表 1 光明公司产品生产的计划与实际统计表
表1 光明公司产量与资金占用历史资料统计表
表 1 光明公司财务资料统计表单位:元
第一章一、单项选择题:例1.1 公司股票价格体现了( A )。
A.股东财富B.公司价值C.公司财富D.公司利润例1.2 公司理财最基本的目标是( B )。
A.股东财富最大化B.利润最大化C.公司财富最大化D.公司价值最大化例1.3 某公司每年要做些公益广告,这么做公司的目标是( C )。
A.提高商誉B.利润最大化C.社会责任D.公司价值最大化例1.4 公司未来现金流量的现值即为( A )。
A.公司价值B.公司财富C.股东财富D.公司利润例1.5 金融市场可分为( A )。
A.资本市场和货币市场B.银行和证券公司C.股票市场和债券市场D.资本市场和期货市场例1.6 上海股票交易所属于( D )。
A.证券公司B.初级金融市场C.一级金融市场D.二级金融市场例1.7 公司理财的内容有(ACD )。
A.筹集资金B.安排生产C.投放资金D.股利分配E.支付利息例1.8 公司理财的重要性主要体现在(ABE )。
A.公司的生存B.公司的发展C.公司的商誉D.公司的性质E.公司的价值例1.9 公司的目标包括(ABCD )。
A.公司利润最大化B.股东财富最大化C.公司价值最大化D.社会责任E.公司规模最大化例1.10 公司财富包括公司的(ABCDE )。
A.现金B.有价证券C.信贷额度D.技术E.市场例1.11 股东财富最大化(BCDE )。
A.不考虑货币的市价价值B.必须考虑未来现金流量的风险C.对于管理层来说不容易控制D.运行成本比较高E.等同于股票价格最大化例1.12 货币市场包括(ABCE )。
A.贴现市场B.短期信贷市场C.短期证券市场D.长期证券市场E.同业拆借市场例1.13 公司财富最大化就意味着股东财富最大化。
(×)例1.14 股东财富最大化是一个市场概念,而非会计概念。
(√)例1.15 如果未来长期利率将上涨,则投资者应当将钱投资于货币市场。
(√)例1.16 利润最大化强调的是会计利润,它忽略了资本成本。
《公司理财》复习题附答案《公司理财》复习题附答案一、单项选择题1、公司理财产生于B、19世纪末期2、在筹资理财阶段,公司理财得重点内容就是B、如何设法筹集到所需资金3、把如何有效地运用资金作为公司理财重点内容得理财阶段就是B B、内部控制理财阶段4、以往被西方经济学家与企业家作为公司得经营目标与理财目标得就是A、利润最大化5、现代公司理财得目标就是C、股东财富最大化6、对股份有限公司而言,可以代表股东财富得就是A、股票市价7、资金运动得起点与终点都就是A、货币资金8、由于生产经营不断地进行而引起资金不断地循环称为C、资金周转9、资产负债表就是B、静态报表10、资产负债表中所有项目得“期末数”一栏填列得依据就是本期有关账户得A、期末余额11、属于流动负债得就是D、应交税金12、属于长期负债得就是D、应付债券13、公司流动性最强得资产就是A、货币资金14、不属于固定资产计价标准得就是D、账面价值15、资本公积可按法定程序经批准后A、转增资本16、公司得法定盈余公积在转增资本后,一般不得低于注册资金C、25%17、利润表就是A、动态报表18、利润表中得收入得确认就是基于B、权责发生制19、属于营业费用得就是C、广告费20、属于管理费用得就是B、业务招待费21、属于财务费用得就是C、利息支出22、在阅读与分析现金流量表时,最重要得数据就是A、现金及现金等价物净增加额23、企业比较适宜得资产负债率就是C、50%24、反映公司所得与所占用得比例关系得财务指标就是B、资产利润率25、通常被用来描述一个公司经济效益高低得代表性指标就是C资产利润率26、反映公司所得与所费得比例关系得财务指标就是D、成本费用利润率27、我国得中央银行就是A、中国人民银行28、属于政策性银行得就是C、中国农业发展银行29、金融市场最重要得参与者就是A、金融机构30、金融市场最积极得参与者就是C、企业31、每期期末收付得等额款项称为A、普通年金32、每期期初收付得等额款项称为B、即付年金33、一般情况下股份有限公司只发行B、普通股股票34、国内公司在香港发行并上市得股票被称为C、H股35、国内公司在美国纽约证券交易所发行并上市得股票被称为D、N股36、以超过票面金额发行股票所得溢价款列入公司得A、资本公积金37、公司股利政策得重要基础就是D、能否获得长期稳定得利润38、将公司得盈余首先用于良好得投资项目,然后将剩余得盈余作为股利进行分配得政策就是A、剩余股利政策39、公司各年支付得股利额随公司获得盈利得多少而上下波动得股利政策为C、固定股利支付率政策40、公司最常见得一种股利发放形式就是A、现金股利41、不会影响公司与股东资产价值得股利形式就是B、股票股利42、公司筹措短期资金得重要方式就是D、短期借款43、短期银行借款属于A、流动资金借款44、临时借款得期限一般不超过C、6个月45、企业以托收承付结算凭证为保证向银行取得得借款就是A、结算借款46、不属于短期借款信用条件得就是A、担保能力47、在我国,公司在托收承付方式下得银行办理得结算借款属于B、应收账款担保借款48、名义利率等于实际利率得短期借款利息计算方法就是A、单利计算法49、股份有限公司发行公司债券其净资产额不得低于人民币C、3000万元50、公司发行债券时其累计债券总额不得超过公司净资产额得B、40% 51、融资租赁得具体形式主要有(直接租赁)、(返回租赁)与(杠杆租赁)。
单选1、资金时间价值通常()A 包括风险和物价变动因素 B不包括风险和物价变动因素C包括风险因素但不包括物价变动因素 D包括物价变动因素但不包括风险因素2、若希望在3年后取得500元,利率为10%,则单利情况下现在应存入银行()A 384.6B 650C 375.7D 665.53、某项存款利率为6%,每半年复利一次,其实际利率为()A3% B6.09% C6% D6.6%4、在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1、系数减1所得到的结果,在数值上等于()A普通年金现值系数B先付年金现值系数C普通年金终值系数D先付年金终值系数5、下列项目中,不属于投资项目的现金流出量的是()A固定资产投资 B营运成本C垫支流动资金 D固定资产折旧6、某投资项目的年营业收入为500万元,年经营成本为300万元,年折旧费用为10万元,所得税税率为33%,则该投资方案的年经营现金流量为()万元A127.3 B200 C137.3 D1447、在新设立的股份有限公司申请发行股票时,发起人认购的股本数额不少于公司拟发行股本的()A 25%B 10%C 35%D 15%8、债券筹资的特点之一是()A 资金成本高B 财务风险小C 筹资数额无限D 可利用财务杠杆9、以下关于优先股的说法正确的是()A 优先股是一种具有双重性质的证券,它虽属自有资金,但却兼有债券性质。
B 始发股票和新股发行具体条件、目的、发行价格不尽相同,股东的权利、义务也不一致。
C 股份有限公司申请其股票上市的必备条件之一是:公司股本总额不少于人民币3000元。
D 新设立股份有限公司申请公开发行股票,向社会公众发行的部分不少于公司拟发行的股本总额的20%。
10、下列筹资方式按一般情况而言,企业所承担的财务风险由大到小排列为()A 筹资租赁、发行股票、发行债券B 筹资租赁、发行债券、发行股票C发行债券、筹资租赁、发行股票 D发行债券、发行股票、筹资租赁11、以下观点正确的是()A 收益债券是指在企业不盈利时,可暂不支付利息,而到获利时支付累积利息的债券。
1.Which one of the following is a means by which shareholders can replace companymanagement?A. stock optionsB. promotionC. Sarbanes-Oxley ActD. agency playE. proxy fight2.Decisions made by financial managers should primarily focus on increasing which one of thefollowing?A. size of the firmB. growth rate of the firmC. gross profit per unit producedD. market value per share of outstanding stockE. total sales3.Which one of the following is the financial statement that shows the accounting value of afirm's equity as of a particular date?A. income statementB. creditor's statementC. balance sheetD. statement of cash flowsE. dividend statement4.Which one of the following is the financial statement that summarizes a firm's revenue andexpenses over a period of time?A. income statementB. balance sheetC. statement of cash flowsD. tax reconciliation statementE. market value report5.The percentage of the next dollar you earn that must be paid in taxes is referred to as the_____ tax rate.A. meanB. residualC. totalD. averageE. marginalEDCAE6.The cash flow of a firm which is available for distribution to the firm's creditors andstockholders is called the:A. operating cash flow.B. net capital spending.C. net working capital.D. cash flow from assets.E. cash flow to stockholders.7.Canine Supply has sales of $2,200, total assets of $1,400, and a debt-equity ratio of 0.3. Itsreturn on equity is 15 percent. What is the net income?A. $138.16B. $141.41C. $152.09D. $156.67E. $161.548.Beach Wear has current liabilities of $350,000, a quick ratio of 1.65, inventory turnover of 3.2,and a current ratio of 2.9. What is the cost of goods sold?A. $980,000B. $1,060,000C. $1,200,000D. $1,400,000E. $1,560,0009.The sustainable growth rate of a firm is best described as the:A. minimum growth rate achievable assuming a 100 percent retention ratio.B. minimum growth rate achievable if the firm maintains a constant equity multiplier.C. maximum growth rate achievable excluding external financing of any kind.D. maximum growth rate achievable excluding any external equity financing whilemaintaining a constant debt-equity ratio.E. maximum growth rate achievable with unlimited debt financing.10.The internal growth rate of a firm is best described as the:A. minimum growth rate achievable assuming a 100 percent retention ratio.B. minimum growth rate achievable if the firm maintains a constant equity multiplier.C. maximum growth rate achievable excluding external financing of any kind.D. maximum growth rate achievable excluding any external equity financing whilemaintaining a constant debt-equity ratio.E. maximum growth rate achievable with unlimited debt financing.DEDDC11.What is the present value of $1,100 per year, at a discount rate of 10 percent if the firstpayment is received 6 years from now and the last payment is received 28 years from now?A. $6,067.36B. $6,138.87C. $6,333.33D. $6,420.12E. $6,511.0812.The current yield is defined as the annual interest on a bond divided by which one of thefollowing?A. couponB. face valueC. market priceD. call priceE. dirty price13.Currently, the bond market requires a return of 11.6 percent on the 10-year bonds issued byWinston Industries. The 11.6 percent is referred to as which one of the following?A. coupon rateB. face rateC. call rateD. yield to maturityE. interest rate14.Big Falls Tours just paid a dividend of $1.55 per share. The dividends are expected to grow at30 percent for the next 8 years and then level off to a 7 percent growth rate indefinitely. Whatis the price of this stock today given a required return of 15 percent?A. $67.54B. $69.90C. $72.47D. $77.67E. $78.1915.Hardwoods, Inc. is a mature manufacturing firm. The company just paid a $10 dividend, butmanagement expects to reduce the payout by 9 percent each year, indefinitely. How much are you willing to pay today per share to buy this stock if you require a 15 percent rate of return?A. $34.79B. $37.92C. $38.27D. $41.33E. $42.09ACDDB16.You are considering the following two mutually exclusive projects. The required rate of returnis 14.6 percent for project A and 13.8 percent for project B. Which project should you accept and why?A. project A; because it has the higher required rate of returnB. project A; because its NPV is about $4,900 more than the NPV of project BC. project B; because it has the largest total cash inflowD. project B; because it has the largest cash inflow in year oneE. project B; because it has the lower required return17. Which of the following are correct according to pecking-order theory?I. Firms stockpile internally-generated cash.II. There is an inverse relationship between a firm's profit level and its debt level.III. Firms avoid external debt at all costs.IV. A firm's capital structure is dictated by its need for external financing.A. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I, III, and IV onlyD. I, II, and IV onlyE. I, II, III, and IV18.The optimal capital structure:A. will be the same for all firms in the same industry.B. will remain constant over time unless the firm changes its primary operations.C. will vary over time as taxes and market conditions change.D. places more emphasis on operations than on financing.E. is unaffected by changes in the financial markets.19.Which one of the following statements related to stock repurchases is correct?A. U.S. industrial firms have increased their stock repurchases every year for each of the pasttwenty years.B. A stock repurchase can be used as a means for incumbent officers to retain control of a firm.C. A tender offer indicates that a firm is willing and able to purchase how ever many sharesthe current shareholders wish to sell.D. All stock repurchases must be identified as such to the selling party.E. Stock repurchases can be a relatively tax-efficient method of distributing cash toshareholders.20.Which of the following tend to keep dividends low?I. shareholders desiring current incomeII. terms contained in bond indenture agreementsIII. the desire to maintain constant dividends over timeIV. flotation costsA. II and III onlyB. I and IV onlyC. II, III, and IV onlyD. I, II, and III onlyE. I, II, III, and IVBDCEC21.Which of the following will increase the expected rate of return on an individual security ascomputed by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)? Assume that the security’s beta, the risk-free rate of return, and the market rate of return are all positive.I. a decrease in the security’s betaII. an increase in the security’s betaIII. a decrease in the risk premiumIV. an increase in the market rate of returnA. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I and IV onlyD. II and III onlyE. II, III, and IV only22. A stakeholder is:A. a person who owns shares of stock.B. any person who has voting rights based on stock ownership of a corporation.C. a person who initially founded a firm and currently has management control over that firm.D. a creditor to whom a firm currently owes money.E. any person or entity other than a stockholder or creditor who potentially has a claim on the cash flows of a firm.23.A business created as a distinct legal entity and treated as a legal "person" is called a:A. corporation.B. sole proprietorship.C. general partnership.D. limited partnership.E. unlimited liability company.24.Which of the following accounts are included in working capital management?I. accounts payableII. accounts receivableIII. fixed assetsIV. inventoryA. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and IV onlyD. I, II, and IV onlyE. II, III, and IV only25.Which one of the following best states the primary goal of financial management?A. maximize current dividends per shareB. maximize the current value per shareC. increase cash flow and avoid financial distressD. minimize operational costs while maximizing firm efficiencyE. maintain steady growth while increasing current profitsBEADB26.Noncash items refer to:A. accrued expenses.B. inventory items purchased using credit.C. the ownership of intangible assets such as patents.D. expenses which do not directly affect cash flows.E. sales which are made using store credit.27.Which of the following are current assets?I. patentII. InventoryIII. accounts payableIV. cashA. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I, II, and IV onlyD. I, II and III onlyE. II, III, and IV only28.Which one of the following is a type of equity security that has a fixed dividend and a prioritystatus over other equity securities?A. Senior bondB. DebentureC. WarrantD. Common stockE. Preferred stock29.An investment is acceptable if its IRR:A. is exactly equal to its net present value (NPV).B. is exactly equal to zero.C. is less than the required return.D. exceeds the required return.E. is exactly equal to 100 percent.30.The higher the degree of financial leverage employed by a firm, the:A. higher the probability that the firm will encounter financial distress.B. lower the amount of debt incurred.C. less debt a firm has per dollar of total assets.D. higher the number of outstanding shares of stock.E. lower the balance in accounts payable.DBEDA31.The accounting manager of Gateway Inns has noted that every time the inn‘s averageoccupancy rate increases by 2 percent, the operating cash flow increases by 5.3 percent. What is the degree of operating leverage if the contribution margin per unit is $47?A. 0.38B. 0.57C. 1.75D. 2.10E. 2.6532.The value of a firm is maximized when the:A. cost of equity is maximized.B. tax rate is zero.C. levered cost of capital is maximized.D. weighted average cost of capital is minimized.E. debt-equity ratio is minimized.33.Under credit terms of 1/5, net 15, customers should:A. always pay on the 15th day.B. take the 5 percent discount and pay immediately.C. take the discount and pay on the day following the day of sale.D. either take the discount or pay on the 15th day.E. both take the discount and pay on the 15th day.34.The EOQ model is designed to minimize:A. production costs.B. inventory obsolescence.C. the carrying costs of inventory.D. the costs of replenishing inventory.E. the total costs of holding inventory.35.You are considering a project that you believe is quite risky. To reduce any potentiallyharmful results from accepting this project, you could:A. lower the degree of operating leverage.B. lower the contribution margin per unit.C. increase the initial cash outlay.D. increase the fixed costs per unit while lowering the contribution margin per unit.E. lower the operating cash flow of the project.EDDEA36.Which of the following ratios are measures of a firm's liquidity?I. cash coverage ratioII. interval measureIII. debt-equity ratioIV. quick ratioA. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I, III, and IV onlyD. I, II, and III onlyE. I, II, III, and IV37. This is cash flow available for payments to stockholders and debtholders of a firm after thefirm has made investments in assets necessary to sustain the ongoing operations of the firm.A. Net income available to common stockholdersB. Cash flow from OperationsC. Net cash flowD. Cash flow from asset38.18. If a firm has a debt-equity ratio of 1.0, then its total debt ratio must be which one of thefollowing?A. 0.0B. 0.5C. 1.0D. 1.5E. 2.039.You are doing some comparison shopping. Five stores offer the product you want at basicallythe same price. Which one of the following stores offers the best credit terms if you plan on taking the discount?A. store AB. store BC. store CD. store DE. store E40.What will be the approximate population of the United States, if its current population of 280million grows at a compound rate of 2% annually for 25 years?A.413 millionB. 430 millionC. 460 millionD. 488 millionBDBEC41.A business owned by a solitary individual who has unlimited liability for its debt is called a:A. corporation.B. sole proprietorship.C. general partnership.D. limited partnership.E. limited liability company.42.Which of the following statements concerning the standard deviation are correct?I. The greater the standard deviation, the lower the risk.II. The standard deviation is a measure of volatility.III. The higher the standard deviation, the less certain the rate of return in any one given year. IV. The higher the standard deviation, the higher the expected return.A. I and III onlyB. II, III, and IV onlyC. I, III, and IV onlyD. I, II, and III onlyE. I, II, III, and IV43.A 6 percent, annual coupon bond is currently selling at a premium and matures in 7 years. Thebond was originally issued 3 years ago at par. Which one of the following statements isaccurate in respect to this bond today?A. The face value of the bond today is greater than it was when the bond was issued.B. The bond is worth less today than when it was issued.C. The yield-to-maturity is less than the coupon rate.D. The coupon rate is greater than the current yield.E. The yield-to-maturity equals the current yield.44.Which one of the following is a risk that applies to most securities? CA. unsystematicB. diversifiableC. systematicD. asset-specificE. total45.Which one of the following terms is defined as the mixture of a firm's debt and equityfinancing?A. working capital managementB. cash managementC. cost analysisD. capital budgetingE. capital structureBBCCE46.Which one of the following terms is defined as a conflict of interest between the corporateshareholders and the corporate managers?A. articles of incorporationB. corporate breakdownC. agency problemD. bylawsE. legal liability working capital is defined as:A. total liabilities minus shareholders' equity.B. current liabilities minus shareholders' equity.C. fixed assets minus long-term liabilities.D. total assets minus total liabilities.E. current assets minus current liabilities.48.The cash flow of a firm which is available for distribution to the firm's creditors andstockholders is called the:A. operating cash flow.B. net capital spending.C. net working capital.D. cash flow from assets.E. cash flow to stockholders.49.A firm has a debt-total asset ratio of 74 percent and a return on total assets of 13 percent.What is the return on equity?A. 26 percentB. 50 percentC. 65 percentD. 84 percentE. 135 percent50.Shareholders' equity:A. increases in value anytime total assets increases.B. is equal to total assets plus total liabilities.C. decreases whenever new shares of stock are issued.D. includes long-term debt, preferred stock, and common stock.E. represents the residual value of a firm.CEDBE51.A project has a net present value of zero. Which one of the following best describes thisproject?A. The project has a zero percent rate of return.B. The project requires no initial cash investmentC. The project has no cash flows.D. The summation of all of the project's cash flows is zero.E. The project's cash inflows equal its cash outflows in current dollar terms.52.Which one of the following represents the level of output where a project produces a rate ofreturn just equal to its requirement?A. capital break-evenB. cash break-evenC. accounting break-evenD. financial break-evenE. internal break-even53.Eight months ago, you purchased 400 shares of Winston, Inc. stock at a price of $54.90 ashare. The company pays dividends of $1 a share. Today, you sold all of your shares for $49.30 a share. What is your total percentage return on this investment?A. -10.2 percentB. -9.3 percentC. -8.4 percentD. 12.0 percentE. 13.4 percent54.Which of the following actions help reduce unsystematic risk in a portfolio?I. spreading the retail industry portion of a portfolio over five separate stocksII. combining stocks with bonds in a portfolioIII. adding some international securities into a portfolio of U.S. stocksIV. adding some U.S. Treasury bills to a risky portfolioA. I and III onlyB. I, II, and IV onlyC. I, III, and IV onlyD. II, III, and IV onlyE. I, II, III, and IV55.Steele Insulators is analyzing a new type of insulation for interior walls. Management hascompiled the following information to determine whether or not this new insulation should be manufactured. The insulation project has an initial fixed asset requirement of $1.3 million, which would be depreciated straight-line to zero over the 12-year life of the project. Projected fixed costs are $742,000 and the anticipated annual operating cash flow is $241,000. What is the degree of operating leverage for this project?A. 3.78B. 3.92C. 4.08D. 4.27E. 4.53EDCDC56.Ratios that measure a firm's financial leverage are known as _____ ratios.A. asset managementB. long-term solvencyC. short-term solvencyD. profitabilityE. book value57.High Mountain Foods has an equity multiplier of 1.55, a total asset turnover of 1.3, and aprofit margin of 7.5 percent. What is the return on equity?A. 8.94 percentB. 10.87 percentC. 12.69 percentD. 14.38 percentE. 15.11 percent58.Martin invested $1,000 six years ago and expected to have $1,500 today. He has not added orwithdrawn any money from this account since his initial investment. All interest wasreinvested in the account. As it turns out, Martin only has $1,420 in his account today. Which one of the following must be true?A. Martin earned simple interest rather than compound interest.B. Martin earned a lower interest rate than he expected.C. Martin did not earn any interest on interest as he expected.D. Martin ignored the Rule of 72 which caused his account to decrease in value.E. The future value interest factor turned out to be higher than Martin expected.59.A newly issued bond has a 7 percent coupon with semiannual interest payments. The bondsare currently priced at par value. The effective annual rate provided by these bonds must be:A. 3.5 percent.B. greater than 3.5 percent but less than 7 percent.C. 7 percent.D. greater than 7 percent.E. Answer cannot be determined from the information provided.60.Which of the following relationships apply to a par value bond?I. coupon rate < yield-to-maturityII. current yield = yield-to-maturityIII. market price = call priceIV. market price = face valueA. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and IV onlyD. I, II, and III onlyE. II, III, and IV onlyBEBDC61.Control of a firm ultimately rests with the stockholders. T62.If a firm has cash flow from assets of $12,000, dividends paid of $4,000 and net new equitysales of $4,000, then cash flow to creditors must be $4,000. F63.One advantage of the corporate form of organization is that you can buy shares in acorporation such as Wal-Mart without worrying about being held personally liable for the corporation's liabilities. T64.Money market accounts are low-risk, high-return investments. F65.All else equal, a firm that utilizes assets inefficiently will have a higher sustainable growthrate than a firm that does not. F66.In most industries, planning beyond the period of one year is not very useful. F67. Agency problems can best be characterized as differing incentives between managers andowners. T68.The primary goal of any company should be to maximize current period profit. F69.According to the constant growth model, the dividend yield is equal to the required returnminus the dividend growth rate. F70.If one uses the perpetuity model to value stock, one assumes that P0 = P1 = P3, etc., implyingthat the annual return from owning the stock is zero. T71.The primary goal of any company should be to maximize current period profit. F72.With terms of 2/10, net 30, the net credit period is 20 days. F73.M&M Proposition I with no tax supports the argument that the debt-equity ratio of a firm iscompletely irrelevant. T74.A firm should select the capital structure that produces the highest cost of capital. F75.If you are given a present value, how long the money is to be invested, and the future value ofthat investment, you can solve for the interest rate that was earned on the investment. T76.Maintaining a steady dividend is a key goal of most dividend-paying firms. T77.A stock repurchase program is essentially the same as a cash dividend program provided thereare no taxes or other costs. T78.Long-term interest rates tend to be less volatile than short-term rates. T79.An increase in the accounts payable period shortens the cash cycle T80.At cash break-even point , The NPV is negative and equal to the initial cash outlay. T。
成人教育 《公司理财》期末考试复习题及参考答案
预祝同学们考试顺利!模拟试题,每小题2分,正式考试时只有50题,均采用这种题型(请和本学期大纲对照,答案供参考)一、单项选择题(每小题2分)1. 上市公司在考虑股东利益时追求的主要目标应该是:A. 预期的总利润最大化B. 预期的每股收益(EPS)最大化C. 预期的净收益最大化D. 每股股价最大化2. 以下哪项工作可以减少股东与债权人的代理冲突:A. 在公司债券合同中包含限制性的条款B. 向经理提供大量的股票期权C. 通过法律使得公司更容易抵制敌意收购D. 以上所有都是正确的3. 以下哪项措施很可能减少股东和经理之间的代理冲突:A. 付给经理很多固定薪金B. 增加公司替换经理的威胁C. 在债务合同中设置限制性条款D. 以上所有都是正确的4. 以下哪项措施很可能减少股东和经理之间的代理冲突:A. 通过法律严格限制敌意收购B. 经理得到较低的薪水但可以得到额外的公司股票C. 董事会对其公司管理不善加强监控D. B和C是正确的5. 以下哪项机制可以用来激励经理为股东利益而工作?A. 债券契约B. 被收购的威胁C. 来自于董事会的压力D. B和C是正确的6. 以下哪个说法最正确?A. 财务经理的主要目的是为了公司预期现金流量最大化,因为这些预期现金流量最能增加公司股东(所有者)的财富。
公司理财复习题(含答案)公司理财复习题一、单选选择题1、企业的管理目标的最优表达是(C )A.利润最大化 B.每股利润最大化C.企业价值最大化 D.资本利润率最大化2、把若干财务比率用线性关系结合起来,以此评价企业信用水平的方法是(B )A杜邦分析法B沃尔综合评分法C预警分析法D经营杠杆系数分析3、“5C”系统中的“信用品质”是指( D )A.不利经济环境对客户偿付能力的影响 B.客户偿付能力的高低C.客户的经济实力与财务状况D.客户履约或赖账的可能性4、投资报酬分析最主要的分析主体是( B )A上级主管部门B投资人C长期债人D短期债权人5、普通年金终值系数的倒数称为( B )A复利终值系数B偿债基金系数C普通年金现值系数D投资回收系数6、为了直接分析企业财务善和经营成果在同行中所处的地位,需要进行同业比较分析,其中行业标准产生的依据是( D )A历史先进水平B历史平均水平C行业先进水平D行业平均水平7、J公司2008年的主营业务收入为500 000万元,其年初资产总额为650 000万元,年末资产总额为600 000万元,则该公司的总资产周转率为( D) A。
77 B。
83 C。
4 D。
88、下列选项中,不属于资产负债表中长期资产的是( A )A应付债券B固定资产C无形资产D长期投资9、计算总资产收益率指标时,其分子是( B )。
A. 利润总额B. 净利润C. 息税前利润D. 营业利润10.在财务报表分析中,投资人是指(D)。
A 社会公众B金融机构 C 优先股东D普通股东11.流动资产和流动负债的比值被称为(A )。
A.获利能力B.偿债能力C.发展能力D.资产运营能力14、能够直接取得所需的先进设备和技术,从而能尽快地形成企业的生产经营能力的筹资形式是( B )A.股票筹资B.吸收直接投资C.债券筹资D.融资租赁15、下列项目中,属于非交易动机的有( D )A支付工资B购买原材料C偿付到期债务D伺机购买质高价廉的原材料16、下列项目中属于非速动资产的有( D )A.应收账款净额B.其他应收款C.短期投资 D.存货17、下列( C)不属于固定资产投资决策要素。
公司理财参考复习资料一、单选题1.公司价值是指全部资产的()A. 评估价值B. 账面价值C.潜在价值D.市场价值参考答案: D2.某上市公司股票现时的系数为 1.5,此时无风险利率为6% ,市场上所有股票的平均收益率为10% ,则该公司股票的预期收益率为()。
A.4%B.12%C.16%D.21%参考答案: B3.无差别点是指使不同资本结构下的每股收益相等时的()。
A . 息税前利润B . 销售收入C . 固定成本D . 财务风险参考答案: A4.上市公司应该最先考虑的筹资方式是()。
A . 发行债券B . 发行股票C . 留存收益D . 银行借款参考答案: C5.对零增长股票,若股票市价低于股票价值,则预期报酬率和市场利率之间的关系是()。
A . 预期报酬率大于市场利率B . 预期报酬率等于市场利率C . 预期报酬率小于市场利率D . 取决于该股票风险水平参考答案: A6.A 证券的标准差是B 证券的投资比例为12% ,B3:2证券的标准差是20%,两种证券的相关系数是0.2 ,对,则 A 、 B 两种证券构成的投资组合的标准差为(A 、)。
A . 3.39%B . 11.78%C . 4.79%D . 15.2 %参考答案: B7. 在公司理财学中,已被广泛接受的公司理财目标是()。
A . 公司价值最大化B . 股东财富最大化C .股票价格最大化D .每股现金流量最大化参考答案: A8. 当公司的盈余和现金流量都不稳定时,对股东和企业都有利的股利分配政策是(A . 剩余股利政策B . 固定股利支付率政策C . 低正常股利加额外股利政策D . 固定股利政策)。
参考答案: C9. 考察了企业的财务危机成本和代理成本的资本结构模型是()。
A . 资本资产定价模型B . 信号传递模型C . 权衡模型D . 净营业收益法( NOI )参考答案:C10.当某独立投资方案的净现值大于 0 时,则该方案的内部收益率()。
金融学考研复习 公司理财习题(6)
金融学考研复习 公司理财习题(15)
为什么公司倾向于发行少量的新权益,却继续发行新的债务? 10.内部融资与外部融资内部融资与外部融资的区别是什么?11.内部融资与外部融资什么因素会影响企业对外部融资与内部权益融资的选择?12.股票类别许多公开交易的公司发行了不止一种类别的股票。
2013-2014-1公司理财通选课复习题名词解释1财务管理2.先付年金3.时间价值4. 可分散风险5.资本资产定价模型6.市场风险7. 复利现值8.流动比率9.市盈率10. 股利支付率11.普通股12.债务性筹资13.股票14.优先股15.最佳资本结构16.财务杠杆17.营业杠杆18.净现值19.现金流量20.内含报酬率二、论述题1.为什么说财务管理的首要目标是股东财富最大化而不是企业利润最大化?2.按风险程度,可把财务决策分为哪三类?3. 论述如何从不同的角度评价企业的资产负债率。
《公司理财》期终复习一、单项选择题:1.公司较为合理的理财目标是( C )。
A利润最大化 B每股利润最大 C公司价值最大化 D资本利润率最大化2.公司价值最大化是指( D )。
A.公司注册资本最大B.公司账面资产价值最大C.公司净资产最大D.公司预期的获利能力最大3.递延年金的终值大小,与( C )无关。
A. 本金B. 利率C. 递延期D. 期数4.某企业向银行存入一笔款项,准备在今后五年中,每年年末得25000元,银行利率8%,则该企业目前应该存( A )元。
A99817.5 B143665 C17015 D36732.55.用于比较不同方案的风险程度指标是( D )。
A.期望值 B. 平方差 C.标准差 D. 标准离差率6.在下列各项中,不属于商业信用融资内容的是( B )。
A赊购商品 B预收货款 C办理应收票据贴现 D用商业汇票购货7.现有甲.乙两个投资项目,已知甲.乙方案的期望值分别为20%.28%,标准差分别为40%.55%,那么(A )。
A. 甲项目的风险程度大于乙项目的风险程度。
B. 甲项目的风险程度小于乙项目的风险程度。
C. 甲项目的风险程度等于乙项目的风险程度。
D. 不能确定。
8.以下对普通股筹资优点叙述中,不正确的是( C )。
A具有永久性,无需偿还 B无固定的利息负担C资金成本较低 D能增强公司的举债能力9.某企业按年利率10%向银行借款20万元,银行要求保留20%的补偿性余额。
那么,企业该项借款的实际利率为( D )。
A10% B12% C20% D12.5%10.以下对普通股筹资优点叙述中,不正确的是( C )。
A.具有永久性,无需偿还 B.无固定的利息负担C.资金成本较低 D.能增强公司的举债能力11.某企业按“2/10,N/30”条件购进商品20000元,若放弃现金折扣,则其资金的机会成本率为( C )。
A36.4% B73.47% C36.73% D57.56%12.下列项目中属于持有现金的机会成本是( D )。
如果该优先股目前股价为每股103美元,请问相应的必要收益率是多少?5.股票估值Universal Laser公司的股票刚刚支付了2.75美元的股利,公司股利预计将以每年6%的增长率无限期增长。
如果市场对这项投资所要求的收益率为6%,那么这样的一股优先股在今天的价格是多少?9.税和股票价格你拥有价值100000美元的Smart Money公司的股票。
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销售收入30 750 000
可变成本13 500 000
固定成本前收入16 500 000
固定成本800 000
EBIT 8 500 000
利息费用 1 000 000
税前收入7 500 000
减:纳税(50%) 3 750 000
净收入 3 750 000
c. 综合杠杆度是多少?
50 000
920 000
1 300 000
40 000
2 000 000
(200 000)
4 110 000
490 000
150 000
60 000
1 650 000
1 060 000
700 000
4 110 000
280 000
700 000
850 000
60 000
400 000
2 190 000
440 000
40 000
50 000
200 000
960 000
500 000
2 190 000
销售成本(包括折旧40 000)
销售和管理费用(包括折旧60 000)利息费用(全部以现金支付)
净收益5 000 000 3 100 000 800 000 110 000 4 010 000 990 000 300 000 690 000
附注:2000年支付现金股利490 000万元
690 000
100 000
110 000
50 000
10 000
10 000
20 000
220 000
450 000
320 000
-1 600 000 -1 600 000
100 000 1 550 000 -110 000 -490 000 1 050 000 -230 000
利润为690 000万元。