4200 MPAES WPC 2014 Agilent function翻译版
– OneNeb 雾化器
• 强力 PFA 及 PEEK 结构设计 - 惰性 – 耐受强酸,如:HF - 不易破损 - 模制塑料设计,提高雾化器的重现性 • 雾化器喷头恒定尺寸孔径设计 - 高盐/微粒性样品的理想应用 - 增强耐盐能力,适用于高TDS 样品 • 窄气溶胶粒径分布,提高雾化器精度 • 宽范围应用流速0.1 到 2 ml/min. - 低流速状态下不损失灵敏度
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 14
为确保最佳的分析结果,应采用适宜的样品引入系统 • 橙色/绿色样品泵管 • 惰性的 OneNeb 雾化器 • 双路旋流雾室 • 新型设计的 4200 炬管
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 15
1.2 1.1 Normalized Conc 1
0.6 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Time (h:mm) Fe 259.940 nm Cu 327.395 nm Ni 305.081 nm Mg 285.213 nm Ag 328.068 nm Al 396.152 nm Pb 283.305 nm 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00
1.4 normalised concentration 1.2 Cu MP Ag MP
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 mins
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 20
QP-14 测量、分析和改进程序
3.1 各部门:负责本部门的目标统计分析并纠正。
3.2 品管部:负责产品异常的分析结果确认。
5.1 各部门统计数据目标值:各部门具体质量目标值见三阶文件《质量目标年度展开计划》。
5.2 各部门针对目标达成状况均应按要求效率进行统计,异常时分析其发生原因,对策处理,
5.3 若连续两个月不能达到目标值,则由管理代表或其指定人开出《纠正与预防措施单》进
5.4 持续改进
5.4.1 公司管理层透过品质方针、品质目标、审核结果、数据分析、纠正与预防措施及管理
5.4.2 必要时可成立持续改善专案小组,将需改善的事项提出“持续改进计划表”,进行持续改进。
7.7. 表单
7.1 持续改进计划表:
7.2 目标统计表:。
编写:_____日期:_____审核:_____日期:_____(部门负责人)批准:_____日期:_____(管理代表)1.0目的:QP-0020 标识与追溯控制程序页修订:01区分不同型号、规格,不同批次采购及生产的产品得到正确的标识各种状态,确保流入下工序和最终发往客户处的产品合格以及产品的可追溯性。
3.0计算方式:100%每周抽查的卡板总数数每周抽查不合格的卡板 <QCD 负责>4.0定义:4.1物料的标识:指的是与产品相关的物料,如放入产品内的镶件、包装物料、铝锭; 4.2在制品的标识:指的是在生产线中生产的产品; 4.3成品的标识:指的是产品包装后的标识。
5.0程序:流程图作业程序责权部门 相关文件及表格5.1 原材料的进入(包括铝锭)由WHD 负责安排供应商将材料放置在指定位置,WHD 人员负责对原材料进行分类、标识。
客户的退货直接由WHD 负责存放。
5.2 IQC 人员在收到WHD 人员通知需检验的物料时,按检验标准和供应商来料报告进行检验,来料检验合格或勉强使用时由检查员标识(如标识一)、来料检验不合格时由检查员标识(如标识二)、来料检验不合格需退货时由检查员标识(如标识三)。
5.3 客户退货可以返工的产品由检查员标识,并附上Rework 标签(如标识七),退货确认不可以返工,报废时由检查员标识,附〈次品通知及处理单〉。
5.4 原材料(铝锭)由WHD 送至DCD 将相关之标识交DCD 炉房并在领取单上将来料批号标注,交DCD 核对签收并记录,DCD 依据相关之标识分类存放在相对应的铝锭存放区并记录在〈压铸铝锭控制表〉上。
5.5 所有产品使用之物料均以进货标贴作标识,在生产过程中不再作标识,有需要时作区域性标识。
5.6 当原材料投入生产时由技术员将每炉铝料之批号记于压铸机边之〈部门流程卡〉以作标识。
5.7 产品生产过程中和产品移交时将相关资料记录于〈工序卡〉或〈部门流程卡〉按《部门流程卡/工序卡工作指引》执行,并进行分类标识移交。
作者:赵桂玲, 庞燕华, 周舟, 叶丽, 吕秋荣, Zhao Guiling, Pang Yanhua, Zhou Zhou, Ye Li,Lv Qiurong
作者单位:广东医学院附属医院眼科, 广东湛江,524001
英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
引用本文格式:赵桂玲.庞燕华.周舟.叶丽.吕秋荣.Zhao Guiling.Pang Yanhua.Zhou Zhou.Ye Li.Lv Qiurong慢性青光眼和非青光眼视神经萎缩环视盘视网膜神经纤维层厚度和视盘参数比较[期刊论文]-中国实用眼科杂志 2015(7)。
ASQ 会员价ASQ 非会员价补考费用ASQ 会员价40000 (20天)20,000(10天升级)3,3902014-10-172014-4-182,190英文教材8,800(3天)1,2903,3901,2904,1904,1902014-8-152,1902,6901,8904,190/1,29014000(5天)/3,3902014-12-62014-10-172014-4-18Certified ReliabilityEngineer 注册可靠性工程师2014-10-172014-12-62014-10-4Certified Quality Improvement Associate注册质量改进员2,6902014-4-182014-3-14,5903,390Certified Software Quality Engineer 注册软件质量工程师CQI 2014-12-62014-10-174,8904,1902,1902014-6-72,8902014-10-42014-1-102014-8-152014-8-152,6902014-8-151,890CHA (HACCP)Certified QualityEngineer 注册质量工程师考试项目8,800 (6天)2013-10-182014-8-153,090CMQ/OE*/CQTCertified Quality Technician 注册质量技师2014-4-18/12,000 (5天)8,800 (5天)3,3902,5901,2901,8903,3901,2902014年ASQ 认证考试计划及费用 Oct. 2013报名截止日期CQIACertified Manager of Quality/OrganizationalExcellence注册质量/卓越绩效经理2014-10-42014-10-4CSQECCT Certified CalibrationTechnician 注册校准技师2014-10-4CRE*2014-3-1CQACertified QualityAuditor 注册质量审核员2014-12-62014-3-12014-1-102014-1-102014-3-12014-1-102014-12-6CQE *2,690Certified HACCPAuditor注册HACCP 审核员考试费用(人民币)培训费用(人民币)2013-12-74,1902,6902014-10-172,190/4,1902,190考试名称考试时间2014-4-182014-6-72014-3-12014-1-102014-10-42014-8-152,6902014-4-18/CBA Certified BiomedicalAuditor注册生物医学审核员2,6902014-10-72014-10-17CQPACertified Quality Process Analyst 注册质量过程分析员2014-6-71,8902,190/2014-1-10(examdeadline)CPGPCertifiedPharmaceutical GMPProfessional 注册制药GMP 专员2014-12-62014-4-182014-6-72014-6-7CSSGB*Certified Six SigmaGreen Belt 注册六西格玛绿带2014-12-62,1902014-10-17/$495+$1995$650+$2153,5901,5904,1902014-10-172,09020,000(10天)2014-3-12014-1-102014-3-12013-11-1 (profiledeadline)member $1995non-member $2150CSSBB*Certified Six SigmaBlack Belt 注册六西格玛黑带2014-3-12014-1-10/2014-12-6CMBB Certified Master Black Belt 注册黑带大师2014-4-18Certified QualityInspector 注册质量检验员1,8902014-6-72014-6-72014-6-72014-8-15年ASQ认证考试计划及费用。
Shimadzu International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Limited
气相色谱:以气体作为流动 相的色谱分离方法
) 适用于沸点较低、热稳定性好的 中小分子化合物的分析 ) 流动相只起运载样品分子的能力
柱材:熔融石英、不锈钢 内径:0.1mm--0.53mm 长度:10--100m 固定相种类:OV-1,PEG-
Shimadzu International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Limited
固体: 活性炭、氧化铝、硅胶、分子筛等,用于无机气 体及低碳烃的分析
Shimadzu International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Limited
注射速度快 选择合适的注射器 取样准确,重现 减少注射针尖歧视,每次进样速度尽量一致 选择合适溶剂清洗注射器,避免污染
100kPa=1bar 1kPa=1.02×10-2kgf/cm2 1kgf/cm2=98.1kPa 1kPa=1.45×10-1psi 1psi=6.89kPa
Shimadzu International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Limited
液体:聚甲基硅氧烷、聚乙二醇、聚脂等,用于液体样 品及高沸点化合物分析。
3.0计算方式:100%每周抽查的卡板总数数每周抽查不合格的卡板 <QCD 负责>4.0定义:4.1物料的标识:指的是与产品相关的物料,如放入产品内的镶件、包装物料、铝锭; 4.2在制品的标识:指的是在生产线中生产的产品; 4.3成品的标识:指的是产品包装后的标识。
5.0程序:流程图作业程序责权部门 相关文件及表格5.1 原材料的进入(包括铝锭)由WHD 负责安排供应商将材料放置在指定位置,WHD 人员负责对原材料进行分类、标识。
客户的退货直接由WHD 负责存放。
5.2 IQC 人员在收到WHD 人员通知需检验的物料时,按检验标准和供应商来料报告进行检验,来料检验合格或勉强使用时由检查员标识(如标识一)、来料检验不合格时由检查员标识(如标识二)、来料检验不合格需退货时由检查员标识(如标识三)。
5.3 客户退货可以返工的产品由检查员标识,并附上Rework 标签(如标识七),退货确认不可以返工,报废时由检查员标识,附〈次品通知及处理单〉。
5.4 原材料(铝锭)由WHD 送至DCD 将相关之标识交DCD 炉房并在领取单上将来料批号标注,交DCD 核对签收并记录,DCD 依据相关之标识分类存放在相对应的铝锭存放区并记录在〈压铸铝锭控制表〉上。
5.5 所有产品使用之物料均以进货标贴作标识,在生产过程中不再作标识,有需要时作区域性标识。
5.6 当原材料投入生产时由技术员将每炉铝料之批号记于压铸机边之〈部门流程卡〉以作标识。
5.7 产品生产过程中和产品移交时将相关资料记录于〈工序卡〉或〈部门流程卡〉按《部门流程卡/工序卡工作指引》执行,并进行分类标识移交。
GC-2014C P系列 标准安装报告书
QMS-2003A标准安装报告书 GC-2014C P 系列气相色谱仪仪器名称序列号备注:工程师签字: 用户签字:用户单位名称: 使 用 部 门: 使用人姓名: 安装完成日期: 安装工程师: 所属分公司:安装编号:岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司安装确认项目(GC主机部分)No. 项目确认内容/条件基准确认备注1 外观a.外观确认-确认安装仪器的外观。
□b.物品确认确认安装依赖书清单和用户收到的货物是否有出入(请与营业担当联系) 依赖清单和货物一致□确认标准配置清单(根据使用说明书清单)和用户具体收到的货物是否有出入清单和现场物品一致□2 实验室a.电源确认使用万用表确认电源电压。
向用户确认电源容量电源电压及容量满足要求(无波动)□Vb.接地线确认用户使用的接地线路是否确实进行了接地确认AC火线和接地线之间的电压□Vc.确认气体种类及纯度确认用户使用的气体种类(H2,He,Ar,H2,Air及其他: )需使用与检测器相符的气体□检查气体纯度(询问用户)根据使用目的,使用不低于附表1上纯度的气体□d.安装位置仪器安装位置是否符合使用说明书上要求希望在仪器的后部有足够的空间且空调或加热器的风不要直接吹到仪器上要符合使用说明书上要求的条件□No. 项目确认内容/条件基准确认备注3 基本性能气体配管及漏气检查完成气体配管连接后,确认载气是否有漏气情况漏气检查是指对进样口进行加压并读取封闭后仪器显示压力值的变化对所配管的气体进行约150kPa的加压处理10分钟后的压力监测值的变化应在5kPa/10分以内(DINJ,左右两路都要测试)□SINJ/SPLkPa/10minDINJL kPa/10minR kPa/10min4 使用说明及用户培训向用户讲解使用说明书内介绍的仪器使用方法(进行操作培训)当无法马上解答用户提出的问题时,告知用户确认后再给出答复,请客户谅解。
本手册内所有资料和图片版权均归阿美泰克所有,禁止仿冒。 未经上海阿美泰克工业设备有限公司书面许可,本手册内容不得被复制或抄袭。 商标及图形标志为注册商标。
阿美泰克公司保留更改产品设计、规格、参数的权利,恕不另行通知,以产品随机资料为准。本手册内 所有资料和图片仅供参考,以实物为准。如有任何印刷错漏,本公司不承担因此产生的后果,公司保留 对资料内有关内容的最终解释权。
Add: No.26 faxiang road,Jiangqiao town, Jiading district,Shanghai
P.C: 201803 Tel: +86 21 59145555 Fax: +86 21 59141111 Http: Email: ametech@
由于粘贴垫片的粘合剂对介质及胶垫本身有污染与侵蚀,同时在检修时不易拆 装。我们采取了卡扣式挂垫方式,既方便使用维护,又防止粘合剂对人员及环境的 危害。
对换热器与其它设备连接,通常使用螺栓连接,可以避免焊接对换热器的损 害;根据客户需要,也可以采用焊接连接,我们通过采用加长接口的方法,防范焊 接损害。
相邻板片的波纹波峰相互接触,形成网状支撑,大大提高板片的结构强度,可以 承受较大压力,保证换热器的安全性、延长设备的使用寿命。
美国 ASME 日本 JIS 标准 美国 3A 卫生标准
德国 TUV 标准 中国 NB/T47004 ISO9001/14001/18000
和专业的客户服务。 阿美泰克建立和完善了销售服务网络,在各省、市设有 350 多个分支机构,拥有专业
的销售服务队伍,3 个技术培训和产品中心,产品提供全国或全球联保服务,能就近为广 大客户提供专业、快速、高效的技术支持与优良的营销服务。
09-HDAW15-Final List of 14 Suppliers
Accuride Wheel End SolutionsCentric PartsAce Manufacturing & Parts Company Commercial Vehicle Solutions Network (CVSN) AFA Industries, Inc. Consolidated Metco (ConMet) Affinia Group Inc. Continental Corporation AKMI CorporationCorporate Billing Aktas North America LLC CRC Industries, Inc.Alcoa Wheel Products CVG National Seating, Bostrom Seating Alkon Corporation Dacomsa S.A. de C.V.Alliant PowerDana Holding Corporation-Aftermarket Group AME InternationalDatalliance/HDX Services American Council of Frame & Alignment SpecialistsDayco Products, LLC American Forge & Foundry, Inc.Dayton Parts, LLC American Trucker MagazineDCL America Inc. AMS Automotive- Heavy Duty Group DCM Tech. Corp. Ancra InternationalDelco Remy Anderson Metals Corp. Inc.Delphi AP Exhaust Heavy Duty (Truckex) Denso Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS) Di-Pro, Inc.ATR Transmission Remanufacturing Inc. Dixie Electric Ltd. ATRO Engineered Systems, Inc. Doleco USAAuto Meter Products, Inc. Donaldson Company, Inc. Autologue Computer Systems Dorman HD Solutions AutomannDSI SolutionsAutomotive Electric Association (AEA) Durabrake Company Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Dynaflex ProductsAv-Tekk Charge-Air Coolers East Coast Brake RebuildersAxleTech International East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. Baldwin Filters Eastern Industries, Inc. Bee Line CompanyEaton Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, LLC ECCOBepco, Inc. Electronics Remanufacturing Company, LLC Bergstrom, Inc. Energy Suspension Betts HDEsco Industries Inc. Borg Warner Turbo SystemsEverco HDBosch Automotive Service Solutions Exide TechnologiesBostechFCS Automotive International Inc.Buffers USA, Inc. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Bully DogFederal SignalC.E. Niehoff & Co.Federal-Mogul Corporation Cargo Control USA, LLCFirestone Industrial ProductsFive Star Manufacturing Group, Inc. HENDRICKSONFleet Engineers Inc.Henkel Corporation (Loctite) Fleet Maintenance Magazine Horton, Inc. Fleet Owner ID Industries Fleet Seek Ideal-TridonFleetline Illinois Auto Truck Co., Inc.FleetSpec Inter-Continental Gear & Brake Inc. Flexfab, LLCInterstate Billing Service, Inc. Flight Systems Electronics Group Interstate McBee Flitz International, Ltd.IPDFontaine Parts Connection (Fifth Wheel) James King & Co., Inc. Foote Axle & Forge LLC KarmakFour State TrucksKeene Export Brake & Electric Co. FPPF Chemical Co., Inc. Ken-Tool Fraser Gauge KICFras-leKinedyne Corporation Freight DefenseKit Masters, Inc. Friction Systems, Inc. Kotek America, Inc.Gabriel®L&H Threaded Rods Corporation Gates Corporation Lang-Mekra North AmericaGcommerce Inc. Leece-Neville Heavy Duty Systems General ElectricLetrika (formerly Iskra AE, Inc.)General Truck Parts & Equipment Co. LIPE CLUTCH/Setco Automotive (NA) Inc. Geomar Heavy Duty, Inc. Littelfuse CVP/Cole Hersee GiraffeG4 Systems, LLCLogistics CorporationGlobal Sorl Auto & Truck Parts, Inc. Luber-finer, Prestone Command HD, FRAM HD Globetech Manufacturing Inc. Lucas Oil Products, Inc. Grand Rock Co.MacKay & CompanyGray Manufacturing Co., Inc. Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing LLC Grote IndustriesMAHLE Clevite Inc.Haldex Brake Products Mansons International Pvt. Ltd. Haltec Corporation Marathon Brake Systems HDA Truck PrideMAT Holdings Heavy Duty Distribution Association (HDDA) Maxion WheelsHeavy Duty Manufacturers Association (HDMA) Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Heavy Duty Manufacturing, Inc.MEI Corporation Heavy Duty Remanufacturing Group (HDRG) Memo Corporation Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine MeritorHeavy Motions Inc. Metro Bearing & Automotive Limited Hella, Inc.MGM BrakesMid-America Clutch Company Premier Mfg. Co.Midwest Truck & Auto Parts, Inc. Quick Cable CorporationMinimizer Recochem Inc.Mitsubishi Electric Redline DetectionMobile InnerSpace Reliable Transmission ServiceMotor Information Systems Retrac MirrorsMotorad Reyco Granning SuspensionsMs. Carita SafeTruck, Inc. RoadmasterMultiprens USA, Inc. Robert Bosch LLCNeapco LLC Rotary LiftNelson Global Products Royal PurpleNorco Industries, Inc. RSC Chemical SolutionsNORMA Group S&S Truck Parts, Inc.North Coast Bearings, Inc. SAF-HollandNorthern Radiator Service Specialists Association (SSA) Northwood University SKFNTN Bearing Corporation Stan Design Inc.Nu-Line Standen's LimitedOE Quality Friction, Inc. Stant Manufacturing Inc.Oil-Dri Corporation of America Star Headlight & Lantern Co., Inc. Omega Stemco, L.P.Optronics International Technical Chemical Company ORAFOL Americas Inc. Tectran Manufacturing, Inc.PAI Industries, Inc. Tenneco Inc.PEAK Commercial & Industrial The Timken CompanyPeerless Chain Co. The Universal GroupPenray Companies, Inc. TMD FrictionPerformance Friction Brakes Torque PartsPermatex Tramec-SloanPermco Hydraulics TRCPeterson Manufacturing Company TrensorPewag Chain Triangle Suspension Systems Inc.PEX German O.E. Parts, LLC Trico ProductsPhillips & Temro Industries Inc. Trucking Media, a division of Randall Reilly Phillips Industries Truck-Lite Co., Inc.Plews/Edelmann Tru-FlexPolk Trux AccessoriesPollak TRWPower Heavy Duty TSE BrakesPower Steer, Inc. Turbo Supply, Inc.UCX Truck & FleetUS Motor WorksValley Truck PartsVehicle Safety Manufacturing, LLCVelvac Inc.VelveTouch (Carlisle Brake & Friction) Veyance Technologies/Goodyear Engineered Vibracoustic C.V. Air SpringsVIPAR Heavy Duty, Inc.Webb Wheel Products, Inc.Weller Truck Parts, LLCWescon ProductsWhelen Engineering Co., Inc.Wilson/BBB IndustriesZF Services。
56-VV5QC 1-TFL33-D 5 Port Solenoid Valve Series 56
Installation and Maintenance Manual5 Port Solenoid ValveSeries 56-VQC1000/2000/4000ATEX Marking DescriptionII 3G Ex nA IIB T4..T5 Gc -10ºC ≤ Ta ≤ +50ºCII 3D Ex tc IIIC T80..T86°C Dc IP67Manifold with Serial Transmission System (56-EX500 or 56-EX250)Refer to separate applicable documentationCertificate reference: SMC 19.0030 XFor specific conditions of use see section 1.1.1 Safety InstructionsThis manual contains essential information for the protection of users andothers from possible injury and/or equipment damage.∙Read this manual before using the product, to ensure correct handling,and read the manuals of related apparatus before use.∙Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.∙These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by label of“Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger”, followed by important safetyinformation which must be carefully followed.∙To ensure safety of personnel and equipment the safety instructions inthis manual and the product catalogue must be observed, along withother relevant safety practices.CautionIndicates a hazard with a low level of risk, which ifnot avoided, could result in minor or moderateinjury.WarningIndicates a hazard with a medium level of risk,which if not avoided, could result in death orserious injury.DangerIndicates a hazard with a high level of risk, whichif not avoided, will result in death or seriousinjury.∙The compatibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of theperson who designs the pneumatic system or decides its specifications.Since the products specified here can be used in various operatingconditions, their compatibility with the specific pneumatic system mustbe based on specifications or after analysis and/or tests to meet specificrequirements.∙Only trained personnel should operate pneumatically operatedmachinery and equipment.Compressed air can be dangerous if an operator is unfamiliar with it.Assembly, handling or repair of pneumatic systems should be performedby trained and experienced personnel.∙Do not service machinery/equipment or attempt to removecomponents until safety is confirmed.1) Inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only beperformed after confirmation of safe locked-out control positions.2) When equipment is to be removed, confirm the safety process asmentioned above. Switch off air and electrical supplies and exhaust allresidual compressed air in the system.1 Safety Instructions (continued)3) Before machinery/equipment is re-started, ensure all safety measures toprevent sudden movement of cylinders etc. (Supply air into the systemgradually to create back pressure, i.e. incorporate a soft-start valve).∙Do not use this product outside of the specifications. Contact SMCif it is to be used in any of the following conditions:1) Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if theproduct is to be used outdoors.2) Installations in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation,vehicles, medical equipment, food and beverage, recreation equipment,emergency stop circuits, press applications, or safety equipment.3) An application which has the possibility of having negative effects onpeople, property, or animals, requiring special safety analysis.1.1 Specific recommendations:∙Protect from impacts using an ATEX enclosure suitable for impacts.∙Not suitable for Zones 0/20 and Zones 1/21. Only suitable for Zones2/22.∙This product has components made of aluminium alloy. When mountingthis product, it must be installed such that, even in the event of rareincidents, ignition sources due to impact and friction sparks are excluded.∙Do not brush or wipe this product to avoid static charge build up. Staticcharge can cause a spark or ignition source.∙Ensure that the air supply system is filtered to 5 microns.2 Specifications2.1 General SpecificationsSeries 56-VQC1000, 2000, 4000Valve configuration Metal seal Rubber sealFluid Air/Inert gas56-VQC156-VQC2Maximum operatingpressure0.7 MPaMinimumoperatingpressureSingle 0.1 MPa 0.15 MPaDouble 0.1 MPa3-position 0.1 MPa 0.2 MPa4-position - 0.15 MPa56-VQC4Maximum operatingpressure1.0 MPaMinimumoperatingpressureSingle 0.15 MPa 0.2 MPaDouble 0.15 MPa3-position 0.15 MPa 0.2 MPaProof pressure 1.5 MPaFluid temperature -10°C to 50°CLubrication Not requiredManual override Locking type (tool required)Locking type (finger/thumb operation)Slide locking type (56-VQC1000/2000)Impact/Vibration resistance 150/30 m/s2 (Note 1)Enclosure IP67Rated coil voltage 24VDCAllowable voltage fluctuation ±10% of rated voltageCoil insulation Equivalent to B typePower consumption (current)at 24VDC1W (42mA), inrush (Note 2)0.35W (15mA), holdingMax operating frequency (Hz) 12 Specifications (continued)Note 1) Impact resistance: There should be no malfunction of the valveafter testing, using a drop impact tester, along the valve axis andat right-angles to the valve and armature. Carry out each test withthe valve energised and de-energised (Value at the initial stage).Vibration resistance; There should be no malfunction of the valveafter testing, using a 8.3 to 2000 Hz sweep along the valve axisand at right-angles to the valve and armature. Carry out each testwith the valve energised and de-energised (Value at the initialstage).Note 2) The power saving circuit is included in the manifold.2.2 Batch codes and Construction month:YearMonth2012 2013 2014 …..2021 2022 2023 …..Q R S …..Z A B …..Jan o Qo Ro So …..Zo Ao Bo …..Feb P QP RP SP …..ZP AP BP …..Mar Q QQ RQ SQ …..ZQ AQ BQ …..Apr R QR RR SR …..ZR AR BR …..May S QS RS SS ….. ZS AS BS …..Jun T QT RT ST …..ZT AT BT …..Jul U QU RU SU …..ZU AU BU …..Aug V QV RV SV …..ZV AV BV …..Sep W QW RW SW …..ZW AW BW …..Oct X QX X SX …..ZX AX BX …..Nov y Qy RQy Sy …..Zy Ay By …..Dec Z QZ RZ SZ …..ZZ AZ BZ …..2.3 Piping56-VQC1000/2000 (M-Kit)Figure 156-VQC1000/2000 (T-Kit)Figure 22 Specifications (continued)56-VQC1000/2000 (56-EX500)Figure 356-VQC1000/2000 (56-EX250)Figure 456-VQC4000 (M-Kit)Figure 556-VQC4000 (T-Kit)Figure 62 Specifications (continued)56-VQC4000 (56-EX500)Figure 756-VQC4000 (56-EX250)Figure 83 Installation3.1 Installation∙Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.∙Protect from impacts using an ATEX enclosure suitable for impacts.3.2 Environment∙Do not use in an environment where the product is directly exposed tocorrosive gases, chemicals, salt water, water or steam.∙Do not use in an explosive atmosphere, except Zone 2/22.∙The product should not be exposed to prolonged sunlight. Use aprotective cover.∙Do not mount the product in a location where it is subject to excessivevibrations and/or impacts.∙Do not mount the product in a location exposed to radiant heat.∙Remove emissive heat.∙Employ suitable protective measures in locations where there is contactwith water droplets, oil or welding splatter, etc.∙When the solenoid valve is mounted in a control panel or is energised fora long time, make sure the ambient temperature is within the valvespecification range.3.3 Piping∙Before piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dust etc.∙When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does not enterinside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1.5 to 2 threads exposed onthe end of the pipe/fitting.∙Install piping so that it does not apply pulling, pressing, bending or otherforces on the valve body.3 Installation (continued)∙Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque shown in Table 1.Thread Tightening Torque N•mM5 By hand + 1/6 turn with a wrench (1/4 turn for miniature fittings)Rc 1/8 7 to 9Rc 1/4 12 to 14Rc 3/8 22 to 24Rc 1/2 28 to 30Rc 3/4 28 to 30Table 13.4 Electrical Connection∙The manifold has negative common (-COM).∙Avoid mis-wiring, as this can cause malfunction, damage andcombustion to the product.∙Use voltage that is within ±10% of the rated voltage. Application ofincorrect voltage may cause malfunction or damage.∙To prevent noise and surge in signal lines, keep all wiring separate frompower lines and high voltage lines. Otherwise this can cause malfunction.∙Use electrical circuits that do not generate chattering in their contacts.∙Do not bend or pull cables repeatedly.∙Disconnect power supply before removing or making electricalconnectionsMultiple connector wiring (M-Kit)Figure 93 Installation (continued)Terminal block wiring (T-Kit)Figure 103.5 Mounting∙Never remove a valve from the manifold when energised.∙Never remove terminal box cover when power is connected to themanifold.∙Never disconnect or reconnect cables or connectors when power isconnected to the manifold.∙Install 56-VQC valves only.∙Install 56-VV5QC manifolds only, as it has an integrated power savingcircuit.56-VQC1000/2000 Valve mounting:Figure 11Removal procedure:∙Loosen clamp screws until they turn freely (they do not come out).∙Remove the solenoid valve from Clamp B by lifting the coil side of thevalve, while pushing on the screw top.3 Installation (continued)Mounting procedure:∙Push the clamp screw. Clamp A now opens.∙Insert the end plate hook of the valve into Clamp B from an angle.∙Push the valve down into place (when the clamp screw is released,Clamp A will lock).56-VQC4000 Valve mounting:Figure 12Removal procedure:∙Loosen mounting screws until they turn freely.∙Remove the solenoid valve from Clamp B by lifting the coil side of thevalve first.Mounting procedure:∙Push the coil side of the valve into the connector on the manifold.∙Tighten the mounting screws to torque 0.8 to 1.2 N•m.∙Ensure all gaskets are present before mounting valves.∙Do not let foreign matter stick to gaskets or sealing faces of the valve toavoid air leaks3.6 Lubrication∙SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.∙If a lubricant is used in the system, use turbine oil Class 1 (no additive),ISO VG32. Once lubricant is used in the system, lubrication must becontinued because the original lubricant applied during manufacturingwill be washed away.4 Settings4.1 Manual Override∙Since connected equipment will operate when the manual override isactivated, confirm that conditions are safe prior to activation.Non-locking push type (tool required)∙Push down the manual override button with a small screwdriver, etc.until it stops.∙The manual override will return when released.Figure 13Slotted locking push type (tool required)∙Push down the manual override button with a small flat head screwdriveruntil it stops and turn 90° clockwise to lock.4 Settings (continued)∙ Turn anti-clockwise to release.Figure 14Locking type (manual). 56-VQC1000/2000∙ Push down the manual override button with a small flat head screwdriver or finger until it stops and turn 90° clockwise to lock. ∙ Turn anti-clockwise to releaseFigure 15Slide locking type (manual). 56-VQC1000/2000∙ Push down the manual override button with a small flat head screwdriver or finger until it stops and slide towards the coil to lock. ∙ To unlock, slide the override away from the coil.Figure 165 Circuit SymbolsFigure 176 Options6.1 Mounting∙ Disconnect power supply before removing or making electrical connections.∙ Do not use options other than specified in the 56-VQC catalogues. ∙ The options are standard parts without “56-“ prefix.Removal and mounting procedure:∙ Blanking plate assembly, individual SUP spacer and individual EXH spacer are mounted in the same way as valves. Please refer to section 3.5 Mounting.6.2 Adding manifold stations (see Figure 18)∙ When adding manifold stations, ensure the correct number of power saving units are installed, as operating the valves could exceed the marked surface temperatures.∙ 1 to 12 solenoids – 1 power saving unit required. ∙ 13 to 24 solenoids – 2 power saving units required. ∙ Install 56-VQC valves only.∙Undo the bolts (Item 3) to the tie-rods and remove the U-side end plate assembly (Item 6). If DIN rail is fitted, first release the DIN rail.∙ Screw in tie-rod extensions (Item 2) supplied with the manifold block assembly (standard VQC type) and assemble the manifold block (Item 1). ∙ Re-assemble the U-side end plate assembly (Item 6) and tighten the tie-rod screws (Item 3) to torque shown in Table 2. ∙ Ensure all seals and gaskets are installed.∙Install valve to added manifold block as described in section 3.5 Mounting.∙ Check the correct number of power saving units (Item 5) are present.Valve Series Tightening Torque N•m 56-VQC1000 0.85 to 0,95 56-VQC2000 1,2 to 1,6 56-VQC40001,7 to 2,3 Table 2Figure 186.3 Adding power saving unit (Item 5)∙ If a second power saving unit is required due to exceeding 12 solenoids on the manifold, contact SMC for the correct part.∙ The second power saving unit must be positioned next to the D-side end plate assembly (Item 4).7 How to OrderRefer to the catalogue for this product.8 Outline DimensionsRefer to the catalogue for this product.9 Maintenance9.1 General Maintenance∙ Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.∙ If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous. Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel. ∙ Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.∙ After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly. ∙ Do not make any modification to the product.∙ Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.∙ Drain: remove condensate from the filter bowl on regular basis. ∙ Low frequency operation:Switch valves at least once every 30 days to prevent malfunction. Also, in order to use it under optimum state, conduct a regular inspection once every 6 months. ∙ Filters and strainers:o Be careful regarding clogging of filters and strainerso Replace filter elements after one year of use, or earlier if thepressure drop reaches 0.1 MPa.o Clean strainers when the pressure drop reaches 0.1 MPa.9.2 Replacing One-touch fittings∙ Cylinder port fittings are available in cassette type and can be replaced easily.56-VQC 1000/2000 ∙ Remove the valve.∙ Extract clip with flat head screwdriver. ∙ Pull fitting to remove.∙ Refitting is the reversal of removal.Figure 19Applicable tube O.D.Fitting assembly part no.56-VQC1000 56-VQC2000 Ø3.2 VVQ1000-50A-C3 - Ø4 VVQ1000-50A-C4 VVQ1000-51A-C4 Ø6 VVQ1000-50A-C6 VVQ1000-51A-C6Ø8 - VVQ1000-51A-C8M5 VVQ1000-50A-M5 - Ø1/8” VVQ1000-50A-N1 - Ø5/32” VVQ1000-50A-N3 VVQ1000-51A-N3 Ø1/4” VVQ1000-50A-N7 VVQ1000-51A-N7Ø5/16”- VVQ1000-51A-N9Table 39 Maintenance (continued)56-VQC 4000∙ Remove the valve.∙ Extract clip with flat head screwdriver. ∙ Pull fitting to remove.∙ Refitting is the reversal of removal.Figure 20Applicable tube O.D.Fitting assembly part no.56-VQC4000 Ø8 VVQ4000-50B-C8 Ø10 VVQ4000-50B-C10 Ø12 VVQ4000-50B-C12 Ø1/4” VVQ4000-50B-N7 Ø5/16” VVQ4000-50B-N9 Ø3/8”VVQ4000-50B-N11Table 410 Limitations of Use∙ Do not exceed any of the specifications in section 2 of this document or the specific product catalogue.10.1 Maintenance space∙ The installation should allow sufficient space for maintenance activities. 10.2 Ambient environment∙ Use within the allowable ambient temperature range. 10.3 Mounting orientation∙ In the case of a single solenoid, the mounting orientation is unrestricted.In the case of double solenoid or 3 position valves, mount so the spool is horizontal.∙ When mounting for an application that will involve vibration or impact, mount so the spool is at right angles to the direction of vibration.∙ Do not use in applications where vibration or impact exceed the products specification.11 ContactsRefer to Declaration of Conformity and for contacts.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe) 'SMC Corporation, Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 0021Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085H。
上海光谱 日立 安捷伦 北分瑞利 岛津 普析 天瑞 上海光谱 安捷伦 北分瑞利 岛津 普析 美国PE 上海光谱 麦尔斯通 利曼 Lumex 日本仪器公司 普析 上海光谱 北分瑞利 东西分析 海光仪器 吉天 吉天 金索坤 普析 普析 锐光 北分瑞利 海光仪器 金索坤 金索坤 普析 锐光 北分瑞利 海光仪器 吉天
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AbstractCODE OF GOOD PRACTICE for the Application of PolyureaDesigned and preparedByPDA EuropeFirst Edition October 2014PURPOSE- Creating a manual of good practice for every type of business involved with polyurea has become an absolute necessity to keep organized, if we are to continue to provide clients with an impeccable service.- PDA Europe has commissioned the Italian Committee with this delicate task, given their experience over many years in other sectors which is reproducible in large measure here.- The second phase is to agree on a type 10966 UNI EN regulation for resinous coatings.- The aim of the manual is above all to be internationally applicable and to provide correct information on both theory and practice.WHAT IS THIS DOCUMENT- Generic ‘users manual’ for polyureaLanguages- Italian, since this was the prime source- English also available now- More languages might follow ‘on demand’To develop polyurea togetherStructure (cont)- Equipment- Application- Quality controlWHAT IS THE BENEFIT ?- Single document source- Quick start manual for newcomers- Reference for more experienced peopleAPPLICATIONS- The fields of application or use of the polyurea are varied and it could be said that every day a new one is added, leading both manufacturer and operatives to study new products and new application technologies.- Applications can be made on both new and existing substrates. In any case, you should always check every aspect before proceeding with an application of polyurea.- Due to the nature of the application and all the different elements involved, it is highly recommended that all important information on the various steps of the application are correctly documented. An example of a “spray log document” can be found in annex 1.PREPARATION OF THE SUBSTRATE- The preparation of the surfaces to which the system willimportance for its final success.- The preparation of a substrate depends on several factorssummarized as:· Type of substrate· State of substrate· Coating cycle· Total loadsCONSTRUCTION DETAILS- As often happens, the care in dealing with the details of a job then lead to the success of the work itself.- In the code are some important construction details, which unfortunately often are ignoredand cause the failure of the job.- In the code we have found some that are the most common and frequent that you may encounter - Vertical-horizontal or vertical-vertical fittings- Fittings with discharges- Connectors with any items off the laying surface- Placement of vents- Structural and/or control joints- Closing elements of the waterproofing (parapets, flashings, etc.).Some costruction detailsSETTING VARIOUS APPLICATIONS- In the code are given guidelines for the proper execution of many projects, such as waterproofing, concrete protection, etc..- In these cases the operating phases are indicated and illustrated with an image in the same section of the interventionProtection of concrete。
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EMC FastPass was created with a sole mission: To get electronic design companies through onerous EMC testing requirements faster and cheaper. Our aim is to assist the electronics design industry to focus on making products that make money, and minimize the impact of regulatory red tape wherever possible. To achieve this, we offer valuable advice on how to design products that pass testing first time around, such as this ebook and our industry leading EMC AutoCorrect Design Review (visit for more details) as well as regulatory guidance to help clients avoid or minimize 3rd party testing wherever possible. We also actively lobby government agencies such as the FCC for sensible de-regulation opportunities that lower the testing burden on electronics manufacturers. As a senior hardware design engineer and former founder/owner of an EMC test lab, I can appreciate the industry's frustration with the EMC/RF testing process. It is expensive and can lead to product launch delays of weeks or even months. Over the 3 years that I managed a test lab, I noticed several areas that many manufacturers consistently struggled with. Most companies I came across only released 1-3 new products per year and as such, did not encounter the testing process regularly. Test labs on the other hand see tens or hundreds of products per year and therefore have a much better understanding of typical failure modes and fixes. EMC FastPass closes this loop in knowledge between test labs and the electronics industry utilizing a step by step support process. The process regularly saves clients $10,000+ in testing costs and 6 weeks time to market. Enjoy, Andy Eadie.
1.Print Expo 2007新闻发布会在全印展期间举行/中国(广东)国际印刷展新闻发布会在沪召开 [J],
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3.商务部召开新闻发布会通报1-8月商务运行情况商务部召开例行新闻发布会(2014年9月16日) [J],
4.2019亚洲智能集成及智能制造解决方案展新闻发布会在沪顺利召开 [J], 李亚肖
5.无损检测撑起安全天空——奥林巴斯科学解决方案业务部参展Q.C.CHINA [J], 林琳
Dixon Group Canada 2014 产品说明书
14 lock washer use kit SWMF-RK32
15 screw
use kit SWMF-RK32
Repair Kits
Part #
Includes Item #
SWMF-RK1 swivel grease nipple kit
SWMF-RK2 swivel seal and wear kit 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,13
2 male body
3 screw
use kit SWMF-RK3
4 lock washer use kit SWMF-RK3
5 thrust bearing use kit SWMF-RK3
6 thrust washer use kit SWMF-RK3
7 O-ring holder use kit SWMF-RK2 or SWMF-RK3 1
12 O-ring
use kit SWMF-RK2 or SWMF-RK3 1
13 felt ring
use kit SWMF-RK2 or SWMF-RK3 1
14 support washer use kit SWMF-RK3
15 support ring use kit SWMF-RK3
5 retaining ring use kit SWMF-RK32
6 support washeruse kit SWMF-RK32
7 support ring use kit SWMF-RK32
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Follow protocol of first initial and full last name followed by @ (for example, vellifson@).
Diagnose a Dysfunctional QMS p. 30
Stepping Stone
Certifications can take your career to the next level p. 16
Certification prep: Buddy up to study up p. 24
Doing business differently with big data and data analytics.
49 50
Quality in the First Person
Bringing skills outside of quality into the quality profession.
by Peter Clark
Take Care of Your ‘Ugly Baby‘
Ten symptoms of an ineffective quality management system and advice for turning things around to make the structure and strategy work for your organization.
The Global Voice of Quality
Putting Best Practices to Work | October 2014 |
Step It Up
Are you ready to climb to the next rung of the career ladder? Obtaining professional certifications is one way to start. Learn all you need to know about ASQ’s five most popular certifications and how they can help you reach the next level.
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