gams使用心得 中文
0 d* Z, U9 c' v3 8 F$ U D* R0 `/ N) F8 S0 G 第一章,基本概况
GAMS 是一种非常简单易学的运筹学建模语言 (),是由 WORLD BANK 开发的。由于近几十年计算机软硬件的的高速发展,世界银行决定投资开发 GAMS, 来提供:, c, d" w% H7 T B 1. 建立复杂模型的高级语言- h( {. y+ X, e$ z2 D 2. 简单易学 6 u# P% T: X* U2 J% z 3. 强大பைடு நூலகம்描述代数及逻辑关系/ X# @' K9 [3 [# z! z. w7 {$ n 4. 模型可以独立于算法系统 9 T! t6 z A) V! { GAMS 可以让使用者专心致力于模型的建立而省略了解法方面的考虑因为 GAMS 包含了解决通用的 LP,NLP,MILP,MINLP 等各类模型所需要的 solver. 另外, GAMS 提供了和外界进行交互的输入输出借口。使得用户很方便的导入导出 data。 % ^$ X% j% E1 Z( a+ J 下面当然是 tutorial 了,就想学习任何一种编程语言一样,最开始都要学习输 出 hello world. 我们这里当然要复杂一点了,举一个最简单的例子,运输问题.
第56卷第3期有色金属V ol. 56, No. 3 2004年8月Nonferrous Metals August 2004基于改进BP网络和模糊综合评判的炸药与岩石匹配优化叶海旺(武汉理工大学,武汉430070)摘要:运用神经网络和模糊数学方法,建立基于模糊和神经网络的炸药与岩石匹配优化系统,并应用于工程实践。
关键词:采矿工程;爆破;智能匹配;模糊综合评判;神经网络中图分类号:TD327; TD76 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0211(2004)03-0000-02随着社会的发展,市场竞争愈演激烈,生产单位只有尽最大可能地降低生产成本,才能生存和发展,爆破工程也不例外。
gamm模型的回归代码和方法Gamm模型,全称为Generalized Additive Mixed Model,是一种广义可加混合模型。
它结合了广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Model,GLM)和广义可加模型(Generalized Additive Model,GAM),同时考虑了固定效应和随机效应。
在R语言中,我们可以使用mgcv包来拟合GAM 模型,并使用gam函数来建立模型。
下面是一个使用gamm模型进行回归分析的例子:```R# 导入mgcv包library(mgcv)# 读取数据data <- read.csv("data.csv")# 建立gamm模型model <- gamm(y ~ s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3) + (1 | random_effect), data = data)# 查看模型结果summary(model)```在这个例子中,我们假设y是因变量,x1、x2、x3是自变量,random_effect是随机效应。
generalized additive mixed modeling
generalized additive mixed modeling1. 引言1.1 概述在统计建模中,回归模型是一种常见的分析工具,用于研究变量之间的关系。
为了解决这个问题,广义可加混合模型(Generalized Additive Mixed Modeling, GAMM)应运而生。
GAMM是一种灵活而强大的统计建模方法,它结合了广义可加模型(Generalized Additive Model, GAM)和混合效应模型(Mixed Effects Model)。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。
1.3 目的本文旨在全面介绍广义可加混合模型(GAMM)这一统计建模方法,以及其在不同领域中的应用。
gamm 目标函数
Gamm 目标函数引言在数学和优化领域,目标函数(Objective Function)是指在数学模型中表示一个最优化问题的目标的数学函数。
在本文中,我们将探讨一个特定的目标函数——Gamm 目标函数。
什么是 Gamm 目标函数Gamm 目标函数是一种非凸目标函数,它在统计建模和机器学习中广泛应用。
Gamm 是 Generalized Additive Mixed Models(广义加性混合模型)的缩写。
Gamm 目标函数结合了广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Model,GLM)和非参数平滑技术,能够更好地拟合复杂数据中的非线性关系。
Gamm 目标函数的定义Gamm 目标函数可以表示如下形式:其中,y 是响应变量,β0 是常数项,fi 是非参数的非线性平滑函数,xi 是输入变量,ε 是误差项。
Gamm 目标函数的关键在于使用非线性平滑函数 fi 来拟合各个输入变量与响应变量之间的非线性关系。
Gamm 目标函数的优势Gamm 目标函数相比传统的线性模型具有以下优势:1.灵活性:Gamm 可以处理非线性关系,对于复杂数据集具有更好的灵活性。
2.可解释性:Gamm 模型将不同的输入变量与响应变量关系拆分成多个平滑函数,每一个平滑函数对应一个输入变量。
3.鲁棒性:Gamm 对异常值和噪声有较好的鲁棒性,能够更好地适应复杂数据中的异常情况。
Gamm 目标函数的求解Gamm 目标函数的求解是一个非凸优化问题,通常使用迭代算法进行求解。
常用的求解方法有广义交替最小二乘(Generalized Alternating Least Squares, GALS)和基于样条函数的方法。
Gamm 目标函数在实际应用中的案例Gamm 目标函数在许多领域中得到了广泛应用。
以下是一些实际应用案例:1. 医学研究在医学研究中,研究人员常常需要分析多个生物标志物对某种疾病的影响关系。
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Linear Algebra and its Applications
where i = 1, . . . , n. Then we have |x| = T z x, where z = sign x ∈ Y n . For a given interval matrix A = [ A c − A , A c + A ] ∈ IRm×n , and for each vector y ∈ Y m and each vector z ∈ Y n , we introduce the matrices
b ,
where b, b ∈ R , and b b . The set of all m-by-n interval matrices will be denoted by IRm×n and the set of all m-dimensional interval vectors by IRm . Denote by A c and A the center and radius matrices given by
Ac =
1 2 1 2
( A + A ),
= ( A − A ),
respectively. Then A = [ A c − A , A c + A ]. Similarly, the center and radius vectors are defined as
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SESAM Release Note SIMA V4.1.0说明书
SESAM RELEASE NOTESIMASima is a simulation and analysis tool for marine operations and floating systems — from modelling to post-processing of results.Valid from program version 4.1.0SAFER, SMARTER, GREENERSesam Release NoteSimaDate: 19 Apr 2021Valid from Sima version 4.1.0Prepared by DNV GL – Digital SolutionsE-mail sales: *****************© DNV GL AS. All rights reservedThis publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV GL AS.DOCUMENTATIONInstallation instructionsRequired:•64 bit Windows 7/8/10•4 GB RAM available for SIMA (e.g. 8 GB RAM total in total on the computer)•1 GB free disk space•Updated drivers for graphics cardNote that Windows Server (all versions), Windows XP, Windows Vista, and any 32-bit Windows are not supported.Recommended:•64-bit Windows 10•16 GB RAM•Fast quad core processor (e.g. Intel i7)•High-resolution screen (1920 × 1200 / 1080p)•Graphics card: DirectX 10.1 or 11.X compatible; 512 MB or higher•F ast SSD disk, as large as possible (capacity requirements depends heavily on simulation settings, e.g. 500 GB is a good start)•3-button mouseHigh disk speed is important if running more than 2 simultaneous simulations in parallel. Example: If the user has enough SIMO-licenses and has configured SIMA to run 4 SIMO-calculations in parallel, then the simulations will probably be disk-speed-bound, and not CPU bound (with the above recommended hardware). Note that this is heavily dependent on the simulation parameters, so the result may vary. The default license type should now allow for unlimited parallel runs on one PC, workstation of cluster.Updated Drivers for Graphics CardThe driver of the graphics card should be upgraded to the latest version. This is especially important if you experience problems with the 3D graphics. Note that the version provided by Windows update is not necessarily up to date – download directly from your hardware vendors web-site.Installing graphics drivers may require elevated access privileges. Your IT support staff should be able to help you with this.SIMA should work with at least one graphics-mode (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9 or DirectX 11) for all graphics cards that can run Windows 7 or 8. However, graphics cards can contain defects in their lower-level drivers, firmware and/or hardware. SIMA use the software “HOOPS” from the vendor “Tech Soft 3D” to draw 3D-graphics. For advanced users that would like more information on what graphics cards and drivers that does not work with SIMA (and an indication on what probably will work), please see the web page /hoops/hoops-visualize/graphics- cards/ .Before reading the compatibility table you may want to figure out which version of HOOPS SIMAis using. To do this open Help > About > Installation Details, locate the Plug-ins tab and look for the plug-in provider TechSoft 3D (click the Provider column title twice for a more suitable sort order). The version number is listed in the Version column. Also remember that all modes (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9, DirextX 11) are available in SIMA.Upgrading from Earlier VersionsAfter upgrading to a newer version of SIMA, your workspaces may also require an update. This will be done automatically as soon as you open a workspace not created with the new version. You may not be able to open this workspace again using an older version of SIMA.Preference settings should normally be retained after upgrading, however you may want to open the preference dialog ( Window > Preferences ) in order to verify this.Verify Correct InstallationTo verify a correct installation of SIMA, perform the following steps:1.Start SIMA (by the shortcut created when installing, or by running the SIMA executable)a.If you are prompted for a valid license, specify a license file or license server. (If you needadvanced information on license options, see “License configuration”).b.SIMA auto-validates upon startup: A successful installation should not display any errorsor warnings when SIMA is started.2.Create a new, empty workspace:a.You will be prompted to Open SIMA Workspace: Create a new workspace by clicking New,select a different folder/filename if you wish, and click Finish.3.Import a SIMO example, run a SIMO simulation, and show 3D graphics:a.Click the menu Help > Examples > SIMO > Heavy lifting operationb.Expand the node Condition in the Navigator in the upper left cornerc.Right-click Initial, and select Run dynamic analysis. After a few seconds, you will see themessage Dynamic calculation done. No errors should occur.d.Right-click HeavyLifting in the Navigator in the upper left corner, and select Open 3DView. 3D-graphics should be displayed, showing a platform and a crane.4.If there were no errors when doing the above steps, then SIMA can be assumed to becorrectly installed.Changing Default Workspace Path ConfigurationWhen creating a new workspace SIMA will normally propose a folder named Workspace_xx where xx is an incrementing number; placed in the users home directory under SIMA Workspaces.The proposed root folder can be changed by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to the SIMA executable). The file must contain a property sima.workspace.root and a value. For example:sima.workspace.root=c:/SIMA Workspaces/A special case is when you want the workspace root folder to be sibling of the SIMA executable. This can be achieved by setting the property as follows:sima.workspace.root=.License ConfigurationSIMA will attempt to automatically use the license files it finds in this order:e path specified in the file “.simarc” if present. See details below.e the path specified in the license wizard.e the system property SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e the environment variable SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e all “*.lic” files found in C:/flexlm/ if on Windows.e all “*.lic” files found in the user home directory.If any of the above matches, the search for more license files will not continue. If there are no matches, SIMA will present a license configuration dialog.The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. Note that a license segment value does not have to point to a particular file – it could also point to a license server. For example:c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverIn this case the path is composed on one absolute reference to a file. F ollowed by the license server at port 1234 and another license server using the default port number.RIFLEX and SIMO LicenseWhen starting SIMO and RI F LEX from SIMA the environment variable MARINTEK_LICENSE_F ILE will be set to the home directory of the user. This means that a license file can be placed in this directory and automatically picked up.Specifying a License pathWhen starting SIMA without a license the dialog below will pop up before the workbench is shown. If you have a license file; you can simply drag an drop it into the dialog and the path to this file will be used. You may also use the browse button if you want to locate the file by means of the file navigator. If you want to use a license server; use the radio button and select License server then continue to fill in the details. The port number is optional. A host must be specified, however. Note that the host name must be in the form of a DNS or IP-address.You can now press Finish or if you want to add more path segments; you can press Next, this will bring up the second page of the license specification wizard. The page will allow you to add and remove licence path segments and rearrange their individual order.Modifying a License PathIf the license path must be modified it can be done using the dialog found in the main menu; Window >Preferences > License. This preference page works the same as the second page of the wizard.Specifying License Path in .simarcThe mechanism described here works much like specifying the environment variable, however it will also lock down the SIMA license configuration pages, thus denying the user the ability to change the license path. This is often the better choice when installing SIMA in an environment where the IT-department handles both installation and license configuration.The license path can be forced by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to sima.exe). The latter is probably the better choice as the file can be owned by the system and the user can be denied write access. The license path must be specified using the sima.license.path key and a path in the F LEXlm Java format. The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. For instance:sima.license.path=c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverNote that the version of FLEXlm used in SIMA does not support using Windows registry variables. It also requires the path to be entered in the F LEXlm Java format which is different from the normal F LEXlm format. Using this mechanism one can also specify the license path for physics engines such as SIMO and RIF LEX started from SIMA. This is done by specifying the key marintek.license.path followed by the path in normal FLEXlm format. For example:marintek.license.path=c:/licenses/ sima.lic:1234@my.license.server:@another.license.server Viewing License DetailsIf you would like to view license details, such as expiration dates and locations you will find this in the main menu Help > License.New Features - SIMONew Features - RIFLEXNew Features - OtherBUG FIXESFixed bugs - SIMOFixed bugs - RIFLEXFixed bugs - OtherREMAINING KNOWN ISSUESUnresolved Issues - SIMOUnresolved Issues - RIFLEXUnresolved Issues - OtherABOUT DNV GLDriven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. DIGITAL SOLUTIONSDNV GL is a world-leading provider of digital solutions for managing risk and improving safety and asset performance for ships, pipelines, processing plants, offshore structures, electric grids, smart cities and more. Our open industry platform Veracity, cyber security and software solutions support business-critical activities across many industries, including maritime, energy and healthcare.。
6Who should attendFrom Monday 9 am to Wednesday 5:30 pmDates: February 11-13, 2019 May 13-15, 2019 June 24-26, 2019 October 7-9, 2019November 18-20, 2019Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers • A cquire theoretical and practical knowledge on Raman spectrometers • L earn how to use the software • L earn methodology for method development and major analytical parameters • H ow to set up an analytical strategy with an unknown sample • H ow to interpret results• L earn how to follow the performances of theRaman spectrometer over the time.Day 1• The theory of the Raman principle • R aman Instrumentation • P ractical session – System and software presentation, Acquisition Parameters: - L abSpec 6 presentation and environment: useraccounts, file handling, display of data, basic functions - S et up of acquisition parameters and singlespectra measurement - Templates & ReportsDay 2• Analysis of Raman spectra • P ractical session: Raman spectrum measurement and Database Search - O ptimization of the parameters: how to chosethe laser, the grating, the confocal hole, the laser power- How to use the polarization options - Library Search using KnowItAll software - How to create databasesRaman imaging • H ow to make a Raman image (1D, 2D and 3D) • D ata evaluation: cursors, CLS fitting, peakfitting•Image rendering, 3D datasets •Fast mapping using SWIFT XSDay 3Data processing• Processing on single spectra and datasets • Baseline correction • Smoothing • Normalization• Spectra subtraction, averaging • Data reduction • Methods• Practical exercisesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Duration: 3 daysReference: RAM1Raman Microscopy for Beginners7Acquire technical skills on DuoScan, Ultra Low Frequency (ULF), Particle Finder or TERS.Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers who already understand the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Raman system and LabSpec Software. It is advised to participate in the basic Raman training first (RAM1).Introduction to DuoScan• Principle and hardwareDuoScan Macrospot• Practical examplesDuoScan MacroMapping• Practical examplesDuoScan Stepping Mode• Practical examplesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Presentation of the ULF kit• Principle and requirements • Application examplesInstallation of the ULF kitIntroduction to Particle Finder• Principle and requirementsPractical session• Demo with known sample• Customer samples: Bring your own samples!Practical session• Demo with known samplesCustomers samples: Bring your own samples! Presentation of the TERS technique• Principle and requirements • Application examplesDemo TERS• Presentation of the different tips and SPM modes • Laser alignment on the tip • T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known samplesPractical session• Hands-on on demo samples (AFM mode)• Laser alignment on the tip • T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known samplesRaman Options: DuoScan, Ultra Low Frequency, Particle Finder, TERS8Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers who already understand the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Raman system and labSpec Software. It is adviced to participate in the basic Raman training first.Who should attendDates: February 14, 2019 June 27, 2019November 21, 2019Duration: 1 dayReference: RAM2From 9 am to 5:30 pm• Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)• Know how to select your substrate • Interpret resultsRaman SERSIntroduction to SERSPresentation of the SERS technique • Introduction: Why SERS?• What is SERS?• Surface Enhanced Raman basics • SERS substratesIntroduction to the SERS applications• Examples of SERS applications • Practical advice • SERS limitsDemo on known samplesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Raman Multivariate Analysis9Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometerswho already understand the fundamentals of Ramanspectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Ramansystem and LabSpec Software. It is advised toparticipate in the basic Raman training first (RAM1).• Understand the Multivariate Analysis module• Learn how to use Multivariate Analysis for data treatment• Perform real case examples of data analysis on demo and customer dataIntroduction to Multivariate Analysis• Univariate vs. Multivariate analysis• Introduction to the main algorithms: decomposition (PCA and MCR), classification and quantification (PLS)Practical work on known datasets (mapping)• CLS, PCA, MCRIntroduction to classification• HCA, k-means• Demo with known datasetsIntroduction to Solo+MIA• Presentation of Solo+MIA Array• Demo with known datasetsData evaluation: cursors, CLS fitting, peak fitting• Fast mapping using SWIFT XSObjective: Being able to select the good parameters for Raman imaging and to perform data processScanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)• Instrumentation• T he different modes (AFM, STM, Tuning Fork) and signals (Topography, Phase, KPFM, C-AFM, MFM,PFM)Practical session• Tips and sample installation• Molecular resolution in AFM tapping mode• M easurements in AC mode, contact mode, I-top mode, KPFM• P resentation of the dedicated tips and additional equipment• O bjective: Being able to use the main AFM modes and optimize the parametersimaging)Practical session• Hands-on on demo samples (AFM mode)• Laser alignment on the tip• T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known sample Day 3TERS Hands-on• T ERS measurements, from AFM-TERS tip installation to TERS mapping.• TERS measurements on end users samples.• Bring your own samples!28Practical informationCourses range from basic to advanced levels and are taught by application experts. The theoretical sessions aim to provide a thorough background in the basic principles and techniques. The practical sessions are directed at giving you hands-on experience and instructions concerning the use of your instrument, data analysis and software. We encourage users to raise any issues specific to their application. At the end of each course a certificate of participation is awarded.Standard, customized and on-site training courses are available in France, G ermany, USA and also at your location.Dates mentionned here are only available for HORIBA France training center.RegistrationFill in the form and:• Emailitto:***********************• Or Fax it to: +33 (0)1 69 09 07 21• More information: Tel: +33 (0)1 69 74 72 00General InformationThe invoice is sent at the end of the training.A certificate of participation is also given at the end of the training.We can help you book hotel accommodations. Following your registration, you will receive a package including training details and course venue map. We will help with invitation letters for visas, but HORIBA FRANCE is not responsible for any visa refusal. PricingRefreshments, lunches during training and handbook are included.Hotel transportation, accommodation and evening meals are not included.LocationDepending on the technique, there are three locations: Longjumeau (France, 20 km from Paris), Palaiseau (France, 26 km from Paris), Villeneuve d’Ascq (France 220 km from Paris) or at your facility for on-site training courses. Training courses can also take place in subsidiaries in Germany or in the USA.Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Longjumeau HORIBA FRANCE SAS16 - 18 rue du canal91165 Longjumeau - FRANCEDepending on your means of transport, some useful information:- if you are arriving by car, we are situated near the highways A6 and A10 and the main road N20- if you are arriving by plane or train, you can take the train RER B or RER C that will take you not far from our offices. (Around 15 €, 150 € by taxi from Charles de Gaulle airport, 50 € from Orly airport).We remain at your disposal for any information to access to your training place. You can also have a look at our web site at the following link:/scientific/contact-us/france/visi-tors-guide/Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Palaiseau HORIBA FRANCE SASPassage Jobin Yvon, Avenue de la Vauve,91120 Palaiseau - FRANCEFrom Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport By Train • T ake the train called RER B (direction Saint RemyLes Chevreuse) and stop at Massy-Palaiseaustation• A t Massy-Palaiseau station, take the Bus 91-06C or 91-10 and stop at Fresnel• T he company is a 5 minute walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building29 Practical InformationAround 150 € by taxi from Charles de Gaulle airport. From Orly Airport By Train• A t Orly airport, take the ORLYVAL, which is ametro line that links the Orly airport to the AntonyRER station• A t Antony station, take the RER B (direction StRemy Les Chevreuse) and stops at Massy-Palai-seau station• A t Massy-Palaiseau station, take the Bus 91-06C, 91-06 B or 91-10 stop at Fresnel• T he company is 5 minutes walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building• O r at Orly take the Bus 91-10 stop at Fresnel.The company is 5 minutes walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building. We remain at yourdisposal for any information to access to your trainingplace. You can also have a look at our web site at thefollowing link:/scientific/contact-us/france/visi-tors-guide/Around 50 € by taxi from Orly airport.Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Villeneuve d’Ascq HORIBA Jobin Yvon SAS231 rue de Lille,59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq - FRANCEBy Road from ParisWhen entering Lille, after the exit «Aéroport de Lequin», take the direction «Bruxelles, Gand, Roubaix». Immmediatly take the direction «Gand / Roubaix» (N227) and No «Bruxelles» (A27) Nor «Valenciennes» (A23).You will then arrive on the ringroad around Villeneuve d’Ascq. Take the third exit «Pont de Bois».At the traffic light turn right and follow the road around, (the road will bend left then right). About 20m further on you will see the company on the right hand side where you can enter the car park.By Road from Belgium (GAND - GENT)Once in France, follow the motorway towards Lille. After «Tourcoing / Marcq-en-Baroeul», follow on the right hand side for Villeneuve d’Ascq. Take the exit «Flers Chateau» (This is marked exit 6 and later exit 5 - but it is the same exit). (You will now be following a road parallel to the mo-torway) Stay in the middle lane and go past two sets of traffic lights; at the third set of lighte, move into the left hand lane to turn under the motorway.At the traffic lights under the motorway go straight, (the road shall bend left then right). About 20 m further you shall see the company on the right hand side where you can enter the car park.AeroplaneFrom the airport Charles de Gaulle take the direction ‘Ter-minal 2’ which is also marked TGV (high speed train); where you can take the train to ‘Lille Europe’.Train - SNCFThere are two train stations in Lille - Lille Europe or Lille Flandres. Once you have arrived at the station in Lille you can take a taxi for HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S., or you can take the underground. Please note both train stations have stations for the underground.Follow the signs:1. From the station «Lille Flandres», take line 1, direction «4 Cantons» and get off at the station «Pont de bois».2. From the station «Lille Europe», take line 2, direction «St Philibert» and get off at the following station «Gare Lille Flandres» then take line 1, direction «4 Cantons» and get off at the station «Pont de Bois».BusBus n°43, direction «Hôtel de Ville de Villeneuve d’Ascq», arrêt «Baudoin IX».InformationRegistration: Fill inthe form and send it back by FAX or Email four weeks before beginning of the training.Registration fees: the registration fees include the training courses and documentation. Hotel, transportation and living expenses are not included except lunches which are taken in the HORIBA Scientific Restaurant during the training.Your contact: HORIBA FRANCE SAS, 16-18 rue du Canal, 91165 Longjumeau, FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 64 74 72 00Fax: + 33 1 69 09 07 21E-Mail:***********************Siret Number: 837 150 366 00024Certified ISO 14001 in 2009, HORIBA Scientific is engaged in the monitoring of the environmental impact of its activitiesduring the development, manufacture, sales, installation and service of scientific instruments and optical components. Trainingcourses include safety and environmental precautions for the use of the instrumentsHORIBA Scientific continues contributing to the preservation of theglobal environment through analysis and measuring technologymentisnotcontractuallybindingunderanycircumstances-PrintedinFrance-©HORIBAJobinYvon1/219。
李 密 , 李 少 华。 , 王 红宾 , 曾胜 勇 , 郭 士东
( 1 . 中国 石 化 中 原 油 田普 光 分公 司采 气 厂 , 四川 达 州 6 3 6 1 5 5 ; 2 . 长 江 大 学地 球 科 学 学 院)
摘要 : 在 ML油 田 , 由 于地 震 资料 品 质 差 、 井数 据 缺 乏 、 开发 程 度 低 等原 因 , 采 用 常规 阻 抗 反 演 进 行 油 气 预 测 效 果 不 理想 , 为 此 应 用 多属 性 概 率神 经 网络 技 术 进 行 油 气预 测 。在 研 究 区首 先 进 行 多 属 性 分 析 , 优 选 出振 幅 包 络 、 泊 松 比 等 7种 地 震 属 性 , 建 立起 地 震 属 性 与 油 气之 间的 非 线 性 关 系 ; 然后 对 已钻 遇 岩 性 油 气 藏砂 体 进 行 油 气预 测 , 将预 测
差 由各 点验 证误差 求均 方根 得到 。
资料 品质差 , 井数 据 缺乏 , 而且 开 发 程 度低 , 所 以 常
规 阻抗 反演 、 AVO反 演 进 行 油气 预 测 效 果 不理 想 。 多属性 概率神 经 网络方 法与 常规反 演方 法 比较 具有
自身 的优点 , 它采 用 的 多属 性 技 术能 综 合 利 用叠 前
性 油气 藏砂体 , 这将 作 为 条 件数 据 用 于 对概 率 神 经
网络 培训 以及 对 预测 结 果 的验 证 , 最 后 对研 究 区 6
和 地震 之 间 有很 大 的频 率 成 分差 异 的缺 点 [ 3 ] , 概 率 神 经 网络引入 了褶 积 因子 , 通 过 每个 属 性 上一 组 采
gamm模型的回归代码和方法GAMM(Generalized Additive Mixed Models)是一种广义可加混合模型,结合了广义可加模型(GAM)和混合效应模型(Mixed Effects Models)的特点,用于处理非线性关系和非正态分布的数据。
我们需要加载mgcv包,可以使用以下代码完成:```Rinstall.packages("mgcv") # 安装mgcv包library(mgcv) # 加载mgcv包```在加载mgcv包之后,我们可以开始建立GAMM模型。
使用gamm()函数可以建立GAMM模型,其基本语法如下:```Rmodel <- gamm(formula, data, random = random, method = method)其中,formula表示模型的公式,data表示数据集,random表示随机效应的公式,method表示估计方法。
例如,如果我们要建立一个只包含一个自变量的GAMM模型,可以使用以下代码:```Rmodel <- gamm(y ~ s(x), data = mydata)```在上述代码中,y表示因变量,x表示自变量,s()函数表示平滑项。
sbm(slack-based measurement)方法
sbm(slack-based measurement)方法
SBM 方法最初在运输和产业工程等领域中应用,但也可以在其他领域中找到应用。
以下是Slack-Based Measurement 方法的一些关键概念:
1.多目标优化:SBM 主要用于处理多个相互关联的目标。
2.松弛变量(Slack Variables):SBM 引入了松弛变量,这些
3.目标的测量:SBM 通过测量目标值与其理想值之间的差异来
4.效率评估:SBM 使用效率评估来确定每个目标的性能水平。
5.数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA):
DEA 是SBM 方法的一种常见工具,用于评估目标的相对效率。
SBM 方法的应用领域广泛,包括生产效率评估、供应链优化、项目管理等。
本章用一个简单实例来说明GAMS系统在建立和求解优化模型中的用法,要熟练掌握G A MS的应用需要大量的建模实践,详细的GAM S语句说明请参考相关的用户说明书。
2.1 GAMS系统简介GAMS的设计融入了数学方程的设计思想和关系数据库理论,目的是满足战略建模者的需求。
因此具有数学模型基础和计算机程序设计基础将有利于对G A MS应用的理解。
2.1.1 GAMS基本特性GAMS模型的表达式人和计算机都能读懂,这说明GAM S程序本身就是模型的文件。
(1) GAMS的表达式充分利用了数学表达式的优点。
GAMS将算法与语言结合,因此所有现成的计算方法不用改变用户的模型表达形式就可以直接引入G AMS程序,引用新方法或者已有方法的新应用可以不改变现有的模型。
(2)由于GAMS使用了关系数据库模型,因此计算过程中所需要的计算机的资源被自动地分配,这就意味着G A MS能够构造大型和复杂的模型,而用户不用考虑计算机的资源限制、利用和分配等细节问题。
llama2 量化 推理
Llama2 量化推理介绍Llama2是一种量化推理方法,它结合了量化分析和推理技术,用于解决复杂问题和优化决策。
TP 9 31 中图分类号
Re e r h Ap l a i n i o sS l n s d o u t rn s ca i n s a c p i to Cr s e l g Ba e n Cl s e i g As o i to c n i M i i go n n f OLAM
过 清 洗 、 成 和过 滤 等 预 处 理 集
个 问题是 利用第一 步找到 的频繁项集 , 根据定义 的支 持度
阈 值 和 置 信 度 阈值 , 出期 望 的规 则 。微 软 S ev r 导 QL S re 的 S AS中 的关 联 规 则 算 法 就 属 于 A r r 法 系列 。 S pi i o算
Ab ta t OLAM ( — ieAn lt a Miig sa c r nl o e h oo y OL src On l a i l nn )i ur t h t c n lg . AM san w nn t o ih fs st ea v n n yc e y t i e mi gmeh dwh c e d a — i u h
32 关 联 规 则 分 析 .
2 2 0L . AM 体 系结 构
根 据 0L AM 的 定 义 , 以 用 公 式 OL 可 AM =DW + 0 AP+DM 表 示 。 需 要 指 出 的是 , 式 中 的 “ 不 是 在 概 L 公 +”
关联规则算 法 的基本 原理是 Aga a等 于 1 9 年在 rw l 93
的 数 据 挖 掘 技 术 。该 文 主 要 针 对 商 业 中 的 交 叉 销 售 问题 , 出 一 种 基 于 销 售 多 维 数 据 集 的 聚 类 关 联 规 则 OLAM 挖 掘 模 型 。 利 用 S 提 QL
The ever increasing demand on surveillance cameras is quite visible nowadays. Some major users of such technologies are the banks, stores and parking lots. When using security cameras or cameras recording far distances, we usually face low resolution - low quality facial images. These images do not have sufficient information for recognition tasks or other usages and require a boosted upgrade in their resolution quality. Because there are always the high frequency details that carry the typical information used in processing techniques. This upgrade is performed with different automatic or manual process. Surveillance and monitoring systems like many other video based applications must extract and enhance small faces from a sequence of low-resolution frames [1], [2]. Direct interpolating of the input image is the simplest way to increase image resolution with algorithms such as cubic spline or nearest neighbor. But on the other hand the performance of direct interpolation is usually Copyright © 2013 MECS
工作自主性、技能多样性与员工创造力:基于个性特征的调节效应模型王端旭;赵轶【摘要】基于工作特征模型合理优化工作设计是企业管理者提升员工创造力的重要途径,文章通过对236名企业员工的问卷调查,实证研究工作自主性和技能多样性对员工创造力的影响,并从“人一职”匹配理论视角探讨学习目标取向和创意自我效能感的调节效应.结果表明:工作自主性和技能多样性均对员工创造力有正向预测作用;创意自我效能感越强,工作自主性与创造力的正相关性越弱,技能多样性与创造力的正相关性越强.文章最后总结了研究结果的理论和实践意义,并指出了未来的研究方向.【期刊名称】《商业经济与管理》【年(卷),期】2011(000)010【总页数】8页(P43-50)【关键词】工作自主性;技能多样性;学习目标取向;创意自我效能感;员工创造力【作者】王端旭;赵轶【作者单位】浙江大学管理学院,浙江杭州310058;浙江大学管理学院,浙江杭州310058【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F270一、引言员工创造力(Employee Creativity)是指员工开发或改进新的产品、实践、服务和工作流程的能力[1-2]。
虽然近20年来学者们持续研究工作特征(Job Characteristics)与员工创造力之间的关系,并已经取得重要进展[5-7],但仍存在有待回答的理论问题。
I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2017, 7, 17-25Published Online July 2017 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2017.07.02Analysing Open Source Software in Terms of Its Characteristics and Establishing New ParadigmsHarmaninder J. S. SidhuDesh Bhagat University/Department of Computer Science, Mandi Gobindgarh, 147301, India.E-mail: jeetsinder@Sawtantar S. KhurmiYadavindra College of Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, 151302, Bathinda, India.E-mail: sawtantar@Abstract—The world that we see and in which we live is driven by open source platforms. Whether we talk about Linux and Apache or Drupal and Joomla (all are open source platforms), right from the beginning the open source technology has always been influencing. If we go online and try to find out open source link, we find that it is difficult to find a site/online application without an open source connection. This paper examines Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in an empirical setup in terms of its major characteristics i.e. Deployability and Usability. These two characteristics of FOSS are ex-tremely important from point of view of its comparison with proprietary software. The different attributes of FOSS were identified in the literature and were made part of the present study to carry out empirical analysis of FOSS. Apart from this a number of attributes were also included in this empirical study those were agreed upon by the participants while carrying out pilot study. This paper throws light on the experience of different kinds of users associated with FOSS. The statistical analysis using fisher's exact test was used to conclude the dependability of important characteristics of FOSS on each other. Index Terms—Open source software (OSS)\Free and open source software (FOSS), FOSS Characteristics, FOSS Attributes, FOSS Empirical Study/Analysis, FOSS Deployability, FOSS Usability.I.I NTRODUCTIONAmong different kinds of software that are available in the market two categories are such which seem to influ-ence this world the most. These are known as open source and closed source software. Open Source Soft-ware (OSS) is also called Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) whereas closed source software is termed as pro-prietary software [1]. Open-Source Software is often de-veloped in public collaborative manner in which empha-sis is on global distribution of the software may be via the Internet.As far as the history of FOSS is concerned [2] the free software movement started in 1983. But, at that time also there existed some products i.e. software that exactly or almost fit the definition of FOSS. Those earlier projects provided the freedom to study, use, modi-fy and redistribute them but they were not the part of an organized movement to spread the practice, the philoso-phy or message of FOSS. The FOSS movement was launched by Richard Stallman [3]. The motive behind this movement was to make available the users with modifiable source code, because at that times it had be-come a trend to provide the users with the run-able ver-sion of the software by the developers thus stealing away the freedom of manipulating with the source code to de-velop a new software from the existing one by customiz-ing it.A. Sketching the Background∙The first attempt of open source sharing had noth-ing to do with software! [4]It was in 1911 that Henry Ford, an innovative au-tomaker became a driving force behind the launch of an association that was comprised of motor vehicle manu-facturers. An open source initiative was initiated by this association in which the major US auto manufacturers came together to share technology patents openly without looking for any economic gains in return. It was the first open source sharing effort even before the first computer came into existence.∙The first open source software? [4]It is a common belief that Linux is the first open source software of this world. But, in actual A-2 is the first open source system. It was developed in 1953 for UNIVAC compiler. After the development of this system the users were provided with the source code to make improvements to the present system and send feedback (at that time).∙The year, the term “open source” was coined?It wa s in 1998 when the term “open source” was first introduced at the time of the release of Navigator‟s source code. Over the next few days it was heavily pro-moted. After it got approval from Linus Torvalds, the man behind the Linux, the term got worldwide recogni-tion and since then it is popularly used in its present form.[4]B. Research ObjectivesThe aim of this paper is to determine new (or modified) attributes of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) andalso to establish if it is possible to hypothesise the de-pendability of Deployability and Usability on each other. Determination of such an association is very important keeping in view the assessment of present status of FOSS in the software industry in India. It was also required to know the gender and age distribution of professionals involved in FOSS related issues, to identify education and income level of people actively participating in FOSS related activities and sources of information re-garding FOSS.The paper is organized as follows: Section I being the introduction. Section II mentions the details related to concepts involved in the present study that are existing in the literature under the title …Related Work‟.Section III briefly reveals the concepts related to FOSS (definition and licenses). Section IV presents the research approach employed to carry out this study thereby mentioning the tools used to carry out the analysis of primary data for interpretation of the results. Section V is concerned with the presentation of results supported by relevant figures and tables. Section VI draws the conclusion of the study also involving the limitations of the present study and its future scope.II.F REE AND O PEN S OURCE S OFTWAREFOSS may be termed as software which is accessible to everyone whosoever is in need of it [5]. The software (in operational form) along with its source code is availa-ble without any restraint to: use, copy, modify and redis-tribute. FOSS provides a user with numerous kinds of liberties i.e. liberty to: run the program, study the pro-gram in order to know the functionality of the program, s oftware‟s redistribution (provided the software sticks to the first terms of license) and i mprove the program‟s functionality so that it may be released for public use. Such kind of liberty portrays FOSS design, adoption, development, and implementation [6].A. DefinitionFree and Open-source software is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose [7].The counterpart of FOSS is CSS (Closed Source Soft-ware). It is simply called proprietary software e.g. Mi-crosoft Windows and MS-Office etc. It is not necessary for FOSS to be with zero price tag because the proprie-tary components and services may be charged for with monetary fees.B. LicensesThe FOSS licence ensures that the software is free for all the users by ensuring your freedom to change and share the software [8].There are three general categories [9] in which the open source software licenses may be grouped into as shown in Table 1.Table 1. Types of software licenseIII.R ELATED W ORKThere are two fundamental facts about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) which influence its Usability considerably. First is that it can be said that number of users of a FOSS may be considered to be virtually boundless. Second is that it is the end user whose experi-ence with the FOSS determines the software quality. These two factors make Usability an even more critical quality attribute for FOSS than it is for proprietary soft-ware. It is necessary to study the level of Usability of FOSS and the other related issues. This is because of the reason that there is a sharp increase in the use of FOSS projects by both individuals and organizations [10]. But, it is also true that the FOSS products are usually criti-cized for having little emphasis on Usability. FOSS de-velopers are; no doubt, interested in Usability, but actual-ly it is not their top priority. Hardly ever systematic Usa-bility evaluation methods are employed in a FOSS pro-ject. Almost, all the efforts are common sense based. There is inadequate or very little understanding of Usa-bility among most of the developers. Further, lack of re-sources and methods of evaluation make the situation even worse as reported by [11]. So, the limited distribu-tion of FOSS is due to problems which are associated with Usability or the Usability itself which is often re-garded as one of the main reasons behind this poor distri-bution. It is quite surprising that people involved in the development of FOSS or open source communities have managed to develop successfully a great deal of open source software [12]. It is the world which is dominated by proprietary software. Still, this remarkable achieve-ment has been made. [13] Examines the current state of Usability in FOSS and tries to find out, why it is common to overlook Usability in Open Source Software? A popu-lar Open Source Software called GNOME for desktop environment was used to provide just round the corner information for present structure for development and also to figure out the improvement areas. When test data was analysed it explored features of Usability and put forth possibility of investigation to enhance overall Usa-bility within FOSS system. As far as the Deployability of FOSS is concerned it refers to the capability of software to be packaged for usage in a particular environment [14]. The various sub-characteristics and attributes of Deploy-ability FOSS [14] are as follows. Portability: it signifies the capability of FOSS to be relocated from one system to another. It has following two attributes- (i) Software system independence (it indicates the extent to which the software is independent of the platform on which it is running such as operating system and other sys-tem/environment constraints i.e. type of programming language and the database system being used). (ii) Ma-chine independence (it signifies the ease with whichsoftware can be run on any machine by making use of minimum possible resources like software, hardware, network etc.). Next is Installability: it is the ability of the FOSS to be installed as per the requirements of a specific environment. Its attribute(s) is/are- (i) Ease of installation (it refers to the effort required for installation of the soft-ware product/package in the production environment). Then comes the Configurability: it accounts for the abil-ity to setup FOSS to run smoothly in a production envi-ronment. Its attribute(s) is/are- (i) Technical documenta-tion (it refers to the simplicity with which the technical details of the software are listed in the user manual). Af-ter this we have Adapatability: it signifies the capability of FOSS to be moved to a new environment without the need of any additional action (i.e. an action which is not specified in the user manual). Its attribute(s) is/are- (i) Suitability for personalization (it is the ability of the software to be able to provide a particular user function-ality to the user according to his/her experience). (ii) Adaptivity (it expresses the ability of the software to ac-commodate various requirements of different users). Last but not the least is Distributability: it refers to the capa-bility of FOSS to run concurrently at different locations. Its attribute(s) is/are- (i) Distributed system (it represents the ease with which a system can be set up as distributed system).IV.R ESEARCH M ETHODOLOGYThe basis of this research is an empirical study. Simple random sampling was used to collect the data to carry out this empirical research. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied for data collection and data analy-sis respectively. The qualitative methods involved carry-ing out interviews and noting down the participants‟ o b-servations. Quantitative methods were used to collect data by making use of questionnaire and that data was analyzed by making use of different Statistical meth-ods/tools such as mean score, Coefficient of Variance, Cronbach‟s alpha and F isher's exact test. A pilot study was also conducted before going for the actual research endeavour to modify the existing and identify new attrib-utes of Usability namely Quick comprehension, Profi-ciency, Knowledge acquisition, Guidance/Help, Informa-tive documentation, System support, Appealing manifes-tation, Well-responsive system, Dynamic functionality, Provided directivity, Reliance, Error control, Full user control, Satisfaction, General user support, Active feed-back, User oriented, Consistent and clear screen display, User-friendly interface and Norms and standards.As identified through existing literature the Deployability of FOSS is made available by various quality models name-ly Boehm, IEEE, ISO 9126 and MCcall [15]. The De-ployability of FOSS may be identified in terms of Porta-bility, Installability, Configurability, Adaptability, and Distributability.V.R ESULTS AND F INDINGSIt is very important to know the status of professionals dealing with FOSS concerning their involvement in FOSS activities. An effort was made to know the stand-ing of FOSS people involved in FOSS in one way or the other. Different FOSS users/people were enquired about their age, income and education level and their sources of information about FOSS. The research activity carried out revealed some interesting facts and figures which are discussed below.A. Gender and Age DistributionTwo hundred people were the part of the survey of which seventy seven were females and one hundred and twenty three males. An effort has also been made to have people in the survey from different age groups. The se-lection of different age group was dictated by the fact that younger people are more tech savvy and expected to pos-sess more knowledge regarding different types of soft-ware systems proprietary as well as FOSS. In all the sur-vey out of two hundred people, 72 fall in the category of 20-30 and 124 between 31-40 and rest are above 40 (Fig.1). Out of 122 males, 38 belong to the age group of 20-30 and 80 are in the age group of 31-40. Out of 78 females in the sample, 34 are from age group category 20-30 and 44 belong to 31-40.Out of total number of respondents the percentage of males and females falling in the category of 20-30 (age group) is nearly same (approximately 18 percent each). It is indicator of the present scenario that more and more young people irrespective of their gender are joining theFig.1. Sex and Age distribution of respondentsIf we look at the figures we come to know that the sce-nario was comparatively different some time back (about a decade ago). As we can see that earlier the percentage of number of males joining the FOSS community was considerably high as compared to females. Data retrieved from the survey signifies that this percentage was approx-imately double in favour of males. This situation may be attributed to the likely fact that although the roots of FOSS are very deep in the history of software industry but it has gained popularity in the masses very quickly in the recent times in the country (i.e. India). Now, it won‟t be wrong to say that open source software industry is acting as an equal opportunity employer for both kind of sex and more and more number of females are develop-ing confidence in open source industry.20-3031-4041-50Age3834804440The percentage of respondents falling in the age group 41-50 is extremely low. This is another matter of concern. It sound very appealing if we say that about couple of decades back the open source industry had a very limited impact on Indian mind set. As the figures clearly signify that earlier the FOSS was not taken seriously (may be from career point of view) by most of the Indian software professionals. This may be because of the fact that as far as the free lancers were concerned (who are in software industry), they were not be able to see their future in FOSS and on the other hand the companies involved in the software activities were reluctant to pay their em-ployees for getting involved in something that was or will be free of cost in the market. After all, business is for making money and getting profits to survive in this high-ly competitive world (in whatever field you are).It is also apparent from the data that total no of female respondents when taken collectively from all the age groups contribute to more than fifty percent of the total number of male respondents falling in different catego-ries of age groups. If we look at the overall figures we find out that the total number of female respondents is equal to 39 percent of total number of respondents in this field of open source technology. The figures clearly sig-nify the substantial participation of females in this open source arena. The data also unfolds the truth that the awareness regarding the FOSS technologies in females is no less than that of males in this male dominating society (Fig. 1). It won‟t be wrong to say that if this trend co n-tinues then we are more likely to see a large number of professionals getting involved into this field of open source platforms in the country and also a greater level of confidence among the masses towards this sector of software industry.The foregoing discussion proves that our sample is well representative in terms of age and sex distribution of FOSS users.B. Education and Income levelsDifferent income groups were taken into consideration while choosing the respondents. Out of 200 sampled people 60 belong to the category of 4-6 lakh annual in-come while 132 are from the category of 6-8 lakh, rest of them belong to 8 lakh and above as shown in Fig. 2. Fig.2. Education and Income level of the sampled peopleThe level of education which is an indicator of aware-ness regarding FOSS has also been taken into considera-tion in the form of Postgraduate, Graduate and other cat-egories. The higher level of education in respondentsmay be inclined towards FOSS as compared to lower level of education. In our sample, out of 60 people be-longing to 4-6 lakh income groups, 38 are postgraduates and 22 are graduates. Although the number of graduates is substantial in this case but still they are not comparable to that of number of postgraduates. It is also evident from the figures that it is hard to find people with lower level of education as far as their involvement in FOSS is con-cerned.It is clear from the data depict in Fig. 2 that as we move from undergraduate level to the postgraduate level the number of responses keep on increasing (towards FOSS involvement) accordingly. This increase in number of respondents towards the higher education is quite high. It can also be interpreted that in case of first two catego-ries of income groups the number of respondents in first category are nearly equal to (or less than) fifty percent of the number of respondents in the second category if we compare postgraduates and graduates in their respective disciplines. This inclination signifies that people might have started involving in the FOSS technologies quite earlier in the country keeping in view its importance and emergence in the Indian society as it is quite obvious that people with more experience are likely to earn more than compared to those with lesser experience unless you are exceptionally good in a particular field and are capable of giving tough competition to your highly experienced counterparts.However, it can also be said that popularity of FOSS is not that old in the county as we can see from the last two categories of income that the number of respondents with still higher income are significantly small in number (Fig. 2). Whether it comes to graduate or postgraduate level the level of education does not affect the popularity of FOSS in earlier times (again on the basis of income based on experience). We draw a direct conclusion from this situation that earlier the people were reluctant to join FOSS industry or to work on FOSS technologies because they were not sure of having their future in this platform. Although the change in the scenario appears to be quite slow towards the adoption of FOSS as a feasible option, it can be said with certainty that the situation has changed at a very fast pace only some time back.In case of extreme situations when we talk of the pro-fessionals with very low level of education or with rea-sonably high income group (Fig. 2) we find that there is extremely low probability of finding such people. Further, if we combine these two criteria together the situation becomes extremely unfavourable. Even taking each as-pect one at a time we find it very difficult to cope up with the situation as the data clearly indicates that these two conditions are not fruitful to find a good number of pro-fessionals dealing with FOSS. The data also justifies the fact that maximum people can be found in higher educa-tion category or in second level of income group. So, every effort has been made to make the data representa-tive in terms of education, income levels, gender, age, space and so on.4-6 Lakh6-8 Lakh 8-10 Lakh≥ 10 LakhIncome382288422620000C. Information Sources for FOSSThough, people in our sample belong to educated cate-gory, even then the sources of information regarding FOSS need to be explored. The information or knowledge about FOSS which is disseminated by various sources is essential. We should be able to know the dom-inating information source for the people. This type of information about the source helps the authorities to promote that very particular source.To know this fact, respondents were enquired about their source of information regarding BOSS and LINUX, such as internet, newspapers, magazines, radio/TV, col-leagues, friends, conferences, workshops, academics, trainings and so on. It has been found that most of the information regarding FOSS technologies is provided by colleagues/friends, newspaper/magazines and internet. And this is almost same for both the categories of FOSS (i.e. BOSS and LINUX). Some weight-age has also been given to academics/trainings and conferences/workshops. The role of Radio/TV is negligible (Fig. 3). In the mod-ern times electronic media like TV and internet is most popular source of entertainment. Therefore, such infor-mation should be spread through TV channels and inter-net so that people can have maximum access and can benefit from the FOSS.If we look at the data (Fig. 3), we find that approxi-mately 17 percent of the respondents agree that the very first source of information of FOSS for them was internet. This figure holds true for both FOSS operating systems (i.e. BOSS and Linux). Although this does not seems to be a promising figure as far as the popularity of internet is concerned in the present times still it is very appealing if we look at facts and figures about existence and pro-gress of internet in India. In spite of lack of resources, high level of illiteracy rate and limited bandwidth, inter-net has been able to mark its presence as a promoter of general awareness about FOSS among various other sources of information dispersal.It seems that the sources of information about FOSS such as help from friends and knowledge from magazines have outplayed other important sources of information which appear to be dominating at first instance (such as internet) as apparent from Fig. 3. But, a closer look at Indian market scenario (software and internet) reveals that it is not that surprising. Because, although FOSS and internet took birth much earlier in the history of software. But, still the commercialization of internet in India took quite a long time especially to reach far flung areas in the country. So, it is quite obvious that the other sources of information mentioned above helped in widespread dif-fusion of information about FOSS as they were already there much before the arrival of internet and even the FOSS itself.Conferences and workshops are the indispensable part of education and research community. So, it is quite ob-vious that they contribute to knowledge distribution re-lated to FOSS to a fairly good percentage (Fig. 3). If we look at combined contribution of Conferences, work-shops and academics we find that they appear to be hold-ing an important position in this marathon as approxi-mately more than one fourth of the total number of re-spondents considers them as the preliminary source of information in knowing about FOSS. The other sources for information retrieval have proved to be ineffective till date whatever the reasons may be however important they may appear to be. But, the times are changing, tech-nologies are changing and so are the sources of infor-mation!Fig.3. Sources of information regarding FOSSD. Reliability And Validity Of DataTo find out the validity and reliability of the data achieved from this empirical endeavour the Cronbach‟s alpha test was carried out on the primary data. It helped in getting the estimation of internal consistency of the data collected. To be valid, the value of alpha is supposed to lie between 0 and 1. Internal consistency indicates the degree to which all the data items are interrelated to one another while being subjected to a test. To ensure data‟s reliability it is very important to check its internal con-sistency beforehand.The figures after subjecting the data to Cronbach‟s a l-pha test for Deployability and Usability are shown in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively.Table 2. Cronbach‟s alpha for Deployability DataTable 3. Cronbach‟s alpha for Usability DataA value for Cronbach‟s alpha is considered to be ac-ceptable if it comes out to be 0.7 or above. Therefore it is obvious from the two Cronbach‟s alpha values (i.e. 0.981 and 0.690 from Table 2 and Table 3 respectively.) that the data is sufficiently reliable and can be put to hypothe-sis testing.5101520253035404550Sources353341414449483135212311E. Association Between Deployability & Usability Deploybility (Deploybility with its attributes is graph-ically represented in Fig. 4) and Usability (Usability along with its proposed attributes is depicted in Fig. 5) are very important characteristics of a software especially when we are talking in terms of FOSS. The reason be-hind this view is that in case of proprietary software the user or the person acquiring the software gets full after sales support from the vendor. As far as its version, up-dates or other issues are concerned these are handled by the proprietor of the software product. So, user does not have to worry about the problems concerned with De-ployability and Usability of the software product as it comes into market after passing through sufficiently reli-able assessment levels carried out by persons responsible for its evolution. But, the scenario is considerably differ-ent when it comes to FOSS. Since, there is no proprietor as such so the development community is responsible for taking care regarding resolving issues if some problem arises at any point of time.Fig.4. Graphical Representation Of DeployabilityFig.5. Usability Characteristic In Terms Of Its Sub-Characteristics & Proposed AttributesIt is therefore necessary to see how these two im-portant characteristics of FOSS are related to each other. The association (Fig. 6) between these two characteristics has direct impact on the credibility of FOSS. This is be-cause if any of the two characteristics is not able to live up to the expectations of the persons dealing with it then it will affect the functionality and the reliability of the other. Needless to say if software is not able to be de-ployed in heterogeneous environments then it is good for nothing. Clearly, its Usability in that case cannot be real-ized however useful it may be from the point of view of its working.Fig.6. Association between Deployability and UsabilityOn the contrary if software is not doing as it was ex-pected to be then its Deployability becomes questionable.Table 4. SPSS output for Deployability & Usability Crosstabultion Table 5. SPSS output for Fisher's Exact TestThis is because getting a software installed without having all the aspects incorporated in it does not make any sense from both user and developer point of view. Keeping in view the attributes of the two characteristics (Deploybility and Usability) the Fisher's Exact Test was used to check and hypothesize (See Table 4 & 5) if there exists any relation between these two characteristics. Thesignificant value of .027 (<.05), as evident from Table 5, clearly shows the validity of the alternate hypothesis that there certainly exist some association between the two characteristics of FOSS. F. DiscussionThe FOSS scenario is changing at a very fast pace. More and more young people are now turning towards FOSS community. Statistics show that the scenario was comparatively different some time back (about a decade ago). Although, the roots of FOSS are very deep in the history of software industry but it has gained popularity in the masses very quickly in the recent times in India. Now, it won‟t be wrong to say that open source software industry is acting as an equal opportunity employer for both kind of sex and more and more number of females is developing confidence in open source industry.An important significance of the outcome of this re-search is that it is quite possible to consider that about some time back (approximately some two decades back or so) open source arena was not that influential in con-vincing the professionals involved in world of computer and especially software to get involved in the field of open source technologies. People were not able to see their future by getting involved in this field. It also signi-fies that whether we talk about individual software pro-fessionals or the software groups/companies/industries the statistics give us sufficient ground to think that it was hard for someone to believe at that time that open source community will flourish so much in such a short span of time especially when we know that the first open source attempt happened way back in 1953 (i.e. about 63 years ago).Further, the level of education appears to be an indica-tor of awareness regarding FOSS. If we compare the lev-el of education (i.e. higher and lower level) among peo-ple we find that higher level of education is more tending towards FOSS to that of lower level of education. As we move from undergraduate level to the postgraduate level the number of responses keeps on increasing (towards FOSS involvement) accordingly. This increase in number of people having the higher education is quite high as far as their FOSS involvement is concerned. Although, there appears to be considerable increase in FOSS popularity in a short span of time (as mentioned before) but from the earnings of the FOSS people it can also be concluded that people might have stepped towards open source plat-forms quite earlier in the country by recognizing its im-portance and keeping in view its magnitude and surfacing in the Indian software industry set up.As far as the sources of information for FOSS are con-cerned, although, the internet is very important medium for information dissemination in the modern times, but surprisingly the statistics show that the people dependant on it as an information source for FOSS are not relatively that big in number. At the first look it appears that it is hard to believe in this finding. But, a vigilant look at the existing conditions in the past as well as in the present times related to internet and information technology re-veals the fact that scarcity of resources and unavailabilityExtremely importantVery importantImportantOf little importanceNot importantDeployability。
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Michael Elad
The Computer Science Department The Technion – Israel Institute of technology Haifa 32000, Israel
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad
a long-while The For co-sparse analysis model is a very these two options Well … now we appealing alternative to the synthesis were confused, know better !! model; it considered has a great potentialThe fortwo signal even are modeling; BUT there are many things to be (near)VERY DIFFERENT equivalent. about it we do not know yet
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad
The Analysis Model – Basics
The analysis representation z is expected to be sparse
* sparkΩT d 1
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad 2
Sparsity-Based Models
Sparsity and Redundancy can be Practiced in (at least) two different ways
0 k d
Adopting a Bayesian point of view:
Draw the support T (with k non-zeroes) at random;
Choose the non-zero coefficients randomly (e.g. iid Gaussians); and
Part I - Background Recalling the Synthesis Sparse Model Part II - Analysis Turning to the Analysis Model
Part III – THR Performance Revealing Important Dictionary Properties
Part I - Background Recalling the Synthesis Sparse Model
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad
The Sparsity-Based Synthesis Model
Hybrid methods (IHT, SP, CoSaMP).
Pursuit Algorithms
Theoretical studies provide various guarantees for the success of these techniques, typically depending on k and properties of D.
y x er the clean signal x – This is a denoising task.
ˆ ArgMin y D s.t. 0 k x ˆ D ˆ This can be posed as: 2
The European Council under the European union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) ERC grant Agreement ERC-SPARSE- 320649
Google Faculty Research Award
Contributed Session: Mathematical Signal and Image Processing
The research leading to these results has received funding from:
*Joint work with
Ron Rubinstein Tomer Peleg
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad
The Synthesis Model – Basics
The synthesis representation is expected to be sparse:
While this is a (NP-) hard problem, its approximated solution can be obtained by
Use L1 instead of L0 (Basis-Pursuit)
Greedy methods (MP, OMP, LS-OMP)
Min DA Y
D ,A 2 F
s.t. j 1,2, ,N j 0 k
Each example has a sparse representation with no more than k atoms
Example are linear combinations of atoms from D
Multiply by D to get the synthesis signal.
D T T x
Such synthesis signals belong to a Union-of-Subspaces (UoS):
T k
n k
Ωx 0 z 0 p
Co-sparsity: - the number of zeros in z. Co-Support: - the rows that are orthogonal to x
Analysis Dictionary
Part II - Analysis Turning to the Analysis Model
1. 2. S. Nam, M.E. Davies, M. Elad, and R. Gribonval, "Co-sparse Analysis Modeling - Uniqueness and Algorithms" , ICASSP, May, 2011. S. Nam, M.E. Davies, M. Elad, and R. Gribonval, "The Co-sparse Analysis Model and Algorithms" , ACHA, Vol. 34, No. 1, Pages 30-56, January 2013.
The Co-Sparse Analysis Model: Recent Results By: Michael Elad 8
The Synthesis Model – Dictionary Learning
N j1
Given Signals : y j x j v j v j ~ N0, I
x D
We seek a sparsity of , meaning that it is assumed to contain mostly zeros. We typically assume that n>d: redundancy. This model is typically referred to as the synthesis sparse and redundant representation model for signals.
Remi Gribonval, Sangnam Nam, Mark Plumbley, Mike Davies, Raja Giryes, Boaz Ophir, Nancy Bertin
Informative Data Inner Structure
Stock Market Heart Signal
Still Image Voice Signal Radar Imaging
It does not matter what is the data you are working on – if it carries information, it must have an inner structure. Traffic info This structure = rules the data complies with. Signal/image processing relies on exploiting these “rules” by adopting models. A model = mathematical construction describing the properties of the signal. In the past decade, sparsity-based models has been drawing major attention.