Effect of granite gravel content on improved granular mixtures as railway subgrade fillings




土壤与土壤资源学常用专业词汇(一)土壤矿物质固氮菌diazotroph矿物mineral (四)土壤理化性质石英quartz 土壤物理性质soil physical properties 长石feldspar 质地texture岩石rock 粒组soil separate花岗岩granite 砂质sandy风化(作用) weather 壤质loam粘土clay(minerals) 粘质clay母质parent material /subsoil 粘重heavy苏达soda 砾石gravel石灰lime 土壤结构soil structure土壤soil 团粒granular土体solum 土壤孔隙系统soil pore system云母mica 孔隙度porosity(二)土壤有机质土壤容重bulk density/apparent density 有机质organic matter 土壤比重particle density泥炭peat 土壤湿度状况soil temperature regime 腐殖质humus 土壤通气性soil aeration凋落物litter 土壤水soil water林褥forest floor 土壤湿度soil moisture积累accumulate/deposit 含水量soil moisture content分解decomposition/decompose 水势water potential矿化mineralization 毛细作用capillary(三)土壤生物土壤颜色soil color土壤生物体soil organism 蒙塞尔土壤色卡土壤动物(区系) soil fauna Munsell Soil Color Chart细菌bacteria 土壤化学性质真菌fungi (pl of fungus) soil chemistry properties藻类algae 氧化-还原(作用) oxidation-reduction土壤植物(区系)soil microflora 胶体colloid蚯蚓earthworm 吸附adsorption蚁ant 阳离子交换量螨mite cation exchange capacity根际the rhizosphere 阴离子交换anion exchange根瘤root nodule/root tubercle 盐基饱和度salt base percentage/菌根mycorhiza base -saturation percentage土壤酶soil enzyme 土壤反应(pH) soil reaction(pH)酸性acid 不完全性肥料incomplete fertilizer酸度acidity 厩肥stable manure(长效肥料)碱化alkalinization 粪便excrement碱性的alkaline(碱土) 鸟粪guano /gwa:neu/碱度alkalinity 骨粉bone meal(六)养分、肥料及肥力堆(沤)制(作堆肥)compost土壤养分soil nutrient 草皮turf营养元素nutrient element 草炭peat大量元素macro-element 草木灰ash微量元素micro-/trace element 石灰lime氮nitrogen 石膏gypsum水解氮hydrolysable nitrogen 硝酸盐肥料nitrate硝态氮nitrate nitrogen 过磷酸盐肥料superphosphate氨态氮ammonium nitrogen 钾盐肥料kainite磷phosphorus (七)土壤发生与分布分类有效磷available phosphorus 风化作用weathering钾potassium 土壤发育(发生)钙calcium pedogenesis/soil development/genesis/formation 镁magnesium 土壤发生因素factor of soil development硫sulphur 土壤发育过程processes of铁iron 淋溶(作用)leaching/eluviation铝aluminium 沉积deposit锰manganese 淀积illuviate(soil 专用)土壤养分供应soil nutrient supply 沉淀(沉降)precipitation土壤肥力soil fertility (水)饱和saturate肥料fertilizer or manure 还原(条件)reduction or reducing condition 施肥fertilization or manure 潜育gleys吸收absorption or uptake 好气条件aerobics(pl)(condition)空中施肥(飞机)aerial fertilization 累积accumulation叶面施肥foliar fertilization 富集(积)enrichment/concentration缺乏deficiency 锈斑mottling缺氮nitrogen deficiency 杂色的、斑驳的mottled缺钾potassium deficiency 过滤percolate肥料效果re sp on se t o /e ffe ct of fe r tilizer 土壤剖面soil profile土壤植物诊断soil and plant diagnosis 剖面发育profile development可见症状visual symptom 发生层horizon(layer)化肥fertilizer 有机质层organic layer完全性肥料complete fertilizer 腐殖质层humus layer绿肥(作物)green-mature crops 矿质土层mineral horizonA、B、C层A、B、C horizon 土地经营land management淋溶层eluvial horizon 地力分级land classification淀积层illuvial horizon 立地site潜育层gleying horizon 立地指数site index土壤分布soil distribution 深翻ripping地带性土壤zonal soils 松土`scarifying /ai/非地带性土壤(在内)intrazonal soil 土壤改良soil reclamation/improvement 土壤带soil stripes /ai/ 土壤保持soil conservation土壤复域soil complex 荒地virgin land土壤分类soil classification 开荒reclamation土壤分类系统soil taxonomy/k`sc/ or system工程防治(水保)mechanical control 诊断层diagnostic horizon 生物防治(水保)biological control分类单元categories 沟渠clinch土纲soil order (九)地质地貌土类great group 风化残渣residue n.亚类group (subgroup)残积土residual soil淋溶土Alfisols 底土subsoil旱成土Aridisols 沉积物deposit sediment新成土Entisols 冲积物alluvial material有机土Histosols 冲积砂fluvial sand始成土Inceptisols 冲积土alluvial soil软土Mollisols 冰川glacier氧化土Oxisols 冻土glacial soil灰土(灰壤)Spodosols 松散岩石(母质)unconsolidated rocks 老成土Ultsols 非破碎岩石uncrambled rocks变性土V ertisols 山脉mountain range暗棕壤Dark Brown Forest Soil 山脊(山岭)mountain ridge草甸土Meadow soil 坡地slope沼泽土Bog soil 坡度falling gradient /ei/石质土Lithosol soil 陡steep / 缓gentle(八)土壤管理分水岭water shed耕作cultivate or tillage 谷地valley灌溉irrigation 盆地basin排水drain (n、-age)洼地low land or depression or loblolly放牧pasture 平原plain集约(精耕)intensive 平地flat land肥力保持maintain soil fertility 沙丘dune /ju:/轮作crop rotation 漫滩(泛湿地)floor plain排污waste discharge 山洪torrent沼泽(泥沼)marsh/swamp/bog 污水净化sewage purification人为搅动土disturbed soil 烂泥sludges(十)土壤环境学(化学)组成composition旱化drought or xeric 微生物转化microbiological transformation水淹flood or overflow 中毒水平toxic level侵蚀erosion 农药污染pesticide pollution可蚀性erodibility 杀虫剂pesticide生荒的virgin 杀菌剂细菌bactericide 真菌fungicide精耕的(集约)intensive 除草剂herbicide开垦reclamation 残留residue土壤改良soil improvementor amelioration/or amendment 降解、净化degradation v. -de硬化(板结)compact 富营养化eutrophia水利water conservancy 生物富集biotic-enrichment/beneficiation水土保持soil and water conservation 放射性物质(废物)radioactive wastes废气discharge or effluent gas废水sewage/effluent/waste water土壤污染soil pollution /contamination废渣fag end/waste slag/industrial sediment or waste 重金属heavy metal 工业三废three industrial waste元素element 环境保护environmental protection环境背景值(本底值)background levels 环境监测environmental monitoring汞mercury 环境危害environmental hazard镉cadmium 环境标准---- standard/criteria(评价)铅lead 环境评价--- criticize/assayment/evaluate污水/下水道sewage ;工业effluents 污水净化sewage purification污灌sewage farm 污染生物指数boitic index of pollution二氧化硫sulfur dioxide/dai`eksaid/ (十一)土壤分析常用词酸雨acid rain /precipitation 消化digestion大气沉降atmospheric deposition(fallout)稀释dilution环境污染物environmental pollutant 萃取extraction危害(危险)hazard 萃取剂extractant(剂)extract(物)剧毒highly toxic 渗透osmosis毒害、毒物poison 渗漏percolation浓缩、富集enrichment/concentrate 扩散diffusion工业废物(残渣)industrial sediment 过滤filter废物处理waste disposal 分析analysis 测定determination原子吸收光谱atomic absorption spectrometry分光计spectrometer蒸馏distillation光谱spectrum补遗词汇过磷酸钙superphosphate磷酸铵ammonium phosphate 氨ammonia尿素urea基肥base manure追肥top application or dressing 随机区组randomized blocks 腐熟well-composted堆腐compost .。

Effects of dietary graded levels of cinnamon essential oil and its combination with bamboo

Effects of dietary graded levels of cinnamon essential oil and its combination with bamboo
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(9): 2123-2132 Available online at
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JIA f生
Effects of dietary graded levels of cinnamon essential oil and its combination with bamboo leaf flavonoid on immune function, antioxidative ability and intestinal microbiota of broilers
Abstract Cinnamon essential oil (CEO) and its combination with bamboo leaf flavonoid (BLF) have been shown to exhibit an additive antibacterial effect in vitro, but their functions in broilers were not clear. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary graded levels of CEO and its combi nation with BLF on the growth performanee, immune responses, antioxidative ability, and intestinal morphology and microbiota of broilers fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet. A total of 576 1・d・old Arbor Acres commercial male broilers were randomly allotted to 9 treatments with 8 replicates of 8 birds each in a completely randomized design. Birds were fed on a basal corn-soybean meal diet (control, without plant extracts and antibiotics), or the basal diet supplemented with 50 mg of aureomycin kg", 50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 mg of CEO kg", a combination of 100 mg of CEO and 16.7 mg of BLF kg~1, or a combination of 200 mg of CEO kg" and 33.3 mg of BLF kg-1 for 42 d. Dietary treatment affected (P<0.05) the serum immune globulin M (IgM) contents on d 42, liver malondialdehyde (MDA) contents on d 21, duodenal crypt depth on d 42, relative abundance of Lactobacillus in the cecal contents on d 21, and relative abundances of Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium in the cecal contents on d 42, but had no effect (P>0.16) on all other measured indices. The addition of 400 mg of CEO kg-1 or a combination of 200 mg CEO kg-1 and 33.3 mg BLF kg-1 increased (P<0.02) serum IgM contents on d 42. Dietary supplementation with 100 or 200 mg CEO kg", or 50 mg aureomycin kg-1 decreased (P<0.003) liver MDA contents on d 21. In addition, the supplement of 100 mg CEO kg-1 increased (P<0.002) the Lactobacillus relative abundanee in caecum on d 21 and Bifidobacterium relative abundanee in caecum on d 42, and decreased (P<0.0001) E. coli relative abundance in caecum on d 42. The results indicated that dietary supplementation with CEO, an alternative to aureomycin, improved the immune status, antioxida ntative ability and cecal microbiota of broilers, and dietary supplementation with the combinations of CEO and BLF did not exhibit further effects. Dietary supplementation with 100 mg CEO kg" is beneficial for broilers fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet.

Concrete aggregates

Concrete aggregates

1Concrete Aggregates1. GeneralConcrete is one of the mostly used construction material in the world. The favour of concrete is based on several factors; a lot of experience and references exist, substances of concrete are widely available, concrete is cheap and very easy to manufacture and hardened concrete has great technical properties.Because at least three-quarters of the volume of concrete is occupied by aggregate, its quality is of considerable importance. The main functions of concrete are to improve the workability of fresh concrete and to add strength and durability. Aggregate is much cheaper compared to cement. That’s why it is economical to use aggregate as much as possible in the concrete mix.The use of natural gravel in concrete will decrease in the near future. This is due to lack of natural sources and environmental protection. On the other hand, the use and utilisation of crushed rock is increasing all the time.Crushed rock aggregate has many different properties than natural gravel. The biggest difference is the particle shape. Natural gravel is worn-out by weather. Its faces are smooth and gravel is generally rounded in shape. Crushed rock aggregates are cubical and angular shaped. Because of the differences, the gradations of particles in concrete mix are different for natural and crushed aggregate. Cubical and angular particles have more air voids between each other, when packing. Those voids should be filled rather with smaller aggregate particles than with cement or water. Thus, the grading curve of crushed aggregate should include more finer particles than natural one.Fillers and crushed dust are particles smaller than 75 m. They usually consist of different minerals. The wider use of crushed dust has been limited only with fine aggregate, i.e. with manufactured sand. It is very important to know the influences of dust if using them, because finest particles have the greatest effect on the properties of concrete. Specific surface of particle has an effect on the need of water while manufacturing concrete. Thus, specifc surface of crushed dust should be near to the value of cement. The best control of using dust can be achieved by using inert mineral powders.2. Aggregate PropertiesParticle shape of coarse aggregateShape of aggregate affects on the workability and the strength of concrete. Angular and cubical particles tend to decrease workability and thus need more cement and water to achieve a given workability. This can also be done by using high fines. The fines fill the voids and lubricate the coarser aggregate particles in the mixture without the need for additional water or cement, resulting in an economical concrete mixture. Furthermore, the strength of concrete increases.Aggregate GradingsAggregate grading has a significant influence on 1) water requirement, 2) workability, 3) bleeding, 4) segregation and 5) finishing quality of concrete. It should be observed that the requirements of workability and absence of segregation tend to be partially opposed to one2another. The easier it is for the particles of different size to pack, smaller particles passing into the voids between the larger ones, the easier it is also for the small particles to be shaken out of the voids, i.e. to segregate in the dry state.The actual grading requirements depend, to some extent, on the shape and surface characteristics of the particles. For instance, sharp, angular particles with rough surfaces should have slightly finer grading in order to reduce the possibility of interlocking and to compensate for the high friction between the particles. The actual grading of crushed aggregate is affected primarily by the type of crushing plant employed [33]. This means, that the grading curves should be different for crushed and natural aggregates.Although there are many effects of grading of aggregate on the properties of concrete, nothing else matters as much as the constant particle distribution. When grading remains constant through the concrete structure, the amounts of water and cement can be controlled. In the cases where grading varies, cement content must be over estimated. Constant and varying particle distribution is demonstrated in .Quality of Crushed DustThe mineral composition and surface texture are the most important properties of fillers. Shape and size of fillers are also important features. Specific surfaces vary more between minerals than between rock types. It should be noted that different minerals have different influence on the properties of concrete. For example, quartz, k-feldspar and plagioclase have lower specific surfaces compared to olivine, serpentine and hornblende. The needed amount of water depends on the specific surfaces of particles. The use of minerals with high specific surface should be avoided, because more water is needed to cover all the surfaces of particles. Table 1 showns specific surfaces of some minerals, cement and mineral by-products.Surfaces of minerals should be clean, i.e. minerals should not consist any deleterious substances. For instance, some natural fillers may consist of ferro accumulation, clay and organic dust. These substances multiple the surface texture of fillers and thus increase the need of water. Beside previous, they may also come off the surface of the fillers and thus decrease the strength of concrete.3Standards all over the world limit the wider use of very fine aggregate (minus 0,075 mm). This is mainly due to fact, that natural sand have been used as concrete aggregate. Natural, minus 0,075 mm material is usually clay or otherwise harmful material in concrete, so the value for minus 0,075mm is usually limited to very low level.Strength of AggregateIn order to durable concrete, the strength of aggregate has to be greater than of concrete. However, high strength aggregate is not always available. That kind of aggregate can be used only in a concrete of low strength. This is, for instance, the case with laterite, a material widely spread in Africa, South Asia and South America, which can rarely produce concrete stronger than 10 MPa.Table pressive strength of American rocks commonly used as concrete aggregate.Porosity and Absorption of AggregateThe porosity and absorption of aggregate, influence such properties of aggregate as the bond between it and the hydrated cement paste, the resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing, moisture content of aggregate, as well as its chemical stability and resistance to abrasion.Water absorptionWater absorption is an indirect measure of the permeability of an aggregate that, in turn, can relate to other physical characteristics such as mechanical strength, shrinkage, soundness and to its general durability potential. In general, less absorptive aggregate often tends to be more resistant to mechanical forces and to weathering [7].It may be noted that gravel has generally a higher absorption than crushed rock of the same petrologic character because weathering results in the outer layer of the gravel particles being more porous and absorbent [33].Moisture Content of AggregateAggregate exposed to rain collects a considerable amount of moisture on the surface of the particles and may keep this moisture over long periods. Coarse aggregate rarely contains more than 1 per cent of surface moisture but fine aggregate can contain in excess of 10 per cent. The great amount of water, as moisture, should be taken account when designing the concrete mixes. This ”extra” water may cause remarkable increase of water content and thus the increase of water/cement ratioSoundness of AggregateThis is the term used to describe the ability of aggregate to resist excessive changes in volume as a result of changes in physical conditions. Lack of soundness is thus distinct from expansion caused by the chemical reactions between the aggregate and the alkalis in cement.Unsoundness is exhibited by porous flints and cherts, by some shales, by limestones with expansive clay and by other particles containing clay minerals. For instance, an altered dolerite has been found to change in dimension by as much as 600 x 10-6 with wetting and drying. Concrete containing this aggregate might fail under unfavourable conditions.Alkali-Silica ReactionIn recent years, an increasing number of deleterious chemical reactions between the aggregate and the surrounding cement paste has been observed. The most common reaction is between the active silica constituents of the aggregate and the alkalis in cement. The reactive forms of silica are opal, chalcedony and tridymite. These reactive materials occur in opline or chalcedonic cherts, in siliceous limestones, in rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs and in phyllites.The reaction starts with the attack on the siliceous minerals in the aggregate by the alkaline hydroxides in pore water derived from the alkalis in the cement. As a result, an alkali-silicate gel is formed, either in planes of weakness or pores in the aggregate. In the latter case, a characteristic altered surface zone is formed. This may destroy the bond between the aggregate and the surrounding hydrated cement paste.The alkali-silica reaction occurs only in the presence of water. Thus, drying out the concrete and prevention of future contact with water is an effective means of stopping the reaction. A higher temperature accelerates the progress of reaction but does not increase the total expansion induced by the reaction.Alkali-Carbonate ReactionAnother type of deleterious aggregate reaction is that between some dolomite limestone aggregates and the alkalis in cement. The volume of the products of this reaction is smaller than the volume of the original materials. So, this reaction is quite different from alkali-silica reaction. It is likely that the gel that is formed is subject to swelling in a manner similar to swelling clays. Thus, under humid conditions, expansion of concrete takes place. Typically, reaction zones up to 2 mm are formed around the active aggregate particles. Cracking develops within these rims and leads to a network of cracks and a loss of bond between the aggregate and the cement paste.Thermal Properties of AggregateCoefficient of thermal expansionThe coefficient of thermal expansion of aggregate influences the value of such a coefficient of concrete containing the given aggregate: the higher the coefficient of the aggregate the higher the coefficient the concrete. This is, however, depending on the aggregate content in the mix.It has been suggested that if the coefficients of thermal expansion of the coarse aggregate and of the hydrated cement paste differ too much, a large change in temperature may introduce differential movement. This can cause break in the bonds between the aggregate particles and the surroundings paste. A large difference between the coefficients is not necessarily detrimental when the temperature does not vary the range of 4 to 60 o C. Nevertheless, when the two coefficients differ by more than 5.5 x 10-6 per o C the durability of concrete subjected to freezing and thawing may be threatened.For hydrated cement paste, the coefficient varies between 11...16 x 10 -6per o C. The coefficients of different rock types range between 1…16 x 10 -6 per o C.If extreme temperatures are expected, the detailed properties of any given aggregate have to be known. For instance, quartz undergoes inversion at 574 o C and expands suddenly by 0.85 per cent. This would disrupt the concrete and for this reason fire-resistant concrete is never made with quartz aggregate.Specific heatSpecific heat represents the heat capacity of concrete. It is little affected by the mineralogical character of the aggregate, but is considerably increased by an increase in moisture content of aggregate. Specific heat increases with an increase in temperature and with a decrease in the density of the concrete. The common range of values for ordinary concrete varies between 840 and 1170 J/kg per o C. Specific heat is needed when fire resistance of concrete is estimated.ConductivityThis measures the ability of the material to conduct heat and is defined as the ratio of the flux of heat to temperature gradient. Thermal conductivity is measured in joules per second per square metre of area of body when the temperature difference is 1 o C per metre of thickness of the body.3. Recycling of ConcreteThe use of recycled materials, like concrete and brick, will increse as a construsction material all over the world. This is due to two factors; natural sources are declined and free land for dumping sites are no more available. These problems are reality in dense populated areas, for example in Japan and Central Europe.Recyled concrete has many benefical properties. However, crushed concrete has to be free of deleterious constituents like plastic and lumber. If crushed concrete is grinded near to the size of cement, the crushed concrete can be used in low strength concrete in secondary structures replacing cement. Because of a weak hydraulic property of grinded concrete, it is suitable for land structures and for the bases of highways.。



Effect of exogenous rapeseed lactone on photosynthetic characteristics and fruit quality of Merlot grape
……………… Liu Yan,Qiao Zichun,Yin Mengting,Guo Xueliang,Wang Yuening,He Yan,Dai Hongjun,Wang Zhenping(1,33)
辉, 梁晓珊, 王雪妍, 高
瑞, 谢玉杰, 许立华(2,1)
磷钾肥配施对卷丹百合鳞茎活性成分积累的影响 …………卜虎柏,王云霞,张




…………………………………………………………………………………………… 李宝军,陈秋霖,王 博(1,57)
Correlation analysis between agronomic traits and yield per plant of asparagus lettuce in Liupanshan region
……………………………………………………… Wu Lixiao,Cao Shaona,Zhang Jianhu,Wang Kexiong,Guan Yaobing(1,33)

Potassium silicate drenches increase leaf silicon content and affect morphological traits

Potassium silicate drenches increase leaf silicon content and affect morphological traits

H ORT S CIENCE45(1):43–47.2010.Potassium Silicate Drenches Increase Leaf Silicon Content and Affect Morphological Traits of Several Floriculture Crops Grown ina Peat-based SubstrateNeil S.Mattson1,2and W.Roland LeatherwoodDepartment of Horticulture,Cornell University,134A Plant Science Building,Ithaca,NY14853Additional index words.abiotic stress,beneficial element,plant nutrition,soilless substrates Abstract.Silicon(Si)is a beneficial nutrient that improves biotic and abiotic stress tolerance of several crop species.Previous Si research with container-grownfloriculture crops has either focused on a limited number of species or has been conducted in hydroponics using purified water,but little research has been conducted with plants grown in soilless substrates.The objective of this experiment was to examine whether weekly potassium silicate drenches would alter leaf Si concentration or affect morpho-logical traits of severalfloriculture species grown in soilless substrate.Rooted liners of 21cultivars were transplanted into a peat-based substrate.Control plants received no Si supplementation,whereas treated plants were given weekly drenches of100mgÁL–1 Si from potassium silicate for10weeks.Leaf Si concentration of control plants ranged from211mgÁL–1for petunia(Petunia·hybrida Vilm.‘Cascadias Cherry Spark’)to 2606mgÁL–1for argyranthemum[Argyranthemum frutescens(L.)Sch.Bip.‘Sunlight’].Si supplementation increased leaf Si concentration of11cultivars;leaf Si concentrations for these supplemented plants were13%to145%greater than control plants.Among the taxa studied,Si supplementation response was variable;Si either increased or decreased height,diameter,fresh weight,dry weight,flower diameter,and leaf thickness.For three cultivars,these morphological traits were apparently unaffected by Si supplementation despite accumulating Si.Similarly,significant morphological differences were observed in four cultivars that did not accumulate Si.Eight cultivars both accumulated Si and showed significant morphological differences.Our results demonstrate that many commonfloriculture species grown in a peat-based substrate do take up Si and that SI may have an effect on plant development.Consequently,more work is needed to determine the appropriate rate of Si supplementation and to examine additional species.Silicon(Si)is not considered an essential plant nutrient;however,several plant species demonstrate improved disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance,and altered morpho-logical traits when Si is present(Epstein, 1999).Soil contains,on average,31%Si from silica(SiO2)(Epstein,1999).Plants absorb Si in the form of soluble silicic acid, which is found in soils at concentrations ranging from0.1to0.6m M(2.8to16.9 ppm Si)(Epstein,1994).Soilless substrates (Chen et al.,2000)and standard commercial fertilizers(Epstein,1994)contain little solu-ble Si.Depending on the water source,irrigation water may contain trace amountsof Si(Voogt and Sonneveld,2001).Horticultural crops grown in Si-amendedsubstrates exhibit a variety of responses re-lated to abiotic and biotic stresses and mor-phology.For example,Si supplementationhas been reported to reduce incidence ofpowdery mildew of miniature potted roses(Rosa hybrid L.)(Datnoff et al.,2006;Larsen,2008).‘Meipelta’shrub rose irrigated withSi-supplemented water had decreased blackspot disease occurrence(Gillman et al.,2003).Botrytis infection was significantlydecreased in calcium silicate-amended sun-flowers(Helianthus annuus L.‘Ring of Fire’)and Si-supplemented plants had an extendedpostharvest life compared with control plants(Kamenidou et al.,2002).Pythium coloniza-tion was reduced on roots of a greenhouse-grown bitter gourd(Mormodica charantia L.)that received continuous Si supply in theirrigation water(Heine et al.,2007).How-ever,powdery mildew[Podosphaera fusca(Fr.)U.Braun&Shishkoff(2000)]severity ofgerbera(Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex.Hook f.‘Snow White’)was unaffected by Si treat-ment(Moyer et al.,2008).Si foliar sprayswere effective in ameliorating bract edge burnin poinsettia(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.‘Supjibi Red’)(McAvoy and Bible,1996).Si supplementation was reported to in-crease stem diameters of chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum·morifolium Ramat.‘Back-wang’)(Moon et al.,2008),spray rose‘Pinocchio’(Hwang et al.,2005),and gerbera(Savvas et al.,2002).Si additions increasedboth stem andflower diameter of greenhouse-grown sunflower(Kamenidou et al.,2008)and zinnia(Zinnia elegans Jacq.‘OklahomaFormula Mix’)(Kamenidou et al.,2009).Vegetative growth of NaCl-stressed hydro-ponic cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.‘Jinlu4’and‘Jinyan4’)(Zhu et al.,2004)and cut-flowerroses(Savvas et al.,2007)was improved by Sisupplementation.Si also reportedly improvesthe net photosynthic rate of NaCl-stressedzucchini(Savvas et al.,2009).Si is accumulated by a broad range ofbedding and potted plant species(Frantzet al.,2008).Of the14species examinedby Frantz et al.(2008),all14accumulatedadditional amounts of Si in their leaves whensupplemented with potassium silicate.Leaftissue concentration varied from237mgÁkg–1Si for petunia(Petunia·hybrida Vilm.‘White madness’)to11,700mgÁkg–1forzinnia‘Oklahoma white’.Although Frantzet al.(2008)demonstrated that these orna-mental species accumulate Si under hydro-ponic cultivation,it is not clear how theseresults would translate to substrate-basedgrowing conditions.It has been suggested(Ma and Yamaji,2006),and many re-searchers operate under the assumption,thathigh rates of Si absorption and tissue con-centration are a prerequisite for Si benefits;hence,it is desirable to determine whichfloriculture species accumulate this element.Previous researchers who have examinedthe effects of Si supplementation on green-house crops have either focused on a limitednumber of species or have grown plants usinghydroponic methods.It is unproven in theliterature whether the majority of bedding orpotted crops grown using substrates and tapwater would respond positively to Si supple-mentation.Therefore,the objectives of thisexperiment were to examine whether weeklypotassium silicate drenches would increaseleaf Si concentration and affect morpholog-ical traits of severalfloriculture species.Materials and MethodsPlant culture.Rooted cuttings of severalfloriculture species(Table1)were receivedfrom a commercial supplier on8Feb.2008.The plants had several unfolded leaves andwere considered to be at the commercialtransplant stage.The rooted cuttings weretransplanted into15-cm round pots(1780mL)containing a commercial peat-basedsubstrate(Metro-Mix360;Sun Gro Horticul-ture Ltd.,Vancouver,Canada).Plants weregrown in a glasshouse under ambient light(lat.42°N)and temperature set points of22°C during the daytime(0600to1700HR)and18°C during the nighttime(1700to06:00HR).Received for publication28Aug.2009.Accepted for publication21Oct.2009.We gratefully acknowledge Barone Gardens for providing plant material,J.R.Peters,Inc.for donating fertilizer,the Post/Schenkel Endowment and the New York State Farm Viability institute for financial support,and Rachel Brinkman and Audrey Gyr for technical assistance.1Assistant Professor.2To whom reprint requests should be addressed; e-mail nsm47@.Mean temperature during the experimental period was19.7±3.1°C(mean±SD).Plantswere spaced at750cm2per container and were irrigated as needed with municipal tap water injected with150mgÁL–1nitrogen from 20N–2.2P–16.6K(Jack’s ProfessionalLXäWater Soluble Fertilizer21-5-20All-Purpose;J.R.Peter’s Inc.,Allentown,PA) with30mgÁL–1magnesium added from MgSO4Á7H2O.Tap water Si concentration was measured using the colorimetric method described below and was0.7mgÁL–1.Sub-strate Si concentration was determined bysaturated media extract at a commercial lab-oratory(MMI Laboratories,Athens,GA)and was determined to be2.1mgÁL–1.Plants were divided into two groups.Control plants did not receive supplemental Si and+Si plants received weekly substrate drenches.Si drenches started7d after trans-planting(DAT)15Feb.2008and continued for10weeks until63DAT(18Apr.2008). Drenches were250mL per pot at a concen-tration of100mgÁL–1Si from potassium silicate(Pro-TeKt;Dyna-Gro Nutrition So-lutions,Richmond,CA).Thus,each+Si container received a total of250mg of supplemental Si.From the potassium silicate, each+Si pot also received an additional8mg of potassium(K)per week.Because this represented a small fraction of the K received in1week through the irrigation water,the control plants were not amended to provide additional K.Pourthrough root-zone pH and electrical conductiviyy(EC)measurements of several plants were taken weekly following the methods of Cavins et al.(2000).During the experimental period,pH was 6.3±0.3(SD)and6.5±0.3for control and+Si plants,respectively.The EC values averaged 2.3±0.7dSÁm–1and1.8±0.7dSÁm–1for control and+Si plants,respectively.During the experimental period,irrigation and sili-con drench water were not pH-adjusted.Data collection and analysis.Beginning at67DAT(Table1),measurements were recorded on:plant height to the growing point on the main stem;diameter of the main stem1cm above the soil line measured witha caliper(basal diameter);diameter of themain stem1cm below the primary growingpoint measured with a caliper(apical diam-eter);leaf thickness offive most recentlyexpanded(MRE)leaves per plant,measuredwith a caliper at the middle of the leaf but notincluding the midrib;diameter offiveflowersper plant,at the stage of anthesis(flowerdiameter);aboveground fresh weight(FW);and aboveground dry weight(DW).After measurements were completed,%20MRE leaves per plant were collectedfor tissue Si analysis.The leaves werewashed with deionized water then placed inan oven for3d at70°C.Leaves were thenground to pass through a40-mesh screen.Leaf tissue Si concentration was determinedfollowing the autoclave digestion and silico-molybdous acid colorimetric method ofElliott and Snyder(1991).The experiment was set up as a completelyrandomized design with three to10replicatedexperimental units per treatment dependingon cultivar availability(Table1).Plants wererandomly placed among four greenhousebenches.All statistical analyses were con-ducted with Statistical Analysis System(SASVersion9.1;SAS Institute,Cary,NC).One-way analysis of variance tests(SAS ProcGLM)were conducted to identify differencesin the measured parameters in response to Sitreatment.When significant differences werefound,Tukey’s honestly significant differ-ence method was used to conduct pairwisecomparisons.ResultsLeaf silicon concentration.Leaf Si con-centrations of control plants ranged from211mgÁkg–1for petunia‘Cascadias CherrySpark’to2606mgÁkg–1for argyranthemum[Argyranthemum frutescens(L.)Sch.Bip.‘Sunlight’](Fig.1).Seven cultivars in thecontrol treatment had leaf Si concentrationsgreater than1000mgÁkg–1(i.e.,0.1%of DW);these were argyranthemum,lobelia(Lobeliaerinus L.‘Hot Waterblue Improved’),NewGuinea impatiens(Impatiens hawkeri Bull.‘Pure Beauty White’),torenia(Torenia four-nieri Linden ex E.Fourn.‘Blue Moon’),verbena(Verbena·hybrida Groenl.&Ru¨m-pler‘Tropica Breeze Deep Purple’),vinca(Vinca major L.‘Variegata’),and‘Wojo’sJem’vinca.Si drenches significantly in-creased leaf Si concentration in11of the21cultivars examined in this study(Fig.1).Among Si-treated plants,torenia containedthe highest Si concentration(4267mgÁkg–1)followed by argyranthemum(3507mgÁkg–1),verbena(3365mgÁkg–1),calibrachoa(Cali-brachoa·hybrida Cerv.‘Celebration Rose’)(2308mgÁkg–1),and New Guinea impatiens(1976mgÁkg–1).The11affected cultivarsshowed an increase in leaf Si concentrationof13%to145%compared with controlplants.In terms of differential Si accumula-tion(Fig.2),most affected were‘CelebrationRose’calibrachoa(145%increase in leaf Si),petunia(+140%),and verbena(+135%).Plant growth characteristics.The effectof Si addition on the measured growth traitsvaried depending on species and parametermeasured.Seven cultivars showed no Si re-sponse in any of the measured growth param-eters;these include:begonia(Begonia·tuberhybrida Voss‘Nonstop Rose Petti-coat’),‘Celebration rose’calibrachoa,impa-tiens(Impatiens wallerana Hook.F‘CameoScarlet Surprise Improved’),ivy geranium(Pelargonium peltatum L.L’He´r.ex Aiton‘Global ruby red’),‘Global Soft Pink’ivygeranium,geranium(Pelargonium·hortorumL.H.Bailey‘Patriot Bright Red’),and‘Vari-egata’vinca(Table2).Four species demonstrated a significantplant height response with added Si(Table2).Three species had increased height underSi supplementation:New Guinea impatiens(+10%),lobelia(+13%),and portulaca(Por-tulaca grandiflora Hook.‘Yubi Summer JoyWine Red’)(+9%),whereas bracteanthaTable1.List of species tested,number of replicates per treatment,and date of harvest[days after transplanting(DAT)].Genus/species Cultivar Common name Replicates(n)Harvest date(DAT) Argyranthemum frutescens(L.)Sch.Bip.Sunlight Argyranthemum7105 Begonia·tuberhybrida Voss Nonstop Rose Petticoat Tuberous begonia790 Bracteantha bracteata(Vent.)Anderb.&Heagi Golden Beauty Bracteantha783 Calibrachoa·hybrida Cerv.Celebration Blue Calibrachoa774 Calibrachoa·hybrida Cerv.Celebration Rose Calibrachoa775 Fuchsia hybrida hort.ex Siebold&Voss Marinka Fuchsia890 Impatiens hawkeri Bull.Pure Beauty White New Guinea impatiens787 Impatiens wallerana Hook.f Cameo Scarlet Surprise Improved Impatiens573 Lobelia erinus L.Hot Waterblue Improved Lobelia1083 Lysimachia nummularia L.Goldii Lysimachia1089 Pelargonium peltatum L.L’He´r.ex Aiton Global Ruby Red Ivy geranium483 Pelargonium peltatum L.L’He´r.ex Aiton Global Soft Pink Ivy geranium383 Pelargonium·hortorum L.H.Bailey Patriot Bright Red Geranium5109 Petunia·hybrida Vilm.Cascadias Cherry Spark Petunia967 Portulaca grandiflora Hook.Yubi Summer Joy Wine Red Portulaca7105 Scaevola aemula R.Br.Brilliant Scaevola776 Sutera grandiflora(Galpin)Hilliard Gulliver White Bacopa869 Torenia fournieri Linden ex E.Fourn.Blue Moon Torenia773 Verbena·hybrida Groenl.&Ru¨mpler Tropical Breeze Deep Purple Verbena7110Vinca major L.Variegata Vinca10109Vinca major L.Wojo’s Jem Vinca890[Bracteantha bracteata (Vent.)Anderb.&Heagi ‘Golden Beauty’]had a reduced height (–9%).Reduced apical stem diameters were mea-sured for four species that had added Si:bracteantha,lobelia,lysimachia (Lysimachia nummularia L.‘Goldii’),and torenia (Table 2).No species demonstrated a positive Si effect on apical diameter.Only ‘Wojo’s Jem’vinca demonstrated basal diameter response;Si-treated plants had a 23%wider diameter than control plants.Ten species had altered flower diameters in response to Si supplementation (Table 2).Six species had increased flower diameters,whereas four species demonstrated reduced flower diameters.Flower diameter differ-ences between treatments wererelativelyFig.1.Leaf silicon (Si)concentration of Si-unsupplemented plants (Control,black bars)or Si-supplemented plants (+Si,white bars).Supplemented plantsreceived 10weekly drenches of 100mg ÁL –1Si from potassium silicate.Each bar represents the mean ±se;n varied by cultivar as reported in Table 1.Striped bars denote that +Si plants had significantly greater leaf Si concentration than untreated controls as determined by Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at a =0.05.Fig.2.Percentage increase in leaf silicon (Si)concentration of Si-supplemented plants (+Si)relative to unsupplemented (control)plants.Striped bars denote that+Si plants had a significantly greater leaf Si concentration than untreated controls as determined by Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at a =0.05.Data are calculated from means of each treatment;n varied by cultivar as reported in Table 1.modest(±1%to5%)with the exception of fuchsia(Fuchsia hybrida hort.ex Siebold &Voss‘Marinka’),which exhibited a12% increase inflower diameter with added Si.Four species had reduced leaf thickness with added Si(Table2):fuchsia,New Guinea Impatiens,lobelia,and portulaca,whereas four species had thicker leaves with Si: bacopa[Sutera grandiflora(Galpin)Hilliard ‘Gulliver White’],petunia,scaevola(Scae-vola aemula R.Br.‘Brilliant’),and verbena (Table2).However,most differences were quite small(±1%to4%),with the exception of New Guinea impatiens and lobelia,which had leaf thickness reductions of7%and15%, respectively,with Si supplementation.Bracteantha and lobelia showed a positive FW response to Si treatments;no species exhibited a negative FW response to Si. These two species as well as verbena had a positive DW response to Si of16%to19% greater DW than their control counterparts. No species had a negative DW response to Si.DiscussionLeaf silicon concentration.Leaf Si con-centration of plants in this experiment was determined colorimetrically.Leaf Si concen-tration of several of the same species was independently determined by inductively cou-pled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy and colorimetrically by Frantz et al.(2008). They found that the two analytical methods gave similar results in relative terms of tissue Si quantifiparing our experimen-tal results with the results of Frantz et al. (2008),differences were observed in absolute Si concentration,most likely as a result of differing plant growth conditions and varia-tions in experimental protocol.The plants inour study were grown in soilless media,whereas Frantz et al.(2008)grew plants inan aspirated modified Hoagland solution.Al-though we did notfind the same absolute Siconcentrations as Frantz et al.(2008),we didfind similar patterns for these species:petuniaaccumulated the least Si of any species exam-ined;there was much greater accumulation byCalibrachoa than the related genus Petunia;verbena had among the highest Si concentra-tions;and New Guinea impatiens(Impatienshawkeri)accumulated more Si than the relatedspecies,Impatiens walleriana.Differential silicon accumulation.In ourexperiment,the eight cultivars with the great-est absolute leaf Si concentrations accumu-lated significantly more Si when they receivedweekly Si drenches.Yet,not all of thesespecies exhibited the same type or scale ofmorphological response.Interestingly,othercultivars we examined did not accumulateSi differentially yet did exhibit morphologicalresponses,indicating that Si accumulationmay not be a requisite step for morphologicalresponses to Si supplementation.Petunia had the lowest Si concentration ofany plant in this study,yet when supple-mented with Si,it was able to accumulate140%more Si than control plants,suggestingthat baseline leaf Si concentration is notindicative of potential Si uptake.In addition,we observed a cultivar-specific response toSi supplementation.‘Celebration Rose’Cal-ibrachoa accumulated145%more Si thancontrols,yet‘Celebration Blue’calibrachoaaccumulated only60%more.Similar to thecultivar difference described previously,within the genus Pelargonium,P.·hortorumexhibited increased leaf Si concentrationwith drenches,whereas the two P.peltatumcultivars did not.Although genotypic differ-ences in Si accumulation have been reportedin rice(Deren et al.,1992),this may be thefirst such report forfloricultural crops.Differential uptake suggests that thesecultivars may have functional homologs toLsi1,the gene encoding a Si carrier in rice(Ma and Yamaji,2006)and thus may havethe underlying molecular mechanisms toaccumulate significant amounts of Si.Astudy conducted with rice(Oryza sativa L.‘Oochikara’),cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.‘Suyo’),and tomato(Solanum esculentumMill.‘Oogatahukujyu’),which accumulatehigh,medium,and low levels of Si,respec-tively,suggests that Si uptake into the rootcortex of cucumber and tomato may bemediated by a similar Si transporter as rice(Lsi1)but that the density of the carrierdiffers by plant species(Mitani and Ma,2005).Similarly,patterns of Lsi1expressionobserved in rice roots(Ma et al.,2007)maysuggest another possible explanation for thevariable results observed between speciesand cultivars in this study.Growth measurements.Ourfinding ofboth positive and negative morphological af-fects attributed to Si is comparable to resultsreported by other researchers.Kamenidou et al.(2008,2009)reported that the form and con-centration of applied Si significantly impactsmorphology.Although substrate-incorporatedpotassium silicate powder at140gÁm–3Siresulted in increased stem height of zinnia,weekly potassium silicate drenches(100to200mgÁL–1)delayed anthesis and reducedTable2.Plant height,apical diameter,basal diameter,flower diameter,leaf thickness,fresh weight,and dry weight of plants grown in a soilless substrate unamended with silicon(Si)(control)or receiving10weekly250-mL potassium silicate drenches at100mgÁL–1Si(+Si).PlantPlant ht(cm)Apical diam(mm)Basal diam(mm)Flower diam(mm)Leaf thickness(mm)Fresh wt(g)Dry wt(g) Control+Si Control+Si Control+Si Control+Si Control+Si Control+Si Control+SiArgyranthemum28.731.1 2.22 2.5313.1212.9066.465.6***0.4210.428283.6297.436.939.9 Tuberous begonia10.110.47.10 6.779.179.5664.6z0.6610.70767.662.9 3.0 3.0 Bracteantha13.912.6* 3.92 3.47*9.9110.9748.249.70.3030.250249.3290.9*30.635.6** CalibrachoaCelebration Blue5.4 5.6 1.46 1.37 3.94 3.8430.230.7**0.3190.285115.691.918.513.1CalibrachoaCelebration Rose5.86.0 1.61 1.63 5.26 5.4534.434.10.3060.304151.3136.823.821.1Fuchsia8.27.3 2.13 1.958.618.5148.855.4***0.3090.306**339.3334.250.449.0 New Guineaimpatiens15.517.1* 4.29 4.2915.3216.3570.170.60.3640.339**220.9266.919.222.8 Impatiens16.617.1 3.79 3.5714.5914.8537.839.70.3620.359228.5248.115.615.7 Lobelia18.921.4* 1.32 1.14* 6.10 6.6623.322.9*0.1910.163***121.2151.2***15.017.9** Lysimachia 5.7 5.9 1.67 1.44** 1.75 1.71z z0.1490.146131.1126.413.513.1 Ivy geraniumGlobal Ruby Red18.315.9 3.74 3.62 5.39 6.0454.754.20.9040.838254.9256.522.722.7Ivy geraniumGlobal Soft Pink19.417.2 3.75 3.67 5.73 5.1852.355.20.8600.848209.4233.818.319.5Geranium15.317.3 6.49 6.2710.8911.3348.547.80.3860.437307.5303.439.239.8 Petunia 5.7 6.0 2.15 2.227.39 6.6058.259.5*0.4530.471***147.4156.915.315.2 Portulaca 5.3 5.8* 2.35 2.20 6.66 6.3749.151.0* 1.132 1.098**383.6348.224.921.7 Scaevola 5.0 4.5 2.96 3.327.707.7531.532.20.4870.505248.3233.128.325.9 Bacopa 6.2 6.7 1.57 1.46 2.90 2.9924.122.8**0.2790.289*77.573.89.68.9 Torenia 6.1 5.4 2.83 2.51* 3.64 3.9034.035.6*0.2910.301109.1121.110.510.6 Verbena 4.0 4.5 2.17 2.27 3.42 3.8819.519.1*0.2540.264*118.7134.423.427.9* Vinca Variegata 5.4 5.1 2.40 2.29 2.70 2.83z z0.2270.223107.7119.516.818.6 Vinca Wojo’s Jem10.711.6 1.55 1.71 2.30 2.79*z z0.2830.27743.457.5 5.0 6.6 z Plants in these treatments had notflowered by the harvest date.*,**,***Significantly different from control at P#0.05,0.01,or0.001,respectively.Bold numbers highlight cases where+Si differed significantly from control.stem height in zinnia and sunflower and was associated with deformedflowers for sun-flower.In this study,the most frequent response to Si supplementation was an increase in flower diameter,yet some species exhibited decreasedflower diameter.The most com-mon growth response was an increase in height in three species.Si supplementation decreased apical diameter in four species and had no affect on other species.Surprisingly, two of the species with reduced apical di-ameter did not accumulate additional Si in their leaves.It is a generally accepted hy-pothesis that plants that accumulate supple-mental Si benefit from improved biotic or abiotic stress resistance or altered morphol-ogy(Ma and Yamaji,2006).For half the species in this study,Si supplementation did not alter leaf tissue Si concentrations.Thus, trace Si amounts in irrigation water and substrate were apparently sufficient for these species.Yet,these same species exhibited morphological changes when provided with supplemental Si.We suggest that some spe-cies that do not differentially accumulate Si in leaves might still benefit from Si supple-mentation.This result lends support to the hypothesized active role for Si in plant physiology(Fauteux et al.,2006;Rodrigues et al.,2004)and invites further investigation.ConclusionsAll species examined accumulated mea-surable Si concentrations even when plants did not receive supplemental Si.Trace Si in the substrate and irrigation water may be enough for maximum leaf Si concentration for many cultivars in this study.The increased DW effects on bracteantha,lobelia,and ver-bena with Si supplementation are noteworthy and suggest further experimentation.Also of interest was that increased Si accumulation (versus control)was not necessary for there to be a measurable effect on morphological parameters.Our study followed only horticul-tural traits,yet there may be other unobserved abiotic and biotic stress tolerance benefits from Si supplementation,which deserve fur-ther inquiry.For example,it is possible that an imposed stress would have had more dramatic effects on the growth characteristics of Si-supplemented plants.Our results demonstrate that a range offloriculture species do absorb Si and that responses may be variable amongspecies and cultivars.Literature CitedCavins,T.J., B.E.Whipker,W.C.Fonteno, 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建筑英汉翻译词汇11建筑英汉翻译词汇11general arrangement 总体布置;总体设计general conditions of tender 投标普通章程General Household Survey 综合住户统计调查general industrial land 一般工业用地general layout plan 总平面图general planning considerations 一般规划考虑因素general rates 一般差饷General Requisition for Particulars of Tenement 一般物业详情申报表general revaluation 全面重估应课差饷租值general shear failure 整体剪切破坏General Specification for Civil Engineering Works 《土木工程一般规格》General Specifications on Material and Workmanship 《物料与造工一般规格说明书》General Squatter Control Survey 全面寮屋登记General Waiting List 公屋总轮候册Generalised Limitations and Engineering Appraisal Map 一般规限及工程评估图gentle dip 缓倾斜genuine home-buyer 真正自住买家GEO Emergency Manual 《土力工程处紧急服务手册》geochemical data 地球化学资料;岩土数据geodetic datum 测地基准点;大地基准Geodetic Datums in Hong Kong 香港大地测量系统geodetic information system 大地信息系统Geodetic Section [Lands Department] 大地测量组〔地政总署〕geodetic survey 大地测量Geodetic Survey Information System 大地测量信息系统Geographic Place Names Board 地名订正委员会geographic reference system 定位查照系统geographical co-ordinate system 地理坐标系统geographical information system 地理信息系统geographical mapping 地理勘察;地理测绘geographical zone 地理分区geogrid 土工格杉geoid 大地水准面geological condition 地质状况geological data computer system 地质资料电脑系统geological map 地质图geological mapping 地质勘察;地质测绘geological memoir 地质报告geological profile 地质剖面geological survey 地质调查geological survey memoir 地质调查报告geological survey plan 地质调查图Geology Society of Hong Kong 香港地质学会geomancer 堪舆师geomembrane 土工膜;隔泥网膜geomorphologic map 地貌图geomorphology 地貌学geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探geophysical survey 地球物理测量geoscience database 地质科学资料库geostatic stress 地应力geosynthetics 土工合成材料geotechnical 岩土;土力geotechnical appraisal 岩土评估;土力评估Geotechnical Area Study Programme 地区岩土研究计划geotechnical assessment 岩土评估;土力评估geotechnical assessment study 岩土评估研究;土力评估研究geotechnical consultant 岩土工程顾问;土力工程顾问geotechnical control 岩土工程管制geotechnical data 岩土数据geotechnical design 岩土工程设计geotechnical design assumption 岩土设计假定Geotechnical Engineer 土力工程师Geotechnical Engineering Office [Civil Engineering Department] 土力工程处〔土木工程署〕geotechnical information unit [Civil Engineering Department] 岩土工程资料库〔土木工程署〕geotechnical investigation 岩土工程勘察;岩土工程勘探Geotechnical Land Use Map 岩土分析土地用途图Geotechnical Manual for Slopes 《斜坡岩土工程手册》geotechnical record 岩土记录geotechnical specialist 岩土工程专家geotechnical study 岩土工程调查;岩土工程研究geotechnical survey 土力测量geotechnically difficult site 有土力问题的建屋地盘geotextile 土工织物;隔泥纺织物料geyser 热水器Gini Coefficient 坚尼系数girder 主梁;大梁glaciation 冰蚀现象;冰川作用gland 封头;压盖glass block screen wall 玻璃幕墙glass bulb 玻璃泡glass fibre insulator 玻璃纤维绝缘器glass louvre 玻璃百叶窗glass mosaic tile 玻璃纸皮石;玻璃锦砖glass panel 玻璃嵌板glass reinforced concrete 玻璃纤维混凝土glass reinforced plastic pipe 玻璃强化胶管glass tile 玻璃砖glaze 装嵌玻璃片glazed brick 釉面砖glazed ceramic tile 釉面瓷砖glazed earthenware 釉面陶土glazed mosaic tile 釉面纸皮石glazed porcelain 玻璃瓷glazed tile 瓷砖;玻璃砖;釉面瓦glazed wall tile 墙壁瓷砖glazed ware 釉面物料glazier 玻璃工glazing bead 玻璃压条glazing compound 镶玻璃油灰glazing gasket 玻璃封边;玻璃镶边glazing works 装配玻璃工程Global Co-ordinate System 全球坐标系统global factor of safety 综合安全系数Global Positioning System [GPS] 全球卫星定位系统global stability problem 整体稳定性问题gloss paint 光油gneiss 片麻岩gondola 吊船工作台;吊船good title 妥善业权goods lift 载货升降机Government Chainmen Union 政府丈量员职工会government contractor 政府承建商government conveyancing 政府产权转易Government Engineer 政府工程师government grant 政府批地书government housing 政府房屋government land 政府土地Government Land Agent 政府地政监督government land allocation 政府拨地government land bank 政府储备土地Government Land Licence [GLL] 政府土地租用牌照Government Land Permit 政府土地租用许可证Government lease [formerly known as Crown lease] 政府租契〔前称官契〕Government lessee 政府土地承租人;政府土地承批人Government Local Civil Engineer’s Association 政府非海外土木工程师协会government low-cost housing estate 政府廉租屋government main 政府水喉总管Government Procurement Agreement 政府采购协议Government Property Administrator 政府产业署署长Government Property Agency 政府产业署government public works 政府公共工程government quarters 政府宿舍Government rent [formerly known as Crown rent] 地税Government Rent Collection Section [Lands Department] 地租追缴组〔地政总署〕Government Rent Demand Note 缴纳地税通知书Government Rent Reminder 催缴地税通知书Government Rent Roll 地税册Government rights [formerly known as Crown rights] 政府土地权〔前称官地权〕government slope 政府斜坡government use 政府用途government-aided housing 政府助建屋宇government-assisted housing project 政府资助建屋计划government/institution/community area 政府/团体/社区用地government/institution/community facility 政府/团体/社区用地设施government/institution/community use 政府/团体/社区用途government/institution/community zone 政府/团体/社区分区government-owned quarters 政府所拥有的宿舍grab dredger 抓斗式挖泥船grade strength 等级强度graded shop 分级铺位grader 平土机gradient 斜度;坡度grading analysis [soil] 级配分析;颗粒分析〔泥土〕grading curve 粒径分布曲线grain size 粒径grand summary to the bills of quantities 建筑工料清单摘要granite 花岗岩;花岗石granite chipping 花岗岩屑granite face 花岗岩面层;花岗岩砌面granite sett 小方块花岗岩granite tile 花岗岩砖granitic rock 花岗质岩石granodiorite 花岗闪长岩granolithic 石米granolithic finish 人造石铺面granolithic paving 人造铺地石granolithic paving finish 人造石铺面granolithic plaster 石米抹面;石米批荡grant conditions 批地条件;批地规约grant of land 批地grantee 承批人;承授人grantor 授予人granular 颗粒状的granular bedding [road] 路碎石层granular material 颗粒材graphite mould 石墨模子grass seed 草种grass seed mix 混合草种grass sod 草皮;方块草皮grass sprig 草苗grass sward 草层grass verge 植草路旁带grassland 草地grating 格栅;渠闸grating cover 格栅盖grave claimant 祖坟认领人grave compensation 墓地补偿gravel 砾石;卵石gravel pack 填砾gravelly sand 砾砂gravity core 重力取样gravity corer 重力式取样管gravity cover 重力覆盖gravity dam 重力坝gravity flow sewer 引力污水渠;无压污水渠gravity load 重力荷载gravity sewer system 引力污水渠系统gravity structure 重力式结构gravity type seawall 重力式海堤gravity water supply 天然水压供水;重力供水grease tank 隔油井grease trap 隔油池;隔油缸;“油隔”great lake rock 太湖石Green Card Scheme 平安卡计划green concrete 新浇混凝土;新拌混凝土;生混凝土green form 绿表green form applicant 绿表申请人Green Form Certificate 绿表资格证明书Green Form Certificate holder 绿表资格证明书持有人green link 绿化区Green Paper on Housing Subsidy to Tenants of Public Housing 《公屋住户房屋资助问题绿皮书》green wedge 楔形绿化地带greenfield centre [Type B Commercial Centre] 新发展区商场〔乙类商场〕grid 坐标网;方格网grid data 坐标网数据grid line 坐标线;网格线;分隔条grid of steel bars 钢条板grid system 坐标制;方格网制grill 烤炉grillage foundation 格排基础;格排地基grille 格栅;栏栅grille bar 栏栅铁枝grille block 通花砖grille panel 通花砖墙grille wall 通花砖墙grip length 握固长度grit 砂砾;砂粒grit removal 除砂grooved tile 槽纹瓷砖gross development value 总发展价值gross floor area [GFA] 楼面总面积;建筑楼面面积gross person space [temporary housing area] 总人位〔临时房屋区〕gross site area 地盘总面积gross weight 总重量;毛重ground anchor 地锚;地锚桩基ground bay 地下单位ground beam 地梁ground bearing pressure 地面承载力ground clearance 离地净高ground condition 土地状况;地面条件ground cover 铺地植物ground engineering 地基工程ground feature 地物;地貌ground floor 地下ground floor arcade 地下商场ground floor level 地面层水平ground floor shop 地下铺位ground improvement works 地面改善工程ground investigation 土地勘测;土地勘探;探土ground investigation field work [public works category] 现场勘探工程〔公共工程类别〕ground level 地面;地面水平;地面标高ground level contour 地面水平等高线ground level road 地面道路ground line 地平线ground movement 地面移动;地层移动ground pressure 地面压力ground profile 地形;地形剖面;地形切面ground rent 地租ground row light 地脚排灯ground settlement 土地沉降;地陷ground staff [Home Ownership Scheme] 派驻各屋苑职员〔居者有其屋计划〕ground stress 地应力ground surface 地面ground survey 地面测量ground survey method 地面测量法ground treatment works 土地处理工程;地层处理工程ground-breaking ceremony 动土礼ground-bus 接地母线grounding electrode 接地电极grounds for recovery of possession 收回管有的理由;收回楼宇理由groundwater 地下水groundwater catchment 地下水流域groundwater condition 地下水条件;地下水情况groundwater connectivity test 地下水连通实验groundwater depletion 地下水量枯竭groundwater discharge 地下水流量;地下水溢流groundwater divide 地下水分水岭groundwater drainage works 地下水排水工程groundwater flow direction 地下水流向groundwater level 地下水位groundwater monitoring 地下水监测groundwater pollution 地下水污染groundwater pressure measurement 地下水水压测试groundwater regime 地下水体系groundwater table 地下水位groundwater table fluctuation 地下水位变动Group A estate 甲类屋Group B estate 乙类屋group reduction factor [pile group] 桩组折减系数grout 水泥浆;薄浆;灌浆grout curtain 薄浆隔墙grout mix 薄浆混合料grout pipe 灌浆管grout tube 灌浆管grout vent pipe 灌浆排气管grout-bleeding 薄浆渗出;薄浆浮水grout-bleeding and free expansion 薄浆渗出及自由扩大grout-flow cone efflux time 薄浆流度锥流出时间grouting 灌浆grouting works 灌浆工程guard 护卫员;守卫guard kiosk 更亭guardhouse 护卫员室;警卫室Guidance Notes for Persons Applying for the Incorporation of an Owners Corporation at the Land Registry 《向土地注册处申请成立业主法团人士须知》Guidance Notes for the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works 《土木工程一般规格指引》guide pile 导桩Guide to Cavern Engineering [Geoguide 4] 《岩洞工程指南》〔《岩土指南》第四册〕Guide to Concord 1 Block 《康和一型大厦指南》Guide to Concord 2 Block 《康和二型大厦指南》Guide to Flexi-schools 《弹性十字型校舍指南》Guide to Harmony 1 Block 《和谐一型大厦指南》Guide to Harmony 2 Block 《和谐二型大厦指南》Guide to Harmony 3 Block 《和谐三型大厦指南》Guide to New Cruciform Block 《新十字型大厦指南》Guide to New Standard Schools 《新标准校舍指南》Guide to Retaining Wall Design [Geoguide 1] 《挡土墙设计指南》〔《岩土指南》第一册〕Guide to Rock and Soil Descri ptions [Geoguide 3] 《岩土描述指南》〔《岩土指南》第三册〕Guide to Site Investigation [Geoguide 2] 《场地勘察指南》〔《岩土指南》第二册〕Guide to Slope Maintenance [Geoguide 5] 《斜坡维修指南》〔《岩土指南》第五册〕Guide to Small Households Developments 《小单位发展计划指南》。

effect of supplemental humate at different levels on the growth performance slaughter and carcass

effect of supplemental humate at different levels on the growth performance slaughter and carcass

International Journal of Poultry Science 3 (6): 406-410, 2004© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2004Effect of Supplemental Humate at Different Levels on the Growth Performance,Slaughter and Carcass Traits of BroilersMevlüt Karaoglu, Muhlis Macit, Nurinisa Esenbuga, Hülya Durdag, Leyla Turgut and Ö. Cevdet Bilgin Department of Animal Science, Collage of Agriculture, Ataturk University, 25240-Erzurum, TurkeyE-mail: mmacit@.trAbstract: The current trial was carried out to determine the influence of supplemental humates including humic, fulvic and ulmic acids and some microminerals on the performance and carcass traits of broilers.A study was conducted with total 240 male broiler chicks (Ross-308), received from a commercial hatcheryat 1 day of age. Chicks were allocated to four dietary treatments (H, H, H and H groups) as completely0123randomized experimental design . Feed and water were offered for ad libitum consumption and lighteningwas continuous throughout experimental period. A basal diet (H), basal diet plus 0.10 (H), 0.20 (H) and0120.30 % (H) humate (Farmagulator DRY, Humate, Farmavet International Inc., Kocaeli 41400, Turkey) were3TMoffered during experimental period. All birds were housed in batteries from 1 to 21 days, and in grower broiler pens to 49 days in the Application and Research Farm of the Agricultural Faculty, Atatürk University. At the end of the trial all birds were slaughtered. Feed intake and body weight gains were recorded weekly per pen.Final body weights were 2525, 2494, 2646 and 2546 g for H, H, H and H groups respectively, and the0123difference was not significant. Average daily weight gains were 51.8, 49.8, 52.9 and 49.9 g, respectively, and the supplementation had statistically no significant effect on this parameter. Daily feed consumptions were 103.2, 95.6, 104.4 and 98.6 g and the difference between control and treatment groups was significant (P<0.05). FCR values were 1.87, 1.84, 1.86 and 1.85. At the end of the trial, hot carcass weights and yields were 1874, 1913, 1912 and 1884 g and 75.78, 75.51, 75.55 and 75.55 %, and difference was not significant.There was no different in offal weights. Abdominal fat pad weights were found to be 35.5, 40.33, 40.0 and32.16 g, respectively. Difference among the groups in terms of abdominal fat weights was not statisticallysignificant. The mortality was 1.8, 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0 % for H, H, H and H and there was no significant0123different among the groups. In conclusion, although humate supplementation to diets of broilers had no effect on performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics, a slightly improvement was observed in FCRfor H group fed with diet containing 0.1 % humate. In addition, it was not observed dead chick in humate 1groups while 1.8 % of mortality in control group.Key words: Humate, broiler, performance, slaughter, carcassIntroductionFeed is the major item of cost in the production of poultry meat and eggs. In addition to feedstuffs, some microbiological cultures and various chemical agents such as probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, humates and enzymes, etc. have been adding to animal diets as feed additive to enhance nutrient utilization, improve feed conversion efficiency and maintain health status. But during the past several years, inclusion of probiotics and humates in rations is preferable to antibiotics, primarily because they cause no harmful effects on consumers (Yörük et al., 2004).Humates, a part of fertilizers, are derived from plant matter decomposed by bacteria (Seen and Kingman, 1973) and contain humus, humic acid, fulvic acid, ulmic acid and some microelements (Stevenson, 1994). Previous studies related to humates have focused mainly on the growth of germinal tissue in seed. The idea of using humates as feed additives in animal nutrition is new. At first humates were used as a part of replacement therapy for digestive system disturbances such as malnutrition and diarrhea and increased for feed conversion efficiency in calves, dogs and cats. Remarkable changes in electrolyte balance and enhancements in immune potency of poultry (Yörük et al., 2004; Parks et al., 1986) in response to humate supplementation have been reported. In addition, consistent agreements in the limited numbers of published articles show that humates promote growth by altering partitioning of nutrient metabolism (Parks, 1998), reducing mortality (Eren et al., 2000) and improving feed conversion efficiency (Yörük et al., 2004; Eren et al., 2000).The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of humate on performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics of broilers. Materials and MethodsChicks and diets: The Research Animal Ethic Committee of Atatürk University approved this experimental protocol. A study was conducted with total 240 male broiler chicks (Ross-308), received from acommercial hatchery (KÖY-TUR) at 1 day of age. Chicks,(humic, fulvic, ulmic and humatomelanic acids), 663.3initially about 40 g, were randomly allocated to four SiO and other minerals (Mn, 50 mg; Zn, 60 mg; Fe, 60dietary treatments and were housed in batteries from 1mg; Cu, 5 mg; Co, 0.2 mg; I, l mg; Se, 0.5 mg; and Al, Na,to 21 days, and in grower broiler pens from 21 to 49K, Mg and P in trace amounts). The experimental groups days in the Application and Research Farm of the consisting four dietary treatments were: 1) H was fed Agricultural Faculty, Atatürk University. The ambient with only basal diet, 2) H was fed with basal diet plus temperature was thermostatically controlled. This0.1 % humate, 3) H was fed with basal diet plus 0.2 %temperature was set at 33 C the 1 day of thehumate, and 4) H was fed with basal diet plus 0.3%o stexperiment and decreased 1 C every 3 day thereafter humate during experimental period. The weights of o rdfor the duration of the experimental period. The chicks chickens and feed consumptions were weekly recorded,were weighed and distributed randomly into four per pen. Mortality was recorded as it occurred and treatment groups. Each treatment group was replicated percentage mortality was determined at the end of the six times as subgroups, comprising of 10 birds each.study.Feed and water were offered for ad libitum consumption,At the end of the trial, the birds were held for 10-12h and lightning was continuous throughout experimental without food and water prior to the determining of final period. All birds were fed a starter diet from day 1 to 21,body weights. Each bird was weighed live, slaughtered and a finisher diet to 49 days. Diets were formulated and allowed to bleed for 180 s, previously determined to according to NRC recommendations (1994). Feed be sufficient time for bleeding. The bird was then composition was analyzed by the AOAC (1990) and reweighed to calculate blood weight by difference, sub-shown in Table 1. scalded at 50-52 E C for approximately 30 s, and placedin a rotary drum plucker for 30 s to remove feathers. Table 1: Composition of starter and grower dietsStarter Grower diet diet Ingredients and composition (kg ton )-1Ground corn 462.9462.3Soybean meal(480 g CP kg feed)221.4210.0-1Full fat soy 125.0100.0Ground wheat 100.0100.0Fish meal 40.025.0DCP 16.717.3Ground limestone 5.913.0Salt (NaCl) 2.5 2.6Soya oil 15.833.1Poultry fat -15.0Lysine -0.8DL-methionine 2.4 2.5Choline cloride 0.40.4Trace mineral premix 3.0 3.01Vitamin premix 5.0 5.01Coccidiostat 1.0 1.0Lasolocyde - 1.0Analysis (g kg , dry matter basis)-1 2Dry matter 940.0930.0Crude protein 220.0200.0Ash 67.459.6Ether extract 44.049.9Crude fiber 74.660.5N-free extracts 570.0560.0ME (kcal kg )30003100–1Premixes were formulated to meet recommended levels for minerals and vitamins (NRC, 1994).Calculated by AOAC (1990).2Humate was added to starter and finisher diets of chicks at different levels (0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%). Each kg of humate contained 160 mg polymeric polyhydroxy acid20 1 23The bird was reweighed to calculate feather weight by difference. The bird then processed by removing the head, neck, shanks and feets, and was eviscerated by cutting around the vent removing the viscera without disturbing the fat pad along the abdominal wall. The heart, liver and gizzard were dissected from the viscera,and the gizzard was cut open and rinsed of its content.All of the above components were weighed individually.The weight of the remaining gastrointestinal tract,including fat and mesentery, was determined by difference between the whole picked bird weight minus the various components and dressed carcass weight.The lungs were left in the eviscerated carcass. The carcass was immersed in water 4 C and washed. Upon o removal from water, the carcass was drained for 10 min,weighed for hot carcass weight and yield, bagged and stored at 3 ± 0.5 C for 24h. (Yalçin et al ., 1999). Upon o removal from the bag, the fat pad lining abdominal wall was removed from carcass, and both of fat pad and carcass were weighed to determine a cold carcass weight and yield. All of the evisceration steps and cutting procedures mentioned above performed by two experienced people according to Brake et al . (1993).Statistical Analysis: The data were subjected to analysis using a General Linear Model procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1996) for the completely randomized experimental design. Differences between means were determined by Duncan’s multiple range test at significance level of P<0.05.Results and DiscussionGrowth Performance and Feed Efficiency: The average daily weight gain, daily feed consumption and feed conversion values of treatment groups are shown inTable 2: Daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratios of broilers during experimental periodAge (weeks)Daily Weight Gain (g)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Groups n 1234567AverageH 612.929.645.255.380.184.055.751.80 bH 612.428.342.658.781.853.370.649.81bH 612.631.044.866.184.771.060.052.92aH 612.828.942.257.380.369.458.149.93 bSEM ±0.69±2.17±2.22±2.11±2.30±10.74±8.77±1.14Significance Ns Ns Ns *Ns Ns Ns Ns Daily Feed Consumption (g) H 617.246.579.4116.1155.5174.4133.2103.20 b a a H 617.138.4 68.1111.1165.8129.9139.395.61 ab b b H 617.443.177.4117.4168.4150.5156.4104.42 a ab a H 617.6 38.670.2115.5158.3147.1142.998.63ab ab ab SEM ±0.57±1.50 ±1.35±2.99±3.82±3.00±8.34±2.06Significance Ns Ns Ns Ns ***Ns *Feed Conversion Ratio H 6 1.33 1.57 1.74 2.10 1.94 2.08 2.30 1.870 H 6 1.31 1.36 1.60 1.91 2.03 2.44 1.97 1.811H 6 1.39 1.39 1.73 1.77 1.99 2.12 2.60 1.862H 6 1.38 1.33 1.66 2.01 1.97 2.13 2.45 1.853SEM ±0.06±0.10±0.10±0.08±0.06±0.14±0.42±0.16Significance Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns **: (P<0.01); *: (P<0.05); NS: Non significant. : Means within a column with no common superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05). a,bTable 2.improvement was observed in H for FCR as compared It is apparent that the difference between control (H )with the H group. Orban et al . (1993) reported that feed 0and treatment groups in terms of daily weight gain (H ,conversion ratios ranged from 1.72 to 1.90. FCR,1H and H ) was not significant at the 3, 5, 6 and 7 wks of determined herein, was closely or better than the 2 3the trial. The daily weight gain of H group was foundfindings of Summers et al . (1992). The use of increasing 2statistically higher than that of H , H and H groups at 4levels of humate (H and H groups) didn’t improve 0 1 3thweek of experimental period. In generally, it was performance traits of broilers.observed that there was no significant difference In addition, survival rates of broilers were determined in among the treatment groups in this characteristic (Table present study. Mortality for control group fed the basal 2). However, H group produced an important increase diet was higher than that for groups fed diets containing 2 in daily weight gain, as compared with the other groups.humate at different levels. The mortality was 1.8, 0.0, 0.0Table 2 presents the daily feed consumption and feed and 0.0 % for H , H , H and H , respectively and there conversion ratio (FCR) according to ages (wks) of was no significant different among the groups. These broilers. It was determined that there was significant values were lower than findings ranged from 2.7 to 6.52difference between control and other groups (P<0.05) in reported by Richter at al . (1999) and Pradhan et al .daily feed consumption. It was observed that the highest (1998) for broilers fed diets containing probiotic at feed consumption was in H group while the lowest one different levels. Little is known about the mechanism by 2in H group. Karaoglu and Durdag (2003) found that the which humate supplementation enhances the life span 1 daily feed consumptions for control and probiotic-treated and improves production efficiency. But, data obtained groups were 94.5, 95.0 and 96.3 g, and these findings from present study suggest that humate were similar to the results of the current study.supplementation may benefit poultry production. In a The feed efficiency was not affected by humate study, it was reported that supplemental humate supplementation during experimental period. Table 2alleviates toxicity of Cd in chickens (Herzig et al ., 1994)shows that the FCR values were more or less similar up by reducing deposition of toxic metals in organs. to 6wk for all groups. At the end of the trial, although th humate didn’t have an appreciable effect on FCR Slaughter and Carcass Traits: Producing lean poultry (P>0.05). The feed efficiency of H group was slightly meat to meet the demands of the consuming public is a 1better than those of the other groups. Approximately 2 %-major objective of the broiler industry. One of the major10 2 30 1 2 3Table 3: Effect of humate on the slaughter and carcass characteristics of broilers Parameters H H H H SEM±Significance0123------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slaughter CharacteristicsBody weight before slaughter (g)247325332528247761.65Ns Body weight after slaughter (g)238524492454240362.25Ns Body weight after plucking (g)219322402249220358.14Ns Blood 88847474 6.4Ns Feathers 117125130120 5.6Ns Head 76847580 3.4Ns Feet and shanks 10910499104 3.4Ns Offals 105117112117 6.2Ns Heart 101010110.6Ns Liver 42424343 2.2Ns Gizzard 43414043 2.2Ns Abdominal fat pad weight (g) 36404032 4.5Ns Hot carcass weight (g) 1874191319121884 51.3Ns Hot carcass yield (%)767676760.5Ns Cold carcass weight (g) 1847188918821856 49.1Ns Cold carcass yield (%) 757574750.5Ns Carcass Characteristics Wing weight (g) 209206212203 6.9Ns Leg weight (g) 74877474570926.7Ns Breast weight (g) 76378780279023.9Ns Neck weight (g) 96979789 5.7Ns Tail weight (g) 28232627 2.61Ns Ns: Non-significant; ±, Standard error of samples.items is to obtain the higher percentage yield of saleable observed in FCR for H group fed with diet containing 0.1products and consequently to increase the edible 3% humate. In addition, it was not observed dead chick in portions. The results on the slaughter weight and blood,humate groups while 1.8 % of mortality in control group.feather, head, feet and shanks and gastrointestinaltracts as inedible portions, and gizzard, heart and liver as edible organs, and carcass weights and yields are shown in Table 3. As shown, the differences among the groups in terms of all slaughter and carcass characteristics were not significant in present study. Dickens and Lyon (1993) noted that blood loss were 2.64 and 2.86 % of live weight, in our study it was around 3.2% and H had the highest blood volume as compared 0 with control and the other treatment groups. Brake et al .(1993) reported that the slaughter weight, blood,feathers, head, feet and gastrointestinal tract were 2547.4, 98.1, 108.1, 61.0, 114.3 and 170.8 g, and heart,liver, gizzard, abdominal fat pad, hot and cold carcass weights were 13.3, 42.3, 40.4, 43.3, 1789.3 and 1771.6g. In generally, findings obtained from the present study were higher than these results reported by Brake et al .(1993). The findings on carcass yields values were in agreement with results reported by Eren et al . (2000)and Kocabagli et al . (2002).In conclusion, although humate supplementation to diets of broilers had no effect on performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics, a slightly improvement was1 ReferencesAOAC, 1990. Official methods of analysis of theAssociation of Official Analytical Chemist. Vol. I, 15th ed., Arlington, VA.Brake, J., B. Havenstein, S.E. Scheideler, B.R. Ferketand D.V. Rives, 1993. Relatinship of sex, age, and body weight to broiler carcass yield and offal production. Poult. Sci., 72: 1137-1145.Dickens, J.A. and C.E. Lyon, 1993. Effect of two stunningvoltages on blood loss and objective texture of meat deboned at various post-mortem times. Poult. Sci.,72: 589-593.Eren, M., G. Deniz, S.S. Gezen and I.I. Türkmen, 2000.Broyler yemlerine katilan humatlarin besi performansi, serum mineral konsantrasyonu ve kemik külü üzerine etkileri. Ankara Univ. Vet. Fak.Derg., 47: 255-263.Herzig, I., J. Hampl, V.A. Docekalova, B. Psarkova andJ.V. Vlcek, 1994. The effect of sodium huminate on cadmium deposition in the organs of chickens. Vet.Med. (Praha) 39: 175-185.Karaoglu, M., and H. Durdag, 2003. Dietary probiotic Richter, G., I. Kühn, and H. Köhler, 1999. Test ofeffect on the growth, slaughtering and carcass traits in broiler chickens slaughtered at different ages.Research Project Final Report. College of Agriculture, Atatürk University, Erzurum-Turkey. BAP-2002/17. Kocabagli, N., M. Alp, N. Acar and R. Kahraman, 2002.The effects of dietary humate supplementation on broiler growth and carcass yield. Poult. Sci., 81: 227-230.NRC, 1994. National Research Council, Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Revised Editition.National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 7:11-19. Orban, J.I., D.A. Roland Sr., K. Cumnis and R.T. Lovell, 1993. Influence of large doses of Ascorbic acid on performance, plasma calcium, bone characteristics, eggshell quality in broilers and Leghorn hens. Poult.Sci., 72: 691-700.Parks, C., P.R. Ferket, L.N. Thomas and J.L. Grimes, 1986. Growth performance and immunity of turkeys fed high and low crude protein diets supplemented with Menefee humate. Poult. Sci., 75: 138-143. Parks, C. W., 1998. The use of Menefee Humatein typical and low-crude protein diets for turkey toms and in the bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil amended with poultry litter as a co-substrate and nutrient source. M.S. Thesis. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.Pradhan, R.N., G. Sahoo, P.K. Mishra, L.K. Babu, S.C.Mishra and L.M. Mohapatra, 1998. Role of probiotics on performance of broiler chicks. Ind. J. Anim. Prod., Manage., 14: 80-83. Poultry Abstracts 2000 Vol. 26 No: 3-643.Toyocerin in broiler fattening. Poultry Abstracts 2000 Vol. 28 No. 5-355.SAS, 1996. SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA.Seen, T.L. and A.R. Kingman, 1973. A review of humus and humic acids. Research Series Report No: 145.South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson, SC.Stevenson, F.J., 1994. Humus-chemistry genesis , composition, reactions. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.Summers, J.D., D. Spratt and J.L. Atkinson, 1992. Broiler weight gain and carcass composition when fed diets varying in amino acid balance, dietary energy and protein level Poult. Sci., 71: 263-273.Yalçin, S., S. Özkan, Z. Açikgöz and K. Özkan, 1999. Effect of dietary methionine on performance, carcass characteristics and breast meat composition of heterozygous naked neck (Na/na+) birds under spring and summer conditions. Br. Poult. Sci., 40: 688-694.Yörük, M.A., M. Gül, A. Hayirli and M. Macit, 2004. The effects of supplementation of humate and probiotic on egg production and quality parameters during the late laying period in hens. Poult. Sci., 83: 84-88.。



土壤与土壤资源学常用专业词汇(一)土壤矿物质固氮菌diazotroph矿物mineral (四)土壤理化性质石英quartz 土壤物理性质soil physical properties 长石feldspar 质地texture岩石rock 粒组soil separate花岗岩granite 砂质sandy风化(作用) weather 壤质loam粘土clay(minerals) 粘质clay母质parent material /subsoil 粘重heavy苏达soda 砾石gravel石灰lime 土壤结构soil structure土壤soil 团粒granular土体solum 土壤孔隙系统soil pore system云母mica 孔隙度porosity(二)土壤有机质土壤容重bulk density/apparent density 有机质organic matter 土壤比重particle density泥炭peat 土壤湿度状况soil temperature regime 腐殖质humus 土壤通气性soil aeration凋落物litter 土壤水soil water林褥forest floor 土壤湿度soil moisture积累accumulate/deposit 含水量soil moisture content分解decomposition/decompose 水势water potential矿化mineralization 毛细作用capillary(三)土壤生物土壤颜色soil color土壤生物体soil organism 蒙塞尔土壤色卡土壤动物(区系) soil fauna Munsell Soil Color Chart细菌bacteria 土壤化学性质真菌fungi (pl of fungus) soil chemistry properties藻类algae 氧化-还原(作用) oxidation-reduction土壤植物(区系)soil microflora 胶体colloid蚯蚓earthworm 吸附adsorption蚁ant 阳离子交换量螨mite cation exchange capacity根际the rhizosphere 阴离子交换anion exchange根瘤root nodule/root tubercle 盐基饱和度salt base percentage/菌根mycorhiza base -saturation percentage土壤酶soil enzyme 土壤反应(pH) soil reaction(pH)酸性acid 不完全性肥料incomplete fertilizer酸度acidity 厩肥stable manure(长效肥料)碱化alkalinization 粪便excrement碱性的alkaline(碱土) 鸟粪guano /gwa:neu/碱度alkalinity 骨粉bone meal(六)养分、肥料及肥力堆(沤)制(作堆肥)compost土壤养分soil nutrient 草皮turf营养元素nutrient element 草炭peat大量元素macro-element 草木灰ash微量元素micro-/trace element 石灰lime氮nitrogen 石膏gypsum水解氮hydrolysable nitrogen 硝酸盐肥料nitrate硝态氮nitrate nitrogen 过磷酸盐肥料superphosphate氨态氮ammonium nitrogen 钾盐肥料kainite磷phosphorus (七)土壤发生与分布分类有效磷available phosphorus 风化作用weathering钾potassium 土壤发育(发生)钙calcium pedogenesis/soil development/genesis/formation 镁magnesium 土壤发生因素factor of soil development硫sulphur 土壤发育过程processes of铁iron 淋溶(作用)leaching/eluviation铝aluminium 沉积deposit锰manganese 淀积illuviate(soil 专用)土壤养分供应soil nutrient supply 沉淀(沉降)precipitation土壤肥力soil fertility (水)饱和saturate肥料fertilizer or manure 还原(条件)reduction or reducing condition 施肥fertilization or manure 潜育gleys吸收absorption or uptake 好气条件aerobics(pl)(condition)空中施肥(飞机)aerial fertilization 累积accumulation叶面施肥foliar fertilization 富集(积)enrichment/concentration缺乏deficiency 锈斑mottling缺氮nitrogen deficiency 杂色的、斑驳的mottled缺钾potassium deficiency 过滤percolate肥料效果response to /effect of fertilizer 土壤剖面soil profile土壤植物诊断soil and plant diagnosis 剖面发育profile development可见症状visual symptom 发生层horizon(layer)化肥fertilizer 有机质层organic layer完全性肥料complete fertilizer 腐殖质层humus layer绿肥(作物)green-mature crops 矿质土层mineral horizonA、B、C层A、B、C horizon 土地经营land management淋溶层eluvial horizon 地力分级land classification淀积层illuvial horizon 立地site潜育层gleying horizon 立地指数site index土壤分布soil distribution 深翻ripping地带性土壤zonal soils 松土`scarifying /ai/非地带性土壤(在内)intrazonal soil 土壤改良soil reclamation/improvement 土壤带soil stripes /ai/ 土壤保持soil conservation土壤复域soil complex 荒地virgin land土壤分类soil classification 开荒reclamation土壤分类系统soil taxonomy/k`sc/ or system工程防治(水保)mechanical control 诊断层diagnostic horizon 生物防治(水保)biological control分类单元categories 沟渠clinch土纲soil order (九)地质地貌土类great group 风化残渣residue n.亚类group (subgroup)残积土residual soil淋溶土Alfisols 底土subsoil旱成土Aridisols 沉积物deposit sediment新成土Entisols 冲积物alluvial material有机土Histosols 冲积砂fluvial sand始成土Inceptisols 冲积土alluvial soil软土Mollisols 冰川glacier氧化土Oxisols 冻土glacial soil灰土(灰壤)Spodosols 松散岩石(母质)unconsolidated rocks 老成土Ultsols 非破碎岩石uncrambled rocks变性土Vertisols 山脉mountain range暗棕壤Dark Brown Forest Soil 山脊(山岭)mountain ridge草甸土Meadow soil 坡地slope沼泽土Bog soil 坡度falling gradient /ei/石质土Lithosol soil 陡steep / 缓gentle(八)土壤管理分水岭water shed耕作cultivate or tillage 谷地valley灌溉irrigation 盆地basin排水drain (n、-age)洼地low land or depression or loblolly 放牧pasture 平原plain集约(精耕)intensive 平地flat land肥力保持maintain soil fertility 沙丘dune /ju:/轮作crop rotation 漫滩(泛湿地)floor plain排污waste discharge 山洪torrent沼泽(泥沼)marsh/swamp/bog 污水净化sewage purification人为搅动土disturbed soil 烂泥sludges(十)土壤环境学(化学)组成composition旱化drought or xeric 微生物转化microbiological transformation水淹flood or overflow 中毒水平toxic level侵蚀erosion 农药污染pesticide pollution可蚀性erodibility 杀虫剂pesticide生荒的virgin 杀菌剂细菌bactericide 真菌fungicide精耕的(集约)intensive 除草剂herbicide开垦reclamation 残留residue土壤改良soil improvementor amelioration/or amendment 降解、净化degradation v. -de硬化(板结)compact 富营养化eutrophia水利water conservancy 生物富集biotic-enrichment/beneficiation水土保持soil and water conservation 放射性物质(废物)radioactive wastes废气discharge or effluent gas废水sewage/effluent/waste water土壤污染soil pollution /contamination废渣fag end/waste slag/industrial sediment or waste 重金属heavy metal 工业三废three industrial waste元素element 环境保护environmental protection环境背景值(本底值)background levels 环境监测environmental monitoring汞mercury 环境危害environmental hazard镉cadmium 环境标准---- standard/criteria(评价)铅lead 环境评价--- criticize/assayment/evaluate污水/下水道sewage ;工业effluents 污水净化sewage purification污灌sewage farm 污染生物指数boitic index of pollution二氧化硫sulfur dioxide/dai`eksaid/ (十一)土壤分析常用词酸雨acid rain /precipitation 消化digestion大气沉降atmospheric deposition(fallout)稀释dilution环境污染物environmental pollutant 萃取extraction危害(危险)hazard 萃取剂extractant(剂)extract(物)剧毒highly toxic 渗透osmosis毒害、毒物poison 渗漏percolation浓缩、富集enrichment/concentrate 扩散diffusion工业废物(残渣)industrial sediment 过滤filter废物处理waste disposal 分析analysis 测定determination原子吸收光谱atomic absorption spectrometry分光计spectrometer蒸馏distillation光谱spectrum补遗词汇过磷酸钙superphosphate磷酸铵ammonium phosphate 氨ammonia尿素urea基肥base manure追肥top application or dressing 随机区组randomized blocks 腐熟well-composted堆腐compost .。

托福 红宝书 词汇 俞洪敏著 excel版本

托福 红宝书 词汇 俞洪敏著 excel版本

candidate cannibalis mcanopy canvas canyon capability capacity cape capillary captive carbon cardiac cardinal cargo caribou carnivore carp cart cartilage carve cascade
List 7
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不同浓度NaCl 处理对柽柳种子萌发的影响张连梅1袁张如华2(1.临沂大学图书馆,山东临沂276005;2.临沂大学生命科学学院,山东临沂276005)摘要:对不同浓度NaCl 处理下柽柳种子的萌发进行了研究。

结果表明,不同盐度梯度处理对柽柳种子的萌发有显著性影响,随着盐浓度的增加,柽柳种子的萌芽率相应地下降;柽柳种子能在较高的盐浓度(1.5%NaCl )下正常萌发,超过此浓度则不能萌发;高盐度处理种子比低盐度处理及对照处理的柽柳种子萌发起始时间晚,各盐度处理种子萌芽高峰出现在16~20h 或20~24h 。


关键词:柽柳;种子萌发;盐度处理中图分类号:S793.5文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-2481(2019)07-1160-03Effects of Different NaCl Concentration on the Germinationof SeedsZHANG Lianmei 1,ZHANG Ruhua 2(1.Library of Linyi University ,Linyi 276005,China ;2.College of Life Sciences ,Linyi University ,Linyi 276005,China )Abs tract :The effects of different NaCl concentration on the germination of Tamarix chinensis seeds was studied.The results showed that different salinity gradients had significant effect on seed germination of Tamarix chinensis ,germination rate decreased dramatically with the increase of salt concentration.Tamarxi chinensis seeds could germinate at high salt concentration (1.5%NaCl ),but could not germinate above that concentration.Seeds dealt with high salt concentration germinated later than those with low salt concentration and pure water (CK ),but they both germinated most at the 4th period (16-20h )or the 5th period (20-24h ).Tamarix chinensis has the highest germination rate in pure water of all treatments,which may not indicate that this shrub species has a natural liking to high salt concentration environment,but it adapts the high salt concentration environment.Key words :Tamarix chinensis Lour;seed germination;salinities treatment收稿日期:2018-12-26作者简介:张连梅(1978-),女,山东临沂人,馆员,主要从事植物组织培养研究工作。



51卷收稿日期:2020-02-23基金项目:广西科技重大专项(桂科AA17204037)作者简介:*为通讯作者:尹昌喜(1978-),副教授,博士生导师,主要从事作物根系生长发育与激素调控研究工作,E-mail :yin-***************** ;韦本辉(1954-),研究员,主要从事粉垄耕作研究工作,E-mail :138****************。

王奇(1996-),研究方向为作物根系生长发育与激素调控,E-mail :****************粉垄耕作对甘蔗根系生长及氮素吸收利用的调控作用王奇1,朱艳春1,申章佑2,周佳2,尹昌喜1*,韦本辉2*(1华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉430070;2广西农业科学院经济作物研究所,南宁530007)摘要:【目的】探究粉垄耕作对甘蔗根系生长和氮素吸收利用的调控作用,为粉垄耕作技术在甘蔗生产中的推广应用提供理论依据。

【方法】以甘蔗品种福农41为试验材料,以传统耕作为对照,研究粉垄耕作对甘蔗根系生物量和氮含量的影响;采用转录组测序(RNA-seq )和实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR )分析粉垄耕作对甘蔗根系中氮素吸收利用相关基因表达水平的调控作用。

【结果】与传统耕作相比,粉垄耕作条件下甘蔗根系鲜重、干重、氮含量分别显著增加48.7%、46.8%和50.0%(P <0.05)。

RNA-seq 分析结果表明,2种耕作方式的甘蔗根系存在14020个差异表达基因,其中12565个基因在粉垄耕作甘蔗根系中上调表达、1455个基因在粉垄耕作甘蔗根系中下调表达。


qRT-PCR 分析结果显示,3个有代表性的差异表达基因TRINITY_DN194141_c0_g1、TRINITY_DN252586_c0_g1和TRINITY_DN241177_c0_g1在2种耕作方式甘蔗根系中的表达差异趋势与RNA-seq 分析结果一致。



一道亮丽的风景线英语作文600字六年级全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Bright and Beautiful Scenery LineThe summer holidays were finally here, and I couldn't wait to go on our family vacation. This year, we were going to drive along the famous Bright and Beautiful Scenery Line in the mountains. I had heard so many wonderful things about this famous road trip from my classmates who had taken it before. With soaring peaks, glistening lakes, and incredible views around every bend, it was supposed to be an amazing experience.We left home early one crisp morning, our car loaded up with all our gear for camping and hiking along the way. The Scenery Line wasn't too far from our town, but it would still take us a few hours to reach the start of the famous route up into the mountains. I could barely contain my excitement as we drove closer and closer.Finally, we reached the entry point and I gasped at the sight before me. Towering slopes and rocky crags surrounded us on all sides, dusted with layers of green pine trees. A sparkling river ranalongside the road, the water so clear I could see straight to the bottom. This was just the very beginning, and already the scenery took my breath away.We drove onwards, climbing higher up into the mountains with every passing mile. At times the road hugged the edges of dizzying cliffs, with sweeping views across vast valleys and jagged peaks in the distance. I pressed my face against the window, desperate to take in every inch of the incredible landscape.Other times we would pass through cool tunnels carved into the mountainsides, emerging on the other side to be greeted by a completely new and awespiring vista. One second we would be deep in a dark evergreen forest, the next we would burst out alongside a glittering alpine lake, its waters a brilliant shade of turquoise.Around the midpoint of our journey, we stopped to set up camp at one of the designated campsites along the route. Our little tent was pitched right alongside a burbling stream, with a thundering waterfall visible in the distance. That night we roasted marshmallows over the fire, surrounded by fresh mountain air and brilliant stars blanketing the night sky.The next few days passed in a whirlwind of incredible scenery and amazing outdoor adventures. We hiked up to pristine glacier lakes, so cold and clear it felt like you could reach down and scoop liquid diamonds out of the water. We spotted herds of bighorn sheep scrambling across the rocky slopes, and majestic eagles soaring high overhead.One afternoon we came across a stunning field of wildflowers in full bloom, a rainbow of colors stretching as far as the eye could see. I picked a bright red blossom and tucked it behind my ear, feeling as joyful and alive as the meadow surrounding me.All too soon, our drive along the Bright and Beautiful Scenery Line was coming to an end. As we neared the final stretch, the road opened up into a vast river valley, with jagged snowy peaks etched against the brilliant blue sky. The views in every direction were like something out of a painter's wildest dreams.I felt an unexpected pang of sadness as we reached the official end of the Scenery Line route. Part of me didn't want this incredible experience to be over. I had fallen in love with the mountains and their raw, untamed beauty. The vistas had stirred something deep within my soul.As we turned to begin our journey back home, I knew I would carry the memories of this trip with me forever. The Bright and Beautiful Scenery Line had showed me the majesty and wonder of nature in a way I had never experienced before. My eyes had been opened to the incredible beauty of our world.Though my body would soon return to the city, my mind would forever wander those winding mountain roads, dreaming of distant peaks, sparkling waters, and valleys sprawling out as far as I could see. The Bright and Beautiful Scenery Line had captured my heart, and I knew I would spend my whole life chasing new adventures and places that could fill me with that same sense of awe and freedom.篇2A Splendid Scenery LineLast summer, my family and I went on an amazing road trip through the mountains. We drove along winding roads that took us up and down the peaks, giving us breathtaking views of the natural scenery around every bend. It was truly a splendid scenery line that I will never forget!The journey began early one July morning when we loaded up our car and set off. The sun was just peeking over the horizon,bathing the valleys in a warm, golden light. As we climbed higher into the mountains, the landscape transformed before our eyes. The lush green forests of the foothills gave way to rocky cliffs and craggy peaks dusted with snow.One of the first stops on our scenic drive was a viewpoint perched high on a precipice. We pulled over and scrambled up a short trail to the lookout point. The view took my breath away! Laid out before us was a panorama of jagged peaks marching off into the distance as far as the eye could see. Their snow-capped summits glistened brilliantly in the morning sun like a million tiny diamonds. Below us, a turquoise glacial lake reflected the mountains, doubling their majesty. I felt so small surrounded by such raw, towering beauty.Back in the car, we continued our winding journey up and over the passes. The road twisted and turned endlessly, each corner revealing another jaw-dropping vista. Plunging valleys carved by ancient glaciers yawned below us while walls of granite soared skyward on either side. Tumbling streams and waterfalls crashed over the rocky outcroppings, filling the thin mountain air with the sound of rushing whitewater. Herds of shaggy mountain goats skittered nimbly across the treacherous cliff faces, impressively sure-footed.As we reached the highest elevations, the landscape became magnificently desolate. No trees could grow in this alpine world - just a stark wilderness of naked rock and ice. We stopped to go for a short hike on one of the windswept ridges. Up here, the views stretched on forever in every direction. The sky was such a brilliant, cloudless blue that it almost seemed to vibrate. The only sounds were the whispers of the breeze and the crunching of gravel beneath our boots. I felt like I could see to the ends of the Earth itself!Eventually, we begun our descent down the other side of the mountains into thicker forests again. The slopes were blanketed in a vast sea of evergreen trees, their rich scent perfuming the air. We passed by tumbling rivers and jewel-like alpine lakes teeming with trout. The road corkscrewed down relentlessly through tunnels of lush greenery punctuated by tantalizing glimpses of the sweeping valleys far below us.As the day wore on, the sun began to sink lower in the sky, filling the mountains with a warm, honey-colored glow. We rolled down the car windows to let in the crisp evening air tinged with the smoky aroma of a distant wildfire. Despite the lateness of the hour, the scenic wonders refused to stop unfolding before our eyes.Finally, as dusk was falling, we reached our hotel for the night in a charming little mountain town. I was almost dizzy from the overload of incredible scenery that my eyes had soaked in over the course of that single, unforgettable day. As I settled into bed that night, my head was filled with visions of snowcapped peaks, emerald forests, turquoise lakes, and endless sweeping vistas. I fell asleep dreaming of tomorrow's journey and the countless other wonders waiting just around the next bend in that splendid scenery line.篇3A Magnificent Scenic RouteI can still vividly recall the breathtaking scenery that unfolded before my eyes during our family trip last summer. It was a journey that took us through winding roads, misty mountains, and picturesque valleys, leaving an indelible mark on my memory.Our adventure began as we embarked on a scenic route through the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The road seemed to stretch endlessly, snaking its way through towering peaks and pristine wilderness. As our car hugged the curves, I found myselfmesmerized by the ever-changing landscape outside the window.Majestic mountains loomed in the distance, theirsnow-capped summits piercing the azure sky like ancient guardians. Thick forests of evergreen trees blanketed the slopes, creating a tapestry of rich hues that shifted with the gentle breeze. Occasionally, a crystal-clear stream or a cascading waterfall would appear, adding a touch of whimsy to the rugged terrain.But it was the meadows that truly captured my heart. Vast expanses of vibrant wildflowers stretched as far as the eye could see, their petals dancing in the wind like a multi-colored sea. Daffodils, lupines, and Indian paintbrushes adorned the fields, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that seemed almost surreal.As we traversed the winding roads, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of nature. The fragrance of pine and fresh mountain air filled my lungs, invigorating my senses. In the distance, I could spot herds of elk or deer grazing peacefully, their majestic antlers silhouetted against the backdrop of towering peaks.One particular moment etched itself into my memory with crystal clarity. We had stopped at a scenic overlook, and as Istepped out of the car, the panoramic view took my breath away. Before me lay a vast valley, carpeted in lush green meadows and dotted with sparkling lakes that reflected the surrounding mountains like mirrors. The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the entire scene, bathing it in a magical light that seemed almost ethereal.As I stood there, taking in the majesty of nature, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and humility. In that moment, I realized how small and insignificant our worries and troubles truly are when faced with the grandeur of creation. The towering peaks, the pristine waters, and the vibrant tapestry of life all served as a reminder of the incredible beauty that surrounds us, if only we take the time to appreciate it.That scenic route through the Rocky Mountains was more than just a journey; it was a revelation, an awakening of the senses and the soul. It taught me to slow down, to breathe deeply, and to revel in the wonders that nature has to offer. Even now, months later, the memories of that magnificent landscape remain etched in my mind, a constant source of inspiration and awe.As I reflect on that unforgettable trip, I can't help but feel a sense of responsibility to protect and cherish the natural worldaround us. These pristine landscapes are not just sights to behold; they are living, breathing ecosystems that deserve our respect and stewardship. It is our duty to preserve their beauty for generations to come, ensuring that others can experience the same sense of wonder and reverence that I felt on that winding scenic route through the heart of the Rocky Mountains.。



景睿,裴楠,狄雪荣,等.赤铁矿与巯基坡缕石复配对砷镉复合污染土壤修复效应研究[J].农业环境科学学报,2024,43(2):285-293.JING R,PEI N,DI X R,et al.Effects of combination treatments of mercapto palygorskite and hematite on remediation of Cd-As contaminated soil[J].Journal of Agro-Environment Science ,2024,43(2):285-293.赤铁矿与巯基坡缕石复配对砷镉复合污染土壤修复效应研究景睿1,2,裴楠1,2,狄雪荣2,梁学峰2,秦旭2,彭云英2,徐应明2,黄青青2,孙约兵1,2*(1.东北农业大学资源与环境学院,哈尔滨150030;2.农业农村部产地环境污染防控重点实验室,农业农村部环境保护科研监测所,天津300191)Effects of combination treatments of mercapto palygorskite and hematite on remediation of Cd-Ascontaminated soilJING Rui 1,2,PEI Nan 1,2,DI Xuerong 2,LIANG Xuefeng 2,QIN Xu 2,PENG Yunying 2,XU Yingming 2,HUANG Qingqing 2,SUN Yuebing 1,2*(1.College of Resources and Environment,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;2.Key Laboratory of Original Agro-Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs /Tianjin Key Laboratory of Agro-Environment and Agro-Product Safety,Agro-Environmental Protection Institute,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Tianjin 300191,China )Abstract :A pot experiment was performed to investigate the remediation effects of single and combination treatments of mercaptopalygorskite (MPAL )and hematite (Fe 2O 3)on Cd–As contaminated soil.The soil pH value,availability and speciation distribution of Cd and As in the soil,biomass of different parts of rice,and contents of Cd,As,and Fe in the rice parts were determined.The results showed that all treatments significantly increased the biomass of rice grains by 2.37–2.45times in comparison to the control.The DTPA-Cdcontent in the soil was reduced by 16.94%–22.57%(P <0.05).The combination treatment of MPAL and Fe 2O 3increased the proportion of amorphous iron oxide-bound Cd/As in the soil,as demonstrated by sequential extraction results.The combination treatment significantlyreduced Cd and As concentrations in roots by 7.14%and 25.13%,respectively.All treatments reduced the Cd concentration in grain by收稿日期:2023-04-19录用日期:2023-06-25作者简介:景睿(1999—),男,黑龙江人,硕士研究生,从事土壤重金属污染修复研究。



·2665·收稿日期:2020-04-23基金项目:广西自然科学基金项目(2018GXNSFBA138042,2018GXNSFAA281320)作者简介:*为通讯作者,朱同彬(1983-),博士,副研究员,主要从事土壤氮循环及环境效应研究工作,E-mail :************.cn 。

杨会(1982-),高级工程师,主要从事同位素地球化学研究工作,E-mail :*****************岩溶区种植砂糖桔对石灰土有机氮矿化过程的影响杨会,朱同彬*,吴夏,郝玉培,吴华英(中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所/自然资源部广西岩溶动力学重点实验室,广西桂林541004)摘要:【目的】土壤有机氮矿化是产生无机氮的主要过程,研究岩溶区不同土地利用方式对有机氮矿化过程的影响,为岩溶区农业种植提供理论依据。

【方法】选择岩溶区由灰岩和泥晶灰岩发育而来的石灰土作为研究对象,测定土壤的理化性质和碳化学结构,并采用15N 同位素标记方法,研究由乔灌地开垦种植砂糖桔后土壤有机质的数量和质量对有机氮矿化速率的影响。

【结果】乔灌地开垦种植砂糖桔后,两种石灰土的土壤有机碳(SOC )、全氮(TN )、钙(Ca )含量、土壤田间持水量(WHC )和pH 均显著降低(P <0.05,下同),钾(K )含量显著增加。

灰岩发育的石灰土铁(Fe )、铝(Al )含量和粘粒比例显著增加,泥晶灰岩发育的石灰土Fe 、Al 含量和粘粒比例无显著变化(P >0.05,下同)。


由灰岩和泥晶灰岩发育成的石灰土有机氮总矿化速率(M Norg )分别由2.96和2.22mg N/(kg ·d )降至0.66和1.05mg N/(kg ·d ),主要归于易利用有机氮矿化速率(M Nlab )的降低。



古松树注药保护措施英文回答:To protect ancient pine trees, such as the Gusu pine tree, from damage caused by pests and diseases, several measures can be taken. One effective method is to apply appropriate medication to the tree. By injecting or spraying medicine onto the tree, it can be protected from harmful insects and pathogens that may cause damage to its health.Firstly, it is essential to identify the specific pests or diseases that are affecting the pine tree. Different pests and diseases require different medications for treatment. For example, if the tree is infested with pine beetles, a common pest that attacks pine trees, an insecticide specifically formulated for pine beetles should be used. On the other hand, if the tree is suffering from a fungal infection, a fungicide should be applied.Secondly, the medication should be applied according to the recommended dosage and frequency. Overdosing or underdosing can have adverse effects on the tree's health. It is crucial to follow the instructions provided by experts or manufacturers to ensure the correct application of the medication. Additionally, the timing of the application is also important. Some medications may need to be applied during specific seasons or stages of the tree's growth cycle for optimal effectiveness.Furthermore, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of the medication used. Choosing environmentally friendly and low-toxicity medications can help minimize harm to the surrounding ecosystem. This is particularly important when the pine tree is located in a natural or protected area where other wildlife and plants may be present. It is advisable to consult with experts or environmental agencies to select the most suitable medication that balances effectiveness and environmental concerns.In addition to medication, other protective measurescan be implemented to safeguard the ancient pine tree. Regular inspection and monitoring of the tree's health can help detect any signs of pests or diseases early on.Pruning dead or infected branches can prevent the spread of diseases and improve the overall health of the tree. Adequate watering and fertilization can also enhance thetree's resilience against pests and diseases.To illustrate the importance of medication inprotecting ancient pine trees, let's consider the exampleof the Gusu pine tree in Suzhou, China. This magnificent pine tree has stood for centuries and is a symbol of resilience and longevity. However, in recent years, it has been facing threats from various pests and diseases. By applying appropriate medication, such as insecticides and fungicides, the Gusu pine tree can be protected from the devastating effects of these threats. This ensures that future generations can continue to admire and appreciatethe beauty and historical significance of this ancient tree.中文回答:为了保护古松树等古老的松树免受害虫和疾病的伤害,可以采取几种措施。



英语作文用破坏性树木取样定量生物质In the realm of ecological research, the quantification of biomass through destructive sampling of trees stands as a critical method for understanding the carbon cycle and assessing the health and productivity of forests. This process involves the physical removal and measurement of trees or tree components to determine their weight, which is then used to estimate the total biomass of a forested area.Destructive sampling is a direct method that provides accurate data on the biomass of trees. It is often employed in small-scale studies or in the development of allometric equations, which are mathematical formulas used to estimate tree biomass from easily measurable parameters such as diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height. These equations are crucial for large-scale biomass assessments where destructive sampling is not feasible due to the sheer number of trees.The procedure begins with the selection of representative trees within a specified plot. These trees are then felled, and various components such as the trunk, branches, leaves, and sometimes roots are separated and weighed. Moisture content is also measured, as biomass is usually reported on a dry weight basis. The data collected from these samples are then extrapolated to estimate the biomass of the entire plot or forest stand.One of the main advantages of destructive sampling is the high level of accuracy it provides. However, this method is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and can only be applied to a limited number of trees without causing significant ecological impact. Moreover, once a tree is sampled, it is removed from the ecosystem, which can alter the forest structure and function.To mitigate these impacts, researchers often combine destructive sampling with non-destructive methods such as remote sensing and terrestrial laser scanning. These technologies allow for the estimation of forest biomass over larger areas with less environmental disturbance. Data from destructive sampling can be used to calibrate and validate the models derived from non-destructive techniques, ensuring their accuracy and reliability.In conclusion, while destructive sampling is an essential tool for biomass quantification, its application must be carefully planned and executed to balance the need for accurate data with the preservation of forest ecosystems. The development of non-destructive methods and their integration with traditional sampling techniques represent a significant advancement in forest ecology, enabling more sustainable management and conservation practices. Through these efforts, we can gain a deeper understanding of forest dynamics and contribute to the global efforts in combating climate change by accurately accounting for the carbon sequestered in these vital natural resources.。



桂皮醛诱导K562细胞分化增强Mel18表达刘黎琼;刘泽林;王欣;王淡瑜;崔海燕;金梦迪【摘要】目的探讨桂皮醛对慢性髓细胞白血病细胞株k562的诱导分化作用及其机制.方法以低浓度桂皮醛(30 μmol/L、60 μmol/L)作用于体外培养的K562细胞,流式细胞术检测桂皮醛作用前后K562细胞分化抗原和Mel18表达,western blot 检测K562细胞c-Myc表达.结果低浓度桂皮醛作用后K562细胞表面单核细胞分化抗原CD11b和CD14表达呈剂量依赖性增加,Mel18荧光明显增强,c-Myc表达明显下降.结论低浓度桂皮醛可诱导K562细胞向单核细胞分化,Mel18表达增加在桂皮醛诱导K562细胞分化中发挥重要作用.【期刊名称】《河北医药》【年(卷),期】2011(033)014【总页数】2页(P2133-2134)【关键词】桂皮醛;K562细胞;细胞分化;Mel18【作者】刘黎琼;刘泽林;王欣;王淡瑜;崔海燕;金梦迪【作者单位】518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科;518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科;518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科;518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科;518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科;518052,广东省深圳市第六人民医院(南山医院)血液科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R965恶性肿瘤的诱导分化治疗已成为目前肿瘤生物学和肿瘤治疗学的前沿领域和研究热点,尤其是中药提取物的诱导分化研究是热点中的热点。




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