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1. sentence fragments (incomplete sentences)

l How to use it?

l The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.

l There were people who would be glad to see him leave the place, he knew it.

Exceptions made by experienced writers:

l He was, I think, very handsome. I gathered this from photographs and from my own memories of him. Handsome and proud, like a peacock. (sense and structure matched well)

l I shook his hands and his shoulders, as I cried out his name again and again, but, no response——he died. (a suspense created by

short, incomplete sentence)

2. chop sentences (short, simple sentences)

In advanced writing, students are encouraged to write long and complex sentences, conveying sufficient information and ideas, making sense groups logically and naturally connected so as to achieve a tightly woven piece of writing. Short and simple sentences may be used for a change or for sentence variety, as well as for some special effect.

l There was a pine tree on the top of the mountain. It stood like a giant. It towered over the trees around it. (On the top of the mountain stood a giant pine tree, towering over the trees around.) l Mr. Smith likes to drink all kinds of wines. Most of them are produced in France. (Mr. Smith prefers French wines.)

3. colloquial words and expressions in writing

Writing itself is generally formal, or at least less informal. Therefore, if it is not written for some special informal situation, formal and standard written language is preferred. Colloquial English is, in most cases, not proper in essay writing.

l I’ve got a terrible headache. (I am afflicted with a bad


l We don’t agree with that guy. (We can not see eye to eye with that man.)

l He didn’t say a word. (He kept silent.)
