On arriving at the scene, I sawa small boy on the pavement with his arm in a drain cover. A lady carryinga large bar of soap and a saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy.She asked the boy if he was in pain and he said he wasn't. Then she rubbedhis arm with butter, but he couldn't get it free. Meanwhile,someone had telephoned the fire brigade. The boy had begun to cry, but when he sawthe firemen, he cheered up. At first,the firemen decided to cut throughthe drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the boy's armwith a special type of grease. The boy was soon free and though his armhurt, he was smiling.Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I know you're going to be eight years old in ten days' time!I'm not quite sure any more what boys of your age like these days. I'dlike to get you something you really like. For example, perhaps you'd likea computer game, or a model car, or a pair of rollerblades, or somethingelse. Let me know what you tike best and I'll post it to you so it arrives on your birthday.Write to me soon. (79 words)Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb玛丽有一头小羔羊Not so blackDimitri was surprised to find that the lamb had turned white. He took aclose look at it and recognized it as his own.This discovery immediately led to an angry scene between Dimitri and Aleko.Dimitri repeated his accusation that Aleko had stolen the lamb, but Aleko still denied any theft.During the violent argument,Dimitri said the rain had proved that the lamb had been dyed black and he recognized it immediately as the one he had given to his wife. When Aleko finallyadmitted he had stolen the lamb, Dimitri called the police. Aleko wasarrested and Dimitri took his lamb home.The story caused a lot of excitement in the village.The villagers didn't often have the opportunity to talk about such an important event and they were greatly amused by what had happened. Somethought Aleko had been very clever.Others thought he had been extremely stupid.Others said God had sent the rain to punish Aleko for his crime and to prove he was a thief.They discussed the event at great length for a long time,as there wasn't much else to talk about in a village where nothing much ever happened.(199 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answers (two introductions)1 A prize you have won: You know I entered a competition some time agoand I'm sure you will be really pleased to share my good news. (22 words)2 An examination you have passed: Yesterday the postman delivered a large brown envelope containingmy exam results and I was very nervous when Iopened it. The agony is over! (25 words)Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world世界上最长的吊桥The bridge I know best is called the Sydney Harbour Bridge.It joins either side of Sydney Harbour.From far away it looks like a great arch, but when you get near,you can see a great deck under the arch.It is madeof steel and supported by two towers.If you stand on the bridge early in the morning, you can see the Parramatta River to the west and the open sea to the east. At this time everything is quiet. During the day, however, the harbourbecomes busy with small boats and large ships moving in all directions.I enjoy standing on the bridge at night when you see the magnificent Opera House looking like a great sailing ship. In the darkness you can see thecity lights.In the stillness the traffic and the movementof the sea are the only sounds that can be heard. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answerpossible answer (body of letter only)Here are a few directions ahead of your visit next week.To be here for lunch, take the 12.15 train from the main station and getoff at West Hill. From there you can get a 27 bus just outside the station and get off at Park Avenue. When you come out of the station, take thefirst road on your left. My house is number 36 which is clearly marked.I look forward to seeing you next week. (79 words)Lesson 18Electric currents in modern art现代艺术中的电流An interesting exhibitionRecently I went to the Royal Academyin London to see the summerexhibition. The work of many artists was on display and the exhibition aroused a lotof public interest. Crowds of people filled the galleries.The pictures were, with a few exceptions, mainly by relatively unknownartists.Many of them were traditional pictures of landscapes and portraits.I particularly liked a picture of an old farmhouse by a stream with a few sheep in a field. The strangest picture I saw was an untitledabstract painting by a well-known modern artist. It consisted of swirlsof different colours which had been rubbed into the canvas with theartist's fingers.The picture looked a mess, but was also very effective, attracting a lot of comment.I couldn't help overhearing what people said,things like‘I could painta picture like that with my eyes shut’or ‘Look how perfect the sunsetis in that painting. I'd love to own a picture like that’, and so on. There is no doubt it was an excellent exhibition because there were somany different styles on display. There was something to suit everyone,but only if you could afford the high prices! (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(purpose of letter only))Thank you so much for your kind invitation to the exhibition,‘Ancient Xi'an and the Terracotta Army’,now on at the British Museumin London.I'd love to join you and look forward to seeing you again.I'm particularlyinterested in this exhibition because it has been so well received andI've heard so much about it.It's a unique opportunity to see it.I'll meet you at the entrance to the exhibition at 2.15 on Thursday, 24th.Lesson 19 A very dear cat一只贵重的宝贝猫In a bar one night, Mr. X was talking to a workman who told him that heoften worked in Mrs. Ramsay's flat.The workman added that Mrs. Ramsaywas wealthy and she lived alone with her cat. Every day, Mr. X stood outsideMrs. Ramsay's block of flats. As the cat took a short walk every evening,he saw that it had regular habits.He found out as much as he could aboutMrs. Ramsay and learnt that she loved this cat very much. One evening,as the cat was leaving the block of flats, he kidnapped it. He took thecat to a secret address. During the next three days,he walked past Mrs.Ramsay's flat on several occasions and noticed that no other cat everappeared. Now he was sure he had the right cat,so he wrote a letter inwhich he stated his demands. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I haven't been in touch since I left school.After passing my exams, I did a two-year course in business studies. Atthe end of it, I applied for a job with a local building firm and got ajob immediately.I like it very much because I work in an office,but getout and about a lot as well.I hope to be promoted soon.Thank you for all your help and advice while I was at school. (80 words)Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots飞行员的先驱My flight across the ChannelIt was early morning. I looked around, but there was no sign of Latham,so I decided to go on a test flight first. At 4.15, I took off and flewover Calais for fifteen minutes. When I landed there was still no signof Latham.At 4.45 I took off again. This time I was determined to fly across theChannel. When I looked down there was no sign of the ship below, whichwas supposed to be following me, I suddenly felt alone and was worriedwhether I was flying in the right direction. All I could see was sea and sky. I could feel the high winds against the plane and the engine got very hot. Fortunately, it began to rain and the rain cooled my engine.Suddenly,I could see land ahead. Dover!I flew over Dover, looking for somewhereto land. I saw a field below and brought the plane down. I was still sitting in the cockpit, hardly ableto believe the flight was so successful----just thirty-seven minutes to cross from Calais----when a British policeman arrived. He smiled broadlyat me and said,‘Good morning!’I smiled back and said,‘Bonjour!’(200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I just thought I'd tell you about my first flight!At this moment, we are flying at 30,000 feet and at five hundred milesan hour. Below I can see a few clouds and miles of countryside. I couldn't imagine it would be so beautiful! I was nervous when the plane took off, but I'm all right n ow. We'll be arriving at our destination in three hours and forty minutes.I'll tell you all about the flight when I see you. (80 words)Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza丹尼尔?门多萨The first fightThe first fight between Humphries and his pupil Mendoza, after a quarrel,。
新概念英语三作文Title: New Concept English III Composition。
New Concept English III is a comprehensive English learning course that covers a wide range of topics and language skills. In this composition, we will explore the content and structure of New Concept English III, as well as its effectiveness in helping students improve their English proficiency.New Concept English III is divided into several units, each focusing on different aspects of the English language. The course covers grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, providing students with a well-rounded approach to learning English. Each unit is carefully designed to build on the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous units, allowing students to progress steadily and confidently.One of the key features of New Concept English III isits emphasis on practical language use. The course includes a variety of real-life situations and dialogues, allowing students to learn how to communicate effectively in everyday scenarios. This practical approach helps students develop the confidence and skills necessary to use English in a range of contexts, from social interactions to professional settings.In addition to its focus on practical language use, New Concept English III also incorporates cultural andhistorical content to provide students with a deeper understanding of the English-speaking world. Through readings and activities, students are exposed to a wide range of topics, including literature, history, and current events. This not only enriches students' language skills but also broadens their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.The structure of New Concept English III is carefully designed to facilitate effective learning. Each unit includes a variety of exercises and activities that reinforce the language skills and concepts covered in thelessons. These exercises are designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing students to practice and apply their knowledge in a meaningful way.Overall, New Concept English III is an effective and comprehensive English learning course that provides students with a solid foundation in the language. Its practical approach, cultural content, and well-structured design make it an ideal choice for students looking to improve their English proficiency. Whether used in a classroom setting or for self-study, New Concept English III is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their English language skills.。
新概念英语3 课后摘要写作
The Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic when an iceberg was spotted by a lookout. After the alarm was given, the ship turned sharply and sailed alongside it. Suddenly, a faint noise was heard from below, so the captain went down to investigate, only to find that five of the sixteen compartments had been flooded. On hearing the order to abandon ship, people jumped overboard, but 1,500 drowned because there were not enough lifeboats. (79 words)
Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活
When he got married, Alfred Bloggs told his wife he worked for the Corporation. Though he dressed in a smart black sБайду номын сангаасit every morning, he changed into overalls at work and spent the day working as a dustman. Then he took a shower and changed back into his suit at night. This lasted for two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. His wife will never learn the truth because her husband will be an office worker in future. (80 words )
新概念英语第三册课后作文及书信New Concept English Book Three After-Class Composition and LetterIntroduction:New Concept English is a series of textbooks for teaching English as a second language, covering a wide range of topics and language skills. Students completing Book Three have already gained a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary, and are ready to tackle more complex language structures and topics. In this article, we will explore some common types of after-class compositions and letters found in New Concept English Book Three, as well as provide tips for crafting effective written work.1. Descriptive CompositionDescriptive compositions are a common assignment in Book Three, requiring students to vividly portray a person, place, or event using descriptive language and sensory details. When writing a descriptive composition, students should focus on creating a clear and detailed picture in the reader's mind.For example, a student may be asked to describe their favorite holiday destination. They could start by painting apicture of the location, such as a tropical beach with crystal-clear waters and swaying palm trees. They could then describe the sounds, smells, and tastes of the destination, such as the gentle lapping of waves, the scent of sunscreen and salty sea air, and the tangy flavor of fresh seafood.2. Narrative CompositionNarrative compositions are another common assignment in Book Three, requiring students to tell a story or recount an event in a clear and engaging way. When writing a narrative composition, students should focus on creating a strong plot with well-developed characters and settings.For example, a student may be asked to write a story about a memorable experience they had. They could start by setting the scene and introducing the main characters, such as themselves and their friends. They could then describe the events of the experience, such as a thrilling adventure or a heartwarming moment. Finally, they could reflect on the lessons learned from the experience and what it meant to them.3. Letter WritingLetters are an important form of communication in Book Three, requiring students to convey their thoughts and ideas in aclear and organized way. When writing a letter, students should focus on addressing the recipient appropriately, organizing their thoughts logically, and using proper grammar and punctuation.For example, a student may be asked to write a letter to a friend inviting them to a party. They could start by addressing the friend by name and explaining the purpose of the letter. They could then provide details about the party, such as the date, time, location, and any special instructions. Finally, they could close the letter with a friendly sign-off and a message expressing their hope to see the friend at the party.Conclusion:In conclusion, after-class compositions and letters are important assignments in New Concept English Book Three, helping students develop their writing skills and express themselves effectively in English. By following the tips outlined in this article, students can craft thought-provoking and engaging written work that showcases their language proficiency and creativity.。
新概念3课后作文【篇一:新概念英语3 课后摘要写作】新概念英语第三册摘要写作lesson 1 a puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮the reports received by london zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of london were similar in nature.a woman picking blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place,leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. paw prints and puma fur were found as well. ‘cat-like noises’were heard at night and the animal was seen up a tree. now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma.(79 words)lesson 2 thirteen equals one 十三等于一at one oclock in the morning, the church clock striking the hours woke the vicar up as it struck thirteen times. the vicar went into the clock tower, taking a torch with him. he saw bill wilkins, the local grocer there and bill explained he was trying to repair the clock but hadnt succeeded because at one oclock it struck thirteen times. however, the vicar was pleased the bell was working and offered the grocer a cap of tea. (79 words)lesson 3 an unknown goddess 无名女神archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple. these represented the fifteen statues of goddesses which had once been painted. the body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century b.c. while its head was found among remains from the fifth centuryb.c. when the unit 1 lesson 3 fragments were reconstructed, they turned out to be a goddess which stood three feet high. her hands rested on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. her identity is unknown. (80 words)lesson 4 the double life of alfred bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活when he got married, alfred bloggs told his wife he worked for the corporation. though he dressed in a smart black suit every morning, he changed into overalls at work and spent the day working as a dustman. then he took a shower and changed back into his suit at night. this lasted for two years and hisfellow dustmen kept his secret. his wife will never learn the truth because her husband will be an office worker in future. (80 words )lesson 5 the facts 确切数字though the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he did not send them at once. meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. when the last fax was unanswered, the article was published in its original form. the journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall. (80 words)lesson 6smash-and grab 砸橱窗抢劫a large car entered an arcade near piccadilly and stopped outside a jewellers. two thieves got out and smashed the shop window. the owner of the shop was upstairs at the time, so he threw furniture at thethieves hitting one of them with a heavy statue. the raid lasted only three minutes and the thieves drove away. running after them, the owner threw ashtrays and vases, but the thieves got away, stealing thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.(79 words)lesson 7 mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组john butlin runs a successful furniture business and after a very good day, he put his wallet containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. then he and his fianc6e, jane, went horse-riding, after which jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven only to find to their dismay that the money had been destroyed. john went to see his bank manager who sent the remains to the mutilated ladies department who identified the remains and returned the money. (79 words)lesson 8 a famous monastery 著名的修道院lesson 9flying cats 飞猫the new york animal medical centre recently made a study of 132 cats. all these cats had one thing in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight had died from shock or injuries. one cat,sabrina, had fallen 32 storeys but only suffered from a broken tooth. when falling at speeds up to 60 miles per hour, cats stretch out their legs which increases theirair-resistance and reduces the shock of impact on hitting the ground. (79 words)lesson 10the loss of the titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没the titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the north atlantic when an iceberg was spotted by a lookout. after the alarm was given, the ship turned sharply and sailed alongside it. suddenly, a faint noise was heard from below, so the captain went down to investigate, only to find that five of the sixteen compartments had been flooded. on hearing the order to abandon ship, people jumped overboard, but 1,500 drowned because there were not enough lifeboats. (79 words)lesson 11 not guilty 无罪though the writer had nothing to declare, the customs officer made him unlock his case. searching the case carefully, the officer found a small bottle, which he thought was perfume. the writer told the customs officer that it was hair gel, which he had made himself. as the officer did not believe this, the writer encouraged him to try it. the unpleasant smell convinced him the writer was telling the truth, so he let him pass through customs. (70 words)lesson 12life on a desert island 荒岛生活as the two mens boat was damaged, they were taking it to miami when on the way it began to sink. after loading a rubber dinghy with food, matches and beer, the two men rowed a few miles across the caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. there they collected rainwater in the dinghy and caught fish and lobster with a spear gun. for five days, they‘ate like kings’ until theywere rescued by a passing tanker. (80 words)lesson 13 ‘it’s only me’ “是我,别害怕”mrs. richards had dressed up as a ghost and was just going into the dining room when there was a knock on the door. thinking it was the baker, she hid in the storeroom under the stairs. she heard footsteps in the hall and then the man from the electricity board opened the storeroom door. though she said ‘its only me’, he got a bad fright. when she walked towards him, he fled, slamming the front door behind him. (79 words )lesson 14a noble gangster 贵族歹徒after sir john hawkwood settled near florence six hundred years ago, he hired soldiers to the princes of city-states in times of war. in times of peace he threatened to destroy a city-state unless protection money was paid. in spite of this, the italians regarded him as a sort of hero. sir john was eighty when he died and the florentines not only gave him a state funeral but had a picture painted of him, dedicated to his memory. (79 words)lesson 15fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦george was going to the sweet shop when he lost fifty pence down a drain. after removing his jacket, he put his arm through the drain cover. he couldnt find his money and couldnt get his arm out. a crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter. she failed to free him, but two firemen succeeded with a special type of grease. the sweet shop owner presented george with a large box of chocolates.(80 words )lesson 16mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊when dimitri came home, mary told him that her white lamb had been stolen. on learning that his neighbour, aleko, had acquired a lamb, dimitri went to alekos house and accused him of stealing it. when aleko showed his lamb, dimitri saw it was black, so he apologized. after staying in alekos house for a while because it had begun to rain, dimitri got a surprise outside when he found the lamb was almost white. it had been dyed black! (80 words)lesson 17 the longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥the verrazano bridge, which joins brooklyn to staten island, has a span of 4,260 feet. its two great towers support four huge cables. the towers are built on platforms made of steel and concrete, extending over 100 feet under the sea and rising nearly 700 feet above the surface of the water. the bridge is suspended from four huge cables, each of which contains 26,108 lengths of wire. it is not only very strong, but simple and elegant as well. (80 words)lesson 18 electric currents in modern art 现代艺术中的电流on entering the art gallery, the writer saw a notice which forbade people to touch the exhibits because they weredangerous. the exhibition consisted of pieces of moving sculpture.against a wall, the writer saw long thin wires attached to metal spheres which attracted and repelled each other. in the centre of the hall were tall structures containing coloured lights which went on and off. sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off. (79 words)lesson 19a very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫mrs. ramsay received an anonymous letter three days after her cats disappearance.the writer of the letter demaded £1,000 for the return of the cat,and warned she would never see himagain if she went to the police.she had to put the money in a cardboard box and leave it outside her door. after drawing £1,000 from her band,she acted on the kidnappers instructions.the money disappeared the following morning,and rastus returned at seven oclock that evening. (80 words)lesson 20 pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱bleriot and latham arrived in calais on july 21st, 1909. thoughit looked as if there would be a race on july 25th, latham didnt take part, because he didnt get up early enough. after making a short test flight,bleriot crossed the channel in thirty-seven minutes. a policeman greeted him when he arrived intham got within half a mile of dover the following week, having to land on the sea a second time because his engine failed. (80 words)lesson 21 daniel mendoza 丹尼尔?门多萨when the two men quarrelled, they settled the argument by a fight. this took place at stilton. it lasted an hour and humphries won. when they met again, mendoza lost again, but in theirthird match in 1790,mendoza finally beat humphries to become champion of england. he founded a successful boxing academy and earned a lot of money, but was so extravagant he was always in debt. he was finally sent to prison and died in poverty in 1836. (80 words)lesson 22 by heart 熟记台词the aristocrat was sitting in his cell when the gaoler entered and handed him the letter----a blank sheet of paper. the aristocrat looked at it, squinted and said: ‘the light is dim. read me the letter.’ he han ded the letter back to the gaoler, who said:‘the light is indeed dim. ill get my glasses.’ he left the stage and returned with a pair of glasses and the real letter, which he read to the prisoner. (79 words)lesson 23one man’s meat is another man’s pois on 各有所爱the writer collected several dozen snails, put them in a paper bag and took them to robert who was delighted to see him, and pleased with the snails. the writer left the bag in the hall and he and robert went into the living room and talked for a couple of hours. he had forgotten the snails until robert invited him to dinner, and he followed robert into the hall to find snails everywhere. they had escaped from the bag.lesson 24 a skeleton in the cupboard“家丑”the writer started to unpack and put his shirts and underclothes into drawers and then decided to hang a suit in the cupboard. he opened the cupboard and stood petrified: there, dangling in front of him, was a skeleton. it was swaying and ready to leap out at him. he dropped his suit and dashed downstairs to tell george. george was unsympathetic and told the writer it was sebastian, a skeleton he had when he was a medical student. (79 words)lesson 25 the cutty sark“卡蒂萨克”号帆船the thermopylae reached java first, but the cutty sark took the lead on the indian ocean. when the cutty sark was struck by a storm, her rudder was torn away. a temporary rudder was madeand fitted, but the ship lost the lead. after crossing the equator, they called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted.even with a new rudder, the cutty sark arrived in england a week after the thermopylae, which was 500 miles ahead. (80 words)lesson 26 wanted: a large biscuit tin征购大饼干筒a biscuit company asked its customers to bake biscuits and send them to the factory. as a prize, they offered $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit they received. the response was tremendous, with one biscuit weighing 500 pounds and another weighing 713 pounds. they thought that was the winner until a lorry delivered one which weighed 2,400 pounds baked by a college student. a crane lifted it from the lorry and the manufacturers paid the student $24,000.(80 words)lesson 27 nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买unlike beggars, real tramps have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. although they seek independence, they will not sacrifice their human dignity. they choose their own way of life and are aware of the consequences. they may not know where the next meal is coming from, but they do not have the worries that others have. they can travel easily because they have few possessions and when they sleep in the open, they are close to nature. (79 words)lesson 28 five pounds too dear 五镑太贵the next man who approached him was selling watches and pens, and when the writer looked at one, it looked genuine. the man said it was worth £50 but the writer could have it for £30. the writer offered him £5 and waited. eventually, as the writer was walking away, the man agreed and took £5. the writer was very pleased----until he was back on board. the pen was impossible to fill. it has never written a word since. (80 words) lesson 29 funny or not? 是否可笑?a man broke his right leg just before christmas and was taken to hospital. he wanted to know when he could go home. on christmas day he was still in hospital with his leg in plaster, but there was a good chance of leaving hospital for the new year. in fact, he was out in time to go to a new years eve party where he drank too much, slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. (80 words)lesson 30 the death of a ghost 幽灵之死eric joined the army during the second world war, but hated army life, so he deserted. he returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war. his father told everyone that he had been killed in action. joe and bob kept the secret, so eric lived as a recluse. he slept during the day and worked at night, so he became the ‘ghost of endley’.(79 words)lesson 31 a lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人dickie had been caught in a heavy shower when he walked into an expensive shop. he wanted a【篇二:新概念三写作答案】1 key to summary writingpoints1 reports----london zoo----puma spotted----45 miles south of london2 similar in nature3 woman picking blackberries saw it first4 puma moved from place to place5 left trail of dead deer---- small animals6 paw prints----puma fur found as well7 ‘cat-like noises’----heard at night8 animal seen up a tree9 now experts convinced----really was a pumathe reports received by london zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of london were similar in nature.a woman picking blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place, leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. paw prints and puma fur were found as well. ‘cat-like noises’were heard at night and the animal was seen up a tree. now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma.(79 words)key to vocabularya possible answerspotted (1.2): seen; accumulate (1.4): pile up; obliged to (1.5): bound to; claimed (1.6): stated; extraordinarilysimilar (1.6): surprisingly alike; immediately (1.8): at once; convinced (1.14): sure.key to compositiona possible answerfor lunch. she was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. then she saw an animalsuddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. she dropped her basket and screamed loudly.hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which mrs. stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.she told her neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. she also telephoned the police but they didnt believe her either.(148 words)key to letter writingaddress: ____________,____________,____________,____________.date:beginning of letter (dear…,)introductionpurposeconclusionending (yours…,)signaturepostscript (ps…)2key to summary writingpoints1 church clock----striking hours woke vicar up2 one oclock3 clock struck thirteen times4 vicar----clock tower5 took torch with him6 saw bill wilkins---- local grocer7 bill----trying to repair the bell8 had succeeded----repairing it----but one oclock----thirteen times9 vicar---- pleased10 offered grocer cup of teasummaryat one oclock in the morning, the church clock striking the hours woke the vicar up as it struck thirteen times. the vicar went into the clock tower, taking a torch with him. he saw bill wilkins, the local grocer there and bill explained he was trying to repair the clock but hadnt succeeded because at one oclock it struck thirteen times. however, the vicar was pleased the bell was working and offered the grocer a cap of tea.(79 words)key to vocabularya possible answervicar (1.1) priest, pastorrepaired (1.3) fixed【篇三:新概念英语课后作文答案】unit 1ex.9 e-c translation人们普遍认为英语是一种世界语言,经常被许多不以英语为第一语言的国家使用。
新概念英语第三册摘要写作范文示例Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮The reports received by London Zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London were similar in nature. A woman picking blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place,leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. Paw prints and puma fur were found as well. ‘Cat-like noises’were heard at night and the animal was seen up a tree. Now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma. (79 words)Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一At one o'clock in the morning, the church clock striking the hours woke the vicar up as it struck thirteen times. The vicar went into the clock tower, taking a torch with him. He saw Bill Wilkins, the local grocer there and Bill explained he was trying to repair the clock but hadn't succeeded because at one o'clock it struck thirteen times. However, the vicar was pleased the bell was working and offered the grocer a cap of tea. (79 words)Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神Archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple. These represented the fifteen statues of goddesses which had once been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century . while its head was found among remains from the fifth century . When the Unit 1 Lesson 3 fragments were reconstructed, they turned out to be a goddess which stood three feet high. Her hands rested on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Her identity is unknown. (80 words)Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活When he got married, Alfred Bloggs told his wife he worked for the Corporation. Though he dressed in a smart black suit every morning, he changed into overalls at work and spent the day working as a dustman. Then he took a shower and changed back into his suit at night. This lasted for two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. His wife will never learn the truth because her husband will be an office worker in future. (80 words )Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字Though the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he did not send them at once. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. When the last fax was unanswered, the article was published in its original form. The journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall. (80 words)Lesson 6 Smash-and grab 砸橱窗抢劫A large car entered an arcade near Piccadilly and stopped outside a jeweller's. Two thieves got out and smashed the shop window. The owner of the shop was upstairs at the time, so he threw furniture at thethieves hitting one of them with a heavy statue. The raid lasted only three minutes and the thieves drove away. Running after them, the owner threw ashtrays and vases, but the thieves got away, stealing thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.(79 words)Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组John Butlin runs a successful furniture business and after a very good day, he put his wallet containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and his fianc6e, Jane, went horse-riding, after which Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven only to find to their dismay that the money had been destroyed. John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains to the Mutilated Ladies department who identified the remains and returned the money. (79 words)Lesson 8 A famous monastery 著名的修道院The St. Bernard's Pass is visited by thousands of people in summer, who cross the Pass in cars. Because there are so many people about, the dogs are kept in a special enclosure. As the temperature in winter falls to -30°, there are few visitors, so the monks prefer this season. The dogs are also free to wander outside their enclosure. Parties of young skiers regularly visit the monastery in winter, during Christmas and Easter when they are warmly welcomed.(80 words )Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫The New York Animal Medical Centre recently made a study of 132 cats. All these cats had one thing in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight had died from shock or injuries. One cat,Sabrina, had fallen 32 storeys but only suffered from a broken tooth. When falling at speeds up to 60 miles per hour, cats stretch out their legs which increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact on hitting the ground. (79 words)Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没The Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic when an iceberg was spotted by a lookout. After the alarm was given, the ship turned sharply and sailed alongside it. Suddenly, a faint noise was heard from below, so the captain went down to investigate, only to find that five of the sixteen compartments had been flooded. On hearing the order to abandon ship, people jumped overboard, but 1,500 drowned because there were not enough lifeboats. (79 words)Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪Though the writer had nothing to declare, the Customs Officer made him unlock his case. Searching the case carefully, the Officer found a small bottle, which he thought was perfume. The writer told the Customs Officer that it was hair gel, whichhe had made himself. As the Officer did not believe this, the writer encouraged him to try it. The unpleasant smell convinced him the writer was telling the truth, so he let him pass through Customs. (70 words)Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活As the two men's boat was damaged, they were taking it to Miami when on the way it began to sink. After loading a rubber dinghy with food, matches and beer, the two men rowed a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There they collected rainwater in the dinghy and caught fish and lobster with a spear gun. For five days, they‘ate like kings’ until they were rescued by a passing tanker.(80 words)Lesson 13 ‘It’s only me’“是我,别害怕”Mrs. Richards had dressed up as a ghost and was just going into the dining room when there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was the baker, she hid in the storeroom under the stairs. She heard footsteps in the hall and then the man from the Electricity Board opened the storeroom door. Though she said ‘It's only me’, he got a bad fright. When she walked towards him, he fled, slamming the front door behind him. (79 words )Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒After Sir John Hawkwood settled near Florence six hundred years ago, he hired soldiers to the princes of city-states in times of war. In times of peace he threatened to destroy a city-state unless protection money was paid. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. Sir John was eighty when he died and the Florentines not only gave him a state funeral but had a picture painted of him, dedicated to his memory. (79 words)Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦George was going to the sweet shop when he lost fifty pence down a drain. After removing his jacket, he put his arm through the drain cover. He couldn't find his money and couldn't get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter. She failed to free him, but two firemen succeeded with a special type of grease. The sweet shop owner presented George with a large box of chocolates. (80 words )Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊When Dimitri came home, Mary told him that her white lamb had been stolen. On learning that his neighbour, Aleko, had acquired a lamb, Dimitri went to Aleko's house and accused him of stealing it. When Aleko showed his lamb, Dimitri saw it was black, so he apologized. After staying in Aleko's house for a while because it had begun to rain, Dimitri got a surprise outside when he found the lamb was almost white. It had been dyed black! (80 words)Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥The Verrazano Bridge, which joins Brooklyn to Staten Island, has a span of 4,260 feet. Its two great towers support four huge cables. The towers are built on platforms made of steel and concrete, extending over 100 feet under the sea and rising nearly 700 feet above the surface of the water. The bridge is suspended from four huge cables, each of which contains 26,108 lengths of wire. It is not only very strong, but simple and elegant as well. (80 words)Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术中的电流On entering the art gallery, the writer saw a notice which forbade people to touch the exhibits because they were dangerous. The exhibition consisted of pieces of moving a wall, the writer saw long thin wires attached to metal spheres which attracted and repelled each other. In the centre of the hall were tall structures containing coloured lights which went on and off. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off. (79 words)Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter three days after her cat's writer of the letter demaded £1,000 for the return of the cat,and warned she would never see him again if she went to the had to put the money in a cardboard box and leave it outside her door. After drawing £1,000 from her band,she acted on the kidnapper's money disappeared the following morning,and Rastus returned at seven o'clock that evening.(80 words)Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱Bleriot and Latham arrived in Calais on July 21st, 1909. Though it looked as if there would be a race on July 25th, Latham didn't take part, because he didn't get up early enough. After making a short test flight,Bleriot crossed the Channel in thirty-seven minutes. A policeman greeted him when he arrived in got within half a mile of Dover the following week, having to land on the sea a second time because his engine failed.(80 words)Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔?门多萨When the two men quarrelled, they settled the argument by a fight. This took place at Stilton. It lasted an hour and Humphries won. When they met again, Mendoza lost again, but in their third match in 1790,Mendoza finally beat Humphries to become Champion of England. He founded a successful boxing Academy and earned a lot of money, but was so extravagant he was always in debt. He was finally sent to prison and died in poverty in 1836. (80 words)Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词The aristocrat was sitting in his cell when the gaoler entered and handed him the letter----a blank sheet of paper. The aristocrat looked at it, squinted and said: ‘The light is dim. Read me the letter.’ He handed the letter back to the gaoler, who said: ‘The light is indeed dim. I'll get my glasses.’ He left the stage andreturned with a pair of glasses and the real letter, which he read to the prisoner.(79 words)Lesson 23 One man’s meat is another man’s poison 各有所爱The writer collected several dozen snails, put them in a paper bag and took them to Robert who was delighted to see him, and pleased with the snails. The writer left the bag in the hall and he and Robert went into the living room and talked for a couple of hours. He had forgotten the snails until Robert invited him to dinner, and he followed Robert into the hall to find snails everywhere. They had escaped from the bag.Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard “家丑”The writer started to unpack and put his shirts and underclothes into drawers and then decided to hang a suit in the cupboard. He opened the cupboard and stood petrified: there, dangling in front of him, was a skeleton. It was swaying and ready to leap out at him. He dropped his suit and dashed downstairs to tell George. George was unsympathetic and told the writer it was Sebastian, a skeleton he had when he was a medical student. (79 words)Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark “卡蒂萨克”号帆船The Thermopylae reached Java first, but the Cutty Sark took the lead on the Indian Ocean. When the Cutty Sark was struck by a storm, her rudder was torn away. A temporary rudder was made and fitted, but the ship lost the lead. After crossing the Equator, they called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted.Even with a new rudder, the Cutty Sark arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae, which was 500 miles ahead. (80 words)Lesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tin 征购大饼干筒A biscuit company asked its customers to bake biscuits and send them to the factory. As a prize, they offered $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit they received. The response was tremendous, with one biscuit weighing 500 pounds and another weighing 713 pounds. They thought that was the winner until a lorry delivered one which weighed 2,400 pounds baked by a college student. A crane lifted it from the lorry and the manufacturers paid the student $24,000.(80 words)Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买Unlike beggars, real tramps have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. Although they seek independence, they will not sacrifice their human dignity. They choose their own way of life and are aware of the consequences. They may not know where the next meal is coming from, but they do not have the worries that others have. They can travel easily because they have few possessions and when they sleep in the open, they are close to nature. (79 words)Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 五镑太贵The next man who approached him was selling watches and pens, and when the writer looked at one, it looked genuine. The man said it was worth £50 but the writer could have it for £30. The writer offered him £5 and waited. Eventually, as the writer was walking away, the man agreed and took £5. The writer was very pleased----until he was back on board. The pen was impossible to fill. It has never written a word since. (80 words)Lesson 29 Funny or not? 是否可笑?A man broke his right leg just before Christmas and was taken to hospital. He wanted to know when he could go home. On Christmas Day he was still in hospital with his leg in plaster, but there was a good chance of leaving hospital for the New Year. In fact, he was out in time to go to a New Year's Eve party where he drank too much, slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. (80 words)Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死Eric joined the army during the Second World War, but hated army life, so he deserted. He returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war. His father told everyone that he had been killed in action. Joe and Bob kept the secret, so Eric lived as a recluse. He slept during the day and worked at night, so he became the ‘ghost of Endley’.(79 words)Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人Dickie had been caught in a heavy shower when he walked into an expensive shop. He wanted a £300 watch for his wife, but he was so bedraggled the assistant refused to serve him. He left the shop and returned with a heavy cloth bag which he dumped on the counter. Dickie asked for the manager. When he was given the watch, he gave the assistant the bag which contained £300 in pennies, which the assistant had to count. (80 words)Lesson 32 A lost ship 一艘沉船The chest containing the personal belongings of Alan Fielding told them a lot, and there were other items of interest. A heavy gun proved the ship was a cruiser. Another chest belonging to a ship's officer contained an unfinished letter dated March 14th, 1943, from which they learnt the ship's name. The most valuable find was the ship's log book, which told them the Karen had been sailing in convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine.(80 words )Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天When the driver behind braked, his wife was thrown forward and the large cake on her lap flew through the windscreen and landed on the road. A lorry had to pull up suddenly and hundreds of empty beer bottles slid off onto the road. The traffic piled up so that it took the police an hour to get it on the move again. The lorry driverswept up the glass and two stray dogs ate the remains of the cake.(80 words ) Lesson 34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现While visiting an antique shop one Saturday, Frank was about to leave when he saw a large packing case. He asked the dealer to open it but the contents were disappointing until he lifted some crockery and noticed a miniature painting at the bottom. He had already decided to buy it when the dealer told him it was £50. Frank was excited because this was a real discovery. The painting was an unknown masterpiece worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. (80 words)Lesson 35 Justice was done 伸张正义A girl in the jewellery store heard muffled cries coming from behind a wall. When she heard the cry again, she went and told the manager who rang the fire brigade. When they arrived, the fire fighters found the right chimney by tapping the walls and listening. They chipped through a thick wall and found the man who could not move because the chimney was so narrow. They finally freed him by cutting a large hole in the wall. (79 words )Lesson 36 A chance in a million 百万分之一的机遇Hans had been wounded towards the end of the war, taken to hospital and separated from his unit. When the hospital had been bombed, he had returned to West Germany on foot. Meantime, his unit had been lost and all records of him destroyed. He returned to the family home to find the house bombed. Assuming all his family were dead, he settled in a village 50 miles away where he had lived until he met Franz and his wife. (80 words)Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车When many local people boarded the train with the writer, he was not surprised. Nor was he surprised when the train stopped at Widley. But when it stopped at each station, he began to wonder why it was going so slowly. Finally, when the train reached Westhaven, the writer spoke to the station master who denied the existence of an express. They argued and the writer was shown this timetable footnote, which said:‘ This service has been suspended.’(79 words)Lesson 38 The first calender 最早的日历Historians have long been puzzled by prehistoric markings on walls, bones and tusks. The people who made the markings were nomads during the last Ice Age. Finally historians have managed to read this difficult code and realized that they depict the passing of the days and phases of the moon. They are in fact a primitive calendar. There is a connection between the pictures of hunting scenes and the markings with them. (71 words )Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心When the boulders disappeared, there was a wide plain covered with clumps of bushes. Ahead was a huge fissure and Bruce stopped. We examined it and found it was fiftyyards long, two feet wide and four feet deep. Without thinking, Bruce raced the car along it and then we were back on the plain. The village was 15 miles away and the next obstacle was a very wide shallow pool. Bruce charged in and stopped in the middle.(79 words)Lesson 40 Who’s who 真假难辨When a policeman arrived, he asked the workmen to go away. Later four more policemen arrived. The workmen still refused to stop and the police threatened to confiscate their pneumatic drill. One workman then threatened to call the police, which was silly because they were already under arrest. When another workman asked to make a telephone call, a policeman accompanied him to a phone. The workman actually rang the police and they realized they had been victims of a hoax. (80 words )Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想You never have to travel miles to see friends because they live nearby. Nor do you have to worry about catching the last train home after the theatre. The latest exhibitions, films and plays are all a bus ride away. Shopping is a pleasure, too. There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best. The city can be beautiful and peaceful, too ---- beautiful with the glow of neon advertisements, and peaceful at weekends. (79 words )Lesson 42 Modern cavemen 现代洞穴人On entering a narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down and reached a narrow corridor. They edged their way along and came to a waterfall which dropped to an underground lake. They plunged into the lake in special rubber suits and let the current take them to the other side. On squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, they discovered an enormous cavern where they saw massive stalagmites and stalactites. All they could hear was water dripping from above. (80 words)Lesson 43 Fully insured 全保险The divers found the dish, but it was difficult to haul out of the water. The sides were so smooth it was almost impossible to attach chains to it Eventually chains were attached and they pulled the dish to the canal bank on a winch. Unfortunately it overbalanced and slid back. They then fixed clamps to both sides and fastened chains to lift it vertically. With a winch they hauled the dish above the surface and on to dry land. (80 words)Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适Nothing matches a plane for speed and comfort. An aeroplane reaches its destination rapidly. You travel in complete comfort, often watching a film or sipping champagne. You have a breathtaking view of the world and you can really appreciate the landscape. When you are above the clouds, the sight of cloud plains is extraordinary. The journey is so smooth that it is easy to read or sleep, and you always arrive fresh and uncrumpled at the end of the flight. (80 words )Lesson 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力Immediately the news got out, a plane arrived with reporters and photographers. The family's rise to fame was swift and soon the media had told the whole country. Newspapers and magazines offered huge sums of money for exclusive rights to the story, while gifts poured in from baby products manufacturers. 'The family's old farmhouse was replaced by a new home, while lawyers were employed as spokesmen. The parents paid the price for fame: they would never again lead normal lives. (80 words)Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手The author looked at his machine and reckoned that only a minor adjustment was needed. After adjusting a few things, the mower still refused to work, so he dismantled it and traced the cause of the trouble: there was a broken link in the drive chain. After buying a new chain and reassembling the mower, it still did not work. However, he was not really surprised because there were bits left that did not fit anywhere ---- so he gave up. (80 words)Lesson 47 Too high a price? 代价太高Noise constantly invades our daily lives. According to a recent survey, the worst noise is dogs barking at night, although the noise of lawn mowers, late-night parties, noisy neighbours, vehicles, planes and helicopters and large radios all adds. While the use of mobile phones in public places, it seems, is annoying, the survey revealed that one ‘old-fashioned’ source of noise is snoring, with men the worst offenders: only a small percentage of women snore, but they suffer most.(80 words)Lesson 48 The silent village 沉默的村庄The village contained one street and looked forbidding. Apart from a goat, it seemed deserted, so they sat down and had a picnic. Looking up, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by children in rags. The children were silent and motionless. As they walked down the street followed by the children, the village came alive with faces in windows and people watching them silently from doorways. The visitors were clearly unwelcome. They hurried back down to the stream and the boatman.Lesson 49 The ideal servant 理想的仆人On her return with a party of guests, Aunt Harriet asked Bessie to prepare dinner. Not only was the meal below standard, Bessie could not walk steadily, and she bumped into furniture and mumbled at the guests. When she brought in the pudding, she tripped and the pudding crashed onto the dining the guests were very amused, Aunt Harriet was horrified. She realized Bessie was drunk and dismissed her immediately. (72 words)Lesson 50 New Year resolutions 新年的决心The writer exercised early in the morning for two days before anyone found out. When he sat at breakfast the second day, his condition betrayed him. His enthusiasm waned so that by January 10th, things were back to normal. However, he decided to keephis mind fresh for reading. He read on his own until one evening he went down and sat in front of the television, but he dozed off. He has now bought a book on speed reading! (80 words)Lesson 51 Predicting the future 预测未来According to Bagrit, computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, and they would be able to provide information about traffic jams and suggest alternative routes. They would be used to help doctors diagnose illnesses, and in business would relieve office workers of dull, repetitive work. However, he failed to predict the use of the Internet as a vehicle of communication or a source of information. But as predicted, computers have become smaller, more powerful and cheaper. (79 words )Lesson 52 Mud is mud 实事求是The assistant promised to order the‘ Myrolite ’Harry bad already asked for, so he then said he wantedperfumed mud. This time her eyes lit up and she immediately fetched several bottles which she put onthe counter. Harry picked up the smallest bottle, and when he learned the price ( £20 ), he paid and leftwith the bottle under his arm. This curious bottle, now in his study, was his first and last purchase of rarecosmetics. (77 words)Lesson 53 In the public interest 为了公众的利益On receiving a complaint from a foreigner about police ill - treatment, the Ombudsman wrote to the Chiefof Police asking for a record of the case. As there was no official record and the Chief denied theaccusation, no action was possible. But When there was another similar complaint, the Ombudsman senta lawyer to investigate. He ascertained the truth of the accusations, the policeman was severelyreprimanded and warned that if there were further complaints he would be prosecuted. (80 words)Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness? 是本能还是机智The writer saw thousands of ants crawling up his peach tree. Then he noticed the leaves of the tree were withering and found there were aphids under the leaves. They were being visited by the ants. In an effort to stop them, he bound the base of the tree with sticky tape and of course they couldn't cross it. By the next morning, however, they had solved the problem: they were climbing onto the leaves from the house wall.Lesson 55 From the earth: Greetings 来自地球的问候Finding life on other planets with earth based telescopes is impossible because of the heat of our planet and the dust particles throughout the solar System. A telescope would need to be as far away as Jupiter. Even then, the problem will be how to blot out the light from a planet's sun to study it. The most likely forms of life will be plants and bacteria. Even the discovery of lowly life forms would change our view of ourselves. (80 words)Lesson 57 Back in the old country 重返故里In the place of the village there was only a lake. Had he taken the wrong turning? He went back to town and retraced his route, only to finish up at the same spot. The lake was not marked. When a man on horse back appeared, the author asked the way tothe old village. The horseman told him there was no village and pointed to the lake: it had been submerged with the whole valley under a man-made reservoir.(80 words)Lesson 58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦The old lady and the potter went through the flat, careful not to touch anything. Later, a police inspector looked for fingerprints while a constable checked the front door locks. There were no fingerprints, but the inspector found a bundle of jewellery suggesting this was not the burglars' first job that day. The inspector asked the lady to check what was missing and advised her not to stay in the flat. Eventually she rang her daughter to ask for help. (80 words)Lesson 59 Collecting 收藏Collecting provides hours of relaxation for looking at your treasures is a joy. If you have a collection at home, why go out? There is always something to do, from finding the right place for the latest addition to verifying facts in reference books. Collecting is educational, too, and through meeting people, increases your circle of friends. The hobby can lead to travel, national and international. You may become an authority on the subject and be asked to give talks. (80 words)Lesson 60 Too early and too late 太早和太晚The girl entered the railway station twenty minutes early, but the porter said she was two hours too soon.When she showed him the details of the journey, he agreed it was correct, but said it was a mail train, not a passenger train. When she demanded to see a timetable, the station master came and pointed out that the train only stopped for mail. The train came in but the girl was still not allowed to get on. (79 words )。
新概念英语第三册摘要写作Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词The aristocrat was sitting in his cell when the gaoler entered and handed him the letter----a blank sheet of paper. The aristocrat looked at it, squinted and said: ‘The light is dim. Read me the letter.’ He handed the letter back to the gaoler, who said: ‘The light is indeed dim. I'll get my glasses.’ He left the stage and returned with a pair of glasses and the real letter, which he read to the prisoner. (79 words)Lesson 23 One man’s meat is another man’s poison 各有所爱The writer collected several dozen snails, put them in a paper bag and took them to Robert who was delighted to see him, and pleased with the snails. The writer left the bag in the hall and he and Robert went into the living room and talked for a couple of hours. He had forgotten the snails until Robert invited him to dinner, and he followed Robert into the hall to find snails everywhere. They had escaped from the bag. Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard “家丑”The writer started to unpack and put his shirts and underclothes into drawers and then decided to hang a suit in the cupboard. He opened the cupboard and stood petrified: there, dangling in front of him, was a skeleton. It was swaying and ready to leap out at him. He dropped his suit and dashed downstairs to tell George. George was unsympathetic and told the writer it was Sebastian, a skeleton he had when he was a medical student. (79 words)Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark “卡蒂萨克”号帆船The Thermopylae reached Java first, but the Cutty Sark took the lead on the Indian Ocean. When the Cutty Sark was struck by a storm, her rudder was torn away. A temporary rudder was made and fitted, but the ship lost the lead. After crossing the Equator, they called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted.Even with a new rudder, the Cutty Sark arrived in England a week after the Thermopylae, which was 500 miles ahead. (80 words)Lesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tin 征购大饼干筒A biscuit company asked its customers to bake biscuits and send them to the factory. As a prize, they offered $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit they received. The response was tremendous, with one biscuit weighing 500 pounds and another weighing 713 pounds. They thought that was the winner until a lorry delivered one which weighed 2,400 pounds baked by a college student. A crane lifted it from the lorry and the manufacturers paid the student $24,000.(80 words)Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买Unlike beggars, real tramps have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. Although they seek independence, they will not sacrifice their human dignity. Theychoose their own way of life and are aware of the consequences. They may not know where the next meal is coming from, but they do not have the worries that others have. They can travel easily because they have few possessions and when they sleep in the open, they are close to nature. (79 words)Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 五镑太贵The next man who approached him was selling watches and pens, and when the writer looked at one, it looked genuine. The man said it was worth £50 but the writer could have it for £30. The writer offered him £5 and waited. Eventually, as the writer was walking away, the man agreed and took £5. The writer was very pleased----until he was back on board. The pen was impossible to fill. It has never written a word since. (80 words)Lesson 29 Funny or not? 是否可笑?A man broke his right leg just before Christmas and was taken to hospital. He wanted to know when he could go home. On Christmas Day he was still in hospital with his leg in plaster, but there was a good chance of leaving hospital for the New Year. In fact, he was out in time to go to a New Year's Eve party where he drank too much, slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. (80 words)Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死Eric joined the army during the Second World War, but hated army life, so he deserted. He returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war. His father told everyone that he had been killed in action. Joe and Bob kept the secret, so Eric lived as a recluse. He slept during the day and worked at night, so h e became the ‘ghost of Endley’.(79 words)Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人Dickie had been caught in a heavy shower when he walked into an expensive shop. He wanted a £300 watch for his wife, but he was so bedraggled the assistant refused to serve him. He left the shop and returned with a heavy cloth bag which he dumped on the counter. Dickie asked for the manager. When he was given the watch, he gave the assistant the bag which contained £300 in pennies, which the assistant had to count. (80 words)Lesson 32 A lost ship 一艘沉船The chest containing the personal belongings of Alan Fielding told them a lot, and there were other items of interest. A heavy gun proved the ship was a cruiser. Another chest belonging to a ship's officer contained an unfinished letter dated March 14th, 1943, from which they learnt the ship's name. The most valuable find was the ship's log book, which told them the Karen had been sailing in convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine.(80 words )Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天When the driver behind braked, his wife was thrown forward and the large cake on her lap flew through the windscreen and landed on the road. A lorry had to pull up suddenly and hundreds of empty beer bottles slid off onto the road. The traffic piled up so that it took the police an hour to get it on the move again. The lorry driver swept up the glass and two stray dogs ate the remains of the cake.(80 words )Lesson 34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现While visiting an antique shop one Saturday, Frank was about to leave when he saw a large packing case. He asked the dealer to open it but the contents were disappointing until he lifted some crockery and noticed a miniature painting at the bottom. He had already decided to buy it when the dealer told him it was £50. Frank was excited because this was a real discovery. The painting was an unknown masterpiece worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. (80 words)Lesson 35 Justice was done 伸张正义A girl in the jewellery store heard muffled cries coming from behind a wall. When she heard the cry again, she went and told the manager who rang the fire brigade. When they arrived, the fire fighters found the right chimney by tapping the walls and listening. They chipped through a thick wall and found the man who could not move because the chimney was so narrow. They finally freed him by cutting a large hole in the wall. (79 words )Lesson 36 A chance in a million 百万分之一的机遇Hans had been wounded towards the end of the war, taken to hospital and separated from his unit. When the hospital had been bombed, he had returned to West Germany on foot. Meantime, his unit had been lost and all records of him destroyed. He returned to the family home to find the house bombed. Assuming all his family were dead, he settled in a village 50 miles away where he had lived until he met Franz and his wife. (80 words)Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车When many local people boarded the train with the writer, he was not surprised. Nor was he surprised when the train stopped at Widley. But when it stopped at each station, he began to wonder why it was going so slowly. Finally, when the train reached Westhaven, the writer spoke to the station master who denied the existence of an express. They argued and the writer was shown this timetable footnote, which said:‘ This service has been suspended.’(79 words)Lesson 38 The first calender 最早的日历Historians have long been puzzled by prehistoric markings on walls, bones and tusks. The people who made the markings were nomads during the last Ice Age. Finally historians have managed to read this difficult code and realized that they depict the passing of the days and phases of the moon. They are in fact a primitive calendar. There is a connection between the pictures of hunting scenes and the markings withthem. (71 words )Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心When the boulders disappeared, there was a wide plain covered with clumps of bushes. Ahead was a huge fissure and Bruce stopped. We examined it and found it was fifty yards long, two feet wide and four feet deep. Without thinking, Bruce raced the car along it and then we were back on the plain. The village was 15 miles away and the next obstacle was a very wide shallow pool. Bruce charged in and stopped in the middle. (79 words)Lesson 40 Who’s who 真假难辨When a policeman arrived, he asked the workmen to go away. Later four more policemen arrived. The workmen still refused to stop and the police threatened to confiscate their pneumatic drill. One workman then threatened to call the police, which was silly because they were already under arrest. When another workman asked to make a telephone call, a policeman accompanied him to a phone. The workman actually rang the police and they realized they had been victims of a hoax.(80 words )Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想You never have to travel miles to see friends because they live nearby. Nor do you have to worry about catching the last train home after the theatre. The latest exhibitions, films and plays are all a bus ride away. Shopping is a pleasure, too. There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best. The city can be beautiful and peaceful, too ---- beautiful with the glow of neon advertisements, and peaceful at weekends. (79 words )Lesson 42Modern cavemen 现代洞穴人On entering a narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down and reached a narrow corridor. They edged their way along and came to a waterfall which dropped to an underground lake. They plunged into the lake in special rubber suits and let the current take them to the other side. On squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, they discovered an enormous cavern where they saw massive stalagmites and stalactites. All they could hear was water dripping from above. (80 words)Lesson 43 Fully insured 全保险The divers found the dish, but it was difficult to haul out of the water. The sides were so smooth it was almost impossible to attach chains to it Eventually chains were attached and they pulled the dish to the canal bank on a winch. Unfortunately it overbalanced and slid back. They then fixed clamps to both sides and fastened chains to lift it vertically. With a winch they hauled the dish above the surface and on to dry land. (80 words)Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适Nothing matches a plane for speed and comfort. An aeroplane reaches its destination rapidly. You travel in complete comfort, often watching a film or sipping champagne. You have a breathtaking view of the world and you can really appreciate the landscape. When you are above the clouds, the sight of cloud plains is extraordinary. The journey is so smooth that it is easy to read or sleep, and you always arrive fresh and uncrumpled at the end of the flight. (80 words )Lesson 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力Immediately the news got out, a plane arrived with reporters and photographers. The family's rise to fame was swift and soon the media had told the whole country. Newspapers and magazines offered huge sums of money for exclusive rights to the story, while gifts poured in from baby products manufacturers. 'The family's old farmhouse was replaced by a new home, while lawyers were employed as spokesmen. The parents paid the price for fame: they would never again lead normal lives. (80 words)Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手The author looked at his machine and reckoned that only a minor adjustment was needed. After adjusting a few things, the mower still refused to work, so he dismantled it and traced the cause of the trouble: there was a broken link in the drive chain. After buying a new chain and reassembling the mower, it still did not work. However, he was not really surprised because there were bits left that did not fit anywhere ---- so he gave up. (80 words)Lesson 47 Too high a price? 代价太高Noise constantly invades our daily lives. According to a recent survey, the worst noise is dogs barking at night, although the noise of lawn mowers, late-night parties, noisy neighbours, vehicles, planes and helicopters and large radios all adds. While the use of mobile phones in public places, it seems, is annoying, the survey revealed that one ‘old-fashioned’ source of noise is snoring, with men the worst offenders: only a small percentage of women snore, but they suffer most.(80 words)Lesson 48 The silent village 沉默的村庄The village contained one street and looked forbidding. Apart from a goat, it seemed deserted, so they sat down and had a picnic. Looking up, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by children in rags. The children were silent and motionless. As they walked down the street followed by the children, the village came alive with faces in windows and people watching them silently from doorways. The visitors were clearly unwelcome. They hurried back down to the stream and the boatman. Lesson 49 The ideal servant 理想的仆人On her return with a party of guests, Aunt Harriet asked Bessie to prepare dinner. Not only was the meal below standard, Bessie could not walk steadily, and she bumped into furniture and mumbled at the guests. When she brought in the pudding, she tripped and the pudding crashed onto the dining table.While the guests were veryamused, Aunt Harriet was horrified. She realized Bessie was drunk and dismissed her immediately. (72 words)Lesson 50 New Year resolutions 新年的决心The writer exercised early in the morning for two days before anyone found out. When he sat at breakfast the second day, his condition betrayed him. His enthusiasm waned so that by January 10th, things were back to normal. However, he decided to keep his mind fresh for reading. He read on his own until one evening he went down and sat in front of the television, but he dozed off. He has now bought a book on speed reading! (80 words)Lesson 51 Predicting the future预测未来According to Bagrit, computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, and they would be able to provide information about traffic jams and suggest alternative routes. They would be used to help doctors diagnose illnesses, and in business would relieve office workers of dull, repetitive work. However, he failed to predict the use of the Internet as a vehicle of communication or a source of information. But as predicted, computers have become smaller, more powerful and cheaper. (79 words )Lesson 52 Mud is mud 实事求是The assistant promised to order the‘ Myrolite ’Harry bad already asked for, so he then said he wantedperfumed mud. This time her eyes lit up and she immediately fetched several bottles which she put onthe counter. Harry picked up the smallest bottle, and when he learned the price ( £20 ), he paid and leftwith the bottle under his arm. This curious bottle, now in his study, was his first and last purchase of rarecosmetics. (77 words)Lesson 53 In the public interest 为了公众的利益On receiving a complaint from a foreigner about police ill - treatment, the Ombudsman wrote to the Chiefof Police asking for a record of the case. As there was no official record and the Chief denied theaccusation, no action was possible. But When there was another similar complaint, the Ombudsman senta lawyer to investigate. He ascertained the truth of the accusations, the policeman was severelyreprimanded and warned that if there were further complaints he would be prosecuted. (80 words)Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness? 是本能还是机智The writer saw thousands of ants crawling up his peach tree. Then he noticed the leaves of the tree were withering and found there were aphids under the leaves. They were being visited by the ants. In an effort to stop them, he bound the base of the tree with sticky tape and of course they couldn't cross it. By the next morning, however, they had solved the problem: they were climbing onto the leaves from the house wall. Lesson 55 From the earth: Greetings 来自地球的问候Finding life on other planets with earth based telescopes is impossible because of the heat of our planet and the dust particles throughout the solar System. A telescope would need to be as far away as Jupiter. Even then, the problem will be how to blot out the light from a planet's sun to study it. The most likely forms of life will be plants and bacteria. Even the discovery of lowly life forms would change our view of ourselves. (80 words)Lesson 57 Back in the old country 重返故里In the place of the village there was only a lake. Had he taken the wrong turning? He went back to town and retraced his route, only to finish up at the same spot. The lake was not marked. When a man on horse back appeared, the author asked the way tothe old village. The horseman told him there was no village and pointed to the lake: it had been submerged with the whole valley under a man-made reservoir. (80 words) Lesson 58 A spot of bother一点儿小麻烦The old lady and the potter went through the flat, careful not to touch anything. Later, a police inspector looked for fingerprints while a constable checked the front door locks. There were no fingerprints, but the inspector found a bundle of jewellery suggesting this was not the burglars' first job that day. The inspector asked the lady to check what was missing and advised her not to stay in the flat. Eventually she rang her daughter to ask for help. (80 words)Lesson 59 Collecting 收藏Collecting provides hours of relaxation for looking at your treasures is a joy. If you have a collection at home, why go out? There is always something to do, from finding the right place for the latest addition to verifying facts in reference books. Collecting is educational, too, and through meeting people, increases your circle of friends. The hobby can lead to travel, national and international. You may become an authority on the subject and be asked to give talks. (80 words)Lesson 60 Too early and too late太早和太晚The girl entered the railway station twenty minutes early, but the porter said she was two hours too soon.When she showed him the details of the journey, he agreed it was correct, but said it was a mail train, not a passenger train. When she demanded to see a timetable, the station master came and pointed out that the train only stopped for mail. The train came in but the girl was still not allowed to get on. (79 words )。
新概念英语三作文Unfortunately, I am unable to browse the internet or access downloaded content. However, I can provide you with a sample essay based on the topic "New Concept English 3". Please note that the essay is an original piece and may not match any specific downloaded content. Here is the essay:Title: The Importance of New Concept English 3 in Enhancing Language Skills。
Introduction:English is a global language that plays a crucial role in communication, education, and career development. As a non-native English speaker, I have always strived to improve my language skills. One resource that has been immensely helpful in this journey is the New Concept English 3 course. In this essay, I will discuss the significance of New Concept English 3 and how it has helped me enhance my English language proficiency.Body:1. Comprehensive Learning Material:New Concept English 3 provides a comprehensive range of learning materials, including textbooks, audio recordings, and supplementary exercises. These resources cover various aspects of English language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. By engaging with these materials, learners can develop a well-rounded understanding of the language.2. Structured Curriculum:The New Concept English 3 course follows a structured curriculum that gradually builds upon previous knowledge. This organized approach enables learners to grasp foundational concepts before moving on to more advanced topics. The curriculum is designed to cater to learners of different levels, ensuring that each student can progress at their own pace.3. Emphasis on Listening and Speaking Skills:New Concept English 3 places a strong emphasis on developing listening and speaking skills. Through the audio recordings and accompanying exercises, learners have the opportunity to practice their listening comprehension and pronunciation. This focus on oral communication is crucial for real-life situations, as it enables learners to effectively communicate with native English speakers.4. Grammar and Vocabulary Enhancement:The course extensively covers grammar rules and vocabulary expansion. By studying the grammar lessons and completing the associated exercises, learners can strengthen their understanding of sentence structure, verb tenses, and other essential grammar concepts. Additionally, the vocabulary sections introduce new words and phrases, allowing learners to expand their lexicon and improve their writing and speaking abilities.5. Reading and Writing Practice:New Concept English 3 includes a variety of reading passages and writing exercises. These activities help learners improve their reading comprehension skills and enhance their written expression. By analyzing different types of texts and practicing writing in various formats, students can develop the necessary skills to effectively convey their ideas in written form.Conclusion:New Concept English 3 has been an invaluable resource in my English language learning journey. The comprehensive learning materials, structured curriculum, emphasis on listening and speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary enhancement, and reading and writing practice have all contributed to my overall language proficiency. As I continue to study with New Concept English 3, I am confident that my English skills will continue to improve, enabling me to communicate more effectively in both academic and professional settings.。
新概念英语第三册课后作文及书信New Concept English Book Three: Post-Writing Exercises and LettersAfter completing each unit in New Concept English Book Three, students are usually required to write a composition as a post-writing exercise. These compositions are usually based on the themes and topics covered in the unit, and they aim to test students' understanding of the material and their ability to express themselves in written English.In this book, students are also given examples of letters, both formal and informal, to help them understand the format and tone required in different types of correspondence. Writing letters is an important skill in English, and it is essential for students to learn how to communicate effectively through written correspondence.The compositions in the post-writing exercises cover a wide range of topics, from describing a favorite holiday to expressing opinions on current events. This helps students improve their vocabulary and grammar skills while also gaining confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English.The letters provided in the book are also a valuable resource for students who want to improve their letter-writing skills. Students can learn how to structure a letter, address the recipient correctly, and use appropriate language and tone for different types of letters.Overall, the post-writing exercises and letter examples in New Concept English Book Three provide students with valuable opportunities to practice their writing skills and improve their English communication abilities. By completing these exercises and studying the letter examples, students can enhance their language proficiency and become more confident and effective communicators in English.。
摘要写作参考答案(Key to Summary writing)Unit 1Lesson 1 A Private ConversationThe writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'.(53 words)Lesson 2 Breakfast or LunchThe writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock.(45 words)Lesson 3 Please Send Me a CardPostcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards.(47 words)Lesson 4 An Exciting TripThe writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.(48 words)Lesson 5 No Wrong NumbersMr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.(48 words) Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsThe writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words)Lesson 7 Too LateDetectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand.(39 words)Lesson 8 The Best and WorstJoe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.(37 words)Lesson 9 A Cold WelcomeWe went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty minutes.At five to twelve,it stopped.It refused to welcome the New Year.The crowd began to laugh and sing.(46 words)Lesson 10 Not for JazzWe own an old clavichord.It was made in 1681.My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago.A visitor damaged it recently.She tried to play jazz on it.She broke two of the strings.My father's friend is repairing it now.(45 words)Lesson 11 One Return Deserves AnotherI was having dinner at a restaurant.I see Tony Steele after a while.He always borrows money from his friends.Tony sat at my table.I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.He gave me the money at once.He wanted me to pay for his dinner.(49 words)Lesson 12 Goodbye and Good LuckWe'll meet Captain Charles Alison at Portsmouth Harbour eary tomorrow moring.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.He will leave at eight o'clock.We'll say goodbye to him.He will take part in an importantrace across the Atlantic.(40 words)Lesson 13 The Greenwood BoysThe Greenwood Boys are singers.They will be coming here tomorrow.Most of the young people will be meeting them at the station.They will gave five peiformances.The police will be trying to keep order as usual.(38 words)Lesson 14 Do You Speak EnglishThe writer gave a lift to a young man in the south of France last year.They greated each other in French.The writer doesn't speak any French.They sat in silence.The young man said,'Do you speak English?' at the end of the journey.He was English himself.(49 words)Lesson 15 Good NewsMr.Harmsworth wanted see me.I felt nervous.I went into his office.He said business was very bad.The firm couldn't pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.He didn't ask me to leave.He offered me an extra thousand pounds a year!(47 words)Lesson 16 A Polite RequestTraffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place.The writer found a polite note on his car in Sweden.The traffic policeman wanted him to pay attention to their street sighs.Everyone can't fail to obey a request like this.(48 words)Lesson 17 Always YoungMy aunt Jennifer is an actress.She is over thirty years old.She often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon.She never tells anyone how old she really is.(46 words)Lesson 18 It Often Does ThisThe writer had lunch at a village pub.She couldn't find her bag after her meal.She couldn't pay the bill.The landlord soon found it for her.His dog had taken it into the garden.(36 words)Lesson 19 Sold OutThe play was going to begin at any moment.I asked for two tickets.There were none left.Susan and I were disappointted.A man hurried to the ticket office just then.He returned two tickets.They were for next Wednesday's performance.I bought them.(45 words)Lesson 20 One Man in a BoatFishing is the writer's favourite sport.Some unlucky fisherman catch old boots and rubbish.The writer isn't not so lucky.He never catches anything.He isn't really interested in fishing.He is only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.(44 words)Lesson 21 Mad or NotThe writer is slowly going mad.He lives near an airport.Passing planes can be heard night and day.Most of his neighbours have left their homes.He has been offered money to leave.He determined to stay here.Everyone says he must be mad.They are probably right.(49 words)Lesson 22 A Glass EnvelopJane crossed the Channel last year.She threw a bottle into the sea.It contains a piece of paper with her name and address on it.She received a letter from a girl in Holland ten months later.They write to each other regularly now.They send their letters by post.(50 words)Lesson 23 A New HouseMy sister will come to England next year.If she comes,she will get a surprise.I have a new house in the country.I have invited my sister to star with me.It is a very modern house.It has get many large rooms and a lovely garden.(48 words)Lesson 24 It Could Be WorseI had just lost fifty pounds.I felt very upset.I told the manager about it.He couldn't do anything.He began complain about this wicked world.A girl came in with the money just then.She had found it outside my room.There is still some honesty in this world.(51 words)Unit 2Lesson 25 Do the English Speak EnglishI arrived at a railway station in London and a sked a porter the way to my hotel,but he couldn’t understand me. He understood me at last but I couldn’t understand his answer. My teacher never spoke English like that. The porter said I shall learn English soon.. Each person speaks a different language i n England. They understand each other but I don’t understand them.(67 words)Lesson 26 The Best Art CritistThe writer studies art and paints a lot of pictures. Many people don’t really understand modern art. Paintings don’t always have a meaning. They are something pretty patterns. Young children not only appreciate modern paintings better than others,but noticed more also. The writer’s young sister went into his room yesterday and examined his new picture. He had hung it upside down and she noticed this immediately.(67 words)Lesson 27 A Wet NightThe boys put up their tent in the middle of a flied and cooked over an open fire. They told stories and sang songs after their meal but it began to rain so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of water so they rushed outside. A stream had formed in the field and flowed right under their tent.(68 words)Lesson 28 No ParkingJasper White believes in ancient myths. Car owners always park their cars outside his gate so he has put up ‘No Parking’ signs but they haven’t paid any attention to them. He has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is Medusa’s head. He wants her to turn cars and their owners to stone but she hasn’t done so yet.(62 words)Lesson 29 TaxiCaptain Ben Fawcett has bought a small Swiss aeroplane and uses it as a taxi. It is called a ‘Pilatus Porter’ . It can not only carry seven passengers, but can land anywhere also. Captain Fawcett has taken passengers to many strange places. He refused to fly a businessman to Rockall. The journey was too dangerous.(56 words)Lesson 30 Football or poloThe writer sat by the river last Sunday. Some children were playing games nearby. One of the children kicked a ball hard and it went towards a passing boat. The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting. The ball hit the man and the children ran away. However, the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank. (67 words)Lesson 31 Success story?Frank Hawkins was telling the writer about his experiences as a young man.Frank used to work in a small shop as a boy.He used to repair bicycles there.He bought his own shop in 1958 and he made spare parts for aeroplanes in his twenties.He employed a lot of people in a few years.His wife came into the room after a while.She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle.(68 words)Lesson 32 Shopping made easyA detective watched a well-dressed woman in a large store one Monday.She bought a few small articles and she chose an expensive dress.The assistant wrapped it up for her and the woman took it with her.She did not pay for it,so the detective arrested her. The assistant was her daughter. She gave her mother a free dress once a week.(60 words)Lesson 33 Out of the darknessThe girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs and she cllimbed up.She found herself in hospital a day later.(55 words)Lesson 34 Quick workDan Robinson was worried.He had received a letter from the local police.Yesterday he went to the station.He is not worried any more.The police have found his bicycle.Dan was not only surprised but amused as well.His bicycle was stolen twenty years ago.He was fifteen then.(44 words)Lesson 35 Stop thief!Roy is finding his new job as a bus driver exciting.He saw two thieves in Catford Street recently.They were running out of a shop and Roy drove his bus straight at them,so they dropped the stolen money and got into a car.Roy drove his bus into the back of their car then and damaged it.Afte this he telephoned the police.Both men were arrested later. (64 words)Lesson 36 Across the ChannelDebbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.She is eleven and she is a strong swimmer.Debbie has been trained by her father.He will follow her in a small boat.Debbie's mother will be waiting on the English coast.She swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.(49 words)Lesson 37 The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years' time,so the government will be putting up new buildings just outside the capital.Kurt Gunter has designed the buildings and workers will have completed the new stadium by the end of next year.The Games will be held in this country for the first time and we are looking forward to them. (62 words)Lesson 38 Everything except the weatherThe writer's friend,Harrison,had spent many years in the Mediterranean,but he wanted to retire in England so he bought a house in the country.The summer that year was very bad and he complained about the weather.In the end Harrison not only sold the house but also left the country.(48 words)Lesson 39 Am I all right?lington refused to tell his patient,Mr.John Gilbert,whether his operation had been successful.The next day the patient telephoned lington and inquired about a certain patient,Mr.John Gilbert.The doctor answered a number of questions about the patient and then asked whether the caller was a relative.The caller then told him who he was.(50 words)Lesson 40 Food and talkThe writer sat beside Mrs. Rumbold at the dinner party.He tried to make comversation, but she was busy eating.He talked about the new play at 'The Globe' and about the holidays.She answered his questions briefly.Then he asked her if she was enjoying her dinner and she answered that if he have eaten morn and talked less, they would both have a good dinner.(63 words)Lesson 41 Do You Call That a HatThe wirter's wife was trying on a hat and he didn't like it. He sat down and waited for her.Then they began arguing again.He had bought a terrible tie the day before but his wife didn’t like it. Hesaid,‘A m an can never have too many ties.' His wife used exactly the same argument and she bought the hat. It looked like a lighthouse.(67 words)Lesson 42 Not Very MusicalWe watched a snake charmer in a square in Old Delhi. He had a long pipe and two large baskets. He played a tune and the snake in one of the baskets rose to follow the movements of the pipe. Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly. It didn't know the difference between Indian music and jazz.(64 words)Lesson 43 Over the South PoleIn 1929,the American explorer ,R.E.Byrd became the first man to fly over the South Pole. He took a lot of photographs during the flight but then ran into difficulties. His plane couldn't get over the mountains so he orded his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane then flew over the mountains and continued without further trouble.(63 words)Lesson 44 Through the ForestTwo men tried to steal Mrs.Sterling's handbag. She was having a picnic at the time. They took the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees. She ran after them and caught up with them. The men had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag. Mrs.Sterling ran straight at them so they dropped the bag and ran away.(66 words)Lesson 45 A Clear ConscienceThe local buther,Sam Benton,was taking his savings to the post office but he lost his wallet. Sam not only received half his money three months later,but received a note as well.The note said:‘A thief,yes,but only 50 per cent a thief!'The thief included a note every time he sent Sam more money. The last note said: ‘I am 100 per cent honest now!’(68 words)Lesson 46 Expensive and UncomfortableThe plane from London arrived at Sydney airport and workers unloaded a number of wooden boxes. They contained clothing. One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it. He found a man on top of a pile of woolen goods. The man was arrested. He had travelled in the box from London. He had to pay 3,500 pounds. An ordinary tickets costs 2,000 pounds.(65 words)Lesson 47 A Thirsty GhostMr. Ian Thompson bought a public house recently but it is haunted,so he is going to sale it. There was a strange noise in the bar one night and the room was in disorder next morning. Mr. Thompson found five em pty whisky bottles. He doesn’t believe that some villagers broke into the bar and had a drink. Anybody in the village doesn’t want to the pub.(68 words)Lesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me SomethingThe dentist in the story had pulled out one of the writer’s teeth and had told him to rest for a while. He asked several questions but the writer couldn’t answer them. His mouth was full of cotton wool. He suddenly discovered something wrong but he couldn’t say anything. The dentist eventually removed the cotton wool from his mouth and the writer told him he had pulled out thewrong tooth.(72 words)Unit 3:Lesson 49 The end of a dreamA young man in Teheran bought a real bed for the first time in his life.He slept on the roof of his house because the weather was hot.Three nights later,the bed was swept off the roof during a storm.The man was not only unhurt but still on his mattress.As the bed was in pieces,he carried his mattress indoors and after he had put it on the floor he went back to sleep. (72 words)Lesson 50 Taken for a rideThe writer wanted to go go Woodford Green but as he didn't know the way,the conductor promised to tell him where to get off.When they arrived at the bus terminus,the writer asked if they were at Woodford Green.The conductor then realized that he had forgotten to put him off.The writer stayed on the bus because it was going back. (59 words)Lesson 51 Reward for virtueHugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet.He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight.When the writer visited him yesterday,he hid a large parcel under his desk.The parcel contained chocolates and sweets.Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict. (56 words)Lesson 52 A pretty carpetThe writer has been trying to get his new room in order all morning.This has proved difficult because he owns over a thousand books which cover every inch of floor space at the moment.His sister helped him to carry one of his old bookcases up the stairs a short while ago.She got a surprise when she saw the room,but she thought that the books made a pretty carpet. (68 words)Lesson 53 Hot snakeNow that firemen have put out a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.There was no evidence that it was started by broken glass or a cigarette end.However a fireman has just solved the mystery.He noticed the remains os a snake which had been dropped by a bird on to some electric wires.In winding itself round the wires,the snake had sent sparks to the ground and this caused the fire.(75 words)Lesson 54 Sticky fingersAs soon as the writer returned home from the shops she began to make some meat pies.When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.She spent ten minutes talking to Helen Bates on the telephone.After that she looked at the mess she had made.Her fingers,the telephone and the doorknobs were covered with pastry.Just then the postman rang the doorbell.He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.(68 words)Lesson 55 Not a gold mine‘The Revealer' is a new machine which is used for detecting buried gold. Using this machine, a research party recently tried to find gold in a cave near the seashore. Although they examined thecave thoroughly they only found a small gold coin which was practically worthless. However many people believe that the machine many reveal something of value soon. (60 words)Lesson 56 Faster than sound!A lot of old cars entered for the race, which is held once a year. A great many loud explosions could be heard when they set off and though many cars broke down during the race, a few managed to complete the course. The winning car went downhill so quickly that its driver had a lot of difficulty trying to stop it. (62 words)Lesson 57 Can I help you,madam?Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment, she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for. (77 words)Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise?The number of visitors to the village of Frinley has increased because there is said to be a ‘cursed tree’ near the church. Since the villagers believe that if anyone picks a leaf he will die, they have asked the vicar to have the tree cut down. As the tree is a useful source of income, the vicar has refused to have the tree cut down. Meanwhile, though tourists have been picking leaves, not one of them has come to harm. (81 words)Lesson 59 In or out?Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside the front gate and bark so that someone would open it. Ever since my husband trained him to open the gate himself, Rex has developed another bad habit. He barks when he is in the garden so that someone will let him out. After this he lets himself in and barks until someone opens the gate again. Now that my husband has removed the gate, Rex has disappeared. (75 words)Lesson 60 The futureThe writer visited a fortune-teller at a village fair who told him that a relation was coming to see him. She added that a woman he knew well would speak to him when he left the tent and he would follow her out of the fair. This came true because his wife spoke to him when he went outside. She told him they had to meet his sister at the station and she led him out of the fair. (79 words)Lesson 61 Trouble with the HubbleWhen the Hubble telescope was launched into space in April 1990, the pictures it sent us were very disappointing because the main mirror was faulty. Four astronauts will soon be making the necessary repairs, and eventually, pictures from the Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. (54 words)Lesson 62 After the fireIt took the firemen nearly three weeks to get the forest fire under control. Now that all the great trees had been burnt, there was danger that heavy rain would cause serious floods which would destroy the surrounding villages. To prevent this, the forest authorities ordered grass-seed which was sprayed over the ground by planes for nearly a month. By the time that it began to rain, the grass had taken root in many places. (75 words)Lesson 63 She was not amusedWhen Jeremy Hampden, who is greatly admired for his great sense of humour, was invited to make a speech at a wedding reception, he immediately agreed to do so. Since the speech contained a lot of funny stories, it was a great success. When his six-year-old daughter, Jenny, wanted to go home after his speech, Jeremy was disappointed. She had not enjoyed it because she did not like to see so many people laughing at him. (76 words)Lesson 64 The Channel TunnelThe tunnel, which the French engineer, Aime Thome, planned to build under the English Channel in 1858, would be ventilated by tall chimneys built above sea level. An Englishman, William Lowe, suggested a better plan two years later. Passing trains would solve the problem of ventilation in his proposed double railway-tunnel because they would draw in fresh air behind them. Though work began forty-two years later, it was stopped because the British feared invasion. However, the tunnel was officially opened on March 7, 1994. (85 words)Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the policeAfter having decided to take some presents to a children’s hospital, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dressed up as Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo. On being told that he was holding up the traffic, Jimmy agreed to go at once but Jumbo refused to move, so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street. As he had a good record, however, Jumbo was not arrested. (79 words)Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!The Lancaster bomber was not too badly damaged when it crashed on a remote island in the South Pacific.Then the wreck remained undisturbed for twenty-six years until it was rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France,where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.They will have to have three of the engines rebuilt,but the fourth engine is still in perfect condition because a colony of bees had turned it into a hive and it was totally covered in beeswax.(94 words)Lesson 67 V olcanoesTazieff,the Polish scientist,went to Lake Kivu in the Congo in 1948 to observe a new volcano which he called Kituro.After taking photographs,he had to leave almost at once because a river of liquid rock threatened to surround him.He escaped just in time but he returned two days later when the volcano had become quiet.This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro in order to take photographs and measure temperatures.(70 words)Lesson 68 PersistentEven though Elizabeth tried to avoid meeting Nigel Dykes,she was not able to do so. As he always insisted on accompanying her,she had to think of a way of preventing him from following her around all morning.When she told him she was going to the dentist,he said he would come with her because there was always plenty to read in the waiting room.(63 words)Lesson 69 But not murder!Mr.Eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third duiving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.He told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.Mr. Eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.Though he tapped loudly,Mr.Eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.(73 words)Lesson 70 Red for dangerA drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap.Ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.Just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador.(66 words)Lesson 71 A famous clockAfter the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834,Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock,which became known as Big Ben.It is very accurate despite its immense size,for offcials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock,which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower.(69 words)Lesson 72 A car called BluebirdSir Malcolm Campbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 duiving a car called Bluebird,which had been secially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke a record and his car was also called Bluebird.(55 words)Unit 4:Lesson 73 The Record HolderA boy who played truant travelled 1, 600 miles. He hitchhiked to Dover where he slept in a boat, only to find himself in Calais the next morning. A lorry driver gave him a lift and something to eat, and the boy got off near Paris. He stopped another car but, instead of being taken to Paris, he was taken to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. After being picked up by a policeman, he was sent home by the local authorities.(81 words)Lesson 74 Out of the LimelightAfter an ancient bus had stopped by a dry river bed, a party of famous film stars descended. They were dressed in dark glasses and old clothes so as not to be recognized. Two of the actors carried some picnic things to a shady spot and everyone sat down. Just then a sheriff arrived and toldthem rudely that they must leave because camping was not allowed. Even when they told him who they were, he did not believe them.(80 words)Lesson 75 SOSA plane crashed in the mountains, but the only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were not hurt. It was midwinter and extremely cold, so the woman put the children in a case, covered them with clothes and kept close to them all night. When she heard planes early next morning, she stamped out SOS in the snow. This was seen by a pilot, who sent a radio message, and they were soon rescued by a helicopter.(80 words)Lesson 76 April Fools DayTo end the special news bulletin, the television announcer showed viewers the macaroni fields of Calabria, where macaroni has been grown for over six hundred years. Harvesting has begun earlier this year and the whole village has been working hard, gathering and threshing the crop before the September rains. The crop is processed in the local factory. After the harvest, the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition, which Signor Fratelli has won every year since 1991. will take place. That ended the news bulletin for April 1st.Lesson 77 A Successful Operation(1)Doctors have just operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 BC. They wanted to find out whether she died of a rare disease. After removing a section of the mummy, they sent it to a laboratory. During the operation, they unexpectedly found a small wax figure of a god. Though they were afraid the mummy would fall to pieces, it successfully survived the operation. (69 words)(2)Doctors have just operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C., in order to find out if she died of a rare disease. They removed a section of the mummy, which they sent to a laboratory. Inside the mummy, they unexpectedly found a small wax figure of a god. They were afraid the mummy would fall to pieces, but it survived the operation. (69 words)Lesson 78 The Last One(1) Having read an article on smoking, the writer smoked his last cigarette. He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because he had a bad temper and a large appetite. Meanwhile friends offered him cigarettes and were amused to see him produce a packet of sweets from Iris pocket. When he went to a party, he accepted a cigarette which he was offered by a friend and since then things have returned to normal. (77 words)(2) The writer read an article on smoking and smoked his last cigarette. He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because of her husband's bad temper and large appetite. Whenever his friends offered him cigarettes, they were amused because he would produce a packet of sweets from his pocket. However, at a party he accepted a cigarette from a friend. Now things have returned to normal. (69 words)Lesson 79 By Air(1)The plane took off and flew low over the city. When it was slowly gaining height, it suddenly had to return to the airport. Meanwhile the passengers were told to keep calm, After they had。
新概念英语三作文New Concept English 3: A Book that Changed My Life。
The book "New Concept English 3" has had a profound impact on my life. It has not only improved my English skills, but also broadened my horizons and enriched my knowledge. This book has become an essential part of my daily life, and I am extremely grateful for the positive influence it has had on me.First and foremost, "New Concept English 3" has significantly enhanced my English proficiency. The book covers a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. By diligently studying each lesson and completing the exercises, I have been able to strengthen my language skills and gain a deeper understanding of English grammar and usage. As a result, I have become more confident in my ability to communicate effectively in English, both in writing and speaking.In addition to improving my language skills, "New Concept English 3" has also broadened my horizons. The book contains a wealth of information about various aspects of English-speaking countries, including their history, culture, and traditions. Through reading the passages and completing the exercises, I have gained a better understanding of the customs and traditions of English-speaking countries, as well as the historical events that have shaped their societies. This has not only enriched my knowledge, but also deepened my appreciation for different cultures and ways of life.Furthermore, "New Concept English 3" has inspired me to explore new opportunities and pursue my passions. The book features a wide range of topics, from science and technology to literature and the arts. By delving into these subjects, I have discovered new interests and developed a greater appreciation for the world around me. This has motivated me to seek out new experiences and pursue my passions with enthusiasm and determination.In conclusion, "New Concept English 3" has had a profound impact on my life. It has not only improved my English skills, but also broadened my horizons and inspired me to pursue my passions. I am extremely grateful for the positive influence this book has had on me, and I look forward to continuing my journey of self-improvement and personal growth with the help of "New Concept English 3".。
New Concept English3,also known as NCE3,is a popular English language textbook that offers a variety of topics and styles for learners to practice their writing skills.When writing essays based on the content from NCE3,you can follow these guidelines to create engaging and wellstructured compositions:1.Understanding the Topic:Before you start writing,make sure you understand the topic of the essay.It could be a narrative,descriptive,argumentative,or expository essay. Identify the main idea and the purpose of the essay.2.Planning Your Composition:Outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay has a clear structure.3.Introduction:Start your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the readers attention.Introduce the topic and provide a brief overview of what you will discuss in the essay.4.Body Paragraphs:Develop your main points in the body paragraphs.Each paragraph should focus on one main e examples,facts,and evidence to support your points. Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to make your essay more interesting.5.Cohesion and Coherence:Ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the e transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your essay cohesive.6.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay in the conclusion.Restate your thesis and provide a final thought or call to action that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.7.Revising and Editing:After writing your first draft,take the time to revise and edit your work.Check for grammatical errors,punctuation mistakes,and ensure that your essay is clear and concise.ing NCE3as a Resource:You can refer to the language and style used in NCE3to improve your own writing.Pay attention to how the authors use vocabulary,sentence structure,and paragraphing.9.Practice:The more you practice writing essays,the better you will become.Try writing essays on different topics covered in NCE3to improve your skills.10.Feedback:Seek feedback from your teachers or peers.Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and enhance your writing abilities.Remember,the key to writing a good essay is practice and attention to detail.By following these guidelines and using NCE3as a reference,you can improve your English writing skills and produce highquality compositions.。
新概念英语3 17课课后作文
新概念英语3 17课课后作文English:In this lesson, we learned about the importance of reading and how it can expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Reading not only improves vocabulary and language skills but also broadens our perspective, allowing us to explore different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. By reading a variety of genres, from fiction to non-fiction, we can enhance our critical thinking abilities and develop empathy towards others. Additionally, reading enables us to escape from reality and enter into different worlds, making it a valuable form of entertainment and relaxation. Overall, reading is a fundamental skill that opens up doors to knowledge, creativity, and personal growth.Chinese:在这节课上,我们学习了阅读的重要性以及它如何扩展我们对周围世界的知识和理解。
新概念英语第三册作文和书信写作Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to return for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large. The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She also telephoned the police but they didn't believe her either. (148 words)Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一A sticky businessWe were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our small village. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck the hours day and night. However, one night the church bell remained silent and the next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this had happened.Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see what was going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and in the torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky they didn't sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working!A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediately removed the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyed hearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words)Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered an ancient temple. This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statues, each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen began digging and soon discovered the head of a statue among remains dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragments together. They were astonished to find that the figure was a goddess. The goddess was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143 words)Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活Nearly caughtOne morning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost's house.Though Alf didn't know it, his wife was visiting Mrs. Frost at the time. She and Mrs. Frost were old friends, though Mrs. Frost had never met Alf. Alf was just getting out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost's backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost's house. He quickly returned to the dustcart and hid in the driving cabin. While he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs. Frost's rubbish. Meanwhile, Alf's wife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though their conversation would never end!At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of the dustmen whom she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greet him. The dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off. Mrs. Bloggs stood on the pavement and watched the dustcart disappear down the street. Then she began to walk home. ‘It's all right, Alf,’ his friend said. ‘She can't see you now.’‘Thanks, Jim,’ Alf said. ‘That was a lucky escape!’ (200 words )Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Mrs. Frost,It was nice to meet you at Selena's party last week.You mentioned you had a copy of ‘Who's Who’. I am writing to ask if I could borrow it for a couple of days. I'm doing some research on politicians and this book contains a lot of information. I promise I will take good care of it and return it to you as quickly as possible.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,signature (80 words)Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字The journalist counted the number of steps as he wearily climbed up to the high wall surrounding the president's palace. On arriving at the main gate, he sat down to get his breath back. He then produced a tape measure in order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, a policeman approached him and asked him what he was doing. Though the journalist explained he was a reporter and his editor had asked him to find out the exact height of the wall, the policeman refused to believe him. He was arrested and sent to prison because the police thought that he might be a spy or might even want to assassinate the president. When the journalist insisted he was innocent, he made things worse for himself. This proved to the police that the man certainly was guilty and deserved to stay in prison indefinitely. (149 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answeraddressdateDear Jack,Many congratulations on your recent marriage!Quite by chance I happened to read about your wedding in our local newspaper and I was thrilled with the news. Your wife sounds really charming. I gather that you will both be moving to our area, so we'll soon be neighbours. I hope you'll be very happy and I'll be able to see you soon.I look forward to seeing you again and meeting your wife. My kindest regards to you both.Yours sincerely,signature (79 words)Lesson 6 Smash-and grab 砸橱窗抢劫They got awaySeeing the thieves' car join the traffic on Piccadilly, Mr. Taylor took a taxi and followed them. The taxi driver drove at full speed when Mr. Taylor told him what had happened.There wasn't too much traffic at this time of the morning so there was a mad chase through the streets of London. For a short time, the thieves' car was on the wrong side of the road and hit another car, but it did not stop. Two policemen in a police car watched in amazement as the two vehicles went past, both breaking the speed limit. Lights on and horn blaring, the police car chased both the speeding cars. Mr. Taylor's taxi stopped when the traffic lights turned red. The thieves ignored the traffic lights and got away. Meanwhile, the police caught up with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged with speeding. They refused to let the driver off, even though Mr. Taylor carefully explained the situation.However, the police informed another police car of the chase and ten minutes later the thieves' car was found abandoned in a side street. The thieves had escaped on foot and disappeared among the crowd. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)You won't believe what happened to me on Tuesday morning!I was walking down a busy street near Piccadilly when I saw a man smash the window of an antique shop and run off with an expensive vase. Other passers-by saw him, too, and we all chased the man down the street, shouting ‘Stop! Thief! Stop! Thief!’ We managed to catch the man, but unfortunately the vase got broken.I'll tell you the full story when we meet next week. (80 words)Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组Jane opened the oven door and saw that her meal was ready to serve. She took thefood out of the oven and in doing so, noticed something strange inside the oven which she couldn't recognize. So she went to find John and told him about it. In dismay, John quickly explained that he had put his wallet containing the day's takings into the oven for safekeeping. They both rushed to the oven and saw that the money had been destroyed At first, they didn't know what to do. John wanted to throw the money away, but Jane wouldn't let him. ‘It's best not to disturb the wallet,’ Jane said. ‘You can see all the money is there, even if it has been destroyed ’Jane told John to go and see his bank manager for advice, so the next day John took the wallet and the ashes to the bank (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality!It was a real pleasure to see you again after such a long time. I'll never forget your kindness during my stay. I particularly enjoyed our visit to the local market and our long walks in the countryside. I also enjoyed your company and the excellent food and wine. You're a perfect host!I hope you will be able to visit me before long and look forward to seeing you soon. Lesson 8 A famous monastery 著名的修道院One very cold morning, a monk took two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately noticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspecting a traveller might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery to organize a search party.The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it. There had been very high winds the previous night, but now everything was still and visibility was bad because there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to -20°.The dogs led the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near, they heard cries in the distance. The dogs soon found a man who was trapped under the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, but frozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back to the monastery.The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hot drinks and food. When the traveller was able to speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what had happened the previous night. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I hear you'll be taking a holiday in the Alps, which I'm sure you'll enjoy!I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high in the mountains not far from Zermatt. The hotel has fine views across the valley and I warmly recommend it. You'll love the healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort at moderate prices. I'm going there again this year.I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you get back. (79 words)Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫Human beings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithful to their masters, but cats like to be independent. Cats are especially lovable when they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play by chasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds, insects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they can have a pet . As kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors. They like regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However, they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like to go hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them washing themselves. Human beings are fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (150 words) Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I'm afraid I have to report a little accident: my baby tore some of the pages from the book you kindly lent me.I am very sorry that this happened. I had left the book on a low table, but the baby got hold of it and tore several pages. However, I was able to buy another copy and I'm sending it to you by separate post. Please let me know when it arrives.My kindest regards to you all. (80 words)Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没Abandon snipThe Titanic began to sink, slowly at first. The order to abandon ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were completely unprepared. It was the middle of the night. Some people were asleep in their cabins.Others were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the giant icebergs rising above them. Others were eating and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.The immediate effect was panic and confusion. People began rushing in all directions, wondering what to do next. The cold was indescribable and many passengers were still in their night clothes. Members of the crew came up from below and began to lower the lifeboats. It was a case of women and children first, but it soon became obvious that there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone, so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives. Some of those swimming in the water struggled to get into the lifeboats, but most of them were already full.The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There were cries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboats moving away and were left to drown in the icy ocean.(200 words)Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪When the Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carrying anything valuable, the man said that he had nothing to declare. The Officer asked the man to open his suitcase. Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was veryheavy. This made the Customs Officer suspicious, so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon empty and when the Officer lifted it, he found that it was still very heavy.The Officer examined the case carefully and saw that the bottom was very shallow. He pressed the base hard and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a quantity of emeralds and other precious stones. While the Officer was looking at an emerald, the man tried to escape. For a moment the man disappeared among the passing holiday travellers, but he was soon caught and placed under arrest. Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)Thank you for your letter asking me to lend you some money to start a new business. I'm very sorry that I can't help you at the moment. I not only have a great many expenses of my own, but I'm in debt myself. Why don't you ask our friend Jim Clark?I know Jim is keen to invest in business and might be able to lend you some money.I wish you every success in your new business venture. (80 words)Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活ShipwreckedThe ship went down and everyone was drowned. I was the only one who managed to jump into the sea. I clung to a plank in the water for several hours till I was washed up on a desert island.I slept on the beach for a very long time----I can't remember how long. When I woke up, I was hungry and thirsty, so I decided to explore the island. It was uninhabited, but I found plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. I lived on coconuts and pineapples and there was plenty of fresh spring water. I tried to hunt wild animals with my bare hands(small pigs and other creatures), but I failed to catch anything. So I spent my days swimming in the warm clear water and lying in the sun.One afternoon while I was lying on the beach as usual, I saw a boat on the horizon. I signalled with my white shirt and shouted as loudly as I could. Fortunately ,someone on the boat saw me and I was rescued. Of course, I was pleased to get back to civilization, but I was very sorry to leave this island paradise. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(Purpose and Conclusion only)We have a wonderful view from our hotel window. Just below us is a beach which stretches for a couple of miles and beyond it clear blue water. We can be sure of brilliant sunshine every day. We look forward to spending our holiday swimming, eating and sleeping!We all keep thinking of you and wish you were with us. (60 words)Lesson 13 ‘It’s only me’ “是我,别害怕”Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off her costume. She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at the same time she was rather amused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door and Mrs. Richards opened it at once.The electricity man had returned, accompanied by a policeman, so she invited both in. The man told Mrs. Richards that he had tried to read her metre and that there was a ghost in the storeroom. Though Mrs. Richards explained that she had dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her. She told him to open the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she opened it herself. While the electricity man and the policeman were looking for the ghost in the storeroom, Mrs. Richards fetched her costume. She showed it to both men and only then did they believe her. (150 words)Key to Letter writingpossible answer (body of letter only)You can't imagine what happened to me the other day when I was checking the electricity metres in Ormond Road!I went to check the metre of one of our customers and got a terrible shock. I'm convinced the house is haunted because a ghost lives in the storeroom. As soon as it saw me, it came towards me and I fled!This is really a true story and I'll tell you all about it when we meet.(78 words) Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒Hawkwood defeatedNews that Hawkwood and his men were approaching caused panic among villagers who prepared to defend their farms. Hawkwood had a bad reputation among farmers because they knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to burn their farms.The farmers fought very hard, even though they were poorly armed. With their sticks and spades, they were no match for Hawkwood's well-armed soldiers who had horses, swords and bows and arrows. During the battle, a great many farmers were killed. After Hawkwood destroyed their farms, he sent a message to theprince of the city-state demanding a large amount of protection money. He said that if this money was paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. However, if it wasn't paid, he would invade the city. To Hawkwood's amazement, this demand was refused, so he and his men invaded the city. As a result, many buildings were destroyed and thousands of people were killed, including quite a few of Hawkwood's soldiers.The city people fought very hard until Hawkwood and his men were finally driven off. Because the city people defended themselves so well, Hawkwood never attacked them again. He and the prince even became friends. (200 words )Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I am writing to you about the talk I agreed to give at the local library in two weeks' time.I regret I have to cancel this talk. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am being sent abroad by my firm and will be away for three weeks. I'll be back on June 24th. I will be happy to give my talk on a later occasion.I look forward to hearing from you and to arranging a new date. (80 words)Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦I was walking along the street when I saw a crowd ahead of me. I could hear people shouting and making a noise. On arriving at the scene, I saw a small boy on the pavement with his arm in a drain cover. A lady carrying a large bar of soap and a saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy. She asked the boy if he was in pain and he said he wasn't. Then she rubbed his arm with butter, but he couldn't get it free. Meanwhile, someone had telephoned the fire brigade. The boy had begun to cry, but when he saw the firemen, he cheered up. At first, the firemen decided to cut through the drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the boy's arm with a special type of grease. The boy was soon free and though his arm hurt, he was smiling.Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I know you're going to be eight years old in ten days' time!I'm not quite sure any more what boys of your age like these days. I'd like to get you something you really like. For example, perhaps you'd like a computer game, or a model car, or a pair of rollerblades, or something else. Let me know what you tike best and I'll post it to you so it arrives on your birthday.Write to me soon. (79 words)Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊Not so blackDimitri was surprised to find that the lamb had turned white. He took a close look at it and recognized it as his own.This discovery immediately led to an angry scene between Dimitri and Aleko. Dimitri repeated his accusation that Aleko had stolen the lamb, but Aleko still denied any theft. During the violent argument, Dimitri said the rain had proved that the lamb had been dyed black and he recognized it immediately as the one he had given to his wife. When Aleko finally admitted he had stolen the lamb, Dimitri called the police. Aleko was arrested and Dimitri took his lamb home.The story caused a lot of excitement in the village. The villagers didn't often have the opportunity to talk about such an important event and they were greatly amused by what had happened. Some thought Aleko had been very clever. Others thought he had been extremely stupid. Others said God had sent the rain to punish Aleko for his crime and to prove he was a thief. They discussed the event at great length for a long time, as there wasn't much else to talk about in a village where nothing much ever happened. (199 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answers (two introductions)1 A prize you have won: You know I entered a competition some time ago and I'm sure you will be really pleased to share my good news. (22 words)2 An examination you have passed: Yesterday the postman delivered a large brown envelope containingmy exam results and I was very nervous when I opened it. Theagony is over! (25 words)Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥The bridge I know best is called the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It joins either side of Sydney Harbour. From far away it looks like a great arch, but when you get near, you can see a great deck under the arch. It is made of steel and supported by two towers. If you stand on the bridge early in the morning, you can see the Parramatta River to the west and the open sea to the east. At this time everything is quiet. During the day, however, the harbour becomes busy with small boats and large ships moving in all directions. I enjoy standing on the bridge at night when you see the magnificent Opera House looking like a great sailing ship. In the darkness you can see the city lights. In the stillness the traffic and the movement of the sea are the only sounds that can be heard. (150 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answerpossible answer (body of letter only)Here are a few directions ahead of your visit next week.To be here for lunch, take the 12.15 train from the main station and get off at West Hill. From there you can get a 27 bus just outside the station and get off at Park Avenue. When you come out of the station, take the first road on your left. My house is number 36 which is clearly marked.I look forward to seeing you next week. (79 words)Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术中的电流An interesting exhibitionRecently I went to the Royal Academy in London to see the summer exhibition. The work of many artists was on display and the exhibition aroused a lot of public interest. Crowds of people filled the galleries.The pictures were, with a few exceptions, mainly by relatively unknown artists. Many of them were traditional pictures of landscapes and portraits.I particularly liked a picture of an old farmhouse by a stream with a few sheep in a field. The strangest picture I saw was an untitled abstract painting by a well-known modern artist. It consisted of swirls of different colours which had been rubbed into the canvas with the artist's fingers. The picture looked a mess, but was also very effective, attracting a lot of comment.I couldn't help overhearing what people said, things like‘I could paint a picture like that with my eyes shut’or‘Look how perfect the sunset is in that painting. I'd love to own a picture like that’, and so on. There is no doubt it was an excellent exhibition because there were so many different styles on display. There was something to suit everyone, but only if you could afford the high prices! (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(purpose of letter only))Thank you so much for your kind invitation to the exhibition,‘Ancient Xi'an and the Terracotta Army’,now on at the British Museum in London.I'd love to join you and look forward to seeing you again.I'm particularly interested in this exhibition because it has been so well received and I've heard so much about it.It's a unique opportunity to see it.I'll meet you at the entrance to the exhibition at 2.15 on Thursday, 24th. Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫In a bar one night, Mr. X was talking to a workman who told him that he often worked in Mrs. Ramsay's flat.The workman added that Mrs. Ramsay was wealthy and she lived alone with her cat. Every day, Mr. X stood outside Mrs. Ramsay's block of flats. As the cat took a short walk every evening, he saw that it had regular habits.He found out as much as he could about Mrs. Ramsay and learnt that she loved this cat very much. One evening, as the cat was leaving the block of flats, he kidnapped it. He took the cat to a secret address. During the next three days,he walked past Mrs. Ramsay's flat on several occasions and noticed that no other cat ever appeared. Now he was sure he had the right cat,so he wrote a letter in which he stated his demands. (150 words) Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I haven't been in touch since I left school.After passing my exams, I did a two-year course in business studies. At the end of it, I applied for a job with a local building firm and got a job immediately.I like it very much because I work in an office,but get out and about a lot as well.I hope to be promoted soon.Thank you for all your help and advice while I was at school. (80 words)Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱My flight across the ChannelIt was early morning. I looked around, but there was no sign of Latham, so I decided to go on a test flight first. At 4.15, I took off and flew over Calais for fifteen minutes. When I landed there was still no sign of Latham.At 4.45 I took off again. This time I was determined to fly across the Channel. When I looked down there was no sign of the ship below, which was supposed to be following me, I suddenly felt alone and was worried whether I was flying in the right direction. All I could see was sea and sky. I could feel the high winds against the plane and the engine got very hot. Fortunately, it began to rain and the rain cooled my engine. Suddenly, I could see land ahead. Dover!I flew over Dover, looking for somewhere to land. I saw a field below and brought the plane down. I was still sitting in the cockpit, hardly able to believe the flight was so successful---- just thirty-seven minutes to cross from Calais---- when a British policeman arrived. He smiled broadly a t me and said,‘Good morning!’I smiled back and said,‘Bonjour!’(200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer (body of letter only)I just thought I'd tell you about my first flight!At this moment, we are flying at 30,000 feet and at five hundred miles an hour. Below I can see a few clouds and miles of countryside. I couldn't imagine it would be so beautiful! I was nervous when the plane took off, but I'm all right now. We'll be arriving at our destination in three hours and forty minutes.I'll tell you all about the flight when I see you. (80 words)Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔•门多萨The first fightThe first fight between Humphries and his pupil Mendoza, after a quarrel, was held at Stilton and attracted a lot of attention. At the time, Richard Humphries was the most eminent boxer in England and had many supporters. But the young Mendoza had his supporters, too.The atmosphere before the fight was electric. Half of the people there made bets on Humphries, the other half bet on Mendoza. When the two fighters entered the ring, there was a lot of shouting and cheering.The referee called both fighters to the middle of the ring, spoke to them and the fight started. At first, both men were very wary. After all, this was a fight between teacher and pupil, so they knew very well what the other could do ---- and they were fighting with bare fists. Each of the boxers fought well for most of the match,but in the end Humphries was too strong and too experienced for the young Mendoza. He knocked him down once: Mendoza got up. He knocked him down again, and although Mendoza tried to get up, he just couldn't.The referee counted ten and that was the end of the match.When Mendoza got up, he was very angry, but eventually congratulated Humphries. However, his defeat made him determined to go on and fight his teacher again so that he could finally become champion. (229 words)Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词Six short weeksA couple of years ago, a new play called The World Tomorrow was going to be shown in our local theatre. There was a great deal of advertising for it and there was considerable public interest, mainly, I think, because the cast contained a number of famous actors and actresses.Most actors and actresses are usually nervous on the first night of any play, and no one really knows what can go wrong or how the audience will react. In the case of The World Tomorrow, no one forgot their lines, but the play was not well received. It was a comedy, so it was supposed to be funny, but nobody laughed----not in the right places anyway----and people even walked out before the end. The cast suspected that they would get bad reviews the following day, and they did. One review described it as ‘the saddest comedy I've ever seen’; another thought it was ‘the most professionally acted disaster we have ever seen on our local stage’.。
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Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮The reports received by London Zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London were similar in nature. A woman picking blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place,leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. Paw prints and puma fur were found as well. ‘Cat-like noises'were heard at night and the animal was seen up a tree. Now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma. (79 words)Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一At one o'clock in the morning, the church clock striking the hours woke the vicar up as it struck thirteen times. The vicar went into the clock tower, taking a torch with him. He saw Bill Wilkins, the local grocer there and Bill explained he was trying to repair the clock but hadn't succeeded because at one o'clock it struck thirteen times. However, the vicar was pleased the bell was working and offered the grocer a cap of tea. (79 words).Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神Archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple. These represented the fifteen statues of goddesses which had once been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century . while its head was found among remains from the fifth century . When the Unit 1 Lesson 3 fragments were reconstructed, they turned out to be a goddess which stood three feet high. Her hands rested on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Her identity is unknown. (80 words)Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活When he got married, Alfred Bloggs told his wife he worked for the Corporation. Though he dressed in a smart black suit every morning, he changed into overalls at work and spent the day working as a dustman. Then he took a shower and changed back into his suit at night. This lasted for two willwife His secret. his kept dustmen fellow his and years never learn the truth because her husband will be an office worker in future. (80 words )Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字Though the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he did not send them at once. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. When the last fax was unanswered, the article was published in its original form. The journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall. (80 words)Lesson 6 Smash-and grab 砸橱窗抢劫A large car entered an arcade near Piccadilly and stopped outside a jeweller's. Two thieves got out and smashed the shop window. The owner of the shop was upstairs at the time, so he threw furniture at thethieves hitting one of them with theand minutes three only lasted raid The statue. heavy a thieves drove away. Running after them, the owner threw ashtrays and vases, but the thieves got away, stealing thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.(79 words)Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组John Butlin runs a successful furniture business and after a very good day, he put his wallet containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and hisfianc6e,Jane, went horse-riding, after which Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven only to find to their dismay that the money had been destroyed. John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains to the Mutilated Ladies department who identified the remains and returned the money. (79 words)Lesson 8 A famous monastery 著名的修道院The St. Bernard's Pass is visited by thousands of people in summer, who cross the Pass in cars. Because there are speciala in kept are dogs the about, people many so enclosure. As the temperature in winter falls to -30°, there are few visitors, so the monks prefer this season. The dogs are also free to wander outside their enclosure.Parties of young skiers regularly visit the monastery in winter, during Christmas and Easter when they are warmly welcomed.(80 words )Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫The New York Animal Medical Centre recently made a study of 132 cats. All these cats had one thing in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight had died from shock or injuries. One cat,Sabrina, had fallen 32 storeys but only suffered from a broken tooth. When falling at speeds up to 60 miles per hour, cats stretch out their legs which increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact on hitting the ground. (79 words)Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没Norththe of waters icy the across sailing was Titanic The Atlantic when an iceberg was spotted by a lookout. After the alarm was given, the ship turned sharply and sailed alongside it. Suddenly, a faint noise was heard from below, so the captain went down to investigate, only to find thatfive of the sixteen compartments had been flooded. On hearing the order to abandon ship, people jumped overboard, but 1,500 drowned because there were not enough lifeboats.(79 words)Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪Though the writer had nothing to declare, the Customs Officer made him unlock his case. Searching the case carefully, the Officer found a small bottle, which he thought was perfume. The writer told the Customs Officer that it was hair gel, which he had made himself. As the Officer did not believe this, the writer encouraged him to try it. The unpleasant smell convinced him the writer was telling the truth, so he let him pass through Customs. (70 words)Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活As the two men's boat was damaged, they were taking it to Miami when on the way it began to sink. After loading a rubber dinghy with food, matches and beer, the two men rowed a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There they collected rainwater in thedinghy and caught fish and lobster with a spear gun. For five days, they‘ate like kings' until they were rescued by a passing tanker. (80 words)Lesson 13 ‘It's only me' “是我,别害怕”Mrs. Richards had dressed up as a ghost and was just going into the dining room when there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was the baker, she hid in the storeroom under the stairs. She heard footsteps in the hall and then the man from the Electricity Board opened the storeroom door. Though she said ‘It's only me', he got a bad fright. When she walked towards him, he fled, slamming the front door behind him. (79 words )Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒After Sir John Hawkwood settled near Florence six hundred years ago, he hired soldiers to the princes of city-states in times of war. In times of peace he threatened to destroy a city-state unless protection money was paid. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. Sir John was eighty when he died and the Florentines not only gave him a state funeral but had a picture painted of him,dedicated to his memory. (79 words)Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦George was going to the sweet shop when he lost fifty pence down a drain. After removing his jacket, he put his arm through the drain cover. He couldn't find his money and couldn't get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter. She failed to free him, but two firemen succeeded with a special type of grease. The sweet shop owner presented George with a large box of chocolates. (80 words )Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊When Dimitri came home, Mary told him that her white lamb had been stolen. On learning that his neighbour, Aleko, had acquired a lamb, Dimitri went to Aleko's house and accused him of stealing it. When Aleko showed his lamb, Dimitri saw it was black, so he apologized. After staying in Aleko's house for a while because it had begun to rain, Dimitri got a surprise outside when he found the lamb was almost white. It had been dyed black! (80 words)Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥The Verrazano Bridge, which joins Brooklyn to Staten Island,has a span of 4,260 feet. Its two great towers support four huge cables. The towers are built on platforms made of steel and concrete, extending over 100 feet under the sea and rising nearly 700 feet above the surface of the water. The bridge is suspended from four huge cables, each of which contains 26,108 lengths of wire. It is not only very strong, but simple and elegant as well. (80 words)Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 现代艺术中的电流On entering the art gallery, the writer saw a notice which forbade people to touch the exhibits because they were dangerous. The exhibition consisted of pieces of moving a wall, the writer saw long thin wires attached to metal spheres which attracted and repelled each other. In the centre of the hall were tall structures containing coloured lights which went on and off. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off. (79 words)Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter three days after her cat's writer of the letter demaded £1,000 for the return of the cat,and warned she would never see him again if she went to the had to put the money in a cardboard box and leave it outside her door. After drawing £1,000 from her band,she acted on the kidnapper's money disappeared the following morning,and Rastus returned at seven o'clock that evening. (80 words).Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots 飞行员的先驱Bleriot and Latham arrived in Calais on July 21st, 1909. Though it looked as if there would be a race on July 25th, Latham didn't take part, because he didn't get up early enough. After making a short test flight,Bleriot crossed the Channel in thirty-seven minutes. A policeman greeted him when he arrived in got within half a mile of Dover the following week, having to land on the sea a second time because his engine failed. (80 words)Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔门多萨When the two men quarrelled, they settled the argument bya fight. This took place at Stilton. It lasted an hour and Humphries won. When they met again, Mendoza lost again, but in their third match in 1790,Mendoza finally beat Humphries to become Champion of England. He founded a successful boxing Academy and earned a lot of money, but was so extravagant he was always in debt. He was finally sent to prison and died in poverty in 1836. (80 words).Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词The aristocrat was sitting in his cell when the gaoler entered and handed him the letter----a blank sheet of paper.The aristocrat looked at it, squinted and said: ‘The light is dim. Read me the letter.' He handed the letter back to the gaoler, who said: ‘The light is indeed dim. I'll get my glasses.' He left the stage and returned with a pair of glasses and the real letter, which he read to the prisoner. (79 words)Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison 各有所爱The writer collected several dozen snails, put them in apaper bag and took them to Robert who was delighted to see him, and pleased with the snails. The writer left the bag in the hall and he and Robert went into the living room and talked for a couple of hours. He had forgotten the snails until Robert invited him to dinner, and he followed Robert into the hall to find snails everywhere. They had escaped from the bag.Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard “家丑”The writer started to unpack and put his shirts and underclothes into drawers and then decided to hang a suit in the cupboard. He opened the cupboard and stood petrified:there, dangling in front of him, was a skeleton. It was swaying and ready to leap out at him. He dropped his suit and dashed downstairs to tell George. George was unsympathetic and told the writer it was Sebastian, a skeleton he had when he was a medical student. (79 words)Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark “卡蒂萨克”号帆船The Thermopylae reached Java first, but the Cutty Sark took the lead on the Indian Ocean. When the Cutty Sark was struckby a storm, her rudder was torn away. A temporary rudder was made and fitted, but the ship lost the lead. After crossing the Equator, they called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted.Even with a new rudder, the Cutty Sark arrived in Englanda week after the Thermopylae, which was 500 miles ahead.(80 words)Lesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tin 征购大饼干筒A biscuit company asked its customers to bake biscuits and send them to the factory. As a prize, they offered $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit they received. The response was tremendous, with one biscuit weighing 500 pounds and another weighing 713 pounds. They thought that was the winner until a lorry delivered one which weighed 2,400 pounds baked by a college student. A crane lifted it from the lorry and the manufacturers paid the student $24,000.(80 words)Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买Unlike beggars, real tramps have nothing to sell andrequire nothing from others. Although they seek independence, they will not sacrifice their human dignity. They choose their own way of life and are aware of the consequences. They may not know where the next meal is coming from, but they do not have the worries that others have. They can travel easily because they have few possessions and when they sleep in the open, they are close to nature. (79 words)Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 五镑太贵The next man who approached him was selling watches and pens,and when the writer looked at one, it looked genuine. The man said it was worth £50 but the writer could have it for £30. The writer offered him £5 and waited. Eventually, as the writ er was walking away, the man agreed and took £5. The writer was very pleased----until he was back on board. The pen was impossible to fill. It has never written a word since. (80 words)Lesson 29 Funny or not 是否可笑A man broke his right leg just before Christmas and was home.go could he when know to wanted He hospital. to taken On Christmas Day he was still in hospital with his leg in plaster, but there was a good chance of leaving hospital for the New Year. In fact, he was out in time to go to a New Year's Eve party where he drank too much, slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. (80 words)Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死Eric joined the army during the Second World War, but hated army life, so he deserted. He returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war. His father told everyone that he had been killed in action. Joe and Bob kept the secret, so Eric lived as a recluse. He slept during the day and worked at night, so he became the ‘ghost of Endley'.(79 words)Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人Dickie had been caught in a heavy shower when he walked into an expensive shop. He wanted a £300 watch for his wife, but he was so bedraggled the assistant refused to serve him.whichwith a heavy cloth bag and returned left the shop Hehe dumped on the counter. Dickie asked for the manager. When he was given the watch, he gave the assistant the bag which contained £300 in pennies, which the assistant had to count. (80 words)Lesson 32 A lost ship 一艘沉船The chest containing the personal belongings of Alan Fielding told them a lot, and there were other items of interest. A heavy gun proved the ship was a cruiser. Another chest belonging to a ship's officer contained an unfinished letter dated March 14th, 1943, from which they learnt the ship's name. The most valuable find was the ship's log book, which told them the Karen had been sailing in convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine.(80 words )Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天When the driver behind braked, his wife was thrown forward and the large cake on her lap flew through the windscreen andsuddenly up pull to had lorry A road. the on landed and hundreds of empty beer bottles slid off onto the road. The traffic piled up so that it took the police an hour to get it on the move again. The lorry driver swept up the glass and two stray dogs ate the remains of the cake.(80 words ) Lesson 34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现While visiting an antique shop one Saturday, Frank was about to leave when he saw a large packing case. He asked the dealer to open it but the contents were disappointing until he lifted some crockery and noticed a miniature painting at the bottom. He had already decided to buy it when the dealer told him it was £50. Frank was excited because this was a real discovery. The painting was an unknown masterpiece worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.(80 words)Lesson 35 Justice was done 伸张正义A girl in the jewellery store heard muffled cries coming from behind a wall. When she heard the cry again, she went and told the manager who rang the fire brigade. When they bychimney right the found fighters fire the arrived,tapping the walls and listening. They chipped through a thick wall and found the man who could not move because the chimney was so narrow. They finally freed him by cutting a large hole in the wall. (79 words )Lesson 36 A chance in a million 百万分之一的机遇Hans had been wounded towards the end of the war, taken to hospital and separated from his unit. When the hospital had been bombed, he had returned to West Germany on foot. Meantime, his unit had been lost and all records of him destroyed. He returned to the family home to find the house bombed. Assuming all his family were dead, he settled in a village 50 miles away where he had lived until he met Franz and his wife. (80 words)Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车When many local people boarded the train with the writer, he was not surprised. Nor was he surprised when the train stopped at Widley. But when it stopped at each station, he began to wonder why it was going so slowly. Finally, when the train reached Westhaven, the writer spoke to the station master who denied the existence of an express. Theyargued and the writer was shown this timetable footnote, which said:‘ This service has been suspended.'(79 words)Lesson 38 The first calender 最早的日历Historians have long been puzzled by prehistoric markings on walls, bones and tusks. The people who made the markings were nomads during the last Ice Age. Finally historians have managed to read this difficult code and realized that they depict the passing of the days and phases of the moon. They are in fact a primitive calendar. There is a connection between the pictures of hunting scenes and the markings with them. (71 words )Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about 不必担心When the boulders disappeared, there was a wide plain covered with clumps of bushes. Ahead was a huge fissure and Bruce stopped. We examined it and found it was fifty yards long, two feet wide and four feet deep. Without thinking, Bruce raced the car along it and then we were back on the plain. The village was 15 miles away and the next obstacle was a very wide shallow pool. Bruce charged in and stopped in the middle. (79 words)Lesson 40 Who's who 真假难辨When a policeman arrived, he asked the workmen to go away. Later four more policemen arrived. The workmen still refused to stop and the police threatened to confiscate their pneumatic drill. One workman then threatened to call the police, which was silly because they were already under arrest. When another workman asked to make a telephone call,a policeman accompanied him to a phone. The workman actually rang the police and they realized they had been victims of a hoax. (80 words )Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想You never have to travel miles to see friends because they live nearby. Nor do you have to worry about catching the last train home after the theatre. The latest exhibitions, films and plays are all a bus ride away. Shopping is a pleasure, too. There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best. The city can be beautiful and peaceful, too ---- beautiful with the glow of neonadvertisements, and peaceful at weekends. (79 words )Lesson 42 Modern cavemen 现代洞穴人On entering a narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down and reached a narrow corridor. They edged their way along and came to a waterfall which dropped to an underground lake.They plunged into the lake in special rubber suits and let the current take them to the other side. On squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, they discovered an enormous cavern where they saw massive stalagmites and stalactites. All they could hear was water dripping from above. (80 words)Lesson 43 Fully insured 全保险outhaul to difficult was it but dish, the found divers The of the water. The sides were so smooth it was almost impossible to attach chains to it Eventually chains were attached and they pulled the dish to the canal bank on a winch. Unfortunately it overbalanced and slid back. They then fixed clamps to both sides and fastened chains to liftit vertically. With a winch they hauled the dish above the surface and on to dry land. (80 words)Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适Nothing matches a plane for speed and comfort. An aeroplane reaches its destination rapidly. You travel in complete comfort, often watching a film or sipping champagne. You have a breathtaking view of the world and you can really appreciate the landscape. When you are above the clouds, the sight of cloud plains is extraordinary. The journey is so smooth that it is easy to read or sleep, and you always arrive fresh and uncrumpled at the end of the flight. (80 words )Lesson 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力witharrived plane a out, got news the Immediatelyreporters and photographers. The family's rise to fame was swift and soon the media had told the whole country. Newspapers and magazines offered huge sums of money for exclusive rights to the story, while gifts poured in from baby products manufacturers. 'The family's old farmhouse was replaced by a new home, while lawyers were employed asspokesmen. The parents paid the price for fame: they would never again lead normal lives. (80 words)Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手The author looked at his machine and reckoned that only a minor adjustment was needed. After adjusting a few things, the mower still refused to work, so he dismantled it and traced the cause of the trouble: there was a broken link in the drive chain. After buying a new chain and reassembling the mower, it still did not work. However, he was not really surprised because there were bits left that did not fit anywhere ---- so he gave up. (80 words)代价太高Lesson 47 Too high a priceNoise constantly invades our daily lives. According to a recent survey, the worst noise is dogs barking at night, although the noise of lawn mowers, late-night parties, noisy neighbours, vehicles, planes and helicopters and large radios all adds. While the use of mobile phones in public places, it seems, is annoying, the survey revealed that one ‘old-fashioned' source of noise is snoring, with men the worst offenders: only a small percentage of womensnore, but they suffer most.(80 words)Lesson 48 The silent village 沉默的村庄The village contained one street and looked forbidding. Apart from a goat, it seemed deserted, so they sat down and had a picnic. Looking up, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by children in rags. The children were silent and motionless. As they walked down the street followed by the children, the village came alive with faces in windows and people watching them silently from doorways. The visitors were clearly unwelcome. They hurried back down to the stream and the boatman.Lesson 49 The ideal servant 理想的仆人On her return with a party of guests, Aunt Harriet asked Bessie to prepare dinner. Not only was the meal below standard, Bessie could not walk steadily, and she bumped into furniture and mumbled at the guests. When she brought in the pudding, she tripped and the pudding crashed onto the dining the guests were very amused, Aunt Harriet was horrified. She realized Bessie was drunk and dismissed her immediately. (72 words)Lesson 50 New Year resolutions 新年的决心The writer exercised early in the morning for two days before anyone found out. When he sat at breakfast the second day, his condition betrayed him. His enthusiasm waned so that by January 10th, things were back to normal. However, he decided to keep his mind fresh for reading. He read on his own until one evening he went down and sat in front of the television, but he dozed off. He has now bought a book on speed reading! (80 words)Lesson 51 Predicting the future 预测未来According to Bagrit, computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, and they would be able to provide information about traffic jams and suggest alternative routes. They would be used to help doctors diagnose illnesses, and in business would relieve office workers of dull, repetitive work. However, he failed to predict the use of the Internet as a vehicle of communication or a source of information. But as predicted, computers have become smaller, more powerful and cheaper. (79 words )Lesson 52 Mud is mud 实事求是The assistant promised to order the‘ Myrolite 'Harry bad already asked for, so he then said he wantedperfumed mud. This time her eyes lit up and she immediately fetched several bottles which she put onthe counter. Harry picked up the smallest bottle, and when he learned the price ( £20 ), he paid and leftwith the bottle under his arm. This curious bottle, now in his study, was his first and last purchase of rarecosmetics. (77 words).Lesson 53 In the public interest 为了公众的利益On receiving a complaint from a foreigner about police ill - treatment, the Ombudsman wrote to the Chiefof Police asking for a record of the case. As there was no official record and the Chief denied theaccusation, no action was possible. But When there was another similar complaint, the Ombudsman senta lawyer to investigate. He ascertained the truthoftheaccusations,thepolicemanwasseverelyreprimanded and warned that if there were further complaints he would be prosecuted. (80 words)Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness 是本能还是机智The writer saw thousands of ants crawling up his peach tree. Then he noticed the leaves of the tree were withering and found there were aphids under the leaves. They were being visited by the ants. In an effort to stop them, he bound the base of the tree with sticky tape and of course they couldn't cross it. By the next morning, however, they had fromleaves the onto climbing were they problem: the solved the house wall.Lesson 55 From the earth: Greetings 来自地球的问候Finding life on other planets with earth based telescopes is impossible because of the heat of our planet and the dust particles throughout the solar System. A telescope would need to be as far away as Jupiter. Even then, the problem will be how to blot out the light from a planet's sun tostudy it. The most likely forms of life will be plants and bacteria. Even the discovery of lowly life forms would change our view of ourselves. (80 words)Lesson 57 Back in the old country 重返故里In the place of the village there was only a lake. Had he taken the wrong turning He went back to town and retraced his route, only to finish up at the same spot. The lake was not marked. When a man on horse back appeared, the author asked the way tothe old village. The horseman told him there was no village and pointed to the lake: it had been reservoir.man-made a under valley whole the with submerged(80 words)Lesson 58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦The old lady and the potter went through the flat, careful not to touch anything. Later, a police inspector looked for fingerprints while a constable checked the front door locks.There were no fingerprints, but the inspector found a bundle of jewellery suggesting this was not the burglars'。