




第一条技术转让内容1. 技术名称:[具体技术名称]。

2. 技术内容:包括但不限于技术原理、工艺流程、技术标准、质量控制方法、操作手册等。

3. 技术范围:详细描述技术的适用范围及使用限制。

第二条转让方式及范围1. 转让方式:甲方将技术转让给乙方,乙方支付相应的技术转让费用。

2. 转让范围:仅限于本合同约定的范围,乙方不得将技术用于其他未经甲方许可的用途。

第三条技术资料及转让价格1. 甲方应提供的技术资料包括但不限于:[具体资料清单]。

2. 转让价格:人民币[金额]元整。


第四条技术实施与许可使用期限1. 乙方应在甲方指导下进行技术实施,确保技术正确应用。

2. 许可使用期限:自本合同生效之日起至[具体年限]年。


第五条转让费用支付1. 乙方应按照以下方式支付技术转让费用:a) 首期款项:合同签订后[时间]内支付[金额];b) 二期款项:技术资料交付完成后[时间]内支付[金额];c) 其他条款约定的相关款项。

2. 支付方式:[支付方式](如银行转账等)。

3. 支付地点:[支付地点]。

第六条双方的权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:a) 保证技术的真实性、合法性;b) 提供必要的技术指导和培训;c) 保守技术秘密。

2. 乙方的权利与义务:a) 按约定支付技术转让费用;b) 合法、合规使用技术;c) 对技术进行改进或创新时,应告知甲方并分享成果。



国际技术转让合同样本(通用版)Sample of international technology transfer contract (general v ersion)甲方:___________________________乙方:___________________________签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日合同编号:XX-2020-01国际技术转让合同样本(通用版)前言:技术合同是当事人就技术开发、转让、咨询或者服务订立的确立相互之间权利和义务的合同。





第一章合同内容1.1 乙方同意向甲方提供制造____合同产品的书面及非书面专有技术。


1.3 乙方负责安排甲方技术人员在乙方工厂进行培训,乙方应采取有效措施使甲方人员掌握制造合同产品的技术,具体内容见本合同附件三(略)。

1.4 乙方派称职的技术人员赴甲方合同工厂进行技术服务。

具体要求详见本合同附件四(略)1.5 乙方同意在甲方需要时,以最优惠的价格向甲方提供合同产品的备件。


1.6 乙方有责任对本合同项目甲方需要的关键设备提供有关咨询。

1.7 乙方应向甲方提供合同产品的样机、铸件和备件,具体内容详见本合同附件五(略)。

1.8 甲方销售合同产品和使用乙方商标的规定,见本合同第八章。

第二章定义2.1 “合同产品”指本合同附件一中所列的全部产品。

2.2 “蓝图”指乙方制造合同产品目前所使用的总图、制造图样、材料规范及零件目录等的复制件。





一、技术转让范围1.1 甲方将本合同附件中详细描述的技术和专利授予乙方使用,包括但不限于产品设计、生产工艺、质量管理、营销策略等方面的技术。

1.2 甲方保证已拥有上述技术的合法所有权,并有权将其授权给乙方使用,不会因此侵犯第三方的合法权益。

二、技术转让方式2.1 甲方应在签订本合同后的30天内,向乙方提供详细的技术转让方案和相关培训,确保乙方能够顺利掌握技术。

2.2 甲方应在乙方生产过程中提供必要的技术支持和指导,确保产品质量和技术标准符合约定要求。

2.3 乙方应根据技术转让方案,按时组织相关人员参加培训和学习,保证技术的有效传承和应用。

三、技术转让费用3.1 乙方应向甲方支付一定的技术转让费用,费用的具体数额和支付方式由双方协商确定。

3.2 技术转让费用包括一次性支付和年度授权费用,乙方应按时足额支付,否则甲方有权解除合同并追究法律责任。

3.3 若因乙方过错导致技术转让无法正常进行或产品质量问题严重影响双方合作,甲方有权要求乙方支付违约金。

四、技术保密条款4.1 双方应对本合同涉及的技术信息和商业机密予以严格保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露或泄露。

4.2 鉴于技术转让涉及的技术内容极为重要,如有泄密行为,对泄漏方将给对方造成不可弥补的损失,双方同意在法律允许的范围内追究泄密者的法律责任。

五、技术转让期限5.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年,有效期届满后,双方如有继续合作意向,应另行洽谈技术转让合同。



国际技术转让合同协议书中英文对照集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)国际技术转让合同合同目录(Contents)第一章??? ????定义(Definition)第二章??? ????合同范围(Object of the Contract)第三章??? ????合同价格? (Contract? Price)第四章??? ????支付条件?? (Terms of Payment)第五章??? ????技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation???? and????????? Software)第六章??? ????技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training)第七章??? ????合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products)第八章??? ????保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims)第九章??? ????侵权和保密 (Infringements and Confidentiality)第十章??? ????税费 (Taxes and Duties)第十一章????????????? 履约保函 (Performance Bond)第十二章????????????? 不可抗力 (force Majeure)第十三章????????????? 争议的解决 (settlement of Disputes)第十四章????????????? 合同生效及其他 (Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous)第十五章????????????? 法定地址(Legal Addresses)签字日期:? _______年_______月_______日签字地点:? ____________________________合同号:??? __________________________________根据世界银行第_______号贷款项下第_______号招标,中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司(以下简称“引进方”)为一方,德国_______公司(以下简称“让与方”)为另一方;鉴于让与人拥有设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修、管理及销售铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路_______产品的专有制造技术;鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和出口铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴定的另一合同规定的设备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路_______产品的制造;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴另一合同规定的一定数量的不见和零件以用于组装和制造铁路_______产品;双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同:第一章?????????????? 定义1.1? “引进方”是指中国____________________________公司。



国际技术转让合同通用版范文6篇全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1国际技术转让合同通用版范文国际技术转让合同合同编号:甲方:(甲方名称、地址、法定代表人)乙方:(乙方名称、地址、法定代表人)根据《中华人民共和国技术进口和出口管理条例》的有关规定,经双方友好协商,就乙方向甲方购买技术转让的事宜,达成如下协议:第一条技术转让内容1.1 甲方同意向乙方转让技术名称、技术规格和技术要求等有关技术资料。

1.2 甲方应按照双方约定的技术转让进度和要求,向乙方供应技术服务。

第二条技术转让费用2.1 乙方应向甲方支付技术转让费用,总额为(具体金额)(大写)。

2.2 技术转让费用应当按照约定的方式和时间支付,且一次性支付完成。

第三条技术文件3.1 甲方应向乙方提供完整的技术文件,包括但不限于技术手册、图纸、电路图等。

3.2 乙方应对甲方提供的技术文件进行保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。

第四条技术服务4.1 甲方应向乙方提供技术转让所需的服务,包括但不限于技术培训、技术指导等。

4.2 技术服务期限为(具体时间)。

第五条技术保证5.1 甲方保证其向乙方转让的技术文件准确、完整、有效。

5.2 在技术服务期限内,甲方应对乙方在技术转让过程中遇到的问题进行解答和指导。










编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载国际技术转让合同范本中英文版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation , Beijing PRC(hereinafter referred to as the“Licensee ”)on the one hand, and Company Germany (hereinafterreferred to as the " Licensor ”)on the other hand ,Whereasthe Licensor has the technical know- how for design , manufacture ,assembly , installation , test , inspection , adjustment , operation ,maintenance , management and sale of Railway as required byLicensee;Whereas the Licensor has the right and agrees to transfer the above- mentioned technical know — how to the Licensee for the manufacture ofRailway product; Whereas the Licensor agrees to supply to the Licensee and the Licenseeagrees to obtain from the Licensor a certain amount of parts and componentsfor the assembling and manufacturing of the Railway product underother contract.The authorized representatives of both partiesnegotiations , have agreed to enter into the Contract Railway product;Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor 's technicalknow-howfor design , manufacture , maintenance ,sale and export of the Railway product; Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor 's technical know-howfor design , manufacture , maintenance ,sale and export of the,through friendlyunder the terms and conditions as stipulated below;ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS1.1 “The Licensee ” means International Tendering Companyof China National Technical Import and Export Corporation , Beijing , P.R.C.1.2 “The Licensor” means Company Germany.1.3 “The Contract ” means the agreement entered between the Licensee and the Licensor , as recorded in the Contract signed by both parties including all annexes , attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.1.4 “The contract Price ” means the price payable to the Licensor by the Licensee under the Contract for the full and proper performanceof its contractual obligations.1.5 “The Contract Products " means all the products with the models and specifications and performances which are manufactured by the technology transferred by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated inAnnex 2 to the Contract.1.6 “The Contract Factory ” means the place where the Licensee manufactures the Contract Products by using the Technology supplied by the Licensor , That is Beijing factory.1.7 “The Technical Documentation and Software " means all the documents to be supplied to the Licensee by the Licensor as stipulated in Annex III of the Contract , It consists of the followings:A. All the technical indices , drawings , design , technical documents and softwarerelating to the design , manufacture , calculation , assembly, installation , test , managements inspection , adjustment , operation , maintenance , acceptance test and sale of the Contract Products;B. All the technical indices , drawings , design , technical documents and software relating to the inspection , installation. Commissioning , testing , acceptance , operation and maintenance of the Contract Equipment;C. All the technical indices , drawings , technical documents andsoftware relating to the inspection , testing , adjustment , assembly and maintenance of the SKD/CKD Parts.1.8 “The Technical Service ” means the technical assistance , supervision , instruction , training and other services under the contract to be rendered by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex VI _ and Annex VII to the Contract. 1.9 “SINOTRANS means China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation , which is the appointed agent of the Licensee for receiptof the Technical Documentation and Software , the Contract Equipment and the Parts at the ports of destination:A. XX seaport:B. XX Airport:SINOTRANS,1.10 “PRC means the People ' s Republic of China.1.11 “ FRG means Federal Republic of Germany1.12 “The World Bank” means the International Bank for reconstruction andDevelopment (I.B.R.D.) and International Development Association.ARTICLE 2 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT2.1 The licensor has agreed to transfer to the Licensee and the Licensee has agreed to obtain from the Licensor the technical know-how for thedesign , manufacture , assembly , installation , test , inspection , adjustment , operation and maintenance and management of the Contract Products. The name model , specifications and technical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Annex _II_ to the Contract.2.2 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to design , manufacture , use , sell in PRCthe Contract Products and export the Contract Products. The license and right are non-exclusive and non-transferable.2.3 The Licensor has agreed to provide the licensee with the Technical Documentation and Software related to the Contract Products. Thecontents , copies and time of delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software are detailed in Annex V and AnnexVI to the Contract.2.4 The Licensor has agreed to dispatch his technical personnel to the Contract Factory , for Technical Services. The specific contents and requirements for the Technical Services are detailed in Annex IX to the Contract.2.5 The Licensor has agreed to give the Licensee ' s personnel technical training in Licensor ' s factories and at the Contract factory , to ensure that the Licensee ' s technical personnel; shall master the above technical know - know transferred to the Licensee. The specific contents and requirements of technical training are detailed inAnnex X to theContract.2.6 The Licensor has agreed , upon the request of the Licensee for aperiod of 10 (ten) years after the date of validity of the Contract , to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with the parts , components raw materials and accessories which are necessary for manufacturing the contract Products under a separate contract to be signed in due time.2.7 The Licensor has agreed , upon the request of the Licensee for a period of 10 (ten) years after the date of validity of the Contract , to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with equipment andsoftware which are made or developed by the Licensor and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract software which are made or developed by the third party and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract Products.2.8 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to use , on the contract Products manufactured by the contract Factory , the word “ Made in China under license of “followed by Name of the Licensor , at the option of the Licensee , provided the Contract Products can meet the technical and quality requirement as specified in Annex II of the Contract.ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT PRICE3.1 The total Contract price , which is based on the contents and scope stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract and the Licensor ' s fulfillmentof his obligations under the Contract , shall be DEM (SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) details as follows:3.1.1 Price for Technical Know-how:DEM(SAY: DEUTSCMARK ONLY). The breakdown prices of the technical know-how are as follows:A. Technology transfer fee is:B. Technical documentation and software fee (CIP Beijing Port) is DEM(SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).C. Personnel training fee is DEMfSAY: DEUTSCMARKONLY).D. Technical service fee is DEM (SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).3.2 The above-mentioned total Contract Price shall be firm and fixedprice for the Licensor ' s obligation under the contract including all expenses incurred for delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software CIF Beijing Airport , China. ARTICLE 4 TERMS OF PAYMENT4.1 All the payment stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in DEUTSCH MARK (DEM) through an irrevocable letter of credit partialshipment allowed under the I.B.R.D. Loan No. for the price for the Technical Know-how obtained from the World Bank opened in favor of the Licensor.4.2 The Licensee shall within thirty (30) working days aftereffectiveness of the Contract , open an irrevocable letter of credit bythe Bank of China , Beijing in favor of the Licensor , in a bank in his country nominated by the Licensor and accepted by the Licensor , for and amount equivalent to the total Contract price , the letter of credit shall permit payments as stipulated in Article Payment for the Price for the Technical Know-how4.3.1 10% (ten percent) of the total price for the technical know-howunder Article 3 , namely DEM (SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shallbe paid after the Licensor has presented the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract.A. One Photostat copy of valid export license issued by the relevantauthorities of the Licensor ' s of Licensor ' s subcontractor ' s country , or one copy of the letter issued by the relevant authority of the Licensor ' s country starting that the valid export license is not required.B. One original and one copy of the irrevocable letter of guaranteeissued by the Licensor ' s Bank for a sum of 10%of the total price of forthe technical know- how in favor of the Licensee , The specimen of theletter of guarantee is detailed in Annex XII to the contract.C. Four copies of the proformal invoice covering the total price forthe technical know-howD. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China , Beijing.E. Four copies of commercial invoice.The above- mentioned documents shall be presented not earlier than 30days after effectiveness of the Contract.4.3.2 25% (twenty five percent) of the total price for the technicalknow-how under Article 3, namely DEM(SAY:DEUTSCHARQNLY) shall be paid afterthe Licensor has delivered the first batch of thetechnical Documentation/ Software as stipulated in Annex VI to the Cntract and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract:A. Five copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China , Beijing.C. Five copies of the airway bill for the first batch of the technicalDocumentation and/or software.D. Five copies of the packing list for the first batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software.E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered to the Licensee the first batch of TechnicalDocumentation and/or Software as stipulated in Annex and Annex4.3.3 50%(fifty percent) of the total price for the technical know-howunder Article 3 , namely DEM (SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shallbe paid after the Licensor has delivered the last batch of the Technical Documentation/Software as stipulated in Annex to the Contract andagainst presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the contract:A. Four copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China ,Beijing.C. Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the technical Documentation and/or Software.D. Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software.E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that theLicensor has delivered to the Licensee all Technical Documentations as stipulated in Annex ______________4.3.4 15%(fifty percent) of the total price for the technical know-howunder Article 3 , namely DEM (SAY:DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after acceptance of the Contract Products by the Licensee and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract:A. Four copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China , Beijing.C. Two copies of the Acceptance Certificate for the Contract Products signed by the both Parties.4.4 The License shall have the right to deduct from the performance Bond or relevant payment under negotiation the penalties in form of liquidate damages which Licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulationsof the Contract.4.5 The banking charges incurred in the P.R.C. shall be borne by the Licensee and those incurred outside the P.R.C. shall be borne by theLicensor. The Licensor shall bear all interest charge in case they occur in the negotiation of the payment , unless these interest charges have been occurred by reasons of default by the Licensee.ARTICLE 5 DELIVERY OF THE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION AND SOFTWARE 5.1 The Licensor shall deliver to the Licensee the TechnicalDocumentation and Software at Beijing Airport in accordance with the contents , copies and time stipulated in Annex to the Contract. Therisk of the Technical Documentation shall be transferred from the Licensorto the Licensee after its arrival at Beijing AirportChina.5.2 The data stamped by Beijing Airport , China shall be the actual date of delivery the Technical Documentation and Software.5.3 The Licensor shall , within two (2) working days, after dispatchingeach batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software , inform the Licensee and Contract Factory by telex or fax of the Contract number , number of parcels , weight , flight and expected arrival date. At the same time ,the Licensor shall airmail to the Licensee and the Contract Factory each two copies of the airway bill and the detailed list of the Technical Documentation/Software.5.4 In case of any loss , damages or shortage caused to the Technical Documentation and Software during the transportation ,the Licensor shall make supplementary or replaceable delivery to the Licensee within 45 (forty-five) days afterreceiving the Licensee ' s written notice without any charges.5.5 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be packed in strong cases suitable for long distance transportation and numerous handling with protective measures against moisture and rain.5.6 The following contents shall be marked on the cover of each package of the Technical Documentation and Software with indelible paint in conspicuous English printed words:A. Contract No.:.B. Consignee: International Tendering Companyof China National Technical Import and Export CorporationC. Consignee code: ___ .D. Destination Airport: Beijing Airport.E. Shipping Mark:.F. Gross/Net Weight (kg):G. Item No./Case No.:H. Dimension (L x W x H in CM):5.7 In side of each package of the Technical Documentation and software , there shall be two copies of the detailed list to identify each part.5.8 For the delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software , partial shipment is allowed. Transshipment is not allowed.5.9 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be carried flight belonging tothe member countries of the World Bank and Switzerland.5.10 The Licensor shall effect the insurance , with insurer from eligible source country , for and amount of 110% of the total contract price on“all risks ” and “war risk ” basis at the Licensor ' s expenses with th e Licensee as the beneficiary.5.11 All of the Technical Documentation and Software , and services supplied under the Contract shall have their origin in the countries and areas eligible under the current World Bank Guideline for Procurement.ARTICLE 6 TECHNICAL SERVICE AND PERSONNEL TRAINING6.1 The Licensor shall send his skilled , healthy and competent technical personnel to the Contract Factory of the Licensee to provide Technical Service on site in accordance with the stipulations of theContract. The stipulation , the number of personnel , specialty , task , content and duration in PRCare detailed in Annex to the Contract.6.2 The Licensee shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa , workand life in PRC for the Licensor ' s Technical Service personnel. The treatment conditions of the Licensor ' s technical personnel in PRC are detailed in Annex to the Contract.6.3 The Licensor ' s technical personnel sent to PRC for the Technical Service shall observe the laws of the People' s Republic of China and rules and regulations of the contract Factory in the period of service in PRC.6.4 The Licensee shall send his technical personnel to the relevantfactories of the Licensor for technical training. The number of personnel , specialty ,content ,duration and requirement of training are detailed in Annex to the Contract.6.5 The Licensor shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa andshall provide the facilities necessary for the technical training for the Licensee ' s trainees. The treatment conditions of the trainees in the Licensor ' s country are detailed in Annex to the Contract.6.6 The Licensee ' s personnel under training shall observe the laws ofthe Licensor ' s country and the rules and regulations of the Licensor ' s factories in the period of training.ARTICLE 7 ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT PRODUCTS7.1 In order to verify the completeness , correctness and reliabilityof the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor under the Contract , the Licensor shall , at his own expense send his representatives to carry out acceptance test on the Contract Productsjointly with the technical personnel of the Licensee in the contractFactory. The specific procedure of the acceptance test and the standardof the acceptance are detailed in Annex to the Contract.7.2 If the technical performances of the Contract Products specifiedin Annex to the Contract are achieved in the acceptance tests , bothparties ' authorized representative shall sign four copies of theacceptance certificate for the Contract Products and, two copies for each party.7.3 If any technical performance of the Contract Products specified inAnnex to the Contract is not achieved in the acceptance tests , bothparties shall have friendly consultation and discussion and jointlyanalyze the causes and take measures to eliminate the defect. The second acceptance test shall be carried out after the defects have beeneliminated.7.4 If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensor , the Licensor shall , at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects , again send his technical personnel to participate in the second acceptance test and shall bear all the expenses incurred in the second acceptance test including the expenses for the materials used in the second acceptance test. If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensee , the Licensee shall , at his own expenses , take measures to eliminated the defects and bear all the relevant expenses incurred in the second acceptance test.7.5 If it is due to the Licensor ' s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex to theContract is still not achieved in the second acceptance test , the Licensor shall compensate the Licensee for the direct expenses sustained by the Licensee , for the acceptance test , and shall at his ownexpenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and send his technical personnel to participate in the third acceptance test. If the responsibility for the failure of the second acceptance test lies with the Licensee , the Licensee shall , at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and bear the relevant expenses incurred in the third acceptance test.7.6 If it is due to the Licensor ' s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex to theContract is still not achieved in the above-mentioned three acceptance tests , the Article 8.7 shall prevail. If the responsibility lies withthe Licensee , then both parties shall discuss and agree upon further execution of the Contract.ARTICLE 8 GUARANTEES AND CLAIMS8.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation andSoftware supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with theContract shall be of the latest and well-proved Technical Documentationand Software which are actually used by the Licensor and that the improved , modified and developed Technical Documentation and Software shall besupplied in time by the Licensor to the Licensee in the course of implementation of the Contract , without charge.8.2 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation andSoftware supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract shall be complete ,correct and legible ,and shall be delivered in time in accordance with the stipulations in Annex to the Contract.8.3 If it is found by the licensee that the Technical Documentation andSoftware supplied by the Licensor is not in conformity with thestipulations in Annex to the Contract and Clause 8.2 to the Contract ,the Licensor shall mail the related Technical Documentation to Licenseefree of charge within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the Licensee ' s written notice.8.4 If the Licensor fails to deliver the Technical documentation andSoftware in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in Annex ____,the Licensor shall pay to the Licenseeto the Contract and Clause 8.3penalties for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Softwareat the following rates:0.5% (point five percent) of the total Contract price of the Technical Documentation and Software for each full week of late delivery. The above-mentioned total penalties shall not exceed 5%(five percent) of the total Contract price of this contract.The penalty paid shall be in the form of Liquidated Damages and shall fully indemnify the Licensee for all costs incurred as a result of such delay.8.5 Payment of penalty madeby the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the stipulation in Clause 8.4 to the Contract shall not release the Licensor from his obligations to continue to deliver the Technical Documentation and Software , which is subject to penalties for latedelivery.8.6 If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceed 6. (Six) months , the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In such case , the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already paid plusinterest at the rate of 12% per annual thereon.8.7 If it is due to the Licensor ' s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products is not achieved in the acceptancetests , the case shall be dealt with in the following manner:If it is due to the Licensor ' s responsibility that any technicalperformance of the Contract Products specified in Annex to theContract is not achieved , and the Licensee cannot put the contract Products into production , the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In the case of termination of the Contract , the Licensorshall return to the Licensee the total amounts which have already been paid by the Licensee to the Licensor plus interest at the rate 12% per annual thereon and compensate the licensee for direct losses upon mutual agreement.If it is due to the Licensor ' s responsibility that only some of thetechnical performances of the Contract Products specified in Annex to the Contract are not achieved , but the Licensee still can put the Contract Products into production , the Licensor shall compensate licensee for the direct expenses at an amount of 5%-10% (five to ten percent) of contract price according to the significants of the discrepancy.ARTICLE 9 INFRINGEMENTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY9.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Licensor has lawful ownership of all the technical know-how, the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract , and that the Licensor has the right to transfer the technology and supply the Contract Equipment and the Parts to the Licensee. In case any third party brings a charge of infringement , the Licensor shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all legal and financialresponsibilities , which may arise.9.2 Both Parties shall keep confidential all technical know-how , technical documentation and all the information of hydrology , geology and production of the Contract Factory regarding the business of the other party , being either technical or commercial of nature , during the validity period of the Contract as well as thereafter for a period of 10years. If a part of the whole of such know-how , information or documentation becomesor is madepublicly known either the Party knowing such Know-how in formation or documentation or through a third party ,the other Party shall no longer be held to his secrecy obligation.9.3 The Licensee shall have the right to use the technical know-how and the Technical Documentations and software supplied by the Licensor todesign ,manufacture and sell the Contract Products after the terminal of the Contract.ARTICLE 10 TAXES AND DUTIES10.1 All taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution ofthe Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensee in accordance with the Chinese tax laws and regulations in effect shall be paid by the Licensee.10.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRCon the Licensor in accordance with the tax laws in effect and the "Agreement between the Government of Federal Republic of Germany for the Reciprocal Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Property ” shall be borne by the Licensor.10.3 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the executionof the Contract to be levied outside the PRCshall be paid by the Licensor. ARTICLE 11 PERFORMANCE BOND11.1 The Licensor shall , within thirty (30) calendar days after signing of the contract , furnish a Performance Bond to the Licensee , issued by the Bank of China , Beijing against the counter-guarantee issued by aforeign bank to the Bank of China , Beijing: in the amount of ten (10) percent of the total Contract Price. The Performance Bond shall remain valid until the acceptance of the Contract Products and expiration of the guarantee period of the Contract Equipment.11.2 The Performance Bond shall be furnished by the Licensor by a Bank Guarantee in the form as stipulated in Annex to the Contract. Thecost thereof shall be borne by the Licensor.11.3 In case the Licensor fails to perform any of his obligations under the Contract , the Licensee shall have the right to have a recourse from the Performance Bond. ARTICLE 12 FORCE MAJEURE12.1 If either of the contracting parties is prevented from executingthe Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood , fire , typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure ,the time for performance of the Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of such cases.12.2 The affected party shall notify the other party of cases of force majeure occurred by telex ,cable or fax as soon as possible and shall。



国际技术转让合同(中英文对照)国际技术转让合同(中英文对照)合同目录(Contents)第一章定义(Definition)第二章合同范围(Object of the Contract)第三章合同价格(Contract Price)第四章支付条件(Terms of Payment)第五章技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the TechnicalDocumentation andSoftware)第六章技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service andPersonnel Training)第七章合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products)第八章保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims)第九章侵权和保密(Infringements andConfidentiality)第十章税费(Taxesand Duties)第十一章履约保函(Performance Bond)第十二章不可抗力(force Majeure)第十三章争议的解决(settlement of Disputes)第十四章合同生效及其他(Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous)第十五章法定地址(Legal Addresses)签字日期:_______年_______月_______日签字地点:____________________________合同号:__________________________________根据世界银行第_______号贷款项下第_______号招标,中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司(以下简称“引进方”)为一方,德国_______公司(以下简称“让与方”)为另一方;鉴于让与人拥有设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修、管理及销售铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路_______产品的专有制造技术;鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和出口铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴定的另一合同规定的设备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路_______产品的制造;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴另一合同规定的一定数量的不见和零件以用于组装和制造铁路_______产品;双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同:第一章定义1.1 “引进方”是指中国____________________________公司。







2.转让方应向接收方提供完整的 technical documentation(技术文档)、training(培训)和 support(支持),以确保接收方能够正确使用和维护该技术。

















技术转让合同书范本英文回答:Technology Transfer Agreement。


Transferor: [Name of transferor]Transferee: [Name of transferee]Purpose。

This Agreement is entered into for the purpose of transferring certain technology and intellectual property from the Transferor to the Transferee.Definitions。

"Confidential Information" means any technical,commercial, or other information that is disclosed byeither party to the other party in connection with this Agreement and that is not generally known to the public."Technology" means the technical knowledge, processes, designs, inventions, and other intellectual property thatis the subject matter of this Agreement.Transfer of Technology。

The Transferor hereby grants to the Transferee a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, and distribute the Technology for the following purposes: [specify purposes].The Transferor represents and warrants that it has the full right and authority to grant the license described in this Section.The Transferor shall provide the Transferee with all necessary documentation, training, and support to enable the Transferee to use the Technology effectively.Confidentiality。




双方在平等、自愿的基础上,依据相关法律法规的规定,就技术转让事宜达成如下协议:第一条技术转让内容1. 技术名称及范围:明确描述转让技术的名称、应用领域、技术特性等。

2. 技术资料:甲方应提供的技术资料包括但不限于设计、工艺流程、质量控制等文件。

3. 技术标准:双方应明确技术转让所依据的技术标准、规范。

第二条转让方式及期限1. 转让方式:永久性转让或有限期限转让。

2. 转让期限:如为有限期限转让,应明确转让期限。

3. 技术资料交付时间:明确技术资料的交付时间、地点和方式。

第三条转让价格及支付方式1. 转让价格:双方应明确约定技术转让的价格。

2. 支付方式:现金、银行转账或其他支付方式,具体约定支付时间、支付条件等。

第四条双方的权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:(1)保证技术的真实性、合法性,并保证技术的正常使用。



2. 乙方的权利与义务:(1)按照约定支付技术转让费用。



第五条保密条款及违约责任1. 保密条款:双方应对技术转让过程中涉及的商业秘密、技术秘密进行保密,未经对方同意,不得泄露给第三方。

2. 违约责任:如一方违反合同约定,应承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于赔偿损失、支付违约金等。

第六条争议解决与法律适用1. 争议解决:双方在执行合同过程中发生争议,应首先协商解决;协商不成的,可向合同签订地法院提起诉讼。

2. 法律适用:本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。



LICENSE CONTRACT OF TECHNOLOGYFOR THEMANUFACTURING OF _________Date of signing : _________,_________Place of signing : Beijing. ChinaContract No.: ______In accordance with Bid No. ______under the I.B.R.D. Loan No. ______, International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation, Beijing PRC(hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”) on the one hand, and ______Company, Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”) on the other hand,Whereas the Licensor has the technical know- how for design, manufacture, assembly, installation, test, inspection, adjustment, operation, maintenance, management and sale of Railway______ as required by Licensee;Whereas the Licensor has the right and agrees to transfer the above –mentioned technical know – how to the Licensee for the manufacture of Railway ______product;Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor’s technical know-how for design, manufacture, maintenance, sale and export of the Railway______ product;Wh ereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensor’s technical know-how for design, manufacture, maintenance, sale and export of the Railway ______ product;Whereas the Licensor agrees to supply to the Licensee and the Licensee agrees to obtain from the Licensor a certain amount of parts and components for the assembling and manufacturing of the Railway______ product under other contract.The authorized representatives of both parties, through friendly negotiations, have agreed to enter into the Contract under the terms and conditions as stipulated below;ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS1.1 “The Licensee” means International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation, Beijing, P.R.C.1.2 “The Licensor” means _____Company, Germany.1.3 “The Contract” means the agreement entered between the Licensee and the Licensor, as recorded in the Contract signed by both parties including all annexes, attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.1.4 “The contract Price” means the price payable to the Licensor by the Licensee under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.1.5 “The Contract Products” means all the products with the models and specifications and performances which are manufactured by the technology transferred by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex 2 to the Contract.1.6 “The Contract Factory” means the place where the Licensee manufactures the Contract Products by using the Technology supplied by the Licensor, That is Beijing _____ factory.1.7 “The Technical Documentation and Software” means all the documents to be supplied to the Licensee by the Licensor as stipulated in Annex III of the Contract, It consists of the followings:A. All the technical indices, drawings, design, technical documents and software relating to the design, manufacture, calculation, assembly, installation, test, managements, inspection, adjustment, operation, maintenance, acceptance test and sale of the Contract Products;B. All the technical indices, drawings, design, technical documents and software relating to the inspection, installation. Commissioning, testing, acceptance, operation and maintenance of the Contract Equipment;C. All the technical indices, drawings, technical documents and software relating to the inspection, testing, adjustment, assembly and maintenance of the SKD/CKD Parts.1.8 “The Technical Service” means the technical assistance, supervision, instruction, training and other services under the contract to be rendered by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex VI and Annex_VII_ to the Contract.1.9 “SINOT RANS” means China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation, which is the appointed agent of the Licensee for receipt of the Technical Documentation and Software, the Contract Equipment and the Parts at the ports of destination:A. Xingang seaport:SINOTRANS, TANGGU BRANCH44 Xingang Road, Tanggu, Tianjin, 300400, China Telex: 23187 TGFTT CN, FAX:022 984757B. Beijing Airport:SINOTRANS, Beijing Air Freight Co.Anjialou Liangmaqiao Road, Beijing, 100621, China Telex: 210205 AIRFT CN 1.10 “PRC” means the People’s Republic of China.1.11 “FRG” means Federal Republic of Germany1.12 “The World Bank” means the International Bank for reconstruction and Development (I.B.R.D.) and International Development Association.ARTICLE 2 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT2.1 The licensor has agreed to transfer to the Licensee and the Licensee has agreed to obtain from the Licensor the technical know-how for the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, test, inspection, adjustment, operation and maintenance and management of the Contract Products. The name, model, specifications and technical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Annex _II_ to the Contract.2.2 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to design,manufacture, use, sell in PRC the Contract Products and export the Contract Products. The license and right are non-exclusive and non-transferable.2.3 The Licensor has agreed to provide the licensee with the Technical Documentation and Software related to the Contract Products. The contents, copies and time of delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software are detailed in Annex V and AnnexVI to the Contract.2.4 The Licensor has agreed to dispatch his technical personnel to the Contract Factory, for Technical Services. The specific contents and requirements for the Technical Services are detailed in Annex IX to the Contract.2.5 The Licensor has agreed to give the Licensee’s personnel technical training in Licensor’s factories and at the Contract factory, to ensure that the Licensee’s technical personnel; shall master the above technical know – know transferred to the Licensee. The specific contents and requirements of technical training are detailed in Annex X to the Contract.2.6 The Licensor has agreed, upon the request of the Licensee for a period of 10 (ten) years after the date of validity of the Contract, to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with the parts, components, raw materials and accessories which are necessary for manufacturing the contract Products under a separate contract to be signed in due time.2.7 The Licensor has agreed, upon the request of the Licensee for a period of 10 (ten) years after the date of validity of the Contract, to supply the Licensee at the most favorable price with equipment and software which are made or developed by the Licensor and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract software which are made or developed by the third party and are necessary for manufacturing the Contract Products.2.8 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to use, on the contract Products manufactured by the contract Factory, the word “ Made in China under license of “followed by Name of the Licensor, at the option of the Licensee, provided the Contract Products can meet the technical and quality requirement as specified in Annex II of the Contract.ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT PRICE3.1 The total Contract price, which is based on the contents and scope stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract and the Licensor’s fulfillment of his obligations under the Contract, shall be _____ DEM, (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) details as follows:3.1.1 Price for Technical Know-how: _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY). The breakdown prices of the technical know-how are as follows:A. Technology transfer fee is:B. Technical documentation and software fee (CIP Beijing Port) is _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).C. Personnel training fee is _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).D. Technical service fee is _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY).3.2 The above-mentioned total Contract Price shall be firm and fixed price for the Licensor’s obligation under the contract including all expenses incurred for delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software CIF Beijing Airport, China.ARTICLE 4 TERMS OF PAYMENT4.1 All the payment stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in DEUTSCH MARK (DEM) through an irrevocable letter of credit partial shipment allowed under the I.B.R.D. Loan No. _____ for the price for the Technical Know-how, obtained from the World Bank opened in favor of the Licensor.4.2 The Licensee shall within thirty (30) working days after effectiveness of the Contract, open an irrevocable letter of credit by the Bank of China, Beijing in favor of the Licensor, in a bank in his country nominated by the Licensor and accepted by the Licensor, for and amount equivalent to the total Contract price, the letter of credit shall permit payments as stipulated in Article Payment for the Price for the Technical Know-how4.3.1 10% (ten percent) of the total price for the technical know-how under Article3, namely _____ DEM (SAY: _____DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after the Licensor has presented the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract.A. One Photostat copy of valid export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Licensor’s of Licensor’s subcontractor’s country, or one copy of the letter issued by the relevant authority of the Licensor’s country starting that the valid expor t license is not required.B. One original and one copy of the irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the Licensor’s Bank for a sum of 10% of the total price of for the technical know- how in favor of the Licensee, The specimen of the letter of guarantee is detailed in Annex XII to the contract.C. Four copies of the proformal invoice covering the total price for the technical know-howD. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.E. Four copies of commercial invoice.The above- mentioned documents shall be presented not earlier than 30 days after effectiveness of the Contract.4.3.2 25% (twenty five percent) of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM (SAY: _____DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after the Licensor has delivered the first batch of the technical Documentation/ Software as stipulated in Annex VI to the Cntract and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract:A. Five copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C. Five copies of the airway bill for the first batch of the technical Documentation and/or software.D. Five copies of the packing list for the first batch of the Technical Documentationand/or Software.E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered to the Licensee the first batch of Technical Documentation and/or Software as stipulated in Annex _____and Annex _____4.3.3 50% (fifty percent) of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after the Licensor has delivered the last batch of the Technical Documentation/Software as stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the contract:A. Four copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C. Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the technical Documentation and/or Software.D. Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software.E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered to the Licensee all Technical Documentations as stipulated in Annex _____ 4.3.4 15% (fifty percent) of the total price for the technical know-how under Article 3, namely _____ DEM (SAY: _____ DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after acceptance of the Contract Products by the Licensee and against presentation of the following documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract:A. Four copies of the commercial invoice.B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing.C. Two copies of the Acceptance Certificate for the Contract Products signed by the both Parties.4.4 The License shall have the right to deduct from the performance Bond orrelevant payment under negotiation the penalties in form of liquidate damages, which Licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract.4.5 The banking charges incurred in the P.R.C. shall be borne by the Licensee and those incurred outside the P.R.C. shall be borne by the Licensor. The Licensor shall bear all interest charge in case they occur in the negotiation of the payment, unless these interest charges have been occurred by reasons of default by the Licensee.ARTICLE 5 DELIVERY OF THE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION ANDSOFTWARE5.1 The Licensor shall deliver to the Licensee the Technical Documentation and Software at Beijing Airport in accordance with the contents, copies and time stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract. The risk of the Technical Documentation shall be transferred from the Licensor to the Licensee after its arrival at Beijing Airport, China.5.2 The data stamped by Beijing Airport, China shall be the actual date of delivery the Technical Documentation and Software.5.3 The Licensor shall, within two (2) working days, after dispatching each batch of the Technical Documentation and/or Software, inform the Licensee and Contract Factory by telex or fax of the Contract number, number of parcels, weight, flight and expected arrival date. At the same time, the Licensor shall airmail to the Licensee and the Contract Factory each two copies of the airway bill and the detailed list of the Technical Documentation/Software.5.4 In case of any loss, damages or shortage caused to the Technical Documentation and Software during the transportation, the Licensor shall make supplementary or replaceable delivery to the Licensee within 45 (forty-five) days after receiving the Licensee’s written notice without any charges.5.5 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be packed in strong cases suitable for long distance transportation and numerous handling with protective measures against moisture and rain.5.6 The following contents shall be marked on the cover of each package of theTechnical Documentation and Software with indelible paint in conspicuous English printed words:A. Contract No.: _____.B. Consignee: International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export CorporationC. Consignee code: _____.D. Destination Airport: Beijing Airport.E. Shipping Mark: _____.F. Gross/Net Weight (kg): _____G. Item No./Case No.: ______H. Dimension (L x W x H in CM): ______5.7 In side of each package of the Technical Documentation and software, there shall be two copies of the detailed list to identify each part.5.8 For the delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software, partial shipment is allowed. Transshipment is not allowed.5.9 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be carried flight belonging to the member countries of the World Bank and Switzerland.5.10 The Licensor shall effect the insurance, with insurer from eligible source country, for and amount of 110% of the total contract price on “all risks” and “war risk” basis at the Licensor’s expenses with the Licensee as the beneficiary.5.11 All of the Technical Documentation and Software, and services supplied under the Contract shall have their origin in the countries and areas eligible under the current World Bank Guideline for Procurement.ARTICLE 6 TECHNICAL SERVICE AND PERSONNEL TRAINING6.1 The Licensor shall send his skilled, healthy and competent technical personnel to the Contract Factory of the Licensee to provide Technical Service on site in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract. The stipulation, the number of personnel, specialty, task, content and duration in PRC are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.6.2 The Licensee shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa, work and life in PRC for the Licensor’s Technical Service personnel. The treatment conditions of the Licensor’s technical personnel in PRC are detailed in A nnex _____ to the Contract. 6.3 The Licensor’s technical personnel sent to PRC for the Technical Service shall observe the laws of the People’s Republic of China and rules and regulations of the contract Factory in the period of service in PRC.6.4 The Licensee shall send his technical personnel to the relevant factories of the Licensor for technical training. The number of personnel, specialty, content, duration and requirement of training are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.6.5 The Licensor shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa and shall provide the facilities necessary for the technical training for the Licensee’s trainees. The treatment conditions of the trainees in the Licensor’s country are detailed in Annex ____ to the Contract.6.6 The Licensee’s personnel under training shall observe the laws of the Licensor’s country and the rules and regulations of the Licensor’s factories in the period of training.ARTICLE 7 ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT PRODUCTS7.1 In order to verify the completeness, correctness and reliability of the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor under the Contract, the Licensor shall, at his own expense send his representatives to carry out acceptance test on the Contract Products jointly with the technical personnel of the Licensee in the contract Factory. The specific procedure of the acceptance test and the standard of the acceptance are detailed in Annex _____ to the Contract.7.2 If the technical performances of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract are achieved in the acceptance tests, both parties’ authorized representative shall sign four copies of the acceptance certificate for the Contract Products and, two copies for each party.7.3 If any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is not achieved in the acceptance tests, both parties shall have friendlyconsultation and discussion and jointly analyze the causes and take measures to eliminate the defect. The second acceptance test shall be carried out after the defects have been eliminated.7.4 If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensor, the Licensor shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects, again send his technical personnel to participate in the second acceptance test and shall bear all the expenses incurred in the second acceptance test including the expenses for the materials used in the second acceptance test. If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensee, the Licensee shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminated the defects and bear all the relevant expenses incurred in the second acceptance test.7.5 If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is still not achieved in the second acceptance test, the Licensor shall compensate the Licensee for the direct expenses sustained by the Licensee, for the acceptance test, and shall at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and send his technical personnel to participate in the third acceptance test. If the responsibility for the failure of the second acceptance test lies with the Licensee, the Licensee shall, at his own expenses, take measures to eliminate the defects and bear the relevant expenses incurred in the third acceptance test.7.6 If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is still not achieved in the above-mentioned three acceptance tests, the Article 8.7 shall prevail. If the responsibility lies with the Licensee, then both parties shall discuss and agree upon further execution of the Contract.ARTICLE 8 GUARANTEES AND CLAIMS8.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract shall be of the latest and well-proved Technical Documentation and Software which are actuallyused by the Licensor and that the improved, modified and developed Technical Documentation and Software shall be supplied in time by the Licensor to the Licensee in the course of implementation of the Contract, without charge.8.2 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract shall be complete, correct and legible, and shall be delivered in time in accordance with the stipulations in Annex _____ to the Contract.8.3 If it is found by the licensee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor is not in conformity with the stipulations in Annex _____ to the Contract and Clause 8.2 to the Contract, the Licensor shall mail the related Technical Documentation to Licensee free of charge within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the Licensee’s written notice.8.4 If the Licensor fails to deliver the Technical documentation and Software in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract and Clause 8.3, the Licensor shall pay to the Licensee penalties for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software at the following rates:0.5% (point five percent) of the total Contract price of the Technical Documentation and Software for each full week of late delivery. The above-mentioned total penalties shall not exceed 5% (five percent) of the total Contract price of this contract.The penalty paid shall be in the form of Liquidated Damages and shall fully indemnify the Licensee for all costs incurred as a result of such delay.8.5 Payment of penalty made by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the stipulation in Clause 8.4 to the Contract shall not release the Licensor from his obligations to continue to deliver the Technical Documentation and Software, which is subject to penalties for late delivery.8.6 If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceed 6. (Six) months, the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In such case, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already paid plus interest at the rate of 12% per annual thereon.8.7 If it i s due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products is not achieved in the acceptance tests, the case shall be dealt with in the following manner:If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that any technical performance of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract is not achieved, and the Licensee cannot put the contract Products into production, the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In the case of termination of the Contract, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which have already been paid by the Licensee to the Licensor plus interest at the rate 12% per annual thereon and compensate the licensee for direct losses upon mutual agreement.If it is due to the Licensor’s responsibility that only some of the technical performances of the Contract Products specified in Annex _____ to the Contract are not achieved, but the Licensee still can put the Contract Products into production, the Licensor shall compensate licensee for the direct expenses at an amount of 5%-10% (five to ten percent) of contract price according to the significants of the discrepancy.ARTICLE 9 INFRINGEMENTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY9.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Licensor has lawful ownership of all the technical know-how, the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Contract, and that the Licensor has the right to transfer the technology and supply the Contract Equipment and the Parts to the Licensee. In case any third party brings a charge of infringement, the Licensor shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all legal and financial responsibilities, which may arise.9.2 Both Parties shall keep confidential all technical know-how, technical documentation and all the information of hydrology, geology and production of the Contract Factory regarding the business of the other party, being either technical or commercial of nature, during the validity period of the Contract as well as thereafter for a period of 10 years. If a part of the whole of such know-how, information or documentation becomes or is made publicly known, either the Party knowing suchKnow-how, in formation or documentation or through a third party, the other Party shall no longer be held to his secrecy obligation.9.3 The Licensee shall have the right to use the technical know-how and the Technical Documentations and software supplied by the Licensor to design, manufacture and sell the Contract Products after the terminal of the Contract.ARTICLE 10 TAXES AND DUTIES10.1 All taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensee in accordance with the Chinese tax laws and regulations in effect shall be paid by the Licensee.10.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensor in accordance with the tax laws in effec t and the “Agreement between the Government of Federal Republic of Germany for the Reciprocal Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Property” shall be borne by the Licensor.10.3 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied outside the PRC shall be paid by the Licensor.ARTICLE 11 PERFORMANCE BOND11.1 The Licensor shall, within thirty (30) calendar days after signing of the contract, furnish a Performance Bond to the Licensee, issued by the Bank of China, Beijing against the counter-guarantee issued by a foreign bank to the Bank of China, Beijing: in the amount of ten (10) percent of the total Contract Price. The Performance Bond shall remain valid until the acceptance of the Contract Products and expiration of the guarantee period of the Contract Equipment.11.2 The Performance Bond shall be furnished by the Licensor by a Bank Guarantee in the form as stipulated in Annex _____ to the Contract. The cost thereof shall be borne by the Licensor.11.3 In case the Licensor fails to perform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Licensee shall have the right to have a recourse from the Performance Bond.ARTICLE 12 FORCE MAJEURE12.1 If either of the contracting parties is prevented from executing the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure, the time for performance of the Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of such cases.12.2 The affected party shall notify the other party of cases of force majeure occurred by telex, cable or fax as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail, within 14 (fourteen) days thereafter, a certificate issued by the authority or department concerned to the other party for confirmation.12.3 Should the effect of the force majeure cases last for more than 120 (one hundred and twenty) days, both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultation as soon as possible.ARTICLE 13 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES13.1 All the disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled by both Parties through friendly consultations. In case no settlement to the disputes can be reached by both Parties through friendly consultations, the disputes shall be settled through arbitration.13.2 The arbitration shall take place in Stockholm, Sweden, and be conducted by the Arbitration Institute of Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm according to the provisional procedures and rules of the said Arbitration Commission.13.3 The settlement of arbitration is final and binding on both parties.13.4 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party, except as otherwise awarded by the said Arbitration Commission.13.5 In course of arbitration, both parties shall continue to execute the Contract except the part of the Contract, which is under arbitration.。



技术转让合同英文版模板《技术转让合同》This Technology Transfer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Seller's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"), a [insert description of Seller's legal entity], and [Insert Buyer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer"), a [insert description of Buyer's legal entity].BACKGROUND:WHEREAS, the Seller is the owner of certain technology (the "Technology"), which includes, without limitation, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and know-how;WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to acquire from the Seller the right to use and exploit the Technology in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Technology Transfer1.1 Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Seller hereby grants to the Buyer a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to use, practice, and exploit the Technology, including any improvements, modifications, and derivatives thereof, solely for the purpose of [insert intended use of Technology].1.2 Ownership of Technology. The Seller shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Technology, including all associated intellectual property rights.2. Payment2.1 Technology Transfer Fee. In consideration for the grant of the license under Section 1.1, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller a one-time technology transfer fee in the amount of [Insert Amount]. The fee shall be paid within [Insert Timeframe] after the execution of this Agreement.2.2 Additional Payments. The parties may agree to additional payments upon the achievement of certain milestones or other events as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.3. Warranties and Representations3.1 Seller's Warranties. The Seller represents and warrants that:(a) It has the right to grant the license granted under this Agreement and to transfer the Technology tothe Buyer;(b) The Technology is free from any liens, encumbrances, or claims of any third party;(c) The Technology does not infringe upon any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right of any third party; and(d) The Technology is in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.3.2 Buyer's Warranties. The Buyer represents and warrants that:(a) It will use the Technology solely for the purpose permitted under this Agreement;(b) It will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards; and(c) It will not assign or transfer the Technology to any third party without the prior written consent of the Seller.4. Confidentiality4.1 Confidential Information. The parties acknowledge that during the course of this Agreement, they may disclose to each other certain confidential information (the "Confidential Information"). The Confidential Information shall include, without limitation, the Technology, business plans, and other proprietary information.4.2 Non-Disclosure. The parties agree that they will not use or disclose the Confidential Information of the other party to any third party except as required by law or with the prior written consent of the other party.5. Indemnification5.1 Indemnification by Seller. The Seller agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Buyer against any claims, suits, actions, demands, or judgments arising out of or in connection with any actual or alleged infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right by the Technology or any use or practice of the Technology by the Buyer.5.2 Indemnification by Buyer. The Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Seller against any claims, suits, actions, demands, or judgments arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by the Buyer or any use or practice of the Technology by the Buyer.6. Miscellaneous6.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Governing Jurisdiction].6.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including the exhibits hereto) constitutes the entire agreementbetween the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties.IN WITNESS WH。



技术转让合同范本英文TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENTThis Technology Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Insert Effective Date], by and between [Insert Transferor Name], a [Insert Jurisdiction of Incorporation] corporation with a principal place of business at [Insert Transferor Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Transferor"), and [Insert Transferee Name], a [Insert Jurisdiction of Incorporation] corporation with a principal place of business at [Insert Transferee Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Transferee").WHEREAS, Transferor is the owner of certain technology, including but not limited to patents, patent applications, trade secrets, and know-how, related to [Insert Technology Description] (hereinafter referred to as the "Technology");WHEREAS, Transferee desires to acquire the rights to use the Technology for the purpose of [Insert Purpose of Technology Use];NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Grant of Technology Transfer. Transferor hereby grants to Transferee a non-exclusive, royalty-bearing, [Insert Territory] license to use, practice, and exploit theTechnology in the field of [Insert Field of Use], subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.2. Consideration. As consideration for the rights granted herein, Transferee shall pay to Transferor the following:a. An initial lump sum payment of [Insert Amount] due upon the execution of this Agreement;b. Ongoing royalty payments calculated as [Insert Percentage] of net sales of products embodying the Technology, payable quarterly within [Insert Number of Days] daysfollowing the end of each calendar quarter.3. Confidentiality. Transferee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the Technology and any other proprietary information disclosed by Transferor, using at least the same degree of care as it uses to protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than reasonable care.4. Warranty. Transferor represents and warrants that it hasthe right to grant the license to the Technology and that, to the best of its knowledge, the Technology does not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights.5. Covenant Not to Sue. Transferor covenants not to sue Transferee for infringement of any intellectual propertyrights related to the Technology.6. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect for a period of [Insert Term], unless earlier terminated as provided herein.Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Insert Number of Days] days' written notice if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Insert Number of Days] days after receipt of written notice.7. Remedies. In the event of a breach of this Agreement by either party, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Governing Law], without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts located in [Insert Jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.10. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by both parties.11. Assignment. Transferee may not assign its rights or delegate its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Transferor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.12. Notices. All notices and other communications given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon personal delivery, deposit in the mail with postage prepaid, or upon confirmation of electronic transmission.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Insert Transferor Name]By: [Insert Authorized Signatory Name]Address: [Insert Transferor Address][Insert Transferee Name]By: [Insert Authorized Signatory Name]Title: [Insert Authorized Signatory Title]Address: [Insert Transferee Address]。



国际技术转让合同(中英对照)目录•1. 合同的定义•2. 交付技术和付款方式•3. 技术保密和知识产权•4. 合同的期限和终止•5. 争议解决•6. 其他条款1. 合同的定义2. 交付技术和付款方式2.2 需方应按照本合同约定的方式和进度支付技术转让费用。


2.3 技术转让费用应在供方完成交付后的10个工作日内支付。

3. 技术保密和知识产权3.1 双方同意在保密协议的基础上对技术进行保密,并采取适当措施保护技术的秘密性。

3.2 技术转让后,知识产权归属需方,供方不再对该技术享有任何权益。

4. 合同的期限和终止4.1 本合同的期限为年,自双方签署之日起生效。

4.2 任何一方如违反本合同的规定,守约方有权解除合同,并要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。

4.3 双方可以协商终止本合同,提前个月通知对方,并在协商一致下进行结算。

5. 争议解决5.1 双方如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。

5.2 如协商不成,争议一方有权向有管辖权的仲裁机构提起仲裁。

5.3 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

6. 其他条款6.1 本合同的修改、补充以及附件的增减,应经双方书面协议并签署生效。

6.2 本合同的任何条款被认定为无效的,不影响其他条款的效力。

6.3 本合同的解释、执行及争议解决均适用法律。







技术转让合同英文版模板英文回答:Technology Transfer Agreement Template.1. Parties.Transferor: [Transferor Name]Transferee: [Transferee Name]2. Purpose.This Technology Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Transferor shall transfer to the Transferee certain technology (the "Technology") described in Appendix A attached hereto (the "Appendix").3. Technology.The Technology shall include the following:[Description of Technology]4. Transfer.The Transferor shall transfer the Technology to the Transferee in the following manner:[Method of Transfer]5. Consideration.In consideration for the transfer of the Technology, the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor the following:[Amount of Consideration][Form of Consideration][Timing of Payment]6. Confidentiality.The Transferee shall keep the Technology confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the Transferor.7. Intellectual Property Rights.The Transferor shall retain all intellectual property rights in the Technology. The Transferee shall have a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the Technology for its own internal purposes.8. Warranty.The Transferor warrants that the Technology is the original work of the Transferor and that the Transferor has the right to transfer it to the Transferee.9. Indemnification.The Transferor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Transferee from and against any claims, losses, or expenses arising out of or related to the Technology.10. Governing Law.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State].11. Dispute Resolution.Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration in [City], [State].12. Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thisAgreement as of the date first written above.Transferor: [Transferor Signature]Transferee: [Transferee Signature]中文回答:技术转让合同模板。

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国际技术转让合同(中英文对照)国际技术转让合同(中英文对照)合同目录(Contents)第一章定义(Definition)第二章合同范围(Object of the Contract)第三章合同价格(Contract Price)第四章支付条件(Terms of Payment)第五章技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software)第六章技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training)第七章合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products)第八章保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims)第九章侵权和保密(Infringements and Confidentiality)第十章税费(Taxes and Duties)第十一章履约保函(Performance Bond)第十二章不可抗力(force Majeure)第十三章争议的解决(settlement of Disputes)第十四章合同生效及其他(Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous)第十五章法定地址(Legal Addresses)签字日期:_______年_______月_______日签字地点:____________________________合同号:__________________________________根据世界银行第_______号贷款项下第_______号招标,中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司(以下简称“引进方”)为一方,德国_______公司(以下简称“让与方”)为另一方;鉴于让与人拥有设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修、管理及销售铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路_______产品的专有制造技术;鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和出口铁路_______产品的专有技术;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴定的另一合同规定的设备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路_______产品的制造;鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴另一合同规定的一定数量的不见和零件以用于组装和制造铁路_______产品;双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同:第一章定义1.1 “引进方”是指中国____________________________公司。

1.2 “让于人”是指德国______________公司。

1.3 “合同”是引进方和让与人签署的如合同所述的协议,它包括所有附件,附录以及其所指的所有有关文件。

1.4 “合同价格” 是指引进方支付给根据合同全部完满完成其合同义务的让于人的金额。

1.5 “合同产品”是指由合同工厂根据让于人提供的专有技术生产的满足本合同附件二所规定的型号、规格、性能的所有产品。

1.6 “合同工厂”是指引进方使用让于人提供的技术制造合同产品的地点,即中国北京_______工厂。

1.7 “技术资料和软件”是指让于人按照合同附件三的规定提供给引进方的所有文件,它包括下列内容:A.所有技术指标、图纸、设计、所有技术文件以及有关合同产品的设计、制造、计算、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修和验收的技术文件和软件。



1.8 “技术服务”是指让于人根据合同附件六和附件七中的规定向引进方提供的技术知道、技术监督、技术培训和其他服务。

1.9 “中外运”是指中国对外贸易运输总公司,它是引进方指定的在目的港接受技术资料和软件、合同设备及部件的代理:A.中国天津新港:中外运塘沽分公司地址:中国天津塘沽新港路44号电传:23187 TGFTT CN,传真:022 984757B.中国北京首都机场中外运北京空运公司地址:中国北京亮马桥路安家楼电传:210205 AIRFT CN1.10 “P. R.C”是指中华人民共和国。

1.11 “F.R.G”是指联邦德国。

1.12 “世界银行”是指国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)和国际开发协会。

第二章合同范围2.1 让于人同意向引进方转让并且,引进方同意从让于人获得设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修及管理合同产品的专有技术。


2.2 让于人同意给予引进方在中华人民共和国境内设计、制造、使用和销售合同产品以及出口合同产品的权利。


2.3 让于人同意向引进方提供与合同产品有关的技术资料和软件,其具体内容、数量和交付时间详见合同附件五和附件六。

2.4 让于人同意派遣技术人员到合同工厂进行技术服务,其具体内容和要求详见合同附件九。

2.5 让于人同意在让于人的工厂和合同工厂对引进方的人员进行技术培训,并保证使引进方技术人员掌握转让的技术培训的内容和要求详见合同附件十。

2.6 让于人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的十年内以最优惠的价格向引进方提供制造合同产品所需的零部件、原材料及辅助设备。


2.7 让于人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的十年内以最优惠的价格向引进方提供让与人自己生产或改造的制造合同产品所需的设备和软件,并协助引进方得到第三方生产或改进的制造合同产品所需和设备和软件。

2.8 让与人同意,如果合同产品达到合同附件二所规定的技术和质量要求,引进方有权在合同工厂生产的合同产品上标明“由_______(让与人名称)许可在中国制造”的字样,至于是否在合同产品上标明上述字样,则由引进方自行决定。

第三章合同价格3.1 基于本合同第二章规定的内容和范围,以及让于人按本合同的规定应完成的义务,本合同总价格为_______德国马克。

分项价格如下:3.1.1 专有技术费为_______德国马克。


3.2 以上合同总价是对于让与人在本合同下应尽的包括按CIF条款将技术资料和软件运达北京机场之全部责任的固定价格。

第四章支付条件4.1 本合同的所有费用将使用世界银行第_______号贷款以德国马克通过不可撤消的、允许分批交付的、以让与人为收益人的信用证支付4.2 让与人应在合同生效后三十个工作日内,通过其中国银行总行向让与人推荐并经引进方认可的让与人所在国的一个银行开出不可撤消的信用证,该信用证的金额应等同于合同总价。


4.3 专有技术费用的支付4.3.1 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的10%,即_______马克将在让与人提交下述单据并符合合同规定后支付:A.让与人国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证的影印件一份;B.让与人银行开除的金额为合同总价10%的不可撤消的银行保函的正本一份,副本一份。


4.3.2 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的25%,即_______马克,将在让与人按合同附件6的规定交付了第一批技术资料/软件,并提交下述符合合同规定的单据后支付:A.商业发票五份;B.向开证行开除的即期汇票两份;C.交付第一批技术资料或软件的空运单副本五份;D.第一批技术资料或软件的装箱单五份;E.引进方出具的证明让与人已交付第一批技术资料和软件的确认函副本两份,。

4.3.4 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的15%,即_______马克,将在本合同产品样机验收完成、让与人提交下述单据且符合合同规定后支付:A.商业发票四份;B.向开证行开出的即期汇票两份;C.双方签字的合同产品验收合格证书副本两份。

4.4 引进方有权从履约保函或正在议付的付款中扣除让与人根据合同规定应支付的罚款/或补偿费。

4.5 在中国境内产生的银行费用又让与人承担。


第五章技术资料和软件的交付5.1 让与人应按本合同附件5.6 中规定的内容、数量和时间将技术资料和软件运至北京机场。


5.2 北京机场盖章的日期将作为技术资料和软件的实际制服日期。

5.3 在每批技术资料/软件交运后的两个工作日内,让与人应通过电传或传真将合同号、空运单号、提单日期、资料号、邮包号、重量、航班和预计到达时间通知引进方和合同工厂。


5.4 如果技术资料/软件在运输过程中发生丢失、损坏或缺少,让与人将在收到引进方的书面通知后45天内免费补发或更改。

5.5 技术资料/软件应包装在坚固的箱子内以适于长途运输,且能防潮、防雨。

5.6 每箱技术资料/包装的外包装上应以不褪色的油漆用英文注明以下内容:A.合同号:_______B.收货人:中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司C.收货人代码:_______D.到货机场:北京机场E.麦头标记:_______F.毛/净重量(公斤):_______G.箱号/件号:_______H.外形尺寸(长X宽X高):_______5.7 在每箱技术资料/软件中,应备有两份详细的箱单。

5.8 技术资料和软件8 技术资料和软件可分批交付,但不得转运。

5.9 技术资料和软件应由属于世界银行成员国的国家或瑞士的班机承运。

5.10 让与人负责在合格的保险公司办理保险,投保费用由让与人负担。


5.11 本合同下提供的所有技术文件、软件和技术服务应来源于现行世界银行采购指南中所列的合格的国家和地区。

第六章技术服务和人员培训6.1 根据本合同的规定,让与人将派遣其熟练的、健康的、合格的技术人员到引进方的合同工厂现场进行技术服务。

