WS-ReplicationResource Replicated Resources in Grid Environments.




一个虚拟主机 ) appBase应用程序基本目录,即存放应用程序的目录 unpackWARs如果为true ,则tomcat 会自动将WAR 文件解压,否则不解压,直接从WAR 文件中运行应用程序 Logger ( 表示日志,调试和错误信息)className指定logger 使用的类名,此类必须实现org 。

apache 。

catalina.Logger 接口 prefix 指定log 文件的前缀 suffix 指定log 文件的后缀 timestamp如果为true ,则log 文件名中要加入时间,如下例:localhost_log 。

2001—10-04.txt Realm ( 表示存放用户名,密码及role 的数据库)className指定Realm 使用的类名,此类必须实现org.apache 。

catalina.Realm 接口 Valve ( 功能与Logger 差不多,其prefix 和suffix 属性解释和Logger 中的一样)className 指定Valve 使用的类名,如用org.apache.catalina.valves 。

AccessLogValve 类可以记录应用程序的访问信息 directory指定log 文件存放的位置 pattern有两个值,common 方式记录远程主机名或ip 地址,用户名,日期,第一行请求的字符串,HTTP 响应代码,发送的字节数。

combined 方式比common 方式记录的值更多<Server>元素它代表整个容器,是Tomcat 实例的顶层元素.由org.apache 。

catalina.Server 接口来定义.它包含一个〈Service>元素.并且它不能做为任何元素的子元素.< Server port ="8005" shutdown ="SHUTDOWN” debug =”0" >1〉className指定实现org。




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k8s 多副本 原理

k8s 多副本 原理

k8s 多副本原理
1. 部署(Deployment):在Kubernetes中,要实现多副本,通常会使用Deployment资源。


2. 副本集(ReplicaSet):ReplicaSet是Kubernetes中的一个资源对象,它根据提供的Pod模板定义创建多个具有相同配置的Pod副本。


3. 自动扩缩容:Kubernetes还提供了自动扩缩容功能,可以根据资源使用情况自动增加或减少Pod副本数量。

这可以通过Horizontal Pod Autoscaling组件实现,该组件可以根据CPU使用情况等指标动态调整Pod数量。




k8sapiserver启动参数Kubernetes API Server(k8sapiserver)是Kubernetes集群中的一个核心组件,负责提供Kubernetes API,并与其他组件进行通信。




1. --advertise-address:该参数用于指定API Server向集群中的其他组件宣告自己的地址。


可以将其设置为特定的IP地址,以确保其他组件能够正确访问API Server。

2. --allow-privileged:该参数用于启用或禁止容器的特权模式。




3. --audit-log-maxage:该参数用于设置审计日志的最大保留时间。



4. --authentication-mode:该参数用于选择API Server的身份验证模式。


默认情况下,API Server使用'BABasicAuth'作为身份验证模式。

5. --authorization-mode:该参数用于选择API Server的授权模式。






K8s冲突检测主要涉及以下三个方面:1. 命名冲突:命名空间、标签、注释等命名空间是K8s中的一种资源,可用于将各种资源进行分组。







2. 状态冲突:Pod的状态Pod是K8s中最基本的运行单元,它由一个或多个容器组成。

Pod 的状态包括:Pending、Running、Succeeded、Failed和Unknown。



3. 版本冲突:资源版本K8s是分布式系统,资源分布在不同的节点中。




例如,如果一个RC(Replication Controller)的版本为1,并且其Pod副本数为3,而另一个RC的版本为2,则这两个RC将冲突,因为它们都针对同一个Pod资源。

基本步骤:K8s的冲突检测过程需要以下三个基本步骤:1. 定位资源冲突:K8s首先会检查每个资源的元数据,以确定资源是否具有相同的名称和版本。

2. 标记资源:如果两个或多个资源具有相同的名称和版本,则K8s会将其中一个或多个资源标记为“冲突”。



CKA考试题库第一题:关于RBAC权限控制解答:第二题:查看Pod的CPU解答:第三题:配置网络策略NetworkPolicy解答:第四题:暴露服务Service解答:1.修改front-end deploymentkubectl edit deployment front-end2.暴露服务kubectl expose deployment front-end --target-port=80 --port=80 --name=front-end-svc --type=NodePort检查curl [cluster-ip]第五题:创建ingress解答:第六题:扩容Deployment的副本数量解答:第七题:调度pod到指定节点解答:第八题:查看可用节点数量解答:第九题:创建多容器pod解答:第十题:创建PV解答:第十一题:创建PVC解答:spec:volumes:- name: task-pv-storagepersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: pv-volume containers:- name: web-serverimage: nginx:1.16volumeMounts:- mountPath:"/usr/share/nginx/html "name: task-pv-storage2.运行pvc.yamlkubectl apply -f pvc.yaml3.修改大小kubectl edit pvc pv-volume --record检查kubectl get pvc pv-volume第十二题:查看pod日志解答:第十三题:使用sidecar代理容器日志解答:第十四题:升级集群解答:第十五题:备份还原ETCD解答:第十六题:排查集群中的故障节点解答:第十七题:节点维护解答:。

kubectl scale deployment 参数

kubectl scale deployment 参数

kubectl scale deployment 参数
在Kubernetes中,我们可以使用 kubectl 命令来对Deployment 进行扩容或缩容操作。

下面是 kubectl scale deployment 的常用参数:
- --replicas:指定 Deployment 的副本数。

例如,kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=3 将 nginx Deployment 的副本数设置为 3。

- --current-replicas:显示当前 Deployment 的副本数。

- --resource-version:可以指定 Deployment 对象的资源版本号,用于更新 Deployment。

- --timeout:指定扩容或缩容操作的超时时间。

需要注意的是,进行扩容或缩容操作时,Kubernetes 只会通过创建新的 Pod 或删除现有 Pod 的方式来调整 Deployment 的副本数。

因此,如果需要对 Deployment 中的容器进行扩容或缩容操作,需要在容器中手动配置。

以上就是 kubectl scale deployment 常用的参数。

在实际使用中,可以根据需要对参数进行调整,以实现对 Deployment 的灵活控制。

- 1 -。

replication client和replication slave权限

replication client和replication slave权限

replication client和replication slave权限1. 引言1.1 概述引言部分旨在介绍本文的主题和背景,为读者提供对replication client和replication slave权限的基本了解。


1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分,每个部分都涵盖了特定内容。


其后是replication client权限部分,我们将详细解释replication client权限的定义、作用和控制方式,并给出一些相关示例和应用场景。

然后是replication slave权限部分,我们会介绍replication slave权限的定义、作用和控制方式,并提供相应示例和实际应用场景。

接下来是区别与联系部分,我们将比较并说明replication client和replication slave在功能、权限方面的差异,并阐述它们之间的关系。


1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者深入了解并弄清楚replication client和replication slave这两种权限在数据库中扮演的角色和作用。



2. replication client权限:2.1 定义与作用:Replication client是指可以访问数据库复制功能的客户端程序或用户。

客户端通过使用replication client权限来控制对数据库复制功能的访问和操作权限。


redis replication使用场景及作用

redis replication使用场景及作用

redis replication使用场景及作用Redis Replication 使用场景及作用1. 什么是 Redis Replication?Redis Replication 是 Redis 数据库的一种特性,它允许将一个Redis 数据库的数据复制到其他的 Redis 实例上。


2. Redis Replication 的作用Redis Replication 在实际的开发中有着广泛的应用场景,它的主要作用有:高可用性通过将主数据库的数据复制到从数据库上,当主数据库出现故障时,可以将从数据库切换为主数据库,从而实现高可用性。






3. Redis Replication 的使用场景Redis Replication 可以应用于以下场景:高并发读取场景当系统面临高并发读取的场景时,可以通过多个从数据库提供读取操作,从而提高系统的读取性能。






4. 如何配置 Redis Replication?配置 Redis Replication 需要以下步骤:1.启动主数据库,并开启 Replication 功能。

replication manager 操作命令

replication manager 操作命令

replication manager 操作命令全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Replication Manager是一个用于管理数据库复制的工具,可以通过Replication Manager来实现数据库备份、恢复、监控和管理等操作。

在使用Replication Manager时,我们需要掌握一些基本的操作命令,以便更好地管理数据库的复制。

本文将介绍一些常用的Replication Manager操作命令,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这一工具。

一、启动和停止Replication Manager1. 启动Replication Manager启动Replication Manager需要使用如下命令:repmgr -d /path/to/repmgr.conf standby三、数据库备份和恢复四、监控数据库复制状态五、管理数据库复制六、操作数据库切换2. 自动切换数据库Replication Manager还支持自动切换数据库操作,可以通过配置replication设置来实现数据库主从的自动切换。

七、其他操作命令第二篇示例:Replication Manager(复制管理器)是一种用于管理数据库复制的工具,它可以帮助用户轻松地创建、监控和管理数据库复制工作。

在进行数据库复制操作时,操作命令是非常重要的,下面将介绍一些常用的Replication Manager操作命令,帮助用户更好地利用这个强大的工具。

1. 创建复制任务要创建一个新的复制任务,可以使用以下命令:```repcli CREATE_REPLICATION_TASK -taskName <任务名称> -sourceDSN <源数据库DSN> -targetDSN <目标数据库DSN>-tableList <需要复制的表清单>```在这个命令中,-taskName指定了任务的名称,-sourceDSN指定了源数据库的DSN,-targetDSN指定了目标数据库的DSN,-tableList指定了需要复制的表清单。









在滚动更新中,每次更新都会导致修订版本的递增。–描述:用于Helm Charts,标识该资源所属的Helm Chart的名称和版本。



若值为true,Prometheus将尝试从该资源中获取指标。–描述:用于Prometheus监控,指定了抓取指标时使用的端口号。–描述:用于Istio服务网格,指示是否应该为该资源注入Istio sidecar容器。



做Replication的步骤1)如果目标数据库不存在,就在目标数据库上新建目标数据库2)在大的数据库上做Replication前面的步骤:①在源数据库的服务器上建一New Publication,在publication上右击新建Publication,点击下一步,选择要做的publication项目,如果做的是数据库,就选择数据库,在New Publication Wizard中要选择事务日志Transactional publication,它是把表中有变化的数据更新到目标数据库中,快照Snapshot publication是把订阅者的数据表在更新前都删掉,所以我们一般选择Transactional publication。




②现在做的是publication的链接,new subscription,选要链接的publication后,下一步,到了new subscription Wizard这一步,选择的数据库是目标数据库,下一步security中填写信息后,注,用户名密码是拥有publication的服务器,下一步,在initalize subsription 中选择at first snapchronization,这是第一次同步数据。


修改replication的时间是在SQL server Agent 里的jobs,找到相应的replication修改时间。

在replication上右击后选择launch replication monitor,打开replication的界面,。



RocketMQ Replicator 是阿里云开源的用于在不同 RocketMQ 集群之间进行数据复制的工具。

它能够实现 RocketMQ 集群之间的消息复制和同步。

以下是 RocketMQ Replicator 的一般用法:1. 下载和部署首先,你需要下载 RocketMQ Replicator 的二进制文件,并解压到你的服务器上。

可以从官方 GitHub 仓库获取最新版本。

2. 配置文件在解压后的 RocketMQ Replicator 目录中,有一个conf目录,里面包含了配置文件。


•主要配置复制的源和目标 RocketMQ 集群信息、复制策略等。


3. 修改配置文件打开conf/replicator.properties文件,根据你的需求修改以下关键配置项:请替换YOUR_SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID、YOUR_SOURCE_NAMESRV_ADDR、YOUR_DEST_CLUSTER_ID、YOUR_DEST_NAMESRV_ADDR为你实际的RocketMQ 集群配置。

4. 启动 RocketMQ Replicator在解压后的 RocketMQ Replicator 目录中,执行以下命令启动 Replicator:5. 监控和管理RocketMQ Replicator 提供了一个简单的 Web 界面,用于监控和管理。


6. 其他命令RocketMQ Replicator 还提供了其他一些命令,例如停止 Replicator、查看状态等:这是一个简单的 RocketMQ Replicator 的使用示例。

具体的配置和使用细节可以参考 RocketMQ Replicator 的文档或代码库。



深⼊解析MySQLreplication协议Why最开始的时候,只是简单的抽象的代码,提供⼀个基本的mysql driver以及proxy framework,但做到后⾯,笔者突然觉得,既然研究了这么久mysql client/server protocol,⼲脆顺带把replication protocol也给弄明⽩算了。


其实MySQL replication protocol很简单,client向server发送⼀个MySQL binlog dump的命令,server就会源源不断的给client发送⼀个接⼀个的binlog event了。

Register⾸先,我们需要伪造⼀个slave,向master注册,这样master才会发送binlog event。


这⾥需要注意,因为在MySQL的replication topology中,都需要使⽤⼀个唯⼀的server id来区别标⽰不同的server实例,所以这⾥我们伪造的slave也需要⼀个唯⼀的server id。

Binlog dump最开始的时候,MySQL只⽀持⼀种binlog dump⽅式,也就是指定binlog filename + position,向master发送COM_BINLOG_DUMP命令。

在发送dump命令的时候,我们可以指定flag为BINLOG_DUMP_NON_BLOCK,这样master在没有可发送的binlog event之后,就会返回⼀个EOF package。

不过通常对于slave来说,⼀直把连接挂着可能更好,这样能更及时收到新产⽣的binlog event。

在MySQL 5.6之后,⽀持了另⼀种dump⽅式,也就是GTID dump,通过发送COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID命令实现,需要带上的是相应的GTID信息,不过笔者觉得,如果只是单纯的实现⼀个能同步binlog的⼯具,使⽤最原始的binlog filename + position就够了,毕竟我们不是MySQL,解析GTID还是稍显⿇烦的。











replication manager切换原理

replication manager切换原理

replication manager切换原理replication manager切换原理是指在数据库系统中,如何实现高可用性的数据复制以及在主节点发生故障时如何无缝地切换到备用节点。


replication manager切换原理的关键在于以下几个步骤:1. 主节点监测:replication manager会定期检查主节点的健康状态。

如果主节点发生故障,replication manager会立即察觉到并开始切换过程。

2. 从节点选择:在主节点故障后,replication manager会从备用节点中选择一个合适的节点作为新的主节点。


3. 数据同步:一旦新的主节点被选定,replication manager会确保所有的备用节点都与新的主节点进行数据同步。


4. 客户端重定向:在主节点切换完成后,replication manager会通知所有的客户端切换到新的主节点。


5. 故障修复:一旦主节点恢复正常,replication manager会检测到并将其重新配置为主节点的一部分。


总结而言,replication manager切换原理通过监测主节点的状态,选择合适的备用节点,进行数据同步,并重定向客户端的连接来实现主节点切换。










相反,它被移动到 Released阶段,在那⾥它的所有数据都可以⼿动恢复。

[root@k8s-master1 opt]# kubectl get pv --all-namespacesNAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-1a6ba283-b16a-4cb4-b4a7-b4506534a9a9 20Gi RWO Delete Bound kube-system/prometheus-data-prometheus-0 managed-nfs-storage 26d pvc-33a6230c-481f-4d61-aff6-89d95bef74d9 4Gi RWO Delete Bound kube-system/alertmanager managed-nfs-storage 26dpvc-685576e3-cca1-4f6d-86b1-2e4395c6d499 5Gi RWO Delete Bound kube-system/grafana-data-grafana-0 managed-nfs-storage 26d [root@k8s-master1 opt]# kubectl patch pv pvc-685576e3-cca1-4f6d-86b1-2e4395c6d499 -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'persistentvolume/pvc-685576e3-cca1-4f6d-86b1-2e4395c6d499 patched[root@k8s-master1 opt]# kubectl get pv --all-namespacesNAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-1a6ba283-b16a-4cb4-b4a7-b4506534a9a9 20Gi RWO Delete Bound kube-system/prometheus-data-prometheus-0 managed-nfs-storage 26d pvc-33a6230c-481f-4d61-aff6-89d95bef74d9 4Gi RWO Delete Bound kube-system/alertmanager managed-nfs-storage 26dpvc-685576e3-cca1-4f6d-86b1-2e4395c6d499 5Gi RWO Retain Bound kube-system/grafana-data-grafana-0 managed-nfs-storage 26d。



2.2Pod的状态描述Pod有以下⼏个状态:Pending 等待中Running 运⾏中Succeeded 正常终⽌Failed 异常停⽌Unkonwn 未知状态PendingPod已经被创建,但还没有完成调度,或者说有⼀个或多个镜像正处于从远程仓库下载的过程。


Running该 Pod 已经绑定到了⼀个节点上,Pod 中所有的容器都已被创建。



FailedPod 中的所有容器都已终⽌了,并且⾄少有⼀个容器是因为失败终⽌。


UnkonwnAPI Server⽆法正常获取到Pod对象的状态信息,通常是由于其⽆法与所在⼯作节点的kubelet通信所致。

⽤⼀张图来表⽰Pod的各个状态Pod 的详细的状态说明状态描述CrashLoopBackOff容器退出,kubelet正在将它重启InvalidImageName⽆法解析镜像名称ImageInspectError⽆法校验镜像ErrImageNeverPull策略禁⽌拉取镜像ImagePullBackOff正在重试拉取RegistryUnavailable连接不到镜像中⼼ErrImagePull通⽤的拉取镜像出错CreateContainerConfigError不能创建kubelet使⽤的容器配置CreateContainerError创建容器失败m.internalLifecycle.PreStartContainer执⾏hook报错RunContainerError启动容器失败PostStartHookError执⾏hook报错ContainersNotInitialized容器没有初始化完毕ContainersNotRead容器没有准备完毕ContainerCreating容器创建中PodInitializing pod 初始化中DockerDaemonNotReady docker还没有完全启动NetworkPluginNotReady⽹络插件还没有完全启动Terminating终⽌容器。





Kafka的副本复制原理如下:1. Leader-Follower模型:每个分区都有一个leader副本和多个follower副本。


2. 副本同步:当producer发送消息到leader副本时,leader副本会将消息写入本地磁盘,并向所有follower副本发送复制请求。


3. ISR机制:Kafka维护一个称为ISR(In-Sync Replica)的集合,它包含了与leader副本保持同步的所有follower副本。


4. 副本选举:如果leader副本发生故障或不可用,Kafka会从ISR集合中选举一个新的leader副本。


5. 副本同步策略:Kafka支持两种副本同步策略,即同步复制和异步复制。











为了有效地收集这些日志,我们可以使用Fluentd、Fluent Bit等开源日志收集工具,将日志发送到集中式的存储系统中,如Elasticsearch、Kafka等。











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WS-ReplicationResource: Replicated Resources in GridEnvironments.Manuel Salvadores1, Pilar Herrero2, María S. Pérez2, Alberto Sanchez21IMCS, Imbert Management Consulting SolutionsC/ Fray Juan Gil 7, 28002 Madrid , Spainmso@imcs.es2Facultad de Informática – Universidad Politécnica de MadridCampus de Montegancedo S/N28.660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain{pherrero, mperez, ascampos}@fi.upm.esAbstract. This paper presents the √N + ROWA model that is been develop atthe Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the aim of replicating informationin Grid environments and optimizing the number of messages to be exchangedin the process. Our approach is one of the key stones of a new grid service(WS-ReplicationResource) that in the near future will provide Grid systemswith a high level of transancionality of actions to be carried out inside theenvironment.1. IntroductionThe last tendencies of WSRF (Web Services Resource Framework) specifications oriented towards Grid Computing Systems development and their implementation in Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4) [13] will mark, in the near future, the main development lines around middleware to support Grid applications based on the OGSA standard [1].OGSA enumerate those characteristics that Grid systems have to possess. The high-availability1 plays an important role among all these characteristics. The replication concept is close related to the availability concept, being one of the techniques more employed for failure recovery.The WS-ResourceProperties specification [2], as a part of WSRF specifications, define an standard way to exchange messages that could allow a client consult or update the values of the properties associated to each specific resource.A resource could be defined as the Web Service (WS) that having a set of properties, defined by the WS-ResourceProperties, and being its state the combination of all the values associated to all these properties at a given moment, can maintain this state through the WS-Addressing [14]1 OGSA specification, point 2.102 Manuel Salvadores1, Pilar Herrero2, María S. Pérez2, Alberto Sanchez2To have the information related to each of these specific resources replicated will be quite useful not just to allow a high availability in the system but also to design new collaborative models as well as to introduce complex negotiation models and mechanisms based on agents.On the other hand, this model of synchronisation could be extended to high-scale transactional systems as component integrated inside a framework, such as DCP-Grid[11, 12].In this paper we present our specification, the one we have called WS-ReplicationResource, extending all the functionalities of WS-ResourceProperties to allow the replication of the properties of a WS through the nodes connected to a Grid infrastructure.This paper has been organized as follows. The next section exposes the motivation of this work. The paper continues with a brief discussion about the related work on the area, our approach and the scalability of the system under our approach. The paper concludes with a section to present the paper’s conclusions and the ongoing and future work.2. MotivationFour operations are defined in the WS-ResourceProperties specification to access to the resource’s properties:1. GetResourceProperty: to obtain the property’s value2. GetMultipleResourceProperty: to obtain the value associated to several properties in just one operation.3. SetResourceProperties: to create update properties in just one resource.4. QueryResourceProperties: to carry out some queries, related to a specific resource’s properties, through XPath [15].Taking into account all these operations, our motivation is to propose a decentralised scenario in which each of the nodes could be the queries’ or updates receptor over an specific replicated resource, having an idea about which of the resource’s properties could be accessed at a given moment and making all this possible in an autonomous way.Figure 1 presents the initial scenario to be solved taking into account i nodes N={N 1,N 2,N 3, …, N i }. Each of these nodes could also be the receptor of reading requests as well as writing. In order to ensure the casual order (fairness)[10] of the actions to be carried out, we could represent each of the actions as a tuple (a, t), where ‘a’ represents the action to be carried out in the moment ‘t’. In this way, if A is a sequences of 4 actions (N=4), A could be represented as:A={ (a1,t1), (a2,t2), (a3,t3) ,(a4,t4) }(1)The casual order would imply to introduce new constraints such as: 111,2,3...i i i i i N t t A before A ++∀=<→ (2)WS-ReplicationResource: Replicated Resources in Grid Environments. 3 In the figure 1 it is possible to appreciate the problematic situation caused by action3 due to its counter’s value which should be 10. The casual order in the execution of reading writing operations could be solved by a controlled access to the resources in mutual exclusion.Fig. 1. Scenario: Four actions are brought about a replicated resource, WS-ReplicationResource must ensure the causal order3. Related WorkOne of the first algorithms utilised for the access in a mutual exclusion is the Ricart y Agrawala algorithm [3]. Ricart and Agrawala's Algorithm solves the synchronization problem in distributed systems. This algorithm insures that only one process will be allowed in a critical region at a time. It works by a using a system of messages and acknowledgements. The sending of a message is assumed to be reliable; that is, every message is acknowledged. The algorithm works as follows:When a process wants to enter a critical region, it builds a message containing thename of the critical region it wants to enter, its process number and the current time.It then sends the message to all the other processes including itself. When a process receives a request message from another process, the action it takes depends on itsstate with respect to the critical region named in the message. There are three possible states:•If the receiver is not in the critical region and does not want to enter it, it sends back an OK message to the sender (shown as Ready state inworkbench).4 Manuel Salvadores1, Pilar Herrero2, María S. Pérez2, Alberto Sanchez2•If the receiver is already in the critical region, it does not reply. Instead, it queues the request (shown as In CS state in workbench).•If the receiver wants to enter the critical region, but has not yet done so, it compares the timestamp in the incoming message with the one contained inthe message that it has sent everyone. The lowest one wins. If the incomingmessage is lower, the receiver sends back an OK message. If its ownmessage has a lower timestamp, the receiver queues the incoming messageand sends nothing (shown as waiting state in workbench).After sending out requests asking permission to enter a critical region, a process sits back and waits until everyone else has given permission. As soon as all the permissions are in, it may enter the critical region. When it exits the critical region, it sends OK messages to all processes on its queue and deletes them all from the queue. This algorithm will grow up proportionally to the number of nodes needed because it would be necessary: 2*(N-1) messages, being N the number of nodes, to became to an agreement in the critical section; (N-1) messages to let the rest of the nodes know that I would like to access to the critical section; and (N-1) answers from he rest of the nodes to give the final approval.The algorithms based on Quorums [8], are the optimised option to access to critical sections in distributed systems, where Quorum could be defined as:“Let S = {S1, S2, …} be a set of sites. A quorum system Q is a set of subsets of S with pair-wise non-null intersection. Each element of Q is called a quorum”.For example, if we have four sites, S1, S2, S3 and S4. A possible quorum system then consists of these three quorums: {S1, S2, S3}, {S2, S3, S4} and {S1, S4}, although there are many other possible quorum systems for these four sites.In systems based on Quorums a process can access to the critical section if an only if it obtains the premise of all the elements of its own Quorum. This is a way of reducing, considerably, the number of messages.Quorums could be combined with the ROWA technique [5] (Read One-Write All). This technique introduces a difference in between writing and reading operations as follow:•Read Operations: read from any site. If a site is down, try another site.•Write operations: write to all sites. If any site rejects the write, abort the transaction.But the ROWA technique is not working if one of the repliques fails, and therefore the combination with Quorums is one of the techniques more useful.As for the combination Quorums + ROWA [6], it is important to highlight that in this case there are two different kinds of Quorums: writing (wq) and reading (rq). Both of them will have the following constraints in the Read-One-Write-All (ROWA) approach:•Logical read on data item x is converted to physical read on any of its copies (“read one”)•Logical write of x is translated to physical write on all of the copies of x.On the other hand, the different topologies and negotiation politics inside the Quorums allow to distinguish among numerous types of different Quorums, being some of them:WS-ReplicationResource: Replicated Resources in Grid Environments. 5 • Majority o Consensus [8]: Uses voting to reach consensus. Each site has anassigned weight (number of votes), and quorums are defined so that number of needed votes exceeds half of the total (majority). If n be the sum of all assigned weights, then read (rq) and write (wq) quorums must then fulfill these constraints:2 * |wq| > n and |rq| + |wq| > nand the Minimum quorum sizes that work:|wq|=n/2+1 |rq|=n/2• Tree: A generalization of Majority Quorum. The main idea is to organize thesites into a hierarchy. This hierarchy is represented as a complete tree where physical sites appear at the leaves of the tree. At each level (starting at the root level) of the tree, a majority of tree nodes must be chosen. For each node chosen at level i, a majority of nodes at level i+1 must be chosen. A write quorum consists of the root of the tree, a majority of its children, a majority of the children of each children, etc. A read quorum consists of the root of the tree. If the root is unavailable, the read quorum consists of a majority of its children, and so recursively [9]• Grid: There are different kinds of Grid quorum, such as the rectangular or thetriangular. In the rectangular,, a read quorum consists of an element of each column (|rq| = c) A write quorum requires an entire column and one element from each of the remaining columns (|wq| = r + c - 1) If the grid is a square |rq| = vn |wq| = 2 * vn -1 [7]Finally, the √N algorithm, being N the number of nodes, is based on the association of nodes in N minimum subsets with no null intersection (between each two of them) [4]:,1,,i j i j i j N S S ∀≤≤≠∅I (3)Taking into account the different methods and algorithms presented here, in the next section we will introduce our approach which is based on the association of two of these algorithms: √N algorithm [4] and the ROWA technique [5].4. The √N + ROWA ModelInitially we will identify two components to be introduced inside each and every node to be aware of those nodes that are in the system and are part of the S i Quorum. Once a node has this information, it can subscribe itself, through the WS-Notification [17], to one of the properties content inside WS-ReplicationResource specification. This property will be working as traffic light (mutex) to control the access to the resource through the model we are going to describe in this section (see figure 3).6 Manuel Salvadores1, Pilar Herrero2, María S. Pérez2, Alberto Sanchez2Fig. 2. The √N + ROWA model architectureOur approach, the one we called √N+ ROWA model, takes into account the √N protocol [4] and applying the ROWA protocol to control the access based on the different types of operations (writing and reading). It makes also distinguish in between the reading and the writing quorums (rq and wq respectively). On the other hand, in order to replicate the data through the nodes, our approach will consider two key factors:a) The impact that the “laze propagation ” technique will have over the model b) The scalability of the systemIn our model, when an i-node wish to carry out an writing operation, it requires the votes of the quorum S i and the writing information will be replicated only in those elements of its quorum. In order to carry out a writing/reading operation over S j being i ≠j and i j z S S N =I , the node N z will have to send S j the updated modifications over the synchronised element before giving S j its vote.In the figure 4, it is possible to appreciate the “Lazy Propagation” effect because the operation 1 (write request over the node 2), which requires the obtaining of wq, repliques the writing operation only to the rest of the S 2 nodes (operation 2). In this moment t_counter is increased in the S 2 nodes. When the node 4 receives a read request (operation 3), and while this node is negotiating this request, the nodes 4 and 2 detect t_counter 2 > t_counter 4 and therefore they would need to update their values (operation 4). Something similar would happen if the node 1 receives a writing request, operation 6.WS-ReplicationResource: Replicated Resources in Grid Environments. 7Fig. 3. √N+ ROWA model interaction based on S1...S4 Quorums and 4 nodesTaking into account all this possible situations, we could define that a system is replicabily stable if:,1,__i j i j i j N t counter t counter ∀≤≤→= (4)Although the system stability is an important issue in this kind of systems, another important factor is to keep this system stability while the system scalability increases. In the next section, we will present a study that we have performed with the aim of modelling not just reading/writing operations to be carried out in the system, but also the cost of the replication model to became as stable as we have defined in this paper by the formulas 3 and 4.5. ScalabilityOur first work hypothesis, in this study, will be that there are not possible collisions in the system, leaving this case of study as future research work, and the second one will be that the time to process one operation is much lower that the number of transactions per unit of time. That is:_()0.proc n pet t p colision sg <<<→ (5)This implies that the system has time enough to recover from a lock for accessing to a resource before receiving another request.8 Manuel Salvadores1, Pilar Herrero2, María S. Pérez2, Alberto Sanchez2The average of messages to be sent would be the addition of (k-1) from the operation request, (k-1) answers, (k-1) to the replication (only in a writing request) and (k-1) only if the last operation was carried out in another Quorum (see equation6). To see equation 6 demonstrations go to [4](1)(1)()(1)(_)()(1)m k k p w k p change q p w k =−+−+−+− (6) Being p(change_q) the probability that two sequential operations are executed in different quorums, p(w) the probability that that the operation is writing and k the quorum length.Moreover, if N is the number of nodes and K is the size of the intersection set no linear between each of them, then the equation 7 will complement to the previous one:21N k k =−+[4] (7)On the other hand, if want that the computational process will take advantage of the balance capability, the likelihood of Quorum’s change p(change_q) should follow the equation 8:1(_)N p change q N −= (8)Equations 6, 7 and 8 will allow us to obtain a the average message exchange as a function of the quorum length and, if the likelihood for a writing request is p(w) = 0.2, we could represent this function as it is showed in figure 5. The average message exchange for different quorums’ length is showed in table 1.Fig. 4. Average message exchange applying a lazy propagation for those Quorums whichlength is 0..100WS-ReplicationResource: Replicated Resources in Grid Environments. 9 Number Nodes Quorum Length (K) Messages Exchange381 20 421561 40 863541 60 1306321 80 174 Table 1. Average message exchange for different quorums’ length.In the table 1 it is possible to appreciate the system scalability. When the numberof nodes is close to 381, the average of messages to be exchanged to access to the exclusion mutual area is close to 42, being this value quite acceptable. However, if the number of nodes increases to 1561 (four times), the number of messages to be exchanged will be double. As it is possible to appreciate in the table 1 and figure 4,the number of messages to be exchanged is proportional to the Quorums’ length (K). However, the quorums’ length will be almost the square root of the number of nodes (scalability) (see equation 7).6. Conclusions and Future WorkThis paper describes a model that is been carried out at the UniversidadPolitécnica de Madrid with the aim of replicating the information optimizing the number of messages to be exchanged as well as their use to built Grid environments based on WSRF specifications. The approach presented in this paper will be one ofthe pillars of a new grid service: WS-ReplicationResource.As ongoing work, we are currently working on its implementation and in a near future we are planning the deployment in a large scale grid infrastructure, providinghigh level of transancionality of actions to be carried out inside the environment. 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