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1. One can’t be too sure, can one/he? 2. Tom seldom goes to the cinema, does he ? 3. The man is unfit for his job, isn’t he ? 4. Everyone knows me, doesn’t he /don’t they ? 5. No one was hurt in the accident, were they ? 6. I don’t think he can speak Japanese, can he ? 7. You don’t believe she will come, do you ? 8. What you need is more practice, isn’t it?
4. 双重否定
without与 not, no one, nobody, never, can not等否定词连用,意为‘ 无(没有) … 不’ , ‘每…必’. No one can see the film without being moved to tears.人们看了这部电影无不为 之感动得流泪. They never meet without quarrelling.他们 每次见面必要吵架.
• This factory produces 1 ,000 cars a week. • Will you please pass me the book? • I’ll get someone to repair the computer. • We could feel our hearts beating fast. • There are many Chinese students studying abroad.
• • • • 主语+不及物动词 主语+系动词+表语 主语+及物动词+宾语 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾 语 • 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 • There be +主语句型
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This knife cuts well. She seems quite satisfied. Have you fixed my watch yet? He owed me 50 yuan. Xiao Li is helping me mend my bicycle. There stands an old tower in the east of the town.
• • • • • • • • • • 高考前同学们常常学习到深夜. 我等你等了很久了. 玻璃很容易碎. 她听了这消息好象很平静. 他太累了,刚躺下就睡着了. 这家工厂没周生产一千辆小汽车. 请你把那本书递给我好吗? 我去找个人来帮你修理电脑. 我们感到我们的心在激烈的跳动. 有很多中国学生在国外留学.
17. Your father must be a doctor,_______ ? 18. You must go home right now, ______ ? 19. You mustn’t smoke here, _________ ? 20. You must have met her yesterday, _______ ? 21. You must have seen the film many times, ____________ ?
He is not unfit for his job.他不是不称职. There is noboby here who is not a League member.这里人人都是团员. One can’t learn a foreign language unless he studies hard.除非用功, 否则学不好外 语. He couldn’t help laughing.他禁不住大笑起 来.
17. Your father must be a doctor, isn’t he ? 18. You must go home right now, needn’t you ? 19. You mustn’t smoke here, must you ? 20. You must have met her yesterday, didn’t you ? 21. You must have seen the film many times, haven’t you ?
3. 部分否定
• all, both,either, every, everybody, everyday, everywhere, always与not 连用时, 表示部分否定. • 表示全部否定要用no, neither, none, nobody, nothing, never , nowhere 等词.
5. 强调肯定意义的否定结构
• 这些结构有cannot …too (over, enough, more) • You cannot be too careful.或You cannot be over careful. You cannot be careful enough. • We cannot praise him too much. • ---How are you today? --- Couldn’t be better. • I couldn’t agree with you more.
有些句子在结构上属于肯定式, 但含 有否定意义的词
• None of us has been to Beijing.(否定的 主语) • I saw nothing in the darkness.(否定的宾 语) • He begged the teacher not to punish him.(否定的宾补) • We could find her nowhere.(否定的状语)
• • • • 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 选择疑问句 反意疑问句
1. One can’t be too sure, ____ ______ ? 2. Tom seldom goes to the cinema, ____ ___? 3. The man is unfit for his job, ____ ______? 4. Everyone knows me, _____ _______ ? 5. No one was hurt in the accident, _____ ____ ? 6. I don’t think he can speak Japanese, _____ ____ ? 7. You don’t believe she will come, _____ ______ ? 8. What you need is more practice, _____ ______ ?
• 肯定: All the ants go out for food. • 部分否定:Not all the ants go out for food.或: All the ants don’t go out for food. • 全部否定:None of the ants go out for food.或:Not any of the ants go out for food.
not…until 的句型 非强调句型: I don’t know his name until yesterday. 强调句型: It was not until yesterday that I knew his name. 倒装句: Not until yesterday did I know his name.
• • • • He is too young to go to school. The problem is far from being settled. It is the last thing I want to do. Such a problem is beyond (above) me. • I failed to understand the meaning of the sentence. • It has been two months since I smoked.
9. You needn’t do that when your mother is here, need you ? 10. He is a doctor but his wife is a teacher, isn’t she ? 11. Please open the window, will/would you ? 12. Let’s go for a walk, shall we ? 13. Let us know if you can go with us, will you ? 14. Let me have another try, will you ? 15. Let me help you, may I ? 16. I wish to go home , may I ?
有时对状语的否定也移到谓语上. 翻译: 我今天觉得不舒服. 误: I’m feeling not well today. 正: I’m not feeling well today.
2. 含有否定意义的副词
句中含有never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely 时, 应视为 否定句. I could hardly see anything. He rarely comes to see me.
9. You needn’t do that when your mother is here, ____ ______ ? 10. He is a doctor but his wife is a teacher, _____ ______ ? 11. Please open the window, _____ ______ ? 12. Let’s to for a walk, ______ _____ ? 13. Let us know if you can go with us, _____ ____ ? 14. Let me have another try, ____ ______ ? 15. Let me help you, ______ _______ ? 16. I wish to go home , _____ ______ ?
• Students often work deep into night before the entrance exam. • I have been waiting for you for a long time. • Glass breaks easily. • She appeared quite calm at the news. • He was so tired that he fell asleep the moment he went to bed.
• • • • • 根据使用目的, 句子可分为: 陈述句 疑问句 祁使句 感叹句
陈述句 要特别注意陈述句的否定结构
1.否定转移:主句谓语动词是think, expect, believe, suppose, guess, imagine 等表 “认为, 猜想” 的动词时, 宾语从句的否 定习惯上前移到主句谓语上. eg. I don’t think I know you. She doesn’t believe you are wrong. 注意: hope 不在此列. 误: I don’t hope it will rain. 正: I hope it won’t rain.