Srs-044i Heavy Metals in Plastics & Metallic Materials
海船船员一轮机部(船舶动力装置)题库一2/5题(江南博哥)[单项选择题]目前在易燃气体探测实际应用中,采用较多的是金属氧化物元件,又称OA气敏半导体B催化灯丝法C实验室测试法DMOSFET正确答案:A3/5题[单项选择题]气敏半导体,按其性质可分为N型和P型两大类,其中N型气敏半导体在遇到敏感气体时,其_____ oA电压上升B电流下降C电容增加D电阻下降正确答案:D4/5题[单项选择题]关于易燃气体探测系统,半导体气敏元件有N型和P型之分,它们在检测时电阻值随着气体浓度增大分别为________ OA增大,增大B增大,减小C减小,增大D减小,减小正确答案:C5/5题[单项选择题]目前在易燃气体探测实际应用中,能够在线测量易燃气体的是OA气敏半导体B分光光度计法C红外线测试法D化学示剂法正确答案:A1/5题[单项选择题]感烟管式火警探测器,通常用于火警。
A驾驶台B机舱C集控室D货舱正确答案:D2/5题[单项选择题]干货气体自动探火系统,一般采用oA抽烟式B光电离型传感器C定温传感器D温差传感器正确答案:A3/5题[单项选择题]干货气体自动探火系统,旋转色标的作用是OA判断烟道是否堵塞B判断烟雾浓度的大小C判断是否有烟雾D用于产生光的反射正确答案:A4/5题[单项选择题]感烟管式火警探测器里,2个光电池所产生的电压差值随气样中烟雾浓度_______ OA增大而减小B增大而增大C没有对应关系D呈指数对应关系正确答案:B5/5题[单项选择题]感烟管式火警探测器是利用或来测定烟雾浓度的。
A烟雾遮光性/烟雾吸附性B烟雾吸附性/烟雾散射性C烟雾散射性/烟雾遮光性D烟雾电离性/烟雾散射性正确答案:C1/5题[单项选择题]火灾探测器的故障主要有OA漏报B误报C延报D漏报或误报正确答案:D2/5题[单项选择题]在船舶上容易发生火警误报的区域有o I.电焊间;∏.厨房;IΠ.储藏室;IV.舵机室。
英汉石油化学工程图解词汇ENGLISH-CHINESE PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING ILLUSTRATED VOCABULARIES 学工业出版社目录Contents 1. 艺设备ProcessEquipment ........................................................... ..................................................................... . (1)1.1. 塔Column .............................................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................... 1 1.1.1. 板式塔和填料塔 PlateColumn and Packed Column1 液流型式 Liquid Flow Patterns2 泡罩(帽)塔盘 Bubble Cap Trays3 浮阀塔盘Valve Trays4 筛板塔盘Sieve Trays 6 穿流式塔盘和喷射型塔盘 DualFlow Trays and Jet Trays7 塔盘的支承Supports of Tray8 塔底结构及重(再)沸器 BottomStructures and Reboilers9 进料和抽出 Feed and Draw Off10 填料Packings 12 液体分配(布)器,再分配(布)器及填料支持版Liquid Distributors, Redistributors and Support Plates13 塔附件Tower Attachments14 楼梯(梯子)和平台 Stair and Platform15 1.1.2. CO2 吸收塔CO2 Absorber16 1.1.3. 再生塔/CO 汽提塔 Regenerator / COStripper 17 2 21.1.4. 造粒塔Prill Tower 18 (造粒塔)总图及造粒喷头组装图 GeneralAssembly and Prill-Spray Assembly 18 造粒塔扒料机 Prill towerReclaimer 20 1.2. 反应器Reactor.............................................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .......... 22 1.2.1. 氨合成塔Ammonia Converter 22 1.2.2. 聚合釜Polymerizer24 1.2.3. 电解槽Cell 26 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 隔膜电解槽 Diaphragm Cells26 水银电解槽Mercury Cells27 1.3. 贮罐StorageTanks ............................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................... 28 1.3.1. 浮顶罐Floating Roof Tanks 30 浮顶型式Floating Roof Types 32 浮顶罐的密封形式 Seal Types of Floating Roof Tank34 1.3.2. 内浮顶罐Covered Floating Roof Tanks35 1.3.3. 低温贮罐 Refrigerated Storage Tanks36 1.4. 蒸发器Evaporators ......................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ........ 37 1.5. 换热器HeatExchangers .......................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................38 1.5.1. 换热器的名称 Nomenclature of Heat Exchanger40 换热器件Components of Heat Exchanger 40 固定端头盖(或管箱),壳体及后端头盖型式 Types ofStationary Head, Shell and Rear End Head42 管板Tubesheets43 管子-管板连接,膨胀节及其他零件 Tube-Tube SheetJoints, Expansion Join ts and Other Parts 44 横向折流板和纵向折流板 Transverse Baffles andLongitudinal Baffles 46 1.5.2. 套管式换热器和刮面式换热器Double-Pipc Heat Exchanger and Scraped-Surface Exchanger 47 1.5.3. 套管式纵向翅片换热器 Double PipeLongitudinal Finned Exchanger48 1.5.4. 板式换热器Plate-Type Exchangers49 1.5.5. 蒸汽表面冷凝器,凝汽器 Steam Surface Condensers50 1.5.6. 空冷器,空气冷却器 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers51 空冷器的组合形式 Bay Arrangements of Air-CooledHeat Exchanger 52 管束和头盖(管箱)的典型结构 Typical Constructionof Tube Bundles and Headers53 空冷器的驱动装置 Drive Arrangements for Air Cooler54 翅片Fins55 空冷器的温度控制 Temperature Control of Air Cooler56 3 1.5.7. 冷却塔,凉水塔(1) Cooling Towers Ⅰ57 冷却塔,凉水塔(2)Cooling Towers Ⅱ58 1.6. 业炉Furnace.............................................................. ..................................................................... ........................................................................... 60 1.6.1. 管式加热炉Pipe Heater 60 管式加热炉型式 Types of pipe Heaterspipe Still Heater 60 加热炉Heaters62 燃烧器,烧嘴Burners63 炉管,联管箱和回弯头 Tube, Headers andReturn Bends64 管架Tube Supports65 1.6.2. 转化炉 Reformers ReformingFurnaces66 1.6.3. 二段转化炉Secondary Reformer67 1.6.4. 变换炉Shift Converter68 1.6.5. 热回收和废热锅炉 HeatRecovery and Waste Heat Boiler 69 热回收Heat Recovery69 CO 燃烧废热锅炉 CO Firing Waste HeatBoiler 70 第一废热锅炉 Primary WasteHeat Boiler 71 第二废热锅炉 Secondary Waste HeatBoiler72 1.6.6. 火炬Flare Stacks73 1.7. 混合设备Mixing Equipment............................................................ ..................................................................... .. (74)1.7.1. 搅拌器型式(1)Types of Agitator Ⅰ74 搅拌器型式(2)Types of Agitator Ⅱ76 1.7.2. 混合(搅拌)槽Mixing Tanks77 1.7.3. 管道混合器 Line Mixers FlowMixers78 1.7.4. 静止混合器Static Mixers79 1.7.5. 膏状物料及粘性物料混(拌)合设备 Pasteand Viscous-Material Mixing Equipments 80 1.7.6. 固体混合机械 Solids Mixing Machines 82 4 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 1.7.7. 双螺杆连续混合机Double Screw Continuous Mixer 83 1.8. 萃取器Extractors .......................................................... ..................................................................... ............................................................................ 84 1.8.1. 连续萃取设备,连续抽提设备 ContinuousContact Differential Contact Equipments 84 1.8.2. 浸提设备Leaching Equipments 86 1.9. 旋风分离器、沉清器、过滤器和离心机 Cyclone, Decanter,Filter and Centrifuger.......................................................... ................................................... 87 1.9.1.旋风分离器(1)Cyclone Separators Ⅰ87 旋风分离器(2)Cyclone Separators Ⅱ88 1.9.2. 气体洗涤器Gas Scrubbers 90 1.9.3. 沉罐,澄清器Gravity Settlers Decanters92 1.9.4. 过滤机Filter93 压滤机Pressure Filters93 叶滤机Pressure Leaf Filters94 袋式过滤器Bag Filters95 转鼓真空过滤机 Rotary-Drum VacuumFilter96 1.9.5. 离心式分离机Centrifugal Separator97 双鼓真空离心过滤机 Double-BowlVacuum Centrifuge97 离心机Centrifuges98 静止叶片型离心式分离器 Stationary Vane TypeCentrifugal Separators 100 1.10. 干燥器Dryers .............................................................. ..................................................................... ........................................................................... 101 1.10.1. 间接干燥器 Indirect Dryers 101 1.10.2. 直接干燥器Direct Dryers 102 1.10.3. 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryers 104 雾化喷头,喷雾嘴,雾化器 Spray Nozzles Atomizers 105 1.10.4. 气流气动输送干燥器 PneumaticConveyor Dryers 106 1.11. 其他Miscellaneous ....................................................... ..................................................................... .......................................................................... 107 1.11.1. 石油炼制中的流化过程Fluidization Processes in Petroleum Refinery107 5 流态化 Fluidization 108 流化床分布器Distributors for Fluidized Bed 109 1.11.2. 破沫器及其应用Demister and Its Applications 110 破沫网的安装和纤维除雾器Installation of Mesh and Fiber Mist Eliminator 111 1.11.3. 设备的支座和封头 Supports andHeads of Equipments 112 1.11.4. 立式容器的外保温External Thermal Insulation for Vertical Vessel 113 2. 泵Pump ................................................................ ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................114 2.1. 各种型式的泵 1 Various Types of PumpⅠ ................................................................. ..................................................................... ...........................114 各种型式的泵 2 Various Types of Pump Ⅱ116 各种型式的泵 3 VariousTypes of Pump Ⅲ117 各种型式的泵 4 VariousTypes of Pump Ⅳ118 2.2. 离心泵 1 Centrifugal PumpⅠ ................................................................. ..................................................................... .. (119)离心泵 2 Centrifugal Pump Ⅱ120 离心泵 3 Centrifugal Pump Ⅲ121 2.3. 管道泵InlinePump ................................................................ ..................................................................... .. (122)2.4. 双作用蒸汽往复泵 Duplex Acting Steam-Driven ReciprocatingPump ................................................................ . (123)2.5. 双作用活塞式往复泵 Double Action Reciprocating Pump,BucketType ................................................................ . (124)2.6. 混流泵Mixed-FlowPump ................................................................ ..................................................................... .. (126)2.7. 计量泵MeteringPumps ............................................................... ..................................................................... .. (127)2.8. 喷射泵JetPumps ............................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................128 2.9. 喷射装置 Ej ectorUnits ............................................................... ..................................................................... . (129)2.9.1. 喷射器的结构Ej ector Structures 1303. 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors Blowers andFans ................................................................ ..................................................................... ................... 131 3.1. 螺杆压缩机 Screw Compressors.......................................................... ..................................................................... (131)3.2. 旋转式螺杆压缩机 Rotary Helical ScrewCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... .................... 132 3.3. 活塞式压缩机PistonCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... ................................................. 133 6 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 3.4. 往复式压缩机ReciprocatingCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... ...................................... 134 3.5. 低密度聚乙烯超高压压缩机 High Pressure Compressorfor Low Density PolyethyleneProcess .....................................................。
BS EN 12845-2004+A2-2009 固定式消防系统.自动喷水系统设计,安装和维修
BS EN 12845:2004 +A2:2009
Incorporating Corrigendum August 2009
Fixed firefighting systems — Automatic sprinkler systems — Design, installation and maintenance
1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2
介绍 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 10
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 16 November 2004
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date 31 July 2009 Comments Implementation of CEN amendment A2:2009 Correction to National foreword
孩之宝公司品质保证安全性和可靠性规格SRS-010题目: 运输试验由: C. FISCHER 批准:日期: 1992年03月14日版本: B 1.0 目的此规格的目的在于提供包装产品(即整体包装纸箱)在运输中安全到达的可能性,用NSTA(国际安全运输协会)的测试方法,仿真在装运过程中遇到的震动与挤压情况。
2.0 范围2.1 此程序适用于孩之宝公司用纸箱包装的所有产品(包括用单个包装运输的产品)。
3.0 测试设备3.1 符合ASTMD-999的振动测试仪(即Gaynes 50V或250V振动表),测试仪必须用转速计或速度计以确定轴和转数和时间。
3.2 符合ASTMD-775的跌落测试仪(即Gaynes 1-DTA),跌落测试可用手完成,必须小心谨慎以确保有正确的跌落方向和高度。
3.3 厚1/16",宽2英寸的金属薄垫片。
4.0 测试程序4.1 振动测试4.1.1跌落试验之前进行振动测试4.1.2将包装好的产品放在振动测试台上,放置时按照通常运输时的摆放方式。
4.1.4包装产品(大纸箱)要经过14,200次振动碰撞(用振动次数14,200除以上文 4.13项所述的振动装置的转数,可得出总的测试时间)。
4.2 跌落试验4.2.1振动测试后必须进行跌落试验。
4.2.2处于正常运输位置,面对包装箱的一端,其产品包装(卡通箱)各表面确定如下:顶面= 1右侧面= 2底面= 3左面= 4最近面= 5最远面= 64.2.3用两表面的数字组合来表示其相交线的边号,例如: 由顶面及右侧面所形成的边号定义为1-2。
Manufacturing Site
Suwon Plant 206 Cheomdansaneop Road, Youngtong- gu, Suwon, Kyonggi Province 443- 743, Korea Te l: +82- 31- 210-6794 Busan Plant 1623 - 2, Songjeong - dong, Kangseo - gu, Busan 618 - 270, Korea Te l: +82- 51- 970 - 7671 E-mail:kyc.kweon@ Tianjin Plant 27, Heiniu, Cheng - Road, Tianjin, China 300210 Te l: +86 - 22 - 2830 - 3333(3450) E-mail:gk.ryu@ Philippines Plant Calamba Premiere International Park, Batino, Calamba, Laguna, Manila Te l: +63 - 2 - 809 - 2873 E-mail:ksj1445@
America sales office
Irvine Office 92612 3345 Michelson Drive, Suite 350,Irvine, CA Te l:1- 949 - 797- 8047
All information indicated in this catalog is as of january. 2008 The specifications and designs contained herein may be subject to change without notice.
宁夏农林科技,Ningxia Journal of Agri.and Fores.Sci.&Tech.2023,64(06):54-58基金项目:宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目(2021BEG03017)、中央引导地方科技发展专项(2021FDG020)、宁夏绿创生态修复创新中心科研项目“贺兰山乡土植物引选及在矿山生态修复中的应用研究”、宁夏回族自治区312人才计划资助。
收稿日期:2022-08-04修回日期:2022-11-17基于微波消解-ICP-OES 法测定植物中5种重金属元素马丽慧1,2,许浩1,2,张蕾蕾1,2,王文帆1,2,吴旭东1,21.宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所,宁夏银川7500022.宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室,宁夏银川750002摘要:土壤重金属是城市环境污染的一个重要方面,部分植物对土壤重金属具有吸收富集功能,是土壤重金属污染修复的有效途径。
采用HNO 3-H 2O 2微波消解法对植物样品进行消解处理,然后采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)测定植物样品中的铜、锌、镉、铬、铅5种重金属元素含量。
结果表明,该方法的线性范围为0~1mg/L 时,相关系数均在0.999以上,加标回收率在88.8%~104.0%,可满足植物中重金属元素测定的要求。
对银川市不同绿化树种枝干与叶片中重金属含量检测结果显示,各种金属元素最高值出现在不同植物中,红瑞木和垂柳枝条Cd 含量最高(0.51mg/kg),小檗叶片中Cr 含量最高(40.72mg/kg±6.25mg/kg),白蜡枝条Cu 含量最高(16.26mg/kg±2.52mg/kg),小檗叶片Pb 含量最高(4.49mg/kg±1.01mg/kg),垂柳枝条Zn 含量最高(97.41mg/kg±13.22mg/kg),表明这几种植物对相应的重金属元素具有较高的吸收积累能力。
v w
Main Menu
Changing Oil How to......................................... 147 When to...................................Байду номын сангаас... 135
Charging System Indicator .... 46, 186 Checklist, Before Driving............. 123 Child Safety ...................................... 29
Booster Seats ............................... 38 Child Seats.................................... 34 Important Safety Reminders ...... 32 Larger Children ........................... 37 Risk with Airbags ........................ 30 Small Children.............................. 33 Child Seats........................................ 34 Cleaning Seat Belts........................ 160 Clock.................................................. 54 Clutch Fluid.................................... 154 CO in the Exhaust ......................... 207 Cold Weather, Starting in ............. 124 Compact Spare Tire....................... 174 Consumer Informationˎ................ 212 Controls, Instruments and.............. 43 Convertible Top ............................... 70 Convertible Top Cover................ 72 Lowering the Convertible Top... 70 Maintenance................................. 74 Raising the Convertible Top ...... 73
卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书
☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53
判断题(对的画“√”,错的画“╳”)(√)1、AA001 钙基润滑脂(黄油)耐水性好,适用于输气站,牌号1—5号均可。
(√)2、AA002 油气管道主要使用的是无缝钢管、直缝高频电阻焊管、直缝埋弧焊管、螺旋缝埋弧焊管四种。
(√)3、AA003 焊接是借助原子间的联系和质点的扩散获得形成整体的接头的过程。
( X)4、AA004 低压气罐的特点是储气罐几何容积固定不变,而高压气罐的特点是其几何容积能在一定范围变化。
( X)5、BA001 高孔阀动态零位的检查方法是将孔板从下阀腔移到上阀腔,关闭滑阀和平衡阀,关闭上下游取压阀后观察差压变送器显示的数据变化。
( X)6、BA002 阀门在吊装时,应将绳索拴在手轮和阀杆上。
( X)7、BA003 在TZY自力式调压阀的管道中,当p1-p2<0.6MPa时,调压阀可能关闭或不能正常工作。
( X)8、BA004 弹簧式安全阀通过调节阀盘调节弹簧的松紧程度,可以获得不同预紧力给定值,达到不同设备的允许工作压力的不同压力值要求。
( X )9、BA005 失压型安全切断阀的主要功能是:当下游压力超过压力设定值时,主阀迅速关闭,以保护下游管线及其他管线设施。
(√)10、BA006 快速关闭盲板在调试前应将清管器收发筒压力放空为零。
(√)11、BA007 电动压力调节器突然全开是因为反馈压力信号的变送器数值突然降低(如仪表工校表,拆卸接头,变送器本身故障等)。
(√)12、BA008 闸阀阀板脱落处理方法是:将该阀所处管段压力放空为零,拆卸该阀清洗检查,若零件有损坏则修理或更换,若零件完好则将阀板安装到位,将闸阀组装复原。
(X )13、BA009 气开式调节阀突然关闭时因为针阀堵等三个因素造成的。
(√)14、BA010 在有放空、排污总阀的流程中,汇管、分离器等压力容器设备在检修时,应先降压排污清除设备内的污物,然后再放空或放散。
Air operated portable nibblers are used where safety is a primefactor, such as oil refineries, chemical plants and other areaswhere electricity cannot be used due to hazardous conditions.These precisely engineered nibblers cut almost any metalfaster, with increased operator efficiency. Designed to produce a clean cut without distortion, leaving an edge requiring only minimal deburring or grinding. These nibblers offer the same metal cutting advantages as electric models.One year warranty.110 volt portable electric nibblers are ideal for burr-free metalcutting of straight or curved lines and notching with nodistortion of the metal sheet or plate. Tools are perfectlybalanced for cutting and operator efficiency. Weighing from 4 to 32 pounds, five different models offer capacities from 14gauge to 3/8" mild steel. Available in 220 volt for no additional cost. One year factory warranty.Air operated portable nibblers are used where safety is a prime factor, such as oil refineries, chemical plants and other areas where electricity cannot be used because of hazardous atmospheres. These nibblers offer the same metal-cutting advantages as the electric models. Weighing from 3.5 to 32pounds, five different models offer capacities from 14 gauge to 3/8" mild steel. One year factory warranty.。
航空器维修与保养技术考试 选择题 59题
1. 航空器维修中,以下哪项不是常见的金属材料?A. 铝合金B. 钛合金C. 塑料D. 钢2. 在航空器维修中,以下哪种工具主要用于紧固螺栓?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子3. 航空器发动机维修时,以下哪项是最重要的安全措施?A. 穿戴防护装备B. 使用正确的工具C. 遵守操作规程D. 定期培训4. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要立即报告?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘5. 航空器维修中,以下哪种润滑剂适用于高温环境?A. 矿物油B. 合成油C. 水基润滑剂D. 植物油6. 航空器维修中,以下哪种测试用于检测电路的连续性?A. 电压测试B. 电流测试C. 电阻测试D. 频率测试7. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测燃油泄漏?A. 超声波检测仪B. 红外热像仪C. 压力测试仪D. 视觉检查8. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机过热?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞9. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸轮胎?A. 轮胎撬棒B. 扳手C. 螺丝刀D. 锤子10. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复机身裂纹?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维11. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘12. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量压力?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计13. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定14. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪15. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞16. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子17. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维18. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘19. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计20. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定21. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪22. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞23. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子24. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维25. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘26. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计27. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定28. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪29. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞30. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子31. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维32. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘33. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计34. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定35. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪36. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞37. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子38. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维39. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘40. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计41. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定42. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪43. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞44. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子45. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维46. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘47. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计48. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定49. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪50. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞51. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子52. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维53. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况需要进行紧急维修?A. 发现小划痕B. 发现裂纹C. 发现油渍D. 发现灰尘54. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于测量温度?A. 压力表B. 温度计C. 湿度计D. 风速计55. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致电路短路?A. 电线老化B. 电压过低C. 电流过大D. 频率不稳定56. 航空器维修中,以下哪种设备用于检测电路故障?A. 万用表B. 示波器C. 频谱分析仪D. 红外热像仪57. 航空器维修中,以下哪种情况可能导致发动机失效?A. 燃油过多B. 冷却系统故障C. 润滑油不足D. 进气口堵塞58. 航空器维修中,以下哪种工具用于拆卸电子设备?A. 螺丝刀B. 扳手C. 锤子D. 钳子59. 航空器维修中,以下哪种材料用于修复电路板?A. 胶带B. 金属焊条C. 塑料补丁D. 玻璃纤维答案1. C2. B3. C4. B5. B6. C8. B9. A10. B11. B12. A13. A14. A15. B16. A17. B18. B19. B20. A21. A22. B23. A24. B25. B26. B27. A28. A29. B30. A31. B32. B33. B34. A35. A36. B37. A38. B39. B40. B41. A42. A43. B44. A45. B46. B47. B48. A49. A50. B51. A52. B53. B54. B55. A56. A58. A59. B。
涂装后处理工初级模考试题一、单选题(共94题,每题1分,共94分)1.涂装设备中若含有硅硐物质容易产生的缺陷是()A、桔皮B、针孔C、缩孔D、色差正确答案:C2.手工喷色漆喷涂距离:()A、150-250mmB、150-200 mmC、200-300mmD、200-300mm正确答案:C3.下面关于噪声的说法中正确的是()。
A、噪声对人身体的危害不大B、噪声不可能被治理C、噪声只有大到一定强度才对人有危害D、音乐不能成为噪声正确答案:C4.试样涂料从涂-4杯粘度计中流出的 ( ) ,即为试样的涂-4杯粘度。
A、全部速度B、全部快慢C、全部时间(S)D、全部数量正确答案:C5.下列涂装生产工序正确的是( )A、打磨-喷底漆-喷中间层—打腊-喷面漆B、打腻子-喷底漆-打磨-喷面漆-打腊C、喷底漆-打腻子-喷中间层-喷面漆-打腊D、打磨-打腻子-喷底漆-喷中间层-喷面漆正确答案:C6.底材处理一定要达到 ( )级标准。
A、Sat2.5B、Sat2.0C、Sat3.0D、Sat3.5正确答案:A7.氧化剂有加速磷化作用(去氢气溶解铁),含量适宜可获得满意的( ) 。
A、磷化膜B、氧化膜C、氢化膜D、沉淀膜正确答案:A8.金属漆与罩光清漆采用“湿碰湿”工艺时,中间闪干时间过短,或小烘箱温度风量不够,会引起漆膜外观 ( ) 。
A、失光发糊B、鲜艳发亮C、金属漆颜色均匀D、没有影响正确答案:A9.台虎钳之间要留有足够的操作空间,以每人不少于2 m2为宜,一般前台高度为( )。
A、850~900 mmB、750~850 mmC、850~950 mmD、700~800 mm正确答案:A10.切割纵梁时,车轮罩侧和发动机侧的切割线之间的最佳距离是()。
A、130 mm~150 mmB、75 mm~150 mmC、75 mm~125 mmD、50 mm~70 mm正确答案:D11.下面哪些缺陷可能在涂料贮存过程中产生()。
КрКс–0.0005/0.00004型稀有气体回收装置使用手册第三册技术维护说明2082 364131 6004 00 6 РЭ2目录1. 引言 (3)2. 总述 (4)3. 平安措施的说明 (5)4. 技术维护的种类和周期性 (6)5. 技术维护的顺序 (7)5.1 固定的技术维护的顺序 (7)5.2 周期性的技术维护的顺序 (8)5.3 不取出绝热材料的情况下对装置设备进行气密性试验 (10)5.4 吸附器AP16的维护顺序 (24)5.5 焙烧炉AP5和气体再净化装置AP18的维护顺序 (25)附录A (26)附录Б (27)1.1 在本技术维护说明中规定了使用时对КрКс-0.0005/0.00004型稀有气体回收装置〔以下简称装置〕进行技术维护的范围、周期性、程序和规程。
1.2 本说明中提到的设备的名称和代码符合组件清单2082 364131 6004 ПС3和气动液压原理图2082 364131 6004 С3。
1.3 本说明中提到的压力均为表压。
进行装置的技术维护时,应补充使用清单2082 364131 6004 006 ВЭ中所列的操作文件以及装置的组成局部的操作文件。
2.1 装置的技术维护体系是运行中为了保持设备完好状态所必须的技术维护的有关措施和要求的总称。
2.2 所采取的技术维护体系包括:装置整体的技术维护以及根据装置的组成局部的操作文件所进行的装置的组成局部的技术维护。
2.3 装置的技术维护按照本说明所规定的范围和时间来进行。
2.4 装置的组成局部的技术维护按照本说明所规定的时间和各组成局部的操作文件所要求的范围来进行。
2.5 装置固定的技术维护由操作人员直接完成。
2.6 进行周期性的技术维护时,可以邀请安装人员来帮助装置的操作人员。
2.7 装置及其组成局部的技术维护由装置的使用单位的管理机关进行组织。
【摘要】@@ 新款奥迪A8首款车的尾部采用复合材料替代了金属片材产品.采用朗盛公司出品的30%玻纤增强Durethan BKV 30 EF聚酰胺6材料,其流动性好,主要用于注塑成型车头组合件.
1.少无切屑加工技术应用于汽车传动零部件加工探析 [J], 杨春霞
2.聚丙烯纳米复合材料应用于汽车部件 [J],
3.淬火钢的高精密切削加工适用于金属铸模部件的精加工 [J], 天野启;张唯敏
4.朗盛TEPEX连续纤维增强复合材料用于量产各种轻量化汽车设计的结构部件 [J], Grace
5.Evonik公司推出用于复合材料零部件高效生产的Vestanat聚丙烯 [J],
中考物理复习精编专题练:专题25 点击新材料(含解析)
石墨烯是由一层碳原子构成的石墨薄片,是一种二维品体,它是目前世界上已经发现的最薄、最坚硬的物质。石墨烯只有一个原子那么厚,约 ,机械强度却比世界上最好的钢铁还要强200倍。石墨烯导电能力极强,石墨烯的电子运行速度能够达到 ,远远超过电子在一般导体中的运动速度。石墨烯的这项特性,决定了石墨烯跟电池是天生绝配,在电能储存领域,石墨烯是耀眼的“明星”。2016年的一场交易博览会上,一款石墨烯充电宝吸引了不少人眼球,只需10分钟就可充满 的电量。我们可以大胆设想,未来有一天,电动汽车广泛使用石墨烯电池,只需几分钟就能把电充满,比去加油站加油还方便,那多带感
15.利用物质的物理属性可以鉴别物质的种类,以下可以鉴别物质种类的有( )
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HASBRO INC.CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCESAFETY AND RELIABILITY SPECIFICATIONSRS-044TITLE: HEAVY METALS IN PLASTICS, METALLIC, AND WOOD MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONBY: C. FISCHER APPROVAL:DATE: DECEMBER 02, 2003 REVISION: I1.0 PURPOSETo provide specifications that limit the heavy metal content of plastic, metallic, and wood materials to a quantity that minimizes the potential of a child's exposure to heavy metalelements and is also compatible with current manufacturing capabilities and analyticalfeasibility. In addition, conformance with the required limits of this specification willensure compliance with EN-71 (European Standard) regulations for heavy metals inplastics, metallic, and wood materials as well as various other internationalspecifications, and the CSG (Council of State Governments, formally CONEG)regulations on packaging materials..2.0 SCOPEThis specification is applicable to all plastic components of Hasbro Products. It alsoapplies to metallic components as indicated below: (except in regard to Cd (cadmium) in which case this specification applies to all metallic components).A) All metallic components present in toys intended to be brought in contact with themouth (e.g. toy musical instruments).B) All metallic components that, before or after all applicable use and abuse testing,fail the requirements of the Hasbro rattle test fixture (SRS-004, Figure 1.).NOTE: For Heavy Metals Specifications pertaining to substances other than plasticsand/or metallic materials, please refer to SRS-012 (Surface Coatings), SRS-047 (Fabricand paper), SRS-052 (Modeling clay and finger paints).3.0 PROCEDURE3.1 PLASTICSPage 1 of 5Obtain a test portion of the plastic material from the test sample by cutting outtest pieces from the areas having the thinnest material thickness in order to ensurea surface area of the test pieces as large as possible in proportion to their mass.Each test piece shall in uncompressed condition have no dimension greater thanapproximately 6 mm. Material thinner than 6 mm shall in accordance with thisrequirement be cut in squares of approximately 6 mm x 6 mm. Avoid heating of the material when cutting out the test pieces.MATERIALS3.2 METALLIC/WOODObtain a test portion of the material from the laboratory sample. The test portion shall not be cut into test pieces unless it is necessary for testing.If the material to be tested is coated with a coating of paint, varnish, lacquer,printing ink or similar coating and the coating covers an area greater thanapproximately 100 mm2, test portions shall be obtained separately from thecoating by scraping off in accordance with SRS-012 and from the base material in accordance with SRS-012.If the coating covers an area of less than approximately 100 mm2, test portionsshall not be taken separately from the coating. In such cases, test portions shallbe taken in accordance with SRS-012 in a way so that they also include parts ofthe coated area.3.3 Mix the test portion so prepared with 50 times its mass of an aqueous solution of0.07 mol/L hydrochloric acid at (37 +/- 2) degrees C. In the case of testportion of less than 100 mg, mix the test portion with 5.0 ml of this solution at the given temperature. Shake for one minute.Check the acidity of the mixture. If the pH is greater than 1.5 add drop-wise with shaking an aqueous solution of 2 mol/(7.3% m/m) hydrochloric acid until the pH is 1.5 or less. Protect the mixture from light.* Shake the mixture efficiently for 1 hr. continuously and then allow the mixture to stand for 1 hour at (37 +/- 2)degrees C.*NOTE: It has been shown that the extraction of soluble cadmium can show a 2 fold to 5 fold increase when extraction is carried out in the light rather than in the dark.If problems with adequate temperature control arise, the mixing, shaking andstanding can be performed at room temperature. However when the final resultsso obtained are between 50% and 100% of the required limits set in table SRS-044-1 the test shall be repeated at 37 C. as these conditions form the basis foracceptance or rejection.3.4 If necessary, centrifuge the mixture and separate the solids from the mixture byfiltration through a membrane filter with a pore size of 0.45 microns. If it is notpossible to examine the solution within one working day, take care to ensure thestability of the solution.3.5 Measure the concentrations of lead, arsenic, antimony, cadmium, barium,mercury, chromium and selenium by AA. FGAA, ICP, or ICPMS.3.6 Confirm the accuracy of the analyses by spiking or by another acceptable QCtechnique.4.0 SPECIFICATION4.1 The heavy metals listed in Table SRS-044-1 must not be intentionally addedingredients of plastics, wood and metallic materials used on Hasbro, Inc.products.4.2 International (except Europe)The incidental heavy metal content of a plastics, wood, and metallic material isacceptable if the required limits on table SRS-044-1 are not exceeded.If a required limit is exceeded but the maximum limit is not exceeded a retest ofthe plastics and/or metallic material must be immediately performed. If the retestresults do not exceed the maximum limit the plastics and/or metallic material isacceptable if the vendor and Hasbro agree on a corrective action plan that will,within a reasonable time period, result in compliance to the required limits of thisspecification.If a maximum limit is exceeded in a first test or a retest, the plastics, wood, andmetallic material is not acceptable.4.3 EUROPEThe incidental heavy metals content of all plastics and metallic materials mustcomply with the required limits of table SRS-044-1 of this specification.5.0 REFERENCES5.1 EN 71-3: 1995 (Section 8.5)5.2 EN 71-3:1995, “Specification for the Migration of Certain Elements”.5.3 CSG Model Legislation on Toxics in Packaging Materials (e.g. CaliforniaAssembly Bill 455, 10/9/03)6.0 REVISIONLOGREVISION LETTER SECTIONREVISED REVISION SUMMARY BY DATEH 2.0 Scope, andTable SRS-044-1 Added Cd limit applies to allmetallic components –section 2.0, ScopeAdded 100ppm total Cd maxlimit (75ppm required limit)CJF 7/10/03I 1.0, 3.2, 4.0,Table SRS-044-1,Added reference5.3 Added requirements forCSG (Council of StateGovernments, formerlyCONEG) regulations onpackaging materials. Added“wood” to plastics andmetallic materials.CJF 12/3/03SRS-044Page 5 of 5REVISION: ITABLE SRS - 044 - 1HEAVY METAL LIMITS FOR PLASTIC MATERIAL ELEMENT REQUIRED LIMIT MAXIMUM LIMIT LEAD (SOLUBLE)* 0.006% (60 PPM) .009% (90 PPM) ANTIMONY (SOLUBLE) 0.0025% (25 PPM) .006% (60 PPM) ARSENIC (SOLUBLE) 0.001% (10 PPM) .0025% (25 PPM) BARIUM (SOLUBLE) 0.070% (700 PPM) .100% (1000 PPM) SELENIUM (SOLUBLE) 0.020% (200 PPM) .050% (500 PPM)CADMIUM (SOLUBLE)* CADMIUM (TOTAL) 0.005% (50 PPM)0.0075% (75PPM).0075% (75 PPM).01% (100PPM)CHROMIUM (SOLUBLE)* 0.004% (40 PPM) .006% (60 PPM) MERCURY (SOLUBLE)* 0.003% (30 PPM) .006% (60 PPM)*On packaging material only - the sum of soluble lead (Pb), soluble Cadmium (Cd), soluble Chromium (Cr), and soluble Mercury (Hg), must not exceed 100ppm. There is no required maximum limit on the “sum”. 100ppm is the limit.NOTE: "SOLUBLE" REFERS TO THE METHOD DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 3.1 THROUGH 3.3. OF THIS SPECIFICATION.。