





一、VI手册的概念和作用1.1 VI手册是什么?VI手册即Visual Identity Manual的缩写,中文译为视觉识别手册,是一份详细规定了品牌视觉形象的手册。

1.2 VI手册的作用是什么?VI手册可以确保品牌在各种媒介上呈现出一致的视觉形象,提升品牌的辨识度和专业性。

1.3 VI手册的内容包括哪些?VI手册通常包括品牌的logo设计、标准色采、字体规范、图形元素、版式规范等内容。

二、VI手册的设计原则2.1 一致性VI手册的设计原则之一是保持一致性,确保品牌在各种媒介上呈现出相同的视觉形象。

2.2 简洁性VI手册的设计原则之二是保持简洁性,避免过多的视觉元素,保持品牌形象的清晰度。

2.3 灵便性VI手册的设计原则之三是保持灵便性,允许根据不同媒介和场合进行适当的调整,但要保持核心元素不变。

三、VI手册的制作流程3.1 确定品牌定位VI手册的制作流程首先是确定品牌的定位和目标受众,以确保视觉形象与品牌定位一致。

3.2 设计视觉元素VI手册的制作流程包括设计品牌的logo、标准色采、字体等视觉元素。

3.3 制作手册内容VI手册的制作流程还包括编写手册内容,详细规定品牌视觉形象的使用规范和标准。

四、VI手册的重要性4.1 提升品牌辨识度通过VI手册,品牌可以建立统一的视觉形象,提升品牌的辨识度。

4.2 塑造品牌形象VI手册可以匡助品牌塑造专业、时尚或者其他特定形象,吸引目标受众。

4.3 统一品牌形象VI手册可以确保品牌在各种媒介上呈现出一致的形象,增强品牌的统一性和专业性。

五、VI手册的更新和管理5.1 定期更新VI手册需要定期更新,随着品牌形象的发展和变化,及时调整手册内容以保持品牌形象的一致性。



LabVIEWLabVIEW is a highly productive graphical programming language for building data acquisition an instrumentation systems.With LabVIEW, you quickly create user interfaces that give you interactive control of your software system. To specify your system functionality,you simply assemble block diagrams - a natural design notation for scientists and engineers. Tis tight integration with measurement hardware facilitates rapid development of data acquisition ,analysis,and presentation bVIEW contains powerful built -in measurement analysis and a graphical compiler for optimum performance. LabVIEW is available for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x, Mac OS, Linux, Sun Solaris, and HP-UX, and comes in three different development system options.Faster DevelopmentLabVIEW accelerates development over traditional programming by 4 to 10 times! With the modularity and hierarchical structure of LabVIEW, you can prototype ,design, and modify systems in a short amount of time. You can also reuse LabVIEW code easily and quickly in other applications.Better InvestmentUsing a Lab VIEW system, each user has access to a complete instrumentation laboratory at less than the cost of a single commercial instrument. In addition, user configurable LabVIEW systems are flexible enough to adapt to technology changes, resulting in a better bong-term investment.Optimal PerformanceAll LabVIEW applications execute at compiled speed for optimal performance. With the LabVIEW Professional Development System or Application Builder, you can build stand-alone executables or DLLs for secure distribution of your code. You can even create shared libraries or DLLs to call LabVIEW code from other programming languages.Open Development EnvironmentWith the open development environment of LabVIEW, you can connect to other applications through ActiveX, the Web, DLLs, shared libraries, SQL(for databases), DataSocket, TCP/IP,and numerous other e LabVIEW to quickly create networked measurement and automation systems that integrate the latest technologies in Web publishing and remote data sharing. LabVIEW also has driver libraries available for plug-in data acquisition, signal conditioning , GPIB,VXI,PXI, computer-based instruments,serial protocols, image acquisition, and motion control. In addition to the LabVIEW development systems, National Instruments offers a variety of add-on modules and tool sets that extend the functionality of LabVIEW .This enables you to quickly build customizable, robust measurement and automation systems.LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control ModuleFor high channel count and distributed applications, the LabVIEW Datelogging and Supervisory Control Module provides a complete solution. This module delivers I/O management, event logging and alarm management, distributed logging, historical and real-time trending, built-in security, configurable networking features, OPC device connectivity, and over 3,300 built-in graphics.LabVIEW Real-TimeFor applications that require real-time performance, National Instruments offers LabVIEWReal-Time. LabVIEW Real-Time downloads standard LabVIEW code to a dedicated hardware target running a real-time operating system independent from Windows.LabVIEW Vision Development ModuleThe LabVIEW Vision Development Module is for scientists, automation engineers,and technicians who are developing LabVIEW machine vision and scientific imaging applications. The LabVIEW Vision Development Module includes IMAQ Vision, a library of vision functions, and IMAQ Vision Builder, an interactive environment for vision applications. Unlike any other vision products, IMAQ Vision Builder and IMAQ Vision work together to simplify vision software development so that you can apply vision to your measurement and automation applications.Countless ApplicationsLabVIEW applications are implemented in many industries worldwide including automotive, telecommunications, aerospace, semiconductor, electronic design and production, process control, biomedical, and many others, Applications cover all phases of product development from research to design to production and to service. By leveraging LabVIEW throughout your organization you can save time and money by sharing information and software.Test and MeasurementLabVIEW has become an industry-standard development tool for test and measurement applications. With Test Stand, LabVIEW-based test programs, and the industry's largest instrument driver library, you have a single, consistent development and execution environment for your entire system.Process Control and Factory AutomationLabVIEW is used in numerous process control and factory automation applications.Many scientists and engineers look to LabVIEW for the high speed, high channel count measurement and control that graphical programming offers.For large, complex industrial automation and control applications, the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module provides the same graphical programming as LabVIEW, but is designed specifically for monitoring large numbers of I/O points, communicating with industrial controllers and networks, and providing PC-based control.Machine Monitoring and ControlLabVIEW is ideal for machine monitoring and predictive maintenance applications that need deterministic control, vibration analysis, vision and image processing, and motion control. With the LabVIEW platform of products including LabVIEW Real-Time for real-time deterministic control and the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module, scientists and engineers can create powerful machine monitoring and control applications quickly and accurately.Research and AnalysisThe integrated LabVIEW measurement analysis library provides everything you need in an analysis package. Scientists and researchers have used LabVIEW to analyse and compute real results for biomedical, aerospace, and energy research applications, and in numerous other industries. The available signal generation and processing, digital filtering, windowing, curve-fitting, For specialized analysis, such as joint time-frequency analysis, wavelet,and model-based spectral analysis, LabVIEW offers the specially designed Signal Processing Toolset.The Sound and Vibration Toolset offers octave analysis, averaged and nonaveraged frequency analysis, transient analysis, weighted filtering, and sound-level measurement, and more.Draw Your Own SolutionWith LabVIEW, you build graphical programs called virtual instruments (VIs) instead of writing text-based programs. You quickly create front panel user interfaces that give you the interactive control of your system. To add functionality to the user interface, you intuitively assemble block diagrams- a natural design notation for engineers and scientists.Create the Front PanelOn the front panel of your VI, you place the controls and data displays for your system by selecting ob jects from the Controls palette, such as numeric displays, meters, gauges, thermometers, LEDs, charts,and graphs.When you complete and run your VI,you use the front panel to control your system whether you move a slide, zoom in on a graph, or enter a value with the keyboard.Construct the Graphical Block DiagramTo program the VI, you construct the block diagram without worrying about the syntactical details of text-based programming languages. You do this by selecting objects (icons) from the Functions palette and connecting them together with wires to transfer data among block diagram objects. These objects include simple arithmetic functions, advanced acquisition and analysis routines, network and file I/O operations, and more.Dataflow ProgrammingLabVIEW uses a patented dataflow programming model that frees you from the linear architecture of text-based programming languages. Because the execution order in LabVIEW is determined by the flow of data between nodes,and not by sequential lines of text,you can create block diagrams that execute multiple operations in parallel. Consequently, LabVIEW is a multitasking system capable of running multiple execution threads and multiple VIs in parallel.Modularity and HierarchyLabVIEW VIs are modular in design, so any VI can run by itself or as part of another VI. You can even create icons for your own VIs, so you can design a hierarchy of VIs that serve as application building blocks. You can modify, interchange, and combine them with other VIs to meet your changing application needs.Graphical CompilerIn many applications, execution speed is critical. LabVIEW is the only graphical programming system with a compiler that generates optimized code with execution speeds comparable to compiled C programs. You can even use the LabVIEW profiler to analyse and optimize time-critical operations. Consequently, you increase your productivity with graphical programming without sacrificing execution speed.Measurements and MathematicsLabVIEW includes a variety of other measurement analysis tools. Examples include curve fitting, signal generation, peak detection, and probability and statistics. Measurement analysis functions can determine signal characteristics such as DC/RMS levels, total harmonic distortion (THD),impulse response, frequency response, and cross-power spectrum. LabVIEW users can also deploy numerical tools for solving differential equations, optimization, root finding, and other mathematical problems.In addition, you can extend these built-in capabilities by entering MATLAB or HIQ scripts directly in your LabVIEW programs. For charting and graphing, you can rely on the built-in LabVIEW 2D and 3D visualization tools. 2D tools include features such as autoscaling X and Y ranges, reconfigurable attributes (point/line styles, colors, and more)andcursors, Microsoft Windows users can employ OpenGL-based 3D graphs and then dynamically rotate, zoom, and pan these graphs with the mouse.Development SystemThe LabVIEW Professional Development System facilitates the development of high-end, sophisticated instrumentation systems for developers working in teams, users developing large suites of VIs, or programmers needing to adhere to stringent quality standards.Built on the Full Development System, the Professional Development System also includes the LabVIEW Application Builder for building stand-alone executables and shared libraries (DLLs)and creating distribution kits. In addition, the development system furnishes source code control tools and offers utilities for quantitatively measuring the complexity of your applications. With graphical differencing, you can quickly identify both cosmetic and functional differences between two LabVIEW applications.We include programming standards and style guides that provide direction for consistent LabVIEW programming methodology. The system also contains quality standards documents that discuss the steps LabVIEW users must follow to meet internal regulations or FDA approval. The Professional Development System operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x,Mac OS, HP-UX, and Linux.LabVIEW Full Development SystemThe LabVIEW Full Development System equips you with all of the tools you need to develop instrumentation systems. It includes GPIB, VISA, VXI, RS-232, DAQ, and instrument driver libraries for data acquisition and instrument control. The measurement analysis add DC/RMS measurements, single tone analysis, harmonic distortion analysis, SINAD analysis, limit testing, signal generation capabilities, signal processing, digital filtering, windowing, curve fitting, statistics, and a myriad of linear algebra and mathematical functions. The development system also provides functions for direct access to DLLs, ActiveX, and other external code. Other features of the system include Web publishing tools, advanced report generation tools, the ability to call MATLAB and HiQ scripts, 3D surface, line, and contour graphs, and custom graphics and animation. The Full Development System operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x, Mac OS, HP-UX, and Linux.LabVIEW Base PackageUse the LabVIEW Base Package, the minimum LabVIEW configuration, for developing data acquisition and analysis, instrument control, and basic data presentation. The Base Package operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x.Debug License for LabVIEWIf you deploy LabVIEW applications, including LabVIEW tests for use with Test Stand, the debug license allows you to install the LabVIEW development system on the target machines so you can step into your test code for complete test debugging. This license is not intended for program development.虚拟仪器(LabVIEW)虚拟仪器是一种高效用于构建数据采集与监测系统图形化编程语言。



VI基本视觉系统内容01 标志图形释义02 标志尺度与制图03中文或英文简称标准字04 标志图形与中文或英文简称标准字组合05 中文全称标准字06 英文全称标准字07标志中英文字制图法08标志与中英文全称标准字不同组合09 标志中英文字禁用组合10 标准色与辅助色11 不同底色的使用规范VI应用系统内容一、事务用品类01 □名片(中式)02 □名片(西式)03 □名片(中西式)04 □信纸(空白)05 □信纸(横纹)06 □信纸(方格)07 □信封(中式)08 □信封(西式)09 □公文袋(大、中、小)10 □资料袋(大、中、小)11 □传真用纸表头12 □便条纸13 □各式表格格式14 □卷宗夹15 □公司专用稿纸16 □贵宾卡17 □来宾卡18 □通行证19 □贴纸20 □笔记本封面21 □合同书封面22 □企划书封面23 □事务用标签贴纸24 □航空专用信封25 □航空专用信封套26 □专用海报纸(对开、长4K)27 □奖杯28 □纸杯29 □文件格式30 □办公用笔31 □电脑用报表32 □留言条二、包装用品类33 □包装纸(单色)34 □包装纸(双色)35 □包装纸(特别色)36 □包装纸袋(大、中、小)37 □手提袋(大、中、小)38 □胶带39 □包装用签40 □包装塑胶带41 □包装纸盒42 □礼品包装袋三、旗帜规划类43 □公司旗帜44 □纪念旗帜45 □横式挂旗46 □直式立旗47 □小吊旗48 □小串旗49 □大型挂旗50 □桌上旗51 □锦旗52 □奖励旗53 □纪念旗54 □促销用旗55 □庆典用旗56 □主题式旗帜57 □其他四、员工制服CI风格类58 □男性主管职员制服59 □女性主管职员制服60 □男性行政职员制服61 □女性行政职员制服62 □男性生产职员制服63 □女性生产职员制服64 □男性店面职员制服65 □女性店面职员制服66 □男性展示职员制服67 □女性展示职员制服68 □男性服务职员制服69 □女性服务职员制服70 □男性工务职员制服71 □女性工务职员制服72 □男性警卫职员制服73 □女性警卫职员制服74 □男性清洁职员制服75 □女性清洁职员制服76 □男性厨师职员制服77 □女性厨师职员制服78 □男性运动服(二季)79 □女性运动服(二季)80 □运动夹克(二季)81 □运动帽82 □运动鞋83 □徽章84 □领带夹85 □领带86 □领巾87 □皮带88 □安全帽89 □工作帽90 □上岗证91 □雨具(雨披、雨伞)92 □其他五、媒体标志风格类93 □电视广告商标风格94 □报纸广告商标风格95 □杂志广告商标风格96 □人事广告商标风格97 □公司简介商标风格98 □产品简介商标风格99 □促销DM商标风格100 □产品说明书商标风格101 □营业用卡(回函)商标风格102 □海报商标风格103 □POP商标风格104 □幻灯片商标风格105 □其他六、广告招牌类106 □造型招牌(室内)107 □造型招牌(室外)108 □直式招牌109 □横式招牌110 □立地招牌111 □柜台后招牌112 □霓虹灯招牌113 □大楼屋顶招牌114 □大楼楼层招牌115 □骑楼下招牌116 □骑楼柱面招牌117 □悬挂式招牌118 □帆布招牌119 □户外看板(路牌广告)120 □禁止停车牌121 □工地大门122 □工地事务所123 □工地围篱124 □工地标语贴纸125 □工地行道树围篱126 □工地牌坊127 □其他七、室内外指标128 □室内指标系统129 □室外指标系统(公共区域)130 □符号指标系统131 □部门标示牌132 □总区域看板133 □分区域看板134 □其他八、环境风格类135 □工厂外观色带136 □室内形象墙面137 □大楼建筑物外观标志风格138 □大门入口设计139 □柜台后墙面设计140 □玻璃门色带设计141 □公布栏142 □踏垫143 □垃圾桶144 □烟灰缸145 □室内精神标语墙146 □员工储物柜147 □环境色彩标示148 □其他九、交通运输工具类149 □业务用车150 □平板车108 □交通车109 □商务车153 □厢型货车154 □厢型货柜车155 □旅行车113 □小客车157 □机车158 □脚踏车159 □拖车头160 □曳引车161 □堆高车162 □吊车163 □水泥搅拌车十、展示风格164 □展示会场设计165 □展示会场参观指示166 □展示橱窗设计167 □展示板168 □舞台设计169 □精神堡垒设计170 □商品展示架171 □商品展示台172 □照明规划173 □色彩规划174 □动线规划175 □其他十一、其它用品176 □邀请卡(封套) 177 □生日卡(封套)178 □问候卡(封套)179 □感谢卡(封套)180 □圣诞卡(封套)181 □贺年卡(封套) 182 □万用卡(封套) 183 □年历184 □月历185 □日历186 □工商日志187 □纸张188 □铅笔189 □原子笔190 □笔架191 □雨伞架192 □气球193 □吉祥物赠品194 □便条纸砖195 □薪资袋196 □礼金袋197 □其他。



12 1-800-735-6200VI-J00MiniModDC-DC Converters 25 to 100 WattsProduct HighlightsThe VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.Packaging OptionsSlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - SFinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" heightConverter Selection ChartVI-JMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20AMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10AFeaturess Up to 50W/Cubic Inchs UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Markeds Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disables Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture sLow Noise FM ControlMechanical Drawing(7,6) Min.(3,0).12.30*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.Rev 3 1 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 12 1-800-735-620073Converter Specifications(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)VI-J00 E-GradeVI-J00 C-, I-, M-GradePARAMETERMIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITSTEST CONDITIONSs Input Characteristics Inrush charge60x10-660x10-6100x10-6CoulombsNominal lineInput reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%I INNominal line, full load Input ripple rejectiondB 120 Hz, nominal line dB2400 Hz, nominal lineNo load power dissipation 1.3521.352Wattss Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift°C Over rated temperatureLong term drift 0.020.02%/1K hoursOutput ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%0.75%1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 150%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restartShort circuit current 105%140%105%130%I NOMs Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103Ohms Gate in high threshold 66Volts Use open collectorGate in low threshold 0.650.65Volts Gate in low current 66mAs Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthedOutput to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500V RMSs Thermal Characteristics Efficiency78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308s Mechanical Specifications Weight3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.25+20Log( Vin Vout30+20Log ( VinVout20+20Log ( Vin)Rev 3 2 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。

















完整的VI手册目录视觉形象识别手册:基础设计项目A-1企业标志设计A-1-1企业标志及标志创意说明 A-1-2标志墨稿A-1-3标志反白效果图A-1-4标志标准化制图A-1-5标志方格坐标制图A-1-6标志预留空间与最小比例限定 A-1-7标志特定色彩效果展示 A-2企业标准字体企业全称中文字体企业简称中文字体企业全称中文字体方格坐标制图企业简称中文字体方格坐标制图企业全称英文字体企业简称英文字体企业全称英文字体方格坐标制图企业简称英文字体方格坐标制图 A-3企业标准色(色彩计划)企业标准色(印刷色)辅助色系列下属产业色彩识别背景色使用规定色彩搭配组合专用表背景色色度,色相A-4企业造型(吉祥物)吉祥物彩色稿及造型说明吉祥物立体效果图吉祥物基本动态造型企业吉祥物造型单色印刷规范吉祥物展开使用规范A-5企业象征图形象征图形彩色稿(单元图形)象征图形延展效果稿象征图形使用规范象征图形组合规范A-6企业专用印刷字体企业专用印刷字体A-7基本要素组合规范标志与标准字组合多种模式标志与象征图形组合多种模式标志吉祥物组合多种模式标志与标准字,象征图形,吉祥物组合多种模式基本要素禁止组合多种模式B:VI应用设计项目 :B-1办公事物用品设计高级主管名片中级主管名片员工名片信封国内信封国际信封大信封信纸国内信纸国际信纸特种信纸便笺传真纸票据夹合同夹合同书规范格式档案盒薪资袋识别卡(工作证) 临时工作证出入证工作记事簿文件夹文件袋档案袋卷宗纸公函信纸备忘录简报签呈文件题头直式,横式表格规范电话记录办公文具聘书岗位聘用书奖状公告维修网点名址封面及管理人员女装(裙装\西式礼装\领花\胸饰) 春秋装衬衣(短袖)) 春秋装衬衣(长袖员工男装(西装\蓝领衬衣\马甲) 员工女装(裙装\西装\领花\胸饰) 冬季防寒工作服运动服外套运动服,运动帽,T恤(文化衫) 外勤人员服装安全盔工作帽B-4企业车体外观设计公务车面包车班车大型运输货车小型运输货车集装箱运输车特殊车型B-5标志符号指示系统企业大门外观企业厂房外观办公大楼体示意效果图大楼户外招牌公司名称标识牌公司名称大理石坡面处理活动式招牌公司机构平面图大门入口指示玻璃门楼层标识牌方向指引标识牌公共设施标识布告栏生产区楼房标志设置规范立地式道路导向牌立地式道路指示牌立地式标识牌欢迎标语牌户外立地式灯箱停车场区域指示牌立地式道路导向牌车间标识牌与地面导向线车间标识牌与地面导向线生产车间门牌规范分公司及工厂竖式门牌门牌生产区平面指示图生产区指示牌接待台及背景板室内企业精神口号标牌玻璃门窗醒示性装饰带车间室内标识牌警示标识牌公共区域指示性功能符号公司内部参观指示各部门工作组别指示内部作业流程指示各营业处出口/通路规划B-6销售店面标识系统小型销售店面大型销售店面店面横,竖,方招牌导购流程图版式规范店内背景板(形象墙) 店内展台配件柜及货架店面灯箱立墙灯箱资料架垃圾筒室内环境B-7企业商品包装识别系统大件商品运输包装外包装箱(木质,纸质)商品系列包装礼品盒包装包装纸配件包装纸箱合格证产品标识卡存放卡保修卡质量通知书版式规说明书版式规范封箱胶会议事务用品B-8企业广告宣传规范电视广告标志定格报纸广告系列版式规范(整版,半版,通栏) 杂志广告规范海报版式规范系列主题海报大型路牌版式规范灯箱广告规范公交车体广告规范双层车体车身广告规范 T恤衫广告横竖条幅广告规范大型氢气球广告规范霓红灯标志表现效果直邮DM宣传页版式广告促销用纸杯直邮宣传三折页版式规范企业宣传册封面,版式规范年度报告书封面版式规范宣传折页封面及封底版式规范产品单页说明书规范对折式宣传卡规范网络主页版式规范分类网页版式规范光盘封面规范擎天拄灯箱广告规范墙体广告楼顶灯箱广告规范户外标识夜间效果展板陈列规范柜台立式POP广告规范立地式POP规范悬挂式POP规范产品技术资料说明版式规范产品说明书路牌广告版式B-9展览指示系统标准展台,展板形式特装展位示意规范标准展位规范样品展台样品展板产品说明牌资料架会议事务用品B-10再生工具色票样本标准色色票样本辅助色标准组合形式象征图案样本吉祥物造型样本。




之后陆续设计了包括:办公用品系列、标识系列、广告系列、服饰系列、交通系列、旗帜系列、环境系列、其他用品等六十多件产品,合成为一套完整的VI 设计。






201X 年全球与游戏、动画产业相关的衍生产品产值超过6000亿美元,而中国的动漫产业刚刚兴起,市场容量至少有1000亿元人民币,3.67亿未成年人,都将是动漫产业潜在的消费群体。





vi手册设计说明范文二:当大多数大中小型企业经营者的VI观念都觉悟起来的时候,当革命老区的企业都做了VI的时候,当大多数民众都认识VI的时候,当VI 导入及推广真正取得品牌效益、扩大市场战果的时候,VI的春天才刚刚到来;把国外先进的VI理论、广告理论与中国国情的策略思想相结合,将中国企业的品牌、中国企业的广告,充分的调动起来,各自为战,合而为站,诞生出中国品牌推广的策略战术,创造出中国企业品牌的著名策划战例,VI设计才能更强大的发挥出它的影响力。








>LOGO设计作业流程:1、掌握产品卖点、分析项目视觉设计现状,其具体包括如下现状:1 项目的精神内涵与项目的总体规划。

2 项目的产品特性。

3 开发商对整个形象战略及视觉识别风格的期望。

4 项目的相关竞争者和本行业特点的现状等。




其二,标志形态的数值化其三,标志形态的多样化:A线条粗细变化; B正负形变化;C 彩色与黑白变化;D各种点、线、面的变化(如空心体、网纹、点成面、线成面等); E对应F不同媒体的形态变更; G缩小或放大形态的变化。




















Visual Identity Se President
The Brooklyn College Graphic Standards Manual is a critical tool for our college to communicate effectively with local, regional, national and international audiences. The essential foundations of communications for marketing and recruitment are clarity, repetition and Today, undergraduate and graduate consistency of key visual cues. The use of applicants to Brooklyn College consider many more institutions than they did in the college colors, the school name, our logo and even the fonts that we use need to past. They are much more comparative in be strong and recognizable in ways that their assessments about which colleges distinguish us from other institutions. Our and programs can best serve their needs. new graphic standards manual provides Web users from around the globe can guidelines for such clarity and consistency. access information about Brooklyn College instantaneously. Given this highly The designs in the Brooklyn College Graphic competitive and technology-driven Standards Manual seek to embody the recruitment environment, coupled with pride and self-confidence we all feel the ongoing need to provide attractive as members of the Brooklyn College information about the College to the community. By employing these visual public, it is more important than ever elements in a consistent manner with all that we tell the Brooklyn College story to internal and external constituencies, you prospective students, alumni, faculty, staff will help us create a strong visual brand that and others in electronic and print materials will enhance our institutional recognition that are consistent in presentation and and identity. In the fall, we will be attractive. overhauling our college website and will be incorporating these new graphic standards into the web design and layout. I write to inform you that new logo and graphic standards have been created for Brooklyn College. This new branding and identity campaign will enable the College to communicate to various constituents in a clear, consistent and recognizable way. In order for this endeavor to be successful, I am asking all Brooklyn College staff and faculty to follow the guidelines in the Brooklyn College Graphic Standards Manual. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Communications and Marketing for assistance. This project should help us all conduct our work and achieve our goals more easily and successfully. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,







‎关键词:‎视觉识别 VI设‎计标志现代感‎矢量图形‎动漫产业,是指‎以创意为核心,以‎动画、漫画为表现‎形式,包含动漫图‎书、报刊、电影、‎电视、音像制品、‎舞台剧和基于现代‎信息传播技术手段‎的动漫新品种等动‎漫直接产品的开发‎、生产、出版、播‎出、演出和销售,‎以及与动漫形象有‎关的服装、玩具、‎电子游戏等衍生产‎品的生产和经营的‎产业。



















第七条集团公司企划部负责集团各部门及权属公司对《xx集团VI 手册》旳培训。









第一章Velocity简介1. Velocity是什么?Velocity是一个基于java的模板引擎(template engine)。

它允许任何人仅仅简单的使用模板语言(template language)来引用由java代码定义的对象。

当V elocity应用于web开发时,界面设计人员可以和java程序开发人员同步开发一个遵循MVC架构的web站点,也就是说,页面设计人员可以只关注页面的显示效果,而由java程序开发人员关注业务逻辑编码。

Velocity将java代码从web页面中分离出来,这样为web 站点的长期维护提供了便利,同时也为我们在JSP和PHP之外又提供了一种可选的方案。

Velocity的能力远不止web站点开发这个领域,例如,它可以从模板(template)产生SQL 和PostScript、XML,它也可以被当作一个独立工具来产生源代码和报告,或者作为其他系统的集成组件使用。

Velocity也可以为Turbine web开发架构提供模板服务(template service)。


2. Velocity能为我们作什么?The Mud Store Example假设你是一家专门出售Mud的在线商店的页面设计人员,让我们暂且称它为"在线MUD商店"。




另外有一些客户规律性的购买另外一种也在打折但是不是很流行的Bright Red Mud,由于购买的人并不多所以它被安置在页面的边缘。

所有用户的信息都是被跟踪并存放于数据库中的,所以某天有一个问题可能会冒出来:为什么不使用velocity 来使用户更好的浏览他们感兴趣的商品呢?Velocity使得web页面的客户化工作非常容易。



什么是VI手册一、VI的定义VI即(Visual Identity),通译为视觉识别,是CIS系统中最具传播力和感染力的层面。





二、VI应用要素系统设计表1. 待客用项目类洽谈会、会客厅、会议厅家具、烟灰缸、坐垫、招待餐饮具、客户用文具。


2. 符号类公司名称招牌、建筑物外观、招牌、室外照明、霓虹灯、出入口指示、橱窗展示、活动式招牌、路标、纪念性建筑、各种标示牌、经销商用各类业务招牌、标示。

3. 帐票类订单、货单、帐单、委托单、各类帐单、申请表、通知书、确认信、契约书、支票、收据等。

4. 文具类专用信笺、便条、信封、文件纸、文件袋、介绍信等。

5. 服装类男女职工工作服、制服、工作帽、领带、领结、手帕、领带别针、伞、手提袋等出版6.印刷类股票、年度报告书、公司一览表、调查报告、自办报刊、公司简历、概况、奖状等。

7. 大众传播类报纸广告、杂志广告、电视广告、广播广告、邮寄广告等。

8. SP类产品说明书、广告传播单、展示会布置、公关杂志、促销宣传物、视听资料、季节问候卡、明信片、各种POP类。

9. 交通类业务用车、宣传广告用车、货车、员工通勤车等外观识别。

10. 证件类徽章、臂章、名片、识别证、公司旗帜三、VI设计的基本原则VI的设计不是机械的符号操作,而是以MI为内涵的生动表述。



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12 1-800-735-6200
DC-DC Converters 25 to 100 Watts
Product Highlights
The VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.
Packaging Options
SlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - S
FinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:
VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" height
Converter Selection Chart
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20A
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10A
s Up to 50W/Cubic Inch
s UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Marked
s Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)
s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disable
s Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture s
Low Noise FM Control
Mechanical Drawing
(7,6) Min.
*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.
Rev 3 1 of 2
For the latest Vicor Product Information:
12 1-800-735-6200
Converter Specifications
(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)
VI-J00 E-Grade
VI-J00 C-, I-, M-Grade
s Input Characteristics Inrush charge
Nominal line
Input reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%
Nominal line, full load Input ripple rejection
dB 120 Hz, nominal line dB
2400 Hz, nominal line
No load power dissipation 1.352
s Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%
2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation
1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift
%/°C Over rated temperature
Long term drift 0.020.02%/1K hours
Output ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV
20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%
1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 1
50%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit
105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restart
Short circuit current 105%
s Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103
Ohms Gate in high threshold 6
6Volts Use open collector
Gate in low threshold 0.65
Volts Gate in low current 6
s Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthed
Output to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500
s Thermal Characteristics Efficiency
78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4
°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308
s Mechanical Specifications Weight
3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)
110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.
For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.
( Vin Vout
30+20Log ( Vin
20+20Log ( Vin
Rev 3 2 of 2
For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。
