Bunker Loading Plan
船舶加油操作Bunkering-OperationsBunkering Operations: Precautions, Checklists, Calculations & Corrections ExplainedAn actual bunkering operation is carried out with bunker checklists. In this article, emphasis is made on the checklists, safety precautions, SOPEP locker and SOPEP equipment, temperature and density correction to calculate the quantity of oil bunkered. The formula for calculation has been includedBunkering OilEarlier we learned about the bunkering and what is means. Now we will study the process of actual bunkering operations and the practical details of the process of bunkering oil. All types of ships needs fuel oil, lube oil, etc. and hence it is important for everyone to understand the actual process of bunkering, so here we go.Pre-bunkering preparations.The most important aspect of bunkering operation are the "checklists", which form a part of company's safety management system (SMS) andI.S.M.,eliminating the possibility and negligence of human and other operational errors. The pre-bunkering checklist must be followedin-consultation with the Chief Engineer (C/E), as he is theperson-in-charge for the bunkering operation. Before bunkering, usually it is 4th engineering officer, taking "soundings" of bunker tanks and calculates the volume of fuel oil available in every fuel oil tank of the ship. Then a Bunker-plan is made to plan the distribution of total quantity of bunker fuel oil.Bunker ProcurementOrdering of Bunker oil:7. Warning signs in position e.g. No Smoking8. SOPEP plan available9. Clean up material in place10. Oil Boom in place11. Foam fire extinguisher placed at bunker station12. Alfa Laval and transfer pumps off13. Fuel tank supply valves open14. Agree stop/start signals between vessel and barge/truck15. Bravo flag flying/red light showing16. Agree pumping/transfer rate17. Agree emergency shut down procedure18. Specification sheet received19. Check hose and couplings are secure and in good order20. Fuel nozzle and hose secured to vessel21. Check barge/truck meters Reading:22. Check on board meters Reading:23. Bunker Valve open24. Unused manifold connections blanked off25. Master informed26. Signal pumping to commenceThe above checklist has to be completely filled religiously by both the ship & barge personnel. Please move on to the next page by clicking belowImage CreditsAutomated Bunker Procurement Flowchart: Calsoft Enterprise Solutions, USASOPEP equipmentsAt the bunker manifold and wherever necessary, as per the ships SOPEP plan, the SOPEP equipments should be kept in immediate readiness in order to avoid oil spill/pollution during bunkering operation.SOPEP- Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.The SOPEP Locker must have minimum of the below specified items:1. absorbent roll2. absorbent pads3. absorbent granules4. absorbent materials5. brooms6. shovels7. mops8. scoops9. empty receptacles (200 ltrs capacity)10. portable air driven pumps11. oil boom12. oil spill dispersants.These items must be stowed in an easily accessible locker, clearly marked, and is to be brought on deck ready for immediate use, prior to all oil transfer operations.During Bunkering Procedures - Checklist1. Witness taking and sealing of 2 representative product samples2. Monitor fuel connections for leaks fuel flow and control tank levels3. Change over of tanks whenever necessary.4. Checking the rate at which bunkers are received.5. Checking the tightness/slackness of mooring ropes.6. Checking trim/list of the bunker barge & the ship.7. Continuous monitoring/look outs for the vessel's position(when at anchor).During bunkering, the above checklist must be filled up and continuous monitoring of the above secified items are required till the bunkering operation is complete.After Bunkering ProceduresOn completion of the bunkering operations, with the ship-bargeco-ordination, the line should be blown with air to make sure the line is not filled with oil. The after-bunker checklist is followed.After Bunker Checklist1. Bunker Valve closed2. Disconnect hose (drain before disconnecting)3. Check barge/truck meter Reading:4. Check ships meter Reading:5. Sign Bunker Delivery Receipt BDR No.:(Bunker Delivery Report/Note).6. Retain BDR with product sample7. SOPEP plan returned to bridge8. Clean up gear stowed / Oil boom returned9. Bravo Flag/Red light stowed/switched off10. Remove and pack away warning/safety signs11. Foam fire extinguisher placed back in correct location12. Complete Oil Record Book13. Master informed of completion14. Confirm in Oil Record Book Bunkering checklist completed Quantity Calculation & Temperature-Density Correction:After bunkering of various fuel oil tanks, the quantity in each bunkered tank must be calculated to cross-check whether the received quantity of oil matches the requisition. For calculating the quantity, "sounding" of the tanks which are "bunkered" must be taken. The "Density" of the fuel oil supplied vary from place to place. It also varies with the temperature. As a thumb rule, the density of fuel oil decreases with increase in temperature. So, when the oil is supplied at a higher temperature, then the volume of oil supplied is less than what is supplied at lesser temperature.Oil Temperature ----------------------------Density------------------------------- Volume Of Oil SuppliedIncreases--------------------------------------Decreases------------------------------------LesserDecreases--------------------------------- ---Increases-------------------------------------MoreAlso the formula which is generally used for temperature-density correction is as follows:MT = (Temperature Corrected density * Actual Sounded Volume).Temperature Corrected Density can be calculated with the under-mentioned fomula:Temperature corrected Density = Density of Fuel Oil @ 15 degree Celsius * [1- {(t1-15) * 0.00064}]wheret1 stands for temperature of oil in bunker tanks in degree celcius,0.00064 is the correction factor,volume of oil in m^3 (actual sounded volume), is obtained from the sounding table.SafetiesGeneral Safeties During Bunkering:SOPEP locker,Emergency shut-down arrangements,Bunker line over-flow arrangements to overflow tank with audible & visual alarm,Relief valve in the bunker line,Containment trays.Consistent & Continuous look outs.Conclusion:Thus bunkering operation is directly related to "MARPOL" annexes, i.e annex 1 and annex 6. When oil is spilled it causes marine pollution under annex 1. When the bunkered oil doesn't meet certain specifications, it causes pollution of air which comes under annex 6."MARPOL" will be dealt with in future articles.。
29. 土耳其地下天然气储库项目质量管理计划(中英文版)
CHINA TIANCHENQuality Management Plan质量管理计划CHINA TIANCHEN ENGINEERING CORPORATION中国天辰工程有限公司目录1.GENERAL 总则 (4)1.1P URPOSE 目的 (4)1.2S COPE 适用范围 (4)1.3A BBREVIATIONS AND D EFINITIONS缩略语与定义 (5)2.QUALITY POLICY AND OBJECTIVE质量方针和目标 (6)2.1Q UALITY P OLICY质量方针 (6)2.2Q UALITY O BJECTIVE质量目标 (6)3RELEVANT STANDARD AND PROCEDURE 相关标准规范 (7)4DOCUMENT GOVERNING IN FIELD INSPECTION 现场检查文件依据 (8)5SITE QC ORGANIZATION现场质量控制组织机构 (8)5.1S ITE QC ORGANIZATION 现场质量控制组织机构 (8)6RESPONSIBILITY 职责 (9)6.1P ROJECT MANAGER 项目经理 (9)6.2Q UALITY MANAGER 质量经理 (10)6.3P ROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 项目施工经理 (11)6.4S ITE ENGINEER 现场工程师 (11)6.5W ELDING ENGINEER 焊接工程师 (13)7SITE DOCUMENTATION CONTROL 现场文档控制 (13)7.1F IELD CONSTRUCTION DRAWING CONTROL 现场施工图控制 (13)7.2C ONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT REVIEW AND CONTROL 施工方案的审批和控制 (14)7.3Q UALITY R ECORD C ONTROL 质量记录控制 (15)8SITE PERSONNEL CONTROL 现场人员控制 (16)8.1C ONTROL FOR QUALITY INSPECTOR 质量检查人员的控制 (16)8.2W ELDER CONTROL 焊接人员控制 (16)8.3E LECTRICIAN CONTROL 电气人员控制 (17)8.4T ESTING AND CALIBRATION PERSONNEL CONTROL (18)9SITE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL 现场施工机具控制 (18)9.1W ELDING EQUIPMENT CONTROL 焊接设备控制 (18)9.2T ESTING EQUIPMENT CONTROL 试验设备控制 (18)9.3M EASURE IMPLEMENTS CONTROL 计量器具的控制 (19)10SITE MATERIAL CONTROL现场材料控制 (19)10.1F IELD MATERIAL PURCHASING 现场材料的采购 (19)10.2S TORAGE AND MAINTENANCE FOR FIELD MATERIAL 现场材料的储存保管 (20)10.3M ATERIAL TESTING AND INSPECTION 材料检验 (21)10.4M ATERIAL DISTRIBUTION AND USAGE 材料的发放和使用 (22)10.5C ONTROL OF MATERIAL SUBSTITUTE 材料代用控制 (22)11FIELD INSPECTION AND CONTROL 现场检查和控制 (22)11.1I NSPECTION ITEMS 检验项目 (22)11.2W ITNESS AND APPROVAL 见证与批准 (22)11.3I NSPECTION NOTIFICATION 检查通知 (24)11.4S PECIAL IN-PROGRESS CONTROL特殊施工过程的控制 (24)11.5I NSPECTION REPORT 检查报告 (26)12CONTROL OF SITE NCR 现场不符合项控制 (27)12.1P ROCEDURE FOR SITE NCR CONTROL 现场不符合项控制程序 (27)12.2F LOW CHART OF SITE NCR MANAGEMENT 现场不符合项管理流程 (31)13QUALITY CONTROL PROOF 质量控制证据 (32)13.1G ENERAL 通用 (32)13.2R ECORD FORM SELECTION 记录表格选择 (33)14QUALITY MEETING 质量会议 (33)14.1T ECHNICAL REVIEW MEETING 技术交底会 (33)14.2K ICK-OFF MEETING 开工会 (34)14.3W EEKLY QC MEETING 质量控制周例会 (34)14.4Q UALITY SITE SURVEILLANCE 质量现场巡检制度 (35)15SITE AUDIT 现场审计 (36)15.1A UDIT CONTENT AND PURPOSE (36)15.2D ETAILED AUDIT CHECKLIST (37)15.3A UDIT PARTICIPANTS 审计参与人 (37)15.4A UDIT RESULT AND REPORT (37)16QUALITY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 质量事故调查 (38)16.1D EFINITION 定义 (38)16.2I NVESTIGATION OF QUALITY ACCIDENT 质量事故调查 (38)16.3W ORK FLOW CHART FOR QUALITY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 质量事故调查工作流程 (39)17AWARD AND PENALTY PROCEDURE 奖惩制度 (39)18EXHIBIT-A: INSPECTION & TESTING PLAN (ITP) (40)1. General 总则1.1 Purpose 目的1.1.1 This procedure, hereinafter referred to as the procedure, has been prepared to establish construction quality surveillance, especially for the guidelines for all Field Inspections. It is written to ensure the efficient and orderly performance of the inspection of field construction works.制定本计划的目的是为了建立施工质量监督特别是现场检查的指导方针。
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A 组A.R 一一 All Risks 一切险ANER 一一 Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate 亚洲北美东行运费协定AWB 一一 airway bill 空运提单ATTN 一一 attention 注意a/c 一一 account no. 账户ASAP 一一 As soon as possible 越快越好B 组B.D.I 一一 Both Days Inclusive 包括头尾两天BAF 一一 Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费B/L 一一 Bill of Lading 海运提单B/ldg.一一 B/L Bill of Lading 提单Bs/L 一一 Bills of Lading 提单 (复数)B/R 一一买价 Buying RateBal. 一一 Balance 差额bar. or brl. 一一 barrel 桶; 琵琶桶B.B. clause 一一 Both to blame collision clause 船舶互撞条款B/C 一一 Bills for collection 托收单据B.C. 一一 before Christ 公元前b.d. 一一 brought down 转下B.D. 一一 Bank draft 银行汇票Bill Discounted 一一贴现票据bdle. ; bdl. 一一 bundle 把; 捆b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX. 一一 Bill of Exchange 汇票B.f. 一一 Brought forward 接下页B/G 一一 Bonded goods 保税货物bg. ; b/s 一一 bag(s) 袋bkg. 一一 backing 银行业务bkt. 一一 basket 篮; 筐bl.; bls. 一一 bale(s) 包bldg. 一一 building 大厦bls. 一一 Bales 包 , barrels 桶bot. ; bott. ; btl 一一 bottle 瓶br. 一一 brand 商标; 牌Brkge. 一一 breakage 破碎brls. 一一 barrels 桶 ; 琵琶桶bu. 一一 bushel 蒲式耳bx. 一一 box 箱bxs. 一一 boxes 箱 (复数), 盒 (复数)Bal. 一一 Ballance 余额C 组CFR 一一 cost and freight 成本加运费价(……指定目的港)C&F 一一 COST AND FREIGHT成本加海运费CIF 一一 COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT 成本、保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港)CPT 一一 Carriage Paid To 运费付至(……指定目的港)CIP 一一 Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地)COD一一 cash on delivery/collect on delivery 货到付款CCA一一 current cost accounting 现实成本会计Contract change authorization 一一合同更改批准Changed carriage advice 一一变更货运通知C.Y. 一一 Container Yard 集装箱堆场CFS 一一 CARGO FREIGHT STATION 散装仓库C/D一一 (customs declaration)报关单C.C 一一 COLLECT 运费到付C.C.O.V 一一价值,产地联合证明书CCPIT 一一中国国际贸易促进委员会CNTR NO. 一一 CONTAINER NUMBER 柜号C.O 一一 certificate of origin 原产地证CTN/CTNS 一一 carton/cartons 纸箱C.S.C 一一 Container Service Charge 货柜服务费C/(CNEE) 一一 Consignee 收货人CAF 一一 Currency Adjustment Factor 货币汇率附加费CHB 一一 Customs House Broker 报关行COMM 一一 Commodity 商品CTNR 一一 Container 柜子c/- (or c/s) 一一 cases 箱ca.; c/s; cs. 一一 case or cases 箱C.A.D.; C/D 一一 cash against documents 付款交单C.A.F. 一一 Cost,Assurance, Freight 成本、保险费、运费CIF 一一 (=C.I.F.) 成本加保费、运费价canc. 一一 cancel, cancelled,cancellation 取消 ; 注销cat. 一一 catalogue 商品目录C/B 一一 clean bill 光票C.B.D. 一一 cash before delivery 先付款后交单c.c. 一一 cubic centimetre 立方厘米;立方公分c.c. 一一 carbon copy 复写纸;副本 (指复写纸复印的)C.C. 一一 Chamber of Commerce 商会C.C.I.B. 一一 China Commodity Inspection Bureau中国商品检验局C/d 一一 carried down 转下cent 一一 centum(L.) 一百Cert. ; Certif. 一一 certificate ; certified 证明书; 证明c.f. 一一 Cubic feet 立方英尺C/f 一一 Carried forward 接后; 结转 (下页 )cf. 一一 confer 商议; Compare 比较CFS; C.F.S. 一一 Container Freight Station 集装箱中转站; 货运站Cg. 一一 Centigramme 公毫C.G.A.一一 Cargo's proportion of General Average 共同海损分摊额cgo.一一 cargo 货物chges. 一一 charges 费用Chq. 一一 Cheque 支票C.I. 一一 Certificate of Insurance 保险凭证;CI 一一 Consular Invoice 领事发票; 领事签证C.I.F. & C. 一一 Cost lnsurance Freight & Commission 成本. 保险费加运费. 佣金价格C.I.F. & E. 一一 Cost Insurance Freight & Exchange 成本. 保险费 . 运费加汇费的价格C.I.F. & I 一一 Cost Insurance Freight & Interest 成本.保险费. 运费加利息的价格C.I.O. 一一 Cash in Order; Cash with order 订货时付款cks. 一一 casks 桶cl. 一一 class; clause 级; 条款; 项CLP 一一 Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单cm 一一 centimetre 厘米; 公分cm2 一一 square centimetre 平方厘米; 平方公分cm3 一一 cubic centimetre 立方厘米; 立方公分CMB 一一国际公路货物运输条约CMI 一一 Comit'e Maritime International 国际海事委员会c/n 一一 cover note 暂保单; 预保单CNC 一一新集装箱运输Co. 一一 Company 公司c/o 一一 care of 转交COFC 一一 Container on Flat Car 平板车装运集装箱Com. 一一 Commission 佣金Con.inv. 一一 Consular invoice 领事签证发票Cont. ; Contr. 一一 Contract 合同; 合约Contd. 一一 Cotinued 继续; 续 (上页 )Contg. 一一 containing 内容Corp. ; Corpn. ; cor. 一一 corporation 公司 ; 法人C/P ; c. py. 一一 charter party 租船契约C.Q.D. 一一 Customary Quick Despatch 按习惯速度装卸Cr. 一一 Credit 贷方; 信用证; Creditor 债权人Crt. 一一 crate 板条箱Ct. 一一 Cent 人 ; Current 当前; 目前Credit 一一贷方; 信用证C.T.D. 一一 Combined transport document 联合运输单据CT B/L 一一 Combined transport bill of Iading 联合运输提单C.T.O. 一一 Combined transport operator 联合运输经营人cu. cm. ; cb. cm 一一 cubic centimetre 立方厘米; 立方公分cu. in. ; cb. in. 一一 cubic inch 立方寸cu.m. ; cb. m. 一一 cubic metre 立方米; 立方公尺cu.ft. ; cb.ft. 一一 cubic foot 立方英尺cur. ; 一一 Curt current (this month) 本月cur. 一一 currency 币制cu.yd. ; cb. yd. 一一 cubic yard 立方码C.W.O. 一一 cash with order 订货时付款c.w.t. ; cwt.一一 hundredweight 英担 (122磅)D 组DDU 一一 delivery duty unpaid 未完税交货(……指定目的地) DDP 一一 delivery duty prepaid 完税交货DAF 一一 Delivered At Frontier 边境交货(……指定地点) DES 一一 Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货(……指定目的港) DEQ 一一 Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货(……指定目的港) DDC 一一 Destination Delivery Charge 目的港码头费DL/DLS 一一 dollar/dollars 美元D/P 一一 Document Against Payment 付款交单DOC 一一 DOCUMENT CHARGE 文件、单据Doc# 一一 Document Number 文件号码D/A 一一 document against acceptance 承兑交单DOZ/DZ一一 dozen 一打D/O 一一 Delivery Order 到港通知DDC 一一 destination distribution charge 目的分送费DOC 一一 Direct Operating Cost 直接操作费E 组EXW 一一 Work/ExFactory 工厂交货(……指定地点)ETA 一一 ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL 到港日ETD 一一 ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY 开船日ETC 一一 ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING 截关日EBS、EBA 一一部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用, EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用EXP 一一 export 出口EA 一一 each 每个,各EPS 一一 Equipment Position Surcharges 设备位置附加费F 组FCA 一一 Free Carrier 货交承运人(……指定地点)FAS 一一船边交货(……指定装运港)FOB 一一 Free On Board 船上交货(……指定装运港)FCL 一一 FULL CONTAINER LOAD 整箱货FAF 一一 Fuel AdjustmentFactor 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用)FAC 一一 facsimile 传真Form A 一一 ---产地证(贸易公司)F/F 一一 Freight Forwarder 货代FAK 一一 Freight All Kind 各种货品FAS 一一 Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货Vessel/Lighter 一一驳船航次FEU 40 一一Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40尺柜FMC 一一 Federal Maritime Commission 联邦海事委员会FIO 一一 FREE IN AND OUT 船公司不付装船和卸船费用FI 一一 FREE IN 船公司不付装FO 一一 FREE OUT 船公司不付卸FAS 一一 free alongside ship 启运港船边交货F/P 一一 fire policy 火灾保险FOC 一一 free of charges 免费FOD 一一 free of damage 损坏不赔FOI 一一 free of interest 无息FOP 一一 free on plane 飞机上交货FOQ 一一 free on quay 码头交货F/D 一一 free docks 码头交货FAA 一一 free of all average 全损赔偿FOR 一一 free on rail 铁路交货(价)FOT 一一 free on truck 货车上交货(价)F.O.一一 free out 船方不负责卸货费用F/L 一一 freight list 运费单,运价表G 组GRI 一一 General RateIncrease 综合费率上涨附加费,一般是南美航线、美国航线使用G.W.一一 gross weight 毛重G.S.P.一一 generalized system of preferences 普惠制H 组HB/L 一一 HOUSE BILL OF LADING 货代提单HBL 一一 House B/L 子提单H/C 一一 Handling Charge 代理费I 组IFA 一一临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用INT 一一 international 国际的INV 一一 invoice 发票IMP 一一 import 进口I/S 一一 Inside Sales 内销售IA 一一 Independent Action 各别调价IATA 一一International Air Transport Association 国际航空输运协会IOPP 一一国际防油污证书IRR 一一 internal rate of return 内部收益率IRR — irregular report 异常报告J 组JP 一一代表“日元”L 组LCL 一一 Less Than Container Load 拼箱货L/C 一一 Letter of Credit 信用证LB 一一 Land Bridge 陆桥M 组MB/L 一一主提单 Master Bill Of LoadingMIN 一一 minimum 最小的,最低限度M/V 一一 merchant vessel 商船MT或M/T 一一 metric ton 公吨M/T 一一 Measurement T on 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)MAX 一一 maximum 最大的、最大限度的M 或MED 一一 medium 中等,中级的MLB 一一 Minni Land Bridge 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口Mother Vessel 一一主线船MTD 一一 Multimodal Transport Document 多式联运单据N 组NOVCC 一一(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIERNVOCC 一一无船承运人Non Vessel OperatingCommon CarrierN.W. 一一 (net weight)净重N/F 一一通知人 NotifyO 组O/F 一一 Ocean Freight 海运费OB/L 一一 OCEAN BILL OF LADING 海运提单OCP 一一 Overland Continental Point 货主自行安排运到内陆点OP 一一 Operation 操作P 组POD 一一 Port Of Destination 目地港POL 一一 Port Of Loading 装运港PSS 一一 Peak Season Sucharges 旺季附加费PSS 一一 PEAK CEASON SURCHARGE 旺季附加费PR或PRC 一一 price 价格P/P 一一 FREIGHT PREPAID 运费预付P.P 一一 Prepaid 预付PCS 一一 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费PKG 一一 package 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等PCE/PCS 一一 piece/pieces 只、个、支等P/L 一一 packing list 装箱单、明细表PCT 一一 percent 百分比PUR 一一 purchase 购买、购货R 组REF 一一 reference 参考、查价RMB 一一 renminbi 人民币S 组S/O 一一 SHIPPING ORDER 订舱单S/O 一一 Shipping Order 装货指示书SEAL NO. 一一铅封号S/C 一一 sales contract 销售确认书S/C 一一 Sales Contract 售货合同SC 一一 Service Contract 服务合同STL. 一一 style 式样、款式、类型S.S 一一 steamship 船运S/M 一一 shipping marks 装船标记S/(Shpr) 一一 Shipper 发货人S/R 一一 Selling Rate 卖价S/S 一一 Spread Sheet 电子表格SSL 一一 Steam Ship Line 船公司SDR 一一 special drawing rights 特别提款权SIL 一一shipper’s instruction letter 委托书SOP 一一 standard operating procedure 标准操作程序/标准运作规程SSC 一一国际船舶船旗国船舶结构证书SMC 一一船公司管理体系文件T 组THC 一一 TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 码头费THC 一一 Terminal Handling Charges 码头操作费T/T 一一 TELEGRAM TRANSIT 电汇T/T 一一 Transit Time 航程T/T 一一 telegraphic transfer 电汇T.O.C 一一 Terminal Operations Option 码头操作费T.R.C 一一 Terminal Receiving Charge 码头收柜费T/S 一一 Trans-Ship 转船,转运TVC/ TVR 一一 Time Volume Contract/ Rate 定期定量合同TEU 一一 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20'柜型TTL 一一 Total 总共T或LTX或TX 一一 Telex 电传TACT 一一 the Air Cargo Tariff 航空货物运价手册V 组VESSEL/VOYAGE 一一船名/航次VOCC 一一 Vessel Operating Common Carrier 船公司W 组W 一一 with 具有WT 一一 weight 重量W/T 一一 Weight T on 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)w/o 一一 without 没有W/M 一一 Weight or Measurement ton 以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费Y 组YAS 一一Yard Surcharges 码头附加费。
租入船执行V/C航次操作心得总结1.bunker intake、stowage plan关注油量是否能够维持整个航次,如果不能,要考虑安排加油,是否有合适的加油港。
船长做pre-stowage plan时让船长把航次油耗估算with breakdown发过来,看看是否够油,是否要安排加油bunker plan。
检查pre-stowage plan 应该注意BW QTTY, CONTANT是否合理,如果偏高,在保证安全的情况下,强势要求船长保证装更多货。
2.提前了解装卸港口的情况,是否符合trading & cargo exclusion要求港口如果有吃水限制,那么承运货量就有限制,影响航次预算的结果和准确性。
3.cargo hold的情况,是否能在允许时间内洗出来4.提前了解船舶是否有坞修计划,船东应提前告知,以避免不必要的争议和麻烦。
5.船长提前发route plan ,选择最经济,最短的航线。
6.在发航次指示前,需要和租船部确认航速,eco speed, most eco speed,or full speed。
如果有miss laycan的风险,可能需要提前指示船长及时调整航速另外,NOR条款也会影响航速的选择。
如何及时而有效地递交NOR.WWWW CLAUSE-WIBON: WETHER IN BERTH OR NOT-WIPON: WETHER IN BERTH OR NOT-WFPON: WETHER FREE PRATIGUE OR NOT-WICON: WETHER CUSTOM CLEARENCE OR NOTNOR TO BE TENDERED ON ARRIVAL如果c/p中,规定NOR有效递交时间只能为工作时间,第二天九点起算(总之递交时无效需要延后laytime才能开始计算的情况),那么就要灵活应对,比如抢在周五前抵达,NOR 是有效的,要计算多耗的油量,省出的租金成本,哪个更有利。
航运术语缩写大全航运术语缩写大全(一)英文缩略语英文原文中文译文a·a·always afloat 永远漂浮abt about 大约,关于a/c account 计算a/c account current 账户acct account 账目,账户a·&c·p·anchors&chains 锚和锚链试验台acpt acceptance 接受adcom address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金m address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金adft aft draft 艉吃水adv. advise 通知adv advance 提前a·f·advanced freight 预付运费a·f·b·air freight bill 空运运单afmt after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后agrd agreed 同意agrt agreement 协议agt agent 代理agw all going well 取决于)一切顺利a·h·after hatch 后舱am morning 上午a·m·above mentioned 上述的amt amount 金额、数额a·n ·arrival notice 到达通知a/p additional primium 额外保险费老船加保费appr approximate 大约approx approximate 大约a/r all rlsks against all 一切险、承保一切风险a/s after sight/alongside 见票后/船边asap as soon as possible 尽,决、尽速asf as follows 如下asst assistant 助理,援助atl actual total loss 实际全损attn attention 由··收阅auto automatic 自动的a.v ad valorem 从价费率avg average 平均,海损ba bale capacity 包装容积baf bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费bal balance 平衡、余额、差额butc baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,“波尔的摩”期祖合同bb below bridges 桥楼以下(容积)bd banking days 银行工作日b/d bar draught 河口)沙洲吃水bdi both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日bdl bundle 捆b/e bill of exchange/bill of entry 汇票/进口报告书beam breadth of the vessel 船宽bends both ends 装卸港bfi baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数b/g bonded goods 保税货物bg bags 袋b/h bill of health 健康证明书bimco baltic international maritime conference波罗的海国际航运公会biz business 业务b/l bill of lading 提单bl blading bill of lading 提单blft bale feet 包装尺码(容积)blk bulk 散装blkr bulker 散装船blt built (船舶)建造(年月)bm beam 横梁(船舶型宽)b. o. buyer’s option 买方选择boc bank of china 中国银行b/p bills payable 应付票据b/r bills receivable 应收票据b. rgds best regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)b/s bill of sale/bill of store 抵押证券/船上用品免税单bs/l bills of lading 提单(复)b/st bill of sight 临时起岸报关单,见票即付汇票b. t. berth terms/liner terms 班轮条款c. a. l currency adjustment factor 货币附加费cancl cancelling 解约,解除合同capt captain 船长cc carbon copy 抄送c.c civil commotions 内乱c. c. continuation clause 连续条款ccib china commodlties inspection bureau 中国商检总局ccic china commoditeis inspection corporation 中国商检总公司ccpit china council for promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会c&d collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕c/e chief efgineer 轮机长cert certificate 证书c. f. cubic feet 立方英尺c&f cost and freight 货价加运费cfm confirm 确认、证实cfmd confirmed 已确认、已证实cfr cost and freight 货价加运费(运费付至目的港)cfs container freight station 集装箱货运站c.g.a cargo’s proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额chges charges 费用,责任c.i.consular invoice 领事签证c/i certificate of insurance 保险证明书c&i cost and insurance 货价加保险c.i.c china insurance clause 中国保险条款cif cost of insurance and freight 货价加保险和运费cif&c cost,insurance,freight and commission 货价加保险费运费及佣金cip carriage and insurance paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运、保费cl. clause 条款、条文cl. b/l clean bill of lading 清洁提单clp container load plan 集装箱装箱单c/n consignment note/cover note credit note 发货通知书/认保单贷方通知单co.company 公司c/o (in)care of 转交c/o certificate of origin 原产地证明书coa contract of affreightment 包运合同c.o.d. cash on delivery 现金交货com commission 佣金comm. commlssion 佣金conbill conference bill of lading 公会提单congen conference genbill eral cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单consec consecutive 连续的cont continent of europe 欧洲大陆co-op co-operation 合作corp. corporation 公司cosco china ocean shipping company 中国远洋公司costaco china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司c/p charter party 租船合同c. p.d. charterers pay dues 租船人负担税捐cpt carriage paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运费cqd customary quick despatch 按港口惯常速度快速装卸,不计滞/速费c. r. current rate 现行费率cst centistoke 厘拖,表云燃油浓度c. t. l. constructive total loss 推定全损c. t. l. o.constructive total loss only 仅承保推定全损ctr contract 合同cub cubic 立方cud could 能、可(过去式)cuft cubic feet 立方英尺cum cubic meter 立方米cy container yard 集装箱码堆场d diesel oil 柴油d206 diesel oil 206 tong 柴油206吨d/a direct additional 直航附加费d/a documents against acceptance 承兑交单daf delivered at frontier 边境指定地点交货价d.b. deals and battens(timber)垫板和板条d/c deviation clause 绕航和条款dd dated 日期d/d delivered at docks 码头交货d/d demand draft 汇票、银行汇票d/d days after date 到期后······日d. d. o dlspatch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费ddp delivered duty paid 目的地约定地点交货(完税后)价ddu delivered duty unpaid 目的地约定地点交货(未完税)价del delivery 交船(期),交货dem demurrage 滞期费dep departure (船舶)离港dept departure (船舶)离港dept department 处、部(门)deq delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货价des delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货价desp despatch money 速遣费dest destination 目的地(港)df dead freight 空船费航运术语缩写大全(二)dfl draft full load 满载吃水dft draft 吃水、汇票、草稿dhd demurrage and half despatch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半dhdwts despatch&nbs p;money half demurrage and for working time saved 速遣费为滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算dhdwts despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 装卸港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算dia. diameter 直径disch d1scharge 卸货dist distance 距离d.l.o dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费dlvy delivery 交货do ditto 同上,同前d/o delivery order 提货单d.o. diesel oil 柴油docs documents 单证doz dozen (一)打d/p documents against payment 付款后交付单据dp direct port 直达港d/s deviation surcharge 绕航附加费d.s. direct surcharge 直航附加费d.s. sea damage 海上损害d.t.a. definite time of arrival 船舶确切抵港时间dtls details 详情d.w. dock warrant 码头收货单d.w. deadweight 载重吨dwc deadweight capacity 受载量dwct deadweight cargo tonnage 载重吨,受载吨dwt dead weight tonnage 载重吨dwtc dead weight tonnage of cargo 货物载重吨eff efficiency 效率e.g. example gratia,for example 例如eiu even if used 即使用也不计算e/m export manifest 出口载货清单,出口舱单encl enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的eng engineer 工程师,轮机员eng engine 发动机,(主)机e.&o.e. errors and ommisions excepted 有错当查/错误和遗漏不在此限eq equal 等于e.r. en route (船舶)在途中est estimated 估计的,预计的eta estimated time of arrival (船舶)预计抵港时间etad expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)预计到达和离开时间etb expected time of berthing (船舶)预计靠泊时间etc expected time of commencement 预计开始时间etc. et cetera 等等etcd estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)预计开始卸货时间etd estimated time of departure (船舶)预计离港时间ete estimated time enroute 预计(在海上)航行时间etl estimated time of loading (船舶)预计开装时间ets estimated time of sailing (船舶)预计开航时间ex excluding 除外,扣除exp export 出口exps expenses (费用)支出ext extenslon 电话分机,延长exw ex work 产地交货价f fuel oil 燃油faa free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿faq fair average quality 中等货fas free alongside ship 船边交货价fc floating crane 浮吊f/c forecast 预报fca free carrier 货交承运人fcl full container load 整箱货f. d. free discharge (船方)不负担卸货费用fdft fore draft 吃水、艏吃水f.&d. freight and demurrage 运费和延滞费fefc far east freight conference 远东水脚公会feu fourty equivalent ufit 40英尺标准箱f. i. free in (船方)不负担装货费f. i.b. free into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格f. i.b. free into barge (燃料)交到油驳价格filo free in and liner out (船方)不负担装货费,但负担卸货费filsd free in lashed,secured and dunnaged 船方不负担装货、捆扎、加固、隔垫(料)等费用fio free in and out 船方不负担装卸费fios free in,out and stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费fiost free in,and out,stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费fiw free in wagon 船方不负担装人货车费flt full liner terms 全班轮条款flws follows 跟随,下面fm from 从……,来自f/m export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单,运费舱单f/n fixture note 订舱确认书fo free out 船方不负担卸货费fo fuel oil 燃油fo for orders 等待指示fo firm offer 实盘fob free on board 船上交货离岸价格fod free of damage 损害不赔f.o.w first open water 解冻后首次派船f. p. floating (oropen)policy 船名未定保险卑fpa free of particular average 平安险fr from 自从f. r. &c. c. free of rlots and civil commotions 暴动和内乱不保条款f. r. o.f fire rlsk on freight 货物火灾险frt freioht 运费ft foot or feet 英尺f/t freight ton 运费吨f. t. full terms 全部条款fw fresh water 淡水fwd forward 前部f.w.d fresh water damage 淡水损害fwdet fresh water draft 淡水吃水fyg for your guidance 供你参考,供你掌握情况fyi for your information 供你参考,供你掌握情况fyr for your reference 供你参考ga general average 共同海损gencon uniform general charter 统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,“金康程租合同”gmt greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间gr grain capacity gross (船舶)散装容积毛(重)grd geared 带吊杆的grt gross register tonnage 总登记吨gsp generallzed system of preferences 普惠制gw gross weight 毛重ha hatch 舱口hadim hatch dimension 舱口尺寸hatutc half time used to count (as laytime)实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业时间)hd heavy diesel 重柴油ho/ha hold/hatch 货舱、舱口hp horse power 马力hrs hours 小时h.w. high water 高潮hwl high water level 高潮水位iac including address commisslon 包括租船人佣金i.c.c institute cargo clauses,london international 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)国际商会ifo intermediate fuel oil 中燃油immedly immediately 立即imo international maritime organization 国际海事组织imp import 进口in inch 英寸inc. including 包括ind index 指数insp inspection inspector 检验,检验员inst instant 本月的,立即int intentio 发票iop irrespective of percentage 不管百分比itwf international transport workers federation 国际运输劳工协会iu if used 如果使用j.&w.o. jettison and washing overboard 投弃货物和甲板,货物被冲katt kind attention 请转,请交kg kilogram 公斤kilo(s)kilograms 公斤km kilometer 公里kt knot 节,海里(约合1.852公里)k/t kilo-tons 公吨laden the draft when draftr vessel is laden (船舶)满载吃水lat latitude 纬度lbp length between perpendiculars (船舶)垂线间高l/c letter of credit 信用证lcl less than container load (集装箱)拼箱货ld light diesel 轻柴油l.d. loaded draft 满载吃水ldt light deadweight 轻载重吨l/g letter of guarantee 保证书,保证信lh lower hold 底舱ldg&bkg leakage andbreakage 漏损和破损l/l loading list 装货清单l.m.c. lloyd’s machinery certificate 劳合氏船机证书lmps lump sum 包干费总额lo liner out 由船方负担卸货费loa length over all 船舶全长long longitude 经度lt liner terms 班轮条款lt letter telegram 书信电报l/t long ton 长吨(约合1.016公吨)l. t. local time 当地时间ltd limited (有限) 公司ltd lower tween deck 下二层柜lw light weight 轻载重量l. w. lower water 低潮m. measurement 运价标记,按货物体积计算运价m. minute,metre 分(钟),米max maximum 最大(多)mdm madame 夫人,女士mdo marine diesel oil 大潮平均高潮面min minimum 最小(少)m.i.p. marine insurance policy 海险保险单misc. miscellaneous 杂项m.l.w.s. mean low water springs 大潮平均低潮面mme madame 夫人,女士moloo more or less at owner’s option 溢短装由船东选择molso more or less at seller’s option 溢短装由卖方选择mph miles per hour 海里/小时mpp multi-purpose (vessel)多用途(船)mr. mister 先生m/r,m. r. mate’s receipt 大副收据mrs mistress 夫人ms miss,mistress 小姐,夫人,女士m.s motor ship 内燃机船m/t,mt,metric ton 公吨(易与尺码吨相混,故尽量用k/t表示) m/t motor tanker 内燃机油轮mtd metric ton delivery on b0aro 每吨船上交货价mton measurement ton 尺码吨mv motor vessel 内燃机船n and 和n.a.a. not always afloat 不经常漂浮naut·m nautical mile 海里n.c.v no commercial value 无商业价值ndw net deadweight 净载重量n·h·p·nominal horsepower 定额马力nm nautical mile 海里n/m no mark 无唛头,无标记n·o·e not otherwise enumerated 未列名nor notice of readtness 装卸准备就绪通知书n. o. s. not otherwlse specified 未列名n/r notice of readiness 装卸准备就绪通知书nr number 数字,号码nrt net register tonnage 净登计吨nt.wt. net weight 净重nvocc non-vessel operations common carrier 无船公共承运人oap overage additlonal premium 老船加保obo oil bulk and ore(carrier or ship)石油,散货,矿砂(船)o.c. open charter,open cover 货港未定租船合同,预定保险ocp overland common points 内陆共同点off office 办公室,办事处o/p overage premium 老船加保费os ordinary sailor 普通水手otlx our telex 我方电传owlse otherwise 否则owrs owners 船东pa particular average 单独海损pce piece 一件pcs pieces 件(复数)pct percent 百分比p. d. port dues 港务费p.&i. protection and indemnity 保赔协会pdpr per day or prorata 按天计算,不足一天者按比例计算penavico china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理总公司picc people’s insurance company of china 中国人民保险公司p&i club protection and indemnity club 船东保赔协会pkg package 包装p/l partial loss 部分损失p&l profit and loss 盈亏,损益pls please 请pm premium afternoon 保险费下午p/n promissory note 期票p.o.d. paid on delivery 交货时付讫p.p. picked ports 选定港ppt prompt loading 即期装船ppo rata in proportion 按比例(计算)p/s public sale 公开出售pewwd per weather working day 每晴天工作日q.c. quantity at captain’option 数量由船长确定r·a·refer to acceptor 交付接受人(汇票)rcvd received 收到rd running days 连续日r·d·c·running down clause 两船碰撞条款re-del re-delivery 还船(期)ref referring to 提及、参阅revert- we(i)shall telling you about it again(or later)详情后告rf reference 参考rf. n0. reference number (函电)参考号码rgds regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)roc with reference to our cable 参阅我方电报rot with rerefence to our telex 参阅我方电传ryc with reference to your cable 参阅贵方电报ryl with reference to your letter 参阅贵方来信ryt with reference to your telex 参阅贵方电传sb safe berth 安全泊位s·c·salvage charges 救助费用s.d. short delivery 短卸sec second 秒sf safe factor 安全系数s/f stowage factor 积载因素shex sundays,holldays excepted 星期日和节假日除外shinc sundays,holidays included 星期日和节假日包括在内shpr shipper 托运人,发货人sinochart china national chartering corporation 中国租船公司sino-trans china national foreign trade transportation corporati on 中国对外贸易运输总公司s.l. salvage loss 救助损失s/l.c. sue and labour clause 损害防止条款s/n shipping note 装船通知单snp sales and purchase 销售买卖部s/o shipping order 装货单,关单,下货纸s.o.senior officer 高级船员soonest as soon as posslble 尽决,尽速s.o.l shipowner’s liability 船舶所有人的责任义务sos save our ship,a message for help (船舶遇难)呼救信号,救命sp spring tide 大潮sp safe port 安全港s/p stowage plan,cargo plan 货物积载图,船图s.r.d. steamer pays dues 船方负担税金spec. specifications 规格,说明书spsb safe port and safe berth 安全港口,安全泊位sr sign and release 签发和放行srcc strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险)ss steam ship 蒸汽机船s.s.suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费s/t short ton 短吨(约等于0.907公吨)subs substitute 代替surch surcharge 附加费s/w shipper’s weights 发货人提供的重量swad salt water arrival draft 抵港海水吃水swdft salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水t/a transhipment additional 转船附加费tb to be 将要tbn to be nominated 待派船,待指定tc type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)t/c time charter 期租t.c.t. time charter on trip basis 航次期租船td type derricks 双杆吊(船吊类型)td time of departure 开航时间t. d. tweendeck 二层柜tdy today 今天temp temporary 临时的teu twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱tks thanks 感谢t.l. total loss 全损t.l.o. total loss only 仅保全损tlx telex 电传t.p.cm. tons per cen(tpc) timeter 每厘米吃水吨数t.p.i tons per inch 每一英寸吃水吨数tpnd theft,pilferage and nondelivery 偷盗和提货不着(险) t/s transhipment surcharge 转船附加费t/s tanker ship 油轮t/t turbine tankfr 蜗轮机油轮tv tanker vessel 油轮u you 你,你们ud upper deck 上甲板ulcc ultra-large crude carrier 特大型油轮ult ultimo,last month,ultimate 上月的,最后的utd upper tweendeck 三层的uu unless used 除非使用v voyage 航程,航次v/c voyage charter 程租船vlbc very large bulk carrier 大型散装船vlcc very large crude oil carrier 巨型油轮v.o.p. value as in original policy 价值如原保险单所载voy voyage 航程、航次vsl vessel 船舶w gross weight 运价标记,按货物毛重计算运价wa with particular average 水渍险w.b.s. without benefit of salvage 无救助利益wccon whether customs clearance or not 不管通关与否w.g. weight guarantee 保证重量whf wharf 码头wibon whether in berth or not (船舶)不管靠泊与否wiccon whether in cus toms clearance or not (船舶)不管通关与否wifpon whether in free pratique or not (船舶)不管检疫与否wipon whether in port or not (船舶)不管抵港与否wkg working 正在做wl water line 水线w/m gross wight or measurement 运价标记,按货物的毛重与体积分别计算, 按高者收费wog without guarantee 没有保证w.p. weather permits 如果气候条件许可wpa with particular average 水渍险wrting we (i )shall write to you about it alter 详情函告w.r.o. war risks only 仅保战争险wton weight ton 重量吨wts working time saved 节省的工作时间wtsbends working time saved at both ends 装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算(速遣费)ww warehouse to warehouse (clause)仓至仓条款(保险)wwd weather working day 晴天工作日wwdshex weather working day sundays,holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日除外wwdsh weather workinc ing day sundays,holidays included 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日包括在内yar york-antwerp rules 约克-安特卫普规则(1974)(共同海损理算规则)yc your cable 你的电报ylet your letter 你的信yr. your 你的yr year 年ytlx your telex 你的电传航运术语缩写大全(三) aa always afloat 经常漂浮aa always accessible 经常进入aa average adjusters 海损理算师aar against all risks 承保一切险ab able bodied seamen 一级水手ab average bond 海损分担证书a/b aktiebolaget (瑞典)股份公司a/b abean 正横abs american bureau of shipping 美国船级协会abt about 大约abb abbreviation 缩略语a/c,acct account 帐目ac alter couse 改变航向ac account current 活期存款,来往帐户ac alernating current 交流电acc accepted; acceptance 接受,同意acc.l accommodation ladder 舷梯a.&c.p. anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格acv air cushion vehicle 气垫船acdgly accordingly 遵照ad anno domini 公元后ad after draft 后吃水add address 地址addcom address commission 租船佣金adf automatic direction finder 自动测向仪ad val ad valorm 从价(运费)adv advise;advice; advance 告知;忠告;预支a/e auxiliary engine 辅机af advanced freight 预付运费afac as fast as can 尽可能快地af agency fee 代理费afp agence france press 法新社afs as follows 如下aft after 在。
船舶加装燃润油操作须知Instruction for bunkering fuel oil & lube oil1.目的Objective本须知旨在对船舶在加装燃油时的安全和防污染操作提出实施步骤。
This notice aims at proposing implement step for safety and preventing pollution when bunkering.2.职责Responsibility2.1.轮机长:负责制定船舶“加油前计划”和检查“加油前检查表”内所列工作的完成情况,并向船长提出加油申请监督检查须知的执行情况,对特殊情况进行处理。
Chief engineer is in charge of drawing up …Bunkering Pre Loading Plan‟ and checking current status of work which is listed in …Bunkering Pre Loading Check List‟. Submit application for loading oil to captain. Supervise and check the implement situation of notice. Handle emergency.2.2.船长:负责船舶加油前计划的核定和加油申请的批准。
Captain is in charge of auditing for …Bunkering Pre Loading Plan‟ and ratifying application of bunkering.2.3.二管轮:负责对燃油的加装按须知进行操作,并按供油方提供的安全作业检查表内容进行检查。
Third engineer is in charge of loading oil as the requirement of notice and check as safety work check list provided by oil supply party.3.操作步骤Process3.1.燃润油加装方式分系泊和锚泊两种状态。
货代英语缩写所有航线共有的运输费用英语(共32个) 代码 英文解释 中文解释 OCB OCEAN FRT. BOX 海运费 CYC CY HANDLING CHARGE 日本港口操作附加费 IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 多式联运附加费 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费 YAS Yen Applica surcharge 日元货币附加费 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR 绿色通道费 CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge 币值调整费 CUC Chassis Usage 托盘使用费 DDC DEST. DELIVERY CHARGE EBS Emergent Bunker Surcharge 紧急燃油附加费 EMS Emergency Surcharge(near the war field)紧急战争附加费 ERS EQUIP. REST. SURCH 空箱调运费 FSC Fuel Surcharge 燃油附加费 GRI GEN RATE INCREASE 运费普遍增长CongestioN LLO Lift on / Lift off 上下车费 ODB OCB,DDC and BAF ORC Original Receiving Charge 启运港接货费 OWS OVERWEIGHT SURCHAARGE 超重附加费 PCF Panama Canal Fee 巴拿马运河费 PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤费 PSC Port Service Charge 港口服务费 PSS Peak season surcharge 旺季附加费 SCF Suez Canal Fee 苏伊士运河费 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费 BAF Bunkering Adjustment Fee 燃油附加费 CFS CFS Charge 集装箱场站费用 COD Charge of Diversion 转港费 DHC Dest. Terminal Handling Charge 目的港港口附加费 DIB ’ Destination Inland (Box) 目的港内陆附加费 EFS Emergency Fuel Surcharge 燃油附加费 IMO IMCO additional 危险品附加费 LHC Loading port Terminal Handling Charge 装港港口附加费 OIB Original Inland (Box)启运港内陆附加费 WRS War Risk Surcharge 战争风险附加费 ISPS INTERNATIONAL SHIP AND PORT FACILITY SECURITY CHARGE 国际船舶和港口安全费用Suez Canal Surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费 Transhipment Surcharge 转船附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Heavy-Lift Additional 超重附加费 Long Length Additional 超长附加费 Cleaning Charge 洗舱费 Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Ice Surcharge 冰冻附加费 Optional Fees or Optional Additional 选择卸货港附加费 Alteration Charge 变更卸货港附加费 Deviation Surcharge 绕航附加费 ICD INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT 内陆集装箱装卸站 常用海运术语 ANERA:ASIA NORTH AMERICA EASTBUND RATE AGREEMENT 远东-北美越太平洋航线东向运费协定 A/W:ALL WATER 全水陆 APPLY TO CUSTOMS:报关(DECLARATION==CLEAR FROM CUSTOMS) ANTIDATED B/L:倒签提单 AMS:AUTOMATED MANIFEST SYSTEM 美国24小时前提交载货清单规定 TWRA:TRANS PACIFIC WESTBOUND RATE AGREEMENT 泛太平洋西向运费同盟 BAF:BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费 B/L:BILL OF LADING 提单 BAY PLAN:配载图 CAF:CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 货币贬值附加费 CY:CONTAINER YARD 集装箱堆场 CFS:CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION 拼货拆装箱场所 COLLECT:到付 CARGO RECEIPT:货物签收单 CUSTOMS BROKER:报关行 COC:CARRIER’S OWNED CONTAINER 船东箱 CNTR NO.:CONTAINER NO. 柜号 CBM:CUBE METER 立方米 CUFT:CUBE FEET 立方材(乘以35.315=CBM) CLP:CONTAINER LOADING PLAN 集装箱装载图 DDC:DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE 目的港收货费用来DST:DOUBLE STACK TRAIN 双层火车运送 DOC:DOCUMENT FEE 文件费 DEMURRAGE CHAGE:超期堆存费 DETENTION:滞箱费 D/O:DELIVERY ORDER 提货单 DEVANNING:拆柜(=UNSTUFFING) DOCK RECEIPT:场站货物收据 ETA:ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL 预计到达日 ETD:ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTURE 预计开航日 EBS:EMERGENCY BUNKER SURCHARGE 燃油附加费 ETC:ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING 结关日 EDI:ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE 电子数据转换 FEU:FORTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 40’尺柜简称 FAF:FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费 FLAT RACK:平板货柜 FO:FREE OUT 船边交货 FIO:FREE IN & OUT 承运方式的一种,表示船公司不负责两边的装卸费 FCL:FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 整柜 FAK:FREIGHT ALL KINDS 不分ITEM 计价 FMC:FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION 美国联邦海事委员会 FIATA:INT’L FEDERATION OF FORWARDING AGENTS ASSOCIATION 国际货运承揽联盟 GOH:GARMENT ON HANGER 吊衣柜 GRI:GENERAL RATE INCREASE 一般运费调高 GULF PORT:指美国靠墨西哥湾之港口 HAFFA:香港货运物流业协会HONGKONG ASSOCIATION FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS LTD.H/C:HANDLING CHARGE 手续费 HQ:HIGH CUBE 高柜 IPI:INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL 美国内陆公共运输点 IA:INDEPENDENT ACTION 运费同盟会员采取的一致措施. IATA:INT’L AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION 国际航空运输协会 LCL:LESS THAN CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 拼箱货 L/L:LOADING LIST 装船清单 L/C:LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证 NVOCC:NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER 无船承运人 MLB:MINI LAND BRIDGE 美国大陆桥 MANIFEST:舱单 MATE’S RECEIPT:大副签收单 O/F:OCEAN FREIGHT 海运费 ORC:ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE 原产地收货费 OCEAN B/L:海运提单 OUT PORT CHARGE:非基本港附加费 ON BOARD DATE:装船日 PARTIAL SHIPMENT:分批装运 PSS:PEAK SEASON SURCHARGE 旺季附加费 PCC/PCS:PANAMA CANEL CHARGE/SURCHARGE 巴拿马运河费 PCF:PORT CONSTRUCTION FEE 港口建设费 P/P:FREIGHT PREPAID 运费预付PNW:PACIFIC NORTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋北部地区之航线简称 PSW:PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋南部地区之航线简称 PORT SURCHARGE:港口附加费 POA:PLACE OF ACCEPTANCE 收货地 POL:PLACE OF LOADING 装货地、起运港 POD:PLACE OF DISCHARGE 卸货地 PTI:PRE-TRIP INSPECTION 冻柜检测参数 RIPI-REVERSE IPI :由大西洋港口进入内陆 R/T:REVENUE TON 计费单位 RRS:RATE RESTORATION SURCHARGE 运价调整 SOC:SHIPPER’S OWNED CONTAINER 自备箱 S/O:SHIPPING ORDER 订舱单 SEAL NO.:铅封号 SEAWAY BILL:随船提单 STORAGE:仓储费 STUFFING:装柜 SHIPPING ADVICE:装船通知书 S/C:SERVICE CONTRACT 运送契约来TEU:TWENTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 20尺柜简称 THC:TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 码头费 USWC:UNITED STATE WEST COAST 美国太平洋西岸之港口 USEC:UNITED STATE EAST COAST 美国太平洋东岸之港口 VSL/VOY:VESSEL/VOYAGE船名航次 YAS:YEN ADJUSTMENT SURCHARGE 日元贬值附加费 ACI:ADVANCE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION DEMURRANGE/STORAGE:仓租 DETENTION:柜租 D/O:DELIVERY ORDER 到货通知 L/C:LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证 C/O:CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 原产地证明书,证明货物产或制造地的证件 FORM A:普惠制产地证论坛 某些国家给予我国一些优惠政策作为进口海关减免关税的依据,如:英、美、德、瑞士、瑞典、芬兰等。
货运代理英文缩写翻译大全第一篇:货运代理英文缩写翻译大全Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船Liner schedule 船期表Transport service运输服务 Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船Charter party 租船合同General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物General cargo 普通货物Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物Smelly cargo 气味货物Dangerous cargo 危险货物Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T,metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱Car container 汽车集装箱Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container(cargo)load 整箱货LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门CFS to CY 站到场CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to tackle 站到钩tackle to door 钩到门tackle to CY 钩到场tackle to CFS 钩到站tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating(common)carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表 Canvassion 揽货 Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷 Tackle to tackle 钩至钩 Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸 Shortlanded 短卸 Cargo tracer 货物查询单 Duly endorsed Optional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单 Closing date 装货单日 Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单 Freight manifest 载货运费清单 Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单 Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告 Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单 D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单 VOCC 远洋公共承运人 GRI 综合费率 Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单 MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据 Shipment contract 装运合同 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单 Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单 Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L;bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示 Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L;multimodal transport B/L多式联运 Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会 NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单 Anti-date B/L倒签提单 Post-date B/L 顺签提单 on deck B/L 舱面货提单 omnibus B/L 并提单 separate B/L 分提单 switch B/L交换提单 memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单 name of the vessel 船名 name of the carrier 承运人名称 name of the shipper 托运人名称 name of the consignee 收货人名称 name of the notified party 通知人名称 port of loading 装货港 port of discharge卸货港 port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称 marks &NO.标志number of package or container 包装件数 gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付 place and date of issue 提单的签发日期 number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数 place of receipt 接收货物的地点 place of delivery 交付货物的地点 paramount clause 首要条款 definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款 limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货 timber木材 iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件 sailing date 船舶开航之日 preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单 freigth rate 运价 freigth 运费 tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表 scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表 base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunker surcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费 long length additional超长附加费 heavy lift additional超重附加费direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费 cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费 general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调time charter,period charter定期租船chartering process;chartering process租船程destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费 freigth basis计费标准FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费 box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率 all in freigtht包干费 all in rate,A.I.R全包价carriage of goods by chartering租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner船东 Ship broker航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款 preliminary voyage 预备航次voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船contract of affreightment,COA包运租船time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸escalation clause自动递增条款lease purchase光船租购quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同daily charter日租租船序order /inquiry/enquiry询盘 general inquiry一般询盘 special inquiry特别询盘 offer发盘absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘counter offer还盘 acceptance受盘conclusion of charter party 签约Condition Clause条件条款name of vessel船名 named vessel指定船名 substitute vessel代替船舶 nationality of vessel船籍 classification of vessel船级 tonnage of vessel船舶吨位第二篇:货运常用英文缩写(1)ORC(Origin Receive Charges)本地收货费用(通常为141/20,269/40’)(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(RMB370(45)/20’,RMB560(68)/40’)(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费(通常为基本海运费的?%)(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费(适用美洲,美国东西岸收费不同)(8)PSS(Peak Season Surcharges)旺季附加费(船公司的变相加价)(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC(Document charges)文件费(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T(Measurement T on)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人ill of lading(B/L)提单Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单(30)SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)(31)YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用)(32)GRI 综合费率上涨附加费(33)IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用(34)PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用(35)EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用(36)CY(集装箱堆场):CONTAINER YARD(37)CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION(38)NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER(39)P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAID(40)C.C.(运费到付):COLLECT(41)ETA(预计到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL(42)ETD(预计开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY(43)ETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING(为报关截关日期,海关放行条必须在此规定时间交给FEEDER公司或船公司)(44)FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD(45)LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD(46)T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSIT(47)C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT(48)CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(49)FOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARD(50)S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDER(一般船公司都有自己的固定格式)(51)HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING(为货代公司出的提单,对直接客户)(52)OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING(顺便提及AWB(空运提单):AIR WAYBILL)(53)SEAL NO.(铅封号)(54)CNTR NO.(柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER(55)VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)第三篇:英文代理翻译{下面为一些具体格式和步骤:}A为委托方,B为被委托方{首先是委任:}Appointment1.委任A hereby appoints theB as the global Distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the Goods all over the world(“Territory”)upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.A现根据以下条件和条款委任B作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品.{跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子):}A shall not sell or otherwise make available the Goods to anybody from or about whomA knows or has reason to know that such person might sell those Goods to B’s customers.A不会销售或以其他方式提供此类货物给来自A,或A知道或有理由知道可能销售那些货物给B客户的任何人.2.B’s General Duties2.B的义务B agrees and undertakes with the A that, for the duration of this Agreement the B shall punctually and faithfully observe the following:B同意并承诺A在本协议有效期内如期并忠实遵守以下条款:{然后列举一些条款}如:It shall use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goodsthroughout the Territory.我们会尽最大努力在全球推广和扩大货品的销售B shall not sell the Goods to A’s Customers, u nless authorized in writing by A, for the duration of this Agreement.B 不会销售货品给A的客户, 除非在协议有效期内得到A的书面授权.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the Goods by B to its own Customers shall be exclusively concluded between B and itsCustomers.B shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts.除另有明文规定外, 任何B 给自己客户的销售合同,应只由B与其客户独立签订.B应具有唯一权提供和/或接受这类合同的条件.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, A shall have no right to receive from B’s Customers any payment for the Goods.除另有明文规定外, A没有权利收受来自B客户的任何货款.3.A’s Obligations3.A的义务A shall in no manner whatsoever modify the price for the duration of this Agreement.A在该项协议的期限内不得以任何方式修改价格.A shall be obligated to timely respond to B’s letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry.A应有义务及时回应B的信件,传真,通知,电话及其他需求.4.Intellectual Property4.知识产权Except as expressly authorized by the Manufacturer, the Distributor shall have norights in respect of any trade names or trade marks used by the Manufacturer in relation to the Products of the goodwill associated therewith, and the Distributor herebyacknowledges that, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, it shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such rights and goodwill are, and shall remain, vested in the Manufacturer.除非本协议另有制造商授权,分销商没有利用制造商产品的商品名称或商标以及与商誉相关联的权利。
loading on the berth 船已准备就绪即可装货
loading on the berth 船在泊位装货中
loading operation 装载作业
loading overall 单一货种的装运
loading point 装载点
loading port survey 装货港检查
loading port survey 装货港检验
loading port survey 装货港检验装货港检查
loading port 装货港
loading port 装货门
loading door 装料门
loading equipment 装载设备
loading factor 负载系数
loading gangway 装卸跳板
loading gear 装载装置
loading hatch 装货舱口
local carrier 沿海运输船
local cavitation number 局部空化数
local cavitation 局部空泡
Local Chassis Charges 区域拖箱费
local circuit 局部电路
local bill of lading 地区提单
local bill of lading 国内运输提单
local BL 国内运输提单
local boat 沿海船
local buckling 局部皱折
local carburization 局部渗碳
loading spout 散货滑槽
loading spout 装货滑槽
给袋式包装提升机操作流程英文回答:Bagging elevators, also known as bucket elevators, are commonly used in packaging systems to transport bags or containers vertically. The operation of a bagging elevator involves several steps to ensure smooth and efficient handling of the bags. Here is a general outline of the operation process:1. Bag Loading:Bags are manually or automatically loaded onto the conveyor belt or platform at the ground level.The bags should be properly aligned and evenly spaced to avoid any jams or misalignment during the lifting process.2. Lifting Mechanism:The bagging elevator consists of a series of buckets or cups attached to a belt or chain.As the belt or chain moves, the buckets scoop up the bags from the loading area and lift them vertically.3. Vertical Transport:The bags are carried upwards by the buckets or cups, following a predetermined path.The elevator should be designed to handle the weight and size of the bags, ensuring smooth and stable transport.4. Discharge:At the desired height, the bags are discharged from the buckets or cups.The bags can be directed to a packaging machine, a conveyor belt, or any other designated area for furtherprocessing.5. Return Mechanism:After the bags are discharged, the buckets or cups return to the ground level for the next cycle.The return mechanism can be gravity-driven or powered, depending on the specific design of the bagging elevator.6. Safety Measures:Bagging elevators should be equipped with safety devices, such as emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and sensors, to prevent accidents and ensure operator safety.Regular maintenance and inspection should be conducted to identify and address any potential issues or malfunctions.中文回答:袋式包装提升机,也称为斗式提升机,常用于包装系统中垂直运输袋装物品。
原煤仓分仓改造施工方案及流程英文回答:Coal Bunker Compartment Transformation Construction Plan and Process.1. Preparation Phase.Conduct a site survey to determine the existing conditions of the coal bunker.Design the new compartment layout to meet operational requirements.Procure materials and equipment necessary for the transformation.Establish a safe work area and implement necessary safety protocols.Remove existing internal structures, such as baffles and chutes, to create the new compartments.Cut and remove sections of the coal bunker walls to facilitate compartment separation.Dispose of demolished materials in accordance with environmental regulations.3. Compartment Formation Phase.Install new walls to create the desired compartment divisions.Reinforce the walls as necessary to ensure structural integrity.Fabricate and install new chutes and baffles to direct coal flow within the compartments.Install coal level indicators and other monitoring devices.Paint or coat the new compartments for corrosion protection.Test and commission the transformed coal bunker to ensure proper operation.中文回答:原煤仓分仓改造施工方案及流程。
Pre-bunkering Check List
• Drip trays under the bunker manifold and ventilation pipes from bunker tanks to be drained for any water and the plugs to be replaced immediately (Stand by when draining of water). • Anti-pollution prepared and ready for use. • Oil absorbing material (sand, sawdust, etc.) to be ready at the manifold and around oil pollution drain. • NO SMOKING! Sign to be displayed.
• Commence bunkering at a minimum pumping rate. • Monitor supply line pressure. • Examine hose connection for leakage. • Reduce pumping rate and/or open next tank before topping up. • Close valves as each tank is completed.
• Discuss supplier’s own emergency response procedure.
• Establish signaling system with supplier. Commence pumping – Reduce pumping rate – Cease pumping – Emergency stop. • Agree maximum pumping rate and pressure. • Sampling prepared. • Prepare filling line and open all relevant lines.
Lesson 39 Bunkering
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
Before bunkering
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
• The responsible engineer should consult with the chief officer(大副) in advance (提前) and make bunkering plan with consideration of, but not limited to the following items: • 负责加油的轮机员应提前与大副协商,制 订并考虑加油计划,但不限于以下各项:
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology Power Engineering Department
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
Lesson 39 Bunkering and Lube Oil Management
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
• √If oil spill should occur, stop pump, report and initiate oil spillage response procedure right away; • √如果发生溢油事故,应立即停止泵油,马 上报告,立刻起动溢油应急程序; • √Take oil samples. • √取油样。
动力工程系 Power Engineering Department
• √When a special analysis or a special mention is required, the fact shall be stated on the labels for dispatch. • √如果需要特殊的油样分析或有特殊的要求, 应在送给公司的标签上给予说明。
CONTAINERLOADPLAN-装箱单Class 等级IMDG Page 危规页码UN No.联合国编号Flashpoint 闪点Port of Loading 装箱Port of Discharge 卸港Place of Delivery 交货地Bill of Lading No.提单号Packages&Packing 件数与包装Gross Weight 毛重Measurements 尺码Description of Goods货名Marks&Numbers唛头Cont.Size 箱型 20' 40'45'Received By Drayman 驾驶员签收及车号Total Packages总件数T otal Cargo Wt总货重T otal Meas 总尺码Cont. Tare Wt 集装箱皮重Cgo/Cont Total Wt 货/箱总质量Remarks:备注装箱单CHINA MARINE SHIPPING AGENCYSHANGHAI COMPANY 上海中外运船务代理有限公司TEL NO电话号码Packing Date. 装箱日期Packing BY. 装箱人签名Received By Terminals/Date of Receipt 码头收箱签收和收箱日期Container No. 箱号Container No. 箱号Seal No. 封号Con.Type. 箱类GP=普通箱 TK=油罐箱RF=冷藏箱 PF=平板箱OT=开顶箱 HC=高箱FR=框架箱 HT=挂衣箱ISO Code For Container Size/Type.箱型/箱类ISO 标准代码Pack's Name/Address.装箱人名称/地址Reefer Temperature Required. 冷藏温度CONTAINER LOAD PLAN℃. ℉.(5) Shipper's/Packer's Copy货代人/装箱人联Ship's Name/Voy No. 船名/航次SHIPPER'S/PACKER'S DECLARATIONS:We hereby declare that the containerhas been thoroughly cleaned without any evidence of cargoes of previous shipment prior to vanning and cargoes has been properly stuffed and secured.FrontDoor。
货代费用中英文对照及费用总结空运费-AIR FREIGHT海运费-OCEAN FREIGHT包干费-LOCAL CHARGE电放费-SURRENDED FEE并单费-COMBINED CHARGE改单费-AMEND FEE集卡费-TRUCKING FEE快递费-COURIER FEE熏蒸费-FUMIGATION CHARGE制单费-DOCUMENT FEE注销费-LOGOUT FEE改配费-RE-BOOKING FEE查验费-INSPECTION FEE订舱费-BOOKING FEE保险费-INSURANCE CHARGE外拼费-CO-LOAD FEE内装费-LOADING FEE报关费-CUSTOMS CLEARANCE FEE商检费-COMMODITY CHECKING FEE特殊操作费-SPECIAL HANDLING CHARGE码头操作费-TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGEadvertising cost广告费appraised估价basic price基价buying offer买方发价ceiling price最高价C.I.F. value赶岸价combined offer联合发价cost and freight (C.& F.)到岸价;运费在内价cost and insurance (C.& I.) 保险在内价cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F.) 运费及保险在内价counter offer还价:还发价current price现时价entertainment expenses交际费ex-dock (factory)码头(工厂)交货价ex-mine (plantation)矿区(农场)交货价wx-maker’s godown制造商仓库交货价ex-quay (wharf)码头交货价ex-ship输入港船上交货价first cost生产成本价floor price最低价franco全部费用在内价free alongside(on) ship船边(上)交货价free on rail火车上交货价free overside出入港船上交货价free out (F.O.)卸货费船方免责freight collect运货由提货人交付freight repaid运费预付freight terms岸上交货价landing (loading) charges起货(装载)费local (spot)当地付货价miscellaneous expenses杂项开支net price净价;实价offer on sale or return许可退货发价offer without engagement不受约束发价out-of-pocket expenses零星开支overhead日常开支;日常管理费packing charges包装费prime cost原价;主要成本rebate回折retail price零售价stevedorage码头工人搬运费storage charges仓租sundry chargesd(expenses)杂费surcharge附加费wharfage码头费wholesale price批发价(一)船代Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L: On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。