



经典广告词中英文翻译2. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。

(雪碧)3. The new digital era.数码新时代。

(索尼影碟机)4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。

(理光复印机)5. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。

(佳能打印机)6. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。

(凌志轿车)8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。

(丰田汽车)9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。

(万宝路香烟)10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

(轩尼诗酒)11. Just do it. 只管去做。

(耐克运动鞋)12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。

(百事流行鞋)13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。

(雀巢咖啡)14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。

(三星电子)15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。

(摩托罗拉手机)16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。

(百事可乐)17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。

(三菱电工)18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。

(东芝电子)19. Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。

TLE5012B_Register_Setting_AN_Rev1.5 (Chinese)( )

TLE5012B_Register_Setting_AN_Rev1.5 (Chinese)(  )

角度传感器GMR 角度传感器TLE5012B寄存器设置版本 2012-11-15由 Infineon Technologies AG 出版81726 Munich, Germany©2012Infineon Technologies AG保留所有权利法律免责声明在任何情况下均不得将本文件所提供的信息视为对条件或特征的担保。





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·俄国·《战争与和平》-- 草婴,短期无法超越。


)《战争与和平》-- 高植,也很好。

(上海译文八十年代)《战争与和平》-- 刘辽逸,人民文学版。

《安娜卡列尼娜》-- 草婴《安娜卡列尼娜》-- 罗稷南(三联)《复活》-- 汝龙《复活》-- 草婴,这两个译本都是经典。

《前夜》-- 丽尼《贵族之家》-- 丽尼《父与子》-- 巴金《卡拉玛左夫兄弟》-- 耿济之《罪与罚》-- 朱海观王汶《白痴》-- 南江《被欺凌与被侮辱的》-- 南江《童年在人间我的大学》-- 刘辽逸楼适夷陆风《高尔基短篇小说选》-- 瞿秋白巴金耿济之伊信《猎人笔记》-- 丰子恺《猎人笔记》-- 冯春,未知如何。

契诃夫作品-- 汝龙《当代英雄》-- 翟松年《静静的顿河》-- 金人《普希金诗选》-- 查良铮《家庭的戏剧》-- 巴金《死魂灵》-- 满涛《一个人的遭遇》-- 草婴《阿列霞》-- 蓝英年《日瓦戈医生》-- 蓝英年张秉衡《钢铁是怎样炼成的》-- 梅益《谁之罪》-- 楼适夷《苦难的历程》-- 王士燮《往事与随想》-- 巴金,上海译文79年版。

·法国·《悲惨世界》-- 李丹方于,短期无法超越。

《悲惨世界》-- 郑克鲁,也很好。

《巴黎圣母院》-- 陈敬容《海上劳工》-- 陈筱卿《笑面人》-- 郑永慧《笑面人》-- 鲁膺,上海译文,也相当不错。

《九三年》-- 郑永慧《冰岛的凶汉》-- 陈筱卿《雨果诗选》-- 程曾厚雨果戏剧-- 许渊冲《包法利夫人》-- 李建吾,短期无法超越《包法利夫人》-- 周克西(译文),也很好。

《约翰克利斯朵夫》-- 傅雷《欧也妮葛朗台》-- 傅雷《高老头》-- 傅雷《幻灭》-- 傅雷《巴尔扎克中短篇小说选》-- 郑永慧《恶之花》-- 钱春绮《茶花女》-- 王振孙《红与黑》-- 郝运《巴马修道院》-- 郝运《都德小说选》-- 郝运《一生漂亮朋友》-- 王振孙《吉尔·布拉斯》-- 杨绛《莫里哀喜剧六种》-- 李建吾《娜娜》-- 焦菊隐《吉尔布拉斯》-- 杨绛《基督山伯爵》-- 蒋学模·德国·《浮士德》-- 郭沫若,1959年人民文学版。



TIME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT APPLICATION FORM DECEMBER 2016 VERSION 1.0TIME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT APPLICATION FORM 个人定期账户申请表 (中文仅供参考,请用英文填写)Please use black ink and BLOCK CAPITALS to fill in your details below. It is important that you complete this application form in full and sign as required to enable us to consider your application. Although, you are ourexisting customer we require you to provide proof of who you are for the purpose of compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Requiremen ts and the Bank’s own risk management procedures. 请用黑色、大写字母填写以下表格。



Are you OK to provide the Bank with your current identification documentation? 您是否可以提供有效身份证明文件? □YES 是 □ NO 否If Yes, please continue to complete your application in English and If No, we are unable to process your request to open a Time Deposit Account with ICBC (London) Plc.如果是,请继续以英文填写以下申请表格;如果以下表格中的信息提供不完整,我们将无法处理您的定期账户开立申请。



信用证条款中英文对照——基础27: Sequence of total 序列号1/1 指只有一张电文40A: Form of documentary credit 跟单信用证形式 IRREVOCABLE 不可撤消的信用证20: Data of issue12345678 信用证号码31C: Date of issue 开证日精2002XXXX31D: Date and place of expiry 信用证有效期2002XXXXBENEFICIARY’S COUNTRY 有效地50: Applicant 信用证开证审请人(你们的客户名) ABC CO., LTD.CHINA59: Beneficiary 受益人(你们公司名)EFG CO., LTD.ADDRESS32B: Currency code amount 信用证项下的金额USD XXXXXXX,41D: Available with 议付适用银行ANY BANKBY NEGOTIATION 任何议付行42C: Draft at 开汇票XXX DAYS AFTER SIGHTFOR FULL INVOICE VALUE 见票XXX天付款(发票全额)42A: Drawee 付款人ABOCCNBJXXX AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA, XXX BRANCH 某农业银行某支行 43P: Partial shipment 是否允许分批装运ALLOWED 可以43T: TransshipmentALLOWED 允许转运44A: Taking charge 装船港口XXXXXX PORT44B: For transportation to 目的港CHINESE PORT44C: Latest date of shipment 最后装船期2002XXXX45A: Description goods and/or services 货物/服务描述GENERAL MERCHANDISE 日用品46A: Documents required 须提供的单据文件MERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE 一式三份商业发票2.FULL SET OF CLEAN ON BOARD B/L MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID MADE OUT TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND NOTIFYING APPLICANT 全套已装船清洁提单,标明运费预付,收货人一栏填根据发货人指示,通知开证审请人3.PACKING LIST IN DUPLICATE 装箱单一式二份47A: Additional conditions 附加条件1.AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA SINGAPORE BRANCH IS ASSIGNED TO DISCOUNT THE L/C 中国农业银行为指定的付款行2.AFTER NEGOTIATION BANK HAS SENT TESTED TELEX TO ISSUING BANK CERTIFYING DOCUMENTS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE L/C TERMS AND INDICATION INVOICE VALUE,THEN NEGOTIATION BANK IS AUTHORIZED TO CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT BY TESTED TELEX/SWIFT FROM AGRICULTRUAL BANK OF CHINA SINGAPORE BRANCH AT SIGHT BASIS. SINGAPORE BRANCH WILL EFFECT PAYMENT WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS. 议付行发电传给开证行确认单证相符,并指示发票金额,然后以SWIFT 电码或电传的形式授权中国农业银行新加波支行付款给收益人,新加波支行将在五个工作日内履行付款义务71B: Charges 开证以外产生的费用ALL BANKING CHARGES OUTSIDE OFTHE ISSUING BANK (EXCEPT FOR THE DISCOUNT INTEREST AND DISCOUNTCHARGES) ARE FOR BENEFICIARY’SACCOUNT 开证行以外产生的费用由信用证收益人负担(票据贴现利息与折扣除外)48: Period for presentation 单据提交期限DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED WITHINXX DAYS AFTER LATEST SHIPMENT DATEBUT WITHIN THE VALIDITY OF THISCREDIT 在信用证有效期内,最迟装运期后XX天内,向银行提交单据49: Confirmation instructionWITHOUT 不保兑53A: Reimbursement Bank 偿付行ABOCSGSG 78: Instructions to pay/account/negotiation bank 指示付款行?议付行1.A DISCREPANCY(IES) FEE OF USDXX.00 WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PROCEEDS IF THE DOCUMENTS ARE PRESENTED WITH A DISCREPANCY(IES). 如果单据提交有差异,差额将从信用额里扣除2.ALL DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE DESPATCHED TO US (ADDRESS:XXXXXXX)IN ONE LOT BY COURIER SERVICE.所有单据应一次性通过快件形式发给我们72: Sender to receiver information 说明THIS CREDIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TOUCP500 (1993 REVISION) 本信用证跟据跟单信用证通一惯例UCP500(1993 年版)开出one original and four photocopies of the commercial invoice showing standard export packing and also showing non-quota when a non-quota item is shipped. 出具一式四份标准出口包装的商业发票,若为无配额商品,则需另出无配额证明 one origianl and three photocopies of inspection certificate issued by hymin park of min woo international inc.出具一式三份由hymin park of min woo international inc.签发的商检证书 a fax letter by angela stating that one full set of non-negotiable documents was received. Angela传真声明需出具一整套不可议付之单证 one origianal and three photocopies of beneficiary's certificatecertifying that a production sample was sent to the attention of ruth plant or Albert elkaim of buffalo jeans ,400sauve west, montreal , quebec h3l 1z8 一式三份的受益人产品样品之证明书寄至工厂或是此地址: Albert elkaim of buffalo jeans ,400sauve west, montreal , quebec h3l 1z8 (好像是加拿大的一个地址) one original and three photocopies of packing list.装箱单一式三份full set of original marine bills of lading clean on board or multimode transport documents clean on board plus 2 non-negotiable copies issued by air sea transport inc.. weihai, china made out or endorsed to order of bnp paribass(canada) marked freight collect, notify general customs brokers attn linda 514-876-1704全套清洁已装船的海运提单或是清洁已装船之多式联运提单需加两份由air sea transport inc签发的不可议付单据副本.提单需注明由bnp paribass(Canada)付费,通关联系人 Linda,电话514-876-1704one original and three photocopies of certificate of export licence of textile products showing the year of quota which must correspond to the year of shipment except in the case of non-quota which an export licenceis not required. 出具一式三份的纺织品出品许可证明书,年度配额须与年度出货一致,其中无需配额要求除外.one original and three photocopies of certificate of origin. 一式三份的原产地证书one original and three photocopies of canada customs invoice. 一式三份的加拿大海关发票a fax letter by albert elkaim,michel bitton, ruth plant,kathy alix,nancy whalen,marjolaine martel,mimi bernola,anna sciortino,jennyfer hassan or charles bitton stating a sample was received.albert elkaim,michel bitton, ruth plant,kathy alix,nancywhalen,marjolaine martel,mimi bernola,anna sciortino,jennyfer hassan or charles bitton这些人传真声明的可接受之样品letter from shipper on their letterhead indicating their name of company and address,bill of lading number,container number and that thisshipment,including its container,does not contain any non-manufactured wooden material, tonnage, bracing material, pallets, crating or other non-manufactured wooden packing material.托单需注明托运人公司,地址,提单号,货柜号,及装载量,包括非木质包装之排水量,托盘,板条箱或其它非木质包装材料信用证条款如下:DOCUMENTS REQUIRED45A1、 FULL SET CLEAN SHIPPED ON BOARD SHIPPING CO’S BILL OF LADING ISSUED TO THE ORDER OF OMDURMAN NATIONAL BANK, SAGGANA BRANCH MAKED FREIGHT PREPAIK AND NOTIFY APPLICANT.2、 SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN FIVE ORIGINAL AND THREE COPIES DULY CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT.3、 PACKING LIST IN ONE ORIGINAL AND FOUR COPIES.4、 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHINA CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS ARE OF CHINESE ORIGIN.1、全套清洁提单。





1. 签约方(Party),指合同中的各方当事人,可根据具体情况翻译为“甲方”、“乙方”等。

2. 条款(Clause),指合同中的各项条款和内容,可翻译为“条款”、“款项”等。

3. 生效日期(Effective Date),指合同生效的日期,可翻译为“生效日期”、“生效时间”等。

4. 违约(Breach),指合同中一方未履行合同义务,可翻译为“违约”、“违

5. 终止(Termination),指合同提前结束或终止,可翻译为“终止”、“解除”等。

6. 保密条款(Confidentiality Clause),指合同中关于保密的条款,可翻译为

7. 争议解决(Dispute Resolution),指合同中关于争议解决的条款,可翻译为“争议解决”、“纠纷解决”等。






01.通过“At the Market”(《在集市》)的阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能看见……”I can see + 名词1. I can see the apples.我能看见苹果。

2. I can see the bananas.我能看见香蕉。

3.I can see the eggs.我能看见鸡蛋。

4. I can see the cheese.我能看见奶酪。

5. I can see the milk.我能看见牛奶。

6. I can see the bread.我能看见面包7. I can see the meat我能看到肉8. I can see the market.我能看见集市。

02.通过“Rex”(《小恐龙雷克斯》)的阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我喜欢……”I like to +动词1. I like to swing.我喜欢荡秋千2. I like to run.我喜欢跑步3. I like to climb.我喜欢爬树。

4. I like to hang.我喜欢挂在树上。

5. I like to jump.我喜欢跳跃6. I like to slide.我喜欢滑滑梯。

7. I like to ride.我喜欢骑自行车。

8. I like to swim.我喜欢游泳03.通过“Funny Things”(《滑稽的东西》)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看……!”Look at +名词1. Look at the funny shoes.看这双滑稽的鞋子!2. Look at the funny socks.看这双滑稽的袜子!3. Look at the funny pants.看这条滑稽的裤子!4. Look at the funny shirt.看这件滑稽的衬衫!5. Look at the funny coat.看这件滑稽的大衣!6. Look at the funny wig.看这头滑稽的假发!7. Look at the funny hat.看这顶滑稽的帽子!8. Look at the funny clown.看这位滑稽的小丑!04.通过“The Baby Animals”(《幼兽》)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“过来看看……。




Notice:The text mentioned below is the translation for reference only. In case of any discrepancies between different versions, the original Chinese version shall prevail.外国人来华工作许可服务指南(暂行)Service Guidance o n Application for Foreigners’ Work Permit in China (Trial)一、适用范围Scope of application 本指南适用于中华人民共和国境内依法设立的用人单位聘用外国人来华工作许可的申请和办理,审批对象为聘用外国人的用人单位和外国人。

This guidance is applicable to the legal employers in China and their foreign employees on the a pplication for foreigners’ work permit in China.二、事项审查类型Method of review前审后批。

It shall be reviewed first and then approved.三、审批依据 Basis of review and approval(一)《中华人民共和国行政许可法》。

Administrative License Law of the People’s Republic of China(二)《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第四十一条规定:外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件。




公共场所通用标识中英文双语翻译对照表(仅供参考)第一部分序号中文名称英文名称1 当心触电Danger!High Voltage2 当心碰撞Beware of Collisions3 当心台阶Mind the Step/Watch Your Ste4 小心玻璃Caution Glass5 小心滑倒/小心地滑Caution Slippery /Caution Wet Floor6 小心碰头Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head7 注意安全CAUTION /Caution8 注意防火Fire Hazard Area9 非公莫入Staff Only10 禁止鸣笛No Horn11 勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering12 禁止停车No Parking13 禁止停留No Stopping14 禁止吸烟No Smoking15 拉PULL/Pull16 推PUSH/Push17 入口ENTRANCE/ Entrance18 出口/安全出口/安全通道EXIT/Exit19 紧急出口Emergency Exit20 紧急救护电话(120) First Aid Call 12021 紧急疏散地Evacuation Site22 请勿跨越No Crossing23 请勿拍照No Photography24 请勿摄影No Filming / No Video25 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash Photography26 火警电话119 Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 11927 投诉电话Complaints Hotline28 危难时请速报110 Emergency Call 11029 危险,请勿靠近Danger Keep Away30 请绕行Detour31 请勿打电话No Phone Calls32 请勿带宠物入内No Pets Allowed33 请勿抚摸/请勿触摸Don't Touch34 请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass34 请勿坐卧停留No Loitering35 请爱护公共财产Please Protect Public Property36 请爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities37 请节约用水Please Save Water /Dont Waste Water38 请您保管好自己的物品Take Care of Your Belongings39 请按顺序排队Please Line Up40 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart41 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please42 残疾人专用Disabled Only43 留言栏Complaints Suggestions44 伸手出水Automatic Tap45 随手关门Keep Door Closed/Please close the door behind you.46 禁止入内/严禁入内No Entry/No Admittance47 闲人免进/请勿入内Staff Only /No Admittance48 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance49 正在维修Repairs in Progress50 有电危险Danger Electric Shock Risk51 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting52 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品Dangerous Articles Prohibited53 暂停服务/临时关闭Temporarily Closed54 老年人、残疾人、军人优先Priority for Seniors and Disabled55 请在此等候Please Wait Here56 消防通道,请勿占用Fire Engine Access. Dont Block 第二部分序号中文名称英文名称1 停车场Parking2 医务室Clinic3 厕所Toilet4 男厕所Gents/Men5 女厕所Ladies/Women6 女更衣室Womens Dressing Room7 男更衣室Mens Dressing Room8 步行梯/楼梯Stairs9 自动扶梯Escalator10 电梯Elevator/Lift11 问询处/咨询(台) Information12 前台/服务台/接待Reception13 消防栓Fire Hydrant14 派出所Police Station15 急救中心First Aid Center16 公用电话Telephone17 磁卡电话Magnetic Card Phone18 餐厅Restaurant19 员工通道Staff Only20 疏散通道Escape Route21 消防通道Fire Engine Access22 废物箱/垃圾箱Trash/Litter23 紧急呼救设施/紧急报警器Emergency Alarm24 自行车停放处Bicycle Parking25 出租车Taxi26 残疾人设施For Disabled27 火情警报设施Fire Alarm28 紧急呼救电话Emergency Phone29 失物招领Lost Found30 收银台/收款台/结帐Cashier31 商店Shop32 食品部Food Shop33 酒吧Bar/Pub34 快餐厅Snack Bar/Fast Food35 西餐厅Western Restaurant36 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant37 咖啡馆/咖啡厅Café38 一/二/三/四/五层(楼) F1/F2/F3/F4/F539 地下一层/二层/三层B1/B2/B340 灭火器Fire Extinguisher41 饮水处Drinking Water42 自动取款机ATM43 吸烟室Smoking Room44 吸烟区Smoking Area45 报刊亭Kiosk46 消防应急面罩Fire Mask47 配电柜Power Distribution Cabinet48 配电箱Power Distribution Box49 衣帽寄存Cloakroom50 行李寄存Left Luggage/Luggage Deposit。




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自从实施 1998 年的准则以来,PMI 内部和国际商界都发生了许多惊人变化。PMI 会员 人数显著增长,许多新会员来自北美以外地区。在国际商界,道德丑闻导致全球企业衰败和 不盈利,致使公众愤怒,引发政府新增法规。全球化使各国经济联系更加紧密,也使我们认 识到不同文化下的道德实践可能存在差别。快速、持续的技术进步提供了新机遇,但也带来 了新挑战,包括新的道德困境。
尊重是指我们有义务对自己、他人和委托给我们的资源表现出高度重视。委托给我们的 资源可能包括人员、资金、声望、他人安全、以及自然或环境资源。
一个充满尊重的氛围,可以促进相互合作,从而导致信任、自信和卓越绩效。在这种氛 围中,各种不同观点和意见都能得到鼓励和重视。
3.2 尊重:期望性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者: 3.2.1 我们了解他人的规范和习俗,并避免做出在他人看来可能是失礼的行为。 3.2.2 我们倾听他人的观点,设法理解他们。 3.2.3 我们直面那些与自己有冲突或不同意见的人。 3.2.4 我们以专业的方式行事,即使没有回报。
使自己受益。 3.3.3 我们不以虐待方式对待他人。 3.3.4 我们尊重他人的财产权利。
第四章 公正
4.1 公正的定义
公正是指我们有义务客观而无偏见地做出决策和行动。我们的行为必须远离利益冲突、 偏见和偏好。
4.2 公正:期望性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者: 4.2.1 我们在决策制定过程中体现透明度。 4.2.2 我们经常检查自己的公正性和客观性,并采取合理纠正措施。
5.3 诚实:强制性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者,我们对自己和同行有下列要求: 5.3.1 我们不参与或纵容那些用来欺骗他人的行为,包括但不限于:做出误导或错误的
陈述,只披露部分真相,断章取义地提供信息,或者滞留信息(如果这些信息被 他人知道,我们的陈述就会被认为是误导或不完整的)。 5.3.2 我们不参与意图获得个人利益或牺牲他人利益的不诚实行为。



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- 请遵守交通规则,安全驾驶。

办理机构 (Issuing Authority)- 机构名称 (n Name):- 机构地址 (n Address):- 联系电话 (Contact Number):- 机构网址 (n Website):法律声明 (Legal Disclaimer)本翻译模板仅供参考,对于其中的错误或失误概不负责。





文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结报告、合同协议、应急预案、规章制度、条据文书、心得体会、文案大全、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as summary reports, contract agreements, emergency plans, rules and regulations, documentary evidence, insights, copywriting guides, teaching materials, essay guides, and other sample essays. If you would like to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!文言文答谢中书书翻译文言文答谢中书书翻译在日常过程学习中,大家一定没少背过文言文吧?现在我们一般将古文称为文言文。



全球道德准则状态: 2017年1月(中文翻译本仅供参考)全球道德准则目录I.前言 (4)对员工的期望 (4)对高级管理人员的期望 (4)对与第三方合作时的期望 (5)应用 (5)II.内部关系 (5)1.员工 (5)1.1企业文化 (5)1.2竞争能力 (5)1.3不平等待遇及歧视 (5)1.4人际关系 (6)1.5工作环境 (6)1.6遵守规章制度 (6)1.7工作时间及最低薪酬 (6)2.公司 (6)2.1企业财产 (6)2.2系统数据安全 (7)2.3保密 (7)2.4利益冲突 (7)III.外部关系 (7)1.总则 (7)1.1与第三方的关系 (7)1.2遵守法律、法规及文化特征 (7)1.3代表公司 (8)1.4环境保护 (8)1.5反腐败 (8)a)礼品 (8)b)招待 (8)c)差旅费 (8)d)经济利益 (9)e)捐赠 (9)1.6洗钱 (9)1.7酒精和药物 (9)2.特殊规定 (9)2.1客户 (9)2.2供应商 (9)2.3竞争对手 (9)2.4执法机关 (9)IV.遵守全球道德准则 (10)1.范围 (10)2.执行 (10)3.违规 (10)4.持续改进 (10)全球道德准则I. 前言一百五十多年来,赫伯罗特股份公司(即“赫伯罗特”或“公司”)一直是全球领先的班轮货运服务商。


























餐桌礼仪的中英文翻译1When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove it against the back of her legs.为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。


2If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and served.如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。


3All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。

4Don't snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it's an Olympic flag.不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。

5If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glassupside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place yourfingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。



國際商業公司編號:«IBC_no»塞舌爾共和國《一九九四年國際商業公司法》«Company_Name»«Chinese_Name»之公司章程與細則«Incorp_Date_in_Chinese»註冊成立於塞舌爾共和國註冊成立註冊代理人:Offshore Incorporations (Seychelles) Limited 地址:P.O. Box 1239, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles本文档为塞舌尔公司章程的英文版与中文版(合计53页),仅供大家参考,若涉及到企业管理与法律问题,请咨询我们或专业的律师。



I.B.C. No. «IBC_no»REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLESTHE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLESOF ASSOCIATIONOF«Company_Name»«Chinese_Name»Incorporated on the «Incorp_Date»INCORPORATED IN REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLESRegistered Agent: Offshore Incorporations (Seychelles) LimitedP.O. Box 1239, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of SeychellesREPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLESTHE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOF«Company_Name»«Chinese_Name»(“The Company”)NAME1.The name of the Company is «Company_Name»«Chinese_Name».REGISTERED OFFICE2.The registered office of the Company will be located at the offices of Offshore Incorporations (Seychelles)Limited, P.O. Box 1239, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles.REGISTERED AGENT3.The registered agent of the Company will be Offshore Incorporations (Seychelles) Limited of P.O. Box 1239,Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles.GENERAL OBJECTS AND POWERS4.The Objects for which the Company is established are to engage in any act or activity that is not prohibitedunder any law for the time being in force in Republic of Seychelles including but not limited to:(1)To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, goodwill, assetsand liabilities of any person, firm or company; to acquire an interest in, amalgamate with or enter intopartnership, joint venture or profit-sharing arrangements with any person, firm or company; topromote, sponsor, establish, constitute, form, participate in, organise, manage, supervise and controlany corporation, company, syndicate, fund, trust, business or institution.(2)To import, export, buy, sell (wholesale and retail), exchange, barter, let on hire, distribute andotherwise deal in and turn to account goods, materials, commodities, produce and merchandisegenerally in their prepared, manufactured, semi-manufactured and raw state.(3)To purchase or otherwise acquire and hold, in any manner and upon any terms, and to underwrite,invest and deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, annuities and foreign exchange, foreigncurrency deposits and commodities and enter into any interest rate exchange contracts, currencyexchange contracts, forward contracts, futures contracts, options and other derivatives or financialinstruments or products, whether or not entered into or acquired for the purpose of hedging against orminimising any loss concerning the assets and business of the Company, and from time to time to varyany of the same, and to exercise and enforce all rights and powers incidental to the Company's interesttherein, and to carry on business as an investment trust, except a fund required to register under theMutual Funds Act 1997 (as amended), and to invest or deal with the monies of the Company notimmediately required for its operations in such manner as the Company may think fit.(4)To enter into, carry on and participate in financial transactions and operations of all kinds.(5)To manufacture, construct, assemble, design, repair, refine, develop, alter, convert, refit, prepare, treat,render marketable, process and otherwise produce materials, fuels, chemicals, substances andindustrial, commercial and consumer products of all kinds.(6)To apply for, register, purchase or otherwise acquire and protect, prolong, and renew, in any part of theworld, any intellectual and industrial property and technology of whatsoever kind or nature andlicences, protections and concessions therefor, and to use, turn to account, develop, manufacture,experiment upon, test, improve and licence the same.(7)To purchase or otherwise acquire and to hold, own, licence, maintain, work, exploit, farm, cultivate,use, develop, improve, sell, let, surrender, exchange, hire, convey or otherwise deal in lands, mines,natural resources, and mineral, timber and water rights, wheresoever situate, and any interest, estateand rights in any real, personal or mixed property and any franchises, rights, licences or privileges, andto collect, manage, invest, reinvest, adjust, and in any manner to dispose of the income, profits, andinterest arising therefrom.(8)To improve, manage, develop, sell, let, exchange, invest, reinvest, settle, grant licences, easements,options, servitudes and other rights over, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the Company'sproperty, undertaking and assets (present and future) including uncalled capital, and any of theCompany's rights, interests and privileges.(9)To acquire, sell, own, lease, let out on hire, administer, manage, control, operate, construct, repair,alter, equip, furnish, fit out, decorate, improve and otherwise undertake and deal in engineering andconstruction works, buildings, projects, offices and structures of all kinds.(10)To carry on business as consulting engineers in all fields including without limitation civil,mechanical, chemical, structural, marine, mining, industrial, aeronautical, electronic and electricalengineering, and to provide architectural, design and other consultancy services of all kinds.(11)To purchase or otherwise acquire, take in exchange, charter, hire, build, construct, own, work, manage,operate and otherwise deal with any ship, boat, barge or other waterborne vessel, hovercraft, balloon,aircraft, helicopter or other flying machine, coach, wagon, carriage (however powered) or othervehicle, or any share or interest therein.(12)To establish, maintain, and operate sea, air, inland waterway and land transport enterprises (public andprivate) and all ancillary services.(13)To carry on the business of advisers, consultants, researchers, analysts and brokers of whatsoever kindor nature in all branches of trade, commerce, industry and finance.(14)To provide or procure the provision of every and any service or facility required by any person, firm orcompany.(15)To provide agency, corporate, office and business services to any person, firm or company, and to actas nominee or custodian of any kind and to act as directors, accountants, secretaries and registrars ofcompanies incorporated by law or societies or organisations whether incorporated or not and to act astrustee under deeds of trust and settlement and as executor of wills and to receive assets into custody onbehalf of clients and to manage, administer and invest such assets in accordance with any deed of trustor settlement, will or other instruments pursuant to which such assets are held.(16)To carry on all or any of the businesses of shippers and ship owners, ship and boat builders, charterers,shipping and forwarding agents, ship managers, wharfingers, lightermen, stevedores, packers, storers,fishermen and trawlers.(17)To carry on all or any of the businesses of hoteliers and restaurateurs and sponsors, managers andlicencees of all kinds of sporting, competitive, social and leisure activities and of clubs, associationsand social gatherings of all kinds and purposes.(18)To carry on business as auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, surveyors, land and estate agents.(19)To carry on business as farmers, graziers, dealers in and breeders of livestock, horticulturists andmarket gardeners.(20)To carry on all or any of the businesses of printers, publishers, designers, draughtsmen, journalists,press and literary agents, tourist and travel agents, advertisers, advertising and marketing agents andcontractors, personal and promotional representatives, artists, sculptors, decorators, illustrators,photographers, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents and display specialists.(21)To establish and carry on institutions of education, instruction or research and to provide for the givingand holding of lectures, scholarships, awards, exhibitions, classes and meetings for the promotion andadvancement of education or the dissemination of knowledge generally.(22)To carry on business as jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths and bullion dealers and to import, export,buy, sell and deal in (wholesale and retail) jewellery, gold, silver and bullion, gold and silver plate,articles of value, objects of art and such other articles and goods as the Company thinks fit, and toestablish factories for culturing, processing and manufacturing goods for the above business.(23)To design, invent, develop, modify, adapt, alter, improve and apply any object, article, device,appliance, utensil or product for any use or purpose whatsoever.(24)To develop, acquire, store, licence, apply, assign, exploit all and any forms of computer and otherelectronic software, programs and applications and information, databases and reference material andcomputer, digital and other electronic recording, retrieval, processing and storage media of whatsoeverkind and nature.(25)To engage in the provision or processing of communications and telecommunications services,information retrieval and delivery, electronic message, electronic commerce, internet and databaseservices.(26)To enter into any commercial or other arrangements with any government, authority, corporation,company or person and to obtain or enter into any legislation, orders, charters, contracts, decrees,rights, privileges, licences, franchises, permits and concessions for any purpose and to carry out,exercise and comply with the same and to make, execute, enter into, commence, carry on, prosecuteand defend all steps, contracts, agreements, negotiations, legal and other proceedings, compromises,arrangements, and schemes and to do all other acts, matters and things which shall at any time appearconducive or expedient for the advantage or protection of the Company.(27)To take out insurance in respect of any and all insurable risks which may affect the Company or anyother company or person and to effect insurance (and to pay the premiums therefor) in respect of thelife of any person and to effect re-insurance and counter-insurance, but no business amounting to fire,life or marine insurance business may be undertaken.(28)To lend and advance money and grant and provide credit and financial or other accommodation to anyperson, firm or company.(29)To borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and in particular by the issue(whether at par or at a premium or discount and for such consideration as the Company may think fit)of bonds, debentures or debenture stock, mortgages or charges, perpetual or otherwise, and if theCompany thinks fit charged upon all or any of the Company's property (both present and future) andundertaking including its uncalled capital and further, if so thought fit, convertible into any stock orshares of the Company or any other company, and collaterally or further to secure any obligations ofthe Company by a trust deed or other assurance.(30)To guarantee or otherwise support or secure, either with or without the Company receiving anyconsideration or advantage and whether by personal covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or partof the undertaking, property, assets and rights (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Companyor by both such methods or by any other means whatsoever, the liabilities and obligations of and thepayment of any moneys whatsoever (including but not limited to capital, principal, premiums, interest,dividends, costs and expenses on any stocks, shares or securities) by any person, firm or companywhatsoever including but not limited to any company which is for the time being the holding companyor a subsidiary of the Company or of the Company's holding company or is otherwise associated withthe Company in its business, and to act as agents for the collection, receipt or payment of money, and toenter into any contract of indemnity or suretyship (but not in respect of fire, life and marine insurancebusiness).(31)To draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate, discount, execute, issue, purchase or otherwise acquire,exchange, surrender, convert, make advances upon, hold, charge, sell and otherwise deal in bills ofexchange, cheques, promissory notes, and other negotiable instruments and bills of lading, warrants,and other instruments relating to goods.(32)To give any remuneration or other compensation or reward (in cash or securities or in any other mannerthe Directors may think fit) to any person for services rendered or to be rendered in the conduct orcourse of the Company's business or in placing or procuring subscriptions of or otherwise assisting inthe issue of any securities of the Company or any other company formed or promoted by the Companyor in which the Company may be interested in or about the formation or promotion of the Company orany other company as aforesaid.(33)To grant or procure pensions, allowances, gratuities and other payments and benefits of whatsoevernature to or for any person and to make payments towards insurances or other arrangements likely tobenefit any person or advance the interests of the Company or of its Members, and to subscribe,guarantee or pay money for any purpose likely, directly or indirectly, to further the interests of theCompany or of its Members or for any national, charitable, benevolent, educational, social, public,general or useful object.(34)To pay all expenses preliminary or incidental to the formation and promotion of the Company or anyother company and the conduct of the business of the Company or any other company.(35)To procure the Company to be registered or recognised in any territory.(36)To cease carrying on and wind up any business or activity of the Company, and to cancel anyregistration of and to wind up and procure the dissolution of the Company in any territory.(37)To distribute any part of the undertaking, property and assets of the Company among its creditors andMembers in specie or in kind but so that no distribution amounting to a reduction of capital may bemade without the sanction (if any) for the time being required by law.(38)To appoint agents, experts and attorneys to do any and all of the above matters and things on behalf ofthe Company or any thing or matter for which the Company acts as agent or is in any other waywhatsoever interested or concerned in any part of the world.(39)To do all and any of the above matters or things in any part of the world and either as principal, agent,contractor, trustee, or otherwise and by or through trustees, agents or otherwise and either alone or inconjunction with others, and generally upon such terms and in such manner and for such considerationand security (if any) as the Company shall think fit including the issue and allotment of securities of theCompany in payment or part payment for any property acquired by the Company or any servicesrendered to the Company or as security for any obligation or amount (even if less than the nominalamount of such securities) or for any other purpose.(40)To carry on any other business or activity and do any act or thing which in the opinion of the Companyis or may be capable of being conveniently carried on or done in connection with any of the above, orlikely directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render more profitable all or any part of theCompany's property or assets or otherwise to advance the interests of the Company or its Members.(41)To have all such powers as are permitted by law for the time being in force in Republic of Seychelles,irrespective of corporate benefit, to perform all acts and engage in all activities necessary, conducive orincidental to the conduct, promotion or attainment of the above objects of the Company or any of them.And it is hereby declared that the intention is that each of the objects specified in each paragraph of this clause shall, except where otherwise expressed in such paragraph, be an independent main object and be in nowise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph or the name of the Company.5.EXCLUSIONS(i)The Company may not(a)carry on business in Republic of Seychelles;(b)own an interest in immovable property situate in Republic of Seychelles or a lease of immovableproperty situate in Republic of Seychelles, other than a lease referred to in paragraph 5(ii)(e) ofsubclause 5(ii);(c)carry on banking business, unless it is licenced to do so under the Financial Institutions Act;(d)carry on any trust business, unless it is permitted to do so under the International Trust Act;(e)carry on business as an insurance or re-insurance company;(f)carry on the business of providing the registered office or the registered agent for companiesincorporated in Republic of Seychelles.(ii)For purposes of paragraph 5(i)(a) of subclause 5(i), the Company shall not be treated as carrying on business in Republic of Seychelles if(a)it makes or maintains deposits with a person carrying on business within Republic of Seychelles;(b)it makes or maintains professional contact with solicitors, barristers, accountants, bookkeepers,trust companies, administration companies, investment advisers or other similar personscarrying on business within Republic of Seychelles;(c)it prepares or maintains books and records within Republic of Seychelles;(d)it holds, within Republic of Seychelles, meetings of its directors or members;(e)it holds a lease of property for use as an office from which to communicate with members orwhere books and records of the Company are prepared or maintained;(f)it holds shares, debt obligations or other securities in a company incorporated under theInternational Business Companies Act or under the Companies Act;(g)shares, debt obligations or other securities in the Company are owned by any person resident inRepublic of Seychelles or by any company incorporated under the International BusinessCompanies Act or under the Companies Act;(h)it holds bonds, treasury bills and other securities issued by the Government of Republic ofSeychelles or the Central Bank of Republic of Seychelles; or(i)it owns or manages a vessel registered in the Republic under the Merchant Shipping Act, or anaircraft, so registered under the Civil Aviation Act, 1949 (Overseas Territories) Order 1969.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY6.The liability of members of the Company is limited.CURRENCY7.Shares in the Company shall be issued in the currency of the United States of America.AUTHORISED CAPITAL8.The authorised capital of the Company is US$1,000,000.00.CLASSES, NUMBER AND PAR V ALUE OF SHARES9.The authorised capital is made up of one class and one series of shares divided into 1,000,000 shares ofUS$1.00 par value.DESIGNATIONS, POWERS, PREFERENCES, ETC. OF SHARES10.All shares shall(a)have one vote each;(b)be subject to redemption, purchase or acquisition by the Company for fair value; and(c)have the same rights with regard to dividends and distributions upon liquidation of the Company.V ARIATION OF CLASS RIGHTS11.If at any time the authorised capital is divided into different classes or series of shares, the rights attached toany class or series (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class or series) may, whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of that class or series and of the holders of not less than three-fourths of the issued shares of any other class or series of shares which may be affected by such variation.RIGHTS NOT V ARIED BY THE ISSUE OF SHARES PARI PASSU12.The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not,unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith.REGISTERED SHARES13.Shares in the Company may only be issued as registered shares and may not be exchanged for bearer shares.The company is prohibited from issuing bearer shares.TRANSFER OF REGISTERED SHARES14.Subject to the provisions relating to the transfer of shares set forth in the Articles of Association annexedhereto (the “Articles of Association”), registered shares in the Company may be transferred subject to the prior or subsequent approval of the Company as evidenced by a resolution of directors or by a resolution of members.SHARE WARRANTS15.The Company shall not have power to issue share warrants to bearer.AMENDMENT OF MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION16.The Company may amend its Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association by a resolution ofmembers or by a resolution of directors except that the Company may not amend clauses 13 and/or 15 of this Memorandum and may not adopt any other change to this Memorandum or Articles of Association of the Company that would permit the issuance of bearer shares by the Company.DEFINITIONS17.The meanings of words in this Memorandum of Association are as defined in the Articles of Association.We, OFFSHORE INCORPORATIONS (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED, of P.O. Box 1239, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles for the purpose of incorporating an International Business Company under the laws of the Republic of Seychelles hereby subscribe our name to this Memorandum of Association the «Witness».SUBSCRIBER OFFSHORE INCORPORATIONS (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED___________________________________________________(Sd.) Jean-Marc LABLACHEAuthorised Signatoryin the presence of: WITNESS ___________________________________________________(Sd.) Sandrine RASSOOLP.O. Box 1239,Offshore Incorporations Centre,Victoria, Mahé,Republic of SeychellesOccupation: Corporate OfficerREPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLESTHE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONOF«Company_Name»«Chinese_Name»(“The Company”)PRELIMINARY1.In these Articles, if not inconsistent with the subject or context, the words and expressions standing in thefirst column of the following table shall bear the meanings set opposite them respectively in the second column thereof.Words Meaning“capital” The sum of the aggregate par value of all outstanding shares with par value of theCompany and shares with par value held by the Company as treasury shares plus(a)the aggregate of the amounts designated as capital of all outstanding shareswithout par value of the Company and shares without par value held by theCompany as treasury shares, and(b)the amounts as are from time to time transferred from surplus to capital by aresolution of directors.“member” A person who holds shares in the Company.“person” An individual, a corporation, a trust, the estate of a deceased individual, apartnership or an unincorporated association of persons.“resolutionofdirectors” (a) A resolution approved at a duly convened and constituted meeting of directorsof the Company or of a committee of directors of the Company by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the directors present at the meeting who voted and did not abstain; or(b) A resolution consented to in writing by a majority of the directors or amajority of the members of a committee of directors, unless there are only two directors or two members of a committee of directors in which case both directors or both members of the committee of directors must consent; except that where a director is given more than one vote, he shall be counted by the number of votes he casts for the purpose of establishing a majority.“resolutionofmembers” (a) A resolution approved at a duly convened and constituted meeting of themembers of the Company by the affirmative vote of(i) a simple majority of the votes of the shares entitled to vote thereonwhich were present at the meeting and were voted and not abstained, or(ii) a simple majority of the votes of each class or series of shares whichwere present at the meeting and entitled to vote thereon as a class orseries and were voted and not abstained and of a simple majority of thevotes of the remaining shares entitled to vote thereon which werepresent at the meeting and were voted and not abstained; or(b) a resolution consented to in writing by(i) an absolute majority of the votes of shares entitled to vote thereon, or(ii) an absolute majority of the votes of each class or series of sharesentitled to vote thereon as a class or series and of an absolute majority ofthe votes of the remaining shares entitled to vote thereon.“securities” Shares and debt obligations of every kind, and options, warrants and rights toacquire shares, or debt obligations.“surplus” The excess, if any, at the time of the determination of the total assets of theCompany over the aggregate of its total liabilities, as shown in its books of account,plus the Company’s capital.“the Act” The International Business Companies Act, 1994 including any modification,extension, re-enactment or renewal thereof and any regulations made thereunder.“the Memorandum”The Memorandum of Association of the Company as originally framed or as fromtime to time amended.“the Seal” Any Seal which has been duly adopted as the Seal of the Company.Articles” The Articles of Association as originally framed or as from time to time amended. “these“treasury shares” Shares in the Company that were previously issued but were repurchased, redeemedor otherwise acquired by the Company and not cancelled.2.“Written” or any term of like import includes words typewritten, printed, painted, engraved, lithographed,photographed or represented or reproduced by any mode of reproducing words in a visible form, including telex, facsimile, telegram, cable, electronic message or other form of writing produced by electronic communication.3.Save as aforesaid any words or expressions defined in the Act shall bear the same meaning in theseArticles.4.Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine or neuter gender is used in theseArticles, it shall equally, where the context admits, include the others.5. A reference in these Articles to voting in relation to shares shall be construed as a reference to voting bymembers holding the shares except that it is the votes allocated to the shares that shall be counted and not the number of members who actually voted and a reference to shares being present at a meeting shall be given a corresponding construction.6. A reference to money in these Articles is, unless otherwise stated, a reference to the currency in whichshares in the Company shall be issued according to the provisions of the Memorandum.。

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)IMAGINE CUP 2011 競賽活動準則詳細內容目錄一般條件競賽說明參加截止日以及其他重要日期參賽資格參賽資格的確認參賽資格的變更團隊及個人競賽參賽作品數目的限制參賽作品的一般標準得獎條件旅費贊助獎項的條件得獎者名單得獎者義務參賽作品的使用責任限制如果有不可預期之情事發生時導致競賽無法進行時主辦單位注意:當地軟體設計競賽應適用當地國家/區域特定法令。


一般條件本活動準則為規範Imagine Cup 2011 競賽活動以及挑戰(以下簡稱「競賽」)之正式規定。

在本準則中(i)「主辦單位」、「我們」均意指美商微軟公司(Microsoft Corporation)(本競賽活動的主辦單位);(ii) 「贊助單位」是指在本競賽活動的官方網站內「贊助單位」欄下所列贊助本活動或對本活動作出貢獻之公司或組織單位;以及(iii)「您」以及「您自己」均指符合資格之參賽者。


您參加此競賽活動,即表示您同意(i)將遵守本活動準則之規定;(ii) 本競賽活動的準據法為美國華盛頓州法律,且您同意就本競賽活動所產生之任何爭議,美國華盛頓州的法院具有專屬的管轄權;以及(iii) 美商微軟公司之隱私權政策將適用於本競賽活動以及所有我們自您處所收到之一切資訊,包括您所交付之參賽作品及補充資料。




競賽說明Imagine Cup 為世界級的學生科技競賽盛事。



本競賽活動開放給全世界的學生,由各當地、區域以及線上競賽開始,活動期間長達一年,並且徵求具創新性的參賽作品來展現本競賽活動的主題-- 利用科技來解決社會難題(Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems). 各地獲勝者將繼續參與每年在不同國家舉辦的全球總決賽( Worldwide Finals)。


Imagine Cup 2011的各項競賽均為本活動的一部分,並且均受本活動準則的規範。




報名登記競賽的報名登記自2010年7月9日12:01 A.M (格林威治時間,GMT) 開始。




全球總決賽(Worldwide Finals)本競賽活的全球總決賽預計於2011年7月間於美國紐約市舉行。





如您是美商微軟公司的校園代表( Microsoft campus representative),例如:微軟學生大使(a Microsoft Student Partner) ,且您符合上述資格時,您可以參加競賽,但不得利用任何美商微軟公司的財產或資源(包括但不限於:微軟網路、硬體工具以及技術資源,且/或任何微軟員工的顧問),來創作或實施參賽作品。
















































