MSDS Milk Lotion WL



一、物品与厂商资料 1OF3
二、 成分辩识资料
物品名称: 无资料
化学性质: 溶于水,透明.
吸 入:移至空气清鲜处 眼睛接触:立即用生理盐水清洗
皮肤接触:无危害 食 入:用清水清洗
五.灭火措施 2OF3
特殊灭火程序: 无资料
消防人员之特殊防护装备: `无资料
个人应注意事项: 无资料
十、安定形性及反应性 3OF3




2011-11-15目录GB 19301-2010 生乳 (4)生乳raw milk (4)GB 19302-2010 发酵乳 (4)发酵乳fermented milk (4)酸乳yoghurt (4)风味发酵乳flavored fermented milk (4)风味酸乳flavored yoghurt (4)GB 19644-2010 乳粉 (4)乳粉milk powder (4)调制乳粉formulated milk powder (5)GB 19645-2010 巴氏杀菌乳 (5)巴氏杀菌乳pasteurized milk (5)GB 19646-2010 稀奶油、奶油和无水奶油 (5)稀奶油cream (5)奶油(黄油)butter (5)无水奶油(无水黄油)anhydrous milkfat (5)GB25190-2010 灭菌乳 (5)超高温灭菌乳ultra high-temperature milk (5)保持灭菌乳retort sterilized milk (6)GB 25191-2010 调制乳 (6)调制乳modified milk (6)GB 25192-2010 再制干酪 (6)再制干酪process(ed) cheese (6)GB 5420-2010 干酪 (6)干酪cheese (6)成熟干酪ripened cheese (6)霉菌成熟干酪mould ripened cheese (7)未成熟干酪unripened cheese (7)GB 10765-2010 婴儿配方食品 (7)婴儿infant (7)婴儿配方食品infant formula (7)GB 10767-2010 较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 (7)较大婴儿older infants (7)幼儿young children (7)较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品older infants and young children formula (8)GB 10769-2010 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 (8)婴儿infant (8)幼儿young children (8)婴幼儿谷类辅助食品cereal-based complementary foods for infants and young children (8)GB 10770-2010 婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 (8)婴儿infant (8)幼儿young children (8)婴幼儿罐装辅助食品canned complementary foods for infants and young children (9)GB 11674-2010 乳清粉和乳清蛋白粉 (9)乳清whey (9)乳清粉whey powder (9)脱盐乳清粉demineralized whey powder (9)非脱盐乳清粉non-demineralized whey powder (9)乳清蛋白粉whey protein powder (9)GB 13102-2010 炼乳 (10)淡炼乳evaporated milk (10)加糖炼乳sweetened condensed milk (10)调制炼乳formulated condensed milk (10)GB 4789.2-2010 食品微生物学检验菌落总数测定 (10)菌落总数aerobic plate count (10)GB 4789.3-2010 食品微生物学检验大肠菌群计数 (10)大肠菌群coliforms (10)最可能数most probable number,MPN (10)GB 4789.35-2010 食品微生物学检验乳酸菌检验 (11)乳酸菌lactic acid bacteria (11)GB 5413.29-2010 婴幼儿食品和乳品溶解性的测定 (11)不溶度指数insolubility index (11)GB 5413.38-2010 生乳冰点的测定 (11)生乳冰点FPD(freezing point depression) (11)GB 12693-2010 乳制品良好生产规范 (11)清洁作业区cleaning work area (11)准清洁作业区quasi-cleaning work area (11)一般作业区commonly work area (11)GB 23790-2010 粉状婴幼儿配方食品良好生产规范 (12)清洁作业区cleaning work area (12)准清洁作业区quasi-cleaning work area (12)一般作业区commonly work area (12)湿法(生产)工艺wet-mix process (12)干法(生产)工艺dry-mix process (12)干湿法复合(生产)工艺combined process (12)GB 19301-2010 生乳生乳raw milk从符合国家有关要求的健康奶畜乳房中挤出的无任何成分改变的常乳。







英文:Milk 法文:Lait牛奶的营养成分很高,牛奶中的矿物质种类也非常丰富,除了我们所熟知的钙以外,磷、铁、锌、铜、锰、钼的含量都很多。



一般牛奶的主要化学成分含量为:水分:87.5% 脂肪:3.5% 蛋白质:3.4% 乳糖:4.6% 无机盐:0.7% 组成人体蛋白质的氨基酸有20种,其中有8种是人体本身不能合成的,这些氨基酸称为必需氨基酸。




牛奶中含有Ca2+、Mg2+、K+ 、Fe3+ 等阳离子和PO43-、SO42-、Cl-等阴离子;此外还有微量元素I、Cu、Zn、Mn等。












---有些品牌也用lotion 作为乳液的用词,不过严格来讲,最好是在lotion 前面加上milk(乳液,乳状物),或者milky(乳状的),也就是[milk/milky lotion]



牛奶(MSDS)牛奶安全数据表(MSDS)1.产品标识- 产品名称:牛奶- 产品型号:N/A- 生产商:N/A- 供应商:N/A2.成分信息- 主要成分:新鲜牛奶- 其他成分:可能存在微量的维生素、矿物质和脂肪3.危险性说明- 牛奶本身不属于危险品,但某些人可能对牛奶过敏。



4.急救措施- 皮肤接触:如果出现过敏反应,应立即用清水冲洗受影响区域,如症状持续,请就医。

- 眼部接触:如果牛奶进入眼睛,应立即用大量清水冲洗眼睛,持续15分钟,并就医。

- 吞食:如果吞食牛奶后出现不适,如呼吸困难或喉咙肿胀,请立即就医。

5.防护措施- 个人防护装备:建议戴上一次性手套和防护眼镜,以防止对产品成分过敏。

- 通风设置:在操作牛奶时,保持通风良好的环境,以防止气味浓度过高。

6.消防措施- 灭火剂:可使用二氧化碳(CO2)、泡沫或干粉灭火器灭火。


- 防护措施:消防员必须戴上合适的防护装备,包括呼吸器和防护服。

7.储存和运输信息- 储存:将牛奶储存在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。

- 运输:在运输过程中,牛奶必须保持密封,以防止泄漏。

8.处置和回收- 处置:牛奶属于食品类产品,在使用后可以通过常规的垃圾处理系统进行处置。

- 回收:牛奶可以通过回收系统进行再利用。

9.其他注意事项- 请将牛奶远离儿童和宠物。

- 注意牛奶过期日期,不要食用过期的牛奶。

- 请勿将牛奶与其他化学物品混合使用,以免产生不可预知的化学反应。


(Source: 本文档参考多份牛奶的MSDS,并根据一般情况进行整理。


1-硫代甘油 MSDS说明书

1-硫代甘油 MSDS说明书

化学品安全技术说明书公司地址:上海化学工业区奉贤分区银工路28号E栋楼客服热线:400-133-2688 1 化学品及企业标识1.1 产品标识符化学品俗名或商品名:1-硫代甘油CAS No.:96-27-5别名:α-巯基甘油;3-巯基-1,2-丙二醇;1-巯基甘油;α-Monothioglycerol;1.2 鉴别的其他方法无数据资料1.3 有关的确定了的物质或混合物的用途和建议不适合的用途仅供科研用途,不作为药物、家庭备用药或其它用途。

2 危险性概述2.1 GHS分类健康危害急性毒性(经口):AcuteTox.4急性毒性(经皮):AcuteTox.3严重损伤/刺激眼睛:EyeIrrit.2皮肤腐蚀/刺激:SkinIrrit.2特异性靶器官毒性(单一接触):STOTSE32.2 GHS 标记要素,包括预防性的陈述危害类型GHS06:急毒性物质;信号词 【危险】危险申明H302 如果吞食有害健康。

H311 皮肤接触将中毒。

H315 引起皮肤过敏。

H319 造成了严重的眼睛发炎。

H335 可能引起呼吸道发炎。

警告申明P261 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。

P264 在处理后要彻底清洗双手或 … 。

P270 使用本产品时不要吃东西,喝水或吸烟。

P271 只能在室外或通风良好的环境下使用。

P280 戴防护手套/防护服/护眼/防护面具。

P301+P312 如误吞咽:若感觉不适,呼叫解毒中心/医生。

P304+P340 如果吸入:将受害人移到空气新鲜处,在呼吸舒适的地方休息。

P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛:用水小心清洗几分钟。


P501 根据…来处理容量/容器。

RSHazard symbol(s) XiR-phrase(s) R38S-phrase(s) S232.3 其它危害物-无3 成分/组成信息3.1 物质分子式 - C3H8O2S分子量 - 108.164 急救措施4.1 必要的急救措施描述一般的建议请教医生。



国际食品法典委员会关于“液态婴儿配方奶”中三聚氰胺的限量要求(英文原文)UN strengthens regulations on melamine, seafood, mel ons, dried figs and labellingConsumers to benefit from new food safety standardsNews release4 July 2012 | Rome - The UN food standards body has agreed on new regulations – including the maximum level of melamine in liquid milk formula for babies – to protect the health of consumers across the world. Other measures adopted include new food safety standards on seafood, melons, dried figs and food labelling.The Codex Alimentarius Commission, jointly run by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and WHO, sets international food safety and quality standards to promote safer and more nutritious food for consumers worldwide. Codex standards serve in many cases as a basis for national legislation, and provide the food safety benchmarks for international food trade.MelamineMelamine can be lethal at high concentrations and has been used illegally to increase apparent protein content in food products including infant formula and milk powder. Milk tainted with melamine has caused death and illness in infants. Two years ago, the Codex Commission adopted a maximum melamine level of 1 mg/kg for powdered infant formula and of 2.5 mg/kg for other foods and animal feed. The Commission has now set a maximum limit of 0.15 mg/kg for melamine in liquid infant milk.Melamine is used to make dishware and kitchenware, among other industrial applications. The new limit will help governments protect consumers by determining if detected levels of melamine result from unavoidable melamine contamination that does not cause health problems or from deliberate adulteration.Dried figs and aflatoxinsAflatoxins, a group of mycotoxins produced by molds, are toxic and are known to be carcinogenic. They can be found in a variety of products such as dried fruits, nuts, spices and cereals at high levels if the produce is not stored properly. The Commission now agreed a safe maximum limit of 10 mg/kg for dried figs, together with details on how test sampling should be conducted.MelonsAn emerging public health issue relates to the increased popularity of pre-cut melon slices. Exposed pulp of the fruit can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This has been linked to life-threatening salmonella and listeria outbreaks.The Commission recommended that pre-cut melons should be wrapped or packaged and refrigerated as soon as possible and distributed at temperatures of 4⁰ C or less. Cooling and cold-storing was recommended as soon as possible after harvest, while knife blades used for cutting or peeling should be disinfected on a regular basis.Seafood and virusesFood hygiene in seafood, particularly for molluscs, such as mussels and oysters, have become a major food safety concern. The Commission adopted a set of preventive hygiene measures aimed to control food-borne viruses. Viruses are generally more resistant than bacteria and those transmitted by the faecal-oral route can persist for months in bivalve molluscs, soil, water and sediments. They can survive freezing, refrigeration, UV radiation and disinfection but are sensitive to heat.Common food-borne viral diseases are caused by hepatitis A virus and norovirus. The Commission noted that the main hazard for the production of molluscs, such as oysters and mussels, was the biological contamination of the waters in which they grow.It is therefore important to ensure the seawater quality of growing areas, the Commission noted. When there is a likelihood or evidence of viral contamination, closure of the area, destruction of contaminated molluscs and/or heat treatment before consumption of already harvested molluscs is recommended.Mandatory nutrition labelingCodex recommended that food manufacturers across the world label nutritional content on their products to ensure that consumers are better informed; the recommendation is in line with WHO’s Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health and is a major step forward in promoting healthy eating worldwide.The 49-year-old Codex Alimentarius Commission, meeting from 2–7 July, is attended by 600 delegates representing 184 countries plus the European Union. For more information please contactGlenn ThomasWHO, GenevaMobile: +41 79 509 0677E-mail:。

橄榄油 MSDS英文

橄榄油 MSDS英文

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/TREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION4. FIRST AID MEASURESMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct name:Supplier:Tel:EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: May cause skin irritation and/or dermatitisPrinciple routes of exposure: Inhalation: Ingestion: Skin contact: Eye contact:SkinMay cause irritation of respiratory tract May be harmful if swallowed May cause allergic skin reaction Avoid contact with eyesStatements of hazard MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION.Statements of Spill of Leak Label Eliminate all ignition sources. Absorb and/or contain spill with inert materials (e.g., sand, vermiculite). Then place in appropriate container. For large spills, use water spray to disperse vapors, flush spill area. Prevent runoff from entering waterways or sewers.General advice:POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSInhalation:Skin contact:Ingestion:Eye contact:Protection of first – aiders:Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: In the case of accident or if you fell unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).Move to fresh air, call a physician immediately.Rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical adviceDo not induce vomiting without medical advice.In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.No information availableNone knownSuitable extinguishing media:Specific hazards:Special protective equipment for firefighters:Flash point:Autoignition temperature:NFPA rating Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray or “alcohol” foam Burning produces irritant fumes.As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gearNot determinedNot determinedNFPA Health: 1 NFPA Flammability: 1 NFPA Reactivity: 0Personal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Use personal protective equipment.Prevent product from entering drains.Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposalStorage:7. HANDLING AND STORAGE5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESRoom temperature Handling:Safe handling advice: Incompatible products:Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation.Wear personal protective equipment.Oxidising and spontaneously flammable productsEngineering measures: Respiratory protection: Skin and body protection:Eye protection: Hand protection: Hygiene measures:Ensure adequate ventilation.Breathing apparatus only if aerosol or dust is formed. Usual safety precautions while handling the product will provide adequate protection against this potential effect. Safety glasses with side-shieldsPVC or other plastic material glovesHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.Melting point/range: Boiling point/range: Density: Vapor pressure: Evaporation rate: Vapor density: Solubility (in water): Flash point:Autoignition temperature:No Data available at this time. No Data available at this time. No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available Not determined Not determinedStability: Stable under recommended storage conditions. Polymerization: None under normal processing.Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours such as carbon oxides.Materials to avoid: Strong oxidising agents.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONConditions to avoid: Exposure to air or moisture over prolonged periods.Product information Acute toxicityChronic toxicity:Local effects: Chronic exposure may cause nausea and vomiting, higher exposure causes unconsciousness.Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting.Specific effects:May include moderate to severe erythema (redness) and moderate edema (raised skin), nausea, vomiting,headache.Primary irritation: Carcingenic effects: Mutagenic effects: Reproductive toxicity:No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself.Mobility:Bioaccumulation: Ecotoxicity effects: Aquatic toxicity:No data available No data available No data availableMay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste from residues/unused products:Contaminated packaging:Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate Federal, State and local regulations. This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. Residue from fires extinguished with this material may be hazardous.Do not re-use empty containers.UN/Id No:Not regulated14. TRANSPORT INFFORMATIONDOTProper shipping name: Not regulatedTGD(Canada)WHMIS hazard class: Non - controlledIMDG/IMOIMDG – Hazard Classifications Not ApplicableIMO – labels:15. REGULATORY INFOTMATION International Inventories16. OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by: Health & SafetyDisclaimer: The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable.However, XABC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE GOOD, THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THE GOODS, OR THE FITNESS OF THE FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage maybe required. XABC assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits arising from the use of these data. No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied.End of safety data sheet。





各种牛奶的英文表达1. dairy ['dri]奶制品产业炼乳场2. dairy product奶制品3. milk牛奶总称,没特别说明下,milk代表牛奶4. whole milk全脂牛奶 (3-4%fat)5. semi-skimmed [skmd] milk半脱脂牛奶(1.5-2%fat)6. skim [skm] milk脱脂牛奶(0.5-1%fat)7. powdered milk奶粉,常用表达还有milk powder, dry milk8. condensed [kn'dnst] milk炼乳9. creamer ['krim]奶精(喝咖啡的小奶罐)奶精还有其他常用表达 half cream, coffee mate 还有half and half一半牛奶,一半奶油。

10.cream奶油(总称)11. ice cream冰淇淋12. whipped [wpt] cream生奶油,鲜奶油13. sour cream酸奶油14. butter黄油15. cheese芝士,奶酪16. yogurt ['joɡrt]酸奶17. milkshake奶昔18. smoothie思慕雪19. double-skin milk双皮奶 (也称steamed milk pudding)牛奶的.英文例句1.The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out .泼出来一些牛奶。

2.Thundery weather often turns milk sour .打雷的天气常常使牛奶变酸。

3.Coffee With Milk Or Cream Added加牛奶或奶油的咖啡.4.Sour, Curdled Milk.酸奶酸的、凝固的牛奶5.Skim The Cream From The Milk.自牛奶中撇取奶油。



关于奶制品的英语作文高中Dairy products are an important part of our daily diet. They provide us with essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamins. However, there are many controversies surrounding dairy products, including their impact on health and the environment.On the one hand, dairy products are a rich source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are all good sources of this mineral. In addition, dairy products are also a good source of protein, which is important for building and repairing tissues in the body. They also contain vitamins such as vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium.On the other hand, there are concerns about the negative effects of dairy products on health. Some studies suggest that consuming too much dairy can increase the risk of certain diseases such as prostate cancer and heart disease. In addition, dairy products can be high insaturated fat, which can contribute to high cholesterol levels and other health problems.Furthermore, the production of dairy products can have a negative impact on the environment. Dairy cows require large amounts of water and feed, and their waste can pollute the air and water. In addition, the production of dairy products can contribute to deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.Despite these concerns, dairy products can still be a healthy and sustainable choice. It is important to choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products and to consume them in moderation. In addition, choosing dairy products from sustainable sources can help reduce their environmental impact.In conclusion, dairy products are an important part of our diet, providing us with essential nutrients. However, there are concerns about their impact on health and the environment. By making informed choices about the dairyproducts we consume, we can ensure that they are both healthy and sustainable.。

milk products类的单词

milk products类的单词

milk products类的单词
"Milk products"(奶制品)指的是从牛、羊、山羊等动物的奶中提取出来的各种食品。


1. Milk(牛奶)
2. Cheese(奶酪)
3. Butter(黄油)
4. Yogurt(酸奶)
5. Cream(奶油)
6. Ice cream(冰淇淋)
7. Whey(乳清)
8. Curd(凝乳)
9. Skim milk(脱脂奶)
10. Whole milk(全脂奶)
11. Condensed milk(炼乳)
12. Evaporated milk(淡奶)
13. Buttermilk(酪乳)
14. Yogurt drink(酸奶饮料)
15. Sour cream(酸奶油)
16. Half-and-half(奶油和奶)
17. Cottage cheese(农家干酪)
18. Ricotta cheese(意大利干酪)
19. Mozzarella cheese(意大利奶酪)
20. Gouda cheese(豪达奶酪)




rancid milk 酸败牛奶,发乳desiccanted milk 奶粉lapper milk 酸牛奶,凝乳,乳凝块low fat milk 低脂牛奶raw milk 生奶,生牛奶,未经消毒的牛奶,原料乳(奶),生鲜奶,未消毒奶finished milk (杀菌毕待装瓶的)成品奶Schloss milk 类人乳colostrum 初乳colostral milk 初乳residual milk 残留奶chocolate milk 巧克力牛奶teparized milk 四角纸包装无菌灌装的超高温杀菌牛奶whole milk 完全乳,全脂粉,全脂牛奶,全脂奶,全脂牛奶,全乳fluid milk 液态奶accredited milk 特级牛奶standardized milk 标准乳,标准化牛奶,脂肪含量标准化(牛)乳long milk 粘丝状乳(一种变质现象)tainted milk 污染乳,异味乳school milk (英国)学校膳食用乳toned milk 调配牛奶Frosonic milk 超声波冰冻乳pigeon's milk 不存在的事物normal milk (分娩一星期后的)正常牛乳baby milk 婴儿奶粉acid milk 酸乳casein milk 干酪素乳液ewe's milk 绵羊奶cheese milk (制)干酪用乳irradiated milk 紫外线照射牛奶,经(紫外线)照射的乳uperized milk 直接蒸汽喷射杀菌的牛奶recombined milk 重配牛奶,调制奶defatted milk 脱脂牛奶sweet milk 甜牛奶nonfat dry milk 脱脂奶粉fluid milk 液态奶genuine milk 真乳,真(牛)乳,非人造乳ice milk 冻牛乳unpasteurized milk 未经巴氏杀菌的奶Caucasian milk 高加索酸牛奶(凝乳)concentrated milk 浓缩奶,炼乳abnormal milk 异常乳maternized milk 母乳化牛奶synthetic milk 人造奶fortified milk 营养牛奶,强化牛乳(增加维生素与矿物质的牛乳) humanized milk 人奶化牛奶,母乳化的牛乳goat milk 山羊乳,羊奶dried milk 全脂奶粉almond milk 杏仁乳pure milk 纯牛奶soybean milk 豆浆,豆奶,豆桨zero milk 用无机氮盐喂牛所得的奶designated milk 专业用牛奶glacial milk 冰川乳浆milk cow 乳牛,奶牛milk house牛奶房,牛奶场milk veal小牛肉,授乳犊牛,小乳牛milk sheep乳用羊milk gland 乳腺lactation 哺乳期milk industry乳业milk clarifier净乳机milk-pump吸奶器milk boiler奶煲milk pan 奶锅milk heater 牛奶加温器,牛奶加温器牛奶杀菌器milk walk 牛奶递送区,牛奶递送区域milk float 送牛奶之马车milk bath 乳浴milk cure乳疗法,乳食疗法milk test 乳汁检验,乳试验,乳汁检验milk scale 乳量计,乳白度milk recording乳量记录milk meter量乳计,牛奶(流)量计milk density 乳比重milk gauge牛奶比重表milk texture牛奶组织,牛奶质地milk-toast无味道的,软弱的,不振作的,软弱无力的milk-white 乳白色的,乳白的milk glass 乳色玻璃,乳白玻璃milk spots 乳状斑,乳色斑,乳斑,军人斑Whey 乳清Lactose 乳糖Peptide 缩氨酸milk precursor 乳前体物milk albumin 乳清蛋白milk acid乳酸milk-globule乳球Colostrum Breakup Protein初乳分离蛋白粉Alginate 海藻酸locust bean Guar刺槐豆胶carrageenan 卡拉胶,鹿角菜胶,角叉菜胶carboxymethyl cellulose CM-纤维素,羧甲基纤维素fruit preparation 水果配料milk crumb可可、奶粉和糖混合制成的颗粒milk fermentation乳发酵starter culture发酵剂single-strain单株发酵剂multi-strain多株发酵剂mixed-strain 混合发酵剂direct-vat type cultures直投式发酵剂bulk-starter 批量发酵剂milk coagulant 凝乳剂milk curdling 乳的凝结UHT(ultra heat treated) 超热处理freeze-dried or lyophilized冻干frozen-concentrated冷冻浓缩milk powder 奶粉full cream milk powder 全脂奶粉whole milk powder 全脂奶粉coconut milk powder 椰奶粉instant coconut milk powder 速溶椰汁粉pressure spray milk powder 压力喷雾干燥奶粉modified milk powder 改性牛奶粉instant nonfat milk powder 速溶脱脂奶粉long life milk powder 保久奶粉milk powder candy 奶片milk powder cake 奶粉压片feed butter milk powder 饲料用酪乳粉skim milk powder 脱脂奶粉instant milk powder 速溶奶粉milk powder manufacture 奶粉生产[制造]milk powder hopper 奶粉包装用漏斗milk powder machine 制奶粉机manufacturing machine of milk powder 奶粉制造机milk powder collector 奶粉收集器milk powder plant 奶粉工厂yoghurt or yogurt酸奶acidophilus milk嗜酸菌酸奶Set-style Yogurt 凝固型酸奶Stirred style yogurt 搅拌型酸奶Bulgarian buttermilk 保加利亚酪乳cultured buttermilk发酵酪乳cheese 干酪Cheddar cheese 切达干酪Swiss cheese瑞士干酪Kefir 克菲尔Koumiss马奶酒Emmental cheese埃门塔尔干酪Cottage cheese农家干酪sour cream 酸奶油ripened cream butter成熟黄油milk brittle 脆心牛奶糖creamy candy, milk candy, creamy candy, milk candy toffee 奶糖dairy cow 乳牛,奶牛dairy temperament 乳用气质dairy herd 乳牛群,乳畜群dairy maid 奶场女工dairy man 奶场场主,养牛工dairy farmer 奶农rotary dairy 圆形自转挤奶台dairy bull 乳用品种公牛dairy pasture 乳牛用草地dairy products 乳制品,奶产品,奶制品dairy farmer 奶农dairy product 乳制品,奶产品dairy husbandry 制酪业,乳牛业,乳牛场,牧场dairy food 乳(制)品dairy industry 乳业dairy farm 乳牛场,奶场,奶牛场dairy farming 乳牛养殖dairy performance 产乳性能dairy barn 挤奶站,挤奶厅dairy science 乳牛学dairy equipment 乳品加工设备,奶品加工设备dairy stock 乳牛,奶牛,奶牛,奶畜,奶场(中的)牛羊dairy bacterium 乳品细菌dairy manure 牛粪dairy quality 泌乳特性dairy salt 乳制品加工用(食)盐dairy house 乳品贮藏室dairy microorganism 乳品微生物dairy goat 乳用羊dairy cattle 乳牛,奶牛,奶牛,乳牛dairy cattle 乳畜dairy plant 乳品厂,乳品加工厂dairy produce 乳制品dairy breed 乳用品种dairy feed 乳牛饲料,乳质饲料dairy utensil 挤奶器dairy corral 奶牛畜栏dairy character 产乳性能dairy bacteriology 乳业细菌学,乳品细菌学dairy industry 乳业,乳品加工业dairy-bred 乳用种的dairy processing 乳品加工dairy beef 肉用乳牛dairy farming 制酪业,乳牛业,乳品业,酪农业dairy machinery 制酪机dairy hygiene 乳品卫生milk cow/dairy cow 奶牛corral-type dairy 围栏式乳牛场dairy heifer replacement 后备乳用小母牛Dairy Science Abstracts (英) 乳业文摘dairy cattle husbandry 乳牛业Dairy Improvement Association 乳牛改良协会dairy barn scoop 奶牛棚用铲斗International Dairy Federation 国际乳业联盟quirement of dairy cattle 乳牛养分需要量dairy by-product 乳副产品Dairy Improvement Registry 乳牛改良登记制dairy cattle field 奶牛场Journal of Dairy Science (美) 乳业学报Journal of Dairy Research (英) 乳业研究学报character of different dairy cattle 各种奶牛的特点nutrients requirement of dairy cattle 乳牛养分需要量body parts of a dairy cow 乳用母牛躯身的部位National Dairy Research Institude (印度) 国立乳业研究所technique treating morbid sterility of dairy cattle with laser needle 激光针治疗乳牛疾病性不孕Infant formula 婴儿配方乳粉milk collection 收奶hand milking 人工挤奶galactagogue 催奶剂噬菌体,bacteriophage国际细菌命名法规,the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria嗜热链球菌,Streptococcus thermophilus两歧双歧杆菌,Bifidobacterium bifidum短双歧杆菌,Bifidobacterium breve长双歧杆菌,Bifidobacterium longum类肠膜明串珠菌,Leuconostoc paramesenteroides戊糖片球菌,Pediococcus pentosaceus嗜酸乳杆菌,Lactobacillus acidophilus脆弱克鲁维酵母,Kluyveromyces fragilis乳酸克鲁维酵母,Kluyveromyces lactis保加利亚乳杆菌,Lactobacillus bulgaricus干酪乳杆菌,Lactobacillus casei干酪乳杆菌鼠李糖亚种,Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus高加索乳杆菌,Lactobacillus caucasicus德氏乳杆菌,Lactobacillus delbrueckii约古特乳杆菌,Lactobacillus jugurti乳酸乳杆菌,Lactobacillus lactis赖氏乳杆菌,Lactobacillus leichmanii柠胶明串珠菌,Leuconostoc citrovorum乳脂明串珠菌,Leuconostoc cremoris葡聚糖明串珠菌,Leuconostoc dextranicum谢氏丙酸杆菌,Propionibacterium shermanii粪链球菌,Streptococcus faecalis乳脂链球菌,Streptococcus cremoris乳酸链球菌乳脂亚种,Streptococcus lactis subsp. cremoris双乙酰乳酸链球菌,Streptococcus diacetylactis乳酸链球菌双乙酰乳酸亚种,Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis乳酸链球菌乳酸亚种,Streptococcus lactis subsp. lactis唾液链球菌嗜热亚种,Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus新名称:马克思克鲁维酵母马克思生物突变株,Kluyveromyces marxianus biovar. marxianus马克思克鲁维酵母乳酸生物突变株,Kluyveromyces marxianus biovar. lactis 德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus干酪乳杆菌干酪亚种,Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei鼠李糖乳杆菌,Lactobacillus rhamnosus克菲尔乳杆菌,Lactobacillus kefir德氏乳杆菌德氏亚种,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii瑞士乳杆菌约古特亚种,Lactobacillus helveticus subsp. jugurti德氏乳杆菌乳酸亚种,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis德氏乳杆菌赖氏亚种,Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. leichmanii肠膜明串珠菌乳脂亚种,Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris肠膜明串珠菌葡聚糖亚种,Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextrancium 弗氏丙酸杆菌谢氏亚种,Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii 粪肠球菌,Enterococcus faecalis乳酸乳球菌乳脂亚种,Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种(双乙酰生物突变株),Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (biovar. diacetylactis)乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种,Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis。






在化妆品和舆洗用品中,乳液被作为一种不错的载体,将用来达到: 1、保持皮肤的滋润感(保湿剂)2、皮肤柔软剂 3、吸湿性(滋润剂) 4、延缓皮肤水分流失(富脂剂) 5、对皮肤提供一种清洁用的溶剂和乳化剂 6、把“活性”成分分散到皮肤表面,这些活性成分包括抗汗剂、防晒剂、清除自由基的成分、消毒剂、香精、防腐剂、色粉或色素以及毛发调理成分。




乳液配方的组成 1)柔软剂:成塑剂,润滑剂,手感修饰成分,保湿剂; 2)保湿剂:吸湿剂,手感修饰成分,防止快干成分; 3)乳化剂:稳定剂; 4)增稠剂:水溶或油溶均可; 5)清洁剂 6)活性成分 7)载体 8)香精 9)防腐剂柔软体系皮肤护理乳液的主要功能是分散好它的柔软体系。


项目通常用量特性矿油 1-15% 保湿屏障,清洁,低成本添加剂,单独使用时快干,油感,宽粘度范围可用异丙酯 1-10% 保湿屏障,渗透性好的调理,干后的感觉,铺展剂脂肪醇 1-3% 保湿屏障,成膜剂,天鹅绒般的滑感,粘度控制的组成成分羊毛脂衍生物 0.5-15% 自然保湿剂,渗透性好的调理,乳化剂和稳定剂,铺展剂,减低油腻感,助溶剂,润滑剂,色粉湿润剂,溶剂长链醇和聚酯 0.5-2% 手感修饰剂,粘度修饰剂,润滑剂,乳化剂天然三甘油酯 0.5-10% 保湿剂,手感修饰剂,粘度修饰剂,在标签中提供“自然”的组分脂肪酸 1-5% 发泡剂,保湿屏障,珠光效果保湿体系正确的选择好保湿体系来配合柔软体系,这样才真正启动皮肤护理体系--给柔软剂增加了一个保湿的特性。



可以快速测定牛奶中的脂肪、蛋白质 、糖类等成分。
可以测定牛奶中的蛋白质、脂肪酸等 成分,有助于了解牛奶的营养价值和 品质。
通过近红外光谱技术测定牛奶中的多 种成分,具有快速、准确、非破坏性 等优点。
蛋白质含量是衡量牛奶品质的重要指标之一,对人体的生长发育和健康状况有一定影响 。
牛奶中的蛋白质是优质蛋白质,易于消化吸收,对于维持人体肌肉、骨骼、免疫系统和 生理功能的正常运转具有重要作用。蛋白质也是人体合成细胞和组织的基本物质之一, 有助于促进生长发育和提高免疫力。因此,在选择牛奶时,应关注其蛋白质含量,并根
• 矿物质含量:指牛奶中矿物质的质量百分比。牛奶中含有丰 富的钙、磷、镁、铁、锌等矿物质,是人体获取钙、磷等矿 物质的重要来源之一。矿物质含量对牛奶的营养价值和人体 健康有重要影响。
观察牛奶的颜色和透明度 ,判断是否存在杂质和沉 淀物。
将牛奶放置在阴凉通风处,避免 阳光直射,可以保存数天。
将牛奶放入冰箱中冷藏,可以保存 数周至数月。
将牛奶放入真空袋中,排除空气, 可以延长保存时间。
使用卡车或货车将牛奶从牧场运 输到加工厂。
使用火车将牛奶从牧场运输到加 工厂或港口。
使用船舶将牛奶从牧场运输到其 他国家或地区。



Milk powder introduction(奶粉介绍)Tuen Mun Plaza 3, Jusco, two floor, the elevator is walking, Comvita shopPARKnSHOP, Wellcome to buy milk priceA: good. High-grade gold Abbott (Holland, Denmark, Hongkong cattle production), karicare.Two. A tip: meadjohnson gold, gold Wyeth, Nestle Tu, can be very high,Three. The mid-range: Wei Chuan excellent + gold Yili Synutra Meiji Japan Morinaga four. The Dumex golden shield, cradle,. Erie, Wandashan, st.yuan, red star, Venus, dragon Dan, light, terracotta, Nanshan, Gucheng, Ashley, Mengniu, Beingmate, American hero, golden dragon, Dan the Haihe River, cradle, the yuan, Zheng Yuan, Ming, Fei, Qi, South Aberdeen, binjiale, corolla, and flowers, and three yuan, Xingan mountain, bird's nest Island, sweet heart. Bright, gifted and astute, Ausnutria (price is virtual high), Bei ZhikangDetailed description of Chinese and foreign formula milk powder brand:The miso good children (FRISO care), the mainland version is divided into three sections, the 1 section of the Holland Friesland dairy company, origin of Holland, germany. 2 - force, good music, good high 3. So generally referred to as miso milk.There are two mainland importers: Shanghai Tianjin EdwardKeller, Edward keller. Miso milk also Holland and Germany imported two. Shanghai Edward Keller import from Holland, Tianjin mainly imported German original Edward keller. There is no difference in quality, but more bubbles in Holland and no bubbles in germany. The two importers and the two original are regular agents and genuine original, drink which are assured. The United States is divided into gold and gold Pu, only bottled, with only general bags, the biggest difference is DHA, aa.Hong Kong version of the United states. Because of "one country, two systems", Hongkong importers are different from the mainland. Macao and Hongkong are importers of the same kind. They are imported from Hongkong and distributed to Macao. Unlike the inland edition, the package font is traditional. (to add a little milk in Hong Kong and Macao is integrated with the world, better than the mainland Hong Kong Version) - paragraph 4, more than the mainland segment: 4 - high growth milk children (3-7 years old). In Hongkong PARKnSHOP, Wellcome purchase price is the cheapest; Watsons, Wanning holidays can be RMB exchange rate: $1 to buy a few, that can be directly used without Renminbi into Hong Kong dollar. You can buy it at the drugstore, but the price is not as good as parknshop.A class of products in the mainland only Edward Keller miso milk agent, a total of three major categories of 9 varieties, all 3 years old as. Gold (3 barrels), ordinary universal (barrels), loaded bags (ordinary); the Almighty is no longer installed as the main products, which does not contain DHA elements, the main push gold and bags, for different consumer groups service. As for the price is this: Edward Keller supply the mainland marketcontinuously increases, but the Hongkong prices have not risen so far, widening the gap between the two prices. The United States is the Hong Kong version by the manufacturers of Friesland group directly under the Friesland (Hongkong) Co., Ltd. is directly responsible for the mainland market, and miso was introduced by Edward Keller, among more than a dealer mark, plus import tariffs, natural price was raised. With the available Edward Keller website or contact 85986632(Hongkong bullpen) Nebel Holland Nutricia company, from New Zealand, Hongkong and Macao sales call Kraal, Indonesia packaging. The Hongkong cowshed has a general service and a royal brand. There are also 4 sections over the age of 3. The details can be found in the cowshed website in Hongkong: / (if you have a mother who buys milk from the cowshed on the Internet, you can go and have a look)EN Belle were 1, 2, 3, is a can of 900 grams of gold. EN Belle hotline: 800-820-5098> Nutricia also called Holland nutrition, the company's main manufacturing factory in mainland China nutrition, dairy products, baby production plant in Heilongjiang, the current market atrophy, out of the red, a pharmaceutical factory in Jiangsu, the production of taurine Nutricia children is very good, very good baby cold early low-grade fever,Our baby keeps medicines.Karicare this brand began in 1896, and in Hongkong, Baer Nain bullpen card is belong to Nutricia company, is one of the 3 majorbrands of milk powder Market in new zealand.Goat milk in the international nutrition community known as "the king of milk", goat milk fat granule size of 1/3 of the milk, more conducive to human absorption, and long-term drinking goat milk will not cause obesity. The vitamin and trace elements in goat's milk are obviously higher than that of milk. Some countries in the United States and Europe regard goat's milk as a kind of nutritious food, and the price of fresh goat's milk is 7 times that of milk. Experts recommend people with allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, bronchitis or physical weakness, and babies to drink more. Karicare milk powder does not contain sucrose, containing ten times more than ordinary milk iron, and rich in vitamin C, help the absorption of iron, gold version also contains special Nutricia prebiotics, digestive and immune systems can help the healthy growth of children. And fish oil containing Omega 3 DHA promotes the development of the eyes, brain and nervous system in infants. It also provides calcium and protein needed for baby growth, and there is no added flavor in the milk powder, which will not cause the baby's taste dependence! Unlike domestic milk, the baby easy to drink and not easy to replace other brands, is the first choice of milk in New Zealand and Australia in the mother, Taobao is from 100% milk powder!Abbott: Abbott Laboratories produced, rich products, a series of training music, like Canbo, Xi Kang, Mei Li, Pediasure (preferably a thin body over the age of baby food), love beauty (lactose intolerance, baby food allergy) prenatal formance (maternal milk), new gold Xikang gold, mother like Canbo. Origin: New Zealand, Ireland, (also with Singapore) because itis the same standard production, quality, good in New Zealand to clear fresh Singapore! Hongkong: Abbott Similac (0 - 6 months) plus (6-12 months) Enga Jian (1-3 years old). Cong (3-7 years old) hi Hensel, love beauty. Abbott bubble more, is brewing process problems, when the attention do not shake, the best place for 5 minutes, bubbles will be less, but also pay attention to the baby don't eat bubble, so as not to spit up. Abbott Consulting Hotline: 800-8206111Wyeth: Wyeth manufacturing company, Wyeth is the world's first infant formula milk powder, leading technology. The products are mother Lou (maternal milk) Lou (0 - 6 months) Jianerle (6-12 months) children music (1 - 3), son music (3 - 7) canned gold, gold packaging box, gift box (general), ordinary canned 400 grams and 900, respectively G. The mother Lou and children enjoy learning music in Shanghai packaging and other packaging in singapore. Wyeth recommended for some, pay attention to the baby to add white boiling water, otherwise it is easy to constipation, we should point out is to clear fresh New Zealand in Singapore is good, in addition to the technical content of the remaining milk is a problem, there is no drug residue, is a very important link! Chinese people tend to ignore it! This is the difference between imported milk powder and homemade milk powder!Mead Johnson: the United States Mead Johnson pharmaceutical production plant in Guangzhou. There were an infant (0-6 months) an infant treasure (6 - 12 months) Enfamil (1 - 3) an infant health (3 - 7) an infant mother (maternal milk) packing: an ordinary canned baby bag, a+ bags canned series. Just one hundred years this year, is the largest selling infant formulain the United States, allow all doubt the quality of. However, the products manufactured in mainland China are different from those in other countries. Can Guangzhou Mead Johnson product quality of domestic milk powder with many similar, but the price is even much higher than the imported brands. (because the marketing cost of baby formula in the mainland is too high), you must pay attention to drink water when you eat this milk powder.Dumex: origin Shanghai, Shanghai Intel nutrition dairy company produced, to make it clear that not what agents are manufacturers, products have 0-6 months,6 - 12 months, 1 - 3 years old, there are general equipment and gold, recently out of the box, Dumex is not the international well-known brand, its name is western style, the market is also very good, does not get out of the third production show that advertising is very interesting: in America, in Europe, where below are the paste off?! fake imported brands, that is the national domestic brands!Nestle: Swiss Nestle sets up a factory in Heilongjiang, Shuangcheng. The respective sub brand Tu, force more refined, more health. The growth of gold powder (this is what trouble) Nestle milk powder until the mainland market leader, this year seems to give the other brand. Without emotion to say "Nestle quality is better than many brands on the market" their mistakes or planted in large wind and lack of respect China consumers, so there are a lot of regrets. Eat Nestle's mother, do not rush to change or panic, did not eat first think about something else.Morinaga: Japan Morinaga pharmaceutical production plant in Harbin, there are auspicious products such as honey, recently heard directly from foreign countries. Wei Chuan: Taiwan Wei Chuan out, Beijing has the factory, excellent + series is coming to Taiwan. Ausnutria: products have milk powder and rice flour, the general feeling: quality in general, high prices. With Nanshan is inextricably linked.Wan Chao: South Korean brand milk powder and Rice noodles favor the United States to promote its mercy, do not know if you are not feeling, Wyeth, Abbott, Mead Johnson are the United States, but when people do not promote Jacuzzi stressed that "the United States", the United States has such an institute, a number of academic journals, in fact, of course what is not known in the United States, with Abbott and get together that can not afford to say. Behind the boss is Ashley, where Ashley associated with said, Chaozhou Ashley this is a family of three brothers to do, because it sounds like a foreign brand name, many places in the mainland is selling well, the quality is general.Yili Yili: from a small collective food factory, can go to today, is not easy, its main advantage is the source of milk, a lot of people have "low wind and see grass and sheep" idea, in fact this is many years ago. Erie started with ice cream, and ice cream is now a major source of profit. Ice, meat products, milk powder and liquid milk are doing very well at the moment. Erie mainly used to do adult milk powder, infant milk powder in recent years began to do, began to market share is very small, species are also single. At present, there are four main series: flat bag of infant milk powder (pure rural market wholesaleproducts), precise powder series, gold series, and Tuofeier series. Really make the Erie infant milk quality grade, is the German factories with hundred years of infant food companies "marketing cooperation, Phil Tpfer provides technology and equipment are the most advanced in Europe, but when Tofil Yili in the promotion of milk is not good, cause I become so Toffey re build their own flower briefly as the broad-leaved Epiphyllum, Yili brand, a fresh milk powder series, is used in Germany, who knows the name of illegal change gold, is currently on the market common quality, can also Synutra: private enterprise, still only 6 years, but the strength of steady development. Products: excellent, excellent, Cong Bo series. The excellent mainly make the rural market, and astute after several improvements, at present, very good, that is the high cost of the product, Bo series of high prices, although New Zealand imported raw materials, but can afford the mother or not, can be considered premature, or economic conditions are very good. In addition Synutra adult milk can also be. Synutra can learn if the foreign brand market operation, while further efforts in terms of quality. Will be the most likely to compete with foreign brands of Chinese brands. Wandashan: farming background, so in the face of market economy, some can not adapt to the shrinking market, listed on the eve of the replacement of the chairman, is the practice of planned economy. Product: milk powder product line is basically consistent with yili,But there is no entry into the high-end market because of the loss of its liquid milk business. Quality: thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, although the internal management and market operation is not very good, but the quality of milk in the place, so the quality is stable, the price is low, forlow-income persons, is a good choice. Good milk Wandashan, attracted many enterprises coveted, Dumex to buy 50%, behind do not talk to, now unified with wondersun cooperation, looking forward, hoping to launch a good product. Red star, Venus, dragon Dan, sweet heart is Heilongjiang old dairy enterprises, Chinese do first infant formula is Heilongjiang these enterprises, but as everyone knows the reason, these enterprises significantly decline in the fierce competition in the market, and now Heilongjiang dairy group these brands are gauge flag, no movement for a long time. Quality and formula, as well as the price of the road are mid-range line, will not be any big quality problems, but it is not first-classBright: the real old state dairy factory, more than 50 years. Warriors: Shaanxi Yinqiao group, hey, drink Yinqiao yogurt, very good. Terracotta is the old state-owned Shaanxi dairy, the absolute leader, but the overall quality of Shaanxi milk is poor, so the raw material is not very good, and also are introduced here to make local milk business, terracotta, do adult milk can, infant milk powder although high profits, but the technology, raw material requirements are very high. And it is very strange how a year sales volume is so big, then go find the original market, low-cost strategy is good, 9 yuan of milk powder, which can be how much milk? Also out of infant milk powder, its trace elements must be problematic. Mengniu: as the fastest growing private enterprise in China, there are many stories behind it. Mengniu why success? Because the boss knows everything, Yili including dealers, so quickly to the business bigger, but no matter how the scenery now, or to the some problem, for Mengniu milk, and ice cream and other products, you can choose Yili, bright, do not choose mengniu. In a small mountain southwestof Hunan has a mountain, not what trees on the mountain, is grass, because of reasons of altitude, climate, a Communist Party veteran go there to inspect, think there is suitable for animal husbandry, resulting in Nanshan pasture, the south is very strange to the cow, small when is the local government, Nanshan milk tribute superior good stuff, is the local specialty, then to the end of the year, it is difficult to buy, the provincial capital of the relevant departments, by the end of each point on the Nanshan milk association. It can be said that the past is not out of Hunan Nanshan, the quality is acceptable, because the food of this thing, the smaller the quality is easy to control, when some people's ambition of blind expansion, the farce began staged, it can be said that the current milk market many outrageous things were triggered Nanshan, advertising bombing, everywhere grab the shelves, for outdoor commercial performances to sell milk (a down 2000 - 3000 yuan, can sell 100 - 200 bags of milk powder is good), use a lot of gifts, gifts are not caused by consumers will not adapt to the above, will only lead to a result: a large number of sales and marketing expenses soared, then passed on to consumers so, the milk price rises again! Nanshan vigorous for a while, a serious loss of business in other provinces, if not Hunan local protection, I'm afraid the consequences are more serious. The ancient city of Shanxi old brand, feeling with Shaanxi terracotta some almost, the launch of the high-end infant formula series, because the packaging is too like antiques in the market reaction is not very good, but also in the local. The product mainly has 18 yuan, up and down, and 25 yuan, up and down two kinds of bags of infant milk powder, canned with 25 yuan bag is a series. Quality and price are more popular, Shanxi local mother support, local brands can also, the field is not easy to buy. Did not tastethe milk powder, laboratory test, indicators are also good for Beingmate: Zhejiang private enterprises,Can be said to be the only one able to compete with Heinz Rice noodles brand, its product line Rice noodles are good, if we can enhance the quality of management, the food can be forced out of Chinese do Heinz, then, is really cheerful. However, it seems in the milk market under the temptation of high profits, even by the rush into, in the local brand awareness, milk business is profitable in the local, but in the field, I believe the boss is not satisfied for the sales report. Enterprises must do their own professional, rather than spread big nets, fishing for how much, milk powder than rice flour is difficult to do more, equipment to buy, but technology research and development? What about quality raw materials? Beingmate hopes to do the first brand of Chinese infants and young children to supplement food, milk powder, it is best to find a Heilongjiang enterprises there, to establish their own milk base, put forward the quality. And the packing doesn't do the same as glucose. That bag leaks easily. The cradle, the yuan, Zhengyuan is a plant of a boss, the boss is a dairy, have deep roots with shengyuan. The mother who has seen the cradle product will find it looks like nestle. Because there are milk source advantages, coupled with most of the domestic brands do not have their own R & D strength, follow the trend of doing something, so the quality is also popular, mainly rural markets. Reference:/showtopic.aspx? Topicid=66342。


. 乳糖---100℃以上加热时乳糖与蛋白质反应 生成棕色。氨基酸与乳糖的羰基之间发生的 反应,大大降低赖氨酸的含量,同时滋气味 发生改变。
. 维生素---维生素C最敏感,但在正常 温和的巴氏杀菌下维生素损失很小
. 无机盐---磷酸钙表面失水而形成不溶 性正磷酸钙。
. 乳石:高温处理或煮沸时,在与牛乳 接触的加热面上会形成乳石。其主要成 分是蛋白质、脂肪与无机盐。

87.1 8.9 31
4.6 4.0 3.3 2.6 0.7 0.17 0.15
范围 85.3~88.7 7.9~10.0
占干物质平均 含量


二 乳的物理性质
. 六 异常乳 . 异常乳可分为生理异常乳、病理异常
乳、化学成分异常乳及微生物污染乳等 几大类。
. 1、生理异常乳:初乳、末乳、营养不良
. 2、化学成分异常乳:酒精阳性乳、低成 分乳、混入异物乳、风味异常乳。
. 3、微生物污染乳:酸败乳。 . 4、病理异常乳:乳房炎乳。
一 乳的化学组成及特性
乳是一种白色或稍带黄色的不透明液体。 其中含有水分、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、 无机盐、磷脂类、维生素、酶、色素、气体及 多种微量成分。
1、脂肪 是以脂肪球形式呈乳浊液状分散 于乳中,是一个分子甘油和三个分子脂肪酸组 成的甘油三酸脂。 1mL牛乳中含有 个脂肪球,形状呈球形或椭球形。






今日小贝开展英文补习班,帮助妈妈们一堂课看懂洋奶粉,so easy!生产信息解读Manufacturing information一款奶粉,很多妈妈第一眼看的就是生产日期和保质期,这个关乎奶粉的新鲜程度以及质量,是妈妈解读一罐洋奶粉的必看要点之一。

首先就让我们来看看这些关键词吧:Date of Manufacture(MFP)/Manufacturing Date:Manufacture是生产的意思,生产日期的单词常被缩写为MFP。

Date of Production/Production Date:这是生产日期的另一种表达,后面加上用数字表示的日期, 如“16.08.2013”。


Shelf Life:保质期,即在此日期前奶粉的质量才得到保障。

Best Bafore Day(B/B):有效保质期的这种英文表达方式直译为:最好在……之前食用。

Expiration Date:这种表达方式中文可翻译为:失效日期、到期日期、有效截止日期。


营养成分解读Nutrition information一罐好的进口奶粉配方关系到宝宝的营养健康,所以营养成分表也是一罐进口奶粉中最大的一个版块。

要看懂洋奶粉的营养成分列表,我们首先要看懂表头那些英文单词:营养成分列表:AverageComposition/Nutrition Facts/Nutrition information营养素:Nutrients/Nutrition每100克/100千焦/100毫升:Per 100g/Per 100KJ/Per 100mL除了看懂表头,营养成分列表里有一些重要的营养素也是妈妈们需要看懂的:蛋白质类:ProteinWheyProtein(乳清蛋白):乳清蛋白具有营养价值高、易消化吸收、含有多种活性成分等特点,是公认的人体优质蛋白质补充剂之一。









2、乳的化学成分及其生理功能特性2.1乳脂肪乳脂肪乳脂肪(MilkFatorButterFat) 是牛乳的主要成分之一,对牛乳风味起重要的作用,在乳中的含量一般为3%〜5%。


2.1.1乳脂肪的营养价值供能乳脂肪最适消化吸收性乳脂肪的食用价值2.2 乳蛋白质(MilkProtein)牛乳的含氮化合物中 95%为乳蛋白质,含量为 3.0%〜3.5%,可分为酪蛋白和乳清蛋白两大类,另外还有少量脂肪球膜蛋白质。


2.3乳中的碳水化合物乳中的碳水化合物主要是乳糖(Lactose),其占碳水化合物的 99.8%以上。


牛乳中约含有乳糖 4.6%〜4.7%,全部呈溶解状态。


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PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEETIssue No.: 1Issue Date: 2016.05.16 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND COMPANYProduct Name: Product Type: Supplier: Milk Lotion WLMilk LotionMaleave Cosmetics Co. LtdPlace, Saikatsu 452, Denpouji, Tanyou-cho, Ichinomiya-ShiJapan (491-0822) Telephone (81) 586-77-8245 Fax (81) 586-77-6137Manufacturer: M aleave Cosmetics Co. LtdPlace, Saikatsu 452, Denpouji, Tanyou-cho, Ichinomiya-ShiJapan (491-0822) Telephone (81) 586-77-8245 Fax (81) 586-77-6137 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstance Formal Name: A mixture of water chemical derivatives.Substance Chemical Family: Aqueous/oil tonic lotion containing skin conditioning agents.Common Name: Synonyms: Skin moisture & tonic Lotion N/AN/ACAS Number:3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONMain Hazard: No major hazard known.Health Effects – Eyes: May cause redness and conjunctival irritation in extreme circumstances.Obtain medical help if such symptoms occur.Health Effects – Skin: Unlikely to cause irritation even on repeated contact, occasional (Rare)sensitisation has been reported.Health Effects – Ingestion: Can cause mild gastro-intestinal irritation and nausea in extremecircumstances. Obtain medical help if such symptoms occur.Health Effects – Inhalation: May cause mild nasal throat and respiratory tract irritation in extremecircumstances. Obtain medical help if such symptoms occur.4. FIRST AID MEASURESSkin contact: Eye contact: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse well.Rinse immediately with large quantities of soap & water for 15 minutes. Obtain medical help if symptoms occur.Ingestion: Inhalation: Give plenty of water, do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical help if symptoms occur.Remove any product from airways, remove victim to fresh air and maintain breathing. Obtain medical help if symptoms occur.5. FIRE FIGHTNING MEASURESExtinguishing media: Unsuitable media: Non Flammable. N/A.N/ASpecial Exposure Hazards:Protective extinguishing equipment: N/AACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.Spillage measures: Contain spillage, absorb and dispose of legally.Full protective clothing should be worn.Personal Precautions:Environmental precaution: Prevent contamination entering drains, watercourses or soil (Contactthe relevant authorities if it does).7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling: Storage: In large quantities use protective garments for eyes and skin. Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.8. EXPOSURE CONTROL/PERSONAL PRTECTIONJapan occupational exposure standards: Engineering control measures: Respiratory protection:Hand protection: N/A.N/A.None.PVC or rubber gloves. Chemical goggles or face shield.Eye protection:9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance: pH: Odour: White Milky liquid Approx 6.2-6.8 SpecificB.P.: M.P.:Flash point: Approx. 100 C. Approx. 0 C. N/A. Flammability:N/A. Explosive properties: Vapour pressure: Solubility: Density: Viscosity:N/A.Not Known. Water miscible. Approx. 0.99-1.08Approx. 1,500-7,000cps Not Known. Not Known.Relative vapour density (Air = 1):Evaporation Rate (n-Butyl Acetate = 1): 10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Conditions to avoid: Stable under normal conditions. N/A.Hazardous decomposition products: None known under normal conditions. Toxic fumes ifcombusted. 11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute toxicity: N/A.Skin sensitisation: Sub-acute/Subchronic: Genotoxicity: Some occasional (Rare) reports. No known reportsNo reports for humans. Reproductive/developmental toxicity: None expected.12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility:Readily miscible with water.The product is expected to be biodegradable. Not likely for the major components. No data.Persistence/degradability: Bioaccumulation: Ecotoxicity: 13.DISPOSALProduct disposal: Dispose of according to a recognised method of chemical waste disposal.Container disposal:Only remove labels from cleaned containers. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN Number: N/A IATA - Name: N/AIATA - Class:Non Hazardous N/A N/A IATA - Packaging Group:ADR/RID Substance Identification Number: ADR/RID Class: N/A ADR/RID Item No.:N/A ADR/RID Hazard Identification Number: Tremcard No. TEC(R):N/A N/A15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONLabelling information: R phrases S phrasesN/A N/A S2:Keep out of reach of children.Cosmetic Product,16. OTHER INFORMATIONMost of the information is taken from data sheets pertaining to the major ingredients.As a cosmetic the quantities are small and controlled and this data sheets information does not apply in all cases.First issued: 2016.05.16 Prepared by: M.Kobayashi Signed:。
