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136、needless to say 当然,不用说; 不必说; 不待说;

例句:Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged. 不用说,理论和实践有时候并不相符。

needless to say是惯用法,意为“当然,不用说; 不必说; 不待说”。它可以替换的词语或短语有:undoubtedly,unquestionably,without doubt,obviously或者也可以这样说:It's needless to say that+宾语从句;相当于:It's clearly that ……。


(1). 单项填空:

①All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand _____ radio reports.

A. from

B. about

C. in

D. for

②Needless to say, we shall refund any expenses _____ you may incur.

A. how

B. why

C. if

D. that

③I've thought the thing _____ pretty carefully - needless to say.

A. back

B. over

C. out

D. through

④Needless to say, nothing perseverance lead man _____ the way of success.

A. into

B. to

C. towards

D. for

⑤Needless to say, learning _____ thinking is useless.

A. without

B. with

C. and

D. but

(2). 完成句子:

①Needless to say, he ________________. 很明显, 他再也没有来。

②Needless to say, I _________________. 不用说, 我赞同你。

③It is almost needless _____________. 几乎不必这么说。

④Needless to say, he ________________. 不用说, 他跟住常一样,又来晚了。

⑤Needless to say, ____________. 不用说, 我得救了。

137、双重否定句Nobody had nothing to eat.;

例句:I never got no sleep in those days. 那些日子我怎么也睡不着。

双重否定句最主要的功能就是通过两个否定词在句子中互相抵消其否定的含义,从而实现“否定+否定=肯定”,加强句子的肯定语气,这样的双重否定句被称之为肯定型双重否定句。如: Nobody had nothing to eat. = Everyone has something to eat. 每个人都有吃的。


(1). 单项填空:

①I cannot/never see the film without _____ moved to tears”

A. be

B. am

C. am being

D. being

②You can’t make something _____ nothing.

A. up

B. out of

C. out

D. off

③What’s done cannot be _____.

A. undo

B. undid

C. undoing

D. undone

④There is no sweet _____ sweat.

A. without

B. with

C. or

D. but

⑤No gain _____ pains.

A. with

B. or

C. without

D. and

(2). 完成句子:

①John is _____________ to do it. 约翰还是挺能干的。

②_____________ we’re here. 没有人知道我们在这儿。

③I don’t ______________. 我什麽都不记得。

④He ____________, just sit to smoke silently. 他什么也没说,只是沉默的坐着抽烟。

⑤I don’t _____________. 我并未拒绝那个。

138、look to it that... 注意;当心:务必;

例句:Look to it that you are here in time tomorrow. 你明天一定要按时到达这里。


look to it that...是个特殊结构,就是在介词to后先接it作形式宾语,再跟that从句,这里的it就是指代的后面的that从句。look to意为“注意;当心:务必”。动词短语allow for (担保)、count on(期待)、depend on(依靠)、insist on(坚持)、see to(确保)等都有相同的用法。


(1). 单项填空:

①Look to it that all the windows are closed _____ you go out.

A. after

B. before

C. until

D. when

②Look to it _____ this does not happen again.

A. if

B. whether

C. how

D. that

③Look to it that you catch the last bus.

A. that

B. if

C. how

D. whether

④Look to it that you make _____ similar mistakes.

A. no longer

B. any more

C. no more

D. any longer

(2). 完成句子:

①Look (to it) that ________________. 要注意使每件事都稳妥。

②______________ you do not fall. 注意不要摔倒了。

③Look ( to it ) that they ___________. 当心,别让他们逃跑。

139、awake to the fact that 认识到...的事实;

例句:You must awake to the fact that you have failed in business. 你必须了解你的事业已经失败了。

awake作动词,有“唤醒、使清醒、使醒悟”的意思,awake同时还是形容词。在用法上,awake可以作及物动词,如: The music awoke my imagination音乐唤起了我的想像力。awake也可以作不及物动词,如: You must awake to the fact that you have failed你必须清醒地认识到你失败了。本句型中的the fact后的that从句是同位语从句。awake to the fact that 意为“认识到...的事实”。


①You must _____ the fact that failure will mean disgrace.

A. awake

B. awake to

C. awaken to

D. wake to

②He is awake _____ the fact.

A. of

B. about

C. on

D. to
