EFT Test Operation manual




篇一:eft作业指导书eft (electrical fast transient test)耐電子快速脈衝試驗操作程序1.開機:1.1 將控制p.c.及測試儀器(ture-eft soure ce-40)之[system power]打開。

1.2 測試儀器(ture-eft soure ce-40)需熱機30分鐘以上,始能開始作測試。

2.測試:2.1 將控制p.c.啟動windows軟體,再進入控制軟體program manager之中。

2.2進入主畫面選擇”burst wave”(e400 burstware program)。

2.3接著進入e400:untitled(keytek device:ecat)之畫面後,按下<enter>(ok)。


2.5至”test files”功能項下,選擇”open a test”則會出現下列file:2.5.1 clamp.eft :測±250v、±500v時選用。

2.5.2 standard.eft:測±500v、±1000v時選用。

2.5.3 sponton.eft:測±1000v時選用。

2.5.4 level3.eft:測±2000v時選用。

2.5.5 level4.eft:測±4000v時選用。

? 選擇適當測試file後,再按下”ok”確定。

2.6將游標移至”eut power”處:2.6.1 “off”→電源關閉狀態。

(灰) => 在此狀態下,電源無法開啟。

2.6.2 “rdy”→即ready(準備)狀態。

(綠) => 選擇此項目。

2.6.3 “on”→電源開啟狀態。

(藍) => 可開始run(eut)程式。

2.7將儀器之[eut mains](藍色按紐)按下(須在rdy狀態下)。

迪文科技 DMG10768C097_03WTR 产品硬件接口说明书

迪文科技 DMG10768C097_03WTR 产品硬件接口说明书

DMG10768C097_03WTR产品特点:●基于T5L2芯片,运行DGUS II系统,商业级产品。




Features:●Based on T5L2,running DGUS II system,commercial grade.●9.7-inch,1024*768Pixels resolution,16.7M Colors,TN-TFT-LCD,normal viewing angle.●Resistive touch screen.●16MB memory,cost-effective.1、硬件及接口Hardware and interface1.1硬件接口图Hardware interface硬件接口图Hardware interface1.2接口说明Interface description序号No.名称Name说明Description1T5L2芯片T5L2ASIC迪文自主研发,2019年量产,1MBytes片内Nor Flash,其中512KBytes用于存储用户数据库,擦写次数>100,000次Developed by DWIN.Mass production in2019,1MBytes Nor Flash on thechip,512KBytes used to store the user database.Rewrite cycle:over100,000times2液晶屏接口LCM interfaceFPC50_0.5mm,RGB接口FPC50_0.5mm,RGB interface3电阻触摸屏接口RTP interfaceFPC4_1.0mmFPC4_1.0mm4用户接口User interface用于供电和串口通讯,8Pin_2.0mm座子。

串口下载速率(典型值):12KByte/s8Pin_2.0mm socket for power supply and serial communication.Download rate(typical value):12KByte/s5Flash 16MBytes NOR Flash,存放字库、图片、音乐文件,擦写次数>100,000次16MBytes NOR Flash,for fonts,pictures and audio files.Rewrite cycle:over100,000times6扩展Flash接口Expand Flash可以扩展到64Mbytes NOR Flash或48Mbytes NOR Flash+512MbytesNAND FlashExpandable to64Mbytes NOR Flash or48Mbytes NOR Flash+512MbytesNAND Flash7蜂鸣器Buzzer3V无源蜂鸣器,功率:<1W3V passive buzzer.Power:<1W8SD卡接口SD interfaceFAT32格式,下载文件,文件可在屏幕统计显示,下载速率:4Mb/sFAT32.Download files by SD interface can be displayed in statistics.Download rate:4Mb/s9预留模块接口Reserved moduleinterfaceWIFI模块:焊接WIFI-10模块,可连接到云平台实现远程更新USB模块:焊接USB模块,可通过U盘下载文件Wi-Fi module:connect to the cloud platform to update remotelyUSB module:download files by USB flash disk10PGT05接口PGT05interface当产品因意外无法正常运行时,可通过PGT05更新DGUS底层,使产品重新恢复正常When product crashes by accident,you can use PGT05to update DGUSkernel and make the product return to normal2、规格参数Specification parameters 2.1显示参数Display parameters显示屏类型LCD TypeTN,TFT LCD视角Viewing Angle 普通视角,典型值70°/70°/50°/70°(L/R/U/D)Normal viewing angle,70°/70°/50°/70°(L/R/U/D)分辨率Resolution 1024×768(支持0°/90°/180°/270°显示模式)1024×768pixels(0°/90°/180°/270°)色彩Color 24位8R8G8B 24-bit8R8G8BAA区Active Area(A.A.)196.6mm(W)×147.5mm(H) VA区View Area(V.A.)-背光模式Backlight ModeLED背光寿命Backlight Service Life >20000小时(以最高亮度连续工作,亮度减半时间)>20000hours(Time of the brightness decaying to50%on the condition of continuous working with the maximum brightness)背光亮度Brightness250nit背光调节Brightness Control 100级亮度调节(当亮度调节至最高亮度的1%~30%时,可能出现闪烁现象,不建议在此范围使用)0~100grade(When the brightness is adjusted to1%~30%of the maximum brightness,flickering may occur and is not recommended to use in this range)注:超过30分钟长时间显示高对比度静止画面可能导致显示残影,请增加屏保避免该问题。



EMC TESTING PRODUCT OVERVIEWCUSTOMER BASE FOR EMC TESTINGCOMPACT TESTERThe AXOS is an ultra-compact immunity tester that performs all the most commonly used transient immunity tests, including Surge, EFT, Dips/Interrupts, AC/Surge Magnetic Field, Ring Wave and Telecom Surge. Full Compliance and Pre-Compliance tests are performed to meet the requirements of a wide variety of transient immunity standards, including IEC 61000-4-x “CE Mark” Basic standards, IEC 60601 for Medical equipment, and many other IEC, ANSI, ITU, UL and specific product standards.P C D 126AD E C 5D E C 6D E C 7I P 4BP A T 50 AP A T 1000Surge 1.2/50 & 8/20, 5.0kV EFT / Burst 5.0kV Dips & InterruptsSurge magnetic field 61000-4-9Insulation testing 1.2/50, 15kV 3-phase surge 32A 3-phase surge 100A 3-phase EFT/Burst 32A 3-phase EFT/Burst 100ACDNs symmetrical data & control lines CDNs asymmetrical data & control lines Capacitive coupling clampsELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGEThe ONYX simulators by HAEFELY HIPOTRONICS have been specially designed to meet all latest international standards, including IEC61000-4-2 Ed. 2 and are the most ergonomic battery and AC power operated 30kV guns on the market. 16kV and 30kV models available, along with a complete range of accessories that ensure a complete ESD test setup (verification equipment, test tables, coupling planes etc).FEATURESSTANDARDS a 16kV and 30kV models a Touch screen operation a Modulara Automatic polarity switching a Remote control software a Remote triggera Bleed-of Functionalitya Lightweight and portable design a Battery and AC operation a Environmental monitoring a Onboard LED EUT light a Smart key functionsa Contact discharge current flow detection a Self-test functiona IEC 61000-4-2 Ed. 2a IEC613402-1/-2a IEC 801-2a IEC 60571a EN 50155 a ANSI C63.16a ISO 10605a ISO 14304a ITU-T K20a MIL-STD-1512/-1514/-750D/-883a RTCA/DO-160a JEDEC 22-A114A a GR-78/1089-COREThe self test function is a built-in self test routine which checks the HV supply, the impulse capacitor, the HV discharge relays, and the insulation of the entire HV circuitry.Bleed-off functionalityThe so called bleed-off functionality of the ONYX simulator ensures via an integrated relay that the EUT is completely discharged before the next ESD pulse is initiated. This functionality ensures a maximum of test accuracy to the user without the need for a discharge brush.Smart Key OperationThe smart key button is integrated at the upper part of the discharge trigger and has various functions which are defined by the user, enabling you to run a sequence of events according to your testing requirements, and simplify test procedures.The functions include user defined discharge voltages steps, sweep voltage, On/Off LED light, Polarity Switching, control and report function.Compliance & ModularityThe design is based on the requirements of all latest international standards, including the latest IEC 61000-4-2 Ed. 2. R/C module values are available from 50-5000 Ohms and 50-1000pF , which enables users to fully test according to many international standards.Contact Discharge Current Flow Detection & Self T estThe unique NO CONTACT detection circuit function continuously monitors whether ESD pulses are discharged to the EUT , ensures users the test was successful and prevents incorrect test results.ONYX 16n16kV Electrostatic Discharge Simulatorn16kV Air & Contact Dischargen150pF/330Ω standard discharge networkn Exchangeable RC modules to meet variousstandard requirements (IEC, ISO, ANSI, MIL)n Ergonomic design and operation (touch screen) n Rechargeable battery or mains operatedn Smart key functionsn Automatic polarity switchingn Remote triggern Self test functionn Includes: Light rigid carrying case, contact and air discharge tips, mains supply, 2 x rechargeable battery pack with chargerSOFTWAREWhy should you use software to perform ESD tests?Because it makes your life easier and helps to make tests more reliable and reproducible. Benefitsn Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatibilityn Support of USB and optical USB interfacesn Easy-to-use and intuitive creator for test plans and test proceduresn Enhanced and highly flexible reporting capabilitiesn Up-to-date design and navigationn Intuitive operationn Independent test station n High end componentsn Very high result accuracy and precision n Higher voltage level of 7.3kV n Spike frequency up to 110 kHz n IEC/EN61000-4-4 Ed. 3n Unique windows based control and reporting software n Distinctive safety features n Ideal for over testingn Multi-test stationn Covers EFT/Burst, Surge, Dips & Interrupts, Magnetic Field, and Insulation Tests n 5.0kV EFT/Burstn Fully meets all latest standards including IEC/EN61000-4-4 Ed. 3n Ideal for pre-compliance testing and CE markingNOTE: Please refer to the COMPACT section on page 3 for details.All our EFT/Burst generators are 100% compliant to the latest standards, including IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 3, which is mandatory from April 2012.DISTINCTIVE FEATURESSTAND-ALONECOMPACTEFT/BURSTBursts or EFTs (Electrical Fast Transients) are caused by operation of electro-mechanical switches, motors and distribution switch-gear connected to the power distribution network. A typical burst consists of a large number of recurring impulses at high frequency for a short time period.V 90%50%10%FlexibilityDepending on the actual testing requirements, we offer our customers the choice between stand alone and compact testing equipment.Stand alone equipment allow users to test at levels higher than what is usually required within the standards, making such testers ideal for over-testing purposes.Compact solutions allow users to not only cover the latest eft/burst requirements, but also to carry out surge, dips & interrupts, magnetic field, and insulation tests.EFT SOLUTIONSn 5kV Burst Test Systemn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3 as well as to ANSI/IEEE C62.41/45 and C37.90.1n Impulse voltage up to 5kVn Frequency range from 1Hz to 1MHzn IEC, random, continuous and real burst mode n Ramp functionsn Integrated automated single-phase CDN for AC and DC up to 16A EUT mains current n Burst parameters editable during testingn 7.3kV Burst Test Systemn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3 as well as to ANSI/IEEE C62.41/45 and C37.90.1n Impulse voltage up to 7.3kVn Frequency range from 1Hz to 100kHzn IEC, random, continuous and real burst mode n Ramp functionsn Integrated automated single-phase CDN for AC and DC up to 16A EUT mains current n Burst parameters editable during testingAXOS SERIESPEFT 8010MANUAL 32A THREE-PHASE COUPLING-DECOUPLING NETWORK FOR EFT TESTING100A THREE-PHASE COUPLING/DECOUPLING NET-WORK FOR EFT TESTINGFP-EFT 32MFP-EFT 100M2n Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3 and ANSI C62.41/45n Superposition of EFT impulses onto three- phase power lines and DC power lines n 8kV maximum impulse voltage n EUT voltage up to 690V/400V ACn EUT mains current up to 100A per phase n Manual coupling path switchingnSynchronization with power supply possiblen Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3 as well as to ANSI C62.41/45n Superposition of EFT impulses onto three- phase power lines and DC power linesn 8kV maximum impulse voltagen EUT mains voltage up to 690V/400V AC, 110V DC n EUT mains current up to 32A per phase n Synchronization with power supply possible nEUT over-current protectionEFT VERIFICATION SETWAVEFORM VERIFICATION SETOPTIONSn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3 and ANSI C37.90.1n 40mm maximum cable size n Up to 8kV impulse voltage n Handy carrying handlen Optional transducer plate for clamp calibration/ verificationn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2 & 3n For verification/calibration of EFT generators (PEFT 4010, PEFT 8010, AXOS Series)n Combined 50Ω load, 54 dB attenuator n Combined 1 k Ω load, 60 dB attenuator n Required cables includedn Supplied with detailed application noten IEEE 488 interface optionn Three phase verification adaptersn Warning lamps and emergency switches n Fibre optic links (EUT fail)n Test tablesn Dedicated software WinFEAT&R n Upgrade kits for older modelsnReal burst functional extensionn Optical decoupling fibre optic links (RS232)n AC and DC adaptersn Near field test probes (E&H)n Vertical operation stands VOSSURGE - TRANSIENT / LIGHTNINGPRODUCTS AND APPLICATIONSStand-alone, compact, and modular Surge impulse generators are available up to 30kV , which cover a range of EMC surge tests including the classical IEC defined “Combination Wave“ 1.2/50 & 8/20, “Hybrid waves“ defined for telecommunications testing, 10/700, ring wave, damped oscillating wave, magnetic field, and many more.Typical standard applications include IEC, EN and ANSI for power line testing, FCC, Bellcore, ITU and ETSI for telecom testing.Our modular Surge Platform can also be used for product safety testing to UL standards and also ITE requirements. A wide range of accessories from single and three phase CDNs up to 100A and telecoms coupling units, make these systems the most modular and flexible test equipment on themarket.32A THREE-PHASE COUPLING/DECOUPLING NETWORK FOR SURGE TESTINGFP-COMB 32n Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 2 & 3n EUT voltage up to 480Vn EUT current up to 32A per phasenTest level max. 7.0kV / 3.5kA n Fully automatic test routinesn Automatic synch source switching n Test object power line bypass mode n Test object overcurrent protection15KV VOLTAGE SURGE GENERATORPS 1500n Built according to IEC/EN 60065,IEC/EN 60950-1 and UL 1414n Impulse voltage up to 15kV n Up to 24 discharges per minute n Positive and Negative Polarity n External trigger inputn Automatic selection of 4M Ω/100 M Ω parallel resistor n Impulse voltage monitor n Includes test pistol n Flash measurement n Insulation/safety testing n Component testingn Small and compact design30KV SURGE TEST SYSTEMSINGLE-PHASE COUPLING/DECOUPLING NETWORKFOR SURGE TESTING UP TO 30KV / 15KAPSURGE 30.2FP-SURGE 3010n Single-phase EUT powering n EUT mains voltage up to 480V n EUT mains current up to 10An Manual selection of coupling path and coupling capacitor n Test level up to 15kV/30kA n EUT overcurrent protection n Large integrated test cabinetn Built according to IEC/EN61000-4-5, IEC/EN 61010, IEC/EN 61643-1 and ANSI C62.41/45n Impulse voltage up to 30kV (combination wave)n Impulse current up to 30kA (8/20 µs)n Combination wave (1.2/50 µs & 8/20 µs)n 8/20 µs, 10/350 µs, 10/1000 µs current pulse n Impulse voltage & current measurement n Automatic polarity switching n Integrated test cabinetPIM 100PIM 110COMBINATION WAVE IMPULSE MODULERING WAVE IMPULSE MODULEn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 1 & 2 and ANSI C62.41/45n 1.2/50 µs open circuit up to 7.4kV n 8/20 µs short circuit up to 3.7kAnImpulse voltage and current monitors n *1° Phase synchronizationn Reliable semiconductor HV-switchn Positive, negative and alternating polarity n Up to 12 pulses per minuten Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-12 and ANSI C62.41/45n 100 kHz frequency, 0.5 µs rise time n Imp. voltage up to 7.8kV / 12 Ω, 30 Ω and 200 Ωn Impulse voltage and current monitors n *1° phase synchronizationn Positive, negative and alternating polarity n Up to 12 pulses per minuten Reliable semiconductor HV-switch100A THREE-PHASE COUPLING/DECOUPLING NETWORKMANUAL SURGE COUPLING UNIT FOR SYMMETRICAL DATA AND CONTROL LINESPCD 121n Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 2 Fig. 14 & Ed. 3 Fig. 10n Coupling of Combination Wave impulses n Up to 2 pairs / 4 wires can be testedn Serial resistors included, 4 x 40/80/160 Ohm n Gas arrestors and Avalanche Breakdown Diodes coupling elements included n Can be used with any surge generator n Impulse voltage up to 6.6kVnSignal Bandwidth up to > 10 MHzPCD 122MANUAL SURGE COUPLING UNIT FOR SYMMETRICAL DATA AND CONTROL LINESn Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 2 Fig. 14 & Ed. 3 Fig. 10n Coupling of 10/700 µs impulsesn Up to 2 pairs / 4 wires can be testedn Serial resistors included, 4 x 25/50/100 Ohmn Gas arrestors and Avalanche Breakdown Diodes coupling elements included n Can be used with any surge generator n Impulse voltage up to 6.6kVn Signal Bandwidth up to > 10 MHz.MANUAL SURGE COUPLING/DECOUPLING UNIT FOR DATA AND SURGE DECOUPLING UNIT FOR SYMMETRICAL DATAn Signal Bandwidth up to some 10MHzDEC 7SURGE DECOUPLING UNIT FOR ASYMMETRICAL DATA AND CONTROL LINESn Built according to:IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 2 Fig. 11, 12 & 13 & Ed. 3 Fig. 9IEC 61000-4-12:1995 Fig. 9, 10, 13 & 14 Array n Decoupling of Combination wave impulsesn Decoupling of Ring Wave (100kHz) impulsesn Up to four wire can be tested simultaneousn Decoupling: Inductors 20mH not compensatedn Protection elements are Varistors and Breakdown avalanche diodesn Can be used with any surge generatorn Impulse voltage up to 6.6kVn Signal Bandwidth up to some 100 HzLOW ENERGY IMPULSE TRANSFORMER FOR INSULATION TESTING NETWORK FOR SURGE PLATFORMPOWER FREQUENCY MAGNETIC FIELD TEST SYSTEMMAG 1000n Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-8n 1m x 1m antenna included w/ stand n Up to 1100A/m field strength n Horizontal and Vertical testingn Continuous and short duration testing n Built in power supply at 50/60Hz n Simple interfaceMSURGE-APULSE MAGNETIC FIELD TEST SYSTEMnBuilt according to IEC/EN 61000-4-9n 8/20µs magnetic field wave shape n Up to 3000A/m field strength n Sturdy constructionn Horizontal and vertical testingn Control from HAEFEL Y surge generators n Single turn coil with 1m x 1m square area n Optional 2m x 2.6m magnetic coilDip: decrease of the mains VoltageSOFTWAREThe WinFEAT&R software is the latest generation of control and reporting software, based on a modern Drag and Drop concept. With such ease of use, even users with minimum technical experience will be carrying out tests in no time.This unique software allows users to run user specified or pre-defined tests according to the latest standards, and monitors and displays real time output current and voltage values.Communication between software and oscilloscope monitoring allows screenshots to be added to the test report.The software runs up to Windows 7 and is compatible with all stand-alone HAEFEL Y HIPOTRONICS test generators.FEATURESn Control and reporting for stand-alone EFT/Burst, Surge, Dips& Interrupts generators.n Drag and Drop applicationn User defined tests can be added and pre-defined tests arealready included (according to the standards).n Output Current/Voltage monitoring during test.n EUT supervision (max/min V/I levels).n User friendly, designed for use by users with minimumtechnical experience.n Automatic synchronization between software and PC.n Test setup uploaded to Oscilloscope.n User defined test report with oscilloscope screenshotoption.n Fully compatible with Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit)A u g u s t 2013EuropeChinaNorth America Haefely T est AG Haefely T est AG Representative Beijing OfficeHipotronics, Inc.Birsstrasse 300 8-1-602, Fortune Street1650 Route 22 N 4052 Basel No. 67, Chaoyang Road, Chaoyang DistrictBrewster, NY 10509SwitzerlandBeijing, China 100025United States☎ + 41 61 373 4111 ☎ +86 10 8578 8099 ☎ +1 845 230 9245 + 41 61 373 4912+86 10 8578 9908 +1 845 279 2467emc-**********************************.cn*********************HAEFEL Y HIPOTRONICS has a policy of continuous product improvement. We therefore reserve the right to change design and specification without notice.OFFICES:。



DMG80480F070_01WTR产品概述:●基于T5L0芯片,运行DGUS II系统。





Features:●Based on T5L0,running DGUS II system.●7inch,800*480pixels resolution,262K colors,TN-TFT-LCD,normal viewing angel.●LCD and TP frame lamination process,only5.1mm thickness.●COF structure.The entire core circuit of the smart screen is fixed on the FPC of LCM,featured by lightand thin structure,low cost and easy production.●50pins,including IO,UART,CAN,AD and PWM from user CPU core for easy secondary development.1外部接口External InterfacePIN 序号Definition 定义I/O Functional Description 功能描述1+5V I 供电输入,DC3.6-5.5V 。

Power supply,DC3.6-5.5V.2+5V I 3GND GND GND4GND GND 5GND GND 6AD7I 5路ADC 输入,3.3V 电源做为参考,12bit 分辨率,输入电压范围0-3.3V 。

EMC Teseq NSG 3040A多功能干扰源说明书

EMC Teseq NSG 3040A多功能干扰源说明书

Teseq’s new NSG 3040A is an easy-to-use multifunction generator that simulates electromagnetic interference effects for immunity testing in conformity with international, national and manufacturers’ standards including the latest IEC/EN standards. The NSG 3040A system is designed to fulfill conducted EMC test requirements for CE mark testing, which generally include combination wave surge, Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) pulses and Power Quality Testing (PQT). Extensive expansion capabilities enable the system to be configured for a much broader range of applications.Featuring an innovative, modular design, the NSG 3040A is a versatile system that can be configured for basic testing needs and expanded to meet the needs of sophisticated test laboratories.Using state-of-the-art components, the self-contained modules set new standards with respect to switching and phase accuracy and exceed the existing standards’ requirements.A 7” touch panel display with superb contrast and color makes controlling the NSG 3040A easy. For fast and efficient data entry, input devices include an integrated keyboard and a thumbwheel with additional keys for sensitivity adjustment. To achieve quick, reliable results in a development environment a standardized test can be initiated with just a few “clicks” using the integrated Test Assistance (TA) function.Convenient touch input buttons make each parameter’s value highly visible and allow the user to quickly select and modify all settings. A stylus is not necessary, and ramp functions can be programmed quickly and easily. Multi-step test procedures can be created and their sequence or parameter values can be changed easily.With expert mode users can make manual parameter changes using the thumbwheel while a test is under way, providing an effective and fast method for identifying critical threshold values. The NSG 3040A has an Ethernet port for external PC control. The Windows-based control software simplifies test programming and compilation of complex test sequences with various types of tests. Test reports can be generated during the test operation, allowing the operator to enter observations as the test progresses and increasing the efficiency of long-term tests.One box solution system Surge voltage to 4.8 kV EFT/Burst to 4.8 kV / 1 MHz PQT to 16 A / 300 VAC & DC Easy to use 7“ color touch screen Parameters can be changed while test running Wide range of optional testaccessoriesTHE SMART 4 KV SOLUTION FOR CE APPLICATIONSNSG 3040ANSG 3040ATHE SMART 4 KV SOLUTION FOR CE APPLICATIONSThe NSG 3040A performs tests according to the following specifications:Combination wave pulse 1, 2/50 - 8/20 µs (Hybrid-Surge pulse)Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-5Parameter ValuePulse voltage (open circuit): ±200 V to 4.8 kV (in 1 V steps)Pulse current (short circuit): ±100 A to 2.4 kAImpedance: 2/12 ΩPolarity: positive / negative / alternatePulse repetition: 10 s, up to 9’999 s (in 1 s steps)Test duration: 1 to 99’999 pulses, continuousPhase synchronization: asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps)Coupling: IEC / externalBurst (EFT) 5/50 nsPulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-4Parameter ValuePulse amplitude: ±200 V to 4.8 kV (in 1 V steps) - open circuit±100 V to 2.4 kV (50 Ω matching system)Burst frequency: 100 Hz to 1000 kHzPolarity: positive / negative / alternateRepetition time: 10 ms to 9'999 msBurst duration: 0.01 ms to 9'999 ms, single pulseTest duration: 1 s to 9’999s, 1 min to 1600 min, endlessPhase synchronization: asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps)Coupling: internal / externalNSG 3040ATHE SMART 4 KV SOLUTION FOR CE APPLICATIONSDips & Interruptsconforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-11, IEC/EN 61000-4-29Parameter ValueDips & Interrupts: From EUT voltage input to 0 V, 0% (1)Uvar with optional variac: depending on model (VAR 3005A)Uvar with step transformer: 0, 40, 70, 80% (INA 650xA)Peak inrush current capability: > 500 A (at 230 V)Switching times: 1 to 5 μs (100 Ω load)Event time (T-Event): 20 µs to 9999 s, 0.5 to 9’999 cyclesRepetition time:10 ms to 9’999 ms, 1 to 9’999 sTest duration: 1 to 99’999 events, endlessPhase synchronization: asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps)chapt. 5.1 a test voltage level from 0% to 20% of the rated voltage is considered as a total interruption.Variation test (with VAR 3005A only)conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-11Parameter ValueUvar with optional variac: up to approx. 265 V (in 1 V steps) or up to 115% Uin (in 1% steps)Decreasing time Td: 1 ms to 9.999 s, 0.5 to 9999 cycles, abruptTime at reduced voltage Ts: 1 ms to 9.999 s, 0.5 to 9999 cycles,Increasing time Ti: 1 ms to 9.999 s, 0.5 to 9999 cycles,Repetition time: 1 s to 9’999 sEvents: 1 to 99’999Pulsed magnetic field in conjunction with MFC 30conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-9Parameter ValueField: 100 to 1200 A/mPolarity: positive / negative / alternateRepetition time: 10 s to 9999s (in 1 s steps)Impedance: 2 ΩCoil / impedance factor: 0.01 to 100.00Test duration: 1 to 9’999 pulses, endlessPhase synchronization: asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps)NSG 3040ATHE SMART 4 KV SOLUTION FOR CE APPLICATIONSPower magnetic field in conjunction with MFT 30 or MFO 6501 and MFC 30 & MFC 300conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-8Parameter ValueField: 1 to max. 40 A/mFrequency: 50 or 60 HzCoil factor: 0.01 to 100Test duration: 1 s to 99’999 s, endlessInternal coupling networkParameter ValueEUT supply: 1-phaseEUT VAC: Up to 300 Vrms *, 50 / 60 Hz (phase - neutral)EUT VDC: Up to 300 VDCEUT current 1 x 16 Arms continuous (over heat protected)Connections: Front panel:Rear panel - EUT: 4mm banana plug- Burst OUT 50 SHV- Trigger out BNC- EUT supply: banana plug 4 mm- Additional ground connector- Instrument supply 85 V to 264 VAC - Connector surge HV – COMSurge Standard coupling as per IEC 61000-4-5Coupling mode Line to LineLine(s) to groundMains decoupling: 1.5 mH 0% + 35%Decoupling attenuation: Residual pulse voltage on EUT power supply inputs 15 % max.Residual voltage on non-pulsed EUT power supply inputs 15 % max. EFT (Burst) Standard coupling all lines to ref ground (GND)IEC / EN 61000-4-4L, N, PE to ref GNDAny lines and combinatio L tto ref GND: to ref GNDN to ref GNDPE to ref GNDL, N to ref GNDL, PE to ref GNDN, PE to ref GND PQT: Dips & interrupts to phase LNSG 3040ATHE SMART 4 KV SOLUTION FOR CE APPLICATIONSTechnical specificationInstrument supply 85 to 265 VAC, 50 / 60 HzDimensions NSG 3040A: 19”; 3 HU, 448 x 154 x 500 mm (W x H x D)Weight NSG 3040A: approx. 22 kg (49 lbs)Type DescriptionCDN 3043A-C32 Three phase automatic coupling decoupling network, 3x480 V / 32 ACDN 3425 Burst EFT capacitive coupling clamp for data line couplingCDN 117A-C4-4-1 Coupling networks for unsymmetrical signal-/data lines (surge)CDN 118A-C4-4-1 Coupling networks for symmetrical signal-/data lines (surge)CDN HSS-2 Coupling network for 2 kV surge pulse 1.2 / 50 μs IEC/EN 61000-4-5on unshielded symmetrical high speed telecom lines (Ethernet)PVF BKIT 1Burst/EFT verification setMD 210 Voltage differential probe 3.5 kV / 7 kVMD 300 Current probe 5 kAType DescriptionTVT 1-250-16Manual step transformer, 16 AAC, 0/40/70/80%VAR 3005A-S16 Automatic single variable transformer, 1 x 16 AAccessories for IEC/EN 61000-4-8/-4-9AMETEK CTSSternenhofstr. 15 4153 Reinach SwitzerlandT + 41 61 204 41 11 F + 41 61 204 41 00************************© December 2018 AMETEK CTSSpecifications subject to change without notice. Teseq® is an ISO-registered company. Its products are designed and manufactured under the strict quality and environmental requirements of the ISO 9001. This document has been carefully checked. However, Teseq® does not assume any liability for errors or inaccuracies.691-387 A December 2018Type DescriptionMFO 6501A Manual magnetic field option for -4-8MFC 30 Magnetic field coil 1 x 1 m, with MFO max. 40 A/m -4-8;Surge* max. 1200 A/m -4-9MFC 300 Magnetic field coil 1 x 1 m; max. 330 A/m -4-8。

PS400 EFT-POS 使用说明书

PS400 EFT-POS 使用说明书

PS400金融支付终端PS400 EFT-POS使用说明书User Manual上海杉德金卡信息系统科技有限公司Shanghai SAND Information Technology System Co., Ltd版权声明本使用手册受著作权保护,所撰写之内容均为上海杉德公司所有。




Copyright statementThis User Manual is protected by copyright protection, the contents are written by Shanghai SAND. Amendment rights of the product specification and related information in this document are reserved to SAND.The product specification and related information in this document are subject to change without further notice.This document and contents may not be copied, modified, reprinted, distributed, or published in any forms, without the prior written permission of SAND.目录Content1.PS400外观图PS400 View.............................................................................................................- 4 -2.工作环境Working environment:....................................................................................................- 5 -3.性能参数 Specification...................................................................................................................- 7 -4.接口 Interface..................................................................................................................................- 7 -5.SAM和SIM卡接口SAM&SIM Card interface...........................................................................- 8 -6.安装打印纸Printing paper installation..........................................................................................- 9 -7.装箱清单 Packing List........................................................................................................................- 10 -产品介绍Product IntroductionPS400是一种便携式金融支付终端。



《EFT电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验》《EFT电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验》正文:电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验[原创]电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验电磁兼容试验和测量技术电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility----Testing and measurement techniques Electrical fast transient/burst immunity testGB/T17626.4-1999Idt IEC 61000-4-4:19941 范围本标准目的是为评估电气和电子的供电电源端口,信号和控制端口在受到重复性快速瞬变干扰时的性能确定一个共同的能再现的评定依据.本试验是为了验证电气和电子设备对诸如来自切换瞬态过程的各种类型瞬变骚扰的抗扰度2. 引用标准GB/T4365-1995 电磁兼容术语IEC68-1:1998 环境试验第1部分总则和导则3. 概述重复性快速瞬变试验是一种将由许多快速瞬变脉冲组成的脉冲群耦合到电气和电子设备的电源端口,信号和控制端口的试验4 定义4.1 EUT equipment under test受试设备4.2端口port受试设备的外部电磁环境的特殊接口4.3 EFT/B electrical fast transient /burst电快速瞬变脉冲群4.4 耦合coupling线路间的相互作用,将能量从一个线路传送到另一个线路4.5 耦合网络coupling network用于将能量从一个线路传送到另一个线路的电路4.6 去耦网络decoupling network用于防止施加到受试设备上的电快速瞬变电压影响其他不被试验的装置,或系统的电路4.7 耦合夹coupling clamp在与受试线路没有任何电连接的情况下,以共模形式将干扰信号耦合到受试线路的.具有规定尺寸和特性的一种装置4.8 接地平面ground plane一块导电平面,其电位用作公共参考电位4.9 电磁兼容性EMC设备或系统在其电磁环境中能正常工作且不对该环境中任何事物构成不能承受的电磁骚扰的能力4.10 抗扰度immunity (to disturbance)装置,设备或系统面临电磁骚扰不降低运行性能的能力4.11 降低degradation (of performance)装置,设备或系统的工作性能与正常性能的非期望偏差4.12 瞬态transient在两相邻稳定状态之间变化的物理量或物理现象,其变化时间小于所关注的时间尺度4.13 上升时间rise time脉冲瞬时值首次达到10%峰值时与随后达到90%峰值的瞬时之间的时间间隔4.14 脉冲群burst一串数量有限的清晰脉冲或一个持续时间有的振荡.5 试验等级表1中列出了对设备的供电电源,保护接地,信号的控制端口进行电快速瞬变试验时应优先采用的试验等级的范围.等级在供电电源端口,保护接地I/O信号数据和控制端口电压峰值KV 重复频率KHZ 电压峰值KV 重复频率KHZ1 05 5 0.25 52 1 5 0.5 53 2 5 1 54 4 2.5 2 5* 特定特定特定特定6.试验设备6.1试验发生器试验发生器的主要元件:高压源;充电电阻;储能电容器;放电器;脉冲持续时间;成形电阻;阻抗匹配电阻;隔直电容6.1.1快速瞬变脉冲群发生器的性能和特性开路输出电压范围:0.25KV~4KV在接50欧负载时的运行特性:最大能量:4mJ/脉冲极性: 正负极性输出型式:同轴输出动态源阻抗: 50欧发生器的隔直电容:10nF单个脉冲的上升时间:5ns脉冲持续时间:50ns脉冲群持续时间:15ms脉冲群周期: 300ms6.1.2 快速瞬变脉冲群发生器特性的校验6.2 交/直流电源端口的耦合/去耦网络特性参数:频率范围:1MHZ~100MHZ耦合电容:33nF耦合衰减:<2dB在不对称条件下的去耦衰减:>20dbB网络中每条线路和其他线路之间的串扰衰减:>30dB耦合电容的绝缘耐受能力:5KV6.3 容性耦合夹耦合夹能在与受试设备各端口的端子,电缆屏蔽层或受试设备的任何其他部分无任何电连接的情况下把快速瞬变脉冲群耦合到受试线路上耦合夹的耦合电容取决于电缆的直径,材料和屏蔽该装置由盖住受试线路电缆的夹板组成,并且应放置在面积最小为1m2的接地平面上,接地参考平面的周边至少应超出耦合夹0.1m耦合夹的两端应具有高压同轴接头,其任一端均可与试验发生连接,发生器应连接到耦合夹最接近受试设备的那一端.7. 试验布置7.1 试验设备接地参考平面;耦合装置;去耦网络;试验发生器7.2 在实验室进行型式试验的试验装置7.2.1 试验条件受试设备应该放在接地参考平面上,并用厚度为0.1m±0.01m的绝缘支座与之隔开若受试设备为台式设备,则受试设备应放置在接地参考平面上方0.8m±0.08m处接地参考平面应为一块厚度不小于0.25mm的金属板,也可以使用其他的金属材料,但它们的厚度至少应为0.65mm接地平面的最小尺寸为1m*1m,其实际尺寸取决于受试设备的尺寸接地参考平面的各边至少应比受试设备超过0.1m接地参考平面应与保护地相连接除了位于受试设备下方的接地参考平面外,受试设备和所有其他导电性结构之间的最小距离应大于0.5m应使用耦合装置施加试验电压,试验电压应耦合到受试设备和去耦网络之间的线路上或与试验试验有关的两个设备之间的线路上在使用耦合夹时,除了位于耦合夹和受试设备下方的接地平面外,耦合板和所有其他导电性结构之间的最小距离是0.5m耦合装置和受度设备之间的信号线和电源线的长度应不大于1m7.2.2 把试验电压耦合到受试设备的方法通过耦合/去耦网络直接耦合电快速瞬变脉冲群骚扰电压通过容性耦合夹把骚扰试验电压施加到I/O端口和通信端口7.3 安装后试验的试验配置7.3.1 对供电电源端子和保护接地端子的试验7.3.2 对I/O和通信端口的试验8.试验程序8.1试验室参考条件8.1.1气候条件-------环境温度: 15℃~35℃-------相对湿度: 25%~75%-------大气压力: 86Kpa~106Kpa8.2.1 电磁条件实验室的电磁条件应能保证EUT正常运行,使试验结果不受影响8.2 试验应根据试验计划进行试验,包括对技术规范所规定的受试设备性能的检验试验计划应该规定以下内容:将要进行的试验的类型试验等级试验电压的极性内部或外部发生器激励试验的持续时间,不少于1min施加试验电压的次数待试验的受试设备端口受试设备的典型工作条件依次对受试设备各端口或对同属于两个以上电路的电缆等施加试验电压的顺序辅助设备9 试验结果和试验报告。



注: 1.只适用于与之连接的电缆总长(根据制造商的规定)超过3M的端口。 2.在试验中不执行状态指令变化的操作。
Environmental Phenomenon
Test Specification 0.5 5/50
Units kV(peak) Tr/Th ns(上升时间/持续时间) Repetition Frequency(重复频率) KHz
Units kV(peak) Tr/Th ns(上升时间/持续时间) Repetition Frequency(重复频率) KHz
Basic Standard
Performance criterion
Fast Transients
EFT试验的主要目的是验证电气和电子设备 对诸如来自切换瞬态过程(比如切断感性 负载,继电器触点的弹跳等)的各种类型 瞬变骚扰的抗扰能力。 其主要点是高幅值,短上升时间,高重复 率及低能量。
EN55020:2002是声音和电视广播接收机及相关 设备的抗扰度要求。 4.5 Measurement of electrical transients Test equipment, test Set-up and test procedure shall be according to IEC 61000-4-4, based on he use of a coupling/decoupling network (see below table)

非接触化学浓度监测仪 CS-900说明书

非接触化学浓度监测仪 CS-900说明书

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HORIBA Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Test manual UWES

Test manual UWES

UWESU TRECHTW ORK E NGAGEMENT S CALEPreliminary Manual[Version 1, November 2003]Wilmar Schaufeli&Arnold Bakker© Occupational Health Psychology UnitUtrecht UniversityPage1. The concept of work engagement (4)2. Development of the UWES (6)3. Validity of the UWES (8)4. Psychometric quality of the Dutch version (11)4.1. Description of the Dutch language database (11)of the items (13)4.2. Distributioncharacteristics14consistency……………………………………………………………………………4.3. Internalstructure and inter-correlations (15)4.4. Factor4.5. Relationships with burnout (17)4.6. Relationships with age and gender (18)occupational groups (19)4.7. Differencesbetweenversion (21)4.8. Shortenedversion (21)4.9. Student5. Other language versions (23)international language database (24)the5.1. Descriptionof5.2. Distribution characteristics of the items...................................................... .. (26)5.3. Reliability........................................................................................ .. (26)structure and inter-correlations....................................................... .. (28)5.4. Factor5.5. Relationships with age and gender (30)………..countries……………………………………………………….315.6. Differencesbetweenversion (32)5.7. Shortened6. Practical use (33)6.1. Completion and scoring (34)336.2. Dutchnorms…………………………………………………………………………………...6.3. Other language norms (37)7. Conclusion (41)ReferencesAppendix: UWES versionsContrary to what its name suggests, Occupational Health Psychology has almost exclusive been concerned with ill-health and un well-being. For instance, a simple count reveals that about 95% of all articles that have been published so far in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology deals with negative aspects of workers' health and well-being , such as cardiovascular disease, Repetitive Strain Injury, and burnout. In contrast, only about 5% of the articles deals with positive aspects such as job satisfaction and motivation. This rather one-sided negative focus is by no means specific for the field of occupational health psychology. According to a recent estimate, the amount of psychological articles on negative states outnumbers the amount of positive articles by 17 to 11.However, it seems that times have changed. Since the beginning of this century, more attention is paid to what has been coined positive psychology: the scientific study of human strength and optimal functioning. This approach is considered to supplement the traditional focus of psychology on psychopathology, disease, illness, disturbance, and malfunctioning. The recent trend to concentrate on optimal functional also aroused attention in organizational psychology, as is demonstrated by a recent plea for positive organizational behavior; that is ‘…the study of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in today’s workplace’ 2.Because of the emergence of positive (organizational) psychology, it is not surprising that positive aspects of health and well-being are increasingly popular in Occupational Health Psychology. One of these positive aspects is work engagement, which is considered to be the antipode of burnout. Whilst burned-out workers feel exhausted and cynical, their engaged counterparts feel vigorous and enthusiastic about their work. In contrast to previous positive approaches – such as the humanistic psychology – who were largely unempirical, the current positive psychology is empirical in nature. This implies the careful operationalization of constructs, including work engagement. Hence, we wrote this test-manual of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES).This test manual is preliminary, which means that our work on the UWES is still in progress. Nevertheless, we did not want to wait any longer with publishing some important psychometric details since many colleagues, both in The Netherlands as well as abroad, are working with the UWES. Many of them have contributed to this preliminary test-manual by proving us with their data. Without their help this manual could not have been written. Therefore, we would like to thank our colleagues for their gesture of true scientific collaboration3.Utrecht/Valéncia, November 20031 Diener, E., Suh, E.M., Lucas, R.E. & Smith, H.I (1999). Subjective well-being: Three decades of progress. Psychological Bulletin, 125,267-302.2 Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 695-706.3 Sarah Jane Cotton (AUS), Edgar Bresco (SPA), Maureen Dollard (AUS), Esther Greenglass (CAN), Asbjørn Grimsmo (NOR), Gabriele Haeslich (GER), Jari Hakanen (FIN), Sandrine Hollet (FRA), Aristotelis Kantas (GRE), Alexandra Marques Pinto (POR), Stig Berge Matthiesen (NOR), Susana Llorens (SPA), Astrid Richardsen (NOR), Peter Richter (GER), Ian Rothmann (SAF), Katariina Salmela-Aro (FIN), Marisa Salanova (SPA), Sabine Sonnentag (GER), Peter Vlerick (BEL), Tony Winefield (AUS), Hans de Witte (BEL), Dieter Zapf (GER).1. The concept of work engagementWork engagement is the assumed opposite of burnout. Contrary to those who suffer from burnout, engaged employees have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and they see themselves as able to deal well with the demands of their job. Two schools of thought exist on the relationship between work engagement and burnout. The first approach of Maslach and Leiter (1997) assumes that engagement and burnout constitute the opposite poles of a continuum of work related well-being, with burnout representing the negative pole and engagement the positive pole. Because Maslach and Leiter (1997) define burnout in terms of exhaustion, cynicism and reduced professional efficacy, it follows that engagement is characterized by energy, involvement and efficacy. By definition, these three aspects of engagement constitute the opposites of the three corresponding aspects of burnout. In other words, according to Maslach and Leiter (1997) the opposite scoring pattern on the three aspects of burnout – as measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI; Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996) – implies work engagement. This means that low scores on the exhaustion- and cynicism-scales and a high score on the professional efficacy scale of the MBI is indicative of engagement.However, the fact that burnout and engagement are assessed by the same questionnaire has at least two important negative consequences. First, it is not plausible to expect that both concepts are perfectly negatively correlated. That is, when an employee is not burned-out, this doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is engaged in his or her work. Reversibly, when an employee is low on engagement, this does not mean that he or she is burned-out. Secondly, the relationship between both constructs cannot be empirically studied when they are measured with the same questionnaire. Thus, for instance, both concepts cannot be included simultaneously in one model in order to study their concurrent validity.For this reason we define burnout and work engagement are two distinct concepts that should be assessed independently (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2001). Although employees will experience work engagement and burnout as being opposite psychological states, whereby the former has a positive quality and the latter a negative quality, both need to be considered as principally independent of each other. This means that, at least theoretically, an employee who is not burned-out may score high or low on engagement, whereas an engaged employee may score high or low on burnout. In practice, however, it is likely that burnout and engagement are substantively negatively correlated. In contrast to Maslach and Leiter’s (1997) approach, our approach enables the assessment of the strength of the association between work engagement and burnout since different instruments assess both independently. It is possible to include both constructs simultaneously in one analysis, for instance, to investigate whether burnout or engagement explains additional unique variance in a particular variable after the opposite variable has been controlled for.Work engagement is defined as follows (see also Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá & Bakker, 2001): ‘Engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor,dedication, and absorption. Rather than a momentary and specific state, engagement refers toa more persistent and pervasive affective-cognitive state that is not focused on any particularobject, event, individual, or behavior. Vigor is characterized by high levels of energy andmental resilience while working, the willingness to invest effort in one’s work, and persistenceeven in the face of difficulties. Dedication refers to being strongly involved in one's work andexperiencing a sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and challenge. Absorption,is characterized by being fully concentrated and happily engrossed in one’s work, wherebytime passes quickly and one has difficulties with detaching oneself from work’Accordingly, vigor and dedication are considered direct opposites of exhaustion and cynicism, respectively. The continuum that is spanned by vigor and exhaustion has been labeled energy or activation, whereas the continuum that is spanned by dedication and cynicism has been labeled identification (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2001). Hence, work engagement is characterized by a high level of energy and strong identification with one's work. Burnout, on the other hand, is characterized by the opposite: a low level of energy combined with poor identification with one's work.As can be seen from the definition above, the direct opposite of the third aspect of burnout – professional inefficacy – is not included in the engagement concept. There are two reasons for this. First, there is accumulating empirical evidence that exhaustion and cynicism constitute the core of burnout, whereas lack of professional efficacy seems to play a less prominent role (Maslach, Schaufeli & Leiter, 2001; Shirom, 2002). Second, it appeared from interviews and discussions with employees and supervisors that rather than by efficacy, engagement is particularly characterized by being immersed and happily engrossed in one's work – a state that we have called absorption. Accordingly, absorption is a distinct aspect of work engagement that is not considered to be the opposite of professional inefficacy. Based on the pervious definition, a self-report questionnaire – called the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) – has been developed that includes the three constituting aspects of work engagement: vigor, dedication, and absorption.Vigor is assessed by the following six items that refer to high levels of energy and resilience, the willingness to invest effort, not being easily fatigued, and persistence in the face of difficulties.1. At my work, I feel bursting with energy2. At my job, I feel strong and vigorous3. When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work4. I can continue working for very long periods at a time5. At my job, I am very resilient, mentally6. At my work I always persevere, even when things do not go well*Those who score high on vigor usually have much energy, zest and stamina when working, whereas those who score low on vigor have less energy, zest and stamina as far as their work is concerned.Dedication is assessed by five items that refer to deriving a sense of significance from one’s work, feeling enthusiastic and proud about one’s job, and feeling inspired and challenged by it.1. I find the work that I do full of meaning and purpose2. I am enthusiastic about my job3. My job inspires me* This item is has been eliminated in the 15-item version of the UWES.4. I am proud on the work that I do5. To me, my job is challengingThose who score high on dedication strongly identify with their work because it is experienced as meaningful, inspiring, and challenging. Besides, they usually feel enthusiastic and proud about their work. Those who score low do not identify with their work because they do not experience it to be meaningful, inspiring, or challenging; moreover, they feel neither enthusiastic nor proud about their work.Absorption is measured by six items that refer to being totally and happily immersed in one’s work and having difficulties detaching oneself from it so that time passes quickly and one forgets everything else that is around.1. Time flies when I'm working2. When I am working, I forget everything else around me3. I feel happy when I am working intensely4. I am immersed in my work5. I get carried away when I’m working6. It is difficult to detach myself from my job*Those who score high on absorption feel that they usually are happily engrossed in their work, they feel immersed by their work and have difficulties detaching from it because it carries them away. As a consequence, everything else around is forgotten and time seems to fly. Those who score low on absorption do not feel engrossed or immersed in their work, they do neither have difficulties detaching from it, nor do they forget everything around them, including time.Structured qualitative interviews with a heterogeneous group of Dutch employees who scored high on the UWES showed that engaged employees are active agents, who take initiative at work and generate their own positive feedback (Schaufeli, Taris, Le Blanc, Peeters, Bakker & De Jonge, 2001). Furthermore, their values seem to match well with those of the organization they work for and they also seem to be engaged in other activities outside their work. Although the interviewed engaged workers indicated that they sometimes feel tired, unlike burned-out employees who experience fatigue as being exclusively negative, they described their tiredness as a rather pleasant state because it was associated with positive accomplishments. Some engaged employees who were interviewed indicated that they had been burned-out before, which points to certain resilience as well as to the use of effective coping strategies. Finally, engaged employees are not workaholic because they enjoy other things outside work and because, unlike workaholics, they do not work hard because of a strong and irresistible inner drive, but because for them working is fun.2.The development of the UWESOriginally, the UWES included 24 items of which the vigor-items (9) and the dedication-items (8) for a large part consisted of positively rephrased MBI-items. For instance, ’’When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work’’ (vigor) versus ’’I feel tired when I get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job’’ (exhaustion) and ’’I am enthusiastic about my job’’ (dedication) versus ’’I have become less enthusiastic aboutmy work’’ (cynicism). These reformulated MBI-items were supplemented by original vigor and dedication items, as well as with new absorption items to constitute the UWES-24 . After psychometric evaluation in two different samples of employees and students, 7 items appeared to be unsound and were therefore eliminated so that 17 items remained: 6 vigor items, 5 dedication items, and 6 absorption items (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá & Bakker, 2002a). The resulting 17-item version of the UWES is included in the Appendix. Subsequent psychometric analyses uncovered two other weak items (AB06 en VI06), so that in some studies also a 15-item version of the UWES has been used (e.g., Demerouti, Bakker, Janssen & Schaufeli, 2001). The databases that are analyzed for this test-manual include the UWES-15 as well as the UWES-17 (see 4.1 and 5.1).The results from psychometric analyses with the UWES can be summarized as follows:• Factorial validity. Confirmatory factor analyses show that the hypothesized three-factor structure of the UWES is superior to the one-factor model and fits well to the data of various samples from The Netherlands, Spain and Portugal (Salanova, Schaufeli, Llorens, Pieró & Grau, 2000; Schaufeli et al., 2002a; Schaufeli, Martínez, Marques-Pinto, Salanova & Bakker, 2002b; Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003). However, there is one exception, using explorative factor analyses Sonnentag (2003) found did not find a clear three-factor structure and decided to use the total-score on the UWES as a measure for work engagement.• Inter-correlations. Although, according to confirmatory factor analyses the UWES seems to have a three-dimensional structure, these three dimensions are closely related. Correlations between the three scales usually exceed .65 (e.g., Demerouti et al., 2001; Salanova et al., 2000; Schaufeli et al., 2002a, 2002b), whereas correlations between the latent variables range from about .80 to about .90 (Salanova et al., 2000; Schaufeli et al., 2002a, 2002b).• Cross-national invariance. The factor structure of the slightly adapted student version of the UWES (see4.9) is largely invariant across samples from Spain, The Netherlands and Portugal (Schaufeli et al.,2002b). Detailed analyses showed that the loadings of maximum three items differed significantly between the samples of the three countries.• Internal consistency. The internal consistency of the three scales of the UWES is good. That is, in all cases values of Cronbach's α are equal to or exceed the critical value of .70 (Nunnaly & Bernstein, 1984). Usually values of Cronbach's α for the scales range between .80 and .90 (Salanova et al., 2000;Salanova, Grau, Llorens & Schaufeli, 2001; Demerouti et al., 2001; Montgomery, Peeters, Schaufeli & Den Ouden, 2003; Salanova, Bresó & Schaufeli, 2003a; Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003;Salanova, Carrero, Pinazo & Schaufeli, 2003b; Schaufeli & Bakker, in press).• Stability. Scores on the UWES are relatively stable across time. Two, year stability coefficients for vigor, dedication and absorption are .30, .36, and .46, respectively (Bakker, Euwema, & Van Dierendonk, 2003).In sum: these psychometric results confirm the factorial validity of the UWES – as expected, the UWES consists of three scales that are highly correlated. Besides, this pattern of relationships is observed among samples from different countries, which confirms the cross-national validity of the three-factor solution. Taken together this means that engagement is a construct that consists of three closely related aspects that are measured by three internally consistent scales.3. The validity of the UWESSince its introduction in 1999, a number of validity studies have been carried out with the UWES that uncover its relationship with burnout and workaholism, identify possible causes and consequences of engagement and elucidate the role that engagement plays in more complex processes that are related to worker's health and well-being. Below these validity studies are reviewed.• Work engagement and burnout. As expected, the three aspects of burnout – as measured with the MBI – are negatively related with the three aspects of work engagement (Salanova, Schaufeli, Llorens, Pieró & Grau, 2000; Demerouti et al., 2001; Schaufeli et al., 2002a; Schaufeli, Martínez, Marques-Pinto, Salanova & Bakker, 2002b; Montgomery et al., 2003; Schaufeli & Bakker, in press). However, the pattern of relationships slightly differs from what was expected. Namely, vigor and exhaustion are much less strongly inter-related than could be expected on theoretical grounds, whereas (lack of) professional efficacy was most strongly related to all three aspects of engagement. As a consequence, a second-order factor analytic model in which the three sub-scales load together with lack of professional efficacy on one factor and exhaustion and cynicism on the other factor fits well to the data (Salanova et al., 2000; Schaufeli et al., 2002a; Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003; Schaufeli & Bakker, in press).A similar result was obtained by Demerouti et al. (1999) using discriminant analyses. In this study, thethree engagement scales plus lack of professional efficacy loaded on one discriminant function, whereas both other burnout scales loaded on the second remaining function. A possible explanation for these findings may be that lack of professional efficacy is measured with items that are positively formulated and that are subsequently reversed to constitute a ''negative'' score that is supposed to be indicative for lack of professional efficacy. Recently, Bouman, Ten Brake en Hoogstraten (2000) showed that the notoriously low negative correlations between lack of professional efficacy and both other burnout dimensions change dramatically in much higher positive correlations when instead of reversing positively formulated items, negative items are used to tap lack of efficacy. Still unpublished Belgian, Dutch (Waegenmakers, 2003) and Spanish studies replicate this remarkable result. In other words, that professional efficacy is stronger related to engagement than to burnout is probably partly due to the fact that the efficacy items of the MBI have been positively phrased instead of negatively. However, it is also conceivable that work engagement leads to feelings of professional efficacy.• Work engagement and workaholism. A recent study on the construct validity of work engagement, burnout and workaholisme showed that engagement and workaholism are hardly related to each otherwith the exception of absorption that correlates moderately positive with the workaholism aspect ‘working excessively’ (Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003). Moreover, it is remarkable that vigor and dedication are negatively – albeit weakly – correlated with the second defining characteristic of workaholism, namely ’’strong inner drive’’. Obviously, the irresistible inner drive of the workaholic to work is different from the vigor and dedication characteristic of the engaged employee. This study also showed that work engagement and workaholism are related to different variables: both types of employees work hard and are loyal to the organization they work for, but in case of workaholism this goes at the expense of the employee's mental health and social contacts outside work, whereas engaged workers feel quite good, both mentally as well as socially.• Possible causes of work engagement. It should be emphasized that we are dealing with possible causes (and consequences) of engagement, since only very few causal inferences can be made because the majority of studies is cross-sectional in nature. Work engagement is positively associated with job characteristics that might be labeled as resources, motivators or energizers, such as social support form co-workers and one's superior, performance feedback, coaching, job autonomy, task variety, and training facilities (Demerouti et al., 2001; Salanova et al., 2001, 2003; Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003; Schaufeli & Bakker, in press). Sonnentag (2003) showed that the level of experienced work engagement is positively associated with the extent to which employees recovered from their previous working day. Moreover, work engagement is positively related with self-efficacy (Salanova et al., 2001), whereby it seems that self-efficacy may precede engagement as well as follow engagement.(Salanova, Bresó & Schaufeli, 2003). This means that an upward spiral may exist: self-efficacy breeds engagement, which in its turn, increases self-efficacy beliefs, and so on. In a similar vein, a recent unpublished study among students showed that previous academic performance (i.e., the student's GPA as taken from the university's computerized student information system) correlated positively with engagement (Waegenmakers, 2003). An earlier study across three countries had already revealed that engagement is positively related to self-reported academic performance (Schaufeli et al., 2002b).Furthermore, it appears that employee's who take the positive feelings from their work home or who – vice versa – take the positive experiences at home to their work exhibit higher levels of engagement compared to those where there is no positive cross-over between the two different domains (Montgomery et al., 2003). Finally, in a study among working couples it was shown that wives' levels of vigor and dedication uniquely contribute to husbands' levels of vigor and dedication, respectively, even when controlled for several work and home demands (Bakker, Demerouti & Schaufeli, 2003). The same applies to husband's levels of engagement that are likewise influenced by their wives' levels of engagement. This means that engagement crosses over from one partner to the other, and vice versa. So far, two longitudinal studies have been performed on the possible causes of burnout. The study of Bakker et al (2003) among employees from a pension fund company showed that job resources such as social support from one's colleagues and job autonomy are positively related to levels of engagement that are measured two years later. Also, it appeared in this study that engaged employees are successful in mobilizing their job resources. Bakker, Salanova, Schaufeli and Llorens (2003) found similar results among Spanish teachers.• Possible consequences of work engagement. The possible consequences of work engagement pertain to positive attitudes towards work and towards the organization, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and low turnover intention (Demerouti et al., 2001; Salanova et al., 2000; Schaufeli & Bakker, in press; Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003), but also to positive organizational behavior such as, personal initiative and learning motivation (Sonnentag, 2003), extra-role behavior (Salanova, Agut & Peiró, 2003), and proactive behavior (Salanova et al., 2003). Furthermore, there are some indications that engagement is positively related to health, that is, to low levels of depression and distress (Schaufeli, Taris & Van Rhenen, 2003) and psychosomatic complaints (Demerouti et al., 2001).Finally, it seems that work engagement is positively related to job performance. For instance, a study among about one-hundred Spanish hotels and restaurants showed that employees’ levels of work engagement had a positive impact on the service climate of these hotels and restaurants, which, in its turn, predicted employees' extra-role behavior as well as customer satisfaction (Salanova, Agut, & Peiró, 2003). It is important to note that, in this study, work performance was measured independently from the employees, namely by interviewing customers about their satisfaction with the service received.• Work engagement as a mediator in the motivation process. The previous findings about possible causes and consequences suggest that work engagement may play a mediating role between job resources on the one hand and positive work attitudes and work behaviors at the other hand. In a recent study, Schaufeli and Bakker (in press) tested such a model among four samples from different types of service organizations. Their structural equation model also included job stressors, burnout, and health complaints. They found some evidence for the existence of two types of processes: (1) a process of health impairment or erosion in which job stressors and lacking job resources are associated with burnout, which, in its turn is related to health complaints and negative work attitudes; (2) a motivational process in which available job resources are associated with work engagement, which, in its turn, is associated with positive work attitudes. Also other studies confirmed the mediating role of work engagement. Essentially, the results of Schaufeli and Bakker (in press) have been replicated by Hakanen, Schaufeli and Bakker (2003) in a study among a large sample of Finnish teachers.Furthermore, the results of the study by Salanova, Agut and Peiró (2003) corroborate the model of Schaufeli and Bakker (in press): work engagement plays a mediating role between job resources (e.g., technical equipment, participation in decision making) and service climate and job performance (i.e., extra-role behavior and customer satisfaction) Moreover, in another study among over 500 ICT-workers, Salanova et al. (2003) observed that work engagement mediated the relationship between available resources (performance feedback, task variety, and job control) and proactive organizational behavior.• Work engagement as a collective phenomenon. Work engagement is not only an individual phenomenon, but it also occurs in groups; that is, it seems that employees in some teams or parts of the organization are more engaged than in other teams or parts (Salanova, Agut en Peiró, 2003; Taris, Bakker, Schaufeli & Schreurs, 2003). Obviously, engagement is not restricted to the individual employee, but groups of employees may differ in levels of engagement as well. Bakker and Schaufeli。









➢ E1-E4 峰值电压0.5KV ➢ E5 峰值电压2KV
➢ E1-E3 峰值电压1KV ➢ E4峰值电压0.5KV ➢ E5峰值电压2KV
➢ E1-E4 峰值电压0.5KV ➢ E5 峰值电压2KV,
EFT试验是根据基础标准EN61000-4-4的要求进行, 并且试验是在正负极性各2分钟。其限值如下:
2.直流电源输入及输出端口 3.交流电源输入及输出端口
EN55020:2002对EFT要求 4.5
EN55020:2002是声音和电视广播接收机及相关 设备的抗扰度要求。
EN55024:1998对EFT的要求 4.2.2
1.本标准的EFT测试方法按基础标准中规定执行,但其中对现场测量的实验 布置不适用于ITE设备。
2.应该按照基础标准规定的方法并结合以下修改和说明进行试验: ----如果设备有多个端口时,只对一个端口进行试验。 ----多芯电缆,如50芯的电信电缆,应当作单根电缆进行试验,而不需要分开 单独测试。 ----电缆长度超过制造厂规定的预期长度3M时,不需要进行测试。
EFT试验的主要目的是验证电气和电子设备 对诸如来自切换瞬态过程(比如切断感性 负载,继电器触点的弹跳等)的各种类型 瞬变骚扰的抗扰能力。
其主要点是高幅值,短上升时间,高重复 率及低能量。
EN55014.2-1997是家用电器,电动工具及类似设 备的抗扰度标准。



EFT (Electrical Fast Transient Test)耐電子快速脈衝試驗操作程序1.開機:1.1將控制P.C.及測試儀器(TURE-EFT SOURE CE-40)之[SYSTEM POWER]打開。

1.2測試儀器(TURE-EFT SOURE CE-40)需熱機30分鐘以上,始能開始作測試。

2.測試:2.1 將控制P.C.啟動Windows軟體,再進入控制軟體Program manager之中。

2.2進入主畫面選擇”Burst Wave”(E400 Burstware program)。

2.3接著進入E400:Untitled(Keytek Device:ECAT)之畫面後,按下<Enter>(OK)。


2.5至”Test Files”功能項下,選擇”Open a test”則會出現下列File:2.5.1 Clamp.eft :測±250V、±500V時選用。

2.5.2 Standard.eft:測±500V、±1000V時選用。

2.5.3 Sponton.eft:測±1000V時選用。

2.5.4 Level3.eft:測±2000V時選用。

2.5.5 Level4.eft:測±4000V時選用。


2.6將游標移至”EUT Power”處:2.6.1 “OFF”→電源關閉狀態。

(灰) => 在此狀態下,電源無法開啟。

2.6.2 “RDY”→即Ready(準備)狀態。

(綠) => 選擇此項目。

2.6.3 “ON”→電源開啟狀態。

(藍) => 可開始RUN(EUT)程式。

2.7將儀器之[EUT MAINS](藍色按紐)按下(須在RDY狀態下)。

(此時藍燈會亮起,代表電源已開啟,而”EUT Power”處亦同時換為”ON”狀態)2.8將游標移至”RUN”處,再按<Enter>後,即開始測試。



【EFT(Electrostatic Field Test,静电场测试)】的国标标准判断等级,一般会根据不同的参数和标准来划分等级。






EFT测试可以模拟实际工作过程中可能遇到的电磁干扰情况,例如电快速瞬变脉冲群(EFT/B,Electrical Fast Transient/Burst)的产生。







Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Paper Form Instructions and Form November 7, 2022Provider InformationEnter the following information:•Client Program – the client name for whom the request is being submitted (e.g., MI, NH, TDS)•Provider Name – the complete legal name of institution, corporate entity, practice, orindividual provider•Street Address – the number and street name of the person or organization•City – the city associated with provider address field•State – the ISO 3166-2 two-character code associated with the state of the applicable country •Zip Code/Postal Code – the 5-digit postal code that defines a specific geographical location and improves mail delivery and electronic reading and sorting capabilitiesProvider IdentifiersEnter the following information:•TIN or EIN – a federal Tax Identification Number (TIN), also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is used to identify a business entity.•NPI (National Provider Identifier) – a unique 10-digit identification number for covered healthcare providers.−Covered healthcare providers and all health plans and healthcare clearinghouses must use the NPIs in the administrative and financial transactions adopted under HIPAA.−NPI numbers do not carry other information about healthcare providers, such as the state in which they live or their medical specialty. The NPI must be used in lieu of legacy provider identifiers in the HIPAA standards transactions.Provider Contact InformationEnter the following information:•Contact Name – name of a contact person in provider office who handles EFT issues.•Telephone Number – the contact person’s phone number; no dashes or spaces (e.g., 8888888888)•Telephone Extension (if applicable)•E-mail Address – an email address at which the health plan might contact the provider.•Fax Number – a number at which the provider can be sent facsimiles; no dashes or spaces(e.g., 8888888888).Financial Institution InformationEnter the following information:•Financial Institution’s Name – the official name of the provider’s financial institution •Street Address – the number and street name associated with the receiving depositoryfinancial institution•City – the city associated with the receiving depository financial institution•State – the ISO 3166-2 two-character code associated with the state of the applicable country •Zip Code/Postal Code – the 5-digit postal code that defines the specific geographical location and improves mail delivery and electronic reading and sorting capabilities•Financial Institution Routing Number – the 9-digit identifier of the financial institution where the provider maintains an account to which payments are deposited•Account Type – the type of account the provider will use to receive EFT payments (checking or savings)•Account Number – the provider’s account number at the financial institution to which EFT payments are deposited•Account Number Linkage to Provider Identifier – provider preference for grouping (bulking) claim payments; this must match preference for v5010 X12 835 remittance adviceSubmission InformationEnter the following information:•Appropriate Reason for Submission:−New Enrollment – Select this option if you are establishing EFT payments. Allow a minimum of 16 days for EFT to begin. Please fax a voided check or a letter from the bank verifying the account to which you want payments deposited, to 888-656-4139.−Change Enrollment – Select this option if you are changing your financial institution, account number, type of account, etc. Do not close your old account until this changetakes place. Allow a minimum of 16 days for the EFT change to become effective. Pleasefax a voided check or a letter from the bank verifying the account to which you wantpayments deposited, to 888-656-4139.−Cancel Enrollment – Select this option if you want to cancel EFT payments. You may also cancel EFT payments by faxing a signed request to 888-656-4139. Please include yourNPI on any faxed requests. Allow a minimum of 16 days for cancellation to take effect. •Name of the Person Submitting Enrollment Form – the signature of the individual authorized by the provider or its agent to initiate, modify, or terminate an enrollment; may be used with electronic and paper-based manual enrollment•Date – the date on which the enrollment is submitted.•Title of Person Submitting the Form – the printed title of the person signing the form; may be used with electronic and paper-based manual enrollmentVerify all Information is correct. Scan and e-mail to *********************************** or fax to 888-656-6214.Electronic Funds Transfer FormInstructions:1. Carefully read and complete the EFT Authorization Form and return.2. Scan and e-mail to ***********************************or fax to 888-656-6214.Provider InformationClient Program: Provider Name: Street: City:State:Zip:Provider IdentifiersProvider Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN): National Provider Identifier (NPI):Provider Contact InformationProvider Contact Name: Telephone Number: Telephone Number Extension: Fax Number:Email Address:Financial Institution InformationFinancial Institution Name: Street:City:State:Zip:Financial Institution Routing Number:Type of Account at the Financial Institution (check one of the following): ☐ Checking ☐ Savings Provider’s Account Number with Financial Institution: Account Number Linkage to Provider Identifier:Provider Tax Identification Number (TIN) or National Provider Identifier (NPI)Submission InformationReason for Submission (check one):☐ New Enrollment ☐ Change Enrollment ☐ Cancel Enrollment •New Enrollment−Select this option if you are establishing EFT payments.−Allow a minimum of 16 days for EFT to begin.−Fax a voided check or a letter from the bank verifying the account to which you want payments deposited to 888-656-4139.•Change Enrollment−Select this option if you are changing your financial institution, account number, or account type.−Do not close your old account until this change takes place.−Allow a minimum of 16 days for the EFT change to become effective.−Fax a voided check or a letter from the bank verifying the account to which you want payments deposited to 888-656-4139.•Cancel Enrollment−Select this option if you want to cancel EFT payments.−You may also cancel EFT payments by faxing a signed request to 888-656-4139.−Include your NPI on any faxed requests.−Allow a minimum of 16 days for cancellation to take effect.Print Name of Person Submitting Enrollment FormDateBy entering my name into this field, I am certifying that I have legal authorityto make these changes.Print Title of Person Submitting Enrollment FormSignature of Person Submitting Enrollment FormDateBy entering my name into this field, I am certifying that I have legal authorityto make these changes.Pharmacy EFT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)1.Question: Whom do I contact to receive payment via EFT?Answer: You can access the electronic EFT form at https:/// and submit your request electronically. You can obtain a paper EFT request form from the Magellan Rx Management website, /provider/, or contact Pharmacy Network Services at*********************************** or fax at 888-656-6214.2.Question: Are there any forms to complete to receive EFT?Answer: Yes. You will need to complete an electronic EFT request at https:/// or complete a paper form that can be obtained from the Magellan Rx Management website at/provider/. You may also contact Pharmacy Network Services at*********************************** or fax at 888-656-6214.3.Question: Will we need to complete an EFT request for each State?Answer: Yes. We need an EFT request for each State.4.Question: Whom do I contact for question concerning late or missing EFT payments?Answer: Contact Magellan Pharmacy Network Services at *********************************** or fax at 888-656-6214.5.Question: How do I cancel an EFT?Answer: You may electronically cancel an EFT request at https:/// or fax acancelation request to (888-656-6214) or e-mail the request to ***********************************.6.Question: How do I change the financial institution where my EFT is sent, or move to a new PSAO?Answer: You must submit a new EFT request form, electronically at https:///.You may obtain a paper EFT request form from the Magellan Rx Management website,/provider/, or contact Pharmacy Network Services at*********************************** or fax at 888-656-6214.。

Operation Test的培训课程

Operation Test的培训课程

1) 试验温度是制品的最高使用温度, 湿度是制品的最 高使用湿度下进行试验. 2) 试验中评价功能及画质特性的变化和热化特性. 3) 结果记录:问题点发生时间及发生条件都要记录.
1) 试验温度:制品的最低保管温度下实施试验. 2) –20度下放置12时间以上后做启动试验. 3) 结果的记录:问题点发生时间及发生条件都要记录.
Operation test check list
Great Company Great People
突破 121
在制品的最高使用湿度下确认基本功能的动作,性能及外观构造 的变化。 III.High humidity operation test
30MIN 25 ℃
低温储存试验: 低温储存试验:
在制品的最低使用温度下确认基本功能的动作,性能及外观构造 的变化。 IV.Low temperature storage test
Operation Test培训讲义 培训讲义
1 2 4
目的及适用范围 基本概念 详细介绍 注意事项
Ji Li DQA Gr. 2007.07.23
1. 目的及适用范围
目的: 目的:
■制品的运输过程,保管状态及使用过程中假设可能的环境变化条件,事前进行试验, 保证制品在各种气候环境的适应能力.
2. 基本概念 Operation Test的分类
高温动作试验: 高温动作试验:
在制品的最高使用温度下确认基本功能的动作,性能及外观结构 的变化。 I.High temperature operation test
25 ℃ 30MIN
低温动作试验: 低温动作试验:

安规标准 FCC标准

安规标准  FCC标准

申請EMI認証,測試Hale Waihona Puke 目List :? 美洲地區 :
認証EMI Mark Standard 申請方式 FCC FCC Part 15 (EMI 電磁干擾測試) 1. Class A 自我認証 2. Class B DOC 自我認証方式 3. Class B 經由TCB認証, 取得FCC ID Number
何謂化學傷害 :
? 有毒化學物質本身及其蒸氣, 如果人體直接 接觸則會造成傷害, 因此設備在設計時亦應 防止在正常操作及不 正常使用下, 均不可產 生化學危險.
EMI設計基本概念說明 及注意事項
EMI設計基本概念 :
6 干擾的發生有三個要件 : 1. 產生雜訊的任何物件, 稱之為雜訊產生物. 2. 受雜訊影響的物件, 稱之為感受體. 3. 傳送雜訊的媒體. 傳送雜訊的媒體 : a. 藉著金屬物來傳送者為“傳導式傳送” b. 藉著非金屬物來傳送者為“輻射式傳送” *雜訊是藉傳導與輻射的方式來干擾感受體. 6 傳導的方式 : 1. 經由共同導體傳送 (圖一) 2. 藉由互感傳送 (圖二) 3. 藉由雜散電容傳送 (圖三)
何謂機械及熱危險 :
? 避免使用者, 因碰觸高溫零件造成傷害. ? 設備本身機構的穩定度及避免使用者遭結構 之尖銳角傷害. ? 提供適當保護或鎖定, 以防止受可移動危險 零件傷害.
何謂輻射傷害 :
? 輻射傷害型式, 可能為音頻、無線電頻率、紅 外線、高強度可見光、凝聚光、紫外線、離 子化輻射……等. 若設備內會產生某種形式之輻射, 則針對使用者 及維修者人體仍能接受程度的輻射值, 制定規章. < 詳述於輻射法規 >
FCC Label 印製內容 :
(4) 所有組合零件均有FCC認証, 組合後系統不再測試, Label內容必須如下 Trade Name Model Number Assembled From Tested Components (Complete System Not Tested) FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

(IEC6100-4-4 : 1995) Rev.:B
Approve :
Review :
Modifier : Ji_Lee
1.1 每天儀器使用前, 需先確認儀器使用之電源正確, 再開機進行熱機十分鐘.
1.2 測試場地之氣候條件應控制在如範圍:
環境溫度: 15℃~ 35℃
相對濕度: 25% ~ 75%
大氣壓力: 86kPa ~ 106kPa
1.3 每天測試前,需確認單相電源控制箱之控制開關置於OFF位置,且確認電源濾波器下
3. 執行測試注意事項
3.1 各項參數設定
各項參數設定的方法, 請參考測試系統的使用手冊. 需設定之參數有, 脈衝電壓峰值、受測試的導線、脈衝電壓极性(+及-均需做測試) 、測試次數、測試間隔(不可少
3.2.1突波必需加到線對線和線對地之上進行測試, 若無其它規定, 每一條線對地
3.2.2. 測試電壓應逐步的增加到產品規格所定的測試等級,所有較低的測試電壓產品
規格所定的測試等級, 均應滿足規格要求.
3.3 測試進行中,若發生緊急狀況,請先以緊急斷電開關,切斷系統電源
4. 電性快速暫態/脈衝群概略圖
4. 桌上型EUT之測試設置圖
Figure 1 – Example for post-installation test on a.c.main supply port and protective earth terminals for non-stationary mounted EUT
Figure 2 –General test set-up for laboratory type tests。
