



• • • •
Hale Waihona Puke 关于顾客服务,例如: Another service to add value is to provide warehousing of customer inventory. This allows us to book larger orders and provide faster order response.
• 第六讲:市场分析(market analysis) • • 这部分内容包括行业分析、市场分析和竞争分析。行业分 析包括企业所在行业概述、对行业发展方向的预测、对驱 动因素的分析。市场分析的核心内容是在市场细分的基础 上确定目标市场。要让投资者了解市场的规模有足够大的 赢利空间和发展空间;知道市场有良好的发展前景,即所 确定的目标市场在未来将会长生不衰。竞争分析中要对全 部竞争产品及竞争厂家作出描述与分析。尤其要分析这些 竞争对手所占有的市场份额、年销量与销售收入,以及他 们的财务实力。此外还要对自己产品所具有的优势作分析 ,对未来市场变化趋势作预测。 •
• 第四讲:组织结构(management) • • 投资者考察企业时,管理是最为重要的因素。没有一支优 秀的管理团队和有效的组织模式,科技成果不可能和资本 很好结合创造现实的生产力。一般需要介绍的管理人员有 :总裁、常务副总裁、人事部总监、营销副总裁、财务副 总裁、生产部总监。对每一位关键人员用文章一个段落的 篇幅进行描述就可以。
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价格制定策略,例如: The prices for our products /services are determined first and foremost by XXX (competition, costs, suppliers, manufacturers, package deals).


• 5. 付款 Payment • 订单确认之后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立 以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证。乙方 开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。 • After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened so that Party A can get prepared for delivery.
• 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于**的商品。 • It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than…… of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. • 3. 经销地区 Territory • 只限在……。 • In …… only. • 4. 订单的确认 Confirmation of Orders • 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔 交易中确认,其细目应在双方签订的销售协议书中作出规 定。 • The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 福州译国译民翻译公司



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Spurious correlation, 假性相关 Square root transformation, 平方根变换 Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差 Standard deviation, 标准差 Standard error, 标准误 Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误 Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差 Standard error of rate, 率的标准误 Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布
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Sign test, 符号检验 Signed rank, 符号秩 Significance test, 显著性检验 Significant figure, 有效数字 Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样 Simple correlation, 简单相关 Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样
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Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸 Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线 Sequential analysis, 贯序分析 Sequential data set, 顺序数据集 Sequential design, 贯序设计 Sequential method, 贯序法 Sequential test, 贯序检验法 Serial tests, 系列试验 Short-cut method, 简捷法 Sigmoid curve, S形曲线 Sign function, 正负号函数



• ASP应用程式服务供应商 (Application Service Provider ) • 对企业提供IT业务应用服务和管理服务,主要透过软体与 硬体租用或租赁形式来实施,服务商的收入和利润来自客 户的租金。 • AVL 认可的供应商(Approved Vendor List) • 对提供企业产品或服务的众多供应商中,某些符合公司的 策略、对产品服务的要求,而成为合格或认可的供应商。
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EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability) EOQ : 基本经济订购量 (Economic Order Quantity) ERP : 企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE : 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer) FCST : 预估(Forecast) FMS : 弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System) FQC : 成品品质管制 (Finish or Final Quality Control) IPQC : 制程品质管制 (In-Process Quality Control) IQC : 进料品质管制 (Incoming Quality Control) ISO : 国际标准组织 (International Organization for Standardization)
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BPR : 企业流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering) BSC : 平衡记分卡 (Balanced ScoreCard) BTF : 计划生产 (Build To Forecast) BTO : 订单生产 (Build To Order) CPM : 要径法 (Critical Path Method) CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) • CRM : 客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Management) • CRP : 产能需求规划 (Capacity Requirements Planning) • CTO : 客制化生产 (Configuration To Order)



劳教所 reeducation-through-labor office 类推判决的核准程序 procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence 累积证据 cumulative evidence 立案报告 place a case on file 立案管辖 functional jurisdiction 立案决定书 written decision of case-filing 立案侦查 report of placing a case on file 利害关系人 interested party 临时裁决书 interim award
法庭审理方式 mode of court trial 法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal 法院 court 法院公告 court announcement 反诉 counterclaim 反诉答辩状 answer with counterclaim 反诉状 counterclaim 犯罪嫌疑人 criminal suspect 附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action 附带民事诉讼被告 defendant of collateral civil action 复查 reexamination; recheck
福州译国译民翻译公司 www.ygym.oቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱg
二审案件 case of trial of second insurance 罚款 impose a fine 法定证据 statutory legal evidence 法定证据制度 system of legal evidence 法官 judges 法警 bailiff; court police 法律文书 legal instruments/papers 法律援助 legal aid 法律咨询 legal consulting 法庭辩论 court debate 法庭调查 court investigation 法庭审理笔录 court record



This Capital Verification Report is for the use of the Company to apply for its incorporation and registration and to issue investment certificate(s) to the investor(s). It is not to be deemed as a guarantee or an assurance of the Company’s abilities in maintaining capital, repaying debts or operating as a going concern. Our XXXX Certified Public Accountantsfirm and the Certified Public Accountants who performed this verification are shall not be hold liable for any consequences caused by the misuse of this Capital Verification Report by the Company.
According to the agreements, contracts and articles of association, the Company’s registered capital to be contributed by [name] (Party A) and [name] (Party B) is [currency] [amount] and shall be fully contributed in [number] installments prior to [date]. The current contribution is for the [second] installment, contribution which shall be contributed before [date]. Based on our examination and as at [date], the Company had received capital contribution of [currency] [amount] contributed by Party A and Party B. The aforesaid actual capital contribution [currency] [amount] is in the form of cash, [currency] [amount] is in the form of tangible assets, and [currency] [amount] is in the form of know-how. The capital contributed in the form of know-how accounts for % of the registered capital.



15.5 所有对本合同的修订、补充、删减、或变更等均以书面 完成并经双方授权代表签字后生效。生效的修订、补充、 删减、或变更构成本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正 文具有同等法律效力。 15.6 双方之间的联系应以书面形式进行,涉及重要事项的传 真应随后立即以挂号信件或特快专递确认。 15.7 本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力 。本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。
14.1 本合同的法律含义、效力、履行等均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。 第十五章 合同的生效及其它 15.1 本合同在双方授权代表签字后,如果需要,由各方分别向本国政府 当局申请批准。双方应尽一切努力使合同在签字后30天内获得各自国 家当局的批准,各方应立即将批准日期书面通知对方。最后一方的批 准日期为本合同生效日期。 15.2 本合同有效期自合同生效之日起为___________ 年。 15.3本合同期满时,合同项下的任何未了的债权债务不受合同期满的影 响。 15.4 本合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文具有同等 法律效力。如合同正文与附件有矛盾之处,合同正文内容优先。
Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 Consultant shall complete the Services within __________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within ____ months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.



Pre-emption 先买 Pre-emption最常出现在有限公司的股权买卖内,因为 很多时在公司的章程内会规定,若公司的股东要将手上持 有公司的股份出让,就必须要先买给现有的股东,这个情 况主要防止有外来的人仕介入公司的业务内。 Premium 补地价补地价广泛应用在香港的新界土地转让上或房屋署的 居者有其屋计划内。若卖家要将这些业卖出,他必须将物 业先补地价,拿到补地价纸后,才可将物业卖出,现时买 卖情况,亦可以容许卖方收到买方的楼款才补地价。
Liquidated damages 定额赔偿民事诉讼中原告所申索的赔偿是一个指定的数额, 当被告收到了传票后,如果他照该指定赔偿额付款给原告 ,原告便再没有申索的理据,案件也就因此而完结。 Listing 案件排期案件发展至进行审讯的阶段,便可以向法庭申请将 案件排期审讯,案件可以在固定名册中排期,也可以在浮 动名册中排期。 Maintenance 供养,赡养费一个人向另一个人提供经济给予的行为,称为 供养。而在家事法上,对子女配偶提供的生活费用,称为 赡养费。
Next friend 诉讼保护人有这个保护人出现,主要是因为诉讼人为未成年 人或是病人,而需要由这个诉讼保护人来代表。 Nolle presequi 不起诉 enters a nolle prosequi即提出中止起诉,是原告人 对被告人的承诺,中止对被告人的起诉。有别于民事案件 ,在刑事案件中,就算律政司提出中止起诉,并不等同被 告不会因同一罪名而再受捡控。 Non est factum 这不是我所签署的 Non est factum很多时候是作为被告的辩 词,声称被告没有签署文件,又或被告签署文件的时候并 不知道文件的内容,所以non est factum的英文解释是it is not my deed。



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Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配 Mathematical expectation, 数学期望 Mathematical model, 数学模型 Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量 Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法 Mean, 均数 Mean squares between groups, 组间均方 Mean squares within group, 组内均方
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Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率 Order statistics, 顺序统计量 Ordered categories, 有序分类 Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归 Ordinal variable, 有序变量 Orthogonal basis, 正交基 Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计 Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件 ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计
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M-R Main effect, 主效应 Major heading, 主辞标目 Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数 Marginal probability, 边缘概率 Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布 Matched data, 配对资料 Matched distribution, 匹配过分布 Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配



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(10分)9、最后一页的流程图,把字体改为times new roman,让文本框中的内容显示完全,并将流程图调的美观(15分)目录目录1 INTRODUCTION (1)1.1 See Appendix A (1)1.2 See Appendix B (1)2 BASIC & FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT MODEL (2)2.1 See Appendix C (2)2.2 See Appendix D (2)1 INTRODUCTIONThis project started prior to the August 2003 North American blackout. Its first workshop was held in October of 2003 and was well attended by a diverse group of participants including staff personnel from transmission owners, independent system operators, regional reliability councils, and state public utility commissions. Attendance was driven by two key motivations:●The anticipation of transmission reliability regulation rulemaking under FERC’s direction and the formation of theNorth American Electric Reliability Organization (ERO). Transmission owner organizations were proactively seeking technical input and dialog in the development of potential regulatory policies aimed at transmission performance- based rates, penalties, and incentives. This regulatory development was expected to be a priority based on the investigation of the North American blackout.●The recognition of significant changes within the transmission industry which prompted the need for specificperformance metrics for transmission reliability. The vertical unbundling transmission entities from or within previously integrated energy delivery utilities coupled with the increase in regional wholesale energy dependency, by its magnitude of energy transfers, and volume of transmission energy transfers, were changes which had reshaped the transmission industry without a corresponding change in performance metrics.1.1 See Appendix AThe scope of the project required explicit boundaries due to the fact that the phrase “transmission reliability” was so broad ly interpreted. Even the two words in and of themselves had their own inch-high and mile-wide usages. “Transmission” could be inter preted as a functional definition of circuits and facilities, owing to FERC’s “seven factors” test , to include assets with operating voltages from 23kV to over 1000kV. However, design differences and physical differences between these ends of the spectrum create significant comparability issues, which the mere common denominator of transmission functionality cannot overcome.1.2 See Appendix BIn this project, the scope of interest embodied transmission facilities by FERC’s functional definition that was f urther defined by voltage criterion to improve comparability (See Appendix A). This group recognizes that other systems may have circuits functioning as transmission at voltages below 44 kV; however, the group prefers to limit transmission performance assessment by use of this boundary to increase comparability to similar construction & design standards afforded by a voltage criterion. Circuits do exist at 44kV and above with distribution functionality and qualities, and the group recommends that these be excluded from transmission comparisons.Figure 1 How the Project Scope Evolved2 BASIC & FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT MODELIn this project, the scope of interest embodied transmission facilities by FERC’s functional definition that was further defined by voltage criterion to improve comparability (See Appendix A). This group recognizes that other systems may have circuits functioning as transmission at voltages below 44 kV; however, the group prefers to limit transmission performance assessment by use of this boundary to increase comparability to similar construction & design standards afforded by a voltage criterion. Circuits do exist at 44kV and above with distribution functionality and qualities, and the group recommends that these be excluded from transmission comparisons.2.1 See Appendix CIn this project, the scope of interest embodied transmission facilities by FERC’s functional definition that was further defined by voltage criterion to improve comparability (See Appendix A). This group recognizes that other systems may have circuits functioning as transmission at voltages below 44 kV; however, the group prefers to limit transmission performance assessment by use of this boundary to increase comparability to similar construction & design standards afforded by a voltage criterion. Circuits do exist at 44kV and above with distribution functionality and qualities, and the group recommends that these be excluded from transmission comparisons.2.2 See Appendix DIn this project, the scope of interest embod ied transmission facilities by FERC’s functional definition that was further defined by voltage criterion to improve comparability (See Appendix A). This group recognizes that other systems may have circuits functioning as transmission at voltages below 44 kV; however, the group prefers to limit transmission performance assessment by use of this boundary to increase comparability to similar construction & design standards afforded by a voltage criterion. Circuits do exist at 44kV and above with distribution functionality and qualities, and the group recommends that these be excluded from transmission comparisons.Figure 2 Assessment AnalogyFigure 3 Simple Functional ModelTable 1 Outage TimelineIn the above figure, the actual advance notice time is shown as different from the required minimum advance notice requirement, and could be greater or less than that. Some ISO’s consider any outage that is scheduled without sufficient advance notice and outages with durations that exceed the scheduled outage duration as forced outages.Automatic outages were the primary interest for the participants; however, the automatic outages follow a similar timeline less the advance scheduling portion (from A-C). From a methodology standpoint, both planned and automatic outages are reported by a start and end time, which begins at time D and ends at time J for time-stamping purposes. The group did not address the loss of capability, which may extend prior to and after times D and J.While obvious opportunities exist to standardize methodologies and core capabilities surrounding transmission availability event reporting, the figure illustrates the potential benefits of performance data applications to improve core capabilities such as scheduling, operations, maintenance, system design, system protection, and system planning.Table 2 Delivery Event Methodology。



嫌疑人 criminal suspect 项目融资 project financing 项目谈判 project negotiating 刑事案件 criminal case 刑事诉讼 criminal litigation 行政诉讼 administrative litigation 休庭 adjourn the court; recess 宣判 pronounce judgement; determination 宣誓书 affidavit 业务进修 attendance in advanced studies
调查笔录 record of investigation 定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date 定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence 冻结 freeze 督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge 独任庭 sole-judge bench 独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator 对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action 对席判决 judgement inter parties 二审 trial of second instance
辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer 辩护人 defender 辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence 辩论阶段 stage of court debate 驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim 驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion 驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling 驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit 驳回通知书 notice of dismissal



• • • • • • • • • •
一般附录包括: 1. 重要合同 2. 信誉证明 3. 图片资料 4. 分支机构表 5. 市场调查结果 6. 主要领导人履历 7. 技术信息 8. 生产制造信息 9. 宣传资料
• 附录部分的撰写原则: • 1. 商业计划书必须与附录分开,附录多时应按功能分类 ; 所有东西都放入附录,只放那些能真正增加正文说服力的 。 • 3. 附录要尽可能短,避免长篇大论。 •
关于设备,例如: This equipment is used in the processes as described and configured above to ensure yield, lead-time, and costs • are sufficient to provide projected gross margin.
• • • • • • • • •
现金流量预测表,例如: Cash Flow Forecast Last Year This Year Next Year Beginning Cash Balance Cash Receipts Collection of Receivables Interest Income Total Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements
• • • • • • • • • •
Accounts Payable Payments of Other Expenses Income Tax Payments Total Cash Disbursements Net Cash from (Used for) Operations Sale of Stock Purchase of Equipment Decrease (Increase) in Funds Invested Short-term Borrowings (Repayments) Ending Cash Balance



historical background
Xiamen has a long history, and its earliest settlement dates back to the Neolithic Age. It was once an important port and commercial center in Fujian Province and an important gateway for foreign trade and cultural exchange.
详细描述:Gulangyu Island is a small island off the coast of Xiamen, with a rich history of music and culture. The island is famous for its unique style of music, known as "Gulangyu Opera," which is a blend of traditional Chinese and Western music. Visitors can enjoy performances of this unique music, as well as explore the island's beautiful beaches, scenic hiking trails, and historical buildings.
Pictographic translation
It is a method of representing visual elements in the source language through images or symbols in the target language. Pictographic translation is often used for maps, symbols, and other visual elements in tourism materials.



• SCM供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management) • 产品由起始原料转换成完成品至最终顾客手上的流动过程 中,影响其执行绩效的个体组合而成之网路称为供给链, 供给链的组成个体可能包括:供应商→制造→工厂→配销 点→零售商→最终顾客;而供应链管理之定义,简单而言 ,就是需求与供应适当的结合,以达到资源〔人、设备、 物、资金〕运用与分配之有效性与及时性。其有下列三项 目标: • • 1. 最少成本,使得企业能够在正确的地点取得正确的产品 。 • 2. 尽可能让存货降至最低,但仍旧能够提供优异的客户服 务。 • 3. 缩短产品的生命周期。
• RCCP应用三种方式以机器负载报告来定义产能需求。 • 1. Capacity planning using overall factors(CPOF):所需 资料和计算最少。 • 2. The Bill of Labor approach(BOL):使用每个产品在主 要资源的标准工时之详细资料。标准工时是一个正常工人 以平常的步调工作,生产一项产品一个单位再加上宽放的 时间。所有零件的标准工时已经考虑休息的宽放、延迟的 宽放等。 • 3. Resource Profile Approach(RPA):除了标准工时的资 料外,尚需要考虑前置时间。
• PERT计画评核术 (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) • 用来安排大型、复杂计画的专案管理方法。是一种规划专 案计划 (project)的管理技术,它利用作业网(net-work)的 方式,标示出整个计划中每一作业 (activity)之间的相互关 系,同时利用数学方法,精确估算出每一作业所需要耗用 的时间、经费、人力水准及资源分配。 • 计划者必须估算:在不影响最後工期(project duration)的 条件下,每一作业有多少宽容的时间,何种作业是工作的 瓶颈 (bottle neck),并据此安排计划中每一作业的起记时 刻 (scheme),以及人力与资源的有效运用。PERT的内容 包含了「管理循环」中的三个步骤:计划(planning)、执 行(doing)、和考核(controlling)。 • POH预估在手量 (Product on Hand) • 在每期开始时,实际所能拥有的存货预期量。 福州译国译民翻译公司



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Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究 Holes, 空洞 HOMALS, 多重响应分析 Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性 Homogeneity test, 齐性检验 Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量 Hyperbola, 双曲线 Hypothesis testing, 假设检验 Hypothetical universe, 假设总体 Impossible event, 不可能事件 Independence, 独立性
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Life table method, 生命表法 Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布 Likelihood function, 似然函数 Likelihood ratio, 似然比 line graph, 线图 Linear correlation, 直线相关 Linear equation, 线性方程 Linear programming, 线性规划 Linear regression, 直线回归 Linear Regression, 线性回归 Linear trend, 线性趋势
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Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度 Group averages, 分组平均 Grouped data, 分组资料 Guessed mean, 假定平均数 Half-life, 半衰期 Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量 Happenstance, 偶然事件 Harmonic mean, 调和均数 Hazard function, 风险均数 Hazard rate, 风险率



厦门大学2014翻译硕士基础科目英汉互译真题Neet 啃老族Global warming 全球变暖Unfriend删除好友,即,将某人从社交网站(如Facebook等)的‘好友’中删除APEC summit 经合峰会The A(H1N1) virus 甲型HINI流感Infortainment 新闻娱乐化Average Joe 普通人Moon away 虚度Put two and two together 根据推断得知somebody's cup of tea喜爱的人或事物give the floor to给予发言权Disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子Scrap-newspaper 废旧报纸the in-thing流行的事情; 时髦的作法Arbor Day〈美〉植树节知识产权intellectual property rights中国最适合居住的十大城市(结合一下:The habitat scroll of honor 联合国人居奖)盗版软件pirate software产能过剩Overcapacity战国时期the Warring States Period打造国际知名品牌creating famous international brand海洋科学研究所Institute of Marine Festival安全饮用水safe drinking water农民工migrant worker暗箱操作black case work科幻小说science fiction万有引力定律The law of universal Gravitation前苏联Former Soviet老人节Senior Citizens' Festival晚婚晚育late marriage and late childbirth; later marriage and later childbearing补充2011(全)小道消息grapevine news种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆to reap what one sows次贷危机sub-prime crisis三国演义the Romance of the Three Kingdoms世博会的吉祥物海宝the world expo mascot "Haibao"闪婚flash marriage不见不散be there or be square摆架子put on airs上海五国第九次峰会the ninth summit of Shanghai Five保兑银行a confirming bank本命年year of fate,animal year补缺选举by-election不以物喜,不以己悲not pleased by external gains,not saddened by personal losses布达拉宫the Potala Palace论语The AnalectsUCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校Infortainment 新闻娱乐化The "Mathew Effect"马修效应European monetary integration 欧洲货币一体化Memorandum of Understanding for the Collaborative Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases between the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America and the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China.美利坚合众国卫生与公众服务部与中华人民共和国卫生部签署的对新出现的和重新出现的传染病的合作方案的谅解备忘录。


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Standardization, 标准化 Starting value, 起始值 Statistic, 统计量 Statistical control, 统计控制 Statistical graph, 统计图 Statistical inference, 统计推断 Statistical table, 统计表 Steepest descent, 最速下降法 Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图 Step factor, 步长因子
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Type II error, 二类错误/β错误 UMVU, 方差一致最小无偏估计简称 Unbiased estimate, 无偏估计 Unconstrained nonlinear regression , 无约束非线性回归 Unequal subclass number, 不等次级组含量 Ungrouped data, 不分组资料 Uniform coordinate, 均匀坐标 Uniform distribution, 均匀分布 Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate, 方差一 致最小无偏估计
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Weighted mean square, 加权平均方差 Weighted sum of square, 加权平方和 Weighting coefficient, 权重系数 Weighting method, 加权法 W-estimation, W估计量 W-estimation of location, 位置W估计量 Width, 宽度 Wilcoxon paired test, 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验



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十画 真值 true value 校正 x2 corrected chi-square 样本 sample 样本率 sample rate, rate of sample 样本大小 sample size 样本均数 sample mean 样本含量 sample size 样本含量估计 estimation of sample size
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修正均数 adjusted mean 顺位 order 顺序误差 sequence error 独立的联合作用 independent joint action 度量 measure 前瞻性研究 prospective study 总体 population 总表 summarized table 总体率 population rate,rate of population
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配对 matched-pair 配置 allocation 配伍组 block 配对设计 paired design 配对资料 paired data 配置误差 error of allocation 配伍组设计 randomized block design 配伍组试验 randomized block experiment 配伍组内误差 intrablock error
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总体方差的估计 estimation for population variance 总体均数的估计 estimation for population mean 误差 error 退化型 degenerated type 绝对致死量 certainly lethal dose 统计 statistics 统计表 statistical table 统计图 statistical graph 统计学 statistics
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判别准则 criterion 完全相关 perfect correlation 完全随机设计 completely random design 层次 stratification 纵轴 ordinate axis 纵坐标 ordinate
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时序检验 logrank test 时序趋势 trend of time series 时间序列 time series 估计 estimation 估计(量) estimate 估计量 estimator 估计量的标准误 standard error of estimate 作业概率单位 working probit 位置 location
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定群研究 cohort study 实验 experiment 实验设计 experimental design, design of experiment 试验 experiment, trial 试验设计 experimental design 参数 parameter 参数估计 estimation of parameter 参数统计 parametric statistics 线图 line chart, line graph, linear chart 线性 lineank you
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极大 maximum 极小 minimum 极差 range 极小值 minimum value 极端值 extreme value 极大似然 maximum likelihood 极差分析 analysis of range 两分变量 dichotomous variable 两因素方差分析 two-way analysis of variance
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系统分组 hierarchical classification 系统抽样 systematic sampling 系统误差 systematic error 应(因)变量 dependent variable 序贯法 sequential method 序列数据 serial data 序贯反应 sequential response 序贯分析 sequential analysis 序贯试验 sequential trial 序列相关检验 test for serial correlation
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八画 现场试验 field trial 现场调查 field survey 直线 straight line 直方图 histogram 直线化 rectification 直接法 direct method 直线回归 linear regression 直线相关 linear correlation, rectilinear correlation
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抽样误差 sampling error 抽样调查 sampling survey 拐点 inflection point 拉丁方设计 Latin square design 非对称分布 asymmetrical distribution 非连续变量 discontinuous variable 非参数统计 nonparametric statistics, distribution-free statistics • 非线性回归 nonlinear regression • 非线性相关 nonlinear correlation
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变异系数 coefficient of variation(CV) 变量变换 data transformation 变异的度量 measure of variation 剂量 dosage 剂量反应曲线 dose response curve 单尾检验 one-tailed test 单侧检验 one-sided test 单因素分组 one-way classification
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位置的度量 measure of location 坐标 coordinate 角均数 mean angle 角变换 angular transformation 角离差 angular deviation 条图 bar chart,bar diagram 条件误差 conditional error 条件概率 conditional probability 系数 coefficient
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医学统计学 medical statistics 把握度 power of test 拟合优度 goodness of fit 拟合优度检验 goodness-of-fit test 连续性 continuity 连续性校正 correction for continuity 连续性资料 continuous data 连续随机变量 continuous random variable 时序抽样 sampling for time series
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序列随机性检验 test for serial randomness 间接法 indirect method 间隔抽样 interval sampling 间杂性检验 heterogeneity test 间接法标准化 indirect standardization 判据 criterion 判别分析 discriminatory analysis
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七画 寿命表 life table 均方 mean square 均差 mean deviation 均数 mean,arithmetic mean 均衡 balance 均方差 mean square deviation 均匀分布 uniform distribution 均方递差检验 mean square successive difference test
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图示法 graph method, graphical method 图解法 graphical method, method of diagram 质反应 qualitative response 质量控制 quality control 备择假设 alternative hypothesis 变异 variation 变换 transformation 变量 variable
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直线回归方程 linear regression equation 直接法标准化 direct standardization 析因 factorial 析因试验 factorial experiment 构成比 constituent ratio 抽样 sampling 抽样分布 sampling distribution 抽样方法 sampling method 抽样单位 sampling unit
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单因素试验 single factor experiment 单纯随机抽样 simple random sampling 单因素方差分析 one-way analysis of variance 治疗指数 therapeutic index 定位 location 定基 fixed base 定基比 relative ratio with fixed base 定性资料 qualitative data 定量资料 quantitative data